#like the lil capitalist freak he is
hrzwrm · 11 months
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chadsuke · 2 years
i hear a lot about enstars but still know nothing about it, what would you say is the last insane thing to happen in it vs the most insane (either general lore wise or plot wise)
last? do you mean least, or most recent? if most recent, probably the revelation that one of the characters who has heterochromia was actually part of a part of quadruplets originally and he and his newly-found heterochromia-having twin sister cannibalized their quadruplets in the womb.
if LEAST insane... honestly the fact that the mc is the only (cis) girl in the whole school is like. literally nothing. normally thats the set up for some romance otome shit but no people are like huh it's a girl whatever after dropkicking her in the face and using her unconscious body for a game of 'the floor is lava'. (yes, that just happened in the story i read.) im sorry idk what is sane abt this game. they actually do homework i think?
MOST insane... i mean. *gestures at the cannibalism above* but warning tw suicide there's also an entire pre-game era called the 'war arc' where one of the games' characters (along with his two right hand men) "reformed" the entire school by turning the school against five chosen students, causing a lot of mental breakdowns, people quitting the school, suicides, etc. to the extent that a year later, during the era of the first game (theres two games), people still get freaked out when they see someone going up to the school roofs bc they think they're going to jump. the war era goes a lot deeper than that but i read the wikia page for that and was like. what the actual fuck. haven't read the stories in that era yet tho.
also one of the characters is part of a cult where he was worshipped as a god since like. birth. and another character is a former member of that cult determined to break it up and free that god-friend and also multiple characters are legit down to commit murder/potentially have committed murder. one character is an assassin. i have barely begun to scratch the surface on what the fuck is going on in ensemble stars.
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arhvste · 4 years
❝ kuroo tetsurō - domestic hcs ❞
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tetsu week masterlist
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-> responsible man 😼
-> he won’t slack on his part in chores don’t worry about that
-> your house will always be presentable and clean
-> kuroo is a man with a sense of pride and it will show through the way your house looks
-> that being said, he’s not a clean freak
-> he naturally knows how to keep things presentable and tidy
-> his grandmother didn’t raise no slacker 😾
-> even as a teen kuroo was relatively tidy
-> the only chaos in his room being his desk which would remain littered with new papers and books every week
-> other than that, his room was kept clean and stayed clean
-> back to your house though
-> you guys will have houseplants
-> “if they eventually cut all the trees down at least we’ll have our own supply of air 😼”
-> “that’s not how oxygen works tetsu we’d still die along with the houseplants”
-> “i don’t like your lack of optimism, i reckon we could sell our air like that rich guy from the lorax”
-> “you really take every opportunity to show the world you’re a capitalist and run with it 🤩👍”
-> kuroo is actually knowledgeable on plants because his grandparents had a small greenhouse at the back of their garden
-> you thought grandma kuroo cooked from store bought ingredients?
-> you thought wrong 😼
-> herself and kuroos grandfather taught kuroo how to grow his own veggies and look after them properly and when they were right to pick
-> kuroo took that knowledge and know he keeps his own small vegetable patch in your garden 😼
-> your man said ‘go green 🤩’
-> house plants are your responsibility though
-> he handles the plants outside and you handle the houseplants
-> he insisted upon this because he wanted to be attentive towards his vegetables and he really liked the hose you guys bought for the garden
-> the one with multiple options, you know the one i’m talking about right?
-> ‘jet’ is his personal fav 😈
-> he will spray you when you turn to go inside so feel free to throw a gardening glove at him or something
-> “do that again and i’ll put snails on your tomato patch 🥰”
-> “you wouldn’t 😠”
-> so whike kuroo takes care of the outdoor plants and you take care of the indoor plants you split general chores
-> he takes out the trash,, as he should
-> you put the washing machine on and hang the wet washing out
-> he folds the dry washing and brings it back in and you take turns ironing and cooking on various nights
-> mmm kuroo in an apron 🥺
-> he’ll roll his sleeves up and then insist you tie the ribbon on his apron because “you do it best”
-> he’s bought you matching aprons btw 😐
-> yes the ‘mr and mrs’ type of ones
-> when you first opened them, you were like 😀
-> and he was like 🤩 because he was very proud of himself for finding them
-> you take turns cooking but if you’ve had a particularly long day he’ll insist on doing it and have you lie down on the couch while he chats to you about your day
-> nice versa too, if he’s come home from work stressed or tired you’ll offer to cook and he’d never say no to that
-> one thing you always do together is shower and bath
-> kuroo says it’s good for the environment but he really just wants to see you nakey
-> not even in a sexual way though
-> although, if you’ve been missing each other a lil he might initiate something 😼
-> but generally he is so ridiculously in love with you and just wants to worship everything for what you are
-> he thinks you’re beautiful and finds moments of tranquility in washing each other
-> “god just look at you”
-> “tetsu 😖”
-> “no, i mean it, how’d i end up with someone as perfect as you?”
-> little wet butterfly kisses under the shower 🥺
-> he also to shower with you because he loves when you wash his hair especially
-> he loves the way your fingers get lost in the inky black locks
-> you brush his hair out of his face and get to see his cute lil forehead 😖🥺
-> he will lean down for you to kiss it btw
-> he’s expecting it so you have to deliver
-> after showers he’ll help you get dressed
-> you’ll have one of his old shirts on
-> literally does everytime he sees you in them which is every night so
-> “i fall for you more each time you wear that”
-> ew he’s such a sappy loser
-> but that’s okay you love him
-> overall domestic life with kuroo is easy
-> it’s very even and teamwork is a key factor
-> and he’ll always be your team player when it comes to housework
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dt - @aislastetsu
general taglist → @atsumuwoah @bloody-bella @bbymilkbread @miracleboy420 @doggonudez @tsumue @peteunderoos @tsukkisbean @saturnfarie @toffees-main @zumisace @boosyboo9206 @totorosleaff @27kei @dai-tsukki-desu @angrylittleriri @tsukkaria @kuxredere @warakou @mattsuny @lovinnoya @sophiashortcake
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kittybellestark · 4 years
Valentine’s Day
This is soft boi Peter celebrating Valentine’s day the best way he knows how too.
I’m a little late with this I know. But but but I’m also right on time? Anyways please enjoy this. It’s really not angsty at all. There’s a lil bit of insecure Peter, and some miscommunication but this is some soft stuff okay?
Valentine’s Day was probably Peter’s favourite day of the year. He loved the pinks and reds and the extra excuse to cherish all the people he loved. It was cheesy and corny, but did Peter ever love the day. He never got to celebrate it for what it actually was-a romantic day- not with his short fling with Liz and not with MJ either. But that’s okay, Peter loved the day anyways.
He didn’t really understand people’s hatred for it. Yes, it was now mostly just a capitalist ploy to have everyone buy into, but it was more than that for Peter.
Valentine’s Day was an excuse Peter was able to use to show the few people he had left that he appreciated them. It was a day of celebrating love and a day to fall in love with yourself. Peter liked that.
He worked hard on finding what he could make that could fit into the Valentine’s theme without being too obvious. it often took months of work and crafting to make sure he was content with what he’d gift to everyone.
For Ned it was a portrait of the two but made of Lego. For MJ (despite the relationship ending they were still friends) sketchbooks where he made the paper and bounded it himself. For May a new throw blanket, made with the chunkiest yarn he could find at the discount store. For Happy a keychain with a little toy car attached, painted to say ‘Happy Taxi,’ on it. For Pepper a crocheted cardigan this time with crushed velvet and for Tony a painting of his mother.
He was good at making things for other people, to show them his appreciation and love. He worked tirelessly on them, letting it take up his free time. But it made him happy to know that he made something with his bare hands and was able to gift it to someone he loves.
No one really understood why he gave these gifts other than May. She would always give him a small smile and a hug and then the next day he’d get discounted chocolate. May was the only one who knew that Peter did all the work himself. Everyone else just thought he purchased them. Which was fine.
No one needed to know about the sleepless nights or bleeding fingertips. They didn’t need to know how long he spent working on each individual thing. And they most certainly didn’t need to know that Peter was selling some of his own possessions to be able to fund their gifts.
Peter didn’t really plan on telling any of them either. Why should he? He’s showing his appreciation to them, learning these new skills and then becoming good at them is just a way to learn and to show his love. Besides, he wants to show his appreciation, not force the people he loves to gift him something back.
Maybe the presents he gifts them end up shoved in the back of closets or tossed out after a month. That was fine. Just because he was showing his appreciation doesn’t mean they have to show theirs. Valentine’s Day is Peter’s favourite day, it doesn’t mean that the people in his life also need to like it.
But now it was nearing Valentine’s Day and Peter and Harley were kind of sort of maybe a thing. Honestly, Peter wasn’t very sure at this point. It wasn’t like Harley was one for talking about these things. But they had made out a few times and seemed to dance around any possibility of feelings.
Harley wouldn’t talk about his feelings, he was never very open about his emotions. Besides, Harley had a reputation at school for his relationships, if anyone could actually call a hook-up a relationship. Overall, Peter was very confused. Harley was sweet and kind. He made jokes that only Peter would get and casually sling his arm over Peter shoulders. Sometimes at the tower they’d find themselves cuddled on the couch when no one was around or sometimes Peter would find himself pressed against a wall as Harley tried to bruise his neck.
There weren’t officially together, due to the lack of communicating, which meant they technically weren’t exclusive. Peter wanted to be exclusive, but every time he tried to talk about it Harley would deflect and change the conversation. But now it’s coming close to Valentine’s Day and Peter doesn’t want it to be weird. Harley only started going to school with them this year, and while he’s been in the same friend group as Peter, it doesn’t mean he won’t look at the gift wrong. Most people think that Valentine’s Day is inherently romantic. And Peter really doesn’t want to freak Harley out, especially not when they’re still... enjoying each others company. 
It’s not like Harley ever celebrated Valentine’s Day the way Peter does. No one really does. So this might scare Harley. He could think that Peter believes their exclusive and while that is what Peter wants, Peter is also very, very painfully aware that that the two of the just hook up.
Spotting Harley already at their lunch table, created the perfect opportunity for Peter to explain his version of the day. Ned and MJ would be there, which would let them serve as proof that Peter just likes Valentine’s Day. So Peter hurried over to their table and sat across from Harley. It didn’t take much longer for Ned and MJ to join them and everyone to fall into their easy banter.
“So! Valentine’s Day is next week.” Peter couldn’t help the little shoulder shimmy, showing his excitement.
“Yeah, loser, what’d you get us this year?” MJ snorted.
MJ thought Peter’s idea of Valentine’s Day was cute. She was morally against the Hallmark Holiday but she indulged Peter by always accepting his gift. MJ would always roll her eyes and make some remark of her not celebrating the day but would always thank Peter for the gift. She knew the day was important to him and wouldn’t ever flat out reject Peter’s way of showing he cares.
“I can’t ruin the surprise, you’ll just have to wait,” Peter rolled his eyes, bumping his shoulder against hers, “but Harley has never been here for a Valentine’s Day before.”
“Valentine’s Day is a romantic holiday to take advantage of susceptible couples what of it?”
“Peter doesn’t celebrate the day like that,” Ned explained. “He uses the day to show the people closest to him he cares. So he usually buys us all something he thinks we’ll appreciate.”
Harley raised his eyebrows surveying Peter like this was some sort of mystery when it was really simple.
“Yeah, I mean my family is like all dead, so I like to show the people that I have left that I appreciate them. Valentine’s Day is a good excuse. Also not tainted the way other holidays are with missing my family so...”
“Peter!” Ned scolded, “You can’t just drop the dead parents card, that makes people uncomfortable.”
Ned threw a pack of crackers at Peter in punishment, not that it actually ended up hitting Peter. Instead Peter caught it before cracking opening up with a cheeky grin, popping one of the crackers into his mouth. 
“Listen, if I can’t talk about how my parents are dead because it makes other’s uncomfy then I don’t want other people talking about their alive parents because it makes me uncomfy.”
The group laughed before getting back onto track. 
“Anyways, Harley, I’ve got everyone else a gift for Valentine’s Day, can I get you one or does that make you uncomfortable? I don’t mind either way, and you don’t have to get me anything back, I celebrate the day differently and I don’t expect anyone else to celebrate the way I do.”
Harley seemed to consider Peter’s words, his eyes squinting slightly and his head tilting to the side. There was an edge of discomfort and something else Peter couldn’t really identify painted onto Harley’s face. Peter bit onto his own lip waiting for Harley’s answer and really couldn’t help but notice how pretty the boy was. 
“Peter buy’s the best gifts. Last year he bought me this quilt and I literally cannot sleep without it now.” 
The amount of times Peter bled over that stupid quilt- it wasn’t a stupid quilt. It was actually really cool. Peter went from thrift store to thrift store finding cool t-shirts and fabric swatches. He found an old sewing machine- from the 50′s no less- that hardly worked and he fixed up the best he could. No one really made parts for a sewing machine that old anymore, not with them being antiques and everything. But because it was so badly damaged, he got it for next to nothing. Fixing the thing had taken what felt like a century, and the research behind it along with creating all the necessary parts was extremely painful. But the quilt was worth it, and Peter was able to get all the bloodstains out. Ned loved the thing. It was big enough to fit on a king bed, not that Ned had a king size bed now, but there was a possibility he’d get one in the future.
“It’s true, last year Peter got me this painting done of my Grandmother in Washington protesting. I still have no clue how he found that.” 
Finding a picture of MJ’s grandmother was already very, very hard to do. But he managed to find a picture when he was over at MJ’s house once and cross referenced it from a textbook from the early 2000′s. From there he had the picture enhanced and expanded. Then it was just a matter of tracing the picture onto canvas, and learning how to paint. The whole thing was a wreck and Peter was positive that he was going to ruin the whole thing multiple times over, but eventually it resembled to actual photo and then started to look decent. By the time Valentine’s Day came around he only needed a frame, and Peter was okay with the idea of just purchasing a frame was more than enough. 
