#like that is dragging me down and it means i cannot say ''oh i have an eighty in this class! that's good'' because i need higher
romana-after-dark · 3 days
Rooms on Fire: Losing My Religion
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Dark!Santiago Garcia x Fem!Reader
Dark!Francisco Morales x Fem!Reader
Dark!William Miller x Fem!Reader
Dark!Benjamin Miller x Fem!Reader
Also: FishBen, and an assortment of other M/M relationships (no Millercest). Everyone is Bisexual
Series Masterlist: Main Masterlist
Spotify playlist
Summery: Madonna has to make a stand.
Warnings and Content:
DUB CON MOSTLY but there WILL BE NON CON. Major character deaths, forced breeding, physical abuse, brainwashing, manipulation, violence, gore, alcoholism/addiction, BIG OLE BLASPHEMY WARNING like this cult appropriates a lot of religious themes and they call reader their Madonna, Santi is called the Pope, like all that stuff. However, this is a cult so I mean. It happens. None of it are my thoughts on religion or meant to make fun of religion or demonize religious people. Disgusting views on virginity. Attempted rape outside the boys. T*m warning. Age gap. Creepy terrible men. Non-reader rape, dub con, violence. Covert incest, massive mommy issues, sexual abuse all around, past grooming by parental figure. no CSA but the victim isn't much older. some Bates Motel type shit. I cannot properly warn you for everything, without just telling the story but consider this a major warning that there are dark dark themes. No one involved here is morally clean, and who you perceive as the good guy cannot be relied on. Don't come to my story and say im romanticizing these things until at least the story ends.
Extra warnings for chapter: Pretty standard tbh
3.6k words
A/N Please know tags have been spotty so check and make sure you're caught up!
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"That's me in the corner That's me in the spot-light Losing my religion Trying to keep up with you And I don't know if I can do it Oh no I've said too much I haven't said enough I thought that I heard you laughing I thought that I heard you sing I think I thought I saw you try." ~Losing my Religion, R.E.M
“Will, take her.” Santiago orders Will, and the stronger man tries to take you away from where you cling to Frankie.
Frankie, however, steps away. “No! You aren’t taking her from me!” He looks back and forth between Will, Ben, and Santi. Through the silence, they can all here Iris wailing over Rey’s body in the kitchen. “You’re all fucking insane! None of you get her!”
Ben scoffs. “She doesn’t belong to you, Frank.”
“YES SHE DOES! She’s my WIFE!”
Will steps forward, taking a hand on your leg assertively, looking Frankie in the eyes. His dominance quells the room. “She’s my wife too, Frankie. Let me take her.” In a lower voice, he adds just to Frankie. “It’s gonna be easier if you just go, you know that. I’ll take care of her. I promise.”
Frankie glances at Santi, rage bubbling in him. Will was right. “Sent someone to get Rey’s body, help Iris move him. She’s… she’s not gonna wanna leave his body. We are not making her clean up his blood the way she did Jonah’s, got it?” Francisco rarely spoke this firmly… but he cared about Iris and he wanted Rey’s body respected.
“I will, I promise.” Frankie watched as you left the room in Will’s arms, crying into his chest.
Francisco was dragged down the halls, Ben trailing after then after being told to follow, Santi yanking along Frankie’s still-soar arm.
“Slow down! Ow!”
“Shut the fuck up!” When they got to Frankie’s bedroom, Santi told Ben to stay outside until he was called. When the door closed, he delivered a crisp slap across Frankie’s face.
“Shit!” Frankie cried, holding his face and tasting blood.
Grabbing his shirt, Santi shoves Frankie against the door, making sure Ben hears every Santi is doing to Frankie that he can’t stop. 
“Don’t you EVER disrespect me like that again!” He screams, slapping Frankie again and making his head lul to the side. “I AM YOUR GOD!”
Frankie shoves him back. “YOU’RE MY BROTHER! This whole thing is FUCKED Santi!”
Santi went for Frankie’s shirt, tearing at the fabric and buttons as Frankie tried to fight him off. There was a scuffle, slaps to faces and arms and chest before his shirt was pulled off him, showing the scars on Frankie’s arms. Scars that matched Santi’s. Neatly in a line, they were scabbed and new, bruising still around the wounds, each an inch or two long. Santiago pressed their arms together. 
“Blood brothers, Frank. Blood brothers. You were made for me, I was made for you, you know that, don’t you?”
Frankie winces at the memory, how Santiago laid him down with a knife, cut into their skin together until they bled. On a bed of blood they fucked, sealing their commitment to each other, or that’s what Santi thought the ritual meant. The whole time, Frankie tried to imagine it was Ben.
Santi didn’t let go of his arm, fingers tracing up and down the scarred skin, picking at a scab until it bled. “You’re mine, Frank. Certainly not Madonna’s. She’s here to have our child. And you’re not Ben’s either.”
His eyes went wide at that, going into defense. Deny, deny, deny, or Ben would be dead.
“Santi, no, we’re not- AH!” Santiago ripped the scab, causing blood to spill out.
“Don’t lie to me! I know you fuck him behind my back. Is that why you care so much about Saha? You fucking him too, just like Madonna?”
Bent over in pain holding his arms, Frankie looks up at Santi in anguish, tears in his eyes as he screams. “HE WAS MY FRIEND! HE WAS HERS! FOR FUCK SAKE SANTIAGO NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT SEX!” He stood up straight, speaking strong even as he cried. “He loved Iris! He loved Iris only and Ben killed him! That girl lost her father and now is sobbing because of her lover's dead body!”
Santiago scoffs. “That’s your fucking boy toy, not mine. I don’t control Ben.”
“That’s the problem! You and Beatriz indulged his every whim, Will protected him from any consequence and now he’s a spoiled slut!”
“And what do you think you are? You live in comfort, in excess even, you get fucked by me, Ben, Will, even sliding your cock into Madonna’s little cunt for hours in those meadows because I allow it! You’re just a cockdumb, petulant child who's mad because the world isn’t perfect! You’re no better.”
Frankie locked his jaw, staring hard. “Yes, I am.”
When Santi closed in on him, Frankie braced for impact. Instead, when their bodies were crowded together, Santi simply opened the door. Ben sat there ont he floor, legs pulled up to his chest like a child whose parents were fighting, looking up at the door with wide blue eyes.
“You hear all that, Benny?”
Ben blinked, “Yeah.” He stands up, his long legs wobbly.
“Ben…” Frankie wanted to say he didn’t mean it, they were all fucked… but Rey’s blood still covered him. It was an odd sight on a boy who looked so young and innocent when he really wanted too. Or needed to.
Terror filled him, afraid Santi was going to hurt Benny, and despite just watching him kill a man in cold blood Frankie felt the need to protect him. He looked so much like that young underweight half-frozen boy in Will’s arms so many years ago. What happened to them all?
Instead of harming him, Santi beconned him in the room and kissed him so tenderly, softness Frankie hasn’t seen it since they were teens promising to be different from Beatriz. 
Ben made no effort to rebuff. He was taken aback at first of course, this was not the response they were expecting from him. He locked eyes with Frankie as Santi deepened the kiss, and narrows his eyes at his lover. Ben does not take kindly to being insulted. Arms snake around Santi’s middle, Ben grinding his cock against Santi’s stomach, moaning into his mouth. Frankie heard drops of blood drip from his arm into the wood floor. He needed to wrap it up. Instead, Santi told Frankie to get in the chair. 
It took everything in Santi to not watch Frankie watching them. To not see his face as he slid inside Ben’s asshole, to not see how much it pissed him off when he made the younger man moan as he sucked on a nipple. He didn’t need to look, however, because he knew, he knew just how badly it was angering Frankie, how it hurt him. Santi fucked Ben the way he knew Frankie liked, slow and tender, lots of kisses. He knew Frankie longed for those soft days so long ago, teenagers sneaking around, falling in love in closets and up in trees. Before Madonna came and fucked everything up.
That’s why they were made for each other. Raised together, brothers, as close and two people could get. From the craddle to the grave, Francisco Morales belonged to him. They were meant to be, their bodies were created by Beatriz to fit together, to bring each other pleasure. Frankie was his eve, the mother, the god of nature and fertility and-WHY COULDNT HE GET PREGNANT?!??!? None of this would have happened if Mother God had allowed them this, if he could fill his lover with his hot seed and create the savior Santiago couldn’t be. They could birth the savior together, Mary and Joseph, Frankie as the Madonna instead of that cunt causing all the problems. 
Santi was sure not to harm Ben, opening him up slowly as the boy moaned like a slut with his asshole clenching on Santi’s tongue, fingers poking their way inside in contrast to the way he liked to ram into Frankies cunt. 
Ben was so tender, so sensitive, his cockhead beat red and slick with precum as Santi slid his thumb around it. He repeatedly pulled back the skin, making Ben moan in wonton madness. He gave Ben the gentle love making he knew his Frank desired, the kind of soft touches Santi hadn’t been giving lately. No, ever since Madonna came he was ravenous. He didn’t like watching anyone inside Frankie, making exceptions on occasion for Will and Ben because he thought he could trust them.
Despite not being threatened or even ordered to watch, when Santiago turned to the chair he saw Frankie watching. santi knew Frankie liked to be watched, liked to be heard, so he wondered how being put as the watcher affected him. Frankie’s face was set into a hard glare, eyes red and burning with tears and his knuckles going white with clenched fists.
Still, his cock was hard in his pants.
You cried. And cried. And cried. 
Hysterics paused only long enough for Will to occasionally get some water in you as he held you close. It had been hours at this point, unsure what is happening to Francisco, what was happening to Iris, what would happen to Rey’s body.
Dead. He was dead. Your best friend was dead, Jonah was dead and Iris hated you. Everything was over now. You hold your stomach, realizing how disconnected you were from this baby in you. At month 7, there was a whole child and yet you felt like… like it was in you, not a part of you. There, not connected. You loved the baby, of course you did, you were its mom but… why didn’t you feel like it? Lately, you’d felt like you were just… here to do a job.
Eventually you calmed down, exhausted from the hysterics, and Will held you close to his chest. He calmed you down slowly, gentle hands brushing over your body. You could not fathom how the hands you’ve felt healing your body were the same as the fist that beat Jonah to death.
“Will?” You ask, listening to the beat of his heart. It was strong.
“Yes, my Madonna?”
“What happens now?” You couldn’t tell if he was pausing to think or in confusion, so you elaborate. “Jonah is dead. Rey is dead. I can never see Santi and Ben the same again-”
He sat up a bit to look at you. “You forgave Santi?”
Was Will really this naive? Really? Santiago had violently raped you, allowed your pregnant body to be burned and Will thought you forgave him? You and your baby could have died, and he thought you forgave him? Will was who you trusted. No matter what happened, you’d always trusted your Will, your smart handsome brave husband, your God of War and Medicine, your protection and your healing. 
You can hear Jonah’s voice in your head, begging you to have a shred of survival instinct, to trust your gut.
For the first time, you lie to him.
“I did…” You fib, just a little. “It’s just been a lot lately and… he did something bad. I just can’t forget all of that.”
He nods in understanding. “I get it…  I do.” His fingertips trail over your scarred skin. “To answer your question… I don’t know. I really don’t but… we’re married, we all love you and I know, I know Ben messed up today…”
Messed up? Ben killed your Rey, an innocent man. Your friend. Frankie’s friend. Dead and cut up on the kitchen floor where Iris, for all you know, is still sobbing.
You feel the walls coming up around Will. 
He continues. “But we’ll find a way to move on as a family.”
You were not a family with these people.
“Yeah, yeah okay.” 
