#like persephone is goddess of new life and queen of death
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deconstructthesoup · 1 year ago
I've hit the nail on the head as to why Slay The Princess is so appealing to me and it's because the Shifting Mound is exactly how I interpret Persephone to be like
She's life. She's death. She's rebirth. She's growth. She's loving and kind. She's terrifying and unyielding. Her arrival means new life. Her very name means "bringer of destruction." She's the goddess of spring and the queen of the dead. Her very nature is contradiction.
And she loves her spooky husband like crazy
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audreyscribes · 11 months ago
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is PART 1 of the Persephone Demigod Headcanons. Due to the size limit of Tumblr, I had to split the entire work into two. [LINK TO PART 2 HERE] Hi everyone! It took me a bit to figure it out but here's what everyone has been waiting for! Persephone is just 1 out of the 4 works I have planned and written for, and these works will be categorized as the MISCELLANEOUS GODS due to not the fact these gods are minor or anything, but because I did mention this in an ask before and it's easier to think about due to the canon PJO world building. These works will be a bit more loose since I'm taking a shot in the wild so hopefully you guys like it. Thanks for reading!!
*Disclaimer: mentions of unusual births, life and death*
People have been wondering if Persephone would have a demigod of her own, considering Hades has his own children, but also it’s slightly more believable if people know about the story of Adonis. However, there are very limited ways that the goddess would give birth to a demigod, since she’s very loyal and in love with Hades, and vise-versa.  
How you could’ve been born:
You really could’ve been born normally where Persephone’s eyes fell upon a mortal, when it was during Spring or Summer, or when the autumn and winter months have been delayed. 
Honestly, I can see this going for either gender of mortal: If your mortal parent is male, Hades couldn’t have done much because he knows Persephone’s preferences are strict and the last human she fell in love was Adonis, that Aphrodhite herself loved as well, so, Hades worrying about her being (repeatedly) unfaithful is very rare so your mortal male parent is the exception. So don’t expect any or more demigod siblings of Persephone. Not totally out of Hades’ ire, but given how many demigod children he has, he really doesn’t say anything. If your mortal parent is female, I can see it being this unusual birthing process where some sort of guidance is required: maybe Persephone offered a seed that your female mortal parent swallowed and boom, you were born. 
You’re a cabbage patch baby or a rose baby. or you’re born from a Peach. Turnip baby. Any plant based births. Quite literally. Don’t ask how this exactly works, but it involves the blood, sweat, and tears of your mortal parent planting the seed that Persephone gave/helped and raised you together. 
There’s a story where a woman ate a red and white rose to give birth, and I don't think that's not off the books for Persephone to do. Offering the flowers or something for your mortal parent to eat and boom, here you are-
You were either or an orphan, a completely child/baby that was near earth or had died, and you underwent the same process that (Zagreus)  Dionysus underwent with the weird death-rebirth thing; where you were (SOMEHOW) taken in by Persephone physically then reborn as a child of Perseophone when she gave birth to you. Since you technically died, you lost half of your mortal self because of the whole dying thing, but was replaced with Persephone’s godly portion.
That said, you’re not probably a double demigod if you went through the whole rebirth thing: where before you were a demigod child that died before Persephone gave you a new life. If you are however, oh boy, the Fates have something planned for you and it will not be an easy/happy life for you; doomed or tortured by the narrative. Your happy ending will have to be earned and fought with blood and tears. Afterall, the more powerful the demigod, the less easy it is for them.
 Either way, I don’t really see Hades targeting you on the level Hera does to the children of Zeus; though you still might want to refer to Hades (very) politely as Lord Hades or Godly Step Father. Just good manners, you know.
Regardless, everyone at camp is very confused and looking at you in a mixture of wonder, uncertainty, fear, amongst a few. When you get claimed, it’s like Spring has arrived, even when it’s Autumn or Winter. Nature blooms all around you with such vitality no one has seen before, with flowers, grains, and crops sprouting underneath your feet and all around you. Once the claim is over, if it’s Autumn/Winter, the world reverts back and everyone can see the rot that surrounds them except for you as you walk. 
Everyone expects you to be either a “Flower prince[ss]”, a soft person like Spring, or “A Prince[ss] of the Underworld”, terrifying like your mother. However, while you may lean one than the other, you can be both. Afterall, Persephone may be one to bring growth and fertility to the earth, and everything, she is also just as much as Kore that lends to herself being the Goddess of the Underworld and the dead where destruction follows. On the other hand, it’s a pretty cool thought where you’re wearing a crown of flowers and being all soft looking but switch to something darker with the flower petals falling off, to reveal a crown of thorns with the shadows curling around you to almost seem like your face is a skull, and vise-versa. You do you.
When you walk on the earth, you’ll sprout flowers and plants underneath your feet but as soon as you raise your foot to step away, the plants will wither and die, leaving rot behind. Sort of like the God of the Forest walking in Studio Ghibli’s “Princess Mononoke” .
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xjulixred45x · 2 months ago
I love your hades work with the children of charecters reader series so I wanted to request one myself. Could I ask for zagreus meeting his sister Macaria reader. She’s support to be the firstborn of hades and persephone and the goddess of blessed death but there isn’t anything more known about her. I was hoping you could run with how little information is known about her. Like maybe she self isolated in hades following her mother leaving and zagreus supposed death. Maybe Hades orders for those in the house not to speak her name.
That's interesting!
Zagreus and Macaria! Reader: Bond by Death
Macaria could still remember the old days, times when things were good, when everyone was happy.
She was the first daughter of Hades and his queen, Persephone. Not only that, she was living proof that the Fates had been wrong, even if it was ONE time in their prophecies, as Macaria had been born alive and kicking, being crowned the next heiress of the underworld.
And Macaria's early years were filled with love, from both of her parents, she still fondly remembered how she used to fall asleep on her father's big chest while he worked, or the lullabies her mother sang to put her to sleep. She remembered how they used to walk the Elysian fields together, with Macaria trotting ahead of them, wanting to see everything the underworld had to offer.
