#like love is a big theme in the story. theres a lot of mutual love and respect between the mother/son relationship with singer and pupet
squeakadeeks · 3 months
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finally drew the actual antagonist for stitch in the ditch!! (Stitch, Seam, and Husqvarna arnt actually evil, they just have an opposing perspective and solution to the tears in reality) But Brother is 100% through and through the bad guy.
He's the one that started the rips in the patchwork world to make his own personal kingdom, and commands the oose, which are monstrous balls of lint and loose thread created by the fraying edges. He is objectively the greatest stitch witch of all time, and was also responsible for creating Stitch and Seam...but he sucks so bad they quit and want nothing to do with him now.
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brella-boi · 2 years
I watched Strange World yesterday and Ill be another person to advocate everyone to go look at it after hearing that its apparently not advertised in some countries. Personally Ive seen quite a bit of ads for it on social media and the cinema before other movies start in Ireland but hey seems like Disney is really trynna bury it
And for good reason too, it is gay. Yes. There is a lesbian. Yes. Theres black characters and mixed characters. There's gayness very much in your face in the first 15 minutes and is a point through the rest of story and a big theme in it is self discovery and also daddy issues.
Anyway Im gonna tell you to watch the movie because its gay. No theres a lot of stuff like that you can watch that has a lot more gayness in it.
No you gotta watch this movie because it is an INCREDIBLE take on 'hollow earth' and the worldbuilding is absolutely beautiful.
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The build up for the final reveal starts off since the first 5 minutes of the movie and continues to pepper in hints for you to slowly figure it out whats going on. It's an alien world full of colour and mystery and I WISH these people were researches not adventurers because I WANNA learn more about it!!!! Every creature in the movie has some sort of purpose and if you know highschool grade biology then you will pick up on the hints quite quickly and have your brain blown out
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The story tackles parental trauma and discovering yourself when you grow up. It has views very specifically built around 'peace not violence' which is something i highly encourage in family friendly movies like such, but its also not afraid to tackle harder hitting moments like death and mutual aid for those in need.
If you can I recommend watching it whenever you can! It has so much charm and love put into the designs, the animation, the movement and the jokes. Very hard not to enjoy this little alien adventure
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ajdrawshq · 2 years
3, 9, 23 :D
u know u did smth right when i have to re-look up how to do readmores on mobile for an ask cksbxjsbn
3 - 1-3 games you've played in the past 12 months that you really enjoyed
Omori, Radiant Historia, and Octopath Traveler (in that order)!! and probably several more that im currently forgetting bc the last few months felt like years. i saw Omori on game pass n since i remembered seeing the occasional post abt it i decided to try it out and man!!!! good fucking game!!!!! i dont talk abt it often bc theres very little i can say abt it that hasnt already been said, but it means a lot to me - both the games messages and the world n characters. i even got some new mutuals out of it :3 then Radiant Historia.. i could say a million things abt this game and i Have (most of which is still in my drafts) but god i wish more ppl knew abt this thing. it has its flaws for sure but it does some stuff ive never seen in other games, or not quite the way they do it. n im super attached to the characters <3 probably one of my favorite time travel games by far. and then!!! Octopath Traveler!!!! my most recent beloved.. i did Not think id like it as much as i do but now im very not normal abt it. its such a gorgeous game both in story and the general Vibe of it all its just so <3
9 - A game you played completely blind with no prior knowledge of and enjoyed/loved
