#like there could be a ton of space behind me but this coworker would walk directly up behind me and pat my back or something? lady pls
deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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i think that about covers the ✨entire population✨
#this started off as a complaint about inconsiderate commuters and my strange coworkers… and somehow ended with my grandparents lmao#idk why but my coworkers seem to really like physical contact for some reason?? i’m not used to it at all man…#like there could be a ton of space behind me but this coworker would walk directly up behind me and pat my back or something? lady pls#or i could be looking at my results and my other coworker would just randomly hug me and i??? lady pls???? i’m so confused#and the thing is… i really really hate being touched by any other person (except my mother. she’s fine) so i’m just (ʘ‿ʘ) throughout it all#and speaking of physical contact… those commuters. man. ಠ‿ಠ#who brings their prams out at like 7.25am anyway? it’s early as balls and the kid’s still asleep 80% of the time anyway#pls take your kids out on a family trip later in the day… yk… when people aren’t trying to squeeze onto the train to get to work???#and they almost always choose to stand right smack in the middle of the train… right in front of the door to boot. at least move in????#and sometimes (the worst times) the kids are obviously old enough to walk around (and are in fact running around the train at that moment)…#…but the parent keeps the pram unfolded in all its oversized glory anyway. like whyyyyyyyyy#so now not only do commuters have to squeeze together because of a lack of space…#…they now have to shuffle around to avoid bumping into the kid. like ughhhhhhhhhhhh i hate trains sm#and also! those people who purposely stand on the side of the escalator that people walk up on and refuse to walk???? hate them too#i’ve missed so many trains because of them ಠ‿ಠ especially if they stop moving right at the end of the escalator (ʘ‿ʘ)#screw trains fr >:( buses are much better!! the air conditioning is better on buses too!!!!!!#life was much better in quarantine ngl. i could shut myself out from the outside world and just ✨thrive✨ in peace…#those overly-specific things in the dni list are all based on my family members and former acquaintances lmao#shoutout to my chopper-wielding border hopping grandpa and self-hammering grandma!!! i barely knew you guys!!!!#wait come to think of it… i have never really had a single conversation with any of my grandparents. whoops.#i don’t even know their names either… double whooooooops#and so that marks the end of my pointless rant for now. i could’ve just summed this up as ‘dni if you’re human’ tbh#i’ve even done like quite a few of these things on my own list do… dni: me??? (ʘ‿ʘ) if only that was possible aha…#…well i didn’t cry while watching dear layla. lol. that’s the one thing i can definitively say i didn’t and will never do—#inedible blubbering#sunday’s 🧂saltfest🧂
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kingsuckjin · 3 years
Company Policy -JJK
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- Pairing: coworker Jungkook x reader
- Genre: established relationship? Sort of
- Rating:18+
- Words: 5k
- Summary: Eight months. Eight months you have regretted breaking off being fuck buddies with your hot coworker. You were so afraid of being caught with him but now that you’ve had time to think, would it really be so bad as long as you could have him all to yourself again? Does he even like you anymore? Has he moved on? All you know is it’s been eight months since you’ve had sex, he’s been all you could think about. Now he’s looking pretty hot at this office party.
- Warnings: pining, explicit content, public sex, they fuck on a coworker’s desk, public sex, unprotected sex, vaginal fingering, heavy dirty talk, brief mention of oral sex and a ton of other past sexual acts like thigh riding and hair pulling, kind of jealous tattooed kook, not voyurism but someone else is there at some point, and finally a dash of fluff.
- A/n: This post is a commission for the ARMY for AAPI Justice and Advocacy Event. Please click >here< to find more resources and consider donating to the cause! Thank you so incredibly much to the donor @lcksndkys​ for donating and commissioning this, you are an absolute angel, I hope you know that. I might’ve gotten a bit carried away and wrote a few thousand more words than planned, but you deserve it. 
“Morning.” Was the greeting between you and Jungkook every morning when you stepped into the elevator, coffee in hand.
That was it, that was all you ever said to each other anymore. His smell always floated around the confined space making your mind flashback to what once was before you quickly pushed it away from your brain.
Neither of you ever said anything about it, it was like it had never even happened and sometimes you wonder if it even had or if your brain had made up everything that had happened eight months ago from your frequent dirty thoughts of your coworker. It felt like a lifetime ago. The familiarity of him, his smell, his smile, his voice along with the cold distance, avoidance to even look at you, and the constant wonder of him having someone else made you a little sick at your stomach.
You had decided to break things off… as if either of you were any more than fuck buddies. You knew that if anyone at work had ever found out about the two of you, you’d most likely both be fired. No banging other employees was a pretty strict policy there and you remembered the two nice ladies that were fired last year for it, you remembered it because your boss had made such an example of it.
You had been more than paranoid when you and Jungkook were boning for a whole month, you both had been so secretive even going as far as to have each other park down the street from your houses when the other came over. It didn’t help that you lived with your sister and didn’t want her to know you were sneaking someone in the house and screwing them. It also didn’t help that his roommate worked there too and didn’t get along at times. It didn’t seem like all the effort to sneak around was worth it at the time, but now you felt like you had a mistake.
As you took your seat behind the reception desk and began to put away your things for the morning, you just kept stealing glimpses of him doing the same at his cubicle. Every morning he would put his black messenger bag under his desk, turn on his computer, and roll the sleeves of his white button-up shirt up to reveal one very tattooed arm. His wavy hair was usually put back into a half ponytail for professionalism and probably so he could see, but there were always strands that managed to escape his hair elastic throughout the day. It was painful mentally at times having a view of him but trying not to look, it was painful knowing he wouldn’t look back at you anymore. You could still feel what it was like when he had glanced at you and smiled at you, your heart sped up at just the thought. 
“Ugh why are you always here so early, you leave before I even wake up.” his roommate,Jimin, had walked in, looking great as usual but a bit tired in the face. He was lingering around Jungkook’s desk with his things still in hand.
“I like to be prepared, unlike you.” Jungkook joked back with a smile but you knew it was just more than a joke, Jungkook really didn't care for Jimin, he was a bit too spiteful towards him sometimes.
He had always come in early, you both were typically the first ones here besides the janitor. You had to be, your boss liked you here nice and early to greet everyone as they walked in.
“You coming to the thing tonight? The boss is letting us have booze.” Jimin asked him.
You felt like you really shouldn’t be paying attention to the conversation so you went back to sipping your coffee and getting ready to start the day.
It nearly scared you to death as you rummaged through your bag under the desk for your chapstick. Your body jolted up to see Jimin leaning one arm on the reception counter.
“What?” you asked in confusion, wondering what he was now doing hanging around you with such a sly smirk.
“Well good morning to you too. Are you going to the party tonight? Boss is having a thing to celebrate meeting our yearly product sales goal.”
“I… haven’t thought about it, why?” you were honest, it didn’t mean anything to you.
“I know we have this policy, but you should think about going with me.” he gave you a wink that made you raise your eyebrows in surprise. “We could come here and have a few drinks and a good time, then we could go back to my place and-”
“How about we don’t? We could just not do that.” you gave him a very fake smile.
Sudden loud coughing erupted through the room making you both look over at the source.
Jungkook was doubled over with his coffee still in his hand.
“You good?” Jimin asked him casually and Jungkook gave a thumbs up to show he was fine, even though his big eyes were slightly teary before holding up his coffee cup to signify he had strangled on his coffee.
“Anyway, if you’re worried about someone saying something about us, you could just come separately and we could just see what happens…”
“I’m not worried because there is no us, Jimin. I’ll come, but let’s not see what happens, and let’s not even speak.” 
“Your loss. At least I’ll have Jungkook there with me.” Jimin responded along with a shrug to your savage words before walking away.
You looked over to Jungkook to make sure he hadn’t died because he was no longer choking, you just wanted to make sure he was still breathing but your eyes were met with his. He was giving you this gaze before he raised his eyebrows at you with a slight momentary smirk, it all only lasted less than a split second before he adjusted his black tie and turned back around to face his desk. 
How could he be so casual with a look like that at you? How could he be so casual with everything that had happened between you? You had no idea what that look was about but it had your brain so frazzled. It could’ve been nothing, but it was the most interaction you’ve had with him in so long, all it had done was remind you how starved for him you were.
You looked down at your desk feeling your face get a little warm.
Images of that very shirt he was wearing right now, being unbuttoned rapidly with those tattooed fingers in some dark, sketchy hotel room ran through your mind. 
“I wish you knew how much I’d go through to be this close to you, to be inside of you.” The memory of his words and hushed voice into your skin gave you goosebumps.
The same man who had said that now sat right over there, not even having tried to flirt with you in the past eight months as you sat here and wondered why you do this to yourself. 
Did he still feel that way or had he just meant it at the moment? There were plenty at the moment things that he had said that would flood into your mind just to hurt you when you saw him.
You glanced at him throughout the day as you often did.
You avoided each other on your lunch break, stepping around each other to get to the vending machines in the break room.
You ate at your desk alone while he ate with Jimin in the break room.
Things were the same as they had been, the look he had given you earlier meant nothing, maybe nothing that had happened in the past meant nothing to him too.
Maybe it was all just fun like you both had planned for it to be, if so, why were you still so stuck on it? Why were you stuck on him? You told yourself it was just because he was attractive, the most gorgeous man in the office, but there were just these little things about him you couldn’t get over. The way he stretched and grunted in the morning, you knew the way he liked his coffee, you knew his parents’ names. You had both shared so much of your lives for an entire month almost constantly until you ripped it away from yourself so stupidly. You had both agreed to delete each other’s numbers, but the truth was, you still kept his name in your phone with little hearts by his name. You needed this to end, you needed to stop being so hung up on him because he wasn’t with you. You decided to go to this thing tonight and at least hope for some answers, if you failed to get any you would do your best to stop thinking about him.
You had talked yourself out of this more than five times already, but you had gotten dressed and ready and made the drive over.
You now sat in the office parking lot just picking lint off of your black dress, not looking forward to how awkward this might be. In your years of working there, you had mostly just kept to yourself… until the thing with Jungkook happened.
“Are you nervous? You look nervous” he gave you a little smile from across the table from the coffee shop. He had asked you to get coffee after work and he could see right through you
“A little.” You had admitted.
“Don’t be shy, it’s just me. It’s just Jungkook, we work together every day.”
“Don’t be nervous.” You found yourself saying out loud to yourself as you gazed out your windshield at the building. “I shouldn’t be. I work with him every day and nothings going to happen anyway.” You hurt yourself a little with the last part. You put a lot more care into how you looked tonight than you wanted to admit.
“It’s just a stupid office party,” you grumbled to yourself before unbuckling your seatbelt and getting out of the car, if it was horrible or boring then you could just go home.
You didn’t know what you had expected, but it wasn’t this. You had followed the signs to the floor that had held a large meeting room, but it didn’t look like a meeting room now.
It was just a room full of people with a snack table and alcohol. The room was dimmed but there were some cheap party effects lighting things happening. People were laughing and talking over some pop music that wasn’t eardrum-bustlingly loud but you still had to strain to hear over. You spotted a lot of coworkers you saw every day, more that you didn’t know from different departments though. You kind of just went and stood by a wall with your eyes searching faces, not stopping too long on any just in case they might think you were staring at them. Before you had left you wondered if you had been too dressed up, but now you were glad for your little black dress as you saw what the others were wearing. Everyone looked so nice and not at all what you were used to them wearing. 
While your eyes were going over who was talking to who, you found him.
In the corner of the room on the opposite end, talking to some girl you had only seen a handful of times. She was touching her hair and smiling at him. He looked so dressed down in his ripped black jeans and a black t-shirt. His tattoos were freed as you had always liked seeing and his hair wasn’t being held back. You had seen him like this multiple times, but had anyone else? He had always looked so good like this, so himself. 
Just seeing his hair down reminded you of all the times you had grabbed at it while moaning his name. Seeing him in those black ripped jeans reminded you of all the times he has made you ride his chiseled, hard thighs until you came multiple times. 
You felt like you had been kicked in the heart as your brain went back to the present moment and saw her placing a hand on his shoulder.
He laughed at something she had said but took a step back out of her grasp smoothly before giving her a small wave. A few more words were exchanged before she apprehensively walked away from him, heaving him alone to stand at the wall on the other side of the room.
Your eyes darted away from him and over to the snack and drink table, you weren’t planning on getting any, but you wanted to make it look that way.
You felt nervous, he looked good and at least one other person had noticed. You told yourself that the lady who had just spoken to him didn’t know him as you did, she probably just saw a hot guy dressed in black with tattoos… just like you had when you both had started whatever happened. He was more than all of that, to you especially now after you had a lot of time to think about it all.
Although you didn’t want your eyes to, they had darted to him for a split second to see he had his phone out… until he looked up from it at you.
He had seen you, he had seen you looking at him from across the room, but he didn’t react. Instead, his eyes went back down to his phone, and yours went back to the table.
Your phone buzzed in your bag and you decided to fish it out thinking it could help you look busy.
“Hey, it’s Jungkook. I see you :)”
Your heart nearly jumped out of your mouth as you read the text. 
He hadn’t deleted your number just like you hadn’t his.
You felt his eyes watching you but you didn’t look up. He was waiting for your reply, but you just stood there dumbfounded that he had just sent you a text from across the room.
“I know.” you had nervously typed different versions of this reply over and over only to erase each time before settling on the most simple reply.
“You look good.” it had taken him no time to reply in comparison to you. You stood there in shock and lost as to what to say to him. You were taking too long because he sent a second text.
“I know that dress. I remember it.”
You had been hoping he would. You had worn this dress on the first night you both had ever done anything. You made out in his car after your coffee date. He had just kept telling you how pretty you looked even with his hand in your underwear. It was hard to resist him from even the first date, you had no idea how you had made it eight months now.
“You look nice too, you always have.” You typed and sent it quickly before you could change your mind.
You watched him run his inked fingers through his hair as he read the text. You could swear you saw a flash of a smile on his face before his thumbs went to work on his phone.
“I miss you.” Popped up on your screen.
Part of you felt like crying a little. You felt his eyes on you once again and you looked up away from your phone to see that your feeling had been correct. You were sure your mouth was open as you locked eyes from across the room. Your phone vibrated again in your hand.
“We should talk.”
“Hey, gorgeous!” Jimin stepped in front of you making you lock your phone. “I know you said let’s not talk but-“
“Then why are you talking to me?”
“How could I not? You’re the prettiest one here.” He smirked but you could smell the alcohol on his breath. You couldn’t help the roll of your eyes.
“Oh hey! I’ve been looking for you!” Jungkook now walked up with a smile at you. “You found her for me and didn’t even know I was looking, thanks, man.” Jungkook seemed to be thanking an equally confused as you Jimin.
“Sorry to bother you about work stuff at a party, but I forgot to earlier. I need the contact info to a client I’ve been working on to sell more products to. It’s wild, it’s like I went to the bathroom one day and the info to this big buyer just kinda… disappeared I guess. So weird, almost like someone has it out for me.” Jungkook gave the fakest joking laugh you had ever seen and Jimin looked a bit wide-eyed. “Anyway, You’re the receptionist so I know you have the contact info for everyone anyway so I was wondering if you could maybe help me out and get it for me? It’s kind of really important and I need it ASAP. Already asked the boss and he said it was cool.” 
Jimin had just kind of slinked off silently, but you knew what Jungkook was doing.
“Yeah, Uh of course.” You nodded.
He tilted his head in the direction of the door before you followed him out.
He led you towards the elevator in absolute silence and even as he pushed the button for the floor you both worked on he said nothing.
You were beginning to think he was wanting your help. And then you thought about it more in the silent ride and you felt so stupid. Of course he was wanting your help, he had never said he actually didn’t, not even when Jimin had walked away.
“I can’t believe that asshole sabotaged me like that. My roommate sabotaged my sale.” He mumbled before scoffing as the elevator door opened.
“I-I’ll help.” You said but he passed right by your desk.
“I’m glad you said that.” He replied as he walked over to Jimin’s cubicle.
“What are we doing?” You finally asked.
“Depends…” he raised an eyebrow as he looked back at you. “What do you want me to do?” 
You swallowed the lump of nervousness in your throat to speak as you looked into his mischievous-looking dark eyes.
“Whatever you want I guess.”
He lifted you in almost an instant and sat you on Jimin’s desk.
“You know he’s always liked you, right? He would tell on us if he ever found out. You were willing to risk it, right here right now?” He dared.
Instead of speaking you grabbed a fist full of his t-shirt and tugged him down until his lips met yours.
God did you want it. You have wanted for eight long months. You were willing to risk everything after so long without his lips on yours.
You were still nervous but his kiss brought it all back for you and how natural it felt.
“Fuck me.” You pleaded against his lips.
“You need it? Tell me you need it.” His lips moved to your neck as he ran a hand through the back of your hair.
“Ah, fuck I need it. I haven’t fucked anyone since you.” It slipped out of your mouth and got a second your body went rigid.
“Me neither.” He nipped at your neck.
The second thing he had done tonight that had stunned you.
“Wait.” You stopped him and he backed up to look at you.
“I missed you too. Not just… not just this, I missed you. I don’t know if you feel the same but-“
“What did you think I meant by I missed you? I didn’t just mean the sex or your body. I meant you as a person.” 
“I-why didn’t you just say?” You wondered out loud. 
He dropped to the floor on his knees between your legs.
“Cause you dumped me.” He let out a snort “you told me to delete your number, which surprise, I didn’t. You wouldn’t look at me. Plus this went two ways you know. You didn’t contact me either.” He stated as he looked up at you while ghosting his fingers over the skin of your thighs as he spoke.
“I dumped you?” You were surprised by this news. You know neither of you had had the relationship talk before.
“I mean, I like to think we were together.”
“Then we should be again,” you decided. You were tired of wanting him and not having him and something told you that he felt the same.
“I think so too,” he whispered, inching his lips closer and closer to yours before smashing into them.
His hands squeezed at the meat of your thighs before trailing them up the sides, up under your skirt, and hooking them in your panties. Your tongues whipped together in each other’s mouths. You managed to move so that he could get your panties down, but he only pulled them to your knees. He grabbed your hips and pulled you closer to the edge of the table, so close you thought you might fall off if he wasn’t right there between your legs. 
His fingers now slowly ran from your inner thighs to your folds. As soon as he touched you, you unlocked your lips from his and let out a shaky breathed whine.
“I can tell you missed me. You're so wet for me,” he whispered so quietly just for you to hear even though no one else was in the room.
You did your best to stay quiet as his fingers teasingly and slowly ran over your clit and back down to your cunt.
He lifted his slick fingers to his mouth and you watched with a slightly open mouth as he let them slide past his lips and then out of his mouth altogether, coming out more glossy from his spit.
“I missed the way you taste”
His even more wet fingers that now teased at your pussy were making you want to grab his hand and force it to do something more. You were practically shaking under even the slightest of his touches. You were nervous for someone to walk in at any given moment and all he was doing was drawing things out and letting his fingers kill precious time playing in your folds.
“I'd love to make you cum right now with my mouth” he pressed a kiss onto your neck where his face had been camping out while his fingers tortured you. “But I know how that makes you scream and we have to be very…” another kiss to your neck “very” his fingers finally slowly slipped into your cunt “very quiet.” his whispers tapered off to quieter and quieter, so much so that your shaking breaths felt loud between the both of you.
You were doing your best not to break out into full-blown moans so that maybe if someone walked in you could play it off as just talking or something else, as long as no one heard your moans on the way up the both of you could have time to look normal. 
His fingers curled inside of you with his palm grinding down onto your clit slowly.
“Oh God.” you breathed not knowing how you were supposed to survive this. He was all you wanted for months upon months and now that you had him here, tattooed hand knuckle deep in your pussy, his lips on your skin saying nothing but filth, you felt like you couldn't even let go as much as you wanted to, but you were trying.
His hand sped up its movements as you could feel how hard he was now in his jeans against the inside of your thigh.
Your lips squeezed together but it couldn’t stop the small whimpers he forced out of you. You could hear him breathing in your ear along with the wet sounds of your pussy. You were close but so scared. Doing this out in the open was such a thrill but it also made you paranoid. 
“Cum for me. I hear the way you’re whining, you’re so close I know it. Just cum for me. Cum around my fingers, no one will know.” 
You couldn’t stop it now.
You grabbed a hold of his shirt and forced his chest harder against yours, you wanted him closer, impossibly close as you came undone, clenching around his fingers rhythmically as each wave of pleasure pulsed through your body. 
He let out a little moan at the sound and feel of you coming. 
“I missed that too.” He whispered to himself before pulling his fingers out of you slowly.
He reached between you and you felt him quickly yet nervously fiddling with his button and zipper with his hand that wasn’t soaked in your wetness.
He made a show about taking his thick, veiny cock out of his pants and rubbing your juices from his hand over it. 
In seconds he was back in your ear.
“Can I fuck your brains out?” The whisper was soft, his voice was sweet but the words themselves were as hard as his dick he still stroked in his hand.
“You're always allowed brains out.” You whispered back “just do it.” 
You felt his head run over your folds teasingly as he continued to play with you and himself.
“Do you still think about me fucking your brains out?” He asked. You could hear how much wetness had spread from you to his cock with each pump of his hand.
“Every time I need to get off.” You admitted. “So give it to me so I don’t have to keep wishing anymore.” 
He pushed into you slowly, letting out a deep sigh and throwing his head back for a moment so you could see his perfectly sculpted throat.
You missed how full he made you feel while he was inside of you. 
He pulled out almost entirely, the head of his cock was the only thing left inside of you, pushing on your g-spot before the thrust back in hard. This was the way he fucked, pulling out almost entirely so his head hit where you needed it. You had experienced guys that just flopped around, but he knew you, he knew your body, he paid attention, he had a very special handcrafted way to get you off over and over until you were shaking.
One of his hands grabbed your hip while the other went to your clit to play with using his thumb.
“You miss this, baby?” You miss my dick between your legs?” His lips brushed with your parted and panting ones as he spoke.
You let out a whimper as you focused on your second orgasm, his hips were not letting up and neither was his lips that whispered pure filth.
“Want me to cum inside of you, make you not want to forget me and who you belong to? Right here on Jimin's desk.” 
Your eyes squeezed shut and you clutched at the fabric of his shirt as you were once again thrown into pure pleasure.
You couldn’t help it this time. The way he touched you, the way he felt inside of you, his grunts and words were all too much.
“Please, fucking cum inside of me, I want it all fuck you feel so good.” You cried out way too loudly. 
“Oh my god, fuck.” He breathed through pants as his hips pounded into yours. You felt him release inside of you. Your walls clenched around him upon hearing his long deep guttural moan. 
“I haven’t cum like that in…” he panted before letting out a little chortle of laughter “well in eight months.” 
“So,” there was a loud voice in the room making your heads turn and your stomach’s sink. “You fucked on my desk.” Jimin looked beyond angry as he sat in an office chair across the room with his phone in his hand, pointing it at the both of you. You had no idea when or how he had come in, but you knew you were both beyond physically fucked.
Jungkook had already scrambled to pull out of you and zip his pants back up as you jumped off the desk, pulled your underwear up, and smoothed out your dress.
“That's fine, I have you both on video. I really liked you y/n. Jungkook, Looks like I’m moving out.” he stood from the chair and headed towards the direction of the elevator. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to speak to our boss about this. He probably won't be too happy to see you two are breaking company policy.” 
“Fuck company policy and fuck you! You were an awful friend, roommate and you've always been jealous of me!” Jungkook yelled at him back.
“Not anymore, jobless.” Jimin turned back to give Jungkook a smirk before he stepped into the elevator.
With that, you were both just left there.
“I… I am so so sorry…” Jungkook began apologetically and just as stunned as you were.
“Don’t be, we’re too good for this job anyway, we can find new ones. It looks like you need a new roommate now though.” 
You watched his face as a small smile grew on it.
“Yeah, looking for someone prettier and nicer, maybe someone willing to be my girlfriend? I don't know though, I don’t want to make too many demands.” 
“Well I could meet all of those demands.” you played along. “We won't have to sneak around anymore.”
“Yes, please, yes. I uh- don't want to ruin the cute moment, but I think we should get out of here before Jimin brings the boss up.”
“Oh fuck, right. Uhh, we should probably just never come back too. Let’s just grab our stuff from our desks and make a run for it.”
“Let's go. You know, this is simultaneously the best, worst, most exciting, and most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me,” he said and you couldn't help but laugh and agree.
Maybe the both of you had made a big mistake, but perhaps there could be good that came from it. You had him back and honestly you didn’t feel too bad about trading your dumb job with its dumb company policy for him.
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snelbz · 3 years
Life As We Know It {Chapter 24}
Summary: After the sudden deaths of Nesta’s sister and Cassian’s best friend, they gain guardianship of their nephew, Nyx.
Based on Life As We Know It (2010) and a prompt sent in by anonymous for our Nessian fanfic contest. This is a modern au.
Instead of doing a tag list for this story, we have decided to have a set posting schedule. Chapters will be posted weekly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. Occasional surprise chapters could be posted at miscellaneous times. Chapters will be posted on both my and Tara’s blogs! >> @tacmc.​
Life As We Know It Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist
A/N: Sorry for the late post! My baby shower was today, so Tara and I have been extremely busy! Look for Chapter 25 on her blog on Monday!
Warning: 18+ content.
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Cassian got to the restaurant and took a look around. There were people everywhere, bustling about, getting ready for the night’s grand opening.
It had become the talk of the town - and the local groups on the internet - so they were expecting a good turnout.
At least, that’s what Cassian’s guess was.
He hadn’t talked to Nesta since he stormed out two days before, with the exception of one text exchange.
Cassian had texted, Tell Nyx I love him and I will see him tomorrow.
Nesta had replied, Ok.
Now, he was searching for that tiny little man with a mop of dark, black hair.
When he finally found Nyx, he was in his stroller eating cheeto puffs off the tray. When he saw Cassian his eyes lit up and he was instantly reaching for him.
Cassian laughed as he unbuckled him from his stroller and picked him up, giving him the biggest hugs. “Hey, buddy. I missed you, too.”
“This is his third helping of cheetos,” Helion said, from where he leaned against the wall. “Sorry about the next diaper.”
Cassian chuckled. “All this going on and Nesta stuck you on baby duty?”
Even saying her name out loud hurt, but he didn’t let it show.
He gestured toward the kitchen and said, “She’s been here since six and she’s in one of her moods. I decided I’d rather be on baby duty than caught in the crossfire.”
He winced, figuring that didn’t bode well for the two of them today. “I’ll stay in the bar, then.”
“That’s probably a good idea,” Helion replied, looking him up and down, before pushing the stroller behind the counter. Cassian had the distinct feeling he was looking for a crack in his armor. He didn’t bother telling him that he’d been broken for two days, and the only person who could fix him was currently yelling at some poor employee in the kitchen.
Cass crossed the threshold into the bar area and let out a low whistle. He’d had a hand in the design, but most of this was all Nesta. It accented the restaurant perfectly and he immediately loved the place.
“Nice, right?”
He turned to find Kallias carrying a tray of fresh glasses from the dish area and the smile on his friend’s face was infectious.
Cassian nodded as Kallias said hello to Nyx. “Yeah, it looks amazing.”
Kallias nodded. “You and Nesta did good.”
“Thanks,” Cassian muttered, not wanting the conversation to go any further. “How long have you been here?”
“Just got here,” Kallias said, as Nyx started playing with the strings on Cassian’s hoodie. “Viv will be here soon to help out. She said she can watch Nyx while we work.”
Cassian nodded. “That would be great.”
It would be helpful, of course, to have Viviane help out watching Nyx. Cassian had a ton to get done in the next six hours before the opening began. He didn’t want to let Nyx go, though. Two days. It was the longest he had been away from Nyx since...everything happened.
“Well, little man, until then, you get to help me unpack liquor bottles,” Cassian said, trying his best to sound excited.
Nyx giggled. “Ba ba ba ba ba ba.”
“Yeah, different kind of bottles,” Cassian chuckled, and carried Nyx with him into the back room.
Kallias had been at the bar for the past two days, getting most of the stock ready to go. A few texts to explain the situation was all he’d needed and Cassian was thankful he had such a loyal friend and coworker.
Elain hadn’t been as understanding the first night he’d been there, but after talking to Nesta, even she backed off. He had no clue what Nesta had said to her, but her frustration turned to sympathy and she was back to treating Cassian like the brother-in-law she loved and not like a man who’d hurt her sister.
