#like noah levels of just showing up suddenly
fishy-lava · 2 years
ya know having spent the last year living in a trailer has changed my perception of adam parrish a little bit do you gave any idea how silent this kid had to be to avoid getting his ass beat every day? how careful he had to be about all of his movements? you can feel and hear literally everything in a trailer like someone rolls over in their sleep and it shakes the whole thing sometimes and I literally cannot stress enough how you can hear everything both inside and out and it's so stressful sometimes and it gets so fucking hot in the summer and if the heating goes out in the winter it gets so so so cold to the point where really the only difference between outside and inside is that there's no wind inside and honestly this kid's gucking willpower is insane just to keep living in that trailer with his father despite having people who could very easily get him out like i get why he didnt want to leave that but holy shot dude it could have been so much easier if he just did I get why he's such a bitch now
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misspygmypie · 27 days
Meet & Greet... and more? Pt. 8
Pairing: Lando Norris x reader Words: 2609 Click here for Part 7
Please do not repost, thank you, and leave some feedback :)
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“Are you sure about this?” Y/N asked quietly, her eyes searching Lando’s. “It’s a big deal for Noah to be seen by so many people.”
Lando nodded, offering her a reassuring smile. “I know, baby. It crossed my mind too. But remember, all the viewers are online, they’re not here in person. Noah’s going to be in the safest place he could be: right here with us.”
Y/N took a deep breath, nodding. “That’s true. I just want to make sure he’s comfortable.”
Noah, sensing the slight worry in his mom’s voice, looked up at both of them, his big eyes curious but calm. “Lando, are we gonna play games? I wanna go play games now.”
Lando’s smile softened visibly at the boy’s excitement. “Yeah, buddy, we’re going to. Remember, some people will be watching us online but you’re gonna be amazing.”
Noah’s grin spread wide at that and Lando felt some of his nervousness ease. He was always protective of Noah and Y/N and this was a big step, letting Noah be seen by his fans in a stream instead of through paparazzi photos but he knew it was the right move.
Max suddenly appeared in the doorway, breaking the moment with his usual playful energy. “What’s with the serious faces? You two look like you’re about to send Noah off to his first day of school or something,” he teased.
Lando chuckled. “It kind of feels like it.”
“Look, guys, relax,” Max leaned against the doorframe, giving them both a confident smile. “Noah’s going to have a blast. Plus, the fans are going to love him, they already do.”
Y/N’s shoulders relaxed a bit and she smiled at Max’s reassurance. “You’re right. And he’s with you two, so I know he’ll be okay.”
“Exactly,” Max grinned and clapped his hands together, “now, let’s make this the best Quadrant video yet. Noah’s got some races to win!”
With that, they all headed into Max’s gaming room, ready to share this special moment with the world and stream another video for Quadrant. The room was lit with colorful LED lights and Max, as always, was cracking jokes, trying to get Lando to break his serious face. “Come on, mate, smile for the camera. Your fans are here to see happy Lando, not ‘I just lost a race’ Lando.”
Lando rolled his eyes, but a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. “Alright, alright. Let’s get this started before you start doing stand-up comedy.”
They did their usual intro, with Max hyping up the video and Lando chiming in with his signature laugh. “So today, we’ve got a special guest. Someone who’s been dying to make his debut on the channel,” Lando said, glancing off-camera with a grin.
Max leaned in with exaggerated curiosity. “Ooh, who could it be? Is it Daniel Ricciardo? Oh, wait, no, he’s probably too busy drinking from a shoe.”
Lando laughed loudly and shook his head. “Nope, even better. Ladies and gentlemen, meet the real star of today’s video, Noah!”
At that moment the boy ran into the frame, beaming with excitement. He was wearing a tiny Quadrant t-shirt that still nearly drowned him but it only added to his cuteness. 
“Hi!” Noah said, waving at the camera with both hands.
Lando leaned down to his level and ruffled his hair. “Noah here is going to show us how it’s done today, right, buddy?”
“Oh no, Lando, I think we’re outmatched,” Max was dramatically pretending to be defeated, “Noah’s going to wipe the floor with us!”
Noah giggled and climbed onto Lando’s lap. “So, Noah, what’s the plan? Are we going to play some racing games?”
Noah nodded enthusiastically. “Yes! I want to drive the fast car like Lando!”
Lando grabbed a controller and handed it to Noah. “Alright, let’s see what you’ve got, little man.”
The trio began playing and it quickly became clear that Noah was more interested in crashing the cars than actually winning the race. Lando and Max were in stitches, watching Noah’s car flip and spin out on the track. 
“That’s one way to take out the competition,” Max said, barely able to contain his laughter.
Lando, still laughing, leaned into the mic. “I think Noah might be a future F1 driver, he’s already got the daring part down!”
The more they played, the more the chat in the livestream exploded with comments from fans. 
“Oh my gosh, Noah is so cute!”  
“Lando’s so good with kids, this is adorable.”  
“Quadrant needs to hire Noah full-time!”  
“Protect Noah at all costs!”
Lando glanced at the chat and smiled. “Looks like the fans love you, Noah. What do you think, should we make you a permanent member of Quadrant?”
Noah, focused on crashing yet another car, looked up and nodded without really understanding the question. “Yeah!”
“Well, Lando, I think we’ve been replaced,” Max shook his head with mock seriousness. “Quadrant is now Noah’s company.”
After the race, Lando hugged Noah tightly and spun the chair around, both of them laughing while going in circles. “You did great, buddy!”
Noah grinned and hugged Lando around the neck. “Thanks, Lando!”
As the video wrapped up, Lando and Max said their goodbyes to the viewers, promising more fun content soon. 
“And don’t forget to like and subscribe if you want to see more of this little guy,” Lando said, gesturing to Noah, who waved at the camera with a big smile.
Once the camera stopped rolling, Y/N, who had been watching from the sidelines, came over and lifted Noah into her arms. “You were amazing, sweetheart,” she said, kissing his cheek.
Lando wrapped an arm around her, looking at her and Noah with a fond smile. “He was a natural. The fans loved him.”
“Well, mate, looks like you’ve got some competition for the fan-favorite spot.”
Lando chuckled at Max’s comment, watching as Noah cuddled up to Y/N. “Yeah and I couldn’t be happier about it.”
As the day began to wind down Max and Noah were still thick as thieves, chatting and playing games like they had all been best friends with each other for years. Max, always one to keep the fun going, leaned over to the 4-year-old at some point and said, “You know, Lando and I like to go golfing sometimes. We’ve got a bit of a rivalry going, though I usually win, of course.”
Lando laughed and rolled his eyes but before he could protest Noah’s eyes widened with interest. “Golfing? That sounds fun! Can I come with you guys next time?”
“Absolutely you can,” Max grinned, clearly loving the idea. “We should make it a thing, the three of us hitting the golf course together. You can even drive the golf cart.”
Noah’s face lit up at the thought of driving the cart but before he could get too excited, Lando chimed in with a teasing grin still giggling. “Whoa, whoa, hold on a second! Noah, you can’t even ride a bike yet. How are you supposed to drive a golf cart? Or swing a golf club?”
Noah puffed out his chest, determined. “I can learn! I bet I can hit the ball really far!”
Max chuckled, giving Lando a playful nudge. “Come on, Lando, he’s got the spirit! Besides, if he’s half as competitive as you he’ll be swinging like a pro in no time.”
“Alright, alright. But don’t come crying to me when he outdrives you.”
Y/N, who had been listening from the kitchen where she prepared dinner for all of them, joined their conversation. “I think it’s a great idea. It’ll be fun for all of you and who knows, maybe Noah will surprise us all.”
“What do you say, Noah? Ready to take on the golf course with us?” Max looked down at Noah with a wink and the boy quickly nodded enthusiastically. “I’ll show you both how good I am!”
Lando shook his head, unable to keep in a quiet laughter. “Alright, but you’re going to need some practice first. Maybe we’ll start with mini-golf and then work our way up to the big leagues.”
“Deal,” Max celebrated, “and when he’s ready, we’ll have the ultimate showdown. Just don’t be too upset when Noah beats you, Lando.”
Lando was looking forward to a rare weekend off and today was special for another reason, it was the first real “Boy’s Day Out” together with Noah and his best friend Max. Ever since the conversation about golfing came up Noah kept asking Lando when they would go - and today would be the day.
The morning started with Y/N getting Noah ready for their big day. She had picked out the perfect outfit for the occasion: a tiny, crisp white polo shirt, beige shorts and a little cap that she carefully placed on his head. She even got him new white shoes and a tiny golfing glove, making Noah look like a mini version of a professional golfer.
As Y/N led Noah into the hallway where Lando and Max were waiting, the two friends were in the middle of a playful debate about who would win the mini-golf game but the moment they saw Noah they both fell silent, their jaws dropping in unison.
Lando was the first to react, breaking into a giggle. “Oh my God, look at you,” he exclaimed, crouching down to get a better look. “You’re like a mini Tiger Woods but way cooler!”
Max, usually the more composed of the two, was completely taken aback. He ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head in disbelief. “Mate, this is too much. How is it even legal to be this cute?” He looked at Y/N, pretending to be stern. “You’re going to give us a heart attack dressing him like this.”
Y/N laughed, clearly pleased with their reactions. “I couldn’t resist. He wanted to look just like Lando and Uncle Max today.”
Noah, basking in the attention, gave them a big, proud smile. “Do I look cool?” he asked, spinning around to show off his outfit.
“Cool? You’re the coolest kid ever,” Lando said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. “I think you’re gonna win just because you look so awesome.”
Max nodded vigorously in agreement. “Seriously, Noah, we don’t stand a chance. You’ve already won in the style department.”
“But don’t think we’re going easy on you just because you look like a superstar,” Lando leaned in, giving Noah a mock-serious look but the boy only giggled, lifting his little golf club as if ready to take on the world. “I’m gonna beat you both!”
Max placed a hand over his heart dramatically. “I think I’ve just been challenged by the world’s cutest golfer. This is going to be tough.”
Heading out the door Lando and Max kept sneaking glances at Noah, still in awe of how adorable he looked. It was clear that the day was off to a fantastic start, with Noah already winning their hearts before even stepping onto the course.
Noah’s eyes lit up when they arrived a short while later and he was bouncing with excitement, gripping his tiny golf club tightly.
"Look, Lando! I’m gonna beat you!" Noah declared, grinning up at him.
"We’ll see about that, buddy. I’ve been practicing,” Lando just chuckled while Max, carrying a bag of snacks Y/N had packed for them, gave Lando a playful nudge. "Practicing, huh? You really want to win this, don’t you?"
"Just trying to make sure Noah has a good time."
Max winked. "Sure, sure. Let’s see if you can handle the pressure."
The first few holes were a blast. Noah was surprisingly good for his age, managing to hit the ball with surprising accuracy. Max and Lando cheered him on and every time Noah made a good shot, he’d turn to both of them for a high-five.
At one point, they reached a tricky hole that had a loop-de-loop. Noah struggled with it, unable to get the ball to go up the loop. After a few failed attempts, he looked up at Lando with big, frustrated eyes.
Lando crouched down next to him. "Hey, it’s okay, Noah. Want me to show you?"
Noah nodded eagerly and Lando quickly positioned himself behind the boy, softly putting his hands over Noah’s to show him how to angle the club just right. With Lando’s help Noah finally got the ball through the loop and he jumped up and down with joy.
"I did it! I did it, Lando!"
Lando’s heart melted. "You sure did, champ! Great job!"
Max watched the interaction with a grin. "Looks like you’ve got some competition, mate. Noah’s a natural."
Noah was having the time of his life, tackling each hole with determination. He was especially fascinated by the windmill obstacle, which he insisted on conquering without any help. Lando and Max stood off to the side, watching Noah as he lined up his shot, his little tongue poking out in concentration.
“He’s really something, isn’t he?” Lando said, chuckling affectionately.
Max nodded, a smile playing on his lips as he watched Noah’s intense focus. “Yeah, he’s a great kid. You’re really good with him, you know.”
Lando glanced at Max, then back at Noah, who was now carefully aiming his putt. “I’ve been thinking a lot about that, actually.”
“Oh?” Max turned to him, eyebrow raised. 
Lando took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. “I’m serious about Y/N, Max. Like, really serious. I never thought I’d say this so soon, it’s only been almost a year but…I’m thinking about a future with them.”
Max’s eyes widened in surprise but then he smiled, clapping Lando on the back. “Wow, mate, that’s big. I mean, I knew you two were close, but…a future?”
Lando nodded, his gaze still on Noah, who had just managed to get the ball through the windmill. “I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. They mean everything to me. Y/N, she’s incredible and so supportive of me and my career and Noah…he’s like this little light that brightens up everything. I want to be there for them, I want to be the guy they can count on.”
Max looked at Lando, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. “Have you talked to Y/N about this?”
“Not yet,” Lando admitted. “I want to. I just…I’m trying to figure out the right time, the right way. It’s a big step, you know? But I’m pretty sure about what I want.”
“Well, mate, I’m happy for you,” Max’s grin widened and he gave Lando another hearty slap on the back. “And I know you’ll be a great dad to Noah if that’s where this relationship is heading. Just make sure I get to be the best man at the wedding, yeah?”
Lando laughed, feeling a surge of happiness at the thought. “You’ve got a deal.”
They finished the course with Max and Lando neck and neck in the score but it was clear who the real winner was - Noah. He had the time of his life, running between Max and Lando, chattering excitedly about how much fun he was having.
On their way back to the car Noah reached up and took Lando’s hand.
"Can we do this again sometime?" he asked, looking up at them with wide, hopeful eyes.
Lando and Max exchanged a glance, both smiling.
"Of course, buddy," Lando said. "Anytime you want."
Max nodded in agreement. "We’re always up for some more mini-golf madness, right, Lando?"
"Definitely," Lando agreed, giving Noah’s hand a gentle squeeze.
Click here for Part 9!
Tag: @barcelonaloverf1life @remmysthings @poppyflower-22 @vickykazuya @hadids-world @ririyulife @deafeningunknowntyrant @lexiecampos @littlegrapejuice @eloriis @yawn-zi @landossainz @taliya8346282844eliviahdgdajs @casuallyeating @jaydensluv @destinyg237 @il0vereadingstuff @lnchicagosreads @alana4610 @hc-dutch
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collapsedglasshouses · 9 months
An Angel For Noah || Noah Sebastian x OC [Part 10]
DIVIDER ART WORK BY @cafekitsune
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PAIRING: Noah Sebastian x Jules [she/her]
SUMMARY: Jules and Noah finally face their difficulies, leading to them letting down their guards.
