#like the gang run into the gordon from the games we know
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thatonefreemanversefic · 6 months ago
btw, what r ur thoughts on hl2vrai
I am SO excited for it, whenever it may come. I found HLVRAI right after it ended, which was fun because it meant I didn't have to wait for any parts to release since they were all out already, but also sad because I was too late and the fandom was already kind of dying down a little. I'm happy that the series is continuing and I'll get a chance to be part of that as it's happening rather than after :]
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candy-fae · 1 year ago
A lot of those wikis will describe him as psychotic and violent and uncaring of who he hurts but like. He's a really nice guy. Evacuate a building of innocent factory workers before he explodes it nice.
He gets hit with fear toxin in Shadow of the Bat, and his nightmare is the world falling apart because of pollution and judicial corruption and stuff and he's devastated for the sake of everyone else. He's very self sacrificial
He was introduced to comics not long after Tim Drake was. Also with the intention of "we could make this kid Robin" You literally have a thought bubble of Batman thinking about it when Gordon asks
Anarky is a man for the people. He starts out by reading and responding to residential complaints in the paper. He threatens the mayor to cut down on emmissions pollution(by only having public transport) and housing all of the homeless within a day(?), or else he'll blow up the bridge
He will quite literally give someone the shirt off his back
Batman doesn't really like Other Vigilantes in Gotham that he can't directly monitor himself, but he gives Anarky his blessing(lol) in Through the Keyhole, I believe
Lonnie doesn't even start as Anarky. He starts as Moneyspider. Siphoning money from the rich, creating Swiss bank accounts, and "donating" the money over seas to poor farmers in... Cambodia? I don't remember. But he sent a buncha people 1,000-10,000(? it's been a while)
Hell, Anarky and Ollie's Green Arrow get along. They've worked together a few times. That exploding factory? GA helped with that
If I remember correctly, Lonnie killed Very Few people and for good reason. I.E. When Ulysses Armstrong usurps the name. Which... Is probably where shows and other media take inspiration from... But Ulysses just uses the name Anarky for meaningless chaos and destruction. He ends up trhing to kill all of Gotham's gangs during the gang war. It's a Whole Thing. And then, I believe Lonnie kills him(?) because Ulysses literally murdered 25ish people while using Anarky as a face. Again. It's a Whole Thing, lol
But uhhh
Yeah. Lonnie Machin is great, I love him and so do several others. If you scroll through his tag, you'll see us going ballistic and have some character analysis. He even has a couple solo runs as Anarky! Tumblr user azbats has a phenomenal reading guide for him! :3
(I just have personal vendetta(ba-dum, tss) against CW Arrow for their characterization)
I LOVE how you explained this, firstly. That was such an interesting read. Second, I’ve not actually seen green arrow!! Just clips! I was mainly going off what I remember from the Arkham games, and tbh I don’t even know if I finished the anarky mission haha. It nevertheless, I kinda wanna learn more!! He sounds super cool! I have like, a whole comic about stopping exploitation so color me intrigued!! He sounds like a super cool guy?? And yeah I didn’t get that at ALL from what I saw from the CW, but I’ve heard they’re notorious for taking a character and butchering them so I believe it.
I might remake my silly little candy-verse (eh? Eh?) anarky!
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antiques-for-geeks · 5 months ago
Kolchak : The Night Stalker at 50 - The Zombie
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This week, Carl will mostly be dealing with a zombie.
Eight weeks is all the BBC’s introduction to Kolchak amounted to. Although all 20 episodes were available, a decision had been taken to show them out of US broadcast order in their late night Mystery Train strand. Maybe, you’d assume, the BBC went for episodes more in the overall theme when bundled with that evening’s short and film, but it doesn’t seem to be the case.
Maybe the series curator just liked these episodes best.
Maybe the Director General just threw darts at a board and those were the episode numbers they chose to air. 
When the first Mystery Train appeared at a quarter past eleven on Friday October the 11th 1991, it kicked off eleven with the fifth episode of the Kolchak series, The Werewolf. Confusingly we’d have to wait until October the 25th for the series’ second episode, The Zombie, that US audiences had seen on the 20th of September 1974.
Presenter Richard O’Brien hammed up the episode introductions for the camera on a spookily deserted, low lit tube station where the titular train stood at the platform, shrouded in a generous cloak of smoke to aid the ambiance. Memory plays tricks, however. Watching a clip back today however, the station wasn’t quite deserted. It was full of statues of people doing what people do in stations every day of every week of every month of every year. Going about their business.
A welcoming character, wouldn't you agree?
It strikes you that the Mystery Train might have been conceived to exist in a slice of time behind ours. An empty space between seconds or the beat your heart skipped, A personal fiefdom where O’Brien’s character rules supreme, his subjects frozen in time. Viewers assume they are in on the game, that they are somehow apart from it all, but in reality were just as trapped as the statues littering the platform until the programme concluded.
Or perhaps it was just a TV  show and all this is just imagination running wild. Whichever, The Zombie to made its debut on British television, complete with knowing glance and a suitable quip from O’Brien about the improbability of their being a Haitian Community in Chicago in the 1970s.
Less improbable than the episode, mind.
There’s a series of brutal murders among those in the Chigaco criminal underworld, which all seem to be linked to the gangland killing of a Haitian man. A Haitian man whose corpse keeps turning up in the Police Department morgue despite being buried following his last visit.
Darren McGavin and Simon Oakland were joined by :
Charles Aidman - Captain Winwood
Joseph Sirola - Benjamin Sposato
Val Bisoglio - Victor Friese
J. Pat O’Malley - Caretaker
John Fielder - Gordon Spangler
Antonio Faragas - Sweetstick Weldon
Scat Man Corthers (sic) - Uncle Filemon
Paulene Myers - Mamalois Edmonds
Earl Faison - The Zombie
Carol Ann Susi - Monique Marmelstein
Ben Frommer - The Monk
Roland Bob Harris - Poppy
The Scoop
Pop : A garbled story about revenge enacted by the victim of a gangland slaying, brought back to life by the power of ...voodoo!
This episode does have some plus points. I enjoyed Carl trying to squirm his way out of a hospital trip when he's discovered snooping about by some Italian mobsters. He’s clearly made many enemies on both sides of the law by this point, and it’s a wonder how he hasn’t ended up encased in a concrete piling on a building site.
There’s also the usual selection of stunt-victims being thrown about - this time with a sound like snapping bread sticks as their spines are crushed.
I also think the zombie makeup itself, at least in the final scenes, is as good as could reasonably be expected for a 70's American TV show. 
And since this is a 70's American TV show and also features several prominent black characters we also get small roles for Scatman Crothers and Antonio Fargas (who plays a flash proto Huggy-Bear gang boss).
Despite this it's clearly a step down from the pilot, and seems a much more rushed affair, both in writing and production value.
It’s also worth mentioning that the presentation of the Haitian community (even if just the criminal community) as chicken sacrificing voodoo practitioners sounds like a rambling, semi-coherent bit of 'word weaving' from a Donald Trump rally.
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If the story can't really be coherent, make it pretty.
Tim : This is one of the episodes I didn’t catch when it was broadcast, my only memory of the story being a vague outline from a discussion with Pop the Monday after.
The re-telling wasn’t compelling; "there’s a zombie and Kolchak has to fill its mouth with salt. Oh, and it’s really dark so you can’t make out what is going on."
I felt a sense of urgency to watch it from a completist point of view, but not enough to seek it out at all costs. Years later, I found  myself watching a low quality transfer of it online. And frankly I was confused.
Part of that came down to the crime, not being familiar with the concept of the numbers racket. Obviously, it wasn’t a problem for a late-night US audience in the 1970s.
The other part was that we learned a lot from exposition as opposed to seeing the action. Sure, this can work, but when you notice it’s happening, you know it’s not working. Where we do see action, it’s really empty and a massive step down from The Ripper. The Zombie himself barely appears on screen. Even the scenes he’s in, he feels strangely absent.
And this is where the episode falls down in many respects. If we barely see him, why does he need to be a zombie in particular? Replace him with any strongman and the end result would be the same. The whole voodoo thing feels tacked-on in an attempt  to turn a story without a supernatural slant into a Kolchak episode.
Antonio Fargas and Scatman Crothers, while good to see them, aren't used to the extent of the talents, however the inclusion of John Fiedler as morgue attendant Gordo the Ghoul stands out. Sure he’s corrupt, selling information about the bodies in his charge to reporters, but it’s kind of endearingly so. Fiedler Carol Ann Susi’s character of Monique Marmelstein is also a worthwhile addition, the character is played mainly for comic relief, which is a shame.
Yes, there is some decent world-building going on, which suggests better for the future, But this outing feels underdeveloped or even like the script was just in the wrong series. After the strong start with The Ripper, you can’t help but feel disappointed.
Pop : Carl climbing into the back of a hearse in a junkyard at night so he can lay the zombie to rest with some salt and a needle and thread is actually one of the more memorable monster encounters from the series, and pretty well executed. The surprisingly decent zombie makeup and the helpless position Carl finds himself in really add to the tension.
Tim : The scenes with the Chicago mob definitely has the hand of David Chase on their shoulder, but it’s the one where Kolchak has to talk his way out of being killed by crime boss Benjamin Sposato and his trusted acolyte Victor Friese that hits best. The punchy, fast dialogue succeeds in being both amusing and menacing at the same time.
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That's supposed to be a zombie under the sheet.
Pop : The Zombie returns to his nocturnal den in the junkyard by bus!
Nobody bats an eyelid, and from Carl's vantage point riding on the back bumper he looks like he could pass for a living person... yet when we next see his skin looks like melted cheese and he is clearly very dead. Inconsistencies like this kill any tension the episode was trying to build.
Tim : The criminal underworld’s characters do feel a little too stereotyped, but it’s not as much a deal breaker as the Zombie itself. While we barely see it, when we do it’s.. mixed. During the morgue scene, it’s represented by a healthy arm and feet painted with blue food colouring under a white linen sheet. The way it looks; it might be one of the Blue Man group under there. If they existed in the 1970s. Which they didn’t.
Updyke vs. Kolchak
Updyke doesn’t appear in this episode - so it’s still 1-0 to Kolchak on aggregate.
Score on the doors
Pop : It’s a bit half baked, but still has some Night Stalker magic 4/10.
Tim : An episode that was still working out what it wanted to be pretty much to the end. 3/10.
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As the old adage goes; if you need a zombie taking care of, you're best off doing it yourself.
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thelovelyblark-barg · 5 years ago
I said I’d write the post and here we go, Dr Coomer’s my favorite fictional character of 2020 so far and here’s exactly why.
I know they’re actors playing AI but I’m looking at this at an actual story viewpoint rather than a group of friends improving enough to completely change the story of a game. Let’s do this.
Self aware for the most part I think described them as being aware of their situations more than normal NPCs, like being able to respond to Gordon and the world around them more than the normal screams of stahp most of the scientist are capable of. Except for Coomer, who acts the most NPC-Like of them all up until he offers to see how far the desert runs over the walls of black mesa for Gordon. and there’s nothing there.
Cause of course there’s nothing there, the world stops rendering cause Gordon can’t see it and is never supposed to be able to get up there. And now, Coomer might have been a little Glitchy from the start, cutting himself off to say the same few lines of dialogue over and over again, but I feel seeing the world just Stop kind of pushed him over a limit there in terms of his self-awareness. Actual Self-Awareness, not just the ability to respond to the player. Knowledge that this might not be “Real,” per-say. There’s a change. 
When the betrayal happens, when they’re told that Gordon’s the reason they’re not free of Black Mesa yet, there’s even more of a change. 
There’s an entrance in your suit Dr. Freeman, and I want in. I’ve been outside Black Mesa, Dr. Freeman. There’s Nothing There. But YOU. I Know there’s a world in your dreams, and I need to go there.
Gordon, Every time you go to sleep I can feel my body torn apart, atom by atom. It’s agonizing Gordon. I’ve seen outside Black Mesa, Gordon, there’s nothing. But I know, You. There’s a world outside here, Gordon. 
And I need you to take me there.
He’s become aware enough that he realizes there’s more than one world, and aware enough to notice the drastic change of when Gordon’s playing or not. 
And he’s mad. The anger doesn’t last too long though because as an NPC I think he’s hardwired to trust the player but. He’s gotten it out of his system. He doesn’t know what the other world is yet but he wants to know it. To see it. He is a scientist, after all. And he’s made it this far with Gordon anyway, obviously there’s nothing bad about him. 
Well, Clearly crawling inside of your arm and wearing you like a puppet didn’t work, so perhaps I could help you find... something to help. 
Attacking him won’t work so might as well stay friends, right?
And then I believe Dr Coomer does a complete 180 in his thinking. Maybe he’s not being destroyed when Gordon goes to sleep. Maybe he’s be created when Gordon wakes up. This seemingly otherworldly being, bringing everything together every time he wakes up, who’s talked about his love of video games, about his want to become a streamer, and I think something clicks. 
[You’re never gonna believe me]
I’ll believe anything, Gordon! Especially from you!
[You guys ready?]
As long as I’m by your side, Gordon, I’m ready for anything!
He’s realized it at this point but he doesn’t know how to bring it up, so instead he tries to ask around it, hoping Gordon would be nice enough to tell him. At one point he even asks Gordon to check his mini map, getting very upset that he doesn’t actually have one.
Gordon, do you like video games? [..]
Gordon, If you could live in any video game, where would you like to live?
[why are you bringing this up?]
Gordon? If you woke up one day, and realized everything around you was a lie... was fake... What would you do?
[Why are you telling me this?]
Gordon, I don’t think there’s any turning back from this point. 
No confirmation, but he knows he’s near final boss territory. That this lil ragtag gang probably won’t be together too much longer. 
When presented his own passport to destroy to weaken Benrey he just downright asks it, and he doesn’t even wait for a response to shoot it.
Gordon, none of this is real, is it?
And when Gordon goes back in time, pleading with Dr Coomer to take his play coins, he gets upset again. Until his code catches up with him, against all timeline related shenanigans the hard coding of the game kicks in and he remembers Everything. Not Just what Gordon means by play coins, but that he’s in a video game. And he’s chill with it. He’s accepted it even while knowing he probably won’t be able to see his good friends for too much longer. 
And then they win, and they celebrate Tommy’s birthday and then there's. Nothing. Nothing but one last chance of seeing the world inside Gordon’s dreams and a chance to say what might be the final goodbye to a friend.
Dr Coomer is The Self-Aware AI, and I love him dearly. 
Someone please port this man into Super Punch-Out™ for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System™
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jeromesxreader16 · 4 years ago
Such A Joker (48)
Part 47 Here!!!
"Alright Ms. Gordon, this is going to be a bit cold.'' The doctor places the gel on my stomach. Barbara holds my hand smiling.
"and there it is." I watch the doctor point at a small dot. "wait. What is that?" Barbara asks squinting at the screen. "Ah, good eye Ms. Keen. Congratulations (y/n), you're carrying twins." I look at Barbara gasping. "Twins." Barbara smirks and covers her mouth. "I guess this is what happens when you get with two brothers!" "Hush Babs! That's not how it works!"
The doctor smiles as we watch the two dots dance alongside each other.
I walk into Jeremiah's office smiling at the photo of the babies. "And right here we can use the commanded wire so it will transfuse- darling - you're back." I look up in a daze seeing Bruce and Jeremiah both in the office working on the project.
"Oh! I'm so sorry to interrupt! I'll come back, boys." Bruce shakes his head. "No, no, Ms. Gordon. Please." Jeremiah walks over with a kiddish grin. "How is it?" I smile at the picture before handing it over to him. "They are just fine." "They?" Jeremiah stares down at the picture showing the two babies. "Twins, Jeremiah." He smiles engulfing me in a hug. "Mother always said twins are better because you have double the love." I laugh rolling my eyes.
"Congratulations, (y/n). On the engagement and the child." Bruce says hugging me. Jeremiah shrugs placing an arm over Bruce's shoulder. "I may have told him earlier."
I knock on my dad's door tapping my foot. "(Y/n)!" He opens it hugging me tightly. "Hi, dad!" I enter sitting on his couch. "I'm just watching the game. You want a beer?" I shake my head, placing my hand on my stomach unconsciously.
"What's that?" "What?" My father picks up my hand with my engagement ring. "Oh! Actually what I came to talk to you about. Jeremiah proposed. Can you believe it?"
My dad scoffs, "Son of a bitch." "Aren't you happy?" "Are you sure you want to do this, (y/n)? Marriage is a big step. Then you'll start a family, and you don't know the first thing about how to raise a child. I just think you should slow down a little." I stare at Jim with disbelief. "Slow down? That shouldn't matter if I'm happy with him, dad."
"I know you like him, and he is a good guy, but are you sure he's the right one? His brother was a-" "He is nothing like Jerome!"
Jim shakes his head, sighing. "I think you should rethink this." I stand up walking to the door. "Is it your plan in life to kill my happiness? You can't control me anymore. I shouldn't have even told you." I open the door exiting the home as my father calls out for me into the Gotham sky.
"Who needs him."
Late into the hours of the AM, I awake by the sound of laughter echoing through the halls. I reach for Jeremiah only to find his spot empty. "Uh oh. Better check on him. Make sure he hasn't gone overboard!" Jerome laughs as he covers up in his brother's spot in the bed.
I follow the echo towards the living room and upon entering I see Jeremiah sitting in front of a camera and applying makeup with a mirror.
"What are you doing?"
Jeremiah turns to me patting his face with my beauty blender. "Do you just take all my things?" "What's yours is mine, darling."
I look down at the table looking at the different things spread out. I pick up strips of false skin and look at Jeremiah. "What are you planning?"
He looks at me and sighs pulling out a colorful notebook. "That is Jerome's." He nods humming. He opened it and pushed towards me showing me a crazy plan to terrorize Gotham.
"I've only taken ideas from him here and there. He's far too insane for anything to work. Look where it got him. He was obsessed with killing me, Bruce, and Jim Gordon."
I huff rolling my eyes at the mention of my father. "Yeah, he had a habit of pissing people off." Jeremiah smirks at me as I speak poorly of Jim. "Read through it. You've played in this game before. I want your advice."
I read the whole plan twice over before looking up at Jeremiah smirking.
"You're going to throw a wake for Jerome at the GCPD?" All while you are what?" He nods putting on the fake scars. "Wait, babe. You're crooked." I move, helping him apply the fake face of Jerome.
"I need those crazed fans of his to handle the chaos while I get some things done for the future. They're my distraction. I need you in the GCPD making sure it plays out." I smirk patting the foundation on his face.
He smirks up at me and shrugs. "Once you start to show I need to keep you safe throughout this process. It's going to be messy, darling." He chuckles looking in the mirror.
"Ecco could be your sidekick after I'm out. She can wear my stuff." Jeremiah smirks, grabbing my wrist. Turning to face me with his icy eyes. "Trust me, love. I've got everything laid out. She's already agreed to stay by our side, love."
Jeremiah sits at the camera composing himself. "Ready, Jer?" He nods, closing his eyes and giggling.
"3... 2... 1... ACTION!"
"Ecco, tie me up will you?" She rushes behind me tightening the back of the black top. "You look amazing." She says smiling at me from over my shoulder. "She does, doesn't she?" Jeremiah smirks from his seat as he gazes at me.
Ecco clears her throat backing away emotionless. "You have everything you need, love?" I stand in front of Jeremiah pulling out the recording, megaphone, and my gun. "Locked and loaded, baby." He grins nodding at me. "Such a good girl." He snakes his arm around my waist and walks me out to my motorcycle.
"Now I want all three of you to be safe." Jeremiah places his hands on my stomach kissing my forehead. "So cheesy." He smirks at me smacking my bottom quickly. "Get on the bike. Mrs. Valeska, and come home quickly. Your husband will need you."
I roll up as the leader of the gang is speaking full-hearted words of my lost lover. "Brothers and sisters, let's raise a glass to our fallen leader. To Jerome!"
"To Jerome!" They chant, then spit on Jerome's grave. I giggle stepping out. "To Jerome. He will be missed. Certainly by me." The gang giggles and looks at me questionably.
The leader walks up to me looking me over. "This affair is invitation only." "Hm. Well, I have to say I'm a bit upset you didn't invite me." I remove my mask and they all gasp. "Ms. Gordon!" "It's her!"
The leader gasps getting on his knees. "I am so sorry! I meant no disrespect." I scoff rolling my eyes. "Stand up. I've got something to say."