After pulling the carrier out of Nyx’s stroller, he strapped the baby to his chest and set to work, carrying case after case of liquor up to the bar. Kallias was busy stocking the assorted glasses they’d need, so the two worked in silence for the most part.
He had just walked back into the store room, short one case of whiskey, when he heard Nesta talking from the dry pantry separating the store room and kitchen. Cassian’s heart lurched and he was about to make his way back into the bar, but Nyx squealed as he heard her voice.
The swinging door flew open as Nesta hurried into the store room, wondering how Nyx had gotten in there in the first place. She froze when she found Cassian there. Their eyes locked and she blinked.
“Hey, Nes,” he said, quietly.
“I…didn’t know you were here,” she breathed.
He shrugged, turning back to the boxes of bottles. “Got here about an hour ago. Didn’t want to interrupt you.”
Nyx was reaching for her, so he unclipped the carrier and gave him to her. He giggled happily as soon as he was in Nesta’s arms, but she froze, unsure of what to say. “You should have let me know you were here.”
Another shrug. “You were busy, and I knew what I needed to do. Kal said Viv would be here later to watch him.”
She nodded, silence filling the space again.
Nyx pointed at Cassian, reaching for him. “Dada.”
Cassian stilled.
He opened his mouth to say something, then closed his mouth.
A second passed.
Then, at last, he said, “What did he just say?”
“Dada,” Nyx repeated, and clapped his hands together. He reached for Cassian. “Dada!”
Cassian took Nyx, although he was moving slowly, stunned into silence. Nesta watched as a thousand different emotions crossed his face.
“Dada?” Cassian breathed, looking from Nyx to Nesta. “He just called me-.”
“He’s been saying it for the past two days,” Nesta said, staring at a spot on the wall behind Cassian.
For a moment, Cassian didn’t say anything, but then he asked, “You didn’t bother to tell me that?”
Nesta’s eyes narrowed and she slowly met his gaze. “You left.”
“A simple text letting me know that Nyx said his first word wouldn’t’ve killed you,” Cassian snapped. “Especially since his first word was…” Cassian shook his head, that fury fading as quickly as it had come. He looked at Nyx and chuckled, softly. “Dada, hmm?”
“Dada,” Nyx said, taking Cassian’s face into his hands before patting his stubbled cheeks with his chubby little palms.
Cassian watched Nyx for a moment, chuckling softly, before asking Nesta, “Has he said anything else?”
Nesta shook her head, even though Cassian wasn’t looking at her. “Just that. Probably wondering where you were. He’s been saying it nonstop, after all.”
“I’m sorry, bud,” he said, softly. He kissed the top of his head. “I’m still right here though.”
He was about to buckle him back into the carrier when Nesta reached for him. “I can take him. You’ve got a lot to do.”
“No more than you,” he said, settling him back into the carrier. “And I’ve missed him. Viv will come see Kallias when she gets here. Let me keep him.”
Her hands fell to her sides. “Fine.”
The tiny room felt like it was closing in on him, looking at her. They were so close together, whether they wanted to be or not. Without another word, Cassian grabbed the closest box and shouldered his way back through the swinging door.
Kallias caught the look on his face as soon as he came back. “That must have been the first conversation you two have had.”
Cassian grunted in response, letting Nyx continue to pat at his face.
“And how’d it go?” He asked, leaning against the bar.
“About as well as you think.”
Kallias watched his old friend for a moment before nodding, deciding to let the conversation drop. Cassian was grateful for it.
He was thankful for Nyx, too, for an endless amount of reasons, but right now, he was a distraction. With Nyx here, he was only thinking about Nyx, not about Nesta.
Cassian spent the next couple of hours lining up liquor bottles, and when Viv got there, she happily took Nyx and let Cassian work.
Once Nyx began playing with Viviane, Cassian’s thoughts were once again on the last person he wanted to be thinking about.
He continued to work, trying his best to keep his mind on that. It was kind of hard, though, when the owner of the restaurant was Nesta. He guessed he was part owner now, too - owner of the bar, anyway.
The hours flew by and by the time Cassian decided to check his watch, he realized he only had thirty minutes until the doors were opening for the main event.
He needed to get out of his old hoodie and into something nicer.
After making his way into the stockroom, he pulled off his hoodie before digging into his backpack for the black henley he’d brought. It wasn’t fancy by any means, but it was sure better than his ripped hoodie.
The door swung open as he was pulling his shirt over his head, and when he turned around, he saw Nesta, once again.
She stilled just in front of the door. “Are you planning on being in here every time I come in?”
It was meant to be a joke, something to lighten the mood, Cassian knew, but the light didn’t exactly reach her eyes.
He looked down at his shirt. “Just had to change. Didn’t think a hoodie was appropriate for an opening celebration.”
Nesta nodded, giving him a forced smile. “Couldn’t have gone all out with a button down?”
“This is Azriel’s,” he said. “All of my nicer things are at…home.”
He said the last word hesitantly.
Nesta’s eyes fluttered shut. He knew she was dying to say something, but what it was he couldn’t tell. He thought he knew her well enough to read her face. It seemed he was wrong though.
“I’ll come by and get my things on my day off this week,” he said, saving her the request. He pulled the Henley over his head, leaving his backpack against the store room wall. “You won’t even know I was there.”
He pushed back through the door without waiting to hear what she was going to say.
This was agony. Every moment of being around her hurt, because every time he saw her, he knew that he’d wasted the past three months of his life. He’d wasted his time falling in love with her, because she still hadn’t said it back.
Nyx and Viv sat at one of the new tables, Nyx munching on some crackers, and even Kallias’ eyes dragged to him. Nyx’s blue eyes were the only ones he cared about though.
“That’s new,” Kallias said, from where he leaned across the bar.
Nyx’s new favorite word was one of the few things that had made him smile all day. Even if it tore him apart at the same time.
He didn’t mind Nyx calling him that. He was still too young to understand what had happened to Rhys. So one day, he’d explain to him who he really was, and who Rhys was. But until then, he was content to be Dada.
Cassian lifted him out of the high chair he was in and smiled, wistfully. “Hey, buddy.”
On the other side of the room, Nesta pushed through the double doors and into the restaurant, making sure everything was in order as the clock ticked down.
Cassian couldn’t keep his eyes off of her.
He wondered if she knew.
This was the biggest night that Nesta had in quite some time. A new bar would be amazing for business, and she was expecting a hell of a crowd.
And she wasn’t disappointed.
At exactly six, people began to pour in. They sat, and they ate, and by the Mother, they drank. She was amazed at how well Nyx was doing. She kept expecting to see him sleeping in a corner with Viviane, but he was being passed around to Viv, Kallias, Helion, and Cassian, having the time of his little life.
Nesta was glad someone was enjoying their night.
She should be enjoying her night, should be pumped at the booming business, but she could hardly focus.
All she could think about was him.
Every time she even got a glimpse of him, she wanted to run into his arms and tell him that she loved him. But she couldn’t do that. She had no clue what the repercussions of their relationship would do to Nyx, especially if something were to happen. If they were to break up, would this be their future? Barely speaking, passing the kid back and forth, both of them in misery?
Even when Elain and Azriel got there, both giving her hugs and warm smiles, the one on her face wasn’t real. She knew Elain could tell, knew she wanted to pull her aside, get the whole story, and quite possibly talk some sense into her, but she wouldn’t.
She couldn’t.
Not tonight.
As much as she tried to spend most of her time in the dining room, greeting guests and asking how they liked the drinks and new menu items, she kept ending up in the kitchen.
She got word that there had been a small grease fire on the line and she was about to rush into the kitchen when Helion stepped in front of her.
“Take a breath.”
“I can’t,” she replied, pulling her hair back off of her face. “There was a fire and-.”
“And it’s under control,” he said, gripping her by the shoulders. “It’s been put out, and I can go deal with Emrys and Luca and any potential fallout. Go have a drink, relax with your sister. You deserve a glass of wine and a moment to sit down.”
Nesta hesitated, but Helion wasn’t having it.
“Go,” he said. “Kallias is currently manning the bar. Go order a drink before the next wave of people come along.”
With a huff, Nesta nodded and exited the kitchen. True to Helion’s word, it was Kallias that was behind the bar. The second he saw Nesta coming, he was pouring a glass of wine.
She took a sip as soon as she reached the counter. “Vodka.”
Kallias blinked, then obliged her. He poured her a shot, Nesta downed it and thanked him, then took her glass of wine around the room to greet people. She eventually found Elain and Azriel, and was getting ready to take a seat by them, until she noticed Cassian already sitting with them, Nyx in his lap.
Bypassing their table, she gave them both an apologetic smile, before redirecting herself towards the bar. She breezed past it and Kallias, draining her wine and leaving it by the sink, before she entered the store room.
Cassian must have handed the baby off to Elain or Viviane, because not even a few seconds later, he was right behind her.
“Is this how it’s gonna be, Nes?” He asked, not stopping until he was right in front of her. “Are we just going to avoid each other, unless Nyx is concerned?”
The door hadn’t even finished swinging shut, but she noticed Kallias stacking a few boxes in front of the door.
For all intents and purposes, do not enter.
Their first night working together and already a fight. She couldn’t blame his frustration, this was all her fault.
“It hurts to see you,” she breathed. “It hurts to see you because I don’t know what the hell is going on.”
“You don’t know what the hell is going on?” He asked, incredulously. “I don’t know what the hell is going on! You’re so-.” His words fell away and his eyes shut as he rubbed his temples.
Nesta arched a brow. “I’m so what?”
“Infuriating,” he said, and met her eyes with a pained expression that knocked the breath out of Nesta. “It hurts for you to see me? It kills me to see you, but you know what? That’s on you. I wasn’t the one that started questioning everything. And you want to know what’s ironic? You’re pushing me away because you’re afraid it won’t work out. But, it’s not working now, Nesta. In pushing me away, you made what you’re worried about a reality.” He shook his head, slowly. “What the hell is the point of that?”
Nesta didn’t say anything. Her jaw locked and she refused to break his gaze, no matter how much it tortured her.
“It’s better for it to happen now rather than later,” she said, and hated herself for it the second the words left her. “It’s better for it to end before it really begins.”
Cassian chuckled, humorlessly, and shook his head. “That's bullshit and you know it. It already began, Nesta.”
He took a step toward her, and in such a small room, it left very little space between them.
Nestas breath hitched, and judging by the way Cassian’s eyes flared, he definitely noticed.
“Tell me you don’t care about me, and it’s done. We’ll pretend these past few weeks never happened, and we can move on,” he whispered, and she could feel his breath fan over her face. “Tell me this all meant nothing to you, and it’s over.”
Her eyes flashed down to his lips before meeting his own. “I can’t do that.”
Cassian wasn’t sure who moved first. If he grabbed her face or if she leaned up and pressed her lips to his, but before he knew what was happening, he had her back pressed against the store room wall. Gods, it had only been a few days, but kissing her again, the feel of her lips on his, it felt like he hadn’t been able to breathe.
Her hands were clawing at his back and he found her thighs, lifting her up to wrap her legs around his waist. He hadn’t even noticed she’d changed into a loose, sundress but thanks to her own wardrobe change, there was very little fabric between them as she let go of him to fumble with his belt buckle and jeans.
There were no words necessary, not when they both needed the other as badly as they did.
Their lips never broke, that contact remained, hungrily, needily, as Nesta pulled Cassian’s cock out and, moving the thin scrap of fabric beneath her dress aside, he pushed himself up into her.
Nesta moaned into his mouth at the feeling of him filling her. He bit her lip, and that moan deepened as he began to thrust deep inside of her, over and over again.
There was no foreplay.
Foreplay wasn’t necessary, not this time.
Two days, two nights, had been far too long when they had become so accustomed to this same ritual every night, time and time again.
Cassian’s head fell back as he fucked her, relentlessly, then he met her lustful gaze. His forehead fell against hers as he slowed his pace. With a soft, reverent curse, Cassian breathed her name.
She clung to him, the smell and taste and feel of him making her feel far more drunk than the wine or liquor had. Nesta buried her face in his neck, trying to cover the sounds tumbling from her.
He captured her lips again, knowing her body better than his own at this point, and thrust into her as hard as he could.
The bottles on the shelves rattled gently, but he didn’t care if anyone could hear them in the bar. He didn’t care if anyone caught them. All he cared about was that he was deep inside of her, listening to the quiet whimpers and moans that she couldn’t stop.
There was no way she could walk away from this.
Not just from the sex. Which, yeah, was incredible, but there was more to it than that.
Their souls were connected, which is what made the sex so mindblowingly phenomonal.
It was more than just sex.
It was something that Cassian swore no one else had ever witnessed before. Or, maybe they had. Maybe this is what it felt like when you found the person you were meant to spend forever with.
No, Nesta couldn’t walk away from this.
He swore, hoped, prayed she couldn’t.
He wanted to say those little words. Wanted to tell her, so desperately, that he loved her, but he didn’t.
He just kept saying her name over and over and over again with every thrust of his hips.
I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.
“Nesta,” he breathed, and she cried out as her legs began to shake around him. He cursed, his fingers digging into her thighs as his body flooded with the need to explode.
As soon as her release slammed into her, he met his own, her name a groan as he spilled into her. They stayed like that for a moment, him still buried inside her, even as his seed started to drip down her legs. Thankfully, the sound of the party out front had covered any and all noises they’d made. Her breathing was still uneven as he pulled out, and he pulled that ripped hoodie from his backpack and silently used it to clean her up.
Tossing it back towards his bag, not caring if it made it inside or not, he paused in front of her, and tried to tilt her face up to his.
She refused.
He breathed, “Look at me, Nes…”
She shook her head, and damn him if those weren’t tears starting to spill down her cheeks.
He gripped her chin, forcing her eyes up to meet his. “Damn it, Nesta, talk to me. Just talk to me and tell me what you’re thinking.”
“I think you need to go,” she breathed.
He hesitated. “What?”
“You need to go,” she repeated, but there was no bite in her voice.
Cassian took her face in his hands and brought her eyes to his. “I’m not leaving. Not after that.”
“Go,” she repeated, and another tear slid free. “Go, Cass, please.”
He shook his head, fury, frustration, utter misery filling his core. He dropped his hand and stepped back. “Damn it, Nesta! What do you want?!”
“For you to leave,” she hissed.
“You’re a fucking liar,” Cassian snapped. “You say you can’t tell me that you never cared, you fuck me in a damned store room, then you ask me to leave?”
“You’re making this harder than it has to be.”
“I’m making this harder?” he asked, breathlessly, unable to stop his darkened laughter. He looked away from her and sucked in his bottom lip.
A moment passed, and Cassian refused to meet her gaze. “I don’t get it,” he said, at last. “I don’t get it. I don’t know what you want. I don’t know what you want from me.” His words were coming out rushed, frazzled. “Know what? Fine. If this is the way you want it, this is the way it is. I’ll be at Elain’s and Azriel’s tonight, and I’m taking Nyx with me. I’ll bring him by tomorrow, when Viviane is there.”
With that, he was gone.
And Nesta was left alone, her hands flying over her mouth as she sobbed, still able to feel the soft, tender, alluring feeling of his lips on hers.
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This has nothing to do with the plot really and is really just pure fan/self service, but I was looking at the Anders inspo board that you made and I was like, give this boy some bright colors PLS! Like when I’m sad, I throw on a bright colored tshirt or some shit.
Then i starting thinking of how Harry and Anders to me are those friends who have some matching stuff. Like they both have matching jackets or beanies, maybe THE pink beanie, probably gifted to Ders by H as a joke. but now they both just put it on as an instinct and there are tons of photos of the two of them matching even when they’re not together.
YES I LOVE THIS BC HARRY WOULD DEFINITELY DO THIS!! enjoy this little mini-chapter/blurb (it’s like 2k), with some added Instagram content ahhh!!!
The one about Post-Rehab Anders
(Alternatively titled: A Bit More Colorful)
First Week of March, 2020
“I feel like a child of divorce.” Anders said as soon as he opened the door, rolling his eyes playfully. “As soon as one of you leaves the other one shows up. I feel like I’m being fuckin’… tossed around. You should basically just form some sort of custody agreement already and make it easier on yourselves.”
Harry ignored him and walked in without saying much of anything, arms slung with an assortment of bags and as he pushed into the living room. “Okay then…” Anders spoke under his breath, shutting the door behind Harry.
“So Y/N was here, then?” Harry tried to ask casually, setting the bags down on the kitchen table. (Or what little space there was on the kitchen table. Most of the surface was covered in various tiny pots of paint and half-baked paintings of trees and sunsets and frogs. Anders was going through a bit of a painting phase as of late.) “How is she?”
Harry kicked himself for taking the time to make breakfast that morning, because if he had been an hour earlier then maybe he could’ve run into her. Even if she told him to fuck off it would’ve been the highlight of his day, he knew it would’ve been.
“I don’t know, man. She’s fine I guess.” Anders answered with a shrug. “Do you wanna smoothie or something?”
“I’m a’right, thanks.” Harry answered, shrugging off his jacket. He threw on the back of one of Anders kitchen chairs, shoving his sunglasses into the pocket. “And what do you mean you don’t know? Did she seem okay? Is she eating enough?”
“I mean I don’t know. She seems good, or whatever.” He looked up at Harry, biting away his smile. “She ate almost half a pizza last night, if that makes you feel better…. If you really wanted to know how she was doing you’d just call her.”
“Can’t do that.”
“You fucking could, actually, but sure.” Anders retorted. He looked at his friend, who avoided his eyes, deciding to at least give him what crumb he could. “She said she’s been really busy and that her mom started doing yoga.”
Harry’s face lit up immediately as he crossed his arms. “Anna‘a doing yoga now? That’s great!” He beamed. “I kept telling her before that she should just do it. That’s.. that’s great.”
Harry would take what he could get these days, surviving solely on the scraps Anders would throw to him whenever he felt bad enough for him. His stomach was still empty and the ache just grew more intense every day, but the scraps were enough to sustain Harry for now.
Harry missed Y/N’s mom. She had called him once, just after Fine Line came out, but they hadn’t spoken since aside from a text here or there. He hadn’t intended on speaking to her for very long that day she did call, assuming it would be a brief exchange, when he suddenly found himself laying with his feet kicked up on the couch an hour after he’d answered the phone still going on and on about everything he had on his mind. Anna just had a way of doing that to people, she pulled everything out of them and made them feel new again.
Anyway, Anna told him all about her work and how her coworkers Cindy had “one hundred percent” been stealing her pens. Harry was happy to listen as he drove home, Anna going on to tell him about how she saw him on a magazine cover at the store when she was buying new dress pants and how she had heard his song at Denny’s. He got home, kicking back on the sofa, feeling strangely at ease at the smooth tone of her voice as she talked about nothing.
“So how are you holding up, sweetheart?” She’d asked after a while. Harry wanted to turn himself away from the question, but he had nowhere to run over the phone. “Have you been keeping yourself busy?”
Harry didn’t know what to say. Surely Anna knew at this point what had happened. He wanted to lie and say he was fine, but he couldn’t lie to Anna even if he wanted to. “I’m not doing great, actually.”
“Oh, pumpkin…” She soothed. For some reason the pet name made him feel choked up, but he ignored it. “I’m sorry. I wish I could give you a hug.”
“Me too.”
It was quiet, but Harry had faith in the silence that Anna was about to say something to make him feel all better and patch him all up. She usually did.
“You know, I was thinking before about everything and I wanted to tell you I’m really proud of you for taking care of yourself. You don’t owe anything to anyone except for yourself.” She paused, a smile in her voice. “I know that this probably hurts, but I’m happy for you. Sometimes the hurt is a good thing. You’re doing something that not very many people can do, and that’s admitting that you have work to do. How cool is that? You’re already one step ahead of everyone else.”
Harry giggles nervously. He felt warm in a strange way. “You think so?”
“I know so!” She praised him. “Just focus on you and forget the rest. And you know…” She paused, choosing her words carefully. “My daughter will be just fine. She might not see it now but we’d all rather see you in one piece then see you ignore whatever it is you’re going through. Y/N is a tough girl, you know… she’ll be fine. You just need to worry about you for now, okay?”
“Don’t make me cry, Anna.” Harry joked, blinking away the tears that were already bubbling up.
“Cry if you need to. Scream if you need to. Laugh if you need to, who cares!” She took a deep breath, “You’ve got the whole world waiting for you. And you’re doing just fine, my little sunshine. You’re doing just fine.”
Harry shook his head, snapping back into reality. Anders looked at him quizzically, head cocking to the side.
“So what’s with all the bags?” He asked, gesturing with his head. “Buying some more flared pants for the collection?”
Harry had almost forgotten why he was here. “Oh, uh, no.” He stammered, forcing his brain back into the present. “I got you some stuff, actually.”
Anders scrunched his nose. “What the fuck?”
“You said you needed some more clothes and I know you aren’t too… keen on going out lately, so I decided to do it for you.” Harry gushed, picking the bags back up. “I had to guess on some of the sizes but we can just send back whatever we don’t like…”
“I literally never said anything about buying clothes.”
Harry furrowed his brow before shrugging. “Maybe I was just thinking it, then.”
Harry headed to Anders' room as his friend let out an offended “hey..”. He dumped the bags on the mattress, sitting at the end of the bed as Anders came in behind him.
Harry excitedly went through each item, describing in detail what he thought about each piece. Where Anders should wear it, what he should wear it with, whether or not it could go with something he already had. He’d bought things that were bright yellow and green and baby blue. He bought things that flared and things with polka dots and things that Anders couldn’t even tell were supposed to be fashionable. Anders ignored how his cheeks reddened, at the thought of Harry taking the time to pick this stuff out for him and the thought of actually being seen in public with them on.
“And I got you this, too.” Harry laughed, reaching the bottom of the bag. He pulled out a bright pink beanie, exactly like the one Harry had on today. “Since you like mine so much.”
Anders had teased Harry relentlessly over the hat. It’s not that he hated it or anything, he just liked poking fun. Harry tossed the matching hat across the room to Anders sitting on the floor, a satisfied grin on his face.
Anders knew it was only a joke, but he still felt his chest get a bit tight. He held it in his hands, rolling it over. He hadn’t ever owned anything pink before, he didn’t think. It made his heart pound thinking about wearing something like this, but he wasn’t sure why. He was excited in a weird, nice way.
Harry Styles seen sporting matching beanies with new bestie, Anders.
Double Trouble: Anders and Harry paint the town pink in matching beanies.
Making a Statement: Y/N’s close friend Anders seen out with her ex Harry Styles in matching outfits.
Canyon_Moon333: they literally love each other so much I’m gonna cry
Andersfan2: @Canyon_Moon333 besties vibes fr
Y/NFan5: why would they feel the need to bring yn into this??? Seems unnecessary imo
1Dforever-Emma: I agree but the thought of them hanging out without her is low key kind of funny to me…
AndersFan17: Harry bought Anders THE hat 🥺
TPWK_Lissa: GUYS I SAW THEM SHOPPING TODAY SJDJWJWN they were buying paints and canvases together and they were so nice!! They didn’t want any pictures because they were just trying to shop but they were so cute together like I could hear them talking and laughing they really are like best friends!! And Anders confirmed that Harry bought him the hat!!
It started getting easier for Anders to go out more, after a while. With the album done and promo put on the back burner for now, Anders was able to talk his label into giving him some time for “his health”. They were still pissed about the whole rehab thing, but Anders figured getting chewed out for asking for some time off was better than being dead. Maybe.
He didn’t have shit to do. He couldn’t go out to any bars or any events or parties. So, either he was home or at Y/N’s house or he was at the craft store buying paint or beads or plants. And if he wasn’t doing any of that, he was always with Harry.
They would hike, a lot, or meditate or just sit on opposite ends of a couch and read. Sometimes they would paint or they would show one another a song they’d written or they’d talk about being kids. They would go out to restaurants (Harry always said that they were “the best he’d ever had”, without fail) or go on car rides. Anders tried to teach Harry how to play his videos games and had even convinced him to watch a few episodes of the most recent anime he was watching.
Anders was doing well. Really well, most of the time. And he had Harry to thank for that. Harry just made his life a bit more…. Colorful.
Anders had never really had a friend like Harry before, aside from Y/N obviously. A friend who wanted to spend time with him when he was sober. A friend who listened to him talk. A friend who wasn’t afraid to cry and watch sappy movies and didn’t give a fuck what anyone thought.
(If you would’ve asked Anders before, he would’ve said that Matt was the kind of dude who didn’t give a fuck what people thought, or maybe even Christian. But those kinds of dudes do care, it turns out. Under all the machismo and drugs and laid back attitudes, they were just as desperate to seem cool as Anders was. He thought that was what not caring looked like, like being high and being rude and saying whatever you wanted without caring, but it turned out that not caring looked more like painted nails and crying at sad songs and dancing the way you did when you were a kid.)
Anders still had tough days, obviously, which brought him to today. (He had tough days quite a bit, actually, but so did Harry, so he didn’t feel too shitty about it). On this particular afternoon, Anders was outside Harry’s house, palms sweating a bit though he wasn’t sure why, knocking anxiously on the door. When he never came, he pulled out his phone.
“Hello darling!” Harry chirped, answering straight away like he always did. “What’s going on?”
“I think I want to shave my head.” Anders spit out. He hadn’t even planned on saying that, but he went with it. “Do you have, like, those hair things? Like the clippers or whatever?”
“Don’t think so…” Harry spoke, voice edged with curiosity. “You can come over later and we can buy some, though.”
“I’m here now.”
“I’m at your house.”
There was a long pause. “Im not at my house.”
“Yeah, no shit…” Anders huffed, rubbing his eye. “Do you think we can hang out when you get home? Im just fuckin’… I don’t know. I’m just feeling kind of…”
“I’ll come home now.” Harry cut him off. “Can you wait a minute?”
Anders wanted to tell him he didn’t need to drop whatever he was doing, but he didn’t. He just nodded, feeling that familiar sinking in his stomach. His fingers felt funny so he tried to stretch them out. “Yeah, man. I can wait.”
“We should dye it, I think.” Anders said, turning in the mirror to take in his buzz cut. He hadn’t considered how the new hairstyle would remind him or Christian, and it was getting under his skin the longer he looked at it. It always made Jena feel better when she dyed her hair, so Anders didn’t mind giving it a try. “I think we should. Like fuckin’ blue or pink or some shit, right?”
Harry let out an excited gasp, his face breaking out into that same wide smile it always did when he thought of something that amused him. “We should do orange!”
Anders couldn’t really give a shit about the color, but if Harry said orange then he liked orange, too. “Do you know how to bleach hair?”
“Me neither.”
Their plans were foiled for a second, the gears in Harry’s head turning as he tried to think things through. Anders didn’t really care enough to think about it. “We’ll figure it out.” He shrugged.
HERES WHAT I IMAGINE ANDERS INSTA STORIES LOOK LIKE!! post rehab he’s def more active online mostly bc he’s bored but also he just kind of likes it? But his stories would be random af and weird and just kind of fucky but it just ✨makes sense✨. It would be so chaotic, you feel me? anyway here!
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sunlight-moonrise · 4 years
Sugar, Spice, and Everything (Not So) Nice (Reid Imagine)
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Summary: Being a Barista and falling for a regular is as cliche as it gets. Having that customer become your new professor? Not so much. 
A/N: *Peeks head out* Hello everyone. I have come back from my unannounced hiatus to show off this baby. Major thanks to @definitelynotkatesblog​ and @clean-bands-dirty-stories​ for helping me put this fic together. This was written for the lovely @httpnxtt​ for the secret-fic-swap in the Discord (thanks @imagining-in-the-margins​.) I hope you all enjoy this smutty goodness. 
Category: Smut
Content Warnings: Face Slapping, Degradation, Slight Hair Pulling, Oral Sex (male receiving), Fingering, Spanking, Penetrative Sex, Unprotected Sex/Creampie
Word Count: 6.4K
Being a barista is pretty awesome. Sure, there were bitchy customers and super early mornings but it had it’s redeeming perks. We got free coffee, tea, and snacks during our shifts, which served the caffeine addict in me. I also learned how to make popular lattes, mochas, and frappes that I ended up making at home for myself one too many times. While there were the occasional assholes who couldn’t appear human before getting their hands on some caffeine, there were the regulars who made it worth it. Most of the regulars were so sweet, I appreciated a familiar face when they came in. Some.. more than others.
