#like oh you want to earn money and move out? why don't you have more experience then?
purepop4nowpeople · 2 years
Getting rejected from jobs is fucking demoralizing
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midnightarcheress · 5 months
another casino thingy with john price, bc why not?
cw: nsfw. masturbation, fingering, implicit exhibitionist price?, f!reader. idk shit about poker. 2 | more casino!141
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you go to the casino again. not to gamble though.
at first, you were reluctant on showing up. it was nice of John to give you money for your services that night, and you couldn't deny the instant attraction lingering on your brain, but you didn't want to feel like a token, a four-leaved clover he picked out of the grass. also, you were convinced that your luck was a one-time thing, so why bother trying again? he surely found another charm to put in his pocket by now. 
however, those thoughts vanished from your mind when you heard a sharp knock on your door. 
you look through the peephole and immediately recognize the person standing in your hallway – mohawk guy. how did he...? your first instinct is to ignore him, but curiosity wins the fight against logic and you open the door.
"hello, bonnie." he smiles, "Price's waiting for ye," he blurts out before you can even ask anything. he's waiting?
for a minute, you don't think. your body moves on auto-pilot, scouring your closet for a decent outfit and smoothing down your hair to look at least presentable, as a stranger – Johnny, you learned – paces in your living room. 
the next thing you know, you're in the passenger seat of his car, one hand resting on your leg and thumb edging the hem of your skirt, driving downtown. you couldn't help but shudder at the tingling sensation of his fingers on your skin, and he just snorts at your reaction, amused. are they all this touchy?
thankfully for you, Johnny is a talker, so you don't have to do much work to pass the time. he tells you that John is actually the owner of the casino and that every friday night he hosts a poker game with some of his friends. that he and the boys – Simon and Kyle – help Price with the management and with making sure no one creates trouble, and that John hasn't stopped talking about you.
your eyes widen after his last words, earning a chuckle out of the scot and nearly making you forget the question that first popped into your head when you saw him at your door – how in the hell did he know where i live? but at this point, you're not sure you care. 
the light squeeze on your thigh alerts you that you've arrived, hopping out of the car and walking inside. the place is as packed as ever, but he leads you directly to the back, the same door as before. 
"there she is." John grins, already tapping his lap for you to sit, "now we can start." this time, you don't hesitate, happily obliging to his request even when a part of you cringes at your eagerness. you accept the glass of bourbon, neat, that Kyle hands you, and despite being too strong for your liking, you don't bother. probably tastes like John.
the first few rounds were tame, with low bets, but soon enough you see the flying 5000 chips landing on the table and hear the laughs getting louder, as he traces circles on your hip. you don't know if it's the alcohol coursing in your veins, the softness of his touch, or his hot breath on your ear, but warmth starts pooling in your stomach and your legs clump together to ease the tension.
John notices your squirms and devilishly smirks, enjoying your desperate attempts to forgo the desire building in you. "here, kiss it for good luck, Ace." Ace? his left-hand holds a chip up, as the right one sneaks between your thighs and pry them apart again, making you gasp. 
you timidly lean forward to press a quick kiss on the chip and instantly feel the heat creeping up your cheeks when his hand reaches your underwear. "you're so wet, Ace," he whispers, pulling your damp pants to the side. god, what is he... oh.
you try your best to be calm, not let the sensation of his fingers grazing your folds cloud your mind, but it's too much. your head tips back onto his shoulder, and any word that threatens to come out of your mouth and stop him gets caught in your throat. there's people around. everyone can see how much of a mess you are. and they... don't care?
his thumb gently rubs your clit as his middle finger toy with your entrance in an agonizingly slow manner, soft sighs escaping your mouth and eyes embarrassingly glossy focusing on the table. the game is still going, there's at least eight other men in this room, counting the players and the boys, fuck i'm– you bite back moans, gripping his forearm to keep him in place and to stop yourself from writhing in his lap. 
"easy, love," he murmurs, finally pumping his digit inside you, "such a greedy cunt." his tone is low, syrupy, dripping like honey over you and nearly making you cum at the sound of his voice. you nuzzle your face on his neck, muffling your whimpers and drowning in the scent of his cologne. "what's keepin' me from throwin' you on top of this table and takin' you right now, hm?"
"John–" you breathe out, coil on your belly tightening when he inserts another finger, hitting the spongy spot you were never quite able to reach, making you mewl with pleasure. his beard brushes on your neck and his warm lips trace your jaw, leaving an underlying burning on your skin that drops straight to your core. 
through half-lidded eyes you see the dealer finishing distributing the cards and the subtle twitch in John's mouth when he glances at his hand. your mind is too far gone by the point when they place the bets, too lost in the feeling of his frantic thrusts, velvety walls instinctively clenching around him to enhance the bliss.
the knot inside of you snaps and you cry out, limbs trembling in his hold and pure electricity travelling under your surface; it's intense, ripples through your core, heavenly overstimulating every corner of your body and sending your mind to outer space. 
you float back to earth and taste the metallic flavor in your mouth, bottom lip sore from biting too hard to prevent your screams. John nudges you back to reality with a kiss on your temple, "such a good girl, love." he flaunts his cards in front of your eyes, and after a few attempts to refocus your vision, he gloats, wide smile and lustful eyes directed only at you, "just won me thirty grand, Ace."
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i'd love to write more of this casino universe but i'm very much lacking in the ideas department lol
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lee-laurent · 2 months
Falling Fast - Luke Hughes
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Summary: Luke and Tori finally realize how much they need each other. John starts to question if he can really ever get over Tori
content: fluff, LOTS OF FLUFF, slight angst, mentions of sex but no smut, money issues, oc x ex!john marino
wc: 2.2k
notes: PART 4 of the 'done trying' series! go check out parts 1-3 if you haven't already! this one is heavily tori and luke focused. not a lot of riley in this one. also some john moments. but mostly luke and tori!! my favs!!! ENJOY!!
The front door swung open, revealing an exhausted John. Riley was sitting on Tori's lap on the couch, Scooby Doo playing on the TV, a pacifier in his mouth. Tori didn't even look up at the sound of the door, continuing to stroke her son's hair. She'd finally got him settled, after having a meltdown over his bath. Finally dressed in his pjs and calm, Tori was not about to get up and ruin that. She was slightly aware of what had happened at practice thanks to a text from Luke. She wasn't mad at Luke, just John.
"Dada?" Riley mumbled, his eyes half closed.
"Yeah, bubba. Dada's home," Tori whispered back, pressing a kiss to the back of his head.
John entered the living room, leaving a cushion of space between himself and his ex-girlfriend. She didn't even look in his direction, focusing solely on the show playing on the TV. He sighed, earning Riley's attention.
"Dada has boo-boo!"
"Dada's okay, baby. I promise," John forced a smile.
"No, no, I'm okay, Ri. Dada just fell at work."
"O-tay," the toddler nodded, cuddling back into his mom's chest. Tori would never get over how compassionate Riley was. He cared about everyone so much, especially his parents. She looked at John through the corner of her eyes, noting the black eye that their son was concerned about.
"There are frozen peas in the freezer," was all she said, returning to humming along with the theme song.
"Thanks," John huffed, moving to the kitchen.
"You ready for bed, sleepy boy?"
Riley nodded, tucking his head into Tori's neck. She stood up, carrying him down the hall to his room. She hummed a lullaby, rocking him until his eyes finally closed. With a click of a button, white noise filled the room and Tori was finally able to breathe easy. At least for a second.
"Here," she frowned, shoving a blanket and pillow into John's arms.
"For the couch. So it's a bit more comfortable."
"Oh. Uh, thanks?"
"Yeah. Whatever. If he sleeps all night tonight, feel free to move back out. And don't make a habit of beating up my boyfriend, that's not the model you should be setting for your son."
"That's all you got from that?" she rolled her eyes, filling up her water bottle.
"So, he's your boyfriend now?"
"Not officially."
"But in your head he is, huh? You really think he can fill that hole in your heart?"
She could feel the anger bubbling in her chest, but took a deep breath, not wanting to argue with Riley trying to sleep.
"Grow up."
John scoffed, "My parents are coming this weekend. Can Riley stay at mine?"
"Why can't they come here and see him?"
"Because they don't..."
"They don't like me. I get it. Sure. I'll pack his bag in the morning."
"Are you gonna go see Pop and Nanny?" Tori smiled, helping Riley put on his little backpack.
"Pop 'n Nanny!"
"Yes! Pop and Nanny! Can Mama have a hug goodbye?"
"Bye, Mama! 'Uv 'oo!"
"I love you too, baby! Be good for Dada!"
"I'll have him back here Monday morning?" John offered.
"Yeah, that works. See ya."
With John gone, Tori could actually breathe. She started by cleaning up Riley's room and then the living room. Making herself a cup of coffee and turning on her favourite movie, "Dead Poets Society." She'd invited Luke to stay the weekend, so now she was just waiting for his arrival.
"Miss me?" a voice rang through the apartment.
She pulled herself off the sofa, throwing her arms around the taller boy.
"Yeah. A lot. Let me see your lip," she pulled his face down closer to hers, inspecting his busted lip.
"You should see the other guy."
"I did. He looks worse," she shook her head, failing to hide her smirk. "I'm so sorry, babe. He shouldn't have gone after you like that."
"It's fine, V. He's just... getting over you. Slowly."
"Trust me, I know. Come sit, I missed cuddling you."
"What else did you miss about me?" he teased.
"Nothing. Just the cuddles. Although you'll always be second to Riley on the cuddle scale. He's a pro."
"I bet he is. How're you feeling about him being with John this weekend?"
"Way to tear the Band-Aid off, Hughes!"
"Sorry, sorry."
"No, I, uh... I don't know. It's fine, I guess. I know he's safe with John, I just... things with John are really shit right now. And I know he's gonna tell his parents and then things with them will get even more shit. It's such a snowball effect."
"You've got me. I'll support you, baby."
"Thanks, Lu," she nuzzled her nose against his, giving him a quick peck.
"I've been meaning to ask you something."
"Well... we've been on a few dates now... and I, uh, I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?"
Tori hesitated, pretending to think over her answer, "Of course I'll be your girlfriend, Luke."
"Phew! You scared me for a second there."
"I just... I'm not sure how kindly John will take to that."
"Doesn't matter right now, love. We've got the whole weekend to ourselves. Where should we start?"
"Movie it is."
"This is sad," Luke complained, shifting Tori on his lap.
"So? You made me watch Secretariat."
"I didn't make you watch anything."
"Whatever. You know what I meant. Also shut up."
"Never. We both know you secretly love hearing me yap."
"Don't lie, Tori. You could listen to me talk allllll day," he teased.
"Maybe. I'd rather listen to you than Jack... don't tell him I said that."
"HA! I won't... I won't. But seriously, this movie is so sad."
"It's a masterpiece, Lu. You just don't get it like I do."
"Guess I'm not woke like you."
"Shut up. This part is good."
"Why're they standing on the desks?"
"Stop asking questions!"
"I'm just a little lost, baby."
"They're standing in solidarity with their teacher."
"So they got on top of their desks? That'd get you a detention."
Tori leaned up, kissing him swiftly, "Shut up. And you'll get more of that."
"Deal," he smirked, watching the credits roll.
"You're taking up the whole bed," Luke complained, scooching away from the edge.
"No, I'm not."
"You totally are. You're half my size and taking up double the space."
"I'm comfy."
"I'm not."
"Boo fucking hoo."
"Babe," he whined.
"Fine," she moved over, laughing as Luke quickly pulled her in to spoon.
"You smell so good," he mumbled into her hair.
"Thanks, babe."
"You're like a fucking heater. I love it."
"Shut up and sleep."
"Make me."
She shook her head, flipping over and straddling him. He smirked, his hands planted firmly on her hips.
"Hi, Lu," she leaned down, connecting their lips.
"I could kiss you forever."
"Then stop talking and kiss me."
"Yes, ma'am!"
Luke hated early mornings, in fact he was known for sleeping in. As a mom, Tori couldn't say she was the same. She was up every morning at 7 like clockwork. "Sleeping in" to her was waking up at 8. So as she lay staring at the ceiling, her boyfriend snoring next to her, she felt so useless. She needed to be up doing something. Cleaning. Making breakfast. Going on a walk. Taking a shower. Anything but this. She was accomplishing nothing!
"Luke," she shook him slightly. He just groaned, pulling her closer to him. She laughed, maybe she could sleep for a little bit longer.
Two hours later, she was awake again. This time thinking of ways she could convince Luke to get out of bed. She started by flipping in his arms, tracing her finger over his bare chest. He stirred, letting out a quiet hum. She traced her fingers over his abs, feeling the ridges under her fingertips. God, he was hot. He reached out, grabbing her wrist.
"Don't start something you can't finish," he mumbled, eyes still closed.
"Who said I wanted it to end," she giggled, his grip on her loosened. His eyes opening very slightly.
"I'm listening..."
"Well, I need a shower. And I thought... I don't know, maybe you'd like to join."
"Yeah?" he smirked.
"Let's go."
"Let me under the water!" Tori complained, Luke's height blocking any of the warm water from hitting her bare body.
"But it's sooooo relaxing."
"Yeah? And I'm fucking freezing! Let me in!"
"Fine," he huffed, standing behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her flush against his front. She sighed contently, finally being able to embrace the warmth of the water. He slowly snuck his hand up her body, resting it to cup right under her breast.
"What're you doing, Lukey?"
"Enjoying the shower with my smoking hot girlfriend."
She giggled, a blush covering her face. She turned in his arms, kissing him passionately.
"Wanna finish what you started?" he teased.
"What shampoo is it?" Luke asked, looking at all the bottles lining the wall.
"We're wasting water at this point. I don't have the money for this," Tori sighed worriedly.
"Are you... are you being sarcastic?"
"No, Luke. I'm not a loaded NHL player. Water costs money. We should just get out."
"Babe, shhh. All is well. I'll pay the extra amount on the water bill. I promise."
"You don't have to do that."
"I don't, you're right. But I want to. Now which bottle is the shampoo? I wanna give you a relaxing shampooing."
"It's the red one," she sighed, allowing Luke to run his hands through her hair. She needed this. The stress melted away as he massaged at her scalp, admiring the small hums that left her mouth.
"You're so pretty, Tori."
"Thanks, Lukey."
"Any time, baby. Now... for the body wash."
She let out a loud laugh, smacking her hand against his chest, "I can manage that part."
"Are you sure? Might be difficult."
"I've got it."
"Would you mind helping me?"
"Luke Hughes, you dog."
"What?! Can't help it when you're this fucking beautiful."
She blushed, "Thanks, Lu."
"That's what I'm here for. To make sure you know that you're the most important girl in the world."
The couple was laying on the couch, Tori running her hand through Luke's hair. He was watching some hockey thing on the TV that she didn't understand, occasionally pointing out details to her. Her phone started buzzing, a sigh leaving her mouth as she swiped to accept the call.
"Victoria! How've you been, love?" her mother asked excitedly.
"Oh, um... okay. Just watching some TV."
"Where's my Riley?"
"At John's. His parents are in town. They wanted some time with him, I guess."
"Well, awfully rude of them to take him away from his mother. Especially when you were just fixing that sleep schedule of his."
"Mom, it's not-"
"Don't say it's not a big deal, Victoria! It is. They are so rude to you."
"Let me finish! They never consider how you feel about things. I just... I wish they'd listen to you, dear."
"Mom, all is well. Riley loves spending time with his dad. And I get some much needed time to relax."
"That is nice, isn't it? Some much needed you time. Not you and Riley time."
"It's lovely. I'm just here with-"
"With Ally? Hi, Ally!"
"No, Mom!" Tori laughed, "Luke."
"Oh, Luke! How lovely! How is he?"
"He's good, he's good. Half asleep, but good."
"I can't believe you're finally dating again! Only took you over a year."
