#like some of my fics are more original fiction using 5sos' names & faces so as to be able to play in the sandbox genre that is fanfic
igarbagecannoteven · 2 months
hi!! just read your cake at the craft store fic and thought I'd introduce myself on here :) you're a talented writer and seem like a lovely person!
oh my gosh thank you so much! that's so sweet of you 🥰i'm so glad you enjoyed my work! (and thank you so much for the lovely comment on ao3!) also love your handles on both ao3 and here, i'm a big fan of herons myself 😊
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venusacrossthestars · 3 years
Hello everyone! Welcome to my little slice of paradise! This is the guide to everything on this blog, so if you're ever confused or lost then this is the place to be!
If you are looking for my masterlist(s) they will all be linked at the bottom of this post!! If you are looking to see what I read and like go to my rec account- @venusacrossthestars-recs there you'll see everything I'm liking and that will also give you insight to the fandoms I'm in.
About me:
My name is Emily, some of you probably know me as Venus. I don't care what name you address me by. My pronouns are she/her, I am 20 years old and I am currently a full time college student with a part time job. This blog is my writing journey, nothing here will ever be perfect and that's okay with me.
Some other facts about me are- I'm a Virgo, an only child, I can recite Revenge of the Sith nearly word for word, I am a black belt in mixed martial arts, my favorite band is 5SOS (I've seen them 3 times!) and my favorite song of theirs has to be either English Love Affair OR Lie to Me.
General Blog Rules:
I have a no bullshit attitude. Don't get snippy with me and not expect me to not get snippy back. I treat others the way I want to be treated. Do not come here and say things you wouldn't say face to face to another human being. If you are a racist, sexist, or anything of the sorts- this is NOT a safe place for you.
My asks and DM's are always open if you want to chat, however, I am not your therapist. I don't mind listening to you vent or rant but please remember I am a person too who has their own problems.
Also I don't use Twitter (or X, whatever you want to call it) because I can't stand the drama or toxicity of it. So PLEASE keep all the scandals and drama that you see on there off my blog. I am protecting my peace.
This is also all my own work, it is NOT to be translated, posted on other cites, or anything of the sorts. I have put my time and effort into them, please respect them
Request Rules:
Request Status- OPEN
I will always announce when my request are open and when they are closed.
The fandoms and character (or people) I write for will be in my masterlist at the moment I only write for Star Wars and Formula 1. When my request are open take a peek and there you will see who I write for. If you don't see your favorite send me an ask or message and I'll let you know if I feel comfortable writing for them!
I reserve the right to not write certain request and I do not have to explain why. Certain things I will not write are:
Cheating/Affairs Polyamorous Relationships Extreme Violence/Gore Pregnancy (I will write fics that involve the MC's already having kids) Anything for Minors Kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome, !Dark MC's Drug Use or Alcoholism (these topics due to personal reasons make me uncomfortable. I do write in scenes with alcohol just not a full fledge addiction) SMUT (I suck at it, however I will write 'steamy scenes' just no full blown smut)
I used to write for GN!readers however I will be moving away from doing so. If a fic happens to turn out GN, so be it. I just feel that I can provide better stories with a fem!reader.
I'm crap at tagging stuff but the most common tags you'll see are-
venus rambles- this is when I talk about anything and everthing venus responds- this is when I respond to any ask, if the ask is non-anon it will have the senders @ for example: venus responds: arieslost venus updates- this will be regrading all my writing updates, including whether or not my request are open. brainrots- basically me simping over someone, fictional or irl fic reblog- I'm reblogging my own personal fic taglist pt 2- this is for those who have asked to be on my taglist who did not make it onto the original post, tags are based on a first come, first serve system (@arieslost will always be first no matter what bc she is my ride or die LOLZ)
I hope to get better at tagging all my post and there will be more too add to this list especially with my F1 post!
Before every fic I will issue a 'NEW FIC COMING SOON' post as a heads up, interacting with that post will get you tagged for that post ONLY. I try to do them 24hrs before the post so I can tag everyone. Anyone who interacts with the post after the fic has been posted will not be tagged.
If you want to be tagged in everything I post for Formula 1 click HERE and either like or comment on the post. Or you can send me an ask. You will be tagged in EVERY F1 fic I post. At anytime you want to be removed please let me know.
Overall I love yapping and talking to people (I am a attention WHORE so I apologize in advance). So if you are scared to send an ask or even have a chat don't be! A lot of people tell me I scare them at first but once they get to know me they realize I am a big weirdo! So please don't hesitate.
(the thing you were looking for this entire time)
Here are my masterlist
The Jedi Archives (SW masterlist)
Fast is Not Enough (F1 masterlist)
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
Take All of Me-- Luke&Lily
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It’s finally here! I’m sorry it took so long, but between the schedule change because of covid-19, writing funks and my laptop crashing, it’s here! There are links that will go along with the fic and they will be bolded so you can click on them.
Songs that inspired this:
Lover of Mine by 5sos (name of title)
Stuck in Gravity by Of Monsters & Men
Word Count: 9.7K words! 
Warnings: two brief smut scenarios, pregnancy, water birth, and I think that’s it
Luke&Lily Masterlist
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I loved writing it! Thank you all for loving these characters as much as I do! Feedback is always welcome!💕💕
• • • •
Cory and his new girlfriend, Ella, wanted to take Lily to a Disney on Ice: Frozen one Sunday night and you were more than okay with Lily to go along. Cory has been dating Ella for the last seven months. They met through a mutual friend that he plays poker with on Monday nights and they really hit it off. 
He gave you the same amount of courtesy as you did with Luke about informing you of Ella before he had her meet Lily. You were happy for him that he’s found someone to care for again and when you met her for the first-time dropping Lily off for the weekend, you liked her immediately. 
She had a kind smile and a gentle heart, and she was very patient with Lily at that first meeting. Lily was originally in Luke’s arms when they walked up but as soon as she saw the new stranger, she reached for you. 
Cory stepped forward taking Lily’s small hand in his. “Lils, this is a special friend of daddy’s, her name’s Ella. Can you say hi?”
You kissed Lily’s head three times in assurance, and she said a small ‘hello.’
“Hi Lily,” Ella smiled kindly leaning down, so she was at eye level with her. “Your daddy has told me all about you and how you like Frozen. It’s one of my favorites, too.”
