#like that one teacher we all wish wouldn't see
lucidfairies · 7 months
science class [e.w]
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pairing: loser!ellie x cheerleader!reader
summary: when a new cheerleader arrives at ellie's college, face all dolled up and skirt-clad hips swaying, she all but wants to die.
warnings: smut, 18+ mdni, poc friendly, smoking, bottom!ellie, dom!fem!reader, tribbing, cunnilingus, nipple play, sorta thigh riding, overstim ‼️, ellie comes like five times
wc: 3.6k
top notes: I like accidentally made ellie sort of autistic but it's not my fault okay. also when I was writing this I was thinking abt how if this was a novel the reader would be black but I'm white so idk if I can like write that without like getting something wrong but sorry anyway
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sometimes ellie wished she was blind. she wished that she couldn't see pretty girls, because maybe then she wouldn't fall in love with everybody. especially you.
she was two weeks into her sophomore year of college when you showed up. immediately blinded by your beauty, she almost tripped down the hallway as you walked past, in a short little skirt, and a white shirt. your ponytail flicked as you walked by, meeting up with someone you knew already.
she knew she was fucked.
when she arrived at her class, she was astounded to see that you were sitting in the seat next to hers, chewing gum and typing on your computer with cute blue light glasses on. like it was nothing. like her world wasn't crashing down in front of her.
standing in the corner of the lecture room, she debated moving seats. there were plenty of open ones, but you chose the one next to her? how was she supposed to survive this class with a pretty girl next to her, observing everything she does?
the answer is, she wasn't going to.
she was simply going to perish from the sight of you, from being in your presence, because she certainly didn't deserve to be and-
"ellie, would you please sit down? you're creeping me out." her teacher said, and she shifted nervously, then sped to her seat with her gaze trained at the floor. "okay, let's dive in, shall we?"
and the lecture continued. like you weren't right there. she couldn't understand why everyone in the world wasn't looking at you right now, absolutely entrancing, the way you took cute aesthetic notes and reapplied your shiny clear lip gloss.
"ellie?" you said, hoping she truly answered to that. she turned, meeting your eyes with a nervous smile and rosey red cheeks. "hi. I'm y/n. I just wanted to tell you that I like your sweatshirt."
it was a ratty old thing that joel had given her years ago, with a faded queens logo and a hole in the armpit that she had to sew back together every time she washed the poor hoodie.
"it's nice to meet you," she said quietly, tucking back a piece of hair that had fallen into her face. she realized how strange she must've looked and stopped quickly, "my dad gave it to me when I was like 11. I've had it forever."
you giggled. you just fucking.. giggled. "you aren't one of those people who just wears it because it's cool though, right?" ellie shook her head violently.
"no, I love their music. I wish I was born in the eightees so I could've listened to them live and.. yeah. I really like them." she turned away from you ever so slightly, nervously over talking and terrified that she was embarrassing herself.
"hey, you're good. I wish I was too. my favorite song is probably back chat, but keep yourself alive is a close second. how about you?" and you let this loser girl next to you talk. and talk. and talk.
ellie didn't know that you were intrigued by her demeanor in every way. from the stickers on her lap top to the patches on her backpack, every detail about her you noticed. you observed the way she warmed up to people and let you strike up a conversation with her about anything once you knew her. and it was... cute. really fucking adorable.
ellie's life only got a million times harder after that. to add to her series of neverending death sentences, she now had to see you in your perfect makeup and effortless outfits everyday. instead of just showing up to class, you insisted on talking to ellie. about everything. cheer, your friends, some dude that was hitting on you.
and on top of that? she saw you in the hallways, or on campus and you smiled. waved, even. some days you even talked to her. in public. you weren't afraid to be friends with her. and though she had jesse and dina, she still had very little social experience, and you were like a breath of fresh air.
on a chilly wednesday afternoon, ellie was walking to the building that your class had been in, and caught a glance of some other lesbian couple on campus. that settled it. she was going to ask for your number today, it wasn't like she was proposing marriage. just something simple. easy.
"can I have your number?" she interrupted you mid-sentence. and you smiled. of course you fucking smiled. she prepared herself for the notorious rejection, after hearing rumors of you rejecting everyone that came up to you and asked for your socials we. she wasn't just anyone, though.
"duh, you only took forever to ask." ellie was frozen in place. had you wanted her to ask? couldn't you have asked for hers? but before she could overthink too much, you were shoving your phone in her face and ellie was putting her number in. "anyway, as I was saying.."
ellie tuned out what you were saying, purely by accident. there were too many big events going on in her life for her poor brain to handle. the love of her life just agreed to give her their number, and she was plotting her route to dina's dorm as quickly as possible to tell her everything.
"holy shit dina," she huffed, running her hands through her hair. "I asked for her number so she gave it to me, and we talked! dina, we talked. about things. I already have our life planned out. we're gonna have two kids and a dog, she'll be a stay at home mom, because I'll do everything for her. I would kill for this girl, dina." dina was unimpressed.
"you are such a loser, els. has anyone told you that before?" she wasn't a loser, she was just incredibly and obsessively in love with you. ellie rolled her eyes. "I say make a move. you never know what could come of it."
"I can't," she sighed, trying to find words. "I can't just make a move, what if she doesn't like me? what if she thinks I'm weird?" she frowned.
"you are weird. if she doesn't like you like that, then fuck her. maybe start with being friends?" ellie nodded. she thought you guys were already friends, but technically you never hung out outside of class, and you hadn't really texted that much (she got your number today, but that hardly mattered).
"should I invite her to jesse's on friday?" dina rubbed the back of her neck. jesse was in a frat, one of the largest on campus that had absolutely wild parties on the weekends, which weren't exactly the best place for first dates. but to ellie... smoking and drinking around hot people in a random basement? amazing.
"if you think she's into that, I'm not gonna stop you." ellie was up and out of dina's apartment quickly, biking back to the dorms and planning out everything that was going to happen on friday.
- - -
in ellie's defense, she overslept. she wasn't thinking much about grabbing a jacket when she was already going to be ten minutes late, so when she stopped outside and the cool air hit her like a brick, she was less than prepared. but it hardly mattered. today was the day she was going to invite you to jesse's party, so her stupid jacket was like a blip on her radar.
"ellie, you're turning blue." you said, once ellie stumbled into her seat next to you. she was in nothing but a loose fitting tee-shirt and jeans, nothing to protect her petite figure. you hadn't noticed before how toned her arms were, but you certainly did now.
"I'm fine, it-it-it's not that cold." her teeth chattered as she stealthy tried to rub her hands over her arms to create friction.
"ellie, baby, I have an extra sweatshirt," you giggled when her eyes widened, grabbing the sweatshirt and handing it to her. "wash it and return it to me whenever." it was a bland black sweatshirt, but it matched your outfit, and you were more than happy to give it to ellie.
ellie who was most definitely going to pass out. she was probably just cold. it wasn't because she could smell your perfume on your hoodie that you just handed her. like it was nothing. she was going to fall out of her chair, onto the floor, and die.
"thanks," she pulled it over her head and sunk into it. "I'll give it back next class- what are you doing on friday?" she tried to get her thoughts straight while you looked at her with an adorable smile.
"I'm actually packing up and leaving, I dropped out," ellie's face fell, "oh ellie you're face," you laughed hard, and her expression softened. "but I'm not doing anything. why? wanna ask me out?" ellie was definitely blushing hard.
"my friend jesse is having a party at his frat on friday, do you.. do you maybe wanna go?" you tilted your head and looked away, as if you actually needed to think about it.
"hm, I guess I can fit that into my schedule." ellie released the breath she was holding and looked down at her hands for a moment before meeting your eyes again.
"uh that's great. it's kappa alpha, at nine. I would pick you up but I don't have a car,"
"how about I pick you up? what's your dorm number?" ellie texted you all the details, and it was settled. you were going on a date. together. in two days, and you were driving. ellie was on cloud nine- not even, cloud fucking ten.
- - -
"hey els," you giggled as she opened her dorm door. "oh, you look so cute! I'm definitely stealing this from you." you pushed a piece of hair behind her ear and messed with the corner of her collar, attached to a red flannel.
"oh thanks... it's yours if you want it." you knew if you asked she wouldn't ever have you give it back, maybe even give it to you right now. she stepped out of her room and shut the door, then followed you down the hallway.
"so who's this jesse kid? I hear a lot about him." you asked, turning on the engine and pulling out of the parking lot. the frat was on the other side of campus and ellie planned on walking? laughable.
"I really don't know him that well, he's dating my friend dina. he's a big stoner, but he's not super into the party scene. just goes 'cause the frat does." her eyes were trained out the window, not because she didn't want to listen to you, but because she was insatiably nervous.
"nice, nice." you paused for a moment. "are we gonna dance together or what? gonna save me a slow dance?" the tips of ellie's ears turned red.
"because I have such a roster." she joked, rolling her eyes. she would save every dance for you.
"perfect. is jesse's weed good?" she shrugged.
"it's okay. not as good as mine, and his plug is kinda shitty. whatever, it works. we're here." you pulled the car to a stop against the curb, in awe at how many people were coming in and out of the house.
ellie desperately needed to get high. maybe then she could talk to you like a normal person, not like she was trying to brush you off. when she found jesse, he was talking to dina and brushed her off. with a groan, she turned to find some other seller.
you were talking to someone, pretending not to pay attention to ellie skittering around the house talking to people she knew. maybe she wasn't as much of a loser as you thought, or maybe she was just a stoner. one of them. either way, she kept disappearing, but when you finally found her again, she was sitting on a couch, joint hanging from her lips as she talked with some friends.
"els," you fell next to her, taking the joint out of her mouth and taking a hit. "we should play beer pong." you suggested, smiling at her the way she liked.
"we were just talking about that," dina cut in, "me and jesse will play with you guys, won't we jes?" he turned back towards the three of you, dazed and a little confused. "that's a yes." ellie was burning lasers into dina, who was standing.
one of the tables was empty, and the group immediately moved to occupy it. you took your place next to ellie, teaming up with dina who was smirking at the end of the table. "you go first," you handed ellie the small white ball.
ellie was skilled, that's for sure. she made almost every single point, which had jesse drinking until he couldn't see straight. she was trying so hard not to focus on the way your bicep brushed against hers, and the way you giggled whenever you made a point. it just wasn't fair. none of this was fair.
"I definitely won." ellie said, as you made your way back inside. "you had, like, two drinks, max. I had jesse drinking for miles." you could tell she was on something now, the way she grinned and made eye contact and jokes were far from her usual character.
"don't you owe me a dance?" your hand locked with hers as you gently pulled her in the direction of where most people were dancing. you lifted her arm and spun her, pulling her back against your front by her hips.
ellie surely wasn't breathing. she was sure that she had died from alcohol consumption, or maybe someone stabbed her, and she was dead, in heaven. or a fever dream in a coma. there was no way in hell -in hell- that you were swaying your hips against her ass, cunt so fucking close to where she desperately needed you.
"this is fun, don'tcha think, ellie?" you whispered, voice low as you guided her hips with yours. her head fell back against your shoulder, alcohol wearing off as you ground her hips against your front. "I asked you a question, darlin."
"so fun," she muttered, eyes closed as she let you bring her hips back and forth with yours to the beat of the music. "wanna go upstairs?"
"ellie williams inviting me upstairs on the first date? dirty." you giggled, pulling away from her body. she was flushed, her boxers were already wet, and she had no clue what going upstairs entailed. but she needed you regardless. "lead the way, confident." she ran her sweaty hands down the front of her jeans and led you upstairs, to an empty bedroom. it was jesse's, and he wouldn't ever know.. right?
you were pulling her face against yours before she even got a chance to tell you that she didn't know what to do. you were definitely taking the lead on this one - not that ellie objected in any sense.
you nicked her bottom lip, eliciting blood at how chapped they were. you pushed your tongue into her mouth, smiling when she moaned and pulled you in by your waist. your hands traveled, brushing against her tits from beneath her tee shirt. obviously she didn't wear a bra, she was too cool and masc for that.
"you're desperate els," you sneered when you pulled away, pulling your crop top up and over your head. "take off your shirt and pants and lay down." ellie had no thoughts in her head; just you. you telling her to strip. this definitely wasn't a fever dream.
she quickly lost her shirt and pants, leaving lanky limbs and embarrassing boxers. her nipples were perked up, waiting to be sucked and slapped, and her face was red with a never ending blush.
when she laid down, you got on top of her, pushing her legs up around your waist as you sucked hickey after hickey into her neck. she was writhing and whining, begging for you to touch her further than just your hands still placed on her thighs. just from making out and hickies she was pushing her hips into you, clit hitting the fabric of your skirt as you moved to push your thigh between her legs.
"need you so bad," she whimpered when you finally diverted your attention from her neck down her chest. you left soft kisses between her tits and around them, before taking her nipple in your mouth and harshly sucking. like a false sense of security.
her hips were coming down hard and fast against your knee as you continued to mess with her tits, pulling her nipples between your fingers and grazing them with your teeth. she was just so fucking sensitive, and she barely even smoked anything.
knowing she was getting close, you moved your knee and kissed down her sternum, leaving a trail of shiny gloss as you got to the waistband of her boxers. "oh, poor baby, you've been waiting for this, haven't you?" you ran your thumb over the wet patch of her underwear.
"nghh- for so long," she moaned as her hips rutted into your palm. "I think about y- fuck- think about you when I..when I come," her eyes squeezed shut in embarrassment, knowing she was sharing far more than she needed to.
"do you now?" you teased, pulling her boxers down her pale legs. you added them to the pile of clothes and admired how absolutely drenched she was, practically leaking onto the sheets. "what do you think about, princess?" you were bringing her legs over your shoulders, looking at her expectantly.
"think about you- mh- about this," she was immediately distracted by the way you kissed her clit. "about c-cuming on your- shit shit fuck," you pressed your tongue against her clit and licked, before sucking it into your mouth and painting patterns with your tongue.
after keeping your attention directly on her clit for a few minutes, you circled her entrance with your middle finger, lubing it up before pushing it in to the first knuckle and fuck, she was tight, holding onto your finger to the point you could hardly thrust.
"ellie, you gotta relax. we can stop if you want to." she shook her head violently, unclenching her eyes and trying to breathe. her body released its tension, which made everything less tense, allowing you to push your finger the rest of the way in.
and... she came. just like that, barely a finger deep her cunt, barely doing anything.
"jesus ellie," you laughed to yourself. you didn't wait for her to finish before you started fucking your finger into her. she whined and thrashed to get away from your hand, but you added another finger and pressed down on her hip to steady her. you curled your fingers up just enough to hit that sweet spot inside of her and she almost black out.
"fuck- s'too much.. s'too much," she slurred, drunk on your fingers. the bed shook lightly against the wall at the harshness of your thrusts.
"is it really, baby?" you grinned, before taking her clit in your mouth again. her moans were practically louder than the music downstairs, and her back was arching. she attempted to get away from you, pulling her hips away, but it was no use.
tears welled in her eyes as her stomach tightened. her pussy clenched around your fingers, sucking them in deep. you pressed against her spot as she came, making her let out a broken shriek.
ellie was definitely crying now. especially when you didn't stop... again. you just kept pounding your fingers into her, adding a third. just thinking about how hard she would cum on a strap instead of your fingers had you dizzy.
her second orgasm morphed into her third before you pulled your fingers out. they were drenched in cum, which was dripping down your arm and the sheets. ellie's cheeks were puffy from crying, hips twitching as she tried to breath.
"oh sweet girl, we're not done yet." you wiped your hand on the bed and climbed off of her, stripping yourself of your remaining clothes and coming back over her, kneeling between her legs.
you pushed her leg up, straddling her for a moment. her lips were parted, breathing heavily as she waited for you to drop against her. your lips quirked up into a smirk as you pressed your cunt against hers, head falling back as your clits met.
ellie's pussy was wet, covered in cum, ready to be fucked until she couldn't say any name but yours. you thrust your hips against hers, and she was crying again, pulling and flicking her own nipples as she listened to you moan and reveled at how phenomenal your pussy felt.
she pushed her hips into yours, so you held them down, forcing her to take whatever you gave her. you came down against her pelvis hard, almost to the point where it hurt, but ellie was living for it, sobbing out your name like it was God's.
"can't come again- I can't- fuck, nnghh," you forced two fingers into ellie's mouth and she shut up, sucking them like a slut.
"yes you can." your voice changed, something deeper and more dominant ripped out of you as you got close to your orgasm. a rock in your stomach dropped, and you could feel ellie getting close as you picked up the pace, moaning at how her cunt felt.
you came at the same time, cum mixing and smearing all over both of you. ellie was still crying, back arched as she moaned over and over. you kissed her ankle softly as you came down for your high, climbing off of her after a moment and laying next to her.