Tori rolled her eyes, "Yes, I know, Mom. Why'd you call?"
"Just wanted to check in. Make sure you're not too overwhelmed. See if you needed some money."
"We're actually doing alright, at the moment. I had enough to get Riley some extra snacks this week."
"Oh! Isn't that just wonderful! Remember if you ever need a few extra dollars..."
"I know, Mama. I love you."
"I love you, Vicky! Talk to you soon."
"Bye, Mom."
"Your mom seems nice," Luke commented, his voice muffled by Tori's shirt.
"Hm? Yeah, she's the best."
"I, uh, I didn't realize you were having... money problems."
"It's not something I enjoy talking about. John's child care is my saving grace most times. I just... I want Riley to have everything he needs."
"Don't offer me any money, Hughes. I'll dump your ass right here, right now. I'm a strong, independent woman."
"Of course. I know you are, babe."
"Thanks for staying with me this weekend, Lu."
"Whenever you need it."
"How would you feel about formally spending some time with Riley?"
"Really?!" he sprung up, his eyes wide.
"Yeah. Why? Are- are you not ready for that?"
"No! No! I'm so ready! I just... are you ready?"
"I mean, I won't tell him you're my boyfriend. He won't understand that. But... I want him to meet you. Spend some time together. Cause... if you guys don't click... I don't know what I'd do."
"Well, let's set up a playdate!" Luke grinned, reassuringly rubbing her back.
"Okay, yeah. Let's do it."
God, how would John react when he found out Riley was spending time with Luke? Fingers-crossed that he won't overreact. Tori wasn't sure she could deal with anymore dramatic arguments with her ex. Guess she'd have to wait and see.
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petew21-blog · 22 days
Read the fine print
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Rental agent:"Ok, sir. Do you understand everything that has been said and you raid the Terms and conditions?"
Tom:"Yeah. I did and yes." Tom signed the contract from rental company, thinking that no one ever ready Terms and conditions.
Rental agent:"Well, now that everything is settled. Let's take a photo of you so that we have everything complete"
Tom:"You put owner photos on the add with the vehicle"
Agent looking confused:"Well in cases like yours it's pretty standard so that the customers know who to look for. Ok, sit over there and smile for me"
"This was strange, but necessary." Tom thought to himself. He had recently some financial problems that forced him to do something extra to earn more money. While out with friends, he confessed his problems and they gave him a contact for this company. Saying that he can rent out a room in his house or his motorcycle.
Tom didn't really want anybody else in his house or even riding his prescious Ducati. But if he would ever sort this financial situation early, than this would be the easiest solution
Tom received the adress from the rental company where he was supposed to meet the first client renting his motorcycle
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Tom waited at the spot. A very old man approached him:"Ahhhh, good day, sir. You must be Tom". Tom looked at him from top to bottom. This old man wanted to ride his motorcycle? What was the company thinking? What of he crashes somewhere? He won't be able to life the vehicle back up. Or himself. There was no way he would let this happen
"I'm sorry but this must be some kind of mistake" Tom said
The man:"Oh no, I am sure I found the right man. I have your photo from the company and photo of your motorcycle"
Tom:"Not to be rude, but are you sure you'll be able to drive it? You look... a bit fragile."
The man:"Oh, boy. Then why do you think I picked you?"
Tom;"Sir, I am not a taxi nor a tour guide to drive everyone in the city"
The man:"I wouldn't expect you to do that. But I am sure that I will be able to handle that with your strength and your ability to drive it"
Tom:"With my strength? What are you on about?"
The man:"Haha, boy. Now you sound like a senile old man. And I am 93. I have the right to sound like one"
Tom:"Yeah. Anyway. You can call the rental company and they will give you your money back. I am sure. I'll call them that they wanted to rent out the vehicle to someone... incapable and they will find you a different ride to enjoy"
The man:"Dear boy, I don't think you read your contract. Did you?"
Tom:"What makes you say that?"
The man:"You rented out your motorcycle and your body along with it"
Tom was in shock. Did the man really meant what he was saying or was it again just another bunch of crap? Tom decided he wasn't interested in finding out and decided to leave
But as soon as he turned around he felt a sharp pain on his back. Something was trying to get in. To everyone else on the street it must have been a normal second of time. But for Tom it felt like it took an hour just to move. Yet, he couldn't move anymore. He could still feel, hear and see. But he couldn't move an inch of his body. His body now moved on its own. Tom started panicking.
His body looked at his hands and arms. It patted his abs and then groped his bulge.
"What's happening?"
The man:"Oh you can't be mad at me, Tom. I haven't been this young in over half a century. I was really looking forward to it"
Tom:"What? How are you doing this?"
The man:"As I said. I bought the experience from the rental company. I get to have your body and your Ducati. Can you imagine my old body riding that thing?"
Tom"This is mental. This isn't happening"
The man:"I assure you it is. You should read the fine print, my boy."
The man now walking with Tom's body sat on the motorcycle and looked at himself in the mirror.
Now speaking directly to his reflection
"Look, Tom. I really don't want to cause you any trouble. I am too old to do much in my body, but now in yours I can do so much. And I heard from the company that you were really willing to rent so I suspect you have some financial problems. I can help with that"
The man:"I can give you my body's money. All of it"
Tom:"Why would you do that?"
The man:"Because I want them to be put to good use. And I know you will use them right "
Tom:"what's the catch?"
The man:"Keep me in your body and let me have the driving seat from time to time. I want to be young like you again. I don't want to steal your life and I'm not ready to die yet. Therefore this is the best option for me:
Tom:"So that would mean you would be everywhere with me? Seeing and feeling everything as me?"
The man:"Yes. But we can swap who is in the back of your mind and who is driving. Haha. I'll be like your second inner voice"
Tom thought about it, bit couldn't make up his mind. It didn't sound that bad. He could use the money and also help an old man to enjoy a part of his life. And if that meant he would have to share a bit of his time and body, then that wasn't so bad.
Tom:"I'll have to think about it. I still don't know you. And also please put a hand to your ear so that people think I'm calling someone. They are looking weird at me talking to myself"
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The man smiled and immediately put a hand to his ear:"Oh where are my manners. I am Nicholas Connor. I have had a fee wives but no children. I was a director of a big company, which gave me enough money to enjoy life. But I still want to keep on enjoying it"
Tom:"Nice to meet you Nicholas. Do you mind driving us to my... our appartement?"
Nicholas:"Right on, chap"
Tom's body started inspecting the Ducati. Nicholas put on his new helmet and stretched out his arms in the jacket
Nicholas:"Oh this feels nice"
His muscle memory knew what to do and how to drive. Tom was still impressed how the body possession went and how was Nicholas actually doing good as Tom
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Nicholas arrived in front of Tom's appartement building
Nicholas:"You live quite far from the city centre, Tom. Must be hard always driving so far"
Tom:"I enjoy driving, but yeah. It's costly. But not as much as paying rent in the city centre"
Nicholas entered Tom's appartement. It was small and messy, but suitable to a man like Tom
Nicholas:"I'm not saying anything mean. But you know It could look better"
Tom:"Yeah I know. I was... busy"
Nicholas started undressing
Tom:"What are you doing?"
Nicholas took off every piece of clothing throwing it on the ground. "Tom, I am old. Being in this young body makes me want to inspect it. Enjoy the youth. I'm sure you understand"
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Nicholas looked over his body in the mirror. Then started laughing
Tom felt insecure:"I know I'm not one of the biggest. By my dick is not a joke"
Nicholas:"Oh its not that, Tom. Your penis is amazing. I just haven't had an erection in years. I think you and I are gonna have a lot of fun"
Few months later. Tom's body was walking down the street
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Tom's body speaking:"Yeah, but this time you're cooking. I cooked last night and you hated it. So now it's your turn. Yeah right. After all that you still want more?"
He went swiftly to the company building that previously belonged to Nicholas
"And what are we gonna do tonight? Oh yeah? That sounds great. But not if you rush things like always. Haha. I never finished so fast before"
A security guard noticed Tom's body entering the building and rapidly opened the door:"Good morning, sir"
Tom's body:"Good morning"
Tom's body to phone:"Look, you know I can't keep on saying more stuff like this. I know it makes us hard and you like it, but I'm at work now. Yes we will go on a ride this afternoon. I know how horny that makes us."
"Now? But I just arrived. Fine."
Storming out from the parking lot was Tom's body in a suit speeding on the street away from the building, smiling and laughing.
Tom's body:"We're hard already? Well the ride should be fun"
Tom and Nicholas were now one being. Constantly switching who was controlling the body, but treating the other one as an equal part of the body and as a best friend
The security guard smiled as he saw the new young owner of the building driving away, enjoying life.
A message request and an inbox request from @
Tom was going through some financial problems and his best friend advised him that maybe he could rent a room in his house, or even rent his Ducati, that would make him a lot of money. But Tom didn't check properly what the rental company did, and he didn't realize that he was not only renting his Ducati, but his body as well. That's why he was surprised when he went to the place where he had met the client and saw that the man was at least 90 years old, but it was too late to back out.
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yuyu1024 · 9 months
Two friends with Benefit
Pairings: Yunho × y/n x Mingi
Genre/tags: arranged marriage, cheating
Warning: 🔞🔞🔞 poly, smut, cursing, pet names, jealousy, smut/angst, kink/fetish, fingering, unprotected sex [lmk if i miss anything]
Words: 1.3k
- this story is just made up
- english is not my first language, please be nice 😊
Note: reposting all my stories one by one again as I deleted my acct by mistake. All of the stories I will be posting is all mine. (All of my fanfics/oneshots are also available wattpad @/shinestar1024)
It has been more than a year since you moved in to your new apartment. Work has been so hectic for you that going back from work and your house, with your parents, every damn day is too much to handle. Sleep is very important for you. If you can't sleep, you can't focus on work. And if you can focus o work, your boss will probably yell at you and shame you in front of everybody. Nobody wants that. You need this job. You need the paycheck and that money can't give you the space you need. Everything is so damn expensive these days.
And that's why, you are incredibly lucky that your two best friends from college offered their extra room for you.
Yunho and Mingi are both working at the same tech company that is in the area. Their work pays well thats why they can afford the nice and spacious apartment they have now.
The room they gave you was their gaming room. Its spacious enough for you and your needs so you can't complain about it. It's free! Actually everything is sort of free to you. They didn't asked you to pay or share besides your part of the rental. Which makes you question how much they earn by typing things in their computers.
But besides that, the two towers are not just your roommates. Besides being your bestfriends, these two have been your fuck bodies for awhile now. It started from a small bet while all three of you are tipsy and now it flourished to this amazing trio that you thought will never work but It did... and its still going.
"Babe!" Mingi is across the street from where you at, waving. He's smiling and jumping. He can't wait to cross the street. Yunho is standing beside him, laughing at him.
When the signal says Okay to cross, Mingi runs and immidiately hugs you. "Y/n, you're back!"
You've been away for a week because of a work thing and this has been the longest you three have been separated.
"Yeaaah, glad to be back. I miss my bed..." You pout
"Just the bed?" Yunho tugs the strand of hair that's been bothering you.
"Of course I missed you two! My roommate for the trip is a handful... she's so talkative and does not respect my personal space. I CAN'T!" you say, rolling your eyes.
"Guess you prefer us being noisy than her..." Mingi says
"Of course..." You wrap your hands around his arm and lean your head.
"You look tired... so let's get home and eat something good to make you feel better." Yunho takes your luggage and carries it for you.
"Thank, Yunho."
When you guys arrive at the apartment, the first thing you did is lay down on the huge as sofa that you call your second bed. This is is where you usually fall asleep after a night out or an extreme overtime at work.
"I miss this!" You hug the pillows like you've been gone for a year.
"Yah!" Yunho comes over and playfully pulls your leg so you get closer to him and slaps your butt "Don't be such a tease this... we should eat first... like proper food before we can play."
You giggle as you see how Yunho's eyes are gazing on you. "Did you missed me that much?"
"you have no idea." he crawls over you until he reaches you, close enough that both of you lips almost touchs.
You bit your lip gently, teasing him even more. "You can show me later..." you whisper
"Oh, you bet I will." Yunho leans more and finally kisses you. The kiss is soft and yet tender that it pulls you in wanting more.
"Seriously? No one is going to help me prepare dinner?" Mingi calls you guys out
Laughing, "Okay, okay! I will get up and help you!" Yunho plants a small kiss on your cheek before letting you go.
"You! Yunho! You're taking advantage of me being busy here in the kitchen...why did you start making out with y/n?"
"I'm sorry! I can't help it. I missed her." Yunho takes an apron and puts it in.
"I too, missed her. I've been dreaming about having sex with her for days now... but we need to cook first!" Mingi pouts
"Aww! Mingi!" You get up and walk towards the kitchen to hug your baby giant. "Don't pout... I am back... we can make your dreams come true."
Hearing that made Mingi happy. He can't hide the smile on his face. "I promise to make you feel good. To fill you up." He leans down to kiss you, placing his hand behind your neck.
You start to moan as he continues to kiss you, then suddenly you felt hands moving from behind you. "Maybe... we should just skip dinner or order in for later?" Yunho breathes as his hands skims over your breast.
"Ah! Yunho!" You cry, leaning your head back to his chest. He's fingers circling over your hard tips. "S-shit! That's so good!"
"Baby, you sound so heavenly." Mingi goes down on his knees, kissing your exposed stomach as she starts to unbutton your jeans.
"Your breast is so plump." Yunho kisses you hard as he massages your boobs. "It's perfect... that... it fits our hands..." he says in between kisses.
"Ahh!" You raise your hand to grab onto Yunho as you feel the cooling sensation down there. Mingi removed your pants so easily.
"I've been craving this for a week now." Mingi snarls as he puts his face between your legs. "I want to eat now... can I go ahead?" He asks Yunho
"Go ahead... I'll make her busy up here..." Yunho changes his position have more access to yout breast. "Tell us to stop okay? If it's too much..."
"I... will..uhhh..." you try to answer but your knees weakens as you felt Mingi's tongue lick you up. "G-God!"
Smirking, Yunho unclasps your bra, freeing your plumps breast. He grabs one to massage while the other one he starts to lick using his tongue.
"Fuck!" You grab onto the counter for support. These guys are really making up for the whole damn week you've been gone. They are sucking the life out of you.
"W-wait..." you tap both of them. They stop and looks at you. "Let me... breathe..."
"Are we being too much?" Yunho kisses the back of your hand. "Do you want us to continue this on bed?"
"I can't wait to go to bed. Just fuck me on the sofa." You pull both of them with you. "Sit."
The two of them follows. They both stare at you, as you strip the rest of your clothes in front of them.
"Damn." Mingi bites his lips as he watches you. "You're so sexy!"
"Am I?" After throwing away the last clothing, you get closer to Mingi, spread your legs and sat on his lap. "Since, you are the first one to talk... you can fuck me first."
"Yes!" Mingi lowers down his jogger bands along with his boxers. The tip of his cock shows and the sight already makes you wet. "Come to Daddy little kitten!"
He gently puts himself in your core. He's to long and thick that you can already feel the thightness.
"Baby," you cry as you look at Yunho, sitting beside you two, watching. "Fuck!" You gasp as Mingi begins thrusting. "Kiss me..." You ask Yunho
He takes his top off, lowers his pants and moves closer to kiss you as he strokes himself.
"Y/n!" Mingi cries as you start to move your hips together with him in rythm. "You're so... tight!" He growls. "S-so good!"
Yunho backs away from kissing you and then moves to the next person. "You're so noisy. Making me jealous that you're fucking her first." Yunho goes in and kisses Mingi.
The other boy is so naughty, that he bit Yunho's lip lightly. "Don't worry. I'll make it quick so you can fuck her next while I fuck you behind."