Iris fell asleep on the floor, durk curls caking in blood as she rested on her lover's stabbed-open chest. It didn't matter. She wasn’t going to get up.
They won. Those fuckers won.
Santiago had beaten her into submission, cutting up parts of her she’d never had the chance to show Reyansh.
Ben raped her for years and years and year and Iris managed to hold on because she had Reyansh and to a certain extent Jonah. Jonah was disappointing, Jonah’s shortcomings were clear and she would never forgive what he tried to do to that poor girl, whatever it was, but the day he died she lost one more person.
But Iris wouldn’t clean up Reyansh’s blood the way she had to Jonah’s. She’d die here in his arms. If Ben wanted to touch her again, he could fuck her dead, rotting corpse. Iris doubted Ben would let anything as simple as death set her free.
When she woke up, she was being pulled away from Rey’s dead body. Iris screamed, but that didn’t matter to anyone anymore. Another few guards start pulling Rey’s body away, congealed blood dragging out from under him, and that’s when Iris started fighting. They couldn’t take him. They couldn’t have him. He was hers.
“I’m sorry.” The guard behind her said. Scott, a nice, naive young man. Many guards were loyal to Santi above all else, but Will held the most control. Still, Rey was well liked. With the exception of those who were hardcore true believers amongst the guard who knew Santi’s recent turn on Reyansh, Iris had no doubt they were, actually sorry. It didn’t change the fact she was being separated from her lover even in death.
“Just do what he says” Frankie tells Iris, hands planted firmly on her shoulders, eyes intently boring into hers. “He’s gonna fucking kill me for coming down here but Iris, you have to just do it.”
Her eyes burned with tears of anger as she stood near the door to the backyard, underneath the balcony. “What’s happening, Frankie.”
He closed his eyes a moment as he heard the door unlocking. “I can’t lose you too, Iris. Please. I need you with me. I don’t have Jonah, I don’t have Rey-”
“I don’t either!” Iris spat. “What makes you think I want to live after watching that?” It had been hours since she watched her rapist stab her Rey to death, powerless as Frankie held her back. Ben would have killed her too. Should have. 
“I need help! I can’t keep her alive alone, Iris! We have to be a team, for each other, for Madonna, for our ch-”
The door opened, Will bringing Madonna down with a guard. You looked awful. He hadn’t seen you since Will took you away, dealing with Santi’s shit… Blood was still on your nightgown.
“Madonna…” Frankie was no longer pleaded with Iris, went to hug his wife. Will instructed the guard not to harm Madonna in the slightest, and Iris appreciated Frankie’s addendum not to hurt her either, but Iris knew she was a second thought.
“Francisco, what’s happening?” Your hands pressed to his chest, looking up at him. 
Frankie told you the same thing he told her, to just do as we’re told and it would be okay. Iris had a sick, sick feeling. “Trust me.” He said, hugging her. He looked at Iris. “Please.” Then made his exit with Will. Iris heard crowds outside, and wondered what sick, perverted show Santi was going to make you do now? Would he make you hurt her? That was fine by Iris. 
You turned to her, those scared eyes chipping away at the ice in her heart. Iris knew you didn’t mean to get Rey killed, and blaming you for Jonah’s death was unfair and cruel… but she needed to be angry. 
“Iris…” You whimper, wet eyes trickling tears down your pretty face. You held your stomach in fear.
When the door opens, you and Iris are quickly ushered out into the courtyard where hundreds of people looked on. Taking in the scene, Iris heard your heavy breathing. What she didn’t need, was you having a panic attack… When she turned to see your horror stricken face, Iris couldn’t help feel that ice melt a little more. Fuck, you were young. 23, just a child. You deserved better. Iris took your hand.
But you were looking past her. “Iris…” You said with wide eyes. Iris turned around.
On the courtyard, Rey’s body was tied to an X on top of a funeral pyre, strung up and limp and lifeless. She felt sick to her stomach, turning up towards where the four wanna be gods sat upon their ivory tower, daring to look upon her love. She couldn’t read their expressions, but watched as someone lit the pyre. Reyansh’s body went up in flames.
Santiago spoke not to them, but to the crowd. “Reyash Saha is guilty of high treason! As is custom, those closest must dance as he burns. Not even the Madonna is above the will of Divine Mother.”
He emphasized those last words, Iris knew, to put you in your place. You weren’t a goddess to him, you weren’t his mommy dearest. You were a womb.
The music started up.
“DAAAANCE!!!!” He screamed down to you both, and as the smell of burnt flesh filled the yard, you began to dance. It was scared, it was erratic, it was for your life and the life of your child. Iris understood that fear. But she wasn’t going to dance. It’s been a while since the last public burning, 2 years, she thinks, but she’d been at plenty, danced in several. This is not how it was done.
Firstly, this was supposed to be execution. You didn’t burn dead bodies. If a traitor was dead already, the close family and friends were questioned but there was no grand show.
If this were a proper burning, there was a ceremony, there were prayers to Divine Mother, chants.
The yard would be filled with everyone the traitor knew. Most of the guardsmen would be here for Reyansh, the house laborers, townsfolk… not just trying to terrifying to women. If the Madonna isn’t above it, Francisco shouldn’t be either.
No, this was just a show for the girl.
“Iris!” You grab onto her. “You need to dance!” Your words were broken and desperte, but Iris shrugged you off. “PLEASE!” You sob, grabbing her hands to force her but Iris shoved you back.
“But-” You reach for her, but she slaps your hand away. If the guard cared about the abuse of the Madonna, they didn’t care. The music was too loud to hear even shouting.
“Tell me, is there anything in the world that could convince you to dance as Frankie burned?” The image horrified you, but you remained resolute.
“My baby! Please I know you can’t understand but I need you, I can’t lose anyone else- IRIS PLEASE JUST DANCE!” You scream, pulling on her.
Iris grabbed your shoulders, stopping you. “I’m pregnant too.”
You were frozen in stunned silence. “You… Rey…”
But Iris shakes her head. “I never had sex with him. Ben fucked everyone under the sun and I didn’t wanna chance giving him anything… But I told him, I broke down and told him… he’d figured it out.” Iris feels the tears coming, but forces them down. Don’t let them see you cry. Hadn’t she told you that before? “Rey said… said he’d raise it as his own. That he’d take me away and now he’s dead. And those men up there-” She pointed to the balcony. “Are why. I won’t tell you what to do, because you have your own child to think of, you are much further along, but me?” She pointed to her chest covered in Rey’s blood. “I refuse to give them anymore satisfaction. They cannot take my dignity. I won’t let them.”
Santiago watched from the balcony, smug as Madonna started dancing. Jesus she was pathetic. He expected Iris to not dance, giving him a reason to kill the brat finally. Maybe he’d take her for a little spin to see what Benny was so gunho about. But Madonna? Weak little thing like that had been trying to play big girl recently, acting tough, testing her boundaries like a fucking teenager and thinking her status protected her. It didn’t. But look at her now, dancing around as her best and probably only friend burned, just like she did, just like her paintings, just like her dad. 
It was amusing watching you try to save Iris. Your empathy was something that he was attracted to. You were sweet, he liked watching you paint. If you had behaved, he could have lived a whole life with you here with him, his Madonna, raising the savior for his roll… But no, you had to have a temper tantrum. You had to whore around as if 4 cocks weren’t enough. And yet, when it came time to really be brave…. You were like a little puppet on a string and he could toy with you as much as he-
What were you doing?
“Santi…”  Francisco tried to sooth as Santi’s knuckles turned white, gripping the balcony with a force as the sound of the music swelled around him. You stopped. Iris put her stupid fucking hands on you the way she put her stupid fucking hands on Ben’s body and tainted you. He watched with rage building inside. She was standing too fucking close.
“Will.” Santi barked, not taking his eyes off you two. Will was the most observant. Frankie could be naive and Ben wasn’t paying attention to most things. “Are they fucking?”
He swore he heard Will sigh. “No, Santi. Jesus fucking christ.”
Then they were conspiring against him. The two girls stilled completely. And then they turned around, looking up at him.
Santiago looked right back. They were fucking dead.
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Okay!!! were so close to the end! I think it flashback chapter, then the finale might have to be split lololol.
Not a super eventful chapter, but I thought things needed to breathe before the last pieces. Still, I think enough is here to entertain!!
Thank you to everyone who has stuck through all the hiatuses. Ily!!!
If anyone is interested, I just finished my finale of Blessed Be the Fruit which took over a year for a short series. sorry ;-;
anyway its done!
Love you all soooooo much!
If you like Logan Howlett, check out my new series Be Quiet
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i need to calm down and not think about homework for a moment. maybe i will set a thirty minute timer and have a nice glass of water and do something that can calm me down
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neo-nomatrix · 1 year
Hate the AM, Hate the PM, But love you
Hobie Brown x reader
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word count: 969
find the mini series here
tags: @maxjesty @marshallowy @sh-tposter2021 @ilovebhna @ladyagagaslefttoe
synopsis: Hobie is still a slightly infuriating neighbor, but there’s something about that jacket and guitar that are all too familiar.
a/n: DRUNK CONFESSIONS!! Part two of this fic. I wasn’t going to write another part to it but i caved 😔
You stood him up. You fucking stood him up. Hobie spent the entire show looking out into the crowd, ignoring the blinding stage lights, to try and find you. But you were nowhere to be found. He asked so nicely too! Despite his nonchalant attitude it took him so long to build up the courage to ask you out. He had dinner reservations planned, which he has obviously never done, looked up places to get a Mr.Whippy and even found a small secluded area where he could play his guitar for you.
The worst part is how it made him feel. He genuinely liked you and it hurt him to think you didn’t feel the same when he thought you did. So what was his solution? Go out with his mates to a pub until 3 am to drink his feelings. Hobie was a bold drunk, bolder than he usually is. He’s also a sloppy drunk, tripping when he walks and slurring his speech like it’s all one word.
You’re peacefully sleeping in your bed with your spiderman eye mask cuddling with your Spider-Punk plushie. It’s not a random occurrence to hear Hobie stomping his boots late at night but it was different today. You heard his boot buckles dragging across the floor and a loud bang against your door. Not necessarily a knock, more of a body slumped against the wood.
“Love! You in there?!” You hear him yell.
You try your hardest to ignore him but as he keeps yelling and pounding against the wood you start to feel sorry for everyone else on your floor. You force yourself out of bed and towards the front door. As you reluctantly open it a drunken Hobie falls into your flat.
“Hobie get your arse up,” you roll your very tired eyes.
He surprisingly agrees and makes his way to your bed.
Great, you think
He tosses his guitar to your couch and gets into your bed like it’s his. Conveniently throwing the spider-punk plush off the bed. He cuddles up with your blanket and closes his eyes. You cannot let him fall asleep.
“Hobie! Hello? That is my bed. Get out!” You yell at him.
“Why’d you do it?” He whispers.
“What,” you ask, still annoyed.
“You stood me up. I asked you to come to my show and you didn’t. Why,” he asked less of a question and more of a statement.
You sigh, of course you knew that was tonight. In all honesty you don’t quite know why you didn’t go. You weren’t doing anything special and it probably would’ve been nice. But you were scared. Scared of what? You also didn’t know that, you just were.
“I… I don’t know,” you admit.
“Really hurt me, Love. I wanted to see you and take you out on a nice date,” he looked away from you.
Your heart shattered. You knew Hobie liked you but not to that extent. You thought he was just playing around with you and didn’t mean anything by it.
“I’m really sorry, Hobie. We should go out some other time, okay? My treat,” you promise.
“Nah, don’t think i’ll have the time,” He says, clearly less sad than he was a few moments ago.
“Oh yeah? Busy with what? Trying to tear down the government from the inside?” You laugh.
