#like thats fine they just shouldve thought about it and written it that way from the start
pixiecaps · 2 months
i hope you're already asleep it's so late for you but on the topic of the finale ending honestly i understand why people are so upset by it, i think it royally sucks, but imo it was created entirely because they really needed some way to wrap things up and i think almost everyone would agree that it shouldn't have and wouldn't have ended that way had things been different and had the server not needed to end so abruptly.
like idk you KNOW i'm a canon compliant guy but for this thing specifically i genuinely don't consider it canon and think it should fully be ignored, and i think basically everyone involved would be fine with that. also honestly in my mind everything purgatory and after is non-canonical in that it shouldn't have happened either and the reset is definitely not canon so that makes it easier for me to ignore it completely. i think what players and admins stated about their characters is canonical within reason and otherwise i don't think any of it matters all that much because of how the server ended. like to me i know the reality is that that is how it ended and we don't have any other ending to go off of but because of the circumstances there's just no way i could consider it canon and i already spend all my time dreaming up ways to rewrite all the shit that happened before then, nevermind a garbage hastily written ending that only wrapped up one plot thread (the eggs) and didn't even do that correctly (it completely retconned so much about the eggs and i know a lot of lore got retconned and changed over time but it's particularly agregious).
idk where i'm going with this insane rant in your inbox i really don't i just wanted to give my thoughts on that ending and how i take it as a fandom creator because i often see people treating it like it was a legitimate ending even though they hated it and i'm like this is fandom!!! we can ignore it entirely!!! in fact many characters' endings explicitly defy that ending, that was just the way to wrap up the idea of the egg event in some way that made sense. i totally get people being upset by it, i was too, but i was also upset by the previous. five months? of stuff so i kind of can't be bothered to be annoyed by this particular thing.
again this is nonsensical i'm just saying i think we should all ignore it and i've been saying that since the day of bc it was just so obviously not the kind of ending that would've been written under different circumstances. let's all make up better endings forever and ever amen.
anyway hi pix if you're reading this in the morning i hope you got beautiful sleep and dreamt of snoopy and roier all night
hiii 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 i was in fact asleep by the time you sent this:3
that was another point i discussed with someone els where yeah it sucked because they had to wrap it up and “tie everything together” so i agree on that. everything with the qsmp ending wouldve been different under different circumstances.
you’re incredibly real for not considering canon up to a certain point where everything got messy. i think since we’re both very canon compliant people you can understand where im coming from with that frustration and being irked by how everything played out. it was going so well and then 📉📉📉. and heres the thing you know how much i love purgatory okay cause i do but god its truly one of those events where it shouldve been explicitly uncanon i feeeeel. so much of the lore it introduced and everything clashed with everything we had already established and not informing the creators of anything was such a poor choice. but anyways you already know the whole rant.
i do appreciate the reminder of its fandom who cares. i live by that i just get Even More emotional when sleep deprived and was like wow fuck everything and this stupid fucking ending so thats why i made those posts kkkkkkkk. but ye GOOD REMINDERS ITS FANDOM ENDINGS ARE OPEN TO REWRITES AND OUR OWN INTERPRETATIONS!!!!!!!
i did get beautiful sleep ty bell<3333 i hope you got beautiful sleep as well<3333
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narwhalandchill · 4 months
wuwa rambles incoming, on the negative side ish (?)
so i also ended up downloading wuwa to test it out despite being fairly confident in the assessment that it Will not be a long term thing for me (and yeah stand behind that one after day 1 and some today) and like
firstly yes the state of the game is in shambles lmao like it really wasnt finished in time for release in terms of performance and polish At All. on my side luckily the overall experience has been more or less okay on medium graphics with some glitches and a total of two crashes but its still like. this isnt an optimized game at all. ppl rly have been taking genshin being incredibly cautious with new systems and additions (so that the game actually Functions) for granted i suppose 💀 and or consistently taken the most uncharitable angle towards it . like yes we shouldve had xyz since forever but i 100% believe theres actual spaghetti code behind things taking long and that hoyo genuinely wants to be very careful w it for good reason. but yeah artifact presets where still
secondly as much as the world is like, pretty and vast with many sceneries that make for a beautiful vignette to Look at and all kinds of trinkets to run towards and engage w for that quick dopamine release, i think the fact that the story and lore of the world is just so fucking inconsequential and terribly communicated makes it just. Incredibly hard to Feel anything for it. its like a cake with stunning decorations except u take a bite and realize its all just fondant and no actual flavor. its just there. i dont have any thoughts nor feelings for it bc the worldbuilding is such a failure that i care neither for this place nor the characters whose stories are supposed to be selling me on the entire game. and that really sucks bc this place really Does look stunning in places and i Wish they would give me something to care about but its just the backdrop for the (admittedly fun) pokemon echo farm and ur exploration progress and the combat system
character-wise i also just dont mesh with vast majority of them much. they dont stand out enough from one another and no one except for like scar has actually made me very intrigued about anything at all regarding the world. designs vary from ugh to fine with some that i do like but they still arent like . the kind of Instant recognizable design that just Hits. they look fine but they lack the (jenshin) impact that makes you want to forfeit ur mortal possessions to them
now there is One (1) exception to this to be fair and thats sanhua but thats Literally just bc she is so fucking gender envy to me design wise. like its almost perfect just like that. literally if only her top wasnt open in the back . Id wear that shit SO hard for My scifi fantasy waves that wuther self insert oh my god. she looks like a middle school OC id make JSJSKSKDKUSKDK i love herrr literally the only reason i continue playing tbh . And she has ice powers too she is literally made For Me 💀
(jen forbidden lore tldr a niche finnish Banger of a fantasy book series that rewired my brain at 10 had an Excellently written girl protag who among other things gained op draconic ice powers of eternal winter and since then that simply became My main character daydream self elemental power of choice Always hsjsjsjskvkd)
the combat i think is where wuwa stands out and it definitely lets u engage more with the enemies. like ultimate evasion and counters Feel satisfying and building up ur characters unique mechanic like sanhuas ice constructs for her powered up charge atk Feels satisfying i def think theres a lot of potential there but in terms of A Future Meta in a gacha that wants money idk where things would ultimarely go in the future. but ya that stuff is solid.
enemy designs are also cool but suffer from that same lack of context to make me intrigued w the world theyre a part of. like cool eldritch creature ig but it doesnt give heebie jeebies the same way as seeing like. the husks in the chasm for the first time. where u instantly go oh fuck How. Why. Who were they. bc u know there Will be a relevant answer . etc . which is a shame. make me fear for my life smh
anyway for me my pulls have been like ridiculously bad i am genuinely not joking that getting sanhua on my first starter banner multi is the only reason i stuck w it. like. prior to this morning and getting aalto from the 20 free pulls . i have not received a Single non f2p new 4*. i have chixia c3 who i do Not like. yangyang c2. baizhi c1. Literally i kid you not the other new 4* i pulled today was . Yuanwu. so like considering the event and log in thats also c1 yuanwu c1 sanhua (latter of which i obvi have no issue w). and then my starter 5* was the worst case scenario 💀 Walmart gaming i mean. if u think hes cute cool but i am not at All enthused. id have taken Anyone over him lmao
so thats fun . i mean its fine im not gonna play long term i like sanhua and playing her w baizhi and someone like yangyang or aalto its fine for what i intend to do w it for now. & none of the future 5* rly appeal to me either
ultimately the game definitely has potential but it just. released too soon in a shoddy state and in many ways (mostly relating to its open world) i think is too reliant on just resembling genshin without actually innovating on top of that foundation or distinguishing itself from it. and the failure of its story to make players care about its world At All doesnt help. Do i think the world and lore are shit w 0 potential? well obviously no bc its so poorly communicated i cant even fucking tell you what it is About. but any possible potential there was definitely not utilized how it should so eh
now personally i have absolutely no horse in this toxic drama clownfest of a gacha game war arms race other than its not worth the time nor effort. so i truly have no particular feelings of fervent support nor some schadenfreude about kuro and for competitions sake i Do hope they manage to salvage the situation and that wuwa manages to flourish in the end but ironically enough the genshin "killer" number two more or less seems to have went the way of the other one aka ToF. so thats something i suppose lmao
Like there is something very painfully ironic about it all and it is hysterical in that sense. at least that much i can admit hsiajsks. But truly if some ppl find that wuwa offers them sth better than genshin then good for em, dont let my highly lukewarm reception ruin ur enjoyment. just end the fucking drama farm and disingenuous claims to gas up ur own cope and hype
(and to be clear. i would Not have played like 8 hours yesterday if i wasnt genuinely engaged w trying the game out and having fun lol. its just very clear to me that this early rush of ADHD dopamine oh new game new things to burn through new exploration shinies short term quick fun is very likely all wuwa is going to have on offer for me personally)
anyway thats just me so feel free to share yalls thoughts too if ud like
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vyladromeave · 2 years
the whole ask i had crashed so retype but yeah!!! idk zane being a knight and also using swords and combat like that felt. weird? like he's the high priest w great powers that can do all these things but then you decide to have him fight like..that? and ik sds are considered hot stuff but w the vague hints at taking over shad i feel that should've been his main goal and not becoming a shadow knight. even when he technically was one him not relying on magic, the thing he's good at, was really off esp w how much power and magic they are also said to have. i think him staying mortal but still threatening and working from the sidelines would've been way better. he can allegedly do crazy stuff and is a good manipulator and i wish they used that more, along w his apparent followers doing his dirty work. his smarts got thrown out and for what. but that's just me yk 🙇 sorry for tossing this here but zane is my guy i think abt often
THIS. zane as a shadowknight just does not work for so many reasons. hes not... hes not a fight guy. hes Not a fight guy. i get him wanting a second chance after dying hard hes an ambitious guy that much makes sense thats fine. but like. hes just not a fight guy. zane is most threatening when he is manipulating others into doing his work FOR him. he doesn't follow others. hes the guy in charge. having him as a shadowknight feels like a demotion. like he's forced to do his own work for once and hes like... not even good at it. its just sad. hes not a threat anymore hes just a guy. its silly. all of a sudden he is competent in all the things he shouldnt be and incompetent at all the things he should. research is his thing. why is he bothering with emmalyn. hes smart. why is he bothering with any of it. everything he bothers with in s3 should be Below him everything that makes zane Zane and everything that made him threatening is just gone and its not even fun its just sad and disappointing.
it doesn't work narratively as well either. like his main goal seemingly was to take irene's relic for himself. his plans are thwarted completely when he is robbed of the relic and then trapped in the irene dimension. him becoming like, shad obsessed was 1: weird and 2: just... not his goal? like this doesn't fit with his original goals at ALL its a complete assassination of his motivations as a character. and 3: when his plans are thwarted and he dies it feels REALLY fucking rude to bring him back with seemingly so little thought. like thats just not satisfying from a viewing perspective to finally FINALLY have your big overarching villain of basically all of S1 finally die (not to mention the way he died was super unsatisfying anyways but WHATEVER.) just to bring him back. not even to be his own overarching villain, just as a nuisance. its just ANNOYING it doesn't feel cool it doesn't feel satisfying. and as fun as it was watching Katelyn beat him up it was not worth it.
it really just. feels like he was not meant to come back. like his arc was over. the way they had him written everything shouldve been over for him. having him come back like that just like completely interrupts everything about him any sort of journey or continuity or whatever its all just gone because they didn't know how to make new threats so they just tried to rehash old ones and put them into places they didn't belong and failed terribly. why. why do this. every day s3 astounds me with how thoughtless it is.
