#like the pacing has been completely annihilated lol the build up to them going to the church was so good
lonesomedotmp3 · 3 years
the jjkie storyline is starting get ready for me to get really bitchy about it <3
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ryki · 8 years
This post is all over the place as I wrote it after finishing the season, ahaha.
Honestly, to start things off, I’m just. So disappointed in this season. There was so much they could’ve done with it but instead, they just, went the easy way and honestly, it just seems really weak in terms of the plot and the characters.
This whole season wasn’t even focused on the paladins equally. Not that the first season did that, either, but it was honestly more spread out than this season. This whole season was basically about Keith. Which is fine, I adore Keith, but I don’t want 90% of the season being about him? 
I’m forever salted that they ruined Hunk like they did. All his screen time was basically him talking about food. Like? How can you give us such an intelligent character like Hunk but reduce him comedic relief who only cares about food? Food this, food that. It’s nice to know that he loves food but honestly? Most of his screen time was him talking about food and while it’s nice to have some comedic relief, Hunk should not be reduced to a comedic relief character. You gave us a beautiful poc, chubby, smart character but only focus on the fact that he likes food? How can you give us a intelligent mechanic person, who is even on par with Coran, but reduce him to such a 2D character? It’s honestly infuriating! 
Sure, he had moments where he shined, like when it came to his upgrade and saving lives, but honestly? Why is he nothing but the scaredy cat that can’t do anything who always thinks about food? I thought he developed well in season one but season two definitely ruined everything that Hunk went through. Like honestly, there’s better ways (like puns, lmao) to do comedic relief instead of making the same character think about food all the time and make him piss-his-pants every five seconds.
And while Pidge actually had some great development -- like bonding with her lion -- and realizing that nature is actually no different than her technology and can be used for advancement of knowledge, that’s all they did for her, lmao. Like woo! One episode where Pidge actually kicks ass! And yeah, she uses her upgrade in episodes after that but it wasn’t really that great compared to her Time To Shine.
Honestly, Pidge had some really great development and I’m super glad that she found information on her brother (bless up!) but all of that is overshadowed with Bigger and Better things and honestly, doesn’t really matter much in episodes after that.
The same can be said about Lance. He actually had some great moments in this season but it’s basically two seconds worth of the whole season because no one even commented on it, they turned him into the other comedic relief character, and didn’t even utilize it afterwards. He has a fucking upgrade but he only uses it twice? For things that didn’t even matter for the mission of defeating Zarkon?
Lance is my favourite character and I’m so upset that they reverted him back to the ‘All the Girls Love me’ faux-confident nonsense when he had some really fantastic moments. Like yeah, Lance is a flirt. And he does fake his own confidence -- but when he does something really great but then no one talks about it? No wonder he forces his confidence when no one even pays attention to him unless he shoves himself in their faces.
And let’s not mention that the only being that actually gave Lance some realization was a fucking alien pupper. Yeah, freeing Slav was really important but Lance did something Amazing and he deserved more praise and opportunities than ‘great shot, Lance!’ Because seriously?
Hunk, Pidge and Lance deserve so much more than this stereotypical bullshit assigned to them. They didn’t deserve to have their character development reversed and be taken back to episode one where Pidge is their nerd, Lance is their flirt and Hunk is their stomach. It’s not fair to way away all their development in order to fill some episodes with things that doesn’t even contribute to the bigger picture. (I say this but I do acknowledge that Pidge’s time to shine actually contributed to an alliance, which-- way to go Pidge!)
And while Shiro was mostly out of the picture except for being there as their leader and taking control, he really didn’t have much development either. 
I thought it was amazing that Shiro manages to win the trust of Black, who kicked out Zarkon for calling her a weapon and seeing her not a companion, but a tool. (Love you, Black!) Which was probably Shiro’s only highlight moment besides the last episode. Which-- was pretty weak if you ask me. Like, yes! Shiro got the bayard back and it’s actually his now. But his slam the bayard into the panel was so weak, lmao. It basically just powered up Keith’s Voltron upgrade which is a little-- infuriating.
This whole season was basically about Keith and while I adore Keith, honestly what the fuck?
