#like the tanaka thing? if i didn't already love him that would've been the moment
theheightofdishonor · 2 years
i love how stubborn Kageyama is. Shirabu does a setter dump? He's gonna do one right back. Oikawa predicts his moves? Who cares, we're still doing the same thing next match. Inarizaki blocks Tanaka? There's no way in hell he's gonna stop til Tanaka himself scores. Hirugami thinks he's got Hinata figured out? Well, watch just how much more annoying he can be. Baby boy runs on spite and obstinance
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lupinobi · 2 months
So long, my love (Asahi x Nishinoya)
Summary: "There are little to no rules when it comes to love. But when love is left to wonder and wait, love grows tired." Asahi waited for Noya as much as he could, but time made love cool down, and with his heart seeking for a new reason to beat, he found his way to Mei. His heart, still loyal to the love he once had for Noya, knew it was time to move on. Six years later, with a comfortable life, he is face to face once again in front of the guy he loved for a long time, and as much as he wants to give in to what his heart wants, his life is not with him anymore.
"So long, my love... it was a lovely ride being in love with you."
Word count: 2,837
Warnings: Just some fluff and angst. Just in case, I'm letting you know.
Notes: Mention of one of my ocs, Mei Aoki. I will post more about her and the rest eventually :D
Had he known his day was going to be like that, he would've avoided the park.
The first sunrays of the day hit him in the face just before his daughters jumped into the bed to wake him up. Asahi barely had a second to gasp for air before Nagisa and Asuka hugged him as they giggled playfully. He recomposed himself and sat on the bed, tickling them as Mei walked into the room.
"Girls, I told you to wake daddy up gently. This isn't gently", Mei said shaking her head but smiling as she saw the girls hugging Asahi once again.
"I don't mind, this is the life I always imagined for us", Asahi replied, kissing the twins' foreheads. "Good morning to you too."
"Good morning", Mei replied, leaning in to leave a gentle kiss on Asahi's lips he gladly took and smiled. "Okay, so the girl's already had breakfast, in case you couldn't tell by the milk mustaches they have. I'll go take a shower, and you can get them ready."
"You heard that, buggies?" Asahi asked looking at his daughters. "I'm choosing your outfits today."
The twins smiled and ran towards the hallway, turning back to Asahi as he slowly got out of bed.
The routine was something he got used to pretty easily. At first, the routine of having his first formal relationship since... since him. It wasn't hard to get the hang of it. Soon enough he asked Mei to move in with him, and before they knew it, the twins were on the way. And it was something he loved. The moment he saw his daughters for the first time was the moment he knew he had an even bigger purpose than the one he thought he had at first. And everything was worth it. The disappointment in his parents' eyes when him and Mei broke the news of the pregnancy, the rushed wedding that was regardless full of the love he once imagined, the nervousness of his friends who wanted to learn to be proper uncles for his kids, the late night shifts he and Mei had to work, every single thing was worth it.
Eventually he didn't think of him. The pain his goodbye brought to him started to slowly fade away. He was okay.
By the time Mei was done showering, he already had the girls dressed, hair brushed and put up in little pigtails with tiny bows Tanaka and Kiyoko bought them for their birthday. Once Mei got dressed and got ready, he kissed her and the girls goodbye.
"I'll be back before dinner, so we can cook something when I come back. Make sure to pick the girls up by four, my mom has a bowling club event later today", she said, smiling at him as she blew him a kiss by the front door.
"Will do, don't worry", he reassured her, as he waved goodbye to the girls.
"Bye daddy!" Nagisa said.
"Have a good day at work, papa" Asuka added.
"Love you", he replied, and the three of them repeated it.
Over the past six years, he had been doing good at work, enough that he had a more flexible schedule. He was thankful for it. It gave him time to spend with the girls, and more time to spend with Mei. That was all he wanted, and he certainly loved being around his family. Occasionally, it gave him time to take the girls back to Miyagi to visit his family and friends. He was truly doing amazing, and he enjoyed the life he had. He really did.
But sometimes a brief flashback took over his mind, and a familiar heartache visited him like a long lost friend.
That was, at least, when he saw the old pictures. He never had the courage to tell Mei about him... about Noya. He asked himself why would he have to tell her? He was his past, and the feelings were buried in the past, or at least that was something he wanted so bad to make himself believe to be true. The reality, the crude reality, was that he still had love to spare for him. And it didn't matter how much he wanted to leave all of that behind, it was a part of him his heart was holding onto really hard.
As he stepped outside the shower, he shook his head. He had to focus, and not let the past catch up with him and the good life him and Mei had built for their family. There were more important things than his high school boyfriend. His daughters were more important. His marriage was more important.