WARNINGS: ANGST, NSFW, MDNI, fingering, unprotected sex (p in v) [does it even count as unprotected, she is a fucking guardian angel idk], even more angst, swearing, mentions of mental health issues, mentions of death, ...
A/N: I cried. A lot. :) Also! I'd like to dedicate this chapter to @crimson-calligraphyx because I accidentally gave Jules' best friend her name in the exact same spelling as her own name! ALSO... this is not proofread... i'm sorry about that ._.
TAGLIST: @trvshdxddy @blackveilomens @crimson-calligraphyx @measuredingold @cncohshit @signs-of-ill-portent @hi-fancy-seeing-you-here @ada-clarence @wild-child-7747 @thebadchic @thescarlettvvitch @cookiesupplier
Keep in mind, this takes place in an alternative universe. Even though I write about real people, the way I write them has nothing to do with how they are in real life.
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“What am I doing?” Jules asked herself while looking at Noah’s sleeping figure. It’s been three hours since he had finally fallen asleep and Jules felt numb. Her heartbeat took some time to slow down a bit, but her mind was still racing as fast as it gets. She couldn’t get the image of him trying to climb over the balcony railing out of her head. She knew he wasn’t doing well but she didn’t realize it had been that bad. He needed help she couldn’t give him.
Every time she considered a strategy to help him, she couldn't follow through with it. The idea of merely returning to exist in his shadows appeared more impossible than ever. All of her past actions seemed like a lot of bad decisions. The fact that she now also had promised him to talk about the situation and see him again, made her feel even more at unease.
Her gaze remained fixed on Noah, and she felt a wave of nausea. It seemed impossible to get herself out of the situation. She didn’t want to leave him; he needed support, and she was determined to find a way to help him overcome his misery.
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When Noah opened the door to his room, a deep sigh escaped him. The bags under his eyes were more pronounced than usual, and he found himself in a state of uncertainty. It had been a while since he last saw Jules. She didn't come to talk to him as she had promised, and although he yearned to resolve things, he understood it might be for the best.
He had phoned his therapist as soon as he woke up and made an appointment for after the tour. After that he went on and did his best. He performed as good as he could and even though the tour had been successful he was more than glad that it had ended.
His therapy session had just ended and now he didn't really know what to do. He was angry with himself that he let his intrusive thoughts get a hold of him back than but when he was being honest with himself he was even more disappointed that Jules didn't show up as she promised.
When he sat down at his desk, his phone suddenly vibrated.
He hadn't heard from her since that night he almost had a car accident while driving to her.
Sadie: What's up? You wanna meet up?
Noah stared at the message and began to bite the inside of his cheek. It wasn't like he didn't like her or something but since he met Jules, he hadn't thought of Sadie even once.
He sighed before laying down his phone again. This was dumb. He was acting dumb. He had this really nice girl waiting for him and he would have the advantage of getting rid of some stress, but he preferred to sit there and mourn his damn guardian angel. He wasn't even remotely sure what he was hoping to get out of it.
So, he stood up and grabbed his jacket and right as he was about to leave his room, he felt a hand on his shoulder and simultaneously his anger level seemed to explode.
"You can't be serious?" He blurted out and spun around to look at Jules. She looked terrible, if he could even say that. If she would still have been alive, he would have said she hadn't slept in a while.
"Noah-..." - "No! No fucking 'Noah'." - "I-..." - "Shut up, you didn't talk then and now I don't want to hear your excuses!"
He tried to turn around but Jules grabbed both of his shoulders to make him look at her. "You know damn well how difficult this whole thing is" Jules exclaimed and tried to suppress her tears.
"No, Jules. It isn't really difficult to just show up and talk." He answered her, ignoring his desire to touch her.
"You seem to forget who the fuck I am, Noah! I'm not even supposed to be here." She snarled at him.
"Then go." Noah answered coldly before getting out of her grip and storming of. He didn't even stop when he passed Nick who gave him a confused look.
He didn't allow him to think anything until he drove out of the drive way. Screams from the music echoed through his car as he gribbed the steering wheel harder. He couldn't believe this whole fucked up shit was happening as if he didn't already have enough to deal with.
When he left the neighborhood, he suddenly felt at unease and could just roll his eyes. "This isn't working, Jules. I'll still leave."
Nobody answered him. He was furious.
His knuckles slowly began to turn white from his hard grip on the steering wheel as he suddenly let out a frustrated groan and turned around as soon as he saw the last gas station before he would reach Sadie's house.
“Fuck off.” Noah shouted into the darkness. He couldn’t believe how much Jules had him in his grip. The last couple of days he tried his utter best to clear his head, get things sorted out, work on the problems that already consumed his mind, but Jules was the one thing that never left him. He couldn’t escape her, and he hated her for that.
“You need to stop, Jules.” He screamed and still, there was no answer. So, when he re-entered the house and stormed to his room, he was about to trash his room when he saw Jules sitting on his bed, staring at the wall.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He screamed at her, causing her to flinch.
“What are you talking about?” She wanted to know, not even caring to look up at his angered face. She really didn’t know what he was talking about.
“Oh, come on, Jules.” He answered her and started pacing up and down the room. He needed to let go. He needed to get rid of his piled-up frustration.
She slowly stood up from his bed, her eyes following his wandering figure. She didn’t know what to say. She didn’t even know what he wanted. But she knew her following spiteful comment didn’t ease the tension. “Enjoyed your trip?”
Noah stopped in his tracks. “You can’t be fucking serious, Jules.” – “Care to explain your psychotic outburst?”
When Noah looked at Jules like that, he didn't realize how exhausted she appeared.
Instead of answered her, he began to shake his head unamused. “You know exactly what you did.” – “You’re insane.” – “OF FUCKING COURSE… I’m talking to my fucking guardian angel who seems to have a great jealousy issue.”
Jules' brow furrowed as she processed what Noah had just yelled at her. His eyes sparkled with a slight hint of madness. A couple of seconds passed, before Jules finally realized what Noah was trying to tell her.
“You think I made you turn around from your booty call?” Jules wanted to know from him.
“I don’t think it, I know it and I need to know why.” Noah answered her and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
Jules blinked a couple of seconds and felt a wave of relieve wash over her. “I hate to break it to you, Noah… But I wasn’t even following you.”
Jules looked into Noah’s eyes and saw how confusion washed over him. He wasn’t sure what he should believe anymore. He let out a frustrated sigh before he sat down at the edge of his bed, Jules eyes following him with concern.
"Why didn't you talk to me like you promised?" He asked her after a couple of minutes of silence, his eyes finally meeting hers.
Jules' heart sank at his broken frame. She didn't know what to say. She knew she had been a coward but she just wanted him to forget about her.
"This is all so confusing, Noah. I feel like we always run in circles." She breathed out and sat down next to him. "I think it would be best for me to just go back into your shadows, Noah. I'm making your live even harder than it already is."
Noah, deciding to ignore her statement, turned his upper body to her, "You need to tell me something, Jules."
She looked into his dark brown eyes which sparked with curiosity. Every time she dared to glance at him like that, she felt like she was going to crumble under his gaze. "What is it, Noah?" Her voice was not more than a whisper, both of them scared to ruin the moment like they did so often in the past.
"Did you feel it, too?" He calmly wanted to know and Jules heart rate increased rapidly. He didn’t even have to explain what he exactly meant.
If she felt it too? Of course, she did. Of course, she felt how their hearts aligned the first time their eyes met. Of course, she felt how she wanted nothing but to be close to him. Of course, she felt it too.
But Jules also knew she couldn’t just say that.
Noah's eyes never left hers. He wouldn’t let this go again. He needed to know if he really was going crazy. He noticed how Jules began to pick the skin around her finger nails and decided to step in. He carefully grabbed her hands. Again, there was this wave washing over him, every time he got to touch her.
And of course, she felt it too. But she didn’t know what to do. She knew, if she would talk, there was no way out of this anymore. Even less than before.
Noah, in the mean time, realized what her answer would be, giving her shift in demeanor. But he needed to hear it from her.
"Don’t make this harder than it already is, Noah." Jules whispered, both of them still getting lost in each other’s eyes.
"So, you felt it too." Noah exclaimed, not letting go of the subject.
Jules swallowed hard. She wanted to be strong. She wanted to let Noah go, but when he looked at her like that, their hands still intertwined, she felt like she was about to explode.
"Say it, Jules." Noah demanded, "Say it and I’ll let you go."
Jules' ears were ringing. Her cheeks were burning and the slight tint of Noah’s cheeks gave away, he was feeling the exact same thing.
"You promise?"
Noah nodded.
"I thought, I lost you." Jules than let out, causing Noah to raise his brows while Jules felt her tears coming up. "I-… I thought, you would do it, Noah. I had this gut-wrecking feeling that you would die…"
Noah swallowed hard.
"If that was the feeling Keaton felt when I was hit by that car… I-… I don’t wanna feel that every again… It felt like I was dying again." She explained while tears fell down her cheeks. Noah wanted to wipe them away but he decided against it, fearing he would lose her again.
Jules squeezed his hands harder.
"When I saw you making an appointment with your therapist and doing rather well after I left that night… I just didn’t want to disturb you again." Jules explained, only interrupted by her own cries.
Noah's heart sank. He knew he wasn’t doing well and he did everything he could to change that again but seeing her so broken because of his action made it even worse for him. The last thing he wanted was to hurt her and yet it seemed it was the only thing that brought them together. Hurting each other…
"I'm supposed to help you when you are in trouble. Prevent you from bad things but I feel like I’m the trigger to get you to do bad things and that’s just because I was so dumb to show myself." She rambled on, feeling a sense of relief from finally letting go of her thoughts. Noah's eyes became watery.
"But the biggest mistake was to let you touch me, Noah, because-…" Jules stopped mid-sentence, in hopes she could calm herself down, but nothing helped. The tears were flowing like there was no tomorrow.
"Tell me, Jules." Noah asked with a raspy voice from trying to hold his tears back.
"Because we both know this was the moment there was no going back." Jules whispered and sniffled quietly. Her gaze fell down to their hands, both of them holding each other with such force, as if one of them would explode into the nothingness.
Noah slowly let go of one of her hands and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. Than he placed his hand under her chin to make her look at him. This was enough for Jules.
Everything she desperately wanted to keep from him broke out of her.
"I don’t even know if these feelings are real…" Jules let out and stopped in her tracks again. Noah gave her an encouraging look to go on.
"I feel so alive with you… You make me feel alive, Noah." She whispered and stared into his brown eyes.
For a couple of seconds, they just looked at each other, both processing what Jules had just said. And than… Noah broke.
"You're someone worth staying alive for, Jules."
Jules blinked for a second, trying to fight the urge of getting closer to Noah, but Noah took the decision from her when he mumbled "Fuck it..." and not even a second later grabbed Jules face and let their lips connect.
As their lips met, the scent of his cologne enveloped Jules, making her head spin with desire. Noah felt exactly the same. The warmth of her kiss spread through him like a comforting blanket on a chilly night.
For a second, both of them forgot how fucked up their situation was. They just pretended they were two adults, connect by fate. It was a bittersweet exchange, a mixture of longing and fulfillment that lingered in the air.
Their bodies gravitated toward each other, closing the distance as if pulled by an invisible force. Soon, Jules was being pulled onto Noah's lap and let her arms fall around his neck, while he grabbing onto her waist as if she would vanish any second.
Nothing even compared to the sensation Jules felt in that moment. Noah was the only thing on her mind and nothing was going to stop that. It felt like she only existed for this exact moment. To be close to him, to be held by him. All of his was new for her but she felt this deep need to get even closer to him.
For Noah, it felt like he had eaten the forbidden fruit. He had been in situations like this before but nothing in the world was able to compete with the feelings that washed over him, while his lips collided with Jules'.
When they finally pulled away, the air between them crackled with a newfound energy, the unspoken promise of what was to come. Their eyes met, a silent conversation passing between them, unlocking emotions that had long been hidden.
Jules' lips were red and puffy, while Noah's hair was even wilder then it had been just a couple of minutes ago.
Moments of silence passed between them, both getting lost in each others eyes.
Right as Noah was about to break this silence, Jules became bold. She closed their distance again, not being able to stand even a slight loss of contact with Noah. She felt her heart beating so fast that she was convinced for a second that she was in fact still alive.
She tried to push her thoughts of the future away as Noah's hands slipped under the plain shirt she wore. Jules shivered under his touch.
Even though Jules had no idea what she was doing, she let her feelings get a hold of her and began kissing down Noah's tattooed neck. She felt like she was going to explode when she heard his heavy breaths. Her hand grabbed the base of his hair without a second thought when Noah suddenly thrusted his hips up.
Jules moaned out in a mix of confusion and arousal. She couldn't believe this was really happening. She never made anyone feel the way Noah felt right now.
Noah pushed her slightly against him when she lifted her head again to look into his love drunk eyes.
"Are you okay?" Noah mumbled out, waiting for Jules' consent to the situation.
Jules looked at him for a short second before nodding frantically. She needed more. She needed Noah.
When she tried to kiss him again, he slightly backed away, a smirk on his face. "Use your words, Jules."
"I'm-..." Jules struggled to get out, "I'm more than okay, Noah."
Their lips connected again in a heated kiss and seemingly everything went fast, just like their whole relationship.
They helped each other out of their shirts, before Noah turned them around, hovering over the angel in front of him. He tried not to think about the fact that he was in fact making out with a somewhat ghost.
Jules was real to him. Jules was everything he needed right now.
He planted some soft kisses on her skin and felt how his lips began to prickle. This felt so unreal to him.
"You look so fucking beautiful." He breathed out while letting his hands run over her upper body. Jules felt goose bumps forming all over her skin. She couldn't quite comprehend how she was the angel in their position when every single touch of his felt so godlike.
“I-… I feel like I need more.” Jules said quietly even though it came out more like a desperate plea.
Noah’s hand traveled up to her breast slowly, pinching her hardened nipple for a short second. He didn’t miss how Jules thrusted herself against his thigh for a short second.