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the-fiction-witch · 4 months
Sugar Lump
Media - The Artful Dodger Character - Doctor Jack Dawkins Couple - Jack X Reader Reader - Y/n Rating - Sweet AF + Smutty Word Count - 3278
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I hurried my way up the stairs of the Port Victory Royal Hospital, when I reached the familiar brown door I adjusted my little Y/E/C dress perfectly picked out to match my eyes, I fixed my hair a little and headed inside the room. Seeing it much like usual filled with his dusty trinkets and books tools and clothes strewn about, Jack lay in his bed still dressed his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose with his eyes closed. 
So I gave a sweet smile, "Evening," 
"Not in the mood Y/n."
"Oh... why not?"
"I have had a very long day, and night, and... week at this point," He sighed,
"Oh," I sighed, "You poor thing," I sat down on his bed and set my hand on his waistcoat gently massaging his chest as he laid there and slowly a content smile slowly crawled onto his lips, 
"How are you so good at this?"
"At what?"
"Dealing with me honey,"
"Men are simple creatures, rub their bellies, give them treats, scratch behind their ears." I laughed, "you're like a puppy," I teased,
"Careful I might start slobbering all over you?" he raised an eyebrow,
"I'd rather that than you trying to hump my leg, Jack," 
We both laughed for a moment but it settled into the usual tense silence, I wanted to say so much but as usual, I didn't say anything.  But I forced myself to break this silence after what felt like an hour, "So..." I said, "What's troubling you, my little sugar lump?" 
"it's complicated," he sighed sitting up putting his elbows on his knees and picking at his nails which I quickly stopped by taking his hand, 
"You can tell me anything you know that,"
"I know honey," He squeezed my hand back, "... I have a twenty-six-pound debt on my head, and if I don't pay it back by Friday... I get my hand chopped off," 
Silence settled again this time more understandable, I glanced down to his hand in mine and I perished at the thought of such a loss. I tried to break the silence with a joke in the hope to cheer him up,
"Which one?"
"My choice," 
"Well... that's something," I nodded, "Any thoughts on which hand you might choose?"
"Y/n," He pulled his hand away from mine picking his nails again, "I'm a surgeon honey, no matter which hand he takes I'm fucked. I need both my hands."
"I know sugar lump, I know," I cooed resting my head on his shoulder a little, "How much money do you have?"
he chuckled, "Two pounds, eight shillings and fourpence," 
"Ah... well... that's a problem," I sighed, "How long would it take you to earn twenty-six pounds?"
He rubbed his face, "Uhhhh four hundred years," He said, 
"What? But you always have money? I mean... you're never rolling in strawberry baths eating roast duck on truffle salad," I joked, "But you always have some money kicking around?"
"Honey I get paid in buttons and fimbles," He sighed, "I make a... float of money of poker but thats what got me into this mess, everyone knows I've got a debt with Darius so they won't play with me. Besides I'd have to be doing some kinda mad three-card tricks to make twenty-six pounds of the people in this town," 
I sighed, "It'll be okay sugar lump, you'll figure it out. You always do." I encouraged, 
"Thanks, Y/n," He took my hand again, 
"You're welcome Jack," I smiled giving his forehead a small kiss which turned us both a little red,
"Did uhh did you mean do to that?"
"Uhhh no, no I uhh just wanted to cheer you up is all," I shrugged,
"Well, it did work," He nodded, "Why do you call me what anyway?"
"I don't know, you're sweet, sugary sometimes, you feel kinda square to hug,"
"And you're kinda expensive,"
"Can't really fault your logic,"
"Why do you call me honey?"
"Because your sweet, always around whenever I get the desire to see you, you always seem to stick to me," he chuckled moving his shoulder a little to move my head, "Plus your hair," he smiled running a hand through my Y/H/C hair, 
I blushed and for a moment we met eyes I wanted to lean forward and kiss him as I had wanted to for so long but we broke away both blushing a little more. 
I felt my stomach sink to my feet, and my heart rise to my throat. This was a terrible idea but I was out of ideas, I had been doing everything I could to help Jack find some money, having to go off on wild adventures while he was working trying to earn what little he could in the surgical theatre, but options where low and so where the funds. I held my breath a moment as I stood behind the hung sheets from the laundrette, I watched the target I had picked out. The glimmer of her gold and emerald necklace and bracelet glinted in the Australian sun, ripe for the taking as she walked with her parasol in one hand and her arm with her husband. I let out a breath and began my walk down the street holding the hem of my dress as I did, I counted the seconds and saw them stop at a market stall selling fresh fruits, so I took my chance, I kicked the door off the bottom crate beside the stall across from them, setting loose the six chickens mad from their tiny enclosed crate. They squealed and began to run around the market pecking at anything in their reach, everyone panicked and began to get away from them, I ran across the street and squealed.
"Ahhh!" I screamed faking like I had been pecked, 
"My goodness!" The woman gasped, "Harold darling, help the poor girl," she demanded,
"Come here young lady, you'll be safe," Her husband ushered me up onto a market stalls box with his wife, 
"Thank you, sir," I told him accepting his help, quickly in the panic I snagged her bracelet off her wrist, and into my pocket, the necklace was a little harder given the clasp under her hair but the clasp was cheap recently replaced so I snapped it and stuffed it down my pocket before I could be caught, Once I had them I kicked the box we stood on sending a woman and me tumbling into the dirt, of course, her husband came to help her and in the panic, I scampered away as fast as I could. 
Once I knew I was safe I took a breath, I did feel bad about what I had done the guilt seemed to burn in my pocket but she was a wealthy woman with a businessman husband, he could just buy her more fancy jewellery, she would never miss these. Jack needs the money and his hand more than she needs a necklace. Maybe one day god forbid one of those two needs surgery, they'll be begging Jack to have both his hands then. I made my way through the streets to the Cat and Bagpipes where I saw Rotty at the bar.
"Afternoon," I told her,
"Afternoon?" She raised an eyebrow, "What are you after?"
"I uhh wanted a word," I told her, 
She nodded and brought me back to the rooms where her girls live, the many barmaids and lap warmers she employed, "what is it then? not often we get a girl like you around here,"
"I uhhh... I uhh I need some money," I told her,
She looked me up and down once more, "I can get you work, ready too... pretty thing like you," 
"No, no I uhh..."
"No shame in it girl, you'd be surprised the coins you'd make on a good night with a fresh load of sailors in the bar," 
"No, thank you," I told her, "I have this," I revealed the bracelet, 
"Ohh... I see," she nodded trying to take it but I held it back, "Let me see little girl,"
I begrudgingly handed it over, she looked it over a few times and smiled wickedly, 
"Very beautiful, real stones too... How much where do you want?"
"How much would you give me?"
"...I'd give you a solid seven pounds. Maybe eight."
"What about twenty-six?"
"You must be joking!" She scoffed, 
"What about now?" I asked showing the necklace, 
"Twenty-six will be just fine," she nodded, handing me the bracelet back and heading to fetch the money, "Where did a pretty little thing like you get that then?"
"That's my business,"
"Alright, what do you need the money for?"
"That's my bus-"
"I know, but come on young thing like you coming in here ready to sell off some emeralds for twenty-six quid? something tells me you're not after a new wardrobe?" she laughed, 
"No, I'm not," I answered,
"You know... I heard about a debt of twenty-six pounds floating around town. That doctor's got his hand in for it for betting what he didn't have ... so I heard?" I didn't answer her, "And correct me if I'm wrong... old lady, my eyes are going but... I could say I've seen yourself around the doctor Dawkins more than once?" She smirked at me, 
I gulped, "Well I uhh I umm..."
"That's your business," She smirked, Handing me the money so I could give her the jewellery, "I'd hurry up if I were you, his debts with Darius and he never waits to get his money," 
I nodded and quickly hurried my way back towards the hospital but I heard a familiar voice,
"No! No please!" Jack was yelling out, 
So I turned on my heels and bolted in the direction of the building work on West Street, where I saw Darius, his men, and Jack. 
Darius stood as pompous as usual, his men had Jack pinned to the floor with his hand on a block ready for the chop, 
"For god's sake, Man! I cannot perform surgery without both of my hands!" Jack protested, 
"It's a shame you didn't factor that before you took up cards, Jack," Darius smirked, "You owe me what you owe me, and it's considerable... 
"I give you my word, I will have the funds... soon," Jack reasoned,
"You think I trust you?" He smirked grabbing another taken hand, "I took this hand from another welcher this morning, I have rules see. So do you or do you not have my money, in full?"
"I do not.... but-"
"Take his hand,"
"No!" Jack tried to squirm away as Darius' men readied the cleaver, 
"No! Please!" I bolted over and stood between them, 
"Y/n!" Jack yelped as he saw me, "What are you doing here!"
"I don't think you are going to be much help here,"
"And you are?!"
"I'm... working on it, honey,"
"Badly." I snapped, "I know you are a stubborn little sugar lump but sometimes you need help," I told him off,
"I don't take pleas, sweetheart, he owes me a good deal. And as sweet as your words maybe they won't repay his debts," Daruis told me,
"I know," I gulped, 
he chuckled, "Come to offer yourself then? I'm sure I could figure out some ways to get Twenty-six pounds out of you," He smirked fixing some of my hair behind my ear, 
"Don't. You. Dare." Jack warned him through gritted teeth, 
"I have come to clear his debts," I nodded,
"Have you now?" Daruis smirked, 
"Y/n... no... you, you can't," Jack pleaded, 
"You hand or her hole," Darius growled, 
"Hand! Hand. Take my hand." Jack answered,
"Jack!" I yelled, 
"I am not letting that happen to you honey," He told me, 
"If you just-" I began, 
"Well then, make your choice... left or right Jack?" Darius smirked, "Personally I'd pick whichever hand you slap her on the ass with," He smirked pinching my bottom and making me squeal, "Or whichever of her tits you prefer," 
"whichever hand I have after this I am going to deck you with the other," Jack told him, 
His men once again went to move the cleaver but I again stopped them,
"No! I can pay his debts," I said, "His debt is twenty-six pounds right?" 
"Well..." Daruis glanced at one of his men,
"Twenty-five pounds nine shillings and six pennies," his man answered,
"So Twenty-six for easy maths," I sighed, "Here," I told him handing him over the money, 
He raised an eyebrow and so did Jack honestly, Daruis counted it all up and seemed disappointed, "Fine, debts paid up. Have a nice day." he smirked taking his men and heading away, 
"There all done-" I smiled helping Jack to his feet but the moment I did he held me tight and kissed my lips with a firey passion, I blushed hard but happily kissed him back with a wide smile, until we pulled away, "did uhh did you mean to do that?" I asked, 
"Yes, yes I did, I very very much did," he said getting teary and kissing all over my face, 
"Jack!" I laughed pushing him back,
"How did you get that much money!?"
"It doesn't matter,"
"It very much does honey,"
"Don't worry your sweet little head about it sugar lump," I smiled cuddling into his chest,"
"You didn't have to... you know, did you?"
"No, I didn't,"
"Good, it would break my heart to think you went through that for me, but what did you do?" He cooed stroking my hair, 
"Borrowed some things,"
"Borrowed?" He raised an eyebrow, "That my kinda borrow, or your kinda borrow?"
"My- Ohh... You- stole... for me?"
"Of course I did, I couldn't let you get your hand chopped off,"
"Awww I love you, honey!"
"You- you do?"
"Of course I do, I should have told you years ago," He smiled, "sorry I uh..."
"I love you too,"
"You- you do!"
"of course I do!" I giggled almost crying I was so happy we shared another sweet this time a tears of joy-stained kiss before we pulled back unable to leave each other's arms, 
"I love you so much honey," He rubbed his nose on mine,
"I love you too sugar lump," I cooed,
"Come on, we have a lot of time and kisses to make up for," He cooed as we began our way back to the hospital, 
I woke with a long yawn as the morning light forced me awake but I felt so happy and warm wrapped up in the bed with Jack beside me, his arms around me tightly peppering little kisses against my skin,
I chuckled, "Good morning,"
"Good morning," He muttered between kisses, "Um come here honey," He cooed pulling me into a kiss, I happily kissed him back enjoying the soft gentle laziness of morning kisses, until I noticed his wandering hands one slid under my nightie and grabbed my ass the other down my shoulder and cupped my breast, I pulled away and glared a little at his wondering adventurous hands, 
"Excuse me?" I chuckled,
"What?" He smirked, 
"What are you up to sugar lump," I teased him,
"Enjoying... still having both my hands," He smirked as he squeezed me,
"Jack!" I giggled, "That is not a reason to go fondling!" 
"Humm yes it is," he smirked returning to our kisses, 
But we both stopped short as a loud clattering came from downstairs, 
"Oh shit-" he sighed, jumping out of bed and getting some clothes on, I got my dress on too and ran down with him braiding my hair as I went the hospital was filled with soldiers who were upturning the place.
"What the hell is going on!" Jack complained, 
"Ahh Doctor Dawkins, just the man I was looking for," Captain Gains smirked on approach, 
"Captain, would you like to tell me why you are tearing apart my hospital!" 
"I'd be delighted, Take her!" He ordered,
"What?!" I gulped and two soldiers grabbed me by the arms making me scream, 
"Get off her!" Jack tried to pull me away but they were too strong, "Unhand her immediately!" he demanded, "What is going on!" 
"Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but your... female companion, is a theif," 
"You have no proof of this! How are you arresting her on this lie!" Jack yelled, "Now let her go now!"
"Oh, we have proof." Captain Gains smirked, as he pulled the necklace and bracelet from his pocket, "This familiar to you Miss?"
"That doesn't prove anything," Jack attempted to defend me,
"We have a trusted source she traded these in for twenty-six pounds cash. for unknown reasons,"
Jack looked at me and we both knew, I didn't answer I knew I didn't have a case, "Doesn't mean she stole them,"
"Mrs Oslington?" Captain Gains called, 
She came down the corridor and we met eyes, the woman I had stolen them from. "That's her. That's the little theif." 
"And as you full well know, thieves in my colony hang." Captain Gains smirked at me, "Take her away,"
"No! No please!" I begged,
"No! Let her go! Let her go! I demand that you release her! you are not taking her!" Jack battled with the men as they forced me out Jack followed behind trying to please them, stop them, anything he could but it was too late "... Y/n!" 
I sat in the small stone cell watching the moon move across my window, soon it would be gone completely, and when the sun rose... I'd go to the gallows. I hadn't stopped crying to think this would be my end, but... I was somewhat happy, I didn't regret what I did. Not for a moment. I'm just happy Jack's okay. and safe. or at least as much as I can make him. I didn't feel like a horrid little theif as they had labelled me. I did what I had to do, and my soul felt clean. 
I heard footsteps so I perked up a little confused how it could be so late, but I saw Jack.
"Hi, Honey,"
"What are you doing here!" I jumped to the bars and we shared a sweet kiss between them,
"I couldn't just leave you," 
"Thats so sweet of you sugar lump, but... you should go the soldiers-"
"We have time.," He said moving to his knees, his hands moving my dress a little "Chloraphom," he shrugged,
"... I don't think we have that much time Jack, I know you're going to miss me sugar lump but I don't think these bars are quite going to make this work,"
"... I adore your enthusiasm Y/n, but not what I'm doing," he chuckled using my dress as a cover as he began picking the lock,
"Ooh..." I nodded, "What are you doing?!"
"Getting you off." He said, "Well out." he corrected, "I can get you off later honey," He winked as he worked, 
"You mean it?"
"Of course, I am not going to let the woman I love rot in a cell for stealing some old cunts necklace just because she was trying to save my hand, Let alone Hang for it." He explained, 
"But what are we going to do they'll just arrest me again!"
"Not likely," He said, "I've packed our things, all of them. There is a ship bound for the Pacific islands on the tide." he explained cracking the lock and opening up the door to my cell where I all but fell into his arms, "You and I are leaving, going where no one knows anything about our past, a whole fresh start, in the sunshine, we can start our hospital, get married, raise little adorable children by the crystal blue water." He explained stroking my hair, "Come with me honey, Please."
