#like my brother also doesn't fully get the scope of it but at least HE knows that israel (and even the concept of it) is evil and racist
not my online friend trying to have the "not all zionists" conversation with me rn
#we've talked about palestine before and she always takes the most centrist version of israel's side she possibly can lmao#i try very hard to never discuss politics with her but she is literally always the one bringing it up and it throws all my affection for he#out the window. like babe.... i'm jewish... you're not.... why are we even having this conversation besides you trying to prove smth#like an informal conversation is not the place for a fucking political debate and if you're not gonna recognize my pov#why am i even still friends with you.#it does make me genuinely sad but if i have to have this conversation again i may well and truly just block her#like she apparently has another jewish friend who seems to side heavily with zionist values (lol) but still acts like a centrist#so ik that's where she's getting the majority of her viewpoints from and it's so fucking grating like you're talking to another jew rn#why would i ever want to support nationalism of any kind when that's what lead to the fucking holocaust#why would you ever be lenient on a group of people who are actively commiting a genocide#i seriously just. like it makes me sick to my stomach that i even have someone in my life who doesn't get it#and i don't even know what to say like my 'i don't wanna be mean to a friend' shit is taking over#especially when she's not the kind of person i can just say anything to. we're not close like that unfortunately#so i've just been in limbo hoping she isn't gonna talk about it but i'm gonna have to put aside our friendship if she does this again#bc i'm not gonna be friends with someone who outright doesn't listen to me saying that my own people commiting a genocide hurts me#just because she wants to be one of those 'well this 'conflict' shouldn't be happening bc it's hurting innocent people :('#this is why i hate having any convos about this with people who haven't been politically engaged with palestine before the end of last yr#like my brother also doesn't fully get the scope of it but at least HE knows that israel (and even the concept of it) is evil and racist#sigh.
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restinslices · 9 months
Lin Kuei Bros: Play Fighting
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Smoke so dramatic-. Anyway, don’t ask why I thought of this. The voices were loud
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Play fighting with any of them is bold as fuck but HIM? You don't like your life 
I'm not saying he's gonna straight up assault you but out of all the brothers, he has the highest chance of hitting you hard as shit on accident 
He probably wouldn't even like play fighting that much. He'd prefer sparring cause at least you're working on your skills. Why you just fucking around?
You gotta catch him on the right day. Some days he's busy and some days he's just legit not in the mood. 
“Imma start it off slow. Imma scope the scenery out-”
If you somehow get this man to cooperate, first of all good job. Second of all, y'all do not stop until you give up. 
The type to pin you down and not let go until you admit he won. If you refuse, you're legit not moving. 
This is a big guy so you're not moving him. You give up, he lets go and you manage to crack a smile out of him
We never see him smile in the game but listen bitch, I'm here for the fantasy-
If he's not in the mood, I can see him just saying “no” like you're a puppy or smth. 
You'd go to swing on him again and he'd either grab your hand or give you a look that tells you he's being serious 
Going back to him accidentally hitting you hard as shit, he's used to sparring with two other buff ass men. Imma guess you're not as buff as them, and some of y'all reading this ain't men. Accidents are bound to happen 
You'd think the Grandmaster would have more control but I just think it slips sometimes. He's stupidly prideful and he's used to sparring so sometimes that's where his mind goes. Also once again, he probably sometimes forgets a hit Kuai Liang could handle is a hit that'll take years off your life. 
I would love to say he gets on his knees and apologizes but this is the same man who betrayed his brothers and was like “why y'all tweaking?” so um… 
You're gasping for air and he's “see why I always say no?”
I feel like I'm making him sound abusive but as someone who's play fought with my older siblings, they hit you hard as shit then tell you you're a bitch when a tear slips out. Why the fuck are you hitting me this hard in my chest? You got 5+ years on me-
He's an older brother. He's gonna hit hard. I swear it's in their DNA 
And if he does apologize it's not really verbal. He checks to make sure your limbs are alright then offers to do something else. 
“Are you gonna say you're sorry?” “For?” “For almost breaking my damn lung” “You started this”
You'd expect that the next time you wanna play fight he'd decline cause he doesn't wanna hurt you again. Wrong. 
Remember he's an older brother. THE older brother. Y'all squaring up again. You don't care about your health so fuck it. 