"The Queen shall speak!" Followers help me upon a grave acting as a small stage. I lift the megaphone and recorder playing the message. "Why so sad, bozos? Did you think they could get rid of me so easily? Well, okay. So, they did. I'm dead, but let's not dwell on negatives. I have one last party to throw. But first, on the to-do list, dig me up. Dig me up!"
"You heard him!"
"Come on, clowns! Dig him up!"
"Get Jerome!"
I laugh at the idiots giving the direction to invade the GCPD bright and early.
I walk into the GCPD, passing the investigation room, and seeing Lee of all people. I laugh walking to meet my father yelling at Harvey.
"Get out of here." "What?" "I don't need that crap thrown in my face right now. Get out of here!" I walk up laughing. "Wow, mad because your ex got arrested? Tough case."
"(Y/n). What are you doing here?" I shrug sipping my coffee. "I was in the neighborhood. Can't I stop by and see my father? Or are you still mad at me for being happy?" Jim looks down avoiding eye contact. "Can we please not do this here?" "Want some help then?" I walk in the door of the investigation room before Jim can stop me. I turn to Lee smiling, "Hey there, lady. I've heard you've been having some real fun."
She looks me over grinning as she analyzed my frame. "(Y/n), I wasn't expecting you. Your... glowing." I wink at her sitting in one of the chairs.
My father walks in sitting down across from her heatedly. "What the hell, Lee?"
Lee raised her brows, "I don't suppose this is where anyone expected our story to end." "So, it's ending?" "Hard to imagine what's left."
My father sighs, "I wanna help you." "How?" "Give up Nygma." I gasp slamming my hand on the table. "You and Ed? Oh my gosh! So cute! How about this. You could just return the money, right? We can ask the DA for supervised probation." Lee shakes her head. "I'm not betraying my friend."
"They can call you "the Doc," you can rob banks, fight gangsters, but I know you. You're Lee Thompkins. And all this, this is just a... A way of helping people. I understand that. Who doesn't want to be Robin Hood? But you're still breaking the law."
"Jim, you wish you could do what I'm doing. Helping people without the straitjacket of the law? As if the law means anything in Gotham. Look at your daughter free and running around after she committed murder." I glare at her. "I've got my sane papers to prove it, T."
"You want to send me to Blackgate? Go ahead!" Lee challenges loudly. "I don't want to send you to Blackgate! It's the last thing I want to do! Don't you know I wish I could let you walk out that door, turn my head."
I look at my father tilting my head. "Then what's holding you back, Jimbo? Maybe if you'd let her go, you'd let yourself go, too. You could let me go." Jim furrows his brows fighting with himself.
Suddenly the tension is split with knocking on the door. Harvey pops his head in, "Sorry to stick my face in your business, but something just came up."
I walk into the big office stealing the chair at the desk. "What's this all about?" "Your ex-boyfriend twice over has just granted us with a gift. Any clue on what it is?" I shake my head playing along. "How could he have planned this? You don't think he might still be alive, do you?"
Harvey turns to Mr. Fox, "What were the autopsy results, Lucius?"
"Dead when he came in, more dead when he was eviscerated, and his brain was sliced up."
The screen on the TV focuses and Jerome appears on the screen. "Hello, Jimmy! If you're watching this, things must not have gone well for me. Shucks! I know my dear, doll is crying herself to sleep in my brother's arms. I can only pray, I gave as good as I got, and left ample carnage in my wake. But I don't want to fixate on disappointments. Jimmy, I have one last teensy request for you from your ole late son in law. I want you to throw me a wake at the GCPD. Don't worry about the guest list. I've already sent the invitations."
A car horn sounds loudly outside and the rumble of the gang outside rises. "I don't like the sound of that," Harvey says looking around the room.
"Lockdown everything, now! Everybody listen up! Lock it down! Lock it down, now!
The mod bangs against the door risking the chance of invading the GCPD. I look over the panic of the cops biting my lip. "What are we going to do? We need to hit them! Get them away from here." I say frustrated.
"We're not. We're going to let them in." Jim says, making me look at him wide-eyed. "Have you lost your mind, dad?" "(Y/n), you know how Jerome works, dead or alive. He uses distractions." I look at the door that is about to bust wide open to the freaks on the outside. "We're just going to let them come in and party?"
Jim nods gathering us around. "This wake is just intended to distract us, while his followers hit the real target."
"Which is?"
Well, we're never gonna figure that out if we're inside, fighting off these maniacs, are we? Look, they come in the front door, right? You fall back, get a few shots off, make it look good. Meanwhile, the entire precinct sneaks out this old service door as quickly as possible. Once we're outside, we surround the building, cordon it off." I smirk at my father's plan. "You're trapping them inside!"
"Correct. They blow off some steam. We hit 'em with teargas, and knock a few heads."
"There is the issue with figuring out what the real target is. Got a plan for that, dad?"
Jim smirks. "I do."
Jeremiah POV:
"I didn't think you could get the generator program working so quickly," Bruce says admiring the tower. "You ready for a demonstration?"
"Okay, you hit that switch there, and the facility will be disconnected from the power grid." Bruce flips the switch on the wall allowing the tower to take over the power ridge completely.
The generator hums lowly and glows, seconds later the lights in the building return and the tower is stable. "Ambient energy. No cables or wires of any kind. It's clean and stable. Harvested from micro tremors and air density shifts, it's... It's virtually without costs." I hum looking over my work.
"And with the prototypes at Wayne Labs, we can power all of Gotham?"
"You've kept this project a secret, yes?"
"No one outside of Wayne Industries knows it exists."
I mumble walking towards my desk. "It's the ones who are closest to you that you have to keep your eye on. I know better than anyone." I pull out Jerome's diary chuckling to myself. "Arkham Asylum sent me Jerome's personal effects, and amongst them, I found his diary. It's a catalog of his fantasies and goals. Every twisted vision he ever had." I turn a few pages seeing the horrific drawings.
"Maybe you shouldn't spend so much time reading it." I nod, "(Y/n) says that too. He was obsessed with torturing and murdering me, James Gordon, and you, and if he had been just the least bit sane, he would have destroyed us all. And Gotham would be in ruin."
Bruce walks over placing a hand on my shoulder. "Your brother's dead, Jeremiah. It's time for you to come out of this bunker and join the world. You'll be a father soon, and you can't expect your kids to have their father living underground."
I shutter and nodded in agreement. "Yes. Yes, he's dead. I still have trouble believing it."
Bruce picks up his phone suddenly.
"Thank you, Alfred. I'm on my way." Bruce faces me again, "Lunch plans... That was a lie."
"You're lying to me, Bruce?"
He sighs, shaking his head. "You're right. I'm sorry. It seems some of Jerome's followers are causing trouble." I shutter in panic. "Oh, my God. I was right."
"No, Jeremiah."
"I was right. He's not dead. Bruce, he's not dead. He's alive, and he's coming after me and (y/n)!"
Bruce grabs my shoulders holding me steady. "Jeremiah, easy, easy. You're not thinking clearly. Come on, this isn't like you."
I sigh looking at my friend letting everything play out. "Bruce... Bruce, I need to tell you something. After Jerome died, he left one last final trap for me and (Y/n)... He sprayed both of us with his insanity gas." Bruce backs away slightly.
"It's a special mixture just for you, brother," he said. I can't stop seeing him. Clawing his way out of his grave, coming for me, and even though I know it's not real, it feels real. And I can't control myself." Bruce nods coming forward again. "What if I could show you he's dead and buried?" "How?" "We go there, to his grave."
I shake my head frantically. "No. No, no, no."
"Jeremiah, listen to me. Your brother took away your greatest strength, your mind, and turned it into a trap. But if you can see the reality, you can be freed from that trap." I stare at him in hope. "You really think that would work?" He nods his head. "I do."
"Then I'll try. You're a good friend, Bruce."
The freaks in the GCPD cause chaos as we try to escape. "There's too many of them." I scramble on my feet down the hallway and into the locker room with my dad.
"We have to go!"
I race to the door only to be knocked down by a cult member. She smirks at me and I wink at her going along with our little act. "Hey, there little thing!"
"Well, look at us. We caught ourselves Captain James Gordon and his little girl! How fantastic!"
"Hi, guys." My dad grins at them.
"Don't try and get chummy with us, Gordon. We're gonna carve you up."
"Yeah, no, I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to them." Jim says pointing behind us towards Harvey. "Hey, man, you like to dance?" Harvey tases them.
"Let's you and me talk outside, what do you say?"
They stuff the poor guy in the trunk and tase him every few minutes for an answer.
"Long live Jerome!"
Harvey groans, tasing him once more. "All right. One more time, sunshine. Did Jerome leave any other instructions?"
"I'll never- AH!"
"All right, look, this is how it's going to go. You're going to start talking, or I'm gonna stop caring whether you can talk, you got it?" He groans and nods looking at Harvey with fear.
"I'll talk! It's too late, anyways. They're already dead."
"Who? Who's dead?" I challenge with worry. He giggles and replies in a sing-song voice. "Jeremiah and Bruce Wayne." I shut the trunk frustrated.
"He can't be telling the truth, can he? Dad, if Jer is gone..." "Don't worry about this. I want you to go to your apartment, (Y/n). I'll bring Jeremiah to you. I'll go to the bunker." I nod sighing. "Be careful."
As I walk away from the GCPD I call Ecco. "It's a go. He's heading there now."
Jim POV:
"Bruce? Jeremiah?" I call out into the stone bunker. I walk into Jeremiah's office seeing the large generator creating a static buzz. The monitors on the wall turn on revealing a static picture of Jerome. "Hiya, Jimbo!"
"Ah! Don't bother talkin' to me. This is a recorded message, and plus, I'm still dead. Just more posthumous fun. Look, I knew you'd see through all those shenanigans at the station. I've given all my fans a script for them to follow. See, I wanted to bring you here. Oh!" Suddenly a gun is pressed to my head from a masked figure. "Don't mind her. She's just here to make sure there's no talking during the movie. And, trust me, you're gonna wanna pay attention, so the twist makes sense at the end."
Jerome laughs easily. Two hands reach around his neck strangling him allowing me a chance to fight off the masked women. Once battling her to the ground I remove the mask. "Ecco?"
Jerome goes limp on screen only to have him pop up on the other. He pulls his sleeves up smiling, "I tell you, suicide really takes it out of a guy." He pulls out a red cloth and wipes his face with it. "Huh. What's this?" Jerome peels the skin from his face smirking at the screen.
He holds the cloth over his face concealing his features. "Jerome is dead." He removes the cloth revealing a pale-faced Jeremiah. "Long live me." He speaks with a calm smirk as his icy eyes burn into mine.
"I apologize for the deception, Jim. I needed to ape Jerome in order to persuade his followers to throw that macabre celebration at your police station. They are a pathetic lot, but not without their uses."
Ecco gets up and exits the room locking the door in a split second. I pull against them in an effort to escape.
"Ah, sidebar, that is a self-perpetuating generator. It can store a phenomenal amount of energy. I would hate to be within a mile of it if it were to overload."
"Now do you believe I'm not your brother? Jeremiah, listen to me! Jerome's followers are doing this! Nothing else makes sense. He sent them instructions to torment you." Bruce cries out as I examine my brother's face. I scoff, "How fake. Yes, I can see quite clearly where you cut off poor Bruce's face, and stitched on your own. But I am a man of science. So, let's have some evidence, huh?" I pull out a knife lunging at Bruce.
"Let's go, brother. Let's pull off that grotesque facade." I giggle, swiping the blade at Bruce. He twists my arms and grabs me in a locked hold.
"Jeremiah! Do not let him turn you into him! Do not let Jerome win this battle! Think about your kids! Think about (y/n)!"
I giggle in his grip, "Jerome, beat me? That'll be the day."
The followers come out ripping us apart chanting.
"Long live Jerome! Long live Jerome! Long live Jerome!"
A member holding onto me yells, "Jerome is victorious at last!" I roll my eyes whipping my gun out from my sleeve and shooting him dead. Blood splatters on me as he falls and the yard grows silent. "Jerome victorious? Are you serious?"
I look down gesturing to his dead body. "He's dead. Haven't you been paying attention?"
I sigh pulling out a rag and wiping the olive tone cover off my face allowing my pale skin to come to the light.
I smirk walking over to Jerome and kicking him back in the grave. "I am the one who's victorious."
I turn back to Bruce and the cult smirking. "Look, Bruce, like everything Jerome set his mind to, his insanity gas failed. Other than some mild cosmetic effects, he might as well have sprayed me with water. You all need to see Jerome for the utter dud that he was. So, I donned the mask of madness to show you how feeble that is compared to actual greatness. Behold, the face of true sanity. But looks aren't everything. I have a compendium of Jerome's obsessions and goals. I will outdo every one of them."
(Y/n) stolls out reading Jerome's diary. "Jerome wanted to turn Gotham into a madhouse. But Jeremiah taught me to build something, you must first tear down what is already there. Start fresh." She smirks looking over the pictures.
"Jeremiah, the gas worked. Both of you are insane!" Bruce fights against the hold of the followers. "Think about it. You want to carry out Jerome's crazy plans sanely? What could be madder than that?"
(Y/n) steps up, pinching Bruce's cheek. "Madder? Bruce, you're so misled."
"May I, love?" I take the book from (y/n) turning to a page full of insanity fueled ideas. "Ah, here, for example. Jerome wanted to slather you in honey, and have you eaten alive by corpse beetles... Now, that's mad. Me, if I wanna kill you, I'll just do it. I'll shoot you in the head. Simply and sanely." I finish aiming my gun at Bruce and smirking. "But I don't want to kill you."
All the followers groan with disappointment. "Are you gonna listen, or are you gonna behave like children?"
"See, I don't want to kill you, because I wanna show you how much I've changed things. How much we've changed things. Because I could not have done any of this without your help." Bruce furrows his brows.
"My help?"
(Y/n) smiles leaning against me. "Should we tell him, Jer?" She giggles looking up at me. I kiss her head sweetly.
"I feel very indebted to you, Bruce. See, those generators that we built with your money... they work even better as bombs."
"That sound you're hearing. That is a very bad sound. One which, I'm afraid, makes you something of a guinea pig, Jim."
I look behind me seeing the generator buzzing louder each second. "Killing you will help secure the loyalty of Jerome's minions, but more importantly it will keep you out of (Y/n)'s life. Now, she doesn't know this yet, but it's for the better. And, well... That is that. Goodbye, Jim Gordon."
Suddenly an explosion goes off in the direction of the bunker. Jeremiah smiles watching the gas cloud. "That's one down. Jim Gordon is dead."
"What?" I look up at Jeremiah shocked. "You didn't tell me you were going to do this. T-That's my father, Jer." He sighs pouting his lip towards me. "Love, I understand, but he was never going to let us be together. Now, we can be a real family. Wouldn't that be nice?"
"Aww, now, that's actually cute. Son of a bitch finally did it! Be happy he's not controlling your life anymore, doll!" Jerome's voice flashes in my ears.
I gulp looking in the direction of the smoke. "I think I'm more upset about our home."
Jeremiah smirks looking at me. "I've set us up, darling. Don't you worry. Everything important was moved last night."
Bruce fights against the follower's hold. "(y/n), how could you do this? He is your father!"
Jeremiah waves his hand, hushing Bruce. "Sorry, Bruce, but progress requires sacrifice."
"I'm going to stop you." Bruce sneers. I sigh, shaking my head. "I really hope you don't try. I would hate to have to kill you. In fact, I can honestly say, you are my very best friend." I walk over hitting him over the head with my gun, and throwing him in the grave with my brother.
I wrap my arm around (Y/n) walking away from the graveyard. "Well, that was fun." She said giggling. I smirk holding her close. "Yes, it was, love. Long live us."
"Jeremiah! Jeremiah!" The followers chant behind us as we file out. ~
Ecco follows behind us as (Y/n) and I walk down the dark hall towards the generator base in Wayne Enterprises. "Good evening, gentlemen." I speak waltzing towards them.
"Hey there, Mr. Valeska. You and (Y/n) alone or is that Mr. Wayne behind you too?"
"No, Mr. Wayne. She's just a little help."
(Y/n) pulls out a gun shooting both men dead. "Nice shot." Ecco praises her as I open the doors revealing the many bombs. I grin overlooking my projects. "Look at these. The gifts of true friendship. Ecco, let's load them on the trucks. It's time to give Gotham City its new face." I pull (Y/n) to me smiling. "It's time I build a city good enough for my Queen." I place my hands in her stomach getting jitters. "And for my heirs."
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bktynes-writes · 4 years ago
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As per the fantastic advice of the wonderful and amazing Mallory, @valleydean, I made some graphics for my fic, The Blood Of The Covenant. It’s a long, slow burn, Mafia AU, and I have no idea where it’s gonna end up, but I hope you’ll all reblog and join me for the ride. Here is the summary, and the first chapter is under the cut. Read on Ao3.
The Blood Of The Covenant The Winchester Dynasty will never fall.
At least, that’s what John and Mary, heads of the most powerful crime family in the city believe. They have built their empire from nothing, and are willing to do whatever it takes to maintain their control.
When a new family, the Novaks, threaten the delicate balance of power they have maintained for years, the eldest son, Dean, is tasked with infiltrating the ranks of the Novak’s organization to destroy them from the inside.
Dean has always been a soldier in his parent’s wars, never questioning where his loyalties lie, but when he comes face to face with Castiel Novak, one of the sons of the family threatening to destroy his own, he wonders if maybe there could be more to life than he believed. Maybe this blue-eyed stranger can offer him the ticket out he never knew he wanted.
They say that the blood of the covenant runs thicker than the water of the womb, but how do you turn your back on family? Will Dean choose love over loyalty? Will he leave behind all he’s ever known? Or are he and Castiel destined to just be pawns in the war for power that rules the city’s underworld?
Chapter 1: Dinner
The city at night always had a certain charm about it that Dean couldn’t put his finger on. Maybe it was the way everything lit up a bit more or the fact that the darkness hid the grime that clung to every surface like a second skin, but the alleyways and culverts of the buildings seemed more inviting when they were filled with shadow.
He loved this city. Every dirty stairwell, every seedy bar, every doorway that led to nowhere, Dean knew them all. He had grown up on these streets, and he wouldn’t change it for the world.
The sound of a car horn brought him back to reality, pulling him out of his nostalgic reverie and into the moment. He looked down at his dress shoes, sparkling in the neon lights against the damp pavement, and smiled. If there was one thing Dean Winchester knew how to do, it was dress to impress. His father had instilled in him that first impressions were important at a very young age, and how a man looks could change the direction of any transaction.
Tonight was the first Sunday of the month, which meant dinner with the Family at Cain’s. Dean never looked forward to these dinners - he found them to be mundane - but as the eldest son of the most powerful crime family in the city, he knew his mother and father expected him to attend.
Thus, he found himself in his best suit, pulling open the restaurant’s glass door and striding past the host stand like he owned the place. The young woman there gave him a nervous look, and he shot her his most charming smile, causing her to duck her head as a deep red blush crept up her cheeks. He passed by the other tables and made his way to the back of the restaurant, pointedly ignoring the stares and whispers that followed him from the other patrons. He was used to this behaviour. Anyone who was anyone in the city recognized the Winchesters, and their reputation preceded them.
He made his way past the kitchen, stopping briefly to say hello to Cain, clapping him on the shoulder.
“Dean!” Cain exclaimed, turning around and pulling him into a rib-crushing hug. “I didn’t think you were gonna show! Everyone else is already here.”
Dean laughed. In another life, he would have called him a friend.
But Winchesters didn’t have friends.
“Yeah, I figured they would be.” He said. “What can I say? Fashionably late is kinda my style.” He shrugged and smiled.
“That’s my boy, always gotta make an entrance.” Cain beamed at him. “They’re in the back room. I’ll get your usual added to the order. Hurry up before your dad tears a strip off you!”
“Thanks, Cain,” Dean said. He ducked past him and headed to the very back of the dining room.
Dean could now see the usual suspects gathered around their regular table. He spotted Bobby gruffly speaking to Ellen Harvelle and her daughter Jo. The Harvelles were powerful associates who owned many of the bars and rest stops along the freeway into the city, and Dean’s father liked to keep them close because he had been friends with Ellen’s late husband, Bill.
Ellen was a good source of information for the family. People let information slip that they shouldn’t after a few rounds of shots at one of Ellen’s roadhouses, and she and Jo had ears like bats. Dean was pretty sure the main reason she was included in these clandestine meetings of the family, though, is that his parents, despite their vehement claims otherwise, were a little bit afraid of her. He couldn’t blame them. He had grown up with Jo and, despite being six years older, had had his ass handed to him more times than he could count by the feisty blonde.