“He’s baaaaaaaaack,” my coworker Hazel whispered to me in a sing-song voice as she scribbled a customer’s name on a cup. I turned to see who she was talking about, but I already had an inkling about who it was.
My suspicions were correct. I turned to see one of our kindest regulars, my personal favorite customer, Dr. Spencer Reid. Is it weird to know the full name -including the honorific- of a customer? Possibly. But when I’d asked for his name to write on his cup the first time he came in, he accidentally gave me his full name. 
“Dr. Reid- uh, Spencer. Sorry, work habit.” He stuttered, avoiding my eyes after the mistake.
“No worries! What can I get started for you?”
As a Criminology major,  I learned to study the people who catch my attention before indulging them. Call it an old habit. 
Dr. Spencer Reid had earned his title and then some. He’d joined the FBI at only 22, having six degrees under his belt by the age of 27. He’d written several dissertations and co-wrote novels with his colleague, David Rossi. Someone with his reputation could be a pompous ass and have a leg to stand on, which is what made his humbled demeanor so much sweeter. He was also incredibly easy on the eyes, which was a nice little bow on top. 
Hazel liked to joke about how we’d make a cute couple but I know she only did it to watch me get flustered.  
I walked towards the counter to take his order, leaving Hazel with the task of refilling the caramel syrup. I’m always the one to help him since he very aptly pointed out that I’m the only one who makes his coffee just how he likes it.  
Some days, he’d let me surprise him with a random creation. I’d confirm if he wanted caffeine (he always did), iced or not, and any flavor requests. He’d take his drink, tip me handsomely and let me know his thoughts on the drink the next time he came in. So far, his favorite was the almond milk honey latte I’d concocted. It was nice to have a little bit of fun, especially with regulars who were as consistent as him.
“Hey Doc, what can I get ya’?” I asked.
“The usual, please,” he said with a smile. I nodded and set off to make his drink: a venti dark roast with a shit ton of sugar, a dash of nutmeg, and a tiny bit of cinnamon.
“Of course!” I quickly go to fill his order, making sure to put a complimentary treat in a bag for him. I know he had the ultimate sweet tooth so I try to sneak him a confection whenever I can. At first, he was a bit reluctant to take the free pastries, but nowadays he usually smiles when he sees the small bag. 
“Here ya’ go.” I handed him his steamy cup of caffeine along with the little treat, seeing him smile at the small pun I add to his cup, “Have a BREW-tiful day, Doctor!” I watched as his lips landed on the rim of the cup, taking a long sip of the hot coffee. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed, the sight making my cheeks promptly flush. I cleared my throat before asking, “Is it good?”
“It’s always good when you make it,” he stated matter of factly, a small smile touching his lips. The heat in my cheeks rose again. “Will you be taking a course this summer?” he asked, taking another sip of his coffee.
“Yeah, I’m really looking forward to it. My first day is actually later today. I’m surprised the class section was open, to be honest.” Super surprised actually. I’d been trying to enroll in this class for the past couple of semesters but it was always full by the time I was able to even load the registration page.
“Well, I’ll wish you luck, but I’m sure you won’t need it.”
“How can you be so sure?” 
“I can just tell.” He stated calmly, like it was common knowledge. I raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to explain. Before he could respond, an insistent cough caught both of our attention. I peeked over Spencer’s shoulder to see a customer waiting for his order to be taken. I turned my attention back to the Doctor, an annoyed look painted on my face. He nodded, taking a hint from the impatient mouth breather behind him. 
“Thank you for the coffee. Enjoy the rest of your day. I hope that class goes well.”
“Bye, you too.” I waved, watching as he exited the door. I turned to the waiting customer, a bit miffed that he interrupted our conversation. But because I was at work, I plastered a fake smile on my face so that he wouldn’t see just how annoyed I was. “Welcome, how may I help you?”
After clocking out at 2:30 PM, I made a dash for the building where my class would be held. It’s not supposed to start for another half-hour, but I wanted to be sure to get there in time to choose a good seat and settle in before the rest of the class arrived.
Luckily room 301 was relatively empty so I was able to score a perfect seat by the window. I decided to kill some time by listening to some music and doodling randomly in my notebook. Some time had passed when I felt someone take the seat next to me. I turned to see a young man occupying the chair beside mine. He looked to be a frat boy based on the Greek letters he was sporting. Who wears a cap and hoodie in this weather? I really hope he didn’t expect to cheat off of me- although these types of guys always seem to do so.
I was about to return to my doodle when I felt a poke on my shoulder. I turned to give the offender my full attention, removing one of the earbuds from my ears. 
“Hey, I’m Tony,” frat boy said, with a wide smile adorning his face. I must admit, his boyish grin melted the slight annoyance I had begun to stir toward him. I returned his greeting and introduced myself as well. “I don’t mean to be a bother,” he continued, “but I like to have at least one buddy in each of my classes. In case we need help or miss an assignment or something.”
I nodded my head - a friend in a class was always useful when it came to studying and swapping notes. We chatted a bit more, learning about each other’s major and why we both decided to take a summer course. Tony is a double major and this course will satisfy the credits he needs for his psychology requirement. This is why you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. 
It wasn’t until I heard the hush of the classroom that I realized the class was about to begin. I turned back to my notebook, preparing to jot down some important information despite it being the first day of class.
“Good morning class.” Wait. That voice... I didn’t even need to pick my head up to know who had spoken. “This is Criminal Psychology and I am your instructor, Doctor Spencer Reid. Unfortunately, Professor Monroe could not cover this course so I’ll be his permanent replacement. Now…”
I raised my head, watching as he continued to talk about what is to be expected in this course while a TA handed out the syllabus. He went on, able to capture the attention of everyone while speaking of the experiences he had with an array of criminals. His eyes scanned the room and for a brief moment I thought they would land on me, but they continued to take in the mass amount of students before him.
My concentration was broken by Tony passing me a copy of the syllabus. I scanned it over, making sure to highlight all the important dates. I didn’t want any exams or projects conflicting with my work schedule. I also made note of how the overall grade system is broken down. The whole thing seems pretty fair and everything was spaced out enough where I wouldn’t feel too overwhelmed with the workload.
“… and that pretty much wraps it up. Does anyone have any questions?” I tuned in just as he was pulling the first class to a close. No one raised their hands, so he dismissed us with a reminder to read the first chapter of the textbook and to check for any emails.
“So do you want to grab lunch?” Tony asked from beside me. I contemplated whether or not to go with him. He must have seen the hesitation in my face because he quickly added, “Not as a date or anything, I just wanted to grab a bite and I didn’t want to do it alone.”
“Sure,” I smiled, “Let me just ask the professor a quick question about his office hours and I’ll meet you at the food court.”
“Sweet, I’ll see you in a bit.” With that, Tony gathered his stuff and exited the back door. 
I focused my attention on the podium, seeing a gaggle of girls surrounding him asking redundant questions. From what I could hear, their questions could have been answered if they’d read the syllabus. I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt, they were probably more focused on him rather than what he was saying during class. I waited a few more minutes for them to finish up before I made my way to him.
“So do I call you Doctor or Professor now?” I laughed. 
“From you, I’d respond to either,” he replied warmly. The comment made me blush. If he looked into my eyes at that moment, he’d see more stars in them than the night sky. I bit my lip to stop the idiotic grin from spreading across my face. 
He’s your professor, get a hold of yourself.
“How can I help?” he asked, bringing me back to the original reason as to why I was standing in front of him without a cash register between us. 
I cleared my throat. “Um, I was wondering if it was possible to see you outside your normal office hours? I usually work the morning shifts and I don’t want to flood your emails with my questions.” I asked.
“Of course,” he said. “You can come to my office at whatever time works best for you. I know balancing a work and school schedule can be hard. Besides, I’m usually there handling paperwork anyway.” He gave a small shrug, pushing his hands in his pockets. 
“Thank you so much. I look forward to the rest of the semester Professor Reid.” I liked the way his newfound honorific rolled off my tongue. 
“Goodbye, Y/N.”
“Goodbye, Professor.” With that, I left and headed out to meet Tony. 
I was able to find him at the food court. We got some food and chatted more about our classes as well as life outside of school. He made it easy to be his friend, and it was nice having someone to talk to. He works as a waiter so we shared our customer service horror stories and tales of sneaking food at work. It was a nice distraction that took my mind off of Dr. Reid and the ongoing battle of calling him Doctor or Professor. As Tony rambled, my mind wandered about other things I’d like to call Spencer instead. 
In that short span of two weeks, we already had an exam, an oral presentation, and a report on the psychoanalysis of serial killers. Not one day had been wasted, but this is what to be expected from a summer course. The essay was due the day before. Now we had to wait for our grades which gave us a moment to take a breath.
I was worried that my paper was subpar; especially since I chose to write about Andrei Chikatilo, a serial killer from Ukraine. He wasn’t as popular as those in America, so I ended up spending hours on deep research to find substantial information about his crimes. It also didn’t help that some of the original reports weren’t in English. I had worked hard, and hoped Professor Reid would see that, even if my writing could sometimes be a little weak. I was worried about the grade as our research papers held the weight of 20% of our final mark. 
“Hello? Earth to Y/N! Anyone in there?” Hazel’s voice pierced through my worry bubble, her hand waving in front of my face. I shook my head, trying to focus on restocking the coffee beans.
“Sorry Haze, I’m thinking about this class.”
“Funny you say that; your favorite professor just walked in. Thought you might want to take his order.” She wagged her brows at me, making kissy faces as I hurried to the front register, trying my best to not let my eagerness be so glaringly obvious.
There he was, in his usual handsome glory, patiently waiting for me to take his order. He greeted me with a small smile that I happily returned.
“Hey Doc, what can I get you today?”
He debated for a moment before saying, “Surprise me.”
“Gotcha.” I already had an in my head; it’d been a while since he asked me to make him a random drink so I’d had plenty of time to plan. We got an early shipment of ingredients for our fall-themed drinks and I figured he would appreciate some pumpkin spice in his caffeine. “How are the papers coming along?” I asked casually as I rang him up.
“Pretty well. I’m almost done, so you’ll all receive your grades later today.” Wow, that was fast. I wondered if he stayed up reading all those papers to be done by today. Probably not, a TA must have helped him.
“I am a bit nervous about mine, especially since it’s worth a huge part of our final grade.” I really wanted to get an A in this course, but it was hard juggling everything in such a short amount of time.
“Don’t worry about it too much,” he reassured. “I haven’t properly finished yours yet but it looked great just from what I’ve seen thus far.” His words gave me a little reassurance.
“Thanks. I put a lot of effort into it. Let me grab your coffee now.” Spencer walked towards the pick-up station while I grabbed a venti cup for his drink. Just when I was about to make his order, I saw another familiar face come up to the register. “Tony, hey!” I shouted, placing the cup back down, “What can I get you?” 
This was the first time he’d been here, despite him saying for the past few days that he’d stop by for a visit, even with the promise of a cake pop if he did. It was nice to see another familiar face.
“Hey coffee girl, how you doin’ today?”
“Just peachy. My feet are killing me, though.” Just saying the words caused the ache on the soles of my feet to spike higher. I thanked my lucky stars I was almost done with this eight-hour shift.
“Give me the chance to sweep you off your feet, I promise you won’t regret it.” he offered boldly. It wasn’t the first time he’d joked about taking me out. I laughed, especially since he had a girlfriend. She met us for lunch one day and we became fast friends- she was an incredibly sweet and intelligent girl, polite and elegant as well. It is a wonder how his frat boy charm won her over but opposites attract, I guess.
“Shut up, Casanova. What are you gonna have?”
“I’ll have a grande iced matcha latte, please.” I should’ve known. He told me that he loves matcha flavored food and drinks the first time we grabbed lunch after class. He had complained that there was no good place to get one on campus. 
“Coming right up.” I quickly filled his order since it was faster to make compared to the pumpkin spiced latte. I handed him his bribe-cake pop, matcha flavor of course, while he waited for me to finish making his drink.
“By the way, we’re still studying at the library for the exam later tonight, right?” Tony asked.
“Yup, I’ll meet you at 8.”
“Copy that, see you later coffee girl.” He turned to leave while I turned to make Professor Reid’s order. I put extra whip cream and a bit more syrup to satiate his sweet tooth. I grabbed a fresh chocolate muffin from the display case and popped it into a bag for him as well, drawing yet another pun on the good doctors bag. “Thanks for being such a TEA-rrific professor!”
“Here ya’ go Doc,” I called out before placing his drink and muffin on the counter. I looked up to see him no longer smiling. “Is everything okay?”
Ignoring my question, he said, “I wasn’t aware you were so close to Mr. Montgomery.”
“Oh yeah, we study together once in a while.” I could have sworn I saw his frown deepen before his features became void of any emotions. He shifted his eyes downward, his hand moving rapidly to grab the cup.
“I should get going.”
“Oh, okay” Before I could say goodbye, he was already halfway out the door. 
That was weird. I looked at the counter and noticed that he left the cupcake behind. Maybe he was in a rush?
I shook my head. I needed to concentrate on making it through the last couple of hours of work. 
I made my way to the classroom, smiling at Tony as he pulled out my seat for me. Professor Reid walked in a few minutes later, his tall figure drawing all the attention to the center of the small stage. He let us know he already graded the papers and that they would be distributed by the TA before the end of class. I had a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach but decided to brush it off and pay attention in class. Despite my attempts to focus on his lecture, I found my mind wandering every so often anyway.
I couldn’t help but think he was less animated today. Usually, he taught with such passion that the class couldn’t take their eyes off him. But today, it felt as if we were all in a boring seminar with an ancient professor. Tony kept glancing at the clock, probably also wondering why time felt like it was going by so slowly. 
I couldn’t shake the unsettled feeling the entire class. It didn’t help matters that every time I would raise my hand to answer a question, he would call on another student. What the hell did I do? 
I decided to tune out the rest of the class. There is no point in being an actively engaged student if I wasn’t going to get treated like one. I’d just get the notes from Tony later.
Thirty minutes before the end of class, the TA handed out our essays while Professor Reid wrapped. 
“Some of you did very well, while a few others struggled with the assignment.” His eyes landed on mine as he said that. It was the first time he had glanced in my direction the whole class. He moved on to the other side of the room. My mind was probably just playing tricks on me. “If you have any questions you can see me at my office hours next week or send me an email. You are dismissed.”
The TA finally made his way over to me, handing my essay in a slight fold. I looked at the grade on top and almost dropped the paper. My heart sped up as I stared at the letter in bright red ink. No way, no way this could be my report. I looked at the right-hand corner and saw my name at the top. I read through the first page and saw they were indeed my words.
How the fuck was it possible that I got a D on this paper? I knew my writing wasn’t the strongest, but a D? 
“How you’d do?” Tony asked. For a moment I forgot I was in a room with other people.
I cleared my throat, trying to relive the lump so that he didn’t hear the croak in my voice. “Umm, not what I expected. I’m going to try to speak to him about it.” Tony was a smart kid, so I was sure he could see how tense I was. Luckily he didn’t question me any further and instead told me he’d text me later before leaving the classroom.
Fortunately, there were no other students in the classroom to slow me down this time. I walked right up to the podium, watching as Professor Reid placed some papers in his satchel. 
“Professor, I need to speak with you.”
“Not now, I’m busy,” he replied, not even bothering to glance in my direction. This can’t be real. The sweet, kind Doc could not be the man acting like a total asshole right now.
“I really need to discuss with you my paper,” I pressed, raising my voice a little louder in an attempt to get his attention. That was wishful thinking on my part since he continued to fiddle with his satchel.
“I said I’m busy,” he uttered once again, his voice void of any emotion. He was about to walk past me, ignoring my whole being. His blatant disregard made my cheeks burn, and not in the usual way they usually did when I was around him.
“Spencer,” I barked, “We need to talk. Now.” For a few moments, he stood in front of me, his back facing my direction.
I was about to speak again before I heard him say, “My office. Half an hour.” He exited, leaving me alone in an empty classroom. The only things keeping me company were the fuming feelings swirling inside me and the failed paper clutched at my fist. 
I knocked on his office door ten minutes earlier than he’d told me. The anger in my gut brewed hotter the longer I waited. As soon as I heard a “Come in,” I rushed through the door, slamming it behind me. He regarded me coolly, but didn’t comment on my actions. 
“What can I do for you Ms. (Y/L/N)?” I walked up to his large desk, not bothering to take a seat in the chair in front of me. I took a moment to calm myself down before replying.
“Well, you can start by explaining to me why I got such a low score on my paper.” I guess he didn’t like being the only one of us sitting down because he stood up and leaned against the wall behind him.
“It did not meet the requirements for a passing grade as outlined in the rubric. The information given was boring and the overall topic was uninteresting. It was tedious to get through,” he responded nonchalantly, like he was giving me a weather report.  
“You said that you enjoyed it so far.” I rebutted, placing my hands on the desk. I needed something to offer me stability so that I wasn’t visibly shaking.  
“I’d mistaken your work for another student’s. Maybe Mr. Montgomery,” he dryly clipped.
A bitter laugh escaped me as I put the puzzle together. Was- was he serious? Was this man acting like this because of Tony? The audacity! The laugh that bubbled from my lips must have unsettled him. He left his position from the wall in favor of standing in front of me.
“You want to know what I think?” I didn’t give him a chance to respond before continuing, “I think you’re jealous that I have another guy that isn’t you getting friendly with me at the shop and because of your inability to keep your---“
“That is enough,” he grounded out, shaking his head. But I didn’t stop talking.
“--private feelings away from your professional ones, you decided to give me a failing grade. Do you know how hard I worked in-” my voice rose up higher and higher until I was yelling.
“I said that’s enough,” he said again, louder this time. But I wasn’t done.
“-this class? This is my life, my fucking future on the line. I’ve told you how important this all is to me and you don’t even give a shit! You’re going to let your interpretation of my relationship with another student influence the way you do your job? And here I thought you were a decent man, Professor.” I hissed, “Do you even give a damn abo-”
“Enough,” he roared, slamming his hands on the desk and caging me against the wood. His breathing was matching the upbeat pace of my own. His quick movement and the sheer volume of his voice caught me off guard, effectively silencing me. 
“I don’t deserve to be punished over your envy,” I whispered, locking eyes with him in a steady gaze.
“You want to see a real punishment, darling?” he hissed, the heat of his words almost breaking my glare, his breath fanning along my face.
We stared at one another for a while, neither of us willing to be the first to back down. The tension between us kept rising and rising until the inevitable happened. I couldn’t be sure who made the first move but before I knew it, our lips collided with a mix of rage and desperation. My arms draped around his neck as he pressed me on to the desk. He placed his hands on the back of my thighs, lifting me up high enough until I was perched on the cool wooden surface.
Spencer’s lips were soft, a stark contrast to the harsh way he was kissing me. His tongue parted my lips, gliding over mine with fervor. I couldn’t help but moan as he rolled his hips into me. He continued his rough grind, keeping my legs open as we moved as close together as our bodies would allow. He overwhelmed my senses- the smell of him, the taste of him, the feel of him. Everything was making me absolutely feral for this man. 
I never expected the gentle Dr. Reid to be so fervent, so sensual. The kindhearted, sweet professor who regularly drank his weight in caffeine never gave me this impression. But then again, I’m sure he was shocked by my attitude as well. He knew me as the friendly, bubbly barista, now student, who enjoyed his class. He was about to meet a whole new side of me, just like I was going to for him.
Spencer pulled away from me, our mouths making an audible ‘pop’ sound from the sudden separation. I tried to catch my breath as he stared at me, our chests rising and falling together. If I were to move a bit closer to him, we would be touching once again.
He took a few steps back before motioning me to step in front of him. “I want you to get down on your knees. Now.” I wasn’t going to argue with him, mainly because I wanted the exact same thing he did. I kneeled down, keeping my eyes on his face.
“You going to shut me up, Professor?” I teased, feeling powerful, even though he was looming over me. He didn’t reply, just continued to look down on me with those honey colored eyes- full of lust and rage.
I watched as he slowly placed his hands on his slacks, undoing the belt and buttons. He drew down his pants and boxers at the same time, just low enough to reveal his impressive size. My mouth salivated at the sight of his bulge as he came closer to me.
“We’re going to put that smart mouth to better use. Open.” He said, gripping my face between his fingers, forcing me to follow his orders. I opened my mouth slightly, not giving him exactly what he wanted. Instead of ordering my mouth to open further like I expected, he placed his thumb inside. He pushed the digit deep, pressing it against my tongue. I moaned around the finger, softly nibbling at the skin. He continued to slide his finger within my mouth before dragging it out completely. He wiped the excess spit on my cheek before lightly smacking it. The small shock of pain sent a shiver down my spine.
“Open, and do it right this time.”
I obeyed, opening wide enough to accept him into my mouth. My lips were stretched almost uncomfortably in an attempt to fit around him. He was so hot and thick, I couldn’t help but hum at the taste of him on my tongue. The soft “fuck” that fell from his lips had me purring around him. I went to place my hands on the remaining portion that couldn’t fit, but he batted them away.
“You’re using only your mouth.” 
Fine, have it your way, Sir. 
I placed my hands behind me as I bobbed my head, hallowing my cheeks with every rise. His shallow thrusts encouraged me to suck harder. I slowly pulled away to run my tongue against the vein protruding on the underside of his cock. I was rewarded with a groan escaping his lips.
“I should have known that you would be so good at this, darling,” he said, his voice slightly hoarse as he tried to control his grunts.
I made sure to look in his eyes as I swirled my tongue around the head of his cock. The face he made was purely angelic. The muscles of his neck protruded more evidently and his breathing became more labored. I placed him back in my mouth, this time taking my time to go down on him.
“That’s right, Princess. Show me what a good girl you are for me.” He moaned as I felt his hands weave in my hair before he pushed my head down on to him, causing me to gag around him, tears pricking my eyes. He continued his thrusts into my mouth, barely allowing me a chance to breathe. My nose repeatedly touched the base of him as I swallowed around his hard length.
Spencer tightened his fingers in my hair and I knew he wasn’t going to last much longer.  The pace was brutal, but I enjoyed the rough treatment. Knowing that I was the one making him feel good was such a turn on. He buried himself deep in my throat after a few more thrusts to finish. I swallowed his release like the greedy brat that we both now knew I was.
He eventually pulled out, a satisfied sigh leaving his lips. I swiped the back off my hand across my mouth to clean off any leftover spit and cum.
“Get up,” he ordered, his voice hoarse.
I did so, rubbing the ache in my knees as I slowly rose. “I want you bent over the desk,” he continued.
“I want you to answer my previous question.” I quipped.
“You’re not in the position to be making commands,” he growled. He wrapped his fingers in my hair again, pulling just roughly enough so that I was looking up at his face. “If you want this to end well for you, I suggest bending over my desk before I stuff my cock in that bratty little mouth of yours again.”
He released me, eyes still on my face waiting for me to follow through on his order. I turned to his desk and did as he asked, bending over the wood until my chest laid flat against the surface. I waited as patiently as I could for him. It felt as if I was in this position for an eternity before he touched me. He pushed both my underwear and skirt down to my knees before placing his hands on my hips. I heard it before I felt it- the smack on my ass that caused me to yelp.
“Fuck, Spencer. What the—” I was cut off with another resounding smack.
“Did you really think that I wasn’t going to give you a real punishment, darling?” I took a deep breath as another shiver went down my spine. He had no business sounding so hot right now. Another smack, this time on my opposite cheek, had me biting down on my lip to stop myself from crying out.
“This” *SMACK* “Is” *SMACK* “What” *SMACK* “Happens” *SMACK* “To” *SMACK* “Bratty” *SMACK* “Little” *SMACK* “Girls” *SMACK*. A sob ripped from my chest as the last blow landed. My ass was on fire and surely littered with his hand prints.
“You’re lucky I’m in a good mood since you sucked me off so nicely, or I would have made that worse.”
Gee, thanks.
“You look like such a dirty slut like this.” I felt a finger enter me easily, the wetness gathered there making my entrance ready to take him. “So wet. Was it the spanking that got you like this, or your mouth around my cock?” A moan was my only reply as he added another finger, the two digits moving in a scissoring motion. 
“Are you gonna be my sweet girl, now?” He asked as I moved my hips along his fingers, desperately trying to seek some more relief for the fire burning between my thighs as his mouth littered marks along my thighs. I closed my eyes, focusing on the pleasure he was giving me as he curled his fingers, a slow moan falling from my lips. He pulled them out of me, wiping the slickness against my still burning ass. Fucking bastard. I wiggled my hips against him, hoping he would grant me a reprieve and put his fingers back inside me. Instead, he spanked my ass one more time- one quick, sharp blow against the bruised cheek.
Just when I was about to yell at him, he placed the head of his member against my entrance. He moved up and down my drenched entrance before penetrating me in one full thrust. I took a short breath in, trying to get used to feeling so full. He was stretching me out in the most amazing way.
Spencer waited until I was grinding against him before he pulled out and pushed back into me. “Look at you, such a wanton little bitch aren’t you?” He could call me whatever he wanted, as long as he didn’t stop fucking me.
He kept a steady pace, making sure to grind into me every time he slammed back in. The obscene sound of our skin smacking against one another’s and the moans escaping our throats was an erotic symphony that had my body heat raising the temperature in the room.
He hitched my leg on top of the desk, entering in an angle that made the pleasure so much better. I couldn’t stop the whines that kept escaping my mouth every time he pounded into me. His hand stayed upon my leg, holding me down and limiting my movements. His nails dug into the skin so harshly I was sure there would be bruises left in their wake.  
“Fuck, you feel so good wrapped around me,” he hissed under his breath. “Should have known you just needed to be fucked like the cheap whore you are.” He sped up, hips snapping at an almost punishing pace. The desk creaked every time he slammed into me. I hoped no one was nearby to hear what was going on. A whine left my throat when I felt his fingers rub against my clit. I was so close now.
“Should I stay inside you? Fill you up so you walk around campus carrying my child?” He growls, his pace increasing with each passing moment. “Knock you up so the whole campus knows what a whore you are for me?” He asks, earning a cry ripped from my throat. 
“Who’s fucking you?” he grunted. I don’t know how he expected me to form a coherent statement at this current moment. My eyes could barely stay open at this point. 
“Spencer, please.” He smacked the outside of my thigh.
“Try again, who’s fucking you?” 
“You are, Doctor.” Apparently, that was the wrong answer too, because it earned me another smack on my thigh. I had tears streaming down my face from the pleasurable pain he was giving me.
“You have one more chance or else I’m not letting you come. Now, who’s is fucking you?”
“Professor Reid!” I cried out.
“That’s right darling. Now come on my cock.” A harsh bite on my neck was the ultimate push that had me seeing stars. Spencer thrusted a few more times before fully sheathing himself within me.
He slumped over me, the feel of his breath against my neck causing me to shiver once more. We took a moment to have the high leave our body before he pulled out of me, a gasp leaving the both of us. Spencer was the first to break the silence between us.
“Would you like to have dinner with me?” he asked, his voice a bit shy. 
I giggled at his demeanor. A few moments ago, he was fucking me senseless and spanking me over his desk like a porno, and now he was asking me out to dinner. 
“Absolutely,” I smiled. “But I should probably cancel my study plans.” I quickly added. 
He led me to the faculty bathroom so I could freshen myself up. When I emerged, he was back to being the prim and proper professor I knew him to be. Just before we left his office, he leaned down and whispered, “By the way, you got an A.”
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bsdtrash · 3 years
Akutagawa On A Honeymoon With His Wife.
This work contains 18+ content and suggestive themes minors DNI!!
Honestly the second I saw this ask my heart melted like yaaaas Akutagawa deserves a wifey to love him unconditionally and to just go have fun on a cute little honeymoon together!! Also sorry I didn’t know if you wanted a scenario or a headcanon so I just did a super small scenario accompanied by headcanons ^^’
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If someone had told Akutagawa years ago that he would be happily on a honeymoon with someone that he loved dearly, he would have been severely confused. Akutagawa used to have the mentality that love was unnecessary and useless. However after meeting you, you just somehow convinced him otherwise. There were many things he loved about you, like even though you were often afraid you never backed down. The thing he had to have loved most about you though was your unconditional love, the way you stuck by him even when he tried to push you away.  He couldn’t understand how he had ended up with someone like you in his life after all the horrible things he had done but now that he had you he wasn’t planning on letting you go any time soon. As far as he was concerned he’d be spending the rest of his life with you. 