"I want you to be my girlfriend," ellie croaked, voice still hoarse for all the crying. you giggled, looking over at her with a grin.
"I think I can do that."
bottom notes: this is the longest fic I've written and I actually thought I wouldn't be able to get more than 2k words.. anyway sorry about the abrupt ending I kinda wanted to be done
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imbored1201 · 6 months
hi! would you be able to do a teen reader x barca/arsenal (or like an individual) where they spend christmas alone without anyone knowing until they comeback, and when people realise they make it up to reader?
thanks! (and happy christmas and new years)
Mapi’s Huge Surprise
Warnings: Neglectful parents
Barcelona Femeni x Teen Reader
Word Count: 1,383
A/N: Merry Christmas everyone!
You looked at the time, 11:55 pm. About to be Christmas Day. You sighed, getting up from where you laid, to eat the rest of that gingerbread house that you built. 
You hated and loved Christmas. You loved the lights and how joyful the people got, but you hated how alone you felt every year. Your parents had never acknowledged it, but they let you walk around the neighborhood to see the lights while they partied at some coworkers place. 
Now that you were far from them, you wanted to do something big, but then you realized you didn't have any friends outside of the team, and the whole team were busy with their families. 
You were completely alone again. When midnight hit, you decided to watch some classic Christmas movies. 
New Years was the same; you had also drank some wine, hoping Alexia wouldn't notice, but overall, you just enjoyed watching all your teammates stories to see what they were up to. 
Your parents had called you, wishing you a great holiday and hoping it went well for you. You just asked them what they did, and as usual, they went to a party, not bothering to ask what you did for Christmas or New Years or if you would even visit them.
When Alexia came back home, you were excited and clingy. You wanted to watch a bunch of Christmas movies with her. She found it cute and agreed; even though Christmas was a week ago, she even brought up the idea to make Christmas cookies. 
It was probably the happiest Alexia had ever seen you. Apart from the mess, it was a fun day. A day you hated to see end, but at least you finally got to experience a Christmas tradition with someone that you knew cared about you. 
"So, what you do for Christmas?" Lucy asked as she bumped your shoulder. "Nothing," you shrugged, drinking some of your water. Lucy frowned at that. 
"What do you mean nothing?" She asked, grabbing the water bottle from you. "I didn't do anything Lucy. I just stayed home and watched movies."
"You didn’t see your parents?" She pushed more. "Come on ladies!" Jona yelled at you guys. You quickly jogged to where the other girls were for sprints.
When training was over, as usual, you were the last one out the locker room, taking your sweet time. Alexia waited for you patiently, knowing if she rushed you, it wouldn't be a fun car ride for either of you. 
You had lied to Alexia about your parents coming to Barcelona, telling her that they were getting a rental where you guys would stay and that they would leave after New Year's Eve. Alexia was going to her mama's house, so you weren’t worried about getting caught lying. You felt bad for lying, but you didn't want her worrying about you. 
You noticed her expression, like she was thinking hard about something. "You okay?" You asked her, packing your bag. She nodded. 
"We have to talk." "Did I do something? I swear, I've been on top of my work, so if my teachers told you something again, they're lying," she shook her head. 
"I know you're doing good in school; your teachers have been praising you a lot lately." You smiled and followed her out to the car. She wanted to press you, but she also didn't want any awkwardness during the car ride, so she waited until you guys got home.
Right when you got into the door, you tried to hurry to your room, knowing an awkward conversation was about to happen. Of course, it didn't work out.
"How was Christmas with your parents?" You froze. "Good." She looked at you, and you knew from that look that she knew you were lying. 
"Don't lie to me," you winced at her tone. "Were you here alone?" You knew you couldn't lie yourself out of this one; you nodded at her question. 
"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked, "I didn't want to be a bother." "You're never a bother Bebe. My mama loves you, you're practically another daughter to her." Alexia pulled you into a hug. 
"It's okay Alexia, I'm used to being alone on holidays, we never do anything anyway," she shook her head. "Next time you're coming with me, okay?" You nodded, and she kissed your forehead and let you go to your room.
All you wanted to do was sleep; you were a teenager, so of course it was your top priority. You groaned and shoved whoever was on top of you. You heard them laugh and smack your cheeks a bit. 
You finally opened your eyes and saw Patri and Claudia with mischievous smiles. "What are you doing here?" You mumbled sleepily, closing your eyes once again. "Alexia sent us here to wake you; we have a surprise," Pina said excitedly.
"I'm too tired to get up," you told them, shoving Patri again. You felt her get off you; you got happy, thinking they would leave you alone, but of course, with this team, you would never get your way. 
"Hey!" You yelled as Pina grabbed your legs and dragged you off your bed. A huge thud sounded through the apartment as you fell. Patri quickly grabbed your arms, and they lifted you up. You tried wiggling away, but it was no use. You gave up and let them carry you. 
They set you on the floor in the middle of the living room, and there you saw all of your teammates crowded around the front door and the couch. 
"Alexia they hurt me," you whined to her. "I told you guys to get her out of bed nicely for once," Alexia scolded them. "She wouldn't get up," Patri defended, and Pina nodded along. 
"You didn't tell me we were going to have a team bonding night," you looked at Alexia offended that she didn't warn you. "It wasn't planned,” Mapi told you. 
"We got these for you" Frido told you, and you looked around and realized they all had gifts. "For what?" "What do you mean for what? For Christmas kid" Lucy told you as she threw her gift at you. 
You looked at her suspiciously, "go on, open it" She was way more excited than you. "New headphones!" You said excitedly, "Because you broke your other ones and cried about it the whole bus ride," she said. 
Aitana was about to give you hers but got shoved out of the way by Mapi. "Trust me, when you see mine, you won't want the other ones." Everyone rolled their eyes at Mapi. 
She grabbed you, and put her hands over your eyes, and led you outside. "Alexia!" You shouted, scared Mapi would pull some dumb prank on you. "I'm right here bebe" she reassured you, giving Mapi a look of confusion. 
"What did you do Mapi?" Alexia told her, seeing what she got you, but Mapi just smirked. She finally let you see, and your jaw dropped. "Holy shit" you cursed. Alexia was also too shocked to even tell you off for your language. 
A dirt bike. 
"No" Alexia told Mapi sternly. "Yes" Mapi said back. "I love you!" you shouted and tackled Mapi into a hug. 
"We can go to a trail this weekend; I have a buddy that will teach you; we just have to get you gear" she smirked and turned to Ingrid, who handed you a box. 
Your smile got bigger when you saw there was all the gear you needed. Ingrid noticed Alexia's glare. "I tried to talk her out of it, but you know how she is when she's set on something."
"Come on Alexia. Look at that smile." Mapi points to you, all happy on your dirt bike, showing it off to Patri and Pina. 
"If she gets hurt-" "she won't; trust me, in a week she'll be wanting to be competing" Alexia sighed, but let it be; there was no changing Mapi's mind, and you already seemed attached to the bike. 
Mapi was right though; you were only paying attention to the bike all day. Completely forgetting you had everyone else lined up to give you their gifts. It was truly a Christmas you would never forget. 
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silent-stories · 1 year
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Pairing: Eddie x F!Reader
Summary: Dustin convinces Eddie, who is always watching you from a distance, to talk to you.
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Eddie hated the way his gaze was always looking for you in the school parking lot, hoping you'd arrived a few minutes early so he could watch you from afar.
He couldn't stop it, he could try to hold back but it was useless, he always found himself looking around hoping to hear your laugh at something stupid that Buckley, who you usually drove to school in your car, had said.
Eddie wasn't the shy type: he walked the cafeteria tables making speeches and always said what he thought. But with you?
All he could do was watch you from afar.
"Dude, you're doing it again." Dustin's voice distracted Eddie from his usual search.
"Doing what?" he asked, sounding a lot more guilty than he intended.
He had been caught.
"You are looking for Y/N." The boy rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Why would I?" Eddie shrugged as if to dismiss the conversation before leaning back against his van.
"Because you like her."
"What? No, absolutely not. We're…I don't even know if she considers me a friend. We're acquaintances. We just know each other. We only have one class together and we've only talked a few times so-"
Three times.
It had been exactly three times you had spoken to Eddie, he remembered them all very well, as well as the way his heart started beating so much faster than usual.
The first time you bumped into him in the hallway. Eddie had initially thought it was someone who did it on purpose, as it usually happened with jogs, but when he heard your immediate apology and from the way you said it was your fault, he understood that you would never do it on purpose.
He quickly realized that you weren't like most of the others at school and that you didn't see him as someone to stay away from and that had only made Eddie fall for you even more.
The second time was during history class, the only one Eddie had with you, that day you arrived five minutes late, having to sit in the only seat left free: the one next to Eddie.
After a few minutes that he had spent sketching in his only notebook trying not to go crazy because of your proximity, you spoke, or rather, whispered.
"I like dragons."
Eddie raised his head as a shy smile appeared on his lips to find your gaze on the dragon he had drawn in his notebook.
He mumbled a "yeah, I like them too" before the teacher turned to you and glared at him.
He didn't say anything for the rest of the lesson but since that day he had always hoped you'd be a few minutes late so you would sit next to him.
It had never happened.
The third time was the only time you really had a conversation with him. You picked up Dustin after a D&D campaign and you spent ten minutes talking to Eddie before you left.
To Eddie's amazement, you two started talking about Metallica. You mentioned that your dad occasionally listened to them and you started the conversation by talking about which songs you knew and which ones you liked more.
Before you left, you talked about how boring math was and how much you enjoyed art class and during all the time you had spent talking a faint smile was permanent on Eddie's lips.
That was all. Only ten minutes.
It had been the shortest ten minutes of his life and Eddie wished you'd stay there and talk to him for hours.
Dustin laughed at the way his friend seemed to lose the ability to form meaningful sentences whenever you were involved.
"Holy shit, you're in love with her."
It wasn't a question. It was a statement.
Eddie sighed, he couldn't deny it anymore. "Henderson, if you tell anyone, consider yourself expelled from the Hellfire Club for the rest of your life."
Dustin adjusted the cap on his head. "Your secret is safe with me. Anyway, Y/N is cool. You should tell her."
Eddie let out a bitter laugh. "For what? To hear her say she wouldn't be with Eddie "the freak" Munson even if I were the last person on the face of the earth? No thanks, I'd rather keep watching her from afar."
"You know she's not like that." Dustin said. "She doesn't judge. Trust me, she was my babysitter for almost three years when I was in middle school, I know her well enough to know that she's a good person, she would never laugh at you and she's a completely badass."
And Eddie knew it. He knew you were kind and funny and so fucking pretty. And that was why the chances he had with you were almost inexistent.
Just as he was about to answer, he saw you.
You walked in his direction, wearing a leather jacket that was a few sizes larger but still looked perfectly on and Eddie nearly felt his heart leap out of his chest.
"Uuh... do you want me to leave you two alone?" Dustin asked with a smirk.
"Don't even try." He retorted, nudging the boy before you reached them.
"Hi" You smiled. "Have you seen Mike by any chance?"
Eddie shook his head. Why were you looking for Wheeler?
"He got into class early, he had to get something." Dustin said.
You rummaged in your bag and pulled out a book. "Nancy was at my house yesterday and she forgot this, could you give it to Mike so he can give it back to her?"
Dustin grabbed the book. "Sure."
"Great. Thank you." You said before a voice called you from behind.
"Y/N, we'll be late for art class!"
Art, right. It was your favorite subject, Eddie remembered that.
But it wasn't Robin who had spoken.
He was a tall boy, with dark blond hair long enough to show his soft curls. His eyes were green and glittered in the morning sun and he was wearing a clean, light blue jacket. His boy-next-door face annoyed Eddie, or maybe it was just the way he was interrupting a moment when he would have a chance to talk to you.
"See you guys." You said before walking towards him.
He put his arm around your shoulders as you walked side by side.
He was your boyfriend.
You had a boyfriend.
Suddenly Eddie was finding it hard to breathe. Of course you had a boyfriend, he'd been a stupid not to think of it before: a girl like you had to have a boyfriend.
And that guy seemed to be the complete opposite of Eddie.
He was also probably rich and had great grades in school. Because those were the kind of guys you liked, right? Certainly not the ones like Eddie. Those who were lucky if they didn't find the words "freak" or "devil" engraved on their locker. Those who had to park further away from school hoping that no one punctured their wheels. The ones who lived in a trailer and had to sell drugs to make ends meet.
"No." Dustin said.
"No what?" He raised his eyebrows, trying to hide his hurt expression.
"He's not her boyfriend, if that's what you're thinking."
"I wasn't thinking about anything at all."
Thank God.
"His name is Aaron Turner. He just moved to Hawkings and he's not Y/N's boyfriend. But he could soon be if you don't talk to her."
"What fool moves to Hawkings?" Eddie asked as his gaze followed your figure walking to school.
You were laughing.
You seemed happy with him.
"What fool doesn't ask the girl he likes out?" Dustin retorted.
Eddie glared at him.
"You said it yourself. 86, your year. Then make it your fucking year and ask her out. Or at least start talking to her and stop looking at her from afar. And try to say things that make sense when she's around."
"I say things that make sense."
Dustin raised his eyebrows.
"Okay, okay."
Since when did he take advice from a fourteen-year-old boy?
But he was going to talk to you.
He had to do it without looking like a complete idiot but he felt he could do it.
Eddie could feel it: 1986 was going to be his year.
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Part 2
Tags: @jacklesdeanvessel @morning-sky7 @pipsqueakkitten @navs-bhat
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petew21-blog · 1 month
Life upgrade
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Hi, I am Earl Montgomery. I am 34 year old gay man. I studied history and enhlish literature at Columbia and then I became a teacher. I have been working as a teacher since than and I have to say that being a teacher is one of the most honorable proffesions there are. You get to educate all the young minds and set them on a right path in life. If only they would listen to me during classes. Maybe my life wouldn't be so boring. The job takes all my energy. I never believed that so many teachers get burnt out, but man. Once you see that your job affects only few of those kids and the rest just doesn't care, you contemplate back on your life. What could I have done different? I could have had a happy, adventurous life full of fun and sex. Oh how I miss the sex.
Oh sorry, my bad. You thought the guy wearing sports clothes is me? Oh no no no. This is me actually
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That guy is Barry. The gym teacher. He's the same age as me. But his life is much better. He works as a gym teacher, coach and in his free time he is a personal trainer in gym. He gets to coach all the hot bodybuilders and sometimes women, that lust over him a later on sleep with him.
I onced tried to hit on him, thinking he might be bisexual, but ended up being ignored for the rest of the school year. He started talking to me again recently and that's fine. If there is no drama it's all good. Besides. He has his own life full of sport and travelling around the world, fucking everything that moves. And I have my own life. My slightly boring and depresive life.
Who am I kidding? I hate my life. I wish I were Barry. To have his hot body, his libido, his life full of travellling and fucking everyone.
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Suddenly it was so bright all around me. I was in a garage. Running. I stopped. Where am I? Why am I running? How did I get here?
I looked around but the place was empty. Then I looked down and saw the grey clothes for sport that Barry has. "This can't be". I walked over to the nearest car and saw Barry. No, I saw my reflection.
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"Well well well. Can't ignore me now, huh?" I flexed my biceps over the shirt. So freaking hot. He is so buff. Must be amazing to be so strong and have strong muscles like this. His skin is so tense and beautiful. I gotta go somewhere more private to look what he's hiding under this. Don't know how this freaky friday will last.
Vibration in my pocket. Some girls want to have a private class with me in the gym. But the emojis don't seem like they want to take the training very seriously. Might be fun.
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"Flex for the camera. Perfect!"
"Omg Barry, you're really hot. How did you get so big?"
"You think this is big... you haven't seen all of me yet. Haha" Where the hell was this coming from? Why did I say that?
"Really? We were actually thinking you coul help us stretch some time and show us how to do this to not hurt ourselves."
"I can stretch you both now in the showers, babes" Whyyy am I saying this. I'm not straight for fucks sake. Oh no. I'm not, but Barry is. I need to get back. I can't be straight.
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1 hour later
"Thanks Barry. What a great personal class. Haha. Same time next week?" the taller oned asked while walking away from the gym
"You bet!" the sex was really good I have to admit that. But only this body craves it. Not me. I am gay, I don't want to watch pussy all day.
Phone vibrated again
Holy shit, A message from my number:"Hey, I don't know what you did to me, but I just jerked off for the third time thinking about my own body and I can't keep doing this... I want to swa... SUUCK your dick"
Oh maan, he has the same problem as I do. His body responds to what the person craved before, bout our minds didn't change our sexual orientation it seems.
"Came to your body's place in 30 minutes. Bring lube. Don't be late" I texted. I love this confidence the body is so full off.
And I bet I am gonna love the fact that my old body is gonna suck my dick very soon.