“I do happen to know a lot of people, and they also know people. And a few of them owe me some favours.”
“Peter there’s no way you know enough people to find something like that.” MJ rolled her eyes.
“I personally know three, no five billionaires, but I only consistently talk to three, I know not one, not two but three groups of super heroes, then I also know a bunch of other vigilantes and not to mention I know so many small business owners. It’s called networking M, it’s an extremely important skill to have.”
MJ scoffed in response, now taking her turn to bump her shoulder into Peter’s. 
“I don’t know why I ever broke up with you, you could have networked me into a world take over.”
“Maybe because we both realized we weren’t straight, I’m bi, you’re a lesbian? Wait no that was a power move, lesbian-bisexual solidarity. Honestly I’m not too sure anymore, might be the long distance thing we had going on, we used to sit kiddy-corner to each other at lunch. It was much to far to support our relationship.”
Ned pretended to gag, but in actuality was trying not to laugh. 
“You guys were insufferable when you were dating but it’s marginally worse now.”
“It’s because we’re gay,” Peter answered.
“Say’s the token straight friend,” MJ quipped.
Ned stuck out his tongue, and crossed his arms over his chest.
“So am I buying you something or not Harls? Whatever you’re okay with, I don’t expect anything back.” 
“I’m only sayin’ yes because of those wonderful testimonies. I better be dazzled Parker.” 
The table cheered. Peter couldn’t help the pit of anxiety that started to form in his stomach. Now he had a week to make Harley the perfect gift and make sure that the message behind it didn’t lead to far on the romantic side. Up to this point Harley was clear about the one thing they’re not, which is the one thing Peter wants the most. So now this gift not only was going to be rushed, but not put any more pressure onto Harley then there already was. 
This was going to be tricky.
The week went by faster then Peter was expecting. Valentine’s Day was the next day and Peter had just barely managed to pull together something, somewhat decent for Harley. Between his friends and the occasional make out session in the alley way behind the school, Peter was genuinely surprised he managed to make things work. 
He scoured the internet and libraries looking for the perfect thing. Harley had been getting increasingly homesick, bringing up certain stores and area’s of Rosehill that he missed the most. So Peter found old pictures, many of them pre-dating Harley, and some from when the town was first established and he learned to stretch canvas and print the pictures onto it. Before printing the pictures Peter printed the headlines that the town had that really stood out to him, some from the city being founded, to others about Tony Stark making an appearance in town. With the pictures printed on top the headlines were only visible in certain lights. 
Peter really hoped that this gift wasn’t too much. 
“May?” Peter called from his room, each gift was laid out across his bed, except the one for May, ready for inspection. 
He paced around his room, worried that nothing was good enough, that he had made a mistake somewhere. Maybe the cardigan was too loosely crocheted, or the painting of Maria wasn’t accurate. The sketchbooks not enough, the Lego portrait not the right colours. Maybe everything was completely wrong and now it was too late to restart them. This would be so much easier if Peter just purchased some gifts for everyone instead. God, what if he had over stepped with something.
May walked into his room, a smile forming on her face at each display of affection her kid created for the people he cared about. Peter taught himself new skills to try and create things people would love and he never, ever took any credit for his own work. All Peter ever wanted to do was show people that he cared and loved them.
“Peter these are beautiful. When are you going to be giving them out tomorrow?”
Peter shook his head.
“I’m going for brunch with Ned, MJ and Harley. Then after that Harley and I are going to the tower, so I’ll be able to give Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts their gifts. Then Happy will be driving me home so I can be here for when your shift ends, so he’ll get his then. And then you get yours tomorrow night,” he explained voice rushed, and face flushed. “I think I overstepped though, with Harley. Honestly probably Mr. Stark too. I don’t know. It’s not like they’ll be keeping this stuff long term anyways right? It’s not actual quality, they’ll keep it out of curtesy then toss it out when they no longer feel like I’ll be offended. I mean, Mr. Stark probably won’t because that’s a painting of his mom, so it’ll probably just end up in storage. But Harley will. May, he’s going to think I’m such a loser for getting him this, I don’t know what I’m doing.”
May hummed, pulling Peter in for a hug. The boy melted in her arms, hugging her back. Peter rested his head on her shoulder, and tried to calm his breathing. May could feel him trying to force himself to match her own. 
“Baby, you made them all thoughtful gifts. You put your heart into this stuff. They’ve all been so good at accepting and appreciating the things you’ve given them. Now I don’t know how Harley will react to your gift, but I don’t think you over stepped. You’ve been pinning after that boy for months now and if he can’t see how much of a gem you are from this then he needs to open his eyes a little wider. Peter Benjamin Parker, you are a beautiful soul and these things you made for everyone reflects exactly who you are.”
“Okay. Sure, yeah. Alright. Tomorrow will be fine.”
It wasn’t fine. 
Well, it was fine, it just didn’t go over the way Peter was hoping for. Brunch went pretty well. Peter and Ned sat next to each other in a both, with MJ directly across from Peter and Harley next to her. They all drank milkshakes and all got different breakfasts. Peter ate crepes, MJ ate waffles, Ned had pancakes and Harley had a typical eggs, sausage, bacon and toast. Their group was there for nearly there for two hours when they started to wrap things up. Which meant it was time for Peter to give them all his gifts.
“I think Harley should get his first, because it’s his first time being here for Peter’s version of Valentines Day.”
MJ winked at Peter after her suggestion. She knew about their complicated web of a relationship. 
“Yeah!” Ned agreed, “we’ve all gotten years of this so Harley gets the honour of going first.”
Peter nodded in agreement and Harley smiled. All the gifts were in canvas bags, leaning against the window of their booth. It was best for proper protection, and also made carrying the canvases a lot easier. 
“Show me whachu got darlin’. I’m sure you found somethin’ great.”
He pulled out the canvas with a picture printed of Rose Hill’s town square, from some time ago. A few of the businesses in the were shockingly still around, and there happened to be a festival going on at the time. Peter had tried his best to find out what festival could have been happening but unfortunately there wasn’t much information online.
“Alright, so I managed to find this, but if you don’t like it I can have it returned,” he couldn’t return it, but Harley doesn’t need to know that. Really, Peter would either put it in storage or he would burn it. 
Peter handed it over with a smile, Ned nudging him just a little bit. Harley took it, and stared at it for much to long without a reaction. His face remained blank, jaw set and Peter felt his stomach drop. Peter had really believed this was something Harley would like, but maybe he misread what Harley meant by homesick. 
Peter felt like an idiot.
“Okay well, MJ here’s yours.” 
He pulled out the homemade sketchbooks, each in a different colour and tried not to look back at Harley. MJ took the notebooks, flipping through the pages a smile on her face. There was orange and red and blue and green, enough of a variety to give her a challenge when drawing, or to set the mood.
“They’re all 100% recycled paper. I know you were saying you were running low on sketchbooks and wanted to find some more ethically made ones so...”
“They’re wonderful Peter, thank you.”
She reached out and squeezed his hand. No sarcastic remarks this time, a clear sign that MJ didn’t approve of Harley’s lack of reaction. Peter shook his head and MJ frowned.
“Okay Ned, this one is for you, be careful it’s a little delicate, not that it can’t be fixed but if you drop it then that’s it.”
“Yeah, yeah just let me have it.”
Peter handed over the Lego portrait, it was large, to say the least, the background red and it was accurate as it could be for plastic blocks. Ned gasped, and his grip tightened on the portrait. Peter watched Ned put it down and was pulled into a quick side hug.
“Dude! This is so cool, this is us! I can’t wait to put this on display in my room. This is so cool, they better make us into a Lego movie now.”
Everyone except Harley laughed. MJ and Ned both gave Peter looks of confusion and he didn’t have a response other than a shrug. This wasn’t the reaction any of them were expecting Harley to have. Not this silence. But Harley just continued to sit there, looking tense, no longer looking at the picture gifted to him.
“Okay, well Mr. Stark is expecting us at the tower in the next hour and we’re an hour and a half away so Harley and I should probably get going.”
Alone time could help. Or it could make things worse. They only had to sit through a bus ride and a subway trip before the tower. Maybe then Harley will have something to say. Besides they both have to work with Tony together. It’s a lot of time to spend together.
The group of teens all walked out of the diner, saying goodbyes and as they separated, gifts in hand. Peter followed slightly behind Harley as the made their way to the bus, trying not to accidentally destroy Tony’s or Pepper’s gift by taking up too much room on the side walk. He couldn’t help but notice the tight grip Harley used to hold on the canvas and Peter was very worried that Harley was going to stretch it or break the thing. 
Peter tried to start conversations with Harley. But every question ended with a shrug for an answer. It was clear to Peter that somehow, someway he royally screwed up. The bus ride was bad, the subway ride was awkward but the elevator ride up the tower was unbearable. Any reaction would have been better, in Peter’s eyes. He would take Harley screaming and tossing the canvas, never wanting to see him over this horrid silence. It was too tense, and Peter was genuinely worried that making any sort of sound or movement would make things crumble. At least he wouldn’t be at the tower for too long.
The elevator doors opened to the penthouse and both the boys exited. Harley stormed off to his room and Peter went to the kitchen. After hearing Harley’s door slam shut Peter put his bags down onto the island and checking to make sure that there’s no damage on either of the gifts. 
Tony entered the area, a big smile on his face. He was dressed up a suit jacket being carried in his arms. Tony and Pepper were supposed to be going out on a date, apparently Valentine’s Day is a great excuse to leave work behind for a few hours.
“Hey Roo, thought you and Harley would be hanging out?”
“Yeah, we were supposed to but I’m gonna head home. I just wanted to make sure you and Ms. Potts got your gifts. Right, yes okay first of all happy Valentine’s Day second of all I have gifts.”
Tony rolled his eyes with a fond smile. He placed his jacket down on one of the stools, and jumped up onto the island counter. He was careful to not disturb the things that were already on the counter. 
“Why is it that you get to buy Pepper and I gifts but then when I try to buy you something it becomes a whole thing?”
“Because when you buy me gifts it is typically something that is over the top. You tried buying a chocolate company because I was sad they were discontinuing my favourite kind. Our idea of gifts are very different.”
Peter stuck out his tongue and Tony flipped him off. 
“Okay, fine whatever now gimmie. You bought me a gift that means you can’t just not give it.”
The teen laughed pulling the painting out from the canvas bag. He handed it over and Tony took it, flipping it around to see Maria. Tony’s one hand went and covered his mouth and Peter gave a small smile. Tony gave himself a minute to recompose himself before reaching out his hand to touch his mothers face.
“Pete... How did you find this?”
Peter shrugged. “I know some people, and they also happen to know some people. They happened to not know that this was your mom and were trying to sell it so I got it.”
Really Peter saw a picture of Maria in the Penthouse, took a picture of the picture, stretched canvas went to the art store bought supplies. Sketched out Maria, tried putting down a base coat, cried because it was ugly, Tried painting it again, cried a little more while repeating “trust the process,” and the eventually it started to look vaguely familiar. Peter hated the process from beginning to end, but the painting itself was goo enough to gift so that was great too.
Just then Pepper walked into the room, hair curled and in a beautiful dark blue dress. She smiled at Peter before taking notice of Tony and the painting in his hands. Pepper grabbed onto Tony’s leg with a soft sigh. Peter felt like he was infringing in their moment when Tony looked up and her and Pepper ran her fingers through his hair.
“I uh, I didn’t get it framed, I didn’t feel that was right to do. I thought you might like finding a frame that fits your moms personality or making one, I dunno.”
“No, no, no that’s perfect. Thank you, Peter, this was just- thank you.”
“Literally no problem, Mr. Stark. I also got one for you Miss. Potts, though it’s not like an emotion one, I just thought you might want something for comfort when at home.”
Pepper tilted her head, a smile playing on her lips, eyes crinkling just so. “Peter, you really didn’t have to buy me anything.”
I know,” Peter dragged out his words head bobbing back and forth as he reached into the bag to get the sweater. 
Once it was out of the bag, Peter all but pushed it into Pepper’s arms. She unfolded the soft crushed-velvet cardigan. It was a deep purple colour, and used a simple enough pattern. There were a few golden buttons sewn on in case Pepper would want something that buttoned up. Getting Pepper’s measurements weren’t too hard for Peter, he just logged into FRIDAY’s servers, then went searching through things he doesn’t have access too and then wrote down everything he needed to know. Luckily for Peter, Pepper and May roughly were the same size, so May was his model in the end. The Cardigan should reach to just above Pepper’s knees and be slightly oversized on her. The entire process was painful, using a crushed velvet yarn was an ambitious move, especially considering that Peter’s crocheting skills are very basic. It was overall a success but a painful one.
“Oh wow, Peter this is really nice.”
She put on the sweater, lifting up one finger up before rushing to the bathroom to look in the mirror. 
“Peter this is so nice? Where did you find this? The quality is incredible and you can tell this is handmade by someone who cares for their work. Also It’s soft and, oh my god there’s pockets. Tony, honey, look, pocket’s I’m just saying that there’s not enough pockets in the world. I think I could fit a book in these pockets.”
Pepper stepped out of the bathroom and Peter was very happy to see it fit her properly. Her hands were deep in the pockets lifting the two sides of the cardigan up to showcase that the pockets were in fact real. She dropped her arms to the side after a moment, taking her hands out of her pocket and giving a little twirl. 
“This is probably my new favourite sweater, Peter. Thank you.” 
“It’s no problem Miss. Potts. I’m going to head out now, happy Valentine’s Day.”
Both the adults wished Peter well and on his way out Peter had seen Happy and was able to let the man know not to pick him up later as well as give him the little keychain.  Happy pretended to think the Happy Taxi keychain was very funny. Peter knew he did in fact enjoy the joke, as Happy had put it onto his keyring immediately. And Happy doesn’t do anything he doesn’t want to- at least not when it comes to Peter.
