#like really i dont think that polygamy is the problem here
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paladinofmidnight · 10 months ago
Lawmakers in the US: we've banned polygam marriages because we worry about the underage girls getting married to old men!
Me, who just wants to marry my lovely bf and gf one day: idk man, I think getting rid of the laws that 38 states have allowing underage marriage would probably do a much better job at that.
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roguestarsailor · 4 years ago
i need help understanding mor and the dynamic between cassian and azriel.
TLDR; i dont get why this dynamic is so important! for mor, its two issues here and they aren’t connected. mor can reject az and keep her true sexuality a secret so why is she so insistent on being shitty to az? azriel getting rejected isn’t going to break his entire heart forever; az is a big boy he will be ok. god i hate this dynamic so much.
ok so this girl doesn’t have the courage to tell azriel that she doesn’t like him that way (or ever).
but its been 500 years of pining; like ?? i think he knows his heart has been broken?? hes a spy master; his entire profession is him seeking secrets and i would even assume knowing how to read people and such. i feel like after 500 years, he can pretty much confirm shes not interested in him. and then using cassian whenever theyre together should also signify something? are we banking on azriel to be a Head Empty dumbo man who doesn’t have an ounce of self awareness and emotional intelligence here?? mor constantly flirts w cassian as a joke. mor needing cassian to be a buffer sounds like she just wants him as the third wheel but nothing else and thats really shitty thing to do. how can she think she can keep it up?? how can she also assume cassian won’t try to find love?? she doesn’t love az why stop him from finding love???
she straight up only likes females no? she’s already sleeping with other people. thats a known fact. azriel has also slept w other people. they dont sleep together but they do just hang out--like buddies?? they go to ritas, they hang out in the houses at valeris, they do night court jobs together-ish but thats it? that sounds like what friends do. so if she rejects azriel, the worst that seems to happen is that they won’t hang out like they used to.
i flipped through ACOWAR to make sure im not missing anything and this is part of what she says:
“I’m not sure I can give my entire heart to him in that way. And...and I love him enough to want him to find someone who can truly love him like he deserves. And I love myself....I love myself enough to not want to settle until I find that person, too” (ACOWAR, 592)
“I should tell him. I need to tell him. Mother above, after last night, I should. But...It’s gone on for so long. So long. I’m petrified to face him--to tell him he’s spent five hundred years of pining for someone and something that won’t ever exist. The potential fallout...I like things the way they are.”  (ACOWAR, 593)
she says this shit!! two contradictory paragraphs!!! how are you gonna be like let az find love/i want to find love and then backtrack and be like wait i like this dynamic??? what??????? in between those two line she says this:
“It’s stupid, I know. It’s so stupid and cruel that I do this, but...I slept with Helion just to remind Azriel...Gods, I can’t even say it. It sounds even worse saying it.”
“To remind him that you’re not interested.” (ACOWAR, 593)
what is this?? literally what the fuck?? this line right here makes mor sound like such a dick. this is literally cruel; she knows hes got intense feelings for her but she does this still?? is this some kind of power trip she likes???
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yes it can be heart breaking to lose a friend but at the same time stringing them along and being so elusive is worse is it not?? yes it will probably hurt az a lot especially if his feelings are super intense but i think they as characters are capable of going past this. it might not be like before, but they will still be supportive of one another.
but also consider this: what would be the consequence of rejecting azriel? will he go on a rampage? will he shut out the IC forever? will he abandon them? is there a darkness to him that makes mor afraid to speak her actual feelings? cuz i feel like at worst it would be a few awkward moments here and there but ultimately it would just be over with and they will be friends again. does she really believe that az would continue to be a hopeless puppy following her around in the hope of her loving him forever or does she think he’ll reject love forever if she rejects him? she hasn’t given him actual romantic love back so he might not be missing much. and even her words about fucken helion just to remind az she’s not interested is treating him shity enough (which also leads me to why does he love mor? did he know her before rhys brought her to the illyrian camp all those years ago when she and cassian did it?) i know she wants to keep liking females a secret, but rejecting az won’t make people automatically assume she isn’t straight.
