#like sayeon
imsogayhelpme · 6 months
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hashtagnevermore · 5 months
sayeon from hand jumper and annabel lee from nevermore would be besties like if you look up gaslight gatekeep girlboss in the dictionary, their mugshots would show up
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il3x · 6 months
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cell 4 slander
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releasing this from the hj discord dungeon because the public populace was in agreement also i'm chronically offline on tumblr and need to fix that for my chronically online ahh
#hand jumper#webtoon#sayeon lee#she couldn't even enjoy herself once she gets into the decent university because she got sent to the corps sayeon lee my giiirl#SHE'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO BASK IN THE GLORY OF VALEDICTORIAN BECAUSE SHE WAS CONSCRIPTED 😭#bro she's built like those kids in school who dump social interaction the moment exam season comes around#she's built like and earned that first honours fr.#but the corps said nah so she did the one thing those kids do make life even HARDER for themselves#even if in context it's no even hard it's just a matter of survival in the corps so success is the only option lest you die#hj reminds me of kaiji a lot with how they handle this but they're like two different genres but i digress#so she created TWO short term goals that forced her to hammer down her if not reinforce her previous values/beliefs#and if you read fp or wait until this tuesday lemme tell you rn it gets worse#which force her back into her shell and wall she's built#which is fucked up bc juni's wall is coming down when cell 4 didn't die as quick as she'd thought and surpassed her expectations#sayeon try not to be any characters narrative foil/parallel challenge fail 1000% speedrun#this only gets worse in fp and while this was in my drafts since the morning#i will say i literally just had a conversation abt this with my g bigbrainmanyvibes before prematurely leaving for lunch#but i set an alarm to actually post all the memes i made here so imma do this one now then the rest later#JOIN THE HJ DISCORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND WAY EASIER TO USE!!!!![to me......]#PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#that's it for my obligatory plug for the hj discord you can stop reading now i you haven't already stopped because i make this thing a diar#anw GLORY TO SAYJIN NATION!!!!!!!!!
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sayeonlee · 3 months
“lol sayeon gets off to manipulating people”
so close! she’s never had opportunity to make any friends because she lived in constant fear of her sister and was unable to build any fulfilling bond with anyone besides her preschool friend and jaeil, leading her to be extremely unfamiliar with the concept of bonding and overall fundamentals to relationships. When presented with all of those all at once in such a fast span of time in such a high pressure situation, she doesn’t know what to do with them or how to manage any of the emotion that normal person will, so she picks whatever is most familiar to her. of course, she would be happy to gain these bonds— however, as previously stated, she does not know how to manage emotions thus leading her to feel a mix of manic joy, satisfaction, and superiority from these newfound emotions. but OK, to each your own !
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vyrion · 2 months
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following the rules.
wikipedia, prophetic perfect tense // cemetarything // sleepacross, hand jumper // haruki murakami, dance dance dance // josé saramago, cain // silas denver melvin, love as an act of merciful conquer // glass beach, motions
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so im a little late to the party
In this Tumblr post, I will be answering the question literally nobody else has been wondering: When did Samin talk to the Godling?
Let's get this out of the way first; Based off the way the two talked to each other, it's clear that the convo we saw was their first time talking. I say "first time" because I don't think this is the only time they speak to each other.
When talking to Sayeon in the episode "Wishing Well", they tell her "Your sister has always rejected me," which implies that the Godling has tried convincing Samin multiple times and failed every time. (This also disproves the "Samin takes up the Godling's deal for Sayeon's sake" theory")
The line "You don't see it, do you? What your beloved sister is turning into." could mean that this either happens after Sayeon goes to the Corps or before. I originally thought it was after she's sent to the Corps, since that's when the REAL descent begins, but after further investigation I realized that this probably happened before. We already know that Sayeon was a little kooky crazy before going to the Corps (as shown by the episode "Old Dogs") so it lines up with what the Godling said.