“Of course not, that’s for the first saturday of every month. I’ll be busy being Spiderman,” he says, cuddling closer to your blanket.
You stop immediately. Your mind goes blank, the world around you stops. You’re suddenly much more awake than you have ever been. Hobie is… no you can’t even say it. The man you’ve hated ever since you had moved in was the person you loved more than anything else? That can’t be right, he’s having a laugh. That’s gotta be it.
“I don’t believe in comedy,” you remember him saying.
Fuck. He’s not joking, is he?
“What?” you manage to get out.
“I’ll be busy, being spiderman and all. Yknow who that is right? Don’t know if you noticed but he’s- i mean I’m kinda all over your room,” he lets out a drunk giggle.
He pulls out his mask from the pocket of his jacket and handed it to you.
You grab it in disbelief. You run your hand over the spandex in awe. Spiderman is right in front of you, you realize.
You just can’t believe the man you’ve idolized for years was in your bed. YOUR BED.
Hobie takes the blanket off of him, lifting up his shirt to reveal his suit. Blue and fucking red material.
“I don’t believe in the labels though. It’s stupid,” He says in the most Hobie way possible.
“You’re a superhero,” you say, still a little shocked.
“No. No, don't say that. I'm not a hero, because calling yourself a hero makes you a self-mythologising, narcissistic autocrat,” He says. God even drunk he’s still a smart ass.
“So you still wanna go out?” He asks.
“What? I just found out you’re fucking Spiderman and that’s what you’re asking me? If I want to go out with you?” You respond.
“I mean what else is there to say? I already know you love me,” he nods to the spiderman memorabilia.
Even in this state he still leaves you speechless.
“Well- yeah I guess. We can go out,” you say slowly.
“Cool,” he nods.
He lifts up the blanket and scoots over, inviting you into your bed with him. You roll your eyes and get in with him. He wraps his arms around you and smiles.
“I knew you wanted to snog me from the start,” he laughs.
Hobie is still pretty infuriating, but that is slowly becoming one of your favorite things about him.
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cvnt4him · 2 months
୨ cuddling kageyama tobio ৎ
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Kageyama is the kind of guy to just completely expect you to read his mind. He doesn't like saying what he wants he thinks bc you're his you should just know.
He wouldn't be the type to yk do those dramatic sighs n shit, he'd more like just stare at you menacingly and shit. Literally staring daggers into the back of your head LOL. Then when you finally look at him he just looks you up n down.
"what do you mean 'what.'"
"I mean 'what' like what do you want, you're just fucking staring at me all scary n’ shit"
"oh my gosh why are you yelling."
You two literally js squabble over nothing and you think it's just so cute help😭
In the end he turns around n pouts looking away from you all angry n shit w his little cute baby face oml I love him sm you literally have to drag his ass by his shirt to get him to you.
Once you finally give him what he wanted he just sighs deeply and closes his eyes, if you have boobs I feel like he's literally just touching n groping maybe even sucking chat. If not he just lies there holding you tightly and never letting you go.
"is this what you wanted?"
Tobio hums and shuts his eyes, a pout still lingering on his face. You kiss his forehead and roll your eyes, he blushes intensively, he just gets so flustered I've everything bc he's just that guy I suppose.
"how was I supposed to know you wanted to cuddle, you didn't tell me baby."
Kageyamas eyes shoot open, blush still present on his face, he just stared at you with furrowed brows and an annoyed look. You just laugh and he closes his eyes again, burying his face in your boobs if you have them or your neck.
In the end he's really happy bc he gets to cuddle you and hold you tightly while he can and he's just such a happy little guy. A slight grin is present on his face once he calms down fully. It's so cute because he isn't one to smile and if he does it's ugly as fuck. He only knows how to grin or smirk, and it always looks like he's telling you to 'eat shit' if he does.
But you love him and his ugly smile, he's just too cute to hate.
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AN: this is love guys. I love him I want him I need him I heart him. He is my everything he is my air my oxygen I need him to live I am obsessed and absorbed I cannot live without him he is truly the exception the only exception and the only thing worthy of everything. He is perfect
This might be ooc but I really think he would act like this in a relationship, this or hes js clueless to everything. After a while I feel like he'd know what he'd want being with someone.
Oml I think he's the kind of guy to never get over his first love and in college he might do like hookups n shit but never like gfs/bfs/s/o's😦
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wonijinjin · 2 months
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author's note: sorry for not posting this sooner, i have been sick for the last week unfortunately, and just started to recover, hope you can understand:) (btw this is part of the 200 followers event, fell free to check it out!)
synopsis: your boyfriend is very eager to show you how much he loves you.
word count: 0.6k | genre: fluff | pairing: mingyu x gn! reader | warnings: mentions of alcohol and drinking, painkillers
the first thing you heard after waking up was a knock on your door, followed by a loud thud. you were still sleepy so you couldn’t really decipher the meaning of these sounds, since you were not expecting visitors at such random time in the night. well, except for your boyfriend, who was out with his friends, saying that you shouldn’t wait up for him, since he would be out for quite a while. “what is he doing outside? did he forget his keys?” you mumbled to yourself as you jogged to the door, in order to help mingyu unlock the door. however to your surprise the sight which greeted you wasn’t very usual; it was wonwoo, at his side your clearly tipsy boyfriend, wonwoo’s arms holding him up (as well as he could handle a giant like mingyu). “what do we have here, hmm?” you questioned with a raised brow, not the happiest with the situation since you knew you would be the one taking care of him and cleaning the aftermath of his mess. “umm, hi. so…he drank a bit more than he should’ve.” wonwoo greeted you, awkwardly trying to stop mingyu’s limbs from escaping his hold. “hi sweetheart!” mingyu hiccuped, smiling sheepishly like an idiot. “oh gosh, what a sight.” mingyu could see that you weren’t pleased with his state, but the giggle you were trying so hard to hold back assured him it would be fine. “here, let me take him from you.” wonwoo handed you your big koala boyfriend in an instant; now that you gave it some thought he must’ve been extremely tired, afterall mingyu had been working out for years, building extreme amounts of muscle. “thanks. he has been whining about wanting to kiss you, so don’t be surprised if he attacks you. anyways, I will be on my way now I think. take care!” wonwoo waved, leaving you alone in the living room with mingyu. “i have missed you so much baby! give me a kissy kiss!” mingyu screamed (where he got the sudden energy burst from, you had no idea) while hugging you, smushing your face in his hands. he showered you with kisses, never stopping if it wasn’t for you making him pause. “wonwoo was indeed right, although you attacking me is nothing out of the ordinary.” you giggled, his face turning redder than it already was.
“I need more kisses!” he repeated for not the first time after a while, not leaving you alone. “mingyu baby I love so very much and missed you just as much, however I am tired. it is the middle of the night, you know? besides, how many kisses has it been? I cannot even remember how long has it been since we sat down.” you answered. “but I even planned on telling you all about my night! the boys told me so many stories! they are so interesting!” he pouted with big eyes; he looked exactly like a kicked puppy whose spirit has been destroyed. “oh really now?” your crossed arm and the way you were already standing in front of the couch only appeared to mingyu upon closer inspection, leaving him missing your lips even more. “yes! please at least this one story! it was about how minghao got into the situation where he had to wear a peacock costume on tv…” your exhausted mind couldn’t really process this, so you decided to end the conversation there. “tell me about that when you are sober, okay? now let’s get you to bed instead.” you urged as you dragged his almost limp body to the bedroom, tucking him into bed, and kissing him good night one last time, but not before putting a glass of water and painkillers on his nightstand. “sleep well, I will be waiting for that interesting story tomorrow, alright?”
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pomefioredove · 2 months
If you still take req for the event (if not ignore 🙏), could we pls get "I can't stop thinking about you." With Sebek
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summary: "I can't stop thinking about you" type of post: short fic characters: sebek additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu
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You are a problem.
Not because you're always getting yourself into trouble, not because of your poor temperament, not even because of that direbeast you carry around with you.
No. Sebek couldn't have cared less about all that.
If that's all it was, he could have tolerated you. What's one more bothersome human to him?
You would have been no different from the others.
If not for...
"Ah, young love," Lilia sighs. There's a dreamy current in the stream of his voice that makes Sebek stiffen.
"It is NOT... love,"
The elder fae chuckles. "Yes, I remember what that was like. Denial is the first stage, you know,"
"That's grief, father," Silver mutters, keeping his head down to avoid being dragged into the conversation.
"And what is grief if not love?"
"Again," Sebek is tense. "I am not interested in such things. I have already devoted my life and service to Malleus."
Silver and Lilia give each other a look.
"You know, Sebek, it's okay to have these kinds of thoughts. You're young! You have the rest of your life to guard Malleus. You should have some fun," Lilia says.
"Father is right. Maybe you'll loosen up a bit. You're too stressed,"
Lilia sighs that certain familiar sigh.
"I admire your focus, Sebek. If you really want to rid yourself of these feelings, the fastest way to do so is confessing. That way, you won't spend months toiling over them,"
Sebek's expression flips forthwith, and he beams. "Thank you for your wisdom!"
Silver raises an eyebrow, and Lilia dismisses him with a wave. It doesn't matter, anyway; Sebek takes his words to heart.
It's long past dark when he pounds on Ramshackle's door.
Nonetheless, you answer, bleary-eyed and sluggish, a thumb-sucking Grim tucked in your arms like an infant.
"Sebek?" you ask. "Is... everything alright? Are you okay? Did something happen to Malleus?"
Your words of concern are like an arrow through his heart. Worried for both him and his liege?
But also... worried for him...
He better get this over with fast.
"Malleus is well, do not worry about him. This concerns us,"
You stare in disbelief, as if you hadn't heard him right. "Us?"
"Did you mishear me? I am here because I cannot stop thinking about you!"
"Am I not speaking loud enough for you? I said, I CANNO-"
Your eyes widen. "No! No, I heard you! I'm just confused. What exactly does that mean?"
Sebek crosses his arms. Of course. Sigh...
"Lilia said I might overcome my feelings for you if I express them. So? What do you have to say for yourself?"
You blink. You're clearly still tired, he thinks, otherwise you would have understood, accepted his words, and been gone by now.
Right? Nothing more.
"Um... I don't know," you finally say. "Maybe I can come to training tomorrow?"
Hm. A strange response, but not an unwelcome one. Sebek grins.
"Finally taking up the offer? Of course. Anyone who spends time with Malleus should know the basics of combat,"
You hum, looking up at the sky behind him. "I wasn't really thinking about spending time with Malleus, but... okay. Tomorrow,"
And with that, he's gone, with a warm feeling in his chest that wasn't there before.
Lilia must have been right about confessing- he suddenly feels much better.
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n6ptunova · 4 months
could you maybe do a matt sleepy fic?💕💕
a/n: this is so cute ty for the requestt bae i hope i did it justice!🫶🏼
warnings: none just fluff :)
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lazy days were pretty common with matt. nick and chris always poked fun at you guys calling you “boring”, but you loved every moment with your boyfriend, including the quiet ones.
some days you put on a romcom, eat snacks and laugh, cry, cringe at various parts of the movies. other days you just enjoy each other’s presence, bodies melting into each other- not in a sexual way- just very intimate.
usually you’re the small spoon, resting your head on his chest, one leg swung over him while he gently plays with your hair. you guys even have this silly little game where he traces his fingers on your back and you have to decode the message he wrote. his cold hands dragging softly across your skin sends shivers down your spine, making it hard to focus on what he’s writing.
“come on, baby, guess,” he chuckles, the sound travelling straight to your ear as if it has healing abilities (it does). you made a random guess and he giggles again. “nopeee, try again, loser.” you’ve taken multiple guesses at this point, and none of them were correct.