Picking flowers in her mother's garden, playing with Cerberus under her father's supervision, listening to the stories that the souls of the mortals that flooded the lobby of Hades' house had to tell. It was a perfect life.
She remembered when she was a little girl and Thanatos, one of Nyx's children, appeared, another recurring figure in her life. It was around that time that Macaria found out that she was going to have a younger brother, someone she would take care of and love, someone who would play with her, someone new to the family who would bring joy to her life.
However, that joy never came.
The day the prince of the underworld came to this world was filled with crying, screaming, despair and uncertainty, from everyone. Macaria simply stood by as the adults went back and forth, coming in and out of her parents' room. With the cries of the queen piercing her head strongly along with Hades' demands.
And in a moment, everything went silent.
No crying, no screaming, not even a breath from anyone there, nothing…
Macaria left the house before hearing her mother's heartbreaking cries. She didn't want to have to see him, she didn't want to, she couldn't. And she didn't want to let anyone see her crying her whole soul over her brother who hadn't even been born. It felt pathetic and painful at the same time.
How could someone who was supposed to bring joy bring her so much pain? And the worst thing is that that was only the beginning.
Persephone left a few weeks later, unable to handle the loss of her son, although at least she was able to say goodbye to Macaria before doing so, giving her one last kiss on the forehead while she was still asleep. This caused a radical change in her father's behavior. He became distant, dry, hostile…
Soon, the environment that Macaria had become accustomed to living in, joyful and happy, with a happy family, no longer existed, and there was only an empty and cold house.
For the same reason, Macaria could no longer handle life with her father, she did not want to see the man who was once an example to her, fall any lower. And she went to her only safe place, Elysium. Where she would be alone in her mourning, but perhaps, she would be at peace.
This caused another wave of pain upon the king of the underworld, but he did not relent, not even for his own daughter, if she wanted to be alone, fine, so be it. But no one could even mention her in his presence, until she returned home, she was not welcome, she was not his daughter.
And so the years passed, mentions of Macaria were stopped to avoid the wrath of Lord Hades, the portraits of her and Persephone were destroyed (except for one that had been "lost"), and she had almost become a legend in the house of Hades, if it were not, of course, for the few people who lived long enough to meet the princess in person.
Zagreus knew he hadn't been one of those people, however, there was a strong feeling of fascination towards this older sister figure, but he couldn't openly talk about it without being scolded by his father. As much as Zagreus wanted to know about her, he was never given the chance.
He believed that, working for his father, he would have more clues or, even he would get to knew some information, but no, all mention of her had been erased or crossed out. It was as if his sister had been erased from existence, from everyone's consciousness.
It wasn't until he began his escape attempts that he was, ironically, closer to his sister than ever.
There was this person in Elysium, a woman. Everyone knew about her, but she didn't appear before you if you didn't really need her. She was almost worshipped by those parts of the underworld.
Zagreus, at first, didn't take much importance from this pseudo-urban legend of the underworld, being more focused on his mission.
However, one day his bad luck caught up with him in Elysium, because of those stupid butterflies. He had almost no energy left and had sentries everywhere attacking him. When he thought he would have to return to Hades' house, they all stopped out of nowhere.
For a solid second, Zagreus believed Thanatos had arrived at the worst possible time, however, the sentries retreated, and the butterflies, previously surrounding Zagreus, turned to the one behind him.
-“…it can’t be…”- the woman had a shaky voice, but Zagreus recognized several of her features, in her he could see his father, his mother… she looked at him in disbelief. His hair, his feet of fire, HIS EYES…no no no, he had DIED---
-“…is that you…? Zagreus…?”- Macaria could feel a new feeling, as her younger brother, whom she had been crying for for so long, gave her a hug, Macaria could feel herself drowning in a pleasurable sensation.
She was finally at peace, she finally felt calm, it was like having a piece of her soul back that had been broken so long ago.
This was happiness.
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cursecuelebre · 7 months ago
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All About Lady Hekate
Her Attributes
Death and Life
Liminal spaces
Protection of The Home
Childbirth and Midwifery
The sea
The stars/Moon
Snakes, Dragons, Serpents
Dogs especially black
Corvus birds
Crossroads (three way road)
The number 3, 6, and 9
Hekate’s Wheel or the Stropholos
Skulls or bones
Any black animals
The color black
Libations of wine
Cakes, breads, any kind of pastries
Herbs like Mugwort, Rue, Belladonna (poisonous), Garlic, Rosemary, Chives, Black Nightshade (Poisonous), Lavender.
Fruits: Pomegranates, Apples, Lemons
Anything related to dogs
Spiritual or magical tools or items
Creating spells and offerings i.e I created a spirit board for Hekate
Spirit communication
Taking care of Children and supporting mothers and soon to be mothers
Epithets (Greek and a Roman title)
Trivia - A Roman title given to Hekate and Diana relating to the crossroads. It’s also said Trivia could’ve been a Roman Goddess on her own.
Brimo - Angry, Terrible one. It’s a title for a god who is showing their scary aspect Hekate, Demeter, Presphone is known for this also male deities like Dionysus. Hekate in this aspect is usually depicted with three heads of animals like dogs, owls, and a serpent but she can take any form that can be terrifying. Usually invoke during rituals and magic spells. Also very good in curse workings, this aspect infamously shows up in the myth of Jason when she is evoke by Medea who is a witch.
Perseis- Destroyer, child of Perses. Hekate’s Father is a Titian Perses who embodies destruction.
Aidônaia - Of the Underworld - Hekate is considered to be a Psychopomp like Hermes she guides souls to the underworld
Kthonia - Of The Earth - many earth deities have this title it can still relate to the underworld but also the physical world like Demeter a earth goddess.
Phosphorus - Light Bringer - Hekate’s main symbols are torches being a guiding light to those who are lost, also to help guide lost souls. Common depiction is how she guided Persephone out of the underworld and guided her so she won’t be lost.
Kourotrophos - Nurse of the young - She is considered to protector of children like how Hera and Artemis is.