“ Akutagawa! Quit staring out into space like that and come collect seashells with me! “ You urged your now husband happily. The two of you had decided to reside on a private island for your honey moon. It wasn’t too far from the mainland so the both of you could go into town whenever you wanted. The calm and peaceful atmosphere was something that the both of you were both relieved and happy to have for once. A rare smile graced the males lips as he looked at your hunched over form eagerly picking up seashells and throwing them into the bucket you had at your feet. He walks up to you and glances over the shells that decorated the sand “ Is there one in specific you’re looking for? “ He questions with the intent of finding it for you. After all his wife only deserved the best of the best in his eyes. 
- I want to start the headcanon off with the fact that I think the two of you actually had a small wedding as opposed to a big one. Akutagawa just wanted people that were close and important to both of you there. In my mind it’s something that was small yet elegant. 
- Akutagawa and you definitely choose a nice quiet honeymoon as opposed to something that is adventurous or hectic. This is due to the fact that your everyday lives are already quite rambunctious as it is. He definitely just prefers the two of you to bask in each others presence alone for two whole weeks.
- It’s nice for the both of you to have this space since you’re usually surrounded by so many people. Akutagawa couldn’t think of a better scenery for your honeymoon, a private island was exactly what he both wanted and needed. That being said the two of you do go to the mainland a few times while there. 
- When on the mainland you two don’t do any of the tourist attractions, they just aren’t for you. You more so go to the local places, the both of you definitely venture out to find a good antique store. You probably end up buying a ton of antiques that are just unique and interesting to Akutagawa. It gets to the point where you have to draw a line and remind him that you have to bring all this stuff home to your shared apartment. 
- The second place you try to find is a good tea shop which is a lot harder than you thought it would be. Then again you should have expected it to be hard with how picky your husband is about his tea. It isn’t until about the third day that Akutagawa finds a place that he deems acceptable. 
- Akutagawa also probably refers to you now as his wife most of the time, he’s not one for pet names but he does like showing you off as his wife as much as possible. You can’t tell me that this man isn’t the type to be the cute possessive husband. 
- You aren’t surprised by it anymore since you’re now married but in the beginning of your relationship you were quite shocked at how clingy Akutagawa could be with you. He definitely shows you the more soft and vulnerable sides of himself, you received this privilege after dating him for a few months. You now even have more privileges since the two of you are married. Though you only ever take advantages of these privileges behind closed doors because you don’t want to embarrass your husband in front of his coworkers.
- I could see Akutagawa being the type to not find the importance in waiting till marriage for sex unless his partner specified that, so unless you told him you wanted to wait till marriage to have sex I could see the two of you having crossed that threshold long ago. 
- That being said it doesn’t matter if you’ve had sex before the wedding night or not Akutagawa makes sure to still make it as romantic as possible. Now that the two of you are married it feels even more intimate than before in his eyes. 
- Honestly when you’re not out on the mainland or relaxing on the private island the two of you are just having super soft and intimate sex around the beach cabin. Akutagawa once heard that during the honeymoon phase that couples couldn’t keep their hands off of each other, at first he didn’t believe that but now that he was alone with you on your honeymoon he was finding it to be a lot more true than he ever expected. He has great difficulty keeping his hands to himself now that the two of you are married.  
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Hi, everyone!! This is a part of the Citrus Dome Snowed In collab! I’m so thankful to be a part of this round and super grateful for @lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten and @tomurasprincess for letting me be on the masterlist! I’m so excited, but I’m not super proud of this one, so please feel free to give feedback.
Masterlist Here!
Go see everyone’s super awesome fics and art pieces they worked so hard on!!
ART BY @brttpaige on Twitter🖤 Go check out her artwork, she’s fantastic!
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Warnings: 18+ minors do not interact, AGED UP (mid twenties), fluff, insecurities, smut, body worship, chubby kink, marking (hickies), Papi kink
Pairing: Sero Hanta x reader
The local news station hailed it as “the storm of the century,” and they weren’t wrong. You’ve watched the snow pile up beyond the window, building from a light dusting on the grass to literal knee-high drifts. And it shows no sign of stopping.
The place you’re stranded is stocked up on groceries, you’d charged every electronic device to your name, and you’d cranked the thermostat as high as it would go until the inevitable happens —
The power goes out.
So now you’re stuck indoors, with only a certain someone for company. The same someone you’ve been pining after for ages. Snow stacks up higher and higher outside. As the cold seeps in, and you both drift closer, you realize this was somehow the one thing you hadn’t thought to prepare for…
The snow outside was pretty at first, but now with the doors and windows to your small cottage-type home half covered, it seemed almost oppressive. With the power outage, there was no television to drown out the quiet, only deafening silence and the movement of your new roommate, Sero Hanta.
It didn’t start this way, you hadn’t always obsessively paid attention to his mannerisms. At one point in time, he was just a hero working for the same agency you provided medical care for. You were just support staff, until a dumb villain thought you were “important” and kidnapped you, leaving the heroes you saw as coworkers to rescue you. After that, the agency wanted you to live in the adjacent apartments, but you refused. Magically, two days later, Sero Hanta approached you asking about your spare room under the guise of his lease running out. You thought it seemed a bit suspicious, particularly that this gorgeous man had “nowhere else to go”, meaning no significant other to take him in. Of course, you agreed, being a nice person and maybe bit naïve. He moved his stuff in, didn’t make much of a fuss, and mostly left you to your own devices. That is, until you noticed some... abnormalities. The lingering glances, the newly installed security cameras, the not-so-subtle ideas to spend time with you of having meals together or watching movies, making sure you’d eaten or slept... He cared too much. He was so perfect- gorgeous, tall, easygoing, had similar goals as a rescue hero, funny, and he cared. He cared for you, which made living with him so much harder. You found yourself enjoying nights with him, wanting to sit a little closer, wanting to impress him with new dishes to make for dinner, ditching your ex’s sweatpants for cute sleep shorts, relishing in fantasies of his protective nature and dominating stature with your hand between your thighs... You thought you were going to choke when he started walking around in only gray sweats or a towel after his shower. You tried your best to keep eye contact, not stick around too long, not encroach upon his comfort in his own house. You failed to notice the smirk on his face when you quickly excused yourself or when you turned away too fast after being caught staring.
Sero had originally taken this as an assignment, although he did have a bit of a crush on you from the times you’d patched him up after rough shifts. He thought of himself as your own personal hero, but that mindset soon turned into more than just an assignment. He was protective over you, and he found himself getting defensive if you even mentioned another guy. He had tried flirting within reason, just making dinners and watching movies, but he got cocky when he had walked past your door one night and heard your little whimpers. He decided to test his theory, wearing his sweats lower than he normally would and walking back to his room in a towel, and delighting in strolling past your room to hear your muffled moans and the vibrations of the toy you never used to use. You were getting desperate, and he’d be lying if he said it didn’t boost his ego to hear his name through the walls. This, however, was NOT something he’d planned on.
Everything was fine, being stuck in the house together was nice, until the power went out. The heat somewhat remained in the house until night, when you curled up on the couch under every blanket you had and he layered on an extra hoodie and lounged next to you. He looked cold...
“H-Hey... Sero? Um... You look cold. Do you want a blanket?”
“Hmmm, but then wouldn’t you be cold too?” He chuckled and scratched the back of his neck.
“Well... Maybe... But that’s okay! You need to be warm too!!” God, you’re so sweet.
“I mean... You could always come over here, we can be warm together!” He stretches out his arm and beckons you over, inviting you to curl up next to him. You shift over, spreading the blankets over your roommate and hiding your blushing face under the pile of softness, keeping at least 3 inches of space between you before he rests his arm behind your head.
“Thanks, y/n, this is uh... nice!” He hides his disappointment at your perceived rejection, going back to look at his phone.
After 20 minutes of scrolling, you can’t take it anymore. He smells so good, and you can feel the warmth radiating from his body.
“I’M GONNA GO TO BED NOW. Uh, goodnight!” You basically shouted, too loud to be natural. You abruptly stood up before slightly shrinking from the frigid air. When did it get so cold in here?
“Hey, it’s really cold... We don’t really have a ton of blankets, and I’m worried you’re going to freeze, so maybe we could sleep in my room tonight? Just for, ya know... body heat?” He sounds nervous, like he expects you to freak out and reject him completely.
“Well... I-I guess that’s smart... You’re right. So... Let’s go?” Holy fuck, you are so nervous. You were originally escaping to your room like you normally do, too horny to continue hanging out with Sero and retain your sanity, but now you’re sleeping with him?! What the fuck are you thinking?!
He gathered the blankets and lead you into his room, holding the door for you before plopping down your nest of fabric. You stand awkwardly in the center of the room, waiting for something you have no idea what. Sero unceremoniously strips himself of his hoodies and sweats and climbs into bed, seemingly out of habit, before turning his attention to you and holding the blankets open.
“Are you coming?” He smirks, putting on a confused voice that doesn’t quite match the mischief in his eyes.
“I-...” FUCK, he’s beautiful. Lean muscles flexing with every movement, shaggy hair falling over his face, and holy... The tight black boxers are NOT helping the whole “too turned on to function” situation.
“Oh... Sorry, I read somewhere that skin-to-skin contact is better for warmth. You’d probably know better than me, I guess.” He grins, as though this entire thing is nonchalant and completely normal. “I can help you if you’d like~”
“Uh nope, yeah, you’re right!! I’ll uh just... Can you close your eyes?” You are panicking. Every insecurity you’ve ever had is coming to bite you in the ass. You’re suddenly hyper aware of how much space your body takes up, remembering everything those stupid bitches in high school said about you.
“Y/n, you’ve seen me in that skin tight hero suit and you’ve patched up most of my body. It’s totally fine! PLUS, you’re sleeping in my bed, am I gonna have to close my eyes the whole night??” He jokes, not knowing that your shyness isn’t rooted in principle, but fear. Upon seeing your face, his smile falters and he autocorrects, “You know, I think you’re beautiful, but if you want me to turn around, I promise I will.”
“No, it’s-it’s fine. It’s okay. Wait- did you just call me beautiful?” You try to cover your shocked expression as you take off your sweater and slide off your fuzzy pajama pants. Sero is thankful your head is stuck in your sweater as his jaw practically drops. Oh fuck, he’s screwed. His eyes follow your curves from your chest, down your sides, to the pouch of your tummy and the plump fullness of your thighs... If he thought he was having trouble focusing before, there’s no way there’s gonna be enough blood in his brain when you’re half naked next to him... Speaking of... Shit, he’s hard... Okay, it’s fine, just tuck it in your waistband like you did back in school...
You climb into bed as quickly as you can, still keeping a few inches between you and Sero until he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his chest. You squeak in surprise and he chuckles, “You can’t be warm unless you’re over here! C’mere.” He nestles his face into your hair and splays a hand across the curve of your lower back. Feeling very naked and very nervous, you shift in his hold and snuggle closer to the heat he gives off, but halt your motions when you feel him twitch against your thigh. Neither of you are breathing, praying the other didn’t notice the rock hard length pressed between your bodies. Somehow, in the time you spent essentially playing dead, you both fell asleep cuddled together.
Over the course of the night, you had shifted to straddle your leg over his torso and he had turned on his back with his hand resting on the space between your thigh and your butt. Sero was the first to stir from his slumber when he felt you move against him, a small whine escaping your parted lips as your hips rolled against his. Oh... OH... Is y/n-? oh fuck y/n is dreaming... and grinding on me... fuck, this shouldn’t feel so good... He tries his hardest to go back to sleep, but the feeling of your sleeping body brushing up against his cock keeps him wide awake. He was trying to stay perfectly still until he heard your tiny whisper “Hanta~”... His hips involuntarily thrust, drawing out the most sinful moan from your throat as the head of his dick added friction on your clit that woke you up. You start to move away, embarrassed and hoping to check that he’s still asleep, but Sero’s grip tightens around your thigh and presses you harder onto him.
“Good morning to you, too~... If you needed my help getting off, you could’ve just asked, babygirl~” The lust and sleep clouding his voiced, combined with the steady roll of his hips makes you whimper and tuck your face into his neck.
“Awww so shy~ You were moaning my name earlier. Why don’t we see how loud I can make you, princess?” He speaks lowly as he flips you onto your back, hovering over you.
“I- I... Please.” You breathe wrapping your legs around his waist and stare up at him, wiggling your hips and sliding your hands up his biceps.
“Can I- Can I kiss you? Are you sure you want this? I’ve had feelings for you since before I moved in and I just... I never want to hurt you.” Cupping your cheek and searching your face for any hesitation, Sero starts succumbing to his own insecurities. He never wants to hurt you, and he knows he isn’t the flashy hero some of his friends seem to be... He needs to hear you say it.
“Sero... Yes~. I want you, please kiss me... I feel the same way. Please~...” Upon hearing your confession, Sero slotted his lips against yours. The kiss was sweet, gentle. Breathing each other in felt so right, so natural, and you followed his lead when he slid his hold to the back of your neck to deepen the kiss. His hand drifted down, following the curve of your breasts, tracing your sides and resting on the pouch of your tummy. Just as you were starting to feel self conscious, Sero groans and moves to kiss your neck, mumbling “You’re so beautiful, y/n. Fuck, so perfect. You feel so soft, I need you so bad~” The whimper he draws from you when he sucks a deep mark into the column of your throat is absolutely lewd, you can barely believe it came from you. He kisses his way down your body, leaving hickies along your skin and squeezing every inch he can get his hands on. You look down at him, his eyes dark with lust and admiration as he leaves opened mouthed kisses along your inner thighs, making you more needy than you thought possible. He strokes his thumb along your clothed slit and moans at your wetness.
“Fuck- you’re so wet for me, angel. I want to taste you, you’re so cute like this. Let’s take these off, yeah?” He looks to you and hooks his fingers under the waistband of your panties, asking for permission and grinning like an idiot when you lift your hips to help him. Before you can say anything, he’s prying your legs open and diving in, moaning as he laps your slit and sucks your clit into his mouth. You run your fingers through his hair and grip him, pulling him into you and grinding against his face. His groans send vibrations straight to your core, pinning your hips with one arm and sliding two fingers into your dripping cunt.
“M-more!! Oh god, please Sero, just like that- I want more!” You moan so prettily for him, but he wants something more. He releases your clit with a pop and leans up, stilling his fingers inside you and wrapping his free hand around your neck. The pressure and dominance has you clenching around his fingers, and he takes notice.
“You either call me Hanta or Papi, nothing else. You understand? I want you to say my name when you cum.” He commands, and sends a shiver down your spine. “Oh you like that, huh?~ I can feel you squeezing my fingers. Why don’t you tell me what you want, baby?~”
Your brain goes hazy when he leans in and places little love bites on your neck and collarbones. “PAPI~! Yes, I love it! Please fuck me, I want to feel you, I need moreee~” You pant as he pulls his fingers out of you, leaving you unbearably empty.
“Oh baby, I’ll fill you up, don’t worry. But first, why don’t you suck my cock?~” He strips himself of his boxers and flips the two of you, pulling you on top of him. He’s so long, just thick enough to stretch you and reach every amazing spot inside of you. The sight of his hard length has you drooling, anticipating feeling the weight of him on your tongue. You give the head a few kitten licks, relishing in the way he groans and twitches in your hand. He laces his fingers at the base of your head and lets you set your own pace, wrapping your plush lips around him. Bobbing your head up and down, running your tongue along the vein on the underside of his dick and swirling it around the head- you love seeing his reactions. The way his breathing increases and his hips buck when you hollow your cheeks. He looks so pretty like this, you can’t help but rub your thighs together for some kind of friction. Luckily, he notices how desperate you’ve gotten and pulls you up to straddle him with one hand still on your hair and the other gripping your hip, calloused fingers digging in and massaging the fat there.
“As much as I want to cum in that perfect little mouth, I think my baby needs to be filled, yeah?” He fists his cock and strokes the head through your wetness, gathering your slick and making you involuntarily grind against him. “Beg for my cock, babygirl~, tell Papi what you want.” The smirk on his face is utterly sinful, teasing you and enjoying the fucked out expression on your beautiful face.
“PLEASE I want your cock, I wanna be full, just fuck me already!!! Please stop teasing me Hantaaa~” Just as you grind your hips down onto him, he thrusts into you, cutting off your pleading with a needy moan. “Ah~ fuck- so full, so full, oh my god! Yes Papi~!”
“Oh shit angel, fuck- you feel so good.” Hanta grabs your hips and helps you slowly fuck yourself on him, “Just like that, baby, just like that. Ride my fucking cock. Fuck- you’re so tight...”
The dirty talk pouring out of Hanta’s mouth, combined with the stretch of his hot length stirring up your insides, you find yourself embarrassingly close to climax already. Your first orgasm hits you like a train, completely knocking the air out of your lungs and causing you to collapse onto Hanta’s chest. He seizes the opportunity to flip the two of you, holding you underneath him and fucking you into the mattress.
“Ah ah ahhhhh~ Hantaaa~ I can’t! I can’t, I just came, it’s too much!!! oh FUCK Papi!!!” You feel the tears welling up in your eyes from the overstimulation and pleasure.
“Yes you can, babygirl. You’re taking me so well, you’re such a good girl. I know you love it, I can feel your pussy flutter around me. So honest, angel. You’re so perfect like this- fuck.” Hanta grips the back of your thighs and pushes your knees to the bed, hitting even deeper within you. The head of his cock kisses your cervix with every thrust and makes you scream out, nails digging into his back, and egging him on.
“Come on, mi amor, cum with me. I know you can, I can tell you’re so fucking close... Cum on my cock, that’s right. Cum for me.” His long fingers reach down and rub quick circles on your clit. He leans in to sink his teeth into the junction of your neck and your shoulder, sending you over the edge into your climax. Your vision goes white and you clamp down around him, cunt spasming as you squirt all over his thighs and abs.
“F-fuck!!! That’s so fucking hot~ I’m gonna- Ah~” He fills you to the brim with his sticky release, the warmth spreading through your core and coating your walls. Hanta releases your legs and lays on top of you, sweaty bodies pressed together until he comes down from his high.
“That was so amazing, angel. You were so good for me. Such a pretty baby, all mine...” He pulls back to kiss your temple and rolls over, petting your hair and lightly scratching your back.
“You have no idea how happy that makes me... I always want to be yours.” You giggle, bubbly at his claim on you and still buzzing from your high. You curl up into his chest, wrapping your arms around his waist and holding him close. “Mine.”
“Mmhmm, all yours.” He breathes a chuckle and places a kiss to your hairline. “I’m glad I can warm you up, lovebug.” He smiles as your breathing evens out, falling asleep with you in his arms.
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absolutelyfizzing · 3 years
I’m sorry, m’ love 
Professor Remus x Muggle!Reader (gn)
requested by @lehuntsworld- professor!Remus lupin with a reader that has tics and just kinda how they go throughout their regular days, and maybe a scene where the reader is tic-ing a ton and is super exhausted with it, but obviously can't stop. gender neutral reader.
Warning - unbearable fluff. not super accurate to the timeline. frustration and tiredness
Word count - 1600 ish?
A/N -  This takes place in the year that Remus teaches at Hogwarts but without much of the dark horrifying parts of the year. I made this romantic, wasn't sure if that was the intention from the request! it also wasn't a part of the request but I made this a Muggle reader! let me know if I should include a warning because I know focusing on tics can make them worse! This is based off of someone I know that has tics and their frustrations, I'm sure that they vary by person and if this feels really wrong or uneducated or anything, let me know.
You were thrilled Remus was back from Hogwarts, he had decided to spend winter break home so that he could spend time with you. He knew that it was hard on you for him to be away teaching during the year, only getting short visits and letters instead of having him home. It was hard on him too and he missed you especially during the full moons. He had also heard through your letters that your work had been rather hard in recent days. Your workload increased and you had to work unpaid overtime. You weren't having a great time with your coworkers and you really just missed Remus.
Thats why you were so thrilled that he would be home during winter break, even if you didn't have it off with him. It was the 2 weeks surrounding Christmas so there would eventually be a few days when neither of you were working. Today, however, was not one of those days. It was early in Remus' stay and you were sad to leave him for work, already anticipating a rough day ahead. Still, you savored the morning. You had tics, mostly just motor and there were specific ones that persisted. At any time in the day you might be twitching your nose, jerking your head, or blinking more often than you needed to. These would start in the morning but in ways that didn't bother you too much. It was just a part of your life and it had been for a long time. Recently though, with the increase of stress at work, they had gotten a bit worse.
Remus was the greatest with your tics. He knew not to mention them unless you wanted to talk about them and to try to help you relax when they got worse. You sipped on you tea, your nose scrunching up uncontrollably occasionally but nothing you couldn't deal with. You were moderately relaxed and not too stressed so they weren't bothering you too much. Remus sat on the counter across the kitchen from you and he smiled lovingly at you from there. You were catching each other up on any new updates within the order or about Hogwarts.
"Well, I should tell you that Fred and George have started to develop some pranking products." Remus muttered and you chuckled lightly.
"They are hilarious, I'm sure?" you questioned and Remus rolled his eyes but you could see the smirk still on his face.
"I suppose they would be funny to some but they are often not as fun for the victim." Remus spoke firmly but you could tell he was trying not to laugh.
"What do they do?"
"The newest one is a chewing gum that makes the chewer's words come out in a different language." He said and you both stayed silent for a moment before bursting out into laughter. Your eyes were watering and you nearly spilled your tea.
"Oh, I cant wait to see them use some of those." you laughed genuinely. You thought the twins had real promise in their inventions and you were excited to see what they would pull off in the future. You loved everyone in the order and you were fascinated by every witch or wizard you met. You were a muggle, as Remus would say, and you couldn't get enough of every part of the wizarding world that you could get your hands on. You were especially close with Arthur Weasley who loved to quiz you on your world and upbringing and was perfectly happy to answer the multitude of questions that you had right back.
Remus loved that you got along with the people he knew, they were very important to him but so were you. He often let you know how lucky he felt to have met someone as understanding and caring as you were. You had no issue with Remus' condition either, taking it all in stride.  
A glance at the clock on your kitchen wall let you know that you had to leave for work, your head jerked to the side quickly and you winced a bit at the pang that went through your neck for a moment. With a kiss goodbye to Remus and a final gulp of your tea you were out the door, hoping for a smooth day considering the great morning you had just had.  
You were, unfortunately, not given the joy of an easy day. Instead your day was filled with snide remarks from coworkers, extra work you would have to take home, and a notice that your request for a raise was not approved. You went home that night feeling defeated and it showed in your body. The stress of having this work to do once you reached the house had escalated your tics, your eyes now blinking largely and it bothered you. Your neck was slightly sore from the way that it had been getting jerked around today and your nose was even a bit irritated from how many times you had involuntarily scrunched it up.
As soon as you entered your home, Remus could tell that your day had not gone as well as you would have hoped.
"What do you need?" he just questioned quietly and sweetly, coming up to you and removing your coat while kissing your cheek.
"Could you make dinner and maybe make me tea, please?" You asked, you had learned that Remus actually enjoying doing things for you when you didn't feel well because it gave him something to do. It also made him feel better about all of the times that you had had to take care of him after full moons.
"Of course, darling." He muttered and kissed the top of your head before heading into the kitchen to get started on your tea and you moved toward the living room to get started on the work that you would have to do tonight. Just the thought stressed you out and you knew it was going to be a long one.
Nearly two hours later you were surrounded by warm light, a blanket on your shoulders, and tea in front of you that Remus continuously was refilling with more hot water. You were getting increasingly frustrated by the work that sat in front of you and your tics were really starting to bother you. Remus was sitting nearby reading, keeping a watchful eye on you in case he needed to take care of anything. He could tell you were exhausted and he wanted to make it better however he could. He thought you might even get done soon, the pile of paper in front of you dwindling, but he knew you were about ready to quit working for the night.
Your nose would not stop twitching and your neck HURT from the way it had been twisted during the day and through the evening. Thinking about it only made it worse and soon you could feel tears prick your eyes and you tried desperately to will yourself to stop. You'd tried this many times in your life but it had never once worked.
Remus caught on that you were about to break so he stood quickly and walked over to where you sat. He pulled out your chair and crouched in front of you, noting the tears threatening to fall from your watery eyes.
"Hey, love. Can I get you over to the couch?" He asked lightly and you nodded sadly. Remus knew that sometimes walking in a straight became more difficult when you couldn't keep your head looking forward so he gently helped you stand and led you over to your large couch. He sat first and then pulled you down to where you were sitting in between his legs. He held you around your waist and you curled into him, allowing enough space for your head to move freely so you didn't hurt it more. Your eyes hurt from how hard you were blinking and there were now a few tears streaming down your face.
"I just want it to stop long enough for me to get my work done." You whispered and Remus hummed behind you.
"I'm sorry, m' love. I know it must be frustrating" he mumbled. You had told him once that you didn't like when people tried to give you advice bout it. It wasn't something that you had any real control over and people trying to fix your tics made you feel like there was something wrong with you. There wasn't, it was just a little extra tiring and frustrating during your day. You took some deep breaths and relaxed into the calm man beneath you.
After what you guessed to be about 15 minutes your tics had slightly lessened and Remus was still calmly rubbing your back in soothing circles. You sighed in slight relief that your head was no longer getting jerked to the side and you were blinking normally. You turned your body so you were facing Remus and your moved to bury your face in his chest.
"I love you." He heard you say, the words sounding muffled from how hard your face was pressed against his chest. He chuckled a bit and just kissed the top of your head.
"I love you too."
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just-a-creep-babe · 3 years
Work Pest
(Habit x Reader)
Commissioned again by @selfshippinglover thank you so much bby, I love this mans 💖👄💖 I hope you like it <3
This ended up having a lot more plot than I initially planned, so I hope that's alright :”) Also I’ve never worked at a grocery store so I hope this isn’t too inaccurate 😅
~Requests are closed~
Masterlist: x
“Hey, (y/n). Hope you’re ready to work a lot today—we just got a shipment twice as big as we’re used to”
You hold back a groan as you set your things down at your spot in the employee’s room
You haven’t even started your shift yet and you’re already dreading the monotonous, repetitive work you’ll be doing for the next eight hours
“And the new person we hired just bailed on us, so you’ll be on your own for a while…” she reluctantly continues
This time, you don’t bother quieting your disapproval
“Crap, really? I thought they liked it here”
“Yeah, well, apparently they didn’t… They said something about the boss being too demanding before leaving”
You sigh
While it is true that your manager orders you around a lot, you don’t think he‘s too overbearing
It is his job, after all—he does what he has to in order to keep things working
“Alright, well, any more problems I should be made aware of?”
You give your coworker a teasing smile, trying to lighten the mood
Despite being the bearer of bad news, you know none of this is her fault, and she’s just trying to make end’s meet
In fact, between the two of you, even though she does have a higher position, you’re probably in a better financial situation than she is, thanks to a certain powerful entity that’s on your side 
“I think that’s it,” she answers, clearly relieved that you’re not upset with her
“And, hey, after our shift is over,” she adds, “how ‘bout we go out for some fast food? On me”
“That sounds good,” you hum, “I could go for some curly fries”
“Great! It’s a date,” she giggles
And before you can pipe in again, she’s gathering her things and heading out to the front
You shake your head, chuckling
She knows you have a boyfriend—and a very possessive one at that—but it never stops her from being flirty
If anything, she finds it funny
If only she knew what she was messing with…
Releasing another sigh, you shake the thought away and ready yourself for the day’s plentiful work
The first half of your shift flies by without a hitch
You lose yourself in your work, mind zoning off to the familiar daydreams that always keep you company
It’s only when you finish stocking the fourth aisle that you realize you might not get everything done today
You hate knowing your boss will ask you to stay overtime, but you tell yourself it’s not your fault
You’re doing everything you can with the time you have—this just wasn’t meant to be a one-person job
Still, you try not to let it get to you as you stack cans of food together in neat little rows
Just as you begin pushing your trolley of now empty shipment boxes back to the storage room, you’re suddenly forced to a halt as you bump into a shopper you hadn’t noticed
“Oh, shoot! I’m so sorry, I didn’t—Habit?”
