#like not even mid fight it was just driving my brother home and i spoke during the conversation
lilgynt · 3 months
i wish my mom could just make peace with the fact she just doesn’t like me instead of thinking bc she doesn’t like me no one else in the world could like me/ think i’m smart/funny etc etc etc
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Words: 3,823 Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Reader pronouns: she/her Era: Alexandria Warnings: Language, violence, mentions of suicide, gore, sexuality, fear and anxiety, disturbing imagery, typical TWD stuff A/N: This is part of a series! Find the previous parts on the Masterlist! Summary: Y/N heads outside of the walls for a distraction after the distressing day before. She returns in the evening to learn some concerning news.
Your name: submit What is this?
You woke early from fitful sleep plagued with the same old nightmares. It was still dark out and you knew no more sleep would come, so you decided to be productive again. Meat was always scarce, and after the news of Denise the day before, you needed a distraction. Not to mention having to relive old traumas… After quickly dressing, you stepped out on the porch into the cool morning air. Normally you would have asked Daryl if he wanted to join you, but the house across the street was still dark and you hoped that, for once, he was getting some sleep. Though with the events of the previous day, you really doubted it.
You grabbed your bow and headed for the gates. Sasha was on duty and she pulled it open for you with a kind but sad smile as you went out.
You spent all day outside the walls, engrossed in hunting, and it was after dark when you returned, hauling the rabbits with you over your shoulder. Tobin, a longtime Alexandria resident was on gate duty and you thanked him with a nod as you came in. He seemed particularly stoic but you attributed it to the prior day’s events. Denise was beloved by most of the people in town, especially since she had taken over after Pete’s demise… You made your way toward Aaron’s house and saw that the garage light was on and the door was open. You went in, expecting to find Daryl there tinkering on his bike, but the garage was empty and Daryl’s bike was distinctly missing. He must have parked it outside his place. You knocked on the door into the house and Eric answered it with Judith in his arms. You greeted them both with a smile but Eric’s face was grave and he was white as a sheet.
You throat tightened and your stomach dropped when you registered his expression. “What’s the matter?”
He gulped and stepped back to let you inside. “Have you been out all day?” he asked you.
“Yeah. Since before the sun was up,” you said, gesturing to the rabbits over your shoulder. Your heart started racing. “Eric—what’s going on?”
He shook his head and opened him mouth to speak but no sound came out. Turning on his heel he walked further inside and set Judith down on a blanket on the floor before he faced you again. “It’s—It’s bad,” he said seriously. “Carol left.”
Your brow contracted. “Left? What do you mean she left? Why? For how long?” Your thoughts immediately turned to Daryl. He and Carol were very close. You were sure he was worried, angry. He’d probably try to go after her.
“She left a note. I—I don’t think she’s coming back,” Eric said softly.
You paused for a moment. “Did Daryl go after her?”
“Rick and Morgan did. Daryl was already gone when they headed out.”
You stomach lurched and your head spun. “Gone—Gone where?”
Eric just stared at you.
Your breathing was speeding up. “Gone where?”
He averted his eyes and shrugged. “Best guess is back to where… it happened. To try and track them.”
You felt like you had been punched. “No. No, no, no,” you murmured, more to yourself than to Eric. “I—no. He can’t.” You tried to heave in a breath but your lungs felt tight. “I need to sit down,” you gasped, practically collapsing into a nearby chair as your knees felt like they were giving out.
“Glenn, Michonne, and Rosita went after him this morning,” he said quickly. Your eyes shot up to his face.
“Okay…” You waited expectantly for more details.
“But—they left early and none of them are back yet.” He looked mortified that he had to be the one to unload all this information on you.
You hung your head into your hands. “Oh my God. No… Fuck! Shit!” You stood up abruptly, the brace of rabbits forgotten and paced the length of the kitchen. “Okay. Okay. So, I’ll get some of the others and—and we’ll go look for them. Right? I’ll go find them and we’ll bring them back,” you said, more to yourself than Eric.
He winced, his expression regretful, anxious. “There’s… there’s something else.”
“Are you fucking kidding me? Isn’t that enough?!”
He grimaced. “Rick came back after he and Morgan went out. They think Carol had a run in with some of the Saviors not too far from here. Morgan stayed out to follow her trail. They think she might be hurt but they don’t know. But when Rick came back—Maggie is sick. Very sick.”
“Sick how?”
“She—she thinks something with the baby. She was in a lot of pain… Rick loaded everyone up to get her to Dr. Carson at The Hilltop.”
You mind was whirring. “Okay. Okay…” You sat there, trying to process all this, wringing your hands. “Goddammit!” you said, taking your head in your hands again. “What the hell?!” You looked up at Eric desperately. “Who all went to Hilltop?”
“Pretty much everyone. Aaron went. And they took Eugene to get treated too since he was awake. I volunteered to stay here and watch Judith.”
You stood up and paced the length of the room. “Goddammit, what the hell is Daryl thinking!? I told him! I told him not to—” You broke off, gritting your teeth. Your hands clenched into fists. You turned over your conversation with Daryl the night before. You realized he had never said he wouldn’t go after The Saviors who had killed Denise. You now realized he’d been very specific about which words he spoke.
Eric shrugged vaguely. “I know. But—he’s…”
You sighed and shut your eyes, pinched the bridge of your nose hard in an attempt to ground yourself with something. “I know.” You looked back at Eric desperately again. “What do we do?”
He shrugged, at a loss for words now. “I think there’s only one thing we can do.”
Your jaw clenched. “Wait.”
_ _ _ _ _ _
And you waited. And you waited. And you waited. You weren’t good at waiting, even in the best of times. You refused to sleep. You refused to eat. You stood watch at the top of the gate and stared into the darkness which became dawn which became mid-morning. Still there was no sign of anyone. Everything was too quiet. You felt more and more nauseous by the minute, your stomach turning with anxiety.
Finally, a vehicle came into view in the distance. You raised the scope of your rifle to your eye. The RV. It was the RV. You continued to watch as it approached and you could see that it was Rick driving. You finally lowered the scope and the nauseous feeling in your stomach changed to a hard pit.
He stopped at the gate and raised a hand to signal that it was alright to open the gate. You climbed down and yanked it open, letting him drive through. The back of the RV had barely cleared the gate when he shut off the engine. You rushed to await whatever was to come, but you had a feeling like pins and needles prickling up your spine and a heavy weight on your chest. It was hard to draw air.
The door opened and people began to step out. But their faces… they weren’t themselves anymore. They were changed.
You knew that look; that wide-eyed, hundred-yard stare, the terror in their eyes. You had seen it on yourself, on your brother, on many others after they tangled with Negan. You knew what it meant. And there seemed to be a lot of people missing. Your people missing. You forced in a breath and just watched as they stepped out. Who was there and who was missing? Rick came around from the other side, and if possible, he looked worse than all of them.
“Rick…” you said, rushing over. He hardly seemed to hear you. “Rick!” You grasped his shoulders and his blue eyes, frantic and wide landed on your face.
“Judith?” he rasped, in a fog.
“She’s fine. She’s with Eric. Rick,” your voice broke off. You glanced at everyone who was pouring out of the RV, trying to take attendance.
“You were right,” he said, nodding almost imperceptibly. Tears were welling up in his eyes. “You were right. You were…” he trailed off.
Your eyes landed on Michonne and Rosita as they stepped out of the RV. “Daryl?” you demanded. You squeezed Rick’s shoulders to bring him back to you. “Daryl?!?” you urged.
He looked away down at his boots. His answer came in a whisper you almost couldn’t hear. He couldn’t look at you while he said it. “They have him.”
The breath was ripped from your lungs and your hands slipped from Rick’s shoulders. You staggered backwards, reeling. Suddenly Carl was there and he grasped your arm firmly. When you took in his expression, you were amazed that he looked better than anyone else. Of course he did. He’d grown up in this screwed up world during his formative years—he’d been at the prison when it fell, he’d had to put down his own mother… You, on the other hand, were spinning.
“He’ll be okay,” Carl said. “Daryl’s strong. He’ll fight.”
You shook your head. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”
Suddenly Aaron was beside you. You’d never seen him look worse. He was as white as a sheet and shaking. His eyes were wide, red, and puffy.
“Oh my God,” you launched yourself at him, grabbing him into a tight hug and unable to stop the tears from pouring down your face. “Oh my God.” He hugged you back weakly. You pulled back and looked at him, clasping his face in your hands. “You’re okay. You’re okay,” you said, doing your best to reassure him.
“I’m sorry,” he said weakly, shaking his head. “I’m so sorry.”
“Hey! Stop it. Stop. Everything—everything is going to be f—fine,” you said, pulling yourself back together while he was going to pieces. “You’re okay. Eric is okay.” You released your hold on your dear friend and nodded. “Go see Eric. Go home.” Aaron gave you another fearful and concerned look but you simply wiped the tear streaks from your cheeks and nodded. “I’m fine. Go home.”
You spun around again to look at the rest of the ragged group and started mentally going through the list of people who had gone out. “Maggie?!” you demanded suddenly.
“She’s at Hilltop,” Carl said. “Sasha stayed there, too.”
Your brow drew down low over your eyes. Something about that statement struck you as odd. “And Glenn?”
Now Carl looked away, and you could see light glistening in his eyes.
“No. No… Oh my God. No.” You put a hand out and had to lean on the RV, at risk of collapsing from the lightheadedness that flooded your brain.
Carl looked at you with a mixture of devastated and angry tears in his eyes. Your hand flew to cover your mouth and tears broke loose and streamed down your face again. You again glanced at the people wandering away toward Rick’s house. Michonne. Eugene. Rosita. Your eyes shot back to Carl, a sense of apprehension almost overwhelming you. “A—Abraham?”
Again, Carl shook his head.
He turned away from you, leaving you spinning, and grasped his dad’s arm. “Dad. Come on. Let’s go see Judith.”
You felt like you were going to be sick.
_ _ _ _ _ _
“I’ll go.”
Rick stared at you. “I—I can’t ask you to do that.”
“You aren’t asking,” you countered.
“I’ll go myself. I—”
“You’ve got kids. You’ve got a baby. Hell, you’ve got a whole town to look after now, Sheriff Grimes. And you need to get ready because they are coming. They’ll expect you to be here. You’re the leader. Just—I’ll go.” Rick watched the muscle in your jaw twitch. “You know I have to go.”
Rick heaved a sigh. He knew you’d go regardless of whether or not he wanted you to. He knew you did have to go. This was you and this was Daryl. “How?” he asked you. “How are you gonna get him back?”
“Don’t worry about that. That’s my job. I know more about Negan and that place than anyone. I will get him out. I promise you. I will get Daryl out.”
Rick let out a long slow exhale, with an edge to it like a growl. “I don’t suppose I have any real choice in the matter anyway,” he said.
“You don’t.”
Rick sighed again, rubbing a hand over the heavy stubble on his face.
“Rick, listen to me. They are going to come and the first thing they are going to do is take all your weapons and all your ammo. That inventory Olivia keeps of the armory? Burn it. And take some of the guns and ammo, just enough so they won’t suspect anything, and hide them outside the walls. Outside. If you hide them in here, they will find them. And when they do, someone else will die.”
Rick gulped and nodded. He felt like an icy hand had seized his heart in his chest. “Alright.”
“And there’s one more thing… Negan and his assholes—they cannot know that we are connected. Do you understand? You need to make sure that no one ever mentions me, okay? Like I don’t exist.”
Rick gave you a questioning look but nodded.
You gulped at the constriction in your throat. “I’ll tell you everything at some point but right now I need to go. I don’t want Daryl there a minute longer than he has to be. You understand everything?”
Rick nodded gravely. “Yeah. I’ve got it.” He hesitated. “Be careful.”
“I will.” You turned on your heel and went home to prepare.
_ _ _ _ _ _
You were concealed in the woods outside the nearest Savior outpost. It had taken you far longer to get there than you had hoped and you’d had to go pretty dark to find it… You killed more Saviors, but not all of them. Some you had kept alive for a little while, until they had given up their information on the location of the satellite outposts and lookouts. You glanced down at your jeans and t-shirt. They were filthy but still a bit too well kept. You wiped the walker blood on the blade of your knife on your shirt and then took the edge of it to your clothes, placing a rip here and poking a hole there. You looked at your arms. They were scratched and bruised from fighting your way through the woods, through walkers, through soldiers of The Saviors to get here. Good. You wanted it to look like you were having a shit time. You heaved in one last breath; your heart pounded. You were terrified, but the thought of Daryl being held by them sent an urgent shot of fearlessness through you. It had already been too long. You didn’t allow yourself to run through the what ifs… You gritted your teeth and stepped out of the woods, approaching the front of the outpost with your hands up.
The two guards in front saw you immediately. “Freeze! Don’t move!” Automatic weapons pointed at you.
You obeyed. They approached.
“Holy shit,” one of the men said as they got closer. He exchanged a look with the other.
“Son of a bitch,” the second man said matter-of-factly. “You gave us quite the run around, little lady. Negan had whole crews out looking for you.”
Your chest was heaving with nervous breaths. “I—I know. I made a mistake,” you muttered. You didn’t have to try to sound scared. You were. There was a quiver in your voice, but you knew it would work to your advantage. You wanted them to see you as helpless, scared.
“A big one,” the first man agreed. “Search her,” he said, nodding to his associate. He trained his gun on the center of your chest.
The second man frisked you, lingering a little too long with his hands on your body. He removed your knife from the sheath at your hip and clicked his tongue. “Damn. Too bad we can’t have some fun with her first,” he said, hungry eyes wandering over your body and back up to your face.
Revulsion twisted your stomach.
“Too bad,” the other agreed. “But you know what Negan said. She goes straight to him. What do you want? Why are you here?” he pressed.
“I—I want to come back,” you said quietly. “I can’t stay out here…”
This drew chuckles from them. “Negan was right,” one said to the other. “He called it.” He pressed the muzzle of his gun into your back. “Walk slow. Toward the building.”
“I’ll call it in. Damn, is he gonna be surprised. Might even throw us a bonus for bringing her in.” He raised his radio to his lips. “This is Rich at satellite outpost Beta-2. Repeat, this is Rich at outpost Beta-2. Anyone copy?” There was a brief burst of static before another voice responded through the speaker.
“I copy Rich. This is D at Sanctuary. What do you need? Over.”
“We’ve recovered a wanted individual who fled Sanctuary. How would you like us to proceed? Please advise. Over.”
There was another pause. The other man grabbed your wrists roughly and zip-tied them together behind your back, cruelly tight.
“Who do you have?” came the voice again.
“We’ve got Y/N.” He said it with relish and his eyes flew to your face again, a small smirk on his face.
The pause this time was even longer and your stomach turned. What if this wasn’t going to play out as you thought it would? What if he just decided to kill you? Then Daryl may never get out… Finally, the voice responded again. “Negan wants her brought here to Sanctuary immediately. Secure her and get her here now.”
It was done. You were going back.
You were thrown roughly into the back seat of a truck and once you were in, they zip-tied your ankles together too. The whole ride, the man in the passenger seat stared at you while he spun your knife with the point stuck down into the center console. Your heart never slowed from its sprinting in your chest.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you saw the familiar building coming into view and the truck stopped at the double doors. The man in the passenger seat cut the zip-tie around your ankles and soon you were roughly pulled out of the back of the truck by the elbow. You were pushed toward the double doors and forced inside. The sounds, the smell of the place brought memories flooding back to you and you began to feel lightheaded as you were herded up the stairs. You were met at the top by two of Negan’s apparent lieutenants, Simon and Dwight.
Simon was glaring at you and his nostrils flared. “Well, looky what the cat dragged in, Dwight.” He let out a low whistle. “What can I do for you, Y/N? Oh, and may I just say that you look like shit.”
You gulped at the lump in your throat. “I want to talk to Negan,” you said quietly. You glanced at Dwight beside Simon and that’s when you noticed that most of the left side of his face and ear were horrifically scarred—burned. When you had been at Sanctuary, Dwight and his wife and her sister were workers with you and your brother. You had gathered from what Daryl said that Dwight had escaped and ended up going back. Now he had moved up to being one of Negan’s right-hand men.
You let out a gasp as Simon backhanded you across the face hard. You tasted blood from a split in your bottom lip. “Of course, you want to see the big man,” he growled, stepping right up into your face. “You’ll see him when we say you can see him.” Simon grabbed you roughly by the elbow and dismissed the two men who had brought you in from the outpost. “Let me escort you to your accommodations, Y/N. I reckon you’ll find them familiar.” Soon you were in front of a metal door with a ‘#1’ painted on it; the cell you’d been held in when you’d first been brought to The Sanctuary with your group. Simon’s grip on your arm was like a vice. He smirked as he yanked the door open and shoved you inside, into the blackness. “Enjoy,” he snarked. “I’ll be sure to have fresh towels and the room service menu sent right up.”
“Simon—” you started, but you were cut off when he slammed the heavy door in your face, leaving you now in complete darkness.
Fuck. Was this what Negan had said to do with you? You had a hunch it wasn’t… Simon was a prick. He was volatile. You were willing to bet that he had taken it on himself to teach you a little lesson before taking you to see Negan. The zip ties on your wrists were cutting into you and it was nearly impossible to get comfortable with your arms pinned behind your back the way they were. You shifted your position on the floor and tried to alleviate some of the pressure.
You had no idea how long you sat there in the darkness, but it was at least several hours before you heard voices and boot steps on the other side of the door. You pressed your back into the wall and managed to stagger up to your feet. When the door cracked open, the light coming in even from just the dim overhead lights in the hall seemed blinding and you winced. At first all you could see were silhouettes in front of you.
But as they came into focus and your eyes adjusted you saw that it was Simon and Dwight, this time followed by the man himself, Negan… complete with leather jacket and his signature baseball bat slung over his shoulder.
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tyb1 · 4 years
If It’s The Right Thing To Do.
Part 1
Words: 2118
Character: Seth Clearwater 
 Note: let’s imagine your Sam’s little sister 
Series List
Dialogue prompt: “What? Why would I want to go over there? If I go over there Sam would smell vampires all over me. Aren’t you guys traitors anyway.” I scoffed, I was two seconds away from hanging up the phone on him since they did leave me behind.”
*this is my first twilight imagine so be nice :)*
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I stretched every muscle in my body to grab my phone that was sitting on the desk by the bed. I looked at the caller ID but it was from a number that I didn't recognize. My mom always told me not to answer those calls but I did anyway. I had the sudden urge to be bold today.
"Hello?" I rolled back on my bed to finish the stale popcorn that was at least 3 hours old.
"(Y/N)!" the voice spoke frantically over the phone. "(Y/N)....is this (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!"
I sat up on the bed trying to stop my heart from beating out of my chest. The voice sounds panic so it caused me to be panic. The voice from the phone sounded so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.
"This is she....why?"
(Y/N)! This is Jake! Listen, I need you to make your way over to the Cullens house!"
"What? Why would I want to go over there? If I go over there Sam would smell vampires all over me. Aren't you guys traitors anyway." I scoffed, I was two seconds away from hanging up the phone on him since they left me behind.
I heard Jacob huff over the phone. Then the phone sounded like someone grabbed a piece of paper and started crumbling it over the microphone. I lay back down on my bed the anxiety in my chest slowly fading away. "Listen Jake I don't have time for games I-"
"Shut up the hell up Jacob! (Y/N)! It's Leah, get your ass over to the Cullens now!" And just like that, the phone hung up without any explanation as to why I have to go to the Cullens.
I sat my phone back on the desk. There was no way in hell I could go to the Cullens. For one Sam wasn't on patrol tonight and two he would smell them on me if I ever decided to come back. "Those are two good reasons for me to stay in tonight." But why would they call me to come over to the Cullens when they knew for a fact I wasn't allowed near them........."
I jumped from my bed throwing on a hoodie and some pajama pants. I could barely maintain my breathing, There was something wrong with Seth I just felt it in my soul. Something bad probably happened to him and I wasn't there to prevent it.
I slowly walked out of my room seeing that all the lights were off. The door to Sam's and Emily's room was slightly opened. The sound of Sam's snores filled the air. I slowly closed the door then crept down the hallway to the keys.
"We only have one chance to let's make the most of it," I muttered to myself, I grabbed the keys from the shelf while trying not to step on the wood that creaked. I quickly made my way to the back door closing it softly.
"Okay, now the easy part is over." All I had to do now was get in my car and drive to the Cullens. What I was doing right now could coat me all the respect the pack has for me. If I stepped off this property Sam could label me as a traitor right along with Jake, Seth, and Leah.
"It's now or never if Sam hates me for what I'm doing so be it. Seth needs me right now." I mustered up all my courage to drive off the reserve. The drive to the Cullens was so agonizing. The only thing I could think about was the fight that caused us to be distant. We've never fought and when we did we'd make up instantly. This time I was the cause of it, his heart broke in front of me and I did nothing about it. I never meant to say the harsh words but I wanted him to hurt just like he was hurting me.
I ran behind Seth as he ran behind Jacob. He claimed that he was leaving my brother's pack to join Jacobs pack because "it was the right thing to do". At first, I thought he was being delusional but now that I'm running after him I knew he was being serious.
"Seth come back!" He stopped running causing me to bump into his toned back.
He grabbed my shoulders trying to turn me back towards the reservation."No (Y/N)! I have to do this, go back to Sam!"
I bit his hand then shoved him away."I'm not staying there unless you're with me, Seth!" He shook his head then ran farther into the woods.
"Seth if you leave me then I'll never forgive you!" I began to cry then the cries became sobs. I watched him through my blurry vision as he stopped mid-run. I knew if he stepped foot off the reserve onto the Cullens I would never see him again. Sam would ban me from ever seeing him again because he turned his back on the pack.
Jacob appeared behind a tree watching the whole situation."Seth, are you willing to go against your family, the pack, and your sister?"
Seth turned to Jacob with fire in his eyes. "If it's the right thing to do."
"You'd even turn your back on (Y/N)?"
Seth turned to me, staring into my eyes. It was like I didn't recognize him anymore. Those bubbly brown eyes of his were no longer the same.
"Like I said if it's the right thing to do."
My whole world stopped. Hearing those words come out of my lover's mouth felt like someone just gutted my heart out. My heart was telling me to say one thing while my brain was telling me to say another.
"Seth Clearwater, I hate you!" The words felt so wrong but so right at the same time. I turned my back to him so he wouldn't see me cry anymore.
"You don't mean that (Y/N)! You love me!"
I turned to him with pure hate in my eyes. "I can't love someone who's dead to me."
I ran as fast as my legs could take me. I heard him running after me screaming his voice cracking every time he called out to me. I never looked behind he was a traitor now and he said it to the world, his back was now turned on me.
I wiped the tears from my face as I drove farther off the reserve. Seth and I bond was stronger than any other relationship in the pack. We went from friends to lovers to enemies by force. Now I have to face him. It'll be the first time we've spoken in 2 months.
I got out of the car with my heart pounding profusely. I looked up at the house, Jasper, and Emmet stood at the door to greet me. I nodded to both of them then made my way to the living room. Jacob was sitting on the couch nervously shaking his leg while Bella was pacing back and forth. A piercing scream came out of nowhere. Everyone turned their attention upstairs to where the scream came from. I knew something was up when I saw Rosalie with a guilty expression on her face.
"What happened......why did that sound like Seth?" I didn't bother to sit nor make friends with them. I walk straight into the living room each step I took became bolder and bolder. I sat there staring at them but no one was talking so I decided to make my way upstairs where the scream came from.
Jacob ran to grab me before I could make it to where Seth was. I turned to glare at him as he tightened his grip around my arm."(Y/N)! Wait! Don't go up there not just yet....wait until Carlisle gives us the clear."
"Then tell me what happened to him, Jake."
Jacob sighed, "Listen Bella and I got into an argument things got a bit out of hand and Seth got hurt."
"How did Seth get hurt?"
"Bella accidentally threw him into a tree."
I shot a glare at Bella. "How do you accidentally throw someone into a tree!"
"(Y/N) I honestly didn't mean to. I'm so sorry I don't know what else to do." Bella walked over to me with an apologetic look. The glare that was cast upon my face never left.
I looked around at all the Cullens and Jake "None of you tried to stop her. You just let her throw someone who is so innocent and pure into a fucking tree."
I left without saying another word to them. The journey to the room felt so long but yet it was so short. I wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans before I knocked on the door. I heard groans from the other side of the door. My heart sank when I heard him scream again. The door opened revealing Carlisle and Esme, they were both smiling sweetly at me.
Esme hugged me which I gladly returned back. "(Y/N) it's so good to see you. I'm sorry that we had to meet again in unfortunate circumstances."
"I know, I would come to visit more often but my brother would have my head." I began to shift uncomfortably on my feet. I tried to peek behind them but Carlisle's tall built body blocked my way.
