theycallmequeenie · 2 years
Lexie And Happy
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Master List
P1,  P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12
Part 13:
A/N: This is apparently a fluffy angsty foul language filled marathon. Boy once the Muse is awoken, they go on for days at great length, so you all get another part with next to no wait time. Note as always this is not proofread or edited, I’ve tried to catch mistakes as I went. Thank you all and Happy reading. Queenie.
Happy Flies into action thinking Vee had accidentally done something to send Lex into this current emotional meltdown. Getting to Lexie in only a few strides and scoops her up, holding her tightly to him grumbling about not being able to leave Lexie out of his sight. Vee explained to Tig as the little more than half coherent Lex explained to Happy what happened. While Hap yelled his apologies to Venus, he still wouldn’t let go of Lexie despite her asking him to put her down multiple times.
After bribing him with some episodes of Looney Tunes and about the seventh or eighth time asking, he did finally set her back down onto the bed albeit reluctantly claiming he wanted to hold her, so he knew she wasn’t going anywhere. Shaking her head, she snuggled up closer to him telling him he needed to go check on his fur baby and get cleaned up that she wasn’t going anywhere but sleep.
He informed her that he knew that she was going to say that, and it was already done as he turned on the TV and found the classic Looney Tunes. He kissed her forehead and told her she could rest all she wanted after taking her pain meds. He passed over the plate that had the sandwich which was made for her and cut in half in the event she was only able to eat half, which was the case. Happy seemed satisfied with this and gave her the dose of medication with the glass of water which she downed the entire glass as she was a little dehydrated from her ordeal.
Tig had poked his head in the door of the room just to check on his niece, seeing him she offered a soft sad smile as a greeting tig stepped in and spoke with her for a few moments until he noticed her meds were starting to take effect but as they were she had asked if it was possible for her to figure out a way to bathe when she woke since she still felt pretty crummy from what she went through. She had fallen back into that sedated level of sleep before both men could answer but they did agree that it could be done, and Hap stated flat out that he was going to help her if she needed.
Hours passed and this time she woke up around noon she reached for Hap to find he was missing which caused her to panic momentarily but hearing her awake he was with her in seconds calming her down.
“Hey, hey, Little Girl its okay. You’re safe. I here, Tig’s here, even Venus is here. Nobody is going to get you again, My Love. I’m sorry you woke up without me I was walking Sunny Girl and getting things ready for you to get yourself cleaned up better.” He cooed in her ear as he held her in his arms gently rocking her back and forth. “Had to find the duct tape for you to tape the trash bag over that cast to protect it…”  
He let out a soft chuckle when she reluctantly conceded that he had a valid point. She never did like telling him he was right. She started to pull away from Happy moving gingerly as she was still very sore, “Alright let’s try to get this over with then. I want to try and resume as close to a normal routine as I possible can. That sorry sack of fecal matter isn’t going to win.”
She looked into Happy’s dark eyes to confirm her statement. She wasn’t running this time because she knew if she did, she’d never stop running from this. He offered a half smile and nodded, receiving the message loud and clear. He released her and strode over to where her robe hug on a small hook over the closet door.
Looking it over he smirked before looking over to her, “Hmm, this looks comfy if nothing else. Where have you been hiding this thing?” he gave her a playful smile as he handed the long black jersey knit robe to Lex.
She shook her head taking the robe from him, “I’ve had it for ages. It was a Christmas gift from Uncle Tig back before the…. car accident.” She paused and shook the memories out of her head, “He said I was going to need one that wasn’t fuzzy. Apparently fuzzy robes are a bit too childish…” She did her best to shrug but with her sore muscles she didn’t succeed.
She began to change into the robe for her trip to the shower. She instinctively turned her back to Happy while she removed the oversized black sleepshirt she wore and as she reached for the robe to replace it, she heard Happy growl in anger she spun on her heels wide eyed with fear as this was a sound, she had never heard him make in all their years together. She hurriedly put the robe on and put space between them as the fear rolled off her.
She stared at Happy as if he were a wild animal she had just startled in the woods. Happy realized he’d momentarily lost control of his emotions on the situation and instantly started to apologize to Lexie telling her he lost himself for a moment seeing the bruises on her body. Telling her it would make any man full of rage seeing that on his ole lady. Knowing how those marks were put on her.
Lexie was starting to tremble; at this point it wasn’t anything she could control. Happy had absolutely terrified her and he could see it and it broke him. She called out for her uncle asking him if he would tape her up so that she could shower without ruining her cast and asked him if Aunt Vee was available to be on standby incase she needed another assist after he said sure, Lex dared to reach close enough to get her clean nightshirt, this one a tydeid one with a v neck that hit just below her knees, and almost bolted out of the room.
Tig felt her trembling as he taped the bag to her arm and making sure there was no holes that would let water sneak in. “Baby Doll, what happened in there?” His blue eyes locked on her green ones scanning them for any tell that she was being anything other than honest.
She sighed and spoke with a frown, “He scared me Tiggy. I was changing out of my night shirt, and he saw the bruises. I never hear him make that sound before and when I turned to look at him, he had this look on his face I’ve never seen, and it terrified me.” Her voice shook as she spoke and Tig knew she was trying not to cry. “Tig… He’s never frightened me before. Not once in all the years we’ve known each other. Not even when we would fight before. He always kept that part reigned in…”
Tig sighed and pulled her into him for a hug, holding her to him to try to stop her trembling. He hated seeing her like this, “Doll Face, you know none of us have delt with this before and we are all trying to learn how to work around what you went through. When Gemma went through this it was different because it was our President’s Ole Lady, and we had no idea it happened right away. Happy and I caught the bastard in the act of doing that to you, we saw what actions did that damage to your body. We are both trying to process this from our side of this. We both feel like we failed you and seeing those bruises probably reminded him of that. Baby, I promise you, Hap is in that room beating himself up for scaring you like that. We handled things last night, but I can’t promise I wouldn’t react the same way if I saw those bruises that my failing to protect you gave to you.”
Tig was never an overly emotional man but this time he was fighting back tears he truly felt like he had failed to keep his niece safe, and it was eating at his resolve. In an effort to hide this he kissed Lexie’s forehead and sighed dramatically, lightly tapping her on the nonbroken arm, “C’mon kiddo, I’ll help you brush your hair before Momma Vee Chases me out of the bathroom to let you shower in peace.”
Nodded she walked with Tig back to the bathroom that held all her things she needed to shower that had already been gathered by Vee and Happy, “You guys didn’t fail me, Uncle Tiggy. None of us knew what was coming or going to follow me home. His dad always backed him off and kept him in check. I’m grateful you guys got to me when you did. I love you Uncle Alex.”
As the words left her mouth he stopped in his tracks. He had only ever been ‘Uncle Alex’ once before and that was when she was 10 and her mom, his little sister, had died and she was legitimately terrified of what would happen next and of how to process what had happened. He turned to her and wrapped her up in his arms again, “Lexie-Lu, I got you, I love you too little one. We will get through this somehow. I promise.” He kissed her forehead again and lead her to sit down on the bathroom counter as he gently brushed out her long hair for her, another thing he hadn’t done for her since she was that scared little girl.
She sat there letting him work the brush through her hair resolving herself to the unfortunate fact that she was going to have to let Happy near her sooner than she had wanted to, she huffed softly, just enough to get her uncles attention, “I’m going to need Hap. I need help washing my hair and I’m a little old for my uncle to help me with that and while Vee and I did bond a bit in the wee hours of the morning, I’d prefer someone who’s already helped me shower before…”
This about caused Tig to choke on air. She was his niece, who he raised from baby up, and while he knew how life and couples worked but it was another thing completely to be told this flat out. “Doll Face, once I’m done with your hair, I’ll send him in. Now let’s never try to traumatize Uncle Tig like that ever again…”
She nodded and held back a giggle, letting him finish brushing out her long wavy hair that until brushed out lays in curls much like his own. One of her better features, that, and her eyes. They were her grandmothers, her mother and Tig’s mother’s. Though Lexie’s always held a sparkle of happiness in them even now after all the hell she had been through. She was strong and tenacious as he raised her to be. He put the brush down and gave her uninjured hand a gentle squeeze. Mentioning that he will give her a few minutes and send Hap into her to help her with her shower as he left closing the bathroom door behind him.
Lexie went about her shower routine as best she could, starting the water and getting the temp just right, gathering her hair out of her face so she could see what she was doing, untied her robe and dropped it to the floor and got in. She soaped up her washcloth and started scrubbing her skin free of that monster’s handprints, or at least she tried. As she continued to scrub her reddening skin, she heard the door open and close and Happy lightly clearing his throat. She peeked out of the shower to see him standing there holding her favorite shampoo, the one she only used for special occasions, the one Happy liked the smell of the most.