Genetyllis - Protector of Births - Hekate is also a midwife goddess and fertility, evoke during births. One myth says she taught Artemis the ways of Midwifery when Leto was giving to Apollo.
Aeneos - Eternal, everlasting.
Trimorphis - Three formed
Trioditis - The three ways or crossroads
Einodia - The one on the Road - Relating to her and the crossroads.
Nyktipolos - Night wandering
Atalos - Tender, Delicate
Skylakagetis - Leader of Dogs
Anassa Eneroi - Queen of those below
Noumenia- Beginning of the new month which is the New Moon. Hekate along with Artemis and Selene are worshipped during this day.
Feast of Hekate is on August 13th where people would bring offerings like honey cakes on the crossroads. The reason being to make sure she won’t summon storms to kill their crops.
In Rome she was honored monthly on the 29th day of the moon.
Tarot Associations
The Moon
The High Priestess
The Hermit
The Two of Swords
General Information
Hekate’s name means “Far-darting” or “who works from afar”. Hekate is the daughter of Perses Titian of Destruction and Asteria Titan of the Stars. It is also said she is also the daughter of Helios and the Oceanid Perse. She is also linked with Circe as her Mother or sister or regular servant to Hekate. As Helios is the father of Circe and Medea who also evokes Hekate a lot in her spells. Helios and Hekate have common myths together.
Hekate is associated with the Full moon and New Moon, stars, and other Cosmic events. She is associated with the sea but most commonly she is associated with earth and the underworld as being a guide to souls to the after life and those coming out. It’s said lost souls follow her along with her nymphs carrying torches. She has black dogs always beside her, it is said you can hear Hekate approching by the howls of dogs.
Hekate is also the protector of the home, keeping a statue of her at the front door will help keep danger away. Protector of liminal spaces and doorways. She can protect a person from curses but she can also help you cast them but she won’t do it unless there’s a good reason. Hekate is goddess of spirits, she can help guide them as I said earlier but also get rid of evil spirits from the home.
At the crossroads is where most likely you’ll find her especially if you need her help. The crossroads are important when it comes to transitions and change and it’s by your choice and of her guidance. But you can also do magic at the crossroads by summoning a spirit or getting rid of one, you can do a simple ritual of banishing a spirit with the item being buried and then you walk away it’s been advised by experienced witches even historians to not turn around after doing the spell. Necromancy is in the context is this, no you’re not summoning the dead back to life or evil spirits, necromancy is simply spirit communication and workings. Of course you’ll be careful with each spirit first encounter with.
Hekate has been a powerful goddess throughout centuries, her origins in Ancient Turkey who was seen as a mother goddess before she was adopted into the Greek Panetheon. She is quite remarkable in Roman religion and even modern day times she is separated from these ancient practices and still a goddess that people go to for all things in life. She is open to all for those who wish to make her involve in your life. Hekate will not be the same for everyone of course, but similarities are true she is very much like a Mother and very protective of her children.
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thel1m1nalspaces · 3 months ago
The Liminal Spaces
The Liminal Spaces
A liminal space is defined by the fact it is an in between place. Not quite here here or there. This can be transitions in life, transitional or transformational things or places. A space between where you've been and where you're going.
Liminial Spaces:
Hotel Lobbies
Parking lots
Waiting rooms
Break rooms
Abandoned buildings
Liminal Space Character:
Cloak and dagger
Alice from Alice in wonderland
Neo the matrix
Harry Potter
Dr Strange
Scarlet Witch
Ghost Rider
The flash
Liminal life transition:
Deciding on a partner
Having a child
Literally transitioning
Job loss
Break ups
Liminal times:
Liminal Weather:
Overcast days
Land meeting sea
Liminal Feelings:
Conflicting emotions
Liminal space animals:
rabbits and hares
Liminal Deities:
(Hekate (Hecate) was the goddess of magic, witchcraft, divination, the night, liminal spaces,the moon, ghosts and necromancy, crossroads, doorways, boundaries, and has dominion over the earth, skies and ocean too. She can be linked to herbalism, and shes a protector of the home, and family.)
(Hermes is known as the god of travel, commerce, communication, and thieves. He’s also the messenger of the gods, boundaries and transitions.)
Janus from Roman mythology, the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, and endings.
Persephone from Greek mythology, who moves between the underworld and the living world.
The Morrigan from Irish mythology is a war, death, liminal spaces, destiny, fertility, and motherhood
Brigid the Irish Deity of liminal spaces, fire, healing, poetry, childbirth and children, warfare, crafts, wisdom,
Dionysus Greek god of wine, festivity, and theater, and is also known as the god of vegetation, fertility, and insanity
Odin from Norse mythology, who can travel between worlds.
Anubis from Egyptian mythology, who guides souls to the afterlife.
Charon from Greek mythology would transport souls but was also known for being a teacher, healer and oracle
Closed Practice Liminal Deities
(Idk much about these so feel free to add more and or correct me)
Papa Legba from Haitian Vodou, who stands at the crossroads between the human world and the spirit world.
Baron Samedi from Haitian Vodou, who’s the guardian of the cemetery and the afterlife.
Nabu from Mesopotamian mythology. He's the god of wisdom and writing, and he acts as a bridge between the mortal world and the divine through knowledge and communication. It's like he stands at the boundary between human understanding and divine insight.
Veles from Slavic mythology He's the god of the underworld, waters, and magic. Veles often crosses between the realms of the living and the dead, making him a classic liminal deity. He's also associated with cattle, wealth, and poetry, which adds even more layers to his role.
Ellegua from Yoruba mythology, often worshipped in Santería and other Afro-Caribbean religions. He's the orisha of the crossroads, communication, and doors. Ellegua is known for being a trickster and a protector, and he plays a crucial role in opening and closing pathways between the human and spiritual worlds.
Anansi from African mythology, the trickster and storyteller who often moves between worlds.
Inari from Japanese mythology, a deity of rice, fertility, and foxes, who bridges the human and spiritual realms.
Ereshkigal from Mesopotamian mythology, the queen of the underworld.
Kali from Hindu mythology, who represents both destruction and rebirth.