Carlisle coughed, "We're trying to make him as comfortable as possible but you can have a minute with him." He stepped aside letting me into the room. "We also gave him some morphine to ease the pain so he may be a tad bit sleepy."
I nodded my head before I entered the room. My gaze was fixed on the floorboard. I was too scared to look at him.
"(Y/N), I'm so happy to see you."
I gasped when I saw his bruised chest. I ran over to the side of the bed where he laid. The little skin that was showing was now purple, blue, and swollen the rest was covered with bandages. I went to touch his arm to comfort him but he pulled back screaming out in pain."Seth! Are you okay? Oh my god look at your chest!"
"(Y/N) you actually came!" I could tell from his eyes that he was still in disbelief that I was standing in front of him.
"Of course I would come." I began to run my hair through his hair trying to make him as comfortable as possible. I sat down near him being careful not to touch any of his body parts.
"I'm tired (Y/N)...please stay here until I wake up."
I jumped from the bed staring at him as if he had lost his mind. "There's no way I can stay here without Sam knowing that I am missing Seth, I have to go back."
He placed his bruised hand on top of mine trying to intertwine them. Seth had a genuine smile on his face, "Don't go, stay here. I'll deal with Sam once I wake up."
I sighed as I looked back and forth between the door and Seth. I didn't want to leave him but I couldn't afford Sam coming out here dragging me back home. Everyone would look at me with disgust if they smelled the Cullens on me.
"Seth I honestly don't know if this is the right thing to do."
"Trust me (Y/N) it's the right thing to do."
I laughed at his corny remark. I knew without asking him, that was our way of making up since the fight. Seth rolled the blankets off of him ushering me to get under. At first, I wanted to reject but I knew he would somehow convince me that it was okay. I rested my head on the pillow that was next to his. I immediately relaxed once I felt the heat from his body come upon mine.
Seth sighed, he tried to roll over to face me but I placed my hand on his cheek to stop him.
"What are you trying to do?"
He grunted, "I'm trying to apologize for what I said two weeks ago."
I placed a chaste kiss on his lips, he laughed sweetly then kissed me back.
"I guess I'm forgiven."
"I could never be mad at you Seth Clearwater."
If I was being honest with myself I was actually contradicting myself.  At first, I was really mad at him. I even went as far as to rip up our pictures. Now looking back I actually regret everything I said to him and did. "Seth I'm sorry too, I should have never said the things I said."
He laughed, "It's okay, I could never be mad at you (Y/N) (Y/L/N)"
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honey-dewey · 3 years
Moreno Family Movie Night
Pairing: Marcus Moreno/GN! Reader
Word Count: 1,658
Warnings: Mentions of the events of the movie Jaws, but this is 100% fluff
Permanent Taglist: @phoenixhalliwell @star-wars-hell​
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The prompt for this week’s Writer Wednesday was given, as always, by the lovely @autumnleaves1991-blog​, and the masterlists are created by @clydesducktape.
“What the hell do you mean you’ve never seen Jaws?” 
Marcus looked up from the breakfast table, eyes wide. You and him had been talking about childhood movies and he’d admitted to never seeing the classic movie. “I dunno,” he said. “I just never saw it.” 
You sat beside him, still slightly shocked. “You were, what, a teenager in the 80’s?” 
“And Jaws came out in the mid-seventies.” 
You stared at Marcus. “And you haven’t seen it!” You said, probably a bit louder than you should have.
Marcus laughed, taking your hand. “Babe, is it really that much of a tragedy that I haven’t seen Jaws?” 
Nodding, you kissed Marcus’s knuckles absently, already looking up movie tickets on your phone. “Yes it is, Mr. Moreno. Yes it is.” 
Two days later, you had a plan. There was a beautiful vintage drive-in theater that was doing a marathon of summer movies, and Jaws just so happened to be on the list. You got tickets, getting a third knowing Missy would probably be joining you, even if she just slept in the backseat the whole time. 
Naturally, you told Missy all about your plan first. 
“Hey kiddo,” you said, poking your head into her room the day before movie night. She was doing homework, but looked up when you came in. “Wanna go somewhere special tomorrow night?” 
“Yeah!” Missy said eagerly, jumping up. “What are we doing?” 
You smiled. “I’m taking you and your father to see Jaws at a drive-in.” 
Missy hugged you, her homework entirely abandoned. “Really?” she asked. “Is it scary?” 
Laughing, you nudged her back towards her desk. “Well, when it was made, it probably was. But now? Not really. The special effects are, pardon my language, complete shit.” 
“That sucks,” Missy groaned, flopping back into her chair. “But it’ll still be fun!” 
You nodded. “Yep. Gonna be fun.” 
The night of the movie, you insisted on going out to eat, as a treat because Marcus had been working his ass off at work and deserved to relax for one goddamn night. He accepted, grinning as you took him and Missy to your favorite tiny little burger place, just outside the drive-in. The burger place was technically a food truck, but the burgers were so damn good you didn’t care one bit. 
Sitting at a picnic table with your food, you sat practically in Marcus’s lap, handing him his burger and passing Missy’s across the table. The night was warm but not overly stifling, with the setting sun in the background and the gentle sounds of the evening rolling over. It was peaceful, even with Missy shooting you amused glaces in between fries. You simply smiled at her, giving her the barest of head shakes when Marcus wasn’t looking. 
“So,” you said, stealing one of Marcus’s fries and smiling at him when he poked your side. “Missy, how was school?” You were trying to keep the conversation mundane, so as not to give away your plan. 
“Good!” Missy said happily. “I started a new project in science today. It’s all about animal classifications.”
Marcus nodded along as she spoke. “Really?” 
“Mhm!” Missy hummed. “I got this list of animals, and I have to make a poster classifying all of them.” 
“Sounds fun,” you said, taking another fry, despite Marcus’s playful nudging for you to not. “And how’s your Heroics stuff going? I know you said last week there was a fight.” 
While Missy told you about how her after-school activity was going, you checked the time, smiling. Half an hour. 
When you were done with dinner and conversation, you ushered everyone back into the car, not wanting to be late for the movie. The sun had fully gone down, and you had a tiny bit of trouble finding the movie spot, but when you did, Marcus knew what was going on instantly. 
“I swear to god, if we’re seeing Jaws,” he said as you showed the attendant your tickets. “Missy is in the car!” 
“It’s a PG movie,” you reassured, smiling at the attendant when they told you where to park. “Well, PG by 1975 standards, but that means it’s PG-13 now.” 
Marcus sighed. “Are you sure?” 
You nodded, laying a hand on Marcus’s thigh after you’d parked. “Hon, I watched this movie about a dozen times when I was like, seven. She’ll live. Plus, it’s only PG-13 because people get eaten, duh, and you can see the silhouette of a woman’s bare boob for like, half a second. It will be okay.” 
Reassured, Marcus began to fiddle with the radio, as per the instructions on the screen in front of you. The radio fizzed and hissed, sound going fuzzy until he found the right frequency, playing smooth waiting music. 
“Ten minutes,” you said happily, looking into the backseat. “Now is the time for bathroom breaks.” 
Missy didn’t get up, only shifted to the middle seat and scooched forward a bit so she could see. Marcus got out, but only so he could grab a few blankets from the trunk that he kept in there for emergencies such as forgotten ones at sleepovers or a car breakdown in the winter. As he distributed the fuzzy blankets, you managed to find a once lost bag of gummy bears, now unearthed from your center console. You passed Missy a generous handful, leaving the bag open in the console for you and Marcus. Just as Missy asked when the movie was going to start, the lights dimmed, and the message faded from the screen. A cool voice said through the radio, “Please enjoy your movie,” and then, it had begun. 
You smiled, taking Marcus’s hand. The movie brought back millions of memories for you, mostly memories of crowded couches and late nights with extended families. Even now, you could still remember crawling into your father’s lap and falling asleep there near the end of the movie, although it may have been the middle, but you couldn’t recall that detail now. All you knew now was that you had to make this very first viewing memorable for Marcus and Missy, just as it had been memorable for you. 
“Okay, the first attack is kinda super scary, so be warned,” you said softly. “Missy, honey, if you get scared, just tell one of us, okay?” 
Missy promptly shushed you, focused entirely on the movie. You smiled, turning back to the screen. 
Not even five minutes later, Missy and Marcus were gasping, meanwhile, you were unfazed by the frankly terrifying death that had occured. 
“I’m never swimming in the ocean again,” Missy decided, scooting back and trying to conceal a yawn. 
“I second that,” Marcus added, gripping your hand tighter. “You’re sure this isn’t scary?” 
You nodded, smoothing your thumb over the back of Marcus’s hand. “I promise,” you said. “That’s the scary bit.” 
Around the halfway bit of the movie, you heard Missy shift in the backseat. Turning, you smiled as she yawned widely and lay down, her eyes barely open at this point. “Missy,” you said softly. “If you’re tired, close your eyes. I have this movie on DVD, and we can always watch it later, okay?” 
Missy gave you an exhausted thumbs up before turning over and burying herself in her blanket. You leaned closer to Marcus, placing your head on his shoulder. He moved so he was closer to you as well, cuddling up as best he could with the center console in the way. 
Despite the late hour, you and Marcus stayed awake for the rest of the movie. It was hard, but eventually, the movie was drawing to a close, and you were finally ready to fall asleep, even if you were the one behind the wheel. 
“Babe?” Marcus mumbled as the credits began to roll, nudging you to see if you were still awake. “Hey, you up?” 
You nodded, stretching and pulling the blanket off of you. “Yeah. Did you like the movie?” 
Marcus yawned, looking into the backseat, where Missy was still stretched across all three seats, using a spare blanket as a pillow. “Should I wake her up?” 
“She has to buckle in,” you pointed out, starting the car and fiddling with the radio so it was playing actual musica again. “So yeah.” 
After Missy woke up, accompanied by a lot of groaning and complaining, you pulled out of the parking lot and began to drive home. Missy fell asleep again, sitting upright and leaning against the window, and Marcus very quickly began to do the same, his hand loosely holding yours as he drifted off. You smiled, the gentle sounds of your two favorite people sleeping mixed with the soft music coming from the radio lulling you into a place of peace. 
Home came too quickly. Despite how exhausted he was, Marcus carried Missy into the house, laying her in her bed and pulling her blankets around her. You stood in the doorway, waiting for Marcus. He smiled, giving you a gentle kiss before following you to your bedroom. 
“Tired?” you asked, watching Marcus stumble around the room looking for the pyjamas you were holding. He nodded, grinning at you. 
“Yeah,” he said softly, coming towards you and taking the pyjamas. “Good movie though.” 
Marcus nodded, wrapping you in a warm bear hug. “Mhm,” he hummed, the vibration of it in his chest rumbling through you. “The special effects were garbage, but it was really good.” 
You smiled, wrapped in Marcus’s hug, warm and safe, there was no place you’d rather be, especially after a night like the one you just had. Nothing could make it better than it already was like a Marcus Moreno bear hug. “Just wait until I make you watch the rest of them. In the third one, the shark’s brother or some shit is out for revenge.” 
Marcus groaned into your shoulder. “No. No, absolutely not. We are not watching that.” 
“Aww, but-” 
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sif-the-tsunami · 4 years
When you fall apart
But this ain’t my mama’s broken heart. 
Warnings: Yes, all of them. No smut all angst. and no promise of a happy ending. gallows humor, pregnancy loss, infidelity, self medication, spicy language. 
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Summary: Sy is a cheating bastard and his wife has had enough. 
Pairing: Syverson, now a Colonel and his long suffering wife Josephine. (marriage is great guys, I promise.)
Just over 3,300 words.
This might not have been what you were expecting @oddsnendsfanfics​
My mother was a genuine Southern debutante, I grew up with pictures of her on the walls with her gorgeous smile and pretty pearl necklaces. Blonde hair and green eyed, she was the most beautiful little slice of American apple pie. Her daddy was the ‘Old Money’ type, and she was his finest accomplishment, she looked, behaved, spoke perfectly. Never once have I heard that woman raise her voice to a man. Hell, I never heard her pass gas in front of anyone for that matter. She is the picture of privilege, she went from her daddy’s house to her sorority house to her husband’s house. Some how, even though she smokes a pack a day, she still looks like she could pass for being forty instead of almost sixty. The last time we saw each other, my friends told me they didn’t know I had an older sister.
Mama married a gentleman who had the good sense to enlist in the military to help support the lifestyle she demanded he provide for her. He was never around much but he gave her a nice house with a lovely front yard, and two little perfect children. He was another one of the old Southern types, I don’t think he ever outright said “I love you, Josephine,” or “I’m proud of you, girl.” Looking back, I don’t think anyone ever did that for him either, so he probably didn’t know how to tell that to me or my brother Theodore. I’m almost sure that he and Mama loved each other once upon a time. Daddy worked hard, he broke his body serving his country, and when he couldn’t do that anymore he broke his own heart trying to please Mama. She must have been disappointed in how her life turned out. She might have had dreams once, when she was younger. I’m pretty sure the last of them were crushed when Daddy died balls deep in the woman who used to perm my Mama’s hair.
Mama played the grieving widow perfectly, not a single person knew that they had been miserable for years. She has worn black out in public ever since. I think the only thing that has really changed is that she has started day drinking now because she’s lonely. I don’t blame her really. She pushed us really hard to be as perfect outwardly as she is, so it is safe to say that she is really disappointed in your truly.
You might be wondering why this all matters, dear reader. However, I find that it is important for you to know this when I tell you I’m remembering this sitting here in the county sheriff’s office, waiting on my Mama to come pick me up because my probably soon to be ex-husband and I got into screaming match, and I may have drunkenly thrown my bottle of tequila at my probably soon to be ex-husband’s head. The details are a little fuzzy at the moment.
“Josephine Syverson, your mother is here to pick you up.” The Sheriff’s deputy starts in his slow drawl, “Now don’t you go pickin’ no fights with your husband. You’re lucky he ain’t pressing charges. Go sleep it off now, Ma’am. I’m sure you two kids will work it out.”
I wait until he can’t see my face to roll my eyes. And low and behold, there she is, my Mama drove four hours to come and pick me up. She’s in a black vintage driving coat, and her hair is covered by a dark gray satin bonnet. It doesn’t matter that it is half past midnight, she is still the beauty queen she has always been. I drank enough Jose Cuervo tonight that my head is still swimming, but I walk with the grace and dignity she taught me.
“Oh my Lord, Josie, what have you done to yourself?” She asks. “Thank you, officers, I’ll get her back on track.”
We make our way out to the car and Mama unlocks the door for me. I slide in and as soon as my butt hits the leather of her seats, I start crying all over again. She gives me the packet of tissues she keeps in her purse then hands a little make-up bag.
“So, what was is this time, Josie, I swear to Lord Jesus that if he laid a hand on you, your brother and I will bury him in the back yard.” She says turning on her Cadillac. “Get cleaned up, you are coming home with me. Maybe James will be smart enough to figure out where you went.”
“Mama?” Who was this woman? She never talks like this.
“Come on, your mama isn’t as dumb as she looks. Although he evidently is.” She lights up a cigarette and offers me one.
“I quit when we started trying… Even after… well… everything, I didn’t start back up.”
She pats my leg. I unzip the bag to find makeup wipes, mascara, face powder and some brick red lipstick. We might not get along all the time but she is a damn life saver. I have black rivers of my own eyeliner and mascara from earlier today streaking my face. I clean myself up as much as I can and then reapply some make-up. “There, now that you are looking better, tell me what happened...”
“Where do you want me to start? I swear this started after his first deployment.”
“Okay, Josie, start there.”
James Syverson is an Army Ranger, I met him after he finished officers school. Because of the nature of military special forces, they deploy more often than most jobs in the military. I understand that they are under a lot of pressure during these deployments and because he is in a position in leadership I opted to give him as much room as he needed. The other officer’s wives informed me that I needed to recalibrate my expectations of what could happen. They warned me that what happens on deployment shouldn’t be held against him when he gets home. And I didn’t, until a girl barely old enough to visit a bar came up to my door asking for my husband with a hand on her belly. She was just as surprised to see me as I was to see her.
“I’m sorry, Ma’am. I just looked up Syverson in the phone book, and I didn’t know he was married.”
“Is it his?”
“I can see that you are pregnant. Is. It. His?”
“I… I don’t know…” She said quietly.
“He is still over there. Do not come here again unless you are requesting a paternity test.” And I slammed the door shut. She did come back for the test results when he came home. Turned out that the baby wasn’t his. Small favors, right?
I never faulted the women who fell in love with him. I knew how special he could make them feel, its how I fell in love with him in the first place. After everything he’s put me through it almost doesn’t matter when it is just the two of us. All I have ever wanted was for it to be just the two of us again, but I don’t know think I can wait for him to retire.
“How many times do you think he’s done it?”
“At least once a deployment. The most recent one saw us at the movies last night. He was holding my hand like nothing had ever happened. When he was coming back from the concession stand, a little redhead stopped him and asked who he was here with. When she saw me, she looked like she saw a ghost. He came back up, handed me my pop, kissed my cheek and wrapped his arm around me. He said ‘I promise you, it is not what it looks like.’ but the bitch and her friend kept looking over their shoulders to peek at us. I saw her texting someone and then his phone vibrated, but he didn’t look at his phone until I wasn’t with him.”
“Jesus, Mary and Joseph.” She lit up again. “And you’ve just been sitting on this, the entire time?”
“Yeah, I learned from the best, Mama. I didn’t want to let you down. You taught me to never let them see me cry.”
“Oh, my baby girl...”
The rest of the night at the movies, I kept it to myself, I’ve had enough. The boiling, seething hatred I was feeling for both of them. I hate that they are always younger than me. I hate that it always makes me like I’m not enough. When I woke up this morning had a beer in the shower. I always save the last one for him, so taking the last one was a big “fuck you” to him. He tried to climb in with me until he saw me drinking in the shower.
“Woman, what are you doing?” He asked. Like he wasn’t the one who introduced me to the idea of a shower beer.
“I’m going to keep drinking ‘til my heart stops hurting, Sy. I don’t know what else to do. But whatever it is that we keep doing, I can’t keep it up anymore. Get out.” I have never denied him, no matter what he wanted. And up until this morning, I had been an amazing wife to him. In the fifteen years of marriage, he has only had to do his own laundry when he was away from home. And even then, he probable conned someone into doing it for him. I have lost almost every friend I have made from relocating so often. I have started and stopped working on my Master’s degree more times than I can count. And now here I am, mid-thirties with none of my own goals accomplished to show for all of the work I have done over the years. If I had opened my mouth, even once, about his indiscretions, he never would have made it to Colonel. Not once have I complained.
After I dried my body off, I walked into the kitchen, naked as the day I was born and grabbed my trusty kitchen sheers. I needed a change. He paused the game he was playing long enough to watch me walk past him with my scissors and the bottle of margaritas.
“Jo, it’s nine in the morning. Being a little dramatic, aren’t we? We going to church today?”
“Why, James? You’ve been yelling ‘Oh my god,’ between some whore’s legs fairly regularly, I’m sure he knows you are a big fan.” I walked away before he could reply, locking the door behind me to our bedroom. He pounded on the door a few times but got the hint that I was not in the mood to be talked to when I turned up Chris LeDoux as loud as I could play it. Then I went to go give myself bangs.
When the music fades, the house is silent. No video games, no football, nothing. I continue to drink from my bottle and the world becomes a little more tolerable. Now, I am not a heavy drinker. Sy teases me all the time about how cheap of a date I am.
“Josephine!” He snaps at me in his soldier voice and I drop the margaritas.
“Jesus fuck, Sy, why you gotta scare me like that.”
“Oh, you are the one getting scared, woman, I have never seen you act like this before.”
“That’s because you ain’t here every time one of your indiscretions comes knocking on the door of my house. Never once have I expected sainthood from you, James, I learned better after your first deployment,” he won’t look me in the eye, either he’s ashamed of what he’s been doing or he is going to punch a whole in the wall tonight. “You would have seen this if you had been around after my daddy died. This is your wife, Syverson, she goes a little crazy from time to time.
“You know how hard I tried to come home for that, that is not fair Josephine.”
“I’m sure you did try. I wish you would try a little harder when it comes to picking out these dumb sluts who think that you are just going to run away from home as soon as you come back from the sandbox. I have received notes on my car windshield telling me that you were going to leave me for them. How you loved them and you were just suffering with me. That I’m hateful, and spiteful, and they could treat you so much better then I ever could. What have you been telling these girls, James, for them to think I am some kind of monster? Haven’t I been a good wife to you? What did I do to you to make you hate me this much?”
“I had no idea that they were doing that. I don’t hate you, baby. You have been a better wife than I probably could have ever deserved. Is that what you want to hear? I know I’m a rotten bastard. How long have you been holding this in, Josie?” His face darkens, I can see all the rage boiling up in him too.
“Don’t you call me that name, you son of a bitch.” I spit at him.
“How long?”
“Since Cassandra came up holding her belly, waiting to tell you that she made you a daddy. Too bad it wasn’t the first time, or I actually might have been worried that you’d leave. I hadn’t even stopped bleeding yet before she tried to take you.” I snarled back at him. And he face drops. Twelve years ago, we tried. I was seven months pregnant when I lost our son. Sy’s squad was wiped out after a night of heavy combat. He barely made it out alive himself. I got a phone call about his injuries and I must have made a deal with the devil himself. I would put up with the womanizing, the long distance, the heartache, just please have him come up to me. I would give anything to save him, I had thought. An hour after I got the call that he had woken up and was safely on a ship in the Mediterranean sea, I started to go into early labor.
“Oh, fuck me. That long?” He whispers. He rubs his face, the stubble was getting long, unless he was out in the field, he kept himself within regulations. He reached out to hold me but I shrug off his touch. He walked away from me, thinking that maybe he might let me calm down and we would go back to being a picture perfect couple again. He could just do whatever he wanted and I will grin and bare it.
I cleaned up the mess I made then went back to the bedroom to put on something on me other than shame. We gave each other space until the evening came around. He came in to ask if I had any plans for dinner. Wrong question, buddy. I walked to the kitchen in my tight black yoga pants and a tank top, went to the liquor cabinet, grabbed my favorite bottle of tequila and took three long gulps.
“That’s my plan, worry about yourself.”
“You haven’t had any real food today, you need to eat something.”
“Eat my ass, Colonel.” With that he pins me to the wall, the room spins around me and I start thrashing against him. He’s got probably 100lbs on me and more combative training than I can remember, so as you can well imagine this is going super great for me. I stop long enough to see the tears forming in his eyes. “Was there ever anything special between us, did you keep any part of yourself just for me?”
“Josephine, you are the only woman I have ever loved. I never even implied that I had any feelings towards them. They knew from the beginning it was simply recreational. Jo, you know you are my best friend.”
“Then why do you keep hurting me? Why am I not enough, Sy? Why do they keep getting you at your best, and I have to put all of your broken pieces back together again when you finally do come home.” Remember every time he woke up screaming the names of his fallen friends. When we have to leave BBQ’s early on the 4th of July because the fireworks remind him of mortar shells.
“You are enough. You are more than enough. I couldn’t have made it this far without you. It has never been anything other than stress relief with them.” The first tear rolls down his cheek. “I love you, Pussycat, now please lets get some food in you. Are you going to be good?”
“Haven’t I always been good. Been good, but not good enough.” I whine and slide down the wall once his hands are off of me. Good lord, where the hell is my dignity. 
He lets me go gently and leaves to make me a peanut butter sandwich. While his back is turned, I grab the bottle one more time and take another long swig. This is where the rest of my night is very fuzzy until I came to in the back of the squad car.
He evidently tried to take the bottle from me, I threw it at him, it went wide and smashed against the wall. He took me to the ground, just tried to keep me from hurting either of us and I screamed at him every vile thing I could think of until the sheriff showed up. They tried to take him in, seeing that I was a sobbing mess on the floor. I told them I tried to hurt him, so they handcuffed me and took me in. Before they drove off, James brought a sweater and my purse out for me. I watched a couple of nosy housewives standing at the end of their drive ways. I’m pretty sure I flipped them the bird and they looked at me with disgust.
Now I’m sitting here, in Mama’s Cadillac, licking my wounds.
“Why in the name of God have you not told me about any of this?” Mama asks, this is now her sixth cigarette. I think she’s trying not to turn the car around.
“I thought you would have told me to get over myself and save face.” I say as we pull to her house.
“No, baby girl, I wouldn’t have. No one, especially not my daughter, deserves to be treated like that. Ooo I never liked the boy. Your daddy used to say that cowboy was all hat and no cattle. Let’s get some sleep, Princess. We will go get your stuff in the morning.”
I make my way to my childhood bedroom and collapse down on the bed. Before I close my eyes for the night, I finally check my phone. He had been blowing up my text messages.