The journey home from the tower was rough. Peter couldn’t help but thinking of Harley. By the time Peter got home he was consumed by everything he could have possibly done wrong. Maybe the gift was too much. Or not enough. Harley might actually hate the pictures that Peter picked out. Peter could have messed things up earlier and Harley just felt this was the right time to ice him out. Did Peter’s breath stink the last time they hooked up? Was he too clingy or just not good enough? Harley has a few people he hooks up with at school, which he’s stopped with everyone except Peter, so maybe Harley was upset with Peter.
Peter just wanted to scream. He tried his best to be what Harley wanted, to go with whatever flow was being set. Harley didn’t seem to want anything serious so Peter stopped trying to define what they were. They’re friends who kiss and that’s fine, except maybe Harley never wanted any of this and Peter pressured him into this. The entire thing was a mess, and Peter wished he knew what he did wrong. 
Boys are complicated.
Harley is complicated. 
It was March 1st before Harley started to talk to Peter again. Their group of friends had been tense, Ned and MJ did their best to keep things from getting awkward. None of it really worked. Harley would talk to everyone but Peter, and when Peter would try and talk he would be glared at instead.  But finally after two weeks of nothing Peter got a text.
Come over now ?
Peter’s anxiety went through the roof, but this was good right? A step in the right direction? Peter wasn’t so sure what it could mean, but talking was definitely better than nothing. So Peter responded and made his way over.
This could be the end of their friendship. What if Harley friend-breaks up with Peter? That would be mortifying. To be called over just to be told that Harley no longer see’s Peter as a friend is nightmare. It could be a reality. Peter must have messed up badly if Harley was calling him up to friend breakup. 
One Peter made it up to the pent house he was surprised to see Harley making popcorn in the kitchen. Peter had stepped out of the elevator, arms crossed over his chest, moving to sit at the kitchen island.
“I’m making popcorn. We’re watching a movie.”
Peter couldn’t help but nodding too fast too soon. He didn’t much like the way Harley was talking or Harley’s tense shoulders. It was too matter-of-fact. Harley didn’t have the emotion’s that usually filled his actions and move, not a single nickname or pushing his accent to sound stronger.  This was just Harley without the usual charm and it worried Peter. 
They both moved over to the living room once Harley was done with the popcorn. Peter sat down in his usual spot- on the left end of the couch and Harley, well Harley just a little bit farther away than usual. It wouldn’t have been too noticeable to Peter if Harley hadn’t shut him out.
But now Peter noticed everything. 
He couldn’t help but notice the way Harley’s heart was beating just a little bit faster than it usually did. Peter noticed the way Harley would not relax, how each movement was carefully thought out. Harley wouldn’t let himself take full breaths, and Peter could feel the vibration on the floor from Harley bouncing his foot. 
Peter was so focused on Harley, trying to find out Harley could possibly be thinking. He wasn’t paying any attention to the movie was playing, or even what Harley’s actions were. Peter was so focused on trying to understand everything about Harley that he missed it when Harley moved. 
Well, Peter missed it up until there was lips on his neck. 
Harley’s hands moved to Peter’s waist, trying to pull Peter up on top of himself without losing any contact. The tension in Harley’s muscles started to relax, and Peter couldn’t stop himself from melting into Harley.
This- Peter could be what Harley wanted like this. He can be pliable or rough. Whatever Harley needed, whatever Harley wanted, Peter could be it. It’s easy to be good and in the moment with Harley. There was no talking, sure, that wasn’t great. But kissing? Sitting on Harley’s lap? That was good.
Here, Peter can be whatever Harley wants him to be. No picture on a canvas or anger. The attention isn’t solely wrapped around the lack of talking between the two, but of them together. Peter can be what Harley wants, he really, can. He just need too-
No. Peter can’t be whatever Harley wants. Not without the communication. And definitely not with everything that’s happened in the last two weeks. Every day Peter has ran through what exactly went wrong on Valentine’s Day. Whether it was the gift, or the place, maybe it was some sort of unknown expectation Harley had. But it led to nothing. Peter felt like nothing. Peter doesn’t what to be nothing, not even if that’s what Harley wants him to be. 
He can’t be here, not like this. 
“Harley, Harley, stop.” 
Tears burned in Peter’s eyes as he forced them shut and turned his head away. Harley pushed Peter off of his lap without a second thought, and Peter hated how that felt personal. 
“Darling, what’s happening? Did I do something to upset you?”
Peter wanted to hate that honey-thick accent, but he also just wanted that concern to be real. Not that the concern was fake- Harley wasn’t the type to fake concern- but Peter wanted it to be more than just situational. He wanted things to be deeper, Peter wanted Harley to care about him the same way he cares about Harley. And if Peter couldn’t have that, then he wanted to hate Harley and his stupid accent, and southern charm, and blue eyes and not-quite-brown-but-not-really-blond-hair. 
So he straightened his shoulders out, and took a deep breath in. Peter opened his eyes to Harley only being a few inches in front of him. Barely enough room to breathe, but also way too much room. Peter sat more up right and shook his head.
“I can’t do this Harley. I can’t be the person you call for a good time. You haven’t spoken a word to me since Valentine’s Day, and now this is it? We just make out for a little bit and I have to pretend like I never felt like I was the one to do something wrong? I can’t do that.”
Harley pulled himself backwards, his hands pressed into the couch. His head was tilted just a little bit the the side, eye’s flickering back and forth as he thought.
“You literally gave me a present for Valentine’s Day, Peter, I wasn’t okay with that.”
Peter wanted to pull his hair out- he really did. He stood up and walked around the coffee table one hand tugging lightly at his hair while the other stayed at his hip.
“Why would you tell me that you were okay with me getting you something for Valentine’s Day if you’re going to be uncomfortable then. I asked you so I could avoid this. You even saw me give MJ, who is my ex-girlfriend, a present and Ned one. If you were not okay with it then why did you tell me to dazzle you?”
“Because I thought you’d buy me something. But you didn’t. Nobody has ever heard of Rosehill let alone sold pictures of it with headlines from the town’s news paper. You made that. I don’t want you treating me like I’m special.”
Harley also moved to stand, making his way closer to Peter. With every word he jabbed a finger in Peter’s direction, his voice getting louder as he continued. His face was patchy-red and Harley’s jaw was set tight.
“I don’t buy shit for anyone on Valentine’s Day, Harley. I made the Lego portrait of Ned and I, and MJ’s notebooks, I also painted Mr. Stark’s Mom, and crocheted Pepper a sweater, and May a blanket. Also I made Happy a little Happy Taxi keychain with working headlights. I don’t claim to buy anyone’s gifts. I do it all myself. So my bad for making you feel special for doing a two minute Google search and printing something out I’d thought you’d like. I spent months making gifts for everyone, except yours because I just didn’t know you well enough. I did what I could, but everything I gave was made by me.”
The room fell silent again. The teens stood face to face, just a few feet away from each other. Harley’s blue eyes were filled with anger and disbelief and Peter couldn’t help but feel hurt. They stood there, starring at each other for too long, breathing too heavily. The movie continued to play, casting different lights across the room and they all just seemed to fit too well.
“Okay,” Peter finally broke the silence, his voice barely above a whisper, “okay. I’m going home. I really cannot do this anymore, Harley. The ball is in your court now. Just- if you decide that we’re not going to be friends or whatever can you please not just ignore me at lunch? It’s awkward. Also it’s not fair to MJ or Ned. And please don’t tell anyone I make their gifts, I don’t want them buying me something out of guilt. I do it because it’s important to me. Other than that, if you want to stay out of my life or whatever you decide it’s fine. I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable. I’m really sorry, Harley.”
With that Peter turned away from Harley. He hated that he was the one that was bringing things to an end. Is that even what this was? Peter gave Harley the choice, it doesn’t mean that Harley will choose to burn everything they’ve had to the ground, but he could. This could be it. No more friendship or laughing or kissing. It’d all be over. All because of a stupid picture and Peter’s need for attention. 
That’s all it was ever about. Attention. It had to have been. If he was being rational, then Harley’s silence wouldn’t have bothered him. Peter wouldn’t have met with Harley after school or during lunch. This was all Peter’s fault. He just liked the attention.
No. No. That wasn’t it. It couldn’t be. Peter liked Harley. He wanted a relationship with Harley. It’s not like he didn’t try waiting for him or communicating what he wanted. Peter tried to give Harley all the time he needed. It just wasn’t enough and now Harley has a choice. This wasn’t over a picture, or attention, it’s about Harley.
So Peter walked away. He made his way to the elevator where FRIDAY already had the doors opened and waiting for him. Harley just needed time, to figure out what he wants. That’s all this is. Time. It’s not an ending. It just feels final. 
Peter turns around and smiles at Harley, tipping his head forward. Harley is still all the way across the living room, just watching Peter walk out on him. The doors started to close when Harley finally, finally called out to him, making FRIDAY re-open the doors.
“I’m sorry for freaking out. I just thought you were trying to make me feel bad for not getting you anything.”
Peter sighed, “I don’t care if you get me anything, Harley. It’s my holiday, not yours. No one get me anything in return, it’s why I don’t say that I make the gifts. But I stand by what I said. I’m not doing this weird friends who make out thing anymore. I can’t be waiting around for weeks because you’re upset and wondering where things stand between us. You’re either in this or you aren’t. I can’t be another name on a list you work your way through because you’re bored.”
“Darling, you’ve never been another name on my list. I swear it.”
Harley made his way from around the couch and Peter stepped out of the elevator, but not enough to really be in the room. The both of them were saying their words a little too loudly, and it all felt like too much. 
Peter could feel the heat burning his eyes as he tried his best to to cry in front of Harley. His jaw ached from the feeling and everything in him said he should just leave. Cut his loses and leave. But Harley was here, pretty as ever, with his splotchy-red face and freckles. Peter just couldn’t convince himself to leave. 
“Cindy. Brad. Sarah. Ashley. Josh. Eric. Damion. Brittany. Jessica. Me. That’s a list, Harley. I tried to be okay with it, I swear. But there’s only so many times you can brush me off when I try to talk about it. You can’t tell me I’m more than just a name on a list when it’s all right there.”
Tears started to roll down Harley’s face first. Harley’s hands shook as he tried to wipe them away and Peter tried not to sob at the sight. Peter stayed where he stood and Harley moved forward into Peter’s space. He lifted his hands up to Peter’s face, thumbs on Peter’s cheeks and finger’s tangled in Peter’s hair. Harley cried as he held Peter, and Peter did his best not to lean into Harley.
“I’m so sorry, Peter. I’m sorry that I’m scared and that I wouldn’t listen to you. I like you so much, sweetheart. I’m so sorry that I made you feel like this. I’ll do better. Please, honey, I don’t want to lose you.”
Peter couldn’t stop himself from sobbing. Tears streamed down his face as he let himself fall into Harley. He wrapped his arms around the taller boy, and Harley had one arm wrapped around Peter’s back and the other holding onto the back of his head. Peter was relieved to hear that Harley wanted him to stay. He just couldn’t imagine a life without Harley.
“We can be boyfriends, if that is also what you want Peter. I know I’d like that a lot. Just the two of us, no one else.  How’s that sound?” 
“Yeah, I like that, just the two of us, no one else.”
Harley tried to laugh as he held Peter, but it didn’t work out well. Instead the two just held each other as they cried. Finally releasing the emotions they held in during their fight, and instead of being left alone they got the comfort of each other’s arms.
The elevator closed. The movie played on. Peter finally got the one.
taglist: send an ask/dm to be added.
@peter-is-a-bean @jean-and-diet-coke @dead-inside-pt2 @they-were-cloudsinmycoffee @parkersjiggle @7peternotparker7 @thatonecrackheadshipper @kevinthewoman @faline4you @lynxshinon @narutoyaoifan @pastelwheeler @thecrazymarvelfan @bonjour-gays @thebestqueenoftheworld
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writr4luvrs · 5 years
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[Platonic] Zer0/Reader
Request: "Zer0 and reader split after borderlands 2 and reunite in 3"
You hated Pandora, you hated the bandits, you hated the animal kingdom, even the plant life was trying to kill you and you hated that just as much. But it didnt compare to how much you hated of having to make the decision of leaving one of the few and only people who was your best friend on this godforsaken planet. Zer0, the silent and mysterious being that roamed the lands for swift and deadly kills and vanish. You partnered with them on missions, went on hunting camps, you both had each others backs. The silent being kept to themself the first few weeks only to easily open up more and more to you and vice versa. Your bond to them made your heart clutch and your throat tighten.
When Wainwright Jakobs sent an echo to your mailbox to off you to be his personal aid in his protection as well conducting business and to jump onto the first spacecraft off Pandora, who the hell would you be to refuse? You wouldn't have to sleep with a literal eye open, you'd have a warm bed, an actual proper long bath, good food, and an astounding pay. "Handsome Jack is dead /-" Zero beings.
"So, must my dream?!" You partially meant that. "I mean- ugh! I can't just leave, leave you, but, shit man..." you squat to the ground, arms resting on your knees, your brain scattered. "This opportunity is the greatest gig I've ever been offered... come with me." you look up to them and they respond with: :'(. "Ugh!" your head falls.
"It's an opportunity / that can't be dismissed."
"I know..." you softly groan.
"Atlas wants me too / If that makes you feel better / It's innetible." You looked up to them, you realized they wanted you to go, to get off this planet cause even they were soon to leave. During the hours you spent on the ship to Eden-6, you couldn't tell if your gut was twisting to your malcontent for missing your best friend or if it was the artificial gravity that you had yet to get use to. After a few weeks of guarding Jakobs and his boyfriend Hammerlock, running jobs around the swamp aesthetic planet, you became adjusted and only occupied your mind with work and hunting. And when the years passed, you understood that leaving Pandora was the best thing for you, every once in a while reminiscing memories of your old friends, glad that Zer0 had told you to leave.
You met good people, ate better food, lied in a warm bed, and a hell of a lot of guns and cash. That was until ships of Children of the Vault (COV) and Maliwan invaded the planet, no doubt, from what you heard from the echonet, they were here for a vault. You trusted every word that Wainright said and so if he said there wasn't a vault, there wasn't a vault. "So, why the hell send me half across the universe to Promethea? The shittiest capitalist planet in the region?!"