definitely octopath. i didnt know Anything going into this game other than that someone recommended it to me bc i also like radiant historia so there had to be some kinda similarity there. going into it, i wasnt sure how following 8 seperate characters and 8 seperate storylines would work nor did i think the endgame would tie them all togther that well, if at all. starting up the game wasnt the most interesting, like when ur going around collecting all 8 characters for the first time and trying to keep up with em all, BUT!! its the kinda game that gets good if u put the time and effort into it and before long i already had 100 hours in. after a while i got really attached to the main team id been using and the other 4 were just as interesting, even the ones i didnt expect to like much?? i adore all the different dynamics within this funny lil ragtag found family so much and all their individual stories.. and everything else is incredible too!! the music is SO fucking good its literally all live orchestrations (and all the musicians are credited too!!) and the boss themes and town themes and route themes are all gorgeous. the graphics are fucking ridiculous, like this game has the best water graphics ive ever seen and that is not an exaggeration in the slightest, and the snow is so so pretty, and the blur effects.. mwah. the overworld pixel art is cute and the enemy/boss pixel art is suprisingly beautiful and detailed. the level design for dungeon-esque areas made treasure hunting fun and i like having to search for hidden pathways in a game built in such a different way than im used to (tho i still have yet to find a way to certain treasure chests >:/). and the gameplay - ive never seen an rpg with set characters that is as flexible as this. u can literally build any character any way and it will be perfectly usable and that is so awesome to me. like theres definitely some optimized builds, but if u wanna make the heavy hitting physical tank guy into a magic dps machine there is nothing stopping u. and he Will kick ass. the gameplay is straight up made for u to do whatever u want with it. the whole world is entirely at ur fingertips. anyway very cute game highly recommend it <3
also worth mentioning are omori, 999, and kh3, but only to some extent bc i technically knew at least Some stuff beforehand for each game but not enough to like. Know. yknow
23 - A "wow" moment of awe
ohhh ive been wanting to talk abt this for a while now thank u for enabling me. in octopath traveler, a Big moment for me was entering the .. spoilery true ending area. ive played a lot of games by now. there are very, very few that have 1. made me genuinely worried about a side character ive met 3 times total n had little more than neutral feelings about and 2. made me feel Actual Dread upon entering an area. the vibe is incredible. first going to a place thats talked about only in tales of a recent tragedy, where there is almost no sound, no life, nothing but burnt, abandoned remains, a save point, and an entrance. and when you actually go inside.. good god. the music is haunting. just the very place is haunting - quite literally!! and the massive lore drops along the way,, man. Man. theres a fuck ton of stuff they just drop on you all at once (some ppl dont like the massive infodump style and im usually the same but i was so fucked up by it i actually absorbed it all lmao), but One Specific Reveal alone was its own wow moment and i havent fully recovered from it. and then the final fucking boss(es)???? hello?????? and the fact that within the eye you can even see (spoiler)........ oughhh. and thats not even mentioning the leadup to it all - the hints are somewhat obvious as you complete each characters ending, but they dont really tie together until you find the diaries. some are more subtle, like the previously mentioned reveal that continues to fuck me up whenever i think about it and i have yet to recover from the whole thing. yes the true endgame is ridiculous and hard as shit and everyone hates doing it. yes its one of the most awe striking moments ive ever felt in a game and i wish i could do it again without the literal suffering that comes with it. no its not even worth it but id do it. yes i am so fucking normal about this game
i also need to mention 999, aitsf, and stella glow here bc holy fuck the three of them deserve it. ive talked abt the first two at some point on their own (the safe ending........ that fucking safe ending!!!!!!!!!!) n i dont have it in me to do a whole thing on stella glow after that ^ so just. trust me on this. ill probably rant abt it at some point its really one hell of a game. oh also ffxv but specifically bc of like the first cutscene where it shows the chocobros getting ready to leave bc that was the first time since id played kh1 and kh2 thatd id seen such pretty looking graphics n characters
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pechebeche · 4 years
You've given me jess moore brainrot. Tell me more pls. Or alternatively stat any supernatural character of ur choosing or do both. (You've given me the brainrot i thought i was done with this)
YES....join me in my protag jess moore hours!! Come To The Better Reality
i actually still haven't Fully decided what jess was studying in college. i know that the like anime version of the show had her as a law student, so i guess that would be the most 'canon compliant' one? and if i remember right a lot of fanfic made her a nurse?