I realize that I have never apologized to you about my short comings. But I swear to you, I will get out of the army if you want me to. We can move anywhere you want to, we can start over, just the two of us. I’m so sorry I hurt you, I’m sorry that you kept this all from me. I’m sorry I made you feel like I didn’t love you. These where from six hours ago.
I don’t know when you will get your phone back, I love you. This was from before my mom collected me.
They told me you have been released from custody but didn’t say to who. Who ever picked you up asked them not to tell me. Are you safe?
I love you. Please. Let me know where you are, I’ll come get you. I hope that you are just ignoring me because you are asleep.
I reply to him with a simple Mama picked me up. Get some sleep. We will talk in the morning.
No ‘I love you’ from me tonight although it killed me not to tell him. Tomorrow, I will figure out if what we have can be saved. But that is tomorrow Josie’s problem.
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fictionalabyss · 4 years
Protector : Hope.
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Pairing : Dean x Reader, Sam, Brady, Alex (oc), Detective Baker (mentioned)
Word count :   1,764
Warnings : Prison life : Solitary confinement (mentioned), fear, anxiety, hope. Series TW : Domestic Abuse is a constant topic- be it mentioned, or actually happening.
Continuation of this series was commissioned by : @iflostreturntosteverogers
Part 21 of Protector.
Masterlist • Patreon • Ko-fi.
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“Here.” Sam places a mug of coffee on the coffee table in front of Brady.
“Thanks.” He smiled up and watched as Sam sits on the arm of the couch next to you, arms crossing over his chest. “I spoke with Dean’s lawyer.”
“Dean’s in solitary, again.”
Your face fell at that. You knew, part of you knew, you hadn’t heard from him in almost a week when he normally called at least every other day, but now it was confirmed. He’d done something stupid and got himself locked up even farther away from you. “What did he do?”
“Another fight. Says Dean looks rough, but the other guy had to be hospitalized.”
“Jesus, Dean.” you muttered looking down with a pout.
“But, Dean’s lawyer had got the PO box number from him, we’re looking into who owns it. Might take a bit.” You gave him a small nod, never really looking back up at him. “How are you holding up?”
When you didn’t answer, Sam did. “She’s having nightmares.” Brady looked from Sam to you again.
“Like Alex was having?” Sam nodded. “Maybe you should join him in therapy.”
“I just need Dean home.” you looked up at Brady, pleading with him.
“We’re working on it.” He saw how your eyebrows went up a bit at that. “I offered my services, so I’ll be sticking around a bit. Is it safe to say you didn’t speak to police after the grocery store incident?” You gave him a small nod. “Okay, I’m going to need you to write out a statement of what happened, and how you know this guy to be tied to Baker. I’m going to file it.”
Brady opened his briefcase and pulled out some papers. Sam sat watching as Brady explained how to fill them out. Once he was done, he handed you a pen before sitting back and sipping at his coffee. Then he looked at Sam. “How’s Alex?”
“Worried.” Sam answered. “Scared to leave the house in case she needs him.” Sam glanced at you and Brady followed his gaze. Both of them watched you as you started writing.
“This asshole shown up since?”
“Not that I know of.” Sam answered. “But every once in a while, there’s a dark grey car parked two doors down across the street. Just sits there for a while before driving off. Don’t know if it’s this asshole or-”
“Baker.” Brady nods, turning to look out the large living room window. “That car over there?”
Sam gets up from where he’s sat, taking a step forward as he leans to look out. “Yeah, actually.” And as if the driver knows he’s being watched, the car takes off.
“Huh..” Brady turns back to his coffee taking another mouthful. “Might need to step up security.”
“Already did. Alex gets an escort now, I barely leave the house, and Dad has a rotation going of people driving past or stopping in. Random times, no patterns.”
“Brady?” When he looks to you, he finds you looking up at him, pen stopped mid sentence. “Do you know when he’ll get out of solitary?”
Brady shrugged. “A few more days, I think. I’m not sure.” Pain and sadness filled your eyes before you looked back down and got back to writing. “He’ll call as soon as he’s out and able, you know he will.”
“I know.”
“More coffee?” Sam asked.
Brady looked down at his half empty mug, the liquid inside quickly going lukewarm. Lifting the mug to his lips once more, he downed the last of it and handed it off to Sam with a nod. “Could I trouble you for a little irish cream, too?” Brady half joked.  “It’s gonna be a long day.”
“I’ll see what we’ve got.” Sam smiled.
Brady was quiet as Sam left, then he looked down at the dog sitting at his side and looking up at him. He raised his eyebrow at the dog, and the dog let out a light whine before putting his head on Brady’s leg. “You better not be a drooler.” Brady threatened as he began to pet the dog on the head. When the dog jerked his head back at the sound of Sam returning, Brady groaned at the wet patch on his pants. “Of course you are.”
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It took a few weeks, but Brady got you in front of a judge. You and Alex sat in chairs in front of the desk while Sam stood back, closer to the door. Brady stood next to you while another lawyer  sat in a third chair with a foot between him and Alex.  “What is this about, gentlemen.” the judge asked as he settled down and started going through the papers Brady handed off to him.
“You might remember, your honor, many months ago when you granted a restraining order between my client and Detective Baker.”
“I remember.” the judge answered, glancing up at Alex.
“Since then, your honor, Baker has continued to not only harass my clients, but put them in danger.”
“My client hasn’t been anywhere near this kid.” The other lawyer chimed in, gesturing to Alex.
“Near Alex, maybe not. But he has put the family in danger all the same. The day Dean Winchester was arrested-”
“My client made sure to wait until the kid was out of the garage to honor the restraining order and kept everything by the books.” the lawyer rolled his eyes.
“Was he keeping it by the books when he took ‘Azazel’, a known member of Morningstar MC, aside that day and not only informed him that my client is Dean Winchester’s wife, but pointed her out to him? That same Azazel of Morningstar MC who has not only stalked my clients, taking pictures of their home, parking outside of it, but also harassed my client while she was vulnerable, shopping in a grocery store with her young daughter?”
“Your honor, this is all fabricated nonsense. My client is a respected detective, and the only ties he has to any MC is putting members behind bars, like Mr Winchester.-”
“Respected detective?” Brady all but laughed as he began speaking over the other man. “His ex wife begs to differ, your honor. In fact, she has a restraining order against him as well. He has a history of putting women in danger, I have the damn file but I can give her a call!”
“-there is no mention of an 'Azazel' in the arrest reports,” He raised his voice to be heard over Brady. “and I can assure you, my client-”
“We have him on video.” Sam chimes in from behind and the judge glances back to Sam. “I was there, I saw him with Baker, but we also have surveillance from the cameras outside the garage. He was there, he was with Baker.”
“Who are you?” the judge asked him.
“Sam Winchester.” Sam stood tall and firm. “Dean’s brother.”
“He currently resides with my clients, as they no longer feel safe in their own home due to the harassment and threats they’ve received since Baker’s actions during Dean’s arrest.”
“If they’re so unsafe, why not move?” the other lawyer questioned with a scoff of a laugh, his hands going up into the air before falling again.
“Because I’m pregnant and that’s my home.” you snapped at him, shooting him a glare. “Where the fuck else can I go? He’ll find me. I can’t go to the police because Baker is a detective, who’s going to believe me? I don’t know if you know this, your honor, but I’ve dealt with abusive men before. My hu- my first husband, he-” you swallowed, trying not to cry, but a tear escaped all the same. “He hurt us. Bad. And that trauma, it doesn’t go away. It never goes away. And now I have this man, this man I don’t even know, a man I’ve never seen before the day I saw him with Detective Baker, he’s following me around. I’m scared. Where do I go? Who am I supposed to trust? Who’s going to help keep me safe when it's a man with a badge who put me in danger?” Alex reached over and took hold of your hand. “I’m scared for my kids. I’m scared the stress will make me lose this one.” you looked down, running your hand over your stomach. “I’m scared I’ll die simply for who I fell in love with.”
“Do you have the footage?” the judge asked.
“The original, we entered as evidence in Dean Winchester’s arrest case, but I’ve got an authenticated copy right here.” Brady handed over the small disk case.
Without a word, the judge opened the case and put the disk in his computer. It was quiet for a few minutes, and then you could hear faint noises coming from the speakers. You stared down at your hand in Alex’s as you faintly heard Dean speaking.
“Is this the arrest?”
“Yes, your honor.”
“This is Azazel?” he glanced up and Brady nodded. His eyes were back on the screen as you heard yelling start and all hell broke loose. Alex gave your hand a squeeze knowing this was hard for you to hear. Before long, the sound died down to a quiet buzz again. “Is this your detective?” he turned his screen so everyone could see, just beyond the gate, barely in view of the camera, Baker was talking to the man. Then you saw yourself appear and both men turned to you. Baker looked serious while the other man smiled deviously. “Want to tell me again how your client doesn’t know this man?”
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“How’d it go today, baby?”
You smiled so bright and happy hearing his voice. “We don’t pay Brady enough.” you laughed into the phone. “You’re going to hear from your lawyer real soon, Dean, but Baker is done. He’s off the case completely and the judge wants a full investigation. Into everything. Even the way your case was handled.”
“That’s good.”
“I know I shouldn’t be getting my hopes up yet, but..” you smiled. “I really hope this means you can come home soon.”
“We’ll see.” You knew he was trying to be realistic but you could hear the hope in his voice. “I miss you, baby.”
“I miss you too, Dean.”
You heard someone call out his name, and Dean was quiet for a second. “Baby, I got to go. Apparently my lawyer’s here to see me.”
“I love you, Dean.”
“I love you too, baby. I’ll talk to you later, I promise.”
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hockeylvr59 · 4 years
Secret Love Part 17 || Cale Makar
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Requested: [ ] yes [x] no
Authors Note: If you’re surprised by this surprise chapter drop you don’t really know me at all do you. I mean...THE BOY WON THE CALDER...OF COURSE THAT DESERVES A POST!!!! What better way to celebrate than with some cowboy calder cale?
Warnings: cursing, awkwardness
Word Count: 2,799
Stampede was by far one of your favorite parts of summertime. Calgary erupted with good food and drinks and some great music. Of course, it was the last weekend of Stampede before you were finally able to make your way downtown to enjoy it. 
Having dipped out of work early, like pretty much everyone else since it was Friday after all, you went home and changed into a pair of denim shorts, a white tank and a light flannel shirt. Throwing on your seldom worn cowboy boots and grabbing your hat, you drove into downtown near Stampede Park. 
Cale and his family were already here and you texted him to see where they wanted to meet up. Grabbing your wallet you clipped your keys onto your shorts and pocketed your phone after receiving Cale’s text in response. Finally throwing your hat on, you weaved through crowds of people after entering the park, making your way over to the location Cale had directed you to. 
Spotting Cale before the rest of his family, you made your way over wrapping him in a friendly hug. You still hadn’t told your families you were together but it had only been four days since you’d shared your first ‘I love you’s’. Cale looked sexy as fuck dressed in jeans, his own flannel and cowboy hat. 
Thankfully you were distracted when Laura came over, pulling you away from her eldest son to chat about the plans for the night and whatever else was on her mind. It wasn’t long before Cale and Taylor were both pulling you away to go ride a couple rides and you laughed as the brothers bickered over which rides you needed to go on first. It had been like this every year for as long as you could remember and the outcome was always the same. Cale would claim older brother privilege while Taylor would plead for you to take his side. 
“I’m picking the first ride.” You declared pinching both boys in the side as you turned to walk toward your favorite. 
“Wait..what...that’s not how this goes?” Taylor sputtered. 
“It is now.” You insisted as you climbed onto the first ride. Taylor was pouting but Cale just shook his head going with the decision you’d made. 
“Oh stop the pouting.” You teased, bumping your shoulder against Taylor’s as you exited the ride a few minutes later. “You’re not a kid anymore.” 
“But I’m still…”
“The baby...I know.” You said shaking your head. “Your pick bud.” You proclaimed, causing Cale to whine. 
“Just make your brother happy...you know we’ll do your ride next.” You whispered as Taylor practically ran ahead to the next ride. Cale grumbled a bit but went along and you shook your head. “I forget that I have to babysit the two of you every year.” You joked. “I thought I was done with that when you both became adults.” 
Taylor’s ride was one of Cale’s least favorites, but he went along with it anyway before quickly dragging both of you to his choice after. By the time you finished that and the one ride all three of you agreed on, both of their stomachs were growling loudly. 
“Okay boys...let’s go find mom and dad.” You declared. The words had slid from your mouth without a second thought and while Cale didn’t seem to notice them either, Taylor did a double take as he raced to catch back up. 
The five of you got dinner at one of the many food stands before settling in at a picnic table to eat. Conversation flowed easily, you truly felt like a part of this family and that was even without considering your new relationship with Cale. Though a tiny part of you was worried about what his family would think...what your family would think...you felt confident that nothing was really going to change. You fit here and your relationship with Cale could only improve that. 
After dinner, you all started walking around, stopping at various vendor tents, killing time before heading over to the Nashville North stage for the nightly concert. 
“We’re going to go get drinks...why don’t you and Cale head to grab spots?” Laura declared. As Cale’s family walked in the other direction, you looked over at Cale. He really looked so fucking handsome and you couldn’t help but slip your hat off as you took a step closer to him, pressing up for a kiss. You’d been wanting to kiss him all afternoon but had refrained...now you couldn’t help yourself any longer. Cale’s hand slid into the curve of your back as he kissed you again, neither of you noticing that Laura had doubled back toward you, the question about whether you wanted a certain type of cider falling off as she witnessed you locking lips with her son.
“Are you two kidding me??” She practically shrieked, her eyes wide. His mother’s voice drew Cale’s attention and he pulled back from the kiss like he’d been shocked. It took another second for her voice to register in your ears as well but once it had you turned around, your stomach twisting violently. 
This was NOT how you planned to tell your families. 
Cale’s thumb rubbed circles against your back and though his cheeks were red, he still radiated an air of confidence as he looked over at Laura who had hardly moved. 
“What did you need mom?” He questioned, flipping the subject on its head away from the embarrassment flooding your cheeks. Laura repeated her question about the cider and when no response fell from your lips, Cale answered for you. 
“We’re going to talk about this later.” Laura mumbled as she looked between the two of you again. 
“Sure mom.” Cale agreed, his lips grazing against the top of your head. As she walked away, you turned in Cale’s arms, burying your head against his chest. “Well I don’t think that was what we had in mind.” He chuckled. 
“I blame the damn cowboy hat.” You mumbled, your words pulling a full laugh from Cale’s body. “Fuck.” You added, groaning softly. 
“It’s fine Y/N.” Cale insisted. “You know my parents love you. Yeah mom is a little shocked but it’s all gonna be fine. It’s not a big deal.” 
“Cale...your mom just saw me with your tongue down my throat…” You whined. 
“And she’s probably planning at least the engagement party if not the wedding…” Cale teased. “Hey…” He soothed. “I love you okay. Take a breath.” His arms tightened around you in a full hug and he pressed soft kisses along your head. “So our timing still sucks...but bright side…at least now we don’t have to figure out how to tell them.” 
Though you still weren’t fully composed, you let Cale pull you to the concert venue, where he pulled you back into his chest, his hands falling to your hips. When his family joined you it wasn’t clear whether Laura had said anything to Gary and Taylor or not. No one said anything about it at least, and you took the glass Taylor handed you, eagerly taking a large sip. 
Thankfully the band tonight was a good one and you were able to lose yourself in the music. The alcohol in the cider and the heat from Cale’s palm also helped ground you letting you enjoy yourself until the band packed up for the night and it was time to head home. 
“I’ll ride with Y/N and we’ll meet you back at the house.” Cale declared. Laura looked like she wanted to protest but a look from Gary silenced her and they headed off with Taylor in the direction of their car while Cale followed you to yours. “Want me to drive?” He inquired. “Or are you good?” 
Without hesitation you tossed him your keys, sliding into the passenger seat as anxiety crept back up on you. 
“Sweetheart...you gotta breathe.” Cale urged, his hand squeezing your own as he navigated through traffic. “I know you’re embarrassed but...you’re making this a bigger deal than it needs to be and I’m starting to think you’re not just embarrassed about the timing but about me.” 
Cale’s confession was vulnerable and you cursed silently, forcing yourself to take a deep breath. 
“You know that’s not it right? I love you. I just…” Every thought that had been racing through your head since you heard Laura’s voice now seemed utterly foolish and hurtful framed by Cale’s thoughts. 
“You’re right. We have nothing...or at least very little...to be embarrassed about.” You breathed. “I’m sorry for hurting you. That wasn’t my intention.” 
“I know it wasn’t.” Cale spoke softly. Regret sat uncomfortably in your stomach for the rest of the drive and once Cale put the car in park, you immediately unbuckled before racing around to his side. 
“I love you. I could never be embarrassed about being with you.” You whispered, pulling him into a soft but deep kiss. The sound of car doors slamming caused Cale to pull away and you looked up to find his family walking up the driveway behind you. “Let’s go share all the good news.” You murmured, your hand trailing down Cale’s chest gently until that smile you loved so much had returned to his face. 
“Yeah...let’s.” He agreed, his arm wrapped around your shoulders as you headed into the house. 
Cale’s family was waiting for you in the kitchen and though the weight of their gazes on you almost felt like an interrogation, you moved to grab bottles of water for you and Cale before settling onto a bar stool as Cale moved to stand behind you. 
It seemed like no one wanted to be the first to speak, but eventually it was Taylor who broke the silence. 
“Now the king size bed makes more sense.” His mumble made your jaw drop and you felt Cale fighting back a laugh. Seeing both your expressions and the looks of confusion on his parents’ faces Taylor continued. “What? She put a double bed in the master when she moved in and then swapped it with a king a week later...that made no sense. Now it does.” 
“Have you two been together this whole time?” Laura questioned, hurt flickering over her face. 
“If you mean since mid-May...yeah.” You admitted softly. 
“Two months...you’ve been together almost two months...and you didn’t think to tell us? Why?” Reaching across the island, you rested your hand over hers hoping that she wouldn’t pull away. 
“We kinda just wanted to feel it all out for ourselves first.”
“I didn’t want to have to answer a million questions when I went to see her.” You and Cale answered at the same time, though his answer was far more blunt than yours. 
“We were getting ready to tell you…” You sighed. “Just not like that.” 
“You mean I wasn’t supposed to find out by catching the two of you making out?” Laura teased, the mood in the room lightening significantly. 
“Apparently that was the cowboy hat’s fault.” Cale ribbed you to his whole family, his hands rubbing over your shoulders. 
“Throw me under the bus why don’t you.” You sassed back, sticking your tongue out at him as you tipped your head back. Cale pressed a quick kiss to your lips before you lowered your head and you smiled, heat rising in your cheeks. 
“How did this even happen?” Gary finally chimed in. “I mean I know your mother has been hoping for it for years but…” 
Though you left out quite a few details, you explained to Cale’s family how you’d realized something was there back in Denver but how you’d both waited until he came home before deciding to actually give it a shot. Taylor didn’t seem super interested and after giving you a quick hug and sharing a look with Cale he mumbled that he was going upstairs. 
“So when I suggested you take her to Iceland with you?” Laura mentioned, refocusing the conversation after Taylor’s disappearance. 
“I was already planning on asking.” Cale stated. Watching the two of you for a moment - the way you looked at each other, how your bodies reacted to each other - her eyes suddenly went wide. 
“There are more pictures aren’t there?” She gasped.
“Yeah there are more.” You nodded, taking Cale’s phone as he dropped it into your hands so that you could pull up the album. Sliding the phone across the island, you watched as Gary and Laura scrolled through them for a few minutes. When she looked up, tears were in her eyes and you couldn’t help but slide off of your stool to round the island. 
With your arms wrapped around her tightly, you felt your heart swell. 
“This is serious?” She whispered. Nodding, you smiled. 
“As serious as it gets.” You agreed. “We don’t know what the future holds...but we plan on finding out together.” A glance over at Cale almost made you cry because you could see in his eyes how much he enjoyed seeing you like this with his mom. 
“I already told her I love her.” Cale admitted. 
“No…” Laura gasped, the excitement on her face growing. 
“Yeah mom...we’ve said I love you.” You said. Laura’s face froze for a moment before she blinked quickly. 
“You just called me mom…” Though her words expressed shock, her face was hopeful and though you hadn’t even realized the implications of your word choice, you shrugged. 
“In love with your son or not...you’ve always been my second mom.” You insisted. “I guess I never realized that I hadn’t called you that before.” 
“I’d love for you to call me mom.” Laura promised. “You’ve always been my daughter but maybe my son will finally make it official.” Cale’s face was a mix of ‘don’t look at me’ and ‘you can bet on it’ and you sent him a smile. 
“There’s no rush on that. Right now we just want to enjoy the summer. Enjoy each other. We’ll take things a step at a time from there.” You assuaged her. 
“You don’t know how happy I am right now.” Laura nearly squealed. “Still a little shocked but so happy.” Hugging her again, you watched as she moved to hug Cale as well, leaning up to whisper in his ear causing his cheeks to flush. 
“You’ve always made him a better person.” Gary’s voice floated quietly to your ears. “He’s scored way outta his league with you.” 
“I don’t know about that.” You denied, stepping into Gary’s open arms. “Is it cool if I call you dad?” You whispered, hesitantly. 
“Of course it is.” He quickly agreed. “You are our daughter after all.”
Pulling back, you let out a yawn. “Cale...why don’t you take your girl home.” Gary instructed. 
Promising Laura that you would tell your own parents over the weekend, you eventually made your way out the door with Cale. You felt like you were about to burst from the love and acceptance you felt and you couldn’t help but kiss Cale as he moved to open your car door for you. 
“I told you it would be fine.” Cale murmured. 
“Don’t get used to always being right.” You warned jokingly. 
Cale’s hand fell to your thigh on the short ride home and you just watched him as he drove, your brain replaying tonight’s conversations in your head. 
It wasn’t until you climbed out of your car that you spoke again. 
“So do you think dad told you to bring me home so that you didn’t have to be pestered by mom all night?” 
“Maybe...either way I’m not complaining.” Cale smirked, unlocking your front door, holding it open for you. Kicking off your boots, you started down the hall toward the bedroom. Undressing in silence, you fell into bed beside Cale. You didn’t have to sleep alone tonight and that was honestly the best part of all of this. 
“I love you calling my parents mom and dad.” He whispered as your bodies curled together. “I never really thought about that aspect of things but you having that close of a relationship with them just makes me fall even more in love with you.” 
“I love them. Almost as much as I love you.” Your soft chirp turned to a shriek as Cale tickled you before pressing his lips to yours. The heat behind the kiss was minimal, enough to turn it into a make-out session but not enough to push it into anything more. Instead you just shared lazy kisses until you were practically falling asleep. 
And wrapped in Cale’s arms you slept soundly for the first time in two weeks. 
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tlatollotl · 4 years
As told to Scientific American
When a family member dies, we the Diné, whom Spanish conquistadors named the Navajo, send a notice to our local radio station so that everyone in the community can know. Usually the reading of the death notices—the names of those who have passed on, their ages, where they lived and the names of their matrilineal and patrilineal clans—takes no more than five minutes. It used to be very rare to hear about young people dying. But this past week, I listened to 45 minutes of death notices on KGAK Radio AM 1330. The ages ranged from 26 to 89, with most of the dead having been in their 30s, 40s or 50s.
I am in shock. The virus entered our community in March, through a Nazarene Christian revival in Arizona. They brought in vanloads and busloads of people from across the Navajo Nation for the gathering; then all those vans and buses returned them to their respective communities, along with the virus. There were immediate deaths because the medical facilities were not ready for it. More than 300 Navajos have already died of COVID-19, and the disease is still spreading.
I am a Diné storyteller and keeper of traditions. I live alone in a hogan, a traditional octagonal log house, in Chi Chil Tah, meaning “Where the Oaks Grow,” after the Gambel oaks indigenous to this region. Officially known as Vanderwagen, the community lies 23 miles south of Gallup, N.M.. The pandemic reached the area in late April. On May 1, the governor of New Mexico evoked the riot act to block off all exits into Gallup to stop the spread of the virus, and only residents could get in. The lockdown extended to May 11. It was not so bad the first week, but then we started to run out of food and water.
The groundwater in parts of Vanderwagen is naturally contaminated with arsenic and uranium; in any case, few of us have the money to drill a well. Normally, my brothers and my nephew haul water in 250-gallon tanks that are in the back of a pickup truck. At Gallup they have a high-powered well; you pay $5 in coins, put the hose in your tank and fill it up. You haul that home, dump that into your cistern, and you have water in your house. Without access to Gallup, people began to run out of water—even as we were being told to wash our hands frequently.