Ganesha from Hindu mythology, the remover of obstacles, often invoked at the beginning of new ventures.
Tlazolteotl from Aztec mythology, a goddess of purification and transformation.
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audreycecilemoore · 4 months ago
Books to Try if You Loved Lore Olympus
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'If You Loved This, Try This' #3 (read here or my Substack)
If you liked the Greek myth elements and the tackling of themes of survivorship, try:
Medusa by Nataly Gruender, an adult grounded historical fantasy
Medusa was born mortal in an immortal family, but is destined to be the most famous of her three sisters. With an intimate look at her life from childhood to death with the occasional POV chapter from other characters, Medusa is steeped in complex feelings.
If you liked Hades and Persephone in an office setting but wanted something more erotic with a smaller cast of characters, try:
The Maiden and the Unseen by Jeanette Rose and Alexis Rune, an erotic adult contemporary fantasy romance
Persephone is a social media manager with a new job, working for Hades, who is financing the lifestyles of the other gods. The two can’t keep their hands off each other and fate has a lot more in store for them than an office romance.
If you really loved the bending of Greek myths and fated love but you want less of the gods and more of a mystery element and some climate fiction aspects or are looking for a Greek myth adaptation from a Greek author, try:
Threads That Bind by Kika Hatzopoulou, a YA fantasy mystery
Private investigator Io Ora is a descendent of the Three Fates living in the sinking city of Alante. When she’s tasked with tracking down why women’s life threads are being destroyed and turned into monsters, she’s forced to team up with Edei, a member of the criminal underworld who is also Io’s fated other half.
If you were really interested in the family drama and the genealogy aspect, try:
Medea by Eilish Quin, an adult ground historical fantasy
From early childhood to her second marriage, Medea has never truly felt that she belonged. After years of studying magic under her father, she’s a knowledgeable magician with great skills, but is still overlooked in favor of her more beautiful sister. When Jason arrives, she agrees to help him, but things don’t always work out as we plan.
If you preferred the parts of the webtoon that took place in Ancient Greece and want a retelling grounded in the historical setting instead of a reimagining with modern elements, try:
Receiver of Many by Rachel Alexander, an adult historical fantasy romance
Persephone is secluded from the other gods, her entire world centering on her mother and helping keeping the mortals fed. Aidon has spent centuries alone in the Underworld, content to live his life among the residents and away from the mess the other gods are making of the mortal realm. But when Zeus sets in motion an ancient prophecy, Persephone will take her rightful place as the queen of Tartarus and Aidon will embrace parts of himself he has long buried.
If you liked the more modern setting and Persephone searching for a space for herself but you wanted a bit less romance, a bit more Gothic and you love art and art history, try:
In the Garden of Monsters by Crystal King, an adult historical romantic Gothic
In Italy in 1948, Julia has the enviable chance to be the muse of Salvador Dali as he works on a piece depicting Persephone. Their host, Ignacio, is withdrawn and rarely seen, but is particularly interested in Julia eating pomegranate seeds in increasingly elaborate meals. Something much older than Julia is at play as she’s pulled into multiple directions by three different men.
If you liked the modern setting, but you want a Sapphic retelling of Psyche and Eros with a fae court feeling, try:
Oath of Fire by K. Arsenault Rivera, an adult contemporary fantasy
Psyche’s career as a therapist is at risk of ending and her main solace is an MMORPG. When she receives a one-time only invitation to a part at one of the Courts, she takes the chance. What she wasn’t expecting was to meet the permanently masked Eros or attract her attention.
If you liked the focus on the goddesses but you want a nonfiction exploring their stories in-depth, try:
Divine Might: Goddesses in Greek Myth by Natalie Haynes, nonfiction
From Athena to Aphrodite to Demeter and Persephone, Natalie Haynes examines their myths, the impact they have had on our world, and ties it to pop culture. Providing her own personal opinions about different goddesses and their situations, she makes an argument for her interpretations but doesn’t demand the reader agree with her.
If you didn’t know a lot about Greek mythology before reading Lore Olympus but are now looking to learn as many stories as possible or want a collection of myths, try:
Mythos by Stephen Fry, an adult collection
The version I recommend is the illustrated version as the art has a very distinct style that utilizes a minimalist color palette. With his trademark humor and footnotes, Stephen Fry gives a very extensive introduction to the world of Greek mythology that feels grown-up
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a-french-coconut · 10 months ago
Travis Stoll (Part 7)
oh by the way the title of this fic is "Oh darling brother, the stars are not worth dancing with if your laugh cannot guide me back to earth" 😄
"Hey, how come we didn't cross the Styx ?" asks Travis when they arrive at the palace.
"There are many shortcuts in the Underworld. We just used one."
"Did we went sideways ?"
"More diagonally."
Travis hums in response, his mind occupied with this new and important info.
Should they have to steal the cure, it would certainly be more easy to escape with this path.
"I'm afraid I can't do much more than bringing you to Persephone," says Nico as he lead them through the castle, "she's not very fond of me."
"Wonder why."
Will hits him harshly in the ribs.
"What ? I think it's okay for her not to like the living reminder that her husband cheated on her. At least she doesn't try to kill you."
"I didn't ask to be born," replies rather coldly Nico.
"And she certainly didn't ask her husband to sleep with another woman."
"Travis !", whispers furiously Will, "stop it."
"Let him speak his mind, son of Apollo. I'm rather intrigued about what he has to say."
At the end of the corridor stands Persephone, lazily leaning on a column.
Travis has met very few gods in his life. In fact he only met two, his dad and Aphrodite.
Neither of them gave him an impression of the powerful gods he learned about in mythology class, not when his father shows up in a jogger outfit and Aphrodite keeps fixing her makeup in a mirror.
This time, however, there is no doubt about Persephone's power.
He can feel the air is heavy around them, pressuring him in a uncomfortable way as the Queen of the Underworld watches them form afar, unhidden curiosity gleaming in her eyes.
"Well ?", inquires the goddess, "to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit ?"