I teared up and pulled him into a sweet kiss, "I want nothing more in this world my little sugar lump," I cried,
"I love you, Y/n, so so much,"
"I love you too Jack,"
"Come on, before the guards wake up." He smiled, "We have a whole new life to build," 
I nodded and we linked our hands tightly sneaking our way out of the jail, and out of Port Victory. 
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
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New Old World [EoH]
Daryl Dixon x fem!Reader feat. Teddy Dixon
Summary: Being stranded in the Commonwealth changed the life for you and your little family. Adjusting to this new, yet old world wasn't easy. Neither for you, nor Daryl and certainly not for Teddy...
Warnings: Alternative Ending/Different Timeline! TWD things? fluff, talks of babies, swear words, Daryl being the smol insecure bean he is, age gap
Set in the Commonwealth!
Word Count: 3,2k
a/n: This story is part of the EoH universe, but has an alternative ending with a different timeline. 🤗
Tagging: (in the comments ☺️)
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Life in the commonwealth was strange - and yet so familiar. It felt like getting thrown into another dimension. Another world. Well, perhaps it was normal to feel like this after five years of fighting for survival every day in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. You had seen every cruelty this world had to offer and now... Suddenly you landed in this community, where the most people's worry wasn't the undead anymore, but how to… earn money? It felt wrong and nevertheless you couldn't deny that it was somehow... right.
Two strong, yet soft hands on your waist ripped you out of your thoughts and daydreams. "What yer thinkin' about, sunshine?" You smiled at hearing the gravelly, loving voice of your husband from behind you. Reaching up your hand, you buried your hand in your lover's hair. It had grown so much the past years. The dark brown strands reached in soft curls over his shoulders by now - and you absolutely loved it. "Just about this... What we have here..." The answer you got was nothing more than a low grunt. You knew Daryl didn't trust this place yet - and you understood why. Money, jobs, restaurants and Halloween? Oh please...
But on the other hand... A piece of normalcy and not fighting the dead, other people and death itself was what you all wanted - and it broke your heart that Alexandria couldn't be that for you at the moment.
"I still dunno 'bout all this... Feels... weird." You nodded. "I know, but... Until we can go back home, let's make the most out of it, yeah?" Daryl didn't answer, just huffed out a breath. Not unusual for the man who didn't need much words. Instead, he gently moved; went to press your back against his chest - which felt hard and not really comfortable, like you noticed instantly. Turning in his embrace, you realised why... Daryl wore his commonwealth uniform. Right, you remembered. Your man had suddenly a job again and was working. "Are you off to work, cutie pie?" You witnessed, how Daryl's cheeks reddened softly at your chosen pet name. "Yeah... Jus' wanted to say goodbye, 'fore I leave." You nodded; scanning his handsome face with your eyes. He had grown over the years - of course. Got even more mature and responsible-minded. You sensed major DILF energy radiating from him.
"How sweet of you," you said, leaning closer to place a soft, quick kiss on his lips. "Have fun - I guess, and don't let yourself get stressed so much. I know Sebastian Milton is an asshole, but you and Rosita will make it. Think about picking Teddy up from school with your cool stormtrooper armour. He's going to lose it - and he'll be so proud, seeing his dad being one of the 'cool soldier guys'."
School... Another crazy thing. Sure, you tried to teach Teddy a few things and there had been a lot of small education thingys in the past five years. Be it in the prison or Alexandria. It had always been there but this? This was a whole other thing. This was a real school. With real teachers and actual classes. Something you hadn't seen in over seven years.
"Ya think so?" You smiled and gently scratched his slightly grey goatee; feeling the hairs tickling your fingertips. "I know so." You then stood on your tiptoes, in order to involve Daryl in another loving kiss. But a firm knock on the door of your sparse, small apartment caused you to jump apart; ending the kiss way too early. "Daryl?" Rosita's voice sounded from the other side of the door. "We gotta go!" You sighed; wrapping your arms tighter around your husband's neck. "Seems like duty calls..." "Mhm..." Daryl grumbled and turned his head towards the door. "'M comin', Rosita!" He lifted his hands to your arms, trying gently to loosen them from around his neck - but you kept on holding on; not budging. "I gotta go, sunshine." You pouted, but eventually let go of him. "I know, 'm sorry. But I promise, I'll be back soon." You nodded and watched with crossed arms, how Daryl grabbed his helmet; ready to leave. "What are you up to today?" You shrugged your shoulders. "I dunno. Perhaps I'll visit the rest of the fam." Daryl nodded; knew of course what you meant, and walked towards the door. "I love you. Be careful, yes?" "Love ya, too. Don' worry. I always am. 'Sides, Rosita's gonna hold me back from doing some stupid, headless shit." With those words, he opened the door and marched out. It stayed long enough open for you to see your friend. "Hey Rosita!" You waved at her. "Y/N," the black-haired beauty answered; smiling at you, before the door fell in its hinges.
While your son was at school and your husband at work (It still sounded crazy in your head.), you spent the whole morning with cleaning up the apartment - which mostly consisted of collecting Teddy's small carved artworks. Since his father showed him how to carve something (mostly spears to hunt fishes or other weapons to defend himself) out of wood, he was obsessed. Whenever the opportunity was given, you'd find the boy sitting somewhere underneath a tree - or even up in a tree (the safer option), carving. He practiced year after year and by now, he was really talented. If Teddy just wouldn't leave his little figures and weapons laying all around the apartment...
After that, you decided to take Dog out for a walk. The fluffy Belgian Malinois with the brown-black fur was a faithful companion of your little family, since the day Daryl brought him back from a hunt. Teddy fell for him immediately anyways, so... And as much as Teddy loved Dog, Dog loved Teddy in return. They were a great duo.
"Dog, come on, let's go out. Time for walkies." Dog's ears perked up at your mention of 'walkies'; head lifting. "Come on!" You tapped your thigh - which was his sign to literally jump up and run to you. You giggled; petting and scratching the fur behind his ears. "Let's go." You opened the door and out Dog ran. He was a very loyal and well-behaved animal. Daryl had trained him well. He'd never run off or leave your side - unless he had a good reason.
It was quite a beautiful day today. The commonwealth was bustling with people. Some of them working, some of them enjoying their day off. You hadn't a specific destination in mind, when you took Dog out. Most of the time, Dog decided on where to go. Today, the faithful Malinois led you to a very good friend of yours. A member of the family - without a doubt...
Dog already saw him from afar, grooming a white-brown patchy pony. Dog announced his - and your presence with a loud bark. The man with the black, greyish dreadlocks turned on his heels at the sound. A smile crossed his features, as he saw you and your four-legged companion approaching. Dog ran up to him; tail wagging in excitement. Ezekiel squatted down, in order to welcome Dog. He literally jumped Ezekiel; paws landing on the King's shoulders, causing the man to laugh heartily. Dog liked Ezekiel and Ezekiel Dog. There was no doubt about this. It was fact.
You came to stand beside the pair; Dog still enjoying Ezekiel's petting. "Hey Ezekiel." The King straightened; stood up again, in order to properly face you - much to Dog's disappointment. "Greetings, Y/N. What a pleasure to see you! Tell me, what brings you to my modest, little farm?" You shook your head, smiling. "Dog decided to bring me here. I think he wanted to visit you. Nevertheless, it's great to see you, too." Once again, the man laughed, scratching Dog's head in an affectionate manner. You adored Ezekiel. You really did. He was always so positive. A true ray of sunshine. A very kind man - and now, here at the commonwealth, he was able to do what he loved again... Being a zookeeper.
"How are you feeling today?" You asked him then, referring to his medical condition. "Oh, I'm feeling great, Y/N. Thank you. Better every day." "That's really great and reassuring to hear." He nodded; one hand still petting Dog, who was sitting beside the man now. "Well, if it wouldn't have been for Carol and Tomi, I probably wouldn't be walking this earth anymore as a living man." "That's why we are all a big family. We help each other." The King nodded, "Truer words have never been spoken, dear friend." giving you one of his brilliant smiles. "How is Teddy doing in school? Carol told me he had quite a rough start?" You sighed, nodding. "Yeah, he had... It was after all the first time for him to go to a real school. Sure, he had his friend, Nick. But unfortunately, Nick is in a different class. So many new children and all so much different from him - and Nick. Most of them weren't on the road. Anyways not as long as we were. He never had an easy time adjusting to new, different things. He was quite afraid of attending school."
The corners of Ezekiel's mouth twitched into a small smile. "Well, this sounds to me quite like someone else we know..." You understood that reference, of course. Both, you and Ezekiel knew exactly who you were talking about. You giggled; shrugging your shoulders. "Like father..." "...like son." The King finished your sentence, laughing. "Well, I hope Teddy is able to adjust soon." "I hope so, too. Just have to give him some time..." The man nodded. "I'd say so, too. If you're looking for a little distraction for him, you are more than welcome to send him - and Nick over to me. I promised Teddy to teach him how to ride a horse already quite a while ago. Now, I finally have the time - and opportunity." "Sure, I am definitely going to do that. Thank you." He smiled; nodding. "Of course."
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While you were still out with Dog, walking through the whole commonwealth, Daryl made his way to the elementary school, in order to retrieve his son. After all, he had promised him - and since Daryl went to school directly after his shift, he was still dressed in his commonwealth armour. The archer was really looking forward to this. It was his personal highlight of the day.
"I need to pick Teddy up from school," he told his friend. "See ya later?" Rosita nodded. "Sure. I have to look after Coco as well." With that being said, the two long-term friends parted ways.
Daryl made his way to the school then and waited in front of the rather big building for Teddy to come out. It was quite a bit ridiculous for the archer - and also a whole new experience. He would have never thought, that he'd pick up his son from school one day. Not after the world went to shit. Back in the early days, everybody had different problems than sending the kids to school. Surviving, for example. Getting enough food on the table for his family - and all the people who became his family.
"Daddy!" Teddy's happy, relieved voice urged to Daryl's ears; announcing his son's arrival. A soft smile spread over Daryl's face, when he saw his son running towards him. He squatted down; waiting. Teddy ran straight up into his awaiting arms, hugging him. He may be ten years old by now and would soon grow into a man, but for now, he was still Daryl's little boy - and he'd enjoy every hug he got. "Hey, buddy! You good?" Teddy didn't get to answer the question his father asked him. A group of three other boys had approached them.
"Your dad is a commonwealth soldier?" One of them with glasses and bright blonde, tousled hair asked; eyes wide. Teddy nodded proudly; stood beside his still crouching father and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "Yep, he is!" "Wooow..." Every boy of the group was stunned. Teddy started to smile proudly; his shyness suddenly forgotten, as the boys finally noticed him. Due to his cool dad. It made the young Dixon happy - but he also knew, that they were probably just going to like him because his dad was one of the countless commonwealth heroes.
"Let's get goin', huh? I bet your mother already waits for us..." Daryl noted; noticing immediately what game those boys played. Teddy nodded and turned to his seemingly new friends to say goodbye.
After that, Daryl and Teddy walked home together. "So... How was school?" The little boy shrugged his shoulders; his mood suddenly changing fast. The school topic wasn't an easy one... "Okay, I guess..." "You get better along with them other kids?" Another shrug. "A bit." That didn't sound convincing. Not at all.
Daryl stopped in his movements and turned to face his son. Once again, he squatted down and placed both his hands on Teddy's small shoulders. "Alright, talk ta me, buddy. Don't bottle everythin' up. I used to do that too, y'know. 'S not good. Spit it out." Teddy sighed and bit his lip nervously - a habit he copied from his dad. "I just feel so lonely... 'Specially without Nick... The other kids think I'm weird." Tears were shining in the young boy's blue-grey eyes. Daryl saw it. Despite his long, softly curled bangs of brown hair. "Why?" "Because I'm not as good in school as they are. A-And because I know more about gutting a fish, then our home country..." Daryl's heart ached, as he heard that. He knew how his son felt. He knew the feeling of being an outsider.
"Hey, Teddy... Don't listen to 'em. Ya hear me? I know it's not easy, but always remember... You're so much better than them." Teddy looked up at his father through teary eyes. "H-How?" The archer smiled. "Firstly, 'cause you're a Dixon and secondly, 'cause you're a survivor. You know how to handle a walker. I taught ya everything ya need ta know - except hunting. But we'll do that as soon as you're a bit older. That's why. It might sound hard and cruel, but those kids would never survive out there alone. You do." At those words, Teddy's eyes lightened up again - and he smiled. The same, sweet smile you always smiled. A smile Daryl loved above everything and would never tire to see.
"Really?" The archer nodded. "Really." The boy threw his arms again around his father's neck; hugging him tight.
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You were already back home again with Dog, when you heard the front door getting opened and closed again. The barking of Dog echoed through the small apartment, followed by your son's giggles.
Unfortunately, you couldn't spend the rest of the afternoon together, since Daryl had to go back to work. Nevertheless, you had a great day; took the boys out for some riding lessons with Ezekiel and prepared some dinner together with your husband's mini-me. That's what Teddy was - and it hadn't changed over the years. The boy was still his father's spitting image. Even the tattered, ripped jeans hadn't changed. He only had grown into them by now.
Now, you were sitting at the small dining table, together with Daryl and Teddy; eating dinner. Dog was laying on his little blanket; sleeping. Everyone was eating in silence - until Teddy came up with a conversation both, you and Daryl didn't see coming. Like, not at all…
"Mom, dad?" "Yes, sweetie?" You asked, while Daryl only grunted in response; needing to chew first. "We, uh, talked about our families today in class and... Almost every other girl or boy told us about their siblings and how much fun they have with them. I-I know I've got Dog and Judith and RJ and even Coco, but... Can I, uh, can I have my own little baby brother - or sister?" Daryl almost choked on his foot, hearing this, while you blinked rapidly at your ten-year-old. "I-I promise I'll look after him or her a-and protect them and play with them!" "Teddy... Sweetie..." You started; having to swallow hard and take a deep breath. "This, uh, this isn't an easy decision and not just to be made within a few minutes. Especially not in this dangerous world. I- We, your dad and I will have to think and talk about this first, okay?" Teddy looked at you with his soft, blue, greyish eyes - and nodded. "Okay." "Can you understand that?" "Uh.Huh, yeah." The conversation had turned someway, somehow slightly awkward, so you left it at that. Daryl had said absolutely nothing; didn't even make a peep.
Later on, once Teddy was in bed; sleeping safe and soundly with Dog in his arms, you approached your husband, who stood at one of the windows; having a smoke. Wrapping your arms around his now black sweater clad torso, you pressed your cheek against his right upper arm. "What do you say?" "What do I say to what?" You decided to not beat about the bush. "Having a baby again." Daryl took a drag of his cigarette, before puffing out a small cloud of smoke. "I dunno if this is a good idea, honestly." "Why? I mean, we're safe here now. Soon in Alexandria hopefully as well. If not now, then when?" Daryl merely shook his head and you could swear that he was chewing on his bottom lip. "'S not that, sunshine... Even though I don't trust this place. I trust in Alexandria." "What is it then?" You asked; rubbing his sides affectionately. He paused; didn't answer you straight away - almost hesitating.
"'M not gettin' younger, ya know..." You frowned and adjusted your position, in order to look at him. You were hugging him now more or less sideways. "What does that mean now, cutie pie?" "What I said." You were still confused by his words. You clearly didn't understand - and Daryl noticed. "Y/N, 'm in my mid almost late forties now..." "So? I'm sorry, my love, but I don't really see the problem? You don't have to worry about a biological clock, unlike I... And as we speak, the time is running out so slowly." Daryl took a last drag of his cigarette and stubbed it out. Then he turned to face you; biting his lip again. He was clearly troubled by that topic. You could see it in his eyes. "You think 'm not too, uh, old for that?" You shook your head, smiling. "No, absolutely not." The corners of his lips lifted slightly into a crocked smile. "So..." He started; turning to face you wholly. "You really want that? With me?" You cupped both his cheeks with your palms; nodding. "More than anything. I thought about it for quite a while, honestly."