“you’re so bad at this, oh my god,” he teased you as you lightly smack his bare chest and tell him it’s your turn to write something.
although matt will never admit it, sometimes, he loves being the small spoon. i mean, what could be better than nestling his head into your neck, his hair tickling your chin as you scratch all the way from his head to his back. he’s in literal heaven.
on days when matt just wants to sleep all day, you’re a necessity. he literally cannot fall asleep without being in your arms lulled by the sound of your heartbeat. it’s so sweet but if you need to grab a snack or go to the bathroom, his grip tightens around you as he faintly mumbles, “nooo, stay with me.”
“matt, i need to pee, i promise i’ll be done quick baby,” he sighs, “let’s just stay in bed all day i’m sleepy, please?” his tired voice tugged on your heartstrings, how could you say no to that? you agreed on his plan with the condition that he lets you pee.
once you were back, he hums in contentment as he snuggles into you again, kissing your cheek and neck while he assumes his previous position. “talk to me.” that’s another thing, he lovess falling asleep to your voice. good god was he whipped. you do as he asked, rambling on about your day until eventually you both fall asleep and hibernate for the rest of the day like cute little bears in the winter.
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tags: @mattscoquette @et6rnalsun @sturnsxplr-25 @strlvvr @sturniluvr
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ilyhaitanii · 9 months
ride me like you mean it ft. alhaitham
nsfw. oral (f!receiving) heavy teasing, alhaitham is called ‘haiyyi’, refers to you as his wife, chubby!reader as usual <3 this was very self-indulgent, oh and he’s mentioned to have a big nose and ykw that means…
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“your concerns are irrational, darling.” alhaitham’s voice echos in your ears as you seat yourself onto his hips. you shake your head, trying to pull yourself away from his body, but he keeps his hands secure on your hips, squeezing the fat on your body. he notices the way your thighs tremble around him, keeping your weight off of him. he frowns and presses your body down onto him, making you yelp.
“i don’t understand why you’re so conscious of this. you are well aware i press more than your weight when i workout, right? you’re light as a feather in comparison to it,” the corners of his lips quirk up at the way your cheeks flush at his comments. you tussle with your hair, looking anywhere but his eyes.
“of course i know. but i would break your face. your face and arms cannot handle the same weight. even you know that, haiyyi,” you copy his frown, but it appears so much cuter on you. no matter how much you try not to look at him, your eyes can’t help but be drawn to his face.
he’s gorgeous to say the least. sculpted by the gods themselves, even. his smug smile, the way his hair frames his face perfectly, the soft stubble he’s grown over the years of marriage. his strong hands tug your body closer to his face, dragging your clit across his abs. you gasp in his hold, pressing down on his chest. he chuckles and it’s the most beautiful sound ever.
it’s heavy, weighing as much as those weights he presses every tuesday, thursday, and saturday, yet it’s so effortless and light. your heart skips a beat at the sound.
“why not test that theory out? you spantamad scientists don’t do any experiments anymore? me retiring changed the akademiya so much?” there’s this smug tone in his voice that make your blood boil. you want to shut him up so damn bad. he cocks an eyebrow, before you sigh and hover your body over his face. alhaitham rubs your thighs, smiling into your skin.
he leaves small kisses along your inner thighs, palms squeezing at your ass. he lets out a sigh of relief when his nose brushes against your clit and his eyes flutter closed. he leaves a small kiss on your clit, before pulling you down onto his face.
you slick coats alhaitham’s chin and the stubble growing along his jaw tickles your skin. your stiffle a moan, biting your thumb as alhaitham’s tongue sinks into your heat, pressing it against your hole. he hums gently at the taste of you filling his senses.
the way he laps at your clit has you pressing your weight into your knees instead of comfortably resting on his face. he pulls away from you to catch a breath, but also to speak. he pinches your hips before saying,
“if you’re going to ride my face, fucking ride it,” there’s a slight impatience in his voice that makes your stomach do backflips. you feel yourself gush at his words and alhaitham knows he’s won this argument. finally, you rest your weight onto his face, grabbing at his silver locks.
your hips stutter against his face, the curve of his nose bumping against your clit making you keel. your head falls back, letting out soft moans of alhaitham’s name.
“hayyi..please! oh fuck-“ you’re so whiny, so needy it’s pathetic, but alhaitham relishes in the way you need him. he slips a finger inside of you, curling it so nicely, your thighs shake around his head. he laps at your clit like a parched man, silently begging for you to cum.
you feel the tension building between your hips as your rock them, feeling the rhythm alhaitham has set for you. he groans into your cunt, feeling the way you tighten around his fingers. alhaitham swears he could’ve cum from the way you moaned and whimpered above him. your whines are music to his ears.
finally, what he’s been waiting all morning for has arrived. that knot inside your body snaps, making you jerk against his face, your cum dripping into his mouth. he moans at the taste, his cock twitching in his pants. he finds himself drinking up your slick so desperately, however he doesn’t feel ashamed in the slightest.
as you let out deep breaths trying to calm yourself down, alhaitham moved you to rest on his hips. you look back down at his messy hair and emerald eyes that gaze up at you with admiration. however, in a few seconds that stupid smirk is back on his face.
“seems like you were wrong. i survived, baby.” you know you’ll never hear the end of this, but you guess when you find alhaitham between your thighs again tonight, it doesn’t seem like stroking his ego every now and then isn’t a horrible price to pay for hours of euphoria.
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© ilyhaitanii - please do not repost, translate, or plagarize any of my content, and do not repost it to any other platforms
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starlightseraph · 5 months
finished dead boy detectives!!! (spoilers ahead!)
quick disclaimer: i haven’t gotten around to the comics yet but i’ve been very interested since the sandman came out and i do plan on reading them eventually lol.
- edwin is my new blorbo cutie and i too would go to hell for him. also, his style is immaculate, exactly how i want to dress all the time.
- i am SO sad about niko. but i’m glad that it seems like she’s not totally gone? i hope she’s not an antagonist in the next series (the ending was a touch ominous), but i’ll honestly be happy either way. it’s so rare to find good western-japanese characters. it made me incredibly happy when she switched into a japanese accent when saying “osaka” because it’s something i recognise in my family and in me. i know people from lots of different backgrounds do that with words from their own languages, but i’d never seen a japanese character do it before so i was very tickled.
- charles. man. please fall in love with edwin. how tf are you quite literally dragging him out of hell and he confesses to you and you look him in the eyes and say that you love him but you’re not in love with him. i mean that’s the best possible way he could’ve gone about it, but if i were edwin i might just have gone back down to the doll face spider thing.
- i hope that crystal’s past doesn’t land her in jail or anything. i really like her dynamic with the others but i’m not sold on her and charles romantically, mostly because edwin is so fucking sweet and i don’t want his heart to be broken. he’ll be happy if charles is happy, but i cannot stand see him get hurt even the tiniest bit.
- jenny is amazing. she’s literally me fr. also i love how she just hands people cleavers.
- i found the night nurse’s breakdown when she was in angie’s stomach very relatable. i feel like that a lot lmao. and i love her accent. i will go to bat for my own weird ass culchie irish/valley girl hybrid, but if had to pick another accent…
- i need a wise and eternal south asian man to talk me down from the ledge. it’s almost finals week and a ring from kashina would be a big help.
- tragic mick (top tier wordplay name) is a sweetheart and i hope he gets to be a walrus again eventually. my first reaction when i saw the cat king was “oh my god, it’s the piss kink guy from You!” but that aside, he was ok in the end. so was monty. i hope the night nurse can help crystal drag david the demon back down to hell.
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propheticbride · 2 months
Lamb to Slaughter Ⅳ
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𐙚 Aegon and Aemond's personal war over you escalates as the truth of Aegon's crowning becomes true to you.
𐙚 Aegon x Reader/Aemond x Reader (tw: incest mention)
(AN- remember when I said lamb is gonna start getting her own personality... ☝🏻)
“I feel sad about Jaehaerys.” Helaena mumbles. You hand her back the small boy’s toy. A wooden dragon styled after Dreamfyre, Helaena’s personal mount. “Mm, but I ought not to, I think. People die all the time, especially babes.”
You nod, “They’re so little, so they’re taken so easily.”
She glances at you as you respond. “Sadness is a condition of motherhood, or so mother thinks. When you were born, she cried so much holding you.” Helaena speaks in a pained tone. “She could not care for us much when you were brought into the world. She loved you so.”
“There’s naught to be gained from it.” you shake your head.
Helaena does a rare thing, she reaches for you, and holds eye contact. “That horrid procession where the smallfolk all stared at me. I warrant they thought I had no more right to grief than they do. Surely they lose their babes more than highborn ladies.”
“No.” you shake your head and take a deep breath, holding her hands back. “The Stranger comes for us all…queen and commoner alike. You have as much claim to grief as anyone.”
“And you?” she asks.
“I loved Jaehaerys, but my concern has been for you. It broke my heart to hear what they put you through.” you insist. “Helaena, I…”
“I forgive you.” she breaks the physical contact and walks away, quickly glancing back at you.
“I said that I forgive you.” she nods, a faint smile on her face.
“For what?”
“Sleeping with Aegon.” she spits out. She looks dazed for a brief moment, almost like she cannot fathom the words she had just spoken.
“Helaena…I haven't-”
“Mother told me. Weeks ago. After Jaehaerys was murdered…I heard Aegon had taken someone new to bed, but I did not imagine it would be you.” Helaena saw things, you knew it, but even she couldn't have seen this coming.
“I don't know what to say.” you admit.
“Do you feel sorry?” she asks.
“No.” you shake your head. “Helaena, his heir was murdered, and unless you are able to provide another, there is not much to secure your place beside him.”
The words simply bleed out, you’re not sure if you mean them or not. So much is happening so quickly and you cannot deny it. You have become Aegon’s lover, and he wasn't shy about finishing inside you. So where did Helaena fit into all of this?
“That was mean.” she grimaces.
“I am sorry, but I only speak the truth.”
“Drinks for all! At the pleasure of the crown!”
The entire brothel roared for Aegon, his little men following close behind.
“Woo! At the pleasure of the crown!” someone shouted.
“Sit down. Sit yourself down.” Aegon demands Ser Martyn’s squire. “Drink the wine, boy. Drink it now!”
“So what did your little queen say when you told her where you were going tonight?” Martyn sips his alcohol.
“She does not know?” Leon Estermont asks after watching Aegon’s smile spread into a wide grin.
“Why would I tell her where I am going…she does not tell me when she fucks my brother.” Aegon laughs.
“She's sharing both of your beds?” Martyn questions, a little confused on the way the Targaryens work.
“Oh I let her have her fun, she can not be glued to my cock forever can she. If she wishes to use that hound as a toy, why should I complain?” Aegon tries to convince himself that jealousy isn't there. That Aemond doesn't stare him down in the counsels or the halls when they pass. Oh well.
“Did I, did I tell you I came here as a lad?” Aegon asks the squire again. “It’s, mm, a little tame, but a good a place as any to get it wet. I know just the tutor for you, my boy.”
“Is it your toy?” Leon jokes.
The joke stabs at Aegon, but he simply laughs it off. “The blood of the dragon is not for…lesser men.”
His knights burst out into laughter as Aegon grabs the young squire and begins dragging him around room to room.
“She’s worth three times the price.” Aegon states cheerfully. “Her name is, uh, Sylvi. Or Selyse or, I don’t know, something like that.”
Aegon violently pulls apart two curtains, the white hair of the man looks familiar and follows Sylvi immediately lying up.
“Your grace.” she says.
Aemond shoots up and turns around, color leaving his face.