Haha. Gotta thank the istock photos for the inspiration
Story from inbox: Would you be able to do a story where a nerdy teacher swaps bodies with the hunky football coach. Maybe even cucking him?
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sweatervest-obsessed · 7 months
Wasteland, Baby
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
WC: 3.4k
TW: Mentions of Murders, mentions of suicide, discussion of suicide, trauma, emotional turmoil, death, arguing, abandonment issues, commitment issues, Angst, some fluff
A/N: Thanks for bearing with me as I try to get off the struggle bus y'all. here is the highly anticipated part 2 of Stick Season !
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All the fear and the fire of the end of the world Happens each time a boy falls in love with a girl Happens great, happens sweet Happily, I'm unfazed here, too
It had been three years since you left the BAU and you had just turned down a job at the FBI from Erin Strauss. You never heard from her again. 
But you did attend her funeral in D.C a week later.
You didn’t alert any of the BAU that you were returning for her funeral, since you could only imagine the pain they were feeling. 
The plane ride was filled with thoughts of what life would have been like if you had rejoined the FBI. Maybe she wouldn't have died. Maybe she’d still be calling you and sending you email after email with job offers. 
You had quickly stopped by the wake, the day before, to pay your respects, and give Strauss’ family your deepest condolences. It was painful, seeing someone you spoke to last week, stiff, lifeless, in a coffin where they will be for the rest of time. 
But the worst part was the burial. 
Blending in at a funeral has never been a strong suit of the BAU’s, except for you. You were calm, respectful, and blended in with the rest of the spectators. 
Until you looked across the circle and saw Aaron Hotchner looking directly at you. Whatever he had been feeling before, was quickly wiped away when you looked back at him, confirming his suspicions that you were here, in the graveyard. The look on his face was replaced with a more somber one as he redirected his attention back to the priest, but you knew you would be unable to just leave now that you had been spotted. 
Once she had been lowered into the ground, Hotch made his way towards you, catching his colleges interested. Where was he going? Who was he looking for?
You smiled at him. It didn’t reach your eyes, but it wasn;t fake either. 
“It’s good to see you Hotch.” 
“I didn’t know you were going to be here today.” 
You nodded and looked over as the rest of the people migrated towards their cars to go to the reception afterwards. “I didn’t make it public information, considering I was planning on leaving after the ceremony. I’m just here to pay my respects Hotch.” 
“She called you.” 
“Yes she did.” 
“And she said you turned it down.” 
“I did.”
“Hotch, please.” 
He took your elbow and pulled you away from the people, giving the two of you some semblance of privacy. 
“Will you at least think about it?” 
“What is there to think about Hotch? I don’t want to—” 
“I wish you wouldn’t lie to me. I know you miss it Y/n. I’m not just some colleague, and you know that.” 
You closed your eyes and pinched your brow. You knew coming to this funeral was a mistake. But some part of you, one that you had silenced for a very long time, was starting to break through. 
“We can talk later.” 
Wasteland, baby I'm in love, I'm in love with you
“I cannot believe you’re going back.” 
You sighed and continued to pack up everything you owned into boxes. You had only broken down the ones from a few years ago–that same part of you had saved them for whenever you had recognized you were ready to be back in Washington D.C. 
“Don’t ignore me. I thought you were done with hunting bad guys and certain doctors with glasses.” 
You slammed your hands on the table, causing Lucille to jump. 
“Sorry.” You muttered and slowly sunk to the ground, deciding it was just easier to sit on the ground and have a breakdown rather than talk it out. 
“I’m not going back for him…I’m going back for me. This…” You ran a hand through your hair. “This is n’t what I was meant to do, Luce. I’m not a teacher. I’m okay at it, but…I was meant to be in the field. Teaching is challenging, but not in the way I need. And fuck, I love my kids, you know that I do, but it’s just…”
“It’s not who you are.” She came and sat down next to you, taking your hand in hers. “I’m gonna miss you asshole.” 
You rested your head on her shoulder and squeezed her hand. “I’m going to miss you so much.” You whispered back to her. 
“You have to visit me. I’ll get lonely up here.” 
A smile spread across your face as a tear slowly tracked down your cheek. “ You have my permission to hunt me down and beat the shit out of me if I don’t.” 
“Oh don’t worry, I will.” 
All the things yet to come are the things that have passed Like the holding of hands, like the breaking of glass Like the bonfire that burns That all words in the fight fell to
Your desk stayed pretty empty for the first two weeks you were back—like you were terrified that if you got too comfortable, life would pull the rug right out from under you again and you’d have to leave. 
It was Garcia who first noticed this, watching as you’d pack everything up into your tote bag each night before you would go home. She didn’t say anything about it though, since you were not the same girl the BAU had grown to know. 
You were different, quieter. You spoke when you had something to add, or to correct somebody, but you never participated in the banter; you never stayed longer than absolutely necessary. If the group had decided to surprise you at your new apartment, they would find it covered in boxes—walls bare, fridge almost empty, only essentials like clothes and toothbrush unpacked. 
But you had never been better. Hotch had you start consulting side cases when you came back, a way to get you used to the routine of being back in the office, back in the FBI. You would consult up to three new cases a day, still helping with those that would call back a day or week later for updates or more help. They watched as you easily solved things in minutes, that might have taken the team hours. 
The first time Morgan called you ‘Girl Genius’ to your face, you punched him in the arm (admittedly a bit harshly). But he wasn’t wrong. You could feel the continuous excitement flowing through your veins; your muscles flexing as you settled back into the thing you were the best at. 
You were different, but better. 
Spencer noticed this too. He watched as you confidently answered every question thrown at you. He watched as you consulted on cases and noticed patterns he had missed. 
Spencer had missed you, badly. He knew he fucked up when he had left that night, needed to go and he spend the night away, thinking about his life; his future. Panic had flooded his body at the thought of you being the one forced to take care of him, forced to deal with his shit history and addictive personality and his annoying ass rambles. He didn’t want to subject you to that. 
But then he remembered the look on your face—the pure excitement and adoration at the thought of being able to spend every single minute of your life calling him yours. And once the panic had subsided, he felt that same joy. 
When he got back to the house, you weren’t there. 
You weren’t at work either. 
You had just vanished, and about a day later, all of your things had disappeared too. 
And Spencer was a fucking wreck. He was useless at work, and he spent so much time trying to find you, but Penelope wasn’t able to find a thing, and by the time she did, it had been months later, and you clearly didn’t want to be found. 
Wasteland, baby I'm in love, I'm in love with you
It didn’t help that seeing you again in Vermont made him want to melt on the spot. A great deal of relief washed over him, seeing you were alive and in front of him. But then he felt the anger rise in him. You had abandoned him, you had just disappeared without a second thought. 
Then he remembered the look on your face when he panicked about marrying you.
You had thought he didn’t want to marry you. 
You had no idea that he felt like he was the the problem, and if he told you know, it would just sound like a fucking excuse. 
Watching you walk back into the bullpen and set up at your desk was another slap in the face. It feels like nobody tells him anything, because they don’t. But then he realized that only Hotch knew about it because everyone froze on the spot seeing you sitting at your desk, working. 
At his desk, he would just watch you. On the plane, he would watch you. And he tried so hard to be nonchalant about it, but he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. Your hair, your legs, your arms, your lips—he wanted to take your hand and never let you go, fusing your skin together so he could be with you always. 
He was in love with you. And he thought you would rather die than be seen with him again. 
If only he knew that you felt the same way—you loved him right back. 
And that day that we'll watch the death of the sun To the cloud and the cold and those jeans you have on And you'll gaze unafraid as they sob from the city roofs
After about three months, infinite pining, a few longing glances passed to one another, and incessant whining from Derek Morgan, you and Spencer Reid found yourselves together at coffee one morning. 
After about a month later, you found yourself back in his apartment, lips grazing his, not being able to tell where his body ended and yours started. 
Then, the next day, he told you he loved you. 
He didn’t see you for a whole week afterwards. 
But when he walked into work that monday, and you were sitting at your desk, completely unbothered, he took it upon himself to make you talk to him. 
No one else was around, except for Hotch. But his office door was closed, and Morgan wouldn’t be around for another ten minutes anyways. 
“Where the fuck have you been?” 
You turned around in your chair and glared at him. “Excuse me?” 
“You disappeared for a week, no word about where you were going, not even telling me you were leaving.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Not now Spence.” 
“I love you.” 
“I still love you.” 
Your jaw dropped. “Spencer…” 
“I’m dead serious Y/n. When you weren’t here after you spent the night, I lost my fucking mind. I thought I had lost you—again. And I wasn’t about to go through that again. I had fucked up once before and I—I thought you had realized you didn’t want to be with me anymore and you had left again.” 
You were silent as he rambled on. 
“When you left three years ago, I lost my fucking mind. I sat here, staring at your desk hoping you would materialize out of thin air just so that I could apologize to you. And then when you didn’t show up, I begged Penelope to tell me where you had run off to, so I could go and find you and beg for you to listen to me while I got on my hands and knees to beg for your forgiveness. You thought I didn’t want to marry you, but I was terrified because I thought you wouldn’t want to marry me. I mean I had just gotten sober, and I thought we were doing so well and then you brought up marriage and all I could think about was how it was another way for you to find out how much you could hate me and get sick of me since—” 
You had finally snapped out the shock you were feeling and placed your hand over his mouth. “Breathe.” 
Spencer shoved your hand off his mouth, but stayed silent, taking an over exaggerated breath to prove to you he did. 
“We can talk about this later.” 
“No.” Spencer shook his head. “We’re going to talk about this now. I want to talk about this now.” 
“How do I know that you’re not going to just pack up and disappear again.” 
“Spencer seriously? I don’t—-”
“You don’t do that? Because we both know you do. You’ve done it twice now.”
“What do you want me to say Spence?” 
“That you still love me.” His voice was low, but his eyes were locked in on yours. “I need to know if you still love me.” 
Wasteland, baby I'm in love, I'm in love with you
The Next Week
Another Day, Another Psychopath Killer. 
Another way for you to throw yourself into the line of fire because you have always had a soft spot for teenagers. 
Someone was targeting suicidal teens, convincing them to end their own lives, merely making him complicit in their deaths. It had sent you (and JJ) reeling. Both of you had lost someone to suicide, and watching as this person preyed on vulnerable kids who deserved to live and be loved took a lot out of the both of you. 
You had a bad feeling about this case when it was first passed onto your desk, but it just got worse and worse as the week went on. If only you had figured out who it was sooner, you might have been able to save this one girl’s life. But sometimes life refuses to relent. 
The jet was silent on the way back, none of you wanting to speak and break the silence. 
Spencer sat next to you on the couch, offering a comforting presence, and nothing else. He knew you (and it bugged the shit out of you). Years of being with one another meant that he knew when you were upset, and he knew that you despised being touched while you were like this, but you hated being alone. 
It bugged you so much, but you weren’t going to say a damn thing because having him next to you while you sat and listened to your music and spiraled was exactly what you needed. 
He only offered his hand when the plane hit some turbulence, and your entire body began to shake unconsciously. It was between the two of you, and all he did was flip it, so the palm was upwards. It was an invitation that you could immediately ignore and refuse if you wanted to. 
But something in you caused your hand to drop next to his and lace your fingers through his. 
God was it so fucking warm, and soft. You wondered if he still used the lotion you had recommended to him all those years ago when he would complain to you about his hands being “gross” and “too dry”. He absolutely did. 
He managed to hide his smile when you took his hand, but he did give yours a soft squeeze, and continued to read his book, pretending that his insides weren’t aflame and his mind was anywhere but on the words in front of him. 
He didn’t turn a page for over four minutes once your hand was in his. 
And I love too that love soon might end Be known in its aching Shown in the shaking Lately of my wasteland, baby Be still, my indelible friend, you are unbreaking Though quaking, though crazy That's wasteland, baby
That Night
“Thank you.” 
It was the first thing you had said in over five hours, including the plane ride. Once the plane had landed, you and Spencer went back to his apartment, and the two of you had sat in his living room, in silence. He didn’t mind, as long as he could keep an eye on you. 
Your mind was far far away. It was back in college. Thinking about your friend and about the life you could have lived if she was still with you. 
Spencer had left a cup of tea next to you, your favorite, and sat on the couch. You were situated in the chair by the window, staring out into the night, watching as the rain drops raced down the window and as the lights blurred together. 
He was close enough to provide you with some comfort, but far enough away to let you have whatever space you needed.
He snapped out of his head, looking towards you. Your eyes were tired, and your body reflected the same type of exhaustion. 
“Sorry. What do you need?” 
“I—.” You interrupted yourself with a yawn, cursing under your breath. “Shit sorry. I should probably go..” 
“It’s okay if you stay.” 
You looked out the window then back at him. 
“I’m not just saying that to get you into my bed—oh my god that came out wrong, I just mean I don’t want you out in that weather and I don’t really like the idea of you being alone tonight, especially after this case because—” 
“I’ll stay.” 
“O-oh. Good. good…” He nodded. “I can uh, take the couch and you can have the bed.” 
You rolled your eyes and smiled slightl;y. “You’re a gentleman, Doctor Reid, but I’m not kicking you out of your bed.” 
“But I—”
He huffed, crossing his arms as you just laughed softly to yourself, amused. 
“Why don’t we both go get ready. Together.” 
You nodded. “Yeah Spence.” 
Spencer stood up, and offered his hand to you. 
And for the second time today, you took it. 
When the stench of the sea and the absence of green Are the death of all things that are seen and unseen Are an end but the start of all things that are left to do
And maybe the two of you would never be together ever again. Maybe you would. 
But something about the way Spencer would make your favorite tea, 
or the way he would save you the crossword puzzle on his morning newspaper since he knew how much you loved to solve as much as you could without his help, 
or when he would leave you notes on your desk, making you feel like a giddy high schooler all over again, or when he felt like a good start to something new
or when he would kiss you good morning and good night, promising you he’d be there whenever you woke up
or when he slowly got rid of things in his apartment to create space for your things as you moved in slowly 
or whenever a case was particularly rough for the both of you and he wouldn’t pester you to talk to him about it, instead offering his hand for you to take, and squeezing it, letting you know he was there for you
or the way he would take you on small vacations up to Vermont so you could go see all of your friends and escape from the world of the FBI
or the way he would never storm out of the apartment after an argument, but still give you the space you needed so you could both decompress without getting at each other's throats
or when he whispered every thing he would do for you for the rest of your lives so help him god when he thought you were asleep in his arms
or how he would whispered ‘I love you’ to you as you passed by while you both were working
or when he would never let you run off in the middle of the night because you would panic about whether or not this was all a dream, and one day he would wake up and not love you anymore
or when he got down on one knee and proclaimed his undying love for you, hoping you’d promised to love him forever in the same way he loved you, wanting to be with you, wanting to be near you always
made you feel like everything might be okay after all. 
Wasteland, baby I'm in love, I'm in love with you
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rowretro · 5 months
ℂ𝕣𝕒𝕫𝕪 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝔼𝕒𝕔𝕙 𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣
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✧taglist: @enha-ism
✧warnings: toxic/yandere themes, violence, stalking Blood, forceful kiss
✧synopsis: Yandere Riki kidnaps you after planning for so long. He finally gets to keep you, you're all his. The male expected you to scream, shout and put up a fight so he can punish and tame you, however things were a lot different with his y/n...
Finally, after all those years of watching other boys and girls be so close with his pretty princess, he finally got her to himself. Y/n woke up, chained in a basement, she was quite shocked and a little frightened by her surroundings. When she set her eyes on Riki, she felt like she was dreaming.
"Look here princess... outside of this basement is a beautiful home for you and me to live in. If you behave and do as I say princess... I'll spoil you with everything you want." He said as he twirled her hair "But if you disobey me... you will face harsh consequences darling..." He added as he yanked on her hair, glaring at her. "I'll do anything you say babe" The girl said staring up at him as Riki frowned.
"How cute... so easy to scare hmm?" Riki asked as he pecked her lips softly, leaving the girl blushing. After an hour or so of silence in the basement, he let her out, leading her to their bedroom, he took her to the walk in closet where all of y/n's clothes, and other beautiful clothes exactly like the ones on her wish list or basket hung in order. "This is your side of the closet, like it?" he asked as the girl smiled.
"Don't think I'll ever let you out darling... the only time you'd ever be allowed out is to skool, with me." He sternly said as y/n nodded. "You know I'm not that scary right?" Riki said and she smiled at him "I know babe, but I want to make you happy" the girl said as the male seemed shocked, he gave her a towel and kissed her forehead, realizing she was sincere about that. She fucking loves him the way he loves her.
Since that day, even the school knows that the 2 are openly dating, though unaware of his yandere tendencies. So many people shipped them, they were just so cute together, inseparable. However other. 2 boys in specific. Really hated the 2 being together. Ryan and Tyler, who had been trying to pursue y/n for the past year or so, are pissed to see how Riki swooped in and took her away.