i can’t help but think literally all of mor’s reasoning for not telling az and keeping the dynamic going is garbage. the stakes aren’t that high! shes being a bad friend and stifling both cassian and azriel! idk how az’s heart isn’t already breaking?? im really mad SJM is trying to play this up as a big thing and making this dynamic seem so important to these characters but for mor, its two issues here and they aren’t connected. mor can reject az and keep her true sexuality a secret. azriel getting rejected isn’t going to break his entire heart forever; az is a big boy he will be ok. god i hate this dynamic so much.
on another note thats vaguely related to the above post: i re-read the scene in ACOWAR where mor confesses her true sexuality to feyre and im thinking why can’t mor just be bi? i’m not super well versed about sexuality here so correct me if im wrong but making her sleep w other males just to throw off the idea that she likes females sounds.......wrong?? why does SJM frame taking males to bed as this tool mor needs to keep up the secret of her preferring females but at the same time saying mor still likes sleeping w males too. so does that not define bisexuality??? does mor being bi take away from the impact of her not liking azriel??? mor feels like a diversity token rather than genuine queer character imo.
also why does knowing she prefers females hurt her in anyway? does she think her father is gonna send out assassins to murder her lovers? whats the cost benefit analysis to that? mor already controls hewn city, has rhys + IC as backup. and going by the logic mor puts out, does it matter that she takes female lovers as long as she can can produce heirs/continue the bloodline (because thats what her shitty family prioritizes)?? i feel like she can do both tbh. i see that its the emotional component that mor values and i can understand trying to shield something precious to her since her family has hurt and ruined so much of her life. the only significance i can read from this is that SJM is trying to show representation of closeted folks in the form of mor which i guess is fine if you vibe with her in that way??
this is the part of the ACOTAR lore that throws me off: i feel like sexual fluidity would be the norm for faes. these folks live forever and they will only stick to being straight? hard to believe personally. mor mentions that in her family specifically she is considered a “prized mare” who is great for popping babies but a) fae babies are rare already so i dont think she can just pop babies unless thats part of her power b) they just need her to “breed” so taking other lovers shouldnt be a problem either so long as mor’s family have babies to “continue the bloodline” c) is faithfulness an unspoken law? is polygamy frowned upon? these are immortal creatures why would they keep to one lover? babies are rare so from purely biological/survival stand point wouldnt faes have to have multiple lovers in order to reproduce???
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firemama · 8 years ago
Opinion Meme
Tagged by: anonymous If ur Gunna bitch about my opinions if they don't match yours, don't read. 📂📄 let's begin... 01. Is a legal drinking age of 21 fair? Is it fair, yes, because kids are scientifically stupid until their brain finishes developing and they don't need to fuck up their brain chemistry with alcohol before it's even developed. 02. Is it okay for a 17 year old and an 18 year old to date? What about a 16/18? 16/19? I'm weird with ages and if you know me you know that well. I go more by maturity then actual age. Strictly by number- well that would depend on circumstances. 03. Pro-choice or pro-life? Pro-choice. Everyone should have a choice. If it were illegal, women would just do it themselves unsafely, as they have for most of history. Like sticking coat hangers in their vaginas to try and tear out the baby. 04. In America, is burning the flag okay? Should it be illegal, and if so, how should the act be punished? Personally I don't give a flying fuck. It's cloth. It's litterally a cloth. And if it's your personal property, why the fuck can't you burn it? AND burning is how the military 'decommissions' flags so is burning HONORABLE or not?? 05. Does having a preference for genitals make you transphobic? (i.e. man who will only have sex with dfab people, regardless of gender) Not really? If you like dick you like dick. Vice versa. But just don't be an ass and date someone but dump them when they get the sex change surgery? Have a talk about what they wanna be and if they wanna change ate some point ass hat. 06. Does having depression/anxiety make you neurodivergent? Technically speaking most people have some form of anxiety and depression, but if you have Major Depression or a major anxiety disorder, that would be neurodivergent. 07. Are cis aroace people LGBT? The LGBT is meant to be a safe space for cis/straight divergence and if it won't take everyone, then what's the damn point? Personally I would say yes because they BELONG here but whether they do or not, anyone can say otherwise. 