Surely enough, your one and only possessive lover is standing in front of your cart, his hand outstretched to stop you from hitting him, with that damn grin on his face
He tuts playfully
“You should watch where you’re going, little rabbit~ You could’ve seriously injured little ol’ me”
He flashes his pearly white canines, his lips playfully curling back
“H-habit, what’re you doing here? I have a ton of stuff to do today, I can’t get distracted”
His smile falters, but only for a second before quickly returning
“Aww, c’mon, little rabbit, don’t be like that”
He makes his way around the cart, casually sauntering up to you
You’re forced to step back a few paces as he presses closer into you—all the way until your back’s hitting the shelves and he’s got you cornered
Two strong, thick arms cage you in
You pray to god that no one—especially not your boss or coworker, walk in on you in such a predicament
“Don’t try to tell me your work isn’t boring. I’m just trying to help out by spicing things up a bit~” he practically purrs as he leans in even closer
“Besides, I’ve missed my little rabbit,” he admits, “I haven’t had nearly enough time to spend with you recently. I’m just trying to make up for that”
He’s so close
The distance between the two of you is nearly nonexistent
His eyes keep flickering to your mouth and you can tell he wants you to kiss him
You want to kiss him too
You really, really do
But just as you’re about to lean in, you manage to snap yourself out of it
There’s no way you’ll be able to resist giving in if you press your lips to his
He’ll have you wrapped around his finger if you slip up and you both know it
So, you press your hands to his broad chest and gently push him away, despite already missing his closeness as soon as you do so
“H-Habit, no—stop-stop trying to distract me,” you stutter
He “hmphs,” narrowing his eyes, almost challenging you to change your mind
But you don’t back down—you won’t
You cross your arms and quirk your brow, trying to look as set and confident in your decision as you possibly can
And, surely enough, a few moments of staring each other down, he gives up, sighing grumpily
“Fine. Can you at least finish early today? The house feels so empty without you,” he pouts, and you have to stifle your laughter because here he is, this all-powerful being, acting like a spoiled child because he wants to spend time with you
“I’m sorry, I can’t,” you apologize, “I think I’ll have to work overtime tonight”
You intentionally leave out the part where your coworker asked you out on a date, because even though it is platonic, you know damn well he wouldn’t react too kindly to the news
He groans
“You’re gonna be the death of me, (y/n)”
After Habit leaves, you’re left to return your focus and attention back to your work without any more distractions
Or at least, for the moment, anyways
You fill out more shelves, meticulously restocking every product so that they look as appealing as possible for customers to buy
Back and forth, you move between the back room and the open aisles more times than you care to count, lugging box after box full of fresh, new supplies to place in their designated spots
You’re a little over halfway through the shipment when you get to the breakfast section
Half empty shelves of granola bars, oatmeals and cereals attract a few customers that absent-mindedly compare labels
Maneuvering through them, you spot what needs to be refilled and begin getting to work
You push the few boxes that remain to side to make room for the new ones
And, lo and behold, when you look back through the now open space in the shelves, you’re met with a signature grin from the other side
“Who’s this little cutie? Fancy meeting you here~”
“Habit!” you cry out his name, voice escaping much louder than you expected
You can feel the customers simultaneously all turn their attention to you—like you’re a madwoman for exclaiming his name to yourself
Your face flushes beneath their inquisitive gazes
You lean in, trying to ignore them to talk to the man on the other side
“Why are you still here?” you urge, torn between wanting to keep your voice down and being too surprised to control your volume
“Awh, you aren’t happy to see me again, bunny?~” he teases
Seeing him again does lift your spirits, but you know if you admit it, he won’t let it go
“You know that’s not the case,” you sigh, “I just have a lot to get done today”
A customer passes by behind you, and you watch as Habit’s face tenses and he almost snarls when they linger to give you a strange look
But then they move away, and his eyes snap back to you, carefree grin returning like nothing happened in the first place
“Well, don’t let me distract you. I’m just doing some grocery shopping. Why else would I be here? Certainly not because the enchantingly beautiful employee won’t get out of my head…”
You almost want to look mad at him for tempting you away from your work—again—but his grinning is contagious
And he looks so charming with that playful, mischievous look in his eyes that you’re utterly powerless to stop the smile from spreading to your face
You shake your head, and it seems like his demeanor relaxes a little, seeing that he’s made you smile
“You’re ridiculous, you know that?”
Before he can say anything else and further distract you, you replace the hole in the shelf with a box of cereal, effectively cutting off your opening for conversation
Hearing him grunt from the other side has you snickering
You don’t know what’s gotten into him today, but you do know he’s not gonna make this shift easy for you
Admittedly, can’t say you aren’t thankful for it, though
Finishing the shelf you’re currently on, you move onto the next portion of work ahead of you
You manage to finish up the whole aisle with relative speed and ease, thinking about Habit the whole time and how he‘s probably still lurking around the corner, waiting to surprise you
You bring your cart back to the storage room, unpack the empty boxes, heave on some loaded ones, and return to the front once more
You’re about to finish stocking up the next aisle when you feel a tap on your shoulder
You shake your head, smiling
“Habit, at least let me finish these boxes…”
When you turn around, instead of being faced with who you expect, you find your coworker, her brow quirked expectantly with her lips tugging into a smile
“Crap, I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else,” you laugh awkwardly, your face warming
How many times are you going to embarrass yourself today?
She laughs along
“Yeah, no kidding. I saw your boyfriend, though. He was chatting up the boss... more like threatening, actually. Just figured I should let you know,” she explains with a shrug
“Crap. I shouldn’t have told him I’d have to stay behind tonight,” you groan, smacking your face into your palm
“Hey, it’s no big. Maybe the boss will stop understaffing us if he scares him good enough. Here, why don’t you go check up on them?” she suggests, gently nudging you in the direction of his office, “I’ll finish this up for you real quick”
“Thanks. Really, you’re a lifesaver”
“Oh stop, it’s nothing,” she reassures you, laughing again
“We can reschedule our date, too. I don’t wanna face your guard dog’s wrath,” she teases
If you could sweat-drop like an anime character, you’d be doing that just about now
As much as you love her, she really has no idea what she’s messing with when it comes to Habit
“R-right, thanks again. I’ll try not to be too long. I’ll be back to pick up on the next section!” you call back over your shoulder, already heading to your boss’ rescue
But right as you’re turning around a corner, you bump into something hard and solid
The impact would have knocked you on your ass, if it wasn’t for the warm pair of hands wrapping around your hips to keep you upright
“Easy now, little rabbit. Didn’t I say you should watch where you’re going? You could’ve hurt yourself”
“J-jesus fuck, you’re gonna give me a heart attack one day!”
You press your hand to your chest, trying to calm your frantically beating heart
He chuckles, the sound smooth and husky, as he pulls you in closer
“Relax, bunny. You know I’d never let anything bad ever happen to you~”
You groan, stuffing your face into the crook of his neck as he rocks you back and forth
“You’re an absolute pest today, you know that?”
“Yeah, I know,” he snickers, “But, hey, on the bright side, your manager just had a sudden change of heart and he won’t be making you work overtime. I think he might even let you leave early. Isn’t that great news?”
He’s not even trying to hide the fact that he just threatened the person you work for
You groan and push away from him
“Habit, what did I say about threatening people?” you ask, admonishing him like you’re disciplining a new puppy
His smirk falls
“Not to,” he begrudgingly grumbles
Your mouth quirks into a smile
He’s so adorable, you can’t possibly stay mad at him
“Alright, it’s ok. All is forgiven. But I’m still finishing my shift for the day, m’kay?”
You gently pat him on the cheek, hoping he’ll agree without further argument
But, of course, him being him, he doesn’t drop the matter so quickly
“Why?” he huffs, “You don’t even have to work. I can give you all the money—all the crap you could possibly ever want. Why don’t you let me spoil you?”
He purrs out that last part, his voice splitting
You look off to the side, contemplating how you should word your next sentence
“Habit…” you hesitate, not wanting to hurt his feelings, “I just… I feel like I need to do this. It makes me feel productive, like I’m helping out. I don’t wanna sit around and just do nothing all the time, you know?”
“You wouldn’t be doing nothing all the time, bunny. You’d be keeping me entertained~”
He croons the last word in his true voice again, gently taking both your hands in his and pressing them to his chest, that playful expression never leaving his face
You roll your eyes, fighting off a smile for the umpteenth time today
“I have to get back to work, Habit. My coworker can’t cover me forever”
He groans when you pull away—again
“My shift’s almost done, I’ll see you in a few hours, m’kay?”
Without waiting for his reply, you turn the other way and start making a beeline to the next portion of stock that needs to be refilled
You feel his eyes on you the whole time that you’re walking away
After what feels like way too long, you reach the second to last section you need to refill
You’ve skipped over a quarter of the work you’ve had to do, telling yourself you’ll just have to suck it up and do it on your next shift
But, for now, you have about an hour and a half to finish whatever you can
You think for sure Habit’s left the store by now
There’s no way he’d stick around that long just to mess with you
But you’re quick to realize you’re deeply mistaken as a familiar voice croons “missed a spot~” right near your ear as you’re stacking cans of soup
“F-fuck!” you swear loudly, jumping in surprise, hands fumbling with the can you’re holding until it slips from your grasp and onto the floor
But before it can hit the ground, with reflexes faster than you can keep up with, Habit snatches it back up like it’s nothing
Your whirl around to face him, only to find him inches away from you
His mouth, curled up into that same damn smirk, is unbearably tantalizingly close
“Careful, little rabbit,” he chuckles, “you almost made a mess. This could’ve burst open”
He throws the can up in the air as he speaks, then catches it back into his hands, toying with it
He’s so smug
“You scared the shit out of me! What’re you still doing here?”
He steps back, holding his free hand to his heart in mock offence
“I stay with you at your work, trying to make your day brighter, and this is the thanks I get? Unbelievable,” he shakes his head, tsking
As silly as it is, knowing he’s stuck around such a boring place for this long—just for you—has you feeling all kinds of warm and fuzzy
"Come on, you know I didn’t mean it like that,” you laugh, trying to bargain with him
It’s all it takes for him to drop the act
“I know,” he winks, “besides, I knew I had to keep an eye on you. You’re so clumsy~”
You decide it’s your turn to fake offence
“Oh yeah? And who’s fault is that?” you ask, sassily placing your hands on your hips
“Mine,” he proudly admits, voice splitting for a moment
You’re torn between wanting to smack that smug grin off of him and wanting to kiss him
Deciding the latter is probably better, you lean in
But just as your lips are ghosting over his, you hear a surprised “oh!” from down the alley
You pull apart immediately to find your coworker standing a few feet away
Her face cracks into a huge grin as you make eye contact
“My bad, didn’t mean to bother you! Carry on, lovebirds~”
Before you can stop her, she’s turning on her heels and speed walking into the opposite direction
You’re mortified
You’re about to chase after her, but Habit wraps his arms around you and pulls you flush to him once more
“Ah ah ah,” he chastises, “no you don’t. I’ve been waiting all damn day for a kiss and I’m not letting you go until I’ve had it”
“B-but Habit—“ you whine, squirming in his hold
Unsurprisingly, you’re helpless to escape him
He’s so much stronger than you; he doesn’t even budge
“No buts! Only kisses,” he insists
You still want to head after your coworker, but how could you possibly resist that lopsided grin?
With an exaggerated defeated sigh, you give in
“Well… I suppose if I don’t have any other choice…”
“You don’t~”
He takes your hands and wraps them around his neck, making you hold onto him so that you can press your nose to his
“In 47 minutes and 56 seconds, I’m gonna get you out of this place and we can go watch some cheesy movie—your pick,” he hums
Your lips twitch into a smile
“I’d like that. But you’re still gonna owe me for distracting me so much today. My shift isn’t even over and you’re making me slack off as if I’m not on the clock”
“Yeah, well, about that…”
His grin widens, and you immediately recognize that look; he’s done something you wouldn’t approve of
“Oh no,” you groan, pulling away, “what did you do?”
He shrugs, snickering to himself
“Your boss thought you were working so damn hard lately that you deserve a break. So he’s been so generous as to give you the day off tomorrow”
“What!? But there’s so much work to be done!”
“Yeah, well, I managed to convince the fucker to hire someone else—someone who won’t bail on you and who’ll actually help out from now on. Tomorrow’s their first day, so you’ve no need to come in”
You look at him, beyond incredulous
“What? How did you manage to get him to do that on such short notice?”
“I have my ways~ Now. If I’m not mistaken, I believe I’m still owed a kiss. Two now, I’d say, since I saved your ass from having to do all this work by yourself”
You roll your eyes
Quickly leaning in, you give him a peck on the cheek
He quirks his brow, expecting more
And when you go to kiss his other cheek, he turns his head and your lips finally connect
You hum against him, savoring his warmth pressing against you, lingering for a moment before parting
“You’re an absolute pest,” you remind him again
“Don’t worry, little rabbit, I know~” he chuckles, “and you love it”
“You’re right, I do,” you agree, as you move back in to connect your lips to his one more time
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tenkoscumslut · 3 years
Hawks x reader (angst)
(credit to _yorixxxx on tiktok they inspired this)
Your mind was in its own universe, walking through a rich meadow, the smell of blue gold filling up your senses, it was almost time to go home, almost.  You almost leapt out of your chair when the clock hit 5, you little fantasy vanished, forgotten, like you.  
You couldn’t help but smile as you walked home, it was months after the incident, months.  Kiego had promised to never do it again, promised and promised and promised, but all of them were lies, though you were to blind to see it.  The familiar streets were your comfort area, you loved your life, you loved your boyfriend, his affection, your apartment, your job, everything.
As you flirted with the keys, trying to find the right one, you managed to find it.  It opened up his apartment, tonight was date night, he always did the sweetest things, he would take you out on late night flights, kiss your forehead and apologize for that one night.  His words were meaningless, but they filled you with happiness.
Before you were drowning, you head was submerged underwater and you could swim to the surface.  You were exhausted, even though it was right there, it was so close, it was in your grasp, you could never reach it.  Thats when Hawks came, he made you go head over heels for him, he was your savior, he was the one who saved you.  He picked you up, letting you take deep breaths of the fresh air, and you loved it.  You were addicted to it.
So when you opened the door, and saw another pair of shoes, you didn’t mind, you didn’t even think about any bad outcomes of this.  You quietly closed the door and set your shoes next to his, assuming he had a coworker over.  You walked up the steps into the living room, and there was Hawks with his “coworker”.
You couldn’t move, they were to loud to notice you, her loud moans, his grunts of pleasure, you could barely believe what you saw.  No, Hawks would never cheat on you, you knew Hawks, or did you.  You knew the hero, the man who saved others, the man who never broke someones heart.  But did you really know Kiego, did you know how he broke hearts, how he was a lying cheating bastard who was so toxic he couldn’t recognize your feelings.
“Hawks?”, you whimpered softly, not even knowing how to react to the lewd scene in front of you.  They both stopped, the girl, panting, a huge blush on her face turned to Hawks, “Hawks, who’s this?”, she asked trying to catch her breath.  Kiego stuttered, “J-just an old friend babe, Y/N, can you leave?’, he asked with...what was it? Irritation? Annoyance? Anger?.  
“Old friend?”, you repeated, “Were dating Hawks!”, you exclaimed, tears beginning to form, the girl clambered off of him, quickly putting on her clothes, “What the fuck do they mean Kiego?! You said you weren’t with anyone!”, she shouted.  “Y/N is lying, I don’t know them!”, he shouted, pulling up his boxers.
“You know what?! Get out! Both of you!”, you shouted over them, Kiego looked at you, shock in his eyes, the girl walked past you, she looked just as broken as you, “I’m sorry”, she whispered and quickly left the scene.  You stared at the ground, your fists were placed at your sides, Kiego walked up to you.  That voice, it made you fill up with joy, but know it felt so wrong to hear him.  “Babybird, listen to me, she didn’t mean anything”, he said.  Empty.  His words were fucking empty.
You wanted to screech, kill him, you wanted to wreck him, make him feel what you were going through.  “I already said get out Kiego” you managed to say, not bothering to speak in hopes of your voice not cracking up.  You looked up at him, those eyes, so beautiful, so ethereal.  You always thought he would only look at you like that, with so much love and passion, but behind it was emptiness.  He fucking used you.
To him you were a doll to be played with, a fucking sex toy.  You gritted your teeth when he didn’t move, instead tried to embrasse you in a hug, “Get the fuck off of me!”, you shouted, the tears finally spilling out while you kicked him, punched him, scratched him.  He didn’t let go, he couldn’t, Kiego was to selfish, he wanted you, he wanted a side chick, he wanted to fuck anyone he could but he couldn’t have you leave his side.
You were his other half, his soulmate, he truly loved you, yet he continued to hurt you, over and over and over and over.  It hurt him, sometimes he wouldn’t realize he was kissing someone else, he would try and imagine they were you, that it was your soft lips caressing his own.  That is was your walls clamping down on him, and it was your moans every time he hit their sweet spot.  Seeing you, without that smile, without that look like he was your everything made him break.
He fucking hurt you.  He did that.  “Get out Kiego!”, that was the last shout, he let go, knowing you couldn’t be with him anymore, his heart was strangled as he slowly walked over to the entrance, he’d let you stay at his apartment until you could leave.  He would give you the space he needed.  With one last look of sorrow, he left.
As the months went by, you had found a new job, away from Kiego, a knew boyfriend, a home, a new life.  It was perfect, Dabi was perfect, all that time thinking Kiego had saved you, all those times you felt like he was your savior was lies.  He blinded you, choked you, drugged you into thinking you were happy, but Dabi was your real savior.  He opened your eyes, showed you the world, real affection and loyalty, trust, everything you could possibly imagine.
Though Dabi did have his flaws, like almost burning the kitchen down when his ramen didn’t turn out perfect, he was amazing, and truly loved you.  Dabi would never go behind your back, and you would never go behind his. Ever.  
As for Kiego, he was a wreck, bringing home girls almost everyday.  They weren’t the same, they never were, you were truly one of a kind.  He was sobbing, he was forgetting your touch, your lips, you voice, it was all fading away.  He was desperately trying to salvage what was left of you, he had pictures of you in his bedroom, he cooked your favorite foods, he only dated people who looked like you but it was never enough.
Every night, their moans never riled him up, their lips wrapped around him never was the same, they never tasted as good as you, their kissed weren’t as sweet or filled with love.  Their eyes never held the same fire as yours, never the same passion.  Your sweet smell was slowly fading away to, one of the only things he had left.  
he had even bought the same perfume you would wear just to scent things and try to keep it in pristine condition.  As for the girl he was dating behind your back, seeing her walk into his office everyday made him gag, she couldn’t even compete against you.  
After months of not being able to hear your voice, enough was enough, he opened up your contact, there were tons of messages from you, left on read from when he was cheating on you and he didn’t bother to reply.  His fingers manuevered over the keyboard.
He didn’t know how to start this off, would he say sorry? Hi? How are you?, he then just settled on Hey, nothing really complex or to formal.  His heart was beating faster than ever, he set himself down at his counter, his wings flapping lightly at the prospect of you replying.
You were making dinner, just some rice and fish since you didn’t feel like making something to extravagant.  Your phone dinged next to Dabi who was watching a show, he lifted up your phone, narrowing his eyes at the unknown number.
He stood up and walked over to you, unlocking your phone to look at the message, “Hey, doll, who’s this?”, he asked, staring at the conversation before you found out Hawks was a cheating bastard.  You had deleted his contact, thinking you also blocked him.  You grabbed your phone and looked at the message, trying to remember who it was.  “i do-”, you cut yourself off when you saw the previous text messages.
“It’s my ex, you don’t need to worry about him”, you said, turning your phone off and kissing Dabi softly.  He hummed happily, his hands snacking around your waist and massaging your inner thighs.  You turned off the stove and fully turned around to kiss him, things quickly escalated, your bra was off and your panties were thrown somewhere.
Dabi was on his knees, your legs on his shoulders while he devoured you, you tugged at the roots of his hair, whining and moaning for him, crying out with he hit the perfect place.  Your orgasm was quickly building up, and then your phone rang.  Dabi pulled away from your lower lips, a scowl on his face while he glared at your phone for ruining the mood.
You picked it up, scowling when you saw it was Hawks, you did not want to talk to him, “Who is it?”, Dabi asked, tracing circles into your thighs, “my ex”, you grumbled, your thumb was about to press decline but Dabi stopped you,  “Answer it babe”, he said, you whined softly, “Why?”.  He smirked, “Do it baby, for daddy~”, he said, you pouted and answered the phone and brought it up to your ear.
Hawks wings were flapping widley when you picked up, his heart was racing, he wanted so savor your voice, memorise it, imprint it in his brain so when he manages to win you back its like you never broke up.  Like he never cheated.  Like he really was your savior.
Dabi leaned back down, and started to kiss your lower lips, his tongue traveling over your clit.  You held back a moan and managed to greet your ex, “Hello Kiego”, you said, you were greeted with a happy Hello.  Hearing his voice made sadness seep into your heart, but you were through with him, you were done, you had Dabi.  
“Why are you calling me”, you asked, your hand slithering down to pull at Dabis hair, you knew being this close to your orgasm, plus the thrill of being on the phone with Hawks was only going to end in something bad.  Dabis skilled tongue pushed into your sopping wet hole.  Your hand quickly covered your mouth, staffing another moan.
“I-I guess I just missed you...”, Hawks mumbled from the other end, “I was a fucking dick to you, I cheated on you twice and thats not right”.  Your orgasm was quickly building up again, Dabi removed his tongue and easily pushed in 2 digits, his mouth started working on your clit.  Your thighs clamped down on his head, trying to make this oh so more pleasurable.
“I was wondering you know...if we could start talking again?”, he asked, Dabi then hit the special spot he knew by memory, you couldn’t help but moan loudly.  A huge blush adorned to your face, “U-Um a-are you busy right now? C-cuz I can t-talk later?”, he suggested.  “N-no, I want to finish this conversation”, you mumbled, “I just ran into the corner of my dresser”, you lied.  Dabi was pinching at your thigh, you knew he didn’t want you to hang up.
Hawks was leaning back into the chair, a generous amount of lube coated his hand, he gripped at the base of his dick, squeezing softly, trying to replicate your walls.  He bit his lip, god just you alone had him painfully hard, and the moan that came out of the other end of the phone was the cherry on top.  His thumb ran over his sensitive head, over his sensitive slit, and rubbed back and forth.  At this rate Hawks could cum any second.
“Could we maybe meet up at the building I use to fly us to?”, he asked.  You bit your lip, another moan rising up, your release was so fucking close, you could feel it.  Your hand gripped at his wrist, not wanting him to pull away and take your sweet release with it.  “S-sure”, you were in a daze, Dabis wrist snapped forward, roughly hitting your sweet spot.  Your eyes rolled back, your body spasming and your walls fluttering around his digits.  Your sweet juices leaked out of your spasming hole.  Dabi removed his fingers and quickly started to lap at the juices.
You thought you hung up, your thumb missed and instead you put him on speaker, you started to moan and cry out, it was turning into to much, “Y/N..?”, you heard hawks through the speaker. “FUCK!”, you shouted, quickly hanging up before you could reply.  Dabi was laughing, and your face was flared with embarrassment.  He got up from his kneeling position and helped you off the counter.
Your knees were wobbly underneath you, Dabi carried you to the bed and finished what he started.
The mess on Hawks chest, there were no words to describe it.  He had cummed harder than he has ever cummed before, the thick white liquid shot out in thick salty white ropes.  His post orgasm soon kicked in, a hollow feeling burned in his chest.  He wished it was you instead of them, he wished he payed attention to you.
He wished he brought you around to parties since he knew how much you loved to dance, he wished he brought you flowers, and held your hand, he should’ve given you all his hours when he had the chance.  But know your dancing, but your dancing with another man.
And although it hurts, he’d be the first to say he was wrong, but he hoes he buys you flowers, and holds your hand, take you to every party because he remembers how much you love to dance.
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broadwayandnetflix · 3 years
Slow Down - Bill Hader x Reader
Warnings: Language
Theme: Fluff + 1/4 of Angst
Summary:  Hi I’ve literally been binging all of your fics and I didn’t know if you were still taking requests, but I was wondering if I could request an imagine with Bill Hader where the reader is sick and passes out at SNL and Bill helps them and takes them home
Word Count: 4.1k
A/N: Ahh thank you so much for your patience @bduchrnskei​ I really hope you enjoy this fic and it met your prompt expectations. I absolutely loved writing this one amongst all of my evil schoolwork, but what can you do? 
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Living in a small-sized New York City apartment was not all that it’s cracked up to be. Whether it’s the heavy traffic and clutter of construction that never halts or the extreme temperatures during any season.
In this case, in particular, winter.
Or, more specifically, in this case, your heater broke, and it had become like an iceberg within your apartment space. As stated by your landlord, the repairmen were supposed to come on Saturday night, and as of right now, it was Thursday.
So bundling up had to do, in a way, you kind of missed the heater’s incessant rattling, as it had become a sort of a white noise these last few months.
You hadn’t been in New York City for very long, a little under a year, maybe? It wasn’t like you to pack up and move randomly to the Big Apple, but after clearing a spot as a new cast member with Saturday Night Live. It was most certainly a must.
Ever since you were little, you’d always had a knack for making others laugh or just getting to see someone smile. Saturday Night Live became your goal, and to secure it was like winning a million dollars. Even if it meant having to endure New York’s extreme seasonal changes.
This week was no different in the typical workflow; you were technically a new cast member. So the number of sketches you had been in was significantly limited. Still, you loved it nonetheless, with the lack of skits that you had been in lately allowed you to get to know your cast members more.
Specifically, your other recurring cast members like Nasim Pedrad and Jenny Slate, the three of you would often meet up for coffee on Sundays. Taking the time to decompress and discuss your favorite sketches of the week. It was nice to have a group of people you could relate to and find solace in, especially when the weeks became stressful or exhausting.
And oh boy, did your week’s become exhausting, especially on Saturdays. You shuddered at the thought of dress rehearsal as it stretched late into the night; losing sleep was worth the excitement.
You looked at the clock, it was nearing close to four in the morning, and you still had been awake at this point. Maybe it was the cold or the thousands of thoughts swirling through your mind, much like the snow accumulating outside.
Work was gonna be a bitch tomorrow.
You sneezed at the thought, sighed, and made sure to set your alarm before letting sleep take over.
You awoke with a headache and a blaring alarm that was erupting from your phone. Groaning, you shut the phone off and tried to ignore the incessant pain protruding from your forehead.
Swallowing some painkillers, you got dressed, grabbed your keys, and headed to work. Totally not picking up a coffee and a breakfast sandwich on the way.
“Why good morning Y/N!” Jenny chirped as you walked into the room, still rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
“You sound oddly chipper, what happened?” you said as you put down your stuff, eyeing her curiously.
“She got some sleep, that’s what happened.” Nasim replied, nursing a cup of coffee in her hands, giving you a sleepy smile.
“Lucky duck,” you murmured, instinctively reaching for your coffee as well. It coated your throat nicely, you sighed in content.
Jenny only smirked before starting up another conversation with Nasim; you let your eyes wander across the room. Everyone in motion, working hard to make sure shit got done. That’s the thing about working at 30 Rock; no one ever really stopped moving.
One thing that you still had not gotten used to was Monday’s. The grueling and exhausting twenty-four hour stretch period of planning and concocting up sketches. It was a scary feeling, as if you could ever compare to everyone else.
Every now and then, a pitch you threw into the ball pit would get picked, the tiny butterflies in your stomach reminding you why you did what you did.
Your eyes landed on a particular figure as he strolled into the room. His hair beautifully tousled, eyes half-open, and shirt resting ever so comfortably upon his chest. You diverted your eyes quickly, only to feel yourself begin to sneeze.
Fuck, for the love of all that’s holy, please do not sneeze in front of Hader.... too late.
He looked up, meeting your widened eyes, and gave you a soft smile. It lingered for a bit until Andy swept up from behind and hugged him along by the arm. For a second, you could’ve sworn he was gonna look back, but Andy had appeared to say something.
“Bless you!” Nasim and Jenny said in unison.
You mouthed thanks and leaned back against the wall, replaying the scene over and over again.
“Thinking about Hader again?” Jenny asked, following your line of sight, as she nudged you in the side playfully.
“Jenny! Not too loud, he might hear you.” you frantically whispered, a stern look aglow in your eyes.
“Oh honey, it’s so obvious.” Nasim chimed in, Jenny nodding eagerly in response.
“Plus he’s too far away, you’re more than safe Y/N, I think it’s cute that you like him. All the more reason to make fun of you.” Jenny says quickly before she is shoved by Nasim.