Honestly would be super fun besides the limb you're gonna lose 
Kuai Liang
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Would be more cooperative than Bi-Han but still isn't overly excited to play fight 
Bi-Han is the “tell mom. I don't care” older brother. Kuai Liang is the “wait wait wait, I'm sorry. You can hit me back. Calm down. You want some candy?” older brother 
Fully aware he could cause terrible injuries but as time passes on, he relaxes more 
Definitely play fought as a kid but after Tomas started jumping everytime he heard his voice, he thought “maybe I need new hobbies”.
You’ve interrupted his recovery
He actively focuses on holding back and being soft even if you tell him not to
“Hit me harder” “No❤”
Honestly a fun time though. He holds back when it comes to strength but still tussles with you. Also let's you get hits in even when he could easily dodge them. 
If he accidentally injured you frfr, he's checking up on you immediately and says y'all stopping for today. 
“No, I'm ok” “Can you even breathe right now?” “Uhhh… yes😀” “We're done”
For sure feels like an asshole depending on how bad you're hurt. He's not sliding down the wall in pain but he's like “damn, that was a little too hard”. 
“You can hit me back” “No. I've seen Twilight” “What?” “It's gonna hurt me more than it's gonna hurt you. I'm not doing that”. (Now I wanna write you making them watch Twilight. I'm never gonna be rid of this addiction-)
You gotta hit him back so y'all can be even. It's the only way to move on
Y'all are not doing that shit again for at least another week or so. 
“We gotta scrap right here right now” “No”
Does the thing older siblings do when they put their hand on your head so when you swing at them, you're just hitting air. 
It's so infuriating so you gotta stop. 
The next time though, you swear you're gonna win. You will not. 
Tomas Vrbada
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The most willing and having the most fun 
Tomas has two older brothers that probably jumped him on several occasions growing up and you're gonna try and convince me he doesn't have aggression to get out?
People would probably expect he's the softest but no. He's the youngest. As the youngest myself I can assure you, we are used to putting our all in these fights cause we gotta use all our strength to defeat these evil mfs we live with. Sometimes it's not enough-
You're not his older sibling so he's not scrapping like his life depends on it but I do think he's hitting somewhat hard 
Not as hard as Bi-Han, not as soft as Kuai Liang 
You feel his hits but it's not knocking the wind outta you 
Super fun cause he's also using the environment. Definitely is grabbing a pillow and starts swinging it at you. Definitely is running around the couch to chase you. Definitely has thrown you but made sure to aim at something soft. He's probably even turned off the lights then threw a folded blanket at you 
“Cheater” “Don't be upset you didn't think of it first”
You're fighting but laughing at the same time. There's no real tension. Just fucking around. 
Probably starts initiating it too
If he does injure you fr, for a split second he'd actually see it as a victory then he'd remember you're not his older brothers and is like “oh shit-”. 
Injuring those two would mean freedom (or a worse jumping. really depends), injuring you is not good. 
He knows how bad those hits can hurt so he makes sure you're alright. He's not watching you as much as Kuai Liang would but he'd still make sure you're not overly sore. 
He doesn't feel as bad as Kuai Liang would cause he kinda knows this shit happens. Kuai Liang kinda got a little bit of guilt cause Tomas gets into a fighting stance when he raises his hand up. Tomas hasn't victimized anyone so he's more chill about these situations 😭
Tells you random ass stories about when he used to play fight with his brothers. 
“One time Bi-Han threw me in the air and Kuai Liang jumped to catch me only to throw me against the wall”
“This reminds me of when Bi-Han swept my feet from under me and Kuai Liang jumped on me”
“What is it called when someone jumps on you elbow first?”
“This one time I woke up to them standing over me. I knew it was a wrap”
“One time Bi-Han slapped the back of my neck so hard, it was red for at least a week”
“One time Kuai Liang-” “Tomas… you need a therapist” “I don't think that's what it is”
Unlike Kuai Liang who makes you wait, he's cool with scrapping days later. 
Actually says “time out” when he wants a break. Also says “time in” fast as fuck though to catch you off guard 
Legit the most fun brother. I don't make the rules (except I do). 