Lily blinked at her then looked up at you and you nodded excitedly.
“She loves Anna and Elsa too!”
“Olaf!” Lily smiled. 
“Olaf too! What does Olaf like to do?” Ella asked and you’re impressed with her inclination to talk to Lily. 
“Warm hugs!”
You liked Ella, you really did, but it also panged you a little to see how excited Lily got when you and Luke dropped her off at Cory’s on the weekends now. It’s something you wrestled with for a long time, would Ella be like her other mother? Lily calls Luke ‘dada’ and it will absolutely crush you if she starts to call Ella that. 
“No one could ever replace you, lovie,” Luke said one Friday while you dropped her off in the morning. 
“Hmm, what?” you ask, and his hand reached over to still your twisting fingers, a habit you have when you’re anxious. 
“I know you’re worried Ella is going to be taking your place, but nothing will come between the bond you have with Lily.”
“She gets so excited to see her . . .” you mumbled looking down at your joined fingers with Luke. “I’m glad she likes her, and they get along but I’m . . . I’m a little jealous.”
Luke sighs heavily as he pulls into the garage, he cuts the ignition and turns to you. He pulls on your hand until you look over at him, eyes sad. 
“I know you are, lovie,” he said gently, stroking your cheek, “but no one will replace you. Your Lily’s mama and no one will take that place. Besides, Cory’s told me she calls her Ella and always says ‘mama this’ or ‘mama that.’”
“Really?” your body relaxed.
“Mhm,” he nodded and pressed his lips to yours, “you’re her one and only mama.”
That night, you and Luke shared a romantic evening with homemade pasta and an early night in between the sheets. Any moment you had alone you never took it for granted.
Lily hands you the last little sticker decal on the changeable letter board just as you come back from that special moment three months ago. You’ve been planning this little arts and crafts for about two weeks now and you are finally putting it into motion. 
It’s a warm day in the middle of September, and you have gathered in yours and Luke’s kitchen a bunch of mixing bowls and ingredients to make cupcakes. Lily is standing on a chair next to you, her little baby blue apron tied securely on her. 
You glance at your daughter, pure love and pride swelling up inside. 
About a month ago, while Luke was at the studio you took Lily to the craft store so you could buy the supplies you needed. You explained to her that there was a little baby growing inside of you and you used one of her baby dolls she had to help her understand. 
“We’re going to surprise dada though, okay? So, you must keep it a super, super secret!” you told her while you were at the store. You pressed your finger to your lips and Lily did the same, understanding your motion. 
Now here you are, setting up your surprise to tell Luke that you’re pregnant. You hadn’t been trying but you hadn’t been not trying either. 
You knew before you even bought a pregnancy test because you had migraines like crazy and everything you ate made you nauseous which is exactly what happened when you were pregnant with Lily. 
Petunia sat up as fast as she could near your feet, she’s been by your side constantly, which means Luke is home. You have a slight moment of panic and set the board up on the little easel and place the vase of lilies in front of it so it’s in perfect display for Luke. 
Lily remembers to stay quiet but stands proudly with a smile on her face waiting for Luke to enter the room. 
“There’s my girls,” Luke smiles, tossing his keys in the bowl. His eyes scan between you and Lily and the dozen cupcakes cooling on the racks next to you, but his pretty blue eyes fall on the board. You see his mouth form the words:
Recipe for 1 baby sister
2 cups hugs
3 cups kisses
4 cups love
Baby Hemmings expected May 2021
Then his eyes scan to the small black and white sonogram showing your baby. He walks slowly to you; mouth open in shock while his eyes continue to dart between you and the board. 
“Are you . . .?” his question is left hanging and you nod your head smiling happily. 
“Look dada! It’s a baby there!” Lily exclaims pointing her finger at the photo. 
At the word ‘baby’ he looks down to your stomach and he bites his lip. You take his hand in yours then tilt his chin up so he’s looking at you. His eyes are even brighter from the tears that have pooled in the corners.
“We’re going to have a baby,” you tell him, your own voice thick with emotion. 
Luke lets out a choked laugh, his arms wrap around you and he hugs you tightly with his face in your neck. You hug him back with the same amount of pressure, your fingers playing with his curls at the nape of his neck as he sways from side to side. 
“We’re going to have a baby,” he mumbles and sniffs before pulling away. He gives you a soft kiss that turns into multiple until he knocks his forehead against yours. “You just made me the happiest man in the world, lovie.”
“Look dada! It’s a baby!” Lily exclaims again, pulling on his arm. 
Luke sniffs once more and you wipe the tears away from his cheeks and he picks Lily up in his arms. 
“Did you help mama with all this, sweets?” he asks, giving her a kiss as he reads over the board again. “You already know it’s a girl?”
“Not yet, but I feel like she’s a girl,” you smile, “I’m going through exactly what I did with Lily. The migraines, getting sick at everything.”
“You were getting sick? When?!”
“You were sleeping after late sessions with the guys,” you shrug, “it’s okay.”
“I would have helped you, lovie.”
“You can help with the rest, like when I can’t get my shoes on,” you smile. 
“And you kept this secret from me, little girl? Huh?” Luke turns his attention to Lily and tickles her belly until she’s giggling uncontrollably. Luke’s smile fades a little as he takes you in, he can already see a glow in you and wants to turn that glow into a sparkle. “Wait here, Lily and I have to do something quick.”
You give him a confused look which he returns with a wink and disappears down the hall with Lily in his arms. You glance down at Petunia who shifts on her bottom and looks back with her brown eyes. 
“Are you in on this secret?” you ask her. 
In the time it would take for her to respond (as if she could) Luke and Lily were already walking back into the kitchen. Luke crouches and sets Lily down on the ground, he spins her around and pushes her forward and you gasp. 
On her shirt are the words “mama will you marry dada?” and Luke is on his knee behind her with a ring box. Lily is swinging from side to side sticking her chest out proudly as you move closer and Luke takes your hand in his. 
“I wanted to do this in the morning in bed. I’d carry Lily in wearing this and it’d be perfect, but no moment is more perfect than this. I already made the mistake of giving you away those three months so long ago and I’ll never do that again. Out of all the things in my life and all of my crimes you’re the only thing I got right; will you marry me?”
He pops open the ring box, but you can’t even see what the ring looks like because your vision is blurred from your tears.