My hogan has electricity but no running water. My brothers bring me water, and they put it in a 75-gallon barrel. I drink that water, and I wash with it, but I also buy five gallons of water for $5, in case I need extra. I typically use a gallon of water a day, for everything—cooking, drinking and washing up. My great-grandmother used to say, “Don’t get used to drinking water, because one of these days you’re going to be fighting for it.” I have learned to live on very little.
We have a lot of cancers in our community, perhaps because of the uranium. And we have many other health issues that I think makes this virus so viable among us. We have a lot of diabetes, because we do not eat well, and a lot of heart disease. We have alcoholism. We have high rates of suicide. We have every social ill you can think of, and COVID has made these vulnerabilities more apparent. I look at it as a monster that is feasting on us—because we have built the perfect human for it to invade.
Days after Gallup reopened, I drove there to mail a letter. Every fast-food establishment—McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Wendy’s, Burger King, Panda Express, Taco Bell, they’re all located on one strip—had long, long lines of cars waiting at their drive-throughs. This in a community with such high rates of diabetes. Perhaps there wasn’t any food available in the very small stores located in their communities, but I also think this pandemic has triggered a lot of emotional responses that are normally hidden. On the highway to Vanderwagen, there is a convenience store where they sell liquor. And the parking lot was completely full, everybody was just buying and buying liquor. There is a sense of anxiety and panic, but I also think that a lot of Navajo people don’t know how to be with themselves, because there isn’t a really good, rounded, spiritual practice of any sort to anchor them.
COVID is revealing what happens when you displace a people from their roots. Take a Diné teenager. She can dress Navajo, but she has no language or culture or belief system that tells her what it means to be Diné. Her grandmother was taken away at the age of five to a BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs) boarding school and kept there until she was 18. At school, they taught her that her culture and her spiritual practice were of the devil and that she needed to completely deny them. Her language was not valid: “You have a Navajo accent; you must speak English more perfectly.” Same happened to her mother. Our languages were lost, the culture and traditional practices were gone. That was also when spankings and beatings entered Diné culture. Those kids endured those horrible ways of being disciplined in the BIA schools, and that became how they disciplined their own children.
I meet kids like this all the time—who don’t know who they are. For 35 years I have been trying to tell them, you come from a beautiful culture. You come from one of hundreds of tribes who were thriving in the Americas when Columbus arrived; we had a viable political and economic system that was based on spiritual practices tied to the land. Some 500 years ago, Spanish conquistadors came up the Rio Grande into North America in search of gold. They were armed with the Doctrine of Discovery, a fearful legal document issued by the Pope that sanctioned the colonization of non-Christian territories. Then in the mid-1800s, the pioneers came from the East Coast with their belief in Manifest Destiny, their moral right to colonize the land. As their wagons moved west, the Plains Indians were moved out and put on reservations. When your spiritual practice is based on the land you’re living on, and you’re being herded away from what somebody else would call her temple, or mosque, or church, or cathedral—that’s the first place your spirituality is attacked.
My great-great-great-great-grandfather on my father’s side was captured and taken on what we call the Long Walk to Fort Sumner. Initially about 10,000 Diné were rounded up, and many died on that walk, which took weeks or months, depending on the route on which they were taken. They were imprisoned for four years at Fort Sumner, and released in 1868, because of the Civil War. At about the same time, my great-great-great-great-grandfather on my mother’s side escaped from Colonel Kit Carson at Canyon de Chelly and traveled north with his goats. He came back down to this area at just about the time my great-great-great-great-grandmother escaped Spanish slavery. Slavery was introduced here by the Spanish—that’s never talked about. The children born at Fort Sumner were taken into Spanish families, to be slaves.
We had the Spanish flu in the 1920s, one of many viruses to invade our community. Then in the 1930s there was the Great Depression. We didn’t know that was happening: we did not have money, but we had wealth in the form of sheep. And the government came in and killed our sheep in the Stock Reduction Program. They said the sheep were eroding the land, but I think they did it because the sheep made us self-sufficient, and they couldn’t allow that. We had spiritual practices around our sheep. Every time we developed self-sufficiency and a viable spiritual practice, they destroyed it. My mother said they dug deep trenches, herded the sheep and massacred them.
A tuberculosis epidemic in the 1940s took away my mother's parents. My great-grandmother, a healer and herbalist, had hidden my mother from the government agents who snatched Diné kids to put them into BIA boarding schools. My mother became a rancher, a prolific weaver, a beautiful woman who spoke the language. She did not speak much English. She died at 96; my great-grandmother died at 104. Now, in our community in Chi Chil Tah, there are no more traditional healers; the oldest person is my great-grand-aunt, who is 78. I am the only traditional Diné storyteller.  
Now that we are talking about issues of race in America, we need to also talk about the Native American tribes that were displaced. There is a reservation in upstate New York of the Iroquois people—all of 21 square miles. How much land were the Iroquois originally living on? Who was living in what is now Massachusetts? What about Pennsylvania? What about all the states under the umbrella of the United States? Whose land are you occupying? Abraham Lincoln ordered the massacre of 38 Dakota men the day after Christmas, the same week he signed the Emancipation Proclamation; they call him Honest Abe. They don’t talk about the dark side of things, and I think that is what COVID has revealed—the dark side. We see a police officer putting his full body weight on the neck of a black man. And suddenly everybody goes, Wow! What have we evolved to?
It seems to me that COVID has revealed a lot of truths, everywhere in the world. If we were ignorant of the truth, it is now revealed; if we were ignoring the truth, it is now revealed. This truth is the disparity: of health, wellbeing and human value. And now that the truth has been revealed, what are we going to do about it?
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 4 years
Lost Memories Part 11
Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x Reader 
Word Count: 1.9K
Warnings: Nope. None
Author’s Note:  Excuse me while I cry for a moment. This is the last part to this one and I don’t know how to feel about it. Its probably why it has taken me so long to get this one done. I just wanted to hold off a little longer. With that being said, I hope that you guys have enjoyed this one! Thank you guys for reading, for commenting, for reblogging this series. It means so much to me! Maybe one day I’ll come back and add on to this one. We’ll see.
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
5 years later. 
After an evening of party goers leaving the bar in the early morning hours, Y/N began her usual tasks of getting the bar back to its original state before it opened for the next night. Her job was easier being a vampire. She learned that such a mundane thing made for the best distractions. 
Y/N left New Orleans just as Elijah asked her to do. Her heart hurt to do it, but she understood Elijah’s pain as well. If things had been under different circumstances, things might have been better. But between her being on the run from Lex and Klaus sending her away, things became complicated. Things had changed in a way that Y/N knew that things would never be fixed as it used to be. 
So she left and didn’t look back. She found herself in California when she finally stopped driving. That’s where she decided that she would make her new home. In the process of doing so, she found a property she wanted and turned it into a successful business over the last few years. 
Katherine and Victoria came and visited often. When they had, it was just like old times. They partied with the other patrons and spent the night discussing how much things had changed since they last came together. 
“You know he misses you, right?” Victoria would tell her every time. 
It never failed that the words had brought some hope to Y/N. But every time they did, she was reminded of the hurt she had put Elijah through. “He told me to leave, so I did. I think that ship has sailed.” The conversation of Elijah would stop after that. 
Even now as she turned the chairs over onto the tables, that flame of hope had still been lit. She hoped with time things would get better. That maybe in a handful of years, she and Elijah might be able to have a conversation that would make them okay again. 
She wanted Elijah to have his space that he needed. If she was being honest with herself, she wished there was some spell that could make her travel back in time and fix things before it got this bad. But even if there was, the changes made probably wouldn’t have gotten to where she was right now. 
As she flipped another chair over, she heard the front door open and close. Sighing, she shook her head. “We’re closed.” She said as she moved to pick up another chair. “Last call was about two hours ago.”
“Would you make an exception for someone you know?”
Placing the chair on the table, she turned quickly at the voice. In the last five years, she hadn’t once heard his voice. Somehow, even through the hurt, Y/N’s heart picked up at seeing Elijah standing there by the entrance of the bar. 
“Elijah.” She said softly, never making a move towards him. She wasn’t sure if this was real. No matter how many times she had wanted this moment to happen, she couldn’t believe her eyes in that moment. “What are you doing here?”
“Believe it or not, my family and I are just a few miles up the road, enjoying a vacation.” He said as he took a step closer to her. His eyes wandered around the bar, taking in the details that Y/N had decorated the place with. “I heard there was a bar that could make anyone believe they were in New Orleans. You’ve obviously accomplished that.”
“Couldn’t go to New Orleans, so I brought it here.” She said as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Makes me feel at home.” The bar had done just that. It gave her the comfort she needed to stay put. A home away from home. “If you were really here for the bar, you wouldn’t have come after closing.”
“Would you believe me if I said I was hoping to speak with you?” His voice was soft. Y/N could hear it in his voice that this must have been hard for him to do. She didn’t blame him. 
“About what?” She asked as she began walking towards the bar. She had to bite her tongue because part of her wanted to say that she believed he had said everything he needed to. But he hadn’t done anything wrong. She had. 
Elijah watched as she walked around to the other side of the bar and pulled two glasses off the shelf and grabbed a bottle of bourbon from the top shelf. He walked over to the bar and pulled one of the stools down and took a seat in front of her. 
“There were a lot of things left unsaid between us.” He said as he reached for the glass Y/N had poured for him. “I wanted to apologize for-”
“You didn’t do anything wrong Elijah.” Y/N said cutting him off. “I hurt you and put your family in danger. You asked me to leave and that was right on your part. I should be the one apologizing for everything I’ve done to get us here.”
“It wasn’t just on you.” He took a sip of the bourbon and placed the glass back on the bar. “There were several factors that made you do as you had. I should have been understanding, but I let the feeling of betrayal get the best of me.”
Y/N looked down at the glass before her. Her hand had been wrapped around it, but she made no move to take a drink from it. “I would have told you eventually. Maybe not when we fought, or when things were getting crazy, but at that time, it wasn’t my place to tell you.”
“After you had left, I spoke with my brother.” He said as he watched her gaze leave the cup and back up to him. “He mentioned that you fought him on an occasion or two about telling me. One of those times had been a day or two before James made his move. Not only had you been the key to James’ plan, Klaus used your argument with him to give him the push he needed to send you away.”
Y/N listened to his words and while she had only gotten her memories back five years ago, the details had become clouded to her. But that conversation she had with Klaus was clear as day. 
“I cant keep lying to him, Klaus.” Y/N said as she walked into Klaus’ study. 
“I don’t have time for this.” Klaus said as he moved to leave the room. 
Y/N moved to stand in front of him. “Make time. Because this deal can’t stand between us anymore.”
“If you go to my brother, I’ll make sure that you won’t have a heartbeat.” Klaus threatened as his eyes narrowed. “Plus you aren’t lying, you are simply omitting information.”
“If you trusted me enough to help stop them from coming after Hope, why won’t you trust me to tell Elijah?” Y/N asked frustrated. 
“Because it is with me you hold this deal.” Klaus reminded her. “I am the one that holds that information over your head. Yes, you may have saved Hope for now. But I know there will be a day that you’ll need to keep good on your promise.” Klaus pushed passed her after that. 
Y/N turned around and faced him. “I’m telling him the first chance I get.”
Klaus stopped mid step for a moment before continuing. “Your funeral.”
“The next day Alyssa had been murdered.” Y/N corrected. “I never got a chance alone with you to tell you. You had gotten home late the night before and you were gone when I woke. After that, Rebekah pulled me into a shopping spree. Of course you know what happened after that. After I got my memories back, I knew that I never got that chance. And when Lex threw that information at you, I knew you’d be angry with me. I just didn’t think you would want me to leave.” A sad chuckle passed her lips. 
“While I was angry, I almost expected you to fight to stay.” There was hurt in his words that Y/N hadn’t missed. “It was Victoria that told me you’d left. I thought maybe you hadn’t cared enough.”
Y/N placed her free hand on top of his. “I always cared.” She said with a slight nod of her head. “ I cared from the moment I bumped into you at Alice’s, to meeting you for the second time when I didn’t have my memory. You had an impact on me in a way that was completely unexpected. But when you asked me to leave, the anger and the hurt that was in your voice hurt me to hear it and I knew I didn’t deserve to stay.”
“I am sure you and I would have felt the same way if the roles were reversed.” He turned his hand over and took her hand in his. “When you were forced to leave, I thought I wouldn’t survive that. You and I had become so intertwined for those ten years. And for a brief moment I had you back and I remember thinking I wasn’t going to let you leave my sight. When I pushed you away, I believed I’d be alright. That I had done this before and I survived. But I couldn’t.”
That flame of hope that had been within Y/N had grown and she hoped that they’d be able to fix this. That once everything was out in the open that they would be able to get past this. She bit down on her lip for a moment before sighing.
“Why don’t we start over?” She asked. She watched as his eyebrow raised. She smiled and shook her head. “If you want. I know forgetting everything isn’t an option. But just as you said, we have this connection that is hard to ignore. Maybe the third time will be the charm?”
Elijah laughed at that. It was the first time she heard him laugh in decades. It was a sound she didn’t think she would ever hear again. “And I suppose we should reintroduce ourselves and tell each other our life secrets?”
It was Y/N’s turn to laugh. “I wouldn’t say go to that extreme. Start over in regards to there not being any lies between us. Tonight we’ll clean out our closets and go from there.”
“That is centuries worth of skeletons that will need to be cleaned out between the two of us.” He noted. 
“I’ve got nothing but time.” She said with a smile. “Plus there is a fully stocked bar behind me just in case we need that.”
Elijah thought about it for a moment before he nodded. “To a night of really getting to know each other.” He stopped for a moment, a twitch of a smile pulling at his lips before he placed his hand out in front of him. “I’m Elijah Mikaelson.”
Y/N’s eyebrow raised as she took in what he had done. Shaking her head, she took his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Elijah.” She said with a smile. “I’m Y/N Y/L/N.”
It was as they began talking about their past, it was the first time that both of them really got to know each other. There was no compulsion, no deals made between siblings or even friends. It was something the two of them needed from the beginning but never got a chance to. And as the night carried on, they were realizing that just like the first time, they wouldn’t be leaving the other anytime soon.
Always & Forever Tag: @taylordrunkonwhiskey @thewolf-and-thesheep @wayward-dan @neeadinghugs @fafulous @kenmen02 @elizamonet @dora-the-grownup @mschellehitt @xanderling @fandom-princess-forevermore @buckysarm4 @hi-my-name-is-riley @helenasingers @alka16555 @yaniiie
Lost Memories Tag: @jenniferpendragon @captainshurley @spookske1999 @anything-ispossiblenow @therealwatermelon @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @astudyoftimeywimeystuff @andrea25434 @cumberbabe92 @une-lueur-dans-la-nuit @vampiregirl1797 @crushingbigtime @the-loveliest-lies-of-all @xxbeckybeexx-blog @twigstar18 @winchestert101 @the-missunder-stood
Stag Tag:   @elejah-wonderland @cheers-my-dears-16 @xxsovereignsarayaxx @asiaaisa77 @astudyoftimeywimeystuff
The Originals Tag: @zillahvathek @obsessedwithvampires @alien-sida
Thank you sooo much for reading! For those of you on the lost Memories tags, if you’d like to be moved to another list, please let me know. ♥
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theycallmequeenie · 4 years
Lexie And Happy
Master List
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
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WARNING: Explicit language is used in this part and may not be suitable for some readers.
Lexie didn’t know where she was going, just that she was going. She simply allowed her feet to take her wherever they saw fit to take her, and before she realized it she was outside the town’s cemetery. Shrugging she thought to herself that this would be the best place to collect her thoughts and that she could finally pay her respects to Opie and Jax. She missed those two something fierce and now would be as good a time as any to go talk with her ‘boys’ as she jokingly called them growing up.
Finding the two headstones wasn’t hard for her. It seemed as if her heart lead her right to them. They were, of course, buried side by side. Something that made complete sense to Lex since those boys were all but inseparable when they were alive. Kneeling down between the two stones she started a one-sided conversation with her two friends that were like older brothers to her.
She filled them in on all the things she had did and dealt with over the years that she hadn’t really told anyone other than Tig. She set there and just talked to her ‘boys’ and tried to center herself in doing so. She made sure to tell them how much she missed them both and how she wished they were still here that she really needed them right now because she wasn’t sure how to comprehend what she had just done.
Meanwhile, back at Happy’s house the three men were still mid argument when Rat called from TM wondering where everybody was. This prompted a string of curses from all three men. Happy went to his room to get Lex and go to the garage for work only to realize she was missing. Yelling for Tig the two men quickly tried to figure out where she had gone.
Tig had called Venus, Chibs had called Althea, and Happy had simply took off to look for her, determined to find her quickly. He scoured the little town of Charming but to no avail. He hadn’t found Lex anywhere, so he decided to go back to the club house and let her uncle take a crack at looking for her.
Tig had been making frantic calls hoping Lex hadn’t bolted on them again, doing his best to figure out where she went, then it dawned on him like someone whispered in his ear where she might be. Tig took off to check without really saying anything to anyone. Leaving his brothers very confused.
 Tig jumped into the TM tow truck and drove off hoping he still knew his niece like he once had. When she was younger and she need to center herself, she would turn to Jax and Opie. ‘With any luck that was still that case’, he thought as he sped off toward the town’s cemetery.
Pulling up he could see Lex at the stones with her back toward the small roadway that wound its way around the cemetery. He stopped the truck and simply watched his niece as she talked to the two headstones and brushed off the dirt that was on them. After waiting a few minutes, he decided to get out of the truck and slowly make his way over to Lex. He placed a had gently on her shoulder once he had gotten to her to let her know he was there waiting her to speak first.  
She had jumped slightly, not expecting anyone to come up behind her. She looked up at her uncle with a tear stained face. Tig nodded and helped her off the ground. He had wanted her to speak first but he knew now that if she tried all that would come out was a sob, so he wrapped her up in a hug and whisper in her ear, “I know, Sweetheart. I miss them too.” He held her there and did his best to help her collect her composure before suggesting that they needed to head to the garage. He also mentioned something about Hap being in a minor panic about her just disappearing. To that Lex shook her head and agreed that it was time for her visit to come to an end.
Tig walked his niece to the tow truck with his arm around her shoulders knowing that she needed him, and the contact comforted her. Climbing into the truck with him behind her making her she didn’t slip. The ride to TM was a quiet one, Lex was lost in her thoughts and Tig was trying to keep an eye on her and drive both.
Tig let the ride be quiet for the first few minutes before speaking, “Can I ask why you bolted earlier, Lex? You scared the hell out of all of us, Kid.” As Tig spoke they had come to a stop at a red light and he looked over at her searching for an answer.
Lex sighed and frowned as she spoke to her Uncle, “ You three were fighting and I couldn’t handle it because I knew you were fighting because of me and what I had done, even if it was in self defense. I think Chibs was on to something. I come home and all hell breaks loose. Maybe… maybe I should just go back east after I get the shop back to its former glory.” Lex looked down at her hands in her lap knowing the expression on Tig’s face would be one of hurt.
And she was right. They were moving again, and he went silent and finished the ride that way. They finally arrived at the lot and Lex had barely let Tig park the truck before jumping out and heading into the garage’s office. Completely bypassing Happy who had jumped up form his seat and was heading for her but stopped short as she slammed the office door.
Happy and Chibs both met Tig in the middle of the lot and they proceeded to start arguing again, but this time Tig was the one to start it. Shoving Chibs back a step or two and laying into him about what Lex had said in the truck.
“I told you Asshole! I told you what you said got into her head! It took me over ten years to get her back home and she’s already talking about leaving again because of what you fucking said to her this morning!” Tig screamed at his president not out of anger at the man but because the fact that his niece wanted to leave her home again and it hurt him. Happy looked at his brothers alarmed and grunted out a “what?”, before turning and running to the office to talk to Lex in the hopes of convincing her to stay. He couldn’t let her leave him again.
Lex could hear the two men yelling outside even with the office door shut, though it didn’t stay that way for long. Happy stormed in and all but cornered Lex in the office demanding to know exactly what she had said and where the hell she had been.
Lex, wide eyed from him storming in, “Well from what I could hear you already know what I told my uncle, Hap.” She was not okay with the fact Happy had her cornered but did her best to focus on the argument at hand.
Happy Huffed in frustration, “So what? You were just going to bail on me again?” He had a wild look in his eyes he was upset and was letting it show. “Do you have any idea of the hell I went through after you bailed the first time?! Damn Alexandra! Why the hell did you even come back if you were just to leave me again? Why let me get my damn hopes, of having a life with the woman I love, up? If you hadn’t planed on staying what the hell did you come back for?” His voice finally cracked with his last question. Lex was always one he was able to let his guard down around and let his emotions show through the rough heartless exterior.
“When I came back Hap, I hadn’t planned on things going bat shit the moment I set foot inside the town limits, Hap! Christ, the last 48 hours have been insane even for SAMCRO standards! I was attack by some crazed Mayan. Who decided it was a good idea to shred my clothes I had on and probably do worse, that my fearless hero’s were suppose to keep contained but couldn’t? The bastard got away and tried to fucking kill you, to which I ended up,” she paused and whispered the next part, “killing him…” She was shaking at this point finally overwhelmed by it all. “What the hell else am I supposed to think. Shit was finally calm for you boys. I come home and look…” She gently nudged Hap out of the way as she headed for the office chair to sit down. “I’m sorry Happy. I don’t possess the ware with all to deal with all of this anymore.”
He was angry at the whole situation, “Little Girl, I don’t know why the shit storm picked up when you came home but I sure as hell know you aren’t responsible for it. Just our craptastic luck letting us know its still lingering.” He reached for her hand and pulled her back up out of the chair and pulled her into a tight embrace. “Please don’t leave me again, Little Girl.” His voice was soft and shaky. He knew the possibility was real and his heart ached knowing it. Feel her hold onto him just as tightly eased the fear slightly. He gently pulled back to look into her eyes, “So where exactly did you end up Lex? I looked everywhere I could think of for you.”
She gave him sheepish smile, “Guess it was the one place you hadn’t thought to look.” She paused just long enough for him to give her an annoyed look before speaking again in a serious tone, “I went to see my boys and try to clear my head, Hap.”
Happy nodded. She wasn’t home when they had lost Opie and Jax and he knew that those calls from Tig had to break her. She loved those two like they were brothers and they loved and protected her like she was their sister. Happy kissed her forehead, “You want to go with me to stop those two outside from killing each other or you want me to go handle it?”
She smiled at the sign of affection and shook her head, “Can you? I really need to get this place opened up for the day.” She paused and watched him nod and start to turn to go handle Tig and Chibs, “Hap.” He paused at hearing his name and looked at her eyebrows raised in a questioning manner, she smiled softly, looking him in the eye and spoke from the heart, “I love you.”
He grinned at her, “Love you too, Little Girl.” He murmured as he gave her another quick kiss, this time one the cheek and walked out to break up the two arguing men. As he exited the office, he purposely left the door open so that Lex was able to see what was going on and she did watch the three men interact as Happy separated the two men, who were still arguing, but now it over little random things. Which made her chuckle to herself and think that was exactly why Tig was driving the argument that direction.
She leaned in the doorway and continued to watch as Tig and Happy walked toward the club house and Chibs was walking toward her. She sighed and knew that he was going to gun for her sooner or later. Guess it was going to be sooner. She stepped away from the door and sat down in the chair and waited for the seemingly rabid Scotsman to get to her. She had just picked up her pen when he stepped into the office and cleared his throat. Without even looking up from the paperwork she spoke, “Yes, Mister Telford? What can I do for you this time?” She didn’t try to hide her annoyance with the man. “Let me guess I’m causing more problems…”
Chibs all but growled in his own annoyance toward the woman. Speaking in his thick Scottish brogue, “No, I was actually here to apologize for earlier, I was an arse to you. I was taking the stress of the situation out on you.”
Lex turned around and the look on the man’s face was comparable to that of a petulant child being forced to apologize for acting out at a family gathering. She placed her pen on the desk and devoted her full attention to the man, “So was that my uncle pulling those strings or Happy? ‘Cause you would never do that of your own doing Telford. You are far too proud a man for that, you and I both know it.”
He grunted and sat on the couch that was against the opposite wall. “Ya know, you were always way too smart for your own good, Girlie.” She spoke with a chuckle. He paused for a moment before continuing, “It was both of them, actually, but I truly was out of line earlier. Can ya forgive me, Darlin’?”
Lexie rolled her eyes at the man and nodded. “Though we never really got along all that great, you were always easy to read. At least for me. I get the stress levels are high because of the chaos of the last couple days. I’ve never really taken kindly to shit out of my control being taken out on me. Can we try to avoid that in the future?” She spoke matter-of-factly and honestly.