So they acted on it. Riki had gotten into detention as per usual and you waited for him outside as the teacher wouldn't let you in. Knowing this, Tyler dragged her to an empty classroom, while Ryan covered your mouth with his hand, the males smirked as she tried to leave the classroom.
"Not so fast pretty girl..." Tyler said pulling her back by her hair. "The 2 of us fucking tried all we could to get you for the past year, we were so sweet so fucking perfect... yet you went out with that freak?!!!" Ryan yelled at her as he slapped her hard enough to make her head hit the board. He pulled her back, forcefully kissing her. Before any of them can even lay another hand on her, the door went flying off it's hinges, hitting Tyler.
When the 2 males turned around, they were met with a very pissed off Riki. Do I even need to tell you what happened to them? According to the teachers there, the boys fought each other so badly, they ended up killing each other. So says the police, the court, and everyone. Riki kissed the girl's forehead as he dried her hair "Next time I get into detention, cause some trouble and get in with me hmm baby?" Riki asked as the girl nodded with a smile.
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mancalledvenus · 2 months
you think i'm pretty?
nishinoya yuu x reader
summary: you and nishinoya are paired together for a class assignment that leads to you asking him for volleyball tips and him asking for your number ^_<
word count: 1.4k
a/n: not proofread and written at 1am so sorry if it's a tough read lmfao i'm trying to clean out my drafts. thank you for reading !
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the school day had dragged on for longer than usual. you sighed as you slumped into your seat for the last class of the day: psychology. the course was probably designed specifically to drain your energy and spoil your mood. that’s what it felt like at least.
your teacher droned on about his weekend for a full ten minutes before announcing to the class he'd be pairing you randomly with one of your peers for the next presentation.
you felt your body start to fill with dread. internally praying you didn't get stuck with someone lazy that made you do all the heavy lifting. you listened carefully for your name as the teacher called them out.
"y/n l/n, you'll be working with nishinoya yuu." he gestured to the boy in the back of the class with his head down on the desk that was clearly not paying attention.
"great." you thought to yourself as you shuffled through the room to the back.
his head snapped up as he heard footsteps coming his way, but relaxed a bit when he realized you weren't the teacher. he sat up fully and leaned back in his chair, giving you a clear view of his face. as you examined his features and sat down in front of him it registered in your head that this was the same boy that played the libero position on your school's volleyball team.
reluctantly you decided to ask him about it. being in volleyball yourself you'd always been curious about his skill and took it as an opportunity.
"are.. are you on the boy's volleyball team?"
his eyes widened and he smiled as he answered your question, "yeah are you a fan?"
you scoffed a little and shook your head, "not exactly, but i've seen you play. i'm the libero for the girls team."
nishinoya had finally seemed to shake off his forced laid-back persona and was noticeably more energetic than before. a side of him that you'd recognized from when you peaked into the boy's gym on more than one occasion while they practiced. even though you told everyone you were there to pick up tips from more 'skilled' players, deep down a part of you kept returning to see the cute boy in the #4 jersey.
"that's awesome! i always see you in here and our chemistry class. had no idea you were into volleyball."
you shrugged and glanced down, "i dunno, i'm kinda new to the team still. i'm not that confident in my skills yet."
nishinoya frowned at your tone and shook his head, "it takes a lot of courage to just step on the court and play. if you're gonna be a good libero you have to make sure you're dependable. you can't be reliable if you're second guessing yourself like that!"
you nodded to yourself silently before looking back up at him. the look on his face was enough to encourage you in of itself. the reassurance from this, well stranger basically, gave you a great feeling of relief and you were starting to feel less burdened with worry.
"that's definitely something to consider," you sighed and rubbed the back of your neck, "still our team is kindaaa... underdeveloped? we're not bad, it's just like we're still figuring everything out, y'know?"
"ohh, yeah i get that." he nodded.
"i wish we had someone with more experience so they could guide me a little or something."
nishinoya nearly jumped out of his seat to lean closer to your face. "i could totally help you!" the volume of his voice caused the pair sitting near you to glare at you both a little irritated, but you didn't notice and neither did he. "i'm so down to help you out- especially if it'll benefit the team too! you guys gotta rep us at the girl's tournaments.. i didn't catch your name also, i'm so sorry."
"it's y/n," you laughed at his enthusiasm. "i wouldn't wanna burden you too much, but that sounds like a lot of fun."
"please, i'd be lucky to get to play with someone as pretty as you. i'm getting sick of my teammate's faces honestly."
you laughed again and bit the inside of your cheek trying to withhold an uncontrollable smile.
"you think i'm pretty?"
nishinoya's face turned red. he had a habit of running his mouth without thinking and even though he'd flirted with girls relentlessly before, something about you made him extremely flustered. maybe it was the way you'd been staring into his eyes? the way you’d been listening to him so attentively as he was talking?
god you’d barley said a few sentences to him and you were already making him sweat. how come he hadn’t noticed how close you were until a few seconds ago? was he really that zoned out talking about volleyball?
"i.. uhm, i mean.." he tensed up with his arms glued to his sides, "you can't really blame me for saying it, you're gorgeous.."
"wow he's forward." you thought quietly, still processing what he'd said. there was nothing but silence from the two of you and all you could focus on was how your heart clenched every time his eyes connected with your's.
unable to talk without stuttering all you could offer him in that moment was a flustered smile which he returned with a quiet laugh. gaining more coincidence he finally broke the silence, "y/n?"
just as you were about to recover from his previous remark, him saying your name was enough to completely knock you back off your feet.
"would you let me take you out sometime?"
"FUUCKKK HE'S SO CUTE." you raved internally. you got swept up in your thoughts again before panic started to settle in at the realization that you needed to actually reply to him.
blushing and astonished at his sudden bold behavior, what was intended to be words came out as a collection of incoherent mumbles, "you- wha.. you? you and me? imeanthatwouldn't- i.. serious.. really?"
"i'll take that as a maybe," he chuckled and grabbed his pen from off his notebook, "if that's too much of a commitment could i at least get your number?"
the stupid shit-eating grin on his face gave the impression he knew exactly what your next actions would be; and he did. you reached across the desk for the pen he held out to you and shyly smiled to yourself as you began to write your number on the back of his other hand he had stretched out to you as well. you gripped it softly and etched the numbers on his skin.
the minute you finished writing he pulled his hand to his face swiftly. his eyes practically twinkling in excitement as he admired your penmanship.
his eagerness as he whipped his phone out of his pocket and began copying the numbers made you giggle, "why didn't you just hand me your phone in the first place, silly?"
"honestlyy," he began and you rolled your eyes realizing he was about to say something annoyingly charming and dumb, "i really only wanted you to hold my hand.. at the end of the day i am a simple man." the threw his hands up as he explained himself.
"you're so stupid." you held his pen in your teeth to chew on the cap. "i'm keeping your pen for that."
"i'll give you every pen i can find if that's all it costs."
you blushed a bright shade of pink and pushed his head down so he's looking downward at the desk, "n-nishinoya. we haven't started the assignment." you brushed his comment off and tried desperately to get him to pay attention to the papers sprawled across his desk.
the remainder of the class was him flirting with you and you trying not to completely lose your shit while also trying to get your work done (you guys didn't even finish reading the instructions).
after school during the boy's practice.
"TANAKA. I DID IT I GOT HER NUMBER!!" noya nearly ran over hinata and yamaguchi running to find his friend.
tanaka's eyes followed the sound of the familiar voice to find noya rushing through the door, "Huh, who's? ..Y/N'S?"
"YEAH!! i played it sooo cool too. i pretended to not know her name and everything! seriously, every time she looked at me i almost died. her smile bro- her smile is sooo pretty-"
"prettier than mine?" tanaka smiled and folded his arms while listening to his rambling.
"don't interrupt me!" noya huffed before continuing, "she plays volleyball! did you know? god i got her number!"
"it was about time my man!" the two shook hands as their giddy shouts echoed throughout the gym.
almost immediately they were shushed by ukai for being too loud then scolded again by daichi then laughed at by yamaguchi and tsukishima, but in that moment nothing anyone could say to him would put a dent in nishinoya's mood.
the end !
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jeankluv · 3 months
Birdie | Satoru Gojo - Chapter 01
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Words: 4.8k
Summary: You didn’t like him, at all. But due to your bad luck you would have to be forced to work with him and different circumstances end up leading you to the fact that perhaps the word dislike is not the one you use to describe him.
Note: divider art credit _3aem (twt)
Tags: modern au, college au, fem!reader, academic rivals, he fell first, fluff, old money Gojo Satoru, abusive parents, slight slow burn, Satoru is a softy, secondary couple (Geto Suguru x oc), a bit of angst, no use of y/n, eventual smut, Gojo plays basketball
Slow updates
Materialist | next chapter
Wattpad | ao3
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While everyone adored him, you stood apart in your feelings. It wouldn't be accurate to say you hated him, as "hate" carried significant weight; rather, you harbored a profound dislike towards him. The problem was he knew that and his irritating presence seemed to persistently cling to you whenever he crossed your paths.
Now, you found yourself paired with him for your semester project, and the thought made you wish to hurl yourself out of the third-floor window. Three months of working alongside him loomed ahead. Adding to the discomfort, you were currently under the scrutiny of hundreds of eyes, each gaze feeling like a murder attempt. It seemed everyone coveted the opportunity to collaborate with Gojo Satoru, except for you.
“We will divide the project in two.” You said looking at the information the teacher gave you. “So we can work on it separately and once we are done we will put it together.” You didn’t like the idea but you disliked even more the idea of spending time outside the class with him.
“That wouldn’t work out, it’s better if we schedule a time to meet and we start working on it.” Gojo talked.
“No.” You said. “I’m way too busy to think about meeting outside of classes.” And it was true, you were working in two different jobs to pay the bills of college and the tiny apartment you were staying on.
“Oh c’mon!” He pouted. “It’s impossible that you are busy every day of the week at every hour.”
“Well I am.” You were starting to get angry, couldn’t he understand you didn’t want to meet with him.
The ring rang and you thanked it, it was time to leave for another class, one you wouldn’t have to see the perfect face of Satoru Gojo.
“Wait! How do we stay in contact?” Gojo spoke when you were about to leave the classroom. You could feel the gaze of a group of girl right on your neck.
“With the email.”
“C’mon.” He said your name. “Give me your number.”
“No and now leave me. I need to get to my class.”
You walked past the group of girls that were chatting obviously about the scene that just happened.
“How can she be so rude with Satoru?”
“Yeah who does she think she is? Does she even know who Satoru is?”
“She is such a loser.”
You couldn't help but roll your eyes. Of course, you were well aware of who he was - everyone knew him. A pampered child from a wealthy family, born into privilege and affluence, often referred to as an “old money baby”. He had everything handed to him on a silver platter - impeccable looks, tall, athletic, and intelligence. For many, he embodied the epitome of perfection. However, for you, he was nothing more than an insufferable jerk whom you couldn't stand.
On the flip side, you were the complete opposite of him. Life hadn't dealt you a fair hand - you struggled to make ends meet. When your mother passed away when you were just six, and your father vanished after hearing news of her pregnancy. Left with no one but your grandmother, you found solace in her loving care. However, as time marched on, you were once again confronted with loneliness when she passed away when you were just 16. With only a meager inheritance from your grandmother and the income from your job at a local store, you barely scraped by until the age of 18. Thankfully, your relentless dedication to your studies paid off when you earned a scholarship to attend the University of Tokyo.
Even though you got into a good college on the degree you wanted, your life in Tokyo hasn’t been quite easy. You were living in a tiny apartment, going to college and working two jobs because it would be impossible to make it to the end of the month with just one job. Luckily, the scholarship covered all my college expenses, but living in Tokyo wasn't exactly easy on the wallet. I found myself navigating life in the bustling city all on my own.
But your aversion towards Gojo Satoru began two years ago, on the first day of college. Rushing late after exhausting yourself at work, you collided with him, causing you to stumble to the ground. Prepared to offer an apology, you were met with his irate ranting, delivered without even a glance in your direction. Had you not been humiliated on the ground, you might have slapped some sense into him right then and there. Why was he so infuriated when he was clearly the one at fault? And the fact that he couldn't even look at you added insult to injury. Frustrated and embarrassed, you left before he could utter another word; you had no desire to hear anything further from him.
The true agony hit when you discovered he would be sharing classes with you. From then on, you made every effort to steer clear of him and his foolishness. However, it seemed everyone in your class, and even in other majors, adored him. The teachers showered him with praise because everything he touched turned to gold. Despite being at the university for two years, you had never managed to outperform his grades, and it infuriated you beyond measure.
For the past two years, you had been lucky enough to avoid partnering with him. However, it appeared that luck had finally abandoned you, and now you were destined to endure his company for the next three months.
You sat on the seat you would normally choose and took out the notebook to take notes of the next class.
“I heard you got assigned with Satoru Gojo in one of your classes.” You heard a voice next to you which made you jump.
“Kyoko… don’t scare me like that.” You cried while putting your hand on your chest trying to calm down. “How did you find out?”
“Well, everyone was talking about how a girl who got paired with the great Satoru Gojo was so rude to him and how she should be more grateful for this glorious opportunity.” You rolled your eyes.
“I might throw myself out of the window…” You leaned your head against the table and closed your eyes. “Three months Kyoko, three months.”
“I know…you know that you can talk to me if he does anything to bother you.”
“Thank you, you’re the best Kyoko.”
She smiled warmly at you, and together you turned your attention to the class. You had met Kyoko on the same day as your initial encounter with Gojo Satoru. Sitting together in one of the classes, an instant connection formed between you two, and from that moment onward, you were inseparable. Kyoko brought a brightness into your life like a ray of sunshine piercing through clouds. On the first Christmas when she discovered you would be spending it alone in your apartment, she whisked you away to her home, where you celebrated with her and her parents. Since then, Kyoko's parents had filled the void of the parents you had dearly missed, and Kyoko herself had become the sister you had always longed for.
The class was over before you knew it. Your hands hurt after taking notes non-stop and your head felt like it was about to explode after barely sleeping last night.
“Do you have time to eat with me? Or you have to go to the grocery store already?” Kyoko stood besides you while walking in the corridor.
“Today I can eat with you. My shift doesn’t start until 3 p.m. so it’s alright.”
Kyoko looked at you with concerned eyes. “Are you sure you are properly resting? You look tired and the grocery store job is okay, but I’m worried about you working on that bar at nights.”
You sighed, she was right the bar was an unpleasant place, most of those who went were men in their 40s or 50s who left their offices and spent the night drinking until they fell at the bar counter, while making obscene comments. But they paid well and the money was something I desperately needed.
You smiled at her. “I will be alright. Don’t worry.”
“You know you can always come to life with me, I know my parents wouldn’t bother taking you in. And if you feel like it would be too much, you could always pay something but then you could quit that crappy job and just work at the grocery store.”
“Kyoko… we already talked about it. I appreciate you and your parents' good heart and intentions but I can handle everything.” She nodded. “And I know I can always count on you.”
“Always.” And she held you from the arm. “Now let’s go and eat something. My treat.” You were about to protest when Kyoko cut you off. “No excuses, you deserve me to invite you especially because my poor best friend is going to have to put up with her least favorite person in the world for three months.”
“Ugh!” You rolled your eyes. “Please don’t remind me of that.”
Both of you laughed and made your way straight to the cafeteria, your stomachs growling with hunger. You had only managed to gulp down a coffee that morning to wake up, and now you were convinced you could devour the entire menu. Taking your usual seats at the table, Kyoko headed to order your food. The cafeteria buzzed with activity, students weaving in and out while conversations filled the air. You glanced at your phone, hoping for some notifications, but all you found were promotional emails from the supermarket.
Kyoko returned with the food, setting it down in front of you, and you delved into a conversation about Kyoko's recent date. It seemed the boy had shown a keen interest in her, but your friend hadn't felt the same way about him. Being the kind-hearted person she was, Kyoko struggled with how to gently let him know she wasn't interested in continuing to see him.
“Oh shit…” Kyoko whispered.
“Don’t turn around but I think a certain someone is coming here.” Your eyebrow arched and you clenched your fists.
“Tell me that the certain someone doesn’t have white hair…” Kyoko grimaced and by the time you wanted to say something, the person responsible for your headache at that very moment had sat down next to you.
“Hello ladies!!” He talked with the happiest tone. He called your name but you ignored him, you didn’t want to interact with him, not even a bit. “I don’t think we know each other. I’m Satoru Gojo.” He talked to Kyoko.
“Kyoko. And we actually share a class together.”
“Oh! We do? Sorry I can’t remember it. But it is nice to meet you, Kyoko.”
“Satoru…” Another male voice spoke behind you. Your head was really going to explode.
“Oh Suguru! Come here!” He moved his hand, pointing at the seat next to Kyoko.