Daryl blinked; was quite a bit surprised. "Wha'? Really?" "Mhm. You're such a good father for Teddy, so why not make you a daddy again?" The arched blushed at your words; and he couldn't help himself but to smile even brighter. "Ya think we can handle a newborn and a soon-to-be teenager?" You giggled; now running your hands down his chest. "I thought we can handle everything, Mr. Dixon? After all, we handled the end of the world. I think there's nothing that can better that." "Well... I guess yer right." You giggled once more. "I'm mostly right, cutie pie."
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allwormdiet · 14 days
Agitation 3.1
Got waylaid by work and brain weather, but we're back to it. Let's see how Taylor's life is going
Her routine has come up before, but it bears saying that I think Taylor's actual superpower might just be that she's a morning person who can hold herself to accomplish daily goals, like goddamn girl
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The constant, casual cruelty that makes up so much of Taylor's history is equal parts saddening and infuriating. I'm sure we'll get an explanation for why the bullies do this to her, I think I've said as much in previous posts, but also as mentioned in previous posts I find it aggravating to endure.
...I don't know if this is quite the right place in my reading to speculate on it, but I'm not sure if Taylor even has a shot at university at this point, even setting aside the cape thing. The bullies are all in her year, which means they'd never be separated from her by graduation. Their constant sabotage and harassment would mean her grades are low, so even if she gets into a college with whatever GPA she can bodge together (and no extracurriculars to pad her application out), she's probably not going to earn any scholarships and money's already pretty tight for the Heberts. That means student loans, and probably shit rates considering the world they're in.
Maybe this is my bitter ass reflecting on how the greatest benefits I got out of going to college were completely incidental to the courses I took or the degree I earned, but... Taylor, I know college meant a lot to your mom, I just don't think that path is nearly as open to you as it used to be. I think it's fine to just learn a trade, and I think it's fine if the trade is armed robbery.
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So you're telling me Taylor's self-image used to be worse? Jeeesus
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I like that Brian knows how to blend into an environment as the situation calls for it. That speaks to a pretty keen observational ability, and also is maybe tied to his need to act more grown-up than he is. And now I'm sad again.
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"I want" is cute, embarrassment is for suckers (I say, easily embarrassed)
I don't even like coffee, but a fifteen dollar coffee had better be the best coffee you've ever had, oh my god
And honestly that must have been weird for every member of the team, just suddenly having money not be a problem anymore. Taylor's holding out for now, although I suspect it won't be that way forever, and everyone else either wants or needs it bad enough for their own ends that I don't think they're gonna think about it too hard (except for Lisa, who has the full context and whose power is thinking too hard)
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Taylor please don't undersell your injuries to your teammates, I don't like you doing it with your dad but I understand it. Here though? Come onnnnn
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Yeah there we go
Violence is an easy language to understand. Cruel, obviously, and painful, but if Rachel is already struggling with other people's words and feelings (five bucks says she's autistic tbh) then getting the shit kicked out of her is probably a better sell on the new recruit than any pretty speech
...Ideally they move past that pretty quick so words can be used again
Also poor Rachel, for real. Ten years in the system and then whatever it was that triggered her powers, which is obviously never good. No wonder she came out the other end more willing to trust dogs than people.
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Ugh, my heart
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Is she showing off for the guy she's crushing on? That's adorable
Curious that the limits of her power seem to be based on complexity of the brain. I assume there has to be a brain at all or else she could just shoot germs at people, although that'd also be a little bit inefficient as a power unless she started getting into disease warfare and holy shit this would be a very different story if Taylor could give people smallpox
Gotta be a weird day for the crab though
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Couple things here
Brian you're not even eighteen yet as far as I know, what the hell
Of course Lisa cheated, she's built to cheat, at that point I'm not sure it even counts as cheating
Knowing what I know about Alec, somehow I doubt he was ever in school to drop out in the first place
...on the flipside I'm a little surprised that Rachel never went during her time in the system, you'd figure that'd be a condition of her fostering but either the guardians didn't give a shit or she fought her way out of ever actually attending
Also, I know it's a matter of course that she'd have a key to the base, but it's sweet all the same
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It's nice of Brian to make this offer, although I'm willing to bet it's because he's the only Undersider who would get up before 6 AM. It's also a pretty smart call to keep her up to date this way
Also very funny that Taylor is like "Oh I like Lisa just fine but she scares the shit out of me"
...Also also, for real, Lisa has to already know what's going on with Taylor right? There's no way Taylor's good enough at lying to bury that one.
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Girl I'm dreading it and I'm just reading about it
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This is just. So goddamn sad. And maddening, to boot.
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Gee Taylor you sure to seem to spend a fair amount of time thinking about the comparative attractiveness of other women
Agonizing, though, for real. Wildbow has knocked every school scene out of the park and I hate it.
I wonder if Taylor's gonna even bother coming back to school at this point. First day she left mid lunch, second day she left right after lunch started, here she's splitting before first period. As much as she clings to this side of her life... I don't know if it's any healthier than full-time villainy.
Go blow off steam with your new friends Taylor
Current Thoughts
I actually don't have any real expectations for this arc going into it. Obviously Arc 1 is the start of... I mean kind of everything, and Arc 2 is made up of the immediate aftermath from those events. This one? I dunno. I was a little worried I'd have to deal with another chapter of Winslow, but it looks like Taylor decided she was sick of that shit
I like Brian, but I think mostly I'm worried for him? This is a lot of effort so far made to seem mature and normal, and I don't know if that's possible for a teenager who goes out to be a supervillain. It's admirable in a sense, but I'm worried about how fragile it leaves him.
I don't love that Rachel seems satisfied by an exchange of violence but that's more bc I don't want these kids beating the shit out of each other, not any kind of "this is bad actually" sense.
Other than that I'm mostly just curious what the rest of this arc looks like. Thank fuck it's not more high school.
Oh, yeah, I'm gonna try and read more at work today, I might take my screenshots then and see if they drive me up a wall, but even if so I'll just retake them when I get home. Fingers crossed work is slow enough for it.
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claireverything · 3 days
feeling "locked out of life": fitting into the working world as a 12th house psycho
In response to my post asking for requests, I got a question from someone asking:
"I have several questions but I'll start with asking can you see visual snow? Also I live home with my parents and it's like the universe makes it impossible for me to fit in anywhere especially enough to find a job. Have you ever felt locked out of life? Do you use your gifts to earn you money?"
Hi, thank you for your question 🖤. Here's my answer:
I basically lived at home up until a few months ago, at 27, when I moved out on my own. I imagine it's quite a common thing for 12th house people to have to live with their families for a portion, or maybe all of their adult lives. We need the support. The burden of living and having a body weighs so heavily on us. Personally, it was killing me. I tried living on my own at 23 and I was so unhealthy. I was skinny as hell because the burden of eating was just too much. And yes, like you, I also couldn't fit into the mould of having a job like everyone else. I ended up moving into my family home cause of covid in 2020 and that saved my life. Living with my family during my 20's has helped me so much. It gave me the space to heal things I never would've been able to heal while pretending to fit into mainstream society and trying to live independently from 18/22.
Don't feel bad about not being able to find a job. That's been one of the plagues of my existence in my (short) adult life. Up until like, last week, I couldn't find a paid job that didn't make me feel like I wanted to k*ll myself. And what was equally frustrating was that I couldn't explain that to anyone; that even the concept of working and the way employment and making money works in this world violently repelled me. The employment system is so entrenched in pain and suffering and low self-worth that it's so hard to have that kind of a conversation with people. Most people with a job have already sold their soul - maybe even years or decades ago - so they can't understand why you can't do that as well. They've normalized giving your entire life force to a system that gives you nothing but money back. And don't get me wrong, money is great and necessary for life on this planet. But it's not everything, and I think 12th housers know that deep in their soul. In our very being we know that we cannot live from fear. We cannot give into fear. Because that's what selling your soul to a job is about. Because of fear of not having money and fear of the unknown; because of a fear of lack of security, you are willing to do almost anything to be given that security. Even a job that you don't feel seen in at all.
Let me tell you, I have worked office jobs that I don't feel seen in at all and they made me miserable. They were so draining and the whole 8 hours I was there, all I could think about was getting out. I would also feel this intense urge to smoke weed immediately after I got out for the day, which was also a terrible sign that that was not the right set up for me. You see, the problem with a job you don't feel seen in is that, it's your life. A full-time job takes up so much of your time that it more or less becomes how you live your life. When I realized that early in my working career, I realized oh shit. so the question I need to be asking myself is "how do I want to spend my days?" "what kind of things do I want to be doing?". From then I started paying attention to how I naturally spend my days. And I realized I spend most of my time in sweatpants/lounge wear/comfy clothes, at home. So I decided I want to be able to work from home.
This is a really good way to spend your time if you are blessed to live with family or people who can provide for you financially. Or if you are blessed to have a period of time living far from mainstream society so you can know who you are outside of the matrix. Cause you are not the matrix. You are not the system. You are not the way Life has been presented to you by society. You are something other than that. But reading this on a tumblr post is not enough. You have to know that in your being; you have to embody that knowing and find in your own words and your own sense what you are, and then you will know what to do. Then you will know what job to work or how to acquire the resources you need to sustain your life and keep you on Mission. There are many ways. Making money through employment is only one of them.
After 5 years not formally working, I got back into mainstream employment last week. I'm currently working part-time as a teaching assistant at a school for students with severe learning difficulties. I can't say much about the job cause I've only done two days. But I will say that it has taken a lot of inner work to get here. Over those 5 years living at home with my family, I was healing, cultivating and protecting my self-worth more than anything. That's the most important thing you can do for yourself as a 12th house person "locked out of life", as the question states. Yes, you may be locked out of mainstream life. But know that is for a purpose. I know it probably doesn't feel like everything is okay, and you are right where you need to be, but you are. You are right where you need to be. You are locked out of life because your isolation is powerful. Your fringe position is powerful. You being on the very edge of society, staring into the abyss, is powerful. There are some things that only those who are okay with being alone can do. And when you think about how many people genuinely cannot sustain solitude - how many people need the validation and backing of another person to do, think or feel anything, you will understand the power I am communicating through that statement.
I can't tell you how to get out. I can only try to comfort you in your pain and your fear and your discomfort. It's okay to be scared, and it's okay to be uncomfortable. The 12th house experience is about generating comfort in discomfort. You are loved, you are beautiful, and you're so much more valuable than you may realize. Do what you need to do to feel worthy and loveable and good about yourself everyday. Follow the right people. Do more of what makes you feel good about yourself and less of what doesn't. You will find your way out eventually. That I know.
Oh and lastly: do I use my gifts to earn me money? That is definitely the goal. I am also currently doing a masters in marriage and family therapy, so the goal is to be a therapist in my 30's and make money through therapy sessions with clients, couples and families. I also definitely want to run my own business so I can work in a way that honours my sensitivity. (I also have Mars and Lilith in the 10th, so I don't do well with authority. I'm my own boss). I want to sell personal development/healing courses, packages and maybe workshops online and promote through Youtube primarily. Because I have 10H leo placements, a part of me does enjoy showcasing for an audience, so this can work for me. However, these are all plans for my 30s and beyond. I just turned 28 last week, and my saturn return is gearing up to teach me how to be in the world as the mystic and occultist that I am (my saturn is in the 6th). So I am humbly honouring this part of the journey and stepping back into the mainstream world, being very much aware that I am in it, but not of it.
The takeaway here is to know yourself. Know your chart well, know your placements well, know yourself better than anyone else can ever know you. Know yourself so well; the good and the bad, that you are no longer making sense of yourself through how other people see you (whether they love you or hate you). That is the purpose of the 12th house person. Once you know yourself that well, then you will know what to do.
P.S. I'm not sure what you meant by "visual snow". Please explain that more, and then I may be able to speak on that. Thank you 🖤
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vroerry · 11 months
Berliner Mauer
Michael Kaiser x Fem reader
tw: mentions of abuse, sex, controlling, gaslighting i think
Clopp. Clopp. The raindrops fell on the window. The sun has already set, as you were packing your suitcase and sorting things into boxes.
Why did you agree to this? How could you agree to this? You can still leave. There's still some time before he comes home. You can make a run for it. You can quietly get on a bus, go to a random location and start a new life. Without him. Without any of this.
You stared at your carefully folded clothes in the suitcase. Then you looked around the seemingly empty room. The only things that were left were the mattress, the closet and the huge pile of personal belongings you had to go through in the next six hours. You glanced at the backpack you've already packed.
Your heart sank. You don't want to leave. You can't leave.
As you opened the bag the trigger of the night fell out.
Certificate of attainment of successful language exam.
language: German
level: b2
Goethe Institut Tokyo
Tears started to roll down your cheeks faster than ever. Your throat tightened as you gasped for air. You can't do this. No. It's impossible.
What's a Japanese girl to do in Germany of all places?
It was his demand. One day he just came home. Handed you a book with a phone number. Learn german. Make it quick. Get at least a b2 in four months. We're moving to Berlin.
You sobbed as the memories resurfaced. His blue eyes darting through you. His knuckles clenched as you stuttered your concerns out before he hit you for the first (but not the last)
Michael Kaiser. Football prodigy and toxic boyfriend.
Michael Kaiser the man who's ruining your life yet again. As you sobbed through the events of the past months you heard the front door creaking open.
He finished practice early.
"Liebe! Ich bin zu Hause angekommen! Liebe? Wo bist du?"
"Don't speak German, I beg of you" you started to sob even more. You heard his footsteps coming closer and closer before he entered the room.
"Oh Liebe... Are you sad about having to leave? It's going to be okay my. dear you speak German good. You'll be able to make it!" he tried to brush it off.
"No" you continued with the tears. "You're so cold with me. German sucks. I'm an Asian girl, not knowing shit about Europe. I'll have to marry you for a visa. I don't want to be there"
"Oh, Liebe.." he kneeled next to you. "You'll be okay. I understand it is hard to... Leave your home but I promise you'll love Berlin. It's similar... to Tokyo"
"Really?" your eyes sparked up.
"Of course! and don't forget that you can already speak so much German and your degree also uncommon and looked for in Germany."
"I-i understand but still... It's.. still scary"
"You'll be fine" he started to lose his temper.
"But... what if..."
"Shut the fuck up!" he suddenly yelled and shoved you before standing up. "Listen I can't listen to your sorry ass! Uuu, just a Japanese little girl, nobody fucking cares! You should've achieved a better level, you should've picked an actual degree so you wouldn't have to rely on me! So continue packing your shit! We're getting on that dang plane. Now if you excuse me. One of us here is actually earning money and paying all your expenses. And he'd like to have a shower before I show you mein Schwanz one last time in your fucked up country! Before we leave for the paradise. " he hurried off immediately.
Your sobs took up again as the incident of the wall of Berlin came to your head. You'll be trapped in the part of Berlin Michael wants you to see. The life he wants you to live. Saying no? Not an option.
Maybe it's going to work out. You thought.
Will it?
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hellishere7980 · 3 months
Whatever It Takes (CH-7)
Someone rang the doorbell. The whole family Had gathered and were eating an amazing dinner courtesy of Alfred. Alfred, Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, Bruce, Selina and Talia were there to celebrate the newly turned 9 year old boy's birthday.
Someone rang the doorbell. Everyone was on high alert as Alfred walked out of the kitchen to answer the door and everyone else followed.
On the other side of the door stood Mariam.
“Ukhti!” Damian exclaimed as he rushed past Alfred and hugged her.
“Mariam?” Talia said, stepping forward. “But you–”
Damian moved aside and Talia speed-walked past him and grabbed her daughter in a hug. “I thought I lost you.” She whispered in Mariam’s ear. 