Dean chuckled to himself at the memory as he slid quietly into the seat next to his younger brother, Sam.
“You’re late,” stated the younger of the Winchester brothers, his arm draped lazily across his girlfriend Jessica’s shoulders.
“Yeah, I was over at the mill. Gordon owes us and is being…difficult.” He reached for the bottle of wine that sat on the table and filled his glass. He wasn’t usually a fan of wine, but Cain always brought out the good bottles for these meetings, and when he didn’t have to pay, it would be rude to refuse.
“Dad is gonna be pissed.” Said Sam, finishing his own glass and holding it out for Dean to refill.
“No, he won’t,” Dean replied, pouring too much wine into his brother’s glass. “He knows how Gordon is. He’ll just be glad I didn’t break too many of his fingers to get him to agree to pay his dues.”
“Whatever you say, Dean,” Sam replied, rolling his eyes. He ran his fingers through his absurdly long hair, and Dean found himself itching to strap his brother into a barber’s chair and order a buzz cut.
A clink of cutlery against glass brought the assembly to silence and drew everyone’s attention to the man standing at the head of the table. John Winchester was an imposing figure at the best of times, and his broad shoulders, clad in the threads of his fine Italian suit, added to his commanding demeanour. His neatly trimmed beard was flecked with grey, as was the perfectly slicked hair on his head. He stood with pride and demanded the respect of those around him with ease.
“Now that my son has finally decided to grace us with his presence, we can call this meeting to order,” John spoke with an air of distaste directed solely at Dean.
“Ah, you know me pops, better late than never,” Dean said nonchalantly. Sam was right; John was pissed.
“Indeed,” said his father coolly.
Dean tuned out most of the ensuing conversations. It was the typical discussion of territory, who was responsible for handling the gang activity on the west side, who was collecting from which businesses for protection owed and whether or not they had paid (Dean received a small nod of approval from John when he informed the table that Gordon would no longer be causing issues).
When the food came, Dean was treated to the most delicious looking plate of carbonara he had ever seen. Cain truly did know the way to his heart. Before he had the chance to dig in, a noise from the opposite end of the table drew everyone’s attention.
A beautiful woman with wavy brown hair rose from the table, and Dean rolled his eyes, huffing dramatically into his chair. Bela Talbot was always trying to draw attention to herself at these meetings, and tonight would be no exception. She wasn’t, strictly speaking, part of the Family, but she was part of a necessary evil alliance that the Winchesters had forged years ago to have hands in the art trade, and Dean had found her to be nothing but a nuisance ever since.
Her words dripped with a caramel sweetness, and despite his intense dislike of the woman, Dean couldn’t help but stare at her as she spoke.
“John. Mary. Dear Winchester Family. It has come to my attention that there appears to be a new family on the North shore. They arrived from New Jersey about six weeks ago and have been a thorn in my side ever since.” She scowled.
“Why hasn’t it been dealt with, Bela?” Asked Sam. “The North shore is your territory, isn’t it?” Sam was flexing his powers a little bit, addressing Bela that way. Usually, it would be up to John to chastise her for not taking care of a threat to their operations, but Dean could see the look of pride in his father’s eyes at Sam stepping in so willingly.
Bela’s face tinged pink slightly at the admonishing tone in Sam’s voice, and she puffed her cheeks out before speaking out again. “Under regular circumstances, Samuel, I would, but it seems that these Novaks are a bit better at playing cat and mouse than I would have anticipated.”
“Novak?” Dean snorted. “What is that, Polish?”
Bela glared at him. “I believe it’s Serbian, actually.”
Dean shrugged and twisted his fork idly in his pasta, hoping she would get to the point before it got cold. Sam continued to address her. “What’s the problem, Bela?”
“They’ve taken out three of my warehouses since their arrival, and the attendance at both the craps game and the pool hall is down by thirty-two percent.” She sighed, and Dean perked up. He almost wanted to shake the hand of anyone who could cause Bela this much distress, but this was clearly an attack on the family’s assets. “Half the shops on Arthur Street aren’t paying their fees because the Novaks have started charging them, and when I sent Ruby over to persuade them, she came back bloody and threatening to skip town.”
Dean’s smile faded as quickly as it had appeared. Ruby was savage in the art of ‘persuasion,’ and he could hardly imagine anyone getting the better of her. He leaned forward, his brow furrowed. A new family trying to start a war with the Winchesters? The last time that had happened, Dean was a teenager, and, much to his dismay, his parents had insisted he not be involved. He had watched helplessly from inside the Catholic boy’s school his father had shipped him to, as his people were shot in the street.
But Dean was in his thirties now, and the prospect of war looming on the horizon made him giddy with anticipation.
Mary Winchester, who had been quietly observing her husband and sons until this point, suddenly cleared her throat, which made all the men at the table sit up a little straighter. She was a fierce-looking woman with high cheekbones, a square jaw, and deep eyes, all framed by locks of cascading blonde curls. It was easy to see where her sons had gotten their charming good looks from.
She sat forward and touched her husband’s forearm gently. “Bela. While I’m sure the loss of your warehouses is devastating, no one would be foolish enough to start a war with our family.” She smiled. “And if Ruby and the girls from Rowena’s can’t handle what is being asked of them, then perhaps it is time to remind them who it is they work for. I’m sure Sam and Dean would be happy to deal with the Novaks, right boys?”
Sam nodded at his mother, and Dean could feel his excitement bubbling. He looked to his brother and saw a dark glint in his eye. The two of them together were unstoppable.
“Anything for you, mother,” Dean said, and he basked in her pride.
“Wonderful,” John said, clapping his hands together, dispelling the tension surrounding the table, and causing Bela to sink back into her seat as her concerns were dismissed. “Now, let’s eat before the food goes cold.”
The rest of the evening dissolved into easy conversation amongst the members of the meeting. Sam laughed wildly at Bobby’s account of a man who he had once held over a woodchipper for his disrespect, even though he had told the story a hundred times. Mary and John spoke quietly with Jessica about her parents and how thrilled they were that her contacts on Broadway would benefit the Winchester dynasty. Dean occupied himself by kicking Jo under the table and watching her face go from mildly irritated to genuinely annoyed as she tried to maintain a discussion with her mother about liquor importing.
When the food and wine had been consumed, John stood again and waited patiently for the conversations to cease. “Thank you all for joining us this evening.” He spoke warmly to everyone. “I trust to see you all again next month.” A chorus of murmured agreement rippled through those assembled. John raised his glass, and everyone else followed suit. “To the family.” He toasted and drained the remaining wine from his glass.
The sound of chairs scraping back from the table filled the small dining room as the Winchesters and their associates made to leave. They passed the other patrons, enjoying their meals and trying obviously not to stare as the finely dressed men and women filed out the front door, thanking Cain with handshakes and smiles as they left.
Dean stepped into the street and stretched, breathing the exhaust soaked air deeply into his lungs and once again being reminded of just how much he loved this city. A large hand dropped heavily onto his shoulder, and he turned to find his gargantuan little brother towering next to him.
“You wanna come over for a beer?” Sam asked casually.
“Nah, man, I was thinking about heading over to Lee’s,” Dean said. His head was foggy from the wine, and he needed some real liquor to bring his senses back.
Sam scowled. “You know, Dad doesn’t like you going out without protection.”
“Always keep a condom in my wallet, Sammy.” Dean winked, and Sam rolled his eyes dramatically.
“That’s not what I mean.” He said. “If Bela is right and the Novaks are looking to start a war, none of us should be going anywhere alone.”
“Oh, is Sam freaking Winchester scared of a few Jersey boys?” Dean snarked at his brother, punching him in the arm playfully. “I’ll be fine. Besides, it’s Lee’s bar. I’m basically royalty there.”
Jessica appeared at Sam’s side and snaked her arm around his waist. She really was beautiful, far too good for his brother. Dean sometimes wished he had met her first, but he shook the thoughts from his mind. Sam was happy with Jess, and that’s what he deserved.
“Your parents invited us over to look over the blueprints of the new hotel, honey.” She said. “Dean, will you be joining us?”
“Not tonight, sweetheart, but hey, tell 'em to put one of those fancy water features in like they’ve got in Vegas,” Dean replied sarcastically.
Jess smiled at him. “You ready, Sam?”
“Uh, yeah, one second. Why don’t you go ahead with Mom and Dad? I’ll meet you at the car.” Sam said. He rubbed his hand across her shoulders and leaned down to kiss her sweetly. Jess cast one more smile at Dean before turning back down the sidewalk to where Mary and John stood waiting.
“What’s up, Sammy?” Dean asked. He knew there was a reason his brother was holding him back.
Sam stepped closer to Dean and quickly looked over his shoulder before shoving his hand into his pocket and producing a small black velvet box. “I was going to wait until tomorrow, but I can’t help myself.” He said, opening the box. Inside was a beautiful diamond engagement ring. The center stone was massive and cut into the shape of a teardrop. On each side were two smaller diamonds, surrounded by a cluster of sparkling rubies. “I’m gonna ask Jess to marry me.”
Dean laughed out loud. “Holy shit, Sam!” He blurted out loudly and pulled his brother into a hug.
“Shhh!” Sam warned. “Keep your voice down! I don’t even know if she’ll say yes.”
Dean scoffed. “Of course she’ll say yes! You two have been together, what, forever?” He grinned. “Although, if she does say no, you can tell her I’m available.”
Sam smacked him around the head, and Dean laughed. “Alright, have fun at Lee’s. Call Benny if there’s any trouble.”
Dean waved over Sam’s shoulder at John, Mary, and Jess, and gave his brother a nod before turning and heading down the dark sidewalk in the direction of Lee Webb’s bar.
Swayze’s was more than a few blocks from Cain’s place, but Dean didn’t mind the walk. He’d left his car at home after visiting Gordon this afternoon, and he enjoyed the refreshing night air against his face. The downtown lights glared into the sky through the ever-present smog rising from the city, and Dean hummed a little to himself as he walked. This was his city. The Winchesters owned these streets. He knew one day, the empire his mother and father had built would fall to him and Sam to manage, but that time was a long way off. John would never relinquish control of the family assets to his sons while he still drew breath, and without any heirs of their own to ensure the continuation of the dynasty, that was even less likely.
Dean smiled to himself, thinking of the ring currently sitting in Sam’s pocket. Jess would be an excellent addition to the family. Her parents were both high profile talent agents on Broadway with a lot of influence there and in Hollywood. There had never been a reason for the Winchesters to get into theatre, but he knew they wouldn’t turn down the opportunity if Jess said yes to Sam tonight. His smile faltered slightly. It had been a long time since Dean had been as happy as Sam was now. His last relationship had been with Lisa Braeden, and that had only lasted a few months. She had a young son, Ben, who Dean still saw on occasion, but he had left when things had started to get really serious. He wasn’t going to drag someone else’s kid into this mafioso life. It wasn’t his place.
The truth was, Dean didn’t even know if he wanted kids. He’d thought about it, sure, and his mother had been pressuring him since his mid-twenties to find a nice girl to make babies with, but Dean liked his hang-up free lifestyle. He was happy to carry out orders for his father, help the family, and maybe hustle a few out of town suckers at pool when the mood struck him. Sam was business-minded, and Dean was more than happy to allow his not-so-little little brother to take over for their father when the time came.
Dean had been so deep in his own head that he barely registered when he had arrived at Lee’s. He sat down on a barstool and scanned around the room. Dean sighed contentedly. As he had expected, the bar was devoid of anyone immediately recognizable save for Lee himself.
Dean rapped his knuckles on the bar top to get Lee’s attention. “Who do I gotta gank to get a drink around here, hey buddy?” He said as Lee tossed the towel he had been using to clean a pint glass over his shoulder and turned to Dean. His expression changed from annoyed to ecstatic when he registered who was speaking.
“Dean freaking Winchester.” Lee drawled. “It’s been a while. You too good to come see me anymore?”
Dean grinned. “Never too good for you, Lee.”
“What’ll it be? On the house.” Lee spread his arms, gesturing at the impressive selection of alcohol arranged along the wall behind him.
“Whiskey. Neat.” Dean replied. Lee nodded approvingly, selecting a bottle from the top shelf and pouring a heavy-handed three ounces into a glass. He slid it across the bar to Dean, and he took a sip, letting the liquid burn deliciously in his throat and warm him from the inside out.
“That’s good stuff.” Dean smiled as a low rasp crept into his voice.
“Only the best for you.” Lee matched his tone. “So, what brings you out tonight?”
“Dinner with the family,” Dean replied noncommittally.
“Yeah, you always did hate those.” Lee whipped the towel off his shoulder and picked up another glass, wiping the water from around the rim. “Anything exciting?”
“No, just business as usual. Bela is being a bitch, Bobby’s still telling the same stories he has for the past 20 years…” He paused before taking another sip of his drink. “Oh, and uh, Sammy’s gonna ask Jess to marry him.”
“No shit!” Lee said, his eyebrows rising in mild surprise. “I’d say that’s pretty exciting.”
“Yeah, it’s been a long time coming.” Dean chuckled into his glass. “Never seen anybody as happy as those two. Kind of a miracle she hasn’t killed him yet with what a pain in the ass he can be.”
“Ah, you’re only saying that cuz he’s your brother.” Lee laughed.
“Yeah, well, brother or not, he’s still a giant pain.” Dean downed the rest of his drink and tapped the rim for a refill. Lee shook his head but complied.
“You feeling a little jealous there, buddy?” Lee smiled devilishly at him as he set the bottle down on the bar top.
Dean chuckled darkly. “Nothing to be jealous of. I’ve got my life, my health, my family,” he grinned at Lee over the rim of his glass. “And a buddy with a bar. What more could a guy need?”
Lee shook his head but said nothing. Dean appreciated the silence that fell immensely.
The sudden clatter of a barstool hitting the floor drew Dean’s attention to the opposite end of the bar. Two men stood chest to chest, shoving each other back and forth.
“What the fuck is your problem, man?!” One of them exclaimed.
“What’s my problem? What the hell is your problem?!” The other responded, punctuating his words with a shove to the man’s shoulders.
“Hey!” Lee shouted. “Take it outside, boys.”
“Yeah, some of us just wanna drink in peace,” Dean said.
“What the fuck did you just say?” One of the men said to Dean. Having found a common enemy in him, the two men turned towards Dean’s seat and advanced. He drew in a breath, immediately regretting his decision to speak up. They were both much larger than him by a wide margin, and Dean couldn’t help but think to himself ruefully that maybe Sam was right about needing protection.
As he balled his fists, ready to start swinging, he felt someone step into the space at his side.
“I believe both of these fine gentlemen just politely told you inbred walnuts to get lost.” The voice that spoke was low and gravelly, and Dean felt his stomach flip a little at the sound of it. He turned his head to identify the stranger and was met by a tan trenchcoat.
His eyes travelled upwards to the man’s face, and Dean felt his stomach do another small flip. A strong jawline covered in light stubble, slightly chapped pink lips, and tousled black hair were Dean’s first indications that the man suddenly standing next to him was unfamiliar. When the man cocked his head slightly, Dean caught his eye and felt his breath hitch in his chest. Framed by thick, dark eyelashes were a pair of icy blue eyes that Dean very quickly found himself staring at. He looked away as soon as he realized because, as much as he would have loved to stare, the two aggressively drunk men in front of him posed a much more immediate problem.
Returning his attention to them, Dean rose from his seat and drained the remaining liquid from his glass, vaguely registering that Lee had also rounded the bar and was standing behind him.
“Well, fellas. Looks like it’s two against three.” Dean said, gesturing at Lee and the stranger. “Not that I don’t like those odds being in my favour and all, but I’ll give you a chance to walk away before this gets too outta hand.” He heard Lee crack his knuckles and grinned. There was no one in this world Dean would rather have in his corner for a fight than Lee Webb, except maybe Sam.
The two men in front of him hesitated slightly before one of them let out a yell and charged towards Dean.
He reacted in an instant, ducking below the man’s outstretched arms and coming up under his knees to flip him over his back towards Lee. He heard the man hit the ground with a thud as Lee reached down and heaved him back up into the edge of the bar. Dean turned just in time to see the other man following his partner towards him, arms reaching out like some great ape. He didn’t have the forewarning or space to execute the same move, and so he simply ducked out of reach. As the man’s arms closed above his head, he heard the unmistakable sound of a fist colliding with a nose as the cartilage and bone crunched under the force. Glancing to his right, he saw the trenchcoated stranger land a blow directly into the second assailant’s face and smiled to himself. Not bad, he thought.
As the ape staggered back, clutching his now broken nose, blood streaming down between his fingers, Dean stood up and grabbed the man by his shirt. Together, he and Lee shoved the two towards the bar’s door and unceremoniously tossed them into the street.
“Don’t let me catch you goons in here again,” Lee shouted as they took off quickly down the alley.
Dean watched them go and shook his head ruefully. Even at Lee’s, trouble managed to find him. He looked to his friend and put a hand on his shoulder, squeezing lightly. “You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” Lee said, brushing him off. “Guys like that aren’t a problem. You and I both know I’ve fought worse.”
Dean laughed. “Ain’t that the truth.” They turned to go back inside, and Dean spied the mysterious stranger as he picked up a stool that had fallen over in the scuffle, cradling his right hand against his chest.
“Hey,” Dean called out to him. The man looked up at Dean, and he was pierced by the full intensity of his stare. Those blue eyes, which before had been icy and cold with adrenaline, were now pools of deep ocean blue, and Dean once again felt himself beginning to drown in them. He cleared his throat, trying to get rid of the lump that was quickly forming there. “Um, thanks. For that. You, uh, you didn’t have to get involved. Lee and I could have handled it.”
Way to sound ungrateful, Winchester, he kicked himself internally.
The stranger cocked his head to the side as he stared at Dean, his eyebrows knitted together in the most perplexing stare Dean had ever seen. Lee walked up next to him. “Lemme get you some ice for your hand. If that dude’s skull is as thick as it looked, you’re probably hurting pretty bad.” He walked behind the bar and began filling a small bag with ice. “Oh, and your next drink is on me. Dean may not know how to actually say thank you but, we aren’t all as uncivilized.”
Dean felt the heat rising in his cheeks as he sat back in his seat, and Lee refilled his glass, adding a second one for their new friend. “Thank you.” The man said, taking the bag of ice and placing it over his knuckles. He took a small sip of his drink and set it back on the bar top.
Dean shook himself and realized the man was still staring at him, and being under his scrutinizing eyes made Dean fidget uncomfortably. He cleared his throat again. “So, uh, you got a name?” He asked. Then, because Dean was not one to relinquish the upper hand, he plastered on his charming Winchester smile and said, “Or am I just supposed to call you handsome?”
A small smile lifted the corners of the man’s lips as he extended his uninjured hand for Dean to shake.
“Novak.” He said, and Dean felt the colour immediately drain from his face.
“My name is Castiel Novak.”
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freshbark · 5 years ago
Prompts: salt fic
Maybe a salt fic where Mari gets fed up and takes back the Miraculous from the current team but only leaves Ryuuko and Viperion and Queen Bee(outfit changed to hide her identity) before she leaves to live in Gotham.
Maybe Sabine and Tom buy a spot in the that's directly in the most criminal infested part but because they've dealt with supervillains with powers that have traumatised and killed more than half of Paris sometimes, normal gangs and thugs dont affect them . So now because the try and help criminals hy hiring them, like Bruce does, they become the Angels of Gotham.
But when word reaches the villains, Joker has got to see the child who made the Riddler cry and easily rip apart that Scarecrow( his sense of fashion to shreds and also beating him up) so he goes and Marinette and Sabine easily take him down just like Scarecrow before either of them could release their toxic gasses.
Commissioner Gordon is a regular at the point and is like, thanks guys. He gets free croissants cause he's Marinette's second favourite pseudo grandpa. Bruce and maybe Dick sees the whole situation and their excited to bring her into the squad( Cough-Adopt-cough) and the young justice are excited to have a literal angel of Gotham on their team cause everyone has seen what the bakery is like and are excited for Marinette. They already know they'll be attending the same school as her, it's a bonus they get to work together. But she abruptly declined Batman one day when all the Young Justice and Batman appear on her balcony/roof to recruit her. Hes like what? Mari is like " I have school and cannot afford to have a double life as a vigilante/hero" and just leaves them all shell shocked.