"Hum, a quest has been issued my lady and you're part of it." says weakly Will, whose looking a little red.
Oh by Hermes, he totally has a crush on his boyfriend's stepmother.
Will you are never going to hear the end of this.
"They need a specific flower from your garden."
"One with medicinal properties." Travis pipes in.
"Which one of you want the flower ?"
"I do, my lady."
"Well then, come along son of Hermes. As for you, Nico, your father requires you services. I suppose you can bring William with you."
"Erm, if I may, I'd rather stay with Travis and you."
"You may not" simply answers Persephone, "now leave us."
With a flick of the wrist, Will and Nico vanish, leaving him alone with the goddess.
Travis has probably never more nervous in his life.
"No need to fear me, little thieve. I am not a wrathful deity. Unlike my brethren on Mount Olympus, I understand the weight of death when it comes to mortals. I rule them after all."
"Didn't you kill that nymph for flirting with you husband ?"
"Are you planning to seduce the Ruler of Many ?"
"No ma'am."
"Then I see no reason to crush you."
She finally gets off from that column and gestures him to advance. The closer he gets, the more imposing she becomes.
When he's close enough, she rests her hand on his shoulder.
"Close your eyes, unless you wish to burn form inside."
With a flash, Persephone teleports them to her garden.
part 8 posted !
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thieves-in-the-palace · 2 years ago
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Did some research on the new Personas! Here they are alongside their respective characters.
Notable details:
Instead of codenames, these characters have shortened forms of their actual names.
All three Personas seem to deviate from the “trickster” theme of P5, instead returning to the general “Greek mythological figure” theme seen in previous Persona games.
SEIJI & LEUCOTHEA (rendered 琉科忒亚)
Of the stories regarding Leucothea’s identity, the most prominent relates that she was once Ino, the human queen of Athamas. Ino chose to take in and care for Dionysus, as he was the son of her sister (Semele) and Zeus. Naturally, this angered Hera.
Depending on which source you read, Hera either struck Ino herself or Ino’s husband (King Athamas) with madness. In the latter version, King Athamas is described as flying into a rage and killing the young Learchus, one of Ino’s two sons. Ino proceeded to pick up Melicertes, her other son, and ran for her life, being chased by her husband to a cliff. In both versions, Ino threw herself and Melicertes into the sea. The gods took pity on them, turning Ino into the sea goddess Leucothea and Melicertes into the sea god Palaemon.
Design notes:
Though it’s unclear why Leucothea has a heavily bird-themed design, it may have something to do with Byssa, a woman who was turned into a bird for refusing to worship Artemis, Athena, and Hermes; the Byssa bird is considered sacred to Leucothea. It may also have something to do with The Cantos by Ezra Pound, in which Leucothea is depicted as a seagull.
Despite being consistently referred to as a feminine entity in mythology, this Leucothea has been given a distinctly masculine appearance.
Leucothea’s in-game model is shown dual-wielding rapiers; it’s unclear why this is not included in the official art.
MONT & TERPSICHORE (rendered 忒耳普西科瑞)
Terpsichore is one of the nine Olympian Muses, specifically presiding over dance and (Greek) chorus. She is regarded as the mother of Sirens, and some accounts posit that she is the mother of the Thracian kings Biston and Rhesus.
Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be much mythology surrounding her…
Design notes:
Though not quite visible here, Terpsichore’s design includes ice skates. This, along with her overall “winter clothing” look, is likely due to Mont’s apparent proficiency in ice skating.
The large feather in Terpsichore’s hat may be in reference to her relation to Sirens.
YUKI & STYX (rendered 斯提克斯)
Styx is the goddess of the river Styx, which divides the lands of the living and the dead in Greek myth. In many accounts, the water of the Styx is capable of granting invulnerability to any who bathe in it – one popular example of this is Achilles, whose mother dunked him in the river by the ankle when he was a child.
As Styx sided with Zeus and the other gods during the Titanomachy, Zeus declared that all binding oaths must be sworn on her, and that these oaths absolutely cannot be broken. Of note, Zeus later swore on the river Styx to grant his lover Semele whatever she wanted, which would directly lead to her death…with their newborn child Dionysus then being taken in by Semele’s sister, Ino. Other surviving examples of oaths sworn carelessly on the Styx result in similarly grim outcomes.
Design notes:
Styx’s purple-and-black half-skirt seems to intentionally mimic Yuki’s purple-and-black cape.
Styx’s overall design bears a passing resemblance to that of Persephone, a recurring demon in the SMT universe. IIRC, the last time Persephone appeared in the Persona series was in Persona 2: Innocent Sin.
(This is just my personal opinion, but it kinda feels like she leans more into the pseudo-robotic vibes of the initial/ultimate P2 Personas?)
Styx’s in-game model is shown with a black chain connecting her wrists; it’s unclear why this is not included in the official art.
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waywardlightcomputer · 1 year ago
Hekate's Torchlight at Sacred Eleusis.
Among the mystery cults of ancient Greece, none were as influential as the Eleusinian Mysteries celebrated in the town of Eleusis , the mysteries at Eleusis were dedicated to Demeter and her daughter Persephone. And while many aspects of the Mysteries are lost to time due to the strict vow of secrecy initiates of the Mysteries would undergo. it is known that the most central element of the mysteries was the abduction Persephone by Hades, as depicted in The Homeric Hymn to Demeter. Persephone's role as queen of the underworld and her eventual return to the surface, aspects which were symbolic of the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. And while Demeter and Persephone were the central figures associated with Sacred Eleusis. They were not the only ones. Hekate, Goddess of Crossroads and witchcraft also played an integral role in the Mysteries. As told in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter.