“Satoru… why don’t you leave the girls eating alone.” The boy of dark hair looked at his friend and then at both of you. “I'm sorry for bothering you.”
“It’s okay, don't worry.” Kyoko smiled back at him.
“Come on Suguru! Let’s eat with them… I need to spend more time with my classmate, right birdie?” You looked at him.
“Who are you calling birdie?” You were angry, why was he giving you nicknames like you have known each other for years or like you were close.
“Oh so now you pay attention to me…” He smirked and tilted his head as he rested it on his hand and looked at you.
You snorted and pushed the plate away. “Kyoko, I have to go or I'll be late.” You said goodbye to Gojo's friend, who you assumed was called Suguru, and ignored Gojo.
“Take care.” You heard Kyoko. “And sent me a message once you arrived home from the bar!” You gave her a thumbs up and left the cafeteria.
You felt uneasy. What was Gojo Satoru playing at, giving you a nickname? And that look he just gave you—what was that about? You couldn't stand it. Sinking into your seat on the bus, you put on your headphones, seeking a brief respite before reaching your workplace. You were scheduled to work for five hours, followed by a rush to the bar, where you'd likely be working until 2 a.m., if luck was on your side.
As your eyelids grew heavy, you recognized the familiar streets passing by. With just a few stops left until your destination, you stretched out in your seat and rubbed your eyes, trying to shake off the fatigue.
You got out of the bus and walked a few steps until you reached the small grocery store where you work. You still had 5 minutes left to work but between changing and preparing everything the time would arrive. You greeted Yu who was behind the counter serving a customer and went to the employee room at the back.
“You are early.” Haibara entered the room.
“I’m 5 minutes earlier… is not THAT early.” You smiled at him.
“You know you can always take the day off and rest. I can cover you if you need it, you look so tired.”
“I’m okay but thank you Haibara.”
“Okay! Then if you are taking my place I will get going. A friend of mine is waiting for me.” You nodded. “Call me if you need anything.”
You waved goodbye to him and observed as he rendezvoused with a tall blonde guy outside the store, someone you vaguely recognized from campus. Throughout the afternoon, several children trickled in to purchase trinkets, occasionally accompanied by adults picking up a few items. The day had been relatively quiet, affording you the opportunity to jot down some notes and review your studies.
As closing time approached, the sliding door chimed open once more, signaling the arrival of another customer. However, you were preoccupied assisting a lady who was meticulously counting the coins needed to pay for her purchase.
“Thank you so much darling.” She said once you were done with her. “Have a nice night.”
“Thanks to you! And please come here again.”
“Hello birdie!” Your mouth opened slightly when you saw who was waiting to be served and the last customer of the day.
“What the fuck are you doing here?!” You screamed angrily.
He looked down and moved the bottle he was holding. “Buying something to drink.” He smiled, showing his perfect smile.
“Here?” He nodded. “In this grocery store?” He nodded again. “Of this unknown neighborhood?” He nodded once again. “Gojo…” You touched your head, closing your eyes. “I don’t know what you want or your intentions but don’t you dare bother me anymore.”
“I already told you birdie I’m here, to buy this.” He put the bottle in front of you.
“There you have it. Now, bye.” You turned around and started cleaning some things that were around. It was time to close and you needed to hurry up to got to the bar.
You picked up and changed into the clothes you had come in. For a moment you had to lean against the wall, for an hour or so you had been dizzy and nauseous, but you couldn't allow yourself to be absent. You turned off the lights and closed the grocery store.
“What are you still doing here?” You turned around to look at Gojo who was right in front of the shop.
He walked smiling towards you. “Waiting for you.”
You rolled your eyes, couldn’t he understand you or something. “Well, I don’t want you to be waiting for me. So now… BYE!” And you started moving towards the bar.
“Oh c’mon.” He said your name this time. “Let me accompany you to your house or at least near it. It’s not good for a girl to…”
“Are you a stalker?” Gojo opened his mouth. “And I’m not going home, I need to get to work and because of you I might be late.”
“Work? But you just get out of it.” He walked next to you. “Why would you have two works…”
“Listen Gojo! Not everyone is born on a silver spoon. Some of us have to work our asses out to get the things we want.” You were tired. “You are lucky your parents probably get you everything they want for you but not everyone is that lucky.”
“You’re pale. Are you okay?” You certainly weren’t, but you couldn't afford to be, you had to go to work. “Oh shit! You might have a fever.” His hand was on your forehead, wait when did he get that close?
“Leave me…” Everything was spinning around.
“Hey!” You felt how Gojo held you, preventing you from falling to the ground, and then everything went black.
You weren't certain how long you had been unconscious, but it was certainly for a considerable amount of time. As you blinked your eyes open, you found yourself surrounded by darkness, with only a faint glow of outside light seeping into the room. Despite the dimness, you were able to swiftly recognize your surroundings. You were in Kyoko's room, but how had you ended up there? The last memory you could recall was being with Gojo before blacking out.
“Kyoko?” You whispered. You were confused and still feeling sick.
You saw how a silhouette moved to grab something from the table and then a light from the cell phone illuminated the room.
Kyoko whispered your name. “How are you feeling?”
“Still dizzy…” You touched your head. “How did I get here?”
“Satoru called me.” You looked at her confused, since when she called him Satoru and since when did she have his number. “Don’t look at me like that, when you left I stayed with him and with his friend, Suguru and they are pretty nice guys.” You rolled your eyes. “And his friend is pretty cute.”
“What? It’s true, he was so polite and nice and did you know he studies…”
“Do you like him?”
“I mean… it’s early to say that but I would love to go out with him sometime.” Your friend smiled.
“You remember that there is a guy still waiting for an answer from you right?”
Kyoko pouted. “I know… I will let him know I’m not interested, because it’s true I’m not.”
“But now to what is important.” Oh here it came. “What would you have done if Satoru wasn’t there when you fainted?”
“I… it was just a coincidence. I was totally find this morning.”
Kyoko said your name heavily. “How much have you slept this week? And be honest with me.”
You thought for a moment. “5 hours…”
“That’s not bad, I thought you were going to say something like 2 hours.”
“In the last 3 days…”
Kyoko opened her mouth, letting a gasp out. “Are you insane? You want to die or something?”
“Sorry! But college and the jobs… the jobs, my shift on the bar…”
“Relax. I called them and told them you were sick after Satoru called me.” You breathed in relief. “But don’t try to change the topic. 5 hours in 3 days?! That’s inhuman and you can’t keep going like this.”
“And what do I do Kyoko?” You pulled the sheets up to your face.
“Stay here… we have a spare room, you can stay there.” You growled, Kyoko knew that was too much. Even if you were her best friend, you were still someone from outside the family. “You can pay a minimum if that will make you feel better, but if you stay here you wouldn’t have to pay the rent you are paying right now and you wouldn’t have to work at that shitty bar.”
“I… I will think about it okay…” Kyoko nodded.
“Now go back to sleep.”
“Okay…” You closed your eyes.
“And by the way.” Kyoko spoke again. “Start thinking what you are going to say to Satoru, you throw up on him.”
“I… WHAT?” Your eyes opened like plates.
“Good night~”
“No Kyoko, tell me! What do you mean I threw up on Gojo?” You cried.
“Go to sleep.”
You groaned, feeling utterly mortified at the thought of having thrown up on Gojo. This was beyond embarrassing—how were you supposed to face him and apologize for such a humiliating incident? The desire to vanish into thin air consumed you. Your head spun with the aftermath of the situation, and before you knew it, you had drifted off to sleep.
Upon waking up again, you sensed that several hours had passed; sunlight now flooded through the window, illuminating the room entirely. Kyoko was nowhere to be seen, and you sat up in bed, stretching your stiff body. You felt utterly filthy after experiencing fever and vomiting; a shower was desperately needed.
Searching for your phone to check the time, you discovered several messages awaiting your attention—some from Kyoko and others from an unknown number.
Kyoko ☀️
Rest as much as you want. My mom left you food prepared in the kitchen but you will be alone for most of the day.
You can take my clothes if you want.
And don’t worry about the classes I will take the notes for you.
And by the way, I’m sorry and I love you 😘
Sorry? For what? You tapped on the unknown number and then you understood why she was sorry.
Hellooooo birdie !!
Kyoko gave me your number, don’t get angry at her.
I hope you feel better soon
You clenched your fists and sighed, now you would have to endure it because of your cell phone too.
You to Kyoko ☀️
You should be grateful I love you so much and I won’t kill you.
And thanks, I will be taking a shower and do you mind if I take one of your pajamas?
Kyoko ☀️
Everything that’s mine is yours 😘
You rolled your eyes at your friend. And opened once again the chat of Gojo. How should you respond to him? Should you apologize for throwing up at him? Should you just be as cold as always? The guy was messaging you after you fainted and threw up on him, he didn’t deserve to be treated coldly although you wanted to.
You to Pain in the ass
Hi. I’m good
Thanks for yesterday and sorry for what happened…
Also stop calling me birdie, people would think we are close or something
Leaving your phone on the table, you grabbed one of Kyoko's pajamas and made your way to the bathroom. Compared to a few hours ago, you felt significantly better; the fever seemed to have subsided or at least diminished in intensity. After a refreshing shower, you changed into the pajamas and headed to the kitchen.
True to Kyoko's word, her mother had left a plate of food prepared for you. Grateful for the gesture, you sat down to enjoy the meal. Retrieving your phone once more, you noticed two notifications, which came as a surprise—they were not the usual supermarket offers.
Pain in the ass
Don’t worry about it, I’m glad to hear you are okay
*This message was deleted*
What did he send and delete after?
Pain in the ass
Since you are sick we decided to accompany Kyoko for lunch!
And there was a picture of Kyoko with Gojo and two other people, the guy from yesterday, Suguru and another girl you didn’t know about. Kyoko was smiling and doing the peace sign next to Suguru, while Gojo was the one taking the selfie and showing off his perfect teeth.
You to Pain in the ass
You better treat Kyoko right, or you will hear from me once I’m back at class.
It was hard to believe you were talking so casually with him. You shook your head, talking like that on the phone was just a way of being polite with him, nothing else.
Pain in the ass
If that way I get you to talk to me
You stayed looking at the message for a couple of minutes. Something on your stomach was moving. Stupid Satoru Gojo.
You to Pain in the ass
By the way, do I need to pay you something… for you know…
Pain in the ass
For what?
You to Pain in the ass
Don’t make me say it, it’s way too embarrassing.
Pain in the ass
If you don’t tell me what I won’t know 🤷
You to Pain in the ass
Throwing up on you!
Do I need to pay for something? Like dry cleaning or something?
Pain in the ass
You wanted to punch him, he obviously knew.
Pain in the ass
Nop, you don’t need to pay anything. Don’t worry 😉
You to Pain in the ass
Okay, now I will leave to sleep
Don’t bother me Gojo!
Pain in the ass
Alright birdie!!
Rest well. I don’t want you throwing up and fainting in the arms of other people
You to Pain in the ass
Say something like that again and I’m blocking you
Pain in the ass
You rolled your eyes and left the phone once again. He really was a pain in the ass. You went to Kyoko’s room and lay down on her bed, although you were feeling better, you were still feeling tired, so you decided to sleep for a bit more, at least until Kyoko returned home.
You heard a door close and someone walk down the hall in silence. You knew it was Kyoko when she entered the room. She walked up to you and you smiled at her when your eyes met.
“You look better.”
“I feel better.” You say stretching on yourself. “I feel like I have slept everything I haven’t slept in a month.” You looked at Kyoko and she was doing a grimace of disgust. “Don’t look at me like that.”
“Have you thought about it? About moving here?”
You did. You thought about it a lot, but you couldn't deny that you were at a point where if you continued at that pace you would end up killing yourself.
“I will.” Kyoko screamed with happiness. “But only if your parents are okay with it.”
“And they are! Don’t worry.” She started clapping and jumped out of bed with happiness. “By the way, I’m surprised you met Satoru yesterday at the grocery store.”
You looked at her strangely. “Didn't you tell her where she worked?” Kyoko shook her head.
And then it hit you, you haven't told Haibara that you would not be going to work today, he would probably be covering for you and you would have to tell him.
“Shit… Where is my phone?” You looked around.
“Who is Pain in the ass?” Kyoko hang you the phone.
“It’s Gojo…” She nodded while you searched for the number of Haibara on your phone. “Haibara!” You said when you heard him picking up. “Yeah it’s me… I’m so sorry, I’m sick and I couldn’t go today… I hope you-” Kyoko looked at you when felt silent. “What do you mean you already knew? Who told you?” Kyoko watched you with interest trying something of what was said on the other end of the phone. “Oh… okay. I will thank him then… Yeah. Bye.” And you throw the phone to the side.
“What’s with that face?”
“Gojo Satoru told my coworker I was sick.”
“That’s pretty considerate.”
“They are friends…”
“My coworker and Gojo, that’s why he appeared there.” You realized. “Probably Haibara told him and he came to bother.”
Kyoko called your name and you looked at her. “I don’t think he went to bother you…”
“Well… but it’s strange he went all the way to that place! Why would he go if it wasn’t to bother me?”
Your best friend sighed and closed her eyes, whispering something you could not hear and then looked back at you. “Thanks he was there. Or who knows what would have happened to you.”
You rolled your eyes. “You are right. And I already thanked him.”
“Oh you did?”
“Don’t act surprised when you were the one that gave him my number.”
She put her hands in the air and smiled. “Sorry. But he was really, REALLY insistent…”
“I can imagine.”
“He sent you a message right? What did he say?”
You took the phone and unlocked it to see the message that Gojo sent you.
Pain in the ass
I'll save you place next to me in class for tomorrow 🙆
What’s up with him?
“Oh…” Kyoko smiled next to you.
“Nothing… figure it out yourself baby.” She smiled.
“Kyoko… Kyoko, what did that oh ment, come back here.” You followed her through the corridor while she laughed.
“No.” She continued laughing. “Oh!” She stopped walking and turned to look at you. “I already sent a message to the guy.”
“You? Are you really going to try and go out with Gojo’s friend?”
She shrugged and smiled. The fact that Kyoko started dating Gojo's friend didn't particularly bother you, but it did mean potentially spending even more time with Gojo than you had anticipated. The mere thought made your head ache again. However, before dealing with that, you needed to figure out how to face Satoru Gojo tomorrow. It would mark the first encounter since... that incident.
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Note: a comment and a like would be appreciated. Also comment to be tagged in the chapters
Tag list: @crybabytoru, @sanriosatoru, @norvacaine, @sadmonke
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myocsfanfictions · 3 months
House of the Dragon Fanfiction
Princess Ysilla Targaryen is the only daughter of Prince Daemon Targaryen and Lady Rhea Royce. The affection that she felt for her mother was strong, while her father had never been there, acting as if Ysilla was not even his. But she was. The dragon egg that had been put in her cradle hatched. An outcast of a dragon was born. A dragon with no legs. An outcast of a dragon for and an outcast of a dragon rider. Ysilla’s hair was dark but streaked with white. She was a Targaryen, and her wrath was not different from the one that burned inside the members of the House of the Dragon.
《 Previous - Next 》
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“Dracarys.” When Ysilla said those words, her dragon breathed fire. She had the serving girl bring her a piece of raw meat.
Dragons didn't eat raw meat.
"Sƴz, riña," the Maester told her. He had been with her for six months now. A gift from her uncle after she visited King's Landing. (Good, child)
"Kirimvose," she answered. Her eyes fixed on her dragon. (Thank you)
Ysilla had been studying High Valyrian as soon as the Maester started to serve her, but her mother did not appreciate the King's gift. She said that there was no reason for him to be in Runestone.
"Mother, please!" she complained one night when her mother expressed the wish for the man to return to King's Landing.
"We don't need him here." She had answered.
"You may don't, but I do," Ysilla said. The shock on her mother's face was visible. Ysilla usually listened to whatever her mother said. It had been a strange feeling to be stubborn with her. But Ysilla could not let her lady mother send her teacher back to the Capital.
"I'm the only Targaryen who does not know High Valyrian," Ysilla explained. Her small hands clenched in fists. She wanted to be strong in front of her mother. She had to be.
"I've always told you to be proud of your blood. First Men's blood," her mother's words made Ysilla's eyes stung with tears.
"I remember," she said. But she wouldn't have backed down. "But I need to learn High Valyrian."
"You need to learn how to hawk," her mother answered firmly.
Ysilla felt so much rage in her.
"I'm not a goat; I'm a dragon!" Her mother's dark eyes widened. Shocked, she shared a look with her cousin, Ser Gerold Royce. At that moment, Ysilla understood that the words she had heard from Otto Hightower were true. It had been painful. But she knew what she had to do.