"I- first of all: your tone and second of all: that Rhys fellow has specific codes that we need. Despite being observantly obtuse, he knows what he's doing."
"So why not send-"
"No! All he does is soak up bullets and don't even get me started on Miss Gillette..." You recall that he has never liked that man. "We're ending this discussion, bring back them codes before any of them COV bastards catch whiff of you." When you landed on Promethea, you had to fight and dodge through the war zone, turn your head from the refugees that hid from Maliwan and COV, you had to focus but luckily Wainright had contacted Rhys before your departure. Yet, you had run into some trouble. Maliwan soldiers stood guarding their post that was directly in the way of the Atlas office building.
Sneaking in would have been impossible and a Maliwan soldier's: "Move along, poor." just didnt feel great to hear so you decided to give them a few bullets, tragically leading to a battle between you and the soldiers. Fire was becoming more and more heated, you needed back up and called the direct line to Rhys' office, finally having the realization you could've called beforehand instead of outright fighting but then again shooting that Maliwan asshole was worth it. "What?" an agitated voice answered your echo.
"This is Jakobs coming to collect the codes, got a lil situation with Maliwan at your front door."
"I know, those freaking jerks have been trying to barge into my office all-"
"Can you please send backup, like, nowish?"
"Yeah yeah yeah, sure sure sure!" Moments more of shooting and surviving, you notice the number of soldiers were becoming shorter, dividing. Yet you couldn't figure out who was taking them out, you only continued to shoot until there was one soldier left yet before you were able to shoot them, blood began to spill from them. Their chest appeared to have a blade through his chest yet there wasn't- "Oh... okay." The realization coming to you as the soldier fell to their knees, behind them was a dark figure, the assassin and biggest number than majority of people you've come across: "Zer0!" You step over the soldier, kicking away at them as they grasped desperately at you, you tell them "excuse me" and friendly punch the assassin in their shoulder. "My dude! Where you been?"
"Working for Atlas /." Their helmet presenting a ':)' emoticon. "Those Maliwan are real assholes / Thanks for helping out."
"...I called you.."
"... I didn't want to / say it..."
"Well, you're welcome and thanks." You put your arm around their neck, the gesture was automatic. "Let's go get these stupid codes, you nut." The familiarity of their silence, their emoticons, the total dweebness under the cool cold assassin persona. After gathering the codes, you made sure to tell them that the two of you needed to catch up.
"Yes, we can collect / more heads from assholes I've scoped / it'll be great fun." You notice some somewhat gawking from Rhys from afar, did you hint jealousy?
"Yeah, I wouldn't mind....killing or y'know spending time with you... bro..." you lightly punched their shoulder, picking up some blood from it. Yeah, you missed this.
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pffbts · 5 years
↳ bts: the way i see them.
―author`s note: this is a rough characterization which might not all be the real thing. literally, the longest thing i wrote here. even though it was exhausting, i can say i`m proud of myself. i hope you understand my pov for each and every one of them. and if you want you can tell me which one caught your eye the most in my ask box! anyway, happy reading, lovelies!<3
you`ll feel like the luckiest person, i swear.
as if that`s the home you need.
because seokjin is a homebody, as much as i`ve witnessed him to be.
he`ll always cook―yes, that`s his number one business.
he`s not going to let you come any closer to the kitchen or the gas or the microwave even though you continue to plead him that it`s alright and that you can at least make him a nice cup of tea or coffee once in a while.
in return of that he will tell you to treat him with tea or coffee at some fancy café, thus involving the investment of your credit/debit card.
now to the good part: pyjamas shopping
ever heard of that? no, i guess.
but it`s like a free item, or like a compulsory item/characteristic that comes with dealing and having seokjin in your life.
he loves his pyjamas, that`s his ‘loml’
probably owns too many for you to steal and he won`t even notice, i guarantee you.
people usually go for window shopping at some fancy store but kim seokjin will forget about window shopping and enter into the store to buy bear printed pyjamas.
if he`s in a good mood, he`ll probably buy you some too.
he`ll always end up calling you from the other side of the store in that loud, childish enthusiastic voice to see if the pink suits him or the baby blue one.
“which one do you think i`ll look good in?”
“jin, it`s not a suit. just get something that`s comfortable for you.”
“yahhh! i want to be presentable to you. choose one!”
against your wish, he`ll end up buying three sets of pink pyjamas.
you wanted the blue one, btw.
now to the best part of the century: guitar obsession.
literally, i feel like there are not many people who know that seokjin, indeed self-taught himself the guitar during the wings tour.
i, myself was so happy to see that.
he looked so calm and himself when he played it.
tbh if you ever hear him once playing it, you`ll be obsessed.
you`ll drag his guitar every time and request him to play it.
seokjin will be literally standing in his towel, his upper body still wet after the a nice warm shower and you`ll be sitting on your bed telling him to start playing.
your reason: “you look hot. now play me some sexy songs.”
seokjin doesn`t know why but you`re his cutest lil shit.
you never fail to make him laugh out loud or fall in love with you harder than the last day.
sometimes his ears would go red if he continues to stare at you for more than two minutes.
he gets flustered too soon and ends up gathering his composure after too many loud bursts of whining.
seokjin is the type of person to take care of our food supplies, he will not forget to pick you up from your workplace/college on time, never fails to make the most delicious tiffin.
like who even needs canteen food and fancy decorative restaurant food when you have none other than kim seokjin to take care of you.
he`ll be a little savage sometimes but that`s okay―it`s his way of loving you.
 at the end of the day, keeping you happy and content is his only business.
uncharacteristic at its finest.
no doubt the reason you`ll fall in love with him genuinely would be because of his uncharacteristic smile―those savouring gummies on display for you to eye feast on.
he`s the kind of person who will be the reserved and shy ones during the first couple of meetings but then as they open up like turning pages after pages in those story books, you`ll end up putting your palm up against his mouth to stop him from continuing his further liberal and capitalistic jokes.
the reason you`ll end up never leaving him because he was holding your hand all the time.
strangely that`s a very cherry on the top situation you can ever encounter with min yoongi
this man, however poised he is, never fails to make you feel special and it`s not like making food for you or arranging your clothes.
but rather he will look into the tiniest details and whenever you`ll scrunch your nose at that eye shadow shade, he`ll jump in from the other side of the room―his thousand dollars headphone around his neck like those three dollars chain (you know what i did right there, yes bye.) and tell you that you look beautiful nonetheless.
you`ll end up having a no make-up look and he`ll still never waver to look at your direction all the time.
 he`s just that kind of person―never underestimating the real you and always silently curious of what it is that makes up to you.
the most fun part with yoongi will be napping―yes, i understand that`s the dumbest thing i ever said but see what i`m trying to imply here.
you`ll never be bored because he `ll find some reason to make you feel less bored.
he`ll throw different ideas about how he wants to nap and what he wants to do.
you`re glad that one of that idea actually worked aka napping in different countries.
but it`ll be six hours with snacks spread in front of both of you and yoongi would be lying on the sofa talking like a drunk yet a sane person and you`ll be munching onto the lays while discussing a serious topic of napping.
a very peculiar person but unusually a good peculiar, you see.
for most of the time, he will not give any effort and just silently let you know that he loves you but when he gets loud, boy, does he get loud.
he`ll end up writing 349873897483 songs about you and you`ll never get bored of them cause they`re made with love.
he compares his love for you like poetry―literally liberal poetry.
i`ve no idea how he does that but that man―*sigh* you should be blessed you met him, held him and talked with him because i don`t think you`ll ever regret loving that one man. 
hmmm, first of all, figures, sun, laughter.
those are the three things that define jung hoseok of who he is.
also, another word―the much need glucose of my scorching Indian summer days.
alright, that was a phrase.
anyway, hoseok isn`t an easy person.
i can assure you that because the people who laugh a lot, talk a lot and are loud af 24/7 are the ones who hide the most.
it`ll take a lot of sad movies, a lot of sad memories to erupt at the same time for him to tear up.
i guess no one will fucking forget mama 2018.
hoseok isn`t an easy person but he`ll be the easiest one to talk to first.
it`s the understanding part that will take a while. but all that is in the insides.
let`s start with the outside―that is, his bright side.
he`s a dancer, so obviously he`ll be the energy in-between both of you.
sometimes i don`t know why but having him around you will feel like as if he`s transferring bit by bit of his energy into you and soon, you`ll find yourself swaying with that, swaying and moving with him.
that`s where your freedom of laughing freely starts, you`ll throw your hands in the air while he`ll be quick to hold onto them tightly and make you twirl on your own.
he`ll make those sounds as if putting the bgm to shame.
tbh having jung hoseok in your life is like living a constant life on a reel with sounds providing the perfect synopsis to your actions.
he`s like tunes you`ll never end up hating but nevertheless love to hold onto.
hoseok isn`t much of a work freak.
but he`ll be there to make things helpful for you, like if you need help with some stuff―he`ll be always up for some hand.
of course, you won`t have to be worried about the neatness of your room.
he`ll always end up putting things at the right places by the start of your week but will be expecting to meet with a mess of what you`re by the starting of the weekend.
but he doesn`t mind.
seriously, he doesn`t. yes, he does get frustrated but that`ll only show at the point when you both are in a stable relationship with each other. in the beginning i guess, he`ll exhale loudly, sigh a lot while arranging your stuff but he`ll not complain.
even though he`ll nag at the stable point of your relationship, he`ll just try to put things together inside you―sometimes changes are good, right??
also, the thing about hoseok is that―his temper fluctuates a lot.
but just like i said before, he won`t show that much often, not until he`s too much in this ride with you.
if you, by any chance break that tight and taut shell of his then he`ll breakdown a lot.
he`ll let you take a stroll inside his mind and especially his heart.
he`ll start getting raw with whatever he`s going through. but he`ll continue to assure you that he`s still the same happy guy whenever he`s around you
the reason, i guess, he doesn`t show these insides of his is because he doesn`t want you to feel down. he doesn`t want to become a different set of sadness on top of your own.
he wants to keep things neat, bright and vibrant for you.
he would rather be the brightest thing in this room of yours than the moon that gets overshadowed by clouds on some frequent occasions.
to conclude everything, he wants to live happily and he wants you to live happily before both of your time fades away.
a calming yet chaotic person striving hard to let you know that happiness exists in the saddest places on this earth.
yep, that`s what namjoon is.
keeping up with namjoon is difficult because he doesn`t blend in with every situation.
he likes to keep that distance you can`t see with naked eyes.
it would take a few moments for you to understand that this guy isn`t always what he let people show.
just like hoseok, namjoon has two sides of himself but for namjoon`s case, he lives in his insides rather than outsides like hoseok.
he keeps things real, and to do that he writes a lot.
a whole ‘mono’ exists to prove that point.
forget about his use of auto-tune here and there in the songs of that playlist and just go through the words.
he makes you think even though you don`t think that often and he`ll make you google things up to understand the depth of the facts he stated.
he keeps things simple.
from his clothes to his mind―he hates complicating things and that`s such a beautiful thing i can never fully describe you.
he hobbies are simple too―going for casual walks and visiting non-historical places aka parks, lake sides, river sides.
cycle is his best friend. #KimDaily is proof.
physically through a stout man, he doesn`t carry himself like that.
i`m going to say this again and again until you slap me hard but namjoon is a simpleton―he keeps thinking too simply that words don`t get stuck and gets overflowed through his hand.
i personally, relate to that.
but he`s overthinker―strange combination, i know but he thinks and complicates things a lot which makes him frustrated and so he writes a lot.
that`s the exact reason he`s always the one who contributes to the music making of Bangtan a lot more than the other three writers (hoseok & yoongi)
he runs out of words―yes, namjoon do runs out of words. if you watch some of his interviews, he stops and thinks what word to choose at that certain situation.
and you want to know why? because he has too many things at the same time in his mind and sometimes he can`t even pinpoint on single syllable over the other.
keeping up with namjoon means keeping up with his philosophical side too.
you`ll probably end up woke till 4 in the morning because human emotions are a mind-blowing concept to discuss with kim namjoon and sure it is! when it involves namjoon, it`ll always turn out to be the best thing to talk about.
namjoon`s source of entertainment isn`t for everyone.
for me, i think it`s perfect.
library dates? fuck, that`s better than sex.
to love him is to love him with your insides because this man doesn`t believe in the outsides of that person.
he prefers to dwell in the insides and pull out the string which will become the next topic of debate for both of you.
he`ll keep you on your toes when he finishes a book because then he`ll tell you everything about the characters which you, yourself couldn`t find.
he`ll tell you about things you never knew and you`ll realize that he`s by far the best thing after google.
he`s the nerd that is handsome, strong and had beautiful hands which are soft like feather.
so hold onto them tightly and don`t forget to give him his kisses.
park jimin, you beautiful creature.
first of all, thank his parents.
listen, this man is the epitome of love.
he has always been that hard-working kid at the front of your class, never getting distracted. always loving what he does at that moment.
his parents are supportive of what he does and he never discourages them.
instead he saddens himself by degrading himself.
nothing makes me happy than knowing that he is in a better place of mind now, that he calls himself cute this days, that he loves the word ‘lovely’ too much.
 that he says, ‘i love you’ too aggressively in English these days.
i think smile suits him better than those smexy sunglasses, right?
talking about sunglass―btw, just like seokjin`s pyjama obsession, i think jimin has a knack for buying too many aesthetic coloured sunglasses.
you`ll probably end up buying too many of them too if you ever go out with him.
he`ll always make sure you`re getting enough share of food and everything necessary to survive in life.
he`ll always look out for the time you spend overworking yourself and drag you to take a rest.
but when you do the same, he`ll be like ‘babe, no worries. see i`m so strong!’
he is the kind of person i fucking need in life.
the kind of person who listens and doesn`t stop himself from crying along with you.
he`ll always lend you that undivided attention, that unshared shoulder to lean onto.
he`ll pick up the pieces for you and give you the time and space.
never will he once try to invade a space inside you without your permission.
though a flirty type of person, he is serious too.
he knows when to draw the line and the reason he is like that maybe because he loves skinship a lot.
yep, even though i`m not a big fan of skinship, park jimin sure makes me wonder what`s it like to cuddle for three hours with the loml.
thank you, jimin, now i`m depressed.
i don`t know about kinks that much but park jimin 3873873% has a praise kink.
and sure why the fuck not.
he`s after all a very beautiful, god-like person from inside and out and you better give him some love while passing by the street beside him.