“Does it feel good?” Noah breathed out with a faint smile on his face before kissing Jules’ cheek.
Even though Jules had little to no experience, she noticed how he tried to tease her, but she wasn’t able to mock him back. She needed him so bad.
Jules whined out Noah’s name. “It feels so good.”
Noah kissed her deeply, quickly involving his tongue to get a taste of her. Jules couldn’t help but moan into his kiss loudly. Noah loved it, getting addicted to every precious noise he brought out of Jules. Just when Noah brought his knee between her legs, Jules swore she was about to die again. She couldn’t believe this whole thing was even better than she read in her little novels back when she was living in her small flat. Although their kisses slowed down a bit, their actions didn’t.
Jules shyly let her hand travel down Noah’s body, finding its way on his hardness. Noah felt like he was going to explode.
“God. Where did you learn that?” He moaned out in surprise, still not quite processing what was happening while Jules’ moves let him sink deeper into his delusion.
“You know? Reading books can help.” Jules smiled into the kiss, noticing how she got even wetter at his exclaim.
Her hand gripped him harder.
Noah let out a deep moan as he kissed down her neck and moved the hand that was previously placed on her breast down her stomach. Shortly they found their place on her clothed core. It didn’t take him long to push through the waistband of her shorts and she started to lightly massage her clit.
“Holy.” She moaned into his mouth while arching her back.
“You’re going to be the death of me.” Noah whined out, causing Jules to giggle.
“And here I thought I was a reason to stay alive for.” She whispered out with a smile, causing Noah to tease her wet entrance with his fingers before going back to her clit again. Noah smiled at her aroused expression.
“You’re going to be the death of my piece and mind.” He corrected himself, before Jules let go of his hardness to help him get her out of her last pieces of clothing.
Looking at his angel in all her glory was mind blowing to Noah. He was sure he felt his cock twitch in excitement when he looked at her beauty. It felt like she was glowing, and Noah just craved her taste even more.
But he wanted to take it slow. He didn’t know if this was the last time. He didn’t know if they were going back to their weird state of knowing about each other but ignoring their connection at the same time. He would do everything in his power to burn these images in both of their heads.
He circled her clit faster and faster as he leaned forward to kiss Jules deeply. He swallowed every moan of her as he felt himself get more and more aroused.
Then, for a moment, he stopped and looked the girl under him in the eyes, asking for silent consent. Jules slightly nodded; her mind clouded with the man in front of her.
“Please.” Jules groaned as she felt his fingers sink into her deeper and deeper.
“You’re so tight, I can barely fit my fingers in.” Noah teased the girl as he, again, kissed her neck.
Jules gripped Noah’s hair tightly as she pushed herself down on his hand. It was a brand-new sensation for her. It wasn’t like she hadn’t touched herself during her lifetime, but feeling Noah’s fingers inside of her felt like she was meant to be his.
Noah quickened his pace, while his other hand found it’s way to her cheek, caressing it with softness. Her moans echoed through the room, and he wanted nothing more but to record them and play them over and over as if it was his favorite song.
Jules leaned forward to catch Noah’s lips again. Jules didn’t know what had come over her but everything just felt so good and right.
“Fuck, you are perfect.” Noah muttered into the kiss. “Please… Please come for me. You can do it.”
And Jules did. The words and moans that come out of her mouth nearly made Noah come on the spot. She barely had the strength anymore to tell him how good he made her feel while she began shaking in pleasure. All she could do was running her fingernails over his bare back.
For a couple of seconds, Jules just whimpered in ecstasy.
“Your voice is my favorite sound.” Noah whispered and peppered kisses on her cheek as she came down from her high.
All Jules could do was capture Noah’s lips in another kiss, showing her gratefulness to share this moment with him. The kiss became deeper as she wrapped her arms around him, catching him in a firm embrace. She couldn’t let go of him.
Noah let it happen. He also slung his arms around her as if life depended on it. But hugging each other seemingly didn’t do enough anymore.
“Again…” Jules mumbled into his shoulder, causing Noah to widen his eyes. “I need you.”
“Shit… You really want to?” Noah asked, making sure he wasn’t dreaming right now. He lifted his body up slightly, to look her in the eyes.
“I need to feel you, Noah.” Jules whined and left the man over her speechless.
Noah needed to calm himself down. He was already so close to letting go of himself, when he simple looked at his angel. Even now, with the remains of their shared moment hanging in the air, he wondered how it would feel to be inside of her. That’s when he allowed himself to think about the fact that Jules was in fact not a person wandering this earth. He was kind of sleeping with a ghost… Or going insane… Probably both.
“We don’t need t-…” – “I want to, Noah.”
Noah let out a deep breath, nearly unable to ignore his own lust. Jules noticed the conflict going on in his head and quickly came to his rescue. She captured him in a sweet and soft kiss.
“I promise. I want this.” She muttered against his lips. “I want to be close to you. Do you want to?”
Noah nearly crumbled because of her words. Of course, he wanted her. So badly.
Noah swallowed hardly before deciding to let go. He quickly got out of his clothes, giving Jules almost no time to look at his beauty, before coming back to her, kissing her with such force, she nearly moaned again.
He placed himself between her open legs, thrusting his hardness against her pussy a few times, while analyzing her reaction with great interest. Jules took in every second she had with Noah. She was willing to do nothing else for the rest of her weird existence.
If Jules hadn’t already corrupted every little space of Noah’s thoughts, she would have done it now. Everything he could feel, taste, sense… It was Jules. Everything was Jules.
Jules shyly reached down to grab his erection and ran her hands up and down for a couple of times. Noah meanwhile began to shake under her touch. “It feels so good.”
His words hypnotized Jules as she circled her hand over his tip and stroked it a few more times. She would have never thought everything would lead to this moment. Jules felt her heat throb before moving her hips slightly upwards to guide his hardness into her.
Just the tip sinking into her, made both of them moan out. For a moment, Noah stayed still as he watched the woman move her hips even more to give him better entrance. Inch by inch, his cock sank into her, their breaths and whines echoing through the room as he stretched her out.
Noah begged this wasn’t just a dream. It felt more real than anything ever before.
“You’re taking me so well, angel.” He breathed out before placing a small kiss on her lips.
“You feel so good.” Jules answered him and looked into his eyes lovingly.
With that he finally thrusted into her. Everything aligned in that moment. All the moments they shared, all the fights, all the difficulties, all the feelings. Everything felt like it happened to bring them to this moment. It was as if they were the only to individuals existing in that moment. Sweet words were whispered into the heavy air of the room as the both of them gave each other exactly what they craved. Each other.
“Keep going. Noah. You feel so good.” Jules whisper shouted.
“God…” Noah moaned. “I love this so much.”
His pace became faster.
Without even thinking, Jules let out her next words. “I wanna feel your cum.”
Noah’s whole body prickled at her words. He couldn’t form words anymore, everything was hazed with the emotions he felt for her. He loved her. He loved being with her. He craved her.
Jules moved to meet his thrusts. Noah bit his lip. “You’re taking me so well.”
Jules kissed him again, feeling like she had never felt more emotions at the same time in her life.
“That’s it. Let go, Jules.” Noah grunted, making sure to give Jules her time. He was hitting all the perfect spots.
His thrusts became harder, while he captured her hands above her head, getting even better excess. They moaned in sync. It was their final straw.
They both came with a loud moan, his cum spilling inside of her with each thrust. For a few moments, their heavy breaths were the only thing that filled the room. Both coming down from their highs with a few kisses, all filled with the silent confessions of love.
When Noah caught his breath again, he kissed Jules again. “You are so fucking beautiful.”
“So are you.” Jules answered him with a sweet smile while she gazed over his face. He was in fact so beautiful. From his dark brown eyes that held so many secrets, to the small freckles plastered over his face.
Slowly, Noah let himself fall into his bed, cuddling into her side immediately.
Jules, meanwhile, stared at the ceiling of Noah’s room, while her thoughts began to flow her brain. This actually happened. She, an individual dangling between life and death, had sex with the person she was supposed to guard. But he wasn’t just any person. He was Noah. Her Noah.
It took the two a couple of minutes, maybe an hour to finally speak up again.
“You don’t even know how much you mean to me.” Noah whispered out and brushed a strand of her out of her face. His anxiety had also caught up to him, but he tried to ignore it for a second longer while laying there.
Jules bit her lip. Her heart skipped a beat at his words, even though she tried to function normally again. “I can’t even describe what you mean to me.”
She turned to look into his eyes. She quickly noticed they both knew what was eventually going to happen now.
“One night.” Noah whispered in a pleading tone. “One night, where we don’t think about it.”
Jules swallowed hard. She knew it was going to end rather soon than late. She didn’t want it to but she knew it had to go this way. So, she nodded.
“One night.”
With that she leaned forward and kissed him again. She kissed him with such force, he wouldn’t have any chance to miss what she was trying to say.
After that, they got even closer to each other, letting each other embrace the love they shared for a moment…
One night…
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mochacoffeeumai26 · 1 year
•DarkBlade• (extra/oneshot)
Noah Diaz X Female Autobot reader
Summary: Noah decided that he wanted to show you fireworks on earth for the first time. But your reaction to the fireworks wasn't what he expected at all...
(I'll be using my "DarkBlade" Y/n for this lol and yeah, I'm still working on the Mirage version. I feel like this would take place after the series, but I'm writing it one time before I forget)
Warning: Mentions of death, PTSD(?)
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"Noah, I don't understand why you asked me to drive us out here for." You looked up at the sky in boredom.
"Aight, look, you'll understand when it starts," Noah shoot his head and leaned against the wall.
You had been waiting for a few minutes outside of the abandoned warehouse. Waiting for what? You still had no idea.
"Noah... it this a date?" You casually asked, it wouldn't really affect you if it wasn't.
"Uh... yeah. Yeah, I guess it kinda is. Especially since you and I are together." Noah chuckled trying to brush of the slight awkwardness.
"Noah, I want to go home..." "Just wait five more minutes, [Name]," Noah pleaded.
"You said that an hour ago." Yo crossed your arms and scoffed.
Noah looked like he was about to give up on convincing you to stay.
You were confused when Noah suddenly smiled and looked up at the night sky. "Alright, finally! It's starting."
"What's starting?-" Your calm and relaxed behavior quickly shifted to one of high alert when you heard a loud sound.
It sounded like something was being shot. You knew that sound all too well.
Your human boyfriend was far too distracted to realize the change in your behavior.
You flinched and your hand immediately changed to your weapon (blaster) and you aimed at the sky when you saw something explode.
The sound, the explosion, the appearance of those fireworks made you remember the war back on your home. Cybertron.
You remembered how many comrades and good friends you had lost in that war. Oh, how you wished that had never happened.
With each firework that exploded, you flinched and memories seemed to appear in your head.
"They've broken through the front line!"
"There's too many of them!"
"Autobots, fall back!!"
"Blade, we have to go!! Run! There's nothing we can do!!"
"We can't leave them!!"
You couldn't take it anymore. You shot at the fireworks, they reminded you too much of the thing you wanted to forget the most.
Only then, did Noah realize what was going on. He called out your name, trying to get you to snap out of it.
But it didn't work.
Your eyes slowly started to become dark red. You picked up a messed up car that was near the warehouse and threw it straight at where the fireworks were.
Noah had to quickly and constantly get out of the way, because you kept picking up stuff and throwing up at the sky in rage and fear.
You were beyond panicking, because the fireworks still continued.
Noah curse under his breath before trying to think of a way to get you to calm down. He had to be careful, or else you might accidently hurt or even kill him.
He wasn't sure if this was the smartest idea to get your attention...
The male grabbed a pipe, and threw it right in front of you. Was it a big risk? Yes, but he was willing to take his chances.
You turned your head in the direction where the pipe had come from, you aimed your weapon in that same direction.
Noah flinched for a second before slowly lifting his arms up in surrender and slowly/cautiously approaching you.
You shook your head, your eyes going back the their regular color. "Noah... " you knelt down to the human's level and your arm turned back to normal.
You avoided the male's gaze, you felt so guilty and ashamed of how you reacted to the fireworks.
Noah slowly put his hands on your faceplate in a comforting manner. "Are you okay...? What happened...?" he asked with a worried look on his face.
You gently pulled your faceplate away from Noah's hands. "Memories..." "Bad ones...?"
"Of the war on my home planet...."
Noah felt upset. He wanted you to see the fireworks and have a good time, but instead, you just ended up remembering all about the war that had happened on Cybertron.
He felt like a bad boyfriend because he didn't consider how you'd react to the fireworks beforehand.
The male ran his fingers through his hair before sighing, "Let's go home. How 'bout you and I watch movies instead on staying 'till the fireworks end? Sound good?"
You almost instantly nodded and smiled slightly. Quickly changing into your alt form, you opened the door for Noah, but not before saying, "I call dibs on picking the movie."
(My schedule is so full these days, you guys! T^T This was rushed and unedited as always, sorry. If you guys have any request, please don't feel shy to ask, I'll gladly do your requests. NO NSFW though. Bye Bye, that's all for now! <3)
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bluemagi · 5 months
Re. Jumping ship and multishipping
I've been thinking a lot about this these past few weeks, since a certain hot pilot swooped in and stole my heart. I've seen people giving other people shit for "giving up" and jumping ship, for multishipping or even just for liking and enjoying a character. And it's just weird to me how people are so obsessed with controlling other people's behaviors. Just the other day I saw a TikTok where the creator was saying that people who "jumped ship" to Bucktommy were just fetishising because they want to see two guys kissing. Which is just... a terrible take on so many levels.
I was a Buddie shipper too. I enjoyed their on-screen relationship, I saw the signs that there might be more than friendship, and I hoped that something might happen. But I have also been in fandoms for at least 20 years by now. I've been through queerbaiting, I have been through shipbaiting, I have been through relationships I previously loved being destroyed by what happens on screen. I know that nothing is promised and that we have to have realistic expectations. Our interpretations of things are usually not what the writers/actors/directors/editors intend, and so we can always hope, but we have to know that we probably won't get what we want.
I think I grew a bit bored with the Buddie ship around season 5. I was watching queer representation in other shows, like Tarlos in Lone Star, and I couldn't see 911 ever go there, especially as time went on and nothing happened, there were no obvious signs. I didn't think they would ever make Buck or Eddie queer. I still enjoyed the show for what it was and would watch when I had the time, but I wasn't obsessing over it anymore. I would watch the show and hope that either one of them would get an interesting love interest (I actually sort of liked Natalia at the end of season 6), and until that happened, I would just enjoy Buddie outside of that, in fan fictions and Tumblr discourse.