If Father sees I'm a good Targaryen, he will love me. Ysilla was sure of that. She did not act as a Targaryen at all. Her mother wanted her to be more similar to a Royce. But Ysilla was much more of that. She was a Targaryen princess. In a few years, he would have been a dragon rider. And when she would have grown up, she would have been like Visenya. She was more than a noble lady from the Vale. She was a Targaryen.
Father would be proud of me, she swore.
Ysilla would study all day. History, philosophy, calculus, politics, and High Valyrian. With the Master of the Dragonpit, she would speak only High Valyrian. She wanted to learn fast, especially when she found out that the war on the Stepstones was over.
"Father won!" Ysilla said happily to her uncle Gerold one day in the Godswood of Runestone. "He must have flown with Caraxes and burned them all."
Her uncle observed her in silence. His beard may have hidden half of his face. But she could see his lips tight in a thin line.
"You've changed, Ysilla, since you visited King's Landing," he said, making her smile.
"The Maester says that dragons feel other dragons," she answered, looking at the red leaves of the Heart Tree, "Maybe it had been the same with humans as well."
Her uncle took a deep breath. "Why are you so obsessed with these matters? You hardly speak of other topics, if not dragons."
Ysilla lowered her eyes. No one wanted to talk about those matters with her, as no one liked her dragon, her only friend.
"I'm a Targaryen," she said, "My father is Prince Daemon Targaryen."
"And your mother is Rhea Royce," he reproved her. Does she not share equal importance?"
"Of course she does," Ysilla muttered with a flush of shame. Since her dragon had been born, Ysilla and her mother had started to argue frequently. Her mother did not like Ysill's interests.
Ysilla wished not to argue with her mother. She had been very important to the little princess. She had been a role model, and Ysilla had so much respect for her. And she had raised Ysilla as a Royce. Proud as a Royce. But she wanted for Ysilla to forget that she was a Targaryen. And she could not. Ysilla had to show her father and everyone else that her mother was no goat. And that she was a dragon.
"You know I love you?" One evening, Ysilla asked her mother about it as they were dining.
"So sudden?" Her mother answered with raised eyebrows. Rhea Royce was not an openly loving woman, but Ysilla knew her mother cared for her.
"Do you?" Ysilla insisted stubbornly.
Her mother took a breath, "I do."
Ysilla seemed happy by her words, "And I'm sorry if in the last months I've been wilful."
"I'm glad you've realized it," her mother said, but Ysilla kept talking. " Why do you don't like that I'm a Targaryen?" Her mother took a breath. She put the knife in her hand and put it back on the table, but she did not answer. "Everyone in the realm wishes to say that their children have the blood of old Valyria."
Her mother observed her in silence for a moment, "The marriage between me and your father is a rich arrangement for the realm," Ysilla's eyes grew larger, leaning forward on the table. Her mother had never spoken of those matters with her. "But your father grew insufferable here. Insufferable of me," Ysilla listened quietly, "When I gave birth to you, your hair was as dark as your eyes. And he was there. He suggested that you were a bastard."
Ysilla lowered her eyes. It could not be possible. But why would her mother lie to her? There was no reason. So it must be true. But it could not be.
"He never wanted to see you," her mother said.
"I'm not a bastard," Ysilla whispered.
"No, you're not," her mother answered. Growing up, your hair and eyes proved it to everyone. But your father never accepted that."
"Why?" Ysilla asked, confused.
"He loathes me as I do him," she answered. And he would have broken the marriage off if he could make people think you were a bastard. That's why he never wants to see us." Ysilla lowered her gaze. "He loves his ambition, Ysilla. And you are more than him."
Ysilla felt confused. It all seemed absurd to her. Why would her father hate her mother? And why did he hate his daughter because of that? He had never talked to her. One could not just decide to hate someone, could they?
"All the Kings of the Seven Kingdoms, Ysilla," asked the Septa one morning.
Ysilla took a breath. "Aegon I the Conquerer. After him, there was his son, Aenys I. His mother was Queen Rhaenys. Then Maegor the Cruel. Then Jeaherys I. He was called The Old King, or the Wise, or the Conciliator. He ruled peacefully for half a century. But he had no heir."
"So what happened?" The Septa asked.
"He had to choose between his two nephews," Ysilla remembered, "Princess Rhaenys or Prince Viserys. And he chose Prince Viserys. Now King Viserys I."
"And who is to follow?"
"The King chose Princess Rhaenyra," Ysilla said. Then she frowned. No woman had been queen of the Seven Kingdoms. And when her Uncle chose Rhaenyra, Aegon was not yet born. So, the rightful heir should have been her father, Daemon Targaryen.
He loves his ambition. Ysilla remembered her mother's words. How did her father react to the King's decision?
And the Dragonstone folly. She remembered.
"What is it with Father and Dragonstone?" Ysilla asked before she could stop herself.
The Septa's eyes widened, "That is off-topic, princess."
"But I want to know," Ysilla said stubbornly. "Why was Father in Dragonstone? Rhaenyra is the Princess of Dragonstone, not Father."
"Ysilla," her mother's voice came from behind her, making her turn. The Septa was quick to stand up and bow to the Lady of Runestone. "Stop with those questions," Ysilla observed her mother; she was wearing her riding attire. She was surely going out to hawk. Then she came next to her daughter, caressing her hair, "I'm riding out," she said, "Do you remember your duties for today?"
Ysilla nodded, "History, then sawing lesson."
The High Valyrian, she thought.
"I'll be back to dine together," her mother said, putting on her glove, "Behave."
"And be proud," Ysilla muttered. That made her mother chuckle.
"I don't need to remind you that," she said, "You never fail to be proud." Ysilla smiled, observing her mother walking toward the door.
"Be careful," Ysilla said to her mother like she always did. The little princess didn't go out to hawk that much—her pony was too little. But her mother had told her that in six months, they would have gone hawking together. Her mother loved to hunt, but Ysilla could not wait to be on the dragon's back more.
"Skori jāhor nyke sagon naejot sōvegon issa zaldrīzes?" Asked Ysilla, stammering some of the words. Not sure she remembered them correctly. (When will I be able to fly my dragon?)
"Hāre jēdri, riña," the Maester answered, observing how Ysilla's dragon liked to be next to his rider. (Three years, girl)
Three years, and she would have been able to fly. Her dragon was growing every day more, surprising everyone. But the Maester told her that he was growing fast for his conditions.
"I really need to find a name soon," she said, observing the violet eyes of her dragon. "A fighter name." Then he looked at the sky, making a little sound. Then he looked back at Ysilla, making the same sound. He seemed a little agitated, but he calmed down when the girl touched his head.
The Maester had told her that she and the creature had a strong connection. "Hae dārilaros Daemon se Caraxes." (Like Prince Daemon and Caraxes)
Ysilla looked up at the man. He had been in King's Landing all his life, tending the Targaryens' Dragons. He had seen all of them: King Viserys and Balerion, The Black Dread, Princess Rhaenys and Meleys, Rhaenyra, and Syrax, and, of course, Ysilla's father and Caraxes.
"Gōntan kepa gūrotan Caraxes lēda zirȳla, skori istas naejot Zaldrīzesdōron?" Ysilla spoke slowly, thinking about every word. (Did Father take Caraxes with him when he went to Dragonstone?)
"Hen rhinka, riña." the man answered. His tone was strange. Trying to hide anger. But it was there. Why anger? She wanted to know. (Of course, child)
He would have never answered if she had asked inquisitively, she knew. But maybe that anger could be used in some way.
"Such a vile act," Ysilla said, using the same tone Otto Hightower had used. "Dragonstone belongs to Princess Rhaenyra."
"The stolen egg was much more vile," when she turned to the man, his eyes were wide. Regretting those words. "Forgive me, princess," he was quick to add, bowing his head.
Her father had stolen a dragon egg. Why would he do such a thing?
Her dragon looked at the sky again, flipping his small black wings.
"There's no need," she answered, trying to do her best to hide the shock in her tone, "I already knew," she lied, "My mother always tells me about my father's deeds. And they are not always positive words." She thought fast. Her egg had been chosen for her as soon as she was born; that was the Targaryen's tradition. If her father had taken an egg, there was only a reason. She felt rage thinking about that possibility.
"A dragon to a bastard," she said, noticing how the stolen egg was a sensitive topic for the man. "That's an insult."
Would he really steal an egg to give it to a bastard when he had insulted his mother by saying that Ysilla was one?
"Fortunately, no bastard was born, as far as it's known," he answered, "It was just an act to challenge the King's authority."
He loves his ambition, Ysilla.
Didn't he support his brother as King? Or he didn't support Rhaenyra as the future Queen? Why did he take that egg?
"Skoros drōmon iksin bona?" Ysilla asked not turning to the man. (What egg was that?)
"Se drōmon hen Dreamfyre. Dārilaros Rhaenyra ēdas chosen ziry syt zirȳla morghe lēkia, Baelon," Ysilla felt the blood in her veins run cold. (The egg of Dreamfyre. Princess Rhaenyra had chosen it for her dead brother, Baelon)
It was such a vile act to steal his dead nephew's egg. To give it to who? If he hated his wife, who was he planning to give it to? She would have liked to ask more, but her dragon started to growl, agitated. He flapped his wings again and kept looking at the sky.
That was strange. He had never done that. He was a calm dragon, never making many sounds, but he was upset and not able to stay still.
"Skoros iksis jāre va?" Ysilla asked, glancing at the man before walking to her dragon, kneeling at his side, "Lykiri," she said, trying to gain her dragon's attention, but he wasn't listening. (What is going on?) (Calm down)
"Maester?" She asked, seeing the man looking at the sky as well. His face was dark with worry.
"Dohaeris," she said, focusing back on her dragon. He seemed somewhat drawn to those words and glanced at her with his purple eyes.
A strange feeling went down through Ysilla's back. A shiver full of dread.
I want Mother, she thought instinctively. Feeling her eyes stung with tears.
"Ysilla," The voice of her uncle Gerold made her turn with a gasp. The man was behind her. His face was pale, his hands were trembling, and on his clothes, there was blood.
She stood up, trembling. Her eyes never lived the red of the blood.
"The Lady Rhea…"
Ysilla felt cold as her dragon roared with wrath.
Tag list: @watercolorskyy @darylandbethfanforever9 @roxannequeen @shadowzena43
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actingwithportals · 9 months
I wish more people understood that not every blind person is the exact same and we do not all need the same things and also the circumstances under how you were raised and when your blindness occurred and how involved you were in a blind community all play parts into what accessibility needs you will have.
Like. I was born legally blind. My vision has been for the most part stable my whole life, and it is likely to not change (unless normal worsening with age). I was raised in a family full of sighted people and all of my friends and members of my community were sighted people. I did not start meeting other blind people and joining blind communities until my early teenage years. This shaped me in such a way that I never learned Braille until I started teaching myself when I got older, did not learn to use a cane until I started attending blind camps as a teen, did not know I had an option of asking for accessibility with videos or images or menus or shopping or cooking or ANYTHING until I met other blind people who made it clear to me that there was a way I could exist with independence as a blind person and didn't have to just. miss out on life that I couldn't see.
So a vast majority of the way I taught myself to get by is very different from someone who spent a lot more of their early years around other blind people. But I also picked up a great deal of "normal" blind accessibility tricks from my teen years of involving myself with more blind communities that other blind folks who never involve themselves in blind communities are aware of or find useful.
My vision teacher as a kid showed me JAWS and explained what it was, but never really bothered to teach me to use it because ZoomText she decided was better for me. So I grew up to use screen magnifiers and not screenreaders. She didn't teach me Braille because she could get ahold of large print books, and when she couldn't she would find me a vast array of magnifiers to use. Ones with lights, ones in different shapes, some that were actual screen devices while others were simply glass. She didn't teach me how to use a cane and instead got me monoculars and bioptics, even though those actually...were not very easily usable to me. I had to teach myself how to use a cane after my first year of camp where I was gifted one, and later expanded upon learning when I finally took Orientation and Mobility training my year before moving out to college. I wouldn't start learning Braille until around the same time when I was given a Brailler by the specific state agency that provided assistive devices to blind students during high school and college.
So now, as an adult, what I find useful is reading text on a screen so that I can adjust my own contrast and magnification, I use a cane when walking around on my own outside of my home or other familiar areas, I use Braille on my keyboard and around on my household appliances so that I don't have to bend over or squint to attempt to read any settings or buttons or keys. A different blind person who grew up with different circumstances will have a very different list of assistive technology that is useful to them. Some will hate magnifiers and prefer audiobooks. Some would rather read Braille. Some will use puff paint or color-coding for household appliances or items like on clothing tags or toothbrushes. Some will use bioptics or monoculars when going to the theater instead of sitting close to the screen, or they might do both, or neither and will just listen. Some will use canes, some will use service dogs, some will use neither, or might prefer a sighted guide.
There are...so many ways a blind person might choose to make their life accessible. And we do not always agree with each other on what is best, because we do not all have the same eyes. Nor do we have the same ears, or hands, or feet. We are varied and complex and we disagree sometimes and come together other times and we discuss amongst ourselves on how to make things better for our community and we confer with other communities on how we help ourselves and help each other. We are not all the same. We are not all the same. We are not all the same.
If you want an answer for what is the One Agreeable accessibility feature for blind people: there isn't one. So just talk to us, instead. Get to know how we vary, how we relate, how you can best help one of us and how you might best help another. I'm sure we'd be happy to tell you what works best for us individually if you ask. And if we wouldn't, then that's ok. Sometimes we gotta figure things out on our own first before we can explain it to others. Either way, never stop asking. Because accessibility is always evolving, and someone is always going to have a different answer to the same question.
You can't get accessibility wrong if you're just willing to try. So keep trying.
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oneofthetorturedpoets · 3 months
Can you write a Melissa Schemmenti x reader, which Melissa writes like secret like cute notes to us but like we don't know it's from her and it being like all fluff and stuff please also maneater was sooooo good ❤️😭
melissa schemmenti x reader
(not proofread please ignore any errors 😭)
old fashioned lover.
“i just wish some things were still old fashioned, everything’s online now” you comment as you open the break room fridge “like buy me flowers, write me letters, something real” Janine nods along.
little do you know, melissa is taking mental notes of everything you say.
the first note you got, you thought it was from a student.
you walk into your class room, seeing a folded white sheet of paper on your desk. you opened the little note up.
'you are an amazing teacher, when you first came to abbott, I could tell you were going to make this place better than it has ever been'
you slide the paper into your drawer, smiling at the kind words.
the second note made you assume you had a secret admirer. there was a bouquet of beautiful flowers with the note inside.
'your smile lights up any room you walk into. just seeing you makes my day'
you grab the flowers, bringing them up to your nose to smell them. Barbara walks up to the door.
"you got yourself a special someone?" she asks, knowing very well who sent them.
you turn around, smiling. "yes, apparently. but I have no idea who it is, they aren't giving me anything to go off of"
she smirks. "don't worry, time will tell" her words only confusing you more.
the third note gave you a little hint at who it was.
'the night when we all went to the bar after the last school year ended is forever burned into my mind. your hair was perfectly curled, the outfit you wore bringing out your eyes. every time you looked over at me, my heart jumped out of my chest. it's impossible to not fall in love with you.'
you remember that night, you and the entire abbott crew went out for drinks after completing yet another school year. your secret admirer is between Jacob, Ava, Barbara, Melissa, Gregory, and Janine. there is no way its any of them, Jacob is gay, Ava and Janine are straight, Barbara is married, Melissa is messing around with that firefighter, and Gregory is still in love with Janine.
who the hell is it?
the fourth note made you even more confused.
'I've tried to move on from you, I even got into a serious relationship thinking if I tried to ignore my feelings for you, they would go away. I was so wrong. I felt like a shitty person because I kept comparing them to you. I learned then that no one can compare to you.'
in the break room, you're showing Janine the note. "it has to be someone in our group." she says, you nod. "could it be Melissa? she has been the only one who was in a serious relationship and broke it off?"
you laugh. "no way, she wouldn't feel that way about me. plus she has that one guy. bob? rob? I don't know, I just know she is way out of my league... I wish though, you know how long i've liked her" Janine shrugs.
Melissa, who is right outside the door, heard everything. you liked her back?
it's 8pm on friday, you're on your couch in your pajamas, watching your latest obsession when there is a bunch of loud persistent knocks on your door. "Jesus! I'm coming!"
you get up, running to your door. you open it, revealing an out of breath Melissa. "Melissa? are you okay?" she nods, trying to catch her breath.
"i'm sorry, I just need to get this out. I heard what you said in the break room about your feelings for me-" you cut her off.