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gronjon44 · 4 years
This inspired by @ben-10-setting-omnicrom and their Omni-Rant so bare with me.
I've always seen way too much flak being flung at Ben 10 so I feel like ranting and sharing what I personally find to be particularly awesome/enjoyable about the series.
First, the art style/animation
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Why did people hate the art style so much? Like, I thjnk its the most dynamic thats the series has had do far. It helps the characters look more fluid I think and it just looks really cool. Also i think the character designs get too much flak. I mean yeah they have WAY more green then alot of the older designs do, but cmon. They look awesome.
Next up, the villains.
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I absolutely love the villains in Omniverse, both big and small, though for now im focusing on the major big bads for the purpose of this.
- Albedo is put to some of the best use in this show, even if he just becomes a sort of M.O.D.O.K clone. He has good banter when he's around, the ultimatrix is put to better use here then in Ultimate Alien I think, and the fact he remains a more active presence then Vilgax says alot. I'll admit I never saw too much of his inclusion in UA and AF, but what I like about Omniverse is that it still manages to still keep his inclusion so solid that it doesn't feel kike you have to watch the previous shows to understand his motivations as a villain.
- Khybar is by far a fan favorite, and his sheer determination for trying to kill Ben keeps him interesting. Plus he introduces Skurd so that helps (Also the nemetrix is by far my preferred alternative to act as the opposite Omnitrix) I think hes one of the best reacurring villians the series has and, while i acknowledge he has flaws as a character, I think they can be looks past pretty easily.
- Ghost Freak (Zs'Skayr) is put to SUCH GOOD USE. I love the fact that Omniverse went into more detail about his home planet, and they even brought back Dr Victor as an active part of the story. Also was Cujo supposed to be the Yenaldooshi? Cause it always bugged me why he looked so different from other Loboans, including Benwolf and Scout) And yes there's the obvious fact that he has a much more apparent alterations to his design, but I like hoe they tried to make him look more like a Grim Reaper. I think it works and I believe that it can stand well next to the classic Ghostfreak design.
- Malware is hands down my favorite villain. Not only is he voiced amazingly by Corey Burton, who also played Megatron in Transformers Animated, he's also just hands down an amazing villain. Yeah they could've gone more into his potentially sympathetic side, but even still he's so well written, and even has a major part in the first couple seasons of the series. I'm still annoyed at how he wss essentially turned into a suit for Vilgax but nonetheless it doest change anything.
- Maltruant is a great series finale villain, and while i was never a huge fan of Clockwork as a alien or character, I like how they put more focus on the Chronosapiens as a species with Maltruants character. Plus we get more Time Travel antics and while this isn't necessarily a beef I have with Maltruant, I just think this treatment shouldve been stretched out to Eon who, frankly, got sidelined pretty hard outside of his inclusion with Proffesor Paradox. Also last thing, HE'S VOICED BY MARK HAMIL! I SWEAR MARK HAMIL NEEDS TO MORE VOICE WORK AS ANIMATED VILLAINS.
Legit I love everything about Psychobos. His banter with Asmuth and the galvans, the fact he has such a massive ego he could give The Leader a run for his money, and he's seemingly outsmarted by both Blukage and Driba its just stupid funny to me. And like he can actually be a semi threatening villain. When I was first introduced to Alien Force as a kid I loved Brainstorm, just for the fact that he's a super intelligent crab. It just stuck with me.
And this isn't even including the other side villains in the series. Psyphon, Fistrick, Fistina, hell even fuckint Thunderpig, they're all enjoyable villains. Really theres only 3 villains I actually dislike, and thats Vilgax, Kundo, and Eon.
Kundo was just meh to me, Eon I feel like was rather underused outside of Proffesor Paradox (yeah I know I said it twice)
And Vilgax... Vilgax got sidelined heavily, to the point his most interesting inclusions was when a janitor/plumber was mistaken for being Vilgax. And I think this comes from how oversaturated he's become.
He was such a central villain in the original series, up until Sectret of the Omnitrix. But after that I think he was just, kinda overused. Yeah in the latter half of AF and part of UA he was fine, but he just got overused. He's basically a Cthulu version of Thanos with his reputation and all.
This is all personal and I know some people still think he's one of the best villains in the show, and I agree. I just think that he started to lose his touch after the original series ended. Plus, I just didn't like his various redisigns. The tubes and the massive dark armor just stuck with me more.
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Tell me, which one looke like an extremely intimidating villain who could slaughter planets? And which one looks like an amalgamation of Thanos, Darkseid, and Cthulu?
Finally, my overall thoughts on the show as a whole and Bens growth throughout it, compared to previous shows.
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I think the show does really well for what it tries to accomplish, and I don't quite understand the hate. Yes I admit, it has some rather crude or cringe worthy moments, but it has some equally funny and heartfelt moments,, intercut with some fun and enjoyable action all throughout the series.
And for those who think he's at his worst as a character in this series. How is it compared to how Ultimate Alien essentually turned the Ben we knew from Alien Force back into immature and clueless 10 yr old Ben? The Omniverse interpretation actually has more explanation for his more slacker/relaxed moments.
Like @ben-10-setting-omnicrom said, he isnt just a hero on his own or working with a nonexistent alien government like the plumbers. He's been doing this for so long now its become second nature to him at this point. I like to tbink of him as the "Tony Stark of Bellwood". He's a celebrity and for him, all of this is just second nature of force of habit, so he acts more freely and cocky with situations, because he knows how they'll always play out.
That is to say, he isnt without his mature moments or losses. He loses plenty of times in this show, or he is forced into situations where he can't be his usual cocky self.
When the Incursians invaded earth and he was banished, forced to stay away at the risk of his whole planet being destroyed? He planned an infiltration strategy, executed it with minimal to no issues, and managed to return to earth and save the planet.
When Feedback was erased from the Omnitrix and he was forced into an emotional slump, losing what he believed to be an integral part of his being, what did he do? He grew from the situation, learned to never heavily rely on one alien (for the most part), and he grew to learn form that loss and become the hero he is today.
If he was just an immature teenager who didn't really bother to care for fights or their outcome, shy would he jump headlong first into a literal big bang. He was willing to sacrifice himself and risk never even existing, just to ensure a villain didn't win.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk, I'm gonna go sleep this off now.
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cosmosrival · 4 years
Rico besides Kama what do you think about the other indian servants?????
AHHHHHHHHHH THIS IS GOING TO GET SOOOO LONG!!!! i have a different view of the indo fam as a whole. i call them the indo fam but i mean the found family trope!!!! theyre like a group of college students sharing a dorm if that makes sense, since their servant selves are obviously different from their initial myths/human vessels!!!
OK SO. RECENTLY, i have an oomf that found books about arjuna that summarize his exploits in the mahabharata(I DONT HAVE THE STRENGTH TO READ IT ALL IM SO SORRY) and also talk about him in a more philosphical manner such as his states of mind during each event etc and i’ve been meaning to read said book because im genuinely interested in arjuna now!!! and i’d like to know more about this indo prince because from what i’ve seen, he is portrayed in a rather bad light(?) in FGO which i find extremely !!!!!!!!!!! and incrdibley !!!!!!! strange !!!!!!! the mahabharata’s conflicts can be put in a mostly grey area where there’s no good nor bad, its not black and white. so seeing arjuna get bashed because of the way his conflict with karna was written is... hm. let’s say that im REALLY starting to understand arjuna fans that dislike seeing him get mischaracterized so much. OTHER THAN THAT, his design is adorable, his travel outfit is my favourite because he deserves to relax and have some fun!!! fgo making him a chuuni is cute and his VAs little moans are cute cute cute!!!!!!!!!!! (mash grabs my shoulder and forces me to sit down) i think that arjuna deserves better and im really happy to see him have fun in his travel costume voicelines. i think we should take arjun on a date!!! he’s a great lover, we’d have the best time!! OH ALSO, kama seeing him as the student council president in their interlude makes me SOOOOOOO HAPPY its unreal, i think it fits him very very well, the seitokaichou who was elected because of everyone’s hopes and recommended by teachers because he’s suuuch a good student but because of that, the pressure to be good is constantly towering over his head and everytime he looks out the window he wishes he could ditch class and skip a day just because he felt like going to the arcade and be a bad student.......just this once........i think hes very very cute...... i want him to cook for me. HAVE YO U READ HIS BOND 4 VOICELINE ?mmmmmggg i want him to get embarrassed everytime i praise him for having such a muscular waistline. AUG
ANEWAYS i also have quite the thoughts about karna, his characterization in the game is linked to arjuna’s and thats fine but i think that forgetting how much of a little sassy bastard he can get was a mistake! did you know that in apocrypha’s german dub on netflix, when jeanne calls his name like “You’re Karna, aren’t you ? The son of the Indian Sun God !” HES LIKE “So ?” AND THAT WAS SOOOO BITCHY OF HIM, i think that karna is a good boy in fgo but the fact that he was such a fighty old man in the mahabharata shouldnt be forgotten and is a charm trait. I MEAN ???? HE THREW HANDS WITH AN 18 YEAR OLD(ARJUN) WHILE BEIN LIKE... THIRTY TWO. WHATS WITH THIS ANNOYING OLD MAN !!!!! knowing these little facts about him made me like him so much more actually !! i think karna being so nice is adorable!! but the little bitchy energy u can find in his voicelines is also very charming!! i think karna looking at me emotionless as i ask him to lend me his notes for the nth time that week and then saying “...Mn.” when i thank him is cute!!! his voiceline towards things he dislikes is interesting to me. karna seeming aloof and mean bc he doesnt know how to communicate but is actually nice underneath...... hey... thats a little delinquentcore........ i wouldnt say yankii but hes like... hes like... u know hes the handsome quiet one of the group of yankiis... u know the one...? hey where are you going
ganesha is also a character im deeply interested in but i havent played CCC so i dont know that many details about jinako herself !! my brain goes HMMMMMM it seems lord ganesha is trans in fgo ! (since kama used to be a male god originally as well!!) ganesha uses all pronouns!!! and ganesha is also special to me because they share similar traits with kama when it comes to their characterization AND mischaracterizations. ganesha isnt JUST jinako. theres a part of a god in the servant mix!!! and jinako HERSELF is actually a pretty sad character imo. the whole otaku/neet thing is obviously a facade and her true wish being that she wants to redo her whole life is also proof of how much she hates what shes become, yet at the same time, she doesnt know what else she could do. but anyways, i prefer looking at servants from a lore POV so i think that ganesha should still be considered a god and be adressed as such!! i like seeing people portray ganesha as jinako but i prefer it when a certain lavish more godly side of them is put forward. a side of jinako that managed to move on a little bit if that makes sense ? that got more serious. and became someone else entierly despite sharing similarities. needless to say their bond with karna makes me happy since he shows them respect as you should towards a god!! its a bit different from their bond in CCC... like they matured somewhat!! anyway ganesha is the one who taught everyone else in the indo fam about video games and technology and i will NEVER shut up.