Chibs grumbled but nodded. Standing he held out his arm and asked Lex to accompany him to the club house to show the other two they had made up and are being civil with each other. She agreed but wouldn’t take his hand but followed him instead.
To Be Continued….
Part Nine
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lynelovespopculture · 4 years
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After the announcement of the play, the rest of the day was pretty much shot. After school, Faustus had more work to do so Cordelia took the bus home.  She sighed as she opened and closed the front door. “I said no.” Zelda’s voice came from the kitchen. “Mom, you are never going to believe this,” Cordelia muttered as she dropped her backpack onto a chair, entered the kitchen, and froze. For Zelda was not alone. “Look, Lilith,” Zelda said through gritted teeth. “You came here to ask me a question and I have answered you. I said no and it’s staying no!” “But I need you!” Lilith insisted. “We both know that you’re the best of the best. Besides, as the queen of hell, I can simply command you.” “Oh no, you can’t!” Zelda held her ground. “In fact, as I recall the last time I asked for your help, you told me that since I was not a part of hell’s court and was no longer a member of the church of night or the church of Lilith, that I was an outsider and you were under no obligation to help me.” Lilith knew she was losing her case but she continued pleading regardless. “It won’t be like last time. I promise! Lucifer is still inside that council member, still very much locked up. The minion and I check on him often. I swear it won’t be like last time.” “I know it won’t,” Zelda agreed “because this time I’m not getting myself or my family involved.” Meanwhile, Cordelia stood silently in the corner, confused over this exchange. Lucifer? Queen of hell? What the heaven did this all mean?  Cordelia was pretty sure she knew the woman who was fighting with her mother but didn’t know from where. “Please Zelda,” Lilith continued.  “Adam was just so sweet when I told him 3 weeks ago.  He insisted we return to the surface and get married at the courthouse that very day. Nothing like when Zander was born.” That was it! Cordelia suddenly remembered that this Lilith was the happy bride she saw when she and Faustus were driving past city hall on that 1st day of school. “Cordelia!” Lilith purred, bring the child back to the here and now by sliding a hand under her chin and studying her.  “What a lovely young lady you’ve become.” “Thank you,” Cordelia said, unsure.  “Um, have we met?” “Only briefly, a long time ago. But I hope we’ll get to know each other better in the future. Since you and my son are- “ “Lilith! If you say 1 more word, you’ll be returning to hell in a body cast!” Zelda threatened. Cordelia looked on as Lilith coolly shrugged and then walked out the front door before she turned back to her mother. “Who was that, Mom?” “No one you need to concern yourself with. Now, please go fetch your brother and Ambrose. Supper is almost ready.” Cordelia knew her mother’s tone and knew even she asked again, she wouldn’t get any real answers so she turned on her heel and went to get the boys.
Faustus didn’t remember the last time he was this tired. After closing the door, he rested against it for a moment, before tossing his car keys onto a nearby side table.  The house was quiet and dark, which was no surprise considering how late it was. Faustus yawned deeply as he made his way upstairs. On the second floor, the only light led him to his room, where Zelda was sitting up in bed, paperwork all around her. He came forward and kissed Zelda’s welcoming smile. “Hello, my beautiful reason for existing.” Zelda’s smile only grew bigger as she kissed her husband back. “I was expecting you late tonight once Cordy told me about the play.” “Ah, so you’re all caught up?” “Unfortunately, yes.” Faustus gave a little nod, then took off his blazer and unbuttoned his shirt, as he crossed to the room to the chest of drawers that held his night clothes.   “I’m sorry I didn’t call, my love, but it’s hard to make a phone call in the middle of an argument.” “And who were you arguing with?” “Principal Hopper,” Faustus sighed. “I spent 4 and a half hours trying to convince him to put on a different play, any other play! I tried any excuse I could come up with. All in vain, the play will go on as planned. The only good news is that they can’t force Cordy to perform in the play, but since this is a grade 7-8 production, she’ll have to  work backstage somehow.” Faustus explained to his wife on his way to the bathroom. “I had an interesting day too,” Zelda called out as she collected her paperwork off the bed. “Oh?” “You will never believe who came to see me today-Lilith.” Zelda couldn’t help but smile as her shocked husband appeared in the doorway.  His mouth foaming with toothpaste, the brush just dangling.   After he went back and rinsed, Faustus returned to the bedroom. “Lilith, eh?  Haven’t heard that name in this house in a couple of years.” “I had hoped to keep it that way,” Zelda muttered. “So, how is the queen of hell?” “Newly pregnant by her mortal husband, Adam. She asked me to serve as her mid-wife.” Faustus lifted an eyebrow. “What? Again? After what she put this family through last time, I’m surprised she even had the nerve to ask.” “Thank you!” Zelda exclaimed.  “That’s exactly what I said! But she wouldn’t take no for an answer and even after I refused her, she followed me home from the academy and I couldn’t make her leave until after Cordelia came home from school. She even hinted at the odd marriage pact again.” “Don’t worry, dearest. Even if Lilith did keep that damn contract, with no signature, it’s not valid.” Zelda smiled. “It seems you have given this matter some thought.” Faustus shut off his bedside lamp and got into bed. “I’ll admit that I might have brought the case up to Daniel Webster once or twice. Besides, if Lilith is hurting for female company, I know a nosy, moral bitch she can have right now.” Zelda chuckled as she made herself comfortable in Faustus’s arms. “I assume we are now speaking of Nina Robinson.  Is she still giving you trouble?” “Nothing but!” Faustus then told Zelda all about Nina’s absurd behavior from that morning. “I just can’t get rid of this woman! I can’t get any work done either. I finally had to pretend that I was going home, drove around the block, and finally had to hide in a broom closet just to get my work done. It’s pathetic! Oh, and all this was after she undermined me at every turn during that meeting with Hopper.” It was then that Zelda realized something. “Why go to Principal Hopper at all? Why not talk to Theo? He would be more understanding.” Faustus nodded. “That was my 1st idea too but he took off early for a long weekend with Robin. I’ll ask him on Monday,   beloved, and see if he can deal  with Hopper.” Soon after, Zelda fell asleep in Faustus’s arms, her head on his shoulder. Faustus himself was half asleep when he realized something. He and Zelda were still passionate lovers. Making love more times a week than not. But tonight, the topic was not even bought up and that was okay.  Faustus had sensed that Zelda was tired. Did she sense he was too? It was like they could communicate without words. After 13 years of marriage, he had obtained something with Zelda that Faustus never had with any other woman; true intimacy. He vowed that no one would ever take that away.
Turns out Faustus didn’t get the chance to talk to Theo about the play or anything else. Early on Monday morning, even before the 1st-morning bell, Theo slipped and fell on the floor. Bruising his neck and breaking his leg in 3 places. Theo had to take leave.
Cordelia sighed and sat back. “Dad, you’re killing me!” It was Monday evening and Cordelia sat at the kitchen table with her homework while Faustus stood a few feet away, finishing washing the dinner dishes.  Zelda had just left to do a bed check at the academy. “What’s wrong, honey?” Faustus asked. “You know what’s wrong.” His daughter frowned. “I’m the first 1 up tomorrow to read my family tree essay in front of the whole class. What were you thinking when you handed out this assignment.” “I was thinking that we all have families and all the class could share in it. So, what’s wrong? Isn’t your essay finished?” “Oh, it’s finished, all right,” said Cordelia. “And come tomorrow morning everyone in grades 7 and 8 will know that I’m descended from nothing but witches and warlocks. There’s not a mortal in the bunch, well, except for Sabrina, of course. So I figure if I read my essay at 10:15, they should be burning me at the stake on the school’s front lawn by 10:30.” Faustus rolled his eyes and wiped his hands on a towel. “Don’t be overdramatic, Cordy.  Bring your essay over here please.” Cordelia got up from the table and, with the pile of papers, went over to her father. Once Faustus had the papers in his hands, he spoke in Latin and for a moment, the essay glowed bright orange before he gave it back. “There.” “What did you do?” “I fixed it.  Now, the word witch is replaced with the word countess and a warlock is now an earl. It should read just as well.” Cordelia raised an eyebrow.  “You spelled my homework?! You’ve never done that before.” “Don’t get any ideas, Cordy. It’s only a 1-time thing. To keep us all safe.” Faustus took another look around the room to see if anything else needed to be cleaned. He saw a book on the table.  Faustus didn’t even need to move to know that it was the novel called ‘the witch’. The book Nina had assigned for English.  He gestured with his head. “How is that?” “Very odd,” Cordelia answered. “And it’s certainly fiction.” “What makes you say that?”   Cordelia walked back to the table and picked up the book, flipping through the pages. “This is a direct quote, ‘A witch is always a woman…There  is no such thing as a  male witch.’” Cordelia put down the book, frowned. “Now we both know that’s not true.” “The author is a man, right?” Faustus shrugged. “Sound like someone is trying to shift blame.” Cordelia had not thought of that, but the thought did make her smile. Faustus was right. Cordelia’s essay went over well the next day.   She actually felt good about it and managed to hold on to the positive feelings until the mid-morning break. The class was just letting out when a secretary posted something on a nearby bulletin board. It was a signup sheet for play auditions, starting that very afternoon. The triplets and Sara were the first to sign up, then they handed the pen to Cordelia. Cordelia took a step back. “No, thanks.” Erin frowned. “What’s wrong, Cord?” “Nothing, I would just prefer to work backstage.” Erica lifted an eyebrow.  “Since when are you shy?” “See? I told you guys that she  would see herself to be too good for our play.” Sara cut in. “I didn’t say that!” Cordelia snapped. It was Emily who tried to keep the peace.  “But the 5 of us always do everything together.” No, Cordelia thought angrily. The 4 of us always used to do everything together. Sara just showed up a month ago. As Cordelia dealt with her friends, Faustus stood in the classroom doorway when a smiling Nina walked up to him. “I’m glad we’re co-directing this play. It will give us more time together.” Faustus held her skin as she tried to hold his hand. Wordlessly, he just sighed and walked away. Great. More time with Nina Robinson, exactly what he didn’t want.
The rest of the school week was filled with play rehearsals and family tree presentations. Being from the same family, the triplets were allowed to present their essay together. On Friday, it was time for Sara to read her essay. Cordelia didn’t care to pay attention so she picked up a pencil and did some math. So she was only half-listening when Sara said, “Turns out I’m descended from a judge from the Salem witch trials.” Cordelia dropped her pencil and buried her face into her palm. Of course, Sara’s family was from Salem. Of course, they freakin’ were! 20 minutes later, the class clapped as Sara finished her report. “Sickening,” Cordelia muttered. “Do you have a problem with my report, Cordelia?” “Yes, I believe  I do. I understand that you can’t choose your family or where you come from but you spoke so proudly of your relatives from Salem.” Sara shrugged. “Maybe I am.” Cordelia got up and went up to Sara. “You’re proud to be related to a man whose job it was to murder people?!” “It was his job. His civil duty.” “It’s still murder!” Cordelia insisted. “Calm down, will you?” Sara asked. “It’s not like witches are real people.” “Miss Spellman,” Nina finally stepped in. “Please return to your seat.  Sara was nice enough to listen to your report.” Cordelia’s hand curled up in a fist, but only Faustus saw it and covered it with his own as he whispered into his daughter’s ear.  “You have every reason to be upset. But she finished now, the worst is over.
Yet, it wasn’t. The following Tuesday afternoon, during English class, everyone was asked to hand in their novel, Witches, and their notes about it. Cordelia, for one, was glad to be rid of it. But then, Nina rolled in a TV and DVD player. “Now I know that they just did a remake of this movie but the 1991 version will work just as well.” Faustus allowed his 7th graders to watch the movie as well. It was a little silly yet seemingly harmless. Until the so-called ‘witches’ met in a hotel ballroom, locked the doors, and took off their faces-which were all rubber masks. Now all the normal-looking women looked like wrinkled old crones. Except the 1 they called the grand high witch. To call her a wrinkled old crone would be an insult to old crones! 1 moment, she was a lovely woman, the next, a monster. She had little white hairs growing out of every part of her body except on her head. Her spotty skin could have seen on her back which was as uneven as her very long nose. Her ears were large and bat-like and her eyes were not of this world. It happened so fast and cause such shock that it caused Faustus’s mouth to fall open. As soon as the shock wore off, Faustus looked for Cordelia. “Oh no.” He saw that look in his daughter’s eyes before and he doubted that a mere TV and a DVD player set stood a chance against the divine child. Only the kids in the front room saw the glass on the screen crack but everyone saw when the golden sparks flew from the television. Then the TV went black. A moan from the hallway instantly told Faustus that the power had gone out all over school. A boy looked out the window and remarked, “Hey, looks like there’s a blackout all over town!” Meanwhile, without asking permission or bothering with a hall pass, Cordelia got up and left. Faustus rushed after her. “Cordelia!” Faustus entered the hallway just in time to see his daughter duck into the girls’ room. He went in with caution but when he was sure no one else was there, he locked the door. In the last stall, Faustus noticed that there was fresh vomit in the toilet and a white foot coming out of the wall.  Faustus gently nudged the foot with his own and the shoe color returned and the rest of his daughter emerged from the wall. Faustus tried to keep things light. “You have to work on your hiding spells.” However, Cordelia would have none of it. Her face was bright red, and there were plump, hot tears fresh on her cheeks. “Is that how they see us?” She asked. “That we all are evil, gruesome creatures who are out to murder foul-smelling mortal children?” “Oh, honey.” Faustus grabbed a bunch of toilet paper before he sat down and drew Cordelia into his lap, just like he did when she was little. “Darling, you know that’s not true. That was a stupid movie based on a book by a writer, who as you told me yourself doesn’t believe in male witches.” “No.” She insisted as Faustus wiped her tears. “A book can be 1 person’s opinion but it takes a whole lot of people to make a movie.” “You’re right, but that movie has nothing, I repeat, nothing to do with us. And I can prove it.” Cordelia put her head on Faustus’s shoulder. “You can?” He nodded. “The main character is called the Grand High Witch.  You and I both know that there is no such title. The highest title in a coven is a high priest or a high priestess. Speaking of your mother, she is 100% witch but she is also a great beauty as well as a professional midwife and teacher. 2 jobs directly related to children, who she would never hurt.” “But why do mortals do this? Why are witches always the bad guy?” “Hmm, good question.” Said Faustus. “I think it’s a paradox. Mortals love to be scared, yet mortals fear the unknown. So they put all their fears in these characters and called them witches. The mortals who don’t believe think there isn’t anyone to offend and even those who do believe, don’t realize that we have our own faith, our own laws, and society, our own world and therefore, have no need or desire to steal theirs.” “You’re really smart, you know that Dad?” “Thank you.” Faustus looked at his watch. “We should be getting back.” “No, I can’t. I can’t go back in there.” “There’s a blackout. I’m pretty sure that means no more movie for today.” “But they’ll still be talking about it.” Cordelia pointed out. “I’m telling you Dad, I have reached my limit for now.” Faustus sighed. “Okay, since there are only 20 minutes of school left for today, go lay down in the nurses’ station, and then we’ll go home.” Cordelia’s half-smile made them both feel a little bit better.
The pre-teen witch wasn’t the only 1 having a bad week. The triplets were understandingly upset when their father moved out of the family home earlier in the week. To cheer her girls and herself up, Mrs. Warner bought tickets to a magic show and because the show was on the day before the girls’ monthly sleepover, she got 2 extra tickets for Cordelia and Sara. They were even invited to sleepovers on Friday night as well as on Saturday. The magic show took place in a nearby town, so they showed up early and decided to browse the local shops. It was there that Cordelia got the feeling that she was being followed and she was right. The boy followed Cordelia as she and her friends went from shop to shop. However, he lost sign of Cordelia when the others approached the theater and he hid in an alleyway. “Why are you following me?” The boy turned to an annoyed Cordelia behind him, her arms crossed. “I have gotten so tired of Mother and Adam acting so lovey dovely all the damn time so I decided to come to the surface and visit you. Mother was right.  You are pretty.” He tried to touch her face, but Cordelia dodged him. “Hold on there! ‘Visiting’ would imply that we know each other. I’ve never seen you before in my life.” The boy seemed genuinely puzzled. “I’m Alexander Morningstar, the crowned prince of hell.” Something clicked in Cordelia’s mind. “You’re Lilith’s son?” “Yes, and you may call me Zander if you like. Now, I have a question for you. Why are you and those other witches from your coven going to see a mortal magic show? Don’t you know that stuff is all smoke and mirrors?” “Well, my friends are mortals so- “ Zander looked horrified. “You associate with mortals? Willingly? That must stop. It’s unbecoming for the future queen of hell.” Cordelia raised an eyebrow. “Did you just call me the future queen of hell? How on earth do you figure that?” “Well, we are betrothed, so obviously when I become king- “ “Hold on, did you just say betrothed? As in engaged? You’re crazy!  I’m only 12!” “So am I but it’s not up to us. It was all arranged by my mother and your parents when we were just infants.” Cordelia shook her head. “Now I know you’re lying. My parents would never do that to me.” Before Zander could respond, a voice called out. “Cordelia? Where are you?” “Coming, Mrs. Warner!” “Are those mortals bothering you? I could kill them for you if you like.” “No! You are not going to kill my friends! Go home to your mother!”  Cordelia ordered. “Don’t walk away from me!” “Go!” Zander flew through the air and hit the wall at the end of the alleyway.  “You have got to learn to control your divine powers.” Yet, Cordelia was already gone.
Faustus loved making love to his wife. In fact, he could make love to Zelda morning, noon, and night and still crave more of her. Therefore, he had no objection when Zelda woke him up early on Saturday morning and began to make love to him. They were both breathing heavily when she rolled off of him. “See? I told you I always get my man.” Faustus was shocked and horrified to see Zelda transform into Nina. “NO!” Faustus screeched as he sat up in bed. “Darling? What is it? What’s wrong?” Faustus turned to see the real Zelda lying beside him and he felt his lip begin to tremble.  “Darling, I’m been unfaithful!” “What?!” It was now Zelda’s turn to jolt up in bed. She was angry, but only for a moment until Faustus explained about his dream. Then she smiled and shook her head.   “Faustus, my darling, how many times must we go through this? It was only a dream and dreams don’t mean anything.” “I know! I know!”  Faustus muttered. “But why did it had to be about Nina Robinson? I don’t want that woman anywhere near my mind, this house and certainly not our bed!   It’s bad enough that I can’t escape that woman during the day! We share the same classroom, now we’re forced to codirect that damn play together. In fact, there’s another rehearsal this afternoon, so- “ “So, no wonder she’s on your mind. But mortals do not use glamour spells so it’s unlikely   your dream will come true.” “It was more like a nightmare,”  Faustus muttered. Soon Zelda had calmed her husband and as they lay side by side, Faustus wondering why Zelda was suddenly silent.  “Penny dreadful for your thoughts, my love?” “This is going to seem like an odd question since we had our own affair, but why was it that once you cheated on Constance left, right, and sideways without the slighted hint of guilt but you seemed ready to cry at the mere thought of being unfaithful to me?” “I wasn’t loyal to Constance because I never felt that I need to. Yes, we were married, but as you know, she was not my choice. At the wedding, I was just saying words, not vows.  With you, it’s the exact opposite. I’ve loved you since I was 16.  Your name is carved on my heart. I have spent years, decades dreaming, yearning to be your husband and the father of our children. Now, that Hecate has seen fit to bless me with all I could desire if I ever lost you for my own stupid, avoidable actions, I would never be able to forgive myself. I think that’s why these dreams freak me out so much. It’s not just about me having affairs, it really hurts that because of that damn curse that I can’t trust myself not to hurt you. I hate that.” “Then it’s a good thing that I trust you whole heartily,”  Zelda said softly before she kissed him. During the kiss, they could hear whining and scratching at the door.  “What’s wrong, Tom? You want out?” Zelda got out of bed and patted her familiar before she opened the door to let the dog out and then     Zelda got an idea, took off her underwear, and returned to the bed.   “You know, Faustus,” Zelda said as she slowly undid the cord of her husband’s PJs pants and exposed his manhood. “what I think you need right now is a good detraction.” Zelda kissed him deeply as she climbed on top of him. She broke the kiss only long enough to yank her nightgown over her head. As they reached their shared climax, Zelda moaned and bent back as Faustus left a trail of kisses from her stomach to her rib cage. “Feeling better?” Zelda smiled at him in the afterglow. Faustus smiled back. “After such a sweet distraction, how can’t I?” “Good.” Zelda leaned over and kissed him deeply again. It took everything Faustus had to stop her. “Dearest, you know I want this, but if we are missed at breakfast, they might come up here.” “Faustus, there is no ‘they’ to miss us. Cordy still at the Warners, Jake, and Ambrose decided to go with Dr. Cerberus to something called a comic a con.” Faustus propped himself on his elbow. “Are you saying that we have the house all to ourselves? That never happens! Well, the heaven with breakfast,” Zelda laughed as Faustus rolled onto her, pinning her arms down. “I say we celebrate!” Her husband declared. And boy, did they celebrate!  They made love for hours. They even felt like breaking out their old toys, the whips, chains, and the cat of 9 trails. Faustus laid back, sighing contently when he noticed that Zelda was up and reaching for her robe. “Where do you think you’re going?” “Downstairs,” Zelda answered. “It’s almost 2 p.m. and we’ve missed breakfast and lunch, I’m hungry. Besides, I need to keep my strength up for the 2nd round.” “In that case, I’ll come with you.” Down in the kitchen, Zelda and Faustus talked, laughed, and flirted as they made a meal together. Zelda chuckled as Faustus kissed her behind her ear as she stirred the pot. They both looked up as a knock came at the front door. “I’ll get it.” Faustus was in great spirits, however, he lost his smile as soon as he opened the door. “Faustus, baby!” “Mrs. Robinson, to what do I owe this unexpected visit?” “Oh Faustus, how many times do I have to tell you? You don’t have to be so formal? Just call me Nina.” “And how many times do I have to tell you? If there was a more formal way to call you than Mrs. Robinson, I would call you that. Now, what do you want?” Faustus demanded. Nina looked around before asking. “Where’s Cordelia?” “At a friend’s house.” “Great.” Before Faustus could figure out what was happening, Nina had stepped forward, grabbed him, and kissed him. Faustus struggled for a second before finally pushing her away. “What on earth are you doing?!” “Your daughter is in our class. I finally figured out that you don’t want Cordelia to tell your wife about us. That’s why you pretend not to like me at school.” For the love of Hecate! Faustus rolled his eyes. “I’m not pretending anything! I don’t like you. I never liked you and I never will like you.” They talked more and hearing voices, Zelda came out of the kitchen.  She could only see Nina from behind. “Can I help you?” Nina turned. “Yes. You can leave us alone.” Nina only got madder when Zelda came to join them. “Faustus, tell your employee to give us some privacy.” Faustus put an arm around Zelda.  “This isn’t my employee. This is Zelda, my wife.” Nina pointed. “This is Zelda…but I’m so prettier than her.” “No, all you are is rude,” Faustus grabbed Nina’s arm and guided her out the door. “You’re also out of    here.” Faustus shut the door in her face. Nina went down 4 steps when the door opened. “You can handle this afternoon’s rehearsal by yourself, right?” Faustus asked. “I suddenly feel very    sick.” He made a lame attempt at a fake cough and slammed the door again.