I did not mean to write the least for Kuai Liang but I was really brain empty for him. Y’all should give me ideas, thanks bookie
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houndin-around · 4 years
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First off I just wanted to say thank you so much to everyone that follows me and deals with me 🥺💕 I kinda can’t believe I’m at 100? I have a lot more up coming so bare with me!! I also wanted to try my hand at writing a few headcanons for some of our favorite boys involving how they handle their emotions when they first find that special one! Will do some more later! And since I reached 100 followers I will also be releasing some of my world-building headcanons about my CEO Maul AU that is in the works!
Wolffe- This boy gets extremely, overwhelmed with his emotions and in turn, he begins lashing out at others accidentally. It's simply because he doesn't understand how to control all these new emotions he's experiencing and he's confused and scared. After all, he's not even supposed to be feeling like this so he feels as if he's failing:
*Ever since you convinced Plo Koon to aid his men to Aleen for support, Wolffe has started feeling weird. Any time you tried to approach him though, he was rather reserved and sometimes gave you the cold shoulder. That is until you kept pestering him and eventually broke that beskar like a shield he had up.
*He doesn’t understand what it is, and he’s convinced he’s picked up a bug or something while planetside. Though he refuses to admit being sick and keeps it to himself.
*Part of him doesn’t understand why he has the constant need to get off 24/7 either, and somehow his mind always ends up wandering to you.
*Maker is he spiraling in the hell of feelings.
*During a skirmish with the 501st, he starts lashing out at Boost more than usual because it’s a “life or death” situation, and any mistake they make during these drills reflect on the battlefield. Even though it’s just a friendly game Skywalker organized to keep the troopers entertained but also practice strategizing.
*As days pass, and the more you’re around Wolffe begins secluding himself more. Trying to deal with the weirdness he’s experiencing, still not able to pinpoint what the hell is going on with him.
*“Good you’re here.” When Sinker manages to locate his Commander and he barges into his quarters while starting to interrogate him.
*Wolffe felt like a blaster shot got him right in the chest. He felt like he couldn’t breathe, knowing he couldn’t escape Sinker’s questions. The commander hadn’t even noticed his emotions were controlling his behavior he was too wrapped up feeling like a defective clone.
*Wolffe knows clones weren’t supposed to have feelings, only to do their duty by serving the republic and that was it. Not even allowed to have possessions and yet, the idea of you being his was something he couldn’t suppress. It was wrong but anytime any other man spoke to you, held your attention he longed to stun them with his blaster.
*Eventually, Sinker was able to get Wolffe to unravel everything he was hanging onto. At first teasing, the commander was his first instinct, however, once he noticed how uncomfortable and shrunken the man in front of him was he immediately began comforting him.
*Wolffe made Sinker swear not to tell a soul, in exchange for relentless teasing and inside jokes between the two now. Something Wolffe “hates” but it’s better than everyone knowing, especially you while he gets all the advice from his brother on emotions, love, and most importantly how to get you in his grasp.
*“Kriff Wolffe, I’ve never seen you blush so much,” All Wolffe could let out was a low growl, eyes too focused on you walking down the hallway. Just the way you smiled and greeted him left him in a trance. “Guess that’s why they call it puppy love! Get it, Wolffe! Maybe we should just call you Wolffe Pup!”
*“Cut it out di’kut.” He hissed, walking away to escape to his quarters.
Echo- This precious baby is worried he's not good enough for you. He's super shy and just wants to treat you the way you deserve is that too much to ask?
*100% hopeless romantic, but not sure how to execute it.
*This boy is SOFT. But he’s not one to seek out that attention for himself, he just wants to bask you in that attention, making you feel like you’re his whole world. Because you are. He’d do absolutely anything for you. But in the beginning, it was hard for him to even consider himself worthy of your love. He never knew what love actually felt like until he met you, but he was always intrigued by the idea of love.
*When he first locked eyes with you, it was in a cantina on Tatooine. Wrecker insisted on checking the planet out to scope out any odd bounties to take care of since there were no current missions.
*Of course, once his eyes met with yours that was it. A chill ran down his spine, and his cheeks were dusted with a rosy hue. Butterflies filling his stomach. Once the rest of the bad batch caught on, boy did they give him hell.
*Majority of their time on Tatooine, Echo would wander off by himself into town in hopes to run into you, but knowing damn well he wouldn’t try anything. He was far too scared and self-conscious about it. Especially after meeting the Techno Union, he didn’t feel worthy of your time, didn’t feel like he deserved anyone. He felt like a monster.