“Mother, you can't be free of me that easily.” Mariam replied, smiling.
“I believe we have a cake to cut, don't we? Let us take this inside, shall we?” Alfred said and they all trooped back into the dining room.
“Where have you been?” Dick asked.
“Somewhere safe.” Mariam replied. “Oh! Least I forget it.” She said, sliding a beautifully packaged box towards Damian. “Happy birthday, Damian.”
Damian slowly under the ribbon on the gift box and opened it to find a sketchbook and a set of pencil colors. He looked up questioningly at Mariam.
“You know, I'm traveling around, trying new stuff.” Mariam began. “I found out I really liked drawing. So I thought you would like it too. I mean, it's practical. It takes up little to no space. It comes easily to us. And it's basically like drawing the layout of a building, but with more details and smaller objects–”
“And more pretty” Selina added.
“It's fun, trust me.”
“Mm-hmm.” Damian said, inspecting the pencil colors. “They are of admirable quality.” 
“Well, of course they are.” Mariam replied. “I’m the one who picked them.”
“How exactly did you pick them?” Bruce said.
“What do you mean, Father?” Mariam asked, although her eyes were still fixed on Damian's joyous expression.
“I mean That Talia didn't give you any money.” Bruce continued.
“How would you know that?” Mariam asked.
“Because I told them, daughter.” Talia said.
“Well, can't argue with that.” Mariam said. “But you know, getting money isn't exactly hard. And I have sufficient training to get a job, you know. I mean, I've seen people less qualified than me earning nicely.”
“Well, I agree.” Damian said. He had set aside his gift along with his other gifts. “League education is nothing to be laughed at.”
“Yeah, but still, you shouldn't have to do this.” Talia said with a mocking smile. “Isn't that right, daughter?”
“Ha, ha, ha.” Mariam gave a light laugh. “Walked right into that one, I did. But it's fun. Genuinely, it's a lot of fun.”
The rest of the conversation ended in favor of Damian's celebration. Or “Successful completion of nine years of existence.” In Tim’s opinion.
Afterwards, they all left for patrol. Mariam was wearing a basic outfit of Batgirl's costume with Nightwing as her buddy.
After the patrol winded up, they all met at the rendezvous point on top of the Wayne Enterprises building. All happily looking down at the smoke filled the city with blinking lights clearing up at them. 
“Mariam?” Talia said, turning towards her. “Why do you insist on this?”
She turned away from the look and looked deep into her mother's eyes. “Insist on what, mother?”
“Insisting on living on your own when there are two houses perfectly capable of taking you in. You don't need to stay with me, You can stay here with your father if you want.”
“Is it wrong to insist on it if I have a perfectly valid reason?” Mariam asked.
“What is this perfectly valid reason ukhti?” Damian asked her. “What is this reason that justifies you staying away from us?”
“Simple.” Mariam said, moving towards the edge of the building. Everyone saw it and their muscles tensed. “I knew Grandfather was gonna die before he died.”
“What?” Bruce growled.
“I'm the one who killed him. I-I” Her breath hitched. “He was coming after you, Mother.”
“What are you talking about?” Talia asked. “You mean to say that your grandfather was coming after me?”
“He intended to.” Mariam replied.
“You could have talked to me about it.” Talia said, throwing up her hands in frustration, her voice reflecting her anger.
“I'm sorry mother, but it would not have yielded any results.” Mariam said, looking deep into her eyes. “All this while you couldn't see what was happening. Actually, you could see, but you refused to understand it. Grandfather, he was sending you into dangerous missions, treating you so horribly. He would have had you married to somebody in the League But was simply scared that his son-in-law could be a potential threat. A potential heir to the throne. You give up on so many of your dreams. Just do not anger him. And for what?” She scoffed. “Only for you to be thrown away once you have trained your replacement? Once you had trained me? Couldn't you see that, mother?”
Talia stood speechless. 
Mariam continued. “I couldn't let him take you, Mother. I regret what I had to do, but I will not apologize for it.” She took a small step back and stumbled on the edge. “But I apologize to you all.” She said in a whispered voice that carried through the silent night despite the traffic below. With that, she turned around and dropped from the building. 
All those on the roof rushed near her in a desperate attempt to grapple her to safety. She hadn't taken her grapple. But they saw no sign of her.
They all stumbled back near the center of the building. Everyone still reeling in shock. They were shaken out of their thoughts when Oracle’s voice chimed in in the comms. “She just dropped by with the uniform and left.”
“Team head back to the Cave.” Batman said and hence, the night ended.
Mariam's second visit came a day after Bruce's birthday. 
They all had come back from patrol and were winding up for the night, when they heard light footsteps. All except Damian drew their weapons and stood ready.
They all waited breathlessly as they saw the shadow of a human coming closer.
“Mariam!” Damian exclaimed.
As she came into proper view, she gave all of them a meek smile. “Happy belated birthday, father.” She said as she stopped walking.
“Mariam?” Bruce asked not believing himself and how could he? After they had made her run away?
“In flesh.” Mariam said, giving a light chuckle.
“Why have you come now?” Damian said, cutting into the conversation. “Why didn't you come yesterday when it was actually Father's birthday?”
Mariam's fingers lightly fidgeted with the ribbon on the gift before answering. “I didn't want to ruin his birthday like I ruined yours.”
“Mariam,” Bruce said. “Never think that you would ruin my birthday. You are always welcome here.”
They all moved upstairs for a nice cup of tea before bed. 
“How long are you gonna be staying here?” Tim asked as he happily munched on some chips which Alfred had provided.
“Just a couple of hours. I'll be meeting with Mother afterwards.” Mariam replied.
“Mariam?” Bruce said.
“Yes, Father?”
“There's something I need to discuss with you.”
“Let's go to my study.”
As they both got up, Damian blurted out, “I wish to go to visit Mother too.”
Bruce said, “It's fine by me. Will you be able to take him with you, Mariam?”
“Yeah.” She replied.
“Yeah?” Dick asked. “Since when did you start saying yeah?”
“I've been traveling. It's fun to see so many people. I picked up some words.” Mariam said before following Bruce out of the dining room.
Later, when they were in his study, he motioned her to sit down and he sat down opposite her. “Mariam, your mother and I have been talking.”
“About what?”
“About the fact that you're not staying with any of us. If there's a reason then please let us know.”
“I–” She said before taking a deep breath in and continuing. “I just want to see what a normal life feels like.”
“If you want a normal life, you can find it here.”
“I don't think I can. Believe it or not, Father, life as a billionaire's daughter does not qualify as normal.”
“There is also another reason. Isn't it?”
Mariam drew a deep breath in. “Promise me you won't tell anyone.”
“My lips are sealed.” Bruce replied, slightly leaning forward, trying to give an encouraging nod.
“Ra’s Al-Ghul was my grandfather. E-even though he treated me and mother horribly, there was still a sense of respect I had for him. Was it because it was ingrained in me or simply a respect for his skills? I can't seem to define it. But what I do know is, deep down, I did consider him f-family. I did consider him my blood. And–” She again drew a sharp breath in. “I can't seem to get rid of the guilt. I cannot wake up every morning and see his eyes in Mother’s and Damian’s. I-I didn't mean to kill him, but he was hurting the people I loved. Even heard from some of his trusted advisors that he was considering-g” 
“Considering replacing mother with you?” Bruce prompted.
“Yes, he was considering replacing mother with me. I couldn't risk that.”
“It's alright.” Bruce said, gently patting her shoulder, trying to comfort her. “Everything will be fine.”
Wish I could believe that. Mariam thought but didn't say it out loud. Some secrets are better left unsaid.
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defrosted69 · 1 year
My Hype Boy (Part 2)
***YOHOHOHOHO I'm Back with Kim Minji part 2 since you guys wanted a part 2. I hope I gave you guys justice about this one so here yah go***
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The winds was howling loudly as the autumn breeze blew the leaves of the trees around the campus. Your eyes widen as you gasped for air catching your breath. Your heart was beating so fast as you touch your face realizing that all that sweet scenes that happened was nothing more than a dream. A mixture of dissapointment and happiness filled your thoughts and this only confuses you.
"Woah, You're finally awake mate"
The voice of Bangchan said as you looked around your sorroundings and you notice that you were sitting on a wooden bench along the campus park. Felix looked up to after playing with his phone and spoke.
"You look like you had a rough nightmare. Did you fuck someone?"
"Oh fuck off Felix. Wait, are you dating Chaewon?"
You asked making the man laugh and shook his head in amusement.
"That dream must have been good huh? You really think I have a chance with Lesserafim Chaewon? An Idol. Me? A student? Hmm?"
You sighed in relief knowing that you weren't still out touch from reality. Even though your heart was still beating fast, your mind was occupied on the thoughts of Kim Minji.
This was your first time dreaming about Minji and it felt really weird considering the words that she said in your dreams. But you also want to believe that your dream was the reality because the way she showed her loved towards you felt so real. Some might say that being to tired out explains why some of our dreams become a reality. You could only sigh as you pick up your sling bag and stand up from the bench.
"I must have slept like a log, anyway, what's your plan boys?"
"Mate, we going to the concert remember? Felix planned this day for months. Don't tell me ya forgot already?"
Chan said making you sigh and shake your head. Your dream really messed up your thoughts of process so much. This slowly began to worry as you as you were afraid that this dream could eat up all your thoughts and emotions making you drained and tired.
"No of course not. I still have my ticket here."
You patted your jean pocket with you as the two nodded their heads. The two were big fans of IZONE especially Felix as he was there for them when they were still in a survival show, now with their new contract and Sub-group named Lesserafim and IVE. This didn't stop Felix though as he still continued to support them even with the new additions.
"Shit, I can finally die in piece if Chaewon waves at me"
Felix looked up day dreaming as usual as there was no point of you talking to him once he entered that state. Meeting Felix and Chan was one hell of a experience but it also brought upon smiles on your day especially when the three of you do some stupid shit together. The three of you left the university and headed to the concert hall immediately. The line was to be expected to be long considering this will be one of the groups biggest concert ever.
But by some luck from Chan, you three were able to buy VIP tickets but of course this made you and Felix raise an eyebrow at him. The VIP tickets cost a lot and it's supposed to be sold out immediately Considering the group is hot right now and Chan, with no disrespect to him, isn't the guy with a lot of money. Of course you could just add in that he may have earned this for a long time and he was just sharing his blessing to you two. But whatever the reason was, you were thankful to him because in reality, you were also struggling financially.
The sun was ready to close out the day and the line that almost looked like half of Han river was slowly moving as they were finally letting the people inside. VIP Tickets were the first one to enter because they were given the chance to be close to the idols. The three of you moved along the VIP lane and showed your ticket to the guard. He let you three enter the big dome and as the dark hallways engulf you, your mind suddenly shifted to Minji. A short memory that flashed into your mind.
The harsh howling of the winds and rain splashing to the windows of the house showed how powerful the storm was. The weather reports have already warned the citizens of the incoming storm as everyone has prepared themselves to the incoming natural disaster including yourself. And by that, I mean you barely didn't anything but charge your flashlight and phone. Your parents are both attending a business meeting for a week and it will be just you and Minji at the house hold. Considering the current weather, there was no point of attending school.
"Now what should I do-"
"Oppa!! Where's the flashlight? Minji's asking by the way."
You sighed after hearing her loud voice. Pham Hanni was apprently stuck in your household until the storm passes because of their sleepover. Of course you don't mind Hanni at your home because seeing Minji smile and all happy being with her friend satisfies you. But the thing that didn't sit well with you is that, Hanni has been lately getting clingy towards you too. Of course you found it weird at first because there was no absolute way you made her this clingy towards you. But thinking back, there is that one incident where you did help Hanni out.
Although you weren't sure this was the incident that set her off to be this clingy towards you, it was the best moment that could trigger this phenomenon.
It all started back then when you were fetching Minji up from her school. Ever since that bullying incident, you promised yourself that you would pick her up from her school and Minji couldn't be more ecstatic to hear those words by you. Even though you have been through her school before, you still felt nervous as you were sweating a little bit. But that nervousness and worry immediately disappeared once you saw Minji smiling happily and dashing towards you. She immediately hugged you tightly as you felt a warm presence around her.
"Hey Minji, how's schoo-"
"Yah, Minji. You said this is your brother, how come you look like you have a brother complex?."
An unfamiliar voice was behind Minji and there you saw a smaller girl who was eyeing you in confusion. But her stares immediately tell you that she was either worried for Minji or, she finds you a creep. Minji immediately looked at her and gave her one stern look. The girl shrugged her shoulder and said
"What? I'm saying the truth here. You said you loved your brother but I didn't expect it to be this."
You widen your eyes as Minji and Hanni was staring at each other as if the two were communicating telepathically. Of course it wasn't possible but seeing her understanding Minji who couldn't speak, speaks volume of how much the girl understand and know Minji.
"H-how come you understand her… Errr, what's your name again?"
Hanni scoffed and shook her head showing her dissapointment. It was then you realized that the girl infront of you was the girl you talked to when you first arrive at Minji's school. You mentally slapped yourself for your mistake as you immediately apologize to her.
"Ah, I'm sorry Hanni. I.. I didn't recognize you at first."
"Well I didn't expect you to be this cute. Not that I meant that you weren't cute before but it's just that you're cuter now. Fuck what am I even saying? I'm sorry…"
You bowed your head apologizing towards the said girl but this in turn did a different effect on her. Hanni was too stunned to speak as a pink color was slowly appearing on her cheeks. Her heart was slowly beating faster and her gaze was suddenly stucked with you. Minji didn't like how her friend was suddenly blushing as she held you tighter and stared at Hanni with a annoyed yet adorable glare.
"So, shall we go?"
You snapped the two girls off their own thoughts as Minji smiled at you and nodded her head. Hanni managed to brush off her weird thoughts and crossed her arms near her chest.
"I'm only joining you guys because I don't want my best friend getting bewitched by you."
You could only chuckle at her silly assumption and just let her be. You have thought that the girls are just entering their puberty stage and their emotions are in shambles. Nonetheless, the three of you left school with Minji clinging to your arm and Hanni pulling her away from you whenever she has the chance too. You were lowkey thankful for Hanni's effort of pulling Minji away from you because you were getting uncomfortable with it.
Time pass by and the three of you managed to get closer, even though Hanni was still suspicious of you. You managed to let her be comfortable with you. Now this is where you probably assume where Hanni began to change her attitude towards you.
It was a beautiful autumn afternoon and you were on your way home. Minji texted you that your mother picked her up allowing you to have more time for yourself. The soft breeze passing by and the brownish dried leaves on the floor gave you an idea of what you were gonna do in the afternoon. Your legs began moving to wherever your feet takes you as you unwind your mind along with nature. The trees that looked shaved due to the weather made you smile as you admired it's aesthetics. Your walk abruptly came to a halt when you saw a familiar girl clutching to her right ankle and closing her eyes. You saw how she bit her lips stopping herself from making any noise.
"Stupid banama peeling. Who even throws their food on the floor! Damn it…"
Hanni was in deep pain as her ankle had turned in a way she didn't expect it. She slowly noticed how her ankle began to create a swell and the pain only doubled on it. She bit her lips not wanting anyone to hear her pathethic call for help as tears began to flow down on her eyes. This day was surely terrible for her somehow as all bad luck just happened to happen to her.
In the morning, Hanni and Minji were together walking the hallways when Hanni accidentally bumped into someone holding a box of water paint. The paint flew to her uniform and mind you, the uniform she was wearing was her favorite because it held a sentimental value but it was now ruined because of someone's clumsiness. The other student apologized but hurriedly ran away with all the paint as if the student was chasing time. Minji helped Hanni cleaned her uniform as the girl could only sigh.