"...only tender-hearted Hecate, bright-coiffed, the daughter of Persaeus, heard the girl from her cave...But when the tenth enlightening dawn had come, Hecate, with a torch in her hands, met her, and spoke to her and told her news:
“Queenly Demeter, bringer of seasons and giver of good gifts, what god of heaven or what mortal man has rapt away Persephone and pierced with sorrow your dear heart? For I heard her voice, yet saw not with my eyes who it was. But I tell you truly and shortly all I know." So, then, said Hecate. And the daughter of rich-haired Rhea answered her not, but sped swiftly with her, holding flaming torches in her hands..."¹
When Persephone was taken by Hades, it was Hekate, with her torches casting light into the darkness, who joined Demeter in her search for her daughter. This, combined with her role as a Goddess who could traverse the boundaries of the world, Hekate became a guide and mediator between the realms of the living and the dead. A role she would carry out as part of her role in the Mysteries.
Additionally, the inclusion of Hekate in the Mysteries is emblematic of her broader role as a deity of transitions and transformations. Initiates of the Mysteries, known as 'mystai', underwent a series of rites and ceremonies, and while the details of said rites has been lost to time. It is believed that these rites were meant to guide the participants through a spiritual death and rebirth, mirroring the descent and ascent of Persephone.
What we do know of these rites speaks to this with the consumption of a sacred drink known as Kykeon towards the end of the initiation process itself. Kykeon which translates to "mixture" in Greek was a concoction of water, barley and herbs and in the context of the Mysteries a psychoactive substance to induce altered states of consciousness as part of this spiritual death and rebirth. Hekate's presence in these rites likely served as a comforting and protective influence during the initiates' symbolic journey through darkness and uncertainty, Hekate in her role as propolos was both a guide and a guardian, her torches illuminating the path through the underworld the mystai had to navigate to emerge enlightened and reborn a new.
In conclusion, Hekate played a major role in the Cult of Demeter at Eleusis. Her torches, symbols of illumination and protection, guided the initiates through their spiritual journey, Just as Hekate stood at the crossroads, the Mysteries themselves were a spiritual crossroads for the participants, a place where death and rebirth were intimately entwined, and where the torchlight of Hekate illuminated the sacred path of transformation. While the mysteries of Eleusis may remain largely concealed, the presence of Hekate within them is a beacon that continues to intrigue and inspire those who seek to understand the profound wisdom of the ancient world.
¹: Homeric Hymn to Demeter translated by Hugh Evelyn-White
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localplaguenurse · 1 year ago
I think archon Wifey is kinda like Persephone at least in the way of how she is revered.
When Persephone is with Hades, she is the queen of death whose name must never be invoked lest you invite death into your home (I believe she’s more feared than even hades himself) meanwhile when she is with her mother, Kore is a the lady of harvest, one whose name brings joy and life into the world
The Regina Sanguine’s name should never be invoked during times of war lest you desire to bring a horseman of the apocalypse into the land.
Meanwhile when the wars are over and life blooms across the battlefield, The Dendro Archon would come and heal the wounded and the sickly, teach the people the ways of peace and prosperity.
*bangs fist on table* YOU GET IT.
Fun fact, the whole Kore goddess of spring/the harvest actually appears to be a later retcon/characterization for her to give her some significance and character prior to her capture into the underworld. In the original myth, Persephone herself doesn’t actually bring back the spring, it was just Demeter being depressed her daughter is gone, and when she’s back then she’s happy enough to do spring things. Persephone’s connection with spring is entirely incidental.
I talked about it in the wifey cult ask but I’m gonna mention it again; this all ties back into the Arcadian mysteries of Despoinia and her cult because it supports the theory that Persephone as dread queen of the underworld is probably her earliest characterization. The other springtime things you slap onto her is more than likely because her mother is in charge of springtime and they wanted to establish some more connection between them. Hell, Kore is probably one of those fake names they gave Persephone to avoid saying her name because you don’t want to get the attention of a cthonic god.
Okay now that Chex has gotten their mythology info dump out, archon wifey.
I think if we’re (and by “we” I mean “I”) going to lean into that Persephone “don’t speak her name” schtick, what if wifey wasn’t actually supposed to be a healer, but then became the reason dendro gets associated with healing. They’re capable of causing famine by killing off all the local plant life, or causing pestilence by either summoning plagued of insects or poisoning/taunting the quality of crops. It’s not until their change of heart that they do a complete 180 and choose to use their powers for peace and healing. That was their era of Regina Sanguine, but now it’s time for a new period of love and prosperity.
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infjtarot · 11 months ago
Empress. Mystic Spiral Tarot
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Themes and Keywords: Fertility. Creativity. Maternity. Love. Sensuality. Beauty and attraction. Wife or mother. Receptiveness. The womb. Life and death. Fructification. Love and war goddesses, also the goddess. Mother Nature. Astrology/Element Other than the sun and moon, Venus is the brightest object in our sky. Trailing the sunset, she is the evening star (Hesperus); preceding sunrise, the morning star (Lucifer). Like Inanna of the seven veils, she reveals herself to us in phases. The planet is mysteriously veiled by clouds—and incredibly hot! Venus signifies female attributes, beauty, and how we attract and go about getting what we desire. Her glyph suggests a figure with welcoming arms, and is comprised of the circle of Spirit over the cross of matter. It looks like the Egyptian ankh, meaning “life.” Life emanates from nature. The appetite of life for procreation is born from humankind (the cross) seeking completion (the circle). The glyph is the only one which connects all the sephiroth of the Tree of Life. The planet Venus symbolizes all we find worthy of desire—usually love and money! Venus loves luxury, pleasure, and relationships of all kinds. She rules two signs: airy Libra by day and earthy Taurus by night. Libra, the seventh sign, represents beauty, harmony, balance, and marriage; Taurus, the second sign, is concerned with the comforts, pleasures, and necessities of life. As the lesser benefic, Venus bestows gifts. Her earthy presents are sensuality, refined taste, and resources: favors that grant prosperity. Her airy presents deal with charm, culture, physical symmetry and beauty, diplomacy, discernment, and popularity. In her fullness she represents all that is creative, whether that involves nurturing children, making music, or the creative arts. Her exaltation in Pisces shows that it is through compassion that she best expresses her ideal of love as sacrifice. Mythology/Alchemy The Empress is the representation of alchemical salt. In alchemy salt is the body and base matter. It is what remains after the process of combustion, the substance that survives death and generates new life. Salt is an enigma; it both preserves and corrodes just as Venus is described by the alchemists as “external splendor and internal corruption.” Salt dries things out yet is harvested from the waters of the sea.