So imagine my surprise when they finally did it, when they actually made Bi Buck canon. Since Tommy had been on the show before, we already knew a lot about him, and we could also read into the difference between s2 Tommy and s7 Tommy and see that there had been a lot of development there. So yeah, I was immediately interested. The more I saw, the more interested I became. So while I can still love and appreciate Buddie, it is far more interesting to me to have actual substance with an on-screen relationship, rather than having to try to interpret and read into every interaction to see if it can relate to Buddie.
But, back to jumping ship and multishipping. I've been thinking back through my fandom history, and I realized that this is something I have gone through several times before, in one way or another. I started out with soap operas, and in those, everyone cheats and nobody is ever happy for long, so jumping ship back and forth happens. Suddenly a character is killed, only to come back to life several years later. They completely change personalities, they change faces (new actors), so things change a lot. I suppose that might be why multishipping and jumping ship is not really an issue for me. It just make sense that you can change your mind about something when more content comes out. It's sort of like a relationship. You can be happy and in love for a while, or for a long time, but things change, people grow, and suddenly that relationship is not right for you anymore.
So I was thinking back on my previous experiences with jumping ship and multishipping, and I just scribbled down some thoughts on them. Starting with....
As The World Turns - Nuke vs. LuRe
I think one of the first times I jumped ship, was from Noah/Luke to Luke/Reid in As The World Turns. An American soap that ended in like 2011. Nuke were one of the first gay male couples on American day time TV, and if you have the time, please go read about them on Wikipedia, because their story is absolutely ridiculous and overdramatic, as most soap couples are. And since this was in the 00s / early 10s, they barely shared any kisses or intimacy. At certain points we were counting the days between their on-screen kisses, and I think we went 200 days without an on-screen kiss while they were in a romantic relationship on the show, and the first time they had sex, I think they just kissed and fucking jumped on the bed or something. It was just ridiculous. But it was representation, which there was not a lot of back in those days.
Then, my beloved Reid Oliver came into the picture. He was out and proud, he was confident, successful, unapologetic, he was just very interesting. Luke/Noah was young love, riddled with insecurity and drama. Luke/Reid was more confident, more adult. And also, it was an option! Back in those days, there were barely any queer characters on TV, and now there were three guys in one show. At the point when Reid came on to the show, I was already finding myself growing tired and annoyed with Nuke, and Noah specifically. So when he showed an interest in Luke and they began their relationship, I happily jumped over.
I was then punished by the show's cancellation and that fucking train, but that's beside the point.... Moving on!
Days of Our Lives - Will, Sonny and Paul
Now this was a fun one! I remember watching Days back when I was in elementary school. My friend and I would go home together from school and watch it before doing home work. I was better in English and in reading than her, so I would be reading the subtitles out loud to her so she could keep up with what was happening. I think Days actually helped me to learn English much better. So I remembered all the drama with Sami, Carrie, Lucas and Austin, and with baby Will. And it was a bit shocking to me when suddenly baby Will was an adult (or I guess in his late teens) and was coming out of the closet. This was around the same time as ATWT, I believe, around 2010, so again, there wasn't a lot of representation on TV.
Also, side note, this was before streaming was a thing, and I lived in Norway, so we didn't even have access to everything. I had to buy DVDs to watch stuff like Queer as Folk and The L Word.
Anyways, Will and Sonny became a couple, and with that, the first male same sex couple on the show. It was the only real option, so of course I shipped it. I am again reading the Wikipedia page for this couple, and their story is quite insane. They recast the role of Will at one point, and I didn't love how the character changed after the actor was changed. So when Paul came on the show, I was immediately drawn to him. His back story was interesting and the actor had amazing chemistry with everyone. So I shipped him with both Will and Sonny (and both versions of Will, tbh). And again, you simply must read the Wikipedia article about this. It was just pure insanity.
Supernatural – Dean, Cas, Benny
We cannot talk about shipping without talking about Destiel. It is simply not possible. I'm not even going to explain anything, because we're on Tumblr, everyone knows Destiel. So unsurprisingly, I am a Destiel shipper. I can't remember when I first started shipping them, but it must have been quite early. Probably not in season 4 when Cas first arrived, but probably in season 5.
So Destiel is an example where I haven't jumped ship, but instead, I have multishipped. Cas has unfortunately not really had any real love interest outside of Dean. I honestly can't even think of any, apart from that random woman he married when he had amnesia, which... just no, dude. But Dean however, he has had some options, and I haven't hated them.
Lisa, I loved her back in the early seasons. And when he went to live with her after season 5, I didn't hate it. I knew the chances of Destiel ever happening were slim to none, so I could enjoy Dean and Lisa together on screen while enjoying Dean and Cas in fan fictions.
Later, we met Benny. And I immediately loved him. He was so interesting, he had such an interesting relationship with Dean, and I was so mad when he died. Again, Dean was never shown to be anything but straight, so again, chances of anything happening here was also slim to none. But I could happily enjoy fan fictions and content on them, alongside with Destiel.
Other honorable mentions:
I was considering writing a whole section about Robron from Emmerdale, but I realized that I am still so pissed off about that whole thing, so I don't think I'd be able to articulate anything good from that. So instead I will just use this as an example of an on-screen couple that I absolutely loved, but that I ended up hating and abandoning due to what happened on screen. I jumped that ship straight into the ocean, and swam far far far away.
Klaine! The couple that got me into Tumblr in the first place! I loved Kurt from the first season, and I was so intrigued when Blaine came into the show (I was also a huge AVPM fan, so that just made it all the better). And I really enjoyed them together for the first couple of seasons. But thinking back, I think I fell out of love with them quite early on. Their stories didn't hit the same, it got boring. I was actually more interested in Karofsky by the time I stopped watching the show, which was probably part of the reason why I stopped watching. It was quite the unpopular opinion back then. Maybe still? I have no idea.
Gallavich! I loved Shameless back in the day, and Mickey and Ian were among my favorites. But at a certain point, I got fed up with it all and stopped watching. The on-and-off stuff got boring, important things got swept under the rug, and I didn't like the treatment of Mickey. Anyway, I gave up and stopped watching. It was only years later when the show was ending that I caught up and found out they actually ended up together. Which was amazing, but still left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth.
Anyways, my point is that there seems to be this opinion now that if you ship a couple, you are stuck with them for life. Jumping ship, or even multishipping, is seen as a betrayal, as something horrible. Shipping Buck and Tommy apparantly means that we hate Eddie, and that we don't care about the beautiful friendship and relationship Buck and Eddie have. But that is simply not the truth. At least not for me, or for most people I have seen discussing this.
At this point in time, I am going to enjoy the beautiful on-screen relationship that is Buck and Tommy, and I am excited to see where it goes. If that relationship ends, and somewhere down the line, Buck and Eddie finally end up together, I will probably be happy (as long as it is done right, like Oliver Stark himself has said).
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saturnznct · 2 years
d-20; making christmas cards for members | lmk
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➸ word count; 1023 words
➸ lucas; aged 10, noah; aged 8, maeve; aged 4
➸ alternative names used; hyungjun (lucas), minjun (noah), yeoreum (maeve)
dadmas masterlist | nct masterlist (lnks will be added later)
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‘Wow, Mae, you really captured Uncle Doyoung’s spirit there,’ Mark grins.
Maeve holds up her Christmas card for Doyoung proudly, showing off the rabbit with a Santa hat she’d drawn on the front with ‘Merry Christmas Doyoung Samchon’ written in messy toddler handwriting on the front.
‘Although, I think we need to work on your Hangul. You wrote Samchon in English..’
Maeve just looks sheepish, putting the card into the finished pile and grabbing another plain one to start.
This was a Lee household yearly tradition. The kids would sit down at the dining table, cover it with pens, glitter and whatever crafting materials they could get their hands on, and make cards for family and friends.
When it came to the sheer amount of NCT members, it was a full on operation. The members had been randomly assigned to each of your three children, who would make their cards. You and Mark would write the inside messages once they were finished and all the glue and or paint had dried. 
‘Wait, why does Maeve get Uncle Johnny?’ Noah whines once he notices Johnny’s name on Maeve’s list. 
‘It’s random, No,’ you explain, ‘it’s fair that way.’
‘But I wanted to make Uncle Johnny’s card,’ he pouts.
‘Buddy, the card will still be from you, and Uncle Johnny will know that,’ Mark rubs Noah’s back with his hand, ‘how about you make a really pretty card for Uncle Taeyong, huh? I bet he’d love a really glittery one!’
‘Daddy, can we come to work with you and give Uncles their cards?’ Noah asks, wanting to see his beloved Uncle’s reactions to his work. 
‘Of course, how about you and mummy/mommy drop me off tomorrow, and we can give them to Uncles then?’
‘Yay!’ Noah cheers, accidentally knocking over a pot of silver glitter.
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
‘Uncle Ten!’ Maeve runs into the practice room, barrelling towards the first member she sees.
‘Mae!’ He exclaims with equal excitement, wrapping the small girl into a big hug.
‘Sorry to interrupt your practice, guys,’ you apologise, knowing that all of the members are gathered to rehearse for their end of year project. 
‘It’s all good,’ Jungwoo, the closest person to you grins, ‘it’s nice to have a break.’
He catches Maeve’s eye, his face suddenly lighting up, immediately dropping to his knees to offer a hug, ‘and to see my Yeoreum!’
‘Ah, Minjun-ah,’ Jaemin squats down to greet Noah, ‘what’s that you’ve got?’
Noah holds out the envelope with both hands, a messy ’Nana’ scrawled across the front. 
‘Ah, thank you,’ Jaemin always saves his aegyo for his favourite nephews and niece, his Mark’s children.
‘This one’s for you, Uncle Yangyang,’ Maeve hands Yangyang his card.
‘Wow, thank you MaeMae, you’re so kind,’ Yangyang, who has crouched down to her level, peels the envelope open, laughing when he sees the sheep with the Christmas hat drawn on it.
‘I like how the sheep is pink and glittery,’ he adds, pulling her into a hug, ‘I love it, thank you Mae.’ 
The members fuss over the kids, each giving very exaggerated but genuine reactions to their individual cards.
‘Ah, Hyungjun-ah, thank you,’ Chenle fist bumps Lucas, ‘you write in Chinese so well.’
‘It’s from the lessons you gave me,’ Mark chimes in teasingly, and the two men laugh as Lucas huffs.
‘Yeoreum-ie, your art is so good!’ Yuta fusses over Maeve, who blushes and squirms at his compliment over her drawing of him next to a Christmas Tree.
‘Don’t get all embarrassed!’ he teases, poking her side, before turning to Sicheng who’s standing beside him and commenting, ’so cute.’
When Lucas notices Johnny holding his own card, he walks over to talk to his favourite Uncle.
’Tell Jude-hyung that I’ll give him his card the next time I see him,’ Lucas tells Johnny, ‘I don’t want him to think I’ve forgotten about him when you bring that one home.’
‘Will do buddy, I’m sure you’ll see him when the school holidays start.’
‘Are you guys not going to Chicago?’ Lucas tilts his head in confusion.
‘Not ’til the twentieth,’ Johnny explains, ‘you guys should arrange to hang out. In real life, not just on the Xbox or whatever it is.’
Lucas just shrugs, embarrassed at being called out, and Johnny chuckles.
‘I’m just messing with you, go on, go give Uncle Seunghan his card.’
‘They’re so sweet, Hyung,’ Jisung remarks, watching the scene alongside Mark, ‘so crazy I’ll have one of my own in a few months.’
’They’re a handful,’ Mark shakes his head, still smiling, ‘but I love them more than anything.’
At that moment, Noah runs up to Jisung, clutching Jisung’s own card. 
In a corner, several members are gathered comparing cards, Doyoung throughly enjoying Maeve’s rabbit drawing while Xiaojun praises Noah’s reindeer.
‘Thank you, Noah, I’ll keep it forever,’ Taeyong reads the message inside of his card, on which Noah has drawn a polar bear wearing a lime green (’NCT colour!’) scarf.
‘Will you really?’ Noah gasps, shocked that his Uncle would treasure his creation for so long.
‘Of course, because my Minjun-ie made it for me!’
Eventually, all of the cards are distributed, and the three Lee children sit against the mirror and watch as the members go through their dance performance for the year. 
‘What did you think, Mae?’ Hendery bends down to ask, face showing a picture of pure joy when she begins bouncing on her feet and enthusiastically chatting about what she likes about the song and the choreography.
‘Come on kids, say goodbye to your Uncles. We’ll get out of your hair now, leave you to practice,’ you start gathering up your things, leaving the three of your children to say goodbye to all of the members.
’See you when you get home,’ you give Mark a quick hug, pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek as to allow him to avoid unnecessary teasing from his members. 
‘Bye bye little Lees,’ Ten and the rest of the members wave you all out of the room.
‘Now, kids,’ you announce once you’re fully in the corridor, ‘let’s go and harass Uncle Minseok.’ 
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apollo-gate · 2 years
Untitled Hero (WIP)
Demo link, Ro Portraits, Other Portraits
  You were at the top of your class. You had your pick of where you wanted to go the Silver Guardians or the White Hawks. But during Graduation, something happened. You lost control of your body and watched as you killed your friends and hurt several people. When you got control again you woke up in jail. Sentence for ten years. No one listened or cared what you said after all killing the United States President's kid was what everyone cared about. What makes it worse you don't remember the 10 years and your abilities are gone.
  Now the only thing left to do is to try and rebuild the life that was taken from you. Noah the man who raised you gave you a choice. It was the only choice you had. To become an Instructor for the White Hawks teaching young Heros. He also gave you a small team to be in charge of three students no one can seem to get along with or lead. With you in charge of a team, you can get answers. Can you show these three students what it means to be a hero, or will you lead them to a darker path? Will you get answers for what happened to you?    
Choose your MC Gender and Pronouns
Choose Your Alias so everyone knows you
Choose your Mask and Outfit
Learn a dark secret that heroes and villains have kept
Romance Heros and Villans
Get answers to what happened to your MC
Prevent an Intergalactic misunderstanding or make it worse
Do you burn everything you once believed in or change the way a hero should be?