but like. personally, im invested in a jess whose abilities translate into hunting in a less traditional sense. like i really love math whiz jess, whose ability to see patterns makes her an ideal researcher; or jess who planned to work in criminology or history, whose knowledge of different cold cases and unsolved crimes gives her insight to modern cases (ie one "episode" idea was that the police would call a copycat killing of the cleveland torso murderer only for it to turn out to be a vampire hunter)
i especially like the angle of historian jess because i think it works really well for the other themes of the story - a lot of it is abt, as jess is hunting down dean (the last person sam was seen with before his death), the discovery of His personal history in tandem with the confronting of her own, and the themes of uncovering the past
theres actually a very literal level of that where one of the first places jess investigates (because dean is fuckin off the grid that boys impossible to find if he doesn't want found!) is the winchester house, which is an actual haunted building with some WILD architecture, and the whole shtick is digging into the past of the winchester family on a Larger Level
(its also where she meets meg! meg is posing as a More Experienced Hunter who is ALSO looking for dean. she's the one who leads jess to the roadhouse and introduces her to jo, and she's kind of their cas for a while until it gets revealed she was Evil All Along. theres plot reasons for all of this but they're secret. the important thing is she and jo have a 10-year allies to friends to enemies to forced cooperatives to tentative friends to soft mutual pining to lovers arc)
the big mid-season twist of "s1" in the timeline is that dean finally goes on the grid with The Whole Shapeshifter Murder Debacle, and deans apparently dead so the trail goes cold...except they look closer at the reports from the town. they go and talk to zach and becky. and they confirm.
sam was with dean.
sam, who jess watched burn alive on her ceiling, was walking around with dean not more than a few days ago.
and jess has some QUESTIONS.
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bxstiae · 4 years
THE POSITIVE & NEGATIVE; mun & muse - meme.
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tagged by: i took it from @wildshero tagging: anybody who wants to i guess.... um... @lupihero / @hyaciiintho / @origcmibird / @dansiere / @drakslay / @fellcarnate / @gerudofury / @aerialarcher​ / there i added people. 
fill out & repost ♥ this meme definitely favors canons more, but i hope oc’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. multi-muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au ( dependent on verse ) / canon-divergent / fandomless
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK.
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO / MAYBE
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO / MAYBE
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. ( it honestly depends who you ask, and when in the story it is. )
How strictly do you follow canon?  — I follow enough canon to not change the plot, but its very VERY lore heavy. and it diverges post game as well. Not to mention there are some discrepancies with my Link as well. namely his eye colour. his personality is BIT more jaded than canon. but then again, he is a character that is ( in theory ) YOU. so its how YOU play the game. 
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  — i mean. idk im not really a sellout in general....?? he’s... extremely interesting in the fact that you have a tired man(tm) who’s just about done with the world at such a young age. he’s the hero of hyrule, and has done many feats. he has interesting stories to tell. and he’s not at all a boring person. he’s a bit quirky, has a fan-base, and overall, who WOULDN’T want to interact with link? i mean its LINK. after all... not to mention that he’s not really PREDICTABLE for the most part. I mean he is kind of but also not at all. I just??? i think a lot of people find him interesting? he’s also very attentive at times. you literally have to throw a rock and he will look your direction. 
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  — he is a selective mute. he WILL not talk. he will not approach you. you HAVE to approach him.... while he tends to be ‘OP’ he really isn’t. he’s still very much a human, and will react as such. its very hard to approach cause he has that ‘intimidating feel’ and lets not forget that he really does straight up ignore people if hey dont say anything to him. in that aspect it’s hard to interact with him. because its not like he ‘tunnel visions’ but he just wont pay attention to you if there is nothing to pay attention to. 
What inspired you to rp your muse?  — he’s been a muse for me since 2012. just always put on the backburner for a reason. but really? link was the ONE character that I could relate to. he was my go to guy. really. in high school, i struggled with friends and a lot of other things. but i pushed through. and honestly. link was ALWAYS a character that i turned to for that. it happened with Skyward Sword as well. when BOTW came out it was the same way. BOTW was my go to game in college because of link. so when i finally gt the wiiu version and started playing TP again, i was like. YEP im making him again. cause yes. the themes in TP are all themes that are right up my alley too. so of course i am going to find inspiration there. I ALSO found inspiration when i found some celtic music as well. I listen to msic when i write my replies. and when i was writing a reply on another blog. i found some celtic music and i just had THAT MOOD. 
What keeps your inspiration going? — the game. celtic music. honestly art. vines. anythign that reminds me of TP Link keeps me going. some of the interactions i have keep me going. the PLOTS i have keep me going.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO. 