*If he wasn’t looking around for you, he was sitting outside the bad batch ship, prosthetic knees pulled into his chest as he pondered the true meaning of love. Considering the possibility you are what most call a “soul mate.”
*All the secret reading of holo novels and never prepared him for the true experience and now he’s left alone with his thoughts. Hatred building at all his imperfections he now has.
*Tech at one point tried to explain the whole biological basis of love and theories supporting it, but that only made Echo’s head spin. On the other hand, he had Wrecker in his ear on the vulgarities of love. Though, because these troopers were different, they didn’t discourage their brother either. They fully supported whatever would make him happy which only made him think of Fives even more. Fives would know what to say and guide him in the right direction because after all Fives always had civies swooning over him.
*“For Fives.” He’d repeat over and over, trying to muster the courage to even approach you at the market. Echo wanted his brother to be proud of him for stepping out of his comfort zone in an attempt to discover if what he was truly feeling was love.
*Even though he was embarrassed to admit it to himself, he attempted some of Fives’ pick up lines but when the words tumble out of his mouth…they sound more like rambles, managing to forget the important parts of said pick up lines leaving Echo red and more flustered
*He’s honestly so precious trying to follow in his brother’s footsteps. Even if he’s making a fool out of himself, the giggle he gets from you is so rewarding that he keeps coming back to your vendor stall.
*The way he sees you look at him like he’s not broken and defective based on his cybernetics makes his heart leap. He finally found someone that hasn’t pitied him or trying to fix him.
*This is love. This is without a doubt the definition of love he was searching for. Crosshair was wrong. Soul Mates did exist, and it was you. Maker was it you, and he will do his best to try and show you how much he cherishes you as he learns more.
Fives- This man doesn’t stop at anything!! We all know he’s a popular man, but when that one special someone has his heart that’s it. He’s 100% devoted and will try to win their love every single day as if its started all over again. His pick up jokes are hella corny though and I will die on this hill!
*Confidence!!! Need I say more? Especially after a few drinks at 79s.
*This man will not hesitate to invade your personal space and whisper sweet nothings in someone's ear. Except when he tries it on you? He earns a swift smack to the face, damaging his ego a bit.
*Boy, the look on the rest of the 501st’ face should’ve been holorecorded. He’s NEVER rejected. But you weren’t the type to entertain drunk strangers. Despite the embarrassing encounter, Fives is plotting another scheme to get your attention. Although let's be honest, he’s always scheming!
*Even though he has a pretty high body count, it never meant anything to him. Just some stimulation and stress relief. However, that all stopped when he laid eyes on you. He swore to himself that he’d do everything in his power to be with you. But not just intertwined in the sheets, no, soul and all, hand and hand.
*Fives has heard about love before, but he never really thought he’d find someone who made him feel like that. If he was being honest with himself, he was kinda skeptical about it. After all, he didn’t really know anyone who experienced it. At least he wasn’t aware.
*It took him quite a few days of talking in the mirror and hyping himself up before he dared to try again before it dawned on him you may not even be there again. This kind of sends him spiraling a bit, anxiety starting to creep up on him like a Rishi Eel.
*One thing about Fives though is he’s determined. He was willing to wait as long as he possibly could to cross paths with you once more in hopes to patch things up and catch your attention. Some of the boys had Kix check up on their brother as he was constantly rambling to himself, thinking about all the possible scenarios he’d had with you at 79s. He managed to convince everyone he was fine though, just strategizing.
*His second attempt at winning you over went a little something like this; You were leaning against the bar, talking to a friend while he waltzed up to order a drink. He notices your friend begins to nudge you, only for you to roll your eyes once you see who it is. Of course, he’s got that stupid grin on his face, ready to work his magic. “You look tired darling.” His mouth hovers over the brim of the glass, eyes locking with yours. “I’m fine.” Your eyebrow raised, curious as to what game this clone was playing. You had to admit he was ballsy and hot…in an irritating kind of way. “Hmm...Surprised.” Fives mumbled taking another sip of his Trandoshan ale, “Cos you’ve been running through my mind all day.” The friend next to you ended up spitting her drink on the floor and your face beat red and not because of the alcohol.