He got ready as quickly as he could, and barely had something to eat before he stepped outside the house, making his way to his office. He was lucky he had a job that required him to be creative, that allowed him to distract himself from the thoughts that came to his head every now and then. He was good at his job, and it was enough to make a living. Combined with Mei's income, they lived comfortably and were able to spend time with their daughters, and that was all he wanted.
Certainly, there were times when Asahi missed the days in the gym, playing volleyball with his friends, having winning streaks, and hard defeats. He never forgot the people that he met through the sport that changed his life. Now it just seemed like a distant memory, from which only good stories remained. He was lucky he still had contact with his closest friends, and eventually got a message or two from the guys he once had to face in a championship match. But he was so willing to give up the life as a volleyball player in order to pursue another one of his dreams. He was okay with it, even with remembering the libero that stole his heart once.
Before he knew it, he received a call from his mother-in-law.
"Hello, Asahi. How are you doing?" She asked.
"Hello, Kanako. I'm doing just fine. Just about to finish here in the office."
"Good, good. The girls already had lunch and they're playing with Mei's old dolls right now. I have to leave to my event in about an hour, so I just wanted to make sure you're coming soon."
"Don't you worry, I'll be on my way in a minute."
"Alright, son. We will be waiting for you."
Asahi hung up the call with a little smile on his lips. The feeling of being loved and accepted in Mei's family meant the world to him. When Mei asked him about meeting her parents, he felt as if all the colors drained from his face. The truth was he was terrified of meeting her parents, especially because they were living together and he wasn't sure about how Mei's dad would feel about it. He felt such a relief when he met the old couple. They were everything but terrifying. Mei's dad, Aoi, was the sweetest man he'd ever met. He spent all that evening showing him his toy collection, and the feeling he got from them was so comforting.
When Aoi passed away right before the twins' first birthday, he thought he'd never see Mei or Kanako smile again but life got better, and Asahi made sure he was the greatest support they could get.
So to him, being loved by his wife's family meant everything.
Once he finished with what he was doing, he made his way to the car and drove to Kanako's house. The ride was short and before he knew it, he was already there. He wasn't sure if his daughters had the ears of a hawk, but before he could announce himself in the front door, the girls swung the door open and jumped to hug him.
"Papa!" Nagisa said, grabbing Asahi's hand.
"We missed you so much!" Asuka added. "We were waiting for you."
"I missed you too, little birds", he replied, getting to their heights and kissing their foreheads.
He stood up again as Kanako walked to the door, ready with her bowling equipment and a big smile.
"They behaved like the little angels they are", she reassured Asahi, smiling at him and patting his shoulder. "I got to get going. My friends are waiting for me."
"Do you want me to drive you?" Asahi asked.
"Nonsense, son. I'm walking to my friend's house and her son is driving us. Walking is good for me at my old age."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I am sure. Why don't you take the girls to the park? They've been mentioning it all morning."
Asahi looked at the girls, each one holding one of his hands.
"Yeah, I think that's a good idea. We still have time to spare before Mei gets home."
Kanako smiled and looked at the girls.
"Be good, be kind, be grateful", she said, and the girls repeated those words.
When Asahi met Mei at the Tokyo art gallery, he overheard her say those same words as she said goodbye to her mom on the phone. It caught his attention, and it was a topic of conversation they hooked on for a good moment. As they walked through the gallery, he knew he liked her a lot and wanted to see her again. Eventually, he learned she loved to visit the gallery every weekend, and made the visits a habit. Before they knew it, they were something more than friends. He found comfort in talking to her, and he quickly fell in love.
As he saw Kanako walk away, he made his way to the car with the girls, making sure they were secure in their car seats, then he drove to the park.
The park was not too crowded, and that was sort of calming to him. That way he could keep an eye on the girls that were just a few meters away from him. He stood by the playground and smiled at Nagisa and Asuka as they kept asking him to watch them go down the slide, or go into the swing.
As he helped the twins swing, he caught a glimpse of someone. Someone he recognized really well.
And he saw him. Before Asahi could react, he was already walking towards him.
He turned his gaze away as Nagisa spoke.
"No more swing, papa. Can we go slide?"
Asahi nodded.
"Yes, but stay close."
The girls nodded and ran to the nearest slide, still a couple meters away from Asahi.
Refusing to take his eyes off his daughters, he felt him stand beside him. He hadn't changed that much. Those travelling shenanigans didn't make him grow a centimeter. The only thing that had grown in him was his hair, now tied in a sloppy low ponytail.
Asahi refused to say the first word. He said the last. Why would he have to speak first when he spoke last before he left? Noya had to say the first word, and if he didn't, then he could leave.
Alas, he spoke.
"It's good to see you. I'd recognize you anywhere."
His voice still sounded the same, the voice that he heard many times pronounce countless i love yous and empty promises he never fulfilled.