“Aemond, the fierce!” Aegon giggles out, he is the only one. “You have come so far, and, and yet you still lie with your very first.”
Aemond lays his arms on his knees, keeping his gaze strictly to the bed. He's embarrassed. More embarrassed then when he found out you had taken to Aegon’s bed following your first night together.
“Did you fuck her like a hound?” Aegon asks, following barking like a dog at his brother.
Both the knights and Sylvi were quiet, only glaring at Aegon and softly glancing at Aemond’s huddled form.
“Does she know you spend your time here? Oh do you think she'd fuck you again if she knew you spent time with your whore?”
“Again?” Aemond questions.
“Oh save it brother, I am well aware you have touched our little lamb, but that does not matter I do not care.” Aegon assures him. “But do you think she would share your bed if she knew where you spent your time? Do you think she would have even entered mine, if you had just stayed in hers?”
“This isn't about-”
“Oh yes it is you stupid dog.” Aegon laughs. “Why is it that you give me looks, and that you cannot make eye contact with me. You do not attend dinners anymore, nor does the lamb see you often. Of course it is about her. Would you even be with this whore if it weren't for your feelings of our lamb?”
“Our lamb?” Aemond is angry now.
“Yes, our lamb.” Aegon laughs. “You see, I do not exaggerate. Such is the madam’s prowess, that even now my brother will not sample another. Even my little sister is left bedded alone. Hard luck for your squire, though! As you can see, she…she’s now very much occupied.”
Aemond stands, his body in full view. “Your squire is welcome to her.”
Aegon glances up at him.
“One whore is as good as another.” Aemond steps off the bed and disappears into the brothel.
“Fuck.” Alicent breathes. “Fuck!”
“Mother?” you enter her chambers.
She looks disheveled, as she's tearing apart her private room.
“Rhaenyra’s dragons are restless. They smell battle.” Alicent cries. “Perhaps we will all die and none of this will matter anyways.”
“Rhaenyra. Aegon. Fuck.” she immediately plants herself in the cushioned seat, her head in her hands.
“What is it?” you ask again.
“Where is Aegon?” Alicent looks up.
“Out, he said he was partying with his squires.” you reply.
“And where is this partying taking place?”
“I do not know.” you admit. “Aemond is gone as well.”
“Asleep. You told her that Aegon has taken me to bed. Am I not your baby no longer?” you sound hurt.
“My love-”
You sheethe away from her touch. A pout splays across her face, she looks hurt that for the first time, you have denied her affection.
“You said you loved me but you immediately ran to my sister to tell her of my doings! You knew that and in confidence perhaps you have betrayed me.” you shake your head. Who could you trust?
“You do not-”
“I will tell Aegon.” you say.
“You cannot.” your mother shakes her head, protesting.
“Yes I can. I have his ear. And I have his bed. Those are two positions of power you are not granted.” you remind her. “As Queen you were powerful perhaps. But now you are the King’s mother. There is not much power there I’m afraid.”
“I saw Rhaenyra.” she admits.
You look at her, as if she was a stranger. “You’ve done what?”
“My love-”
“Do you betray him at the very last? Aegon is your son, meeting with the enemy could be considered-”
“Treason, I am aware. She was dressed as a septa, she snuck into the sept-”
“And you did not scream for the guards? Are you without a voice?” you demand. “Are you?”
Tears swell in Alicent’s eyes. “I have made a grave mistake.”
“What mistake do you speak of?”
“Your father did not change his mind.” Alicent spoke codly. “He did not want Aegon as king-”
“Be quiet.” you say.
“Stop!” you shake your head. “You have committed treason at the highest of offenses. Meeting with the enemy, and now you speak that Aegon is not the true king?”
“The Prince That Was Promised.” Alicent whispered.
“He…spoke of the Song of Ice and Fire. This prophecy with Aegon the Conqueror.” Alicent nods to you, watching you take in all of the information.
“There’s been a mistake?” you ask.
“There’s been no mistake.” Alicent speaks coldly. “A terrible war is looming, and even victory may be so bloody as to be counted a loss. Cole is on the march, and Aemond…he is a monster and even you know this. You will continue to occupy Aegon’s bed, make him happy and perhaps maybe you will keep his ear. It will be needed in this brutal war to come.” Alicent kisses your forehead. “I wish for us to stay on the same side, our desires and beliefs as one. It was wrong for me to go to Helaena, you are my baby still. I hope you can forgive my transgressions, and keep this between us. If your brother found out.-”
“You mean when my brother finds out?” you pull from her hold.
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holylulusworld · 25 days
Their little maid (Prologue)
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Summary: Mafia business is dirty. The brothers need someone to clean up their mess and more.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader x Nick Fowler
Warnings: shy reader, flirty brothers, mafia business, money trouble, Walker is the worst, injured reader (nothing serious)
Their little maid masterlist
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You gnaw at your thumb. Is this the position you want? Cleaning other people’s houses wasn’t the job you dreamed of when you were a kid.
All you ever dreamed of was to open your own bookstore or to work at the library as an alternative. Sadly, the library closed, and you reached the end of the rope. No one wants to hire you, an unemployed librarian.
Sighing deeply, you push the button at the large gate to ask for entrance. An angry voice asks what you want, making you flinch. You’d love to just run and forget about the job, but you’re in desperate need of money.
“Uh—I’m Y/N Y/L/N,” you stammer. “I got an important appointment with Mr. Barnes.” You take a deep breath, waiting for the voice to deny you access or to open the gate.
“You’re two minutes later,” another voice says before the gate slowly opens. “Get inside. I don’t have all day.”
You duck your head and hurriedly walk past the gate. Messing up the first interview you have in weeks is the last thing you want. Before your anxiety can get the best out of you, you walk faster and faster to reach the front door. You cannot allow yourself to mess this chance up if you haven’t already messed it up by being late.
“Finally,” a man opens the door and immediately snarls your name. “I can tell, my bosses don’t like people wasting their time.”
He grabs your right upper arm to drag you inside the mansion, taking you by surprise. You shriek and slip on the floor. The man doesn’t stop your fall. He drops his hand from your arm and watches your knees hit the carpet.
The blonde man smirks down at you. He huffs and crosses his arms over his chest. “Clumsy little bitch. Get up. You don’t have a job yet. Or, stay on your knees,” he chuckles darkly. “Maybe you can get to work right away.” The man cups his crotch, making you sneer.
“Walker!” The man in front of you cringes when someone calls his name. He stiffens and steps away from you. “What happened here?”
“Clumsy thing slipped and fell,” he explains and shrugs.
“Why didn’t you help her up?” The other man walks toward you to offer his hand. You bite your lower lip, chewing on it as you place your smaller hand in his. "Doll, don’t be afraid. I won’t bite. I’m Mr. Barnes, and I’ll interview you for the position we have to offer.”
He flashes you a stunning smile, making you feel warm. His hand is rough, but gentle when he helps you up.
The most stunning blue eyes meet yours as he helps you back on your feet. He carefully grabs your upper arms, looking you up and down to make sure you don’t get hurt.
You hope he doesn’t judge your plain outfit—a pale blue shirt and jeans shorts. His outfit is stunning, just like his eyes and deep voice.
He’s wearing an expensive, dark blue suit and a matching tie. His hair is short and neatly styled, but behind his perfect styling, he hides something wild. You’re sure about it.
“Brother did the maid already arrive.” Another man steps toward you and Mr. Barnes. Your eyes widen, and you gasp because he looks exactly like Mr. Barnes. Same hair, same eyes, same suit. “Oh, she is already here.”
“You look the same,” you stammer, regretting the words the moment Walker snorts at your comment. “I mean…you must be brothers.”
“Guilty, doll,” Mr. Barnes chuckles at your confused look. “We are twins.”
“We didn’t grow up together, sweetness. I’m Mr. Fowler.” He looks you up and down, humming as his eyes land on your bruised knees. “I hope my brother isn’t the reason for your bleeding knees.”
“She’s clumsy, boss. The girl slipped and fell,” Walker repeats. You already figured that he doesn’t like you. “Maybe we should look for someone else.”
You whimper. No. He can’t take the chance away from you.
“You mean we should look for someone new?” Mr. Barnes puts Walker in his place with a glare. “So far, she didn’t do anything telling me I should look for a replacement. Maybe we should look for someone to replace you. A man who doesn’t even offer his hand to a lady in need.”
“Lady—” Your cheeks heat up. No man before called you a lady.
“Buck, stop flirting. We got our hands full today. Let’s get over with the interview... I can hardly wait to tell her about her tasks.
Part 1
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sapphire-hearted (part three)
Aemond Targaryen x f!reader
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After his proposal, the reader and Aemond have a heated confrontation in the gardens.
themes/warnings: jealous!possessive!Aemond (no surprise that I have to write this for every part of this story... I mean...), angst, language
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"Will you choose me?"
That managed to stop you in your tracks. Will you choose him? As if you had not chosen him over and over, at every turn, every proposal - only for him to choose to lie with another woman in the end.
And what is worse, he does not seem to find his actions wrong, only defending them. For the good of the realm, he says. 
But what if he is sincere about marrying you? Will it only be you, for all time, war be damned? Knowing Aemond, it will not be that simple. 
You feel caught in a snare, helpless, for but a second. Weighing your options in your mind. 
Yes. Perhaps. No. Fuck you, and your witch. 
Your mind finally settles, and you turn to face him, your face cold and unreadable. "That has to be the most selfish thing you have ever said to me."
Aemond appears stunned, unmoving, as he watches you stride towards him. 
“Selfish? My desire to be wed to you is a selfish thing?” he asks.
You approach him quickly, breathing heavy as words spill out of your mouth. “I know you, Aemond. Tell me this. Why do you wish to marry me now, after all this time? Why did you not do it fucking seven, eight moons ago? You only want this now because you know that I am serious about getting married to someone else. And what of the unspoken understanding between us that we could never do so because you are a Targaryen, oh great one, and I come from a lowly House of cattle-tending farmers?” You sound venomous, unrestrained, but you do not much care.
Aemond matches you in your ferocity, when he says, “Is that truly what you think? That I would marry you for some foolish reason? That I would do so on a whim? It is true that my family, the council, and perhaps the smallfolk will frown upon our union, but you know what?” He grips your elbow, and you can feel his ragged breathing fanning your face as he drags you closer. “I don’t care anymore. I have always wanted this, and I should get what I want. After everything I have done, all that I have sacrificed for this war, I deserve to marry for love.”
“No, you - ”
“Listen to me, my love,” he leans in, close enough to capture your lips in his if he wishes to. “I’d rather burn everything to the ground, rather than watch you wed another fucking man. I thought you were already well aware of this?” 
His lips brush against your ear, sending shivers down your spine, and he whispers, “Do not underestimate my love for you. You’re mine, do you hear? Perhaps you will try to be with someone else, with that Ramsay. But know that it will not end well for him.”
You understand that he is not speaking lightly. That he will make do on his threat if need be. Dangerous, intense, cunning. This was the Aemond you fell in love with, so why should you be taken aback  at his words? You crave all of this, all that he truly is.
But you had also thought that all of this, all of him, was only yours. 
“No,” you breathe.
“My answer is no,” you repeat. “I cannot marry you. Not like this.”
“Because of him?” Aemond accuses. 
“Not exactly,” you meet his eye and find a storm of emotion resting there. “You know that I would marry you in a heartbeat.” You remember when he said the same, but it does not sit right with you that he could only have said that out of desperation. Just as he is asking for your hand now, in the heat of the moment. 
“Then we shall have it done. On the morrow, if that is what you wish, my love - ”
“But we cannot marry when I do not trust you. When I cannot be certain that you will not go scurrying back to bed with Alys each time you require her visions or her spells.”