“Yes,” you whisper, pulling on the collar of his shirt so you can kiss him. He rises from the floor and his arms snake around your waist so he can kiss you more easily.
“I wanna see! I wanna see!” Lily pulls on both of your legs causing you and Luke to chuckle.
“Let’s have mama see the ring first, my sweet,” Luke smiles then slides the diamond on your finger. 
Your mouth drops open when you see it, a dazzling oval diamond sparkles up at you atop a rose gold band glittered with interwoven diamonds. 
“Luke, this is--” you sigh and are at a loss for words. 
“I had some help picking it out.”
You glance up at him and then down at Lily who is giving you her signature sweet smile. You bend down and touch her cheek. 
“Did you help pick this out for me?” you ask holding up your hand so she can see the jewelry and she nods. “I love it, you and dada did such a good job.”
“Daddy liked it too!” 
“He did?” your brows furrowed, and Luke is kneeling along with you now. 
“I asked him and Lily if I could marry you.”
You’d been working late all week and getting up super early because there was a special case that needed everyone’s attention. So, Luke would be taking Lily over to Cory’s house at about ten o’clock after he made Lily and himself some breakfast. 
Luke has been stressing out for about a month and even more stressed out that whole week because he wanted, no, needed to talk to Cory. He’s grateful you had to go to work early, but not so thankful that it’s been leaving you exhausted. 
He gathered Lily and her things, zipped up her purple raincoat and carried her to the car through the slight drizzle that was falling from the sky. They listened to his playlist of Disney songs he’s made on his Spotify that Lily likes on the drive to Cory’s house and Luke became more nervous as each mile came closer. 
Luke is proud to say that Cory has become a close friend of his over the last three years. From seeing him every weekend to drop off and pick Lily up to inviting him out to the bar with the guys. They’ve spent holidays and Lily’s birthdays together. 
He’s also thankful that Cory came and talked to Luke when you broke up and gave him the nudge, he needed to get you back. 
The rain is coming down a bit harder now and Luke makes sure to pull Lily’s hood up over her head as he carries her to the door which is already opened by Cory. 
“Hey guys,” Cory smiled stepping aside. 
“Hey man,” Luke greeted, and he could hear his voice shake. He hoped Cory doesn’t notice as he handed Lily off who is excited to see her dad. 
“Y/N’s still having to go in early, huh? Hi Lils, how are you doing sweetheart?” Cory asked and kissed Lily’s nose before setting her on the ground to take off her rain jacket. 
“Good. Dada made pancakes!”
“He did? Wow, I hope there were blueberries,” Cory kissed Lily’s forehead.
“She won’t eat them otherwise,” Luke laughed then ran his fingers through his curls. “Hey, can I um . . . talk to you about something, Cory?”
“Yeah, come on in. Ella will be here in an hour anyway,” he nodded moving into the kitchen where there’s a mug of coffee on the table. He pulled another mug from the cupboard. “Want a cup?”
“Uh, sure.”
“Cream or sugar?”
“Neither, thanks,” Luke sighed, taking a seat in the chair opposite Cory's mug. 
Cory eyed him carefully when he brought over his mug and sat down across from him. Lily came running back to them with her snuffy and bunny wanting to crawl up onto Cory’s lap. He pulled her up happily then looked at Luke.
“So, what’s up?” Cory asked. 
“Uh, right,” Luke cleared his throat, his finger tracing the ring of the cup then he stopped suddenly. “I don’t really know how to start so bear with me.”
“You’re good man,” Cory nodded, brushing Lily’s hair behind her back. 
“You and Lily are the most important people in Y/N’s life and she’s the most important person in my life, along with your little girl right there,” Luke smiled pointing to Lily. “And I can’t thank you enough for being so welcoming to me and I love Y/N so much and I . . . I want to ask how you’d feel if I were to . . . to ask her to marry me.” Luke’s eyes slid up on the last sentence to finally look at Cory. 
“You’re an important person in her life, too Luke, don’t downplay yourself like that. I think it’s a great idea to ask her to marry you. What do you think, Lils? You want mama to marry Luke?”
“What’s that?” she asked. 
“There’d be a big party and you’d be in a pretty dress and Luke and mama will be together forever,” Cory explained, and Lily listened carefully to his words. Her little fingers play with her bunny’s ears. 
“Like Cinderella?” 
“Yeah, sweetheart, just like Cinderella.”
“Yeah!” she exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air. Luke and Cory laughed.
“You’re all right with it?” Luke asked again. 
“I appreciate you asking, but you don’t need to run your relationship by me, man. You both deserve to be happy.”
“You’re Lily’s dad, I want to make sure you’re happy too.”
“I am, man,” Cory smiled, rubbing Lily’s back. “I’ve got this little girl right here and Ella. Y/N’s still in my life too, and now you are as well. We’re a bit messed up for a family but it’s still family. Ask her to marry you.”
October 6, Lily’s fourth birthday, came a month after the double surprise of the pregnancy and baby announcement which would also be the time, you’d tell everyone about the pregnancy and figured her birthday was a good time to tell.
Surprisingly, you thought your morning sickness was over but after you told Luke you were throwing up at odd hours of the day for the following two weeks. Luke was by your side the whole time, rubbing your back and wiping your brow of sweat that formed.
The plan to tell everyone about the pregnancy was to put Lily in a pink t-shirt that said, ‘Best Big Sister’ and she loved to wear it.
While you and Luke were finishing up last minute decorating Lily was watching for her uncles and Cory by the front door with Petunia sitting next to her.
“Do you think they’ll even read her shirt?” you ask nervously, your hands placed across your belly.
“Of course, they will,” Luke smiles placing the last of the plates on the table.
“And we’re not taking away from her birthday, right?”
“Lovie,” Luke smiles and moves in front of you taking your hands away from your belly. He presses his lips to your hands, eyes on you. “Lily’s just as excited to tell them as we are. We aren’t taking anything away from her, okay?”
“Okay, yeah,” you nod, “you’re right. I’m sorry I’m being so paranoid.”
“Not paranoid, just a concerned mama,” he smiles. “I kind of like it though.”
“Why?” you giggle.
“Because, it’s my turn to calm you down. Usually you’re the one making sure I keep my head down on earth but now that you’re pregnant, I get to do it for you.”
He gives you a sweet kiss just as Lily squeals in delight that her uncles are here. The three of you meet everybody outside and Lily first runs to Cory and Ella who scoops her up.
