#like literally the previous pinned is from 2019 when i made this blog LMFAO
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diveyne · 3 months ago
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#diveyne, morgana, of riot's league of legends, as worshiped by rina since 2019. moderate activity. independent, private, mutuals only, and selective. do not interact with me if you write with @/indeath or their friends. links. carrd. headcanons. inbox prompts. sivir, @sivunas. katarina, @deathslotus. ahri, @heartate. eden, @edensbite. sona, @elegaria. rph, @cassiaslair. ko-fi.
in martyrdom with : fervonian. godae. vilence. umbane. essence-flux-primed. gutterblade.
additional rules beneath the cut that won't fit on my carrd! please take a read. additionally, i am busy as a full-time student in a medical program. please understand that this affects my activity, and my energy socially. if i don't reply to messages, it's not personal.
credits. icon border & divider by @paletterph. all other graphics made by me. pinned art credit.
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1 ) i have adhd. i also have poor vision, and though i wear contacts and glasses, i still have astigmatism in both eyes. that being said, altogether, it makes reading things on tumblr difficult at times. i will not follow or interact with anyone with egregiously over the top and excessive formatting. this includes: writing in all caps, excessive amount of spaces between words / punctuation ( and by that i mean 5 or more spaces between words, especially with tiny text ), excessive use of html colors ( like every other word ), using those "fancy fonts" every other word ( those aesthetic fonts are not real fonts. they are CODE and are not screen reader friendly ), and worst of all, doing all of this at once. please just keep accessibility in mind. thank you.
2 ) please do not take inspiration from any of my blog graphics / style without asking me first. thank you. the answer is always yes if you just ask first. if i find out later, especially indirectly, that this has happened, i'm just going to block you.
3 ) also, i don't hardblock often . like, ever, usually. if i blocked you, don't come try finding out about it, and please be an adult and not vague me lol. the only people i really block in the rpc is if you're racist 🫶 and no amount of "bubububuuuuuubbutBUT i'm not racist" is going to save you. it's in your actions. bye now! i also block back, now, if i notice you blocking me on any other blog, but you followed one of them. that's extremely weird behavior. i don't care if it's a misunderstanding. i block first and ask questions never. i also block if the vibes are bad. i've never been wrong about anyone i've had to block. take that as you will. in a similar vein, do not fucking follow me if you write incest, rape, csa, underage nsfw, any kind of disgusting bullshit. idgaf if you make it sound pretty with a dead dove do not eat label. get the fuck away from me. do not follow me if you are okay with that shit. do not follow me if you are happily mutuals with people who write that shit. fuck you.
4 ) my eclipse verse is my band au. it is not a HEARTSTEEL au. it is not a skin line au. it is a verse i created in 2019 for my own private use / enjoyment; please do not diminish my work like this by watering it down as a heartsteel au. obviously, heartsteel existing has caused me to make some adjustments to it, but the members of eclipse existed prior to heartsteel, and it's something i've been developing privately for five years now. please do not use or mention my verse outside of interactions with me without my permission. i welcome people interacting with me through eclipse, as it's my modern / music au, and i want people to interact with me through it. but anyways, it is a private au and i would appreciate if people did not copy, steal, or lift from it, or use it for interactions without my consent, especially if not involving morgana. this verse is my sole creation and this is not up for negotiation. if you have me blocked or we are in mutual blocks, i don't care if my friends / mutuals are writing in my verse and you really want to also reference this content for the drama / angst: please don't! this is my private au. like genuinely, if we are not mutuals and have not plotted in this verse personally, do not use or make any reference to my verse. it is not a heartsteel au and it does not exist to you. i don't care if this sounds mean or intense. i worked hard on this verse, and it's my very personal and comfort project.
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