Happy stood there looking thoroughly ashamed of himself for his earlier reaction but as he opened his mouth to speak Lex held up her hand to stop him, “Please Happy just help me with my hair. I’m starting to tire out again and will soon need to rest again. I really don’t want to hear some rehearsed apology.” Her tone was flat, her emotions were hidden because if they weren’t she would be on her knees sobbing under the running water.
He nodded with his eyes on the floor he removed his tee shirt and stepped toward her watching her turn so that her hair wasn’t under the direct running water allowing him to wash her hair, something that would prove borderline impossible with one fully functioning hand.
With her his hands were always gentle never what they were when they were doing the work the club required of him that part of him was never shown to her before at least not to the extent he had shown her today. She had every right to be terrified of him, he was a monster. He was no better than the monster he killed for her last night. The monster that put all those cuts and bruises on her gorgeous body and broke her beautiful bones and tried to break that wonderful spirit. He was no better in his mind. Hell, in his mind he was worse because he loved her and scared her like he did only minutes before this moment.
He finished massaging her scalp and directed her as gently as he could and rinsed the shampoo out of her hair, his voice was shaky as he spoke, “Lex, I love you and I never meant…” He trailed off not knowing how to apologize to her.
Lex nodded acknowledging his words as she turned off the water and stepped into the waiting open towel held up by Hap, “I know you didn’t Hap. I love you too. I’ve never seen that side of you before, and I’m still a little twitchy. It takes time to adjust to seeing your club face in the best of situations. I’m a little traumatized at the moment. That face was scarier that it would have normally been. I need time to wrap my head around it, but I also need you with me so that I feel safe…” Lex all but whispered the last part as she tucked the towel around her.
Happy took her hand, “I’m not leaving you, Little Girl. I promise you that on the Club. But seeing the damage done to your body because of my failure to protect and keep you safe. I couldn’t turn that part of me off.” He started to help her dry off, being as gentle as he could as he went. He then helped her into her nightshirt and started to towel dry her hair.
She was grateful he had a softer side, and it warmed her heart to know she was one of very few he showed it to. She gave Hap a sad smile, “I need to rest my body isn’t up to snuff just yet. Those couple of days really took it out of me. Think we can talk Nurse Vee into some Ibuprofen instead of the hardcore stuff? I’m kinda tired of my head swimming…”
She hesitantly reached out to touch Hap’s still bare chest bust stopped herself much to Happy’s displeasure, frowning he put his shirt back on, “It’s okay, Little Girl.” He whispered in her ear as he decided to scoop her up and took her back to her room. “How about we just relax and watch some Gummi Bears? I know that was always one of your favorites.”
She gave him a little smile, “You hate the Gummi Bears. How about some Scooby Doo instead? We both like that one.” She snuggled into his neck taking in his scent and reveling in the safeness of being in his arms. “So how long is Telford letting you play hooky to babysit your Ole Lady? I was hoping to try and go in and at least do paperwork in the next day or so. I know I’m sore, but I stay around here I’m going to go stir crazy…”
Hap let out a little growl, “Lex you need rest and I’m here until I say otherwise, perks of dating the VP’s niece. Besides, what happened to you shook Chibs up more than he wants to admit. Seeing Tig and I would remind him and make him a miserable Scottish bear with a sore ass.”
Lex giggled slightly as Hap set her in her bed, “You know one of you two should really go into the shop tomorrow. I need someone I know is competent working while I’m not able to.”
This angered Happy for some reason and he stood up glaring at Lex, “What the hell Alexandra?! The shit you just went through and your more worried about the shop?! You need to be focused on you not the damn garage!” He glared at her not bothering to hide his emotions this time.
Lex jumped at his sudden change in his demeaner but didn’t back down, “I’m worried about the reason that I was brought back out here! The entire reason I quit the job I had back east, uprooted my entire life and moved back home. I focus on me, and I will go insane especially the shit I just went through because I completely uprooted my life and moved home to help save Teller-Marrow!” Lex was yelling now, and her fight was fully back and on full display.
Upon hearing Lex yelling Tig came running knowing Happy had done something stupid to push her to that point and once getting to the door he immediately removed Happy despite his protests all but shutting the door in his face. Tig looked at Lex seeing her sitting there fuming, “Umm, What the hell was that about?”
To Be Continued…
Part 14
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theycallmequeenie · 2 years
Lexie And Happy
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Master List Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11: A/N: This part is going to be a not so nice part. There will be discussion of not so savory events. This is your trigger warning, if you are unable to read things of a violent nature including discussions of injuries from beatings and S.A., please skip this part of the fic. I do not wish to trigger and/or upset anyone. I will put the fic under a read more link in an attempt to avoid any unintentional exposure and upset. I know some survivors can’t discuss or read things like this but writing this out was therapeutic for this survivor.  Be warned this part is rather long my apologies. Thank you ~Queenie
It had been a day, a full twenty-four hours since Happy had discovered that Lex had been taken from him. He had made the calls quick enough, but it took the club about twelve hours to pinpoint the exact location of Lexie’s SUV. It took Tig, Chibs and about half of the mechanics from the shop to talk him out of rushing into the location.
In those twenty-four hours, Lex had been beaten repeatedly as well as other things that no man should do to a woman. She was battered and bruised and praying to any deity listening that someone would soon come to her rescue. Her former boss’s son once again entered the little space she was being held captive with a sick grin on his face intent on repeating his earlier actions. He began to approach her, hitting her once he was within arms reach, no doubt, adding to an already bruised and swollen face. Lexie whimpered in pain and begged him to stop his assault. Her pleas fell on deaf ears as he once again began attacking her.
Lexi barely had any strength left to fight but she still tried only for a right hand to knock her out cold, again. As with the other times he had knocked her unconscious she slipped into a dream about things from her past. This time it was the last time she had spoken to Jax. It had been a late-night phone call, like they always were from him, but this one wasn’t a fond memory for her. This memory was the call he said goodbye.
The call started out like a normal call from him. She sleepily answered with a soft “Hello?” and Jax responded with his traditional, “Hey, Darlin’, sorry to wake you, Doll.” She would always wake up upon hearing his voice on the other end of the phone. They talked for a little while before his somber tone finally registered with her. And she asked what was wrong.
Jax wryly chuckled, “Nothing is getting past you is it sweetheart.” He paused momentarily, “Lex you know what call this is. I just wanted to tell you goodbye, Kiddo. Things are real bad here and you know how these things tend to end…”
He trailed off and Lex started to quietly cry. She knew what he meant and didn’t need any further explanation. Her voice was shaky as she spoke, “Jaxson…. I love you, big brother.” It was something she always told him and that was always his role in her life. As Jax spoke the amusement in his voice was evident at the call back to their childhood, “I love you too, little sis.” And the phone cut off. She called out for Jax as she started to regain consciousness, not realizing that she was actually calling out for him or that the hands on her now were that of Happy trying to rouse her.
The Sons had busted into the little cell she was being held in shortly after she had been knocked out this time. Happy was the one leading the charge and caught Lexie’s captor in the act of violating her. Hap immediately saw red, pulling the scumbag off Lex and besting him to a bloody pulp for what had been done to Lex.
The thing that stopped Happy from beating him to death outright was the little whimper Lex gave as Tig covered her up with his riding jacket for lack of a better option at the time. He knew of course that Lex kept blankets in her SUV that was outside the warehouse like structure that she had been held in, but Tig wouldn’t let her out of his sight just yet. He sent Rat to retrieve one instead. Happy pulled himself back and tried to right his head. He went over and scooped her into his arms as gingerly as he could, gently murmuring trying to bring her to. That’s when he heard her calling for Jax and that just about crushed all of the bikers there.
As Lex came to her senses and realized she was in Happy’s arms, all she could do was bury her face into his chest and ask him to take her to get medical treatment for all the hell that crackpot had put her through. Which he told her he would though he couldn’t help but fear history repeating itself with her.
Lex started to register her surroundings as if a computer system was coming back online. She whimpered as the pain began to register again. Happy was doing what he could to keep her as calm as possible given recent events. The sounds Hap heard next hurt. Lex started to apologize for happened.
“Hap, I’m so sorry. Please forgive me, I fought him as hard as I could…” Lex was in rough shape, aside from her obvious injuries, cuts and bruises, she welt a smaller twinge of pain in her right arm. It was most likely broken, and she instinctively held it to her body as Hap paused long enough to let Rat throw a blanket over her and let Tig retrieve his jacket that was covering her.
They worked on getting her to a hospital as Lex slowly got back to herself, “Hap, promise you won’t leave, this time…”
Happy hushed her and responded with a gruff, “Only if you promise me the same thing…”
Tig about choked on his own saliva at Haps response as he drove trying to get er back to Charming and to Saint Thomas Hospital so that she can be treated and hopefully sent home with either him or Hap that evening.  