*Once he laid out that card, that was it. He locked you in and you had no choice but to give him some of your time.
*Just the way he admires the words tumbling out of your lips, all attention on you, is surprising. Here you thought you had a man just wanting to slip into your pants and yet, he’s listening to your life story, asking questions about you. Your likes, dislikes, everything.
*He’s not one to admit he’s wrong, but he apologizes for his first interaction with you. Even admits that he was so awestruck with your beauty that his brain just stopped functioning.
*After several outings, his demeanor never changes. He’s so into you and remembers every detail about you. Any shift in your tone and he’s pressing you to talk about whatever is on your mind. Wanting to be the one to help you through it all.
*“Ya know Rex. I think I’m in love?” The captain couldn’t help but let out a snicker before realizing Fives is serious. “You? In love? Since when was that possible?” Fives just rolled his eyes and gave Rex a somewhat gentle push, before sneaking a peek at the holopic he has of you. Love was better than he expected, especially when it involved you.
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viridiansindria · 5 years
I'm howling
This is great. The salt sustains me. Euron 360 no scoping from around a cliff after teleporting his fleet to rapidly three shot Rhaegal. Great, godly.
Super ballista that hit as hard as 12 pound cannons? Sweet.
More Robert's Rebellion was built on a lie nonsense? I stopped pounding my head against the brick wall of that stupidity years ago.
Good news everyone only half of the Unsullied and Wildlings died. Compared to all of the Dothraki (like its the Dothraki but still) And we don't get any mention of how many Vale and Northmen died
There's a new prince of Dorne apparently. I guess Frogger crawled out of his hole. No wait. Not edgy enough. Its Darkstar clearly.
The start of Sansafinger? Why not. Let's do it. And there is is mocking goodness and that you need to be a Hard Woman Making Hard Choices whilst Hard
Jon: Can you keep a promise?
Sansa: Of course!
Jon: Tell him Bran! (This is his purpose now. Sleeping and to spread the word of RLJ)
5 minutes Later,
Sansa: Hey Tyrion, here's a secret! Now plot treason with me
That Bronn scene was ultra whiplashy. Threatens to kill them after somehow walking in while fully and openly armed. And then walks out after demanding they give him Highgarden. What? Even by the underground standards of the show that made no sense. Why didn't they send anyone after him.
Arya calls out Sansa's bs and just admits the North is just isolationist and (I don't want to say xenophobic because that seems too strong) tribalistic.
Them saving the CGI budget by leaving Ghost looking like shit and Jon punting him away without a backwards glance or headpat? Actually bothered me unlike everything else. Especially when Tormund and Sam got hugs.
The people apparently still believe in Cersei. Takes sheeple to a whole new level
Tyrion suddenly liking Cersei and going to bat for her moral character repeatedly? Lmao.
Varys suddenly turning into book Varys while noting that 8 people isn't a secret? True enough.
Also he apparently has negative loyalty. The second someone better looking comes along he's already on their side
That said Aejon has fully subsumed Faegon. All he needs is the blue dye or his eyes to suddenly look purple in certain lights (is the purple eyes still a thing on the show?) to complete the fusion
Show Jon reaching critical dumbass and just blabbing his secret everywhere? Lol someone really doesn't want more boatsex.
Avuncular marriages are now taboo apparently.
Show Daeron II was paralyzed from the waist down and Daeron I built him a cool wheelchair
Bye Missandei (to the tune of bye Felicia)
Dany's allies can't into military planning and suddenly have an issue with killing people
Lmfao D&D said Dany and the rest forgot about Euron's fleet!
Tormund took up the torch Ser Friendzone left behind. To quote a friend he's Ser Tormund of House Giantsbane, first of his name, Lord of the Nice Guys, King of the Ones Like Brothers, Heir to the Just Friends, Keeper of the Keys of the Friendship, and Guardian of the Friendzone
Dany: We need to alpha strike Cersei before she gets any more power
Everyone but Jon: OMFG she crazy
Cersei for some reason doesn't just blast them to hell with the multiple super ballistae mounted on the ramparts.
Losing several of your closest friends, your allies continue to be ungrateful after you sacrificed a dragon, and 3/4 of your army fighting for them, and some of those loses are the result of your allies continuing their failed attempts to beseech the enemy commander to peacefully abdicate, and your lover being a colossal dumbass. And being pissed about it = insanity.