08. Should polygamy be legalized? I have mixed feelings about polygamy as in Christians it leads to very bad families that are male dominated, controlling and strongly abusive, and like to have cult undertones. While I don't know about polygamy (the marriage of many to one), I heavily think polyamory (the marriage of many to one another) should be legal as poly households are stable and healthy and not power/religiously driven. 09. Are neopronouns + nounself pronouns okay? I think pronouns get out of hand when people try too hard to be different by struggling teenagers. I've seen it several times, and I've watched people "grow out of it" in a year's time and sometimes less, so I'm not likely to consider it an actual gender. I don't give a flying fuck about pronouns, honestly, I really fucking dont. But sexually identifying as a tree? This is the same level of that joke "I identify as an attack helicopter". I'll respect you and whatever you want me to call you [as best I can as I'm forgetful] but I neither care nor agree. 10. Should owning guns be allowed or disallowed? Whether it's allowed or not people will get them. Might as well just try and control it safely. 11. What age do you think it's okay for someone to label themselves as asexual? Technically most children are asexual- lacking of sexual attraction to others- until they reach puberty and what not. So stop labeling kids and go get a fucking life, let them figure it out when they're ready? Jesus. 12. Which sex is more privileged, men or women? Hah. 13. Is the acronym LGBT, or is it something else? I personally prefer to different versions. LGBQ, Q for queer as an inclusive of other sexualities like pan or ace. LGBTQ, inclusive of other sexualities AND genders. Transgender isn't quite a sexuality, but certainly should be included, just like gender fluids and neo genders, who fit in the Queer category of gender. LGBQ = sexuality safe zone, LGBTQ = cis/straight divergent. 14. Is reverse oppression real? (i.e. cisphobia, heterophobia, misandry, reverse racism, etc) Hell yes. People are hateful, and every type of person can be hated. Some women hate men for existing. Some people tell cis people to kill themselves. Etc etc. The world's full of hate, pals. 15. Pepsi or coke? Coke m8 16. Telling someone to die or "kys" – is it okay or not? I don't say it but frankly there are worse things to tell someone. It's still despicable. 17. Is it rape if there was consent, but it was coerced, or is it something else? Consent cannot be coerced. You can coerce submission and you can condition acceptance, but consent is the will and wish to do so and that cannot be coerced. If the party doesn't want to participate regardless of what's said, that's rape. You can't change what someone wants even if you make them say yes. 18. Are words like crazy, stupid, and idiot slurs? Stupid and idiot are IQ score categories. Crazy is not the equivalent of mentally ill. Anything is a slur. That's exactly what name calling is: slurs. 19. Is it okay for non-black people to use AAVE if they're being respectful, or is it problematic regardless of context? I honestly don't give a fuck. Nigger has never come to me as a word to say in a conversation nor have others. I don't give a shit what other people use as slang, regardless of their skin. If anything I think keeping special language to select races only is a sort of racism- I'm sure someone would hate that opinion. But again, I don't fucking care about any of it, do i? I don't think racism will go away anytime soon, I'm told I'm culture blind so I don't see a lot of the issues where people cry appropriation, but my thought on a world without racism would be without words only black people or Spanish people can use and where no one cares at all what skin tone or country you're from. 20. Is chivalry okay, or does it imply a power balance/sexism? The idea that only men can be chivalrous is sexist. Everyone be chivalrous. Open doors for each other and shit, is that so hard? 21. Is fat shaming okay? How about shinny shaming? Is any shaming ever okay? No, probably not. I don't see a problem with encouraging someone to lose or gain weight if they are at an unhealthy point or to get to a generally better health, but shaming is just hateful. 22. How do you feel about the tumblr community? I love it here. I'm not saying it's perfect and isn't full of a lot of shitty people who can do you harm and want to, but, it's a community unlike anywhere else on the Internet and certain circles can form that are good- supportive friends with similar interests doing whatever they want be it rp or blogging or art. It lacks many of the restrictions of a website like Twitter, isn't as horrible in a manner I can't explain like facebook, isn't as seedy as 4chan or reddit. It's comfy here. tagging ¦ whoever
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