The drive seemed like it was taking longer than it normally would, but Tig was certain that it seemed that way because his niece was in the backseat battered and beaten. He was furious but he was containing and concealing his anger for her sake. He knew she was sacred enough he didn’t need to add to her fear. He glanced in the rear view mirror a time or two watching Lexie to see if he could catch any warning signs that she might be letting history repeat itself and planing out how she was going to bolt again. Thankfully this time there were no signs of that. In fact, what he saw gave him hope that she wouldn’t even try to run away from her family He saw just how much she was clinging to Happy and how much Happy was clinging back. Though he would never admit it to anyone this scared Hap. And Tig could see it in his brother’s face. Hell, this scared Tig too. He was certain that hey had lost his niece this time.
They finally made it to the hospital as the van that ad been taken to look for lex went back to TM with the rest the bikers and the beaten kidnapper in the back. The men had plans for this scumbag and none of them were going to be merciful. No one was going to touch him until Hap and Tig got back to TM after Lex was taken home to Venus because they knew Lex wasn’t going to be left alone for more than a few moments to use the restroom and everyone knew it.
The nurses and doctors did was was needed and ran all the standards tests for what had happened to Lexie. The hospital staff had to all the sheriff’s office and file a report which sent Althea out to talk to Lex which did not go over well with her all. She flat out told Althea that she just wanted what happened to her dropped and left alone so that she could focus on healing after all that happened to her. When Althea tried to push Tig stepped in and backed her off. She sighed and told them fine if they changed their minds, they knew how to contact her and left. Lex was all taken care of the nurse came in with her next appointments for tests and cast removal, because that familiar pain was indeed a broken right arm, telling Lex and her two guardians that she was cleared to leave.
As Lex, Tig, and Hap all exited the hospital Lexie gave the men a sad smile and spoke, “I was calling for Jax when I came to earlier wasn’t I?” She knew the answer as she had often done that in her sleep to the point of waking herself. She quickly changed the subject when she saw the men’s frowns and nods. “Can I go home now? I want to see my dog. That Bastard didn’t hurt her, but he locked her up in another damn closet….”
Tig had fully planned on taking her home, so that he and Hap could finish taking care of the monster that took and attacked her. Tig nodded and helped her get into the backseat of her vehicle as he and Hap loaded themselves into the front.
Tig Drove and Happy did everything he could to keep an eye on Lexie, almost jumped into the backseat multiple times at Lexie’s little whimpers when Tig would catch a rough spot in the road or a pothole. As Tig drove he asked his niece what exactly happened and what the deal with that man was.
As Tig made a face at using the word man to describe that monster Lexie began to speak shakily explaining the whole situation leading up to what had happened. She got nervous about going into detail about what she had just experienced because things were still so fresh in her mind. She told them that when she talked to her old boss about leaving to return to Charming his son didn’t take it very well and cornered her and told her she wasn’t going and if she did, he would personally make her regret it. She started to cry as they pulled into Tig’s driveway seeing her Auntie V outside waiting with Sunny standing next to the woman wagging her tail excited that her ’Momma’ was finally home.
Lexie wiped her tears away from her tender cheeks and spoke softly before exiting her SUV, “Chibs was right. I brought this shit show down on you guys. I’m sorry…” She opened her door and gingerly shifted herself down and out of the vehicle. Happy and Tig were left fearing the worst as they looked at each other both shocked at her words and concerned that she may leave them both again…
  To Be Continued….
Part 12                                                                                  
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theycallmequeenie · 4 years
Lexie And Happy
Master List
P1 P2  P3  P4  P5  P6  P7  P8
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Chibs walked into the club house with Lex right behind him. Both of them had a somewhat annoyed look on their faces, which Tig and Happy both noticed. They weren’t fighting though so it seemed some progress had been made.
Happy had gotten up and met Lexie part way across the room, putting an arm around her and kissing her temple before speaking, “are things patched up between you two now?”
Lex shrugged and glanced in Chibs’ direction, “He’s still a Scottish ass but I think we are close to the same page at least…”
Chibs gave a snort in response and added in his thick brogue, “And she’s still an annoying Pain in the arse, but yeah. I think we can coexist on some level.”
Hap and Lex walked to a table and sat down. Lexie looked up at Chibs, “So how is…what happed going to be addressed? We looking over it and calling this morning the end of it? Cause I just what that crap over and done with.” Lex frowned and looked at each of the three men knowing that her subtle request to let the issue drop was not how things were usually handled.
Chibs shook his head as he watched Happy pull her closer, “That ends in the chapel Lass, but your request will be voiced and considered.”
Lex sighed but knew that was as good as she would get considering the club’s and most likely Happy’s need for retaliation. She gave them all a nod, “Alright, more than I thought I’d be told. Thank you. I should get back over to the garage and actually do some work before the day is completely over.” She started walking to the door of the club house pausing to turn as and her uncle a question, “Hey. Uncle Tig, would you mind calling Vee and asking if she’d bring my SUV over for me? I’d like to dive myself home tonight” She smiled at him and he nodded. “Thanks, Tig.” She continued on her way back out the door and across the lot to the office to get what little bit of work she could finish in the few hours she had left in the day.
 The hours passed and Lex started closing up shop when Happy came in to ask where she was heading for the night. Lex told her that she was at least stopping over at Tig’s place to see Sunny and that she would decide from there. Happy seemed okay with this and nodded at her in response. He also asked her if she was staying until after his meeting or if she was heading home with Vee. Lex told him that she would head back with Vee that way they could get a good supper ready for him and Tig once the meeting was done. Again, he nodded but with a smile this time. He missed her cooking and knew that this would let the four of them talk about things and where they were going.
Lex stood and hugged Hap, standing on tip toe to give him a quick kiss. And noticed that Vee just pulled into the lot with her vehicle. She smiled at Hap, “Come on, Killa. Walk me to my car.” She gave Happy a crooked little grin and he chuckled and agreed. Walking her out to meet Vee.
Venus met her with a bubbly smile and a hug. “Hey Baby! You ready to get your cook on for these boys?” She spoke in her southern draw that Lex wasn’t one hundred percent sure was authentic, not that Lexie really cared.
Lex hugged her back awkwardly. Still not used to all of Venus’s bubbliness. “Sure am. Thank you for bringing my cage down for me. Let’s do this.” She grinned and took the keys from Vee and kissed Hap on the cheek. Climbing into her SUV she waited for Vee to finish talking to Tig before she got in the passenger seat.
Their short drive back to Tig’s house was uneventful. Lex pulled in the driveway, putting the car in park and shutting off the engine. The two women got out and went inside. Lex greeted her dog as did Vee. After walking Sunny Lex and Venus got to work in the kitchen.
The hours passed and Tig and Ha p both arrived at the house walking in the kitchen to see Lex finishing up decorating a cake for desert while Vee sat across from her watching in amazement. Commenting that she would have never figured that Lex would be so good at something so delicate to which Lexie responded with a simple, “You should see me crochet.” This got a snort out of both the men that were just standing there watching the two women interact.
Upon noticing the guys were there Lex smiled and greeted them both. Hap walked over to Lex and kissed the top of her head just as Tig did the same to Vee. Tig and Vee chatted a little between themselves before telling Hap and Lex to go relax a little while the table was set.
Hap lead Lex to the living room, he sat down on the sofa and pulled Lex into his lap and just held her to him. He never realized just how much he missed her until these last couple days. As they sat there, he could feel Lex starting to nod off in his lap. He knew she had to be exhausted after the events of the day. He gently got up holding her still and carried her back to her bedroom softly encouraging sunny to follow which the dog happily did. After laying Lex in the bed he spoke to Sunny gently, “Now you stay her and guard your momma like a good girl, Sun.” The dog responded with a sneeze and a wag of the tail before climbing up onto the bed to lay down with Lex.
Hap went back out to inform Tig that they would be one short for dinner. To which Tig told him he figured would be the case he knew his niece and knew the signs of her being that tired. Tig said that they will fix her a plate and put it in the fridge and that he was to sit down and eat with him and Vee. The three sat, ate, and talked. Once they were finished Tig and Hap both wanted to check in on Lex.
As the two men walked through the house, they noticed they front door was open again. Which alarmed the men. They ran back to Lex’s room to find that she was missing and Sunny locked in the closet whimpering…
To Be Continued…
Part Ten
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theycallmequeenie · 4 years
Lexie And Happy
Master List
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
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WARNING: Explicit language is used in this part and may not be suitable for some readers.
Lexie didn’t know where she was going, just that she was going. She simply allowed her feet to take her wherever they saw fit to take her, and before she realized it she was outside the town’s cemetery. Shrugging she thought to herself that this would be the best place to collect her thoughts and that she could finally pay her respects to Opie and Jax. She missed those two something fierce and now would be as good a time as any to go talk with her ‘boys’ as she jokingly called them growing up.