ashwatthama..... MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM %_’(’ç_”’è_ç(è_’”545656455456545453£¨¨µ¨µMµ¨++°=)=)°+ goodness. jesus christ on earth. my love story with him makes me so embarrassed. when he got revealed i instantly fell in love with him despite knowing JACK SHIT ABOUT HIM but since i was the only one in my friend group who was hardcore into fgo at the time, i kept my love for him to myself and just... (looks away)(i drop my wallet full of picturses of him) quietly adored his everything in silence. WELL, ree having an intense crush on yankii type characters isnt new, its been my favourite trope for ages (gyarus go in hand with them!!) and im still very attached to it so thats what made me love him in the first place!!!! BUT THEN. I GOT INTO HIS MAHABHARATAN LORE. And OHHHHHHHHH BABY.......... (im twirling my hair) so theres this 7ft tall war criminal..........<3<33<3(mash leans in and informs me that the convention of geneva didnt exist at the time) SO THERES THIS 7 FTTALL IMMORTALMAN.......<233 gOD he makes me absolutely CRAZY9909840385%£%%£%%µ%µ%µ the love i have for this character is immense and whenever im sad i remember that pako exists and has a tablet and can draw and i suddenly feel so much better. ok im gonna stop horny posting a little bit. but hes my wife. AND WHAT I LOVE ABOUT HIS PORTRAYAL IN FGO IS THAT, they actually made him a good boy despite his initial roughness and misdeeds ???!!! HELLO?? ashwatthama wishing for a redemption ark is my favourite thing and his righteousness that was born because of his regrets is a very interesting drivepoint to me !!! hes a gorgeous character and im buying a ticket plane as we speak right now so i can go find him in northern india. i’ll find him. GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME !!!!!GET OFF ME !!!
miss lakshimi makes me very sad! because every female servant in the indo fam is an already known face. (... would sita count.) and lakshi being a jeanneface is a waste. well, she’s still very pretty and her lore is also quite interesting!! i havent looked into it fully yet but i think she should be kissed on the mouth. her bad luck makes me slip on a banana peel whenevr i get close to her to kiss her and i hit my head on the pavement and pass away- 
parvati is on a tough spot for me atm. i genuinely love thinking of her as the way the indian goddess herself is portrayed because thats where the fun lies for me in her character. especially when shes involved with other indian servants, thats a given!! i would like to see parvati grow, suffer and heal. because branding her as an “all-knowing mom” is easy, but every single parent makes mistakes if you follow that logic. also, since shes the sakura servant “thats closest to her initial personality”, she’s got some of the most Repulsive fans ive Ever witnessed in fandom spaces and lets say that im trying to work my way out of this hellhole and find things to like about parvati without the fandom’s influence. needless to say, im going to keep looking into her mythos and her lore by myself at my own pace and keep doing my own thing in my little corner. 
rama shouldve been a jock. THE RAMAYANA IS OLDER THAN THE MAHABHARATA, WHY IS.....Hrm well him being summoned as his baby version gives me hope for a future rama alt perhaps??? but i think that he shouldve been a total jock and he shouldve been huge with a huge red lion-like mane for his hair and a teethy grin and big biceps and intense love for his wife. SPEAKING OF SITA, her charm point is her purity but i wish.... that their artist still hadnt drawn them like That, im not a fan of lily servants and i think purity = being young is a bit of an annoying excuse!!! rama and sita looking similar is because of their shared history which is fine but... rolls my eyes............. rama shouldve been 6ft tall and sita shouldve been a milf to match...... anyways i doubt ravana would be added as a servant but i’d love to have a ramayana centric event!! where all indo servants have their own lore centric role to play!!! oh thatd be a dream.... but i have learned to not expect much from a fanservice game so im jus gonna draw my own stuff! (strikes a pose!) (mashu claps!)
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pitayatea · 5 years
Talk is Jericho: The Emancipation of Jon Moxley
(i highly recommend listening to the episode if you have time, its a great listen and it goes a lot into jons thought process behind his leaving and the timeline from august until he left. if you dont have time or just want a rundown before you listen to see if youd be interested, i complied a list of points in the episode,,, i guess? idk.)
(none of these are in order im horrible at listing things but all of this was discussed at some point):
- mox started the podcast saying he harbors no ill will for wwe, how grateful he is for the time he spent there, how they helped him grow as a person, etc. he also talks fondly of the make a wish program and the fans and everything.
- there's a good bit of him talking about renee and describing her as his best friend, his soulmate, and how even if they had nothing it was fine bc they had each other. prime otp shit we stan. im sorry i love their relationship.
- jon describes a time where he was approached about a promo describing him doing stupid stuff that an idiot would do (riding a unicycle backwards, sharing pizza with a homeless dude, etc), and asking that it be changed because he doesnt want his character to be seen as an idiot. the line was taken out and readded by vince. when he confronted vince, vince didnt see the issue and described the segment as good shit and thought it described the dean character perfectly, which jon took as being described as an idiot.
- jon hated his heel turn, and defined it as being heavily micromanaged and told numerous stories of fighting with scripts and writers and vince because they wanted to do joke shit that he didnt want to do. he hated the germaphobe angle, he despised the vaccine promo, and it was all stuff pushed by vince.
- he also talks about other promos he hated before his heel turn, and a lot of it started as early as the 2014 feud with seth (the hotdog cart, seth mannequin, etc.)
- i actually remember an older tij episode where he goes into detail about how it was vince who pushed the mannequin thing, and how he once walked into vinces office and found vince sitting in his chair, facing the mannequin, with weapons laid out, verbally describing what he wanted to do to the mannequin... do with that what you will.
- (aka vince is senile which,,, we been knew)
- both of the stories he told are extremely interesting: one describes the time he knew for sure he was gone and started counting the days, and the other describes the time he almost walked out.
- there was numerous lines during his heel turn that he refused to use and demanded to be changed.
- one of which was a joke about a pooper-scooper that got changed to the gas mask line. he describes literally having to go behind vinces back and rushing with writers to get a copy of the script without the joke onto vinces desk before the one with the joke got there because vince wouldve forced him to do it.
- he describes all the promos he did that night as confusing and not telling stories, and remarked that "if we didnt need to run around and try to not look like idiots, we could focus on telling stories", which flustered a writer he was with at the time.
- the writers and jon got a note from vince which stated "dean needs to understand why he needs to insult the audience. dean needs to read his promos verbatim and not try to rewrite them." jon remembers feeling like he got punched in the gut and lashed out in frustration at a writer (in retrospect, he admitted it wasnt the writer's fault and he was just emotional).
- "why do i work here? im a professional wrestler, who can tell stories and come up with promos and i believe i have the ability to talk people into buildings, i learned those skills years ago, and i wanted bring them to the wwe, and you just want me to say your stupid lines. if you want someone to stay your stupid lines, hire an actor because theyll probably do a better job of it than me. im not interested in doing it."
- he spoke frankly about the fact that wwe is a billion dollar company, run by an alleged genius, filled with adults, and they were talking about pooper-scoopers, and how ridiculous it sounds.
- after the pooper-scooper joke was removed, vince took the gas mask comment literally and tried to make jon go out with a surgical match. eventually, it was talked down to the hankerchief that made it into the final cut of the promo.
- vince once mentioned how jon had so much creative license, to which jon remarks: "what creative license? what creative license do I have? i do exactly what you tell me and its terrible crap. thats not creative license."
- he booked it immediately after the show, got into the hotel, and immediately thought (after thinking that he needed a drink) that the entire segment was a waste of time because they got nothing done, and he didnt get why everyone was celebrating afterwards. he remarked that after doing six promos in one night, he couldnt say what the story was, who the characters were, and that the angle was dead, if it wasnt already.
- jericho agreed that the creative process of going through vince is awful and that it burns you out and that, at the end of the night, the match was the easy part.
- jon was never scared of getting fired for being outspoken, because he still did the work. if he couldnt convince vince that it wasnt a good idea, hed go out and try hard to make it good.
- jon woke up to a text from a writer describing the vaccine segment, and he responded that he "fucking hated it" and the writer texted back "yeah, i know".
- by the time he showed up to the building, word had gotten out that he wasnt happy with the vaccine promo. vince knew jon wasnt happy and called him to his office to reassure him that the bit wasnt comedic, and that its good stuff and its well written and would get him so much heat. he explains all of this while laughing, immediately proving that it is comedic, and said there was no props involved, to which jon replied "then whats with the actor we hired to play the doctor or the giant syringe? are those not props?"