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO. ( lol yea. )
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO. ( i mean i love to write drabbles tbh. I don’t think i have on link, but I would always LOVE to. though if you look at some of my asks, they can be considered drabbles. lololol i love to write. )
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO ( link is the ONE muse i never EVER lose confidence in. which is why he is such a strong character for me. link is me. straight up. and i think somebody asked me that too. he’s NOT a self insert but. i can relate SO much to him in so many ways. but i love the way i portray him cause he is very unique. i just hope that my confidence doesn’t SCARE duplicates and other people cause i would never want people to be intimidated by THIS fact that i am confident. )
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. ( lol yea. honestly i love to write. though my style always changed and sometimes i worry about that. cause sometimes i have prose and sometimes i dont. but im an adaptable writer which i always loved about myself. )
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. ( yea. both. i am both. im sensitive ooc but want to say shit about my portrayal. i don’t really care. say shit about me, and then i get upset and sad. )
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  — depends n the criticism. I say this all the time. theres constructive criticism. and then theres. just plain hate. I accept anything thats constructive. I want to know what i need to work on or what people would want to see. link is an ever-changing muse. i learn and grow and i will take anything thats told to me nicely without the hate.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  — PLEASE. jsut send them my way i LOVE all the questions and character development. you dont even have to be a mutual for that.
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  — yes and no. i mean its my HC. you are allowed to disagree with my HC. hoenstly. thats the beauty of INTERPRETATIONS. i dont expect every TP link out there to agree with all of my HCs. so long as we can all be mature adults about it and talk normally with one another. we gucci. like we are allowed to have different HCs. and honestly. I would want to know because i would want to know what YOU think about the ‘canon.’ cause it’s different. i like those differences.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  — idk why they would? its link? its the protag. and in a way its supposed to be different for each person anyway??? its like taking Robin or Corrin from FE. like people are allwoed to disagree with the portrayal i GUESS? but i don’t understand why anybody would like stragiht up HATE the portrayal. its just different? idk. 
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  — see above tbh. but honestly. depends. do you hate him for the portrayal. or do you hate him cause of his character personality. like you’re allowed to interact with ‘bad’ characters. not that i think anybody would HATE link? but you know i could be wrong??? idk how to answer this cause what do you mean by hate? you can hate a character. but still interact with them??? idk how to compute this question???
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  — yes and no. honestly. i know i make mistakes. but i don’t want grammar nazi’s. i write to relax. the only time i would want people to tell me is if they were trying to figure out what i meant. does that make sense. like if they are confused on something. then its okay to tell me. otherwise if its something that is just a small mistake that you can ignore. then its no big deal. its also how you approach me too. like approach with caution. i am a delicate flower. so don’t attack me for making a mistake.
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  i am VERY VERY easygoing!!! I want to say im VERY kind. i am very accepting and EXTREMELY FORGIVING. no joke. I want to be the kindest person out there. I dont want people to be intimidated by me. I don’t want people to be scared of hurt by me. hoenstly. I am a very nice person. I may have different opinions but i am VERY respectful to everybody even those i do not agree with. Nobody should ever feel weird about me like ever okay? please don’t. I never want bad blood. so if something ever happens between us. you are always ALWAYS more than welcome to come talk to me when emotions have fizzled out. I am very apologetic too. so like?? idk??? who would???? consider me??? and asshole??? im tired. and i shut my door fast but its mainly cause... i am tired. nothing else has to do with it. i am very excitable and happy for people who talk to me. i consider ANYBODY who talks to me a friend. im jsut??? no really. i know people are shy. but im over her a big tired ball of fluff. i only want love and happiness for people. anybody who’s talked to me can testify to this. ♥♥
that’s about it, congrats for filling out!
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comicteaparty · 4 years
May 11th-May 17th, 2020 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from May 11th, 2020 to May 17th, 2020.  The chat focused on Gender Slices by Jey Pawlik.
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Comic Tea Party
Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Gender Slices by Jey Pawlik~! (https://topazcomics.com/genderslices/vol1/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace until May 17th, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Discussions are freeform, but we do offer discussion prompts in the pins for those who’d like to have them. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic! Whether you finish the comic or can only read a few pages, everyone is welcome to join and chat with us!
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic?