Asahi didn't reply.
"I see what you're doing. You want me to do all the talking? Okay, I will. I was hoping I could find you. I didn't imagine it would be at a children's playground."
"My life is different from what you remember, and what it used to be", he said finally. "I'm a father."
"Congratulations", Noya replied. "They look just like you."
"That's the only thing they have from me. That spirit of theirs they get from their mother. My wife."
Noya smiled.
"Ah, yes. Congratulations on the wedding too. I hope you are happy." Noya said, gazing to his feet as he gently kicked the sand. If Asahi didn't know him better, he wouldn't have noticed the jealousy in his voice.
"I am, no thanks to you."
"I know, I know. To be fair, you can thank me for leaving and not coming back because you have a happy life now."
Asahi finally looked at him, but Noya refused to look him in the eye, instead, he just looked at the twins, who kept laughing as they used the slide.
"My life and my happiness is not something I owe you, Noya", he said, anger and pain in his voice. "I loved you, and I was broken when I knew you weren't coming back. I chose to move on, not because of you, but because of me. And what I have right now is because I chose to keep living."
Noya sighed, and finally looked him in the eye.
"I'm glad that at least one of us is happy and moved on."
"Noya, it's been six years. You can't expect me to have stayed in the same place waiting for you."
"And I am glad you have a life you love, that you moved on. I'm happy you have love. That is all I wanted for you."
Asahi shook his head in disappointment, turning once again his gaze to the twins.
"And all I wanted was you. And I waited, but I grew tired. I deserved to live a life even if it was without you, and now I have it and I don't want anything else. Even if..."
He stopped for a moment, trying to hold back the tears as his throat started to hurt.
"Even if?" Noya asked. That attitude of his drove Asahi crazy. Somehow, in that moment, it still did.
"Even if sometimes I still think of you."
Noya kept quiet for a moment.
"I tried to get over you, but I just couldn't. Miyagi was too little for the both of us, but we had different plans."
"We did", Asahi agreed, waving at Nagisa as she asked him to look at her go down the slide for the thirteenth time. "But I am right where I am supposed to be, and I wouldn't trade what I have for what could've been."
"You shouldn't." Noya said, patting Asahi's shoulder. "I love you, and I think I always will."
"Please, don't. You're far too late, Noya.", at this point, he felt as if he was once again that highschooler in love with a guy who played volleyball with him. But that wasn't him anymore.
"Even if you don't feel the same... I just wanted to tell you."
Asahi nodded, not being able to bring himself to reply.
"And I'm sorry for leaving how I did, when I did", Noya said, pain in his voice.
"Don't. It is our choices what makes us what we are now", Asahi interrupted. "I'm sure you'll find someone, and you'll be okay."
Noya smiled shily.
"I'm sure I will", he agreed, locking eyes with Asahi just one more time. A gaze that made a million thoughts rush to both of them, a need to be together once again, to share a last kiss, to be the two reckless boys in love in the volleyball club.
What a shame they weren't them anymore.
"Goodbye, Asahi", Noya said. "Take care."
Asahi nodded.
"Goodbye, Noya. Good luck."
He saw as he walked away, and got pulled away from that hypnosis by the twins, taking his hands.
"Daddy, can we go home?", Asuka asked.
Asahi smiled and nodded, holding the girls' hands as they walked back to the car.
The ride home was silent, and the hour they spent waiting for Mei to come home he didn't think of Noya at all. Was that encounter the closure he needed? He wasn't sure.
As the front door opened and Mei walked into the house, his life started to look more enchanting than ever. The girls ran to her and he joined them, holding Mei by the waist and giving a gentle kiss on her lips, and then on her forehead.
"Oh?", Mei said surprised. "What's going on?"
"Nothing, I just wanted to tell you I love you, in case I don't say that enough."
"Thank you for the life you've built for us."
"Not me, us."
Asahi nodded, and looked at Asuka as she spoke.
"Papa, who was the funny man at the park?", she asked with genuine curiosity.
"The funny man?", Mei asked raising a brow.
"Yes! Daddy was talking to a funny man at the park."
"An old friend from the Karasuno volleyball team", he replied.
"Is there one I don't know yet? I thought I'd met everyone", Mei said with a smile, walking to the living room and looking at the picture of the Karasuno volleyball team. Asahi and the girls joined her.
"Him", Asahi said pointing at the picture, just right where Noya was. "He was our libero."
"Your what now?"
He laughed, and as he looked at the picture, he knew he'd be okay, and so would be Noya.
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tired-reader-writer · 10 months
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Okay so it's in the twelfth month according to the timeline (remember, this is still the same night Hilmes infiltrated the citadel), and winter. Which ain't all that of note since the twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar is also winter as we all know, and Tanaka (and by extension Arakawa) is following the Gregorian calendar here.