They all wanna try and convince her again to join but when one day where both the Young Justice and The League are in one spot for a meeting, Ladybug comes Voyaging into their base with maybe the akuma coming in with her too. So naturally everyone tries to help but are surprised that this ridiculously looking villain has powers and actually can kill superman, but he revives easily cause of his super healing. So after superman comes back, they just let Ladybug and the akuma duke it out and when she finally defeats him, she opens a portal to France to restore the damage and to put the victim back home. So the Heroes are surprised to see Paris in shambles and ruins and the bodies of majority of Paris lying around in blood only to see them revived and alive as ladybugs flutters to put everything back to normal. Ladybug closes the portal and walks back into the lair.
Everyone is like, howd you do that? How come we never knew Paris had rogue metas running amok. She glares at them and explains its Hawkmoth taht takes advantage of victims feelings and controls them through their feelings. She then glares at them as they try to take over her job and she tells them she has half a mind to cataclysm them all and if Wonder Woman is afraid of whatever the hell that is, well everyone is wary. So she tells them how they never bothered to pick up their calls for help and always ignored their requests to come to Paris, so why should they start caring now?
She voyages away before they can see where the area she went to so they can track her and this causes a game of Chase as the heroes try to catch Ladybug and convince her to let them help.
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babyboyregressor · 4 years ago
Just an updated about me thing big and small version
• I go by Benrey, but I'm also okay with nicknames like Benn, BenBen ect ect
•He/They/It pronouns plz and thank you
•I'm t4t n i like trans guys n enbies ig
•I like gaming, drawing, singing (not good at it but it's a huge vocal stim thing for me) and makeup
•Speaking of stims! I go nonverbal a lot so I vocal stim a lot. Especially singing songs. I whistle or sing random notes to try and convey my emotions when words are too hard. I almost always have my headphones on so I can listen to music and to block out noise to a certain degree. I mimick a lot as well. I have certain sounds I like to listen to as well. I have a half life soundboard on my phone because some of the noises are fun and help me calm down, especially the barney voice lines, he has been a huge comfort character for me since I was in middle school.
•Half life and hlvrai are some of my special interests, I absolutely love Barney Calhoun and Gordon Freeman!
•Some of my favorite video games aside from hl are minecraft, Left4Dead, Dead by Daylight, Cod, The Isle, Gang beasts, Resident Evil specifically biohazard and I haven't played village yet, Justice League, Mortal Combat, I have other games too but I cant think of them and I dont play them as much.
•I have a cat Gazlene, Gaz for short, but I live with 9 cats, 3 one month old kittens and 2 kittens who are a few weeks old and then the two moms and my cat and my brothers cat.
•I love the movie Luca, the jurassic park/world series, including camp cretaceous, and Tangled, The rapunzel story has been my favorite story since I was a literal baby.
•I love the smells of Lavender, Lemons, and Pine
• I love horror even though sometimes it can be a bit much for me, especially with loud noises and jumpscares, but some are cool! I really like the halloween movies, mostly the new one that came out in 2018 I think? Story was kinda off I think but its coolio
•I'm bad at makeup but I love putting makeup on people
•I chew on everything and I like to nibble people sometimes but usually I just bite my nails and fingers, although I got some chewlery so that's not happening as much anymore
•I live off energy drinks and sweets
•I have really bad anxiety when it comes to calls and facetime cause I never know when to talk and they often cause me to calm up and go nonverbal
•I'm learning asl!
•My favorite songs as of now are How can I tell him by jens lekman and Him by James Marriott
All about little me!
♡I'm usually 0-3
♡I has ALOT of pacis, I have maybe 15-20 adult ones and like 1000 babies ones i dun use no more
♡I has no cg cause my last one was bads
♡ I sings lots nd color pictures and loves luca lots an punzel
♡I like dinos my fav s a baryonyx!
♡I have a bunch of onesies and a bunch of short overalls and a skirt overall toos, s pink and looks like a cupckae!
♡I like kitties a lots but dogs are loud n scary sometimes
♡I like to be a cowboy somtimes toos cus cowboys are cool! Like rango
♡ i always follow da rules cause rules keep u safe
♡I like iced water and warm milk, and strawberry n chocky milk
♡I like games! I like res evil n minescaft
♡um I dont talk lots unless I'm 3 but usuawy s 2 or smoler
♡Wjen I'm 3 I usually am more excited and talkitives and I like to wear overalls and "big kid" outfits but I'm still baby, I real like to run around and play and info dump about stuff or listen to cgs voice and follow rules
♡when 2 I like to sit aroun n watch tv and hum or if I had a cg I like to follow them around eveywhere and hold onto them and whisper to them and sing them songs or crawl around and shove stuff in my mouth cause why nots and I almost always have my paci cupped to my shirt, I also love to follow the cats around at squeal n babble about them. I usually wear my onesies n maybe a big hoodie or smth and I almost ALWAYS have a stuffie I also clap a lot and LOVE to follow rules and do things for my cg (which again I dont have but if I did okay we theoretically talkin bros), even if its jus grabbing them smth or answering a question. I know a couple of small signs like dada milk juice I love you and how to spell baby for when I dont wnana talk but usually it's just messy signs mixed with stimming, babbles, squeals, and giggles
♡when I'm younger than that I usually like to sleep a lots and I never talk aside from either small short babbles or loud long babbles of nonsense, I always have a onesie or smth like that one I always have my binki/paci and I love love love to be carried, like plz hol me am smol. I usually just wanna snuggle and be held n fed tbh I know how to say milk and dada in sign that's it
Dats it! Next I'll post what makes me small or what my dream cg, nursery or paci would be like, oh or maybe showing all my onesies and pacis! I dunno eyt
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therappundit · 4 years ago
***Best of the 1st Half of 2021: SONG EDITION***
Six months into 2021 and since 2020 wrapped up...some things in the world have changed, while other things remain the same (for better or worse). Folks, it’s time to talk about rap music in 2021...
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One trend definitely has continued well into 2021: the underground rap world - I’m talking the artists, the aesthetic, the sound, the full projects, every box you can think of - continues to kick the mainstream rap world’s ass. There are already signs of the two imaginary separate worlds intermingling more and more, and we will have to deal with the pros and cons of that down the line...but one thing is for sure: rap music runs deeper, and more sonically diverse than ever before, and as long as there is an internet to enlist the ears and talents of artists from all over the world, the art form will continue to divide, change shape, borrow from the old and add some new, again and again. And we will all be better for it.
So let’s dive right in. As usual there are about 1,000 more songs that I would love to cram into this list, but there are only so many spots...and I’m married with a toddler, so even though I am listening to rap music for a concerningly large portion of my day, it takes a lot of extra coffee and less sleep to keep these posts going (but it’s still worth it, I love connecting with folks over the same under-discussed but ridiculously dope songs and artists).
There are many lists but none quite like this one, here is THE RAP PUNDIT’S LIST OF THE BEST RAP SONGS FROM THE FIRST HALF OF 2021....hope you find some joints you never heard before and really enjoy.  And to all of the MCs, Producers, mixers, singers, curators, readers, writers, critics - anyone that contributes something to this music I love....thank you, as always. 🙏
[Bonus joint] 55. “GANG GANG” - Polo G feat. Lil Wayne
[Bonus joint] 54. “Furious Styles” - Illa Styles feat. Nickelus F https://illastyles.bandcamp.com/track/furious-styles-ft-nickelus-f
[Bonus joint] 53. “Box of Churches” - Pooh Sheisty feat. 21 Savage
[Bonus joint] 52. “Beating Down Yo Block” - Monaleo
[Bonus joint] 51. “BUZZERBEATER” - Rahiem Supreme feat. Al.Divino & Estee Nack
50. "A Man Apart” - Rx Papi
(Face it: you’re either feelin’ the Rx flow or you’re not. The endlessly quotable MC is not always taken seriously, but similar to how the saddest clowns are most adept at masking their pain behind a smile, Papi needs to be taken seriously as a talented rap artist.)
49. “Moving On Up” - Evidence feat. Conway The Machine
(Evidence, Babu, Daringer and Conway all joining forces on a record feels like a timeline altering reach between two completely different generations of elite underground hip-hop artists, but in the case of “Moving On Up”, it’s not just a “hey wouldn’t it be dope if” fantasy, it’s a sweet reality. Ev has connected with the Griselda camp before and of course the results are dope. Add this one to the list, one of the many fine moments off of Unlearning Vol. 1.)
48. “Gordon Ramsay Freestyle” - Remble
(An attention grabbing MC if ever I heard one, Remble clearly hails from the same camp as Drakeo The Ruler - Stinc Team - but with that flow and sense of humor, he may develop a lot more than just a strong following out on the West Coast. Look out for Remble, he is knocking on the door of blowing, he’s just one key feature away...)
47. “The Shifts” - maassai feat. AKAI SOLO
(If you haven’t checked out one of 2021′s most quietly impressive albums, I cannot recommend With The Shifts enough.)
46. “BOXINABACK” - Bris feat. Alphie Blood
(The career of Sacramento’s Bris was really beginning to pick up momentum in 2020...sadly, he was killed the same year. I cannot pretend to be an expert in the Sscramento rap scene, I just know that it’s been bubbling for a while, and this song really captured my attention as soon as I heard it. RIP, Bris.)
45. “Last Day Out” - Rio Da Yung OG
(Right before Rio Da Yung OG entered the penitentiary, he dropped “Last Day Out”, a song that perfectly captures what the rap game will be missing while he’s gone - and more brutal honesty than we are accustomed to hearing from Flint, Michigan’s punchline killer.)
44. “Thousand Miles” - MAVI
(The whole EP is impressive, but I think this joint most actually captures MAVI’s rhyme skills, flow and song writing ability. With young talent like this bubbling up from the underground scene, the future of rap music is as strong as ever.)
43. “Appletree” - Valee & KiltKarter
(Not necessarily a vibe that everyone will be into...but one that if you are into it, you will reap the rewards in abundance. It’s so enjoyable to hear Valee applying his unpredictable cadence to new music once again, made that much more enjoyable by the fact that he has already dropped THREE mixtapes in 2021 and it’s only July!)
42. “Next Chamber” - Peter Rosenberg feat. Method Man, Raekwon & Willie The Kid
(Admit it: this is the type of production we have all been wanting on Wu-Tang albums for years. We won’t get it, but this is closer to the sound that they represented....and of course let’s not forget about the always welcome WTK feature, who does more than hold his own over the NY legends.)
41. “St. James Liquor” - Skyzoo feat. Aaria
(Pen game’s don’t come much finer than Skyzoo’s. The Brooklyn MC put a lot of work into All The Brilliant Things, and the final result was a collection of thoughtful rap songs like this one: descriptive, autobiographical rhymes over beautiful instrumentation that conjures memories of classic Roots records, and the headspace that only the greatest early 90′s East Coast lyricism could provide. Great song, great album.)
40. “10″ - Drakeo the Ruler
(One of the best stories in 2020 rap music was when Drakeo hit the street once again, after a painfully long stretch of time in prison. He really hit the ground running in 2021, dropping one quality track after another...but then again, he never really stopped making dope rap in the first place, be it in the studio or over prison phone.)
39. “MASSA” - Tyler, The Creator feat. DJ Drama
(When folks were saying that Tyler was RAPPING rapping on his new album, this is what they were talking about. Not since Kanye West has a polarizing rapper-producer excelled so well at spilling his guts all over a track, and moments like this "MASSA” make Call Me If You Get Lost the standout project that it is.)
38. "DARTGUNZ” - Chuck Strangers
(Chuck Strangers remains low-key one of the best MC / Producers in the game, but Chuck is merely flexing his bar-work on this Samiyam produced gem.)
37. “Messy” - Nappy Nina & JWords
(Big shout-out to Pitchfork for putting me on to Nappy Nina within their rap song of the day section, The Ones. I love her music, and when paired with the incredibly gifted producer JWords - who I was only somewhat familar with thanks to previous terrific collaborations with MIKE and maassai - the result is a dope ass album like Double Down.)
36. “Nobles” - The Alchemist feat. Earl Sweatshirt & Navy Blue
(The instrumental sounds as a triumphant as you could expect music from this trio to sound. My only complaint about This Things Of Ours was that it wasn’t 10-50 songs longer.)
35. “Nothing Like The Sun” - Tree feat. Roc Marciano
(Okay so for the past few years, I had been pressing Tree, Closed Sessions, and just about anyone that would listen that a less than a minute clip from an old Tree promo featured an unreleased Tree & Roc Marciano joint. So finding out that this joint would *finally* being released on Tree’s Soul Trap album, it felt like Christmas morning. Now the world finally gets to hear two of the finest rap artists from the past decade plus!)
34. “nine lives” - maassai
(A great example of a song that seems to get better and better as it goes on, maassai & that horn sample are undeniably good on here.)
33. “Lemon Pepper Freestyle” - Drake feat. Rick Ross
(This one really radiates, “YES, you have heard this before”...but when it works so well, that’s not such a bad thing. Drake came ready to rap, and it will propel this joint to the top of many lists you will find on those other web sites.)
32. “triboro.” - Remy Banks feat. Mr. Muthafuckin’ eXquire, Wiki & A-Trak
(I dig this in a big way. A few of NYC’s finest, flexing over what feels like blasting Kraftwerk out of a boombox on the L Train? I’m so on board.)
31. “Safe To Say” - Good Gas, Fki 1st & Band Gang Lonnie Bands feat. Band Gang Biggs & Glockboyz Teejaee
(Of all my favorite projects that dropped in 2021 thus far, I don’t know if any have been as inexplicably under-discussed as the Good Gas, Fki 1st & Band Gang Lonnie Bands banger, Street Dream Team. I stumbled upon the project completely by accident one week while thumbing through all of the new joints that dropped from Detroit MCs one week, and I have kept it in heavy rotation ever sense. While not necessarily a spot-on snapshot of Band Gang Lonnie Bands’ typical sound, for a Michigan outsider like me, it makes for a great entry level intro to one of my favorite rappers out of the Motor City right now.)
30. "Early Exit” - Lloyd Banks
(Yeah the Roc Marciano verse sounds like it was recorded over an old radio on cassette tape, but as someone from the real mixtape era, I’m not going to let shaky sound quality distract from the fact that every other part of the song is fantastic. The bars are there of course, but the beat and hook are all spot-on, and sound quality be damed it’s just great to hear Banks & Roc together.)
29. "Yonkers” - Wiki & NAH
(Rife with experimentation and half-freestyles, and sonically living somewhere between Company Flow and Ratking, the subterranean metro sounds of Wiki and NAH’s Telephonebooth might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but if you have been checking for Wiki’s music prior to this point, chances are you are going to be feeling this collaboration with NAH, a producer that I was previously not familiar with, but became a huge fan over night thanks to cuts like “Yonkers”.)
28. “John Wick” - AKAI SOLO & Navy Blue
(Whether you still believe “lo-fi” rap is a legitimate sub-genre or not, there’s no denying the abilities of these two gifted writers/artists. The wind is blowing in this direction my friends, I just hope you get on board soon and stop neglecting all of the great rap music rising from this corner of the underground.)
27. “Let It Roll Interlude” by IAMNOBODI feat. Phonte & BeMyFiasco
(Hard to believe that arguably the strongest rap verse of 2021 would be so under the radar, but here we are...)
26. "Taylor Made Suit” - Evidence
(Perhaps the thing I love most about this new Ev - both the song itself, as well as the entire album - is how incredibly effective he sounds over minimalist production throughout. “Funeral suit, same as my wedding suit”...shout-out to the legendary MC and producer, both for everything that has has endured in his personal life and his ability to turn his pain into art.)
25. “GOOFIEZ” - Mother Nature and Boathouse feat. Valee
(When Chicago talent gets busy on a record, not many can hang with them. Be on the lookout for more and more big things from the likes of Mother Nature, Valee, and Boathouse.)
24. “Peach Cobbler” - Navy Blue
(I’m not sure if there is a “chosen one” right now, someone destined to reach such levels of success and/or respect that Drake & Kendrick-esque waves are felt over a generation...but if there is, the mega-talented producer/MC/skater/whatever he wants to be Navy Blue might fit the bill.)
23. “Rose Gold” - 42 Dugg feat. EST Gee
(There are more than a few songs off of 42 Dugg’s Free Dem Boyz that belong in my Top 50, but “Rose Gold” gets the nod off the strength of the menacing beat paired with 42 and one of the most scorching hot rappers walking the earth right now, EST Gee)
22. "MANIFESTO” - Tyler, The Creator feat. Domo Genesis & DJ Drama
(The Selena Gomez/Justin Bieber bar will garner most of the hype around this joint, but don’t let it distract from the fact that this song is one of the best collaborations between former Odd Future members since the collective’s creative peak.) 
21. “What’s Next” - Drake
(Pay attention to this Drake guy, I think he has a shot of making it. He makes it seem so easy, yet he has no peers at his level right now. There’s the growing underground elite...then there’s Drake, and little competition to duke it out with him when it comes to smash rap hits....assuming that is still supposed to be a thing?)
20. “MOMENTZ” - Mother Nature and Boathouse
(You would be hard pressed to find a more enjoyable, high quality tape than SZNZ. The Chicago MCs rock a beat that sounds like a Camp Lo leftover - and I mean that in the best way possible - and show a natural penchant for earwormy choruses that should serve them very well in this biz.)
19. “Grace Jones”  - maassai
(Somewhere between spoken word and where Lyricist Lounge-era Rawkus resides, you can find the warrior poet that is maassai: quite simply one of the most impressive MCs in rap right now.)
18. “How It Feels” - Lil Baby & Lil Durk
(I know how it feels to care relatively little about a collaboration project between two of the game’s more revered Lil’s, then be blown away by both of them rapping their asses off for like 20 songs.)
17. “Falling Out the Sky” - Armand Hammer & The Alchemist feat. Earl Sweatshirt
(There’s wavy, and then there’s wavy in the hands of The Alchemist, Earl Sweatshirt and Armand Hammer. One of Haram’s many standouts, this one is probably not what fans expected when they first saw the album’s tracklist, but it might actually be more special than we expected.)
16. “Capitol 1″ - EST Gee
(Mark my words: by the time we reach the end of 2021, EST Gee will be in the top 10 of every reputable rap site’s best MC list. At least I know that he will most likely be on mine.)
15. “LUMBERJACK” - Tyler, the Creator feat. DJ Drama
(Who knew we needed Tyler to join forces with DJ Drama to rap over a Gravediggaz joint? Never one to do what everyone expects, when this cut dropped about a week before his new album was released, it was clear that he was ready to pick up where he left off with his impressive bar-work on a flurry of features in 2020. Now that I think about it, after “Something To Talk About” and “327″ maybe we shouldn’t be surprised that Tyler dropped one of the hardest joints of the year.)
14. “The Stellar Ray Theory” - Mach-Hommy
(The single that Mach & Griselda stans were terrified to hear, at the risk of revealing their no-longer-a-secret project to be a painful example of how far the parties had drifted since their over-publicized fallout, only to find the opposite: Mach & Gunn didn’t just find their chemistry once again, they improved upon it.)
13. “Sandra” - MIKE
(With his new Disco! album, MIKE managed to step outside of his typical lane of delivery, showing how nimble he truly is as a MC, and even takes his skills to another level as a producer, delivering what might be the most enjoyable album of his career thus far.)
12. "No Time” - Your Old Droog feat. Wiki
(The new YOD album sounds so painstakingly written and executed, you would never believe it just casually dropped out of the blue one evening. Few are better at crafting themes without compromising the joy of listening to the music, Droog delivered once again.)
11. "What The Money Taught Us” - Skyzoo
(This new Skyzoo album has so much beauty to unpack, please dig in if you have been keeping it on the back-burner for some reason.)
And now the Top 10...
10. “Folie Á Deux” - Mach-Hommy feat. Westside Gunn & Keisha Plum
(Conductor Williams does it again, putting his own unique touch to one of Pray For Haiti’s standout cuts. The song is almost beautiful sound if it wasn’t for Westside Gunn, Mach and Keisha Plum pumping their own unique rawness into the beat. This one represents everything going right with Griselda right now.)
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9. “Hallways” - Peter Rosenberg feat. Roc Marciano & Flee Lord
(Superior to anything on last year’s Mt. Marci, Disco Vietnam really blessed Flee Lord and Roc Marciano with the type of late night loungin’ in New York banger that Roc knows how to knock out the park better than anyone. “Hallways” screams late night underground radio in a way that feels both nostalgic and fresher than just about anything out right now.)