2. What has been your favorite moment in the comic (so far)?
3. Who is your favorite character?
4. Which characters do like seeing interact the most?
5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it!
6. What is a theme you like that the comic explores?
7. What do you like about the comic’s story or overall related content?
8. Overall, what do you think the comic’s strengths are?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I have read the comic before. The whole thing and the author's comment at the end. It is such a shame to hear that Jey has gotten hate for their work. It takes a lot of bravery to be so openly queer on the internet, and I admire it a lot.
I like the art!
It is simple and clean and expressive.
This might be a bit of a weird comment, but from how Jey draws themselves, I feel like I have an understanding of how they actually look?
Like, their face and body are just a few lines here, but they're a distinctive few lines.
About the writing: it's hard to make a short form comic like this! Brevity is the soul of wit and all that, and it's hard to be concise!
But I think they manage it well
I feel like every panel has a purpose
I think it's fascinating, and sometimes saddening, how how you are and how you look affects how others treat you
This comic gave me greater insight into what it's like to be seen as non binary. Or, to not be seen as non binary when you are
I don't know if Jey will be reading this, but thank you for making the comic <3
I hope that many other people learned something from reading it as well
eliushi [a winged tale]
I really enjoy comics that give me more insight into other people’s lives. Bookmarked and will go through the comic this week!
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Wow, I love the way the webcomic showed how being nonbinary was like. It's very simple and gets the point across very well. I'm also going to keep reading it.
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
On Gender Slices; - I enjoy how personal and insightful about Jey's journey as non binary. - I like how clean and straight forward the story is. It's more like an auto bio comic strip - Even though the designs are simplistic, I see the author's personal struggle within. - As a reader, I really like self discovery stories. Gender Slices is helping me think about gender spectrum, respecting pronouns. - Overall, it expresses how different stages of your life, your identity can change as a non binary person. Wow this comic accurately shows the common issues my enby friends complain about. But it's much clearer in this comic format(edited)
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
I loved Gender Slices! It's hard for me to comment on character and stuff when it's, like, autobiographical? Like, that's a real human person lol. But I really think the comic does a great job of conveying Jey's journey through their identity with all these short scenarios. It feels like a diary of sorts, and that's really cool to me.
eliushi [a winged tale]
I really enjoyed this and will be recommending it to folks I think will benefit from understanding this community better. I found the most powerful messages and portrayal of experiences come from the small everyday things that we often take for granted. I felt the clean art style and clear panels helped the autobiographical narrative be very approachable. Most importantly, the tips offering better phrasing and approaches to talking about gender in the comic were very enlightening and useful. I hope more people read this, young to old to in-between! There will always be things to learn on how to respect and love each other more.
What I like about the beginning of the comic and the art style all in one is just how clean the art is. I'm a huge fan of good, easy to read linework, since it's much easier for me as a reader to understand what's going on. This is something that occurred through out the comic, so each strip's message was conveyed really clearly. <3 I am overall glad this comic exists, as it's good to hear people's unique stories as they deal with life, whether it's something unique related to being nb or something that's somewhat universal regardless of those sorts of issues; I know at the beginning, disappointing parents was a pretty big theme and I think that's something we all experience. This was also clearly an extremely personal story at work, and it takes a truly brave soul to make something like this. Which honestly, I think those are the parts that make the comic the strongest. It's a personal story, and you know these events really happened and get to connect with the creator on a personal level without even knowing them. As such, the material really sticks with you because of that personal, emotional connection that's developed as you read it. As for a "favorite" moment, there is one strip that stood out to me (which I sadly didn't bookmark). But in it, Jey talks about how they appreciate having words and "labels" to describe themself, but also acknowledges that some people don't like to label themselves. And as a person who doesn't like to label themself, I really appreciated that. This is something I feel rarely gets mentioned in webcomics, so I liked that there was a mutual respect established in the strip that it's ok to have a preference in that regard and that whether you want to find labels for yourself or don't want to, you're a cool person.
Comic Tea Party
9. Of the moments in the comic, which did you find the most personally relatable and why? In what ways do you think that moment might help others who read it?
10. What do you think the personal stories in this comic teach us about finding personal happiness, self-acceptance, and acceptance from others?