“There’s my birthday girl!” Cory smiles throwing her up in the air.
You take Luke’s hand when everyone else says hello to her as well and then their eyes move as one to her shirt then to you and back again to her shirt.
“No way!”
“You’re pregnant?!”
“Is this real?”
“It’s real,” you sigh happily with a shrug, “I’m pregnant!”
They all cheer and shower you in hugs and kisses with congratulations going all around. Lily is happy as well pointing to your belly.
“My sister’s in there,” she states proudly to Cory.
“It’s a girl?” Cory asks, his eyebrows raised.
“Well, we won’t know officially until the end of November,” Luke smiles squeezing your shoulder and kisses your cheek, “but we think it’s a girl.”
“How exciting!” Crystal exclaims and gives you another hug. “How are you feeling? Do you need to sit down?”
“I’m fine,” you laugh. “I’m not due until May. But I don’t want to take away from Lily’s day, so let’s go inside.”
Luke couldn’t stop smiling after leaving the doctor’s office. Lily was already at Cory and Ella’s for the weekend, so it was just you and Luke at the office to find out the sex of the baby. He held your hand tightly as the nurse squeezed the gel onto your belly and the familiar echoed ga-lump of the ultrasound filled the room.
You were transported back to when this was just you and little Lily perched inside your womb. You were alone back then because Cory was away and while it filled you with sadness you made sure not to let it affect your pregnancy.
Luke’s squeeze to your hand brought you back to the present and you knew this time would be different. Luke is present and he is so excited to experience this with you and you felt the exact same. The nurse smiled when she told you it was indeed a girl and Luke started crying and he kissed your temple before peering closer at the monitor.
“That’s her?” he pointed to a small blob.
“That’s your daughter,” the nurse smiled.
As soon as you got home, he let Petunia out then just stared at you with a glazed look in his eye.
“What?” you chuckle setting your things down on the counter.
“I just love you,” he says simply stepping closer to you, his arms wrapping around your waist. You rest your palms on his chest and you don’t miss the long glance at the ring on your finger from him before he looks in your eyes. “And I love Lily and this little rosebud growing inside you.”
“I love you too, honey,” you smile then make an amused face, “rosebud, huh? I’ve never heard that one.”
“She looked like a little rosebud on the screen,” he smiles knocking his head to your forehead. “I was thinking . . .”
“Uh oh,” you giggle sliding your hands over his shoulders and into his hair.
“Shut up,” he chuckles, his hands rub up and down your back. “I was thinking of when this little rosebud was conceived.”
“You think you know when that was?”
“Well, ten weeks ago Lily was at that Frozen show with Cory and Ella . . . and we didn’t get out of bed until we had to go pick her up . . .” his voice drifts off as he takes your top lip between his own.
You sigh into his kiss, relishing in his soft lips as his tongue slips into your mouth. Your stomach tightens and your thighs clench together from the heat behind his kiss.
“Take me to bed,” you sigh.
Luke hums in approval and lifts you into his arms effortlessly. You remove each other’s clothes slowly, eyes taking each other in as you do. It’s been so long since you’ve last admired each other completely, loved one another fully.
“You’re so gorgeous, lovie,” he whispers, his fingers tracing the outline of your breasts before cascading over your belly. He flattens his hand over the small bump that has started to form, his bright blue eyes flicker up to yours. “So sexy, mama.”
You whine and pull his mouth to yours falling onto the bed, you both struggle to keep your lips locked as you crawl up the bed. Luke’s fingers part your legs open, dipping his finger in between your folds. Your body jerks at his touch, you bite on his lip just as his finger enters you.
“Nice and wet for me,” he hums cocking his head so he can kiss your throat and your breast as he pumps his finger in and out of you slowly.
He works you over leisurely before slipping himself inside you. You both groan at the feeling, he fills you completely and you’re such a warm, snug fit around him. It reminds you of the first time you and Luke had sex, the way your bodies moved in tandem.
You were always in perfect sync from the beginning and you moaned his name and your love for him as he rocked your world. Your fingers locked together, lips bumping together as you both moan and groan from heightened senses of tantric pleasure.
“I love you,” you both sigh as you reach your climax.
Hours, and many rounds later, you’re both sat up in bed eating some strawberries while a movie is playing quietly on the tv. Luke is staring at you as you eat your strawberry, you give him a narrow look.
“What? You’re thinking again, aren’t you?” you smile slyly and discard the end into the bowl.
“Marry me,” he states simply. He’s leaning his head on his hand, bed sheet strung across his hips. He reaches over with his other hand to rub your bare knee.
“You asked me that already, honey,” you snicker and pick up another strawberry.
“Marry me before the baby comes,” he says in an even softer voice.
“I don’t want to wait until after she comes. I want to be married to you as soon as possible.”
You stare at him, concentrating on the gentle circles he’s drawing on your knee with his fingers. His eyes are full of certainty and it honestly makes your heart race that he wants to marry you so quickly.
Then panic sets in because of all the planning that comes with it, so you act elusive when you ask,
“And when would you want to get married?”
“Well, it’s almost December so . . . how about in three months?”
“You want to get married in three months?” you can’t help the smile growing on your lips as you begin to imagine a wedding in February. “I’ll be six months pregnant by then.”
“I know,” Luke leans up so he’s in a sitting position, the sheet falls a bit past his hips, and you can’t resist to peek at what’s underneath. He kisses your shoulder. “If you want to wait, we’ll wait. I’m just saying I’d marry you yesterday.”
You pull Luke’s face to yours, kissing him in excitement. Luke doesn’t hesitate to deepen the kiss, his fingers locking into your hair, his lips tasting like strawberries.
“Let’s do it,” you whisper stroking his cheek. “Let’s get married in February.”
The holidays came and went, and in that time, you and Luke were planning your wedding. It’d be simple with only your closest friends and family and as much as you were excited to marry Luke, your pregnancy has been entirely different from Lily.
Your belly has grown, and your little girl is healthy, but it’s taken a toll on your body. For the first two and a half months you had morning sickness all throughout the day and on top of that, random hot flashes. Luke helped as much as he could, and even Lily gave you her bunny to try and make you feel better.
You used sick days from work because your morning sickness was so bad and one night after Christmas you woke up and pulled the standing fan from your closet and blasted it on high while you slept.