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8. "Seeing Green” - Nicki Minaj feat. Lil Wayne & Drake
(Many have tried to recapture the skill, swagger, and star power of The Roc in the early 00′s, but most have not been able to come close. Leave it to the diamonds in Young Money’s crown to come through and capture the pomp and circumstance so successfully, it’s amazing that Just Blaze wasn’t somehow involved. If you aren’t feelin’ at least one of these verses, time to join a hater support group.)
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7. “Prayers Over Packages” - DJ Muggs & Rome Streetz & DJ Muggs
(Most underground artists must be so excited to have the legendary DJ Muggs lace them with a full project, and I’m sure Rome Streetz was honored. But while Muggs delivered another strong performance on Death & The Magician, it’s Rome that elevates the material to truly masterful levels.)
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6. “Wants and Needs” - Drake feat. Lil Baby
(Yes Drake still has the touch, one of rap music’s few legitimate hitmakers left....but hot damn, it’s Lil Baby coming through to turn the joint to ashes that carries “Wants and Needs” to song of the year caliber levels.)
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5. “S.R.D.” - Peter Rosenberg feat. Styles P, Ransom & Smok DZA
(Don’t overthink it: the watery boom-bap backdrop provided by Buck Dudley is exquisite, and all three MCs go in. I think it’s time to admit that if it wasn’t for the like him or passionately hate him aura around Peter Rosenberg, a lot more folks would. be praising this compilation as one of the finest since peak DJ street tape era.)
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4. “Black Sunlight” - Armand Hammer & The Alchemist feat. KAYANA
(What more can I say about this union by now? Al dipping into his breezy bag to bless the lyrical onslaught of billy woods and ELUCID was not something that I thought I needed, but after hearing them cook together I don’t know if I ever want Armand Hammer to go back to the bleak soundscapes they’re often know for. The contract in style was so effective throughout Haram, bringing out the best from all parties, in my not-so-humble opinion...hopefully even more to come from this alliance.)
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3. “TV Dinners” - The Alchemist feat. Sideshow & Boldy James
(A slick, seemingly harmless little head nodder from The Alchemist, Boldy and the rapidly ascending main-stage level Sideshow. I felt this one right from the jump the day Al’s This Thing of Ours EP dropped, and it’s remained high on my list of 2021 favorites ever since. Give me a bunch of chill MCs doing deceptively slick pen-work over a jazzy but simple loop, and I’m set.)
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2. “The 26th Letter” - Mach-Hommy feat. Westside Gunn
(Forget the albums that go for thousand of dollars. Forget the mysterious aura around him, forget the Twitter stan-dom and those that loathe them, and forget the flames of Griselda gossip that are fanned by both fans and doubters....and just imagine you never heard this MC rap before and you have just pressed play on “The 26th Letter”. )
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1. “Kill All Rats” - Conway & Big Ghost LTD. feat. Ransom & Rome Streetz
(Whenever attempting to wrangle my favorite songs into one tidy list, there is one ex-factor that can elevate a collection of bars to an elite song: execution. You already know that when punchlines kings the caliber of Ransom, Rome Streetz, and Conway The Machine get on a record together, it’s bound to be a bar-fest....but to the extent of “Kill All Rats”??? Not expected. The name of the song itself invites a certain degree of redundancy, but when three great MCs jump on a track and write verses near the top of their skill level - and when a producer like Big Ghost sounds equally incensed with the instrumental that he brought to the table - even a straight-forward posse cut can end up being the best rap song of the year thus far.)
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See also:
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fly-pow-bye · 4 years ago
What’s Airing On Cartoon Network? (October 2020)
While trick or treating may not be recommended, to say the very least, we can still celebrate the Halloween season in spirit with new episodes of a lot of shows, most of them premiering every weekday. Also, a certain Cartoon Network Latin America series finally shows up on Cartoon Network US thanks to a crossover with Victor and Valentino. See you after the break!
(Update: Completely missed a rather important omission: a new Gumball...clip show.)
The Amazing World of Gumball
Wait, The Amazing World of Gumball has a new episode?! Not really, it’s just another clipshow just like the Darwin’s Yearbook episodes. A spooky clipshow!
October 5th:
Gumball Chronicles: The Curse of Elmore - When Gumball's schoolfriend Leslie finds an old videotape, the creepy mystery of Elmore's ghostly past unfolds. Featuring spooky and hilarious clips from the first six seasons of "The Amazing World of Gumball."
Apple & Onion
October 12th:
The Eater - Apple & Onion take on a monster in a parallel universe in order to get back home. (7:00 PM)
October 13th:
Apple & Onion's Booth - Apple & Onion must save their favorite booth at Pizza's Diner from a Texas oil tycoon. (7:00 PM)
October 14th:
Ferekh - Apple and Onion have to get Falafel's beloved rooster back from scientists. (7:00 PM)
October 15th:
Pat on the Head - Apple must unhypnotize Onion before they can cook for a very important guest. (7:00 PM)
October 16th:
Falafel's Glory - Apple & Onion must win a trivia game to get the world's largest pizza. (7:00 PM)
Bakugan: Battle Planet
October 4th:
Bakugan Battle League, Tokyo Edition/Battle Royal - It's the start of the Bakugan Battle League - Toyko edition! The first round will be a Battle Royale style competition, where only half the competitors will make it through to the next round. Along with the Awesome Brawlers, the field of competitors is filled with familiar friends and foes. / The first round of the Bakugan Battle League - Tokyo edition continues. The Awesome Brawlers and their Bakugan battle their way through the challenge and face off against tough competitors. (6:30 AM)
October 11th:
The Second Stage Begins/Mechanoids Attack! - With half of the brawlers eliminated, the second stage of the Bakugan Battle league begins. This round will be a timed race to the finish, with all kinds of tricks and traps that will slow down even the best brawlers. / Mechanoids have crashed the second stage of the Bakugan Battle League, causing all kinds of havoc. The Awesome Brawlers will now have to race against the clock, battling competitors and mechanoids if they want to make it through this round. (6:30 AM)
October 18th:
The Other Fight - Eliminated from the Bakugan Battle League, Ajit is airlifted by drone to a massive cargo ship in the middle of Tokyo Bay. Now that he's on board the cargo ship, he must rescue Dan and Drago, and stop whoever is sabotaging the Battle League. / Dan and Ajit investigate the mysterious cargo ship that the eliminated Brawlers and Bakugan are being held on. Dan races to track down Drago, but along the way runs into a familiar face. (6:30 AM)
October 25th:
The Bakugan Battle League Dash/The Final Stage - With Dan and Ajit eliminated from the Bakugan Battle League - Tokyo Edition, the remaining Awesome Brawlers - Shun, Wynton, Lia and Lightning - race to complete the second stage of the competition. In order to make it to the final stage, the gang will have to pull together to defeat some tough competition. / It's the final stage of the Bakugan Battle League Tokyo Edition! The remaining Awesome Brawlers are ready to go, but just as the final round begins, the competitors are surprised with some unwelcome guests. (6:30 AM)
Ben 10 2016
Last month, it was We Bare Bears, this month, it’s Ben 10 2016 that’s getting a movie premiere.
October 10th:
Ben 10 vs. The Universe: The Movie - The action-packed TV movie will focus around a blast from Ben's past returning to do double the damage on Team Tennyson and planet Earth itself, forcing Ben to go interstellar to save the day. Meanwhile, Gwen and Grandpa Max team up to help protect the world in Ben's absence. But when our boy hero is confused for the villain in space, Ben must figure out a way to get back to Earth to help save it! (10:00 AM)
Craig of the Creek
October 19th:
Trick or Creek - It's Halloween at the Creek, and Craig is on a mission to collect as much candy as humanly possible, but a spooky ghoul from the Creek's past threatens his haul. (7:00 PM)
October 20th:
Fall Anthology - In an attempt to finish a school project, Craig remembers some of his favorite Fall moments. (7:00 PM)
October 21st:
Afterschool Snackdown - Craig enters a food competition in the Creek, but worries he may be out of his league. (7:00 PM)
October 22nd:
Creature Feature - Craig finds himself being chased by a monster in the Creek that's straight out of the movies! (7:00 PM)
October 23rd:
King of Camping - The Williams family goes camping and Craig helps his dad prove he's the King of Camping. (7:00 PM)
DC Super Hero Girls
October 4th:
#SchoolGhoul - When Tatsu Yamashiro asks for help at a haunted all-girls academy, Barbara Gordon and Kara Danvers find themselves caught up in something much bigger than a ghost hunt. (4:00 PM)
October 4th:
The Skull Sorcerer - Separated from the others, Cole must trust his instincts and make the right choices to find his way to the surface to alert King Vangelis of the dangerous Skull Sorcerer. (7:00 AM)
The Real Fall - Cole, Princess Vania and Master Wu fall down a seemingly endless tunnel, into the bowels of Shintaro Mountain. (7:15 AM)
October 11th:
Dungeon Party - Having survived their fall into the mountain, Cole, Wu and Princess Vania befriend a motley group of survivors, called the Lowly, and are told the story of how they too ended up at "Rock-Bottom." (7:00 AM)
Dungeon Crawl! - Having joined forces with the Lowly in their quest to defeat King Vangelis, Cole, Wu, and Vania have to find a way out of the bottom of the mountain, a place said to be inescapable. (7:15 AM)
October 18th:
Masters Never Quit - Pursued by a magma monster, Cole, Princess Vania, Wu & the Lowly arrive at a mysterious temple deep in Shintaro Mountain, a temple which was once a training ground for Earth Elementals including Cole's own mother, Lilly! (7:00 AM)
Grief Bringer - Nya and Kai, who have become the respective leaders of the Munce and Geckles, attempt to unite the tribes in an effort to defeat their mutual enemy, the Skull Sorcerer, who schemes against them. (7:15 AM)
October 25th:
The Darkest Hour - Forced to flee by the arrival of Grief-Bringer, the ninja, the Munce and the Geckles take refuge in the Geckle Strong-Cave. But the bitter feud between Munce and Geckles threatens to tear them apart, just when unity is needed most... when they are about to confront the Skull Sorcerer and Grief-Bringer! (7:00 AM)
The Ascent - Cole, the Lowly, Princess Vania and Wu discover that the stone-mech is fueled by Elemental Power, and attach it to the mine-carts in an effort to blast their way out of the mountain to confront the evil Skull Sorcerer! (7:15 AM)
Teen Titans Go!
October 5th:
Ghost With the Most - When the Halloween Spirit is kidnapped, the Titans must team with Beetlejuice to save the holiday. (7:00 PM)
October 6th:
Bucket List - The Titans give Starfire a bucket list of activies to accomplish. (7:00 PM)
October 7th:
TV Knight 6 - Batman is forced to go to the department store with Alfred, but runs off to watch TV with Commissioner Gordon. (7:00 PM)
October 8th:
Kryponite - When Robin explains that knowing your weakness makes you a better superhero, Starfire journeys to find hers. (7:00 PM)
October 9th:
Thumb War - As the other Titans engage in an all out thumb wrestling war, Starfire tries to broker peace. (7:00 PM)
Total Dramarama
October 26th:
Ghoul Spirit - Gwen rejects the friendship of a friendly ghost. (7:00 PM)
Duncan Carving - Duncan takes advantage of a questionable Halloween legend to steal candy from his classmates. (7:15 PM)
October 27th:
Tu Ba Or Not Tu Ba - The class tries to help Chef achieve his dream of joining the world's most famous tuba band, Tubalicious, only to regret it when they realize how much they'll miss him. (7:00 PM)
October 28th:
Dude Where's Macaw - While trying to defend his elite gamer status, Chef uses an old cheat code that brings a dangerous avatar to life. (7:00 PM)
October 29th:
Way Back Wendel - Courtney must deliberately lose a challenge or let the entire world go back in time. It's a really hard choice for her. (7:00 PM)
October 30th:
Stingin' in the Rain - When Chef gets locked outside in a storm, the kids mistakenly assume he's a robber and decide to protect the Daycare...by any means necessary. (7:00 PM)
Victor and Valentino
October 5th:
Escaramuza - When Valentino's favorite Escaramuza team loses a member, he convinces Xochi to join the squad. He becomes her coach and will do anything to win the big competition. (7:30 PM)
Los Perdidos - When Victor joins a group of nighttime skaters called Los Perdidos, Valentino becomes suspicious of Victor's strange, new, vampire-like behavior. (7:45 PM)
October 6th:
Los Pajaros - When Valentino trades Huitzi's gifts for one of his own, the birds in town start to turn on him. (7:30 PM)
October 7th:
Get Your Sea Legs - When Victor gets teased for not being able to swim, he befriends a mermaid who offers to help - but at a cost. (7:30 PM)
October 8th:
Guillermo's Girlfriend - Victor and Valentino try to cheer up a heartbroken Guillermo by reuniting him with his lost love. (7:30 PM)
October 12th:
Starry Night - When Victor and Valentino embark on a camping trip in the woods, their friends start to act suspicious and strange. (7:30 PM)
October 13th:
Fueygo Fest - When Victor and Valentino throw the biggest kid bash ever, they realize they aren't the party planners they thought they were as things start to fall apart. (7:30 PM)
October 14th:
Folk Art Friends - When Victor and Valentino accidentally release some mischievous alebrije spirits, they must enlist the help of master mischief-maker HueHue to help catch them. (7:30 PM)
October 15th:
The Cupcake Man - When Victor's bad behavior gets out of control, Chata sends him to the one man in town who can set him straight - The Cupcake Man. (7:30 PM)
October 19th:
Villainy In Monte Macabre - In a crossover episode with the Cartoon Network Latin America series, "Villainous," Victor and Valentino team up with Dr. Flug and Demencia to try to find a squid monster who is disguised as a human in Monte Macabre. (7:30 PM)
October 20th:
Charlene Mania - When Victor attempts to have the perfect day off, the town's sudden obsession for Charlene gets in his way. (7:30 PM)
October 21st:
Old Man Teo - When Victor and Valentino are tasked to volunteer at an Old Folks' Home, Valentino becomes buddies with the oldest, crankiest person in Monte Macabre and helps him reclaim his youthful power. (7:30 PM)
October 22nd:
Poacher Patrol - When Don bestows Valentino the responsibility of patrolling the lake, Valentino takes it too far and stops who he believes to be a poacher - with disastrous consequences. (7:30 PM)
October 26th:
Lonely Haunts Club 3: La Llorona - When Valentino sets out to get a little privacy in the woods, Victor is bent on pranking his unsuspecting brother - that is, until Valentino goes missing... (7:30 PM)
October 27th:
In Your Own Skin - When Valentino is mocked for his lack of style, he's determined to get a designer hoodie to prove he has a sense of fashion, which turns out to be harder than it looks. (7:30 PM)
October 28th:
Ghosted - Victor makes a ghost friend but when she interferes with his shot at being part of the cool kids' Tlatchtli team, he must choose between the two. (7:30 PM)
October 29th:
Carmelita - Chata loans Xochi a car under the condition that Victor and Valentino can get rides when they need. However, the car becomes aggressive towards Victor and Valentino and attacks! (7:30 PM)
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gwaciechang · 4 years ago
I Don't Want To Go Home (2/15?)
We're kicking off into the actual plot now! The dialogue still comes from the pdas in the outpost base, but rewritten to fit the characters and the new story. Again, no need to have played Subnautica Below Zero to understand this fic, although it does help.
No warnings for this chapter, but please be aware that the reader character discusses an intergalactic pandemic and lockdown, written before the current one. It's not ongoing as far as the plot of the fic is concerned.
As soon as it hits the end of your shift, you put your samples on top of your workstation and practically run all the way back to the habitat to get there before anyone else.
“Oh, hey,” Mundy greets you, “you’re here early,” he attempts to wink seductively and succeeds in looking like he’s having a stroke.
“I know, I ran here to make sure I got here first,” you hang up your coat. “I need to borrow your pyro-what are you doing?” you ask when you realize Mundy’s holding something behind his back
“I’m just slacking off,” Mundy’s voice is shrill in the way it gets when he panics. “Don’t tell the boss lady!” he gives you a terrible, fake chuckle as he tries to hide his drawings behind his back.
You feint to the left, before grabbing the sheets with your right hand. “Ha!” you cheer as you examine his art of some strange green thing that makes you smile to remember. “It’s beautiful! Why would you try to hide these? Also, what are they?” You’ve definitely seen them around the island.
Mundy scratches the back of his neck, and his voice is at least an octave higher than normal. “I'm doing a series inspired by bacteria. Mutant beauty, life, death, risk. You know, that kind of thing?”
Ah, bacteria, now you know what he means. “What do you mean, bacteria?” you hold one up that you really hope isn’t what you think it is. “It looks like Kharaa, but,” you look more closely at it even though you already know why. “Gordon, is this a mutation?”
Mundy’s nervous again. “It’s just a personal art project,” he insists. Somehow, his voice is still rising in pitch.
You don’t dare look down at your skin for fear of seeing glowing green pustules. “You know you’re doing that thing with your voice,” you say as calmly as you can, “like when you're trying to bluff in Alien Intruder?”
Mundy sighs, before confessing, “Alright fine, I’m bad at lying.” He gives you a weakly hopeful smile.
You can hardly believe what you’re hearing. “Are you mutating Kharaa bacteria, from the frozen Leviathan, here, in this lab? If this bacteria gets out, then-”
“Why would it get out? We have professional containment, we’re protected from contact at every step of the process, and we know how to neutralize it in an emergency.”
You feel ice settle in your stomach. “Not when it’s mutated, we don’t. And you responded way too fast.”
“It was my area of research before Jensen made you take over!”
“Hey, uh, am I interrupting something?” Monk asks from the doorway.
“Uh, no,” you say hastily, walking toward the fireplace to start one with more force than is really necessary, or helpful. “You want some roast Chinese potato?” you ask, pulling a few out of the growbed as you wait for the flames to reach a decent height.
“I could take one, I took the salt deposits out of the water filter,” Monk says carefully. “Mundy, you want to shred some marblemelons?”
Mundy starts, like he only just realized Monk was there. “Uh, yeah,” he reaches out to grab the melon from your hand, and his face falls when you don’t let your fingers touch.
There’s a timid knock at the door, followed by an even more timid, “Hello? It’s Ernst.” Suddenly, your heart soars, and you wipe your tears as you open the door.
“Hey, Schmidt.”
He stares at you before asking, “Are you alright?”
Jesus, you must look really miserable, if even Schmidt is concerned about you. “I’m fine, go help Monk and Mundy shred the marblemelons.”
Schmidt puts down a bottle of, holy shit, “Is that lantern fruit wine?”
Schmidt blushes. “I discovered that lantern fruit has a chemical composition similar to-”
“Yeah, no one cares,” Mundy says, pouring at least half the bottle into his glass, making Schmidt wince, before handing it to Monk.
“I don’t drink,” Monk refuses it, so Mundy puts it down. Schmidt picks it up again and hands it to you.
“You’re not drinking?” you ask.
“I can always make some for myself later,” Schmidt demures, but you leave a quarter of the bottle out for him. He looks up at you, just for a second, before looking back down at his feet. “So, how do we play alien intruder?” Schmidt asks in a voice so quiet, it’s almost nonexistent. With his head bowed, it’s even harder to hear him.
“Well, we guess who the alien intruder is,” Mundy stares at Schmidt like he’s an imbecile, something you doubt the robotics technician has any experience with.
He shrinks ever further into himself at the accusation. He doesn’t get any better when the game starts, constantly looking at you before doing anything, which gets him accused of being the alien, more out of Mundy’s jealousy than anything else. You know this, so you keep shooting down Mundy’s accusations.
Monk innocently kicks off the argument. “If you ask me, Schmidt’s been blinking a lot,” he says casually. “I think it's a tell.”
“He does have a point there!” Mundy looks at you.
“It's allergies!” Schmidt says stiffly.
“Allergies?! Oh no!” Mundy says mockingly. “Is something in bloom in our little frozen habitat?”
“There are thermal lilies,” Schmidt scowls at him. “And if you gang up on me, I swear, you're all fired.”
“You're not our real boss,” Monk reminds him.
“Let's just take this to a vote,” Mundy downs his glass and slams it on the floor. All those who think Schmidt’s allergies are a bad case of alienitis, say, ‘Intruder.’ Intruder!”
“Intruder,” Monk cheers.
The two turn to you, but you stay nothing except, “I’m going to use my pass.”
“There’s no such thing as a pass!” Mundy argues.
Schmidt slides himself between you and Mundy. “Are you two cheating?” he asks with smoothness he hadn’t displayed all night. “You two are suddenly very aligned.”
“You know what, I’m starting to wish I had cheated,” Mundy looks directly at you, leaving no way for you to miss his meaning.