11. Why do you think telling stories about the sorts of gender issues presented here are important, and what moments in the comic show why that’s the case?
12. How does the comic being autobiographical versus fiction affect your views on the comic’s messages? In what ways does it being autobiographical make it stand out from other comics?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
I've already talked about the most relatable moment in regards to favorite for me. I think it's a helpful moment because it just helps show everyone is different, and that it's good to have mutual respect all around. I think that the personal stories teach us about the themes of happiness, acceptance, etc. is that it's hard work. You aren't gonna nail it in one day, and you also can't be expected to. Society certainly may want you to have a grasp on these things, but ultimately these things are achieved at your own pace and you shouldn't beat yourself up over it. These stories are important for a lot of reasons, but for me personally I always think the most important thing is that it just makes people feel not alone. And I think the part of the comic that shows this is the strips about Jey finding people in their community. Humans do not like to feel lonely, and these stories help show people that no, even if you're in a community where this isn't a thing, there's billions of people in the world and theres always a community out there to share your experiences with and bond with. Autobiographical comics, in my opinion, tend to have a much stronger emotional connections. Sometimes with fiction stories, it can be hard to really get into the emotions, since at the end of the day, characters are representations of people and not exactly people. They can be damn good and feel super real, but there will always be that gap of "but it's fiction." Autobiographical stories don't have this. They are basically raw emotions put onto a page, and there's just this inherent sense of reality to them that fiction struggles to capture sometimes. As such, the messages they deliver are more powerful in most cases.
Comic Tea Party
13. What are you most looking forward to seeing in regards to the comic?
14. Any final words of encouragement for the comic?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Going back to the previous question; 9. Most personally was expressing how Jey tried to self talk to adjust to a new name. But end up falling back to their birth name. 10. It helps to see how one might struggle internally, what gender disphoria feels from the character's pov. 12. It gives a deeper insight since this is a real person's experience and not a fantasy character going through the stages. I will continue reading Jey's journey and learn from their experiences. I think it's a good guide to what a non binary person goes through.(edited)
Well since the comic is done, I am looking forward to seeing more people discover it. I know lots of people really need stories like this, so its nice to see when people are positively affected by them. Once again, it is a great thing this comic exists. Maybe it's not a comic for you, but it's one of those comics where you can tell it means a lot to someone out there, and I think everyone needs those special collection of stories to help them navigate through life
Comic Tea Party
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Gender Slices this week! Please also give a special thank you to Jey Pawlik for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Gender Slices, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: https://topazcomics.com/genderslices/vol1/
Jey’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jpawlik
Topaz Comic’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/topazcomics
Topaz Comic’s Shop: https://topazcomics.com/shop/
Topaz Comic’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/topazcomics
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kaiwrites · 7 years
The Fics...
Everything I’ve posted on AO3 so far, in case you feel like a little bit of reading...
A Little Closer to Okay 
When the Fun Vee hit a IED, Tony wasn’t the only one to end up captured in the cave.  The other passengers, Steve, Sam, Bucky, Natasha and Clint, are held prisoner and tortured along with him. 
This is the story of how they moved on after being rescued from Bucky’s POV.
T, warnings for PTSD and mentions of torture
Out of Place and Lost in Time (Part 1 of 4 in the With You I’m whole Series)
Steve is lost in the supermarket, talking to himself as he makes his way through the aisles. James thinks its adorable, and not so stealthily stalks him. And then Steve is in James' house, brought by a mutual friend, carrying pie.
A tale of rediscovery, reinvention, and transformations. Of an author and an artist. Of train rides to the beach in winter and pie like Ma used to make. And of course, a tale of idiots in love.
Transgender FtM Steve with reclusive paranoid Bucky, Background Nat/ Sam
Riding on Trains with Queers (Part 2 of With You I’m Whole)
With Clint's help, Steve comes up with a theme for his gallery showing, and remembers the people and events in his past that helped him through his coming out and transition. It seems that a lot of his memories involve riding on trains.
Transgender Steve, mostly his story in this fic.  Warnings for deadnaming in flashbacks, dysphoria, anxiety and past Steve/ Peggy and Steve/ Dum Dum Dugan relationships. 
