#like ohh yeah they get cool armor and transformations but oh! wait! they get their little dimension too
mangotelevision · 2 years
My favorite mcd theory that doesn't really make any sense but is fun to speculate about is the idea that all of the divine warriors had pocket dimensions.
So like the irene dimension was just Irene's little pocket dimension, the nether was shads, the demon warlock stole enkis dimension, that place apmau and garroth used to go to while he was in the irene dimension? That was esmunds old pocket palace. And someone else had the wyvern realm before the wyverns were banished, im thinking maybe menphia but idk- this is just my favorite little theory that doesn't make any sense story-wise but it's so much fun to play around with
I love the idea of the relic wielders being able to open their own little pocket dimensions too, and they can traverse through each other's if one allows it. Just ahhh the amount of shenanigans they'd all get up to is astounding
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