- jon was ***EXTREMELY*** uncomfortable making comments about romans leukemia, and didnt even want to say the lines that got on tv, and sounded audibly pissed off when talking about it. when he confronted vince, vince said that roman needs to be in the story, that dean turned on both roman and seth, and that roman is a key part of the story.
- both jericho and jon then talk briefly about the 'vince jedi mind trick', where he makes things seem better than they actually are, and jon fell victim to it in that promo despite considering himself to be immune. he immediately regretted the lines as soon as he said them.
- there was a line in a promo talking about romans cancer that jon refused outright to say, and wouldnt even say it on the episode. all he said is that the wwe wouldve lost sponsors (esp the susan g. komen sponsorship) and someone (likely him) wouldve gotten fired. vince tried to convince him to say the lines but he absolutely refused and it was a matter of "ok i guess youre not comfy bc its roman" and not "its extremely offensive" with vince agreeing to not force the promo. jon then said it wouldnt have mattered to vince anyways bc he wouldnt have been blamed for it, and it wouldve been jon who took all of the heat. he then makes a comment in case whoever was responsible for the promo was listening:
- jons wanted to leave wwe since july 2018, and almost walked out after an episode of raw during his heel turn due to creative frustrations.
- jon wanted to return from injury as a completely new heel character. he brought this up to vince twice - once in february, when they thought hed be cleared for wrestlemania 34, and once in july, before his actual return.
- in february, vince had stated that they could do what jon wanted to do. the story changed by july due to them advertising the shield for the aus super showdown and not wanting to take them off the billing.
- they then wanted him to return as seths buddy in his corner for summerslam. jon wanted to return at summerslam as a surprise, and vince had an original plan for him to show up at the go home show for summerslam and just,,, be there, but agreed to go with jons plan.
- the week of summerslam, a writer contacted jon while he was training with joey mercury and cody hawk in cincinnati that he was, in fact, showing up at the go home show for vinces original plan. essentially, vince lied to him to sedate him because jon says he was extremely outspoken about everything. he managed to talk vince and the writers into putting a little bit of action into the go home show.
- jon hated the line that seth said to announce his return ("since you have a scottish psycopath, i ought to have a lunatic in mine"), which was entirely a line planted by the creative team and wasnt the fault of jon or seth. he felt like it muddled the crowd reaction and the pop bc everyone was reacting in different ways and he thought they shouldve just played the music because "how can you screw that up?"
- hes been creatively frustrated since 2016 on smackdown.
- by the time he left the company, he hated the character of dean ambrose and couldnt look at himself in the mirror.
- they tried burying dean with the nia storyline and squash matches, but fans loved him so much that vince saw dollar signs and pushed for the shield reunion tour. if it wasnt for fans being behind him, jon wouldve been mercilessly buried.
- aew was not his main reason for leaving. originally, he wanted to go back to czw or the indies. he wouldve left the company no matter what - even if no other promotions existed, he wouldve left and created his own promotion.
- jon described feeling severe symptoms of depression during his last few months, to the point where he couldnt motivate himself to get out of bed or go to the gym or do anything. he even looked up symptoms on webMD to confirm what he was feeling - jericho also confirmed it the second jon started talking about it.
- he outright stated that vince and the creative process and the shit vince had built around the wwe since 2002 is killing the company.
- he does not want to compete with wwe, he just wants to try and push them to improve the product and try and get vince to step back slightly and not micromanage so heavily.
- jon only got paid 500 bucks for the shields final chapter special, which is the same price that extras get on main shows and the same price that unused roster members get for just showing up and sitting in catering. jericho then brought up that during a house show street fight between him and ambrose, they both only got paid 750. 500 and 750 are bare minimum prices for just showing up - so they barely got paid for a dangerous gimmick match on a house show.
- jon and cody have been friends since before cody left wwe, and used to sit backstage and watch old wcw matches while getting ready for matches.
- he considers codys experience to be similar to his, and that they both experienced the same frustrations at different times.
- jon and jericho both agree that tony khan (CEO of aew) is the exact opposite of vince, and is a bigger wrestling fan than vince is. jericho then brings up that he doesnt see how vince can be a fan any longer because hes been doing it so long without a break. jon agreed and stated that vince is never gonna retire and is def gonna die in the chair, and how he just needs to step back a little bit.
- jericho brought up how jon broke the internet and jon practically jumped at the chance to tell the story.
- "king of social media, mic drop bitches." that is the line of the century im sorry.
- the inspo for the original mox teaser released on may first was inspired by the first venom teaser trailer.
- double or nothing was already planned to be moxs first appearance when the teaser dropped, and he had to keep it on the dl to make sure no dirtsheets reported it and no one advertised him to be there. he admitted he isnt tech-savvy and everyone who hes friends with who is belong to wwe, and the dude who helped him film the teaser was sick nick mondo.
- the trailer took two days to film and cost eight grand, but jon admits he wanted it to be quality and didnt care.
- while filming the trailer, vince texted him to try and extend his contract for the europe tour bc shield money. his response was that he was committed to a film project, which vince took as him filming a movie and not him filming the trailer.
- jon didnt tweet the trailer, he had a social media expert time it to where it released at exactly midnight through some techno shit with twitter.
- roman and seth knew how unhappy jon was in wwe and they were understandably sad to see him go but they wanted him to be happy.
- he talks about how he told seth he was leaving: seth had responded that he was super bummed out, and jon told him that he "is a wild animal, babe" and has been contained for too long. seth immediately agreed, saying it was the perfect analogy.
- the way he describes it kinda describes seth being more broken about jon leaving than roman, which also correlates with seths responses to questions about him leaving. do with that what you will, shippers.
- from now on, nothing is driven by money for him. everything is driven by trying to be the best he can be. he wants that for everyone: he wants his friends to be the best they can be, he wants his wife to be the best she can be, he wants the fans to be happy and everything, but his happiness is the most important thing.
- he feels more passionate about wrestling now, and describes it as his first love and his only love besides renee. the way he describes it reminds me of cm punk losing his passion due to wwe, and i feel like he wouldve ended up exactly like punk if he stayed any longer.
- his favorite part of the business is promos, and the scripted promos made him loathe it. aew gave him his passion for promos and wrestling back.
- he compares himself to the dentist elf from rudolph. his closing line is "if you're an elf and you wanna be a dentist, be a dentist." jericho edits in an audio clip from rudolph at the end and its great.
- jon is looking forward to working with legitimately everyone in aew and thinks of it as helping draw eyes to the product and to other lesser known talent, similar to jericho.
- he doesnt want a war, no matter how much he jokes about it. he just wants to show vince that the way he runs his show isnt the only way and it definitely isnt the right way.
- jon, speaking directly to vince: "your creative process sucks. fix it."
(i listened to the podcast in full three times, and i repeatedly replayed segments to confirm everything. if i missed something, lmk.)
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 5 years
Fairy Tail Unpopular Opinions
ok so. im taking this idea from @mika-milano bc their post was very well written, entertaining, and just a rly good idea. so check their post out!:) and thank u for the idea!
and now. a disclaimer.
so im 19 now. i started watching fairy tail when i was 14. this show has been very near and dear to me for a long time. it was one of the first anime i ever watched, and it has my favorite all time ship (gruvia ofc). also i would kind of be lying if i said that most of the reason i still keep up with the manga and show wasnt bc of gruvia. bc it is lol. but. it DEFINITELY has its flaws. and here r some of my opinions on them.
1. so much doesnt make sense
ok listen lol. i think we can all say that its kind of obvious when mashima hasnt thought things through or just pulls things out of his ass out of nowhere. i dont wanna go too in detail about this because if im being honest, there is a lot that i just flat out don't remember. what i can remember is that as the story continued to go on, things seemed to make less and less sense.
2. the best arc is the tower of heaven arc
wow ok. i cant really tell u why i love this arc so much. but i do. im not even a jerza or erza stan (i love them both, but like not my fav pairing or character by any means). but idk. something about this arc was so intriguing, intense, emotional, and just enjoyable to watch. seeing the depths of erza's background and her relationship with her past, jellal, natsu, and the rest of the guild was just amazing. idk why this arc sticks out so much to me, but it really does.
3. lisanna shouldve stayed dead
now this one isnt even bc i hate lisanna or anything. i like lisanna! i even like nali! (not as much as nalu but still). her death had such a great impact on her siblings, natsu, and the rest of the guild and watching them all have to grow past it was incredible (especially for mira and elfman!). and then they just brought her back. not only did they bring her back, but they brought her back for NO REASON! she just became another side character! when she came back to life she had no further impact on ANYTHING! and it made the whole "natsu's childhood love/bestfriend" thing seem so much less important and way more fake.
4. more ppl jus shouldve died overall
with this one im mostly just talking about makarov. but still. waaaay too much death bating. like they died and then magically came back to life. too much of it. felt like nothing was ever really at stake. im saying this but like if juvia had actually stayed dead i would have thrown a FIT lol
5. i wanted more of cana and gildarts
thats it. all i really have to say ab this one. they r cute and i wanted to see more<3
6. juvia is underrated
ok now i am SUPER fucking biased lmao. bc juvia is the BEST character in fairy tail imo. but like come on! she's beautiful, loving, smart, sweet, powerful, funny, badass! shes perfect! and shes waaaay stronger than everyone thinks she is smh. clearly she is the best choice to stan.
7. lucy is overrated
ok look. i like lucy! kind of! idk man shes smart and nice and cute but like. not as powerful as everyone thinks. she's definitely one of the most developed in terms of her strength FOR SURE but still. not very strong. and her character just aint for me:/ sorry!
8. levy should be a lot stronger than she's portrayed
it seems like for some reason since shes small that also means shes weak, but like, that just aint it. solid script magic should be really sick and she should kick ass way more than she does especially for how smart she is but no. mashima always makes her the helpless one:/ rly sad bc i like levy a lot and ik she could be way more badass.
9. the only ship that i rly just flat out hate is gr*ylu.
like nali? i like them! nerza? fine! grayza? also dont like and are second to gr*ylu but i mean i dont have a fiery hatred! lyvia? cool! gratsu? sure! all of them i can get behind in some way ahape or form but i just HATE gr*ylu. idk why i hate them so much but i just really do lol.