"shit. I didn't mean for-"
"don't. let me get this out, y/n. I've been writing those notes for you. I wasn't sure what I was going to do if you found out it was me, I just wanted to make sure you knew there was someone out there who loved you. I never thought you would feel the same about me. Ever since I laid eyes on you, I've loved you." your eyes go wide. not sure what to say, you pull her into you. looking into her eyes for permission. she gives you a little nod. you gently press into her, her lips soft against your.
you pull away. "what about your firefighter guy? weren't you seeing him?"
she shakes her head. "it was one night, just for fun and I hated every second of it." she pulls you in again.
taglist: @natashamaximoff-69 @allamanamedearl @ricejucie @marvels--slut
to join my taglist, send in an ask!!
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yuyan · 6 months
To my darling
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A/n: Merry Christmas and have a happy new year! I hope you enjoy it @pavo-ocell-me! This was a very fun event that I loved taking part in @2023gisecretsanta
Pairing: Lyney x gn!reader
Tags: Pure fluff! Modern au, implied school/college setting, penpals, pre-established relationship, reader is learning French, where reader lives doesn't have snow, one curse word just one ^^
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"Take intermediate French they said. You'll be fine they said," you muttered to no one in particular as you read the Google translation over and over again. "My French teacher is going to kill me."
You rubbed your eyes, peeking out of makeshift pillow your arms made. Standing tall at the front of the class with a booming voice was your French teacher. She held a small, clear glass jar with folded bits of paper inside in one hand while placing a stack of letters on her lectern with her other.
"Speaking with natives is an excellent and necessary way to develop your language skills (unlike this soon to be 30 minute speech) so due to the cancellation of the exchange program for this year and the long dragged on meeting, we have decided to give you all pen pals!" she announced. Her arms held a wide stance, awaiting for something you were unaware of.
Some whispers and small squeals echoed through the lecture hall. Others groaned and put their head on the desk, waiting for celestia, perhaps even an archon to take them. You did neither.
"I wish I could turn back time," you sighed. After contemplating for an hour whether your teacher would ever find out that you used Google translate to write half your letter or not, you started handwriting it on a stack of fancy paper you really shouldn't have been able to afford. "Shell never know. It's not like he can tell her anyways."
As you dragged your pen along the piece of paper, you remembered the speech about how necessary this was, the small piece of paper you pulled out of the bag and the letter that came with it. With a small smile playing on your lips, you signed off and stuck the small paper that read "lyney" just below your name with a paper rainbow rose you made yourself. It had its imperfections but it's similarity to the fresh ones he sent you left you content.
"Oh my god why did he reply so fast?" you asked yourself. Not even 3 days later and you received another letter from lyney. You traced the grooves of the red wax seal made you shiver. He wouldn't ever know you used google translate right? With pursed lips, you opened it. Perfume immediately muddled your senses as you opened up the envelope. Your peers hadn't even sent their first letter, let alone receive their second.
As you skimmed over the letter, you took down some notes like where he's from–which was so uncessary–what he likes to do and some of his contact details. You hummed, giving yourself imaginary pats on the back for reading a whole three sentences before typing the other two paragraphs into Google translate. You really needed to switch classes, desperately.
It was only then you spotted that a sentence in french came out the same in the translation. "You really shouldn't be using Google translate for these letters," written at the very bottom. Well fuck.
"You are friends with your penpal? Well that's lovely (name)," your French teacher clapped with bright sparkles in her eyes. It blinded you for a second and you had to look away before you lost the ability to see forever.
(potato_name):lyney sent a reel.
(potato_name):lyney sent a picture.
(potato_name):lyney sent you a mes...
I didn't use Google translate for this one. Are you proud of me? You wrote at the bottom before slipping the letter into its envelope and sealing it with the new wax stamp set you bought recently.
You rushed back home. You winced at the clatter of your laptop in your bag hitting the floor, deciding it was a problem for future you. Ripping open the envelope and skimming through the letter, you read at the very bottom 'I am proud of anything you do, mon Cheri."
A smile broke out onto your lips as you neatly kept it away in a small box your mother got you from Fontaine when you were little. The small box was made of white marble with gold outlining its edges and gathering in a few swirls in the middle where the golden clasp rested.
The Sun shone brightly despite it being the middle of December. Rays of Sunlight squeezed through your closed curtains and you wondered if it was snowing in Fontaine right now. Did Lyney like playing in the snow?
Letters became less and less frequent as your peers lost motivation in writing long drawn out of paragraphs with nothing but small talk. A year and a half had passed yet your teacher held a strong morale despite the head of languages not enforcing this penpals program anymore. Even they must have gotten tired of the back and forth.
A few days until Christmas holidays. Opening your phone, you checked to see if lyney had texted you anything. Nothing...
Your eyes kept glossing over your texts from Friday 11am. Its been a week. Pictures of him and his two siblings who added you back on Instagram. Even Lynette had texted you today, showing some new tea she bought from inazuma last week.
My brother has been writing non-stop for the past few days. Are you guys still doing the penpals thing?
No, maybe he is writing to someone else?
Your stomach dropped as you reread your message. "Writing to someone else...I need fresh air." You took your phone and wallet and headed out the door.
"Where are you going?" your roomate called out but you were already heading to the lift. You ran your fingers through your hair, pushing it out of your face with a sigh. It shouldn't matter. It shouldn't matter but this is the fifth time you've checked your phone this morning and its been a week with only a read tag.
"I seriously need to ban myself from my phone."
Oh...nevermind. I'll ask him then.
Sent Friday 10 : 39am
"The christmas carnival was so much funner this year," your friend said, laughing. Then one hiccup escaped from her mouth. And then another one. Until you and your other friend bursted out laughing. "Not funny!"
"Yeah yeah. I still can't believe (Name) won that plushie from that shooting stall," your other friend said. He tossed another chip in his mouth, after finally calming down from his laughter.
"I'm surprised too. Those games are typically so rigged, I mean did you see the look on the owner's face though?" you said.
Holding up the little classic brown teddy bear, you admired it at all angles. Its red bow had a little bell hanging from the centre, jingling as you walked.
Its silly smile matched yours and then you noticed it. The small teddy's bowtie resembled the one Lyney wore in one of the pictures he sent. And the small envelope the size of your palm that the teddy held was a real one made of paper.
"(Name)? Whats wrong?"
"Nothing! I just realised my parents wanted me back at 10 and well its 11 so I have to go," you said with a bright smile, "Bye!"
"You live in a dorm though?" your friend countered, "(Name)!" But you were already walking out of the festival gates.
Picking out the small envelope, you brushed your thumb over the grooves of the wax seal. The same wax seal that you used for the last letter you sent. Did he really get the same stamp?
A mini rainbow rose fell out. The vibrant colours provided a stark contrast to the humid summer night. One letter. Five words. I love you, Mon cheri.
Your eyes widened and you nearly dropped the letter, fumbling with it for a bit. Taking in the cool nighttime breeze, you looked up only to see the person you hadn't talk to in a week standing only a few metres away from you.
Lyney held a bouquet of vibrant rainbow roses in one hand and the other behind his back.
"How are you..?" You took as step back, your gaze falling to the floor then back up at him again.
"I told you I'm a magician in one of my letters didn't I?" Lyney started, "I would appear anywhere if it was to be with you."
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nanaloveswo-men · 5 months
pairing: nanami x reader (sfw, implicit that you have a relationship) summary: the firsts years lost nanami's cat. you were called to help. nanami isn't happy. wc: 2.7 i want to write more about nanami, you and his (yours) cat
requests are open!
"sensei!" itadori feel the relieve filling his body as soon as you pick up the phone.
honestly, you kind of wish to never know what is happening, because if itadori is calling you, certainly, nothing good will come out of it. still, you have a job to do while you are his teacher.
you try to sound as polite as possible when answering him.
"hi yuji! is everything okay?" 'impossible' your mind quickly answer.
you hear some noises in the back of the call, and immediately you recognize the other voices.
"don't sound so hopeless" nobara shout at her friend, and you can perfectly imagine the two of them.
"stop screaming at my ear! she's going to hear you." yuji whisper, or at least try to, but you end up hearing the same way.
you think if yaga is going to be mad if you hang up on three freshmen that can possibly be in a death-or-life situation. maybe he wouldn't mind at all...
"yuji, where are you?" you ask already picking your keys, ready to save their asses.
more noises happen in the background, and you wonder if they are fighting with each other. the phone goes silently for a moment, and have to look down at the scream to see if the call was ended.
unfortunately, it was not. "i'm sorry to bother you, but we need your help" of course, the last one of the trio appears: megumi.
megumi tried his best to get away from the trouble duo but he is sure that you still could hear some screams. itadori's screams, you think. yeah, they are definitely fighting, and apparently, nobara is winning.
you signed trying to think why the bombastic trio of the jujutsu high need your help. neither of the options in your mind is good. "megumi, can you put on the speaker?"
after some seconds, you can hear the trio perfectly. "first of all, you three need to calm down, and explain why you need my help" before any of them talk, you continue "and nobara, you can't kill yuji yet, so stop beating him." she isn't happy to obey, but you hear itadori thanking you.
"okay, now you can tell me what happened" and again you can hear itadori, nobara and megumi talking at the same trying. each of them giving their version of the history. "only one of you!!" you scream interrupting them.
they fight for a little more before itadori finally speak. "you know, nanamin is on a work travel" he starts "and he kindly asked me if i could take care of his cat."
'more like i begged him for that' yuji remembers from a couple of days ago.
last month, gojo asked if nanami could watch itadori on his next mission, and even though he didn't want to, (or at least this was what he tried to convience you about) he accept. after killing the curse, kento offered to buy a snack for yuji (he couldn't let the boy die from hunger, he explained) and that was when itadori discovered that nanami owned a cat.
he saw a picture of it on his wallet. 'her name is angeline' nanami said because yuji keep calling his pretty cat "it".
the boy tried to convince his professor to let him meet angeline in person, but nanami would never let that happen. not when he was still alive.
angeline was a well-being animal. nanami made his number one priority to treat his cat like she deserved. the best food, weekly pet shop appointments, all the toys she needed to entertain herself when he was away, cuddle when he was at home. everything for her to be happy.
meeting anyone from his work (except from you, angeline absolutely adored you), teacher or student, would mean an stressful experience for the poor cat.
on the week nanami would be out of town on a work trip, he was ready to ask if you could take care of angeline, but yuji was faster than him.
"nanamin, please! i promise that i'm going to take good care of her." he begged for the last ten minutes, and kento was closing to explode "i won't make her stressed, and i can even video call you to see her anytime you want."
nanami signed. he would regret this, he was sure. but maybe he should follow your advice. trust people more. he could do this.
"alright itadori, you can take care of her."
but now yuuji was thinking that maybe nanami shouldn't have trust him.
"we were on a mission, so i thought it was a good idea to bring kugisaki and fushiguro with me, and everything was ok, we feed the cat, and played a bit with her, but then-" itadori was growing more and more nervous with each word coming out of his mouth.
megumi and nobara weren't different. the three of them could feel the cold sweat running down their temples.
you were just like them. of course, you knew anything good could come from itadori when he called you. but still, this was going for the worst scenario possible.
"yuji, where is angeline?" you ask, hoping, hell, even praying for the best.
itadori ignores you and continues his story. "we got hungry and run to the convenience, it was really quick, we didn't stay there for more than 10 minutes, but in our way back to the apartment kugisaki saw a dress, and then-"
yuji's voice is cut off and substituted by megumi.
"we got here, and the door was open. the cat was gone. we can't find it." you can hear itadori screaming in the background 'her name is angeline!'
everything pauses for a moment. you can't hear your students fighting. you can't hear any noise. actually, you feel nothing. your mind is completely blank.
and suddenly you remember how much angeline means to kento.
you and nanami been in a relationship for the past months, and since the begginig, he made sure to let you know how much he loved the little cat.
"itadori is the one who let the door open. blame him" nobara's voice took you out of your trance.
"i'm coming, don't move a muscle." you say briefly before ending the call.
in your whole life, you never expected to be in such conditions. you, a teacher, someone that can kill the most deadly curses, locked with your three students, desperately trying to find a cat.
you were still at the apartment with megumi, both of you looking everywhere in hope for angeline to still be here.
at this point, you were already using humiliating techniques.
"pspspspspspsps come here, it's me" knelling near the couch, you tried to call one more time "come on, angeline, you like me, yeah? then come here" you looked under the couch again, hoping that the cat would miraculously appear.
nothing, as expected.
even megumi was on the edge now, one of his shinigamis with itadori and nobara, while the other was stucked in the apartment with you. even the divine dog looked tired.
"megumi, don't you have, like, a divine cat? maybe we could pretend angeline was one of your shinigamis the whole time" you said throwing your body on the couch. at this point, you were already thinking of ways to calm nanami down. maybe you could convince him that his cat was something that only existed in his imagination?
"i don't think this will solve the problem" megumi sit on the chair near you, sad that kento would be disappointed at him. "i think that we can blame gojo-sensei, say that he broke into the house and let the cat scape."
you laugh a little, happy and a little worried to see megumi's funny side. "that's a good idea." you hum back, looking directly at the boy sitting next to you, only to get a look of his serious face.
he was talking for real. he won't disappoint nanami.
"let's wait for your friends to return, right? maybe they got luckier than us here." you try to easy the mood a bit, gently petting the divine dog lying on the carpet.
after some minutes, you finally hear running footsteps, which you presume are itadori and nobara. you and megumi quickly stand up, glaring at the door.
when itadori enters in your vision, you are already screaming at him.
"did you find angeline?" both, you and yuuji shout at each other at the same time.
"i think we're fucked" nobara says.
the four of you sit on the couch in completely silence, now, there was only on thing you could do. call kento.
obviously, no one wanted to do that.
'itadori was the one who let the door open." megumi defended himself.
kugisaki is quick to get her ass out of the way too. "he is the one that is responsible for the cat."
now, yuji had to be smart, otherwise, he would really have to call nanami, and he didn't want to get scolded. at least not in front of everyone.
knowing that he couldn't do anything incredible, he used his best technique. puppy eyes.
'damn kiddo' you think looking at the boy. you had nothing to do with the situation, why would you be the one calling nanami? you knew you would regret picking up the phone.
you sigh, feeling defeat by a bunch of kids. "i will do it. but you own me. the three of you." you reach for your phone from the pocket of your jacket.
you swallow the knot on your throat. praying that maybe nanami wouldn't answer.
as always, the world isn't on your side. maybe today wasn't your day at all.
"hey, kento! how is your trip going?" you answer, choosing your best calm voice.
you can feel the trio tensing up by your side, and for a moment you think that nanami will be able to hear their quick heartbeat.
"i'm almost finish, i'll be home tomorrow. why are you calling this time?"
of course, he would suspect. you usually call him at night, when you both would be already lying in bed, ready to sleep. "well, nothing you know, just feeling like checking on you would be good, you know?
nanami is silently for a moment. "why are you repeating sentences?" you fucked up. "what is happening?"
kento knew you better than you had thought previously.
"let's get into a hypothetically situation. if angeline went for a walk outside, and didn't come back until now, how mad would you be on a scale to 1-10?" you try to easy the water you're getting into.
but nanami isn't having any of your bullshit. "what are you saying? did you lose angeline?" you can feel the rage on his voice, and for a moment you think that maybe you should follow megumi's advice and blame gojo.
"so, 10 then?" nanami almost growls, and if this was any other moment, you would actually find it really hot. but not now.
"of course it would be a 10! now tell me, where the fuck is my cat?" oh, he is already cursing. time to hang up.
the trio tremble by your side, clearly hearing how much nanami is pissed off.
"well, so good that angeline is right hear with us, safe and pretty." you say absolutely not convincing the blonde on the other side of the phone. "unfortunately i have to hang up now, but it was a pleasure to talk to you.".
"us? who is there-" you click on the red button on the screen before kento can say another word.
you look at the trio, nobara and megumi by yuji side, both of them gently patting his shoulder. you can even see a dark aura hovering itadori's head. he was depressed.
your heart aches a bit. after all, you took pity on them. of course, yuji had fucked up, no doubt, but he was doing his best, trying to impress his teacher.
"no time to be sad!! get your ass to work!" you say, getting in front of them. you give their heads a little slap, getting their attention. "let's look everywhere again, starting with the apartment."
yuji, megumi and nobara look at you, feeling motivated again. (maybe megumi wasn't, but he wouldn't ruin the mood for his friends). the three of you scream together, ready for another hunting round (megumi think that you lost your mind).
nobara is the first to run around, throwing the cushions off the cushion crazy searching for a cat. yuji follows her, checking the living room cabinet. you look absolutely proud of them (megumi is sure that all of you lost your minds).
itadori is on all fours looking under the sofa. nobara is searching inside the fridge. megumi is almost falling off the window trying to see if angeline is outside. you are standing in the middle of the living room, phone in hand, the screen showing gojo's contact, you were ready to ask for his help. maybe he could expand his cursed energy and search for angeline.
a little meow coming from the door get your attention. four pair of eyes turn to where the sound came from.
a pretty cat sitting by the door. her pink tongue slowly cleaning her little paws.
your world pause for a moment. 'thank you' you thank no one at all.