But y'know what else is winter? That's right, Esfand aka the twelfth month of the Solar Hijri Calendar, albeit the last month of winter while December is merely the first.
Why am I making note of this? Because it was really bothering me that canon was following the modern Gregorian calendar and while I know I previously decided to follow canon on this one... I'm still very Bothered by this and watching if I can get away with secretly following the Solar Hijri Calendar.
They're both winter, it's still the same season, so this should be fine in this instance at least, if I fudge the months a bit and lean towards the Solar Hijri Calendar.
Team Arslan was probably already out of the citadel by the time Frawardigan rolls around so mayhaps that's why we didn't get to see it in canon (or Tanaka just didn't intend to include it) but it would be interesting to see the folks remaining at the fortress prepare for it, perhaps even go the extra mile of doing it for the fallen of the battle of Atropatene. I would've really loved to see that.
I know I read about Norwuz (the Persian New Years that comes immediately after Frawardigan, the first month is spring) some time ago but I don't remember enough to comment on it.
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Brotp brotp brotp
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Really loved this moment here, they were concerned for Elam and shared a sort of solidarity with a glance, and I'm sure Arslan was glad Alfarīd took it as an initiative to interfere— she was probably trying to get Narsus to back down from insisting and keep Elam where he wanted to be, though things turned out another way!
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I also really liked this moment since just leaving your subordinates to do whatever the hell they want without reporting back to you can only get disastrous down the line, as it is borderline neglect. It's sorta how Andragoras was ruling imo, zero concern of anything outside of military might. Narsus does not want Arslan to become like that.
Moments like this remind/inform the audience that Narsus truly wants Arslan to be a good ruler and not just say have him as a puppet king as some like Shaghad may assume.
Arslan is smart, but he is a child with little to no experience, and he is learning. He's eager to do so.
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I also liked the conversation between Daryun and Narsus— Narsus' metaphor was really apt. Arslan does not get jealous of his subordinates, though far from confident in his own abilities he acknowledges that they are capable, more capable than him, “more capable than he deserves” even. That sort of phrasing is what subjects normally would say to their lieges and I couldn't help but take note of that.
Arslan is neither prideful nor arrogant, nor even entitled. He's... precious. For lack of a better word.
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Home is where the heart lies, and you, Arslan, are the person who has been given the hearts of your subjects (because you gave yours to them first).
Remember Narsus' metaphor to Jimsa about how even a bird cannot fly forever, and must return to the earth to rest.
Arslan is their safe place, their shelter, their home. He really is the heart of the group.
I'm sorry I just have feels about this.
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Okay but I really wonder why Gieve went off on his own to look for it (doubt Narsus asked for it in this specific instance, unless I'd forgotten and he had?)
Gieve at this point could be said is “one who does what he wants for his own gain” aka that's the impression he projects to the audience, and that's also probably what he's convinced himself he is. So what does he have to gain from this little adventure, aside from perhaps sating his own curiosity? But before, he probably wouldn't have stuck his nose in something like that, he has too much self-preservation for it, so... why?
My guess is that he truly is growing fond of Arslan whether he realizes it himself or not, and cracks are starting to show in the self-serving cynical layers he has on to reveal the secret devoted heart he's hidden and buried underneath due to disillusionment.
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Damn Rajendra's loud.
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“I acknowledge your effort, but no!” this made me feel fond things towards Hilmes for some reason lol.
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sagefzy · 3 years
perfectionism | prev | next
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You tapped your foot on the pavement, anxious to finally meet the eyes of your old friend. The feeling of excitement was almost overwhelming all your senses, the only thing you could focus on was the plain, faded brown door in front of you. Quickly, you sent Suna a text to let him know of your arrival, however in the corner of your eye, you suddenly noticed two figures approaching. You shrugged it off, thinking that it was just two guys passing by on a walk, but rather than walking past the house, they stepped up the driveway slowly drawing near you.
Hearing Ennoshita's words in your mind about being aware of your surroundings, you discreetly glanced back observing the two. But, much to your surprise, it was the exact two guys who bombarded you at the supermarket yesterday. Well, actually, more like the one blond who smashed a shopping cart into your heel, blubbering apologies and looking away, while the other one stood there and watched the whole incident play out.
You watched them for what seemed like forever. Could they possibly be Suna's friends? No, the whole thing seemed too coincidental, surely that couldn't be the case. Not willing to take the chance, you took out your phone once more in hopes to get Suna to clarify that those were, indeed, not his friends. Unfortunately for you, it appeared that the universe had decided to make you a pawn in its game because the two of them were, indeed, his friends.