“I’m joking! I’m joking! Okay maybe not fully joking.” Jenny yelps, giving you a wicked grin.
You groaned, rubbing your hands over your eyes in embarrassment. It was so bad, crushing on cast members, but man, was he handsome. Although you had denied it, a lot of your favorite sketches from the past weeks always seemed to involve Hader.
It was not like it was gonna go anywhere; you two barely spoke, and plus you’d probably be a mess if you did. Every now and then, though, you’d often find Hader sitting beside you at table reads. His laugh is always so goddamn infectious, and Jenny and Nasim eyeing you playfully like schoolgirls.
God, you were a mess, and it seemed like everyone knew it. Maybe even Hader knew; let’s hope he doesn’t.
“You know Y/N, I’ve never seen Hader as shy as he is when he’s around you. I mean the man literally sniffed my hair yesterday,” you quirk a brow, “But- but with you, he’s soft” Nasim’s voice crowds your thoughts, and you instantly look up to meet her in disbelief.
“Bullshit.” you retort, trying to ignore whatever attempt she was trying to make.
“Girl, you’ve kind of got a point. He’s not as jokey as he usually is whenever he’s around you Y/N.” Jenny adds, only to be interrupted by Lorne calling for a meeting.
Ah, how could you forget? Dress Rehearsal. While these days didn’t run as long as the others, they were equally draining and stressful. The three of you walked to Lorne’s office just in time as the rest of the cast stood beside you.
You felt yourself to begin to shiver unexpectedly, hugging yourself tightly. Since when was 30 Rock so cold? You felt Nasim look at you questioningly, and you shrugged her off.
Lorne had discussed the skits’ arrangements for the day, murmurs of excitement beginning to spread like wildfire around the room. Everyone just itches to get out and see if their sketch would succeed or bomb.
You took your seat in the audience as the sketches would come and go, meeting your cues whenever necessary. At the same time, your painkillers had seemed to wear off as your headache only seemed to get worse.
You made your way backstage to find the building’s first aid kit, only to brush past another coworker. That just so happened to be Bill Hader.
You opened your mouth, but nothing came out, slowly clamping it shut; his eyes met yours in slight confusion before softening slightly.
“Woah, hey Y/N, everything okay? You were in kind of a hurry there.” he asks; you could barely meet his eyes as they searched yours for any sort of response.
“Oh,” you gulped, “Yeah I just have this crazy headache, um I was just looking for the first aid kit.” you say, shifting the balance on your one foot to the other. 
His eyes widened before nodding quickly as if he was just reminded of something. The butterflies in your stomach crescendo as he quickly rested his palm upon your shoulder. You didn’t even know how to act, your body practically freezing at the contact.
“Actually to save you the trouble I have some painkillers upstairs in my dressing room. Not that I have like tons of drugs, but it’s no problem with me if that’ll help your headache.”
You quickly nod in response, trying to hide back a small smile before following him up several flights of stairs. God, you hated being so shy around Bill; it wasn’t like he was some mean old jerk; he was oh so genuine and thoughtful.
The two of you halt at a labeled Hader door; he looks back at you almost to check if you’re still there. Opening the door, he led you in, giving you a quick smirk, before crouching down and digging through the contents of his bag.
You had realized that this was the first time that you had ever been in a specific cast member’s dressing room. In particular, Hader’s room was neat and tidy, but you could see bits and pieces of his character sticking out. You couldn’t help but smile at it all, so caught up in the intricate details you didn’t even notice him get back up.
“Y/N, you good?” he asks; you focus your attention back on him quickly.
His hands outstretched, one holding a bottle of Advil and the other clamped tightly around a water bottle.
“Oh, um yeah. Thank you so much you have no idea how much I appreciate you for doing this.” you say rather quickly, but Hader doesn’t seem phased by your awkward nature.
You reach for the bottle and water, fingers gently brushing against his. The two of you looking down at the contact before parting ways.
Hader clears his throat, and you feel your stomach begin to tighten. Slipping two pills into your mouth, you unscrew the cap and down it carefully.
“You nervous about tomorrow?” he asks while placing the pill bottle back within his bag.
“A little I guess, I mean I tend to get nerves closer to the show. I’m sure at this point though, you’ve become an expert at staying calm.” you reply, his gaze falling towards the floor.
“Oh my god, I’m a wreck Y/N. This show is so stressful it eats at me every week, no matter what. I mean, clearly I’m doing something right and Lorne’s not gonna fire me, but, my anxiety gets so bad.” he says quickly. His eyes widened, and his posture became slightly tenser than before.
You couldn’t help but soften your gaze; you had no idea that he even went through this every week. Even now, with the buzzing tension in the air for tomorrow night, you couldn’t imagine what he was going through. Let alone the fact that he made the time to help you out.
“I wouldn’t have ever noticed,” he looks back up at you. “I mean, you’ve always just looked so...confident. I just can’t even begin to imagine what’s that like, every week constantly. I’m so sorry you have to go through that.” you quietly admit.
He shakes his head quickly, putting out a hand almost as if he was trying to stop you.
“No, no, it’s fine. Thank you though, it’s awfully sweet to hear that. Especially from someone like you.” Hader’s eyes filled with such warmth.
Was Hader blushing? Or were you losing it? Probably losing it.
“Oh about that headache, everything okay up in there?” he murmurs, stepping just a tad bit closer to you.
“It’s probably nothing, but I do appreciate the help.” you look back at the door, “We should probably get back? Right? Don’t wanna miss our dress.” you say quickly.
Hader nods within an instant, eyes widening at the realization of how long you two had been gone for. He led you to the door, giving you a quick smile before he ran out, murmuring something about a skit that had something to do with the guest host.
You giggle softly, heaving a contented sigh. It definitely was gonna be a long day, and you could’ve sworn that the temperature had just dropped.
You couldn’t have stumbled into it until at least one in the morning, but sleep had been desperately calling your name. Oh, how you missed having a regular sleep schedule; it would make mornings less of a struggle.
Except this morning was different, or more so than you were used to. The headache that had arrived less than twenty-four hours earlier was now ten times worse. Your body ached, and you couldn’t decipher if the bed was too hot or too cold.
This was torture, and quite possibly the flu, not to mention, you had the show tonight, shit. You practically sprang upwards before feeling the instant aftermath of that decision settling in. It felt absolutely criminal to leave those sheets as you groaned and grimaced your way towards your kitchen cabinet. Eyes barely opened while you blindly searched for the thermometer you had kept.
One quick temperature check later, you were running a low-grade fever. Shit, shit, shit, shit. I mean, you couldn’t miss the show, right? It just didn’t seem plausible, or maybe it did?
You frantically wondered while your fingers grazed over the Google search bar whether going to work with a low-grade fever would be beneficial?
Every answer didn’t really seem to fit the unrealistic expectations that you had set for yourself. Still, one disgusting shot of Dayquil later, you were out the door.
The day went by in a haze, and the headache never really did seem to falter. It was almost like yesterday in a sense, but seeing Hader waltz into the room made you smile. He smiled back.
Of course, Jenny and Nasim knew something was up; they always did. It wasn’t like Lorne was gonna fire you for missing one show; it was the flu. Except, you had made it this far, how bad could it possibly go?
The lights were too bright, far too bright for you to even think properly, and your fever was sure burning up. Or maybe it wasn’t, you always had to ask others around for that sorta assistance. Except, this was the primary night of the week and you weren’t gonna ask a cast member to feel your forehead.
Imagine if Hader did, Y/N, please stop being a dork.
You found solace in a large water bottle, but it didn’t do much to help the way your body ached miserably. You looked like a mess, you felt like a mess, but this was the big leagues.
The last time you had checked, the previous performance of the musical guest had been underway. Which meant you had survived, but the exhaustion that had been ever-growing was begging for you to lay down.
The floor looked so good right now, yeah, just for a hot second, ugh why is everything burning up?
Slowly closing your eyes, you let yourself press up against the wall, except there wasn’t a wall right there, and down you went with a thud.
Bill had been anxious all night, of course for the show, but for you in particular. You usually always looked so put-together, but tonight something about you was just off. It was beginning to rub him the wrong way.
“Andy, do you notice anything strange about, um, Y/N over there?” he said, trying to muffle the concerned edge that rested within his voice.
“Y/N? Oh that new cast member you like?” Andy replied without much thought, earning a stern look from Hader.
“She’ll hear you, god man you sure can be loud. Whatever, she just looks kind of off man, I’m a little nervous for her.”
Andy’s gaze softened just a tad until something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye.
“I mean normally I would say that she looks fine and you’re just crushing, but I don’t think that is normal.” Bill’s gaze instantly locked onto the same thing, which was you fainting onto the floor.
His body going rigid before ultimately bolting upright, he wasn’t gonna catch you in time. Still, he definitely was gonna help if he could. Although he most definitely wasn’t the only one, other stray coworkers who happened to be backstage stood, jaws dropped.
There you went, tumbling to the ground, and Bill couldn’t help but feel his heart drop. Maybe that headache was worse than you had let up. He felt guilty for not speaking up sooner, but there was nothing he could do now.
They called a medic on the site, trying to keep it discreet as possible. It was a live show; he didn’t think it would be professional if broadcasted that shit.
He tried to fill in all of the details of how you had been acting the past few hours. It felt like he couldn’t do much to help, but he didn’t wanna leave your sight. It was odd; something about you really drew him in, leaving him reaching for more.
Plus, at this point, the last thing he had to do was go on stage while they rolled the credits. Bill was optimistic that this would count as a good reason.
He watched anxiously while the medic’s placed you upon a stretcher, his feet following without much thought. They wheeled you out to a waiting ambulance; he gulped at the thought of you having to be taken to the hospital.
Surprisingly they allowed him inside the ambulance; he was so convinced he’d be forced to wait until god knows how long. The vehicle provided seats off the side, allowing him to catch his breath and try not to worry about his current state.
That is until he saw you looking back groggily at him; now, this was definitely normal, as the medic had explained. He just didn’t see it coming; you blinked a few times, looking around at your surroundings.
“Hey, saw you took a little snooze there.” he teased, his gaze never leaving yours.
The ambulance rattled slightly, and you gasped a little before focusing your attention back onto him.
“Is this an ambulance? What happened?” you sat upright, feeling ten times worse, trying to piece together precisely why you and Bill Hader, of all people, were in the ambulance?
“Y/N, you fainted. The doctor’s said you’re burning up, they’re taking you to the ER.” he explained carefully, as you groaned in frustration.
He cocked his head slightly, clearly not expecting that response.
“About that, yeah I think I have the flu, I had a low-grade fever this morning.” you admitted sheepishly, not even daring to meet his gaze.
“I’m sorry what?” he exclaimed, his eyes as wide as literal saucers. “Lemme get this straight, you went to work, with the flu?” you nodded, and he ran his hands over his face.
“Listen, I didn’t wanna disappoint Lorne. I mean it’s the night of all nights.” the words came out softer than you had intended; Hader practically melted.
“Oh, did you really think that Lorne’s gonna get pissed at you for having the flu? Oh sweetie, you know your health comes first right?” his words falling ever so sweetly off his lips.
You could barely look at the man, let alone control the multitude of butterflies that jolted in your already queasy stomach. Not to mention that he even thought to tag along, you nodded, not saying a word, focusing on his blue eyes like they were a safety net. Until you closed them, letting sleep overtake you.
You awoke once more to the sounds of machines beeping, people going from room to room, and an incessant tapping of one’s shoe.
This was most definitely the emergency room, your eyes scanning its surroundings until they landed on one person in particular. He looked exhausted, more so than you did, and you felt awful given the time it was at night. In fact, it was practically morning.
“You’re still here,” he sat upright, rubbing his eyes, “Thanks for sticking it out, Bill.” you tried to give him the most genuine smile you could possibly muster.
“Of course, I mean I overheard the doctor anyway. You’re cleared to go when you wake up, and definitely have to get some rest. I already spoke to Lorne.” you gaped, but he only stood up.
“Bill, what did he say?” you whisper.
“That you should listen to the doctor, and me.” you raised a brow. “Okay maybe he didn’t say me, but you get the point?” he exclaimed as he helped you get out of the bed.
The two of you walking towards the desk in which you had to sign out some papers, the pen unsteadily perched upon your fingers. Bill’s hand holding securely upon your back, in hopes you wouldn’t stumble. In reality, just being near him set your heart aflutter.
“Now I’m taking you home, but first I was thinking I could get you some soup for home. That sound good?” you could only look at the man in pure awe.
“You don’t have to do this Bill, really, I mean you’ve already done enough.” you gulped, only to see the man give you a smirk, his eyes glinting at you mischievously.
“Soup it is.” his hand clamping against yours, he led you out of the hospital and into the cold streets of New York City.
It didn’t take long for the two of you to reach the little soup shop he’d been talking about; it was cozy and apparently open twenty-four seven. Against his offer, you paid for two soups that looked the most delicious and cupped the cups while strolling back to your place.
“How do you think you got the flu?” he asked gently, looking at you with curiosity.
You had to try not to laugh; I mean, at this point, it was your fault, you subjected yourself to the tundra in your bedroom for the past few nights.
“Well, my heater has been broken for the past few nights. I assume that’s how I got it.” a smile aglow upon your face, giggling at Hader’s shocked expression.
“It better be fixed tonight when we get to your apartment complex. That’s ridiculous, Y/N.” you kept giggling, and soon he joined in with that gorgeous laugh of his.
You enjoyed your time with Hader even though internally you felt like shit; he made it so much more bearable. The air was light between the two of you, he made it easy to open up, and you wanted to know so much about him.
God, wait till you let Nasim and Jenny know about this night. They’re so gonna flip; you just knew it. Not to mention, the big looming ‘I told you so’ that was so coming your way.
“This is it.” he came to a halt, admiring the quaint little building that you happened to call home.
“You do know I’m not leaving until that heater is back on, right?” he ordered, but underneath his serious tone, you could see the concern.
“Oh come on Hader, let’s go see.”
The two of you taking the steps at a time, your body wanting to collapse, but you couldn’t let him know. He stood beside you while you inserted your keys into the lock, twisting it, before walking inside.
“What’s that rattling noise?” Hader wondered aloud.
A huge grin meeting your lips, you looked at him in pure delight, and he soon got the memo. His eyes widening before heaving a sigh of relief, only to halt.
“You call me if you need anything okay? Get some sleep, and um, stay warm. That’s an order, you hear me?” you could see his performance wavering as he tried desperately not to laugh.
“Yes, Sir.” you saluted weakly, but he only began to break instantly.
You really did love that laugh.
Thanks, Bill, for everything, really.” you said as he turned to head to the door, stepping up on your toes to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
His face instantly turned red before trying to compose himself as he walked away. You watched while he left the residence, giving you one last smile.
You awoke in a drowsy stupor that next morning to a text message from an unknown number.
Unknown Number: Want me to bring you some coffee and breakfast? - btw, this is Bill. Hope this l wasn’t too creepy. I ain’t no stalker.
Maybe: Bill: ps. How do you like your coffee?
Bill: ps.s yes or no?
You fell back on the bed with such a shit-eating grin, only to groan in response to the mistake you had just made.
You: Yes 
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The Treatment of Captain Syverson-Prologue: History
Characters: OFC (Shane Benton), OMC (Elliott Thomas)
Summary: Shane Benton is a hard-working physical therapist and a loving girlfriend…but her boyfriend has a less than desirable way of showing it.
In case you’ve fallen behind or want to read more of my drabbles!
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings:  Language, mature themes, angst, infidelity, domestic violence (moderate). Yeah, this may be a tad rough for some readers, but I tried to be mild, and mostly implicit. It was hard still, to see my fictional offspring go through this, even if she gives as good as she gets!
Author’s Note: Oh, y’all. When I needed a break from the sweet tenderness of Chapter 8, I came here and put Shane through some hell. (You can blame one of my friends I was talking about for this angst as they’re the one who put me into angsty headspace by cheating on my other friend! It’s been weighing on me! But I guess at least I’ve been able to use it!) I really hope you enjoy a bit of backstory on our heroine! I really liked writing her ferocity.
Also, I meant to have this posted yesterday, but because of some tragedy in one of my other fandoms (and the world, in general! Rest In Power, Chadwick Boseman!) and a bit of craziness in my personal life (my HS bestie wanted to hang out this weekend, so I spent a lot of time with her…also…I’ve been talking to a real live fella! OMG! And it’s entirely too soon to say that I like him, but like…I very much do…but he’s far away and recently single and things are complicated in just, several ways, so it just can’t happen at this point. But…like, we have been talking a ton recently, and…sigh. I have found it difficult to focus on the matters at hand. But, rest assured, I’m working on Chapter Nine, and it will be up just as soon as I find my rhythm!
Disclaimer: Unbeta’d because this is for fun and escapism. (Well, this isn’t a super fun chapter, I guess!)
Hope I’m not forgetting anyone! If you want to be notified when I post a new chapter or work, I’ll be happy to add you to my tag list! (Also, if you’ve asked and aren’t on the list...well...that would be because I forgot to add you and reminding me will not offend or upset me. I think I might have ADD, or something, and being reminded about things is kind of how I survive!) Stricken blogs are getting personal messages from me when a new chapter is uploaded because Tumblr’s faulty tagging system will not stand in the way of me delivering what the people want!(?) lol! (Although…their lackadaisical notification system might…sorry for that. I have no control. lol!)
5 years ago-
Shane got home from work, exhausted. The new electronic documentation system they'd just implemented was kicking her ass. And Anita's, whom she constantly had to help with it, all the while hearing Anita bellow "When can I retire?!" which lost its charm on about the third day.
"Elliott, I'm home." She didn't smell anything cooking, despite the fact that she knew he was off all day today. Whatever. She was used to him doing virtually nothing but whatever hipster bullshit he got up to on Instagram and YouTube, trying to get off the ground as an influencer with a brand…spare her. Since when did that become a job? She didn’t mind to get takeout though, if only she knew he wasn’t cooking. Maybe she should have asked. "Honey, I could have picked something up if--" she was startled by him in the doorway to the hall, in only his anime boxers, looking like he was trying to not be surprised she was home. "What?"
"Nothing, just…excited to see you! How was your day?" Elliott asked, scratching the back of his neck, displacing his mid-length, slightly moppy light brown hair, already disheveled. That was his tell. Something was up. She knew it.
"What's going on? Are you hiding something from me?"
"Why would you ask me that? Don't you trust me, baby?!" he guilted. Knowing just the buttons to push for empathy. It wasn't gonna work today. The machine was all out of that selection and full of his bullshit currency.
"Now that you mention it, no. I sure as hell don't." she walked around to enter the hall and investigate the rest of the house. "Let me through." he wouldn't budge. He had the advantage of physical size, but she was still wearing her work uniform including sneakers…he was more than half naked. She stomped hard on his instep and smacked him in the ear as he doubled over. She felt marginally bad for that in the moment…at best he'd get mild tinnitus for a while. At worst, he could have permanent hearing damage. She'd check later for blood coming out of his ear and see if she should feel worse about it then.
She rounded the corner to their bedroom. The quilt her grandma had made her was carelessly crumpled with the top sheet and blanket at the foot board. She noticed a swatch of an orangey red lipstick on her pillow. The same shade smudged onto the full mouth of the panicking strawberry blonde frantically donning clothes in front of her antique mirror, and the same shade, she was guessing, that was smeared across certain places on Elliott’s body that were now covered by those boxers that she had always hated. You know what, Elliott, she thought to herself. Fuck Bleach, and fuck you!
"I'm sure you're a lovely person who's just been lied to by a very charming and manipulative man, but…you still only have ten seconds to get to my front door before I call the cops." Shane threatened the girl, who couldn't have been more than twenty-one…and he was thirty-three.
"She's my guest." Elliott defended.
"You're not even on the lease. Your credit was too bad." she said over her shoulder while still squared off with the girl. She turned back to her. "I'm trying to be calm here, sweetie. But do not make me tell you even one more time to get out of my…fucking…house." the girl picked up her shoes and a small messenger bag from the floor near where Shane stood, keeping as wide a berth as she could, and skittered out of the room in terror.
"How many times, Elliott?"
"Don't do this, Shane."
"No, I think this is something we should do. Count the times you’ve broken my trust. Kissed another girl, fooled around with one, fucked one…I mean…I've never caught you in our bed before, so this LOOKS like a first…I sure hope it is…because I don't recall you doing any laundry since you've lived here. And if I thought you let me sleep in the same sheets that you…I can't even look at you, you son of a bitch."
"It's not what you think, Shane." he said, calmly, as if he'd simply picked up the wrong consistency of peanut butter from the store. The wrong brand of milk. Not that he ever did the shopping.
"Bullshit. Bull. Shit. Elliott. I come home and find you like this, and there's a girl in OUR bedroom, and her lipstick is all over MY pillow, and your balls, no doubt. Not gonna make you prove it, because at this point, I don't give a shit anymore. I've lost count of how many times I've forgiven you, even times you didn't care enough to ask me to. Times you probably don't even know that I know about. But it's done. You're gonna pack up all your things. And you're gonna be gone by the time I get home from work tomorrow. And don't expect me to be late…because I will not be."
"You're acting crazy. You can't do this. Where will I go, Shane?"
"That's not my concern anymore. Find an apartment that accepts Likes and subscriptions and followers as rent and cherish it. But your free ride here is done. I'm not your mom, your maid, your cook, or…anything to you anymore, Elliott."
He was getting angry now. His nostrils flared and his breaths came more quickly.
"Is this because you're fucking another guy? Hmm?" he got in her space, but she was out of the bedroom and back into the hallway. She shouted back.
"Oh, NOW you're gonna try to deflect this onto me? When in holy hell would I have time to get with anyone but you, when we don't even have sex anymore?! It's been, what, two, three months?"
"You work with guys."
"You have no idea who I am. To think that I would do something like that. No idea at all. If I don't have time at home, I certainly don't have time for sex at work, and you can ask any of my coworkers, male OR female. That place is an unsexy, unholy shit show 90% of the time. And the other ten, it's just above bearable."
"Well, I'm still not going anywhere."
"You are. Like I said. You're not on the lease. And all I have to do is call the landlord and tell him you're here without my permission and he'll have the cops here." she had gotten a glass of water…although she needed something stronger, and was standing by the sink with it. Her mouth was getting dry. She couldn't take much more of this without breaking.
"You wouldn't really do that to me though. I'm the only man who can give you what you want." he grabbed her by the arm, hard.
"Let go of me, Elliott."
"Or what." he asked for it. She got the other instep, his groin, and threw water in his face. She grabbed her purse and bolted out the door.
She got quickly on the phone with Heather her closest friend who had recently been hired on as a secretary for her clinic.
"Yello." she said, cheerful.
"Two things: can I crash at your place tonight and what kind of phone do you have?" she asked.
"Yes and a Galaxy something, I dunno, but what the fresh hell are you talking about?"
"I'll explain when I get there. I’m on my way to CVS for some essentials. Do you need anything?"
"Sounds like we need wine and ice cream!"
"Already on the list." She thanked Heather and hung up, calling her landlord.
“This’s Sam.” She heard over the receiver.
“Sam, I’m sorry to bother you, but I have a situation at the house.”
“What’s goin’ on?” He asked concerned. She’d never rented from anyone so kind. He’d become almost family. Like an uncle.
“Long story short, pest control. I’m kicking Elliott out and he has until the time I get home from work tomorrow. I told him you’d be there with the cops if he didn’t comply because he’s not on the lease. Is there any way you can help me and make that good?”
“He hurt ya, Shane?”
“Not, umm…not physically.” Although she had been rubbing the place on her arm where he’d grabbed her, certain there would be a bruise.
“That’s all I need to know. I’ve got a buddy or two on the squad here in town. I’m sure they won’t mind to help me out. You need anything?”
She held back the tears until she could hang up. “I’m staying over at a friend’s tonight and headed into CVS now for a few things I didn’t take time to grab after I kneed him in the groin and ran out.” She had just pulled into the parking lot.
“Well I’m nearby if you need anything when you’re back home.”
“Thanks. I guess just watch for smoke from the place for now. I don’t know what he might do, honestly.”
Up Next: Prologue: Onset of Injury (Sy)
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mattzerella-sticks · 4 years
Caught (a 9-1-1 fic post-s3 finale)
Photobooths are prime for catching special moments and making them last forever, even if they are less both and more open spaces with a backdrop. When Athena, Bobby, and Michael stumble upon one such moment between Buck and Eddie, what will they do?
And how will it affect Maddie and Chimney?
T, 3.7k, Athena/Bobby, Buck/Eddie, Maddie/Chimney
           Athena finds operating a laptop with only one hand maddening. Typing up an e-mail takes double the time, she needs breaks when shopping online, and scrolling through social media becomes dangerous when she accidentally likes pictures she didn’t mean to. If she had her choice, Athena would be on her phone. But the hired photographer from May’s party e-mailed the pictures from the photo booth, both Bobby and Michael nearby when her phone pinged. Instead of having her husband and ex-husband crowded at her shoulders, Athena pokes her password into the given space while the men gather snacks. When she finally has the first picture loaded, Bobby places the bowl of popcorn by her sling and Michael hands off a soda.
           “I think we’ve never looked better Bobby,” Michael laughs, pointing at the screen.
           Athena snickers into her drink, studying the picture. Bobby’s jaw dropped in a faux yell; guitar hugged tightly against his chest. Fingers hooked as if he were playing something. Michael’s expression mirrored his except the tinsel wig on his head making it immensely funnier. “Don’t you be trying to steal my man from me, Michael,” she warns, attempting severity, “You already got a doctor eating out of your hand.”
           “Okay you two,” Bobby settles his arm across Athena’s chair, chuckling, “we’ll never get through these if you two are bickering. Athena, click onto the next picture?”
           They kill the next half-hour like that, pausing every so often to laugh at a few pictures. Like Maddie with May, the two women back-to-back and imitating an old spy poster. Or Chimney and Hen battling with the inflatable guitars like they were axes. Although not every picture was funny. Michael and Athena thought May and her boyfriend gravitated closer than necessary for a simple photo. And Athena needed a moment, collecting herself from the sheer adorableness of Buck and Christopher’s faces pressed cheek-to-cheek.
           The next few pictures included Buck as well, except Christopher’s father joined in the fun in his son’s place. Eddie sipping a drink while Buck played the guitar. Him raising a leg mid-kick while Buck locked eyes with the camera. Smoking on a corncob pipe as Buck runs wild behind him. Flexing, playing the guitar, and jumping. One picture had half of his face cut off.
           Buck must have landed closer, because Athena clicked on and they occupied the same breadth of space. Eddie, non-plussed, while the younger man messed with him. Grinning, swinging beads in his face. Then wincing when it struck the soft spot between his brows. Brushing gently over his nose in a cursory inspection, too close. Followed by –
           “Oh, my,” Athena gasped, hand over her mouth. She felt Bobby tense at her side and Michel mutter a curse under breath.
           The photographer, with perfect timing, captured the briefest of pecks. Buck’s lips on Eddie’s, both puckered. Expectant. None of them can decipher who initiated the embrace. Only that it happened and there was no mistaking the intention
           “Well I’ll be damned,” Michael says, “this is…”
           Athena glances at her husband, “Did you know about this?”
           Bobby shakes out of his stupor, turning to her. “No, I… I had no idea,” he says, “I mean, they’re close but I always thought it was more like… brothers?”
           Michael snorts, drawing Athena’s attention. “Do you have anything to add?”
           His mouth thins, and he inches back. “No, I’m as shocked as you both are… A little intrigued… and embarrassed I didn’t notice those boys swung on my team before… But shock is at the forefront.”
           She sighs, sagging in her seat. Her finger scrolls onto the next arrow except she cannot continue. Athena finds herself staring at the picture again. “What should we do?”
           Bobby hums and squeezes her shoulder. “We can pretend this didn’t happen and let them come to us in their own time?” He nods at the screen, “For the first month at least. If they don’t say something past then, I will have to bring it up anyway seeing as fraternization between coworkers requires tons of paperwork.”
           “Okay, then I guess we keep this to ourselves until they own up on their own,” she says, moving on, “or you need evidence if they try and deny it altogether.”
           “Always thinking like a cop,” Michael laughs, nudging her, “you’ll be back on the streets soon enough.”