Finding the two headstones wasn’t hard for her. It seemed as if her heart lead her right to them. They were, of course, buried side by side. Something that made complete sense to Lex since those boys were all but inseparable when they were alive. Kneeling down between the two stones she started a one-sided conversation with her two friends that were like older brothers to her.
She filled them in on all the things she had did and dealt with over the years that she hadn’t really told anyone other than Tig. She set there and just talked to her ‘boys’ and tried to center herself in doing so. She made sure to tell them how much she missed them both and how she wished they were still here that she really needed them right now because she wasn’t sure how to comprehend what she had just done.
Meanwhile, back at Happy’s house the three men were still mid argument when Rat called from TM wondering where everybody was. This prompted a string of curses from all three men. Happy went to his room to get Lex and go to the garage for work only to realize she was missing. Yelling for Tig the two men quickly tried to figure out where she had gone.
Tig had called Venus, Chibs had called Althea, and Happy had simply took off to look for her, determined to find her quickly. He scoured the little town of Charming but to no avail. He hadn’t found Lex anywhere, so he decided to go back to the club house and let her uncle take a crack at looking for her.
Tig had been making frantic calls hoping Lex hadn’t bolted on them again, doing his best to figure out where she went, then it dawned on him like someone whispered in his ear where she might be. Tig took off to check without really saying anything to anyone. Leaving his brothers very confused.
 Tig jumped into the TM tow truck and drove off hoping he still knew his niece like he once had. When she was younger and she need to center herself, she would turn to Jax and Opie. ‘With any luck that was still that case’, he thought as he sped off toward the town’s cemetery.
Pulling up he could see Lex at the stones with her back toward the small roadway that wound its way around the cemetery. He stopped the truck and simply watched his niece as she talked to the two headstones and brushed off the dirt that was on them. After waiting a few minutes, he decided to get out of the truck and slowly make his way over to Lex. He placed a had gently on her shoulder once he had gotten to her to let her know he was there waiting her to speak first.  
She had jumped slightly, not expecting anyone to come up behind her. She looked up at her uncle with a tear stained face. Tig nodded and helped her off the ground. He had wanted her to speak first but he knew now that if she tried all that would come out was a sob, so he wrapped her up in a hug and whisper in her ear, “I know, Sweetheart. I miss them too.” He held her there and did his best to help her collect her composure before suggesting that they needed to head to the garage. He also mentioned something about Hap being in a minor panic about her just disappearing. To that Lex shook her head and agreed that it was time for her visit to come to an end.
Tig walked his niece to the tow truck with his arm around her shoulders knowing that she needed him, and the contact comforted her. Climbing into the truck with him behind her making her she didn’t slip. The ride to TM was a quiet one, Lex was lost in her thoughts and Tig was trying to keep an eye on her and drive both.
Tig let the ride be quiet for the first few minutes before speaking, “Can I ask why you bolted earlier, Lex? You scared the hell out of all of us, Kid.” As Tig spoke they had come to a stop at a red light and he looked over at her searching for an answer.
Lex sighed and frowned as she spoke to her Uncle, “ You three were fighting and I couldn’t handle it because I knew you were fighting because of me and what I had done, even if it was in self defense. I think Chibs was on to something. I come home and all hell breaks loose. Maybe… maybe I should just go back east after I get the shop back to its former glory.” Lex looked down at her hands in her lap knowing the expression on Tig’s face would be one of hurt.
And she was right. They were moving again, and he went silent and finished the ride that way. They finally arrived at the lot and Lex had barely let Tig park the truck before jumping out and heading into the garage’s office. Completely bypassing Happy who had jumped up form his seat and was heading for her but stopped short as she slammed the office door.
Happy and Chibs both met Tig in the middle of the lot and they proceeded to start arguing again, but this time Tig was the one to start it. Shoving Chibs back a step or two and laying into him about what Lex had said in the truck.
“I told you Asshole! I told you what you said got into her head! It took me over ten years to get her back home and she’s already talking about leaving again because of what you fucking said to her this morning!” Tig screamed at his president not out of anger at the man but because the fact that his niece wanted to leave her home again and it hurt him. Happy looked at his brothers alarmed and grunted out a “what?”, before turning and running to the office to talk to Lex in the hopes of convincing her to stay. He couldn’t let her leave him again.
Lex could hear the two men yelling outside even with the office door shut, though it didn’t stay that way for long. Happy stormed in and all but cornered Lex in the office demanding to know exactly what she had said and where the hell she had been.
Lex, wide eyed from him storming in, “Well from what I could hear you already know what I told my uncle, Hap.” She was not okay with the fact Happy had her cornered but did her best to focus on the argument at hand.
Happy Huffed in frustration, “So what? You were just going to bail on me again?” He had a wild look in his eyes he was upset and was letting it show. “Do you have any idea of the hell I went through after you bailed the first time?! Damn Alexandra! Why the hell did you even come back if you were just to leave me again? Why let me get my damn hopes, of having a life with the woman I love, up? If you hadn’t planed on staying what the hell did you come back for?” His voice finally cracked with his last question. Lex was always one he was able to let his guard down around and let his emotions show through the rough heartless exterior.
“When I came back Hap, I hadn’t planned on things going bat shit the moment I set foot inside the town limits, Hap! Christ, the last 48 hours have been insane even for SAMCRO standards! I was attack by some crazed Mayan. Who decided it was a good idea to shred my clothes I had on and probably do worse, that my fearless hero’s were suppose to keep contained but couldn’t? The bastard got away and tried to fucking kill you, to which I ended up,” she paused and whispered the next part, “killing him…” She was shaking at this point finally overwhelmed by it all. “What the hell else am I supposed to think. Shit was finally calm for you boys. I come home and look…” She gently nudged Hap out of the way as she headed for the office chair to sit down. “I’m sorry Happy. I don’t possess the ware with all to deal with all of this anymore.”
He was angry at the whole situation, “Little Girl, I don’t know why the shit storm picked up when you came home but I sure as hell know you aren’t responsible for it. Just our craptastic luck letting us know its still lingering.” He reached for her hand and pulled her back up out of the chair and pulled her into a tight embrace. “Please don’t leave me again, Little Girl.” His voice was soft and shaky. He knew the possibility was real and his heart ached knowing it. Feel her hold onto him just as tightly eased the fear slightly. He gently pulled back to look into her eyes, “So where exactly did you end up Lex? I looked everywhere I could think of for you.”
She gave him sheepish smile, “Guess it was the one place you hadn’t thought to look.” She paused just long enough for him to give her an annoyed look before speaking again in a serious tone, “I went to see my boys and try to clear my head, Hap.”
Happy nodded. She wasn’t home when they had lost Opie and Jax and he knew that those calls from Tig had to break her. She loved those two like they were brothers and they loved and protected her like she was their sister. Happy kissed her forehead, “You want to go with me to stop those two outside from killing each other or you want me to go handle it?”
She smiled at the sign of affection and shook her head, “Can you? I really need to get this place opened up for the day.” She paused and watched him nod and start to turn to go handle Tig and Chibs, “Hap.” He paused at hearing his name and looked at her eyebrows raised in a questioning manner, she smiled softly, looking him in the eye and spoke from the heart, “I love you.”
He grinned at her, “Love you too, Little Girl.” He murmured as he gave her another quick kiss, this time one the cheek and walked out to break up the two arguing men. As he exited the office, he purposely left the door open so that Lex was able to see what was going on and she did watch the three men interact as Happy separated the two men, who were still arguing, but now it over little random things. Which made her chuckle to herself and think that was exactly why Tig was driving the argument that direction.
She leaned in the doorway and continued to watch as Tig and Happy walked toward the club house and Chibs was walking toward her. She sighed and knew that he was going to gun for her sooner or later. Guess it was going to be sooner. She stepped away from the door and sat down in the chair and waited for the seemingly rabid Scotsman to get to her. She had just picked up her pen when he stepped into the office and cleared his throat. Without even looking up from the paperwork she spoke, “Yes, Mister Telford? What can I do for you this time?” She didn’t try to hide her annoyance with the man. “Let me guess I’m causing more problems…”
Chibs all but growled in his own annoyance toward the woman. Speaking in his thick Scottish brogue, “No, I was actually here to apologize for earlier, I was an arse to you. I was taking the stress of the situation out on you.”
Lex turned around and the look on the man’s face was comparable to that of a petulant child being forced to apologize for acting out at a family gathering. She placed her pen on the desk and devoted her full attention to the man, “So was that my uncle pulling those strings or Happy? ‘Cause you would never do that of your own doing Telford. You are far too proud a man for that, you and I both know it.”