100% shirt guy aka my type.
99.9% of the times that i`ve seen jimin, he`s always wearing light coloured or pastel shaded shirt and boy, he looks so good in them.
he looks better when his hair is half-wet and it`s messy.
he looks more beautiful when his face is bare and his eyes don`t have that perfect eye shadow.
his eye smiles. f u c k.
you`ll end up squeezing his face 23.5 hours a day and he won`t mind because he likes the way your skin feels against him.
also, just like hoseok his temper is very similar too. so i won`t explain much on that cause it`s too similar for me. like, no wonder whoever made them roommates, they know what`s cooking.
you`ll probably end up staying up another night with him watching too many cat videos. it`s thing that come in the whole package so you really can`t avoid even if you`re not a cat person.
on a serious note: the more you give him, the more he`ll cross the boundary of love. he`ll make you overwhelmed and thirsty with the needs.
he`ll not stop until he gives his all to you.
he`ll want you to keep going on with your life even though he knows it`s hard. he`ll give you his voice, his shoulders, his chest to rest for a while―to make you distract, to let you think of nothing but the warmth that radiate through his shirt.
he`ll probably end up loving you more than what`s meant to be and you`ll always end up thinking what did exactly you do to deserve such a precious human being.
i`m really tired but he`s my ultimate bias, the loml so here we go.
wow, i`m already blushing.
anyway, let`s go!
kim taehyung is the perfect definition of loving some fictional character so much that you want them to be real.
he`ll do the most animated stuff in real life and you`ll question your eyes.
but he`ll prove you wrong.
he`ll walk up to you, put on a simple snapback cap and a simple white/black t-shirt and boom! he`s the boy next door or the senior in school you`ve a crush on.
he stops everything from spinning around you and never hesitates to be honest with you.
for me he`s the most inside person ever. more than both namjoon even.
like namjoon can be vocal about his thought a few time but taehyung―no, at least i`ve not seen him much often.
even if he does, he will not talk much about himself.
he`ll try to sidetrack the conversation and make it about more of the others than of his.
taehyung dwells with the insides that continues to remain a secret to me.
if you think about it much harder, we basically know nothing about him apart from his little hobbies.
but the few things that you`ll end up encountering with him are: reading too many manga/comics over time and comparing the number of aesthetic earrings of each other.
taehyung`s wishes and habits are innocent like even though he`s a completely different person on stage.
but we all know that.
it`s because that`s a stage and you can`t just reveal the roughest patches of your character to a whole audience waiting to feed their insatiable hunger.
even though he likes investing in clothes and accessories, he does it to distract himself.
he`s the kind of person who doesn`t go out very often stays up inside his room with a jar of mixed fruit jam and bread on top of the bedside cupboard to diminish the sudden hunger while he`s binge-watching the newest anime.
he`ll end up listening to too many songs at the same time because he`s in that mood.
the one thing i love about him is that he loves to remember the little things that people usually forget about each other or the moment they`re living in.
he`ll remember the feelings, the way his heart swelled up when he looked at you, or the way his mouth wavered when he couldn`t scold his favorite character for doing something foolish.
he loves the little things and for me even though he looks into those details he never judges them.
he will respect you and never discourage you to be what you really are.
he will expect you to do the same thing in return.
dates with him will involves―too many junk foods, too much time to spend in museums and learning the names of capitals, too many time spent in loose clothes.
he`ll always be the type of rather buy clothes online than going store to store for that perfect fit.
also, apart from seokjin, i think taehyung is another homebody.
maybe that`s the reason he knows where to draw the line and never cross what he shouldn`t.
even though he`s a homebody, he isn`t much of a help with household works but tbh that doesn`t even matter.
if you want you can be the mess together. if you want you can spend a whole day cleaning while laughing at each other`s stupid mishaps.
i think those days will turn out well if you resonate enough with him because he`ll make sure to gift you the same resonance.
will he ever stop being the cutest brat in the whole world?
i personally, don`t want him to stop.
jeon jeongguk, you mastermind of weightlifting.
first of all, being with him mean he`ll definitely use you as a weight lifting object or like being the weight which he can keep up with.
meaning, out 5/7 days in a week, you`ll end up half-asleep at 4 in the morning while sitting Indian style on top of his back while he does push-ups.
he`ll let you sleep for those extra hours later on though.
i mean he grew up well with seven characters inside him.
so basically you`ll find all of them inside him.
being with him is like being with seven men at the same time but jeongguk has his own flavour too.
even though he`ll act like his hyungs, he`ll have you a taste of his own at that stable point of your relationship with him.
first he`ll show you his fun side, his strong muscle side but then as times passes, as seasons come along with the progress of your relationship with him, he`ll show you the bigger picture.
the bigger picture that is him sitting his purple coloured studio listening to the saddest love songs, trying to write the happiest lyrics, eating too many foods as occasional mukbangs.
he`ll end up crying a lot and you`ll end up becoming his side pillow most of the time.
but it`ll be too overwhelming on your side because he`ll become the small spoon and you`ll feel like you`re holding the whole solar system in your arms with hot and cold combined.
like taehyung, he liked storing memories but for him to notice the details takes a while because he`s still a kid and innocent and most importantly, impatient.
he`ll roll the clip for the tenth time and then he`ll realize the detail and when he does, boy, have you seen that smile?
ugh, my chest hurts.
for him, catching details come with the person who holds them. for example, have you seen the way he looks up to namjoon or like how he always gives jimin special attention.
he knows who needs what but he waits for his chance.
sometimes as for his young age, he sure does jump onto the conclusion but that`s just childish and you shouldn`t take that side of him seriously.
clearly, he`s joking.
but jeongguk knows where to joke and where to not.
for me, gguk is the one among all the seven who possess the most flaws.
he has a lot of rough edges and he needs some polishing on that.
but that`s acceptable. he`s literally watching six different types of human being all the time and he`s clearly confused unknowingly whom to completely follow.
so i feel like at some point in his 30s, jeongguk will become what he really is.
for now, he`s young and the youngest of his group so he`ll be okay.
he`ll grow up strong and be the best boy in the world.
so yes, give him the love he needs and never let him stop from showing his true colours because i`m sure, he`s something more than what meets the eyes.
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likeshipsonthesea · 6 years
Nurseydex + 21 + 25. :D
from the mash-up thing, 21. Dystopian AU and 25. Fairytale AU
okay i promised myself i wouldn’t write anymore of these, i have homework goddammit, but i saw these numbers and got THE PERFECT IDEA so here we go
it’s the year 2123. the world has been run over by machinery. there are small pockets of the earth left preserved with grass and trees and stuff, but they are controlled by the super-rich and typical people cannot see them. machines produce the oxygen needed to survive, the streets are littered with tall buildings and pipes and all the kind of steam-punk aesthetics you can think of
enter; dex. a small town boy from maine, in one of the last towns left on the water. he knows he’s privileged to even see the water, but fuck he wishes he could see the trees. maine was one of the last places to be taken over, and his grandparents remember the days of the environment, and show dex scrapbooks with pictures of trees and grass and moss. fuck dex really wants to see moss
and he’s out one day after a job fixing up someone’s O2Buddy (the things that make oxygen) and his car breaks down. it’s broken down a bunch in the past few weeks and he’s waiting on a new part (the post office has gone Downhill in the past hundred years) and so when he gets out to check the engine, he can’t do anything to fix it. it’s fucked beyond repair.
he’s pissed–still angery, 100 years later– and kicks the bumper before walking off in a fit of rage. the side-streets are full of buildings (overpopulation really skyrocketed) but he navigates between the twisting alleyways, furious and not paying attention, when he comes to a dead end.
in his anger, he kicks the wall. he probably would have broken a toe if the wall was solid, but it wasn’t. the wall shivers, and a square of its scrap-metal composition comes loose. dex blinks.
from within the sliver the scrap reveals, there’s glowing. dex cautiously takes a step closer and peers through the crack. his heart starts racing. it’s– green?
he peels back the metal and–he was right. it’s–it’s grass. from the pictures. holy shit.
he pulls back more of the metal until he can fit his body in through it and is suddenly transported into another world. a circular enclosure, maybe twenty feet in radius, full of grass and flowers and–and fuck, is that a tree? the walls of metal stretch up to the sky, where sunlight falls in, unfiltered. dex takes a deep breath– he smells nothing but the air.
it’s so beautiful. he laughs and falls to his knees in the grass. how is this possible? why is there here? what is this–
that’s when dex sees the casket.
okay, it’s not a casket, but it’s basically one. it’s made of glass for some reason? and it’s on some kind of pedestal. dex stands up and makes his way closer and–
“holy shit.” dex stumbles back. there’s a fucking body in it!
except it’s perfectly preserved. he gets closer again. this place–preserved and gorgeous as it is– has to be more than forty years old– 2081 is when the last maine preservation bill was struck down, and the machines moved in. how could the body be this perfect if it’s had forty years to decompose?
dex doesn’t realize that he’s still getting closer as he thinks, and all of a sudden he’s right next to the casket. there’s an engraving on the side, with beautiful lettering. ‘for the other half, the simple soul, the touch that will restore what the darkness stole’
..the fuck?
looking away from the engraving (golden and cursive and way dramatic) he finds himself staring at the body. the man. he’s–well, beautiful. this dex has no idea what homophobia is except for the weird fringe people that no one talks to anymore, so he’s v comfortable in his liking of the peen.
the man in the casket has an elegant nose, beautiful slightly parted lips, high cheekbones and a jaw prettier than even the best working engine (dex still loves to Fix) but dex keeps finding himself staring at the black, fanning eyelashes, the soft closed lids. he wonders what color the man’s eyes are.
unthiking, just wanting to get closer, dex reaches out to touch the glass, and the man’s eyes promptly open. (they’re green)
‘what the fuck’ they both yell, simultaneously.
this is where the story really gets going.
nursey is, obviously, really fucking confused at why he’s in a casket with this beautiful ginger boy staring at him with eyes like amber and so many freckles that nursey misses the stars. then, when they both calm down enough for dex to get him out of the casket and– a little later–for dex to tell him the year, nursey freaks out again.
‘it’s 2123? that’s not even a real year!”
“um, yeah it is.”
“oh my god.” … “trump didn’t implode the world?”
“…trump? that guy that got impeached in his third year?”
“oh thank the lord.”
after a brief recap of the 21st century–the capitalists that took over, the strides to protect the environment that turned into hiding it away, the rise of big business and the dissolution of the middle class– nursey is reeling.
“oh my god,” he keeps saying, over and over again, and dex watches him, so confused (and a lil bewitched bc, come on, it’s nursey) and after nursey seems to have settled, as much as one can in this situation, dex asks.
“so, like… why were you in a casket for a hundred years?”
“oh yeah.” nursey blinks. “that dude.”
‘that dude’ turns out to be this asshole elder wizard who didn’t want nursey to become the next ranking wizard– a combination of racism, homphobia, and power-grapping assholery– so he put a curse on nursey’s mind and heart– he wouldn’t be able to survive without his soulmate.
“and, like, even the guy’s curses were antiquated,” nursey says, complaining and gesturing avidly with his hands, “no one did love curses anymore! he could’ve hexed came out of my mouth whenever i tried to talk, but no! he’s gotta go all bs true love. god. no creativity.”
dex just blinks because, like, magic. magic is a thing. wow. okay.
and so long story short, his parents tried so hard to find someone who would work as his soulmate– “because no one has just one,” nursey explains, having read a bunch of books on it bc he’s a Romantique, “there are a bunch of people who sooth your soul, magic or whatever, it has a lot to do with timing and willingness and–i’m losing you, anyway back to the story”– but his parents found no one, and nursey was fading fast
before he could wither away completely, he gave his parents consent to put a stasis spell on him. “they probably put me up here to keep me safe,” nursey says, shrugging, suddenly so sad. his parents, dex realizes, are probably dead.
“maine was one of the last places to go mechanical,” dex says. “they probably kept you close as long as they could.”
nursey nods, and his eyes go all glassy, and dex wants to comfort him but, like, they just met, so he settles with patting comfortingly at nursey’s shoulder. then nursey looks up, eyes wide.
“wait. you woke me up.”
dex squints. “uh, yeah.”
“you’re my soulmate.”
then a lot of other stuff happens– dex takes nursey home, which causes a bunch of fun antics with out-of-our-time nursey interacting with a plethora of ginger aunts, uncles, and little cousins. nursey tries to relearn living in a world without grass or trees or fresh air. he and dex learn, bit by bit, about one another, and figure that the soulmate thing is probably correct–though they argue constantly, about big things small things and anything else they can find.
(the arguments, the good ones, always come with real good sex, so they’re both p happy about that)
and of course nursey is mourning the loss of his time and friends and family, and he tells dex stories of his teammates and classes and parents, until dex mourns them right along with him. “i think i would have liked them” he says, quiet, one night, while staring up at the glow-stars nursey found in a retro store and put up.