Seems legit. Mad Queen bowl. Just fire bomb it all.
But hey, its actual foreshadowing at least.
Pictured underneath: GoT fans who still believed in D&D
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cursedcaos · 6 years
Colt green
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 I am a poor wayfaring stranger
A-traveling through this world below
But there's no sickness, toil, or danger
In that bright land to which I go
I'm going there to see my father
I'm going there no more to roam
I'm just a-going over Jordan
I'm just a-going over home
B A S I C S:
Full Name: Colt ‘McCrea’ Green
Quote: “Ride with you brother? Always.”
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: He | Him
Appearance: Colt stands at 5'8 he has an overweight build with stronger arms, he hides his weight under clothing and he has multiple scars all over his body, the most being in his arms and legs where roped imbedded and left scars, a scar is over his throat from a failed attempt at killing him and he hides it with a green patterned bandanna with plant patterns stitched into the ends, he has unkempt black hair that curls at the end and Hazel eyes with green, gold and brown with slight hints of blue near the middle, he has bags under his eyes from going to bed late and waking up early.
                  O T H E R:
Family: Father: Campbell Green(deceased), Mother: Holly McCrea(deceased)
Animals: Horse - A Overo paint named Cherry, Cat - A yellow and white Maine coon named Cracker
Birthplace: Near the upper montana river, West Elizabeth great plains
Job(s): Outlaw, horse caretaker
Phobias: fear of deep water, fear of losing his loved ones, Fear of bees,wasps and hornets, fear of not doing something right or not being good enough
Guilty Pleasures: Candy
Hobbies: wood working, Singing alone or very rarely near the other members, Photography, writing, Taking care of the horses
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                   M O R A L S:
Morality Alignment: True Neutral
Sins: Anger
Virtues: Kindness, Justice, hope, Faith
                  T H I S - O R - T H A T:
introvert / extrovert
organized / disorganized
close-minded / open-minded
calm / anxious / restless
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient
outspoken / reserved
leader / follower / flexible
empathetic / unempathetic
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
hard-working / lazy
traditional / modern / in between
                   G A N G I N F O:
Gang: Van Der Linde
Rank: 4th most trusted
Bounty: Wanted Dead or Alive
Price on Head: $4000
When did he join?: 1878
Favorite Gang activity: Robbing Stage's
Favorite member: Sean MacGuire
Second favorite: Javier Escuella
Third favorite: John Marston
Least Favorite/hate: Micah bell
Job in Gang: Taking care of the horses
How he joined: He was found when he was 12 in the year 1878, dutch hearing a scream of pain investigated and found the new gang, the O'Driscoll boys having tied up colts arms and legs to the point of embedding into the skin, they held him hostage and tortured him for not joining them, dutch arrived just in time as they slit colts throat, it failed and did not cut deep enough to kill him, after Dutch killed them he brought colt back with him and let him heal, asking colt to join When he was healed enough and colt accepted, becoming the first one to join out of everyone and becoming the second most loyal out of everyone in the gang.
Where he sleeps: he has a tent out farther than the others to always listen for people trying to sneaking into camp or sneak away.
Sawed-Off Shotgun
Rolling Block Rifle modified with a long scope and golden metal engraving with ivory metal and ebony wood
Relationships(Main ones):
Arthur Morgan: Considers him a older brother, the two have been together thick and thin since the beginning of the gang and he loves him dearly and he would die for him and even kill for him, he and Arthur often share pictures colt takes or stuff Arthur has written in his journal on his adventures, the two even act like brothers as seen through conversations or interactions when you talk to him or in missions
John Marston: Considers him a younger brother, he helped raise him since he was young and helped him try shooting better from the lessons Dutch taught him when he first joined, he helped him try to swim but ultimately failed at trying and often calls him raccoon or brother, even deartháir meaning brother in Irish and would die for him and his family, you can often see him talking to john after he argues with Abigail and helps him try being a better dad even if the two brothers don't know what the hell they are doing.
Hosea Matthews: Considers him a father, he taught colt how to read and be kind, he is the most like hosea in personality and colt appreciates that hosea is in his life, admiring him for teaching him things Dutch could not and will often share stories with hosea when he returns to camp after a adventure and shows him the pictures he's taken or when the two go hunting or fishing he shows what fish he's caught or even track animal's for hosea on hunting trips, the two almost died from wolves once and laugh it off now, he loves hosea like a father.