The cool, hard blast of air finally aided you to rest and then all too soon, it went away. You woke up confused and felt Luke try to pull the blankets up as the fan whirred to silence.
“What are you doing?! I need that, I’m so hot,” you whined and pushed the fan back on while kicking the sheets from your legs. Your sleep shirt had ridden up and your grown belly was feeling the cool air now and it felt glorious.
“How are you hot? It’s wintertime, lovie, I’m freezing,” he huffed pulling the comforter up to his chin.
“The baby you put in me is making me hot, I can’t help it,” you snapped and then instantly begin to cry. Along with hot flashes, your emotions are haywire.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” Luke threw the blanket off and grabs onto you gently, checking if you’re all right.
“I didn’t mean to snap at you,” you cried touching his cheek. “I love this baby you put in me and I love you. But I’m so hot I can’t sleep!”
“It’s all right lovie, we can leave the fan on,” he hushed and kissed your temple. “I’ll put on warmer clothes and get some more blankets.”
You laughed at the memory of how upset you had gotten as you stand in front of the mirror as the seamstress pins and tacks your wedding dress. It’s lace with bell sleeves and lightweight so it won’t pinch any part of you. Lily is getting her dress altered as well, she’s standing very still as her seamstress ruffles her light pink skirt.
You’re reminded of another memory not too long ago as you were lying on the couch watching a movie and Luke was talking quietly to you while rubbing your belly. He gasped suddenly and you knew exactly why. The baby kicked.
“What was that?” he asked in shock and you just smiled at him, Lily turned her attention to you from the screen.
“Our little rosebud kicked, she must like your voice,” you brushed his curls from his face.
“Really? Hi, my little love, do you know who I am?” Luke asked and rubbed your belly where he felt the kick. He pressed a kiss to your belly and Lily crawled over, so she was sitting next to you.
“What’s dada doing?” she asked watching him.
“Talking to your sister, she can hear you too, do you want to say hi?” you asked.
“Hi baby, I’m Lily,” she said in her soft voice and patted your belly lightly.
Since then, Luke woke up every morning loving on your belly and Lily did as well. Randomly throughout the day she would come up to you, give you a hug and kiss your belly before running back to play in her room or with Petunia.
When the guys would be over Luke told them the baby was kicking, and they’d ask if they could feel. Lily would come running up telling them to be gentle, her brows furrowed in determination.
After the dress fitting you and Lily went back home where Luke was finishing up phone calls for more wedding plans. You watched him silently as he sat at the kitchen table finishing up whatever call he was on while looking at his laptop and pulled Lily effortlessly onto his lap.
In just a few short weeks you’ll be calling him your husband and in just a few more months you’ll be having his baby. You’re overcome with emotion while he finishes his call then sets his phone down and starts talking with Lily. He’s asking her questions about her dress and how excited he is to see her in it.
Luke glances over to you then stands up immediately when he sees you’re crying.
“What’s the matter? Do your feet hurt?” he asks situating Lily on his hip, his other hand reaching out to swipe away your tears.
“No,” you shake your head, “I’m just so happy that I’m marrying you.”
Your alarm goes off at 7:00 a.m. and you silence it quickly, already wide awake. Today is your wedding day.
“I’m marrying your daddy today my little rosebud,” you tell your bump rubbing it softly, she kicks lightly in response. “You’re excited too, huh?”
Luke had spent the night at Ashton’s, wanting to keep the tradition of not seeing each other until the moment you meet at the end of aisle. You crept into Lily’s room and wake her gently, her hair is all over the place but when she wakes up a bit more, she scrambles into your arms.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” you kiss her head, “are you ready for breakfast and get ready for our big day today? You know what today is, right?”
“What mama?” she yawns leaning heavily onto your shoulder.
“I’m marrying dada today and you get to wear your pretty dress,” you remind her.
After eating a quick breakfast of cereal and blueberries, you’re in the car heading to the salon where you’ll both be getting your hair done. The ceremony is at 11:00 in Ashton’s backyard where all your friends and family will be gathered. Luke’s family had arrived two days prior and Lily loves having her nana Liz.
After your hair appointment, Luke had set up that you and Lily would get a mani-pedi as well and it felt like heaven when the lady rubbed your feet. And of course, the color you chose was a pretty pink for your fingers and toes.
When you arrived at Ashton’s house there were cars already scattered about and Ella and Liz snuck you inside the house so Luke wouldn’t be able to see you. He’s getting ready downstairs while a bunch of other people in the house were still bringing in decorations and chairs and flowers. Crystal is delegating it all.
“You both look so lovely, and you are absolutely glowing, Y/N,” Liz compliments while she lifts Lily into her arms.
“Thank you,” you smile squeezing her hand.
They help you into your dress making sure it’s not tight and feels comfortable then a make-up team comes in to do your make-up. Andy is taking photos of the whole process and when Crystal comes in, she has a gift for you and Lily from Luke.
You pull Lily onto your lap letting her open the small box to reveal a pretty bracelet that can be cinched to whatever size and in the center is a pretty little lily charm that has a pink diamond inside.
“Ooh pretty,” Lily touches the silver flower carefully. You help her put it on her wrist and she lifts her hand up to see it dangle and she giggles at her gift.
“That’s from dada,” you tell her.
“Pretty,” she says again, and you kiss her head while you open your gift from Luke.
It’s also a silver bracelet with a bar in the center that’s engraved ‘My lovie’ and the date of your wedding day, 2/08/21. Liz places your flower crown on top of your head, the final touch of your wedding look.
Liz helps you put on your bracelet and Andy captures photos of it all, and of yours and Lily’s wrists together with the bracelets. There’s a knock on the door and Cory enters wearing a nice button up purple shirt and dark dress pants.
“Daddy!” Lily squeals running off your lap to greet him by the door.
“You look like a princess, Lils!” Cory smiles picking her up and gives her a kiss.
You haul yourself up from the chair, Ella helping you with a smile which you return graciously and turn to Cory. His eyes soften when he looks at you, both of you having the same thought that this could have been you and him all those years ago if his accident didn’t happen.
“We’ll be downstairs, you both look beautiful,” Crystal says giving you a quick kiss to your cheek. She pinches Lily’s cheek on the way out and Ella gives you a quick hug before leaving too. She rubs Cory’s arm on her way out.