"hellooooo, why are you calling the stronger sorcerer?" gojo finally answer your call, but now you didn't need him anymore. you just end the call without saying anything.
you walk to angeline, quickly cupping her on your arms, afraid that maybe she could run away again. megumi closes the door, a heavy sigh leaving his throat.
the cat in question only innocent look at you, like she didn't almost killed four (five if you want to count nanami) people from a heart attack.
the cat in question only innocent look at you, like she didn't almost kill four (five if you want to count nanami) people from a heart attack.
"angelineeee!" yuji is... crying? you see the tears running down his face. happy tears. he tried to hug angeline, but she didn't want his fluids on her fresh cleaned fur.
"MEOW!" she protested squirming on your arms, and you giggle getting her message.
"get off from the cat with your catarrh" nobara says pointing to yuji's dirty nose.
itadori stops, and a devilish idea appears on his mind. "then give me a hug yourself, kugisaki." he hums walking to his friend.
you laugh, seeing that even megumi got caught on the little chase. finally able to breathe again, you smile to yourself. angeline was safe. kento would be so happy.
"i'm never trusting any of your advices again" nanami murmur to you. he was finally back to home. angeline was on his arms again. "trust people more, you say" he was still a bit irritated.
you roll your eyes, getting comfortable against his shoulder, happy to smell his cologne. "yuji did a good job. in the final moments he screwed up a bit, but in overall, he was great." you defended him as always.
angeline meows at you, almost like she was agreeing with you. even kento was caught by surprise.
"it doesn't matter, next time i'm bringing you with me." nanami says kissing the cat head, but looking right into your eyes.
tilting your head to the side, you ask "are you talking to me, or with angeline?"
"both." he is quick to answer.
yesterday, itadori and kugisaki were searching for angeline
"i found her!" nobara happily says, holding a cat on the air.
yuji looks on her direction, surprised, until he saw the animal she was holding.
a random cat, not even the colors mach.
"kugisaki, this cat looks nothing like angeline." he screams, mad at her.
nobara just put the stray animal on the floor. "i tried.".
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screamingcrows · 1 month
Note: This was supposed to be a 50 word shitpost, I hate myself. Born from a mixture of being exposed to too much Dr. Ratio art tonight and being a massive coward. Not proofread because this is my 20th hour awake.
Warnings/tags: suggestive, student/teacher, miscommunication, comfort, age gap (reader is university student and Ratio is probably 35 is my bet?)
Minors, ageless, blank blogs will be blocked DNI
Thinking about attending one of Dr. Ratio's classes, and you're a little confused but you've got the spirit. Ultimately, due to a bunch of external turmoil in your life, you end up getting a poor result on a test, prompting him to call you over after class.
With shaky hands, you head up to the podium as your classmates file out, taking the white noise with them and leaving you alone to face his disappointment. It didn't help how badly you'd like to perform well, impress him, hear him praise you.
With your hands rubbing your eyes, an apology had already begun taking shape on you tongue, it never made it past your lips.
"It's come to my attention that you've been struggling with the latest addition to our curriculum, and seeing as you-"
"I really tried, okay? It just- I haven't had enough time and everything went to shit and and-" you can barely get the words out, heart lurching at how much it hurt, wanting nothing more than plead with him to let you stay.
Tears stung in the corners of your eyes, vision blurry already. Probably for the better so you wouldn't risk looking up and seeing his disappointment. You kept your gaze down even as he cleared his throat barely able to focus on the sound. He continued in a strangely gentle tone, it felt almost out of place.
"As I was saying; seeing as you generally perform above average, it stood to reason that something had impeded your studies. If it could interest you, you are welcome to come by my office to brush up."
And that's how you found yourself anxiously pacing back and forth in the hallway a couple of days later. Your attire left little to the imagination, wanting to make sure he didn't regret giving you a chance. After all, his words had been oozing with subtext, right?
His reaction left something to be desired, merely coughing into his hand before turning his head away, beckoning you inside. It was a tense affair, sitting across from him and trying to keep still as he began lecturing. At some point he slid a sheet of questions across the desk for you, observing as you tried to solve them and gently nudging you to the correct methods.
"Doctor? I thought we were, you know, that you'd raise my grade if I uhm..." your voice faltered, seeing him pointedly look away only made your confusion more apparent.
"There was never a promise of raising your grade, this was meant as an offer if you were interested. And as for what you were trying to accomplish with that," he gestured towards you, voice sounding a little strained, "it goes against not only the regulations at this insitution, but most certainly also my own moral compass."
A beat of silence turned into two as shame spread in your body. Of course he hadn't meant it like that. And how did you come up with the idea that he'd offered to raise your grade? This was awful. Maybe dropping his class would be for the better.
"With that being said, I am willing to overlook this little incident if you truly wish to understand. Leaving now won't reflect poorly on your final grades."
It took a couple of minutes of contemplation, but you decided to stay, gratefully accepting the cardigan he slid off his shoulders and handed you, pulling it around your body. He'd looked pleased when you accepted the proposition, a pleasant smile passing over his face before he went back to making sure you not only knew, but understood every part of the theories.
You'd been so relieved when you'd finished, a spring to your step as you waved and left, confirming you'd like to continue next week if he had time. He'd been so pleased by your smile that he couldn't bring himself to ask for his garment back, you'd realise in time and bring it back.
As soon as the door was closed, he was able to stand up from his desk, smile vanishing as his hands gripped the wood tightly, barely able to stifle a groan. He did feel bad for the hardness pressing against his pants, but not enough that the thought of relieving himself didn't cross his mind. It would be a long semester.
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kasayugi · 3 months
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Kim Dokja x Hanako! Female Reader
Chapter I ; Hanako the ghost bathroom
Sypnopsis: Kim Dokja heard about "Hanako-San the ghost bathroom" who can make your wish become true. He's curious and decided to go to the bathroom and make a wish to Hanako. But will his wish become true?
Warning!: Bad grammar! English is not my first language!
Note: This is my first time i make a story in English and yk i'm really bad in English when i write it with myself, because English is not my first language. But i'll try with my best!
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How does it feels like to have a friends? That was Kim dokja feels like right now
He's a lonely boy with a pathetic life, his mother is murder and everyone see him as a trash. Without a family or friends who care about him.
Kim Dokja life is so dull. Always being a bullied in his school, even the teacher doesnt care about him. He was desperate to have a friend, even just one.
"Did you heard about Hanako-San of the bathroom?"
"a Japanese ghost girl? Why she's in the Korean bathroom school?"
"We don't know why she's in our school, but she can make your wishes come true!"
"Really? What's the rumors?"
He entered the boys bathroom, slowly he walked to the one of the bathroom stall, his hands shook and tried to gather his courage.
"She's indeed in our school bathroom, but she's in the boy bathroom!"
"are you sure she's a Hanako-San not a pervert ghost?"
"hush! Don't say like that! She will be mad if she hear about that!"
His mouth trembling and closed his eyes. Why he should be scared? He just wanted to make a wish, nothing wrong right? So why he's scared?.
Surely Hanako wouldn't do something scary to him, or even angry because he called her just to make a wish to her. He just doing like the rumors say!
"To called her, you should knocked the door three time"
His hand slowly knocked the door with his all courage, and then say, "Hanako, Hanako, are you here?" Just like the rumors said.
Nothing happened, he's slowly open his eyes and looked at the door and raised his eyebrow. Is this some kind of jokes? Really? Why didn't Hanako answer what he said?
If this is a jokes, so what's the point of him being in this bathroom after school!
"bullshit" Walked away from the door and feeling annoyed and disappointed, he can't believe if it was just a jokes! He shouldn't have believed it if it was just a jokes, what's the point?—
Forget about that, he took his words back when the door slammed hard and wide open. Quickly his whole body was filled with fear when he realized that the atmosphere in the bathroom had changed drastically.
That's a lie, right...? He thought like that, looked at the toilet seat with a look of fear and horror, even though it's just a sitting toilet, for some reason it has an unusual and scary aura.
"you call me?" Without realizing it, the apparition asked him right in front of his face with a big smile clearly plastered on her face.
His eyes widened and started screaming while pointing at the apparition who's in front of his face. "A GIRL!?" He can't believe the apparition in front of his face is a girl!.. how could it be a girl in the boys bathroom!?
"why? Of course i'm a girl! What do you think i am?" The apparition look at him with confused face. Does he really heard the rumors clearly?
"no! I mean.. why you in the boys bathroom? Are you really Hanako?" He shook his head in disbelief what just he see. What a strange.. yet pervert ghost? Isn't she?-
She snorted with annoyance and rolled her eyes, what a kind stupid question she got today. Isn't clear this is her home- no, her workplace.
"this is my workplace. You really heard the rumors about me from whom?" She asked him. Looking at him who like an idiot person.
"what?" He titled his head, not understand what she's saying.
"well, forget about that. Now, what is your wish?" The apparition took a deep breath and looked at him with a big smile on her face, in her hand she already had her notebook.
Kim Dokja gasped when he came back to reality and realized his intention of being in the boy's bathroom at this time after school. He stared at the apparition who was waiting patiently for him, the apparition waited for Kim Dokja to make his wish.
Kim Dokja fiddled with his fingers nervously, he thought back to the wish he wanted to say to Hanako. It seemed he was still nervous and hesitant about his wish.
Realize that Kim Dokja not saying anything, the apparition look at him with confused and raised her eyebrow, she spun her pen. "What? You don't have any wish?".
"actually, i have.. but.. are you really Hanako? Not a pervert ghost?" Oh, boy...
Her face darkened and became gloomy hearing his words. She walked back into the bathroom feeling gloomy, "forget about that, i'm done with this".
"Huh!? No! No! No! I mean, Hanako is a cool girl!!"
Cool.. girl.. cool.. girl..
"Then, state your name!" The apparition turned back towards Kim Dokja with a big smile appeared on her face again and it sparkled when she was praised by him.
What an innocent girl, Kim Dokja stated his name, "My name is Kim Dokja, 1st grade".
"m'kay, Kim Dokja, right? What's your wish?" the apparition wrote his name in her notebook while occasionally glancing at him to make sure his name was correct or not.
Kim Dokja fell silent again when he heard the apparition's question, he looked gloomy again. There are many wishes in his mind but he can only ask for one wish to became true.
The apparition was confused again when the human in front of her seemed hesitant again to express his wish, she understand that.
"i don't know..This is complicated, there are many wishes that i want" He shook his head uncertainly and stared at the bathroom floor, the apparition humming softly, "Then tell me one of the wishes you want most".
One of the wishes you want most, One of the wishes you want most, ...One of the wishes you want most..want most..want most..
Could it be, he can ask for anything, right? Right!
He found it!
"hmm?~" The apparition hummed softly and seemed interested when he saw Kim Dokja's eyes sparkling like he had just found a treasure, what a cute guy.
"Kill them!" With a big smile, Kim Dokja stated his wish, making the apparition become petrified, oh.. what? He stared at the apparition in confusion when it just stayed still and stared at him.
Kill them? Kill? KILL!? Kill who?.. She looked at Dokja with a look of horror and scared to hear Dokja's statement, she didn't expect the many wishes that he was doubtful about. He chose to make a wish to her to kill someone..
What a terrible wish
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©kasayugi This story is protected by copyright! reposting or translating on other platforms without my permission is prohibited! Jshk only belongs to ©Aidairo and Orv only belongs to ©SingNSong.
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Ml Analysis: Marinette's crush on Kim
You know, Marinette having a crush on Kim in the past in "Derision" checks out so much more than people give it credit for.
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Marinette is a kid who got bullied on an sometimes even extreme level on a daily for years by Chloé and by the power she has over the school environment (or more accurately, Chloé's parents) and under these circumstances that we saw it makes perfect sense for why she felt drawn to Kim. Kim embodys alot of characteristics she would find comforting or even attractive because of her being a victim of bullying.
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- Basics: Kim is tall, strong and sporty. He could effectively defend and protect her from Chloé or almost any of the other kids.
- He's stupid and this manifest itself very dominently in him not being too bothered by authority or threats. No, I'm not joking, him being stupid factors into this. "Derision" shows how everyone around Marinette is at least to some degree afraid of Chloé (or her parents) because of her power, the verbal insults she can deliver or physical "pranks"/bullying she pulls. Kim on the other hand isn't bothered in the slightest by whatever Chloé does and because of that Chloé has barely any power over him the same way she does everyone else.
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Plus, Ms. Mendeleiev is characterized and highlighted as the strictest, most unfair and most "Chloé-like" teacher and one thing is for sure, she definitely would have some "nice" opinions on Kim too and certainly wouldn't hold back voicing those either. We don't need to see it on screen to know how she would treat certain students we know by now. And just like with Chloé, Kim probably isn't too bothered by Ms. Mendeleiev either besides being annoyed by her unfairness. I have no problem seeing how Marinette would find herself drawn to a person who isn't bothered by Chloé's and Ms. Mendeleiev bullying (because it's flying right over his head), something she has to constantly endure and feels very hurt by.
Also: if he already doesn't mind whatever they can do or say it to him, then the chances are good that he isn't very interested in whatever mean things they say about or do to others (meaning: Marinette) either. Logically, Marinette would find the thought of being with a person who won't listen to or believe everything bad being said about her ect VERY appealing.
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- because of Kim not being bothered by the bully environment they are all in, he is probably by a good edge the most carefree and "fun" student/friend around. And fun is something Marinette certainly missed in the school environment or wished she could have despite the danger she's constantly in because of Chloé and the teachers.
- and one more thing I think is incredibly important: it's not like Marinette isn't SEEING right in front of her eyes that Kim has bully characteristics too. They immediately showed that through the old dynamic between Kim and Max:
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Socqueline is right in her concern when she doesn't want Marinette to get closer to Kim because she can see that he behaves in ways that clearly will clash with everything Chloé puts her through. But the thing is, Marinette is not stupid. She knows that but she didn't minded it and was even drawn to Kim because she saw that whatever Kim is doing that resembles Chloé's bullying isn't done by him with the intention of bullying.
It is realistic that Marinette would find comfort in a person like that in her circumstances because Kim is openly showing his worst (yes, one should acknowledge here that is was clearly shown that Kim by himself would have never done to Marinette what he did. Even he double checked with Chloé if she was sure that Marinette would like a prank like that) and therefore Marinette knows (or thought) that his worst therefore can't be truly dangerous to her. And may I say, feeling like the worst the other person can/will do to you not being something you have to fear because you don't concider their worst dangerous to you IS something humans are naturally very attracted to. This perfectly checks out, Marinette’s rose-colored glasses just.. overlooked a bit too much potential danger in good faith.
What mattered most to past Marinette in that moment is that she can't see any malice in his actions and intentions. And because of that she didn't minded the thought of putting up with Kim's more negative characteristics. She knew this isn't the same as with Chloé.
This is also one major factor of why Kim's prank messed Marinette up so much and why that should have been properly acknowledge by the episode because Chloé alone didn't cause this. Kim as a person and the fact that he sorta-bullies without malice was just as important. Marinette made a clear-cut distinction between Chloé's bully behavior and Kim's and was drawn to him because in her eyes his kindness/ not maliciousness outweighed the negative.
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BUT then Chloé as an outside force came along and took Kim - who is one of the few students not intimidated by Chloe and actually finds her charming - and his bullying without maliciousness and turned his regular "danger-level" up to an eleven by using his kindness/ and stupidness against Marinette.
Kim's kindness and not maliciousness may have outweighed his negative character traits and because of that Marinette wouldn't have minded at all putting up with it since she knew that Kim himself isn't a danger to her the way Chloé is, but the thing that truly traumatized Marinette is having wittnessed that a person's kindness or low danger-level doesn't stop the world around them to use and turn their kindness into something else and into a weapon against her. It's when even kindness looses it's purity and therefore can't be trusted anymore because of bad people corrupting it and the good person (this is literally the same base structure as what Gabriel does to the akuma victims Marinette has to save)
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And concidering that this is exactly one of the true major issues Marinette has with pursuing Adrien romantically and which hold her back from accepting his kindness towards her as true and loving as it is - something she is even directly referring to and calling out in this very episode! - one would think this episode would have prioritized highlighting it instead of just blaming everything on Chloé and Chloé alone because it's easy. Like, that was the point!
Please point it out and not just the Chloé part! If there was one narrative half that could have remained in the surface-level subtext, it should have been the Chloé part and not the one directly explaining to us alot of major reasons why Marinette behaves around Adrien AND Chat Noir the way she does and most importantly: why Adrien/Chat Noir is inherently DIFFERENT and therefore never truly off-putting to her no matter how similar some points I just listed get.
But that is a whole analysis for itself and it's way past midnight now so I'll add it on another day.
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