During lunch time, Minji and Hanni were at their usual seat in the cafeteria when the two spotted the guy that Hanni likes. Of course this made her heart beat like crazy as Minji just gave her best friend a smile of encouragement. Hanni pulled out her mirror and checked herself before putting in some lip tint to show the redness of her lips. But all that preparation went all down the drain when she saw a sight that broke her heart into thousand pieces. The guy she liked smiled towards the popular girl in the school and even held hands and embrace each other as if they missed each other a lot. This scene was probably gonna be a traumatic experience for her as Minji felt bad for Hanni. She gave Hanni a pat to the back and a warm comforting embrace.
And lastly, this afternoon, she had to go home alone because Minji was gonna get picked up by her mother for their appointment to the doctor. Hanni didn't mind going home alone but after everything that has happened to her so far, she perhaps needed someone to hear her day or just someone who would stay by her side. She thought that maybe walking home would relax her but that ended in her spraining her ankle as she stepped on a banna peel.
"This day sucks ass-"
"Hanni? Are you okay?"
Hanni immediately recognized that voice as she could feel her cheeks turning red due to embarrassment. From all the people she just have to meet. It has to be with you.
"I'm fine… Just, j-just relaxing that's all."
She was clearly lying as you can see her hiding the sprain on her ankle. You pulled out your handkerchief from your pocket and opened your bag taking out an emergency instant ice pack. Hanni widen her eyes when you suddenly kneeled down to her level and grabbed her hand slowly removing it from the injured ankle.
"W-What are you doing?"
"You obviously sprained your ankle. Walking it out would only make it worse as the swell is already starting to show. Now hold on and let me cook."
"What? No, I'm fine Y/n-ouch! Yah!"
You gently poked her swollen ankle and she winced in pain and glared at you. You gave her a warm smile as you placed the ice pack on her injury and wrapped it with your handkerchief ensuring it tightly.
"It's not to tight right? Or do you want me to loosen it?"
"It's alright…"
You stood up and sat next to her as the two of you didn't spoke a single word. You just let the howling winds make the sound and people walking by as you waited for Hanni to speak. It didn't take that long as Hanni grew tired of the silence.
"How did you know I was here?"
"I was just walking by. This was my usual route when going home. What about you?"
"Well, my house is just a few minute walk here so…yeah..Anyway thank you for helping me. I need to go now."
"What? No you should-"
Upon applying pressure on her injured ankle, she lost balance as the mobility of her right ankle is altered. She began to slowly descend down with her back falling into a soft pair of arms. Hanni was now locked eyes with you as she was in your arms with her heart beating faster again and pink color tint was forming on her cheeks.
"You shouldn't move with that kind of injury Hanni. Alright, sit down first."
"B-But why?"
"Just sit."
This was her first time seeing you look so serious and concern for her. It was a sight to behold because she usually sees you in a more loser like state but seeing this side of you made her remove those thoughts away. She listened to your instructions as she sat back down on the wooden bench. You moved your back to your front side and turned your back towards her, kneeling down. Hanni widen her eyes as she even felt more embarrassed.
"Wha-What are you doing?"
"Well since you can't move. I'll be the one moving for you."
"N-No that's embarrassing. I'm no longer a kid."
You chuckled at her remark and said
"With an injury like that, this is the only way for you to move anywhere from your spot. Unless you want to be carried bridal style instead?"
It was your turn to tease her making Hanni fuming red. She has no choice, even though it was eng for her, she has to accept your offer because she clearly can't walk with her injury. In the end, she hopped on your back and you two began walking away. It was very quiet between the two of you as Hanni was in deep thoughts thinking of you.
"Are you always this nice to everyone?"
"Hmm? What do you mean?"
"What I mean is what I said. You seem to care for Minji a lot. Is this how you bewitched her that she's so clingy to her brother?"
Hearing her words made you laugh a little as this made Hanni a little furious.
"Yah, I'm being serious here."
"Okay, Okay calm down. I don't know if bewitched is the right term for it. I'm just really looking out for Minji because she deserve nothing but the best for her. She went through a lot in the past so I make sure that her present is far more better."
Hanni had to acknowledge your statement because it was true. Being friends with Minji made her learn a few things from her. She was a very good listener dispite the fact that she can't talk. She's a very soft hearted person and cares about the people around her. Her soft smile and warm aura just captives anyone and would melt with her behavior towards everyone. Of course sometimes, this would make Hanni feel self conscious of herself.
"What about you?"
"Huh? Me?"
"Yeah. Why did you become friends with Minji?"
She never really thought about that question before. Initially, she thought that it would be nice to be friends with someone preety and cute and as time goes on, she realized how much Minji was crafted to be perfect in everything. She would be lying if she said she felt jealous of her.
"I wanted to be friends with her because she felt lonely before. Honestly speaking, being friends with her is a blessing and a curse…"
You notice how her voice trailed off as you just walked slowly letting her speak.
"Being with Minji, I had a wonderful time being with her and somehow we just click. But there are times we're I…. Well, honestly speaking, I feel jealous of her sometimes."
"I know your her step-brother and all and I shouldn't be speaking like this to her but sometimes, I really feel like that. She got it all. She got the looks, she's smart and she's so kind and yet I don't even have one of those…"
You can feel the pain in her voice when she said those words. You actually felt a little bad for Hanni because what she's feeling is what you're feeling whenever you see the famous students in your school. They have the looks and charisma, if not those, they have the brains and charisma that makes anyone believe under their palm. It was quite exhausting seeing those things but as time goes by, you began to appriciate what you are and what you have.
"That's not true Hanni. Who said you don't have the looks? You're preety cute actually."
Hanni widen her eyes as her cheeks began to turn red. But what's she's afraid of was the sound of her heart beat going faster and faster. A sudden came to her mind and all memories of her being with you flashed in her mind.
It felt like she was going through time seeing the moments that the two of you shared. All though it wasn't obviously a lot, there was a lot of times you actually looked out for her and for Minji. The way you made sure Hanni was eating well, was studying well, heck, even the time when you scolded her and Minji for staying up late instead of sleeping flashed on her mind. She already knows the feeling that was lingering on her.
It was the feeling of admiration.
Perhaps maybe even bigger than admiration.
Perhaps it was love.
"Y-You're just saying that…"
"but it's true Hanni. You're very pretty yourself. So don't look down upon yourself and say you're not."
Her heart was not gonna take it anymore if you spoke more about her. Her heart was about to burst from her chest and her cheeks was already red as it. In the end, she just stayed quiet while you carefully carried her in your back. The walk was rather longer than expected. Perhaps it was because of how the two of you converse more than usual that it felt like the walk was longer but enjoyable.
You finally stoped at her house as you gently lowered yourself allowing Hanni to stand up properly. The icepack worked like magic as the swelling somehow got small and her ankle was almost back to its original size.
"Can you walk?"
Hanni nodded her head as you smiled a little and grabbed her bag that was on your shoulder and gave it to her.
"Well I hope you get your ankle treated well Hanni."
"Ah, Y-Yeah…"
Hanni locked her gaze upon you as you stared back at her.
"Is there something you forgot?"
Hanni gulped. This was her first time seeing you in a different light and right now, her heart was beating so fast. She wanted to say the words thank you but her mouth was visibly shut down. Instead, she instinctively took one step but her ankle wasn't really there yet making her lose her balance and landing into your chest.
"Woah, Are you okay Hanni."
Instead of responding, Hanni hugged you tightly as you blinked a several times. Pham Hanni, your sister's friend who was always suspicious of you was now hugging you tightly as if there was no tomorrow.
"Thank you, Oppa…."
Hearing the word Oppa made you smile as Hanni was now finally, Finally comfortable with you. She was now finally okay with you. And that was a very rewarding feeling. But unknown to the two of you, Minji who wanted to visit Hanni in her house saw the scene unfolding on her very eyes. Let's just say she was left speechless after seeing that and her heart broke into thousand pieces.
You were now at the end of the dark hallway and what greeted you was the giant arena filled with fans showing off their lightstick and a like. Felix and Chan were immediately on their fan boy mode on as you just smiled and watch the 16 idols appear on stage. As they appear, the loud cheers and chants can be heard all around the arena as Felix and Chan was shouting at the top of their lungs.
"Chaewon!! I love you!!"
Felix shouted as he made a heart shape out of his arms. Maybe they were at the VIP seats that Felix's effort was seen by his bias and smiled sweetly at him and showed a finger at him as well. Felix was losing his mind when Chaewon did that as he shouted and shook Chan like a mad man. Seeing your two friends going berserk is entertaining.
Your sorrounding held to a halt as the noise was muffled down. A voice that you haven't heard in a while made you turn around and as if everyone surrounding her was gone, she stood there standing so pretty.
Hearing her name made her smile and waved her hand at you. It's been so long that you couldn't even recognize her anymore but it's a good thing because Hanni was now a beautiful woman than she used too. But as much as Hanni is treated by the universe as the main character, a familiar female entered the frame that Hanni couldn't help but look to her side as both girls widen their eyes.
Hanni said making you widen your eyes in surprise. Kim Minji, your step sister was infront of you and this time, you weren't dreaming anymore. There she stood and looked at you with her iconic soft smile.
"M-Minji is that you-"
She didn't let you finish your sentence as she dashed towards you hugging you tightly making you unable to do anything.
"C-Can you talk now?"
You asked her but she just smiled at you and softly shook her head. But then she suddenly changed her attention to Hanni who was in disbelief seeing Minji again.
The two stared at each other not saying anything as the thickness and atmosphere between the two girls were sharp that anyone that cut in between them would feel frighten by their stares. even though the two of them share a past together, they were both competitive with the person they love.
Pham Hanni, the girl who was annoyed at you at first change her perspective of you when she saw your kindness. she has never searched for anyone else except you because her heart was already sealed with yours. she changed for the better and the universe granted her wish to see the person that melted and conquered her heart.
Kim Minji, the girl carved the goddess. Nothing will ever change the fact that she continued to be a big part of your life and now, she's seekinng more than just seeing you. she wants to be with you along the journey called life and show you the love she kept for so long just for you.
Chan was trying his best controlling his wild Friend Felix as he was about ecstatic seeing his bias notice him.
"Yah mate. Calm down, you might broke a bone or too with your excitement."
"What can i say?! Chaewon has been staring at me all the time and she's giving me smiles everytime I look at her. I just wanna die man."
"Calm your dick down. You still don't want to die just yet-hey look."
Chan changed his attention to you and Felix saw the problem you have at hand as he himself couldn't believe it.
"No way, Y/N has two princess on his palm."
"It's not just any princess, It's that Freshman beauty Pham Hanni. Blud is so lucky-"
A person in black shirt who towered between them gave the two a hear attack. Felix was just joking earlier about dying because he wasn't ready yet to die.
"You two are asked to be at the backstage."
The man simply said making Chan and Felix look at each other in disbelief.
Felix asked as the man sternly looked at them making them sweat bullets. Chan was calling out all the angels and saints for him to be saved from this while Felix was asking for forgiveness for all the wrong doings he had done.
"Izone wanted to see the two of you."
The two boys said.
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annepsilvaauthor · 8 months
You Belong With Me - Jamie Dutton
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Pairing: Jamie Dutton x OC (Ava North)
Summary: Ava only wanted one thing: to be a horse tamer. And when she had the chance, she took it. Ava became the new horse tamer of Yellowstone, a totally different ranch from the others she met, either because of its immensity or because of family problems. Ava thought her problems were big, but when she met the Dutton family that thought dies. However, there is a Dutton who is a point out of the curve, a lawyer mistreated by the problems and by his own family. Meeting Jamie Dutton may not have been the work of chance, after all one broken understands the other.
Warnings: Subtle sexual innuendos, brief language, alcohol consumption, angst, smut, fluffy.
A place for women
"The ranch isn't a place for women, Ava." Rip said sounding more protective than she had ever seen. "There are only animals there."
"Great, I love animals," she replied with determination after taking a sip of her beer.
"Don't tell me you want to wash a cow's ass? That's what a cowboy does...and many other things."
"No, I don't want that. You know what my talent is, Rip." She reminded him with a confident smile of her glory days in the rodeos.
"Oh, of course. The 'horse enchanter'. I remember her." He disdained with a smile and drank a sip of beer straight from the bottle. "You earned much more at the rodeos than you would at the ranch."
"You know why I done competitions, I'm not going to get into this subject again." She protested almost angry and asked for another drink.
Ava looked around. It was almost three in the morning and the bar was empty, there were only the two of them there exchanging favors as they always did. Rip sent it, she did it and he paid for it. It was always good money, but she was tired of infiltrating, selling her body to get information and pretending to be who she wasn't. The competitions gave her a lot of fame and exposure, the work of private detective locked her in lies. Ava wanted an escape from all that, she wanted to live in a place where she could be herself. Yellowstone looked like one of those places.
"Are you going to help me or not?" Ava asked incisively, but Rip continued in his passive state, drinking the beer as if it were the most expensive wine in the world. "Damn, we've known each other for I don't know how many fucking years and I've never asked you for anything, Rip. This should help you understand how much this matters to me."
"I know it's important to you...and it's precisely because we've known each other for so long that I'm afraid to put you in there." He sighed heavily and ran away from her eyes with every word. "You know the...things I've been doing, damn it. You know that. In there you're not a simple cowboy or horse tamer, you're their property. His property."
"You never complained about what you had to do for the Dutton. This means that you agree with what should have been done. You are part of them now or of his property. And if he protects his own property so well and I will be a part of it, then there is no other place in the world safer than there."
Rip shook his head in denial and fixed his dark and deep eyes on hers. There was pain, anger and sadness in them, something not so different from Ava's. That's what connected them and continued to keep their friendship so alive.
"I'm not going to convince you otherwise, am I?" He asked with a weak smile and she denied it with her head. He sighed strongly and drank two more big sips of his beer. "OK. I can do it for you...but there's something you need to know before you get in."
"I'm all ears." Ava moved around on the stool, turning totally to her friend, who had suddenly taken a very serious tone.
"We all value loyalty very much. John values that for real. We do what he asks without questioning... out here you had the opportunity to change branches as many times as you needed, but not there. Once you entered the ranch, you don't leave there anymore, do you understand?" Rip's eyes shone in a kind of devotion mixed with terror and Ava paid attention at every word, internalizing that for good. She nodded in agreement. "Are you sure you still want to do that?"
"More than anything in my life." Ava opened a moved smile." It will be good for me, Rip, you know that. They were good for you. Look at you! All full of authority, toughness and giving me orders. What can be so bad about that ranch that I haven't seen in my life?"
He didn't answer that, he just looked at her again in depth, which made her feel as small as she was when they met a few months before the tragedy with his family. Rip had been her protector as a child and, even though Ava was already on the verge of thirty-five, he still protected her as if she were that frightened and lost girl from Miles City. Well, Ava was no longer like that, she could take down anyone who approached her with ulterior motives, but a part of her liked Rip's protection, as much as it often irritated her.
"I'm going to be your boss." He informed in a mocking tone after the brief pause.
"Let's see for how long." Ava returned in challenge and the two laughed.
"Be in the shed in an hour." He announced and Ava raised an eyebrow. Rip laughed. "I'm not going to make it easy for you just because we're friends. You'll be like any other beginner."
"I didn't expect anything different from you." Ava stroked his shoulder with one hand, pulling his attention out of the bottle to her. "Thank you for that."
"Let's drink one more as friends."
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etherealcheol-mp3 · 1 year
White Carnations, Red Roses (and other perfumed words I hide behind) [TEASER]
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Pairing: Seungcheol x reader (ft other svt members)
Genre/warnings: fluff, humor, sorta enemies to lovers, misunderstandings, flower shop owner!Y/N, landord!Seungcheol, tags will be updated later on when the actual fic is completed
Word count: TBD
Summary: You were just starting to foolishly believe that your move to a new city wasn't as bad as people had told you it would be. You had your best friend as your roommate, your new flower shop was running relatively smoothly after the grand opening, and everyone you had met so far had been nothing but kind to you. And then you met Choi Seungcheol.