“I’m so happy you’ll be part of the family,” Liz dabs at her eyes and hugs you gently so she doesn’t mess up your make up or dress. “Luke is going to love how beautiful you look.”
“Thank you, Liz,” you smile giving her an extra squeeze. She gives you a quick wink then kisses Lily’s cheek multiple times before leaving the room.
It’s just the three of you now waiting for the time to head downstairs. You move around the chair to stand in front of Cory, a layer of tears fill his eyes and your own prick with tears as well. He takes your hand and kisses your knuckles.
“You look gorgeous, Y/N,” his voice is raw with emotion.
“Thank you,” you whisper, you swipe your thumb under your eye to catch a tear that escapes, and Cory pulls you against his chest. He hugs you and Lily tightly; you feel his lips kiss your forehead.
“I’m so happy for you, this is harder than I thought it’d be, but I really am happy for you. I’ll always love you,” he confesses, and you squeeze your eyes closed so tears don’t fall.
You pull away to look up at him and dry his own tears. Lily does as well and pats his cheek.
“Don’t cry daddy,” she says sadly.
“I’m okay, sweetheart, they’re happy tears,” he assures her and kisses her nose.
“I love you, too Cory,” you sniff. His brown eyes slide to yours and he nods.
“Are you ready to get married?” he asks, and you nod.
“Is my make-up ruined?”
“You’re perfect,” he shakes his head and bounces Lily in his arms, “you both are.”
He helps guide you down the stairs, you are six months pregnant after all, and out into the backyard where all the guests are. Crystal is at the end of the aisle with Petunia who has a flower crown on her head as well. The aisle is opened between two large white backdrops, so Luke wouldn’t be able to see you until it was time for you to walk.
“Okay sweetheart, you’re going to walk with Petunia to Luke, okay?” Cory tells Lily setting her down in the grass. Crystal hands her the little basket of flower petals. “Put the flowers down for mama, all right?”
“Okay daddy,” she nods then looks up to you.
You bend down, pinching her chin affectionately. You know she’s nervous.
“You’ll be okay, baby. Piggy’s with you and you just go straight to Lu, he’s waiting for you. I’ll be there soon, okay? I love you.” You kiss her forehead.
“Love you mama,” and she wraps her arms around you in the tightest hug she can muster.
The music starts and Crystal points Lily down the aisle. You watch as much as you can from the corner and as soon as she sees Luke, she tosses the basket into the grass and runs into his open arms. Luke and the guests laugh as well as you and Cory. 
The music changes to a pretty piano instrumental of Lover of Mine that Luke transposed just for this moment. You begin to cry again as Cory takes your arm in his and leads you in the opening of the aisle.  
The guests rise, turning their attention to you but your focus is on Luke and Lily at the end of the aisle. They’re both standing under a white canopy that is overflowing with different shades of pinks, oranges and white flowers.
Luke’s eyes are glued to yours as he hands Lily off to Calum’s awaiting arms. You see Luke’s shoulders rise and fall as he takes a deep breath and you smile, feeling just as nervous and excited as he does.
He looks exceptionally handsome in a white button up shirt with pink suspenders and navy-blue dress pants. His hair is curled just the way you like. Your bare feet are tickled by the grass and flower petals, you’re glad you opted to go shoeless.
Cory hands you off then go to sit down next to Ella, Luke’s hand is firm in yours and you feel like you can finally breathe.
“You’re so gorgeous,” he murmurs, thumb rubbing circles on the back of your hand. He sniffs quickly and you wipe a stray tear.
“You’re so handsome,” you whisper.
The ceremony is short, and you and Luke decided to do your own vows, but both wanted them to be short and simple. His hands squeeze yours before he speaks his vows.
“We’ve seen the highs and the lows of each other, and we’ve been through so many memories together. I can’t believe I’m not only marrying my best friend, but that we’re having a baby together and the love I have for you and Lily will go on forever. All my wrongs has lead me right to you, lovie, and I’ll always be here to rub your back, endure the fan being on high blast when we sleep and to write endless songs for you because there isn’t music without you.” His voice is soft as he speaks only to you and you’re struggling to keep your breathing even, but his words have pierced your heart.
You struggle to catch your breath and find your voice.
“You should have gone first,” you tease, and everyone laughs which eases your nerves slightly. “It’s hard to believe this all started because we went to the same coffee shop every Friday and Saturday. You caught my eye and I haven’t looked at anyone else since then. You fit perfectly into mine and Lily’s life and to be standing here with you now and with Lily and this little rosebud inside me… I’ve never felt a love like this before. I promise to always be your biggest fan and encourage you when you need it. You’re my love forever.”
You’re both crying and when rings are exchanged and the officiant is saying the last of his bit, Luke tucks your hair behind your ear moving closer.
“You may kiss your bride.”
Luke cups your cheek and you’re bursting with love and happiness at this first kiss you’re sharing with your husband. Claps and cheers echo around but you throw your arm around Luke’s shoulders so you can kiss him with more fervor. Your bouquet bounces off his back and you feel a few petals cascade down his shirt.
He chuckles against your mouth, his arms tight around your waist as he rests his forehead on yours. You’re staring into his pretty baby blues. The sound of cheering breaks your gaze and he takes your hand turning you to the crowd before exiting the aisle back into the house.
You and Luke had decided on spending some time alone after the ceremony before pictures and the reception started. So, you both crept downstairs into Ashton’s music room which was soundproof so you wouldn’t be distracted with the guests up above.
You toss your bouquet on the desk linking your arms behind his neck, smiling widely at him.
“Hi Mrs. Hemmings,” he greets with a chuckle.
“Hi Mr. Hemmings,” you giggle and press your lips to his.
The rest of your time alone is spent with tender kisses and soft conversation about the little things that lead up to this day and this moment.
After photos are taken its time for the party to begin. Everyone is dancing and having a great time. Lily is dancing with everyone and loves to spin as much as she can in her dress. She slow dances with Luke and Cory to a special song they both picked and then it’s time for you and Luke to dance to your song together, Stuck in Gravity by Of Monsters and Men.
He sings it lowly to you as you sway on the dancefloor, flashes from people’s cameras are almost like stars as you dance with your husband. When the song ends, Lily runs to you both and the three of you share a dance and get your photo taken from Andy.