“Look, I’m not saying I don’t think the play is not good or anything. I just don’t think it’s great yet.” Sara said. Cordelia felt like screaming. Last night’s magic show had been fun, once she was able to put that odd boy and his crazy comments out of her mind. By the time they were back in Greendale, it was too late to do anything but sleep. The morning seemed peaceful enough she supposed, but the play rehearsal this afternoon took hours. Somehow, on the walk back to the Warner house, the subject of the Greendale 13 came up. Sure enough, right after supper, Cordelia followed her friend back into the cold October night to go visit Mary Wardwell. Cordelia wasn’t happy at all to see the very woman who shot and nearly killed her own mother. They finally stop talking about Greendale 13, only to start talking about the play again! Sara lit up. “I just got a great idea. I mean it, I’m a total genius! We should go to Salem ourselves. I mean, we should take the whole class on a field trip. To really understand the play.” “You’re right, that’s a great idea!” “Yeah, we should totally go to Salem!” “Cool!” Cordelia felt very uncomfortable as all eyes looked at her. “Um, I got to pee.” She grabbed her PJs and ran down the hallway to the bathroom. “Calm down,” Cordelia told herself in the mirror. “No one is going to Salem. They’re just thinking out loud.” After taking 5 minutes to calm down and get undressed, Cordelia returned to the triplet’s bedroom to find all the other girls on their phones. “What are you guys doing?” Cordelia asked. “We’re looking up how to get to Salem. Look guys, it says Salem is just 7 hours away by car.” So much for just thinking out loud. “Look, guys, I don’t think a field trip to Salem is such a good idea.  If it takes 7 hours to get there, it would take 7 more to get back.  That’s 14 hours in travel alone and suddenly we’re on an overnight trip. Given that the play is next Friday, I don’t think we have the time to fundraise enough.” “Typical Cordelia, always with the negative,” Sara muttered. “Oh, shut up, Sara!” “Lay off, Sara,” defended Erin. “She has been a better friend to us than you’re ever been!” “Why?!”  demanded a hurt Cordelia. “Just because I didn’t want to act in a stupid play?” Emily spoke up.  “Excuse you, but we chose that play!” Cordelia crossed her arms. “Why do I get the feeling that Sara picked the play and the 3 of you just went along with it because the longer we know Sara, the more you’re turning into sheep.  If I’m right, it begs the question, why would a self-proclaimed Wiccan chose a play about the Salem witch trials?” “’ Self-proclaimed?  It’s like you don’t believe me.” “I don’t. In fact, I think you’re lying about the whole thing.” Cordelia had to raise her voice against the triplets’ outcry. “Name 1 magical thing you’ve done since moving to Greendale.” Sara looked Cordelia right in the eye and said “I summoned the fear demon.” You remembered. Cordelia thought as the triplets showered Sara with awe. The fight continued for another hour, with raised voices and hot tempers. “Enough, I can’t stand this anymore!” Erin finally said. “Cordelia, I think it’s time you leave.” “What? Why me?” “Because you’re the 1 who started this fight.” Cordelia didn’t know about that but she was aware of the time. “You really want me to leave? Now? It’s 10:30 at night. I live across town; Sara lives down the street. Why doesn’t she leave?” No one said anything. Cordelia saw all the girls frowning all at once. Cordelia didn’t know what to think, but she knew the triplets had never thrown her out before. “Fine!” Cordelia stood up and swallowed back her tears. “I’m not going to stay anywhere where I’m not welcome.” Cordelia got redressed and gathered up her things before leaving the house. She secretly wished 1 of the triplets were stop her but no one did. Once the front door closed, Cordelia took out her phone and called Zelda. “Mom? The triplets threw me out. Can you come to pick me up please?” “Oh, Cordy. Your father and I are not home right now and- “ “Mom? Mom?!” Cordelia realized her phone was dead just as it started to drizzle.  “Just  perfect!” Seeing no other choice, Cordelia flipped up her neck collar and then drew the jean jacket closer to her body and ran all 5 blocks to Dr. C’s bookstore. The shop had been closed for hours, so the preteen took a detour and knocked as she could on the steel back door. She gave a huge sigh of relief when Hilda answered the door. “Thank Hecate, you’re here! I’m sorry for disturbing you this late, aunt Hil, but I didn’t know where else to go. The girls and I had a huge fight, the triplets threw me out of their house, but I don’t blame them, blame Sara. Now they’re talking about going to Salem. I can’t get a hold of Mom because my phone died and- and- “Cordelia burst into tears. Hilda hugged her niece close and then ushered her inside. After a quick phone call, Hilda discovered that Zelda was at the movies, in the middle of a double feature with Faustus and Sabrina. Hilda managed to convince her sister not to change her plans because Hilda wanted to spend some much overdue alone time with her night daughter. It was just after midnight that Cordelia put on her nightclothes for the 2nd time that evening. Since Dr. C was gone for the night, Hilda insisted that her niece share her bed for the night. The remote was on the bed so Cordelia jumped when she sat down and the TV turned on. “I’m sorry, Auntie H, I didn’t know the remote was on the bed.” “Oh, that’s okay, love. Looks like you literary just fell upon a classic, bewitched!” “Aw, the only witch show in pop culture that does make me want to scream, cry or throw up,” Cordelia said while getting under the covers. Hilda nodded. “You know every time I see this show, I think about your Uncle Edward and Aunt Diana.” “And a gender swap.” Hilda nodded. “Also, call me crazy, but little Tabitha always reminds me of Sabina as a baby.” Cordelia smiled, for she knew that there was a strong, powerful red-haired witch on the show. “Would that make Mom Endora?” The 2 witches looked at each other and laughed. It felt so good for Cordelia couldn’t remember how long ago she laughed so hard.
As hard as Cordelia laughed on Saturday night, she cried even harder on Wednesday afternoon. Zelda had to let her daughter cry on her shoulder for over an hour before Zelda got the full story. Apparently, Principal Hopper came in at the end of the day and announced that he had just discovered an envelope marked for the Salem trip on his desk had 5000 dollars in it. That, on top of parents’ donations, made the trip possible. They would travel on a deluxe bus and would be in Salem for 3 days and 2 nights. They would leave the day after tomorrow. It was unbelievable that this trip was put together in a mere 6 days. “I’m 12-year-old, Mom,” Cordelia said, tears streaming down her face. “I don’t want to die.” “You’re not going to die, Cordy.” “Your mother is right,” Faustus said, coming into Cordelia’s bedroom.  “I may have lost complete control of my classroom but I am still your father.  I say you’re not going to Salem and neither am I! That is final!”
It was final and none of the rest of the family ever bought up the subject. It was on Friday morning and in the middle of breakfast, Zelda looked around. “Where’s Cordelia? Her food is getting cold.” “I think she’s still in bed.” Said Jake. Faustus raised an eyebrow. “At this hour? You know your sister isn’t much for sleeping in. Even if she and I were excused from school today since the rest of the class left for Salem this morning.” “I know, but I bumped into her in the hall at 5 this morning. She was so excited to get a text from 1 of the triplets saying they didn’t want to leave without making up.” Faustus and Zelda exchanged a look. After their big fight, Cordelia and her friends hadn’t spoken in 5 days. The longest they ever went without speaking. When they did manage to talk yesterday, it only took Cordelia saying that she wasn’t going to Salem, to start the fighting again. “5 AM is pretty early and Cordy said she was going down to the school to talk to them for 10 minutes so that’s why I think she’s still asleep.” Jake continued. “I go get her.” “Thank you, Ambrose,”  Zelda said before turning back to the boys at the table. “We have to make this a fun and busy weekend for Cordy so she won’t think of the triplets or Salem too much.” “Sure, Mom.” Jake nodded as Faustus kissed his wife’s hand. A few minutes later, Ambrose rushed back in. “I’ve looked everywhere upstairs; I can’t find Cordelia. She’s gone!” “Gone?” “What do you mean she’s gone?!” “Hecate, no!” The 3 looked back to Faustus, who was now looking at his phone and had suddenly turned whiter than a ghost. “Darling, what is it?” “I just got an S.O.S text from Cordy. She’s stuck on that bus and it’s bound for Salem.”
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imperial-martian · 5 years
Protective vs Possessive {Mycroft Holmes x Reader} [Part 1/?]
Requested by Anonymous
Could you write a mycroft x (younger)reader. Reader is mycroft's wife and they have a bit of a complicated marriage. He always has to keep her safe (cuz of his job) which makes her angry. She just wants to go somewhere without having someone watching her. So she challenges sherlock to abduct her for the day, without being seen, and she hangs out with him. And sherlock accepts cuz he wants to outsmart his brother, but ofcourse mycroft finds out and is not too happy. Thank you!
A/N: Thank you so much for this request! I had a lot of fun planning this out! This was the hardest thing I have ever had to write.
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Mycroft x Wife! Reader
(Mentions of Separation, Abduction)
You lied on the bed in the guest bedroom, a place in which you have been in more than the master bedroom recently, on the phone with your brother-in-law.
His baritone voice rang through the other end, the man sitting in his flat with his legs crossed and his phone on speaker as he spoke to you. He had his hands folded, his pointer fingers resting on his lips as he listened to you speak before he did himself.
"You want me to abduct you, correct?" he asked, wanting to confirm that he heard you correctly, although he knew he had.
You let out a bit of a sigh and nodded even though Sherlock couldn't see it. "Yes, that's exactly what I want you to do," you stated, looking up at the ceiling as you heard the footsteps of your husband begin to walk up the steps.
"Alright, I'll do it first thing tomorrow, as soon as Mycroft heads to work," Sherlock replied, clapping his hands together as if he was showing excitement.
You smiled slightly, replying back to Sherlock quietly. "I'll see you then," you whispered as your husband's footsteps got closer. On the other end, a small sound of acknowledgement left Sherlock's lips and you hung up quickly, placing your phone off to the side and turning on the bed so that you were facing the wall opposite of the door.
A small, soft knock erupted from the door, your husband's voice, soft and low, calling in a second after. "Y/N," it was quiet, not quite a whisper but not exactly loud either. This was often his tactic after the both of you got in fights like the one you've just had not even two days ago.
You had trusted him when he said that nobody would follow you that day, the only day you thought you'd be free from these guards, your guards. You knew the minute you stepped out of the house someone was following you anyways, and so you hadn't talked to him for the entire day and a majority of today as well.
And so, without you even giving him an answer, he opened the door carefully before stepping in. Mycroft saw you and instantly frowned as he walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, placing his hand on the side of your leg.
Your breath hitched for a moment before you squeezed your eyes shut and turned your head farther away from Mycroft. You knew what he was doing, you knew it was all a game to him. You knew.
"Y/N, please, come to the bedroom," Mycroft asked, his hand rubbing your side gently as he spoke and observed your movements.
You shook your head, not even bothering to waste your breath on the man you called a husband. You clenched your hand in a fist, all these emotions- the anger, the sadness, the guilt, the disappointment -simply bottling up inside you. You wanted to give in, you wanted to cry as you yelled at him for what seemed like the seventeenth time- and that it very well may have been -over the same damn reason.
Mycroft let out a defeated sigh and nodded to himself, knowing that he had to give you space. He pressed a chaste kiss to the side of your head before patting at your leg softly and standing up. He walked towards the door, placing his hand on the handle before he spoke. "Goodnight, my love," he whispered before shutting off the light and closing the door, allowing you your space.
Your heart tightened in your chest, the thought of Mycroft sleeping in a cold and lonely bed, similar to how you were right now and how you had last night, not settling well with you. Yet, you reminded yourself about what had happened the other day when you came home and confronted him. It was like all the other times you had done it, and that was the problem. He always gave you the same excuse. It was always 'It's for your protection.' You weren't sure how much longer you could take it. You didn't need his protection, you could protect yourself, but he insisted that it was because of his job. And on more than one occasion had you yelled at him and told him to get a new job, told him you hate that he didn't think you could handle yourself.
All he did was pinch the bridge of his nose like every other time and dismiss you as if it meant nothing. So, this time you got reinforcement, that being your brother-in-law.
Morning came like every other when you slept in that room, the light kiss that was placed on your temple by Mycroft only drawing out a small, downhearted breath as he stepped back and turned to walk away only after saying a soft, ‘I love you.’
Hearing the door shut softly than the front door doing the same, you curled up more in your covers, finding them as a comfort for you at that moment. You even went so far as to clutch a pillow to your chest.
You heard the car door shut with slightly more aggression then it usually had- not that it was slammed shut but it definitely had some force behind it. You blinked your eyes open, the sunlight from the window, which was slightly opened, spread around the room.
Turning onto your back, you continued to clutch the pillow to your chest and stared at the blank ceiling. You begrudgingly got out of bed, knowing that Sherlock would be here to "abduct" you any minute.
Making your way to your wardrobe in the master bedroom, you gathered a pair of jeans and a pale yellow top to wear before grabbing all the other small articles of clothing including a cardigan. Walking to the bathroom, you closed the door and brushed your teeth and did whatever else you wanted to do to make yourself look presentable.
Once fully changed, you observed yourself in the mirror and smiled softly nodding your head as if to say that you approved of what you were wearing, which you did.
Sherlock knew where all of the cameras in his brother's house were- which mind you was another thing you and your husband got into fights -so, he decided to text you.
'I'll be a few blocks away from the manor, don't inform Mycroft you are leaving and don't bring your phone. SH.'
Reading the text, you sighed, knowing that if you did tell Mycroft you were leaving he'd most likely get someone to follow you instantly. So, you texted him back agreeing to the plan before placing your phone away and making your way out of the house through the unfinished basement, a place you knew had no cameras.
Once you finally reached Sherlock where you agreed to meet up, you hugged him as thanks, something which he hadn't seen coming, before walking with him to the main road to get a taxi.
"Thank you, Sherlock, for doing this," you said once you arrived at Baker Street and were walking up the steps to his flat.
The dark-haired man gave you a simple nod and a wave of his hand to assure you it was no problem. After all, he had missed seeing his sisters-in-law for more than thirty minutes without having to feel like eyes were burning in the back of his head.
It was mid-afternoon, or three o'clock when Mycroft had tried to contact you to let you know he had got dinner reservations at a restaurant to make it up for the things that have happened recently. But, when no reply came back for over an hour, he grew worried. Surely, you couldn't have your phone off you for that long. Either way, he gave it another hour, and then thirty minutes, and by the time three hours had passed by with no answer, Mycroft was checking the security cameras through his phone as he put on his coat and grabbed his umbrella.
He was in his town car by the time all the footage loaded and his chauffeur was driving him home. Mycroft felt his heart seize in his chest as he saw the footage from ten twenty-nine that morning of your phone resting idly in the bed and no sign of you in any other room.
There was no sign that you had left the house and no sign that any damage had been done, and so he wondered what had happened. When he finally had a chance to gather his thoughts, the car had stopped and he rushed out of it and into his manor.
Mycroft called out your name, desperately hoping to hear a reply before he caved in and slumped down on a seat in the dining room, his fingers going to his brother's contact and clicking call.
You and John, who had come back from a grocery visit earlier on, sat on the settee and listened to Sherlock as he played the violin.
Sherlock strummed the wrong key as he heard his phone go off. He groaned loudly before placing his violin down and grabbed his phone, answering it with an inpatient voice as he knew the only person to ever call him was Mycroft.
"Mycroft, what is it you want?" he asked, closing his eyes and slumping down into the chair as he held the phone to his ear.
You tensed, your eyes widening as you looked at the time to see that it was already six o'clock. You panicked now that you knew why Mycroft was calling and you knew it wasn't going to end well.
"She is here with me," Sherlock replied back to whatever it was that Mycroft had asked on the other end. You hinted that it had something to do with you and you simply knew you were right, it was obvious after all.
"Of course she is safe, she has been with me all day," was another reply from Sherlock, one in which you really wish he hadn't said and it caused you to close your eyes.
Opening them, you looked at Sherlock's face and saw the way he sat up as he began to grow slight anger towards his brother. "Well, maybe if you hadn't been so possessive she wouldn't have asked me to go and abduct her!"
You froze entirely as Sherlock yelled those words to Mycroft on the other end of the phone. You could tell by the silence that Mycroft’s eyes had most likely widened before he clenched his fist and shut his eyes tightly. Not a single sound was made in the room until you heard your husband speak through the phone, his words being spoken through gritted teeth.
“She damn well be ready to defend herself if she were to really get abducted, because I may not save her right away”- he lied, he knew he was lying but in his anger he couldn’t help it -“Maybe then she’ll struggle and learn why I’m so possessive, as you say,” were the words you heard leave your husband’s lips, the same words causing your heart to sink and your breath to hitch then pick up speed increasingly again.
The call was ended and you instantly stood up from your seat, your eyes frantically looking at the two flatmates. You let out a panicked, shaky sigh before speaking in a slight stutter.
“I-I have to go home,” you declared before rushing out of 221B and not giving John or Sherlock time to even say goodbye. You hailed a cab quickly, getting into it and instructing the cabbie where to drive as your heard pounded against your chest the entire time. Your gaze was fixed on looking outside the window, your eyes darting around as you tried to process everything as quickly as you could.
It didn’t happen as fast as you like because within the next five minutes the cabbie was pulling up to the front of your house. You paid them before getting out and closing the door, watching as they drive off not so long after.
Your hands were shaking slightly as you walked up to the door, placing your hand on the doorknob to test if it was unlocked before grabbing your key when you realized it wasn’t.
You entered the manor, shakily closing the door and turning back around to go and search for Mycroft, knowing you had some explaining to do.
Wandering through the manor, you realized he was in his office when you noticed the lights on and the sounds of shifting paper.
You knocked on the door and waited a few seconds before simply opening it when no reply came through. You shut the door slowly and softly behind you before standing straight and facing Mycroft, who hadn’t even looked at you.
His hair was tousled, a clear sign that he had been running his hands through it. A glass of whiskey was placed off to the side, a comfort drink for him that he usually had more than one glass of when he was stressed. His blazer was discarded on the back of his chair and his waistcoat had the first button undone and if it weren’t for those signs their would’ve been none to show that he was distressed.
“Mycroft,” you whispered cautiously, taking a step forward while keeping your eyes on the man before you.
He stood up, the wooden chair scratching along the wooden floor which caused a screech. He moved away from his desk and stood in front of it, his eyes firmly locked into yours when he made eyes contact. The pale blue eyes that you used to get lost in were now only showing a storm. Not even one of emotions but a genuine storm of mixed blues and hints of grey.
You swallowed, building up the courage to take a few steps forward and place your hands on his shoulder’s when you got close enough. You could feel, through the fabric of his clothing, how cold to the touch he was- and you were sure had he not been wearing a shirt at all you’d have retracted your hand.
His eyes locked with yours and he waited for an explanation, any explanation, for why you caused him to go through such experiences today.
“I-I’m sorry, My,” you stated, using the nickname you used when you first started your relationship. When you were truly in love with one another.
“Mycroft,” he corrected firmly, not a hint of patience in his tone and you felt your heart tearing in two at that moment.
You swallowed again before continuing. “Mycroft, I’m sorry, I just... I had to get out of the house without being followed. I had to feel free for once. Free from your men’s eyes. Free from your eyes,” you muttered to him, your e/c eyes looking into his blue ones as you tried to grasp at any emotion in them. But, there was none.
His face looked completely still as he replied back to you, the icy tone his voice had turned to sending a shiver down his spine. “I thought you were killed,” Mycroft stated, the words leaving his tight throat. He looked down at you, his hands still resting at his sides as he observed what your next reaction was going to be.
“M-Mycroft, God, I’m s-so sorry,” you whispered, your eyes pooling with tears in them as you spoke because of how still the man looked. You knew he was fazed, you knew he was hurting, but right now he wasn’t showing you any signs of emotions.
“I’m sure you are,” he stated harshly, turning around so that his back was to you and his eyes were focusing on the picture he had of you both on your wedding night upon his desk.
His eyes softened for only a moment as he looked at the picture before they glazed over again. He knew what he was about to do was going to go against everything he’s been trying to do which was protect you. But maybe doing this was protecting you and maybe acting the way he was, the way he truly is, was his way of making you hate him. Hate him so that he could protect you. Even go so far as to protect himself from the pain he had felt for the past few hours. The anger he felt.
Of course, he loved you, but when he replays all these fights in his head he wonders if it’s worth it, and it isn’t him that’s questioning it, no rather it’s the Ice Man in him. Yet, when do those two rarely separate when they aren’t home? And who says they ever separate fully?
And so, he folded his arms before speaking stiffly. “I think we’ve fought over the same matter far too many times in the past, and I know you agree, but I’ve decided to take some action after seven years of marriage.”
Your breath catches for what you felt like was the hundredth time as you stared at his back. You brought your hands up as if you were going to place one on his shoulder and the other on his back before you heard his final sentence. The sheer words making you gasp, then freeze and lastly sob as you heard them.
“I’d like to file a divorce.”
Tags: @letysg0, @writingsofa-hobbit
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dopescotlandwarrior · 5 years
A Hero Among Us-Chapter 3
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On AO3
Ch-1  Ch-2  
Chapter Three
Claire looked out the window at the growing number of men and felt a huge relief. With the harvest just six weeks away, she hoped to have ample men to pick the grapes quickly, as Jamie said, this was crucial. She feared the coalition would amp up the pressure before she could sell the grapes. She wondered how far they would go to grab this land.
Jamie walked through the vineyard each day and watched the grapes get smaller as they lost precious water to the drought. The leaves were crisp and brown indicating the weakened condition of the plant. If they were invaded by insects or fungus the plant had little resources to fight and would succumb. 
Jamie headed back and saw men running toward him. He quickened his pace. The men were shouting about the lady being threatened by men on horses. Jamie started running, as fast as his legs would allow. He could see the house as the lactic acid was building in his thighs pushing the pain to nearly intolerable, he ran faster. When he came blasting into the house misses Crook was holding a towel to Claire’s face. Jamie’s knees almost buckled as he came around to her and saw the black eye.
“Who did this?” His unmasked face was fury on fire. “Tell me Claire, who? Which of these men is so cowardly to hit a woman?”
“I don’t know, honestly, I don’t know them by name. He said they would burn my fields before I could pick one grape.”
“It won’t happen or it would have already. There are assets in the ground and atop the ground and they arna stupid. They want the vines and the first year of growth completed. Don’t worry about the place burning down.”
Misses Crook moved away from Claire and she launched into Jamie’s arms sobbing. She didn’t mention the other threats. Raping her and misses Crook until dead, killing the workers and animals. She sobbed harder with the memory and Jamie knew she held back the reason for her tears. He had a good idea what cowardly men would say to women to scare them to death.
“Until yer grapes are sold I’ll be posting a man to ye day and night. He won’t be a pest but he’ll be able to warn us when danger is comin.” She wrapped her arms around his stomach and cried harder. He spoke in her ear and told her he would keep her safe.
That means I love you Sassenach, he thought, and I will lay down my life for you. I canna be in love and not move mountains to help and protect you.
“Ya have a fighter who has pledged his life to you Sassenach, please dinna cry lass, it’s breakin my heart.”
Claire heard it, hidden in his words, “I love you”, is what they said. She held onto to the bravest man she had ever known and he was in love with her. Could this be so, she wondered. She pulled away quickly and dried her eyes before she looked into his crystal blue gaze. His eyes said I love you, I desire you, and I will always see you this way.
“Are ye alright now Sassenach?”
Claire felt like she was moving in slow motion, “yes, I’m better now, they scared me.”
“I have to speak to the men and arrange a perimeter patrol and a guard for one pretty Sassenach. This afternoon I have to ride out to the outer forty and check the vines but you will have a man with ye all the time from now on.”
He smiled and turned to leave but she held onto his hands as the tears started to fall again. “Please take me with you.”
He pushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Brimstone grows fat in her stall mistress, perhaps ye should come with me. Be ready to ride in thirty minutes.”
Claire released his hands and Jamie vanished to carry out his task of updating the men. His ace in the hole was the group of Highlanders that had come to work. He would stake his life, or Claire’s, on the word of a Highlander and it was time to get them plugged in and offer a safe escape if they chose it. He knew in his bones they would stay and do what Highlanders do, stand the ground that’s been entrusted to them.
He rang the bell and the men assembled around him, there were now fifty men, ready to work. Yi Tien Cho took his seat with the men and looked defiantly at Jamie.
“There is a war over this property that rightfully belongs to misses Randell. The coalition of winegrowers is tryin to take it from her, steal it actually. They beat her today and she has a black eye and deep fear from the encounter. These men will be back and the closer we get to the harvest, the harder they will fight. She is innocent and alone. Without us, she stands no chance of keeping her harvest or her property. Men, I’m askin ye to fight for the lady. If ye refuse ye can leave peacefully and without incident. This I promise because I need to have complete faith in those who stay.
I am riding with the lady to the outer property to assess the crop. I’ll no be sendin able bodies out there if there’s nothin to pick. Stay alert and watch the house. We will sit down when I return and split the group into day and night watch until the harvest.
“Yer askin us to fight for someone we dinna ken and a British woman for Christ sake.”
“I ken. The conditions in Scotland have been tyrannical oppression and land grabbing for the last hundred years. I would wager each of you has known a family member who was swindled, forced, or lied to and lost land, or a home, or the life of someone they loved trying to defend it. This is yer opportunity to strike down the land thieves that are terrorizing this region. Do it for the ones you love, do it because it’s right, do it because a brother is askin ye. Highlander blood runs through us all. Will ye stand with me and fight?”
Angus and Rupert stood up and proudly claimed their allegiance to Jamie’s cause. Other men stood and said the same. One man stood and said, “for my sister and her wee ones, I’m stayin.” Other men stood.
“For my mother.”
“For my grandma, they took her property.”
“For my brother, killed defending his land and crops.”
Misses Crook felt goosebumps run down her arms and she shivered in the ninety-degree heat. She heard it all and was galvanized by Jamie’s words and leadership. On her way back to the house her stride gained six inches, her shoulders were back and her head was high. If there was a chance to save this farm she would play her part. There would be food and ale day and night. It was time to pick the vegetables and start cooking. The men who stay need more than porridge and dried pork.