You let out a heavy sigh, you could already tell that the next few hours would be nothing but awkward stares and embarrassing conversations. Not wanting to ruin your one day of freedom- the one day where you didn't have to listen to your dad's constant yells, telling you how much of a disappointment you are- the one day where you didn't have to sit in front of the piano all day just to feel some sort of gratification. It was then that you decided to just ignore the situation, and pretend as if the blond wasn't the reason that the back of your foot was wrapped in a bandage. For all Suna knew, this was you guys' first encounter, so be it.
Right as the door opened, your eyes were drawn to the tall green-eyed boy who you used to spend every day with as a young kid. "Y/N, so glad you're here!" Suna smiled, as he went in for a quick hug. "Those two behind you are Atsumu and Osamu." He introduced, pointing to the two that were now directly behind you. The blond looked absolutely horrified, stealing brief glimpses at the bandage that hugged your heel, the other one, however, stared back with a nonchalant smile. "They may have almost the same face, but the one with the ugly piss-colored hair is Atsumu, and the normal looking one is Osamu."
You grinned back at the two, showcasing your brightest smile, hoping that they'd get the message to not bring up the fact that this was not your first encounter. You were going to introduce yourself to the two, but the blond seemed to beat you to cut. "How come Samu is the normal one?" He whined.
Suna snickered, "Because Osamu doesn't act like a dramatic brat who needs his hand held every damn second of the day."
Suna's blunt words made you softly chuckle, there was something in friendly banter that just made it so pure and innocent. You looked up at the two, noticing that the blond's expression had softened after hearing your giggles. With the brief moment of silence at hand, you decided to take this as the moment to introduce yourself. "I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet you Atsumu and Osamu."
"Well now that we got introductions out of the way, why don't we go inside and find something to do," Suna suggested.
"Rinny, can we watch a movie?" You asked excitedly. The last time you had watched a movie was when you hung out with Nishinoya, Tanaka, and Ennoshita before leaving Miyagi, and your dad hardly ever let you engage in anything other than school work or piano, making it a rare treasure.
Suna nodded, "Watching a movie it is."
As all of you entered the house, you couldn't help but hear the blond, Atsumu mutter to his brother, "If I called 'm Rinny I think he'd punch me on the spot."
A smile quickly reappeared on your face as you heard his brother respond, "I don't know, I'll give ya one thousand yen to put it to the test."
"No, I think I'll choose life," He giggled.
You found your way to the couch and swiftly pulled out your phone, eager to let your friends know your current situation. The whole scene sounded like something straight out of a book.
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You clicked your phone off and turned your attention to the aroma that seemed to be emerging from the kitchen. The familiar scent, caramel popcorn and green tea, jogged an almost forgotten memory of your childhood. An unlikely duo, yet even as a child you couldn't get enough of the weird combination. No one would've ever thought to put the two together, but it just worked.
You almost laughed at the sight. Suna walked out of the kitchen juggling three bowls of caramel popcorn, three bottles of energy drinks, and, of course, your mug of green tea. Since he had such little grace, you got up and lent a helping hand. "No, no you're my guest and you're injured go sit back down," Suna scolded.
"Well it's too late, I'm already here, so I'll just take some of that off your hand," You said while grabbing the mug of tea and the three energy drinks. You walked over to the twins and handed them each their bottle.
"Say what happened to yer foot over there?" Osamu asked with a smirk on his face.
"Oh yeah you never told me what you did to your foot, Y/N," Suna added as he placed the remaining bowls on the side table.
"It's not a big deal I just scraped myself with glass while unpacking," You blurted. You hoped that the lie was convincing enough, but to be honest, scraping yourself with glass sounded way more believable than being run over with a shopping cart.
"I see, sorry to hear that," Osamu responded in an almost surprise-like manner. You thought that maybe he expected you to call out his brother, however you decided to stick with your initial decision of ignoring the situation to save your night from awkwardness. His expression only got more surprised as he realized the unusual food combination you were eating. For only eating caramel popcorn with green tea, he looked as if you were committing a crime against food.
"Green tea with caramel popcorn?" He asked.
With no shame you nodded your head. "Don't knock it until you try it, it's my favorite combo in the world. I can never get enough of it."
Suna sighed, "Yeah, it's no use to convince her otherwise it's been more than a solid seven years since i last saw her and she still likes it."
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The night ended almost as quickly as it started. Although you were initially worried about it being awkward, your worries were soon rested once Osamu started explaining his love of cooking. You both talked endlessly about all sorts of sweets and savory foods you both enjoyed indulging in. However, his twin, on the other hand, barely talked as he aimlessly played around with his phone.