Heavenly Aphrodite, born from sea foam, is the “Amorous One,” “Mother of Passion and Peace,” and the “Giver of Life.” Portrayed as an infinitely desirable woman, her domain is that of love, pleasure, and procreation. We must never forget though that her favorite lover was Ares, god of war, and that her predecessor, Astarte, was both a fertility and a war goddess. Like the Priestess, the Empress is associated with Hathor. She is also associated with Isis, in her role as Queen of Heaven, wife of Osiris, and mother of Horus. Yet Crowley reminds us, “not only Isis, but Nephthys.” 9 Nephthys was the sister of Isis, nursemaid of Horus, and bride of warlike Set. She was called “Lady of the Enclosure,” representing the gateway much like the Empress is often referred to as the “Gate of Heaven.” Where Isis guides the passage of birth, Nephthys guides passage through the gate of death, for one is inherent in the other. Demeter (Ceres), called “She of the Grain,” is a goddess of agriculture and maternal relationships. The name Ceres comes from roots meaning “to feed” and “to grow.” The suffix -meter in the name Demeter refers to the word mother. The prefix de- is an old name for a chthonic earth goddess; thus, she is the “Mother Earth.” Her most famous tale involves her mourning the abduction of her daughter Persephone, causing the earth to wither in winter. Don’t mess with Mother Nature! Susan T. Chang
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gryfflepuffinthetardis · 1 year ago
Supernova Bio
Real Name: (Various translations) Methuselah, Earendel
More Legendary Translations (Though she doesn’t really go by them): Artemis, Athena, Cassiopeia, Eris, Nyx, Psykhe, Andromeda, Ceto, Asteria, Melinoe, Persephone, Hestia, Nemesis, Mnemosyne, Cilo, Hebe, Circe, Thanatos, Soteria, Hecate Kaun Yin (etc.)
Chosen Name: Supernova
Nickname(s): Nova
Titles (at the time of her death): Queen of Elder, Elder Queen, Supernova Queen
Former Titles: Princess of Elder, Elder Princess, Supernova Princess
Age: Nearly Thirteen Billion
Quote: “I’ve found that if people think I’m less than I actually am, the more satisfying it is for me, and more shocking it is for them, when I prove them wrong.”
“I am not your little princess. There’s a reason I was the inspiration for so many feared Goddesses."
Human Appearance: Curly Red/Blonde Hair, Purple eyes, Five Foot Three.
Natural Appearance: Curly Multi-colored Hair, Purple Eyes, Five Foot Three
Species: Elder (Neighbor planet of Gallifrey)
Status: Suppressed but Alive
Cause of Supposed Death: Shot by Dalek after trying to save the Doctor’s life
Powers/Abilities: Empathy, Mild Telepathy, Reincarnation, Aura-Seeing, Mind Palace, Light Manipulation, Heat Manipulation, Optional Semi-Immortality, Levitation, Memory Transfer, Gravity Manipulation,
Oddities: Silver Tears; when Elders die, their bodies glow and cause a violent seeming although ultimately harmless explosion outward; Legend says that some are capable of reincarnating as new Elders or other alien species if their gods view them worthy enough, only one has been proven worthy enough.
Kassandra (Mother, Deceased)
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Castiel (Father, Deceased)
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Narcissus (Husband via Arranged Marriage, Deceased)
Personality: Loyal to a fault; Kind; Compassionate; Fierce; Protective; Intelligent; Scary when angry; Geeky; Witty; Sarcastic; Tomboy; Just; Selfless; Shy, Hufflepuff, Brave, Curious, Soft, Insecure, Secret Badass, Observant, Strong, Fighter, Trusting, Loving, Violent, Impulsive, Scatterbrained, Pessimistic, Eccedentiast (Hides her pain with smiles), Cold Anger, Hyperactive, Insensitive, Masks her feelings, Perceptive, Paradoxical
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Hogwarts Hybrid: Gryfflepuff (Hufflepuff/Gryffindor)
Claustrophobia — Fear of small, enclosed spaces — As a princess she grew to resent enclosed spaces as she often felt trapped.
Likes: Freedom, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Reading, Helping, The color purple, Traveling with the Doctor, Halloween, Kindness, Mischief, The Doctor, Violence, Proving people wrong
Dislikes: Being Bored, Feeling Trapped, Most People, Wearing dresses, Looking girly, Being called girly, The color pink, Valentine's Day, Conformity, Being forced to conform to royal forms
Tendencies: To go on philosophical tangents, to help those who feel distressed, to become violently protective; Tranquil Fury
Skills/Abilities: Sword Fighting, Acting, Sherlock Scan (Look on tvtropes.org), Intellect, Weapon Proficiency, Fighting, Martial Arts, Hacking, Omnilingual, Ability to use a Mind Palace (Like in Sherlock.)
Possible Disorder(s): ADHD, Directional Dyslexia
Sexuality: Heteroflexible Demisexual
Wardrobe: Flannel; Plaid; Leather Jackets; Beanies; Graphic tees; High tops; Boots; Trench Coats
Accessories: 3D Glow-In-The-Dark Galaxy Ball Pendant (Chameleon Arch), Alien Sword that Changes Its Blade As Per Wielder’s Mental Command
Friends: Ozzie Clarus (First love/Ex; Deceased), The Doctor, The Master (Presumed Deceased), Sarah Jane Smith, (Various other companions of the Doctor)
Enemies: Daleks, Cybermen, Narcissus
Love Interests: 
Ozzie Clarus (First Love/Ex; Deceased)
The Doctor (Crush)
The Master (One-Sided Crush on his side; Presumed Deceased)
Narcissus (Husband by Arranged Marriage; Deceased)
Face Claim(s):
Malina Weissman (Violet Baudelaire)
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Katherine Langford (Hannah Baker/Morgan Stark/Nimue/Leah Burke/Meg Thrombey)
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chiimaera · 1 year ago
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PERSEPHONE. chaotic neutral
greek mythology + headcanon fc. margot robbie
in mythology, persephone is the daughter of zeus and demeter, though zeus was not a part of her life. her mother keeps watch over her and despite her many suitors, she is kept a maiden. persephone has always had a longing to be in charge of her own life and give freedom from the expectations of her mother. her gardens and duties became a prison. unlike the stories that twisted the truth to be a warning to young girls to hide their virtue behind the skirts of their mothers, her dissension was not so dramatic. when hades came to her and offered her a crown, she didn't hesitate to take his hand. she didn't have to love him or want him, he was her one way ticket to freedom. she devoured the pomegranate seeds and was hungry for the power that the god of the underworld offered to her.                   