Claire paced the hallway upstairs and thought about the revelation she felt in Jamie’s arms. Why hadn’t she seen it before? Because she was high born and such a union was not even considered. But he cared for her, that was obvious by his actions and unguarded words today. For some reason, it made her happy, as impossible as it was.
“Mistress! Are ye ready? Have ye decided to rest in the house today?”
“I am ready mister Fraser.”
Jamie watched her descend the stairs in her lace and ruffles, layers of fancy fabrics that would not stand up to a hard ride.
“Sassenach, I have to ride hard to reach the outer border of the property. Are ye sure I can’t talk ye into stayin here with misses Crook? I’ve talked to the men and they are here to guard ye and the property from those who mean ye harm.”
He looked at her pleadingly knowing this was no task for one so fragile.
“I am going with you and I’ll have you know I am quite a good rider. Do not leave without me. Misses Crook!”
It was five minutes before Claire emerged from the house and stood before Jamie. His eyes took in a complete metamorphosis and his mouth hung open. Gone were the layers, ruffles, and lace. Her riding boots came to her knees, her breeches were tight for maximum control and her hat covered her hair that was stuffed into it.
Jamie stood up and circled her. “My God mistress, ye look like a lad and that is perfect! Why didn’t I think of that? Ye brilliant is what ye are. Let’s go.”
Claire smiled at his exuberance and acceptance and followed close behind. Misses Crook folded the clothing she had shed and let her mind wander and wonder about mister James Fraser.
For once, Donus did not pitch his usual fit and agreed to run through the vineyard and take commands from the crazy rider with the fierce seat. Donus also had a crush on Brimstone and paced himself as she did. They rode for quite some time and reaching the outer acreage, Jamie inspected the vines and was pleasantly surprised. As he walked from vine to vine he felt electricity run up his arms and the hair stand up. He smelled the air and felt a jolt of adrenalin. He looked around quickly for shelter but found nothing.
“Sassenach, we must find shelter, right now. The sky is about to rip open.”
She urged Brimstone into a canter and Jamie barely got on Donus before he followed her. He saw lightning strike the ground just ahead of them and his concern went into warp drive. He kicked Donus to pass Brimstone and search the rock walls for a cave or an overhang. When he saw what might offer shelter the sky opened up with booming thunder and great flashes of lightning. Even with their peril, he thanked the almighty for the rain.
Jamie jumped off Donus and walked to the cave. He exhaled in relief and tied Donus to a tree so he could lead Brimstone and Claire into the cave. He came back expecting Donus to be long gone and scratched his head smiling.
“Yer a mate, after all, thank ye for stayin.”
Jamie led Donus into the cave and looked around to judge their space. It was mid-afternoon but the black clouds were closing in on what little sun was left. He looked at the blown-in detritus that littered the floor and found some wood left on an old fire. The horses were so happy to be out of the punishing rain they moved very little. Jaime took the flintstone from his saddlebag and felt relief that it was dry. Ten minutes later there was a fire burning and enough dry vegetation on the ground to last at least an hour.
“Sassenach, yer gonna shake yer teeth right out of yer head. Sit near the fire and warm up.”
Claire looked at him and then the ground like she didn’t understand. Jamie sat down and patted the ground next to him. She looked around for an alternative and finding none, she finally sat down. The fire warmed her and her shaking stopped. Fierce thunder with blinding lightning scared Claire and she dove toward Jamie almost knocking him over.
He looked at her white face and huge eyes and chuckled showing her there was nothing to fear. He guided her back to her sitting position but she scooted next to him, still looking very afraid. The next explosion in the sky and she was on Jamie’s lap gripping his shirt for dear life. It was so loud he couldn’t speak to her so he smiled and hugged her to him. The storm raged while Jamie was facing his inner storm at having Claire in his lap. He knew there was no danger. Finding this cave solved that problem, but the Sassenach did not know that, so he was tender and kind with her.
Jamie was sure the worst of the storm was over and figured five minutes and they could head back at a dead run. The boom and flash stole his vision and his hearing for a few seconds. Where ever he looked he saw a black spot that blocked everything. He was unlucky and had been looking at the cave entrance when it happened. He felt Claire around his neck and held her feeling so bad she was this scared. When he blinked a few times and opened his eyes her beautiful face was an inch from his. He could feel her breath on his face. He tried to speak and she pressed her lips against his.
Jamie’s heart pounded so hard he figured this was his last moment on earth and he was thrilled by it. Claire broke her kiss and she stared into his eyes, “kiss me please.”
Jamie pulled her to him and kissed her with all the emotion and energy he had pushed back over the last month. His head was screaming stop and his mouth wasn’t hearing it. He could hear the rain slowing outside but his spirit had taken flight with the feel of Claire's lips on his. He had to get her to safety while he could so he broke the kiss and pressed his forehead to hers. He breathed her in and opened his eyes.
“We have to go, as fast as ye can ride back to the house. I’ll stay behind ye so ride up to yer front door and throw me the reins. I’ll get her back and put her to bed. Right?”
He held her shoulders and she nodded. Jaime scooped her up and hugged her for dear life. He wanted desperately to remember what she felt like against him. As soon as she cleared the cave she mounted Brimstone and took off. Jamie was dragged for a while by Cassanova Donus who wanted to keep up with his girlfriend. Jamie felt the ground under his boots and pushed off as hard as he could landing him on top of the horse who kept up with Brimstone easily.
Claire did just what he said dismounting near the stairs leading to the porch. The thunder returned and the rain was again a down poor. Jamie smiled at her and motioned her toward the house. Claire walked to his side and put a hand on his leg. Jamie leaned down and kissed her with all of his heart then he pointed at the house and Claire ran in.
Jamie sat in the saddle and let Donus lead them to the barn. Fortunately, he looked up in time to see a fat branch in front of his face as Donus aimed to knock him out of the saddle. Something he had been trying to do for the last two days. Jamie pushed his upper body backward against the horse’s butt to avoid the tree truck then he let Donus know there would be consequences for such evil intent. Through it all, he smiled. He had kissed an angel and nothing else mattered.
With the horses safely in bed, Jamie walked through the drenching rain to his cabin. He wondered how many men were left and he prayed his gamble did not cripple this harvest.
Jamie pulled the door open when he heard knocking. Rupert was standing in the rain and announced there was no one watching the house and did Jamie want him to do it. Jamie laughed and pulled Rupert inside the cabin.
“Thank ye. I do want ye to take first watch and as soon as there’s a break in the rain I will run my blanket to ye to keep ye warm. Until we have to pick grapes, you and Angus will split the nights and sleep until noon. Okay?”
Rupert nodded and ran toward the house to find shelter on the porch.
Jamie sat on his bed and got lost in the events of the afternoon. Now that he was alone he could bring back the vivid images and physical memories of holding Claire in his arms. What the devil had precipitated this brief intimacy between them he didn’t know but she had asked him to kiss her and he did. He could feel his heart ramming in his chest at the memory of her body pressed against him, her injured face, her arms around him, her fear. He shook his head and wanted to slap himself or beat himself senseless. If that were only possible maybe he could fix this. He feared his working relationship with the Sassenach was irreparably damaged and his heart dropped miles from where it had been. He jumped to his feet and drove his fist into a sturdy wood beam. What have I done, he thought, what have I done?
Claire flew up the stairs leaving a trail of water on the fine Persian rugs leading to her rooms. She pulled her clothes off and dropped them into a bucket to stem the dripping and dried herself. She stood in the dark of her bedroom and thought about his kiss. The fire in his lips touching hers and cascade of sensations going off from her skin to deep inside her. Just recalling the kiss made her squirm and feel…something very strong, very primal. She started pacing and chewing on her fingernails. What she did was wrong. What she did might jeopardize her entire operation and she was very confused. Half of her wanted to run to him, half wanted to pretend it never happened.
“Misses Crook!”
Claire could hear the older woman running toward her rooms and in a minute’s time Misses Crook was on her knees with Claire, holding onto her as she cried.
“Ye poor child,” she said rocking Claire. “Yer overwrought from all the danger, exercise, and stimulation from the day. Ye need to rest. I canna have ye comin down with a fever after runnin outside in the rain. Come child, get into bed and think of happy things.”
“Misses Crook, that would not include Mister Randell,” she said quietly.
“No, that it wouldn’t. I am bringin ye some soup and don’t ye move.”
Misses Crook ran for the kitchen wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. It was a travesty what Randell did to the poor young girl. He sought her out for her dowry so he could be the king of his own world, far from his controlling family. She watched him cloak himself in normalcy as he lured little Claire into his trap and she did nothing to help the girl. She regretted that decision down to her marrow. She knew he would be locked in purgatory or the fires of hell but what of the life he left behind?
Jamie paced in his cabin as the rain came down in sheets. He wondered where Yi Tien Cho was, probably hunkered down in one of the outbuildings tonight. He hoped. The walls were starting to close in on him and he yanked his door open to fill his lungs. The rain suddenly stopped and he stepped outside to enjoy a moment of fresh air. Putting his head back he breathed in the night air and wondered how Claire was doing tonight. He looked at the house and tried to guess which window she slept behind. His little Sassenach.
Jamie walked through the vineyard to assure himself nothing was amiss. A nagging feeling was scratching his brain but he could not put his finger on it. Thirty minutes later he walked back and hoped he could fall asleep and forget the emotions that gripped him. He pushed his door open and walked in, stopped, and backtracked, lifting his nose to the soft breeze. Fire! Jamie lunged for the bell and rang it with all his strength. Cabin doors were flying open as the men gathered around him. Other noses were raised to the night as the men looked around for the orange glow of a deadly fire.
“I think I see it, far edge of the property against the valley floor. Someone get on the roof and tell me what ye see. Angus was first to scramble up like he had suction pads on his feet. He looked toward the property edge.
“It’s burning boss, maybe five acres so far. He waited and jumped down when Jamie waved him in.”
The men started moving in the direction of the fire.
“Wait!” He rang the bell again to stop them. “Hold on, I need to think this through.”
Jamie paced and rubbed his forehead. He was sure, there was no lightning for at least an hour, just a steady downpour. The rain stops and a fire starts up.
‘This is a staged fire gentleman. They’re trying to pull every man to the far reaches of the property to put out a fire that was set in standing water. He pointed to three of the men and dispatched them to the rear of the house. Then he looked at his crew of forty-five well-muscled Highlanders and chuckled.
“I believe the fire was set to pull the men away from…” he twisted at the waist and looked behind him, “the house.” They intend to leave the prey defenseless so they can finish the lady. Angus, put a man on the roof, the rest of you make yerselves comfortable on the front porch. If they get past me on the road I want to give them a Highlander welcome.”
Jaime peeled off from the group before anyone could say a word. They saw him running in the shadows toward the road. The men joined Rupert on the porch and the excess bodies sat around the front presenting a formidable barrier to the front door. Since no one told them to be quiet they didn’t think of it
Misses Crook felt the tremors in the house and heard the male noise outside and dropped the soup as she ran for the stairs. Claire was on her knees with her hand to her mouth and reached for the older woman.
“What is that?” She whispered
“I dinna ken, but it sounds very big and male. We stay here, aye, and very quiet.”
Jamie was hunkered down in the roadside weeds trying to silently catch his breath. On a dark night like this, they could be standing right beside him undetected. He waited. It wasn’t long before he noticed two shadows walking slowly on the dirt road toward the house.
“What d’ye think Jamie boy?”
Jamie swallowed the startled noise he almost made from the disembodied voice right beside him. “Jesus Christ, is that ye Angus? Ye just scared ten years off my life ye dolt. Stay with those two quietly and watch where they go. I suspect they will turn into the property and mean to do Claire harm. Let them get as close as possible. When they see the welcoming committee they will run the direction they came. Hold em back until the men can get to them. Dinna fash if one gets by ye, I’ll get him after I run their horse off. Got it? Angus?”
Jamie followed the direction they came and found two perfectly good horses tied to different trees munching the long grass. Jamie pulled the saddles off, then the bridles and slapped each in the rump hard enough for them to run back to where ever they lodge. He hung the bridles on his shoulder and held the bits so they didn’t make noise when he ran back. He didn’t see the man but he heard him running and breathing hard. When he was right beside him Jamie kicked out where he hoped the knee would be. He felt the bones tear away from each other as the man screamed in agony. The whaling was quite excessive making Jamie roll his eyes before he placed his foot over the man’s knee and applied pressure.
“Stop yer wailin!”
“Who do ye work for?”
“No one!”
“What was your intention comin here, startin a fire in our crops?”
“I didn’t do that!”
Jamie squatted next to the man’s head. “It is my duty to inform ye that ye just lied, twice, and there will a painful consequence for each. Tell me the truth and I’ll let ye limp to yer horses.”
“I don’t know what yer talkin about, fuck off!”
Jamie lifted the man, patted his head, and drove his boot into the knee on the other side. The man dropped with a blood-curdling scream.
“Do ye know how easy it will be for me to rip yer throat out? Maybe I let ye live and pluck ye eyes out instead. Yep, that’s much more fun.” Jamie grabbed the man’s head in a painful lock and felt his face until his fingers landed on his eyes.
“Ah, there they are.” He pressed them as the man screamed a name, Ben Carson. “What were yer orders tonight.?”
“Count the men, rape the maid in front of the lady. Now let go!”
“Tell Ben Carson I’m comin for him. If he touches either of the women, I’ll make him scream for ten hours before I kill him.”
Jamie dropped the man and ran back to the property where one very scared man was tied to a tree while the Highlanders taunted him. Jamie approached the wide-eyed would-be rapist and bent over so he looked directly in his eyes. Yer friend wilna make it back so I’m countin on ye. Tell Ben Carson I will put my blade through his throat, and if he orders harm to the women living here, I will kill his wife and daughter first.
Jamie ran his blade up the ropes and the man ran away. He looked at the men, “did that sound convincing?”
Three men had been to the fire site and reported the ground is soggy and the fire is out.
“Thank ye for the help tonight gentlemen. He’s comin for the lady and now me. Stay diligent and safe. Angus, yer inside the house with me, Rupert, pick two teams of three for the two night shifts. Keep yer backs against the wall and get some rest.”
Jamie looked at Rupert who gave a nod that he was on board. “Let’s go inside Angus, we’ll each sleep against a door.” The group made their way back to the cabins except for Rupert and two of his men who took a seat on the porch. Jamie reached for the doorknob and ducked as a silver tea set came flying out aimed at his head. He pulled the door closed just in time before something crashed against it from inside.
“Just eight more weeks,” he said quietly. “Ladies! It’s Jamie Fraser, please drop yer weapons.”
He and Angus entered the house slowly looking for projectiles aimed at the heads. “Claire? Where are ye lass?”
He could hear two female voices whispering upstairs and sighed with relief. “Mistress, this is one of yer men and it’s safe to come out. I need to speak with ye.”
Misses Crook came down the stairs trying to look brave. Jamie watched her and almost caved in thinking about what they intended to do with her. Jamie dropped his head and squeezed his eyes closed before he was suddenly hit by a small body that locked him in a death grip trying to squeeze behind him and the wall.
Jamie reached behind him and grabbed Claire’s arm. “It’s safe misses Randell, please come out, we have to talk.” He pulled her in front of him and saw a mass of black hair that fell around her face and down her back in coiled ringlets. Her amber eyes looked up at him, wide with fear. She was wearing a nightgown and robe, holding a heavy candlestick. He had never seen such a beautiful site and his smile radiated his happiness. He cleared his throat and gently took the candlestick from her.
Misses Crook saw the full scale of Jamie’s emotion in his gaze and smile before he put the mask back on and started talking about the change in plans.
Angus and I will sleep against the two doors, three men in back, three men in front. They wilna get past us so please get some rest the two of ye, yer safe.
Misses Crook let Jamie see her disapproval before holding her hand out to Claire and pulling her upstairs. Jamie looked at the ground and shook his head. Claire was raising her voice to misses Crook about the door and window. The two women argued until misses Crook closed the door to her bedroom and shot Jamie a withering look as she walked to her own room.
Jamie dropped to the ground and closed his eyes. This was getting complicated and he had to keep his mind off the beautiful Sassenach. Just how was he supposed to do that? He hoped no one rushed the house tonight because he would surely sleep through it.
Jamie’s eyes slammed open hours later and he was instantly aware of her laying against him, shivering in the cold. He wrapped her in his warm arms and whispered she was safe and he would keep her warm. He pulled her to him and felt her shaking stop.
“I’ll no let any harm come to ya Sassenach. Ye can sleep in my arms, yer safe.”
When Jamie woke in the morning he wondered if he dreamed about Claire in his arms or if it was real. He pulled himself off the floor and stumbled outside to find his cabin and bed.
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arc852 · 5 years
Fairy Hunt and Capture
 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, @hiddendreamer67!!!!!!
 Can I just say that you are the best co-writer and friend I could ever ask for. Seriously, I love writing and bouncing off ideas with you. You are the best and you deserve the best birthday!
 Now, onto the story!
Summary: Roman drags his brother, Virgil, to go try and catch themselves some fairies. Logan and Patton are in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Warnings: Treating people like pets, injury, panic, fear, crying, self-deprecation, blaming oneself, kidnapping and trapping.
 Roman and Virgil, a pair of brothers who lived only a few miles out from the kingdom, did not have a lot of money. Not to say that they were poor, as both brothers worked hard to get what little they had.
 Roman made money primarily by doing small quests for people. Their father had trained him in the ways of the sword before he had passed and Roman put those skills to good use. Whether it was a delivery request or a hunting one, Roman would take it. He was well known within the town by now, which was nice for business.
 Virgil, on the other hand, used the skills his mother taught him before her own passing. Mending fabric and sewing was what he was good at. He would work on clothes for the week and then every Sunday, at the public market, he would set up and sell them. During that time, people would also pay to have him mend some of their clothes, which Virgil was happy to accept.
 So yes, the brothers had enough to live but not much else set aside.
 That’s why it surprised Virgil when, late one night, Roman burst into his room. “Virgil! Get up!” Roman exclaimed and Virgil groaned, shifting in bed and pulling the covers up more. He felt Roman come closer and try to tug at his blankets. “Come on, gloomy nightmare, I have something exciting to show you!”
 Virgil peeked his head out, glaring up at his older brother. He was annoyed at being woken up so late but he was also intrigued. Especially because he knew Roman had just returned from a quest and sometimes people gave him items along with the money. So, groaning, he sat up in bed as Roman took a seat at the edge.
 “Alright, what is it?” Virgil asked, his voice still a bit hoarse from sleep. Roman grinned at him.
 “Okay, so, you know how we’ve always wanted fairies as kids?” Roman asked first off, causing Virgil to raise an eyebrow.
 Fairies were a popular pet among the rich, as they were quite expensive. Too expensive, if you asked Virgil but he supposed it made sense for all the hassle people went to actually capture the darn things.
 “Yeah...” Virgil answered. Yes, he had gotten caught up in the fairy fad right alongside Roman. But the want for a fairy had dwindled over the years. Roman, however, seemed to want one just as much as when he was a kid. “Why are you bringing this up? You know we can’t afford one.”
 Roman’s smiled stayed on his face. “Maybe not the actual fairy...but look what I just bought for the two of us!” Roman opened his hand to reveal two small...collars. Virgil’s eyes widened as he took them in. They were fairy collars, made of iron with runes on every side that were used to diminish a fairies magic. It was how people were able to make fairies into pets, without the fear of being injured by some sort of fae magic.
 Roman encouraged Virgil to take one, so he did, twirling it around between his fingers. “Roman, how-I don’t understand.” It wasn’t like these collars were exactly cheap either. Just cheaper than a fairy. Besides, what did Roman expect to do with them?
 “Well, I’ve been putting some money aside for a few months now.” Roman revealed. “Just a little of course, I mean, you didn’t even notice.” It was true, Virgil hadn’t noticed. They could still afford everything they needed so he supposed he couldn’t be mad at Roman for that.
 “Okay, but what are we supposed to do with them? We don’t have fairies to put these on.” Virgil asked, holding up the collar as he spoke. Roman just grinned.
 “Not yet.” Roman stood up and went over to Virgil’s closest. Pulling out some clothes and throwing them at Virgil. “Get dressed, we’re going fairy hunting.”
 “Roman, I’m still not sure about this. Fairies are dangerous.” Virgil said for what had to be the eighth time by now. He had been forced out of the house by Roman as Roman went on and on about what kinds of fairies they could catch. “People have died trying to catch these fairies.” Which was why most people left it to the professionals, who had the skill and technology to handle them.
 Roman and Virgil had neither of these things.
 “Please, Virgil, how hard can it be? All we have to do is get this collar on them and they’re ours. They won’t be able to do a thing.” Roman said, sounding confident. Roman was making it sound so easy but Virgil knew they were in for a fight.
 Maybe they wouldn’t be able to find any. He had never seen any fae in this forest after all.
 Virgil walked a few more steps before almost running into Roman as Roman stopped in front of him. “Here!” A hand on his shoulder pushed him down alongside Roman, hidden behind several bushes. “A perfect hiding spot. Some fairies are bound to come through here.”
 Virgil looked out beyond the bushes, noticing there was a small clearing ahead. He didn’t know why Roman thought this was a good spot but any argument he gave would probably fall on deaf ears. He sighed. It was going to be a long night.
 Logan loved flying at night. It was dark and quiet, most creatures were asleep, and he got a perfect view of the night sky. Well, kind of. Not from just anywhere in the forest because of the trees. But there was a special spot he loved to fly to, that had an opening that allowed him to actually see all the stars in the sky.
 And that was where he was currently headed now.
 “Logan! Slow down!” Alongside his best friend Patton, of course. He came to a stop in mid-air. Allowing for Patton to catch up.
 “Apologies, Patton. I may have let my excitement get the better of me.” He said a bit sheepish. Patton just chuckled.
 “It’s okay Lo. It’s been a few months since we’ve been able to come out here, so it makes sense.” Patton said with a smile. Logan couldn’t help but smile as well but then, before he could react, Patton took off again. Logan blinked in surprise before shaking his head and taking off as well, easily catching up to Patton.
 “There it is, Lo!” Patton shouted. Logan didn’t exactly need Patton’s obvious observation but he was too excited himself to comment on it.
 “Indeed.” Both fairies landed on a rock that happened to be in the middle of the clearing. Logan took a deep breath before looking up and his eyes widened in awe at the sight of the night sky above him.
 “Beautiful as always, isn’t it, Lo?” Patton said with a content smile on his face. Logan hummed and nodded and started to settle in for a long night of stargazing.
 But before his back could hit the ground, something burst out of the nearby bushes and came rushing towards them.
 Logan sprang up and flapped his wings skyward but felt himself being knocked away. He a nearby tree trunk with a groan. “Virgil! You’re not supposed to hit them!” A voice said, followed by another one.
 Logan gained his bearings, pulling himself away from the tree and back into the air as he finally caught sight of their attackers. His eyes widened. Humans. They needed to get out of there, now. Logan looked around for Patton, before spotting him trying to maneuver away from one of the humans.
 “Patton!” Logan called out to him but that had been the wrong thing to do. As Patton turned towards the sound of his voice, the human’s hand came upon him and snatched him up. “No!” Logan screamed, rushing to Patton’s aid.
 Patton struggled in the grip and readied a spell that would grow his skin too hot for the human before he felt something snap around his neck. He gasped in pain as a stinging sensation went through his entire body. And then, he fell limp. “I got it!” The human exclaimed happily and Logan felt a growl leave him at the sight of Patton limp in the human’s hands.
 He readied his own spell, intended to bring down lightning on these humans when the other human tried to make a grab for him. Logan just barely flew out of the way, going back to charge his spell. “Virgil, move!”
 As Logan released his spell, the human was able to dodge it. The lightning instead hit the ground where he once stood. Logan took several deep breaths as the spell had taken a lot out of him and he didn’t notice as he started to descend lower. That is until the human swiped at him again. Logan twirled around and dodged it...only for another hand to come up and finally catch its target.
 The hand wrapped around his midsection and before Logan could do anything more, there was a loud click at his neck and a stinging pain shooting through him. Just like Patton, he too, fell limp.
 “N-No...Logan…” Patton mumbled as he looked over. The pain had stopped throughout his whole body, except for his neck. The stinging and aching pain there didn’t seem too keen to stop anytime soon.
 He felt his body being shifted and the fist opened to allow him to sit on the human’s open palm. Slowly, he looked up into the excited eyes of the human. “Hello there.” The human spoke and Patton ducked his head again.
 “Holy crap.” Virgil breathed out, looking down at the fairy he actually caught. “That...was a terrible idea.” He turned to look at his brother, who seemed too focused on his catch to have heard Virgil. He was proven wrong though when he spoke.
 “Oh come on Virgil, we did it!” He held up his fairy to drive home his point but Virgil continued to glare at him.