Aemond implores, “But it should all end soon. The war… we shall be sure to prevail against our enemies. And then I will have no further use for her. We can have her banished or mutilated for all I care.” 
Typical of Aemond to be so thick-headed, and to stick to his ambition.  So will he lie with Alys a few more times, breaking your heart, after he has just professed to love and marry you? “I cannot have that.”
“Do you not understand - ”
“I understand perfectly,” you almost hiss at him in your exasperation. “If you wish to wed me, then you cannot have anyone else. By the gods, you should not even remotely desire to be with anyone else, for any reason. Whether it be for the fucking realm, I do not care.”
You pry yourself away from his hold, every step walking back from him giving you room to just breathe. “The very thought of you with her, the truth of it happening, sickens me to my core.” 
Laughing menacingly, you add, “Just as the thought of myself with Ramsay angers you so. Tell me, my love - what would you do if I were to ride him, as Alys does you?”
Aemond glares daggers at you, his jaw clenching so hard in his rage.
He seethes, “You would never get the chance. I will bury him long before then.”
“I’ve had enough of this,” you raise your hands in surrender. “I’ll be seeing you.”
“You do not get to simply leave - ” He starts to say, but he is interrupted by someone else rounding the corner.
“Brother,” Aegon greets, an ornate cup of wine held loosely in one hand. Several members of his Kingsguard shadow him, a few paces away.  “How come you get to escape our council meetings out here, whilst I waste away with those droll sycophants?”
“Aegon,” Aemond greets, his voice giving away irritation at his brother’s intrusion. “I had no standing affairs today, and I am occupied with something else.”
“Someone else, you mean to say,” Aegon raises his eyebrows at you suggestively. “Nice to see you again, my lady.”
“Your Grace,” you curtsy. “I shall take my leave, so that you might speak to Aemond in private.”
Aegon responds lightly. “Stay, if you please. I do have something to ask you as well. And what is with the ‘Your Grace’? It is just Aegon to you, as always.”
“Of course, Your G-” you catch yourself, smiling now. “I mean, Aegon.” Aemond’s siblings have been more than civil towards you, and if everything else were simpler, then you might even call them your friends. 
Now and then, Aegon would make a comment about your status in poor taste, though he means well. One of them being, “What a shame you cannot be made my good-sister through Aemond. The family would surely wed the pair of you, if only you had been a Lady Baratheon, or gods, even a Lannister, though I find the lot of them unbearable. What a shame.”
“So,” Aegon excitedly clasps his hands together, preparing to share some piece of news. “I’ll be holding a small gathering on the morrow. A supper of sorts. Only a few chosen people. Our inner circle, which includes you, my lady.” He wags his finger at you, playfully.
“A feast? Won’t it be improper, Aegon?” Aemond asks, with a tired sigh, already used to his brother’s proclivities. 
“Not a feast, dear brother. A small, subdued supper.” Aegon looks to you for support, and you shrug in agreement. He takes a step closer, whispering to you in secret, “It is a feast, actually.” You have to bite back a laugh at his absurdity. It’s somewhat hard to believe that Aegon is the face of the Greens - their cause, their reason to wage this brutal war. Was he not just a young boy who did not choose any of this? A neglected son who was forced to abandon his dream of escape? A crown of thorns thrust upon him in spite of his resistance?
“Aegon - ” Aemonds warns, wary of his brother’s proximity to you. What in the seven hells could he be saying?
“Aemond,” Aegon sings in response, unfazed. “I’ve said my piece. My lady, I shall have my guards escort you when it’s time.” 
“Alright,” you say, aware of Aemond’s watchful stare on you. In a split decision, or mayhaps a calculated move, you find yourself requesting, “do you mind terribly if I take Lord Ramsay Beesbury as my companion?”
“Oh, him?” Aegon looks to his brother, weighing his reaction, and immediately growing amused at the fury that he sees. “Well, you may take whomever you please, my lady.”
“She may not,” Aemond quickly counters. 
Aegon merely grins, “It’s my party, brother.”
“I don’t fucking care.”
“I am your King,” Aegon states. “My word is final.”
"You could be the Smith himself, and I still would not care. She will not be taking him." Aemond says firmly. Only he can talk back to Aegon in such a way, and he surely takes advantage of this when he can.
They lock eyes, until Aegon bursts in a fit of unbridled laughter, his wine sloshing out of his cup.
"Gods be fucking good," Aegon wheezes. "You can hardly control yourself, dear brother." Winking at you, he says, "I suppose there is a damn good reason why they call us Greens. Aemond here is practically greener than Vhagar's slimy old scales with envy."
"Seven hells." Aemond curses in exasperation. Still, after all that, he throws you a look of warning.
You only smile sweetly in return, your mind already made up.
Satisfied with the outcome of this exchange, you nod to both of them, "I shall take my leave, Aegon. Aemond. But we shall see you on the morrow. Thank you for the invitation."
Aemond bristles at your emphasis on we.
Yet he cannot help but watch in adoration as you walk away, your skirts billowing lightly in the wind. His woman.
That Ramsay will not be able to anticipate what's coming for him.
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I thoroughly enjoyed reading all of your comments from the previous parts!! Glad we are all on the same page - Aemond should suffer 🤷🏻‍♀️ (or at least, grovel and prove himself, for the next few chapters.)
taglist: @immyowndefender @bellameshipper @aemondswifeisme @bash1018 @fuck-the-reaper @shessthunderstoms @aemondsbabygirl @melsunshine @youtoldalie @snh96 @noxytopy @ellooo0ooo @brianochka @not-a-glad-gladiator @mac95650 @whitejuliana1204 @midnightmystic @saminalloxo @oh-no-tia @magnificentsapphiresoul @clara-geekhime @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @ananas26t @iloveallmyboys @carriellie @summerposie @verycollectivecreator @toodlesxcuddles @brie-annwyl @dc-marvel-girl96 @bellstwd @bibli0thecary @happinessinthebeing @magnificentsapphiresoul
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naturesapphic · 2 months
https://www.tumblr.com/naturesapphic/755752020343963648/if-youre-on-a-kick-for-writing-billie-stories I’m the anon who requested this and oh my GOD it’s so good, I turned feral reading it 😭 can we pretty please have a sequel? Maybe Billie tries to pull the same trick, but this time the reader wears a sundress without underwear because she’s expecting it, and they end up getting smutty in public even despite the risk to Billie’s career, because she just cannot *wait* till she’s home to use her favourite toy
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Favorite toy
Billie eilish x fem!reader
Warnings: smut, strap-on, oral
Sequel: Billie’s teasing
Fixing your sundress, you headed down the stairs to see your girlfriend sitting at the kitchen counter putting on her hat that says “girls cum first”. “I’m ready baby. Where are we going again?” You asked her and she gives you a fake innocent smile. “I wanted some coffee and you’ve been talking about wanting to get some so I thought we could go there and just sit. It’s a small one so there’s not a lot of people there so hopefully no one will recognize me.” Billie said and you nodded.
“I’d love that baby. Lets go.” You said walking to the door and you “accidentally” dropped something so since Billie was in front of you, you purposely bent over to get. Billie’s eyes darkened as she saw your bare ass and pussy before her. She should have known something was up when you decided to wear your shortest sundress you own but unknown to you was that billie was packing. The two of you drove to the little deserted coffee shop near y’all’s house and Billie stepped out and ran to your side. She opened your door and you stepped out smiling at her.
“Thank you…daddy..” you whisper the last part in her ear and softly pulled on her lobe making her freeze in place. You took her hand and guided her inside, making sure you were shaking your hips to tease her further. It sure was working becuase Billie literally could not breath and she felt herself get turned on immensely. The two of you walked in the shop and Billie stood behind you, ordering for the both of you. As she was ordering she was behind you grabbing your waist so her pelvis was on your ass. You slightly whimpered as you felt her bulge against her ass and you whined quietly.
You were planning to tease her all day but you don’t think you could wait that long, you need her now and you mean right now. So when billie was done ordering you decided while y’all waited for your coffee that you would take her to the bathroom. You grabbed her arm and dragged her to the unisex bathroom meaning that it was only for one person. You pushed her in and immediately locked the door, when you looked behind you, Billie was looking at you like she was going to completely devour you. Billie pushed you against the door as she started leaving kisses all over your neck, running her hands up and down your waist.
She pushed up your dress to reveal your bare lower half and she moaned loudly. “Fuck…such a fucking slut Hm? Just wanted your pussy to be filled by me huh?” She said teasing you as she started undoing her zipper and pulled down her pants a bit to pull out her strap. She ran it up and down your soaked folds before pushing inside your throbbing pussy. You threw your head back and moaned at the stretching the fake cock was giving you and billie smirked against you. “You are being such a good girl baby…taking me so good…” she said lowly and you kept moaning.
A banging on the door scared the two of you but Billie kept fucking you. They kept banging on the door and Billie kept ruining you as She made sure that you were quiet by putting her hand over your mouth. The banging stopped and Billie felt you coming undone on her as she felt your cum on her thighs. “Such a good girl…come on. Let me clean you up and get our coffee.” She said sweetly as she pulls out of you slowly and puts you down. You stand on shaky feet as you fix your dress and wipe the tears that were in your eyes. Billie got some paper towels and gently cleaned you up, praising you along the way, telling you how much of a good girl you are to her.
You smiled and helped her clean up as well. After y’all presentable enough, you walked outside and went up to the counter to get y’all’s coffee. Some of the workers gave y’all glares while the others was blushing. The two of you didn’t pay any mind to it and went outside to the car, where the two of you sat inside for hours just talking until going home to spend the rest of the day together.
A/n: sorry I rushed this so much but I still worked on this for like HOURS LMAO so I hope you still like this anon and I hope the rest of y’all did too! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all :)
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michibap · 14 days
hockey!gf nsfw headcanons bc goonerbap is on the prowl
everyone say thank u @kiddiesmores for brain storming w me
-dating an athlete is NOT for the weak
-hockey!gf’s libido is actually fucking insane and as much as schlatt wishes he could keep up, he simply cannot
-learned the hard way that if he gives you free reign you’ll have him whimpering like a bitch nd shooting blanks
-and great as it is, it’s just not sustainable to be getting drained like that every day
-luckily!!! he’s more than happy to use his fingers or his mouth to hold you over
-he’ll pretend to be irritated or whatever because he’s a tease, but he LOVESS you being all needy for him
-just likes to hear you whine nd beg 🙄
-more than happy to shove hand down the front of your pants before you’re off to class, having heard enough of your whining about not being able to focus because all you can think about is him
-or if you’re feeling bossier (which is more often than not) you’ll walk to stand in front of the tv, nd he’ll pause his game and look up at you with raised brows like “wat.”
-you reach out to card a hand through his hair and he leans into it, a little confused but not one to question you being affectionate
-until your fingers are knotting in his hair nd pushing his head down, your other hand moving to push the waist band of your sweats down and he’s like “oh okay”
-hockey!gf thinking schlatt’s head game would be weak so she holds out on mentioning anything about it for a while
-until one day the two of you are chilling on the common room couch and he hears you set whatever you’re doing down and looks up to find you already looking at him with a thoughtful expression
“… Do you eat box?”
-he doesn’t even have anything to say, just looks at you with wide eyes before he’s cursing to himself and scrambling out of his rot spot to drop to his knees in front of where you’re sitting, fingers eagerly hooking into the waistband of your shorts
-trying to be cool nd nonchalant like “Brother chill” but the way he’s mouthing at you thru ur panties has you flustered nd squirming
-may have said this before but that man eats like an ANIMAL.