like the legends, her mother and father did come for her. zeus went back on his word to his brother that allowed him to take persephone as his wife and demanded that the maiden split her time between the underworld and olympus. persephone wanted to cry and rage, for she had already fallen for her king and now would be forced to spend time away from her new life. yet it was hades who convinced her to concede to olympus’ demands, promising that it would change nothing. It didn't make her resent her mother less though.                                  
personality:   persephone is not the maiden that the legends perceive her to be, but rather those are stories told to the masses to teach girls their place. she is shrewd and calculating, vindictive when allowed. while the goddess has the capacity to be kind and just, she is equally as manipulative and jealous. her affair with adonis leads to his death when he chooses Aphrodite over her, not to mention she turns any woman who flirts with her husband into plants. she is very capable of mercy and love, though has her own twisted way of showing it. she had always been this way but her place in olympus never allowed her to be herself. it wasn't until she was queen that she truly let herself be who she was always meant to be. She likes to be in control, enjoys visiting the human world regularly when she's not in the underworld during the year. she is a true and chaotic neutral, moved by her own needs and concept of morality.                  
abilities: chlorokinesis ( manipulation of plant life ), umbrakinesis ( manipulation of darkness and shadows ), energy manipulation, teleportation, necromancy, fertility manipulation and allspeak 
supernatural + lucifer ::  through the use of blood magic, persephone is brought back to the human realm from the ancient underworld. the old gods are only as powerful as their followers but with the execution of the witches and mortals who called on her, she is granted some power in her human flesh. she is still a goddess, still powerful with her magic but isn't at her best. with a new freedom, she plans to fix that by collecting the power infused objects that have been left on earth— by any means necessary            
marvel ::  much like thor, persephone resides in her own realm and rarely bothers with the mortal realm anymore outside of visiting or shopping. mortals became boring and souls of the dead were easy to come by with all the wars. while she is known across the realms to be the only person who can temper hades and keep his anger contained, she had little desire to interfere in the justice system of the moral realm. her interest wasn’t peaked until the tesseract emerged in their realm along with other infinity stones and the gods who came with them. since then, persephone tends to metal with the avengers, making deals with SHIELD/SWORD in exchange for their agency owing a debt. mortals had forgotten that debts to the gods never end well. 
connections:  n/a
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oraclekleo · 5 months ago
Oo oo so fun! Btw hope you're having a good morning today 💓 i wonder what's gonna come up for me 😉
My alliteration is Cunty Catwoman
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Hello, my SpookySexy Kleotic!
Haha! One for the bonus part! 😉
I'm really happy you decided to participate in this tiny game. 😘
Let's get freaky! 👻😜🎃
Question: What type of sexy costume and fantasy action you would enjoy the most with your lover?
Deck: Dark Wood Tarot - by Sasha Graham, art by Abigail Larson
Card: XIII The Death
Well! Dressing up as Persephone and Hades sounds like a good choice for you and your lover. The aspect of transformation and new life is included, too. You are the hot queen of the Underworld and your lover can't kneel fast enough in front of you. They are your devoted companion, your worshipper and utterly charmed by your aura. Teasing your lover with seemingly innocent suggestions riles them up and make them the more eager to please you, their Goddess. This is the opportunity for them to submit to you even if they prefer to usually be your protector.
Bonus: Your favourite toy/accessories for the freaky night with your lover - 8 of Wands
Any kind of vibrator or dildo, multiple ones will also do. Wreck each other completely - one vibrator on your clit, one on your nipples, vibrating butt plug and anal vibrator for him and see the stars as you fuck the night away.
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musingsbyserena · 1 year ago
Pomegranate Queen
When it comes to symbols for specific goddesses, they aren’t so much things that could be doodled, like the female gender symbol or the triple goddess symbol, as they are objects that represent that goddess. Those objects could be turned into a 2D image that could easily be tattooed or carved onto something, but it’s not a set image. It doesn't matter which goddess from which pantheon you choose, there will be something or even multiple somethings, that speaks to that deity.
Persephone really speaks to me. I guess you could say I’m digging her vibes. She has a handful of symbols, but if you had to choose the one that would really be her icon, it would be the pomegranate. One of the most well known stories from Greek mythology is the story of Hades kidnapping (allegedly) Persephone, feeding her pomegranate seeds to ensure her stay, Demeter going into a depression from the loss of her daughter, and finally, Zeus intervening with a deal that Persephone split the year between them. 
In so many cultures around the world, the pomegranate is a symbol of life, beauty, marriage, and regeneration, as well as power, blood, and death. To Jewish people it was used to represent the promised land. The Koran calls it the apple of paradise. Maybe it’s just my opinion, but I don’t think there is a Goddess more aptly described by this duality. Persephone is both the goddess of Spring, with its beauty, fertility, newness, and a goddess of death and the underworld. Maybe it looks a bit like an onion, but the outline of a pomegranate, with a number of seeds detailed in the inside of that outline, seems like a perfect symbol that could be tattooed, carved, or stitched onto anything as a representation of the Goddess.
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ancientpathwayswitchcraft · 2 years ago
Today's tarot spread takes us on a journey with the transformative goddess Persephone, guiding us through the lessons of the V of Cups, VII of Pentacles, and II of Wands. Embrace her wisdom as we delve deep into messages of change, hope, and new horizons.
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