A/N: i hate writing summaries oh god i promise this fic won't be as bad at the summary makes it sound...anyway !! hi ! new fic on this blog that i haven't really touched in a l o n g time. hopefully, i don't give up on this fic and get back to writing like before but these are just simply baby steps for me so we'll see how this goes. please let me know what you think and if you'd be interested in reading this fic because i could use the motivation lmao. other than that, thank you for reading this and cheers to new beginnings !!
Perfumed Words (floriography) - "Once a form of clandestine communication, the language of flowers was a silent dialogue — an unspoken way to converse with friends, lovers..."
Flowers are said to represent many different things. On a basic level, they can express love, happiness, gratitude, condolences, congratulations, well wishes, and more. To those who look a little deeper, each flower has its own unique meaning and representation. It’s these more intricate meanings that make owning a flower shop so fun to Y/N. People will come in every day searching for flowers to fit a multitude of occasions and only deem the ‘prettiest’ ones worthy of their money, not at all aware that the bouquet they just purchased for an anniversary is full of flowers that represent rejection, foolishness, and ill-nature. Of course, there are the people that want to hear all about flower meanings and how to best express their desired message, but after moving to a bigger, more urban city in order to expand the once small flower shop owned in your hometown, the amount of patience customers seemed to have to hear about the symbolism of the flowers they picked had greatly lessened.
You grunted softly, dropping the large bag of potting soil on the ground. The new shop had only been open for about two weeks but there was still a desperate need for organization in the back areas, hidden from the view of customers. “That was all of them right?” Chan asks as he pants lightly, leaning his side against the wall of the storage room. Chan was one of your only part-timers and a lifelong best friend. Growing up next door to one another in a neighborhood full of teenagers and newborns almost guaranteed a solid friendship as you were the only two kids around the same age who also went to the same school. Chan had helped you learn to ride a bike and you had cried while playing hide and seek one time since it had been close to an hour and you hadn’t found him. As you got older, you stayed close and Chan was one of the biggest supporters in your life when you decided you wanted to open your own flower shop. 
You laughed breathily at the boy next to you who was now dramatically trying to check his pulse. You push his shoulder gently as you move to walk back out to the front of the store. “I bet you regret saying you would go to university in the city now, huh?” Chan snorts at that, wrapping his arms tightly around you from behind to trap you in a bone-crushing hug, rubbing the side of his face against yours for good measure. You try to escape but he only holds you tighter, earning a loud groan from you, “Why would I regret moving with my bestest friend in the world? School has nothing to do with my undying loyalty to you,” You can’t help but laugh at that, finally freeing yourself from his arms and turning to face him. “Cut the shit, Lee Chan, we both know you’re only here because I have an extra bedroom in my apartment and could give you a job.” His shit-eating grin doesn’t falter as he extends his arms out for another hug, “Exactly what I said! Undying loyalty!”
You roll your eyes but can’t hide the smile on your face. “Yeah, yeah. Why don’t you show me that undying loyalty of yours by watering the plants in the greenhouse for me,” You smile sweetly while pushing a water spritzer into his chest. The way the smile on his face drops at your words makes you laugh lightly. He grumbles a bit but grabs the tools he needed and heads to the back door, raising his middle finger without turning back as you call out a sweet ‘Thank you!’. Chan was younger than you by a few years and the time for him to start university just so happened to overlay the time you decided to move the location of your shop for a much-needed expansion. You were lucky the area you settled on wasn’t too far from where you currently lived and Chan was even luckier that his dream school wasn’t far either. The small commercial strip you found with a space for rent seemed too good to be true at first. The area was popular and well developed with a large variety of stores surrounding yours. So far all the owners you had met were friendly and welcoming too. 
You were almost immediately invited to game night by the owner of the coin karaoke, Soonyoung, who was two shops down from yours, and the manager of his place, Seokmin, looked as if he would cry if you declined the offer. When you agreed and met up with them later that night you met the co-owners of the souvenir shop across the street, Jeonghan, and Joshua, and Chan hit it off with the part-timer of the record shop who everyone called Vernon. The two found out they were both attending the same university in the upcoming semester starting in just a few weeks and you felt relief that Chan wouldn’t be completely on his own. 
Everyone seemed to get along with one another and you were excited to slowly start joining the group for future get-togethers. The one person you couldn’t seem to get a clear read on was the landlord and property owner of the shops. You had met briefly twice: when you expressed interest in the vacant lot and when you signed your lease. Seungcheol was his name, and he always seemed to be in a rush whenever you met him, always leaving as quickly as possible with a tight smile and tired eyes. He was around the same age as you and the other shop owners and you assumed for a guy in charge of so many tenants he was just understandably busy. 
You were mindlessly sweeping behind the check-out counter in the front of your store when the small chime of the bell above the front door drew your attention. You called out over your shoulder without fully turning to face the person, “Hi, I’m sorry but we’re closed for the day,” resting the broom against the wall, you brushed your hands off on your green apron and turned around to give the person your full attention. “I can’t even come in to see how you’re settling in?” The question catches you off guard, as does the presence of Seungcheol lightly stroking the petal of one of the white carnations on display. He looks up at you after a bit, cocking his brow slightly with a warm smile. He looks relaxed today, not as rushed and fidgety as your prior encounters, and the tan short-sleeved shirt he’s wearing hugs his previously hidden biceps wonderfully. 
You blink once, then twice before you let out a soft, “Oh.” Seungcheol moves his hand from the delicate petals and crosses his arms over his chest while turning to face you fully. “I didn’t know you’d uh, didn’t know you would stop by…today,” You don’t know why you feel so nervous under the man's gaze but the light chuckle that leaves him makes you feel weak in the knees. He begins to walk up to the counter you’re still standing behind and you feel your eyes widen slightly. “I like to surprise my tenants every once in a while. Make sure they’re getting their money’s worth from their rent.” You nod slightly at that, looking down at the counter between the two of you to avoid his gaze. “Oh, yeah. That makes sense, I mean you-” he cuts you off with a gentle yet firm tone. “I also make sure they’re following the rules. They’re very strict here.”
Your head snaps up to meet his. His face looks serious and you can’t help but furrow your brows at his words. “Rules?’ You question quietly. He nods and his face holds the same serious expression as before. “This is a strictly business-only zone during operating hours. We can all be friends and whatever else when stores are closed but outside of that it’s rivalry and competition only.” You tilt your head in utter confusion and let out a “What?” that ends up being the loudest and most stable word you’ve spoken to him so far. The corner of his lips twitches just slightly upwards at that before he continues. “Every month rent is due, this isn’t news,” You narrow your eyes as he speaks, unsure if you’re going to like where this goes, “However, the shop with the highest sales for the month gets a benefit.” You raise an eyebrow at his vague explanation and cross your arms over your chest. “What does that have to do with rent, or being friendly with one another during business hours?”
Seungcheol sighs with a shake of his head, pushing his hands into the pockets of his jeans before meeting your eyes with a look of amusement. “Let’s just say the benefit is good enough that some good old-fashioned business rivalry and...sabotage, I guess you could say, is perfectly normal. If you don’t want to see your little flowers cut up or your water supply blocked then I would suggest you stick to the rules.” You let out a scoff of disbelief as he finishes. “I find it really hard to believe any of the people I’ve met so far would do anything like that, and I also find it insane that you would even allow it if it ever did.” 
Seungcheol smiles at your words, enjoying the anger he can see beginning to grow. He leans over the counter slightly to get even closer to you before he speaks lowly, “You don’t know me or anyone else here like you might think you do. I really hope you’ll be able to last long enough to do that, but from what I see, you and your little flowers won’t make it to Christmas. It’s not like your sales would help you anyway.” You glare at him and clench your jaw at his words. You’re stuck in a trance of anger and disbelief and don’t even realize he’s walked away and out the front door until you hear the light chime from the bell once again. You’re unable to move as you replay the scene again and again in your head, only being brought back by Chan dramatically exclaiming his relief at once again being in a building with air conditioning. He sees your rigid stance and feels his eyes widen at the expression on your face. 
“Y/N…are you good?” He asks hesitantly, unsure of what he missed while he was out. “I’m good,” you let out a deep breath as you meet his eyes, “I just need to go pick up a few things.” Chan looks confused as you walk past him to the back office space and grab your things, ready to leave. “What things?” He asks, following behind you and quickly ridding himself of his matching green apron as you quickly walk to the front door, flipping the open sign to display ‘Closed’. “Just some things to help me prove an asshole wrong,” You speak casually with a smile that Chan recognizes all too well. “Shaving cream or duct tape?” He asks in slight fear of the answer, letting out a sigh of disdain at the answer. “Lemons.” 
“Oh fuck.”
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frazzledsoul · 6 months
Probably preaching to the choir here, but I find the constant revisionism regarding Christopher Hayden's sporadic attempts at fatherhood rather frustrating.
I often see his fans argue that Lorelai "kept Rory away from him and refused to let him participate" and that "she made it uncomfortable for him." But did she? She declined his marriage proposal because he was uninterested in Rory from the beginning. She left home and moved thirty minutes away, worked her way up to a middle-class life, and made it clear he was free to do whatever the fuck he wanted. We're told he calls Rory every week (I find this unconvincing, but whatever), he sees her on holidays, he knows how to find Rory and Lorelai when he finally visits them 14-15 years after they move there. It sure doesn't sound like Lorelai hid her away and didn't tell Christopher where they lived or refused to allow him to visit her. Not to mention that we are explicitly told in season 1 that she's "always held the door open to her, you just never wanted to use it" and he agrees.
The other thing she tells Rory in that S1 episode is that "he's going to come and go as he pleases, hon, you know that." Contrary to the belief that she kept Rory away from him, she actually is super accommodating any time he wants to show up and contribute and she never rebukes him for all the times he didn't feel like it. She doesn't appear to ever ask him for money or criticize him for being a bad dad and of course, she keeps sleeping with him any time he does anything half-decent. She's raised Rory to think that it's inevitable he's going to treat them like crap and only show up when it's convenient for him and that they can never be mad at him or hold it against him because she didn't marry him when he offered so long ago. The idea that he had a responsibility to Rory regardless of whether Lorelai was willing to be in a relationship with him is not a reality in their world. It doesn't help that both sets of grandparents seem to blame the entire situation on Lorelai and don't expect Christopher to contribute in any way.
And of course, Christopher doesn't really care about Rory. He's mostly eager to act like a dad when there are cracks in Lorelai's relationship with Luke and he senses an opportunity to get in her pants (he usually succeeds at this). Once that opportunity goes away, he disappears. He drops out of Rory's life once Gigi is born. He doesn't appear to be in contact with her after he and Lorelai divorce until it's time for her graduation. After Lorelai stops talking to him once she reconciles with Luke in the post-OS period, he stops talking to Rory, too. Even the offer to pay for the second half of Rory's college education only comes when he inherits a bunch of money he didn't earn and offers to buy *Lorelai* anything she wants until Rory reorients his offer towards something practical. Rory is a means to get to Lorelai and not much more. And of course, we know from AYITL that he sends Gigi away to her mother eventually as well, giving up on her too.
This is not to say that Lorelai always behaves perfectly. She avoids telling Rory about Christopher requesting to make holiday plans with her for a few days and she does a lot to poison Rory against Christopher/Sherry in S3 because SHE'S mad at him for rejecting her and Rory feels she has to take her side. Still, I don't feel this is equal to all of Christopher's neglect and at any rate Rory is a big girl now, a legal adult, and can develop a relationship with her dad beyond her mom if she wants. Christopher doesn't appear to be terribly interested.
(Oh, and the aforementioned S2/S3 behavior is why you shouldn't be best friends with your daughter, as it's inevitable that your hurt feelings will get in the way of what's best for her and her relationship, however frayed, with her other parent. That is another topic, though).
In the end, all this does have a profound effect on Rory. She's often submissive in her relationships (especially with Dean) and lets problems fester instead of dealing with them because that's what's been modeled for her. She also regularly cheats with old boyfriends because her parents taught her that you always have a claim on your first love and that overrides whatever commitment you're currently making. And of course, in the AYITL era she seems to have copied his life patterns a bit too much, as she's got no real incentive to change at this point.
Lorelai wasn't too hard on him. She was way too easy on him and put up with too much of his shit over the years, and that had its own reverberations. Both Lorelai and Rory should have been allowed to be angry at him for his neglect. It never happened.
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sinsmockingbird · 7 months
HSR OC | Character Sheet
Everyone out here making character sheets for OC's that are somehow tied to @sea-lanterns Casino!AU. Of course I had to join in the fun, otherwise I'll feel left out. Enjoy this semi, all over the place, explanations on my newest HSR OC.
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SAIRAS is a fanmade playable character in Honkai: Star Rail. She's one of the many Bunnies that work at the most popular casino in all of Penacony, The Rabbit's Foot. Known for her charming personality and irresistible looks, this Bunny has earned herself a reputation as one of the most popular and sought-after Bunnies in the casino. Just make sure you don't fall for her alluring voice or looks, or you might find yourself in debt to The Rabbit's Foot.
NAME: Sairas
GENDER: Female
AGE: 24
PATH: Erudition
TYPE: Imaginary
RARITY: 4 Stars
SPECIES: Rabbit Hybrid
FACTION(S): The Rabbit's Foot
WORLD: Penacony
Seiras is an average height woman with lush and long, dark magenta hair and teal blue eyes. Her eyes are described as being like a kaleidoscope, going from different types of blue and greens depending on the angle your looking at her. She also has tall, white bunny ears on the top of her head, and a cute, white cotton tail.
Seiras wears a pretty revealing attire, a black colored short dress that goes slightly above her thighs, and has a deep v-line that shows off a bit of her cleavage. She also wears black heels to watch, and a pair of black fingerless gloves, as well as silver bands cuffed around her wrists and upper arms, each side of her arms being decorated differently.
Seiras has a very charming, playful, and seductive personality. Being one of the many Bunnies at The Rabbit's Foot casino, she's been able to learn how to read people well, and is always able to get into a person's good graces. She's very sweet and accessible to any of her clients, and openly flirts with everyone, be it clients, other Bunnies, or even the Boss. She's dominating and likes to have control, but is known to bend over for certain people.
Despite all this, Seiras is also exceptionally mischievous and venomous. She's able to pull moves other Bunnies wouldn't dare, pulling pranks on certain clients or even the Boss, as well as talking people into spending more money on gambling with just a few simple words. But if she has a problem with someone, it's not surprising to see her turn cold and catty, making lethal comments towards them.
FIRST MEETING: "Well hello cutie, I'm Sairas. Have you come to spend a little money on gambling, or... are you here see to me?"
CHAT - CHARMSPEAK: "Wanna know a little secret? I have a little gift I like to call, 'Charmspeak'. I'm able to charm anyone into doing anything I'd ask of them. Oh? You want a little demonstration? Well then, heh, why don't we go to a private room together, just you and I."
CHAT - GAMBLING: "Nothing wrong with wanting to spend a little indulgence for yourself on spending money to win even more money- or, lose it all."
HOBBIES: "My hobbies? Oh honey, I don't think we're in a very appropriate place to be discussing those."
ABOUT ACHERON: "Tall, dark, and mysterious, one of my favorite types of women. I always get a thrill trying to figure out their secrets, and bending them to my will. Nothing is more satisfying than seeing a woman like that at my mercy."
ABOUT HIMEKO: "Himeko is the type of woman I actually see myself settling down with. Would that ever happen? God no, I'm too much of a free spirit, but a girl can dream can she not?"
ABOUT BOSS: "Ah, how I love that woman. Very few know how to get my knees shaking, and she would be the expert."
ADDED TO TEAM WITH YUKONG: "My my, a helpless bunny joined with a ferocious fox. Whatever shall I do!"
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