“i think they would’ve liked you too,” nursey says, quiet, pressing a kiss to dex’s starry cheek.
it’s not all cuddles and smiles, though. nursey reawakening sends a ripple through the magic world and guess what–asshole elder wizard is still alive! he siphoned the life source of others or nature or little baby bunnies or something, idk, he’s evil, okay?
turns out he’s living in one of the last green places and, as power dicks are, is very insecure about his place. when he finds out nursey woke up, he immediately sends people to find him and kill him. obviously, it doesn’t work.
so nursey ends up getting tired about all the assholes that show up when he’s trying to just life his best gay life, so he tracks down the elder asshole and challenges him to a duel, or whatever, and the elder loses bc his life source is so weak from siphoning for so long, and nursey wins!! hurray!! and he and dex kiss and it’s great!!! (the screen cuts out before it gets Too Kissy, you know, bc we’re good christians here on tumblr, no tongues for us, no no)
and then nursey and dex make the elder wizard’s patch of green open to the public, and everyone sees the world they could have (maybe the gov was keep everyone in the dark about how good nature was?? the machines are better, less death? idk this isn’t for world building it’s for the Gay) and because everyone loves grass now, they rebel and dismantle all of the machinery and reveal the beautiful (suffering but alive) greenery underneath and everyone starts recycling again and it’s great!
dex finally gets to see moss in real life and he loves it don’t get him wrong, but, like. nursey’s eyes are still the best green he’s ever seen.
and they all lived happily ever after
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all my thoughts watching 1992 Newsies for the first time in 4 years
Buckle your seatbelts this is a lot longer than I intended
- this music still means so much to me
- YAAAAAS SLAY PATRICK’S MOM why wasn’t this in the stage musical
- Elmer is so frikkin adorable
- look at them goooooooo
- ugh I love these bois
- C R U T C H Y
- I just can’t get over the feather in Oscar’s hat
- loving these instrumentals and harmonies
- LES WITH A TINY SWORD okay I love him
- I feel like I’ve seen Wiesel in something before
- “not like last time” “uh-huh” RACE WHAT AN ICON HAHAHA
- Davey I love you
- that look in Crutchy’s eyes when he says “ya learn from the best” is Priceless
- okay one glimpse of someone who may or may not look sorta like Katherine
- Where. Is. Hannah.
- “now, when I created the World-” *eye roll* haha love this guy
- *dramatic disney villain music*
- 57 rounds of boxing oof
- is that Snyder? that’s probably Snyder
- yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyep
- JACK WHAT DID YOU DO oh wait nope false alarm he’s fine
- “WAIT TILL I GET YOU BACK TO THE REFUUUUUUGE” good to know Snyder hasn’t lost his flair for drama
- “well you have a way of improving the truth” okay I see what all you Javid people mean now
- THAT’S MEDDA?!?!?!?!
- Larkson? wonder why they changed it
- Les I love you
- “oh, you’re good” okay she’s okay
- WHAT EVEN IS THIS SONG I’m very uncomfortable
- OH HIS PARENTS ARE OUT WEST IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW that’s really cool wonder why they cut that
- ooh we actually get to meet the whole Jacobs family!!!!!
- SARAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- those Knowing Looks TM between the Jacobs parents
- Les...sweetie...
- why is my head blaring “tonight” from west side story...the scenes looks so similar
- oh wow Santa Fe comes a lot earlier and THE FAMILY ASPECT UGH so good
- “ain’t you glad nobody’s waitin up for you” Jack sweetie aaaaaaaa!!!
- so this guy is totally cool with the fact that a random boy is singing on his wagon
- oh okay there’s a hat now?
- y e e t
- I’m not sure if we know enough about Jack to feel enough sympathy for him at this point, but it’s a short movie so
- so THIS is the dance break y’all have been talking about
- P R I C E L E S S
- he just. steals a horse
- and it all comes back to the family aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!
- the instrumentals, lovely as usual
- that was a Ride
- still no Hannah.
- “dghdghdghdghdghdghdghdghdghdhgdgh” -the distinguished Joseph Pulitzer
- so they’re just giving Hannah’s lines to this guy. I like this guy but still bitter about The Severe Lack Of Hannah
- We Are All Love Mush
- “s w e l l” in case you didn’t know, I. LOVE. CRUTCHY.
- Les being the first one to agree with the strike and holding up his lil wooden sword- AAAAAAAAAAAAA
- oh boy here we go
- from what I’m seeing Boots is important WHERE IS HE BROADWAY I WANT ANSWERS
- this singing. wow. okay. cool.
- Davey just walking around them like “okay is this what we’re doing? musical numbers every day? right here in the street?”
- yas get those turns
- is this Denton? I feel like this might be Denton
- Jack honey that’s not how you pronounce it (I. Love. This. Movie.)
- okay Javids I can see where you’re coming from this is Really Something
- “he has to!” *thrown out of door* That’s movies for ya
- “so...is the newsie strike important? it all depends on you.” I like him. Give him a Watch What Happens come on disney I want a Denton song
- wow nice zoom-out this is so 90s I love it
- @ disney on broadway: Where. Is. Boots.
- that slingshot tho
- Davey you’re doing amazing sweetie
- okay he’s wearing The Hat again
- Davey getting into the Dramatics TM
- jumpy bois
- okay we’ve still got a few backflips and jump splits
- RACE HAS A HARMONICA?!?!?!?! love that for him
- Denton just kind of taking notes about their revolutionary dance number
- ooh here come the scabs I’m so ready for the monologue-wait where’s the monologue
- ok so it just breaks into a fight? what happened to “we’re all in this together”?
- yas tip that wagon just like in actual history! rip those papers! woooooo!
- oh no here come the bulls
- ominous musiiiiiiiiiic
- wow this is...quite a plan
- “Heya Dave, how ya doin?” I LOVE HIM.
- look at his faaaaaaaaaaaaaace
- he doesn’t want anyone carrying him? tell that to livesies Albert
- well yeah of course they’re not going to “just go away”
- “done with once and for all” heh heh
- THOSE H A R M O N I E S I love a capella
- yas you go drum kid
- oh boy it’s dance break time
- *t w i r l*
- I love them
- oh boy it’s the scabs
- Davey...honey...you tried
- uh oh someone has chains this can’t be good
- slingshots!!!!!!
- Spot you’re doing amazing sweetie
- y e e t
- Those fake punch sounds tho
- I love the picture this is so ugh I just love it
- oooooh I can feel it coming, KONY is coming
- “you’re famous you get anything you want! that’s what’s so great about NY!” HAHA RACE I’ve said it before I’ll say it again WHAT AN ICON
- so Jack is here for KONY, this is new (well for me at least)
- “and payin’ for lunch” R A C E
- the “dead or dreamin’” bit is still just so awesome
- this is just so filled with joy I’m in love with this movie
- this guy just “okay kids lovely musical number please leave”
- “hey, that’s Jack” Crutchy...sweetie...no....wait no wAIT NO WAIT NO
- Race steppin up to save the day
- what. an. icon.
- THE REACTION TO “is he dangerous” UGH I LOVE HIM
- ooh nice fire escape shot
- okay romantic subplot time I can see where this is going
- the way he leans against the window awwww
- wow these are...very typical gender roles
- she’s so pretty I can’t
- “there’s nothing for me to stay for is there” She. Is. Standing. Right. There. Whatareyoudoing
- “I’m not sayin it should matter to you" are you though “I’m just sayin...does it? matter?” okay AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWW 
- this pulitzer isn’t half as dramatic, he’s not quite showing the Actual Scary Capitalist, he’s more Typical Disney Villain
- oh there’s the don’t come a knockin melody
- they’re all dressed the same like a little gang of evil capitalists
- Davey looks so done I love him
- “what are we supposed to do, kiss em?” RACE IS SUCH AN ICON UGH
- wow they really shuffled the plot around
- hERE’S the monologue!
- Medda what’s happening
- I love their fan freak-outs in the audience
- is Sarah the only person that doesn’t know the song
- so extra
- Denton are you planning something
- “as in SNIDE? smile, sir” Denton is the greatest
- Medda come on you’re a dancer you’ve got to be stronger than that
- uh oh
- just y e e t up to the box seats
- that was the fakest of fake punches I’ve ever seen
- Dramatic Slo-Mo TM
- “the grounds of Brooklyn” SPOT OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU
- Denton to the rescue once again
- I actually don’t know how this is going to go
- wait his parents aren’t actually in Santa Fe????
- davey’s face aaaa
- this is heartbreaking
- “a useful and productive life” NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
- Denton why are you smiling what are you doing
- you don’t tell a huge group of kids that their story isn’t important you just don’t
- come on Denton we trusted you I mean I get it but still
- poor Davey
- omg he crumpled it up right in front of Denton? ooooof
- is this where the bribe and everything comes in?
- that screen swipe tho
- so I’m guessing this is Pulitzer’s mansion or something?
- Pulitzer what are you wearing
- the way the statue is positioned to be shooting at him-nice touch
- it’s villain monologue time
- okay uh he wasn’t talking that time
- he’s not actually looking Jack in the eye?
- yes Jack
- ooooooooooooooooh the suspense
- Dramatic Villain Look
- it’s not a disney movie without a banister slide
- so THIS is the alleyway scene
- even the music wow
- oh Sad Reprise time
- “you’re the only light that’s guidin me today” *crutchy appears* yeah that was intentional
- Crutchy’s face....
- this is Heartbreaking
- Wiesel’s face makes this 8000 times worse
- oh no...dAVEY OH NO NO NO NO NO
- “we don’t need you!” this is Real Pain
- “never!” DAVEY I LOVE YOU
- Les sweetie you’re so trusting and they’re still trying to protect your feelings ugh I love
- Jacobs Family Antics for the win
- so he just leaves
- at least the other stopped him
- yes Sarah punch him
- oh god here come the brass knuckles
- Jack finally coming to his senses
- it’s about freakin time
- “remember Crutchy?” *bash* ICONIC
- “no, smart.” Jack I love you but you really don’t see how important your newsie family is do you
- Denton spilling the tea
- he shushes Sarah but they’re gonna have a musical number soon yep makes total sense
- wait the whole song is in their heads? MUSICAL TELEKINESIS
- once and for all will always be a bop
- “just hope I get to thank him for it someday” LOVE
- Y      E       E      T
- yes boys hold that long note as you dramatically pan across a brick wall
- so this is Roosevelt
- so this is where Blush comes from
- it’s just. really good music
- what’s up with these bike people
- everyone knows the words now apparently
- beautiful chord
- what an epic, triumphant feeling this must have been
- “and such awful language” glad that’s in there
- but you didn’t break him now didja
- so you really think yelling “go home” is going to change everything
- shouting match ftw
- “we only use the best, Joe, so I just wanted to say: thanks again” AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA LOVE
- what’s he whispering to Les-wait AWWWWWWWWW
- this is such a Disney movie I love it
- wait now what
- is this what I think it is
- “you don’t have to run. not anymore” I officially love Denton
- okay the “blessed children” melody playing while kids are freed is Poetic Cinema
- still not used to that spelling btw
- “share what you got in common” CRUTCHY I LOVE YOU MORE THAN LIFE ITSELF
- almost makes you feel bad for snyder. key word: ALMOST. hahaha
- “wait who comes walkin in” OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HERE WE GO
- “that’s roosevelt?” Race I love you
- “so, uh..could he...drop me at the trainyards?” Jack. Old buddy. Old pal. What
- his face shaking teddy’s hand and the music slkdfjlshgoeibnclfboeifvl
- what’s happening he’s just riding away?!?!?!
- im heartbreak
- and jack smiling so big okay Big Sad
- love how they’re playing like it’s the end of the movie and by love I mean endless angst
- You know that part in the sound of music when they’re trying to sing but it’s just Not The Same without Maria? Yeah that’s this
- Davey’s lil smile ugh I love him
- the music is building Jack is coming back I can Feel It
- Les reacting! aaaa! this has become a Les Appreciation Post
- Denton’s reaction!
- “besides, I got family here” HIS FACE AND DAVEY’S FACE
- Les just beaming up at him AAAAAAAAA
- okay gotta admit this is REALLY FREAKIN CUTE
- look at them go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Y E E T
- did someone in the crowd just say “it’s crazy”
- well, guys and gals and nonbinary pals, this was A Ride
- thank you for joining me on this journey
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tundrakatiebean · 5 years
I had another one of my mini movie dreams and I’m gonna write it down before I forget (it’s a lil spoopy) apologies in advance for how long this is
Me, a guy, and a girl were roped into house sitting an 1880s mansion that the family had been continuously living in up until the previous year when it’s last remaining member had passed away after Halloween (little trite there brain.) we were getting paid to watch the house and just live in it.
I was a historian who had been studying the family history, the guy was a chef and took care of the historical kitchen and gardens, the other girl was just kind of a weird witchy, ghost hunter person who was convinced this house was haunted enough to bring her fame on the YouTubes. We all got along fine and had fun talking and learning from each other and we allowed by the owners to bring two dogs into the house as long as we kept them confined to the modernized basement and attatched guest house.
So turns out there was a hidden room on the oldest of the floor plans I could find, hidden in a journal of the man who built the house with the money he had earned from starting a shipping company in the 1870s, with rumors abound that he also dabbled in illegal things but no documented evidence of that. Me, being a curious dumbass, found where the hidden room was and opened it. The room was full of obvious dark magic stuff and one of those super cool old style wingback chairs covered in flocked velvet that had some suspicious staining on the seat and armrests. Turns out the guy was trying to get some sort of witch immortality thing going and killed himself in the chair, which for decorum’s sake was covered up as an aneurism. Paranormal girl was thrilled and started spending a crazy amount of time in there and as these things tend to go, she knocked over the wrong thing and this continuous flame you couldn’t put out escaped, lit four torches in the room that bore the names of the original family, and boom capitalist ghost is here to horrify everyone.
Once I realized what was happening because the dogs were freaking out, I got the dogs out of the house during daylight and came back to try and help out my friends. Paranormal girl was just completely thrilled about everything going on (your usual movie horror ghost stuff, things moving, blood seeping out from under the secret room door, the guy’s old bedroom being messed up like someone was living in it) and getting as much recorded evidence as she could as well as continuing to pour over everything in the secret room. Chef Guy (Trev) and I were left on our own to try and escape, because she refused to leave.
Trev mentions a weird thing in the older part of the garden that, know we know what we know, looks like a sacrificial table or altar. He shows me and yeah that doesn’t seem good. I try to convince Paranormal Girl to leave again but make the mistake of mentioning the altar and she disappears to go find it. Suddenly things get worse.