           “We’ll see.” She finally clicks onto the next picture, another Eddie and Buck. More bashful and with ruddy cheeks. If there were any confusion about the prior scene, this added the final layer of context. “They do make an adorable couple.”
           “And a hot couple…”
           Athena elbows Michael with her good arm, scowling. “Hush up. Think about your doctor.”
           The mood returns, not at the same level it was before the discovery but there the same. They finish viewing the album and then spend more time dividing it. Creating folders for their friends and family so they can have their pictures. Athena finds the kissing scene again and immediately puts it, and the accompanying aftermath shot, in its own folder. She forgets it when they start compressing the files for ease of sending.
           Unfortunately, when attaching Buck’s pictures to the e-mail, his zip file contains two folders.
           Buck find Eddie in the kitchen, pouring milk into two bowls of cereal. His heart skips a beat at the scene of pure domesticity. The way sunlight streams through the thin curtains and makes Eddie glow in its beams. Makes him look more irresistible than he already is. He tugs his shirt down over his chest and walks over, wrapping his arms around Eddie’s chest. “Breakfast? Really?”
           “What – not a fan of Fruit Loops?”
           “I love Fruit Loops,” Buck chuckles, kissing at the bruise on Eddie’s neck he made earlier. “But I don’t know if three o’clock is the perfect time for them.” Still, he takes the bowl from off the counter and opens a nearby drawer.
           Eddie grabs spoons for them both. “Breakfast isn’t a meal… it’s a state of mind. It’s the first thing you eat when you get out of bed. And since we haven’t left the bed since now…”
           “We could’ve left earlier,” Buck reminds him, “If you weren’t so damn horny.”
           “I wasn’t the one practically crying for dick in my ass –“
           “Hey, hey!” Buck cuts him off, cheeks burning hotter the longer Eddie laughs. “I wasn’t crying, I was… heavily suggesting.”
           He scowls, sticking his spoon in Eddie’s bowl and stealing a bite. “If you didn’t want a second round, all you had to do was say so. But don’t go complaining because I was making sure you were having a great time while Christopher’s at camp.”
           “Oh, no,” Eddie shakes his head, grimacing, “please don’t quote my son’s card while we’re talking about sex.”
           “You started it,” Buck smirks, pointing with his spoon. “Your fault if you can’t handle the heat.”
           Eddie shoves at him, jostling the milk and spilling some onto his shirt. A soggy Fruit Loop dove from his bowl and landed on his foot, near his big toe. Buck retaliates with a push of his own, although Eddie catches his wrist and drags him into a kiss that makes him forget about the milk stain, dropped Fruit Loop, and Eddie’s teasing.
           They break for air, foreheads pressed against each other. “We should really be eating.”
           It’s another five minutes standing there. Balancing bowls of cereal and trading kisses. When they finish, Eddie guides Buck into the living room. They cuddle on the sofa, Buck crossing his legs under him and flicking the television on. Flipping through channels until he finds a cartoon he likes. Halfway through the SpongeBob episode, he feels a heavy stare. Buck turns, cheeks stuffed with cereal, to find Eddie watching with a small grin. “What?”
           “Maybe I should have sent you to camp alongside Chris,” Eddie says, “that way you could have had fun with all the other kids.”
           He swallows, glaring. “Shut up…” Eddie leans forward and brushes his lips across Buck’s cheeks, halting any further protest. Unwilling to let Eddie win, however, Buck redirects his attention elsewhere. Namely his blinking cell phone, resting on the coffee table since last night. Buck must have forgotten it sometime between Eddie kissing him and Eddie carrying him out with Buck’s legs around Eddie’s waist.
           Buck opens it, wincing at the number of messages.
           Eddie peers over his shoulder, spoon in his mouth. “Popular?”
           “Something like that…” He scrolls through the notifications. At the tagged pictures on Instagram and the missed calls, choosing his texts first. Sees five from Chimney asking about where his is and if he can come over. Then twenty from Maddie progressively growing angrier the longer Buck didn’t respond. Buck types back on the last message. Answers her ‘Buck I am not kidding you better answer me asap we need to talk’ sent at one-twenty-three with a ‘Sorry b there soon’ at three-thirteen. “I gotta go to Maddie’s…”
           “What for?”
           Buck scans through the texts again, shrugging. “Doesn’t say. But it must be important if both her and Chim were on my case.”
           Eddie knocks shoulders with Buck. “Want me to tag along?”
           “I’d appreciate it,” Buck tells him, “but if we’re supposed to keep this low-profile, I doubt showing up together will help.”
           “But we always show up together,” he argues.
           “Not after having fantastic sex.”
           “You’re right,” Eddie concedes, thoughtful expression transforming into one more devious. His fingers tickle Buck’s thigh before he squeezes Buck’s cock. “I’d rather show up after mind-blowing sex.”
           “Eddie, you’re killing me,” Buck whines, “I’m too tired.” Except he lays his bowl on the table alongside Eddie’s and happily relaxes onto the couch. Lying underneath the other man while he licks at his collar bone. Buck giggles while his friend’s stubble rubs against his skin. Absentmindedly Buck looks at his phone, scrolling through more apps. He opens his e-mail and sees the message from Athena labelled: ‘May’s Graduation Party Photos’. “Hey Eddie, the photos from May’s party are here.”
           “What?” Eddie asks, rising momentarily for air.
           “Another time, Bucky…” he presses a sloppy kiss at his jaw, smirking. Toying with Buck’s shirt. “Be with me now.”
           “Let me take a quick look.” Buck ignores Eddie’s pleading, opening it. Downloads the file and clicks the icon, switching apps. He opens the first folder, a photo of Buck and Maddie greeting him. “Oh, these came out nicely…”
           Eddie continues dropping kisses on different points of his body while Buck scrolls through each picture. “Really, Buck,” he gasps after sucking a mark onto Buck’s hip. A feat that usually leaves him panting, sweaty, and writhing in Eddie’s embrace. “Can’t this wait? Feeling unappreciated…”
           Buck threads his hand through Eddie’s hair, patting it. “Almost done,” he tells Eddie, “There’s another file here… looks like it’s only two –“ He cuts off, eyes widening.
           Startled, Eddie raises a brow at him. “Buck? You okay?” Nothing. Eddie crawls up and forces Buck’s gaze away from the phone and towards him, tilting at his jaw. “Speak to me. What is it?”
           He cannot speak. So he shows Eddie his phone, watching the blown pupils retract as the mood shifts.
           It’s a photo from the party, one they hadn’t realized was captured. Their first kiss. When Buck was so overwhelmed with happiness and warmth and, staring at Eddie, crossed the divide without thought. A quick peck that left them stuttering and blushing and unsure where they stood. Buck ran away, not waiting for Eddie. Moving until the other man dragged him into an empty room to explain himself.
           Buck had nothing. No reason why he kissed Eddie except that it felt right. Which he proved by pressing him against the wall and kissing him again. Eddie answered in kind, flipping him around and hauling his leg up. Thumb brushing his kneecap.
           They broke, muted sounds of the party filtered through the door. Eddie cleared his throat, “We still need to talk about this.”
           Both men said their goodbyes, five minutes after the other. Promises that when Christopher left for camp, they would restart their conversation. Eddie drove straight over, card still in hand when he knocked on Buck’s door.
           Buck hung it on the fridge before they tripped up the stairs in hurried excitement, shedding clothes and tumbling on the bed.
           Talking came after the sex.
           “What do you think it means?” Buck asks, “Why would Athena send this?”
           Eddie shrugs, mouth flapping worriedly. “I don’t know,” he finally says, “Maybe she… maybe she sent without looking?”
           Buck rolls his eyes. “Karen and Hen had their photos taken but I don’t have any of theirs. She definitely saw this.” His mind works double time, connecting loose threads into a makeshift sweater. “Wait,” he says, pushing Eddie off him and onto his knees. “Wait, hold on… do you think this is what those texts were about?”
           “Texts? What texts?”
           “Chim and Maddie,” he reminds Eddie, “the urgent texts that – that didn’t mention what made them so damn urgent. Do you think… Athena sent this photo to them, too? To Hen? Everybody?”
           Eddie sighs and runs his hands up and down Buck’s shoulders, added warmth like a candle fighting an iceberg. “Athena wouldn’t do that,” he says, “I’m sure this was nothing. Maybe even a… a simple way of letting us know she knows and she supports us?”
           As if seeing the smoke billowing out his ears, Eddie stands and offers a hand. “Come on.” Buck squints up at him, curious. “You think Maddie and Chimney know about us. You won’t know by sitting here spinning out. When we get there, we can see what they have to say.”
           Buck fights his smile, but a tiny smirk still appears. “We?” he asks.
           “Yes, we,” Eddie tells him, “So let’s move. I think I have a shirt that’ll fit, but it might be a little short?”
           “What about my clothes from yesterday?”
           “Please,” Eddie matches his smirk, “we’re not sure if they know about us. Why make it obvious by doing that.” Most of the tension from moments ago disappears with their laughter, Eddie ridding him of the rest by hauling Buck into a tender kiss. “Hurry,” he whispers, “because if we stay here any longer, I won’t want to leave the house until tomorrow.”
           “Tempting…” Buck pushes off, smiling. “Very tempting, but I already promised Maddie. She’s mad enough at me as it is.” Eddie tries catching his wrist one more time but Buck, aware of this trick, dodges at the last second and bounces off. The other man chases with great speed.
           The playfulness helps distract Buck from the impending appointment with his sister and their friend. And leaves him grateful that he and Eddie crossed over in their relationship, onto the next level. Into what it was always meant to be, what it kept building towards over the years. Abby’s return the final push giving Buck the clarity he needed in understanding his feelings.
           When the hurt finally stopped, the loneliness he expected to follow didn’t. Because Buck had his sister. The one-eighteen. Christopher and Eddie.
           Especially Eddie. Especially when his lips tickle his neck, and delays them further.
           Maddie paces the floor, chewing on a bite of pickle. “What’s taking him so long?” she asks Chimney, her boyfriend watching from a nearby couch. “I swear, if he isn’t in this room in the next five minutes…”
           Chimney stands, walking towards her. “I’m sure he has his reasons,” he tells her, “he didn’t answer his phone until – what? Three? Maybe he was busy.”
           “Too busy to answer a text?” She pokes his chest, huffing. “Too busy to get his ass over here and learn that he’s about to be an uncle?”
           “Well, you didn’t tell him he was going to be an uncle in the text so he probably didn’t think it was that urgent.”
           She glares, readying another onslaught. Luckily for Chimney they hear the buzzer for his apartment ring. Maddie shoves the rest of the pickle in her mouth, nodding at the door. “Let them in and bring them into the dining room.”
           “Anything else, my queen?”
           Maddie ignores him, setting at the table with her hands folded. Listens while Chimney speaks into the intercom and lets Buck up. In the minutes between that and Buck arriving, she thinks. About what it felt like seeing both plus signs appear on the pregnancy tests and the cocktail of emotions erupting within like a volcano. Happiness and excitement, but also fear. Worry over whether she was ready, or if she would be a good parent. Memories of her own childhood flooded and distracted Maddie until she broke free from their chains and realized Chimney spoke to her in the living room.
           He tried, but in the days that followed Maddie’s party her nerves only shredded further. She needed her brother. And when Maddie mustered the strength and reached out, he kept her waiting.
           Anger won out when she laid eyes on him, incised further when she notices Eddie. “Is that why you weren’t answering me? Too busy ‘hanging out’?” The exaggerated quotes make Buck flinch in a way he hadn’t in years. Not since he was a little kid. And she finds herself back in Hershey once more. And Maddie’s doubt in her skill doubles.
           “Sorry Maddie,” he says, stepping into the dining room, “time just got away from us and… we came as fast as we could?”
           She glances between them, both men with reticent expressions. As quickly as it arrived, the fire inside fizzled into embers. “I’m sorry,” she says, kneading at her temple, “I’ve just been… a little stressed.”
           “Stressed, why?”
           Chimney answers, “Because of recent developments. Recent developments that we wanted to speak to you about.” He glances at Eddie, frowning. “Eddie…”
           Eddie points at the living room, shrugging. “I can wait in there while you talk –“
           “No,” Maddie stops him, “no you can join.” She looks at Chimney, smiling. “I don’t see why he shouldn’t be here, right?”
           “I guess.”
           Buck and Eddie share a cryptid look, slowly sitting across from Maddie and Chimney. Her brother fidgets, tugging on his fingers in the nervous way he would when mom or dad lectured him after landing in trouble. Although why he did it now, Maddie was unsure of. She reached across and grabbed his hand, waiting for when their eyes met to speak. “There’s something we need to tell you.”
           His brows scrunch up, “Yeah… I get that.”
           “It’s about,” Maddie searches for an entry point, unsure where she should start. “Well… you know at May’s party?” He tenses in his seat. “How we left a little early? That’s because Chimney noticed something and I – I put things together, and we had to go –“
           “Maddie I can explain –“
           “Because all these signs added up and,” Maddie stops, blinking. She pulls away from Buck, “What?”            Buck stares at the table, shoulders hunched high. “Look, I was going to tell you but, well, we know what would’ve happened if this came out so soon after Abby showed up. And the party was the worst place if we wanted to keep this secret, I didn’t mean for it to happen there it just did! We thought it was better to take it at our own pace and – and let people in when we were ready, y’know?”
           “Slow down Evan,” Maddie grabs his hands again. Squeezes until he gives her the floor. “What are you talking about?”
           He pouts. “I was… you brought me here because you and Chimney saw us, right? At the photo booth?”
           “No,” she says, “I wanted you here because I found out I’m pregnant.” Buck chokes, seizing under her grip. “But what are you talking about? Us? You and who else… and why should it involve Abby?”
           “You’re pregnant?” he asks, eyes glistening with unshed tears. Buck tries closing his mouth but he cannot force his jaw shut. “I’m… I’m gonna be an uncle?”
           “Yes, Buck, you are,” Chimney adds, leaning over the table. “But can we go back? What happened at the photo booth?”
           Maddie studies her brother slowly shed his shock. Replaced with cheeks redder than his birthmark, failing at subtlety when glancing at Eddie. Eddie hides his face, Maddie imagining it in a similar state. With nothing there, her attention drifts and latches onto the first clue she finds.
           A circular bruise on his neck near his collarbone. There’s no mistaking what it was.
           “Oh my God,” she says, “Oh my God!”
           Chimney sighs, “What? What is it!”
           “Buck. You and Eddie?”
           “Buck and Eddie – oh,” He sees them in new light, understanding dawning. “Oh my God, you two are dating!”
           Eddie reveals his own ruddy cheeks, hands switching tactics from shielding to squeezing Buck’s shoulder. “And you thought they knew!”
           “I, I – uh…” Buck splutters, cornered. He points at Maddie, “You’re pregnant! I think that’s more important!”
           “But you and Eddie,” she insists, “you and Eddie!” Maddie laughs, stress from the past few days seeping out of her. “I can’t believe – you and Eddie!”
           “Yeah, yeah, me and Eddie…” Buck slumps into his seat, glaring. Clearly uncomfortable with the attention.
           She sees where his thoughts drift, though, and tosses a lifeline. “I think it’s great, Evan,” Maddie says. Waits for when their gazes lock again. “Really.”
           His stiffness eases the longer they stay like that, until a gooey smile spreads across his face. “Talking about great things,” Buck says, gesturing at her and Chimney, “a baby? You’ll be a mother and – and you have to tell me how it happened.”
           “I think you know how it happened, Buck,” Chimney chuckles, “Plus, I think we should be asking that of you two.”
           Eddie rolls his eyes, slinging his arm over Buck’s shoulders and pulling him closer. Buck instinctively leaning into Eddie’s side. Maddie pauses, stunned by how well they fit together. Hindsight makes everything obvious but she should have seen this coming. “We can compare stories,” Eddie says, “but since baby trumps new relationship, you two can start.”
           Maddie nods, sliding one hand free from Buck’s hold and to Chimney’s. Tangling their fingers together. Uniting their family as they take their next steps into unfamiliar territory. Maddie expects the next nine months will be difficult and taxing. Not only with the baby but working while pregnant and then planning what comes after.
           With her family at her side, Maddie feels confident in handling whatever challenge comes her way.
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stevenbasic · 4 years
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“Wait tell me again we lost how many people?!?” I asked, still unable to believe it. Too much was happening, too much too quickly. Here I was, sitting in this monstrosity of an office Melissa has somehow arranged to be built for herself while we were away, in front of her gigantic new desk, still dealing with what happened with Sheryl at home (more on that later), and now this?!? More quittings?!?
“Shhh we’ll be fine…” Melissa soothed, trying to placate me as she poured a coffee for me at her new, elegant coffee station in the corner, “it was just the girls from accounting, Sharon from the front desk, a few part-time medical assistants…” I watched her add sugar and milk, and more milk. “Kathy was having trouble with Doris and Marjorie in accounting, anyway.”
I put my head in my hands. I can’t say I didn’t know this day was coming. So many of my old employees hated Melissa. Or, rather, they hated me for being such a weak turd, so easily enchanted by a big pair of tits that I’d hire an under-qualified, under-experienced girl like “Melissssy” to be their boss and basically run the finances of the practice into the ground, which was exactly what was happening. We’d been bleeding money and now we were bleeding people. Out of a total of seventeen or so original employees at the start, now only a handful were left. The rest, all the new hires were...hers: friends, ex-coworkers, people from this drug company to which she has some connection, a friend in sales. And if she made more hires to replace those that just left, the overwhelming majority at this point would have more loyalty to her than to me. I groaned, lamenting how far I’d let this get....
It was as if she was reading my mind when she consoled me. “Aw, shhhh...You still have CiCi, in scheduling, Aubrey and Brittni at the desk, nurse Vida, a couple medical assistants,” she said, listing the remaining original employees as I took my face from my hands to see her standing over me with my coffee, “And, plus...you have me.”  Her smile was ebullient, and she offered me the warm cup. 
“y-yeah,” I agreed half-heartedly, taking the coffee from her hands, taking my first sip, and immediately noticing she’d put in even more milk than the last time. If I didn’t know any better I’d think she was trying to slowly wean me off coffee, turn me into a milk-drinker. 
She sat back on the desk in front of me, looked down at me with sympathy. It had been a little bit of a shock, after a week of seeing Melissa in the most casual of clothes, in the most revealing of swimwear, to see her in a power suit again. She looked so...put-together, but still dramatically sexy. Her legs, even in her fashionable black pants, were strong and shapely, and even a buttoned-up white blouse and jacket had no chance in hiding the curves of her torso. “Anyway it’s done, they’re gone, they all left last week,” she said, reaching out a hand to cup my face, caress it tenderly, “you don’t have to worry. We took care of it, we have it covered.”
“A-and you knew about th-this, last week? Wh-while we were away?” I asked, voice cracking in my dismay. Though she had told me before, I needed her to repeat it, to explain. 
“Yes, I did,” she clarified, smiling beatifically, “I didn’t want to worry you. I didn’t want to ruin the nice time we were having, spoil your vacation.” She ran her hand through my hair, brushing it off my forehead. “So I didn’t tell you about all the girls that left. Randi took care of a lot of it, and Amelia. And Marisela, she’s been a great help, too.”
I found myself looking at Melissa's wide, soft lap, and sipped again at my milky coffee. Part of me, I have to admit, was relieved that it happened, finally, that the old veterans were more or less all gone, gone with their perspicacity and judgmental glares. Gone and that I didn't have to face them, that I didn’t need to be there for the unpleasantness. Part of me was glad there was someone else that handled things, that did the work. The way Melissa described it earlier, it sounded like there was a shouting match, a throwdown between Randi - who Melissa had left, probably foolishly, “in charge” while we were away - and the remaining old guard.
I could imagine it, Randi locking horns and talking some real shit - the kind Melissa herself would never be capable of - to the old timers, the ones admittedly most essential to the practice. They probably left in disgust, with only a few of the younger women - who had already found themselves gravitating to Melissa’s orbit - staying on. But - Sharon? My Front Desk Supervisor...she’d been with us from the start! Just like Doris and Marjorie from accounting: they’d all be a huge loss. 
“This is all good news, sweetie, a fresh start,” Melissa purred, continuing to assure me that everything was well in hand, “the only people here now are the ones totally committed to helping us grow and change and get better. And don’t worry, we’ll get in some new girls that love the practice, love you as much as we do. We want to keep you safe, secure...” She watched as I nervously finished the last of my coffee. “Do you want another cup?”
“uuuhhhh...sure…” I replied, as already she’d stood, had taken my cup from my hands. I watched her full hips and big rear, blessed with what looked like an extra sway in her tight black pants, as they rolled voluptuously back to her coffee station.
Safety. Security. ”Hey, uh...what’s up with the new security, on the computers?” I asked, as she fixed me another cup, “How much did that cos-”
“Oh, it didn’t cost us anything,” she replied, as once again she poured a more-than-healthy amount of milk into my coffee, “it was all paid for by Lean In…along with the additions, the improvements, the renovations, too.”
She meant her office, of course. This office. 
I was shocked when I had first came around the corner, directed by Marisela back to where we used to have two old storage rooms, only to find an entire new wing, a bright, contemporary hallway where once there was none. Had we taken space from the suite of offices next door?! Who’d okayed this?? How’d it get done so quickly?? We were away for only a week and I come home to...this?!? The hallway led, it seemed, to several new rooms: the first, on my right, looking to be the most impressive of them, behind an elegant set of double doors, a transom window above. On the door, a sophisticated placard: “Melissa Monroe - Office Manager”.
This was Melissa’s new office?!? Flabbergasted even before I first walked in, my jaw totally hit the floor when I opened the door and - I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was beautiful, and it was big. Modern, lots of whites, grays, natural driftwood tones brightened by tons of natural light. There was a sitting area with a voluptuous white couch, a big, comfortable chair and a plush white area rug underneath it all. Huge windows with a seductive view of the city skyline loomed behind an impressive desk at which sat a queen ready to receive her subjects: Melissa, my twenty-something new Office Manager. The whole place looked - and, I realized, as I stepped in - smelled just like her. Immediately - crap, whyyyyy…?? Is this some sort of weird instinct, now? - I felt myself thickening across my hip.
She stood, spreading her arms wide, and with a great swell of her chest in pride asked me: “Don’t you love it???” 
“I-it’s...b-beautiful…” was all I could manage as I walked in, unable to shake the feeling that I was entering dangerous territory, soil that was not my own. A new domain that was undeniably...hers.
She had giggled, and had asked me to sit.
So as I sat here now and drank my second cup of milk-thick coffee I looked around, again. I was beside myself. So, it was all paid for by “Lean In”?? Great, but I never intended for her to have an office!  Previously, she was just stationed in her own area in the main central space, in a semi-private corner but among the other staff. She had had a desk but now - an office?!? And - it’s so much bigger than mine!! By...a lot! It makes mine look like a walk-in closet! Did she realize it?? Was she that oblivious to how emasculating it is seeing a young, attractive employee get a bigger office than you? Or - the more scary thought - was that the point?
“The people at Lean In were so cool, more than happy to pay for it all,” Melissa explained, “as long as it was supporting growth in a company like ours.”
I knew I shouldn’t even ask it...but then I did. “L-like ours?”
She smiled benevolently down at me. “Woman-owned, woman-managed,” she said, as gently as she could, barely containing the giddy, feminist pride that was so obviously bubbling inside her. “Sheryl was the one that okayed the construction,” she added, as if unable to help herself. 
In the subtext, I felt like an afterthought, and was acutely aware of the fragile bones of my pride snapping, just like kindling, inside me. 
“We all thought the changes, the new rooms, the extra money for staff, would be great,” she continued, taking a moment to look around, admire her handiwork, “perfect first steps in our expansion.”
”Well, of course we need to replace the girls that we lost,” Melissa said, her eyes rolling but then falling back down to me again, “but we should add even more people, make ourselves bigger. It’s part of Lean In...growth, development, success, for women.” She was watching me closely. “Don’t you want to see that?”
”w-well, yes, of course,” I stammered, reflexively, “b-but...wait, what? more people?” Didn’t we have trouble meeting payroll just last week?
”To help revenue, since you’re not bringing in as much anymore - oh, shh don’t feel bad!” she continued, seeing my startled reaction. 
I was doing fine! Seeing patients, billing. It’s the financial mismanagement, the crummy scheduling and day-to-days of you and your...your...people that are-
“It’s okay, it’s okay, we’ll fix it. Lean In gave me some ideas, and I got some more ideas at the conference on how to make it work,” she went on, obviously excited for her new plans, “We should hire more providers - they’ll all have to be women, of course, for Lean In - but Nurse Practitioners, maybe a Nurse Asstha...Attess…”
“Aesthetician?” I helped, even through my disarray.
“Yes, that..! <giggle!> They can all make us a lot of money,” she said, “And they’ll all need support staff, so that’s more people…”
Of course I’d considered all this, adding secondary providers like PAs, APRNs, employees that can bill aside from myself so the practice has more income. We already had one part-time APRN, Vida...when I’d done the numbers before it just never made sense to bring on more. Why would it now? And...an Aesthetician - what did they do? Botox, Laser hair removal, chemical peels? At a Geriatrics practice?
“It sounds...expensive,” I said, knowing I was being too meek but god help me unable to disappoint her, not wanting to upset her by really putting my foot down with a ‘no’. “Expensive” was all I could manage. .
“It’s okay,” she quickly replied, ready with her response, “we have the Lean In money to start...and they'll bring in more than you, pretty quickly.“
Oh my god. It was like I could hear the overwrought strands of my stretched-thin ego actually snapping.
“okay okay okay...we can talk about it,” I said, disbelieving how far this conversation had gotten already. I was such a mess, after the travel and the fight with Sheryl and the bad night of sleep, the return to work and the thing with the computer, her office and now this. But I knew I had to step up, be proactive. Remember the last round of quittings, and the new hires after that? That’s how we got Amelia, and Josie, and that stern lady in accounting. “But first we have to replace the people we lost, just so we can operate,” I said, with as much authority as I could muster, adding, “a-and I want to be more involved this time.”
“Oh, of course, sugar, sure, if you insist,” Melissa replied, sweetly, indulgently, “I’ve already asked Randi to start looking for some girls. Here, why don’t we bring her in...” At that, she turned to her right and pressed the button on an intercom. “You two can come in now,” she announced. 
In less than a moment the door behind me had opened, and I craned my neck to see both Randi and Marisela stepping in. “Hiiiiii….” Randi keened, while Marisela just smiled.  Both were dark of complexion, dark of hair. Both were wearing black, both were in similar outfits. Randi’s pants, though, had flared cuffs while Marisela’s outfit was more figure-hugging head-to-toe. Randi was also wearing higher heels and a clingy silk blouse. Despite myself, I felt my loins respond...I was suddenly in a room with three very attractive women.
Politely, I started to stand, to offer one of them my chair. Melissa, though, immediately stopped me, sticking out her foot onto my seat, between my legs. “No, you sit,” she commanded.
I froze, sat back down, and in the next moment they were behind me, flanking me, one on either side. For some reason, my heart had quickened, and I felt surrounded. “H-hi ladies…” I stuttered, hearing the wimpish uncertainty in my voice, and then the contented purring of Marisela and Randi as they settled warmly behind me, close and confident.
”So... Dr. J agrees,” Melissa began, addressing her attendants, “we need to hire some more girls, and he wants to make sure he’s more involved in the process this time. Think we can do that?”
“Oh, for sure,” Randi answered, her voice entirely too sultry for a Monday morning, “I think we can do that.” She placed her hand on my left shoulder. “Can’t we, Marisela?” 
“Mmhm yeah sure...we can do that,” Marisela agreed, her hand now on my other shoulder. I caught myself swallowing dryly, confused. Marisela, in the past, had never seemed to warm to the new girls, to Randi, to Melissa. In fact, I thought she kinda hated them, in her own dark, quiet, passive aggressive way.
When Randi spoke up, it was again as if my mind was being read. ”With you gone last week, Dr J, with less patients, we girls had a lot of time to get to know one another,” she said, hovering close behind me on my left, “I think we all really started to come together as a team-.” . 
”...and realize how much we missed you,” Marisela chimed in, on my right, coming closer. I could feel the warmth of both of their bodies behind me, and it was doing nothing for my efforts to keep myself from - ugh - slowly hardening in my slacks.
“We had an early meeting this morning, at seven, all the girls,” Melissa said, her eyes on me, “so now we’re all on the same page, the new and old staff.” She cocked her head. “Randi? Would you fix his hair for me?”