(I have plans for parts 3 and 4, and I’ve even started writing the Bucky centric part 3, but I have no idea when I might get the inspiration to pudate on this one.)
The Robot Dick Olympics (Bopeep wrote chapter 1, I wrote chapter 2, it will probably be a WIP forever...)
 This is some straight up crack that revolves around dick jokes, brought to you be the enablers in the Captain America RBB Slack Chat. 
Bucky Has a Metal Dick to match his arm, Tony feels the need to compete and builds a robot dick for the Iron Man Suit, and Clint suggests his normal human dick as the controll.   Natasha wants nothing to do with any of it. 
First Kiss
Another one brought to you be the enablers in the Captain America RBB Slack Chat, exept its more of the sad and Angstly variety, and not Crack at all. 
So, tell me Steve.” Natasha demanded, glancing over at him briefly, “If I wasn’t your first kiss since 1945, who was it?”
“Huh?” Steve asked, looking confused “First kiss?”
“Yeah, remember a couple of years ago when I kissed you to hide from Rumlow? You said I wasn’t your first.” Natasha reminded him.
“Oh yeah.” Steve answered, with a slight groan. He had been hoping Nat would have forgotten about that by now. “It’s a stupid story, you really don’t want to hear it.”
Warnings for unprotected anonymous sex, depression and possibly making you cry a little. 
Taraksvasana  My piece for the 2017 Captain America Reverse Big Bang with art by @starlingzinc.  
It's been a year since the events of Civil War, and six months since Bucky was awoken from cryo-freeze in Wakanda and came back home to Steve and their house in the mountains. They were finally living their own lives, together and not having to hide.
They still had their demons to battle, but they couldn't control their futures. They had a quiet life now, with friends nearby, plans for a vegetable garden, and yoga. No one would have guessed the former winter soldier would end up obsessed with yoga.
A Life Near By
Bucky may have snuck away after saving Captain America from the Potomac, but he didn't go far. He needed answers, and this Steve guy seemed to have them, so he did the last thing anyone would have expected, hiding out in the middle of Washington, DC while working on answering the most important question.
Who the hell was Bucky, and why was he so important to this Captain America guy anyway?
Broken Soul Seeking Same  (WIP, currently working on what will probably be the final chapter)
Roommates to Lovers after meeting through craigslist AU. Bucky lost his arm in an accident and works as a restraunt manager.  Steve suffers from chronic pain due to physical disability.  Thor is a Chef and Community service hero.  
Everyone is stronger with help and support from others, and for those living with disabilty, it’s practically essential.  The right partner through it all can make a world of difference.
Warnings for M/M sex, marijuana use and refereces to traumatic events. 
Other things in the works.... (the comming soon/ preview section perhaps?) 
Autistic Bucky- Bucky was sent away to the Hydra Acadamy to be ‘fixed’ after being diagnosed with autism at age 10.  He comes out a different person, suffering from PTSD and Anxiety as a result of behaviorial therapy, and only Steve can put him back together.   The daily life  and routines of Bucky and his boyfriend Steve, and his job at the animal shelter he runs with Sam. 
Ive got about 5K written, with ideas to make this one close to 20K.  I think theres a Big Bang comming up .....
Bike messenger Steve- Fluffy AU ideas that have been floating around my head for a while.  Steve is a bike messenger who is always getting hit by cars.  Bucky is the security guard who always notices the new scrapes and bandages.  Standard mutual pining between idiots.  Probably 5k or so if I ever manage to write the thing.
“Meh,” Steve said with  a shrug, “just a bit of roadrash.”
A Wreck among Kings (working title)
Character study on Jack from the Kings TV series. How do you mourn a lover you were unable to aknowledge? 
Started for the Sebastian Stan Birthday that never actually happend.  No idea if anything will actually happen with this, but i have lots of notes.
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tumblunni · 6 years
Feeling more Thoughts for my miscellaneous pokemon gijinka ocs! Man i really should someday talk about the ones i made as a teen. I started getting really attatched to my mons in sinnoh and then i tried to be Detatched And Cool for the next few generations and alola was the first time i got all gijinka madness again. NOW I WILL NEVER LOOK BACK!!!!