The main reason I think this is because at the time of the "Wishing Well", Sayeon had only been at the Corps for two days. And circling back to the point I made before, the Godling has tried convincing Samin multiple times before then, and unless Samin's having concussions on a day-to-day basis, they couldn't have met at least more than once within that time. Plus, the way the Godling says "Your sister has always rejected me," makes me think they've been trying to get her as their champion for years.
If this conversation does happen before Sayeon going to the Corps, then why does the Godling call her inspid and dull? If they were uninterested in her, why did were they considering her as a champion?
Actually, nevermind. I can answer that. They were bluffing. They said that so that they could make Samin their champion via threatening her. They weren't actually going to go through with it until Sayeon's actions in CTF and in the kitchen arc.
This part is pure speculation, but I don't feel like Samin thinks Sayeon will make the deal. Which is understandable, based on how Sayeon acted at the beginning of the series. If the conversation really did happen back while Sayeon still went to school, then she had no reason to think Sayeon would ever want something to the point of giving up her humanity to do so. In fact, had the Godling mention the deal when they originally first appeared, (before Sayeon learned about Jaeil's death and killer) I am 100% sure she would've said no.
Back to the point at hand; Judging by Samin's reaction, it's clear that she doesn't want that to happen, but what would she do if she knew?
Would she just stand by and let Sayeon trade away her humanity because she wants her to "do what she wants" even if it's a very, VERY wrong decision? Would she try and take back control over her?
How far does Samin's unconditional love for Sayeon go? Would she still love her even if she was a more powerful and emotionless shadow of the person she once knew?
Would she still love Sayeon even if she turned out exactly like their mother?
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evil-women-step-on-me · 6 months
The revelations about Min in the recent Hand Jumper episodes have me thinking about the playlist Sleepacross made for him. Specifically this song. Yeah, seriously, there is a real actual Vocaloid song in Min's official playlist.
The intro/chorus translated:
I’ve been hurt so many times and left with a gaping wide hole inside so I pulled a needle through it to shut it tight Holding fast 'til the end of so many days Shutting my mouth no matter how heavy it was Tried to hold on ’til I started to break apart
I was too worn out to be good enough, I guess Before I’m ripped apart, I say goodbye, looking just a little reluctant to part Despite being hurt so many times, this face and this body, they can still be used Don’t throw me away. All I ask is that you don't just give me up to someone else I was too worn out to be good enough
...........What are you doing to this poor boy's heart????
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aseplant · 2 months
“Okay, sure, still—you shouldn’t… do that, Min.” He doesn’t even look at her. “Why?” (Because what does pain even mean anyway, if you’re the only one who will ever remember?)
surprise - ep.68 min & sayeon, now beta read! ily hake.
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caurcaur · 6 months
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yeonggisbitch · 1 year
the ultimate battle: which is the master gaslighter manipulator
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aquiron2 · 1 year
Despite Sayeon's crush on Jaeil being quite obvious, to me it seems less that she ACTUALLY has a romantic crush on him and more that he is the only person who has ever shown kindness to her.
Sayeon's mother died when she was very, very young. And even then I think that Sara was very distant from her daughters (Judging by the way Samin talks about her)
Samin is a terrible, terrible sister (even Sayeon acknowledges this, saying "We're not going to pretend that you were a good sister [...]")
Sayeon's father, Mr. Lee, is... completely out of the picture. We don't know anything about him so I'm going to assume that, just like Sara, that he was distant from his daughters
And despite Sayeon's current bitterness towards her sister, there was a time where she truly, genuinely loved and relied on Samin. But ever since Samin's murder (or in Sayeon's own words, "punishment") the two have grown incredibly distant. Samin may still love Sayeon (she still wanted Sayeon to stay with her and seemed hurt the night before she left) but she does not show it.
The only person that Sayeon allowed herself to befriend was Jaeil Kim, and he was quite literally the only person that she knew. He was the only person that she ever opened her heart to, he was the only person who ever showed real kindness to her, and who seemed to genuinely care about her wellbeing. (From Jungwoo's words about Sayeon, I am also assuming that everyone else in their school was distant from Sayeon and sometimes even cold).