Neither did Schmidt, because he’s on his feet, screaming for Mundy to apologize. Mundy jumps up to his feet as well, and your heart thumps in your chest. You press your hand against Schmidt at the same time Monk does the same for Mundy, but Monk actually manages to force Mundy to sit down again. All you can do is stand between the two of them and hope.
“No, wait, don’t,” you press a hand ineffectually on Schmidt’s chest at the same time Monk does the same for Mundy. But Monk manages to force Mundy to sit down. All you can do is stand between Schmidt and Mundy, and hope neither of them speak again.
Schmidt searches your face, and whatever he finds has him take a step back. “I made a mistake, coming here,” he says, his voice stiff and formal. “Thank you for inviting me, and I’m sorry I caused so much tension. I’ll go now,” and he turns and exits the room.
“It wasn’t your fault!” you won’t let him take all the blame, and you follow him out of the room. The moment the door closes behind you, he turns around and takes your hands in his. You hadn’t realized how cold your hands had become until you felt his soft, warm skin around yours.
“I’m the new person, the outlier. Monk and Mundy will be more than happy to blame any existing tension from today on me,” his voice is oddly desperate. “Go back in, let them construct their narrative, and have fun like you normally would.”
You shake your head. “The tension between me and Mundy isn’t going to go away until I resolve this-” you freeze. Schmidt is in the cave with the leviathan all day, so there’s no way he has no idea what Mundy’s been doing.
Schmidt lets go of you and holds his hands up. “What do you need help with?”
Well, you can’t trust Mundy, so you might as well see how deep this conspiracy goes. “The Kharaa samples from the frozen leviathan-”
“Is nothing to worry about in and of itself,” his tone is reassuring, almost. The way the light reflects off his glasses obscures his eyes.
“I have it on good authority that mutation experiments are being performed on this bacterium. I don’t need to tell you that the bacteria, as it was, killed billions, and we’ve only just discovered a cure. If it mutates-”
“Are you feeling unsafe?” Schmidt interrupts.
He takes his glasses off to look at you eye to eye. “If I escalate the issue for you, will you feel comfortable enough to concentrate again? I have deadlines for the Snowfox and the mining bots coming up. I really need you not to fight with our coworkers.”
“Oh,” you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding, “yeah.” A giggle bubbles out of your chest. “That’s a relief, actually.”
Schmidt puts his glasses back on, but his gaze is no less severe, or sincere. “Nothing is more important than your safety, and the safety of all of my crew. I will take care of it, do you trust me?”
You nod enthusiastically. “Thank you, I won’t let you down, sir,” you add a cheeky wink to the end.
The corners of his mouth twitch. “No, thank you, and thank you for inviting me. Go back in and,” he hesitates as the corners of his lips droop, “go have fun with Monk and your boyfriend.”
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aforrestofstuff · 5 years ago
Okay! I have a burning question for you, my dude. Music is my life, and I wanna know what kind of music the OPM casts listen to. Thanks, my guy!
I had a feeling this would be inevitable lol. I don’t really know a whole lot about music or genres or anything like that so I’m just gonna give you a rundown of each character individually and some song recs along with that just to smooth things out a little. Thanks for your ask, by the way! ❤️ Now my playlists will be put to good use.
A Brief Rundown of the Major OPM Characters’ Music Tastes:
Blast: hc that he doesn’t even have ears since he never fucking LISTENS
Terrible Tornado: Stuff that makes her feel powerful. Loud vocals and good instrumentals. Also, she’s a little angsty since she’s saltier than the gotdamn Pacific almost all of the time. (Recs: Florence and the Machine - How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful, Susanne Sundfør - Delirious, Florence and the Machine - What Kind of Man, Kali Uchis - Dead to Me, Let’s Eat Grandma - Falling Into Me)
Fubuki: some of that real classy shit. Slow songs that are nice to just have a cup of tea with. Nothing too meaty or fast-paced, she enjoys taking a moment to breathe every once and a while since life gets pretty hectic when you’re managing a gang of some 30 hooligans. (Recs: Wes - Midnight Low, any song from Lana Del Rey’s entire discography lol, Florence and the Machine - Grace, The Marìas - I Don’t Know You, Yellow House - Ain’t Gonna Call, Feng Suave - Toking, Dozing)
Silverfang: Stuff from his time. I hc that he was a bit of a party animal back in his prime so he’s gotta have those grooves. Disco to the extremo. Also, another hc: Garou absolutely hates his music. He would play it during training and Garou would contemplate homicide. (Recs: Frankie Valli - Grease, The Edgar Winter Group - Free Ride, KC and the Sunshine Band - I’m Your Boogie Man, Matthew Wilder - Break My Stride, The Main Ingredient - Everybody Plays the Fool, Andrea True Connection - More, More, More)
Bomb: save as Silverfang, although I hc that Bomb was a little more of a nerd growing up. Still, he never missed out on a good party. (Additional Recs: KC and the Sunshine Band - Get Down Tonight, The Trammps - Disco Inferno, Tierra - Together, Cornelius Bros and Sister Rose - Too Late to Turn Back Now)
Atomic Samurai: Old shit. Shit older than Silverfang. He’s really not that old, but his soul is fucking ancient and he’s got that classic “grrr music these days sucks” kind of shithead attitude. (Recs: Jim Croce - Time in a Bottle, Dion - Runaround Sue, The Carpenters - The End of the World, The Band - The Weight)
Child Emperor: Upbeat synth. Stuff to listen to while he’s working on his machines and whatnot. Probably has meaty beats to keep him in tune with what he’s doing, like working around a clock. Probably some groovy citypop in there too. (Recs: Taeko Ohnuki - 4:00 AM, Junko Ohashi - Telephone Number, Tatsuro Yamashita - Magic Ways, Hiroyuki Sawano - NEXUS, Superfly - Kakusei, Mariya Takeuchi - Plastic Love)
Metal Knight: Intrumentals that Disney villains listen to. Deep, dark shit that makes you feel sad. He probably feeds off of negative emotion. What a toolbag. (Recs: Lucas King - Sociopath, Abel Korzeniowski- Table for Two, Max Richter - Never Goodbye, Max Richter - She Remembers, Evelyn Stein - Quiet Resource, Mac Quayle - Adagio in G Minor)
King: video game soundtracks, obviously. Might be some electro funk in there too, as a treat. (Recs: Metal Gear Solid 3 OST - Snake Eater, Mick Gordon - Rip and Tear, Xenoblade Chronicles OST - Main Theme, Persona 5 OST - Last Surprise, Daft Punk - Verdis Quo, Toby Fox - Hopes and Dreams, Disasterpeace - Prologue, iamthekidyouknowwhatimean - Run, Darren Korb - Old Friends)
Zombieman: Dad Music. Old rock that makes you wanna rail some lines of white thunder and dance on top of a car. He’d be reluctant to try out new stuff but does so nevertheless. Just a little bit of weird alternative here and there. (Recs: Poison - Unskinny Bop, Mötley Crüe - Dr. Feelgood, Black Sabbath - War Pigs, Def Leppard - Animal, CRX - Walls, MGMT - Little Dark Age, Pink Floyd - Money, Queens of the Stone Age - Villains of Circumstance)
Drive Knight: Dark synth, obviously. Need I say more? (Recs: El Tigr3 - She Swallowed Burning Coals, Trevor Something - Enjoy the Silence, Greg Drombrowski - Devour, GUNSHIP - Woken Furies, GUNSHIP - Thrasher, Carpenter Brut - Invasion A.D., Kavinsky - Nightcall)
Pig God: this guy probably just listens to ASMR of people eating food lol.
Superalloy Darkshine: Upbeat stuff that’s good for exercise; loving those new jams along with some of the old. He’s got a pretty groovy style. (Diane Ross - Ain’t No Mountain High Enough, Saint Motel - Puzzle Pieces, CRUISR - All Over, Barry White - Never, Never Gonna Give Ya Up, Sade - Kiss of Life)
Watchdog Man: 10 hour loop of wolves howling on a summer night.
Flashy Flash: classical. Some nice instrumentals to listen to while training. Stuff that preferably doesn’t have any or very little lyrics so it’s not too busy on his ears while he’s fantasizing about killing someone. (Recs: Vaughn Williams - The Lark Ascending, Debussy - Rêverie, Grieg - Peace of the Woods, André Laplante - Une Barque sur L’Ocean)
Metal Bat: Modern alternative. A little bit harder than say, Mumen and Kama, but not as hard as Zombieman or Death Gatling. He’s that middle ground where he’s still got some real bangers, but Zenko can listen as well. He’ll play this stuff loudly as he’s doing chores and working out, no headphones ever. It gets pretty annoying. (Recs: Foals - Exits, The Blue Stones - Black Holes, Solid Ground, CRX - Broken Bones, Jungle - Happy Man, The Strokes - Reptilia, We Are Trees - Girlfriend)
Genos: synth. But not just any synth, some heavy, fast-paced synth that’s just like him: speedy, relentless, and powerful. He listens to shit that’ll make you wanna get up and start killing Terminators. Probably. There’s some other synths in the mix too because we love a three-dimensional king. (Recs: Carpenter Brut - Division Ruine, The Protomen - I Still Believe, Carpenter Brut - Leather Teeth, Gunship - Tech Noir, TWRP - Phantom Racer, Le Castle Vania - Red Circle)
Tanktop Master: Dad music but the type of dad music that makes you think your dad was a sappy nerd back in the day. Long tracks that are good for workouts. (Tears for Fears - Woman in Chains, Pink Floyd - Us and Them, Duran Duran - Ordinary World, Billy Idol - Eyes without a Face, A Flock of Seagulls - I Ran, The Alan Parsons Project - Eye in the Sky, Tears for Fears - Sowing the Seeds of Love)
Puri-Puri Prisoner: Pop. Dance music. He doesn’t really get to listen to a lot of music in prison, so he holds on to whatever he can and savors every second of it. (Coldplay - Talk, Bruno Mars - Runaway Baby, Lady Gaga - Bad Romance, Flo Milli - Beef Flomix, Doja Cat - Say So)
Mumen Rider: Hes a lighthearted, soft boy. Likes some fluffy indie tunes. It helps to motivate him when working out or doing hero stuff. He might need to cry every once in a while though, so there’s some sad songs in the mix too. (Recs: Varsity - The Dogs Only Listen to Him, The The - This is the Day, Amarante - Don’t Look Back, Alvvays - Saved by a Waif, The Monkees - As We Go Along, Acid Ghost - Hide my Face, Mogwai - Take Me Somewhere Nice)
Sonic: same as Flash. He’s a little more hip with the times however, so he’s got some more groovy, electronic instrumentals to listen to in addition to some elegant stuff and isn’t opposed to having a little bit of lyrics sprinkled in there as well. In fact, he’s not opposed to uppity pop either. He thinks dancing is frivolous but he secretly does it when he thinks nobody is looking. (Additional Recs: Odesza - Bloom, Pretty Lights - One Day They’ll Know [Odesza Remix], BØRNS - Electric Love, Hembree - Culture, The Cinematic Orchestra - Arrival of the Birds)
Garou: same as Metal Bat. Bang let him have a little MP3 player during his time at the dojo and has since collected a few songs on there. They’re very near and dear to his heart since it’s one of the few good things that came from his absolute disaster of a childhood. (Additional Recs: Foals - Inhaler, CRX - Slow Down, Deep Sea Arcade - Close to Me, Gorillaz - Empire Ants, The Fratellis - Chelsea Dagger, Glass Animals - Take A Slice)
Death Gatling: Shit your old Vietnam-vet grandpa would blast on the back of his F150. He gives me self-righteous asshole vibes, if I’m honest. Like, don’t get me wrong, I like Death Gatling, but he seems like the type of trailer park-dwelling sewer rat to carry a revolver into a Walmart for “self defense” and that’s probably the type of music he listens to, too. (Recs: Megadeth - Trust, Megadeth - Angry Again, Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son, Glen Campbell - Southern Nights, Mötley Crüe - Kickstart My Heart, Quiet Riot - Cum on Feel the Noize)
One-Shotter: I hard hc that he had an emo phase he never quite grew out of. He doesn’t quite listen to emo anymore but he’s still into that alternative shit. Homeboy also likes some slow tunes every once and a while because he’s an emotional dude who’s not afraid of a good cry. (Recs: Anything from Blink-182, Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know?, MGMT - When You Die, Mazzy Star - Fade Into You, Cigarettes After Sex - Dreaming of You, Yon Ort - Other Matter)
Lightning Max: Same as Genos but without the terminator-killing. Fast-paced stuff because he’s a fast lightning dude. A little more upbeat because he’s not as much as an edgelord as Genos, however. (Additional Recs: Carpenter Brut - Hang’em All, The Flaming Lips - Do You Realize, Worn Tin - Sensitivity, B.E.R. - The Night Begins to Shine, Martin Hall - Different Kind of Love)
Stinger: he’s all about that FUNK! Stuff that gets him moving! Stuff that makes him wanna dance! (Recs: Daft Punk - Doin’ it Right, TWRP - Body Image, Wild Cherry - Play that Funky Music, Chemise - She Can’t Love You, Saga - Wind Him Up, Saga - On the Loose, TWRP - All Night Forever)
Okamaitachi: they give me electro vibes! New, modern shit that’s good to dance to or to just sit down and have a listen! Also, some shit that’ll probably play in a coming-of-age teen movie or something. They don’t really vibe with heavy music and that’s alright, babey! Keeping it light and bouncy. (Recs: Tei Shi - Bassically, Varsity - Must Be Nice, Class Actress - Weekend, CHVRCHES - Richard Pryor, Alvvays - Marry Me, Archie, Sobs - Telltale Signs, Goth Babe - Sometimes, ALASKALASKA - Meateater)
Iaian: Nice, low tunes that are good for meditation and to be used for background noise during training sessions. He never really sits down to listen to music, it’s always in the background of something else he’s doing so he prefers to have some soft beats that don’t really interfere with his senses. Tunes so quiet, he sometimes uses them as lullabies; especially since the trauma of losing his arm has since made it hard to sleep. (Recs: Boy Scouts - Saddest Boy, Susanne Sundfør - Mantra, Vashiti Bunyan - If I Were the Same but Different, Starman Jr. - Blue Fairy, Patrick Watson - Je te Laisserai des Mots, Sibylle Baier - I Lost Something in the Hills)
Bushidrill: same as Atomic Samurai just without the shitty attitude. He’s happy to listen to some newer stuff, he just doesn’t like it and that’s okay, baby! Probably some classy shit your wise old grandpa would listen to. (Recs: Dean Martin - Volare, Dion - The Wanderer, Peppino Gagliardi - Che Vuole Questra Musica Stasera, anything from Luis Miguel lol, Franco Micalizzi - Sadness Theme)
Amai Mask: probably just listens to his own music like a putz. If not, he’s listening to the sound equivalent of glittering diamonds. He’s probably got this shit playing at the end of a long day while he’s chilling in a hot bath or something. (Recs: Fergie - Glamorous, Rita Ora - Hot Right Now, Lana Del Rey - Freak, Lana Del Rey - Art Deco, Tame Impala - Feels Like We Only Go Backwards)
Saitama: He doesn’t listen to music much anymore, sadly. He did, however, have a killer motivational mix to get him through his vigorous training prior to becoming a hero. (Recs: Paul Engemann - Push it to the Limit, Journey - Don’t Stop Believin’, College & Electric Youth - A Real Hero, Joe Esposito - You’re the Best Around, Survivor - Eye of the Tiger, The Bee Gees - Nights on Broadway)
Here’s the playlist with all of these songs in order (mostly):
It’s on YouTube because I’m allergic to Spotify. I’ve got a doctor’s note. Also, all of my other playlists are on my little profile thingy so if you want to listen to my pile then go right ahead.
Thanks for your ask, my dude! ❤️ this took up ALL of my energy lol but it was fun.
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eirabach · 5 years ago
Risky Business [1/1]
Here’s the rest of yesterday’s six sentences. They grew. For @olliepig and @onereyofstarlight, with love.
Yes, I wrote fluff. I feel weird about it too.
He asks her after a rescue, adrenaline and relief making him brave -- far braver than he'd had to be to dive into a bottomless chasm, anyway. Though part of him wonders if it isn't pretty much the same thing.
It's not like he's going to casually date Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward, is it?
It feels a bit all or nothing, this. A risky business. And yeah sure, so she’s kissed him. Twice, actually. Three times. He hasn’t actually lost count of the number of times she’s thrown her arms around his neck, obviously. It’s just he’s replayed them all so many times, so very many times, that maybe they’re kinda blurring into one long, beautiful moment and really -- really he’d like the chance to lose count, that’s all.
First he has to actually get the words out. It’s easier said than done. 
"So, what do you think? Would you -- would you like that? With me?"
She smiles across the holocomm, wide and genuine and yeah, all or nothing. All or nothing and he's betting it all on the curl of her lips.
"Dinner? Yes. Yes I rather think I would."
“You’re not serious?”
Scott prowls around him, dark brows pulled low over narrow eyes. Sweat prickles at the back of Gordon’s neck, some evolutionary response finely honed by twenty five years of little brotherhood. 
“Uh, yes?” he manages, any other words choked out by the way Scott steps forward and pulls on his collar.
“It’s orange.” 
“I like orange.”
From the couch Virgil makes a strange, whining sound. “It’s dayglo, Gords.”
“So I’m gonna be easy to spot, yeah?”
Above them John hovers, arms folded, judgement clear. “Are you taking her to Coachella?”
“Maybe.” He bats at Scott’s hands. “Will you -- geroff, Scott!”
“It’s no good,” Scott sighs, radiating disappointment, “he’s a hopeless case. Virgil?”
“I have to concur.” Gordon scowls at his supposed wingman, but Virgil just shakes his head, “No hope at all.”
“Maybe Lady Penelope’s like a dog though?” Alan pipes up. “Like, what if she can only see super bright things? She likes pink, right? Maybe that’s why!”
“Please,” John again, a floating Greek chorus to Gordon’s ever mounting misery, “don’t compare Lady P to a dog. You’ll give him ideas. And anyway the canine eye only has --”
“Enough already! Ugh! Fine!” In one swift movement he whips the offending shirt -- his best  shirt, as it happens -- over his head and tosses it to the floor. It lies there, a crumpled, accusatory heap, while Gordon crosses his arms over his bare chest and glares. 
“You win,” he snarls. “I’ll go like this, yeah?”
Scott shrugs. “Could work.”
“Not very subtle though,” Virgil says.
“Just about right then,” mutters John.
“Won’t you be cold?”
Gordon grits his teeth and blows out, hard. “I hate you all.”
“No you don’t,” Scott says mildly. “You love us. And --” He steps forward, squeezes Gordon’s bare shoulder with a grin. Against his will, Gordon half leans into it. There’s an unsteadiness to him, deep down and working its way out, and as much as he wants to slap his brothers sometimes -- sometimes he really doesn’t. “You can even borrow my shirt.”
Parker is practically vibrating as he hands over the keys to FAB 0. Well, sort of hands. Really Gordon has to practically unfurl the man’s death grip then snatch them away. Parker’s eye twitches, and it’s probably just as well that Gordon isn’t the supernaturally concerned type because if there was ever a man willing a curse on another he’s pretty sure he’d be screwed.
“You look h’after her,” Parker spits, and Gordon would toss him a salute, he would, but he thinks he might get punched. And Scott will kill him if he gets blood on his borrowed shirt.
“I got it,” he says, then, shooting for reassurance, “you taught me to drive, remember?”
Despite the deathglare, Parker visibly pales. “I remember.” Then, leaning in just a touch too far to be comfortable, “I weren’t talkin’ about the car.”
Penelope, already ensconced in the front passenger seat, leans out of the open window with a sigh. “Gentlemen, if you’re quite finished?”
Parker snaps back to attention, and Gordon fiddles with his shirtsleeves, abashed.
“Of course, your Ladyship.”
“Sorry, Pen.” 
He slips into the driver’s seat and tries very hard to ignore the flames he’s sure Parker is burning into his back. After a moment of confusion -- why are there so many keys on this thing? -- FAB 0 judders into life and makes somewhat lurching progress down the manor’s driveway. He brakes at the end, looking both ways as Parker had instructed, then almost jumps out of his skin as Penelope’s hand comes to rest on his thigh.
“Gordon?” He doesn’t look at her. There’s a dark mark in the distance. Could be another car. Could be Thunderbird One. Could be his heart which appears to have leapt straight out of his chest and made a run for it. “Are you quite all right?”
