#like ok glad we’re on the same page 😇😇
ravenpoets · 22 days
happiness is literally when u find a new friend irl who loves dead poets society and when you start talking about it they mention anderperry first 😇😇 LIKE OKAY YAYYY
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rev3rb · 1 year
Ok tysm, I feel way better after your response. I usually don’t have the patience to go back through the chapters, so knowing that you did and still agree with me makes me feel a lot less crazy lol. There’s just so many details that have got to be significant like you said. It can get a bit difficult trying to keep track of them all. And although we’re obviously gonna have to hold out for more information in order to fully understand this development, talking it out with you always helps me make more sense of wth is happening. Which I especially needed after seeing some ppl freaking out and saying that MikaYuu is dead bc it’s self-cest or something. Given the current info we have on our Mika’s past, we really can’t come to that conclusion yet. As of rn, the ship isn’t ruined for me and I think the story is gonna head in the direction of MikaYuu sharing a soul (aka gay soulmates) instead of them literally being the exact same person anyways. If the latter option is the case… May Sika Madu help us all 😇
I'm glad I could help you sort out your thoughts!
I get that. It was a lot. Not a ton has happened considering it was 28 chapters worth of content, but 28 chapters worth of pages is a lot. It's not something I do frequently. It's really interesting to look at them KNOWING what Sika Madu's plan is now though. I wouldn't really call it foreshadowing, but a lot of the little things he does or says make more sense now.
But yes, being so in the dark makes it hard to know what details are important and which aren't so you (or at least I know I do) end up forgetting a lot of them.
MikaYuu isn't over lol. It isn't dead.
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