10. fairy tail's old animation was way better
while i do think every character got like way more attractive with the new animation, the rest is just bad. not nearly as pretty, crisp, consistent, or colorful. its just blah. sorry sis thats the tea.
ok so there r 10 unpopular ft opinions! please dont yell at me lol! if u wanna have a discussion, we can discuss but these r just my opinions! thank u!:)❤️
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georgialouisea · 6 years
Meant To Be - Part 9
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Pairing - Jared x Reader, Jensen x Sister Reader. Word count -1079 Warnings - Fluff, swearing.
Part 8 - Masterlist
Life in Vancouver was amazing, life with Jared was beyond amazing.
Ever since you were little you’d hated being the one singled out, you hated being the new girl, moving school or getting a new job was your idea of hell. The girls at supernatural made you feel at home, they were honestly the nicest girls you’d ever met, they didn’t seem to care that your brother was one of the stars of the show.
“Did you manage to get that email out?” Jo asked shutting off her computer.
“Shit no, completely forgot.”
“Want me to stay and help?” She paused at your desk on the way out.
“No, it’s fine, I have the details written down somewhere, get home to your boyfriend.”
“Don’t you have to get home to yours?” She perched on the corner of your desk smirking down at you. You’d only ever given her and Lizzie small details and they were more than intrigued.
“He’s working late today, so I’m fine, go home and enjoy your date night.”
“You sure?”
“Positive Jo, go enjoy your weekend I’ll see you on Monday.”
“Enjoy your weekend Y/N.”
“You too JO.” Watching her leave the room your attention turned back to your screen.
“Y/N/N?” Jared whispered from the doorway behind you. “You ready to go home?”
Turning to face him your eyes adjusted to the lighting change. “What?”
“You done?”
“Give me like five minutes.” Turning back to the screen you finished up the email you should’ve sent 6 hours ago, trying to ignore Jared spinning himself around in a chair behind you. “Okay done.” Shutting down your computer you could finally head home with Jared.
“Baby?” Jared mumbled as he shifted on the couch.
“Yeah?” Looking up at him he paled slightly.
He sat up straighter. “Okay, I haven’t told you this yet but on Thursday I’m gonna be on Ellen.”
“Jare that’s amazing.”
“You might not think that in a few minutes.”
“You love me right?” He paused, nodding in response he smiled at you. “I want to tell everyone I am in love with the most beautiful, amazing, smartest, funniest woman I know, that you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I love you.”
Nodding you smiled up at him. “Okay, yeah, we’ll go official.”
“You’re sure?”
“I’m one million percent sure Padalecki.”
“Oh thank God.” His head dropped. “I thought you’d say no.”
“Why? When I love you.”
“I didn’t think you’d want people to know yet.”
“Jare, I’m tired of sneaking around trying to hide our relationship, let’s just tell everyone.”
“You’re sure?”
“So sure.” His arms wrapped around you.
“You’re happy with me announcing it on the Ellen show?”
“Yeah, I am, you have an interview and if you really want to talk about me it’s up to you.”
“I would talk about you every second of every day if I could.”
Jared’s flight back to LA was delayed due to bad weather, he’d planned to be home hours before his interview was aired. A knock at the door pulled your attention from the cereal advert, praying by some miracle it was Jared, opening the door Jensen stood in front of you.
“Why’re you here?”
“Because.” He took a step into your apartment closing the door behind himself. “I know what you’re like and as soon as people know you’re going to panic and Jared’s still in the air, so I’m here and we’re gonna watch it together.” He grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the couch.
“Mr Jared Padalecki!” Ellen introduced as the audience clapped and cheered.
Biting your lip you tried to suppress the smile as he waved at the audience.
“How are you?” Ellen asked as she sat opposite him.
“I’m great, how are you?”
Ellen nodded with a smile. “I’m good, you’re living up in Vancouver now aren’t you?”
“Yeah I am, it’s a lot colder up there than it is here in LA.”
“You’re up there filming for the new show Supernatural right?”
“Yeah.” He nodded. “I am.”
“So tell us what the show’s about.”
You watched Jared explain the premise of the show adding in little stories of his time on set with Jensen.
“Do you two get on well?”
“Yeah, we do, we’re both from Texas, we watch the same shows, listen to the same music, it’s been easy to get to know him.
“So it’s not uncomfortable playing his brother?”
“Nope, he already is like a brother to me.”
“That’s good to hear, now I have to ask, you’re a very attractive young man.” The audience whooped. “Alright.” She waved a hand trying to calm the women down as Jared chuckled. “Are you seeing anyone?”
Jared blushed, his head dropped trying to hide it. “I am actually, we’ve been together for nearly a year now, she’s amazing.”
“Will we know who she is? A fellow actor?”
“No actually she’s not an actress, she works on set behind the scene in the admin department, she’s so smart half the stuff she does I’d have no idea how to do.”
“Is she watching?”
“Yeah, she’ll be watching with Jensen.”
“Oh have they become close too?” She asked with a furrowed brow.
“No, well they’ve always been close, Y/N is Jensen’s sister.”
“Oh wow, is he okay with you dating his sister?”
“Yeah, I mean he’s said if I hurt her he’ll rip my lungs out.”
Ellen chuckled moving on with the interview.
“That wasn’t painful was it?” Jensen smiled down at you. “You okay?”
“Yeah everyone knows, everyone loves you on set this isn’t going to change anyone's opinion of you trust me.”
“I know.”
The front door opened behind you. “Hey.” Jared walked in dropping his bag by the door. “Have you seen it yet?”
“Yeah, we have.”
He walked around the couch to face you. “And are we still together?”
“Of course we are, why wouldn’t we be?” Looking up at him you punched Jensen’s thigh making him move up the couch so Jared could sit next to you.
“I haven’t seen it yet, I can’t remember what I said, I could’ve said something stupid.”
“Everything you said was perfect.”
Jared’s arm wrapped around you. “Good.” He took a shaky breath. “Good.”
“Were you actually worried that I’d leave you?”
“No.” He scoffed.
“There’s only one issue now.” Jensen sighed.
“Which is?”
“When Jared’s found with his lungs ripped out they’ll know I’ve done it.”
Part 10
Forever Taglist - 
@mega-loser1298 @smalltowndivaj @roxyspearing @emoryhemsworth @dwgrl1903 @cassieraider @mirandaaustin93 @mogaruke @heyitscam99 @mouselovesmusic @supernaturaldean67 @atc74 @witchofenoch @malindacath @skathan-omaha @ain-t-bovvered @beffyblueeyes @unicorn-sparkles123 @serienjunkiegirl @jchona @polina-93 @thefangirlliveson @rhochradel @juanitadiann @amandamdiehl @dixonsunicorn @deanzeppeloin @katieelementarymydearwatsonme @atlas-of-the-world @spnbaby-67 @chelsea072498 @dean-winchesters-bacon @racheo91 @mrswhozeewhatsis @death-unbecomes-you @brewsthespirit-blog @shann-the-artist-moon @team-free-will-you-idjits-67 @claitynroberts @spnwoman @angelsandwinchesters @smoothdogsgirl @cdwmtjb8 @perkypolarbear @thisismysecrethappyplace @tatertot1097 @jessieray98 @curly-haired-disaster @gh0stgurl @starfirerules @kcrews74 @calaofnoldor @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @screechingartisancashbailiff @malindacath @kolelondon24 @natura1phenomenon @thehufflepuffblog @lemondropirwin @babypink224221 @mariekoukie6661 @mymysosa @blackcherrywhiskey @lonely-skys @titty-teetee @foreverwayward @81mysteriouslyme @x-waywardaf-x  @blueberrykushlovexoxo-blog @paintballkid711
Meant to be -
@gh0stgurl @witch-of-letters @oneshoeshort @samuelwillliamwinchester @love-nakamura @spn-obession @holylulusworld @wayward-gypsy @heythereamigodude @rainbowkisses31 @deangirl7695 @traceyaudette @winchesterprincessbride @vickiq9761 @cdwmtjb8 @samsgirl93 @love-my-not-natural-babies @gloriousartisanfancreator @me-han10 @pretty-fortune @jamielea81 @the-is13 @kit-kat-katie99 @imaginationisgrowth @bitchwhytho @deansgirl79
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heartforheart532 · 6 years
THOS2: A weekend to never forget
So I promised I would give a coverage of my weekend at THOS2 as soon as I would get my HD pictures in. I just got them today so I’ve decided to share my story with you guys finally! It’ll be quite a long post so if you’re interested in hearing about me meeting the best cast there is on this planet feel free to continue reading! :)
So this was my first convention ever so I was very curious to see how things would turn out. I was also very, very nervous to finally meet the amazing people who bring these characters to live so amazingly. So Saturday, our first day, started with an opening panel where the casts greets us and everything and shortly after the OPS were beginning. So the first block was Matt, Harry, Jade and Will. I had Matt and Harry first (and to be honest I was the most nervous to meet those two so that didn’t really ease my nerves. xD).
Meeting Harry Shum Jr So I was told to go to Harry first and boy, I was shaking in my shoes about how nervous I was meeting him. Photo ops go very quick so in no time it was my turn to take a picture with him and my heart was just beating out of my chest but when I saw him, he just smiled at me and greeted me with a hug and immediately asked me “Hi! How are you doing?’’ and I could talk with him without even stuttering. Like, one hug and all my previous worries about being nervous just flew out the window. He was so sweet and patient with me and I am forever thankful I got the opportunity to meet this man. They day after I met him at the autographe and I had bought him an omamori and I’ll never forget our little conversation we had when I walked up to the table for the autograph session. He asked me how I was doing, if I still had some energy after these tiring two days and even danced with me a little! (Well he danced a bit in his chair but still, AHH) His reaction when he saw the omamori was the cutest thing ever. “An omoari! Oeeh, thank you so much!’’ (Also when he saw our picture he casually said, “Oh yeah I remember you!’’ and I was screaming on the inside.)