-muffled moans and growls vibrating against your sex, he’s shaking his head nd shit, hands locked on your hips to try and drag you closer
-he hears you moan nd pulls back with a smug grin like “Yeah?”
-but his cheeks are flushed nd smeared with your slick, his hair is all fucked up from you grabbing on it and his pupils are dilated
-what are you supposed to do if not drag him back by a fistful of hair to rut against his face???
-your back to the wall nd he’s on his knees between your legs, one of your legs hiked over his shoulder nd his hands are grabbing at your ass to try nd drag you closer
-he’s down there like mmfmgrmg
-WILL have to pull him off because his ass won’t come up for air
-dragging him away from you by a fistful of hair like
“Gotta take a second to breathe, champ.”
-sloppy girlhead would change his life and i mean it.
-the minute you’re seated between his knees he’s blushing nd straining against his boxers
-the way he twitches nd bobs is so cute :(( he’s shuddering as you drag the tip of your finger from the base to his head before firmly wrapping your warm hand around him
-pressing a wet kiss to his head that has his hips jumping and pulling back with a coy grin, looking up at him through your lashes
“You ready?”
“Would you shut the fuck up and get my dick in your mouth?”
-say less!
-but you’re getting him back for that fuckin attitude, meanly digging your tongue into his slit
-pulling off with a pop when you feel him getting close, but you can only get away with it so many times before he’s got his hand on the back of your head to hold you down while he fucks up into your mouth
-almost comically bad gag reflex but he’s into it, so you take it like a champ
-sometimes he’ll be in heat nd give you a run for your money
-pinning you to the nearest flat surface and fucking you mean
-sometimes even that’s too much effort, and the two of you will end up on the floor rutting into each other, gasping and groaning into each other’s mouths
-hands grabbing at anything they can get a hold on, anything to feel nd pull each other impossibly closer
-planting a hand on his chest and pushing his back to the floor so you can get the angle just right, nd he’s got his feet planted on the floor to meet your thrusts hmfbgj
-trying to fuck you in the air to be sexy but he gets frustrated nd ends up pressing u to the wall for better leverage
-something about you being all sweaty and breathless literally turns him into a different person
-so of COURSEE he’s fucking you in the gym, wrenching your head up with a hand in your hair so he can see you all fucked out
-getting frustrated bc the mirror keeps fogging so he just flips you nd hikes one of your legs up over his hips and gets back to business
-he has two wolves inside of him
-one of them loves eye contact
-the other is an ass man.
-there is a constant inner battle going on between him wanting to press his forehead against yours and watch your eyes go all gooey and roll back
-or wanting you on your stomach and arched for him so he can land a brutal smack on your ass whenever he gets the urge (and it’s often)
-though more often than not you’re riding the fuck out of him
-scratch marks on your hips from him holding on for dear life, throwing his head back and moaning embarrassingly high
-both of you always covered in bite marks from how often you sink your teeth into each other to muffle your moans lol
okay that’s all i rlly have for now but here’s a little cooldown period so i don’t send u back out into the world post goon
-if you’re wearing ur little spandex shorts out he needs at LEAST 15-20 minutes to grope at you so he can function like a normal human
-bc HOW is he supposed to be Normal knowing that you’re just out in the world looking like that
-running his hands over the smooth fabric, planting his hands on your hips so you do a little spin for him
-big hands grabbing a mean handful of cheek
-rolling your eyes when you feel him bite you over the fabric like alright now
-grabbing his wrist and dragging it away when you feel his hand inching to cup over your sex through your clothes like ENOUGH
-using your ass as a pillow nd biting you when you squirm too much
-definitely takes pics of his face squished between your forearm and your bicep
-or better yet your thighs lol
thanks 4 reading
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girlgenius1111 · 8 months
i know you can
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long awaited part 2 do like you mean it.
patri gets r to come without her. somehow, r ends up rewarding patri for it. patri x r. 18+ smut below.
"Patricia. You cannot be serious."
"Oh, I am so serious, amor." She replied, leaning back on the bed with a smirk.
"No strap. Until I make myself come." You say incredulously, repeating her earlier words back to her.
"Sí!" She sings. "It'll be fun!"
"It will not!" You yelp. "I thought I proved to you that I can't do it myself." You're blushing heavily at the implication that Patri, and only Patri, can make you come.
"I believe in you," Patri dismisses, looking at you expectantly.
"Now?!" You question.
"Sí, I am in the mood for a show."
"Patri," you whine, drawing her name out for added affect. At this, she leans forward, lightly kissing your cheek.
"Just try for me?" she asks quietly, and you can tell how much she wants this. If there was any way to convince you, it was this; you'd probably do anything if Patri wanted it this badly.
"Fine." You relent, and Patri cheers loudly. You roll your eyes, but you can't help but be charmed by her enthusiasm. She quickly removes your clothes, and guides you back onto the bed, taking her spot, before she hops off, and settles on the couch across the room, you in perfect view of her. You keep your legs closed, feeling rather vulnerable.
"Come on, bonita, don't be shy," she says softly, and you close your eyes, spreading your legs open on the bed.
"I can't do this," you mumble after a minute. For some reason, the position you are in is making you feel incredibly embarrassed, and you're fighting the urge to shut your legs, not even thinking about touching yourself.
"Yes you can. Just do as I say." Patri instructs, and you take a deep breath, opening your eyes. You look at her, the way she's staring at your body with hunger in her eyes, a soft smile tugging at her lips.
"Start with one finger. Lightly, nothing inside yet."
You do as she says, letting out a small sigh as your finger makes contact with your core, gathering some wetness and dragging it up to your clit, before stroking softly.
"There you go. Focus on your clit. Do what feels right."
You rub with two fingers, changing pace as you felt like it. It was pleasant, steady stimulation. You got more comfortable with it, letting your legs fall farther open, and allowing your head to drop back onto the pillow, eyes fluttering shut.
"Good girl, let yourself feel good." Patri's voice rings out across the room, low and gravelly. You can tell your actions are having an effect on her, which only spurs you on.
"Inside?" You ask, after another few minutes.
"Hmm. Would that feel good? Fucking yourself with your fingers?"
"Yes," you reply breathlessly.
"Put one inside that pretty pussy for me."
Your whole body feels warm, core aching, as you press your middle finger in slowly. You always have a hard time getting the right angle when you finger yourself, but today you find it slips in easily, perhaps because you're wetter than you normally are when you touch yourself. You begin to pump it in and out, your palm pressing up against your clit.
"Mmm" you moan, biting your lip, trying to keep your voice down.
"No, I want to hear you, bonita," Patri says. You let your mouth fall open, sighing her name.
"Are you thinking of my fingers in you?"
You nod. "Another finger? Please?"
"Tell me how good it feels, and then you can add another finger."
"Feels good," is all you can manage.
"Yeah?" Something hits the bed next to you. You open your eyes, finding a pink vibrator resting next to your leg. You look up towards Patri, who doesn't appear to have moved, leading you to believe she had it in her pocket. You reach for it, but clearly, the brunette is in a bit of a teasing mood.
"No, not yet. Add another finger first."
You pull your finger all the way out, spreading wetness onto your ring finger, before you push both back inside of you. You return to your previous rhythm, and your hips are beginning to grind down on your hand.
"You sounds so wet, amor. Are you wet?"
"Sí," you whine.
"How wet?" Patri asks, almost mockingly. It makes your skin flush redder, but you don't dislike it.
"Really wet, baby. I'm dripping."
"Good. Turn the vibrator on, and put it on your clit."
Your fingers slow inside of you as you rush to do as she stays, but when you get the vibrator in place over your clit, your fingers pick up the pace again, moving rapidly. A light buzzing sound fills the room, and the combination of that, and the wet sounds of your fingers moving in and out of your hole, is almost pornographic.
"Patri, so good," you whimper, completely lost in the sensations.
"That's right, making yourself feel so good. Turn up the vibe."
You do as she says, clicking it up higher, and your hips jump when you make contact with your clit.
"I'm close," you warn, increasing the pace of your fingers until your hand is loudly making contact with your skin.
"Are you gonna come?"
"Sí, please Patri," you don't really know why you're asking permission, very ready to fall over the edge, but it's almost immediate when Patri responds.
"You've been so good. Come. Now." It's more of a command than anything else she's said has been, and you come with a long, drawn out moan of her name. Your brain is slightly fuzzy, but you hear what Patri says next anyway.
"I haven't even touched you, and I've already got you screaming my name." You wait until your body has stopped twitching to reply.
"Don't get too cocky. I was promised something in return? Not sure if you can live up to what I can do myself, though." You joke. Patri smirks, rising from the couch and walking towards you. You move to the edge of the bed to meet her in a heated kiss. She laces her fingers through your hair, holding your face against hers.
Breaking the kiss, she tugs lightly on your bottom lip with her teeth. "Are you ready?" she asks, an excited glint in her eye.
"Yes, please, Patri," you beg.
"Bueno." She pulls herself from your grasp, disappearing briefly into the bathroom. Impatiently, you lay back on the bed, bringing a hand up to tease your chest. Patri is only gone for a couple minutes, her light footsteps on the carpet urging you to sit back up. The sight that greets you is one that has you confused.
Patri is walking towards you, naked, but strap and dildo in hand as opposed to secured around her waist. She approaches the bed, handing you both items. You look at them, and then look at her, raising an eyebrow.
"Put it on." She says lowly.
You reach for her, but she steps away. A small smile is playing at her lips, and you know she's enjoying this.
"I didn't say put it on me," she whispers.
You blink up at her. "You want me..." You ask, trailing off, eyes wide.
"Quiero que me folles. With the strap. Okay?" Patri says, leaning down to lay kisses on your jaw. You struggle to form words as Patri's lips leave marks on your skin. You've realized your mistake; your girlfriend promised that you guys would use the strap if you made yourself come, but she didn't specify who would be using it on who.
"Are you sure?" You finally get out. Patri pulls away, eyes softening.
"Only if you want to, mi amor," She says, running her thumb up and down your jawline.
"I don't know if I'll be good at it," you admit.
Patri grins at this. "You will be." She sounds so sure, and really, Patri knows you better than anyone. If she thinks you'll be good, you probably will be.
"Okay." You say finally, rising from the bed and getting the strap clipped around your waist. Patri smiles, sitting on the edge of the bed. Once the harness is secured around your waist, you straddle her, pushing her to lay back on the mattress. You don't waste any time, figuring that if you're going to do this, you might as well do it right.
You know you have to work Patri up to taking the dildo strapped across your waist; this one was a stretch sometimes for even you, and you took it regularly.
The two of you make out for a few minutes, until you feel Patri beginning to squirm under you. You pull away from her face, smiling down at her. Her lips are red and slightly swollen, and she's looking at you like you're the prettiest person she's ever laid her eyes on.
You begin to kiss down her body, letting your lips linger on her chest briefly, before you end up between her legs, pushing them open. You run a careful finger through her core, just barely applying any pressure, and her hips buck up into your hands.
"You're soaked, amor," you say, pressing a hand onto her abdomen to keep her hips pinned to the bed. She is; you've never seen her this wet before from just kissing you.
Patri only responds with a quiet whimper, bringing her hands down to pull your head closer to where she wants you.
"No, no. You put me in charge, we're going to do this my way." You smirk. She sighs, but removes her hands, instead bringing one up to pinch at her nipple, and gripping the sheets in the other.
"Por favor, mas."
"We'll get there, baby. You just need to be patient." Patri huffs, but the sound is cut off abruptly when you suddenly run your tongue through her, licking happily at the taste of her. You've developed a plan, one to make Patri enjoy this as much as possible.
You have your hands pressed to her thighs, keeping them open, while you bury your mouth in her. You focus on her clit after a minute, alternating between flicking it rapidly with your tongue and sucking it, hard, into your mouth.