“Haha yeah…” Randi replied, running a hand through my hair, arranging stray locks over my left ear.
“I told them all about some of the stuff we talked about on vacation,” Melissa continued, smiling as her friend tended to me, idly.
”L-like...what stuff?” I stammered, recoiling already at the memories, but allowing Randi’s ministrations. The thought of them all know-
”Ohh you remember…‘It can be more like this when we get home, y’know, with all the girls,’” Marisela said, as if repeating word-for-word what Melissa had said to me, that morning out by the pool as she loomed over me with her huge breasts in that white bikini, “It doesn’t have to be just Melissa. You can take care of patients-”
“...and we’ll take care of you,” Randi said, picking up where Marisela left off, in perfect harmony, repeating verbatim what Melissa had promised me, “Let us do all the hard work, make sure everything is easy for you, make sure that you’re comfortable, happy…”
“...that you get everything you need,” Marisela continued, moving her left arm around my neck, tighter. I felt the subtle press of her d-cup against the back of my head. What the fuck was happening?!?
“You remember…” Melisssa purred, leaning in towards me from where she sat, over me, on her huge new desk.
looked after, protected... 
I thought back, in that instant, to the starkly contrasting moment of last night, of my fight with Sheryl.
...supported...nurtured, fed…
Where she, Sheryl...she did what she did. While these girls, this group of women, seemed ready for me, ready for me to land in, ready to catch my fall.
“All you have to do is sit back and...let us. Let me,” Melissa said. As my cock pressed uncomfortably into my leg, straining my pants under the hapless cover of my folded arms, I could feel it, imagining it again….a finger trace across my bare belly, like that morning, as I lay on the lounger by the pool, “Let me expand what we can do, let us grow...”
The girls grew closer, like a coven coalescing around me.
But...but...I knew...I knew what I’d said I’d do. That I’d...be better. That I’d...be strong. That I’d...
”I-I th-think-“
”Shhhh...that’s your problem,” Melissa stopped me, before I even began, leaning even closer towards me on the desk, bringing her face nearer to my own, “stop thinking, sweetie, stop worrying…” 
”Yeah, Dr, J, that’s right...” Randi breathed.
:”...that’s for us to do now….” Marisela concluded, “...boss.”
Thanks to user at GTSCity Rivense1 a way's back for the idea on the new office, and of course SaulJinzer for the Melissssy render. Check out his DeviantArt: lots of great Denise Milani giantess stuff and his 3D model for her is top-notch.
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atlafan · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Seventy-Three
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
You were stressed to the max, and to top it all off you had your period. Harry’s studio opening was just a couple of days away. He was stressing too, working late getting all these little last minute touches together. You were spending all your free time promoting the opening on social media, watching the analytics, responding to comments as they came in. It was like you were working two jobs, but it was all worth it to see him happy and put him at ease for a bit. The website you designed was immaculate. Harry was incredibly impressed with what you put together.
“Babe!” He calls for you from the bedroom. You and Buster come running in.
“What is it…holy shit! What happened in here?!”
Your bedroom was in complete shambles. Harry’a clothes were all over the place. His hair was a mess from tugging at it.
“I have no idea what to wear tomorrow, and I’m freaking out!”
“Oh, Harry.”
“I mean, I feel like a suit is like too fancy, cause like, the place is going to be really chill, but I don’t want to wear jeans, even the black ones, that’s like too chill for a party, and then there’s the shirts! I have silk shirts, button ups, polos-“
“Harry, Harry!” You put your hands on his shoulders. “Please, take a deep breath.” He looks at you and sighs. “We’ll find you something to wear.”
You go through the piles of shirts first. Pants would be easy enough to pair later.
“Do you want to be covered up, or unbuttoned?”
“Think I’d be more comfortable unbuttoned, you know, so everyone can see my necklaces, and the tattoos. I really wanna look like myself.”
“But like…also cool.”
“Yes! I want to cool, collected.”
“Harry…you could wear a paper sack and you’d still look cool.” He smirks at you and shakes his head. “Oh! How about this one?” You hold up a black button up with white polka dots on it. “This would look really nice.”
“You think so?”
“Sure! You could dress it up with a blazer if you want for when you first get there, and then take it off later.”
“Yeah, actually, I could see that, let me grab my black suit jacket.” Harry digs it out of the pile and puts them together. “What about pants?”
“I really think your good black jeans, like the really nice pair, would look fine.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah! I know you haven’t really been doing the skinny jean thing lately, but I think if you wear that, and your beige Chelsea boots, you’d have a whole ensemble going.”
“I don’t know what I would do without you.” He smiles with ease. “Thank you.”
“Of course. Stop worrying, it’s going to be great. So many people are excited to come celebrate you.”
“WhaT are you goin’ to wear?”
“Not sure yet. I was thinking of my yellow dress, you know the one with the short sleeves and the open back? Know how much you like yellow.” He wraps his arms around you.
“Can we have sex?”
“M’all bloody…” You whine. “Can you put all these clothes away?”
“On it.” Harry rushes around hanging all of his things back up, and putting other pieces back in his drawers. He turns to see you walk into the bathroom. “Shower?”
“Yeah, just give me a couple minutes to like…clean up.”
After about five minutes you call for Harry. He comes in, already naked, and gets under the water.
“All set, angel?” He asks, kissing on your neck.
“M’just so stressed, need to take my mind off things.” He starts kneading your breasts. “That okay?” You nod your head yes. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You wrap your arms around his neck. “Now fuck me.”
“Okay, great, You’re the best! Seriously, thanks again. We’ll see you guys soon.” You hang your phone up, and put it down on the sink counter. You put some red lipstick on and smooth out your dress. You were thankful it wasn’t a humid evening so you could wear your hair down. “Buster!” You yell as you walk out of the bedroom. He comes running to you. “Come on, we gotta go meet daddy before everyone arrives.”
You leash him up and get him down the stairs. Mariah and Isaac weren’t there yet. Harry was upstairs getting dressed in his office, He nearly spent the entire day making sure everything was perfect. You and Buster greet the waiters that had started to set up. You go upstairs and knock on his door.
“Babe, it’s us!”
He opens the door immediately and yanks you inside, closing and locking the door.
“Oh my god, you look stunning.” He smiles. “How do I look?” He turns around for you.
“Absolutely incredible.” Buster sniffs at his feet.
“Hey buddy.” He pets the top of his head. “I’m freakin’ out, Y/N, and I never freak out. Okay, I do, but not like this!”
“Harry.” You tug at his suit jacket. “Look at me. It’s going to be great. You have prints available for purchase, a ton of booklets for people to look through, and Isaac is going to be walking around with a tablet to book appointments with people. We have a geotag set up through snapchat and insta, and we have a hashtag ready to go. I’m going to be taking pictures and videos all night. Everyone here is here to su-“
He cups your cheeks in his hands and kisses you, smearing your lipstick. Your tongues mold together and you pull him closer to you. He lets go of you just for a second to get some air.
“Sorry, I-“
“Sit down.”
“We have like fifteen minutes before Mariah and Isaac are going to get here. Sit down.” Harry sits in his desk chair, and you grab the throw pillow on the little couch he has in his office, putting it on the floor.
“What’s happening right now?”
“I’m going to give you something you’ve been asking for, for a long time.” You get on your knees in front of him.
“Buster, go sit on the couch.” He does as Harry says and looks away from the two of you. “You’re serious?”
“Yes. I want you to be as relaxed as possible. And I know how much you love it when my lipstick gets all of your cock.” You smirk.
You undo his pants and tug his hardening cock out. You pump it a few times, and rub your thumb over his tip. You lean forward and lick the underside of his shaft. You lick of his tip, flicking back and forth on his slit.
“Shit.” He breathes, gripping the armrests of his chair.
You suckle on his tip before taking more of him. You bob up and down slowly, and he bucks his hips up. You let him hit the back of your throat. You’re desperately hoping your eyes don’t water so your makeup doesn’t get fucked up. You swallow against him, making him grit his teeth. He’s trying so hard to be quiet, how cute. You bob up and down on him faster, hollowing your cheeks.
“Fuck, Y/N, I’m gonna come.” He feels his stomach tighten.
You groan against him as it shoots into your mouth. You take all of it, careful not to make a mess. You swallow and slowly stand up. He looks at you and tucks himself back in.
“Do you have any water?” You ask, wiping the corners of your mouth. He points to the bottle on the side table next to the couch.
You grab it and sip on some, swishing it around in your mouth before you swallow. You grab your lipstick out of your purse and touch up your mouth. Harry slowly stands up. You straighten out his clothes and smile.
“I feel…much better. Thank you.” He presses his forehead to yours.
“My pleasure.” You smirk. “Buster, come on, we need to go downstairs now.” He hops off the couch and goes to your side.
Harry follows you out of his office, and perks up even more when he sees all of the food and drinks set up. Mariah and Isaac just walk in as you and Harry come down the stairs.
“It looks amazing in here!” Mariah says as she gives Harry a hug.
“Let me take a picture of you three, it’ll kickstart my posts.”
The line up and all make pouty faces.
“Jesus, you all should just be models.”
“Y/N, let’s get one of you and Harry.” Isaac snatches your phone. Harry hooks an arm around your waist and you place a hand on the exposed part of his chest. “You two are so cute, it’s ridiculous.”
“When’s Rach getting here?” You ask Mariah.
“She’s coming with Niall and Sarah.” She smiles.
A little while later, the party gets started. Niall, Sarah and Rachel all walk in. They each hug Harry and Mariah and start walking around to check the space out. More and more people trickle in. Past and current clients of Harry’s. He mingles with a ton of people, nursing a glass of wine. You go around taking pictures, monitoring mentions. Erica, your mom, Bridget, and Kyle all show up to support as well.
Your eyes keep watching the door. You needed Louis and El to get here before Harry made his speech. People were starting to circle up as it was starting to be that time. Just as Mariah was starting to clink her glass, the doors fly open, catching everyone’s attention.
“Mum?! Gem?!” Harry’s eyes become glossy.
“Harry!” They both say in unison. Louis and El walk in behind them and you feel a giant wave of relief.
The three of them all run towards each other and hug. You squeeze Louis’ shoulder and smile.
“Sorry, they insisted on freshening up, and it took them way longer than we thought.”
“I tried rushin’ ‘em…but they wanted to look around the place too.”
“Of course they did.” You sigh. “It’s okay, they’re here now.”
“You two suck! You said you couldn’t make it!”
“We lied!” Gemma says. “Y/N arranged the whole thing.” Harry looks over to you. Before he can come over Mariah clinks her glass.
“So sorry to break up the family moment, but in order to enjoy the entire evening, we have to get this crap out of the way.” The crowd laughs. You were grateful you thought of microphones. You start filming Mariah for a live video. “Three years ago I started working at this great place where I got to take pictures of plants. About a month in they hired another photographer. This guy who kept to himself. Once in a while he’s laugh or even talk. We later found out he was from the U.K.” The crowd laughs. “Little did I know that not only would this guy become one of my best friends, introduce me to my girlfriend, hey babe,” Rachel blows her a kiss. “But what I really wasn’t expecting was for him to ask me to leave the comfort of my job to come work with him.” She looks at Harry. The two are glossy eyed. “Thank you for being one of the most amazing people I know. I’m honored to do be in this with you. Ladies and gentlemen, Harry Styles.”
The crowd claps as Harry hugs Mariah, and takes the mic from her.
“Thanks, Mariah. I never thought I’d need a work partner, especially since I think my way is the right way.”  The crowd makes noises in agreement at Harry’s arrogance. “Yeah, yeah, thanks. Anyways, I wouldn’t be able to do this without you, so thanks.” He clears his throat. “I wanna thank you all for comin’. It means a lot to be supported by so many familiar faces, and some new ones. I love taking pictures, I always have. I’ve been there during some really beautiful moments for a lot of you, and I’m excited to be able to continue doing it full time. I want to thank Isaac Matthews for also leavin’ his comfortable job.” The crowd claps for Isaac. “There’s no one else I’d trust to book appointments for me. Speakin’ of which, he’ll be goin’ around all night with that tablet he’s holdin’, so you know, don’t be shy.” He smirks. “I want to thank my friends for bein’ here tonight to support me, as always. I’m fuckin’ annoying, I don’t know why you all put up with me, but I’m grateful.” They all laugh. “Mum, Gem, this is the best surprise ever. I’m so glad you both are here. Wouldn’t have felt right without you.”
“We love you, honey!” Anne shouts.
“Lastly…” Harry looks over aT you, who was intently filming him. “Y/N.” You look up from your phone as you continue to film. “I wouldn’t have been able to do this without you, I mean it. I never would’ve found the guts to finally build my business up. You make me better every day.”
“Oh my god, do you think he’s going to propose?” Sarah whispers to Niall.
“No way, he wouldn’t do that tonight.”
“But her family’s here.” She points to your mom and siblings.
“No…he…has a plan. He wouldn’t…”
“Can you com here?”
You shakily pass your phone to Louis so he can keep filming the live video. Harry wraps an arm around your shoulders.
“Not many people know this, but Y/N is really good at social media marketing. She planned this entire event so I could focus on renovatin’ this place. She got her dad and brother to help me out with that. She built the website so many of you have started to use, and she’s been postin’ pictures all night.” The crowd cheers for you. “Y/N, I cannot say thank you enough. You’re the love of my life, and I couldn’t feel more lucky.” He kisses you and everyone cheers. You beam at him and wipe a few tears from your eyes. “Alright, enough of that. We have prints of sale and lots of booklets to go through. So please, keep supportin’ me and spend some money.” Everyone claps and Harry hands the mic to a waiter. The crowd goes back to mingling and checking everything out. “You got my mum and sister here.”
“I got your mum and sister here.”
“You got them to lie to me.”
“I got them to lie to you.” He hugs you and kisses you again.
“You’re amazing, I love you so much.”
“I love you too. I’m so proud of you.”
“Harry?” A woman asks. “Do you take senior photos? My daughter is graduating this year, and we don’t care for the photographer the school provides.”
“Yeah! Let me show you some samples, actually.” He walks with the woman over to one of the booklets.
You go over to Louis to take your phone back.
“I stopped the livestream, but didn’t post anything.”
“Thanks! I wasn’t expecting him to do that.” You giggle. You walk away and Louis turns to Niall.
“Thought he was goin’ t’bloody propose.”
“So did I for a second there.” Niall says.
“Wait, you said he has a plan for that.” Sarah says.
“When exactly is he planning to do it?” Rachel asks.
“Girls, would you like to come with me the loo?” El asks.
“Oh sure!” Sarah says. El winks at the boys as the girls follow her to the bathroom.
“We can’t tell them what he told us. I don’t want any of it to be spoiled.” Niall says.
“Niall!” Erica says to him.
“Hey!” He gives her a light hug. “Hey guys, glad you could make it. Lou, this is Y/N’s sister Erica, her brother Kyle, her other sister Bridget, and her mum.”
They all introduce themselves to Louis.
“Thought he was going to ask her to marry him for a second there.” Your mom says.
“Yeah, that would’ve been crazy.” Louis laughs.
“They’ve been together, what? Almost ten months? He said she was the love of his life, that’s wild.” Bridget says.
“Well…not totally wild. I mean, we’ve both known Harry a long time, he’s never said that about anyone he’s ever dated.” Louis says. “And didja see how happy they were? They have this little life together.”
“Yeah, and what would know anyways?” Niall says. Both of Bridget’s eyebrows raise and Kyle nearly bursts out laughing. Erica’s jaw drops, and your mom bites the inside of her cheek. “You should be happy your baby sister is with someone that cares about her so much.”
“Especially by someone as great as that lad over there.”
“And had he proposed tonight, she would have said yes without hesitation.”
They all look at Niall and Louis.
“Mom!” You yell. “Come here, I want you to meet Anne and Gemma.” You look at your siblings. “Well, I suppose you all can.” You wave them over and they walk towards you.
The girls come back over to Niall and Louis.
“Anne, Gemma, these are my siblings and my mom.” They all introduce themselves.
“You must be so proud of your son.” You mom says.
“Oh, I am. He never ceases to amaze us.”
You leave your family to get to know Anne and Gemma so you can continue doing your thing. The night goes really well. A lot of people buy prints, and Mariah and Harry’s calendars fill up with appointments. You were exhausted, and so was Buster. Harry had to carry him out to your car for you.
“I’ll see yeh at home. Mum’s gonna ride with me, and Gem said she’d go with you.”
“Sounds good, see you soon. So proud, tonight was amazing.” You kiss and get in your cars.
“Your mum is really nice.” Gemma says.
“Oh good, they weren't rude?”
“Not at all! They were lovely. It was so nice to meet all of them. The party was amazing. I can’t thank you enough for pushing him to finally do this. He’s so happy.”
“You know what the funny thing is? I never once asked him to do it, never told him to. One day he sort of just brought it up. I supported him on it.”
“That’s all he needed. That reassurance that he could do it. And you dove right in to help. That website you built is incredible.”
“Thanks, that means a lot.” You smile.
You put Buster over your shoulder and you and Gemma head up to the apartment.
“Harry…” Anne says on the ride back.
“Yeah, mum?”
“I’m so proud of you. So many people showed up for you tonight.”
“I’m still in shock. I’m really glad you were there.”
“You frightened me for a moment.”
“When you gave your speech, and called Y/N over. My heart nearly stopped.”
“What?” He laughs. “Why?”
“I thought you were going to propose.”
“Mum…I would’ve told you if that was my plan.”
“Would you have?”
“Of course! I tell you everythin’ don’t I?” He sighs. “I am plannin’ on it though, but not for another few months.”
“Harry, you really think you’re ready for marriage?”
“Mum, I wanna spend the rest of my life with her. Why not get engaged?”
“She feels the same way?”
“You’ve had that conversation?”
“Of course we have.”
“And what about children?”
“Talked about it.”
“How will you raise them? She’s Jewish, you’re not. Will you stay in the city for a few years? Move out to the suburbs? What would that mean for your business?”
“Mum, please!”
“I’m sorry honey, I just need to make sure you’ve thought these things through! This is a huge life decision!”
“Duh! And yeah we have talked about those things. We’d raise ‘em Jewish, but still have Christmas and Easter. Neither of us wanna move out of the city yet. She doesn’t even want to have kids for another couple of years anyways.”
“Good, the dog’s plenty for now.”
“I agree.”
“You really love her that much?”
“I really do, mum.”
“Alright, well not that you need it, but you have my blessin’.”
“Of course. She’s lovely, and I think she fits right in with us.”
“How was meetin’ her mum and siblings?”
“Oh it was great! I think her mum and I are gonna have lunch while Gem and I are here.”
You and Gemma were sipping on tea when Harry and Anne get up to the apartment.
“Well, I don’t know about you all, but I’m pooped. Breakfast tomorrow?”
“Yeah, mum. We’ll go to Rick’s.”
“Alright, goodnight sweet pea.” She looks at Gemma.
“I’m gonna stay up a bit, finish my tea.”
“Okay, goodnight, night Y/N.”
“Night, Anne.”
Harry plops down on the sofa next to you. Buster was in his bed fast asleep. The three of you stay up chatting for a bit until you all decide to call it a night.
“Is Aunt Flow still in town?” Harry whispers.
“No she left this morning.” You whisper back. “I can’t have sex with you. It’s one thing with friends, but your mom and sister?”
“Come on, we’ll be quiet.” You look at him. He looked so fucking good, and you were still riled up from giving him a blow job.
“Okay…in the bathroom, with the fan on.”
“Who did it, Professor Plum?”
“Harry!” You laugh and cup a hand over your mouth and shuffle into the bathroom.
He peals your dress off and it pools at your feet. He lifts you up onto the sink counter. It’s cold against you and you wince.
“Don’t worry baby, I’m gonna warm yeh up.” He takes all his clothes off. He reaches between your legs and slowly fingers you.
“Ugh, Harry.” Your head rolls back. You loved when he did this. Deep and slow. His fingers curl up inside you. “Shit.” You moan.
“I love you so fuckin’ much.” His lips connect to yours, and he swallows your moans as he pumps in and out of you, knuckles deep.
“Harry.” You groan. “I love you too.” You press your forehead to his shoulder. “Please, fuck me with your cock.”
He pulls his fingers out of you, and pumps himself a few times before lining up with you. He pulls you closer and thrusts into you. You wrap your legs around him and your arms go up under his so you can grip his back easier. He rocks in and out of you. His teeth sink into your shoulder so he won’t be too loud. One of his hands moves between the two of you so he can rub your clit.
“Fuck, oh my god.”
Harry crashes his mouth to yours. You knew you needed to be quiet and this was the only way to do it. You panted into his mouth and bite harshly on his bottom lip when you come. Once you catch your breath you bury your face in his neck. He fucks you hard and fast until he’s filling you up. You both stay there for a second, just holding each other. He pulls out and helps you down. You use the toilet while he brushes his teeth. You wash your face and brush your own teeth.
You both crawl into bed. He rests his head on your chest and you play with his hair.
“My mum said she’s going to have lunch with your mum sometime this week.”
Harry looks up at you. You kiss each other again and he lays back down. The party was perfect. You knew Harry would start to get busier than ever. But right now, he was in your arms. Right now you were engulfed with each other. Right now, nothing else mattered.
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excuseme-howdareyou · 4 years
Day 3: Injuries | Bonding During a Mission | No Capes/Civilian AU
He was back.
Jason leaned over the counter, arms tucked underneath him and elbows resting on the countertop, and glared down at the pipsqueak on the other side. The little gremlin glared right back, all 4'6" of him. 
"Todd," the brat whose name Jason had yet to learn greeted him in a cold fashion.
"Demon brat," Jason greeted back, thoroughly enjoying the spike of extreme displeasure on the gremlin's face. "A bit too young for coffee, aren't you?" he continued with a sharp grin," Come back in eight years and then maybe you can order something off the big kid menu."
Aaaaand, there it was. The brat opened up his mouth and let out a slew of shrieks and offended noises, calling him uncivilized and the like. Jason couldn't help but laugh. It was a good thing the shop was pretty empty now, or else he'd be annoyed with how the brat was taking up space in front of the ordering counter. But hey, the day was slow and this was the most entertainment he's had all day. 
"-and I demand you stay away from my brothers!"
Whoa, hey. What?
"Who the hell-" he was about to ask what brothers he was talking about when the bell over the front door rang out. 
"-mian?!" a familiar voice called out, sounding harried," Damian, you in here?" One of Jason's fellow baristas, who went by the name Dick, ran in looking like... 
... like he was looking for his brother. 
"Tt," the Demon Brat turned away from Jason to address Dick," You are being overdramatic, Richard."
While before Dick was looking frantic, as soon as his eyes landed on the gremlin standing at the counter, his expression turned furious. "I am being the right amount of dramatic!" he yelled at Demon Brat (who was supposedly named Damian)," You can't just run off and not tell anyone where you're going! We've been searching everywhere for you!" 
It wasn't often Jason got to see Dick lose his temper, but when he did it was always a momentous occassion. Working in retail would make a saint lose his patience, and boy is it always fun to watch Dick go off on rude customers. 
Jason just didn't realize that the demon brat who's been coming in here the past three days just to glare at Jason was actually Dick's little brother. 
"This is the fourth time this week, Damian!" Dick was pinching the kid's ear now, despite the angry growl and kitten claw swiping he was getting," You are supposed to walk straight home from school; no where else! Alfred was expecting you home an hour ago!"
Idly, Jason wondered if it'd be tacky if he made himself a mocha cappuccino to sip on while he watched. 
"Just what are you doing at my work, anyways?"
Now that, he couldn't resist. "He's been coming here the past three days," Jason piped up," Apparently he's here to 'warn me off'. I think. Something about 'stay away from my brothers'."
Damian hissed at him, but the words were already out. "What the- Damian!" Dick rounded back on his brother and yanked on his ear again for good measure," Why are you harassing my coworkers?!"
Not coworkers, just this one. 
Damian grumbled something, but they couldn't be entirely sure what it was. "What was that?" Dick demanded. 
The brat huffed and said a little louder," Tim comes here after school for hours. Why aren't you berating him?"
'Tim?' Jason thought,' The kid who looks like he's half dead and sit in the corner with a thousand textbooks every day?' That Tim? The Tim who once came up to Jason and-
He surreptitiously started coughing behind the counter. Right... That Tim.
Damian glared at him as if he knew where Jason's thoughts had gone, but Dick didn't seem to notice. "Tim comes in here to study Damian," he said exasperatedly.
"Hey, it's okay if the brat hangs out here after school if he wants to," Jason added, an idea blooming in his mind even as both brothers' heads whipped towards him. 
"I don't know Jason..." Dick began," Damian's supposed to be doing his homework right after school and..."
"I'll make sure he gets his homework done," Jason chirped. His smile grew, and if only Damian noticed that it was getting a little wicked, then that was their little secret. "He can sit right here at the front table," he said with that devious grin straight at Damian," Right where I can keep an eye on him."
Dick was faltering," I suppose if it's okay with Bruce..."
Time for the kill shot. "I'm sure the kid's just getting lonely at home, since you and Tim are here so often. He probably just wants to spend more time with you."
And while the Demon Brat's face became absolutely murderous, Dick's entire expression lit up into one of glee. "Oh, you're missing us, Dami?" his ear pulling suddenly turned into a bonecrushing hug (Jason almost felt bad for the kid; he's been on the receiving end of one of those famous Dick Grayson hugs. Like being crushed by an octopus)," Why didn't you say so? I'm so sorry, if you want to spend time here at the cafe with us, you can start coming here every day after school!"
The particular look of 'I'm going to murder you,' was hilarious on a ten-year-old's face and Jason couldn't wait to see what it would take to make him combust into a tiny, angry squirrel again.
*Two Weeks Later*
Tim sat at his usual spot in the corner, studying as usual, but this time accompanied with more glances at the counter than normal. It's been two weeks. Two weeks since Damian randomly started showing up at the cafe and sitting at the front table with a sour expression and his backpack strewn all over the table. Dick wasn't here today, but that didn't stop the Demon Brat from showing up.
It would be more of a mystery if Damian wasn't constantly glaring at his table every time Jason so much as brought him a glass of water. 
"So remind me again..." speak of the devil, Jason was now standing at Tim's little corner of study-horror with a smile and thoughtful expression. It was a handsome smile, crooked and sweet, and Tim's made his feelings about that smile quite clear. 
"When do you turn 18?" Jason asked. 
Behind him, Damian was scowling something fierce and one hand was rhythmically stabbing his notebook with a pencil. But Jason was ignoring it all. 
Tim grinned back up at him. "Three months," he told him.
That smile that he liked so much widened until it was near wicked. "Perfect," Jason rumbled and then -to the surprise of both Tim and Damian- he ducked down and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
"Let me know if you need more coffee!" he called behind him as he sauntered off to deal with a cursing and screaming Damian. 
*One Month Ago*
"In four months, I'm going to turn 18, and I'd really like to take you out for a date."
Jason's head whipped up at that, nearly spilling hot coffee all over his hand. "What now?" he was sad to say his voice squeaked. 
Standing on the other side of the counter was one of his regulars, Tim, with the most awake expression Jason's ever seen him with and a determined look in his eyes. "Would you like to go on a date with me in four months?" he asked.
"I umm," Jason had to blink a few times -okay, maybe a dozen- just to get his thoughts in order. This was Tim. Tiny Tim who came in every day with a shit ton of textbooks, ordered insane amounts of coffee, and who Donna has been insisting he's been flirting with for two months now. (He's cute, Donna! What do you expect Jason to do in the face of a hot, nerdy boy?)
And he... wanted a date?
"Err, yeah," bumbled out of Jason's mouth before he could stop himself," But I gotta ask. Why four months? I uhh, I mean, this weekend's free?"
Tim smiled, a wicked smile that really had no business looking that good on his face. "Because I really want to climb you like a tree and you've made your opinion on dating minors quite clear," he said matter of factly, bringing up that one time Jason yelled at a 25 year old man coming in with his 17 year old date. (A call to the police was made that day)
And... yeah.
Jason made a sad little wheezing sound, his face turned insanely red, and that coffee was a bust as he accidentally filled the entire cup with the milk he was holding instead of just halfway. Tim grinned at him, then with a wink grabbed his coffee sitting on the counter and sauntered off back to his table. 
Goddamn, he was trying to kill him! Jason wheezed and shook his head to dispel certain... images. 'But what a way to go...'
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