He grunted and sat on the couch that was against the opposite wall. “Ya know, you were always way too smart for your own good, Girlie.” She spoke with a chuckle. He paused for a moment before continuing, “It was both of them, actually, but I truly was out of line earlier. Can ya forgive me, Darlin’?”
Lexie rolled her eyes at the man and nodded. “Though we never really got along all that great, you were always easy to read. At least for me. I get the stress levels are high because of the chaos of the last couple days. I’ve never really taken kindly to shit out of my control being taken out on me. Can we try to avoid that in the future?” She spoke matter-of-factly and honestly.
Chibs grumbled but nodded. Standing he held out his arm and asked Lex to accompany him to the club house to show the other two they had made up and are being civil with each other. She agreed but wouldn’t take his hand but followed him instead.
To Be Continued….
Part Nine
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theycallmequeenie · 5 years
Lexie And Happy
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four 
Part Five
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Lexie addressing her as Auntie V made Venus’s face just light up. She smiled and held her arm out for Lex to follow her “Come on Baby Girl lets get you cleaned up. I have a few things we can try to minimize that black eye you’ll have.” Venus gently put her arm around Lexie’s shoulder trying not to over step any possibly boundaries as she still wasn’t sure where she stood with Lexie just yet.
Lexie gave Happy a smile and a glance before following Venus so the boys could talk about what had happened and why it would have happened. Lexie knew this that is why she made sure to tall Happy not to kill the man, that was all her. Which was what had made him smile and puff out his chest. He explained this to the other two men which confused Chibs and surprised Tig somewhat. He knew something would’ve had to been done with Sunnie and it would’ve pissed her off because nobody messes with the dog.
Out in the kitchen where Venus was cleaning up Lexie’s wounds from the fight. The two were actually engaging in small talk and pleasantries, discussing everything from the weather to the events that transpired that prompted her to make the decision to leave her home. They were starting to get along which was a good thing.
The three men walked into the kitchen, two of them grinned to see the girls bonding. Happy chuckles at Lex sitting there with a bag of frozen vegetables against the right side of her face and leans in to kiss her temple asking softly how she felt. She jokingly responded with a just peachy keen, before moving the frozen veggies to reveal an already blackened eye that caused all three men to hiss. Lexie grumbled a simple gee thanks boys.
Lexie looked Happy and frowned. “That was your Samcro shirt. The only one I still had.” as she glanced back towards the hall. Happy cocked his head to the side and put an arm around her. Kinda shocked that after all these years she still had one of his tee shirts. He gently held her to him, tucking her head under his chin. He looked to Tig and almost as if they had a silent conversation between them, he pulled away from Lex looking into her beautiful green eyes as he spoke.
“Come home tonight, please Lex. I need you to.”
His voice was low and it rumbled in his chest, Lexie felt feelings stir that hadn’t in a long time but she stood her ground shaking her head stating she was home and tried to get up to walk away only to be stopped by Happy’s hand on her hip. She turned to look at him over her shoulder. Instinct guiding her hand to rest over his, “Hap, its my first night back. I should stay here….”
To this Tig spoke up, “Lex, go with Happy. You two need to talk and figure out how this is going to work with you being home. We will take care of Sunny Bunny. Go home with you old man and figure out if I need to start calling him nephew again.” Tig finished with a chuckle.
With that Lexie gave up the fight and grumbled out a fine getting up to go get a couple things from her room holding her breath as she passed the spot where the Mayan had attacked her going to quickly change clothes and grab an over night bag. She sat down on the bed for a moment to collect her thoughts only to jump when someone cleared their throat.
Happy had excused himself to go check on Lex, Tig knowing that she was still probably shook up from the ordeal and thought that it would be a good idea. In a way it was, as Lixie was starting to sit and think on all the what if’s and that wouldn’t have ended well for anyone in the house. He stood in the doorway and watched her for a second before clearing his throat and startling her. He apologized softly and asks if shes ready to go yet, to which he got an almost in response as she knelt down to fasten her boots.
After she had finally gotten her hair put back into braided pig tails she grabbed her over night bag which was basically an old backpack she looked to Happy giving him a smile saying shes all but ready to go that she needed a stop at her suv before they could leave. Hap nodded and followed her out to say good night to her uncle and Venus, then out to her vehicle where she got into the back and reached for a soft pink denim jacket that appeared to be in a ball but wasn’t. it had been wrapped around her helmet that Hap had gotten her that had on it along with a sickle the writing ‘I don’t fear the Reaper’ in a soft shade of pink to match the jacket on the right hand side.
As Hap saw what Lex had wrapped in her jacket and softened the expression he had on his face. Fist he took her jacket from her and held it out for her to slip her arms into it just like he did when he first gave it to her and then he took the helmet from her and walked over to his bike doing his best to hide the smile he held on his face. Proud that his Old Lady still had her riding gear that he gave her.
Lexie ha paused to button up her jacket and close up her suv walking over to Hap who was hold her helmet out for her. She took it and put it on and smiled at Hap. “Come on, Old Man, take me back home again.”
With that Happy nodded and fired up his bike, allowing Lex to get comfortably situated with her arms wrapped around his torso. Once he knew she was ready to go he put the bike into gear and rode off into the night towards his not their home.
To Be Continued...
Part Seven
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theycallmequeenie · 5 years
Lexie And Happy
Part One
Part Two
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Happy’s instinct was right with in 4 months of the accident Lexie had started to pull away from him. They had begun to argue almost all the time, which usually resulted in Lexie at her uncle’s home in tears and Happy at the clubhouse making plans to go back to Tacoma. Thing had gone from bad to worse and there was no getting better in sight. Hap would do everything he could think of to reach out to Lexie but she would just pull away for him all the more he was at his wits end. He would all but beg Lexie to open up and talk to him like she used to before the accident. Hell the club would all try to get her to talk to someone and she just wouldn’t. It was as if she was intent on suffering alone in this and pulled away from everyone, but throughout all of this she never took that ring off her left hand. That was the only thing that could ground her and pull her out of her own head and stave off the depression for a few minutes.
One Saturday morning after a club party Tig and Happy both went to check on Lexie, who had once again stayed at Tig’s home, only to find it cleaned of her things with a note and that ring on the counter. Lexie was gone and it left both men standing in shock. They knew she had been unhappy but they never thought she would leave her hometown much less leave Happy without as much as a kiss good-bye.
The note was written out in her handwriting which assured Tig that this was her doing and not someone abducting her to get to the club for some reason. It read: “I’m sorry but I have to leave. I am clearly making everyone around me miserable and I can’t continue to bring my family down like that anymore. I love you all but I have to try to get me back, please understand. Tell Hap, I will always love him. It wouldn’t be fair to expect him not to move on. Maybe the next girl will deserve that ring more than I did. Uncle Tiggy, I’ll call soon I promise. Thank you for all you’ve done for me. Love Lex.”
Happy was both angry and hurt. How could she leave him like that? Just a footnote in a goodbye letter to her uncle. She was his old lady. Period. There was nor ever will be anyone else for him. He gave his heart to her and her alone. He would never open himself up like that to anyone again. He picked up Lexie’s ring and stormed of to the clubhouse, grabbed his go bag, and left for Tacoma.
That was over ten years ago. Lexie ended up in a beach town on the east coast running a garage with an ash blue pit bull name Sunshine. Happy had Transferred to SAMCRO and was now the Sargent At Arms and still known as the Tacoma Killer for his role in the club. Tig was the Vice President, Jax Bobby and several others were dead, and the President was now Chibs Telford. The pain in the ass Scot that she never really got along with. The club had taken over running Teller-Marrow Automotive but they needed help to keep it afloat. That’s when Tig made the decision…
Tig had made sure he kept the lines of communication open with his niece. He knew that was who was needed to get that garage back in shape and successful. So he called an officers meeting and discussed it with Chibs and Happy. Knowing it would still be a sore subject with Hap, Tig approached it as gently as possible, doing his best to point out it was what was needed to turn the shop around. Chibs agreed and Ha said to do what ever but not to be surprised if they were told that it wasn’t happening. Tig made the call and Lexie made the move.
Lixie knew she needed to go back home to Charming but was dreading what it would entail. She wanted to help her uncle but really didn’t want to face his brothers, one she loved had loved since she was sixteen years old despite his role in the club and the other the now president of the club she really just didn’t along with he was a Scottish pain in the ass. She was a damn good mechanic and an even better business woman and TM Automotive needed both to succeed right now. She didn’t know how well she would be received by the the new brothers in the club which she had been raised around. A great deal had changed since she was around the Sons but she knew much had to stay the same. He uncle had called her for the assist and after all he was the vice president now so the other two had to be alright with her return. She was a mile away from the lot she knew she was soon going to find out. She missed Happy and hoped that the Tacoma Killer missed her too.