The later it becomes, you notice Lily falling asleep in Calum’s arms and she’s wrapped up in his jacket. She’ll be spending the night at his place so you and Luke can have some alone time on your wedding night. You both kiss her goodnight when Calum decides to take her to his house.
When the last of the guests left, you and Luke were quick to head home. Even as you protested, he still carried you across the threshold and all the way up to your bedroom. He helps you remove your flower crown from your hair, plucking out stray petals with a soft smile.
He kisses your shoulder as he unzips your dress helping you step out of it. You undress him as well and then you’re both quick to get into bed. Luke’s kisses trail all along your body with his knee in between your legs.
“You’ve got to be quiet, lovie,” he sighs rubbing himself against your core. You moan feeling his hard on press against you. “Can’t wake our little rosebud.”
“She’s fast asleep,” you sigh, and he pushes inside you. You gasp, fingers flying to his shoulders and you squeeze as he stretches you open. “Oh Luke,” you moan as he fills you completely.
He braces himself so he’s not leaning on your belly and he begins a steady pace thrusting in you. Your nails scratch up and down his back and he slips his tongue in your mouth. You’re loving each other the only way you know how, wholeheartedly and with everything you’ve got.
You join your hips to his, he whimpers your name and you sigh his name in his ear, fingers tangled in his curls. Even though you’re both breathless, he kisses you until you’re both coming.
The wedding bands on your fingers clink together signifying your newfound bond.
The next few months of your pregnancy have gone by swimmingly. Your feet are still swollen but you aren’t that uncomfortable in the last trimester as the first two. Which is odd because with Lily your back ached up until you gave birth.
Luke has been doting on you with the help from Lily. Everyday she asks how ‘her baby’ is and talks to her sister all the time. It’s just the two of you home for the day and you’ve been feeling a little off since Luke left early to head to the studio for a recording session. You kept feeling a sharp pain in your lower back and when it shot to the front of your lower belly, you knew it was a contraction.
You noticed the time in between the pain you felt, and it was only forty-five minutes. Luke would be home soon so you busied yourself by gathering your things and you called up Cory letting him know you might be dropping Lily off soon.
The contractions became closer just as Luke got home, Lily running to meet him and you’re standing in the foyer with all your things ready to go.
“Are we going somewhere?” Luke smiles setting Lily down.
“Yeah, it’s time to go to the center,” you smile pointing to your stomach.
His eyes widen and he lifts Lily back up quickly in his arms.
“But you aren’t due for another three weeks! Is something wrong? Are you in pain? Of course, you’re in pain, you’re in labor. Oh my God, we need to drop Lily off. Is Cory home? Does the center know we’re coming?”
“Luke!” you laugh now standing in front of him. You press your finger to his lips so he stops rambling. “I texted Cory, I’m okay and I called the birthing center. They’re waiting for us, it’s okay.”
“Okay, let’s go,” he nods.
He grabbed your things quickly and helped you waddle to the car. He made sure you were fastened before getting in on his own side of the car. Cory and Ella met you as soon as you pulled into the driveway taking Lily and her things, so you didn’t have to get out of the car.
They wished you luck and you had to reach over and take Luke’s hands so he wouldn’t drive too fast. You press your lips to the back of his knuckles calming him down and then laughing because he should be the one consoling you. But this is his first time experiencing this, so you let him channel through the emotions.
“You all right, lovie?” he asks glancing over at you as you run your lips over his middle knuckle.
“I’m good, how are you doing?” you smile.
“Nervous as hell,” he chuckles and pulls into the parking lot of the birthing center.
Much like when you were pregnant with Lily, you wanted to give birth at a birthing center and do a natural water birth. Your experience with Lily was amazing, the warm water aided in your pain from the contractions and in two pushes, your sweet little Lily was born into the world.
A nurse meets you at the door with a wheelchair all ready and Luke has the bags slung over both his shoulders. His face is a little pale so you twist your arm behind the chair so you can grab hold of his hand. As soon as he feels your touch, he looks down at you and he visibly relaxes.
He helps you change into a sports bra and some loose shorts, you left underwear off, so it’d be an easy transition into the whirlpool that’s in the room. The nurse asks you the usual questions of how far apart your contractions have been and then checks your cervix. You’re at five centimeters already.
“Seems like your little one wants to meet you very quickly,” the nurse, who’s name is Tilly. “I’ll go get some supplies and at the rate you’re going, I’ll start the water as well.”
“Thank you,” you smile watching her leave the room. You turn to Luke who sits next to you on the large bed, he gives you a small smile wrapping his arm around your shoulders. “How are you doing, daddy?”
“I should be asking you that.”
“You’re the one who’s shaking,” you whisper and clasp his hands in your own to steady them.
He lets out a shaky breath. “This is just happening so fast. I’m so excited but I’m so nervous, what if she doesn’t like me?”
“She already adores you; she kicks whenever you sing or talk to her.”
“We haven’t even picked a name yet! What if we look at her and have no idea?” he rests his forehead against your temple, kissing you gently but his worry rolls off in waves.
“We’ll know when we see her. When I was pregnant with Lily, I was dead set on naming her Charlotte. But when I looked at her, Lily just came about, and it was perfect. You can—” you gasp suddenly as another contraction hits and Luke sits up straighter.
“Breathe, lovie, breathe,” he soothes, and you exhale in a gasp. You feel the blood rush from your head from holding your breath for just that short amount of time. You focus on Luke’s hand on your back and the way his thumb is gliding over the back of your hand until the contraction passes.
After that last one the time between contractions were becoming shorter and shorter and Tilly started the water right away. Laying down didn’t help the constant ache that wrapped around from your lower back to the front of your belly, so you held Luke’s hand as you walked a little around the room.
He made sure to brace your back, his words soft and encouraging in your ear as you groaned out in pain.
“Y/N, let’s get you in the water so it will help with the pain and it seems like she’ll be coming very shortly,” Tilly says just as two more nurses come in and you kick off your shorts.
All three of them and Luke help lower you into the warm water, it envelops you like a hug and it dulls the sharp pain to something tolerable. Luke rubs your lower back and you’re so thankful he’s there with you. He’s peppering kisses against your sweaty temple and you feel another contraction coming but it also feels like you should push.
“Can I push? Is it too early to push?” you beg breathlessly wanting to expel the pressure you’re feeling.
“If you feel like you need to push, you push honey,” Tilly says leaning over the lip of the tub to examine your cervix. “She’s crowning so push away.”