 “Yeah, after I almost got blasted by lightning!” Virgil exclaimed, noticing how the fairy in his hands flinched back. His attention was brought back to said fairy and his eyebrows furrowed. This fairy seemed so different compared to how he had been before, when the fair was trying to blast him. He didn’t at all like the fear he saw behind those eyes.
 “But you’re fine, aren’t you? And now we finally have our own fairies!” Roman turned back to his, prodding it in the side. The fairy flinched back but with nowhere to go, it was stuck letting Roman touch it.
 “Uh...should you really be letting it sit in your open hand like that?” Virgil asked, wondering why the thing had yet to fly away. After all the trouble they had just gone through to get them, it would suck if they just ended up flying away.
 “No need to worry, stormy night, the collar also takes away their ability to fly. See?” He turned his fairy around and Virgil could now see how the wings drooped to the ground. As if too heavy for the fairy to even curl them against its back.
 “Oh.” He looked down at his own fairy, opening his hand to see that it was experiencing the same thing. He watched as the fairy glared up at him.
 “R-Release us.” It-no, he?-spoke. Virgil blinked in awe at that, despite having heard the fairy talk before. Before Virgil could speak, however, Roman beat him to it.
 “Sorry, little guy, no can do. You belong to us now.” Roman grinned smugly before motioning to Virgil. “Come on, we better head home. It’s getting pretty late.”
 “Yeah, no duh.” Virgil rolled his eyes and followed Roman as they began to navigate out of the forest and back to their home. As they walked, all of Roman’s attention was on his fairy.
 “Now, about names…” Roman started, trailing off in thought. “I think I heard the name Patton? Is that right?” Roman asked and hesitantly, the fairy-Patton-nodded. “Oh good! I was hoping that was your name, it’s such a cute one. Perfect for a cute fairy like you.” Roman gently prodded Patton in the side, causing Patton to flinch back.
 Virgil looked away from the interaction and down towards his own fairy. “Uh...and what’s your name?” He asked a bit awkwardly. It was weird, asking someone that was supposed to be his pet what his name was.
 The fairy shifted slightly, glancing over at Patton before sighing. “...Logan.” He muttered, Virgil just barely hearing it. But he did, so he nodded.
 “Logan...that’s a cool name.” He wasn’t sure what else to say so he decided to stay silent for now.
 Patton was not having a fun time. The human-who he didn’t even know the name of yet-kept poking him on every side as they walked through the forest. Getting further and further away from their home. A finger came at him, poking him in the chest and Patton yelped and tried to scoot away. But up on the hand, he was trapped and any movement he tried to make to get away, only seemed to make the human’s fingers poke him more.
 He squeezed his eyes tight as the human ruffled his hair. “Aww, your hair is so soft.” The human spoke above him, tone filled with glee. Patton was not surprised that the petting had yet to stop after a statement like that.
 Oh, how Patton wished he could use his magic to make it stop. But he was constantly reminded by the aching pain around his neck that that was no longer an option.
 Logan felt his blood boil as he watched this human mess around with Patton. As if he was just a toy to play with. “Stop it! He clearly doesn’t like that!” Logan yelled, keeping his glare up even as the human turned to look at him.
 The human looked surprised for a moment before his surprise shifted into a laugh. “Well, would you look at that. Looks like your fairy has some spunk, Virgil! Oh, you two are going to get along great.” Roman laughed again and Logan was highly doubtful about that last statement. He also felt helpless as he watched Roman turn around and go right back to prodding Patton. As if he wasn’t even heard at all.
 Of course, why would they listen to him? To these humans, they were nothing more than pets. It didn’t seem to matter if they could talk, or feel, or were clearly intelligent. They were the human’s playthings now and as long as these collars were on them, they couldn’t do anything about it.
 “Finally,” Virgil muttered several long minutes later as they exited the forest and could see their home. Roman jogged ahead of him, wasting no time in throwing the door open.
 “Welcome to your new home little fairies!” Roman exclaimed, excitingly lifting Patton up higher to show off the house. He then turned to Virgil as he walked in. “I’m heading up to my room, make sure you settle Logan in, okay?” He waited until Virgil nodded before hopping up the stairs and into his room.
 “Ah! I just, I can’t believe I finally have you.” Roman said as he sat down at his desk, looking down at Patton with a large grin. He was too excited to see the way Patton trembled. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted one of you little guys.” He prodded Patton in the chest as he said this. Patton was just so cute. He was very happy he ended up with this one rather than the one Virgil caught.
 Roman leaned back in his chair and lifted the fairy up high, smiling up at him and just taking him all in. He shifted his grip slightly so that he was pinching the fairy’s shirt and nothing else, dangling him over his head.
 Patton yelped and tried desperately to grab at the human’s fingers. He had never been scared of heights before but being dangled far above the human like this, with the knowledge he couldn’t fly, well...it brought forward a whole new type of fear in him.
 Roman’s smile soon turned into a thoughtful frown as he noticed Patton’s limp wings dangling along with him. “Oh! Right, we should probably take care of those wings of yours, huh?” Roman brought Patton back down and set him on the desk as he stood up and went to the opposite end of the room.
 Patton did not like the sound of that. Take care of his wings? What did that mean? Was...Was the human going to…
 Pure fear shot through Patton as the human stood up with a pair of scissors in his hands. “No! No, please no! N-Not my wings, please.” Patton started to beg and cry. He couldn’t lose his wings, even if they were useless right now. They were what made him, him.
 Roman’s eyes widened as Patton started to cry and he came closer, setting the scissors off to the side as he scooped Patton up. “No, hey, it’s alright. I’m not going to hurt you.” He tried to comfort. He looked back down at the scissors though and supposed he could see why Patton started to freak out. “I’m not going to cut off your wings, okay? I promise.”
 Patton sniffed, trembling in the hold but also finding it...kind of nice? He shook those thoughts away but looked up at the human. “You...aren’t?”
 “Of course not! Why would I want to take away these beautiful wings of yours.” Roman lifted them up gently with his finger and Patton flinched at that. But also found himself blushing at Roman’s words.
 “O-Oh…” Patton mumbled, looking down. He let out a small sigh of relief, glad that he had been wrong.
 “But we still can’t have them dragging on the ground like this, so…” Roman set Patton back down and pulled out some baby blue ribbon, taking the scissors and cutting it down. “Alright, turn around little buddy.”
 Patton bit his lip but hesitantly did as told. It wasn’t like he could do much against the human. Not like this. He felt the human grab his wings gently and Patton sucked in a breath. He then saw as the blue ribbon came around to his front and back around to bind his wings.
 “There we go!” Roman exclaimed. He looked proud at what he had made. Patton tried his best to look behind him, only to see a bow at his back, almost resembling his wings. Except his actual wings were being held against his back by the bow.
 As Patton admired the bow, Roman let out a loud yawn. “Man, it has been quite the day.” First a quest and then getting his fairy. Man, Roman was exhausted. He smiled down at Patton. “Come on, time for bed.”
 Patton squeaked as he was scooped up once more and taken over to the bed. On the nightstand, Patton could see there was a small wooden box with cloth padding the inside. Patton wasn’t really surprised when he found himself being lowered into it. “Sorry about the box.” The human spoke, sounding sheepish. “But hopefully I’ll be able to buy you a proper cage soon.” Patton deflated at that, not looking forward to feeling even more imprisoned.
 Roman settled down for sleep, blowing out the candle and laying down. “Goodnight Patton.”
 Patton sighed, going to lie down as well. “Goodnight…” He trailed off, realizing he still didn’t know this human’s name. The human seemed to realize this because he spoke up.
 “Oh! I’m sorry, my name is Roman.” Roman said and Patton could practically see the grin on his face. He nodded despite Roman unable to see him.
 “Goodnight, Roman.” Patton closed his eyes but he knew it was going to be a long time before he actually fell asleep.
 Logan watched Virgil warily as he was set down on the human’s desk. Virgil didn’t move for a moment, just standing there awkwardly before deciding to grab something to bind Logan’s wings with.
 He went over to look through his drawer and as soon as his eyes left Logan, Logan took his chance. He ran towards the edge of the desk, not even stopping to hesitate at the fall below. He gripped the edge of the wood and quickly started to climb down.
 “Okay, so this should-hey!” Logan hadn’t even reached the halfway point before Virgil had turned around and saw him. Logan shut his eyes tight as Virgil came over and grabbed him, setting him back on top of the desk. Virgil stared at him for a moment and Logan was worried that he would be punished.
 But then Virgil just sighed and turned back to mess with the string he had gotten. “Look, I know you probably don’t want to be here right now but...where would you even go? You can’t even fly anymore.” Logan frowned at the human’s words. Yeah, and whose fault is that? He thought as he rubbed against the collar around his neck. The aching pain was still there and Logan was starting to think it would never go away.
 “Um, can you turn around?” The human asked and Logan glared at him, still wary.
 “Why?” Logan glanced between the human and the string, not knowing what the human had planned for him.
 “Oh, well...I was gonna use this to stop your wings from dragging on the ground.” Virgil revealed, holding up the string for good measure. Logan frowned. He didn’t like the idea of his wings being bound.
 “You know what would also stop them from dragging? Taking this collar off of me.” Logan said with a glare, tugging at said collar. Virgil frowned.
 “...You’ll blast me with lightning. Again.” Virgil said and he did not want to actually get hit this time.
 “Well, you definitely deserve it,” Logan muttered but knew better than to be loud enough for Virgil to actually hear him.
 “Look, I’m not going to hurt you, okay? I just need you to turn around.” As he said this, Virgil started to reach his hand towards Logan. Logan reacted by backing up quickly, however, he managed to step on and slip on his own wings causing him to fall. He hit the ground with a groan.
 Virgil’s eyes widened. “Whoa! Dude, are you okay?” Virgil wanted to reach out to check but refrained.
 Logan sat up with a slight wince. “I’m...fine.” Okay, so he may not like it but maybe binding his wings up would be best. So with a sigh, he turned around. Virgil blinked in surprise but took the action as an invitation to start wrapping the string around Logan.
 “There we go, you should be good now,” Virgil said and Logan stood up to see Virgil’s work. It wasn’t half bad and it didn’t dig into his wings or back, so he was at least grateful for that. Not that he was going to show any appreciation to this human.
 “So, are you...ready for bed? It’s late and Roman already woke me up to, uh, come get you guys, so I’m pretty tired.” As he finished speaking, he started to yawn.
 Logan didn’t say anything and instead simply crossed his arms. Yes, he would love to go to bed. His bed. Back at home. Not whatever this human was going to put him in to keep him put. But Logan didn’t voice any of this, in fear of some sort of punishment.
 “I’m...gonna take your silence as a yes,” Virgil said after a moment and went to scoop Logan up. He looked around, wondering what he could put Logan in.
 He settled for the drawer of his bedside table. He wouldn’t close it but it should be deep enough that Logan couldn’t get out. He stuffed it with some leftover cloth and then set Logan down into it. He then got into his own bed, lying down.
 “G’night, Logan.” He said, before letting sleep take him once again.
 Logan sighed after giving his prison a good once over, knowing there was no way to get out. He settled down into the makeshift bed, shifting slightly. He wondered how Patton was doing, knowing he was with a much more handsy giant.
 He felt at fault for all this. After all, it was his idea to go to the clearing to see the stars. It was his shout that got Patton distracted and captured. It was his spell that missed.
 Logan shut his eyes tight, fighting away the tears. It was his fault that both Patton and himself were now pets and at the complete mercy of these two humans.
 Logan didn’t get any sleep that night.
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impala666 · 6 years
Diego Hargreeves: A Beautiful Accident
So, basically Diego Hargreeves have been best friends forever. The morning after, the both of you wake up next to each other naked. Finally!!!!!!
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You couldn’t really remember much from what happened last night. You knew you came over to pay your respects to the one and only-asshole Reginald Hargreeves. You’d been best friends with all of them growing up, you hid and lived more in their mansion than at your own house. But that was another situation you never wanted to think about or talk about.
As you began waking up in what felt like one of the Hargreaves's beds, you tried your hardest to remember. All you could remember from the night before was dumping Reginald’s ashes under the oak tree, Luther and Diego fighting (nothing new there), and then after that you remembered drinking for most of the night with Klaus and Diego. After learning what happened to Five the brother’s needed it, and you were never one to passed up a night of drinking with your friends. Things after that were just kind of a blur. Now it made sense why you slept here, you were too drunk to drive or walk home, plus there was no way either of the boys would let you go home in the state that you must have been in. You turned away from the window to try and sleep your hangover, but the sight that met your eyes instantly made you better. Someone’s back was in your line of sight, and not just anyone’s back. It was Diego’s. You could easily tell by all of the knife scratches on his back. Wait, but why is he shirtless? You asked yourself, but deep down you knew. You clenched your eyes shut before you grabbed the comforter around your waist and lifted it off of your chest just for verification. It was true, you were naked too. Which means you definitely did what you thought you did, what made it worse was that this happened with your best friend. You took one last glance at Diego’s nakedness, which made you swoon on the inside, but you knew you shouldn’t keep staring. So as carefully as you could, you lifted the comforter off of your chest and carefully got out of the bed and immediately your body was covered in goosebumps; you needed to get clothes on and fast. But as you searched Diego’s childhood room, for the life of you, could not find the black dress you wore yesterday. So you did what you had to, you bent down and grabbed Diego’s black sweater off of the floor and slipped it on. It was as warm as he was when he hugged you and it smelled like mint toothpaste and cinnamon, you wouldn’t think that those two scents would go together, but they did. It was a good thing that Diego’s shirt was almost below your mid-thigh because you had no pants with you to begin with and you didn’t want to take more of Diego’s clothes, not that you thought it would be a bad thing. Taking a glance in the mirror in the room, you smoothed down the sex hair you had sticking up; as you looked you could see a fraction of a smile on your face, you were trying so hard to keep your face straight. The sound of Diego shifting on the mattress made you almost jump out of your skin and walk quickly and quietly over to the door and slip out. You were now in the hallway, after you let out a deep, calm breath you quickly turned around, but you immediately screamed when you came face to face with Klaus. He was just standing there with his arms behind his back, rocking back and forth on his heels, and a shit eating grin on his face.
“What the hell is going on out here?” Diego flew open the bedroom door as he buttoned and zipped up his pants behind you. This was exactly what I was trying to avoid. You cursed as you tried to calm your heart rate after the jump scare that Klaus gave you.
“You’re brother’s a dick.” You mumbled, looking up over your shoulder.
“Yeah, that’s not breaking news,” Diego whispered, raising his eyebrows at you. The both of you started laughing, well a least it’s not awkward. Maybe things will be okay, afterall. When the two of you broke eye contact with each other and looked back at Klaus he was still wearing the same, shit eating grin even though the both of you low key made fun of him. “Why do you keep looking at us like that?” Diego asked, even though he knew exactly what Klaus was going to say.
“It’s about damn time. If only dad had kicked it sooner.” Klaus smiled between the two of you.
“Don’t know what your talking about,” you shrugged leaning against the doorframe and subconsciously against Diego’s chest.
“Jeeze, the two of you already act like it, so stop being morons, cut to the chase and call it what it is.” Klaus told you before turning on his heel and flaunting away. “I”M PROUD OF YOU BRO!!!!!!” Klaus finally yelled. A blush crept onto your face as you turned around to finally face Diego.
“Hi,” you innocently smiled up at him through your lashes.
“Hi,” he replied. Yep, definately awkward. You thought to yourself as you just kept looking at his face, trying to think of something to say.
“I should probably go, I’ll see you later Diego.” You slipped out as you turned on your heel, trying to escape the awkward situation.
“Hey, where the hell are you going?” Diego grabbed your waist, spun you around and pinned you to the wall. At first you were a little terrified, but as soon as you saw the playful smile he had on his face. You were going to be perfectly fine, more than perfectly fine actually. “I didn’t say I was done with you, baby.” Hearing him calling that sent shivers down your spine.
“So, you aren’t upset that this happened?” You hesitantly asked as you slowly wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Are you kidding?” Diego laughed with the brightest smile on his face that you hadn’t seen in a long time. “This is the best thing that’s happened to me, probably, well ever.” Hearing those words brought a smile to your face, but just to be sure you leaned forward and pressed your lips to his to test the waters. Thankfully, he reciprocated, and he did it with so much passion; it was like he planned on doing it for a long time. It lasted for quite some time, and it was so beautiful. It was like the world just fell away. But of course oxygen and breathing are important things that unfortunately cut the make out session short. “Yep,” Diego spoke first. “I should have done that a long time ago.” You smiled brightly up at him as you let out a small giggle (oh God, you were becoming one of those girls).
“So, what now?” You couldn’t help but ask, running your hands down his chest.
“We do this right.” He said which made you furrow your eyebrows at him. “You got any plans tonight?” Diego asked, leaning his forehead against your own.
“Not anymore.” You told him, not thinking of anything.    
“Then I’m gonna pick you up at 7 and take you out to dinner, maybe even ice cream.” Diego added, more like he was thinking to himself a little bit.
“Wow,” you smiled, and wiggled your eyebrows at him. “You really go out for us ladies, don’t you?”  
“Only for the ones that I really, really like.” He told you, looking directly into your eyes. You didn’t think that the smile on your face could get any wider, but you were wrong. “Now, go.” He patted you on the butt. “I’d ask you to hang out, but I want to actually pick you up like the gentleman Luther wanted me to be.” As you started to walk away you shook your head and laughed at Diego’s ridiculous comment.
“Hey, not that I hate wearing your clothes as a dress or anything. Do you know what happened to the dress I was wearing yesterday?” You asked, turning around to look him in the eye. You laughed on the inside as Diego looked at the wooden floor to hide his blush.
“Let’s just say, my knives and I kind of got carried away.” Diego smirked with a hint of darkness in his eye.
You had no words after that, you didn’t really know why you were surprised. Of course he would use knives to take your clothes off. “See you later tonight, Diego.” You shook your head at him as you walked away with a smirk on your face.  After doing your walk of shame past the living room and made your way out the door. You couldn’t help but jump for joy and shriek a little bit like a 13 year old girl, but you could care less about how cliche you were being. Turned out the drunk you and the drunk Diego were smarter than the two of you sober. If you hadn’t had gotten drunk, then last night would have never happened. Plus, you wouldn’t have a date with Diego Hargreeves, the boy that you loved since forever. Who knew that accidents could be the best thing to ever happen to you.
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Chapter 1: Yorktown
Summary: Leonard is a shameless flirt and Jim crashes a date.
Word Count: 1239
A/N: Just to clarify the timeline, ‘Assuming’ was set after Into Darkness :)
The week following the battle of Yorktown was a blur of debriefs, funerals, and ceremonies, not least among which was your promotion to Lieutenant Commander, and Chief Security Officer. You were still trying to wrap your head around it three days later as you sat beside Leonard, having dinner in an old-fashioned diner. A glance up at him revealed he had been speaking and judging by the way he was running his hands through his hair; you had missed something important. “Sorry, I got distracted. What were you saying?”
“I asked if you’d like to spend some time on Earth together. Jim mentioned he was going back for a month while they’re rebuilding the Enterprise, and I thought maybe we could visit our families while we’re there.” Ah, that would explain why he seems so nervous. He wanted you to meet his family.  You couldn’t help but grin at the thought. You had met Jo already, albeit through vidcall, and almost immediately declared to Leonard that you would fight off an entire battalion of Klingons for her. His response had been a crushing hug, and when he pulled back to look at you through tear-filled eyes, he whispered, “I love you”; the first time either of you had said it. That was nearly a year after you started dating, and since you’d grown close with her, bonding over your shared love for classical literature. Your own family had been asking when they were going to get to meet the man you never shut up about. You had a feeling he would be facing quite a bit of teasing from your brother in law; Jim really didn’t know how to keep his mouth shut, so of course, everyone back home had heard about the…. confusion that preluded your relationship. You reached down to place your hand over the top of his with a smile.
“Doctor McCoy, it would be my honor to accompany you home,” His relief was apparent in the smile that spread across his face.
“Good, because Jim already booked the transport for six weeks from tomorrow.” You rolled your eyes. You started to comment when your brain finally did the math, and you realized when you’d be arriving on Earth.
“Hang on, that means we’ll be there in-” He cut you off, clearly knowing where you were going.
“Mid-August, yeah.” You let out a groan. Dammit, Jim! Didn’t he realize that was smack dab in the middle of
“Hurricane season” You and Bones spoke in unison, earning more than a few looks from the tables around you. “Dammit, Len, it’s gonna be hotter than the pits of hell!” You whined.
“I know, darlin’,” He nodded and leaned in to whisper against your ear. “But now you have an excuse to wear those Daisy Duke’s you think you’ve been hiding,” Your eyes widened, and your mouth hung open, unable to form any words as he laughed. “Honestly, they’re just sitting in the top of your drawer, how did you think I wasn’t gonna notice?”
“Was supposed to be a surprise,” You mumbled indignantly. He just huffed another laugh into his drink before taking a sip.
“Should’ve thought of a better hiding place then.”
“What, like where you hid your bourbon back at the academy?” Jim’s voice said from behind you. You spun with a grin, ignoring Len’s annoyed eye roll.
“Was it in his sock drawer? Cause he still does that.”
“Hey!” You turned back to Leonard, giggling at his betrayed scowl. “Wait, what were you doing in my sock drawer?” He asked, looking slightly more concerned than you thought the situation should warrant.
“I needed a drink after all those ceremonies,” You shrugged. “Why? You got something else hidden in there?”
“No!” He said quickly. You looked over to Jim, who had taken the liberty of sliding into the seat across from you, and quirked a smile as he reached to grab Leonard’s glass of tea. “Who invited you, anyway?” Len grumbled, grabbing his drink from Kirk’s hand.
“Why, Bones, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say I wasn’t welcome here,” Jim said as he grinned. Leonard opened his mouth, obviously intent on telling Jim exactly how much he wasn’t welcome, but you cut him off before he could speak.
“James Tiberius Kirk, what do you want?” He cringed at the use of his full name.
“What did I do to warrant my full name?” He asked, moving his hand towards your glass. You pointed your fork at him accusingly, and he quickly withdrew it.
“What in the deep black expanse possessed your mind to plan a trip home in the middle of August?”
“What’s wrong with August?” You scoffed, looking at Leonard incredulously. Can you believe this idiot? He just shrugged and shook his head. “What?” Jim demanded, clearly confused at your shared exasperation. “I like August, you can drive with the top down.”
“Jim. Am I correct in assuming that you’ve never been to the south during the summer?” He nods, face turning wary at your tone. “Wonderful, I’ll get to say I told you so. Now, what are you doing here?” He hesitated for a moment, a mix of emotions flashing across his face.
“I just came to celebrate with my newest CSO and her grumpy CMO boyfriend.” His tone was casual, but one glance at the way he was staring intently at the menu that the waitress handed him, jaw set, and shoulders tensed, and you knew he was lying. You looked over to Leonard to confirm your theory, and he gave a small nod.
“You wanna talk about it?” Len said softly. Jim sighed and dragged his hand down his face, shaking his head.
“It’s nothing, Bones.” He turned and gave his order to the waitress, flashing her a smile. “Just happy you guys are okay,” Recognition seemed to cross Leonard’s face at his words, but it was too quick for you to be sure. He looked over at you and offered a small smile as he took your hand in his.
“Yeah,” Len spoke gruffly, sending a shiver down your spine. “I know what you mean.” You raised an eyebrow, but he only brought your hand to his lips and place a kiss on your knuckles.
“If this is how you two celebrate, I’m gonna need to run home and raid your sock drawer,” You quipped, earning a laugh from across the table and an amused eye roll from beside you. You tensed as he leaned down to whisper in your ear again.
“Wait till we get home, and I’ll show you how I celebrate,” You flushed at his words, biting into your cheek to suppress a smirk.
“Bones, you could at least try to be subtle,” Jim said with a disapproving wag of his finger. You waggled your eyebrows at him before pulling a grinning Len down for a kiss. You broke apart, laughing at Jim’s frustrated sigh. “You two are insufferable.” He said though the small smile he tried to hide behind his glass gave him away. The evening continued as you all bickered and quipped and planned for the trip to Earth and true to his word, Leonard hosted a celebration for two when you returned to your shared apartment. When you both finally collapsed in each other’s arms, you drifted off into dreams about peaches and clear blue skies. Six weeks couldn’t go by fast enough.
A/N pt 2:  Hello everyone! Just a heads up for future chapters, I will be writing Joanna as around 14 years; mostly because I am soft at the idea of Bones getting to be there for his baby’s first day of high school, but also because canonically speaking she would be 14 around the time this is set anyway. (I think, feel free to correct me if I’m wrong) Anyway, I’ll try and update at the very least once a month, but hopefully, I’ll be able to post a new chapter every other week. Thank y'all for reading, and stop by and let me know what you think in the comments :)
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