Dutch Van Der Linde: considers him a father figure in his life for saving his life, he taught colt how to trick people with his kindness and be a leader when needed, but he hates being a leader figure and just prefers being a follower and taught him how to rob people and pick pocket unsuspecting people, Dutch trust's him because he can keep secrets that need kept secret and can be a valuable asset in long range shooting, learning how to shoot far even with a pistol or a revolver.
Javier Escuella: Considers Javier a friend and a brother, he taught colt how to speak and understand spanish and to speak Spanish and in return, taught Javier how to speak English, colt often just listens to Javier playing his own songs on his guitar or sometimes even singing with him if he knows the song Javier is singing, and the two act like close friends and even brothers, they also talk in Spanish sometimes, mostly about how colt wants to visit Mexico and Javier promises to bring colt there one day and always be there for him, even if the gang breaks up one day.
Charles Smith: Considers him a friend, he likes the man for his quiet and reserved personality and that he seems to care for bison and other wildlife, and colt often takes Charles to his best locations for hunting in the area's colt loves throughout the different chapters, he tries helping Charles talk to people more people and help him make friends, and in return Charles helped him learn to track animals and hunt better, but mostly uses the skills to track animals he takes pictures of.
Sean Macguire: Considers sean a close friend and a brother, he is very close to him and loves his stories he tells around the campfire, Sean always cheers him up even at his lowest points, wherever the two go trouble seems to the two close behind, they are the best choice for stagecoach robberies or home robberies, but it's also a bad choice because they cause more trouble than good most of the times they are together, but they get the job done fast and efficient, colt tries teaching Sean to read once in awhile but Sean declines help from colt each time he tries helping him learn.
Kieran Duffy: a love hate relationship, he trust's this former O'Driscoll but still doesn't trust him fully but senses the man has a meek personality and a good heart, he helps him take care of the gangs horses and learn new ways for him to take care of the horses or protect him from the other gang members, once fought bill and pinned him down by his arm with his foot against Bill's back for trying to geld poor Kieran once.
                   P E R S O N A L:
Personality: a kind and caring individual, he loves being around people he considers family, he always puts his gang first before anything else and listening to different members stories, listening to javier's music and Sean's stories even if some of them may be stupid, he can act chaotic when he is around the gang but knows when to not act like that and stays calm, often stays up even when everyone is asleep,
but when he gets angry his attitude quickly goes to cold and hateful, a side inherited from his father who was a outlaw leader before his death, his father had a stern and cruel personality when he was still alive and this is shown the most around Micah or Bill when the two start causing trouble and often get in fights that end up with one of them on the ground or wounded,
he was raised for 12 years around his father's gang before there deaths and was taught right from wrong from one of the gang members and gained a adventurous personality from that time around them, he seems to love books and writing in a journal he buys later in the chapters and loves nature and wildlife, specifically elks and moose,
                   R E L A T I O N S H I P S:
He also loves being around the girls and tries lowering miss grimshaw’s attitude towards them but ultimately fails since he is also somewhat afraid of her, he also loves cats and even has his own cat dutch and hosea let him have when he found her 4 years ago.
Acceptable Ships: N/A
OT3: N/A
BroTP: Arthur/Colt, John/Colt, Javier/Colt, Sean/Colt
NOTP: Dutch/Colt, Hosea/Colt, Micah/Colt, Bill/Colt, Uncle/Colt
                           F A C T S:
1. He is blinded by loyalty and almost doesn't see dutch's wrong choices later in the chapter's.
2. He was once trying to learn knife tricks from Javier once and the knife stabbed into his hand, leaving a scar on his right hand.
3. he's going blind from age.
4. He sometimes hums to himself if he thinks he is alone
5. He has fast Metabolism, so he looks sickly and can get sick easily
6. Hated John when he first join but overtime they grew closer, and sometimes call each other brother.
7. Fought Bird Anderson and Lost, gets mocked by the gang sometimes for losing to a kid.
8. Is the son of a now deceased infamous gang leader Named Campbell Green.
9. Can speak Gaelic, Spanish and English.
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