All the doors and shutters slam shut in the house, all the lighting goes out except for the four torches. Trev and I each grab a torch to try and find a way out. The fully embodied ghost of Mr Capitalist comes out and starts bothering us. Asking us all sorts of weird questions about the family and what happened to everyone saying he’ll let us go after that. I’m a historian who has been studying the family so I answer everything. Mr Capitalist doesn’t like what happened to his family after his death and gets very angry that his bloodline has died out. As he rages he starts getting more corporeal and I suddenly get an idea. While he’s raging I run back to the secret room and just start burning everything with the magic fire. That distracts Mr Capitalist enough that Trev and I make it to the car to escape, but Paranormal Girl comes up, missing her right arm and clearly possessed yelling at us in Mr Capitalist’s voice. Trev and I just peel away and escape.
That’s when I woke up but when I went back to sleep and had another dream Paranormal Girl kept showing up possessing other dream characters.
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daphnisetcommie · 5 years
OK . . . so yesterday, I took 1 2/3 tabs of acid, and the first couple hours of the trip felt euphoric. I had a couple tense moments where there was family drama and I didn’t know how to react to the situation except to laugh. I delivered some philosophical speech to my brother when he said he hit a pothole while biking with no handlebars, telling him to use it as a learning experience to avoid the more fatal falls later on in life. Then I started listening to music and vibing out in my room. I didn’t see any tracers per se but I started to see the ghost of where my hands had been in freeze frames. A few pictures started to drift, and I started to freak out at a few of the targeted ads in my news feed that were designed in such a way that the drifting worked perfectly (if that makes sense). I listened to Pink Floyd and Berio, and then I decided to listen to “Old Town Road” to see what the hype was. This is where the trip took a turn. My brother came into my room and told me he didn’t know how the song became a meme, and I didn’t know either, so I started to read into it and got really paranoid and riled up about viral marketing in the music industry. One article put Lil Nas X’s social media history on blast which made me especially paranoid, especially as I continued to  see targeted ads in my news feed. My brother also kept coming into my room inexplicably which continued to make me paranoid. At one point, the skin, bones, and veins of my hand started to look as if they were breathing. I did a couple dishes and then decided I could no longer be in the house. I went outside into the back yard, and climbed on a log to get across the stream. I heard laughter in the background and started to become paranoid again, but I continued to move. I found an area with a clump of trees that I tend to gravitate toward, but it was inhabited by a large amount of flies so I moved away so as to let them have the space. I then found an area where the air was a bit cooler and stayed there for a while, until I noticed the flies seemed to be emerging from an area directly under the roots of a tree just above the stream. I shifted my position slightly until I was still in the cool air but out of the way of the flies. Eventually, I took out my iPod Classic and listened to “The Singer Addresses His Audience” by the Decemberists. I had been bombarded by product placement when I listened to Lil Nas X’s pro-capitalist anthem so I was relieved to find solace in the soothing harmonies of the Decemberists until they mentioned Axe shampoo, at which point I started to panic again but then decided to let myself live in the moment. I continued to listen to the Who, Benjamin Britten, Warren Zevon, and Leonard Bernstein, checking occasionally to see if my family was looking for me. I finally saw my dad out on the deck and I returned to the house, at which point I told him (truthfully) that I had gotten out of the house because I needed the air and that I had been listening to the birds. Once back in the house, my brother asked if I had been smoking, and I told him truthfully that I hadn’t been. My brother made dinner and we all ate together in relative silence. I finished my dinner quickly and then dried some dishes and went back to my room. Eventually, my family decided to watch the Arrow, but they did not want to turn off the light, and I decided I would be unable to pay attention. At some point my dad started playing a protest song he had written, and, frustrated at how the music industry had managed to search out the perfect pro-capitalist anthem to become a #1 hit, I sat in the chair across from where he was playing, mesmerized, and even gave him some coaching on how to sing it better. My brother started complaining about the song so I told him I liked it. I started ranting about “Old Town Road,” but it was the time of day when sober people wind down, so I went for a walk, during which time I saw the most visuals. The outlines of leaves appeared in three different colors in three different places, as did the porch lights of all the houses I passed. At one point, I saw the reflection of something against the speed limit sign and stepped back to study it but then gave up and continued walking. I still continued to see the visuals but the trip was winding down as I started to feel a headache set in. I decided on a corn muffin to eat, reasoning that I had devoted hours to something as useless as “Old Town Road” and that it only made sense that I top it off with something as useless as corn. As I continued to scroll through my news feed, I saw a targeted ad with a cute-looking woman doing the OK symbol with her hand as if she knew she had my attention and started to freak out again, but upon reading up on headaches during the comedown and deciding there was no synergy with ibuprofen, I took an Advil and went to bed. At this point it was two in the morning. I continued to hear electronic dubstep-type sounds as I drifted off into sleep. I do not remember dreaming but when I closed my eyes I noticed some swirling images.
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incarnateirony · 6 years
One more P5 post
I wanna know how much time the creators spent arguing with people on twitter, considering the comments on the Phan-Site polls. Will put behind a cut.
I mean, they hit all sides from auto-believers, internet trolls, people who are like ITS STILL ILLEGAL!!! and THIS IS THE POLICE JOB pics or it didn't happen, whatever. But my favorites are "IF UR SO JUST, SHOW UR FACE", "I bet they're crying LOL", "Shibuya's fucked", "Hang in there you guys ;w;", "WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE", "world-famous fail looool", "kill this stupid website" or whatever else. Or the timeless “so wait, who do we hate?”
QUESTION: Do you believe in the Phantom Thieves? This poll is adopted on 4/15.
"'of hearts?' What tryhards"
"I've been waiting for this!" 
"Isn't it just a prank?"
"Never even heard of them"
"Who made this site? Ridic"
"even kids aren't that dumb"
"gtfo with that shit LOL"
"is this a cult?"
"my friend says they're real!"
"sauce plz"
"viral marketing...?"
"It's just a coincidence..."
"Petty criminals? Pointless"
"This is getting good!"
"Too elaborate for a prank"
"Vigilante justice is wrong."
"What about the pupils?"
"What's gonna happen now?"
"What's he gonna be hit w/?"
"i just can't"
"pics or it didn't happen"
"ppl really believe this? lmao"
"ppl who buy this... -_-"
"they can't catch EVERYONE"
"they're just making threats"
"thieves are the bad ones"
"was it rly a phantom thief?"
"what a joke"
QUESTION: Are the Phantom Thieves just? This poll is adopted on 6/11.
"Akechi-kun is right!"
"Isn't it a crime?"
"It's called the law..."
"NO! justice ain't that simple"
"NO. They piss me off."
"Steal dem corrupt hearts!"
"They seem full of it, so NO"
"They're still thieves..."
"They've always been fishy..."
"This is the police's job."
"better be arrested soon"
"don't even bother with this"
"get off your high horse"
"hmm seems interesting"
"i hate Akechi, so YES???"
"if ur so just, show ur face"
"they're allies of justice."
"they're up to something"
"this has to be fake, lol"
"this is so immature."
"Isn't it a crime?"
"Probably at least somewhat"
"They seem full of it, so NO"
"They're cool, so HECKYEAH!"
"They're still thieves..."
"get off your high horse"
"i dont buy into that stuff."
"of course not. done"
"that "justice" stuff is ehh"
"this is so immature."
"both are crossing the line"
"fukkin hypocrites"
"get rekt, scumbags lmao"
"Hang in there you guys! ;w;"
"I bet they're crying LOL"
"Neither are just"
"Shibuya's fucked"
"they're both shit."
"What cheapass justice, lol"
"Such annoying marketing"
"Their word is final."
"better than the cops"
"i bet it's worldwide news"
"justice was w/ the thieves."
"what a time to be alive"
"Calling card! YAAAAAAS!"
"Exterminate his family too!"
"Here comes the apology rofl"
"I've been waiting for this"
"Leave everything to them~"
"Make him beg!"
"No apology yet? :["
"Ooh, a calling card! kekeke"
"Take him out. It's an order"
"The world needs to see this!"
"They better not screw it up"
"Yeah, get that greedy CEO!"
"an apology isn't enough."
"become prime minister plz!!"
"dat okumura stock drop lol"
"destroy all evil!"
"let's hear from the workers!"
"no more big bang burg, lmao"
"stop fucking around"
"we're with you, p.thieves!"
"❤❤❤ Phantom Thieves ❤❤❤"
On 10/12, the support rate drops from the 90s to the 70s due to the death of Kunikazu Okumura.
"Is he really dead...?"
"Now, who's next? ;)"
"Well that was disturbing..."
"die capitalist pigs!!!"
"whoa wtf"
On 10/13, the support rate drops a bit again to the 60s.
"Awww, what a waste"
"Evil has perished."
"Gotta break a few eggs"
"So, whodunnit?"
"Were we deceived?"
"do we know how they do it?"
"eh, good riddance"
"killing ppl's a no-no"
"omg, the comments hahaha"
"omg, they went overboard lol"
"they got carried away..."
"what about his daughter?"
Over the next week, the support rates drops to the 50s, 30s, and then 20s.
""justice" sounds hollow now"
"Are the calling cards fake?"
"Blame the politicians too."
"Bloodthirsty killers!!!"
"Enough is enough!!!"
"Even Akechi's lost it"
"False charges happen, but..."
"Hurry and arrest them"
"Hurry up and execute them!"
"I dare to support them."
"I kiiinda sympathize..."
"I reported this website."
"I told you so..."
"I'm scared to go outside..."
"Is the admin an accomplice?"
"No hate-slinging, please!" (a message from the admin, Mishima)
"Officer, look!"
"Oh how far they've fallen"
"Pls don't kill me ;_;"
"Police were negligent too."
"Shut this site down!!!"
"That was traumatizing..."
"They must be punished."
"They need to be executed"
"They were screwing with us."
"They're assassins."
"Ugh. We were fooled."
"We can't leave them be"
"What about the politicians?"
"awful, they betrayed us"
"bring on the breakdowns~!"
"cant say w/o evidence"
"cmon, just kill everyone!"
"didnt expect much anyway"
"got anything better to do?"
"he had it coming, amirite?"
"id bet money on the rest"
"its just coincidence, yep"
"just turn yourselves in pls"
"lel, regret backin em yet?"
"lol dont be fooled so easy"
"lol, ppl still like them?"
"low expectations, ho!"
"media's garbage as expected"
"overhyped imo"
"p quick to switch sides lol"
"support went to shit lmao"
"tbh i just wanna troll, lol"
"their fans are guilty too"
"they even steal LIVES???"
"they're just suspects..."
"throw em in the slammer!"
"trash talking feels risky..."
"typical bandwagon, gg"
"uhh, yea they're evil"
"waste of tax money imo"
"wat do they want, anyway?"
"world-famous fail loool"
QUESTION: Are the Phantom Thieves innocent? This poll is adopted on 10/29.
Around 20%
"30 million yen OMG XD"
"Akechi-kun, save us!"
"Enough is enough!!!"
"False charges happen, but..."
"Is the admin an accomplice?"
"Oh how far they've fallen"
"Record-breaking evil"
"They gotta be arrested now"
"can't know w/o a trial"
"id bet money on the arrest"
"if ur innocent, show yourself"
"lol this place went to shit"
"ppl still stand by them?"
"that freaked me out omg"
"they're def guilty"
"they're freaking out hahaha"
"they're running loose rn..."
"this site pisses me off"
"waste of tax money imo"
"what if they are LOL"
"who cares either way?"
After the protagonist fakes his death, and approval drops to 0.3%.
"Akechi got the last laugh!"
"A worthy end for a villain"
"c'mon, leak his name!"
"Evil is destined to perish."
"he went down easy"
"hope things are safer now"
"Justice with Akechi!"
"Just like Akechi-kun said!"
"kid had it coming, lol"
"So did he do it or not!?"
"so he HAS to be guilty"
"The truth's lost to the void"
"We'll finally have peace"
"we do need a new authority..."
QUESTION: Do you support the Phantom Thieves? This poll is adopted on 12/7.
Around 0.8%
"a lil too late tho"
"dat comeback looool"
"I'd never support them"
"I'm getting confused..."
"I can't believe anybody..."
"i don't really care"
"Is Shido gonna apologize?"
"It's happening again..."
"just typical slander imo"
"lol no way i'd support them"
"may just be election shit"
"moar like phantom GRIEF"
"Must be tough for Shido-san"
"My scandal sense's tingling!"
"no one wants you thieves"
"phantom thieves WIN PLX!!!"
"political attack, REALLY???"
"ppl still defend them? lmao"
"Shido, just take the win"
"Shouldn't Shido explain?"
"Show yourself, Akechi!"
"smear campaigns are gross"
"So he didn't die..."
"srsly, a tv hijack?"
"Stay strong, Shido-san!"
"stop makin such a big deal"
"talk about election drama"
"they're still criminals"
"they can't take a hint"
"this country is effed up"
"this is a murder warning..."
"This isn't debunked yet?"
"this site's still up? :o"
"TV hijacking is terrorism!"
"was it the others? :o"
"was that statement a lie?"
"what about the election?"
"what a comeback..."
"Why isn't this on the news?"
"wow, ppl are desperate..."
QUESTION: Do the Phantom Thieves really exist? This poll is adopted on 12/19.
Around 19%
"And then, there were none"
"can't someone just fix it?"
"cmon thieves, say something"
"Enjoy prison, Mr. Shido~"
"even shido... FAIL"
"everyone, just disappear"
"Everyone was shameless"
"go ahead & celebrate, idiots"
"I feel like an empty husk"
"im just like... so what"
"In the end, who's to blame?"
"i shoulda known better..."
"ive lost my will to live..."
"just destroy this country"
"kill this stupid website"
"my support was a waste"
"Next person please!"
"nobody asked for this"
"no thanks to those thieves"
"nothing changed. boringggg"
"Someone do something!"