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Meeting Matthew Daddario So, after my photoshoot with Harry on the saturday, I immediately queued for Matt’s line in the room where the photo’s were taken. At this point I was a little nervous again because... hello it’s Matt. When I was behind the curtain where Matt took his pictures I could hear him go; “Guys I look ridiculous! I am gonna look ridiculous in these pictures!’’ And at first I thought maybe it were some girls wanting to do some cosplay with hum but NOPE, he was worried about his hat hair! (He wore a cap when he came in during the opening panel and clearly was asked by the crew at the beginning of his photo session to take it off. He later but it back on. xD) So, it was my turn and I walk up to him, give him a hug (which holy shit they all give amazing hugs) and the usual “how are you doing chat’’. So we take out picture and as I’m about to leave (you’re not allowed to hang around for very long) he turns to me and goes “Does my hair look ridiculous to you?’’ and I blink at first and then am like; “What? No! No you look fine, Matt!’’ And he continues to be like “I should’ve done something with it.’’ and I literally stare him dead in the eyes and say: “Matt, you look beautiful.’’ and he FUCKING SMILED AND SAID “Aw, thanks!’’ Yeah no, I was an emotional dead mess after that. Later on this day I had an autographe session with him where I gave him a self made omamori. He was very clearly tired and had a long day behind him so I didn’t want to take up much of his time. I gave him the omamori (which he loved by the way) but forgot to tell him I actually had made it myself. So the next day I had another autographe session and op with him. Because the queue for his op was so long this time there was not much time for small talk, I gave him a hug again and we did the parabatai op which I loved because OH DAMN HE STARES STRAIGHT INTO YOUR SOUL AND THEN HAS THE AUDICITY TO SMIRK AT YOU. ANyways so later on that sunday I had my last autogrpahe session which was him and got my friend an autographe from him. So he asked me about my friend and I told him about her where after I gave him the letter I asked him if he remembered me giving him the omamori. “Yeah! The tiny one right?’’ and so I explained that I made it myself and he was very surprised about that and when I gave him the letter I said that everything was written in there and he went like “Wait, lemme write omamori on it. That way I know it’s from you!’’ after that I said my goodbyes to him and a friend of mine who was stillin line offered a shoulder to cry upon because I was so emtionally overwhelmed :’) But yeah, Matthew Daddario is an angel and I feel so blessed I have met him. 
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Let me start off with the fact that Alberto is a Gryffindor and I am a Gryffindor. Last Christmas my friend had gifted me a Gryffindor scarf so... I took that with me to the con. So when I had my op with him (I had two in one row) I wrapped the scarf around his neck and told him “You can borrow it for today.’’ And his eyes just... widened in surprise and he was like “Oh, thank you. This is so cool.’’ So we did a pose with the scarf and then a regular hug pose afterwards. Later that saturday I also had an autographe with him so naturally, I decided I wanted him to sign the gryffindor op! This entire exchange owns my heart. Alberto Rosende is the kindest soul I have ever met and I only love him more after this convention. So when it was my turn for his autographe he was eating some sweets and I playfully asked him if they were good. He  was like “Yeah! Do you want some?’’ They were lemon napoleons AND I DO NOT SAY NO TO SOUR CANDY. So I gave him the picture of us and at first he wrote my name; “Anja. That’s a really pretty name. I love that name.’’ I think I blushed bright red at that lol. Then he saw the op and he gasped and before he even started writing I was like; “Gryffindor’s for life!’’ he stops all movements and was like: “I WAS GONNA WRITE THAT!’’ And we high fived and aahhh my heart was screaming with happiness. So when he had signed my photo I gave him an envelope with a letter and a tiny gift. He looked at me and was like; “Can I open it now?’’ And I was like, yes of course! So he opened it and he smiled so big when he saw the bas guitar keychain I got him. It reminded me of him as well as of Simon so I figured it would be a perfect gift for him. He told me he loved it and honestly, he made my entire day with this exchange. :’’)
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Meeting Emeraude, Kat and Dom + the autographes with Jade and Will So these three ops and autographes went quite fast so I’ve decided to put them under one headline lol. With Jade and Will I only had an autographe.
I had two autographes with Kat on the saturday, one for me and one for a friend. Her throat was very sore from when she was in Australia so I talked and laughed about that bit with her and then she was asking me how I liked the convention and such. Her op was super rushed, it was in and out in the snap of a fingers but she was an angel. 
Emeraude was an absolute sweetheart. I talked a bit at the autographe with her about the con as well and then sunday we had our photo op. So I wanted to do the parabatai pose with her and Eme being Eme she was a bit confused which one it was but I showed her and she was like “Oh right! Well as you know I don’t have a parabatai but now you are my first one!’’ “Well I’m very honored to be!’’ She was gorgeous in real life and such a joy to talk with and see at panels.
Dom’s ops were a bit rushed as well but I had the chance to talk to him a bit and gah, his accent in real life. fuck man. Will’s accent too by the way. Shit. I’ve had my doubts about meeting Dom after everything that happened and had been struggling with this decision for the remaining eight months but decided to just do it since I already spend money on the photo op. During his autographe we talked baout my name and The Netherlands and how our J’s sound different, I found it funny he picked up on that xD.
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Will was such a fucking pleasure to talk with and he was adorable. Hours before the autographe session he had a panel with Harry that I witnessed and so I had something to talk about with him. That panel was seriously everything. 
Jade was a real sweetheart. He was talking in French at first but when he noticed I spoke English he did that (which I think is amazing, speaking French with the local fans) this was on the sunday and at the end of the event so we just talked about the weekend we had and that he was such a sweetheart.
For the rest I have an op with the Lightwood family and the Shumdario duo with one of my best friends and parabatai!
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And basically that was my weekend! i ha the most amazing time with this incredible cast and met the best firends and mutuals in real life that I could’ve ever asked for. 
And no matter how much I miss them at this point, I know I’ll see some of them back again at THOS3! (Whihc I got a pass for again and I can’t wait!)
If you read this far I applaud you! xD Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoyed this story!
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doggonneit · 7 years
The Last Red Scribble | Part 2/2
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Pairing/Characters: Kuroo/Tsukishima, Shimizu
Rating: T for Teen
Warnings: Abortion reference
A.N. This is the final part of the KuroTsuki Gift Exchange 2017, written for @moonislander on Tumblr. Hope you enjoy!
Italics is Tsukishima. Bold is Kuroo.
[Read on AO3]
Tuesday PM
(11:02) so i might be dumb
(11:05) If you have the mental capacity to figure that out, you paradoxically can’t be that dumb.
(11:06) i might not play in the match on thurs (11:06) i punched a guy
(11:07) Why the fuck would you do that.
(11:08) im a rational guy (11:08) but when things happen (11:09) they happen
(11:10) I changed my mind. (11:10) I’m not letting Tobio anywhere near you. You are the worst role model for him.
(11:10) hear me out (11:11) its good i swear
(11:12) …
(11:12) so at practice this newbie kept staring at akaashi (11:12) creepy but harmless (11:12) but then the dudes hand started wandering (11:13) so i socked him in the jaw (11:13) gotta keep the bros boyfriend safe right
(11:15) I’m sure Akaashi appreciates it.
(11:16) nah but bokuto did lololol
(11:16) The question is, how many laps did your coach make you run?
(11:17) dude i ran till i hurled (11:17) make me feel better? (11:17) *sad face emoji*
(11:20) The newly discovered dinosaur fossils in China have changed the way scientists understand the evolution of feathers.
(11:22) huh (11:22) not quite what i had in mind but cool
(11:23) It’s my job.
(11:23) youre a geneticist who collects dino dna from amber (11:23) YOURE GOING TO BRING THEM BACK
(11:23) I’m a research assistant.
(11:24) doesnt mean you dont know how
(11:24) Amber DNA is too deteriorated for any type of resurrection.
(11:24) but if you could (11:25) would you
(11:25) Yes.
(11:26) million dollar question which dino though
(11:27) Velociraptor, duh.
(11:27) not a t rex?
(11:28) T-rexes were lumpy potatoes with useless arms. (11:28) Velociraptors had claws on their hind legs for disembowelling prey. (11:28) You tell me which one’s superior.
(11:29) youre so fired up its great (11:29) keep talking dinos to me
(11:31) I would but I have articles to type up before tomorrow.
(11:31) what an aDULTY ADULT (11:31) doing his JOB AND HAVING PROSPECTS
(11:33) Do you mock young and successful people because it temporarily alleviates the worthlessness you feel on a daily basis?
(11:35) savage af
(11:35) :))))
(11:35) i never shouldve went to uni (11:36) dietetics then sports med? (11:36) regret tastes like ash in my mouth (11:36) fucking murder me
(11:37) That was very poetic.
(11:38) you like poetry?
(11:38) I don’t mind it.
(11:39) hypothetically (11:39) could bad poetry seduce you
(11:40) Hypothetically (11:40) No.
(11:40) damn
(11:41) I bet you’re the type of person to fall for sappy crap like that.
(11:41) damn right (11:41) in elementary school a girl wrote me a poem (11:42) we dated all the way from recess to lunch
(11:43) Your longest relationship, huh?
(11:44) all from a shitty roses are red poem (11:44) i bet you can do better (11:45) seduce me o seductive seducer
(11:47) Congratulations, I have literally never been less turned off in my entire life.
(11:48) to reiterate (11:48) 1. i am dumb (11:48) 2. regret tastes like ash in my mouth
(11:49) Mmm. (11:50) You know what else tastes like ash? (11:51) *image attached*
(11:53) oh baby (11:54) you could never taste like regret (11:54) now take that cigarette out of your mouth
(11:54) Yes, daddy.
(11:55) hjlfkllkkl (11:56) okay i need you to stop fucking with me its bad for my heart
(11:56) :)))))
Wednesday PM
(8:13) tsukki you cant just do that
(8:14) Do what?
(8:14) i almost rolled into an early grave
(8:14) I have no idea what you’re talking about.
(8:14) do you know what its like to turn around and see the brightest blueberry eyes in the entire universe
(8:15) Oh, you mean Akiteru taking Tobio to the recreation centre?
(8:16) Tobio said he had a lot of fun. (8:16) I’ve never seen him so animated before.
(8:17) your son is adorable (8:17) i dont have favourites but hes my favourite
(8:17) Don’t spoil him.
(8:18) no promises (8:18) your blueberry son is everything that is good and pure in this world (8:18) im so proud of you
(8:19) Me??
(8:19) well you made him
(8:19) You must’ve slept through Biology in high school because making a child is a two-person job.
(8:20) clearly tobio got his good looks from you
(8:20) We literally look nothing alike.
(8:21) are you telling me tobio has two beautiful parents (8:21) lies (8:22) pics or it didnt happen
(8:22) ...