Types of powered people - Threat Levels
Omega- Extremely rare 5 or more abilities
Alpha - Rare - 3 to 4 abilities
Beta- common 2 abilities
Norm- 1 ability or none (Power is grade 1-3)
Augmented Humans- Redacted
Note: Powers can range from grade 1 through 10. If a Beta level has a grade 6 and a grade 2 ability, they can be classified as an Alpha.
                   Romance Options
1. Alice Walker- F- (RO)
Alias- White Death
Age - 32
Height - 6ft 1
 You know her, hell everyone knows her as for she is the Villian who defected the original 12. But not you. You feel like it was planned however she didn't talk, nor did she explain why she suddenly gave up. When she sees you regret is in her eyes. Was she the one who ruin your life?
Skin- pale
Hair-black w/silver wavy shoulder length
Eyes- Dark Blue
Powers - Hemokinesis, Apathy, Atmokinesis
 2. Helena Sky -F- (RO)
Alias - Artemis
age - 27
Height - 5.9
 The famous singer and model on every news outlet. Who left Apollo Gate to take a vacation. To the cameras, she has a happy cherry face, but a certain look in her eyes that speaks volumes of sorrow. Your meeting was not what you expected. Especially her ready to jump to your defense when you put the mask back on.
Skin: Shiny Smooth gold
Hair: Gold "similar to skin" straight back length,
Eyes: The sclera is pure black, while the iris is Artic Blue  
Powers- Biokinesis, magic, singing
3. Lisa Sanders- Trans F- (RO)
Alias- Vixen
age - 26
height - 5.6
 Your best friend or was. Lisa and you stopped a lot of crime in school. But after the incident, she didn't believe you. When she sees you again helping Noah, she is cold to you and avoids you. Can you fix this rift, or will it just tear more?
Skin- tanned
Hair- Sandy Blonde, back length tied up in a ponytail
eyes- Grey
Powers- Therianthropy, Adoptive muscle memory
4. Becca Winter- F- (RO)
Alias- Dream
age - 25
Height - 6.3
 One of the Instructors at the headquarters for new heroes. Don't underestimate her. Because she will gladly embarrass you in front of everyone. She also is the first daughter of Lady Justice. A fact that annoys her when people bring it up. She will do anything to protect her mother, but can you be included in that?
Skin- Beige
Hair- Light brown curly shoulder length
Eyes- Yellow
Powers- Oneirokinesis, Empathy
5. Daniella Glass -F - (RO)
Alias- N/A
Height - 4.11
Your neighbor. She always has food for you when you come home to share. And tries to get you to smile. Her son Leon loves it when you are around as well. You've noticed white makeup in some of your interactions or what looks like a mask in her bag.
Skin- Warm Brown
Hair- Light Brown curls shoulder length
Eyes- Hazel
Powers- Tychokinesis, Technokinesis
6. Vanessa Winter- F- (RO)
Alias - Lady Justice
age - 43
height - 6.4
The Leader of the Silver Guardians Lady Justice. Known to be cold and calculated. You don't know much besides the fact you always looked up to her. She approved of you teaching young heroes. Will your hero be the person you believe them to be?
skin- pale white
Hair- White with blue streaks, straight back length braided
Eyes- Artic Blue
Powers- Beauty Personification, Ice manipulation, Super Strength, Psychometry
7. Azalea Graves NB- (RO)
Alias - N/A
height- 5.4
One of the few Thrallen that stayed on Earth. Unlike other Thrallens Azalea doesn't wear the Enviromental suits their kind wears. But they do wear a vail that covers their eyes. When you first met, they ignored you but as you fought together you gained their respect as a hero. But they have never talked to you as a friend almost like they resent your ability to win everyone over like a magic spell. Can you get them to see that you truly care for them?
Skin- Light Blue w/reflected scales  
Hair- Seafoam Green, Straight Hip length, styled elegantly
Eyes- Vibrant Green Under a Vail
Powers- Psychic, Psychokinesis
8. Kent Huxley-M- (RO)
Alias- Agent Huxley
 Agent Huxley of the Directive of Specter. He is an operative that like most is born without powers but underwent extreme genetic alteration. Whenever he is involved and sees you, he makes sure you are not welcome. Like all operators, he wears a mask that covers his face, and the suit covers his whole body.
Skin- Olive
Hair- Silver blonde, Short wavey
Eyes- Red
Powers- Teleport, Invisible, Super Senses
9. Naamah Amaterasu- F/NB- (RO)
height- changes when desired
Powers- Shapeshifting, Power absorption, Omnikinesis
10. Zero - M- (RO)
age- Unknown
height- 5.11 ft
Once a notorious hacker that caused chaos. At least before the war. He joined the Silver Guardians to protect the world. But now can be find in the (R&D) department in the White Hawks Tower. When you are working as an instructor, he helps you adjust. When you see him look at you, there is this feeling that he knows something you don't.
Skin- pale white
Hair- brown, wavy, short
Eyes- green
Powers- Technokinesis, Omnifabrication, Technopath
11. Blaze- M (RO)
age- 45
height- 5.0 ft
Description- Once a Hero who turn Villain. One of the only people who can run at the speed of light. Is the most wanted man for the crimes he committed. You heard once he would do anything for the innocent.
Skin- tan
Hair- Auburn
Powers- Super Speed, Time-Space Manipulation, Intangibility, Accelerated Healing.
12. Atlas- F (Ro)
age- 20
height- 5.6 ft
One of Silver Guardians' strike team leaders. Atlas is well-regarded as very laid back and even fun by her teammates. Then she sees you. She always has her eyes on you. The other thing you notice is she seems drawn to you.
Skin- Beige
Eyes- Ice Green
Hair- Ash Blonde, lower back length.
Powers- Sympathetic teleportation, magical particle manipulation.
13. Atargatis or Attina- F (RO)
Age- 602
height- 5.8
The crown princess of the Atlanteans. You know her father King Vomox. She is one of the richest people in the world and it shows. Of course, her being a half-breed between an Atlantean and a Siren shows. She seems to want to be friends when she meets you but you suspect she wants more than friendship.
Skin- Light grey with small shiny scales
Eyes- Green/Pink
Hair- Black, shoulder-length,
Powers- Empathic Voice, Water Manipulation, Magical object (Spear)
14. Psyche- F (RO)
age- 30
height- 5.5
One of the villains is a part of the bigger community of villains. She is not seen as regularly anymore by the public. But you remember seeing her once and she took down an entire strike team without breaking a sweat.
Eyes- Amber
Hair- White, upper back length.
Powers- bone manipulation, memory manipulation, and memory erasure.
There are 4 more to be listed in the future. 3 will be listed when the next update comes and the last won't come till way later.
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etherealwanderings · 8 months
Sex isn't dirty and it has nothing to do with "rushing things to feed a fantasy." How don't you see that you're sounding indistinguishable from ron desantis and televangelists?
Homophobic GA members think all of Byler is creepy just because it's gay. I promise you that keeping it "pure" is not gonna make them be okay with Byler. You can keep dancing around the truth, but it doesn't change the truth: you think sex, and gay sex in particular, is creepy.
This is puritan behavior.
You post stuff like "I'm gonna protect these 2 cuties from the creeps of the fandom" without any hint of irony. That is purity culture. It's the same mindset of those who try to shield their daughters from their own sexuality or who try to tell people that the only acceptable way of having sex is in a heterosexual marriage, as if sex is something that corrodes and erases innocence. Do you hear what you're saying?
Never mind that there's an obvious thematic significance to a Byler sex scene given the 80s context, as well as emotional significance (since most of sex is psychological, and it's about exploring these character dynamics. It has nothing to do with being "creepy" or "forcing fantasies" on people TF.
The show itself has already shown Byler be sexually attracted to each other, are you denying this? Have you seen hosegate? Have you watched the show?
Another example of a show that handles queer teen sexuality perfectly is the new Chucky show. After showing them fall in love in Seasons 1 and 2, Season 3 has shown their two queer teen main characters ready to take things to the next level. And they openly communicate with each other and talk about safety/consent.
No one's saying that a byler sex scene would be some weird horny thing. It would be a display of love between two characters who have grown up together and would fit within the show's main anti-conformity character arcs and themes. It would be wholesome and tastefully done. Most Bylers would want it to be implied anyway.
It's not like Stranger Things is gonna suddenly become Euphoria or Sex Education or Riverdale.
Didn't you listen to all the minors of the Tag who are feeling uncomfortable thinking about that things? Don't u care about them ? Why do u call them puritans? Also no offense but hosegate is an interpretation lol. If you watch the show without analysing it like crazy,you wouldn't even interpret that scene that way. When I first saw that scene I saw a Will being sad and breathing loudly while looking at Mike because he is nervous. He would love to run to Mike and tell him that it's his painting and his feelings but he cannot and the fact that now he thinks that Byler has 0 chance of happening. It is giving him anxiety. Noah made the same look during the rain fight and generally starts breathing loudly when Will is nervous. If you don't look at the hose and think about a banana , hosegate becomes bs. It's not even a Byler evidence. My problem isn't about Byler sex scenes in general cause if Byler was like over 20 I wouldn't say anything, it's the fact that you are burning to get that scene. You want it so bad that it becomes creepy and when a minor feels uncomfortable because of what u are saying, you call them a puritan.It is basically child manipulation! Not everyone is ready to understand anatomy ! Not everyone likes to see 2 people having intimate moments! Not everyone agrees with minors having s.x! And it's fucking valid !
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agentjazzy · 8 months
okay it took over a year but me and my mom just finished watching the ENTIRETY of Beverly Hills 90210 so here's a giant text dump of my Thoughts
Matt might have been a late addition, but he was my favorite cast member, all his wrong doings are NOTHING in comparison to the rest of the cast, he deserved a better ending smh 😔
also they COULD'VE snuck in Andrea/Brendon in the end, just a little hint, but they DIDN'T and for that they're COWARDS
Kelly was a mean girl that slowly evolved into such a karen, she got so annoying towards the later seasons 😭 girl is SO entitled and spoiled and ALWAYS found faults in others but when SHE did the same no one??? ever called her out????? terrible
David continually annoyed me with his storylines, but he got less annoying thank GOD tho he still had his moments
rip to Noah tho, they did NOT know what to do with him and stuck him with a Carly rip-off a few eps before the finale to keep him busy but I was NOT invested (and also reminded me of how much I miss Carly 😔 she was played by Hilary Swank and was easily the best actor in the cast until they very suddenly kicked her out 😔😔😔) they could've and should've cut his character wayyy earlier but oh well
Valerie was the baddest bitch (positive) and LOVED manipulating people, then got surprised when those same people did not. like her. she was only a victim of bad writing and deserved better smh 😔 (the way she lost her money was SO STUPID the writing was SO DUMB like WHYY DID SHE DO THAT. UGH)
Gina was no replacement for the type of shit that Val got up to, but at least she was interesting - surprised she wasn't at the finale especially bc it would make narrative sense but Apparently she wasn't written out and instead wanted to leave so that's understandable
Donna was a literal nepo baby and you could tell 😭 her acting was NOT on the level near the others, and she had so much screen time............
(also her mom was classist AND racist, and 2 episodes after she told Donna she couldn't date a black character - who was a fun, interesting character! - they uh. never showed him again 😶 wtf)
rip to Nat's wife and kid, we saw them once and then they Never Mentioned Them Again, not even to babysit, not even a throwaway line, and that's on the gang for being bad friends tbh
also rip to the entire Walsh family, the main house became the Sander's house, which good for them, but I missed Cindy and Jim 😔 they were good parents and funny and they KILLED THEM (sent them to Tokyo)
okay but like. Brenda was SUCH a BITCH (negative) I was happy when she left the cast, she got SO annoying. she let everyone know that she thought she was better than them, then wanted All the attention to be on her, I hope she never leaves London, California doesn't need her
I loved Brandon until they committed character assassination and had him cheat on Kelly for absolutely no reason with a weird character that was more annoying than interesting 😔 as previously mentioned, him and Andrea should've been endgame - they both were single at the end of the series, their chemistry was great
Andrea was fun, her self-righteousness butting heads with reality and her morals were always fun to watch, but I'm sad that they didn't know what to do with her after they made her 1)get pregnant 2)immediately marry the father. she should've and WOULD'VE aborted that thang but the writers were cowards. and also bad at their jobs as evidenced by season 10 showing is that they ARE capable of keeping characters relevant/in the others' stories even when they're parents
Dylan was the most consistent character, even if he's a brat (positive). he kept cheating on people, though EVERYONE in the show did which like. writers. are your relationships okay. the soulmate thing with Kelly was dumb, but his commitment to creating problems just by being there was fun. also loved how he kept throwing money at problems, he was always a brat about it too - my favorite was when he did it to Noah, that's what he gets for trying to kick out Nat tbh
also Dylan was the only person in the cast to do CPR correctly, which isn't relevant to anything, except that Donna probably should've started chest compression with her dad........... dunno why she got mad at Gina when she, as the daughter of a cardiologist, can't even do chest compressions.......................
Steve was the 2nd most consistent character - after they started writing him as a jerk with a heart of gold moreso than just a plain jerk, he was pretty entertaining. even if he is THEE definition of white, rich, male privilege 😭 bro shouldn't have even graduated high school, and DEFINITELY not college. his job was literally handed to him by his dad 😭😭 he was silly and goofy though, which counts when David and Noah were being The Worst. was a highlight tbh, which is saying something, bc there wasn't one but TWO transphobic episodes, of which he was part of 😭 Didn't Like That!
uhmm, let's see, who am I missing......
oh! Janet was fine. at least her characterization was consistent. her and Steve were cute even if I missed Carly and her son - notably she was the ONLY character of color in the main cast which uh. 😐 this show was so white...........
lots of incidental characters of color, but when they dropped the "The Walsh kids help a random person" format, they stopped happening, which sucked. like, again, what happened with the Black guy who was interested in Donna? what happened to Donna's Black friend who she met during the Rose Parade thing?? why can I count the amount of Mexicans in this show on one hand??????!!?!!?? Beverly Hills and LA are white, but not as white as this show made it seem :/
but, anyway, the show was Fine. not very good, sometimes Bad, but mostly Fine. I can't believe I watched 290-something episodes, ten entire seasons
Brandon was my favorite, Steve was good comedic relief, and now I'll be a Matt defender forever, I guess - if I ever see any of their actors on the street, I'll probably say hi
oh! and angels are canonically real btw. also Santa Claus. and Mrs. Claus. so that's fun
also the theme song will forever be in my head now 😔
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emmymaehereeeeee · 2 years
sugar daddy elvis x single mom
noah- age two and a half
You were racing around the house making sure to grab any toys that Noah may need to keep himself entertained while you attended the show tonight. You heard a series of babbles come from the living room and then the sound of the front door opening, you whipped yourself around towards Noah.