Not to rain on the parade but I wasn’t fond of the Galra!Keith theories. Like, I can acknowledge all of the hitns and foreshadowing and proof, but I wasn’t a fan of the whole, “Keith is a Galra” snit. Fans kept forcing it in people’s faces and being obnoxious about their ‘proof’ so I’ve grown a dislike to Galra!Keith theories. And now that it’s canon, I have to sit and deal with people shoving it in my face even more. Which, if you’re a fan, that’s fine, I’m not going to tell you not to do what makes you happy, but keep it away from me. 
Speaking of Galra!Keith, I’m glad that the team was so low-key about him being an Alien (besides Hunk’s stupid comedic relief comments, which we could’ve done without; but at least they didn’t make Lance the victim of that weak plot) but I would’ve also liked to see it revealed to the same and their reactions and not just Hunk sleeping, passed out in the chair. (Which is also like, what the fuck? Can you give Hunk more depth than eat, sleep and scared all the time?) Because that’s a pretty big thing.
Keith being a Galra was confirmed on the Voltron page, so I was really fucking confused why his dad would be there if he was a teenager or something. Or how he could remember what he dad looked like because being an orphan means, a child whose parents have died. A child. And no matter how good your memory is, your visual memory tends to fade over time so even if Keith lost his dad when he was a child, that doesn’t really explain how he’d remember so clearly and talk to his dad so normally, lmao. And if his mother is Galra, there’s a chance she could still be alive, which means Keith really isn’t an orphan at all, lol. 
Basically this whole season was Keith -- and by extension, Allura and Shiro, which the trio basically made up the entire season while Coran, Pidge, Hunk and Lance were practically useless for most of the season. Which is really disappointing, all things considering.
And don’t even get me on Allura, lmao. I couldn’t stand her this entire season. She was so aggressive and angry about everything. 
Like I understand the Galra annihilated your people and your planet, it’s understandable to be hurt. But to out-cast Keith and give him the blind eye when he’s probably the most loyal member of Voltron? What kind of annoyance. Like, yeah, she definitely realized that her anger for the Galra blinded her but she’s not the only one who is affected by them. (Hello! Remember Shiro? Even he was okay with it and he was personally manipulated and tortured by them!) Don’t get me wrong, I completely understand Allura’s rage but there’s no reason to be so petty about every little detail. Especially by taking it out on Keith? As if he did something 10,000 years ago? Lmao! Your anger should’ve been at Zarkon and actual Galrans, not Keith who wasn’t even aware of everything until like, a few months ago? (Has it been months in Voltron? It’s probably barely been two months, if you ask me. A lot of shit happens in a day, let alone a month.)
So while Allura did get some development, it wasn’t even to counter-act my dislike for her aggression and passive-aggression. 
This season was so... disappointing. 
Even from the plot. There was barely any build-up, despite everything that has happened, and they saved the climax for the very last second and didn’t even give enough time for the conclusion of the episode? Like season one was terrible as it was with the cliffhanger, so having two seasons end the same way isn’t good for pacing. Especially if they’re just going to give you a weak season next season, too.
There wasn’t much development with the characters (any development that did happen seemed little due to how much backpedaling they did with the characters.) and the plot was weak for most of the season, only to drop two dozen ‘bombs’ on you at the last two episodes. Like, the pacing is just bad but everything was just weak this season. 
I know they probably had a lot of pressure and expectations, considering how big the fandom got, but that’s no excuse to treat the characters the way they did or to mess up the season pacing that badly. Or to leave so many things unresolved at the end. Season one was do-able because the only thing we had to worry about at the end was: where are the paladins and their lions? But with season two, there’s so many questions left unanswered. Where is Shiro? Who is Lotor? (If y’all seen the original, please keep your mouths shut. I know who Lotor is but for those who didn’t know, don’t spoil it.) What’s going to happen to the lions? To the ship? To the paladins? Who’s going be our new villain? What’s going to happen next? Is Keith really going to be the leader? (Groans!) Or what’s going to happen?
So basically all-in-all, this season was just a big disappointment considering how much they could’ve done, and what they could’ve done without. (Which is a lot bigger in scale of what they actually did.) 
I hope that the next season -- because there’s definitely going to be a next season -- doesn’t disappoint as badly as this season did.
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