#like starved testing animals. just SOMETHING to make lore out of. please god just give anything meaning
dexaroth · 10 months
i can never take fancrafted minecraft lore theories seriously because people come up with so much creative and related stuff and the actual game is just 'theres this big building in the sea that at 'best' has a bunch of sponge and at worst just building blocks. theres also nothing else that alludes to why its there or what purpose it has. have fun. also you practically need to either find a random shipwreck and google what to do with the eye of the sea or go to the fucking nether to make waterbreathing potions to even get there. idiot'
of course a game with this big of a following can only do so much but like god. i feel like people interested in the game are practically building the game for them at this point. straight up free ideas
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