And, as a result, since Sayeon didn't know anyone else, since she didn't have any other options, her brain just latched on to the one person who was nice to her and said "This one. I'm gonna have a crush on this one because he is nice and those feelings are going to be your problem now. Good luck!"
And Sayeon is... struggling. Like. Visibly. I don't know how to explain this but it seems like she too also knows that her feelings really shouldn't be there, and really wants to see him as just a friend. But since he is the only person that she has... it's impossible for her not to blush or call out to him after meeting a god.
I'm just saying this as someone who was ALSO emotionally detached, was being abused at home and had literally NO FRIENDS aside from one (1) girl in school that was nice to me, and ended up having a crush on said girl because she was the only one that I had: Sayeon's feelings seem unrequited. Not only to Jaeil but to Sayeon herself.
Let's be real, Jaeil thrashes cars with a guy (seemingly???) goes out partying 'till god knows when, doesn't study, and even though he is nice, he's honestly a terrible option for a romantic partner. If Sayeon had other options, other friends, he would just be another one of them, not a crush. And Sayeon knows that.
And... he doesn't seem to like her romantically either. Idk, Sleepacross may very well publish a chapter on Jaeil's POV one day and he may have a thought bubble talking about how much he loves her and when that happens I'll eat my words, but as it stands? He treats her just like he does anyone else, like he would any friend.
...Which is what makes Jaeil's loss all the more heartbreaking. He is the only person Sayeon ever had, the only person she loved (be it platonically or romantically, it doesn't matter)
When Sayeon eventually finds out about his death--about his murder-- she is going to be devastated. His death is going to be her breaking point and quite frankly I don't think she'll ever recover from that.
And... this is the end of my little rant!!
I am NOT making this post to invalidate or speak ill of anyone's ship!! I am just talking about canon!!
I think Sayeon x Jaeil is cute and fun and that's literally all that matters when it comes to shipping!! I just wanted to write a little analysis on Sayeon and why she may have a crush on Jaeil because her situation is one that I personally can relate to.
The way she emotionally distances herself from everyone, the way she attached herself to one person and grew feelings for said person out of a necessity because her abused and trauma-driven brain didn't know that she deserved better and that she can have more... it's something that struck real close to home.
Maybe everyone already knew this before I made this post, maybe this is obvious........ but Hand Jumper is the only thing in my brain right now and I wanted to write </3
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il3x · 2 months
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NO thoughts ONLY this next episode glimpse (and one teensy bit of mental real estate given over to Sayeon stabbing Heron in both lungs)
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meme dump sorry if you haven't noticed but yes it's almost all ishaan no i' not insane i'm just posting more of discord memes here now, yes there will be more, and no i won't apologize for spontaneous uploads bc this site wiped 8 paragraphs when i tried to click the EDIT BUTTON. more when i FEEL LIKE TOUCHING THE SITE WITHOUT FEAR OF THE WIPE.
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sayeonlee · 16 days
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i find a picture of sayeon around my house every now and then . it’s such a blast to the past back with my hold hand jumper friend group .
it’s like I found a lucky penny, and I store it away or trash it
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blacklem0ns · 2 months
i love when webtoon creators reveal big things about certain characters in supplementary material in such a roundabout way that no one notices.
the hand jumper fandom has been wondering for forever what ryujin’s gift was until it was revealed to be blood manipulation in the most recent chapter. for the character roles page on the official hj discord server, each character is represented with a certain emoji the relates to them in some way. sayeon has a clock, iseul has a sun, and min has a bread emoji. but ryujin has a blood emoji. up until this week. all the clue we had for her gift was that she had red essence which is meant to enhance the user’s body. and even then, something like blood manipulation probably wouldn’t come to someone’s mind at first. most ppl saw that and went “well that’s weird and super random” and didn’t think much of it. BUT NO. sleep was basically telling us it since the beginning.
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