Anyway, today we're talking aboyt Gaspar the gengar aka one of my biggest comfort characters from that childhood gijinkaverse, who i decided to age up into a Cool Dad and bring back in a new story because I Love Him And You All Need To Love Him Too
I was thinking more about Chilliam aka The New Oc Made Entirely To Be A Son For Dad. Not sure anymore if i wanna make him a shiny gastly or maybe a different kind of ghost, or even a new fakemon or something? Cos well he was named that cos shiny gastly looks like an ice ghost but it isnt actually an ice ghost. Ans the only ice ghosr is female only for some dumb reason and its also a very complicated final evolution design which doesnt seem to fit well for a kiddy ghost. Maybe i should doodle some smol icy spoops? I dont really have much of an idea tho except like a snowball version of gastly
Alternative idea is maybe have him as a gijinka of a psychic type pokemon? Cos that could theoretically also be an opportunity to have him be a gijinka pokemon who was once a human. In the gijinkaverse thats obvioysly rare cos the whole point is that theyre pokemon who turn into humans. So blablabla you could maybe justify keeping his plot with a psychic type mon cos psychic humans exist in pokemon and itd make sense to just have a human with psychic powers that are like based around a certain pokemon. I thought that would be a neat idea for how it works? Like Sabrina's psychic powers involve using spoons like Kadabra and Caitlyn from the elute four has all that sleep themed aesthetic and a psychic aura the same colour as munna. Alternative idea: the kid is in a coma and astral projecting using his psychic powers which is why Gaspar mistakes him for a fellow pokemon.
But i dunno i just like the idea of ghosts!! I think it would be cool if ghosts were pokemon! Like its infinately more neato to rise from the grave as a monster than as a boring translucent copy of yourself whos exactly the same. And theres so many cool ghostie monster designs in pokemon, from cute to cool to legitimately scary! Who wouldnt wanna spend an afterlife as a gengar!!!! HEAVEN IS GENG
Oh and also i thought up maybe a supporting character who'd be Chilliam's best friend from his old life who he meets again and tearfully reunites with. I havent decided their gender yet but ive sketched up some designs that sorta accidentally looked like a hoothoot gijinka? Which probably isnt really gonna work cos the whole point of the character was being a normal human school friend and all. Itd be funny if they just totally coincidentally look like a gijinka and gaspar is like "dammit am i the only one here who aint human????" Or i dunno maybe this person actually is a hoothoot and they where human-chilliam's starter pokemon and its just like he can see other pokemon as humans now and talk to them since he's dead. Or somehow hoothoot friend did some epic quest to gain the gijinka powers out of sheer friendship, i dunno! But i think there'sa lot more plot potential in having a normal human friend who really has no powers to fight any of the villains but theyre still a total badass who'sdetermined to protect their best friend now they finally got him back. Im picturing a lil hermione-looking nerd with big round glasses smacking a giant gyarados with a tennis racket and chilliam is in the background all wow heart eyes! Cos seriously from the friend's perspective they had no idea why he suddenly vanished someday and they tried to be optimistic and believe the obvious lie that he "just moved away", when they knew his dad was abusive and all. Maybe had the hope that his dad lost custody and he got taken in by a better family member? Really goddamn depressing to find out that all the worries were true and he did indeed die. But when you're hearing that literally from his mouth while he's standing right in front of you its kinda hard to process what the fuck is going on! WHY ARE YOU SEE THROUGH!!! So i imagine there was a lot of fainting and a slight bit of crying but then absolute mushy joy at being reunited again, and promises to never let go!
So uhh yeah thats how i gave ghost kid a love interest i guess??? I just get the feel that maybe there was an unconfessed confession back when he was alive. And i dunno if he'll ever say it but i think even if they just remain friends forever they still have a strong mutual admiration going on. Nerdy friend looks up to chilliam as this sort of cool guy who always stands up for them and chilliam honestly feels the same way about them, and theyre both like NO I AM TERRIBLE U R THE GOOD GOOD! And then they need to hug muchly. Also hello meet my new ghost dad! Meanwhile this entire time gaspar has been beating up his bio dad after hearing the whole backstory thing. Pauses briefly mid punch to say hi, then continues.
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