“Yeah, yeah -- fine, uh -- are we clear left?”
He hears the way she exhales, and his heart returns only to sink into his very shiny shoes. 
“Clear left.”
God, he hopes the rest of the night is smoother than his clutch control.
The restaurant is -- nice. It’s small, perhaps ten tables all topped with stems of roses and unlit candles, and cosily intimate even without the dimmed lighting that makes every plate a mystery. Nor is it a place that’s registered on her radar before, tucked as it is into a narrow backstreet of a nowhere sort of town. There are no paparazzi at the windows, here, FAB 0’s arrival greeted only by the twitching of blinds and the hushed exclamations of a gang of teenage boys who’d been lingering on the corner. 
There's something a little furtive about it, about the way the door is locked behind them, the way she feels more than hears Gordon's intake of breath as she removes her furs. It gives her a little thrill, the way she can still feel the imprint of his hand on her lower back as he pulls her chair out, and she smooths out her skirt as she sits, once, twice, three times. Wills herself steady.
The kitchen door is slightly askew, the single waitress polishing the same wine glass over and over, and it occurs to her that everybody seems to be waiting for something. Someone. Across the table Gordon concentrates on the candle with enough force to set it alight. 
“This is rather lovely,” she says, loud enough for the waitress to relax her grip on the wine glass slightly, “however did you find it?”
“Oh!” Gordon looks up, as though he’s surprised to find her sat there. “Bit of a -- work thing. You know. Gas leaks and -- yeah. You know.”
Penelope doesn’t know, actually, but she hums in agreement anyway and picks up the leather-bound menu.
“It’s all right though, right? You like it?”
He’s fiddling with his shirt cuffs again. They’re perhaps half an inch too long and a little too loose, so that the cufflinks he wears clink against the tabletop. It’s a nervous, silvery sort of sound that has Penelope dropping the menu and reaching out to cover both his hands with her own. 
“Of course I like it.” She smiles. Squeezes. “Don’t you?”
He half snorts, an undignified little thing, but then he’s turning his palms up, fingers coming to rest perfectly in the space between her own. 
“You’re here aren’t you? What’s not to love.”
She smiles, lets the tip of her tongue peek from between her teeth, “Well, obviously.”
She expects to feel satisfaction as the high colour of his cheeks spreads to the tips of his ears, down his throat, she doesn’t expect the thrill as his eyes darken, as he runs his thumb across the pulse point at her wrist.
Well then. Two can play at that game.
“Darling, I thought you’d never ask.”
Gordon notices her inbetween mouthfuls of honeyed aubergine, blurred by the semi-frosted window glass, hopping from foot to foot before ducking away only to reappear half a moment later at another window. He tries to ignore her, concentrating instead on Penelope’s latest escapades with the World Council and offering, as best he can, ever more involved acts of vengeance she could turn to her advantage against the besuited middle aged idiots that fill most of the council seats. 
“There’s somebody behind me,” she says before taking a sip of her wine. “Isn’t there.”
The figure at the window shifts again. Gordon blinks.
“Your eyes have been darting about as though they’re fit to leave your head for the last ten minutes, darling. Either there’s something behind me that has you concerned, or you are undergoing some form of medical emergency.”
Gordon groans. “My sister is insane. You know that, right?”
“Your sis- ?” Penelope twists round in her chair. The shadowy figure freezes on the spot, a rabbit caught in piercing blue headlights. “Tanusha,” she hisses, then, polite as can be, “Oh, pardon me?” She beckons to the waitress who scuttles over immediately. “There’s a young lady outside, and the weather is rather inclement. Would you mind inviting her in?”
The waitress looks at Gordon. Gordon shrugs the shrug of the damned. “Might as well. She’ll end up in the ceiling otherwise.”
Clearly perturbed by this oddest of statements, the waitress unlocks the door. Kayo sashays in as though she’s actually been invited.
Penelope’s smile turns wolfish. Gordon tops up his glass and wishes fervently that it contained something stronger than soda water.
Kayo, who is clearly a woman with no sense of self preservation whatsoever, drags a chair over from another table and, snagging an olive from Penelope’s plate, grins at the waitress. “Aren’t they cute? I think they’re super cute.”
The waitress makes a noise that Gordon translates as you’ve just lost me my tip, and returns to the relative safety of the bar at the end of the room.
“Who put you up to this? Was it Scott? Alan, I bet it was Alan. I’m going to leave anchovies in his boosters.”
“Try again.”
“Nuh huh.” She reaches for another olive. Penelope snatches the plate away.
“John wouldn’t dare," she announces, and Kayo bows her head slightly in agreement.
"Listen, if it makes you feel any better, I let you see me didn't I?" She offers Gordon a sly sort of smirk. "Though your observation skills are appalling, Tracy."
"Maybe I had better things to be looking at."
Penelope giggles, and it's a dangerous sound, a dangerous sound that travels through every one of his nerves to settle at the base of his spine.
"You've been behind us since the last junction on the motorway, Thunderbird Shadow." This time when she smiles Penelope shows her teeth, and Gordon wonders exactly how much of a blood alcohol level it will take to get him grounded. "If you plan to spy on us at least do me the honour of doing so properly."
Kayo's expression sours.
"I wanted you to see me."
Gordon sighs. “Knew we shouldn’t have let you take a rotation on Five, they all lose it up there.”
"No -- I," Kayo pauses, almost flustered. "Would you believe I just wanted to make sure you things were ok? With you two?"
Gordon looks at Penelope. Penelope looks at Gordon. Kayo flicks at an olive stone with her nail.
"I meant it. You guys are super cute. I didn't want anyone messing it up."
"She's cracked." Gordon says, bemused. "Completely Space Crazy."
"Nonsense, darling." Penelope tuts. "We're adorable."
"Well I mean obviously I know that," he scoffs, "but Kayo?"
"Hey! I'm right here."
"Yes," says Penelope drolly, "so we can see." 
"Look, so I ship it, ok? You should be glad! Virgil only gave you a week max!"
"What are you shipp -- hey! A week?!"
Penelope shrugs apologetically in his direction. "I believe that's seven times longer than Parker would prefer."
"Um." The waitress hovers behind Kayo, tab in hand. "Will you be uh, eating too? Or would you like the bill?"
Gordon's suddenly, painfully aware of the silence from the kitchen, the air thick with held breath. Spectacle. The actual last thing he wanted, and here it is compliments of his own socially inept family.
"The bill, please."
Well. That’s that, then.
They make a rather awkward trifecta, gathered around the trunk of a bright pink Rolls and all trying quite hard not to look at the gawking, and now much larger, group of young men from earlier.
“All right,” Penelope says, “you’ve had your fun, how much did he pay you?”
Kayo attempts a look of innocence, but it’s the same one Gordon himself had taught Alan and it never, ever works. Especially not on people who’ve met them. Any of them. And especially especially not on Penny. She proves his point with a single arched eyebrow.
“He promised to take me out safe cracking,” Kayo mumbles, then, insistent, “we weren’t going to take anything.”
Penelope scoffs. “Have you met Parker?”
“Hang on.” Gordon steps in, irritation and not a small amount of hurt rising to the surface. “Parker sent you to spy on our -- on us. And you did it?”
“I’ve just been really bored since we got rid of the Hood,” Kayo wheedles. “It’s nothing personal.”
It is personal; it’s probably the most personal thing Gordon can think of, and he’s about to tell her so, loudly, if necessary, when the trunk of FAB 0 pops open with a click of Penelope’s fingers.
“If you wanted to go lockpicking, Kayo, you only had to ask.”
A twist and a shove and a -- slam, and Kayo lies like an upturned turtle in the mink lined trunk of the Rolls.
Against his better judgement Gordon lets out a low whistle of admiration. “Whoa -- sticky hand technique?”
Penelope hums, delighted. “The very same.” Kayo stares up at them, shock written in every sprawled limb. “Now, do have fun, won’t you?” Another click, and the trunk lid drops, muting Kayo’s protests behind a shield of steel. 
One of the onlookers gasps, and Penelope throws a becoming smile over her shoulder at them. “Keep an eye out, gentlemen, won’t you?”
“She’s going to kill me,” Gordon manages as an unpleasantly metallic clanging begins to emanate from the car. “She can’t kill you but she is absolutely going to kill me, Pen. She’s going to murder me.”
“She chose her side,” Penelope says, “and besides, there are air holes.”
“Why do you have air holes in your trunk?”
“Why do you ask such obvious questions?” She spins on her heel to face him, rubbing her hands over his biceps and briefly, very briefly, Gordon forgets that he’s going to die very, very soon. “Take me dancing?”
FAB 0 rocks, there’s the clatter of bicycles swiftly mounted from the other end of the street, and well, if he’s going to die anyway --
Penelope skips lightly from foot to foot, chilly even in her furs, and if he’s going to die anyway;
“Yeah, okay. Yeah.”
(She means to only leave Kayo for twenty minutes to stew. She truly does. She's contrite, later, when John tells her off and Parker is left to hammer dents from the antique steel. She even apologises to Kayo, despite the destruction wrought upon both car and date.
But the floors were sticky and the drinks were cheap, and she'd laughed as he'd swung her around and around, laughed until she could catch his mouth on the upswing. 
And kissed him until she lost count.)
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newtafterdark · 4 years ago
Taste of Metal - Chapter 5:  Reality Check
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26157634/chapters/64305886
Summary: What if the overwhelming VR experience Gordon went through, had a deeper purpose than just being a simple simulation & a freelance debug job for him?
But most importantly- what if Gordon Freeman listens to Metal & used to be in a band? aka. the "Metalhead Gordon AU"
PS: This is the E-Bass mentioned in this chapter.  !t’s a real beauty, honestly!
- - -
It took Gordon a while to return to the others. For one, he always kind of zoned out for a bit when having a bath… and additionally, the reality of what had happened to him in the past few hours (or days? He wasn’t entirely sure and that unnerved him to no end-) had slowly started to sink in as well.
Zoning in and out of what was his reality now screwed heavily with his perception of the passage of time… and if getting his leg stuck while trying to slip into his comfort PJs and almost falling on his face added a few extra minutes… then that was between him and his checkered bathroom mat.
He rubbed the fabric of his dark floral-print pants between his thumb and pointer finger. It was a comfort thing. Always had been. Just something to help him stay in the moment with the help of adding the sense of touch when everything else was a tad clouded.
His still very much wounded arm was pressed lightly against his chest, the smooth fabric of the worn Nine-Inch-Nails shirt adding another layer of comfort to his current self-care choices.
Gordon hoped the Science Team would not question his comfort outfit… too much. It was just what he needed right now, as silly as the combo of rose-patterned pants & band merch might be.
His long hair was a mess as well. Yes, he had managed to get it clean and untangled most of the messy strands… but man, it was apparent that he needed to fix his undercut sometime. Right now though, he’d just have to deal with the state of his messy (and now also very fluffy post-hand-dryer) mane. Being able to run his fingers through it again and fluffing it up a bit further in the process... was a very nice thing though.
Gordon didn’t really look at anyone when he exited the bathroom and made his way to the couch- only to settle down on the floor, his back leaning against the front of the couch. He leaned his head back, staring at the ceiling.
“Do you- Do you feel a bit better now, G-Gordon?”, he heard Tommy ask from a few feet away. Gordon managed a soft smile and a nod in affirmation.
“I… yeah, I do. I am exhausted to all hell and back but… yeah. I think I’m actually here... if that makes sense. Don't feel as removed anymore. So… uh… thanks. Everyone.”
He lifted his head carefully, giving himself the time to catch a glimpse of each Science Team member in the room. G-Man must still be around as well, as the man’s ominous briefcase was still leaning against a nearby wall.
The silence that followed was not one of comfort, Gordon could tell. There was an aura of unease and worry in the air. Even from Benrey, who had been seemingly calm previously.
“Guys, I… I still have a lot of questions, not gonna lie. But… first I do want to thank whoever sweetvoice’d my stump. I… I don’t know how to react to my arm actually being gone and frankly….. I am actually freaking out slowly but surely… but still… thanks. Hurts less and all that.”
Gordon jumped a bit as a high pitched noise escaped Benrey, followed by a hiccup and the guard trying to sink further into the bean chair he was sitting in.
“Dude, you don’t have to swallow your Sweet Voice around here. I am way past freaking out about it, believe me.”, Gordon assured him, followed by a short laugh- “It’s actually nice. And helpful. I can fully admit that now, honestly.”
Benrey let out an orb of pink Sweet Voice at that.
“Glad it- that it helps, man. Wasn’t sure if it would... now that we’re all here in... uh, in person.”
Gordon lifted his injured arm carefully, looking the wound over.
“I still have no idea how it works… but yeah, it does help a lot. Again, thanks.”
Another moment of awkward silence was beginning to start when Bubby suddenly stood up-
“Can we stop with the sulking? Seriously?! We’re OUT! FINALLY! We should be going outside and having the time of our lives-”
“Uh-”, Gordon suddenly looked very alarmed-
“-steal a car! Go on a real goddamn road trip-”
“What?!”, the tall man almost hissed out, immediately regretting raising his voice as Gordon curled up a bit into himself at the noise- “M-My apologies. But you get my point, don’t you?!”
Gordon nodded at that, despite shaking a bit.
“I absolutely do! Hearing that you guys were legit locked up for god-knows how long… I would want nothing more than wanting to go outside and explore this world if I’d be in your shoes! It’s just... how aware are you guys of what has been going on on the surface for the past 10 years? Do you… do you guys even know what year it actually is?”
Tommy perked up at that-
“It’s 2020! Not all of us had a good grasp on time, but my dad and I do!”
“Me as well, Gordon!”, Dr Coomer added with a smile- “As much as we as a group had our jokes about Wikipedia, it was basically our only window to the world outside for a very long time. So thanks to it we do know about a lot of things… in theory.”
Gordon let out a short sigh of relief.
“O-Okay, that’s actually good to know- I mean, it sucks that that was all you guys had! But… at least we don’t have to start on nothing.”
“We’ll be perfectly fine dealing with the outside world, thank you very much!”, Bubby threw in, arms crossed.
Dr Coomer reached over and put a hand on Bubby's shoulder-
“Bubby, dear, I can still see us getting overwhelmed with it though. It might not be all new for me, but it is for you! And for Benrey as well. Do trust me that we all need to take this slow.”
Gordon slowly sat up, actually deciding to move up onto the couch, pulling one of his legs under him while stretching the other out.
“Guys… if you want, you all can stay here as long as you want.”, he said, earning himself a collection of surprised looks from everyone- “I know my place is small but… you saved my ass. I want to at least try to even that out by letting you stay for as long as you need.”
He ran his intact hand through his hair again, a few strands falling over his right eye.
“And I know G-Man said not to worry about what Black Mesa might do with you all on the loose now… but honestly, I will sleep better knowing you all are closeby and not in imminent danger. Call me selfish, but I’ve grown to like you guys. And I do care for your chaotic asses.”
Gordon went on, grateful for the patient silence the team graced him with at the moment-
“I need to be upfront about this and not bottle this shit up, so let me be absolutely clear: The shit that happened in the simulation? I do not hold that against any of you. Knowing the context of that whole thing… yeah, it was horrid, not gonna lie- but we all ran on fumes… b-but it was also kinda… cool?”, he added with a nervous chuckle.
“Like, how you all tweaked the code in small ways? It added up to such a chaotic mess that was hella stressful… but really fun to experience too? Like- Benrey!”
“Huh whu-?!”, the guard in question sat up in the beanbag, eyes wide.
“Your no-clipping for bits? Your entire goddamn boss fight?! It was terrifying and So. Fucking. COOL!”, Gordon explained, wildly motioning around with his intact hand and then looking at the others in the room one after the other- “Look, I didn’t really know what you guys’ deal was, along with this being a professional job, so I didn’t really get to talk about all the stuff I get excited about but MAN!!”
The entire gang turned at the sudden sound of a low chuckle coming from the doorframe to the kitchen. G-Man was leaning against it, a soft smile on his lips.
“I… am glad that it wasn’t as traumatizing for you as it could have been, Mister Freeman. I take it, you are quite comfortable with the themes you saw in the simulation, yes?”
He motioned at the walls of Gordon’s living room, causing the man in question to blush and curl up a bit into himself. The Science Team exchanged a few confused glances before taking the opportunity to actually take in Gordon’s apartment properly.
“Look guys, I-”, Gordon started in a slightly defensive tone, before suddenly getting stopped by Benrey’s hand on his chest. Gordon snapped his head up, staring at the guard- whose whole attention was focused entirely on taking in the apartment's aesthetic.
The furniture around them was a wild collection of thrifted items. Wear and tear showed on the dark wooden table and on the clunky shelves on the walls.
Several big moving boxes sat in the corners, stacked on top of each other. It looked as if they hadn’t been moved in months, as if Gordon had not bothered opening them after moving into the place whenever ago.
The couch, beanbag chair and the two additional armchairs had several patches messily stitched onto them. A dresser to the side had been painted with various spray paints… and had a ton of smaller tags written on it with dripping pens at some point.
All his was the base… but what left the team staring with wide eyes were the small decorations of the place. The walls were absolutely plastered with band posters. And not the kind they would have expected from Gordon-
Countless of them had hard-to-read fonts on them, flames, lightning… and the number of bones and skeletons were honestly a bit overwhelming. Especially Benrey, who was now letting out a constant stream of excited-sounding Sweet Voice.
The skeleton theme actually continued with the other decorations around the room as well. Several different skull-themed items sat on the shelves, really putting the room together. And not cheap-looking stuff either! Some of them had a metal finish, others were carved out of wood and a rather big amethyst skull divided Gordon’s decently-sized DVD and Video Game collection.
There was what could only be described as faux-taxidermy all over the place as well. Small bottles labelled with things like “void eyes” and “dragon blood” instantly drew Darnold’s attention.
Dr Coomer ended up walking up to the wall-mounted dragon head with a colour-changing skull in its mouth and just gave it an approving nod.
Bubby, however, was still scanning the band posters until- “GORDON?!”
“Y-Yeah? Wha-”
Gordon grinned and got up, walking over to where Bubby was standing.
“Oh yeah! That’s my old Fender! Haven’t touched that babe in a good while… probably needs a bit of re-tuning, now that I think about it...”
Bubby shot him a look-
“I repeat: you play e-bass???”
Gordon let out a warm laugh.
“Yeah! Sometimes guitar too, electric and acoustic. Just haven’t really had a reason to in a while.”
A pained expression suddenly appeared on Gordon’s face. “Not like I will again anytime soon, you know?”, he added, lifting his stump.
Bubby waved him off.
“Oh please. Harold told you he has a plan to get that “fixed”. Trust him on that. He doesn’t break his promises. And his work is extremely high-quality and responsive. You will be able to play again with no issue.”
Before Gordon could reply to that, he suddenly felt a hand on his healthy arm, only to find Dr Coomer right beside him.
“Indeed, Gordon! You will have a proper prosthetic arm in no time! Well… I hate to admit that the entire process will probably take at least a full week.”
“Oh! T-That’s still extremely fast! I… I don’t even know how to thank you for that, Dr Coomer. Do you need any specific tools? I think my computer building tools should be around here somewhere-”, Gordon rambled on, only to be stopped by Coomer’s laugh.
“Oh Gordon, don’t worry! I’ll be able to find everything I need with ease! Most of it I already have! I plan on stripping your VR Suit for parts, you see!”, the older scientist explained to him- “You go sit down and let yourself relax and heal. Which is something that needs to happen before I can even think about fitting the prosthetic properly to your arm anyway! I am sure Benrey’s Heal Beam will be of much-needed assistance with that in the following days!”
A loud “HELL YEEEEAH” was heard from the other side of the room.
Gordon chuckled.
“Alright then- uh…. Do you guys want some snacks and get comfy? I think I still have-”
“Mister Freeman… I took it upon me... to get that covered. I hope you don’t mind too much.”
G-Man walked into the living room with a big baking dish and wearing Gordon’s flame-print oven mitts.
“G, my good man, you will never hear me complaining about such perfectly baked Mac’n’Cheese- oh shit, is that sliced ham in there too?”, Gordon stared at the perfectly brown cheese layer on top- “… yeah, you are allowed and encouraged to cook whatever and whenever you feel like it while you’re in my four walls, holy shit.”
“Ah… thank you for the high praise Mister Freeman, but-”
Gordon shot G-Man an unimpressed look, which startled the taller man a bit-
“Alright, Rule Numero Uno of Hotel Gordon: You will be complimented here and you will take it. That goes for everyone here. Yeah, sometimes we will get salty over things, as we have before… but guys, here comes a fun IRL fact about me: I am aggressively supportive.”