Your eyes noticed the time on the nearby clock, the numbers displaying that it was near midnight. Your stomach instantly knotted, if your dad wasn't asleep, you for sure were going to get an ear full when you arrived home. You picked up your phone, and smiled at Suna and Osamu who's chest softly rose up and down as they slept.
You stood up quietly, getting Atsumu's attention. You didn't expect him to do or say anything since he'd been quite dull the entire night, but it seemed like this was a night of surprises. "Yer not planning to go all the way to the bus stop by yerself now are ya?" He asked.
"Well I'm not waking either of them so they can escort me if that's what you're asking," you responded "But, you're more than welcome to join me if it'll put your mind at ease." You fully expected him to not care, however he grabbed his jacket next to him and stood up, walking over to where you stood by the front door.
He quietly opened the door, careful to not make a creaking noise. "After you," He said as he directed you out of the house. The crisp winter air hit your face, your whole body jolted from the sudden change of temperatures. "Don't suppose yer cold now?" He asked, probably noticing your shivering. You replied by shaking your head and continued on the trail to the bus stop.
The rest of the walk was mostly silent, neither one of you knowing what to say. This was definitely uncharacteristically of Atsumu, anyone who'd even slightly know him would expect him to be chatting your ear off with overdramatized commentary. However, things seemed to be different in this situation, there was an eerie feeling about you that he couldn't quite put his finger on. Of course, it didn't help that your first encounter with him was him, in fact, running a shopping cart into you, but it wasn't just that. Maybe it was the way you presented yourself, in an almost sickening sweet-like manner. It all felt artificial, like a facade.
"Well this is it," you said, snapping him out of his thoughts, "Just in time for the last bus, thanks for walking with me." You turned around to enter the vehicle but before you could, a hand made its way to your arm. You immediately flinched at the contact, pulling away at the light hold he had on you.
"I'm sorry I just- i um," He started, trying to find a way to word what he wanted to say. "I wanted to say that 'm sorry for yesterday, it was kind of a shitty thing to do, and 'm also sorry for not really talking all that much today, ya seem really nice and I'm usually not this bad when it comes to meeting new people. And, I totally ruined the night by ignoring you I-"
You lightly laughed, "It's alright, plus any friend of Rin's, is a friend of mine, and you didn't ruin tonight at all, I thought it was perfect." You both smiled back at each other, not saying anything for a moment. You cleared your throat, "Um, I'll see you around, have a good night, Atsumu."
He watched as you entered the bus. A small smile made it on his face as he watched you wave goodbye from the bus window. He waved back and muttered under his breath, "Good night, Y/N."
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The bus ride was only about ten minutes. Anxiously, you opened the door to your house, hoping that by some miracle your dad would be sound asleep. The old door slightly creaked, you peaked inside and all your worries flushed away as you saw your dad passed out on the couch. Granted he was passed out drunk, at least that's what you gathered by the four bottles of empty beer that laid at his feet.
Even for you, life wasn't as perfect as it seemed. As much as you wanted it to be, as much as you led people on to think that it was, it just wasn't. The worst part of it was that deep down, you felt accountable for it all. Maybe if you would've been just a little better at piano, you could've achieved your perfect life.
You reached your bedroom and exhaustedly plopped down on your bed. You glanced at the picture of your mother on your bedside table. Her long hair glided down her lavender dress, her face gleaming with a smile. In one hand she held her violin and the other held an award deeming her the best violinist in the nation. She was talented, beautiful, intelligent, and made your dad happy. She was absolutely everything you weren't, and your dad made sure to remind you everyday.
Life before she died was perfect. You could never recall a memory of you being sad around her. Before you closed your eyes, you whispered, "I wish I was perfect like you."
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fun facts !
Whenever Atsumu doesn't know how to address a situation, he just goes on his phone and plays angry birds.
If you're ever bored, Osamu will talk forever about all the different ways you can cook the same recipe.
Suna can never stay awake during a movie night, he always falls asleep somehow.
Before getting into volleyball, the twins' mother tried to get them into violin, however that quickly failed once Atsumu broke his bow on the second day of lessons.
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perfectionism ©
smau written by @sagefzy
tagist: open just send an ask :)
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sagewritesmore · 3 years
perfectionism | prev | next
wc: 2108
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You tapped your foot on the pavement, anxious to finally meet the eyes of your old friend. The feeling of excitement was almost overwhelming all your senses, the only thing you could focus on was the plain, faded brown door in front of you. Quickly, you sent Suna a text to let him know of your arrival, however in the corner of your eye, you suddenly noticed two figures approaching. You shrugged it off, thinking that it was just two guys passing by on a walk, but rather than walking past the house, they stepped up the driveway slowly drawing near you.