"soooo is shido alive?"
"so wait, who do we hate?"
"so what WERE they??"
"The election was a farce."
"the future's screwed LOL"
"they're harshin my mellow"
"They better settle things"
"thinking hurts my brain"
"this country's done for"
"This is a stain on history"
"this is fucked up..."
"this is going nowhere"
"useless scum"
"we need answers"
"What's with this question?"
"who cares abt the election?"
"why'd we even bother"
"why this. even now???"
Then the dramatic final cut where everybody believes in them and it’s like # OF FANS ---> FAN POWER LEVELS ---> FIGHT Q( ‘-’Q )
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notorious-fiction · 7 years
The Christmas Prince (A Whoever You Want to Read With One-Shot)
        You two had made a deal.
         Shook hands and all, very solemn looks on your faces, promising one another a very simple thing.
         No gift exchanging on Christmas day.
(You'd just been laid off your job and it sucked balls, and he knew money was a bit short on your end and also knew you would never, in a gazillion years accept any money from him, so he started to come up with a bunch of lame ass excuses to make you feel a bit better.)
("It's cliché", he had snorted when you touched the subject "Exchanging Christmas gifts. Ugh. It was meaningful before but now it's just another "especial" date that lost it's core value to boost capitalism. I mean, you can be a crappy boyfriend all year round as long as you buy your girl an extra glittery Hallmark card and a Tiffany Bracelet, right?")
("Right." You had agreed, although not really, because as much as you found sexy as fuck when he used pretty words - core value, damn - you still flipping loved Christmas and looked forward to it all year long.)
        So no gift exchanging it was.
        You'd spend Christmas day with you family and he would spend it with his - you knew how rare it was for him to take some time to see them - but the day before, the 24th, you had him all to your own.
        Just "a casual dinner, the two of us" (his words, not yours) with some "classic Christmas movies, deal with it, loser" (your words, not his) at your place.
        Going out was a real pain nowadays, with the whole paps, fangirls, Snapchatters, etc thing, so to save yourself from the stress (how come he never failed to look like a Goddamn model on those candids whilst you looked like you were about to sneeze? Ugh.), staying in it was.
        In, with no gifts.
        Or at least you thought so, because mid afternoon on December 24th your iPhone seemed to gain a life of its own, all your social media accounts on a frenzy of notifications as, oh well, your famous as fuck of a boyfriend was spotted loading a box the size of a small poney into his car.
("She is so lucky!!!!!!")
("What did he get herrrrrrr i'd be happy just with his dick on box and by the size of it its prob that lol")
("Ugh i hope its a bomb")
(Insert other very sweet comments here.)
        You controlled the urge to text him (going against your über curious personality with all the strenghth your posessed), instead focusing on the fact that you were...
        Because whilst your boyfriend was on the posession of a very big, flashy box (what you had no idea what was inside, Christ, what the hell was inside of it?!), you were in the posession of...
        "How The Grinch Stole Christmas", "Elf" and "The Polar Express".
(All masterpieces, in your humble opinion.)
        And the phone of the thai take out two blocks from your place.
(Best pad thai and sticky rice ever.)
(Plus it gave tons of free sriracha packets! Yay for free stuff!)
        But seriously, what the fuck were you supposed to give to a human being who seemed to have absolutely everything?!
        It'd be stupid to give him clothes - he got those for free -, you had no idea what his shoesize was (did that make you a horrible girlfriend? oops) and anything else you could think of was undoubtely lame. 
        What if you made him something?
        Okay so you didn't know how to draw or paint or knit or rhyme or write a song or do anything that required a minimum artistic vein slash handicraft talent but you could...
        Throwing your body on the couch, your laptop literally on your lap, you sat on your ultimate comfy position - which he had lovingly nicknamed "Cirque Du Soleil's contortionist catching up on reality TV on it's free time" or "how you don't have a back problem is beyond me" (when he said that last one he totally reminded you of your mom) -, typing on the words that were responsible for many delayed papers at Uni and scurries off the house whilst almost tripping on your shoes as you were late as fuck.
        Pinterest dot com.
(A blessing and a curse to womankind, honestly.)
D. I. Y.
(Do it yourself.)
(Although you actually never did.)
        Scrolling down the screen - DIY baking soda shampoo! DIY mosaic tile birdbath using recycled DVD's! DIY Glittery Bath Bombs! - you noticed that all of them seemed to involve stuff everyone apparently had at home except you like glue guns or spray paint or Scrabble tile holders (...seriously) so after five minutes of Pinterest searching, you sighed in defeat.
(Hard effort wasn't your forte, you had to admit.)
        Even friendship bracelets are a hard task to accomplish when you have the skills of a three year old toddler and if you actually purchased a glue gun you could already picture yourself glueing nothing but your own fingers and spending Christmas Day at the ER.
        But you did have glitter glue, and that wasn't so dangerous was it?
        You also had an old, slightly crumpled piece of cardboard and a "DIY Easy Glittery Hallmark card tutorial!" (snort) at your screen, so you decided to give it a go.
        If it came out okay you'd be able to give him as an ironic gift?
("Oh hey, I know you gave me a super awesome/expensive/fancy/cool/thoughtful - insert whatever the hell could be inside that massive box here Christ the curiosity was killing you - but ha-ha-ha remember that snark you made about glittery Hallmark cards?! Instead of giving money to the greedy capitalist men I made one myself, how about that?! Aren't I the Best Girlfriend Ever?!?!?!")
        And if it came out like crap you could, y'know, throw it in the bin...
        ...So of course it came out like crap.
        Because you somehow managed to put more glitter glue on the tip of your fingers than on the goddamn cardboard, more glitter glue on your clothes as you absentmindedly rubbed your hands on it as you tried to think of what the hell you could do to save your "Merry Christmas" masterpiece.
(Trash.) (That was how you could save it, your dignity, your boyfriend's poor eyes and your dignity.)
(By throwing your masterpiece on the garbish.)
(Fuck ironic gifts.)
        Of course that instead of coming up with another idea after the Glittery-DIY-Hallmark-Card fiasco, your procrastinator side spoke louder, and click after click after click you found yourself going deeper and deeper of that pit called Pinterest, until you blazed on a section you'd never dared to venture on before.
        The recipe session.
        There were gooey chocolate chip bars, chocolate fudge brownies, kale and artichokes dip, quinoa fried "rice" (...why would someone all it fried "rice" if it had no rice in it only quinoa, you wondered...) and everything made your mouth water and stomach growl and you deeply wished there was someone who could make it for you.
        Everything sounded too tempting (and too hard and with too many fancy ingredients and kitchen appliances you'd never even heard of) until you found...
"Easy adaptable chocolate chip cookies with ingredients everyone has at home!!!!! Can be made vegan gluten/lactose/nut/anythying free paleo atkins insert random diet you'd never heard of before here"
        Following a recipe wouldn't be that hard... Would it?
        Especially when you could sub eggs for oil if you didn't have any or oil for mashed banana or mashed banana for applesauce or applesauce for honey or honey for agave which were all obviously so much alike, right?
        Throwing everything you had into a single bowl - did you mention it was a single bowl recipe? Seriously, it could not get any better, your dishes-washing-hater-side thought - you frowned as you compared your final result to the one on the screen.
        Pinterest's batter: gooey but firm, looked so good you wouldn't mind spooning it raw directly into your mouth.
        Your batter: two year old's diarrhea, you wouldn't want to spoon it raw directly into your mouth not even if they paid you.
        You somehow managed to put little (balls, on Pinterest, blobs, sounded more accurate to your situation) blobs of the batter onto the baking sheet and onto the oven, too busy freaking out slash trying to understand what the hell you did wrong (ooh two american cups of flour? what were american cups? weren't your cups american? why america has to control everything for god's sake?!) to notice the door being unlocked, only realising you had company when you heard an amused chuckle behind you.
        Turning around so quick you almost broke your neck - fouet filled with sticky disgusting batter held in hand in a threatingly way - you found him staring, all long legs and perfect hair and mocking grin and...
        Empty hands?
        Where the hell was the box the size of a toddler he was seen loading into his car?!
        Goddamit, internet!
(And why did you feel a lil' bit disappointed I mean...)
(...you had him, hadn't you?)
(Best Christmas Gift Ever, am I right.)
        "Hi. Were you..." A cute little frown appeared between his brows, pearly white teeth still on show as he asked "Baking?"
        Getting a bit defensive - why did he have to sound so confused/terrified? - you dropped the fouet on the sink, replying "Yes, why?"
        "Oh, for nothing! I mean, it smells..."
        "Pretty good."
(Damn, he was a liar.)
        Leaning to check the oven temperature just one more time - I mean, better safe than sorry, you couldn't push your luck (any further) - you ignored your boyfriend's stare (a cute little smirk on his lips because well, he thought it was cute how you hadn't noticed the chocolate batter on your chin or how you wore an apron thrice your size), asking maybe a little too cheery "So, how's your Christmas eve going so far?"
( "...Loading too many big ass boxes onto your car?", you rhymed mentally.)
        "Well, not too good I mean, I only got to see my lovely lady today." He replied with a charming smile, expecting for you to giggle - alright, fine, he knew you weren't one to giggle, or at least give him love eyes.
        You squinted skeptically.
        "Empty handed, I see."
        "Yeah, kinda glad we decided to skip on that Christmas madness. Had to help a mate out with picking up a complete set of one of those fancy Le Creuset cooking things. Said his girlfriend would love it." He added with a scoff, rolling his eyes "I told him that if I gave you anything kitchen related you'd throw it in my head, but seeing you're apparently into cooking now..." He paused, pursing his lips "Should I write it down as a suggestion for your birthday?"
        Her mind went black.
        Kitchen appliances.
        His mate was giving his girlfriend freakin' casseroles and frying pans.
(Oh poor girl.)
(Poor, poor girl.)
(The disappointment when she opened that huge heavy box.)
        And you had been freaking out the entire day thinking he'd gotten you something big and awesome and you'd look like the awful ungrateful girlfriend.
        Man, that ugly glittery card would look like heaven next yo, y'know... Nothing.
        "If you ever give me a damn casserole pan I shall rip off your little buddy of you, cut it into tiny little pieces, cook them in the freakin' thing and serve you for dinner." You stated, and he replying, giving you a kiss on the forehead  "Aw, see? I know you so well."
        God, you were glad he didn't get you anything.
        Because being with him was the best gift you could've ever asked for.
(Insert vomiting and cringing here.)
(Fuck you never thought you would be THIS gross and disgusting and loving about any human being in your life after your miserable string of awful break-ups.)
(Yet there you were, with your very own prince charming.)
(Yup, that was it, you guys would be watching The Christmas Prince on Netflix.)
        You showed your appreciation by getting on the tips of your toes and pecking him on the lips, the little wrinkle of confusion between his forehead making you want to kiss him even more.
(How was possible for someone to be so cute slash sexy at the same damn time?)
        But then, maybe you'd been too distracted by his pouty pink lips - no chapstick or anything, you wondered how the hell he managed to get them always so soft and puffy and kissable - to check the oven...
        And the whole room started to smell a bit smokey.
        And look a bit smokey.
        "Fuck, my Pinterest cookies!" You squealed, startling him.
        You were sort of thankful your fire alarm wasn't working so well, because if the firemen showed up because you almost burned your kitchen down, your landlord would have (even more) reasons to hate you.
        "It looks... Edible." Your boyfiend said matter of fact, poking one of your cookies at the tray with the tip of his fingers with brows furrowed.
        They looked like baby alien fetus.
(Edible, in some outer galaxy cultures, probably.)
        "Want to try them?" You knew by the raise of his eyebrow that it was a challenge, a thing you rarely passed.
        Daringly, you got one - dropping it back to the tray because damn they were hot -, trying it again after a few seconds of you two staring at each other with "Who Shall Quit First" eyes.
        Was he going to make you eat them first?
        By the fake tight ass smile he was giving you, he was...
        So with the biggest grin you could muster, you squeaked "Merry Christmas baby! I made these for you! Hope you like them!"
(Or at least don't get food poisoning and die! Please don't get food poisoning and die! I kinda really really really really really like you!)
(And if you die because of me slash my cookies your fans will murder me!)
        With a small gulp, he picked one of the alien fetus cookies, shaking it off so they wouldn't be "too hot and burn his tongue" for about three minutes.
        You kinda knew he was trying to make as many tiny pieces of it fall out so he'd eat as less of a cookie as possible, but you didn't call him out on it because oh well, he was at least going to eat a teeny bit of them.
        And in the end, after a bit of fake awing "Oh, tastes so good babe" and maybe spitting on a napkin when you turned around to throw the dirty dishes on the sink, he did eat your alien fetus cookies.
        What made him the best boyfriend slash Christmas present ever.
        And after drinking maybe a bit too much wine and watching The Christmas Prince, he drunkenly vowed to never ever give you anything cooking related - as the cookies now rested in peace in your trashcan, on top of your ugly ass glittery card -, and that vow would be proved to be a gift that kept on giving.
(I mean, it would give stomach aches and calls to the fire fighters and be a total waste of ingredients, so you were cool with that.)
(And even if he never gave you anything at all, he dealt with your craziness, your PMSing, you overreacting whenever you let your - very expensive - makeup fall onto the floor, never watched Game of Thrones episodes without you and always let you eat the biggest last slice of cheesecake.)
        And if that wasn't much of a proof of real, true love, you had no idea of what the hell it could be.
           And that was the greatest gift of all.
(Cue to cringing due to cheesyness again.)
Hope y’all have a fantastic one and find all you wanted under the tree! ooh and if you liked it pls don’t forget to click on that like button (i’ve been watching too many youtube vids send help)
lots lots of love
ps: i’d like to dedicate this to my favorite humans on earth victoria, nina and lari, who are still my friends even after i’ve been through probably 30 different mental breakdowns this year, love you guise so muchhhhhhhh thanks for always encouraging me to write!!! oh and if you haven’t read my stories based on them you can find them all here 
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