“G-Gordon, I am not sure that is needed-”, Tommy stammered out, only for him to slightly freeze as Gordon turned towards him with an intense stare-
“Oh? Wanna test me? Think I won’t say that I still deeply appreciate how you selflessly dragged my sorry ass along when I was too weak to walk on my own? That you had my back in ways that I will be in debt for until the end of my life? You sure??? Absolutely sure?”, Gordon said, grinning and pointing a finger at Tommy… who was now hiding his face behind his hands, letting out a soft “buuuuuuh” sound, followed by a flustered laugh.
Gordon looked at all of the Science Team with an affectionate glint in his eyes. It felt so good to actually be himself around this chaotic bundle of people he learned to care for so deeply.
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stilloutofmyvulcanmind · 5 years ago
It Takes Two Part 3
Requested by @verdonafrost
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Female!Reader
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Reader, Troy North (OC), Curt Roman (OC)
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Canon-typical themes and violence, angst, Bruce being a dick
Summary: January is nearly over and you’ve yet to collect the evidence you need to take down the Torn Roses for good. With time running out, a late-night reconnaissance leads to some unexpected events and a decision that could change your life.
Part 3 of 6
Part 1  Part 2  Part 4 
The night was dry but cold. The rooftop you lurked on still covered in January snow, making you glad of the insulated suit. Bruce would kill you if he knew you were here. 
After weeks of you working well together, the night had resulted in an argument once again. It seemed your belief that he'd finally learned to trust your instincts was wrong. It was the end of the month, and despite Roman not showing any signs of leaving, something in your gut was telling you otherwise. Bruce had dismissed it, citing the lack of evidence. 
You'd argued, and eventually, you'd stormed off on your own, switching off the coms to stop his bitching. Of course he could've followed you. The tracker was still active, but you'd been sitting here long enough to presume that wasn't going to happen. Maybe he'd decided to let you have space. Or maybe he just really didn't care. 
Boy did that thought hurt. 
You'd never admit it, but after the last few weeks, the things you'd felt for Bruce had started to change. You'd always known you were similar, but he'd actually opened up since New Year's Eve and seeing that softer side to him, the one he kept hidden away from everyone…
You'd been dumb enough to think that Bruce had felt the same way. There had been times when you'd caught him looking at you and for a moment had been sure you saw your own developing feelings reflected back. 
But if he did, if that was true, then surely he'd have listened to you? Or at least not immediately dismiss you? What did that say about the kind of relationship you'd have? You couldn't be with someone who treated you like a child who didn't know better. 
Movement inside the building you were watching distracted you. 
The whole building belonged to Roman, the lower floors rented out, but the penthouse remained his. The cover was that he used it to take one night stands back to, but you'd discovered its secret use of meetings with North. They were both in there now, you could see them through the tall glass windows, along with the hoard of security both of them traveled with. 
They'd been talking for several hours and still were. The movement that caught your attention was by two of the guards. They were carrying suitcases. Roman's suitcases. 
Was he leaving? Tonight? Shit. 
Going on instinct, you grappled to the side of the building, grabbing onto the edge of the balcony outside one of the bedrooms. Pulling yourself up a little, you got a look inside. Dark. And empty. Perfect. You hoisted yourself over the balcony rail, landing silently. There were no cameras out there. No need. It was high enough up that no normal person could climb it. No alarm on the glass door leading inside either. You picked the lock easily, sliding the door open and creeping inside. 
You could hear voices as you approached the bedroom door, but they were still slightly too muffled. Pressing a button on the arm of your gauntlet, you spread your hand over the door, the finger pads glowing dark purple as the tech picked up the audio. 
"-thing ready?" North's voice spoke in your ear. 
"Nearly, sir. These are the last two pieces of luggage, and we'll be ready to go, Mr. Roman."
"Excellent," Roman spoke and you had to fight the urge not to throw up. "I can't wait to get out of this godforsaken city again."
North laughed, "I'm almost jealous. I miss the sun."
"When the time is right, you can join me. In the meantime, you know what to do with the computers?" 
"Yeah. Delete everything that could connect you, destroy them, and burn the place down. We have the decoy in the master bedroom. The official report will state an electrical fault caused a fire, killing you in your sleep."
"Good. That'll throw the Bats off their game a little. They've been getting too close recently."
If North said anything else, you'd didn't hear. You pulled away from the door, making your way back out into the night. Roman was leaving tonight and faking his own death. Any chance of getting justice would be gone. You couldn't let that happen. 
It was easy, moving around the sides of the building until you found the office. You wanted to stop Roman, but you needed that information first. You couldn't risk someone managing to damage the computers in a fight. 
There was thankfully a small window leading into the office that you were able to pry open and squeeze through. A laptop and a desktop PC was sitting on the desk, both locked naturally. Not a problem. 
It wasn't difficult to hack both, your eyes widening when you accessed the litany of files on them. You'd already had enough to take down North for good and to get Roman arrested, but not enough to put him away permanently. With this though...you could destroy the entire operation in one strike. Pulling a USB from your belt, you plugged it in and copied everything from both computers onto it. You hadn't expected him to keep such sensitive info here, but maybe that's exactly why he did. 
You moved back to the door, listening through it once more. They were still there, but getting ready to leave. You contemplated signaling Bruce for backup. But by the time he got here they'd be gone, and that'd make it all the trickier. And a part of you wanted to do this by yourself, prove to him that you were more than capable. You did message Gordon with your location though and told him to get there with cops ASAP. 
You straightened, pulling a smoke grenade from your belt. From your observations outside there were seven other men in the room besides Roman and North. All armed you had to presume. You'd need to be quick. 
Footsteps approached and stopped outside the door. 
Now or never. 
You opened the door, throwing the grenade into the room as you grabbed the man in front of you and took him down. Smoke filled the room in the same instant as guns began to fire. You grunted in pain when a bullet hit your chest, lodging itself into the armor. That was going to bruise. 
Moving quickly in the smoke, you dodged the rest and downed each guard. The barrel of a gun pressed to your head. You ducked, turning, the crack of an arm breaking and North yelling echoing around the living room. Bringing your fist to his face, he slumped to the floor unconscious. 
The smoke was starting to clear. A single shot sent you stumbling as it hit you square in the back. Spinning around, Roman was the only one left standing, aiming a pistol at you. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, you grabbed a Batarang, throwing it through the air and watching it lodge in his hand. He screamed and the gun clattered down. You followed swiftly after the Batarang, leaping over the fancy coffee table, and landing a punch to his gut. Roman doubled over and you brought an elbow down on his back, sending him to the floor. 
You were on him in a flash, fists coming down over and over. Blood streamed from his nose as the cartridge crunched and broke under the impacts. 
Finally. After years of pain and waiting you had him. Anger, hate, grief, flooded your system. God, you wanted him dead. Wanted to keep punching until he stopped moving under you. He deserved it. After all the pain and suffering he'd caused to you and Gotham. 
Justice, not vengeance. 
You heard Bruce's voice in your head. You'd never killed but that had still been the first lesson he'd taught you. The one he'd repeat when some scumbag got under your skin a little too much. The one you'd come to understand, to follow, no matter how much your anger roared otherwise. 
You pulled back, flipping Roman's unconscious body onto his stomach and tying his hands securely behind his back. You repeated the process on all the others. A glance at the time said Gordon would be here any moment. 
A muffled shout came from the master bedroom. Leaping over the sofa, you unlocked the door and entered. Tied to the bed were two people. A man and a woman. The man didn't look too much like Roman, but he shared his build, and after a fire, you could see how he could be mistaken for Roman. Especially once a few palms were greased. The woman was attractive, someone you'd come to know Roman would be attracted to. Another part of the ploy.
"It's okay, you're safe now," you said softly, removing their gags and making short work of their bonds. "The police will be here soon."
As if on cue, the door burst in and Gordon and several uniformed officers came barging in, guns drawn. 
Gordon looked around the disaster area, spotting Roman groaning weakly. "Curt Roman? The hell is goin' on here?!" He asked, lowering his weapon as you approached. 
You pointed at two cops and gestured to the bedroom first, "There are civilians in there that may need medical attention," you said, before turning your attention to Gordon. "Curt Roman is the secret leader of the gang The Torn Rose. Mr. North here," you nudged North with your boot, "is his frontman, but Roman is the brains of the operation."
Gordon frowned at your explanation, "You got evidence of this?" 
"This way, Commissioner." You led him to the office where the computers were still intact and showed him all the files. 
"Jesus. They're responsible for half the drug trafficking in the City."
Gordon stood straight and looked at you. "Thank you. We'll take it from here."
"Good. Make sure they all go away for a long time. They've hurt a lot of people."
"I will." Exiting the office you watched as Roman and North were hauled away in cuffs. "Gotta say it was a surprise to get the alert from you and not Batman," Gordon went on. "Even more of a surprise that he ain't here with you."
"I've been shadowing him a year now. About time I took on my own cases, wouldn't you say?" 
"Never figured him to be someone who's okay with letting someone else take charge, but I guess you know him better than I do."
You wished you could say that was true. 
The rest of the guards were escorted out, and the relief you'd felt was slowly being replaced with dread creeping up your spine. Bruce would've heard about this by now. Honestly, a part of you was surprised he hadn't shown up anyway. But it meant he'd be in the cave. Waiting for you to get back. With luck, he'd actually be happy you'd taken the whole gang down. 
Yeah right. 
"What the hell do you think you were doing?!" Bruce yelled the second you stepped foot into the cave.
"Oh, I don't know, taking down an entire crime ring perhaps? You know, the one you promised to help me with?" Arms crossed over your chest, you stared Bruce down, unwilling to back down or apologize. 
"I was helping! You're the one deviated from the plan!" 
"Because Roman was leaving! I have the audio to prove it!" 
Bruce's jaw clenched for a second. "Congratulations. You got one man. Who'll be out of jail in a week because we don't have the evidence to put him away for good! Then he really will leave and we'll be back to square one!" 
You flung the USB drive across the gap. Bruce caught it easily. "That's a copy of everything on their computers. Computers now in Gordon's possession. I'm pretty sure what's on there is enough to send Roman, North, and every single person involved down for a couple lifetimes! I know because I checked. Before I took them down."
You watched as Bruce put the USB into the computer, and flicked through all the documents and information. He was silent for a minute.
Bruce clicked off and turned back to face you. If he was feeling remorse, it didn't show on his face. "Good. They'll get what they deserve."
"That it?" 
"What else do you want me to say? You still deviated from my orders, and not only that, you went into a dangerous situation alone, without even as much as alerting me!" 
You scoffed. "So I'm still in the wrong? If you were so concerned why didn't you show up when you heard the police radio?" 
"That wouldn't exactly look good for the unified front we've been putting on would it?" 
You rolled your eyes, the action hidden behind the lens of your cowl. 
"You're benched."
The cave seemed to fall silent at Bruce's words. 
"You're benched, Y/N, until I know I can trust you."
You scoffed, "You can't trust me? We've been together a year."
"Yet you still went behind my back. And I heard the state on Roman. We both know he's no fighter. You lost control. You could've killed him."
"Could've, but didn't. You know what he did!" 
"I do, but we can't let our emotions dictate how we act. You chose to enact your vengeance, and that's not what we do. You should know better by now."
"Bastard," you spat, coming to a decision. 
Bruce actually looked surprised. 
The sound of your cowl rolling across the floor echoed around the cave until it stopped by Bruce's feet. 
He looked at it, then at you, and frowned. "What?" 
"I quit."
Like what you read? Consider buying me a coffee! (I’ll love you forever!)
Tagging: @medicatemedrmccoy @bkwrm523 @theweepingvulcan91 @sagyunaro @huntersstuff591 @notsohappysunflower @quoththe-raven @startrekstartrash @thatanonymouschocolate @malaanii @everyday-imfangirling @evanstanfanatic @bookcaseninja @uneniffler 
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aion-rsa · 5 years ago
The Batman Trailer Breakdown and Analysis
The Batman trailer is finally here, accompanied by Nirvana’s “Something in the Way.” The two-minutes-and-a-half of footage presents a nightmarish new take on Gotham and the Dark Knight, an impressive feat considering only 25% of the movie has been shot so far, according to what director Matt Reeves said during the DC FanDome digital event.
Matt Reeves’ Batman reboot explores the early days of the Caped Crusader’s career, about two years into it, and focuses on a younger Bruce Wayne who is haunted by his past as well as a new villain who’s leaving victims all of the city for him to find.
We see in the trailer as Batman is hunted by a serial killer who is leaving him letters at every crime scene, teasing that the movie will feel more like a detective story than the usual action take. The trailer also gives us our first look at several villains, including Penguin, Catwoman, and a gang that seems to call back to a group first introduced in an animated series.
While the trailer makes quite a few things clear about this new Batman movie universe, there are a few lingering questions left in the promo’s wake. So we’re going breaking down the trailer to see what’s really going on in The Batman. And if there’s anything you spot in the trailer that we missed, let us know in the comments!
Before we get started, take a look at the trailer again:
Okay, let’s get started:
The trailer kicks off the character reveals right away, giving us our first look at The Batman‘s version of the Riddler — at least I’m pretty sure this is him. The riddle-obsessed villain isn’t really known for wearing a full facemask with glasses over it, but as you’ll see throughout the trailer, this movie seems to play like an extended fever dream full of grotesque baddies set against an almost overbearingly dark Gotham City.
This is the perfect version for this new take on the Riddler, who seems more like a serial killer here than the grinning megalomaniac we know from the comics, video games, and Batman Forever. In fact, Paul Dano’s Riddler looks about as far the opposite of Jim Carrey as you can get.
The trailer definitely sets up the Riddler as the main villain of the piece, a killer obsessed with getting to the Batman by leaving behind corpses and messages for the Dark Knight at his crime scenes. Above, we see one such victim, his face wrapped in tape with the words “No more lies” written over it.
Uncovering a lie seems to be a major aspect of the movie, as its a message the Riddler repeats to the Batman several times in the trailer. It suggests the Riddler knows something about the Caped Crusader that no one else does. Does the villain know that Bruce Wayne is the masked vigilante? Or does this lie run much deeper than that?
The fact that the Joker movie also dealt with the idea of the Wayne family’s hidden past — in that case, that Thomas Wayne may have had an illegitimate son — and that this movie could have at least one potential connection to last year’s Taxi Driver-inspired character piece makes me think the Riddler knows a secret about Bruce’s past. The Riddler, who seems to be speaking to Batman throughout the video, tells the Dark Knight at the end of the trailer that “he’s a part of this,” meaning whatever the villain is doing was designed to punish Bruce for something.
Reeves has said that his take on Batman is more of a detective story than an action movie, and this trailer definitely delivers on his promise. We see Jeffrey Wright’s Jim Gordon investigating the crime scene the Riddler leaves behind at the start of the trailer, while a forensics team takes photographs and gathers evidence.
One piece evidence is a green envelope left behind for Batman. Inside is a card with a riddle that I can’t quite make out, but it’s undoubtedly meant to lead the World’s Greatest Detective to the next clue in the Riddler’s twisted game. We also see that the Riddler has also picked up a few things from the Zodiac Killer’s book of riddles, as he leaves behind a code for the Bat to crack.
A blink-and-you’ll-miss-it shot of a framed newspaper at the crime scene gives fans of The Dark Knight and The Long Halloween a nice easter egg to mull over. We already knew John Turturro was set to play crime boss Carmine Falcone in the movie but now we know that his comrade in crime/rival Salvatore Maroni also exists in this universe and has been busted for transporting drugs at some point before the start of the movie. Was Maroni one of Batman’s early targets? Maybe we’ll find out.
Here’s an excellent look at what the top half of the new Batsuit looks like. It’s pretty much a suit of armor, although the cowl and cape seem to be made out of leather. And as we already knew, this Batsuit has a collar, which is a pretty neat addition to the usual suits designed for the movies.
This scene also confirms that by year two of Batman’s career, he’s already on good terms with Gordon and the GCPD, although something tells me that relationship ain’t gonna last very long…
I have no idea who this is, but I’m going to guess it’s The Batman‘s version of Commissioner Loeb, the corrupt head of police that preceded Gordon. Since the movie is getting a GCPD-centric spinoff on HBO about the corruption inside the police force, I’m going to assume this version of Loeb will be a bit closer to the power-hungry chief introduced in Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli’s Batman: Year One.
We also get a look at the new Batcave, which is about as minimalist as the Dark Knight’s secret lair can get. In fact, it looks more like a garage than a secret underground science lab/high-tech surveillance station. It even looks like this version of Bruce spends more time working on his Batmobile than on his computer piecing mysteries together. Can you even call that a Batcomputer? It looks like a workbench with a dual-monitor PC setup. Does this dude even get wi-fi inside his underground mechanic shop?
Bruce is at someone’s funeral for someone I don’t recognize when a car comes crashing through the church. Inside seems to be a man with a bomb and a letter for Batman strapped to his chest. Does the Riddler know Batman is attendance already or does he think this latest scheme will lure him there?
Either way, we also get our best look at Pattinson as Bruce. It’s interesting to see a version of Bruce who doesn’t sport slicked back billionaire hair. Instead, Pattinson wears more of an emo slick — very fitting for the mood of this trailer.
We get our first look at Zoe Kravitz as Selina Kyle doing what she does best: stealing. Reeves said during DC FanDome that this version of Selina hasn’t quite morphed into Catwoman at the start of the film and is instead still being shaped into the master thief we know and love.
The trailer shows us a brief snippet of Selina taking on Batman, suggesting that the characters will be at odds with each other in the movie. But could this be the start of a love-hate relationship like what we’ve seen in past takes on this duo? This should be interesting.
We also get to see Colin Farrell’s absolutely incredible transformation into the scarred Oswald Cobblepot, who, according to Reeves, is still working his way up the crime ladder in this movie. He’s not yet the powerful crime lord known as the Penguin, but it sure seems like he causes plenty of havoc for the Bat nonetheless.
Here’s why I mentioned that Joker connection earlier. The gang of face-painted goons that challenge Batman in the trailer sure look inspired by the Clown Prince of Crime. My initial reaction was that The Batman was doing the Jokerz, the Joker-worshiping gang introduced in the Batman Beyond animated series, but what if these guys were actually inspired by Arthur Fleck’s actions in the ’70s-set movie?
We know that by the end of Joker, Arthur has a cult following rallying around him, despite the fact that he’s admitted to murdering quite a few people by that point. His followers, who don their own clown makeup and masks, see Arthur as a freedom fighter, someone fighting for justice in a corrupt city where the rich have it all and the poor have nothing. It wouldn’t be surprising to see that Arthur has become a symbol all these years later, inspiring the next generation to go out into the streets and cause their own chaos.
I know WB has said that both The Batman and Joker exist in their own universes, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the studio was suddenly anxious to tie these two movies together after the massive success of the latter. If Pattinson ever does take on the Joker, you can bet your Batarangs that WB will try its very hardest to make it the Joaquin Phoenix version of the villain.
Anyway, we eventually watch as Batman beats the ever-living shit out of one of these clowns. It’s a bit…much.
While Batman and the GCPD seem to be on good terms at the start of the trailer, things have certainly taken a turn later. We first see Bats getting into a scuffle inside an interrogation room surrounded by cops and then later escaping a building while police officers shoot at him. That second shot actually seems to recreate the famous panels from Year One where the Dark Knight escapes an abandoned building surrounded by the GCPD with the help of a swarm of bats, a scene that also inspired an action sequence in Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins.
Why are Batman and the GCPD suddenly at odds? It’s possible this is part of the Riddler’s plan to destroy the Bat. Has the villain framed the Dark Knight for something? Or has Batman gone too far in his search for justice?
The new Batmobile is front and center towards the tail end of the trailer. It’s a very cool and surprisingly realistic take on the Batmobile unlike what we’ve seen in past movies. This muscle car definitely looks like something Bruce would have worked on himself inside the Batcave.
Finally, we get a look Batman sans mask. There’s no elegant bachelor under the cowl in The Batman but a beaten down, soot-covered man who looks more troubled than any other Bruce before him. Pattinson’s Bruce almost looks more inspired by The Crow than Ben Affleck, Christian Bale, or Michael Keaton before him. It definitely looks like he’s taking the character in a new direction.
We’ll find out for sure when The Batman hits theaters on Oct. 1, 2021.
The post The Batman Trailer Breakdown and Analysis appeared first on Den of Geek.
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