“Shit, okay lovie, you can do this,” Luke is an instant cheerleader in your ear. Your hand is wet holding onto his while his other is on your shoulder. “She’s almost here, you’re so amazing. I love you so much.”
He continues to kiss your temple in between his encouraging words, and you push as hard as you can then fall back against him.
“Okay, she just moved a little bit out, one more big push!”
You suck in a deep breath and push with all your might until you feel a big sweep between your legs and then there’s a splash as Tilly lifts your baby girl from the water. You open your eyes and instantly start crying at the sight of her tiny limbs. Tilly places her on your chest and she’s so warm but shaking a little.
“Oh my God, she’s here,” Luke breathes.
Another nurse suctions out her nose and her mouth and then she starts to cry in that high-pitched way infants do. She’s already got a good amount of hair on her head and you give her multiple kisses, getting lost in her already.
“The placenta still has to come, but Suzie will clean her up and we’ll get you out, okay? Luke, you can cut the umbilical cord,” Tilly says.
The next moments happen in a blur because you just want to see your baby, and Luke is constantly shifting his focus on you and your new daughter before you’re back in the bed. Towels and blankets cover your lower half and then Suzie hands you your baby girl.
“Congratulations,” she smiles.
She’s swaddled in a lavender blanket with a little pink hat, her lips are pursed slightly, and you can already see a dimple in her cheek just like Luke’s. You look up at him and he’s staring at her in awe.
“Here, you hold her,” you tell him gently and he holds his arms out. He takes her carefully in his arms, he lets out a sigh of disbelief then smiles. “What do you think daddy?”
“She’s incredible,” he shakes his head and traces her nose with his pinky. “We made her, she’s so amazing.”
“What name does it look like she should have?” you rub his elbow affectionately and he sits next to you so you can admire her as well.
“I’ve got one. . . but what do you want?”
“I want whatever you want, you name her, Luke.”
“Posy. Posy Mae is her name,” he states and you’re instantly in love with it.
“Hello, my little Posy,” you coo stroking her cheek and she squirms in her blanket, a very small but very real smile appears. “I think she likes it.”
Cory and Ella bring Lily over a few hours later so she can meet her baby sister and she has a tiny purple elephant plush in her hands as a gift. Posy is swaddled and sound asleep in her bassinet and Luke holds Lily in his arms so she can look down at her.
“That’s your sister, my sweet. Her name’s Posy, can you say hi to her?” Luke asks as Lily peers over his arms to gaze down at Posy.
“Hi Posy. I’m Lily, you’re my baby sissy,” Lily tells her sweetly then she gasps when Posy wiggles. “She knows me, mama!”
“Of course, she does, baby! But we need to be quiet around her, okay?” you rest against the pillows happy to see your two girls together but exhausted from the whole ordeal.
“How’re you feeling?” Cory asks as Ella moves around the bed to gaze down at Posy. She talks quietly with Luke and Lily.
“Good. Tired. Happy,” you smile tiredly.
“We won’t stay long, but I knew you’d want Lily to meet her right away.”
“Thank you,” you smile.
Cory, Ella and Lily leave shortly after promising to be back tomorrow later in the morning. Lily gives you and Luke a big hug and kiss goodnight and Cory holds her tightly in his arms above the bassinet so she can give a soft kiss to Posy’s forehead.
“Bye baby,” she whispers and then they’re gone.
You catch Luke standing near her little crib a lot throughout the night just gazing down at her with the softest smile. Thankfully you’re inconspicuous and snap a photo of the precious moment and Luke takes many photos to send to the guys in their group chat.
The next day they’re all over when Cory, Ella and Lily are so they can all properly meet little Posy.
“That’s my sissy,” Lily tells her uncles proudly. Calum holds her in his arms as he looks down at Posy.
“She’s perfect, don’t you think, Lils?” Calum asks her and she nods, eyes fixed on Posy.
Michael and Ashton just stare at her which makes you laugh.
“She’s so small,” Michael whispers, “how is she so small?”
“I love her name,” Ashton smiles, “how’d you come up with it, Y/N?”
“It was all Luke,” you say proudly staring up at him. He bends down and gives you a kiss.
“I just looked at her and the name just came to me,” he shrugs lifting Posy from the crib. He begins to sway. “And her cheeks are rosy, so ‘rosy posy’ is what I thought of. But Posy is cuter than Rose, don’t you think?”
“It’s perfect, she’s definitely a Posy,” Ashton smiles down at her lovingly.
“Hey, why don’t you guys all sit on the bed and we’ll take your first family photo,” Calum says already pulling out his phone and sets Lily on the bed.
She crawls up into your lap and you wrap your arms around her little body just as Luke sits next to you. When you’re all situated, you look to Calum and smile and you feel like your heart will burst from how happy you are.
The first month with Posy took a while to get used to. It’s been so long since you had a newborn that you had to set up her schedule immediately. Luke is very good at waking up as soon as he hears her faint cries. He takes plenty of photos while they’re doing skin to skin bonding on the couch and he sings to her all the time.
Lily is the perfect little helper and she loves to give her kisses and talk to her while you’re sitting on the couch with her. One day when Posy was crying while you were getting her bottle ready, Lily tried shushing her by singing a song she made up and it actually soothed Posy’s cry.
“Look mama! I made Po not sad!” she told you excitedly and thus her nickname was formed.
When both girls were put to bed, Luke helped rub coconut lotion on your belly, giving you multiple kisses each night on your stretch marks. He’d yawn as he got into bed next to you, snuggling against your chest and you combed your fingers through his hair.
“How many times do you think she’ll wake up tonight?” Luke asks tiredly.
“Maybe we’ll get lucky and it will only be three,” you laugh lightly and kiss his head. Posy has been waking up at least four times a night, it’s hard getting her to sleep at night.
“I hope so, she needs her sleep just as much as we do. Thank you,” he kisses your neck.
“For what?” you caress your lips on his forehead, but Luke shifts slightly so he can look into your eyes.
“For loving me, for being my wife, and for making me a dad. I’ve got all my little flowers because of you, lovie,” he smiles warmly and stretches his lips to yours.
• • • •
Copyright talkfastromance4 © All works is intellectual property of the author. All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction or any part or all contents in any form is prohibited. You may not, without written expression and consent from the author, distribute works amongst other social media platforms
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