(8:23) i just realised how that sounded (8:23) and i in no way meant to ask you for a picture of you sleeping with tobios mother
(8:27) I have never (8:27) Laughed so hard in my entire life (8:28) I choked on my fucking tea.
(8:28) whoopsss
(8:29) But since you asked (8:29) *image attached*
(8:29) please dont tell me thats actually a pic of you two fucking (8:29) because i would be really weirded out
(8:30) That’s not a picture of us fucking.
(8:30) im trusting you okay (8:31) OH MY GOODNESS (8:31) AHAHAHAHAH (8:31) SHE IS SO BEAUTIFULLL
(8:31) She gets that a lot.
(8:32) im having a hard time trying to figure out if im jealous of you or her
(8:32) No point. We’re not together.
(8:33) i figured if you were you wouldve said something earlier (8:33) so let me guess (8:33) she cheated on you
(8:34) No.
(8:35) you cheated on her
(8:35) No. (8:35) Do I look like a cheater?
(8:35) hey i dont stereotype
(8:35) There was no cheating. Just unfortunate circumstances.
(8:36) one night stand accidental baby?
(8:36) Yeah, close enough.
(8:37) thats tough (8:37) it happened to my older sister too (8:37) but she ended up marrying the guy (8:37) they were like fuck yeah lets be a family (8:38) so now im the proud uncle of a literal ball of snot
(8:39) That was Akiteru when he held Tobio for the first time. (8:39) He couldn’t stop crying. (8:39) It was gross.
(8:40) dude was holding the future in his hands (8:40) of course he was crying
(8:40) You cried when you held your literal ball of snot for the first time, didn’t you?
(8:41) You need to be a level five friend to unlock my tragic backstory.
(8:41) well okay (8:41) what level am i at now
(8:43) Zero.
(8:44) what (8:44) how can you say that (8:44) we had an anniversary (8:44) your brother loves me (8:45) your son adores me
(8:45) My brother what now.
(8:45) did i forget to mention?? (8:46) we bonded over vball (8:46) now were texting buddies (8:46) we talk about you ALL THE TIME
(8:48) You’re lying. (8:48) Akiteru would never do that to me.
(8:48) you had a dinosaur nightlight until you were eleven
(8:49) … (8:49) Excuse me. (8:49) I have a murder to commit.
(8:49) tell akiteru i said hi!!
Thursday AM
(9:24) You’re… Bokuto. The Bset Freind Foreber.
(9:25) Even after he punched that guy in the face?
(9:26) I’m impressed. Good job.
(9:26) WE’RE RARIGN TO GO (9:26) LOOK AT US WE LOOKS O GOOD (9:27) *image attached*
(9:27) Yeah, you blurs look really good.
(9:27) OKAY OKAY WAIT (9:28) *image attached* (9:28) AKAASGHHI TOOK TAHT ONE (9:28) AWESOME AYYY
(9:29) Are those (9:29) Sleeveless red jerseys (9:29) ?  
(9:30) *image attached*
(9:30) ...
(9:30) I
(9:31) LOOKGNI SEXY SMEZY RIGHT (9:31) ;)))))))))
(9:32) No.
(9:32) Go warm up before your match.
(9:32) IM TELLIGN KUROO!!!!!!
Thursday PM
(3:16) a lil birdie told me (3:16) youre into (3:16) BICEPS
(3:17) It’s a lie.
(3:17) so this does nothing for you (3:17) *image attached*
(3:17) ...
(3:17) oikawa and akaashi (3:18) slender and toned specimens (3:18) 7.5/10
(3:18) You have got to be kidding me.
(3:18) dont be shy no judgement here (3:18) *image attached* (3:18) terushima and ushiwaka (3:19) terushimas built but ushiwakas got power going (3:19) 8/10 and 9/10
(3:19) I can’t believe you right now.
(3:19) *image attached* (3:19) these are bokutos (3:19) amazing right my boy is STACKED (3:20) 10/10
(3:19) Please stop.
(3:20) the real killers though (3:20) *image attached* (3:20) IWAIZUMI (3:21) look at that (3:21) he could choke me and id thank him 12/10
(3:22) Are you done with the meat parade?
(3:22) just one more (3:22) *image attached* (3:22) ME (3:23) what do you think??
(3:23) I’m not stroking your already inflated ego.
(3:24) i know for a fact youre not a blushing virgin (3:24) now stop being shy and rate me
(3:24) You’re ridiculous. (3:24) Fine. (3:24) Solid muscle. Good definition. (3:24) 9/10  
(3:25) only 9?? (3:25) im hurt im insulted (3:25) would it make a difference if i used a filter
(3:26) Why not.
(3:26) *image attached*
(3:26) Superb musculature, clearly the result of endless hours of hard work. (3:26) 10/10  
(3:26) i knew it (3:27) i gotta go rub this in oikawas face (3:27) he will rue the day he ever thought he was better built than me (3:27) text later okay
(3:27) Kuroo.
(3:27) yes dear
(3:27) You forgot to tell me. (3:28) Did you win the match?  
(3:28) YEAH LOL
(3:28) Congratulations.
(3:28) thanks babe (3:28) the thought of you kept me going strong (3:28) *heart eyes emoji*
Friday PM
(10:23) i wondered what’d gotten tsukki so riled up (10:23) and then i saw all the biceps (10:23) loolllll  
(10:25) im intrigued (10:25) who is this mysterious person with tsukkis phone
(10:25) ahh i’m yamaguchi (10:25) tsukki’s best friend (10:26) i may or may not have borrowed his phone when he wasn’t looking  
(10:26) devious (10:26) i like it
(10:26) ur going to like this a lot more
(10:26) oho?
(10:26) it’s friday night (10:27) which means it’s karaoke night (10:27) with everyone from work  
(10:27) there wouldnt happen to be (10:27) alcohol (10:27) involved would there
(10:28) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(10:28) you bring great news friend (10:28) so what do i need to sacrifice to get a vid of tsukki (10:28) doing a drunken rendition of my heart will go on
(10:29) that’s a big request (10:29) tsukki hates performing (10:19) especially to cliches  
(10:30) okay but you do have the ability to make him to do so
(10:30) that depends on what ur willing to sacrifice
(10:30) you ARE devious (10:30) all right what do you want
(10:32) ur number and ur firstborn
(10:33) im devoted to tsukki just saying (10:33) firstborn no problem
(10:33) i want ur number bc i want to keep u accountable (10:33) not bc i’m interested in u, u loser  
(10:34) i can see why you two are best friends
(10:34) we have a deal??
(10:34) fuck yeah lets go
(10:34) gimme fifteen minutes (10:34) tsukki’s already tipsy on strawberry daiquiris  
(10:34) this is gonna be so good (10:34) lets go lets go lets go
(10:53) i am (10:53) a GOD (10:53) *video attached*  
(10:57) AHAHAHAHA (10:57) this is (10:57) the second best day (10:57) of my life (10:57) omg is this real its beautiful
(10:58) he is SO BAD, RIGHT
(10:58) is he better sober
(10:59) no but he can rap sober
(11:00) are you fucking with me
(11:01) nopee
(11:01) what do i need to sacrifice to see that
(11:01) u couldn’t afford it (11:02) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  
(11:02) worth a shot (11:02) youre a true bro anyway
(11:03) why thank yoyiijkpll
(11:03) you okay bud
(11:03) What teh fuck
(11:03) tsukki?? (11:04) babe (11:04) so me and your bestie bonded too
(11:04) Waht the actual fuvk (11:04) I’m too drukn to typpe (11:04) You fuckign pick up whenm I call  
(11:05) wait what
Mysterious Phone Man Tsukki is calling…
“Uhh… hello?”
“I… I am going to… gouge your eyes out.”
“Holy shit, you’re slurring. You’re soo drunk.”
“Hi, Kuroo!”
“Shut up, Yamaguchi.”
“Sorry, Tsukki!”
“Kuroo, you shit. I sh… should’ve known you’d do something like this.”
“Hey, Yamaguchi was the one who filmed you!”
“Ohh no, don’t blame me, you enabler!"
“You know what, I’m not even sorry. That was wicked. Oh my god, I’m definitely in love.”
“What a complete dick… hole.”
“Aw babe, you’re so eloquent when you’re drunk. What did Yamaguchi give you, hmm?"
“Fucking disgush-- disgusting.”
“Then why’d you drink it, you dork?”
“Don’t forget you owe me, Kuroo!”
“Gonna kill you both.”
“I dare you. Come to Tobio’s practice tomorrow and we’ll have a fucking throwdown.”
“I’m going to be so hungover.”
“I double dare you.”
"Fucking… fine.”
“Wow, Kuroo. You’re really good at riling Tsukki up, you know that?”
“It’s a special talent. Now you boys enjoy the rest of your night. I’m going to watch that rendition one more time and laugh myself to sleep.”
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
“Aww, you guys.”
Saturday AM
Mysterious Phone Man Tsukki  is calling…
“Uh-oh. Am I in trouble?”
“I fucking hate you.”
“Soo… your head is pulsing, your throat is parched and you want to die in a hole?"
“I was unconscious. Unable to feel pain. Now I’m back in the world of the living.”
“Don't be mad. If you drag your ass down to the rec centre, I’ll get coffee for you.”
“Is that a yes?”
“Large black.”
“Black coffee? Are you serious?”
“It matches my soul.”
“O-kay, anything else?”
“Strawberry muffin.”
“Your soul confuses me.”
“And something for Tobio.”
“No shit, duh. Akiteru?”
“He can starve.”
“Still haven’t forgiven him for telling me about the dinosaur nightlight, huh?”
“And I’ll never forgive you if you bring it up again.”
“Bring what up again?”
“Good boy.”
“Can we revisit that conversation about kinks again?”
Saturday AM
(9:47) ive got coffee and muffins (9:47) hot chocolate for tobio (9:47) and a latte for akiteru bc im not an ass
(9:52) Fuck.
(9:52) i know youre mad at akiteru but no need to get hissy
(9:52) It’s not that. (9:52) We can’t make it to practice anymore.  
(9:53) ????
(9:53) Tobio’s mother is here.
(9:53) whoaa what
(9:53) I’m really sorry. (9:53) Especially since you bought breakfast. (9:54) I’ll pay you back.  