It doesn't take very long at all to get Patri worked up, and soon, she's letting out short gasps, a sound that tells you she's close. You increase the pace of your tongue, pushing her over the edge. Her thighs clamp down around your head, but you work her through it, licking and suckling at her clit until she's a whimpering mess above you. She's barely had a second to come down before you are dragging a finger through the abundant wetness leaking out of her, and pushing it into her pulsing cunt.
"Oh!" She exclaims, once again attempting to lace her fingers through your hair. She loves nothing more than to hold you against her while she grinds up into your face, but today, that is not how things are going to do.
"Hands off, Patricia," you murmur against her, letting your finger come to a rest inside of her.
"No, don't stop, amor," she groans, withdrawing her hands from your hair again, and grabbing onto the headboard behind her.
"Then listen," you say warningly, before moving your finger again. She's tight, as she always is, but she loosens up quickly for you, and it isn't long before you're rocking 2 fingers into her. Patri much prefers you to focus on her clit, so you've never really gone over 2 fingers, but you know how big the cock she's about to get is, and she'll need more than 2 fingers if she's going to take it comfortably.
She's wet enough for it, definitely, leaking and dripping out all over your hand and onto the sheets. Your fingers' every movement is marked by a filthy wet sound.
You start slow with your third finger, just barely pressing it in to the first knuckle before pausing, waiting for her to adjust. She does, quickly.
"You're opening up so well for me, beautiful," you tell her, and the noise she lets out at the praise lights a fire in your veins. You work the rest of the third finger in, until you can easily pump them in and out. She's already made a mess, your hand is absolutely covered in her wetness.
You begin to move faster, looking up at where her head is thrown back in pleasure. Her back is arching, and her knuckles are turning white where they hold onto the headboard. Her breaths are becoming stuttered, and you know you're getting her close again.
This time, when her body tenses under you, you wait until you're sure she's about to come, before pulling all three fingers out, leaving her pussy empty, clenching and dripping in front of you.
"No, no, amor, no!" She cries out, snapping her head forward to look at you pleadingly. You only smile at her, climbing up her body. You place a thigh between her legs, mostly to keep them apart, but she immediately starting rocking herself against your leg, hands linking together behind your neck as she looks at you pleadingly.
"Do you want to come?"
"Sí," she nods, pussy sliding back and forth across your thigh rapidly.
"Then stop moving. You're going to come with me deep inside of you." Patri's jaw drops at your words, not used to you speaking so filthily, or using such a bossy tone. Her brown eyes, heavily dilated, gaze up at yours, and you can see the restraint it's taking her not to flip the both of you over, and take back the reins. Still, she forces herself to stop grinding up into you, even groans at the lack of contact on her throbbing cunt.
"Good, there you go. Are you ready for me?" You ask sweetly, leaving gentle kisses on both of her cheeks and her nose as she calms down.
"Sí, listo, estoy listo," she begs. You sit up, situating yourself in between her legs. You position the silicone dick at her entrance, running it up and down through her folds. You run your fingers through her, and coat your cock in her arousal, deciding that Patri is wet enough to take it without any lube.
You look down at her again, just barely beginning to push the tip in. Patri's eyebrows immediately scrunch, but she's keeping her hands on the headboard, like you'd told her to. You know she probably needs more contact in order to feel comfortable.
"Hold on to me, baby, we'll go as slow as you need," you tell her, and her eyes flutter open as she grips your waist with shaky hands.
"Inside, please," she whispers, pulling on your hips. You nod, leaning down to meet her lips. The kiss is slow and sensual, and full of reassurance. From you, that you'll take care of her. And from her, that she trusts you to.
You pull back, watching her face carefully as you push in further. The movement is somehow both foreign and easy for you; you know what Patri does to you, and you know instinctually, somehow, what will feel good for her.
"Es grande," she murmurs, adjusting to the feeling of you pushing your cock inside of her.
"You picked it out," you reply, but you stop your movements, waiting until she looks more comfortable to continue.
"Más," she says finally. Now, her eyes are shut, and her hips are beginning to push down to meet your gentle thrusts, as you work the entire length inside of her. Her whole upper body is flushed red, and she's breathless, feeling so full of you.
Once you've bottomed out, you rest your hand on her stomach, rubbing softly until she opens her eyes to look at you.
"Okay?" You ask.
"Please move," she begs in response, and your lips twist up into a somewhat devilish grin, one she isn't used to seeing very often.
You move slowly at first, dragging your cock in and out of her, waiting until her hands have started squeezing at your hips to move faster. You, too, are getting used to the movements, but you quickly figure out what works and what doesn't. When you do move faster, it's to set a quick rhythm, pushing all the way in before pulling almost all the way out, and repeating.
Patri's looked like the air has been knocked out of her lungs, face sticky with sweat as she writhes around on the bed under you.
"Good?" You check, continuing your motions.
"Tan buena," she says, barely making it through the short sentence before a moan cuts through her words. At her reassurance, you wrap your arms under her legs, lifting them up slightly. It gives you a better angle, and you fuck into her faster, hips now meeting hers with every thrust.
"Bonita," she cries out, back arching up off the bed. You can see the beginnings of a powerful orgasm starting to build in her, and you know that, likely, she won't be able to take more than one, not with the way she's already so dazed.
"Are you going to make a mess on my cock, Patri?" You ask.
"Sí, I'm so close," she whimpers. You let go of one of her legs, reaching down to rub over her clit. Her body jumps at the contact and she's letting out breathless moans with every breath.
"Amor, I need you," she cries, opening her eyes to gaze up at you.
"I'm here, baby," you tell her, looking down in concern at the tears in her eyes. If she didn't have such a tight grip on your hips, if she wasn't rocking herself into your every thrust, you would be worried.
"More, I need you closer," she says. You're grateful that you're an athlete in that moment, because you are sure that otherwise your legs and abs would be burning heavily.
You lean down, pushing her knees back and to the side as you do. You remove your fingers from her clit, holding yourself up over her as you pump in and out, pressing your forehead to hers.
"Rub your clit for me, baby," you tell her. Patri brings her own hand down, fingers moving quickly over her clit. Her other arm wraps around your neck, and she presses her lips to yours as she begins to twitch under you.
"Come on, Patri, come."
It's a long orgasm, the buildup stealing her breath as your hips continue their unrelenting pace. As the waves of pleasure begin to wash over her, she cries out, louder than you've ever heard her, both arms wrapping desperately around you. The midfielder's legs wrap around your waist, holding you to stay buried deep inside her, and you use smaller thrusts to work her through it as her body shakes and trembles.
"Dios mío," she groans, before her body falls completely limp under yours. The only sounds in the room are both of your rapid breathing. You wait until her chest isn't heaving as much to pull out of her, struggling slightly to get the harness off. When you do, you toss it aside, and lay back on the bed, propped up on your elbow as you look down at Patri. Her eyes are still shut, legs still trembling.
"Baby?" You call, running a single finger back and forth over her cheek.
"Mmm," she responds.
"Are you okay?" You ask because, really, you've never seen her like this after sex. You'd given her plenty of orgasms before, of course, but never one this strong, and never one that seemed to completely destroy her.
"Sí, just need a bit," she replies, leaning closer to you until you allow her into your arms, scratching softly at her back as she pushes her face into your neck. After a few minutes, she speaks again, voice stronger. "I'm never wearing that again. It's yours now, you're too good for us to do anything different."
"Oh really?" You laugh. "I don't agree. I quite like it when you fuck me, I'm not very willing to trade. I think you should only get it for special occasions, when you've been good."
"I'm always good." The brunette replies impatiently.
"Hmm. I don't know about that." She pulls away to glare at you. You lean in, kissing lightly at the scrunch in her eyebrows. Her face relaxes, and she leans back into you.
"Thank you. I- I've never felt like that before. That good. You made me feel so good." She admits, the worst whispered like they're a secret into the skin of your neck.
"It was fun." You admit. "Maybe we can do it again. After I've gotten my well deserved reward."
Patri laughs quietly against you. "Oh, you'll get a reward, bonita. I have a few in mind already."
You kiss the top of her head. "Good. Not now though. You should rest so you can walk tomorrow, otherwise the girls will be relentless at training."
Patri lets out an exaggerated sigh, burrowing closer to you, the unspoken words clear; she'd rest here forever if she could.
for a while, writing this felt like stabbing myself in the eye, but a few days away was good and i'm happy with how it turned out.
i hope it was worth the wait :) thanks everyone for being patient with me.
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calisources · 7 months
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All sentences on this memes are taken from different sources of literature, television and media about enemies to lovers trope and enemies and lovers trope with some angst thrown into the mix. Change pronouns, names and locations as you see fit.
Does it hurt? Loving someone who can’t love you back?
Break his crown, break his throne, rip his monarchy apart.
What are we doing?
You are capable of making my blood boil like no one else, and yet I feel a magnetic pull I cannot explain.
It’s not natural for someone to be as stupid as he is tall, and yet there you stand
Like whether you should kiss me or punch me.
Most of all, I hate you because I think of you. Often. It’s disgusting, and I can’t stop.
You make me feel things that shouldn’t exist. 
Whatever this is, we should stop. I have been. . .compromised.
There’s a fine line between love and hate, and maybe we crossed it a long time ago.
I never thought I could detest someone so much, until the day I realized I was falling in love with you.
We may fight like enemies, but deep down, we both know that our hearts beat for each other.
You infuriate me, challenge me, drive me crazy, but damn it, at the end of the day, I can’t resist you.
It’s that tension that makes this so irresistible.
You’re like an addiction I can’t break free from, even if I wanted to.
You’re the thorn in my side, the fire in my veins, and I can’t help but crave your presence in my life.
Loving you feels like a dangerous game.
You infuriate me, yet you’re the only one who truly understands me.
You scare me to my core.
There’s no denying the fire that burns between us.
If any two men desire the same thing, which nevertheless they cannot both enjoy, they become enemies.
I thought we had agreed not to lie to each other.
Tell me you don’t feel this between us. Look at me and don’t look away while saying it.
You claim me your enemy and yet, let me crawl into your bed every night.
You are the bane of my existence, and the object of all my desires.
Do you even know all the ways a lady can be seduced? The things I could teach you.
I did not asked for this. To be plagued by these feelings.
I tried to deny it for so long, but I don’t want to anymore.
Follow me around. Look at me as if you find me fascinating. Touch me, and say nice things to me. And then, you pull away as if you did nothing at all.
There’s no need for these games.
Well, you know that old saying, “Keep your friends close and make out with your enemies.
You read me wrong.  I wasn't trying to lead you on.
Is that all I am to you? A resource to be used in your scheme?
Stolas, don't act like what we have is anything more than you wanting me to fuck you, okay? You make that really clear all the time. But I just- I can't do it tonight, okay?
 You'll lay a man out for implying I'm a whore, but you keep calling me one to my face.
So, the only man that can have you is one who's already tried to kill you. That's logic.
It's like a little death. Several, in fact.
Oh Max, if you really hated Kyle you couldn't have slept with him.
So go on... kiss me... kill me... Do something.
I've often wondered what this moment would be like. Me... you tied up. 
Once this is over, we should really have angry sex.
Hate and love are not so very different things. Both are focused upon another. Both are intense. Both are passionate.
It just means you'd rather be with someone you hate... than be with me.
She's difficult and irritating, and she tries to hit me all the time.
We have a deal, what are you so afraid of?
Only I can hurt you this way. Only I can kiss you like this. 
You dragged me down and now I can’t quit you. 
This is the last time we do this.
Last night was also the last time. And yet, you keep coming back.
Better my mouth than my knife, right?
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