“Hello there Mr. Noah, where’s your momma?” Elvis had stooped down to the floor to be at somewhat an eye level with the toddler. Noah reached out his hands to grab onto his scarf and tugged at it. 
“Noah, stop.” You bent down to pick him up, nestling him onto your hip. “ ‘M sorry Elvis, we are working on keeping our hands to ourselves.” Elvis let out a chuckle and extended his hand out to the little boy. Noah grabbed his ring-clad finger. 
“It’s fine, doll. Y’all coming to the show tonight?” He shifted his gaze from Noah to you, your hair was thrown askew across your face, the majority of it thrown up and out of your face.
“Trying to, Noah is being extremely difficult.” You said, at the sound of his name the wiggly toddler began to do just that. He wiggled, moved all around, and did just about everything to get out of your grasp. Finally, you obliged and set him down, running a hand through your hair, you glanced up at the wall clock, “Shit!” You had just about twenty minutes to get ready for the show. Elvis sensed your frenzied state and offered you a reassuring glance. 
“Doll, don’t worry about it, I’ll watch him, can’t get into too much trouble now can you?” He asked turning towards the little boy. 
“Are you sure E?” You started to wring your hands, a nervous habit you had picked up some time throughout the years.
“Go get ready.” He said, sitting down on the floor next to Noah who immediately grabbed his neck scarf, “Noah-“ you giggled at the sight but soon slipped into your bathroom to get yourself ready.
After about fifteen minutes or so you emerged from the bathroom. You opened your arms up for Noah who happily obliged, “Mu-ma!” He squealed happily. You smiled and picked him up, you directed your gaze to Elvis who had a big grin plastered on his face. 
“Why are you staring?” You mumbled adjusting Noah on your hip, you suddenly felt self-conscious. 
“I’m sorry doll, you just look, well you look gorgeous as always.” His sweet compliment made you feel like a small child. You smiled up at him and mumbled a thank you. He chuckled at your response, “Well you ready to go?” You nodded your head and grabbed Noah’s bag. The three of you made your way to the concert, Elvis had placed you and Noah in a smaller section close to the stage, and you noticed that he wasn’t wearing his neck scarf- which was odd. Looking down at Noah you saw the missing piece, you looked back up at Elvis who had that same big grin on his face. You knew then and there that this was just only the beginning.
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elisela · 3 years
do you know how to do take-aways? (read on ao3) derek x stiles, g, 2.2k, au, meet cute, fluff, kid fic
prompt: call me for @tylerhunklin
"Hey Scott," Stiles says, jamming the phone receiver between his shoulder and ear so he can go back to typing with both his hands. "Desk duty is killing me, man, do you know how much of a backlog on paperwork there is in this place? Fucking ridiculous—"
"Stiles," Scott cuts in, “I have a call I need you to take."
Stiles sits up straighter and frowns. "We've got people out on patrol—"
Scott's laughter is warm and familiar in his ear. "No, it's not a patrol thing. I'm gonna transfer it over to you, okay? And I’m still coming to bring you dinner tonight."
"Roger," Stiles says, lazily snapping a salute despite Scott not being able to see him. There's a pause and a click, and he slips back into his professional mode—the one his dad definitely wishes he would use more often. "Beacon Hills Sheriff's Department, this is Deputy Stilinski, how can I help you?"
"Hi," a small voice says. "Do you know how to do take-aways?"
He frowns, glancing over at the display on the phone screen. He'd think it was a joke except he doubts Scott would patch that through, and there's a childish tone to the voice that's difficult to fake. "Like subtraction?" he asks.
"Yeah," the voice says. "We learned it today but I don't remember and I gotta do my homework."
He presses his lips together so he doesn't laugh and slouches, relaxing a little in his seat. "Sure do," he says. "What's your name?"
"Talia Marie Hale," she says promptly, and Stiles scribbles it down on a piece of paper. "How do I do five take away five?"
"Can you put up five fingers?" he asks, and she makes a noise of assent. "Okay, now put five of them down." He hears her counting in the background and he copies the number the shows on his display underneath her name, then clicks over to run it through the system. When she stops, he says, "okay, how many fingers do you still have up?"
"I don't have any," she says. "How do you write that?"
"Zero," he says. "Do you know how to make that? It's like a big o." He waits another moment before asking, "is anyone in the house with you, Talia?"
"Yeah, my auntie," she says. "But I can't ask her questions while she's writing unless it's an emergency."
He can't catch himself before he laughs. "What made you decide to call 9-1-1?"
"My teacher said if you ever need help you can call," Talia says. "And I really need help. What's seven take away three?"
The second call comes in three days later. He's peeling apart his turkey sandwich and layering Doritos on it, providing much-needed crunch, when his phone rings through from dispatch. "Sup, Scott," he says, because Scott's the only one who ever bothers to call him directly.
"Sorry, Stiles, just me," Kira says. "I have someone on the line for you. Given that she asked for you by name, maybe you could remind her that this line is for emergencies and talk to her guardian?"
He presses the top slice of bread back onto his sandwich and leans back in his chair. "Got it," he says, and waits for the click. "That you, Miss Hale?"
"Hi, Mr. Deputy Stilinski,"  she says, tiny voice chipper in his ear. "I'm really confused about this take away."
"Hit me," he says, and she giggles.
"Ten take away six," she says. "I put up all my fingers but I got confused."
He hums and glances around his desk. "Are you with your auntie again today?" he asks, and when she confirms he adds, "do you have any toys at her house?"
"I'm at my house," she says. "Auntie watches me while Daddy's away for work, but she's busy writing her thesis so I can't go in the office."
"What's your dad's name?" he asks.
"Derek Samuel Hale," she says. "And my auntie's name is Cora Elizabeth Hale, and my other auntie is Laura Margaret Hale, and my dog's name is Ruffio Hale. Like from Hook. Auntie Cora named him because she said Daddy was scared of Hook when he was my age and she likes to make fun of him. Daddy tried to rename him but he only wants to answer to Ruffio now."
He writes it all down with a grin—even the unasked for information—and flicks at his mouse to wake his computer. "Your aunt sounds pretty cool," he says. "Okay, go get ten small toys and we'll get your math done. Blocks, if you have them."
He runs Cora's name through the system as he waits, just to make sure Talia isn't being left with someone irresponsible, and finds nothing of consequence. He keeps the list, though; he'll tell Talia not to call 9-1-1 anymore unless it's an emergency, and if she does, he'll get in touch with her dad then.
"Little red h-hen makes s-sop," Talia reads, and pauses. "That doesn't sound right. What's ou?"
"Spell the whole thing for me," he says, and corrects, "soup," when she does, spearing a piece of microwaved chicken and popping it in his mouth. He's quiet while she reads, only interjecting when she needs help, trying to eat silently in the background. She mostly spells the comprehension questions for him and he reads them to her, and when she finally thanks him and hangs up, he looks up to see his dad standing over his shoulder.
"Hey, Pops, I finished the file on—"
"When did your desk turn in to the homework helpline?" Noah asks, frowning, and Stiles rolls his eyes.
"She only calls on my break, it's fine," he says, waving a hand to brush away the question before picking up the file. "Anyway—"
"Are her parents aware?"
"I left her aunt a voicemail on Monday," he says, and when his dad just looks at him, he sighs. "Fine, I left her a message last Monday and I haven't heard back, but she's not alone in the house, nothing bad is going on, she's just—lonely, I think." It's something he understands; after his mom passed away, he'd started calling Edith, who worked the front desk of the station when he was a kid, every night his dad wasn't home.
"Call again,"  Noah says, "and next time, make whoever is home with her aware of it. Once or twice is fine; every day for weeks is a problem."
"Here," he says, and Talia gives him the first letter promptly before pausing and spelling out the rest. "Good job. Um, said."
He might be extending their time on the phone, just a little. He likes talking to her; she reminds him of himself, her elementary drama always makes him laugh, and she likes asking him questions about being a deputy. So he’s not really looking forward to asking to speak to her aunt and put a stop to all this.
When she seems like she’s winding down, he sighs. “I know you’re not supposed to interrupt Auntie Cora,” he says, “but I was hoping to talk to her. Can you tell her Deputy Stiles is on the phone?”
“Oh, Auntie’s not here,” Talia says, and Stiles feels the beginning of a heart attack coming on before she adds, “Daddy’s home now. I’ll go get him.” He hears a thunk and then little feet running, her calling out for her Dad before there’s a muffled thump.
“Uh, hi,” he says, “this is Deputy Stilinski from BHSD—is this Mr. Hale?”
“This is,” he says, and if it’s possible to fall in love with a voice, Stiles does so right then. Soft and gentle, just a bit of concern, and he has to stop himself from running Derek’s name through the system to get a photo. His dad is already irritated with him for encouraging Talia’s calls (and, you know, for the whole stopping a bank robbery in progress thing that led to the injury that landed him on desk duty), he doesn’t need to add misuse of resources to the list. “Is everything okay?”
He takes a breath and explains, starts from the beginning and includes how he gave Talia his desk number so she would stop calling 9-1-1, makes sure to add that he’d tried to get ahold of Cora—and leaves out the fact he hadn’t called Mr. Hale directly even though he could have easily done so—and when he’s finished talking, he adds, “I didn’t mind, honestly, she just told me today that you were back in town and I wanted to let you know.”
There’s a pause where he holds his breath and hopes that Mr. Hale doesn’t think he’s a creep, or doesn’t demand to speak to the Sheriff—but he just lets out a breath and says “I am so sorry, I’ll absolutely talk to her, it won’t happen again.”
“I really didn’t mind,” he says again, because he also doesn’t want to get Talia into trouble. “She must get home from school at the same time my break starts because she always called at the same time, I wasn’t busy. Just making you aware.”
“Thank you,” Mr. Hale says. “Deputy—” and isn’t Stiles going to have dreams where his name is said like that, low and grateful and—
“Sorry?” he asks, flushing when he realizes he’s lost track of the conversation. “I didn’t catch that.”
“I appreciate what you did,” Mr. Hale says. “I’ll talk to her.”
Talia doesn’t call the next day.
She shows up instead.
“Mr. Deputy Stiles!” he hears from the front, and his head snaps up to see a little girl with long dark hair looking around the room, envelope clutched in one hand, the holding onto the hottest man Stiles has ever seen and holy shit, he suddenly believes that karma is very real and he has clearly done something good in his life to earn this kind of reward.
He starts to stand, and her eyes catch his and light up as she tugs her dad towards him. “Miss Hale?”
“Hi!” she says, flinging her arms around his waist. He hugs her back and looks over at her dad, who gives him a sheepish look and shrugs. “I got a hundred percent on my sight words test and Daddy said we could go to ice cream to celebrate and then when we were at ice cream he said we should do something nice for you because you helped me so so so much and I really wanted to come here anyway because I want to see a real jail and Daddy said if I was really really nice and asked politely then maybe you could show me some handcuffs—”
If this is what he’s like, he’s starting to understand why it was difficult for him to make friends in school, because she just does not stop, and doesn’t leave an opportunity for him to get a word in. He crouches down so he’s eye-level with her and waits it out, accepting the envelope when she finally runs out of words and beams at him. “Thank you,” he says, and when he opens it up to find a drawing and a handful of gift cards, he looks up to Mr. Hale. “You really didn’t have to, Mr. Hale,” he says, wrapping one arm around Talia’s shoulders when she darts in to hug him again.
“Derek,” he says, and when he smiles, Stiles is pretty sure he’s found God. “We don’t want to take up your time, I just wanted to thank you.”
“But—” Talia starts, and falls quiet when Derek looks at her again. “I can’t even see the people in the jail?”
“It’s not really a jail,” Stiles says, shrugging, “just a holding cell. And there’s no one in it right now.”
“Boo,” Talia says. “Can I meet your Sheriff?”
“Lia,” Derek warns, and she sighs explosively. “Sorry about—all this. I talked to Cora and she knows to give Talia a little more attention during homework time, so she won’t—she shouldn’t—be calling you again. Talia, we need to get home. Say thank you and goodbye.”
“Bye, Mr. Deputy Stiles,” she says, and he knows—he knows—that her sticking out her bottom lip and pouting is nothing more than a manipulation tactic, but it hits him all the same. “Thank you.”
“Deputy Stilinski,” he says before he fully has the receiver to his ear, wadding up a piece of scrap paper and tossing it at Jordan’s head to get his attention. He motions to the pizza box laying on his desk—dinner for the station courtesy of Derek, who clearly didn’t know the going rate for tutors given the sheer amount he’d dropped on gift cards—and makes a grabbing motion. They’ll be having station dinners for weeks—so long as they cater to his busted foot and bring him what he wants. Otherwise, he’s spending it all on himself.
“Hi,” someone says, and “sorry, this is Derek Hale, Talia’s dad?”
“Hey,” he says, sitting up straighter. “How can I help you?”
“I—” there’s a pause and a muffled sound, a conversation happening just outside of what Stiles can hear. “Sorry, I—I wanted to ask if you would be interested in getting coffee on Saturday. With me,” he adds, and Stiles can hear it when he cups his hand over the microphone and says, “Talia, stop.”
It’s like a record scratch in his brain. “Coffee?” he repeats. He’d thanked karma for smiling down on him, but he’d figured the encounter with Derek was one and done. “You want—with me?”
“Yes,” Derek says, “although my daughter is also extremely interested and I believe is willing to fight me for you.”
Laughter bursts out of his mouth before he can stop it. “You know, I think Talia did call dibs first,” he says, grinning. “What if we all got coffee and then you and I went for lunch?”
“I can work with that,” Derek says. “It’s a date.”
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wagner-fell · 3 years
Mari kicked down the dressing room door with a bang so loud Kevin jumped and spilled his hot coffee cup all over himself. Hearing his yelps of pain, Astrid peaked her head out of the curtain, laughed at his expense then shut it again. Maria ignored that.