(9:54) dont worry about it lol (9:54) ill share it with the other guys
(9:54) Are you mad?
(9:55) kinda disappointed but not at you (9:55) its not your fault
(9:55) I really am sorry. (9:56) I need to go, but I’ll text you later okay?  
(9:56) no need to stress (9:57) practice is about to start anyway
Saturday PM
(1:28) Are you free to talk now?
(1:29) kuroos sperm bank (1:29) you squeeze em we freeze em
(1:29) That is disgusting.
(1:30) tsukki its time for the talk you never got when you hit puberty (1:30) what you must realise is that masturbation is healthy and natural
(1:30) We are not having this conversation. Ever.
(1:31) babe dont be embarrassed (1:31) one day youll have to have the same convo with tobio lololol
(1:31) Please don’t remind me.
(1:31) you doing okay
(1:32) I’ve had a shitty morning.
(1:33) id also be in a bad mood if i were hungover and my ex showed up uninvited
(1:33) She’s not (1:33) Whatever.  
(1:33) not... your ex?
(1:34) She can’t be my ex if we never went out.
(1:34) idk you had a one night stand with her
(1:34) It’s complicated.
(1:35) have i reached level five friend yet
(1:35) …
(1:35) im here to listen
(1:37) I guess you might be a level five friend.
(1:37) hell yeah
(1:37) I can’t believe this. I don’t even know you.
(1:38) im hurt (1:38) you just blessed me as your level five friend
(1:40) I don’t know where to start.
(1:40) lets start small (1:40) howd you meet her
(1:40) Shimizu was my senior in high school. (1:40) We weren’t close but we kept in touch after she graduated. (1:40) Study tips and stuff like that.  
(1:41) thats cute (1:41) sounds innocent
(1:41) It wasn’t ever anything more than that. (1:42) We just (1:43) There’s a lot to learn about yourself when you’re a teenager. (1:43) And we thought we could help each other out.  
(1:44) seems like you two trusted each other a lot
(1:44) We did. (1:44) Do. (1:44) But there was never a relationship. (1:45) We slept together but neither of us really wanted it.  
(1:46) what do you mean?
(1:46) I’m gay. (1:46) Shimizu’s ace. (1:46) We both cried afterwards. (1:47) Pathetic, right.  
(1:47) i dont think thats pathetic at all (1:47) you bared your vulnerabilities to each other (1:47) and learned something about yourselves in the process (1:48) it takes a lot of courage to do something like that
(1:49) I guess.
(1:50) so tobio was the result of that huh
(1:50) Yeah. (1:50) It was bad. (1:50) Our families were so pissed at each other. (1:51) They talked about abortion and marriage and all that shit.  
(1:51) i dont envy you at all (1:51) that mustve been a complete shit storm and a half
(1:51) Shimizu and I considered a platonic marriage. (1:52) But we didn’t want to do something neither of us wanted again.
(1:52) so wedding nay but baby yay
(1:52) Tobio lived with Shimizu. (1:52) Until she got a job offer in America. (1:53) She thought a new country would’ve been too much for him. (1:53) You know how that turned out.
(1:54) stomping sandcastles and chucking buckets (1:54) i still think tobios a champ
(1:55) Dickwad.
(1:55) i love you too babe (1:55) but seriously you and tobio have been doing a lot better (1:56) hes talking to you and his teacher said he was playing with other kids
(1:56) Tobio had (1:56) He’d settled. (1:56) He’d looked at me. (1:57) But one glance at Shimizu today and (1:58) It was like I didn’t exist again. (1:58) Fuck. (1:58) I can’t do this.  
(1:58) hey hey hey (1:58) tobio was just excited to see his mum (1:58) four months right (1:59) he wouldve missed her like crazy (1:59) he wants kisses and cuddles (1:59) doesnt mean hes forgotten his old man
(2:00) First of all, I’m not old.
(2:02) ... (2:02) second of all??
(2:02) I don’t have a second of all.
(2:03) LOLOLOL
(2:03) Shut up, I’m emotional right now.
(2:03) naww babe (2:03) youre just overthinking things (2:03) talk to tobio (2:03) hes five but he understands shit (2:04) tell him you love him just as much as his mum does (2:04) then throw in a vball reference or something idk
(2:04) You’re so helpful.
(2:04) even if tobio doesnt understand everything (2:04) verbalising will help sort out your emotions
(2:05) I thought you were doing Sports Medicine, not Psychiatry.
(2:05) i am an old man with decades of wisdom
(2:05) There it is.
(2:05) what?
(2:06) i cant believe (2:06) i walked right into that one
(2:06) Lol.
(2:06) feeling better?
(2:07) Yeah. (2:07) Thanks for listening to me vent. (2:07) It did help clear my head.  
(2:08) thats what level five friends are for
(2:09) I’m still sorry about missing practice this morning. (2:09) Can I make it up to you?  
(2:09) how about (2:09) lets do this properly (2:10) and go on a real date
(2:11) I (2:11) You want that?  
(2:11) youre intelligent witty and hilarious (2:11) you love your son and would do anything for him (2:12) plus youre the most beautiful person ive ever seen (2:12) theres no reason i wouldnt want to
(2:12) Wow.
(2:12) thats a very lacklustre reaction
(2:13) No, I’m just (2:13) Surprised.
(2:13) good or bad surprised?
(2:13) Good surprised. (2:13) I didn’t expect you to be so straightforward.  
(2:14) i have literally been calling you babe and sweetheart and dear
(2:14) I thought flirtation was an integral part of your personality. (2:14) Am I wrong to assume you flirt with everyone?  
(2:14) well no (2:15) i joke around a lot (2:15) but i mean it with you (2:15) youre amazing in every way
(2:16) I really don’t know what to say to that.
(2:16) how does this sound (2:16) you me and tobio (2:16) at the park tomorrow (2:16) picnic and volleyball
(2:18) You’d want Tobio there?
(2:18) of course hes my favourite (2:18) and also because hes important to you
(2:18) Nice save.
(2:18) so picnic?
(2:18) Yeah. (2:18) I’d like that. (2:19) Tobio’s excited too. (2:19) He says he’ll help make riceballs.  
(2:19) Kuroo.
(2:19) uhh (2:20) wrong number (2:21) fuck it NO REGRETS
Sunday AM
(9:12) Hello, is this Kuroo?
(9:15) yeess (9:15) whos this
(9:17) My name is Shimizu Kiyoko.
(9:17) wait as in (9:17) tsukki and tobios shimizu??
(9:18) Yes.
(9:18) uhh hey (9:18) not that i dont want to talk to you (9:18) but why do you have my number
(9:19) I took it from Tsukishima’s phone. (9:19) Our last few conversations he mentioned your name and it piqued my curiosity.
(9:19) tsukki talks about me?
(9:20) He doesn’t think you’re a nuisance. (9:20) That’s very rare.
(9:20) what can i say (9:20) im charming when i want to be
(9:20) Tobio is quite taken with you. (9:21) That’s also very rare. (9:21) You’re the exception to the rule; I’m sure you understand why I’m curious.
(9:22) i guess but i dont know if theres much to say (9:22) we all just like volleyball
(9:22) Your influence helped smooth out their relationship.
(9:22) it wasnt much (9:22) i just mentioned vball and things went from there (9:22) it was all them
(9:23) You helped them find common ground in their lives. (9:23) I know how difficult it was for them beforehand.
(9:23) they wouldve figured things out eventually (9:23) theyre amazing as they are
(9:24) You sound fond of them.
(9:24) i am (9:24) tobios a good kid (9:24) and tsukki makes me laugh (9:24) mostly at my own expense (9:24) but i like that he doesnt hold back
(9:25) Tsukishima holds you in similar thoughts. (9:25) He’d never admit it but I know him well enough.
(9:25) so this conversation (9:25) are you basically sussing out whether or not im a piece of shit
(9:25) Yes.
(9:25) how am i doing so far
(9:27) You’re fine.
(9:27) oh thank god
(9:27) I don’t understand. You sound relieved?
(9:27) well youre tobios mum (9:27) and tsukki has a lot of respect for you (9:28) so your opinions pretty important
(9:30) I’m surprised. Not many others would consider that.
(9:31) idk it makes sense
(9:32) I’m glad Tsukishima found someone who accepts our unusual circumstances. (9:32) I was afraid my decision to keep Tobio would affect his future relationships.
(9:32) tsukki wouldnt care about people like that anyway (9:33) hed give tobio the world before he gave it to anyone else (9:33) but who wouldnt for a kid like that
(9:35) I think the same, but I may be biased.
(9:35) tobios earnest and hardworking (9:36) determined to challenge himself (9:36) you raised a good kid
(9:36) Thank you. That means a lot to me.
(9:36) its the truth (9:36) so i have passed your inspection or nah
(9:39) There’s a lot I want to say but I’ll keep it brief for both our sakes.
(9:39) yikes
(9:40) I care for Tsukishima and Tobio so much more than I can put into words. (9:40) I hope it means something that I think you’re good for them.
(9:41) oh (9:41) yeah (9:41) yeah it does (9:41) thanks (9:41) im not eloquent enough for this (9:42) but i care a lot for them too (9:42) and ill take care of them (9:42) for as long as theyll have me (9:42) for as long as youll let me
(9:44) I can see why Tsukishima and Tobio like you.
(9:44) tsukki only likes me for my biceps
(9:44) Funny. (9:44) Tsukishima is actually reading this over my shoulder.
(9:45) uh oh (9:45) is he sulking now
(9:45) A little bit. (9:45) He does have a weakness for muscles.
(9:46) I KNEW IT (9:46) AHAHAHAHAHA (9:46) hes never going to live this down
(9:47) Oh, I shouldn’t have let that slip. (9:47) Tsukishima’s mad at me now.
(9:47) bless his sensitive soul
(9:47) He’s telling Tobio to spike a ball into your face.
(9:48) what
(9:48) Tobio might actually do it.
(9:48) shimizu (9:48) i know were merely acquaintances (9:49) but help
(9:50) Strawberry shortcake. (9:50) It’s Tsukishima’s favourite.
(9:50) thats adorable (9:50) i owe you one
(9:50) Then take care of them. (9:50) Or I’ll take care of you.
(9:51) wh
(9:51) Have fun on your date. (9:51) Tobio will tell me all about it. (9:51) :)
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