Lex pulled into the lot, first making sure Sunny was alright in the backseat before getting out of her SUV, making sure to leave it running, with the emergency brake engaged, so the pup had air conditioning. As she got out of the vehicle she was met by an unfamiliar face trying to tell her that the garage wasn’t open yet that she would need to come back later. Lex simply waved him off and walked toward the newly rebuilt clubhouse calling for her uncle.
Tig was in the kitchen area making coffee stopped mid pour hearing the clicking of women’s boots on the tile floor. He had set the pot and mug on the counter and was all but to Lex before she had finished calling out his name. The moment he got within arms reach of her he had her up in his arms hugging her and telling her how much he had missed her. As he sat her back to the floor she admitted that she missed him more.  “Let’s get you back to the house and settled, You brought Sunny Bunny along too right? I can’t wait to see her.”
“Glad to be home Uncle Tig. Yes she’s in the car, anxiously waiting for you.” She laughed softly at the excitement from her uncle about meeting her dog. “And you are certain that your old lady is cool with me staying with you two for a while? I don’t want to step on toes.”
“She can’t wait to meet you. You are family. Come on let’s get you over to the house and unpacked before the chaos of the lot starts up.” He put an arm around her shoulder and walked her out to her car climbing into the driver’s seat after have Lexie toss him the keys. He drove her to his home and started to unload the things she brought with her, which really wasn’t more than two suitcases and a box of old pictures and knick knacks. Sunny was lead out of the vehicle and allowed to walk around the yard and inspect her new surroundings before being lead into the house to meet Auntie Venus.
Sunny loved Vee but Lexie was on the fence about Venus. Tig had filled Lexie in on Venus’s story and past so that she wouldn’t be too surprised but appearances or anything else. All Lexie knew was that Venus was entirely to energetic and Seven in the morning for her liking. Stepping back and extending a hand as Venus was about to hug her. Venus looked a little upset but understood that she was most likely not the first of Tig’s loves that Lexie met and wanted to keep her distance until she knew that this long term between her uncle and Vee.
After getting everything taken care of there Tig and Lexie went back to the garage to get it opened up for the day and hopefully get it back to the place it once was. Tig had assured Lex that Happy was on a run for the club in southern California and he wouldn’t be back for a few days so it was safe for her to get settled in and start digging through the office and getting it organized and then she get out in the garage to start turning wrenches with the boys.
Lex nodded at this and set to work she had the office put back together and organized in an hour and was out in the shop working happily shoulder to shoulder with Tig. The guy that had tried to tell her off from earlier this morning had come over to try again only to be stopped by Tig introducing Lexie to him.
Lex learned that his name was Rat and waved. Rat was informed of Lexie’s nickname that she had carried from birth and it wasn’t a good idea to mess with her. Lexie made a remark about knocking one biker out at sixteen and never living it down, causing Rat’s eyes to bug out slightly.
They had started chatting back and forth when the roar of motorcycles made Lex stop mid sentence, after all these years she could tell his bike just from the rev of it’s engine. Looking to her uncle as if to beg him to hide her somehow she heard the mans voice she had wished to hear for ten years now…
“Lex….” He spoke as if someone had punched him in the gut. Happy couldn’t believe his eyes. She actually came home. Had he placed money on her decision, he’d have certainly lost that bet, but one thing was for certain, once he saw her he knew for a fact he still loved her. He couldn’t get over the fact she still looked the same as she did the last time he saw her on that Friday afternoon.
Lexie could not raise her gaze to meet his giving him a sad, quieted “Hey Hap…” It still hurt her to see him and the pain that she knew he carried behind his eyes. What she didn’t know was that the pain wasn’t from what was lost in that accident but from what happened to her after it. Happy was hurt because he didn’t know how to help her get past her pain. He was hurt because the only way that could help her was for her to leave her home and him.
Lexie could stand there in front of him any longer, storming past him making sure to keep her head down to hide her tears she ran out of the garage to the club house just to get some space between them.
Happy looked at Tig and Rat and they looked back. Rat was the first to speak, “I take it they’ve met…” gaining him a glare form both of the older men.
“What the hell, Man?! You weren’t to be back until the end of the week. That’s why I timed this the way I did.” Tig did his best to refrain from yelling at Hap but failed for the most part. “Ya know, just don’t bother answering that, just go see if she’ll talk to you.”
With that Hap sighed in defeat and made his way to the clubhouse hoping that she would actually talk to him and not ice him out like she had done in the past….
To be Continued…
Part Four
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theycallmequeenie · 5 years
Lexie And Happy
Part One
Master List 
Happy knew he stepped in it with both feet seeing her grin at him unsure of how she felt he started to get nervous until she spoke.
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“Hap, you really mean that?” Her face held an expression that was not easily read by the outlaw but he simply nodded at her question sensing that he was about to be rejected by the young woman. He started mentally beating himself up for even saying anything. He started to pull his hand away from hers but she stopped him, giving just a slight squeeze. Looking back up to her his brown eyes searching her green ones for an hint of what she was about to say next. “Happy, I’m not sure how to react to you saying that. I didn’t even know you saw me that way. I just figured…” A light pink flushed her cheeks as the started to stammer off. That was when Happy realized that she wasn’t rejecting him but that she felt the same way and allowed a soft smile to tug at his lips and gently encouraged her to continue. He knew but he needed to hear her say it. She sighed, squeezing his hand tighter and closed her eyes, “I love you too, Happy. I fell the moment I met you, it just took me a minute to realize it. I think that’s why I admitted I was afraid to you…” A yawn stopped her mid sentence and she let out a soft whimper as a nurse came in with some more pain medication for Lexie. As the nurse gave it to her through her iv she started to drift off and Happy thinking she would probably sleep better without his hand started to pull it away only to be met with a vice like grip and a mostly out of it ‘please no’ from Lexie.
Lexie was kept in the hospital for a couple of days slowly being weened off of all the medications that had been given to her before she was discharged from the hospital and Happy was the one to take her back to her home in Charming. He stayed true to his word when she was first shot and did not leave her side until he got her home.
 Over the next few years the two would call each other and spend weekends together. Soon they would discuss moving in with each other and the next possible steps from there but before all that could happen Lexie turned twenty one. This time the party wasn’t a surprise and it was held in charming with basically the entire club invited. What the club didn’t know was that she wouldn’t be partying like a typical twenty-one year old. Happy and Lexie were standing in the bathroom of her little apartment looking at a positive pregnancy test. This put them both into shock.
Lexie looked up at happy, “Dude, the guys are going to kill us…” was all she could mutter before the color drained form her face and her knees gave out. Happy caught her as her knees buckled and scooped her up to carry her over to the bed and sat down with her.
“Little Girl we got this. I know we didn’t plan this but all the best things that happen are unplanned.” he spoke with a low tone and a smirk knowing that her origins were also unplanned. With that she gently elbowed him knowing he was being a smart ass.
Both of their phones ring at the same time Gemma was calling her to see when she was going to be getting to the clubhouse to help set up for the party Happy’s phone call on the other hand was from the local jeweler in charming, letting him know that the ring he had ordered was ready. He was planning on proposing to her tonight knowing that there was a little one on the way just cemented his decision. He kept his call as short as possible as not to tip her off to the surprise.
“That was Gem, I got to get to the clubhouse.” Lexie muttered quietly almost sounding defeated for an unknown reason. Happy frowned at her and pulled her into an embrace,softly reminding her that he loved her and that they were going to have an amazing night tonight.
“We got this Little Girl.” It was all she needed to hear to put the smile back on her face. With that she hurried to ready for the day putting on one of his SAMCRO tees and a pair of motorcycle leggings, which was an outfit she favored when her anxiety would spike. His shirt would always help keep her calm. He used to try to argue over it but now he would simply shake his head and kiss her forehead. He knew it wasn’t a battle he would ever win so he decide there was no point in trying to fight it in his mind.
He walked her to her car and kissed her before he walked over to his bike starting it up to leave. He always let her pull out of the driveway first so that he knew no one would follow her but him. They made the short uneventful trip to the clubhouse and garage which shared the lot which is where they would part ways for awhile while Gemma, the resident biker queen, would have her helping with the decorations for the party that night.
Gemma had been in the loop on Happy’s plans for the night and was trying to orchestrate an extra special little surprise for the both of then involving Lexie’s favorite Elvis song and one of her Uncle Tig’s Brothers Bobby Elvis. He would sing the song for the couple after Happy proposed and with all hope Lex said yes. She had her son Jax who had just been made VP of the club keeping a look out for when Lexie would arrive. He Jumped up and ran inside the clubhouse as soon as Lexie and Happy pulled into the lot to let his mother know that she was there.  