They strutted out to where the boys were sitting and struck a pose. “Can I rock cottage core or can I rock cottage core?”
Kit didn’t trust himself to speak. He simply nodded instead. While the baby blue dress with short, ruffled sleeves looked a bit out of place paired with Mari’s bulging muscles, she looked absolutely stunning.
The Merry Hoes were located in the back room of the antique store Kevin’s family owned. The Chu’s just got a large donation of vintage clothing. Mari had just gotten their pay check from the downworlder gym she worked at. Kit and Astrid really didn’t want to do their maths homework. It was destiny.
Despite being downworlders both Blessica and Kevin still lived at home. Mari, though, lived with the rest of their pack in an old Edwardian mansion a few blocks away from school. However the five of them slept over at each other’s place of residence so often they blurred together in the young Herondale’s mind. He could really only tell them apart by their smells.
Mari’s reeked of dirty laundry as they were one of four folks on the feminine side of the gender scale out of the lycanthropy of London, Blessica excluded. Her house smelled like Ube, a type of yam her Filipino parents put in everything. Kit couldn’t complain. Ube flavoured ice cream was the best thing he’s ever eaten. Aside from Mari. Though he wasn’t usually the one… Nevermind.
Kevin’s house smelled of Longjing tea and red wine. A peculiar combination that oddly enough, worked quite well.
Astrid had two homes as her parents divorced at the age of six. Stepping into her mom’s house was like stepping into a cookie factory. Which made sense as her mom owned a bakery and lived above it. Kit didn’t know exactly what Astrid’s dad’s place smelled like, let alone looked like, but he could make an educated guess that it was similar to the Los Angeles Institute because it was in LA too.
After they separated, Miss Yang fled to Devon to dodge the possibility of seeing her ex-husband when they exchanged Astrid. Kit related to her on a deep, personal level.
Now Astrid spent her summers in America and Kit drained his battery on international phone calls.
Her three months in the USA each year helped him bond with her better when they had first been introduced. For example, her ringtone was the Perry the Platypus theme song. Blessica, Kevin and Maria had no clue what it was but when the music reached Kit’s ears, the two sang an epic duet that put Kiss Me More (the second most iconic duet in history) to shame.
“How much is this anyway,” asked Mari, turning in a circle to see if there was a price tag. In the process she sent the fabric fluttering as she went. It made them look more magical than ever.
“There is no price on fabulousness,” said Astrid. She had on loose, black dress pants, a white shirt, and black suspenders with gold blemishes.
“Yes there is,” replied Kevin. “54 euros.”
“54 euros,” exclaimed Mari.
“Well it would have been €34 but you made me spill my coffee and this shirt was 20 so..”
“Seriously, Kev. I will fuck your mom. You think I won’t?” A pause. “Wait, only twenty €20?”
“Oh, I know right! There is this incredible thrift store down on Fleet Street and-”
“Don’t care,” interrupted Mar. She took one last look in the mirror before turning back to him. “I’ll give you your parents' price, not your dramatic ass’s one.”
Kevin rolled his eyes. “Fine. But it’s an extra €10 for the shoes.”
Mari looked down at her tan sandals. They leaned against the door they just excited to take the footwear off. “Racist,” she muttered under her breath.
“I’m literally Chinese.”
“Homophobic, then.”
“Pansexaul,” he sang.
Mari was silent for a moment before she banged on the door into the room Blessica was changing into her rose pink gown. “Blessie! Do I have permission to call Kev transphobic in your name?”
“Hey,” said Kevin, looking up from his task of rubbing a paper towel across his sheer, white shirt. “That’s cheating. Blessie, don’t listen to them!”
The nickname ‘Blessie’ was what her family exclusively called her. She turned red when they had first found out. Granted, it wasn’t hard to make Blessica blush. All she had to do was stand in Kevin’s general area.
“Blessica,” called Mari once again. When she still didn’t answer, Maria stood up and pressed their forehead against the changing room door. “You okay?”
“No,” Blessica croaked out finally. Her hoarse voice was laced with sorrow. Upon hearing her speak, Kevin abandoned any hope of saving his top and joined Mari at the door. Kit and Astrid were quick to follow.
“Hey,” said Astrid gently. “What’s wrong?”
Blessica began to sob. “The dress doesn’t fit right,” she whimpered.
“That’s okay,” soothed Kevin. “We have other sizes.”
“Kev, it doesn’t fit my body because it wasn’t made for my body. I just feel so ugly.” All the other Merry Hoes made various sounds of distress. Kit was instantly reminded of Dru,
He was suddenly fifteen again. In Ty’s bedroom as he told him of all the times she’d been told she wasn’t pretty by members of the Shadowhunter society. And all the times Emma or Julian or another member of her family had reassured her that she was. The thought occurred to Kit that maybe they weren’t Emma-y as Blessica needed them to be.
“It’s just like,” started Blessica, “I started taking Estrogen seven months ago, you know? And I still don’t have anything to show for it.”
His mind was racing a mile a minute. “Yes you do,” he said.
“I do?” she asked, sounding dubious.
“Your voice!”
“You do have a really nice voice,” agreed Astrid. “You could totally narrate audiobooks or something.”
“No it’s not,” grumbled Kevin.
“Kevin,” said Mari, glaring daggers at him. ‘Kevin’ in this case didn’t mean Kevin. It meant ‘Shut your mouth right or I will actually kill you’.
“No, not like that! It’s just…” he was blushing profusely now. “Her voice is like the rain. Most of the time it’s soft and warm and it wraps you in one big, wet hug. You can’t help but feel, well, blessed to get to feel it touching your skin.. But when it rains hard you feel every single drop land. But no matter what kind of rain it is, the impact is always enormous. Uh, yeah, her voice is like that.” There was a moment of prolonged silence, where Blessica had stopped crying but no one was brave enough to talk.
The door opened and Kit, Kevin and Astrid stumbled backwards. Mari didn’t. Stupid gorgous jock, Kit thought as she survayed her inferiourors.
Blessica stood in the open doorway. Her eyes were puffy and red. The dress looked perfect on her. Not that this style hadn’t looked perfect on Mari but their arms were so thick, they filled up the entire selve. Blessica was so petite you could see her bones clearly through the skin. It highlighted the flowness of the gown extremely well. “You guys like my voice?” Then, “why are you all staring at me, is it that bad?”
“Blessie,” said Mari. “You can’t just put on that in front of four people who like women and expect them not to stare.”
“Respectfully, of course,” added Kit.
“Just tell us if it makes you uncomfortable,” agreed Kevin.
“Step on me,” breathed Astrid.
“But then again,” said Mari, “you validate yourself too.”
“Run me over with a cement truck.”
“We can see your hot as fuck. But more importantly you have to believe you’re hot as fuck.”
“You could literally kill me and I’d get on my knees to thank you.”
Blessica was blushing as hard as Kevin now. They sheepishly smiled at each other before turning away. “Simp,” said Kit and he held out his hand. Astrid dutifully rewarded him with a high five.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am on the trans spectrum but I am not mtf. If you are and you feel misrepresented please feel free to private message me or just leave a comment tell me how I can fix it.
@the-wckd-powers @book-dragon-not-worm @thechangeling @the-blackdale @ithurielkeepsgettingkidnapped @illusions-give-reasons-to-live @shelvesofgold @arangiajoan @maxboythedog @noah-herondale-lightwood @its-taff @cncnbr @sofiatheskeleton @thomas-gaypanic-lightwood @im-not-ruined-im-ruination @adoravel-fenomeno
Let me know if I left anyone out. Also let me know if you want to be added or removed from the tag list.
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writings-n-stuff · 4 years
Movie Night (Noah Centineo x reader)
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Pairing: Noah Centineo x Reader
Word Count: 1,216
Summary: When the reader’s new friend Noah comes over for their weekly movie night, the evening turns soft as feelings are admitted.
Content Warning: None! A bit of fluff maybe?
Your new friend Noah was over your apartment for the third time in three weeks for movie night, and things felt so incredibly tense. 
For weeks you’ve had a secret crush on Noah--really, since you first met a couple months ago. There was just something about his easygoing personality, or the way he looked at you while you talked about things that actually matter, or his slight nervousness whenever you were together, that really made you think about him constantly. He was goofy and shy, and he seemed to always want to scoot closer to you. His smile and his body heat made you lightheaded, and you prayed you wouldn’t trip over your words every time he asked you a question.
This week, he brought snacks and suggested the both of you watch a show he’d just discovered. He made you laugh when he busied himself in your kitchen, taking out cups and preparing a little buffet of snacks on a serving tray. He’d memorized your cupboards remarkably fast, and he found all he was looking for in seconds. Noticing your figure in the corner of his eye, he paused for a moment and looked up at you. A silly smile on his face, Noah easily shrugged and mentioned that he hated getting up in the middle of watching things.
His bewildered expression made your stomach flip and blood rush to your cheeks. You laughed in return, and went to your computer to find the show he wanted to watch.
You found it on one of your streaming services as Noah came back and set his haul on the table next to your laptop. He settled on the couch close to you, knees almost touching. The both of you usually sat almost at opposite ends of the couch--the closeness was refreshing and gave you that giggly feeling. You smiled at him generously, and he smiled earnestly back. Wow, he was so sweet, you could barely believe it. 
The both of you focused on your show as you pressed play.
You were afraid to meet his eyes. They were too clear, too easy a mix of bright brown and sunlight and some other tone. He was funny, funny in the way that a slightly nerdy kid is. But, you still found yourself refusing to meet his eyes because he looked at you so intensely.
Noah seemed to want to look at you, and that made you nervous. 
You were watching some comedy and had been watching for a bit too long. Your arms had settled next to each other an episode ago, his body warm against yours. He was sweet, respectful, and thoughtful in a way that you hadn’t even realized you had wanted to see. You got each others’ jokes. He successfully shifted between serious discussion and lighthearted banter and balanced both extremely well. And he didn’t move away when you had moved your leg to rest next to his.
You were busy watching the show, eyes trained on the screen and thinking fast about him: were you coming off too casually? Did he want to do anything more than this? When was an adequate time to ask to kiss? The questions bubbled around in your mind, punctuated by occasional glances at his relaxed legs, his hand resting comfortably on his knee. Was that a question, an ask, to hold your hand? You were so unsure.
As the final scenes of the show played out, you let out some type of sigh and let yourself relax against the back of the couch. Mirroring your movements, Noah did the same; his exhale felt like a whisper, and you found yourself almost leaning towards him to listen.
A comfortable silence settled between you, and it felt too nice to not feel something deep in your gut. A part of you screamed to tell him how you felt, to let his smile warm your cheeks and push you into telling your deepest truth. You turned to him, prepared to let the words fall out-
“I think you’re really sweet,” he said suddenly. He leveled his eyes with yours and oh, the way they shimmered in the light. Your legs felt tingly, your heart softened--his thoughtful gaze made your insides melt. His arm moved to rest against yours as he sheepishly said, “I think your eyes are really pretty.” 
Oh god, oh god, oh god. His voice sounded like honey, and you tasted the sweetness on your tongue. “I think your eyes are really pretty, too,” you said so softly, glad that you didn’t trip over your words.
He inched his hand towards yours, a hint of anxiety in the way his fingertips lightly drummed against his knee. You could feel the vibrations on your own leg. “I’ve been thinking about you a lot, and I’m really glad we’re hanging out.”
This felt like a dream. You’ve daydreamt about this moment more times than you could count. “Yeah?” You inched your own hand closer to his, the warmth of his body radiating against yours. The room didn’t feel warm, but definitely much more comfortable than just a few moments ago.
He nodded, visibly letting out another breath. “I really like being your friend, and I think you’re so talented and funny and smart. You make me laugh--you make me happy.” He lightly rubbed his hands on his pants, trying to play it off as much as possible. Your heart was surging, already knowing where he was going. “I don’t want this to ruin our friendship, but I just wanted to ask: may I take you out on a date sometime?”
It was finally here, you wouldn’t fuck it up. You were hoping for this moment for so long, and it actually was happening. Tears prickling at your eyes, you couldn’t speak for a moment. Oh god, this was it. 
He noticed your eyes watering, and seemed only more worried. He raised his hands, an offering, to you: “It’s okay if you don’t want to-”
“Yes,” you said quickly, barely louder than a whisper. “Yes, so much,” you said a bit louder. Every fiber of your being was soaring, floating up and up and up. 
His breath caught, a slow smile gracing his face. “Yeah?” He echoed, putting his hands down, fingertips brushing your leg. “Really? You want to?”
You nodded reassuringly. “Yes,” you said, wiping quickly at your eye. You laughed a little. “I thought you’d never ask.” You took his hand softly, squeezed it a little and let out a burst of your excitement.
Noah laughed too, leaned towards you. “May I kiss your cheek?” He asked, voice dropping half an octave. Your stomach tingled as you nodded, and he wasted no time in delivering a confident first kiss to your cheek. Already warm, you felt yourself blush under his soft lips. You smelled the faint scent of honey as he pulled away, face much closer than before. “I’ve been wanting to ask you for so long.”
You pressed your forehead to his and felt a tingling right on your third eye. You’d been waiting for so long, and it felt right for this to happen. Your dreams were coming true. “Me, too,” you whispered, lips centimeters from his, and kissed his cheek in return. 
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nugnthopkns · 4 years
For blurb weekend! I don’t have a prompt so anything you want to write is cool, but it’s just this daydream scenario I have about Matthew Tkachuk and how cool it would be to see him date a female engineer!! A young professional who graduated a few years ago, who works 45+ hours a week and is in grad school for her master’s degree, but still makes time to watch/attend all of his games because she knows how important it is to him. And he just really appreciates how she understands what it takes to be dedicated to your career. And he’s also super excited because like “Noah, Noah listen man - she’s basically a genius and can do math in her head!” Anyway Matty being a supportive boyfriend because he knows it can be hard to be successful in a male dominated industry.
okay but this is adorable!! 🥰 please be forewarned that i’m an arts student to the letter and know nothing about eng but i tried!
If Matthew isn’t scheduled into your calendar it’s very hard to see him. 