Hearing Ennoshita's words in your mind about being aware of your surroundings, you discreetly glanced back observing the two. But, much to your surprise, it was the exact two guys who bombarded you at the supermarket yesterday. Well, actually, more like the one blond who smashed a shopping cart into your heel, blubbering apologies and looking away, while the other one stood there and watched the whole incident play out.
You watched them for what seemed like forever. Could they possibly be Suna's friends? No, the whole thing seemed too coincidental, surely that couldn't be the case. Not willing to take the chance, you took out your phone once more in hopes to get Suna to clarify that those were, indeed, not his friends. Unfortunately for you, it appeared that the universe had decided to make you a pawn in its game because the two of them were, indeed, his friends.
You let out a heavy sigh, you could already tell that the next few hours would be nothing but awkward stares and embarrassing conversations. Not wanting to ruin your one day of freedom- the one day where you didn't have to listen to your dad's constant yells, telling you how much of a disappointment you are- the one day where you didn't have to sit in front of the piano all day just to feel some sort of gratification. It was then that you decided to just ignore the situation, and pretend as if the blond wasn't the reason that the back of your foot was wrapped in a bandage. For all Suna knew, this was you guys' first encounter, so be it.
Right as the door opened, your eyes were drawn to the tall green-eyed boy who you used to spend every day with as a young kid. "Y/N, so glad you're here!" Suna smiled, as he went in for a quick hug. "Those two behind you are Atsumu and Osamu." He introduced, pointing to the two that were now directly behind you. The blond looked absolutely horrified, stealing brief glimpses at the bandage that hugged your heel, the other one, however, stared back with a nonchalant smile. "They may have almost the same face, but the one with the ugly piss-colored hair is Atsumu, and the normal looking one is Osamu."
You grinned back at the two, showcasing your brightest smile, hoping that they'd get the message to not bring up the fact that this was not your first encounter. You were going to introduce yourself to the two, but the blond seemed to beat you to cut. "How come Samu is the normal one?" He whined.
Suna snickered, "Because Osamu doesn't act like a dramatic brat who needs his hand held every damn second of the day."
Suna's blunt words made you softly chuckle, there was something in friendly banter that just made it so pure and innocent. You looked up at the two, noticing that the blond's expression had softened after hearing your giggles. With the brief moment of silence at hand, you decided to take this as the moment to introduce yourself. "I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet you Atsumu and Osamu."
"Well now that we got introductions out of the way, why don't we go inside and find something to do," Suna suggested.
"Rinny, can we watch a movie?" You asked excitedly. The last time you had watched a movie was when you hung out with Nishinoya, Tanaka, and Ennoshita before leaving Miyagi, and your dad hardly ever let you engage in anything other than school work or piano, making it a rare treasure.
Suna nodded, "Watching a movie it is."
As all of you entered the house, you couldn't help but hear the blond, Atsumu mutter to his brother, "If I called 'm Rinny I think he'd punch me on the spot."
A smile quickly reappeared on your face as you heard his brother respond, "I don't know, I'll give ya one thousand yen to put it to the test."
"No, I think I'll choose life," He giggled.
You found your way to the couch and swiftly pulled out your phone, eager to let your friends know your current situation. The whole scene sounded like something straight out of a book.
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You clicked your phone off and turned your attention to the aroma that seemed to be emerging from the kitchen. The familiar scent, caramel popcorn and green tea, jogged an almost forgotten memory of your childhood. An unlikely duo, yet even as a child you couldn't get enough of the weird combination. No one would've ever thought to put the two together, but it just worked.
You almost laughed at the sight. Suna walked out of the kitchen juggling three bowls of caramel popcorn, three bottles of energy drinks, and, of course, your mug of green tea. Since he had such little grace, you got up and lent a helping hand. "No, no you're my guest and you're injured go sit back down," Suna scolded.
"Well it's too late, I'm already here, so I'll just take some of that off your hand," You said while grabbing the mug of tea and the three energy drinks. You walked over to the twins and handed them each their bottle.
"Say what happened to yer foot over there?" Osamu asked with a smirk on his face.
"Oh yeah you never told me what you did to your foot, Y/N," Suna added as he placed the remaining bowls on the side table.
"It's not a big deal I just scraped myself with glass while unpacking," You blurted. You hoped that the lie was convincing enough, but to be honest, scraping yourself with glass sounded way more believable than being run over with a shopping cart.
"I see, sorry to hear that," Osamu responded in an almost surprise-like manner. You thought that maybe he expected you to call out his brother, however you decided to stick with your initial decision of ignoring the situation to save your night from awkwardness. His expression only got more surprised as he realized the unusual food combination you were eating. For only eating caramel popcorn with green tea, he looked as if you were committing a crime against food.
"Green tea with caramel popcorn?" He asked.
With no shame you nodded your head. "Don't knock it until you try it, it's my favorite combo in the world. I can never get enough of it."