Gemma met her all but at her car door smiling, “Happy Birthday, Baby!” She smiled at Lexie pulling her in for a tight embrace. Letting her go Gemma gave her a knowing look but left it at that changing the subject. “Come on we have lots of work to do before tonight.” Lexie smiled and nodded following her into the club house discussing plans for decorations.
Most of the club was inside sitting around the already decorated bar talking as the two ladies walked in. The boys quickly silenced and greeted them which caused Lexie to raise an eyebrow but left it go as most of them just grinned her way and wished her a happy birthday. Smiling she thanked them and went about her way getting to work one making the SAMCRO clubhouse look party ready.
After a few hours Gemma realized she needed more supplies and asked Lexie to go get them for her, to which Lex agreed to do happily. She went an let Hap know and Asked if he needed anything while she was going out, he shook his head and asked her to wait he’d would like to go with her but she shrugged him off saying it was only a quick run to the store, kissed him, and got in her car to leave.
She only made it to the first intersection down the road from the clubhouse and garage, as she was making her way through some one in a SUV blew through it and hit her on the drivers side with enough force to land her car on the passenger side.
Happy hearing the crash felt his stomach drop and the color drain from his face. One of the prospect that knew Lex’s car came running yelling to both Tig and Hap as well as Gem to call for an ambulance. Both the guys ran down the road and tried to pull the bloodied and battered Lex out of her crumpled metal heap that was formerly her car. When Happy and Tig both saw how badly she was hurt and bleeding they both started to tear up, Lexie not really aware of what was going on instinctively reached a hand to her abdomen and whimpered softly before falling into unconsciousness only moments before the ambulance arrived.
Within moments they were being rushing into the ER of Saint Thomas Hospital as they worked on Lexie, one of the hospital’s staff was asking Hap and Tig their relationship to her, if they knew who would be the next of kin and if they knew anything about her medical history. Right away Happy blurted out that he was her finance and that she was pregnant, which cause Tig to stop in his tracks and look at Hap both shocked and confused. After Tig finished giving Lexie’s medical information he looked at Hap.
“You serious? You knocked up my girl?” Tig was looking as stern as he could in the moment, “When were you going to tell me and the rest of the guys?” Happy sighed, running his hand over his face as he sat down in the waiting area.
“Man, we just found out today, and neither of us planned for this to happen, but believe me when I saw I love her more than anything thing and would give anything to be the one laying in there on that stretcher instead of her.” His voice cracked as he placed his head in his hands. Tig Sat beside him and placed around his brothers shoulders, “I never questioned if you loved her brother, hell everyone can see that plain as day and you know the both of us would gladly trade places with her if we had the chance.” was all he said to him.
After about a half an hour the rest of the club showed up to support the two and Lex, all asking if there had been an update given both Tig and Hap shook their heads. There wouldn’t be an update to give for quite sometime. It took several hours for the club and Gemma to be updated and the news wasn’t good. They pulled both Tig and Happy to the side and gave them a summery of the damage done. They listed several broken bones, two in her face and her left leg just above her ankle, a concussion, and confirmed Happy’s worst fear that the impact caused an miscarriage. He tried to stay strong in front of his brothers but inside he was crushed. He asked if she was awake and if he could see her. Their response broke his resolve, they told him that she was awake and aware but she didn’t want to see Happy only her Uncle Tigger.
As Happy stormed off to the parking lot to hit something to get some emotion out Tig all but jogged back to the room Lexie was in terrified because of how she asked for him. All her life she only ever called him that three times today being the fourth and all of them she was terrified herself. As he walked into the room she had been propped up slightly saw him and reached for Tig with the tears running down her face. He knew as soon as he laid eyes on his niece that her not wanting to see Hap was really her not wanting Happy to see her like this. He Gently sat down on the bed with her and held her to him and she wept, mourning the loss of her her and Happy’s little one. Tig did the best he could to comfort her but felt entirely helpless in the situation. He was upset for her knowing that this has to be shredding her heart. Hell it was breaking his seeing her like this knowing the pain she was going through both physically and emotionally.
He pulled away slightly and asked her softly, “Baby, why don’t you want to see Hap? You know he wants to see that you are alright. He’s just worried about you.” He looked her in her bright green eyes waiting for his answer.
Lexie sighed and buried her face in her uncle’s neck softly whimpering, “I can’t let him see me, Tiggy. My body failed at the one thing it was supposed to do. I failed him…” as the words left her mouth she broke into another quieted sob.
Tig pulled her as close to him as he could with out hurting her and just held her as he knew her mindset wasn’t where is should be right now and Happy needed to know this but Tig had no plans of leaving the room until Lexie was able to sleep. For the first time in her existence Tig actually feared she may do something to cause herself harm. After about three hours she finally cried herself out and fell into a deep sleep. Tig carefully slipped off the bed and snuck out of the room. With his only goal being to find Happy before he did something stupid.
Happy had made his way back to the club house and proceeded to drink his way through the bar, after making it about halfway there he ended up in his room by himself straight up ugly crying, fearing the worst about Lexie when he heard knocking on the door. Ignoring it the door opened anyway it was Tig with Jax in tow. Jax had known Lex as long as he could remember. He considered her a little sister and was naturally worried about her as well.
Tig tried his best to sound as callous as he could at the moment, “Look Lowman you need to know how fucked up her head is right now and man up and stop wallowing. She needs you and you need to get your head out of your ass! You want to know what she’s thinking right now?”
Happy looked up startled by Tig’s sudden change in tone and attitude. He raised an eyebrow inquisitively as if to ask but before he could open his mouth to respond verbally Tig cut him off.
“You want to know why she didn’t want to see you? It’s because in her mind she failed you because she lost the kid. She has me so scared for her own well being right now that I wouldn’t even try to come find you until she was sleeping, Hap. She’s not good and she needs you. She needs you to tell her that she didn’t fail you and that you still need her. Now sober your sorry ass up and get over to that damn hospital and be there when she wakes up!”
Happy sat on the edge of the bed wide eyed looking at Tig surprised at what he had just said. It worried him that she may actually be in such a mental state that she would even consider doing something stupid. He decided listening to Tig would be best. As hurt as he was knowing that his woman was taking it so much harder made matters worse for him and possibly helped sober him up a little quicker. He showered as quick as he could trying to get the smell of the bar off of him. Getting dressed he put the ring in the pocket of his Kut and almost ran out of the club house it wasn’t how he planned on asking her but he was still going to ask if not beg her to marry him for one simple reason. As much as she needed him, he needed her all the more.
Before he realized he was at Saint Thomas and heading to the room number that Tig had given to him. He, quietly as possible, peaked into the room to see if she was still asleep and she was, he quietly entered and sat at the foot of the bed. She looked so fragile and broken laying I in that bed. Her eyes were puffy from crying he guessed. As he sat there watching he did his best to figure out why she would feel that she had failed him in any way. He had never been so gentle or caring with anyone ever. He would even venture to say she is all he has ever wanted in a wife and old lady. He started tearing up again sitting there watching her hoping she would wake soon, as all he wanted to do was hold her and help her through this the best he could.
As he sat saying a silent prayer and watching the beautiful woman laying in that hospital bed, he knew physically she would be okay but no one knew when or if she would get past this horrid day. She started to stir as if finally smelling the scent of him. Her eyes opened and as they adjusted to the low lighting she made out who was sitting at her feet and the tears started all over again. She did her best to curl up away from him refusing to make eye contact. This hurt him but it worried him more.
“Little Girl, please look at me…” He paused waiting to see if she would but when she didn’t he continued. “Alexandra. If you won’t face me then you will listen to me. What happened today does not mean you failed me in anyway. Hell the fact you feel that way means I failed you. I failed in showing you that my love isn’t going anywhere. In fact,” He pauses and pulls the velvety ring box its place next to his heart and moved around to where she would have to look at him, taking her left had, kneeling as best he could, and opening the box, “This isn’t how I planned this. I wanted to ask you in front of our family at your party tonight after Bobby’s surprise, but would you marry my crazy old ass?”
As she looked the the ring she saw that it had been custom made it was a simple sterling silver sickle wrapped into the ring shape with a deep blue diamond in the center where the handle and blade met. Lexie looked at him, at first with a glare for using her proper first name but softened. Looking at the ring knowing that he had to have had that made for specifically for her. She nodded her shaky from all she had been through that day.
She gave him a weak smile and spoke, “One condition, Old Man. No more parties for me thrown by the Sons. Like ever…” She gave a weak chuckle and then grabbed at her bruised ribs. He laughed softly at her trying to joke uncertain if she would ever be back to being okay as he knew her. He knew she came from a strong family and was raised by an even stronger woman, that being Gemma, But something in her eyes told him that something was still not right….
To Be continued….
Part Three
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theycallmequeenie · 6 years
Lexi and Happy.