It isn’t that you don’t want to spend time with him, because you do, but your life is so hectic that every moment needs to be meticulously planned. You’re back in school after a few years, gaining a master’s so you move up the corporate ladder at your firm. Despite being a student you’re still putting in full-time hours and playing the role of supportive girlfriend. Games have their own special colour in your planner, and you make sure never to miss one. You attend as many home games as possible, sitting in the better halves box with the rest of the family members, but when you have to stay late at the office you split your screen and pay more attention to Sportsnet than the task at hand. 
Matthew takes it all in stride. He knows your career means so much to you, and he appreciates your dedication. Completing a project is your version of winning the Stanley Cup so he does whatever he can to help. Most of the time that means he schedules dates two to three days in advance and letting you stay at his place before big meetings because it’s closer to work. So when he shows up randomly on your doorstep one Saturday afternoon you’re surprised. 
“Matty,” you say breathlessly as you open the door. “What are you doing here? Oh my god, did we have something planned before you’re supposed to be at the rink? I didn’t put it on the calendar, I’m so sorry.”
He chuckles lightly, pressing a kiss to your temple. “You didn’t forget anything babe, I just thought I’d leave early and come see you. It’s been a while and I miss you.”
As Matthew takes off his shoes and hangs up his jacket you feel a twinge in your heart. Work and school have kept you incredibly busy the past week and you feel terrible. You hadn’t thought about the effect it was having on your boyfriend. 
“I’m sorry,” you apologize once again. “If I work really hard for the next couple of hours I can probably go back to yours after the game and we can spend some time together. I just have to get these drafts off the Gerry by Monday morning and there’s a midterm coming up next week in my advanced steel structures course. There’s so much to do but I’ll make it work. We’ll spend the night together.”
You slide back into the chair you were previously occupying at your dining table, and Matthew sits across from you. He lets you work for a bit, reading the proposals filled with so much technical jargon he gets a headache trying to figure out what the words mean and resting his knee against yours. You feel bad for not engaging with him, but with your plans suddenly changing you need to focus. 
“What if you don’t come to the game tonight?”
The question stings more than you thought it would. “What do you mean?” you inquire. “You don’t want me there?”
Matthew is quick to reassure you. “No, no, of course I do,” he insists, “But you’re working yourself to the bone just to be there and support me. Maybe you should skip tonight’s game, focus on your work, and I’ll swing by and pick you up afterwards and we can order pizza or something.”
His suggestion would ease your stress levels significantly. You’ve been working all day with the deadline of six o’clock, and even though you’re doing your best there’s no way you’ll get everything in time. “You won’t be upset I’m going to miss it?”
“Of course not. It isn’t up to you to accommodate your schedule and mine. You do so much to support me, and I need to do a better job at supporting you. Stay home tonight.”
That’s all it takes to convince you. You really need the extra time, and knowing Matthew’s okay with it makes your absence and easier pill to swallow. It’s also okay because he promises to score a goal in your honour and pick up your favourite pizza on the way home. Having a partner who understands how important work is to you is a blessing. It’s one of the many reasons you never plan on letting Matthew go.
it’s blurb weekend :))
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swiftlythebest · 3 years
For the ask game, I really want to say 🍁 but I'm tryna maintain some level of chill about frat!pat lmao
So how about 🌵?
(But if you WANT to talk about frat!pat, I'm certainly not gonna stop you xoxo)
Lol, I honestly feel like I talk so much about Frat!Pat with no results, and most people probably just think it’s fake at this point. But you and I both know it is very real!
🌵 what is your favorite kind of fanfiction to read?
I’m a big ol sucker for a meet cute, or really any kind of alternative first meeting. I’m not huge on angst, but I LOVE pining so that kind of angst is very welcome. I also super love magical realism because that’s just my favorite kind of fiction in general. So yeah, some kind of AU with lots of fuzzy, sometimes frustrating, feelings. And magic.
But I can talk a bit about Frat!Pat! The idea was born out of @danverses wearing me down until I found blonde Noah weirdly attractive. So then the idea of Patrick being a frat bro with the same look seemed like the next logical step. And now I got a bunch of words with kegstands and tattoos and formals and good ol fashioned shenanigans. Oh! And if anyone has a good Canadian dad rock song with a guitar and piano part, let me know.
Here’s a lil bit I like because it’s cute:
“Okay, I looked up how to make them but please be honest if it’s not up to your standards.” Patrick began measuring out ingredients.
“You looked up how to make a cosmo?”
Patrick stopped suddenly, head snapping up and cheeks coloring. “Um. Yeah. I— so— if you ever… I just thought that if you ever did show up, it would be nice for me to be able to make you a drink. So you would feel a little more welcome.”
David had trouble thinking over the sound of his hammering heart. “You looked up how to make a cosmo on the off-chance I’d show up to one of these parties?”
While Patrick’s attention was back on the drink, David saw him stiffen and swallow. “That is correct, yes.”
Ask me a question if you want!
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fuckthesworld · 4 years
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Warning: Jealousy, angst and fluff.
Summary: She goes on a ride with Dean. Stiles keeps a distance from her but his eyes were burning with fire. Jealousy takes over him leading to a fight between them.
It would be a lie to say that Y/n didn’t enjoy the ride. It was peaceful and Dean didn’t miss a chance to make her laugh. Well ofcourse she almost fell two darn times for speeding up her cycle, trying to beat Dean. But, overall she seemed happy and the nature did keep her happy.
It reminded her of the Woods…all the animals and the breeze and..Stiles. Well.um..she didn’t quite forget about him. At the back of her mind, it continued to pinch her. But she decided to concentrate on her surroundings rather than someone who didn’t appreciate her company. There were trees around, breeze making her hair flow back, the birds chirping around, a shiny golden quiet afternoon and a laughing crazy Dean. 
Things were going nice. She felt happy.
“Woooohoooooooo!!” She yelled.
Try and beat me Y/n!!!“ Dean shouted.
“IS that a challenge?!!” She shouted from the back.
“YES!!!” He said speeding up his cycle.
Dean sped up and was before her, and they heard a honk from the behind. She looked behind and saw a car..Roscoe. She moved aside as her thoughts began to move all over the place, and that’s when she realized. Dean decided to come cycling this way and this is where the Pack are gonna have their picnic. She quickly tried to hide her face when she heard a yell.
Ofcourse. I AM LATE AS ALWAYS GODDAMMIT. She looked beside her, trying hard to smile but ending up with a weird face.
“H-Hey Lydia!” She said.
“Are you going this way?!” Lydia yelled.
Y/n stuttered but was interrupted when Dean yelled, “You are losing Y/n! If I win I want a kiss!!!”
She felt the color of her cheeks rising when she realized that not only the Pack heard that BUT Mr Stilinski and Mrs McCall HEARD IT TOO. Ugh Dean can be reaallly annoying at times.
“Oh.” Allison giggled “It will be nice if you lose this race.”
Y/n smiled and took a peek inside, hoping to see Stiles, but he was turned around towards the right side of the window.
Wow, he didn’t even look at me. I mean atleast a hi would have been nice after his conversation with them. Sigh, looks like he is right. I am the one who is missing him. “Well um, you guys need to speed up. Hey Dean!! Move aside!!”
“Enjoy Y/n!” Scott shouted before they sped their car and were almost out of sight.
She stopped when Dean smirked and came beside her.
“Tell me this wasn’t the reason you planned the cycling for.”
“Not at all. If you remember then I asked you about the cycling before all those things happened.” He laughed when you glared at him “Okay, maybe the destination changed.”
“And the competition…so that we can reach there faster.” Y/n gave him the cold look.
“Ugh, I am not going there.” Y/n said turning her bicycle around. Dean held her hand and said, “YOU said you are up for a challenge, so I just leveled it up darling.”
“Leveled it up?! I didn’t even pass the beginner’s level and you decided to surprise me with the EXPERT LEVEL!! Dean what is wrong with you?! You are supposed to help me!”
“Oh I freaking am. See, the more you are around him, the more you will get used to him and then eventually all the hard feelings will be vanished just like ‘poof!’” He said.
She sighed, “It’s too much for the first day. You don’t understand how I feel.”
“I do. You…you are the one who supported me when she left me. Turned me into a fuckboy .”
Y/n smiled and said, “Yeah, I suppose. But wait, are you trying to turn me like a slut?”
“You? A slut? Oh trust me, you can’t do that even if I tried.” He laughed.
There was a moment of silence. “So..you feel good enough to turn around and continue cycling?” She just nodded her head.
“But please tell me we will be out of their sight.” Y/n said starting to cycle back to the park.
“Whatever is comfortable for you darling.” Dean said.
*Time Skip*
The Pack were all a giggling mess. They were whispering and occasionally looking at Stiles
“Will you guys stop that?” Stiles snapped, irritated of everything.
“Will YOU stop that? What is that behavior? We are going for a picnic STILES, we are supposed to be like this. Laughing and happy and not grumpy like you.” Issac said.
“Enough kids. No fighting. We are here.” Noah parked the car nearby while the others took out the food and mats.
Stiles wasn’t sure why was he upset. He was confused. Yes, he kind of expected Y/n to arrive and be with them in this picnic. Maybe he is upset because of this. She could be arriving here in this spot with that nosy Dean, then that would mean they will be together in the picnic right? Then why wasn’t he okay by now? I mean everyone will be there along with Y/n…and why was he upset with all the giggling and how Dean shouted about the kiss?
“Hey.” Scott nudged him.
“Oh. What were you saying?”
He laughed and said, “I didn’t say anything!”
“Oh..I was just..”
“Thinking about Y/n?”
“Ye–uh no no.”
“Come on bro you know you can tell me.”
“I don’t know..It’s just that..I don’t know why I am feeling angry. I mean, Y/n is gonna be here I guess and then I can apologise for everything but still something feels wrong.”
“Oh..don’t worry, you’ll figure it out. But if you ask me, then I will say you are just jealous to see them together.”He mischievously smiled and said.
“What?”Stiles looked at him.
“Coming!!!” And ran away to Allison who was standing with a volleyball, preparing herself to play.
Stiles sighed and ran towards them, hoping his mood will be fine at the end of the day.
*Time Skip*
*Tring Tring*
Stiles looked back. And there she was. Smiling and laughing. And her hair perfectly flo– His thoughts got interrupted.
“HEY LOOK OUT!! There’s a bird pooping above you!” Y/n looked up and Dean took the opportunity to overtake her and he turned back. “I win.”
“HEY! That’s cheating!” She laughed.
Oh she definitely wanted this. Ofcourse she wants to kiss him. She is not even looking at me! We are clearly loud enough for her to hear! Stiles looked at how they both perfectly parked their bicycles next to each other like..like darn couples.
And he suddenly felt a sharp pain on his shoulder. “Ow!!” He yelled.
“You need to be present in the game physically AND mentally Stiles!” Issac smirked.
“I-I am!!” He blushed. Y/n now looked at him. His face was red.
She walked over the green soft grass and finally settled down under a tree, a little away from them. She looked at Mr Stilinski , who was present there and  pouring some tea and drinking it.
“Watching your father-in-law?” Dean laughed sitting beside her, their shoulders touching.
She kicked his legs lightly and smiled “It’s not funny.”
“It made you laugh. Kinda is then.”
“Make Stiles laugh and I’ll agree with you.”
“Naaaah. Atleast I can peacefully flirt with you now. Although he is literally trying to burn me to ashes right now.” He chuckled.
Yes, Stiles was playing, but his complete attention was towards Y/n. His jaw locked, eyes frequently moving back and forth from her to Dean, how dangerously close those two were sitting.
“What? Really?” She said turning her head to look at him but then Dean cupped his hands on her face trying to block her view. “Wha–”
“Don’t look. The method is working.”
“WHy can’t you just shut up for a second?”
“WHy can’t you just answer my questions?”
“This is the time. Kiss me.”
“Wait what? Woah Dea–” As she went on to remove his hands, the ball came rolling near Dean’s feet.
“Don’t wanna interrupt you two but can you pass the ball?” Allison giggled.
“Hey Y/n!! Join us!” Lydia yelled.
“Uh..s-sure! Sometime later! I promise! I have a company you see!” She said pointing at Dean.
Stiles chest tightened and he huffed, “Yeah!! You can enjoy with him!” He furiously walked to them, picked up the ball and said, “We are absolutely happy over here! Please don’t ruin our mood!”
Y/n now snapped. Enough is enough. She stood up while Dean quietly sat and watched the drama, a grin on his lips. “What is wrong with you! Why are you acting like this?! Have I done something now to irritate you? No right? Then why don’t you go back to your business!”
The Pack went to sit with the elders giving a little privacy to the both.
“What is wrong with me? What is wrong with you! All these days you are with me and-and spend your time with me and suddenly today you show up with some damn neighbour!”
“Well Miecyzslaw the world doesn’t revolve around you! I prefer spending my time with people who actually loves my clinginess and not lie about how they are enjoying with me, when they are actually not!”
Stiles went quiet for a while. “But I thought you only did this with me.”
“I am really sorry. I didn’t mean those at all. I said those to make Scott and Allison shut up. Those just came out of anger. I missed you. I thought you sat like that only with me. I thought you laughed like that only with me. I thought you hugged like that…only with me. I never thought that..that you will…I always thought those moments belonged to me.” He said eyes locked with hers.
“But Sti you said you didn’t like that.” Her voice softened.
“I do, your every little gesture makes me happy. I love spending time with you. You are the only one who can make me smile and who truly understand me when.the Pack fails to do that.”
Y/n smiled and blushed. “I love you Sti. I did for a long time. You never..never really made any move to make me understand anything. I know that you may not love me like the way I do but…I need to let these out. I can still be your friend but, there will be changes in our friendship then.”
Stiles was quiet for her sudden confession. “I understand.” She smiled. Fighting back the tears, she turned around. Why did I do that?!
She suddenly felt a strong pull and they were kissing. It took a moment for her to realize what just happened. She smiled and kissed him back immediately, her hands going on the back of his neck, tugging his brown hair lightly, finally letting out the tears forming on her eyes. His hands went down to her waist pulling her closer to him. The kiss was full of love and force–needy, strong and passionate. All the emotions suppressed between them starting pouring out.
“Uhh…I appreciate your lovely moment of sucking each others faces but being her best friend, it really looks gross.” Dean interrupted.
They pulled from each other with a red face and smile on their lips. They looked back and saw the Pack smiling and giving him a thumbs up . 
“Oh no.” She blushed and hid her face on his chest, while he hugged her, “I really am clingy.”
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