Suna sighed, "Yeah, it's no use to convince her otherwise it's been more than a solid seven years since i last saw her and she still likes it."
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The night ended almost as quickly as it started. Although you were initially worried about it being awkward, your worries were soon rested once Osamu started explaining his love of cooking. You both talked endlessly about all sorts of sweets and savory foods you both enjoyed indulging in. However, his twin, on the other hand, barely talked as he aimlessly played around with his phone.
Your eyes noticed the time on the nearby clock, the numbers displaying that it was near midnight. Your stomach instantly knotted, if your dad wasn't asleep, you for sure were going to get an ear full when you arrived home. You picked up your phone, and smiled at Suna and Osamu who's chest softly rose up and down as they slept.
You stood up quietly, getting Atsumu's attention. You didn't expect him to do or say anything since he'd been quite dull the entire night, but it seemed like this was a night of surprises. "Yer not planning to go all the way to the bus stop by yerself now are ya?" He asked.
"Well I'm not waking either of them so they can escort me if that's what you're asking," you responded "But, you're more than welcome to join me if it'll put your mind at ease." You fully expected him to not care, however he grabbed his jacket next to him and stood up, walking over to where you stood by the front door.
He quietly opened the door, careful to not make a creaking noise. "After you," He said as he directed you out of the house. The crisp winter air hit your face, your whole body jolted from the sudden change of temperatures. "Don't suppose yer cold now?" He asked, probably noticing your shivering. You replied by shaking your head and continued on the trail to the bus stop.
The rest of the walk was mostly silent, neither one of you knowing what to say. This was definitely uncharacteristically of Atsumu, anyone who'd even slightly know him would expect him to be chatting your ear off with overdramatized commentary. However, things seemed to be different in this situation, there was an eerie feeling about you that he couldn't quite put his finger on. Of course, it didn't help that your first encounter with him was him, in fact, running a shopping cart into you, but it wasn't just that. Maybe it was the way you presented yourself, in an almost sickening sweet-like manner. It all felt artificial, like a facade.
"Well this is it," you said, snapping him out of his thoughts, "Just in time for the last bus, thanks for walking with me." You turned around to enter the vehicle but before you could, a hand made its way to your arm. You immediately flinched at the contact, pulling away at the light hold he had on you.
"I'm sorry I just- i um," He started, trying to find a way to word what he wanted to say. "I wanted to say that 'm sorry for yesterday, it was kind of a shitty thing to do, and 'm also sorry for not really talking all that much today, ya seem really nice and I'm usually not this bad when it comes to meeting new people. And, I totally ruined the night by ignoring you I-"
You lightly laughed, "It's alright, plus any friend of Rin's, is a friend of mine, and you didn't ruin tonight at all, I thought it was perfect." You both smiled back at each other, not saying anything for a moment. You cleared your throat, "Um, I'll see you around, have a good night, Atsumu."
He watched as you entered the bus. A small smile made it on his face as he watched you wave goodbye from the bus window. He waved back and muttered under his breath, "Good night, Y/N."
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The bus ride was only about ten minutes. Anxiously, you opened the door to your house, hoping that by some miracle your dad would be sound asleep. The old door slightly creaked, you peaked inside and all your worries flushed away as you saw your dad passed out on the couch. Granted he was passed out drunk, at least that's what you gathered by the four bottles of empty beer that laid at his feet.
Even for you, life wasn't as perfect as it seemed. As much as you wanted it to be, as much as you led people on to think that it was, it just wasn't. The worst part of it was that deep down, you felt accountable for it all. Maybe if you would've been just a little better at piano, you could've achieved your perfect life.
You reached your bedroom and exhaustedly plopped down on your bed. You glanced at the picture of your mother on your bedside table. Her long hair glided down her lavender dress, her face gleaming with a smile. In one hand she held her violin and the other held an award deeming her the best violinist in the nation. She was talented, beautiful, intelligent, and made your dad happy. She was absolutely everything you weren't, and your dad made sure to remind you everyday.
Life before she died was perfect. You could never recall a memory of you being sad around her. Before you closed your eyes, you whispered, "I wish I was perfect like you."
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fun facts !
Whenever Atsumu doesn't know how to address a situation, he just goes on his phone and plays angry birds.
If you're ever bored, Osamu will talk forever about all the different ways you can cook the same recipe.
Suna can never stay awake during a movie night, he always falls asleep somehow.
Before getting into volleyball, the twins' mother tried to get them into violin, however that quickly failed once Atsumu broke his bow on the second day of lessons.
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perfectionism ©
smau written by @sagefzy
taglist: open just send an ask :)
@shephard17895 @art-junkie-13 @vhsryuu @qualitygiantshoepsychic @everytimeswift @kritiiiii
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