Master List
Alexandra Trager was named after her uncle Alex "Tig' Trager. The two of them shared a close bond from the moment Lixie had entered the world. She was the daughter of Tig's older sister and another member of the club who transferred out before anyone knew that there had been a fling between the two. She wasn't close to her father until after she turned fourteen. This was around the time she and her mother were fighting non stop and Lexie basically moved in with Tig to get away from her crazy mom. About a month later the Tacoma Charter, the one in which Lexie's father had transferred out to came down for a visit with SAMCRO, Conversations were had between Tig and her father and Lexie was introduced. Over the next couple years, father and daughter bonded with phone calls and visits and it was eventually decided that Lexie was going to spend summer in Tacoma Washington with her father and see how they go along for more than a few hours at a time. This was the summer Lexie was turning eighteen and both Charters of The Son were planning a big eighteenth birthday party for the "Reaper Princess" as she had been called by many of the brothers. She had been the first girl born into the club and most of the brothers knew she was to be treated as her nickname stated, but there were some that did their best to ignore the teenage girl who loved nothing more than sitting with one of the boys and learning as much as she could about working on motorcycles and cars. One brother in particular took notice and actually enjoyed teaching the girl the ins and outs of motors big and small.
Happy Lowman was an unusual soul and could not figure out why he enjoyed teaching this girl but he knew it would help her be less helpless in the future so she needed to know how to work on a vehicle. What neither of the two were noticing was that she was falling for the bad ass biker with his kute and all his tattoos, even his happy face ones.
The day of Lexie's surprise party had rolled around and everyone was starting to gather except her and Happy who where still in the garage fixing up a "customer's" old seventy-something VW Beetle to keep her none the wiser on the festivities that were being set up in the clubhouse near by. She had been told that a customer had come in wanting their beetle redone to almost new condition and that they had a very specific color scheme that they wanted, as well as the custom decal that had to be special ordered. Lexie and Hap had gotten to know each other rather well over the few months she had been in town but her and her father on the other hand seemed to start to drift instead of building up their bond. This upset Lexis but she simply figured him pulling away had to do with all that was going on with the club at the moment and it over whelming him or so she thought. She knew things had been tense for the club at the moment though she had been kept out of the loop on any specifics. Happy had told her that this was done for her safety even if she didn’t really believe it.
The time flew by as the two talked and worked so much so Happy had lost track of it. He only realized when his phone started to ring what time it actually was and with a low grumble he put down the wrench that was in his had and made some lame excuse to Lexie about needing to go to the club house to pick something up for the shop, asking her to walk with him to which she agreed being none the wiser as to what she was walking into.
Her uncle and his brothers had rode up from Charming to celebrate Lexi becoming an adult. She was well loved by the whole mother charter which with the exception of a few that had stayed back to hold down the fort while everyone else was up in Washington partying. As Lex and Hap walked into the club house they were greeted with cheers and shouts of surprise. Lexi teared up but started to laugh and thank everyone as she uncovered her pink face she noticed that Tig and the rest of SAMCRO was there as well; She took off at a soft sprint into her uncle’s arms. This had been the longest she had ever gone with out seeing him and it made her miss him something fierce. As she wrapped her arms around Tig she started to cry a bit more from the sheer joy of her family close and extended being together, happy and whole.
As the night went on the the Party expanded out to the parking lot and got rowdy as most club parties do. Lex was outside making the rounds and thanking everyone for coming, doing the polite thing as folks would, when there was the screeching of tires and the loud bang of gunshots. Everyone immediately dropped to the ground as Lexie felt a burning searing pain rip through the right side of her abdomen. She let out a scream of pain as she reached for the wound. With in minutes the rain of gunshots was over and the shooters still unknown sped off. With the exception of the bullet Lexie was hit with everyone else was seemingly unscathed. Tig and Happy found Lex laying on the pavement curled up whimpering not from pain but fear. The two exchanged a look that could have been considered one of slight panic before Happy scooped her up as gently as he could manage trying to not cause her anymore pain than she was already in. Barking to Tig, “She bleeding bad we need to get her to an ER now!” Tig barked back, “No shit.” as he rand toward the Bug that was meant to be her surprise grabbing the keys from the random prospect that was tasked with bringing the car over to the club house. Lexie came to long enough to whimper to Happy barely above a whisper, “Please stay with me, Hap, I’m scared…” The words broke Happy’s heart and the red that he had been seeing from the attack on his club and their friends and family started to fade away and concern for the eighteen year old that was bleeding out in his arms took its place. He muttered softly, “I’m right here Little Girl and I ain’t goin’ nowhere.” As she heard this she forced a soft smile and tucked her head against his chest before fading back out of it as the got in the car, speeding of to the local hospital. Happy Held her the entire way there, he was bent on keeping the promise he made her and he knew he wasn’t leaving there until Lexie did.
They arrived at the hospital and Tig ran in slightly ahead of Happy yelling for help and that his niece had been shot. As Happy ran in behind Tig with Lexie in his arms he was swarmed by Nurses and Doctors who too her from him and got her on a gurney and wheeled her into a trauma bay and started treating her. As the staff hurriedly worked to save her life Tig and Happy watched on as the rest of SAMCRO and SAMTOM arrived asking if any updates had been given. As Happy Shook his head Tig spotted her father finally mosey in as if it was just a random club hang around that was laying in that hospital bed. Tig crossed to him in about three steps and proceeded to scream at him, knocking him out cold before Clay, the mother charter’s President pulled him away for the man. Clay was working on calming Tig down when the doctor came out to update them on Lexie’s condition not fully prepared for the amount of “family” the young woman had waiting for her. Happy and Tig both stepped forward and listened to the doctor explain the she was out of surgery and stable for the the time being but she wasn’t completely out of the woods yet as belly wounds are known to be tricky. He advised that only the two men that were closest to her remain as too many would not only possibly put a strain on her but also stress the staff out.
Happy cleared his throat and glared at the doctor which made the doctor uneasy but took  the two that were staying to Lexie. She was in an out from the meds they gave her. The sight of her laying there in that bed broke both Tig’s and Happy’s hearts. Happy went to the chair that was next to the bed as Tig stood by the foot of the hospital bed watching the both of them. He thought he saw a hint of something but ignored it and chalked it up to concern for the girl. Moving around to sit at her side he took his niece’s hand muttering that he needed her to be okay so that she could come home to Charming because it just hadn’t been the same with out her, standing he looked to Hap knowing he wasn’t leaving Lexie’s side. He told Happy to call with any update. Happy nodded and reached for her hand. Happy found himself doing something he hadn’t done in such a long time. He was praying that this beautiful Women lying there would recover and get back to the happy fun loving and badass biker chick that she was before. The more he thought, the more he prayed and the faster he started to realize that he had fallen in love with her. He knew that his president and her uncle would both have a fit if it became known but alone with her in this hospital room he allowed himself to just feel it. As he stood whispering “I love you, Little Girl” in her ear and kissed her forehead. This had her start to stir. Hap pulled back and hoped she hadn’t heard him but once he caught her crooked little grin he knew she heard him. He just hoped he hadn’t put his big boot in his mouth….
 To Be Continued……….
Part Two
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theycallmequeenie · 5 years
Happy Fic update.
Okay kids part five is posted. I had planned on working on part six tonight but I have had an extremely long day and about 3 hours of sleep so This Queenie is exhausted and going to crash for a while. May work on it later. 
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theycallmequeenie · 6 years
Happy Fic Update!!!
Will be finishing up part one and posting by the end of the weekend! I know you guys have been looking forward to hearing Happy and Lexie's story and I am very sorry it's taken me this long to get it out. So keep your eyes peeled. Am really trying to get back to writing regularly.
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theycallmequeenie · 5 years
HappyFic Update 2.0
Part three is written and going to be posted in a few minutes. Part four is a work in progress and will contain poorly written smut as it is not my strong suit but I am trying to get better at it I swear. As always Happy Reading
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theycallmequeenie · 6 years
Queenie’s Masterlist
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Broken Halos And Tattered Wings: (Completed)
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Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
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Gabriel x Reader One Shots
Not Strong Enough To Let Go
Sons Of Anarchy:
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One Shots:
A Very Happy Christmas
Lexie And Happy: (In Progress)
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Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen 
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
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Angel Reyes x Reader Request: (In Progress)
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Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Guardians Of The Galaxy:
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Untitled Yondu X Reader: (In Progress)
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Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
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Charmed One X Gabriel Crossover Request: (In Progress)
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Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
225 notes · View notes
theycallmequeenie · 6 years
Okay so I'm back to writing some. It the Sons fic as I am still Gabriel-ed out from broken halos. I've almost have the back story finished for my yet untitled Happyxofc fic but it looks like it is shaping up to be a big fic..
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