#like the time she found an albino cave crab and carried it around in her sports bra/under her halfplate for several months
vins-oc-hell · 3 years
OC-tober Day 15: Stitch
OC: Edwina
Context: She's in college in Misty Run and Not having a good time.
Content warnings: Uhhhh, bad wound care, drunkenness, reckless treatment of pets, excessive swearing. So, y'know. The usual with Edwina.
Sploop. Sploop. I wonder if I’ll get marks off for this, Edwina thought dully as she watched a crimson stain spread across the parchment of her political history essay.
“Come get your dinner, Lolth,” she grumbled, scooping up the tarantula she had found in the showers a few weeks ago and depositing it near the pool of blood. The spider clicked at her and scuttled away, leaving little red smudgy footprints behind. Her bibliography was almost illegible by this point. Time to patch herself up.
Edwina cringed when she looked in the mirror. Ok. Well. That jagged cut on her forehead probably looked worse than it was; head wounds usually bled a lot. It probably needed stitches. Which wouldn’t have been a big deal, except that one of her eyes was fucking bruised and swollen mostly shut.
Ugh. The halfling cracked her knuckles, popping a few joints back into place. She gave Hoppy McScrungus the toilet toad a scritch on her way to the sink, and then scrubbed her hands clean. Yeah, maybe she didn’t like showers, but Edwina wasn’t stupid.
The first stitch always hurt the most. Should’ve had more alcohol, she thought bitterly. I can barely feel the rest of my body; why should this one part be hurting?
Fuck, BT was gonna give her that ‘I’m-not-mad-I’m-just-disappointed’ look again in class tomorrow morning, wasn’t he? Well. Assuming she didn’t accidentally miss class, what with the whopper of a hangover she had coming on and all.
“I can only protect you so much, Edwina,” her advisor would say gravely, “they already want to take away your scholarship for all the trouble you’ve caused.”
“Fuck,” Edwina muttered emphatically, pulling the last stitch tight enough that the thread snapped before she could tie it off. The needle went flying across the room, where Karen the Manager, the crow with one wing, squawked and snatched it up to add to her hoard.
Edwina growled and ripped off her already-damaged shirt, tying it sloppily around her head wound.
“Fucking stay put!” Karen cawed at her angrily. “No, not you. My piece-of-shit bandage.”
With a long sigh, Edwina flopped down on her shitty bed and pulled Deez Nutz the parapeligic raccoon-squirrel-thing over to snuggle with her. Her essay was ruined, it was 3am, her head was still bleeding, and everything sucked.
This is all that stupid bitch Arrah’s fault. Edwina ground her teeth. If her ugly annoying face hadn’t shown up at the bar I wouldn’t have gotten in a fight. Deez Nuts nibbled on her eyebrow, looking for snacks.
“Yeah ok, thanks, buddy.” She forced the dwarf’s smug face out of her mind and fed a few peanuts she’d swiped from the bar to the raccoon-squirrel-thing. It was his contented munching that finally lulled her off to sleep.
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