#like its ok to have your cute ships and stuff
censorious-asshat · 11 months
Quick word : two characters interacting with each other doesn't mean that they are in love with each other
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
there's only two things on this godless fuck of an earth i care about and one of them is kazumaji and the other is minedai which means half the time i am eating well and thriving and living my best life and the other half of the time i am clinging to your blog like a lifebuoy and devouring anything even slightly minedai related i see so what i'm saying is thank you for existing and doing what you do, it keeps me sane
my god you really are starving i'm so sorry my sweet summer child i'll do my best to take care of you. very happy to have you around Very Joyed to hear i can keep you afloat my brother
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soft-mafia · 1 year
Stealing His Coat [Buggy x Reader]
warnings: oc insert, fem reader, Buggy shouting, language, just a short, cute thing I thought of
a/n: I saw a fic that was about stealing Buggy’s jacket, and conveniently I was just thinking about wearing Buggy’s jacket myself so I decided to write about it lollllll
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Buggy was flipping the whole ship upside down at this point, just to find where he misplaced his coat. “God damn it if one of you fuckers THREW MY COAT- IN THE OCEAN, I AM GOING TO RIP YOUR DICK OFF.” Buggy looked around on the deck again, then growled while clenching his jaw.
He then quickly snapped his gaze upwards when he heard giggling above him. Y/n was looking down at him from one of the crow’s nests, wearing his tan, fur jacket. Buggy inhaled, then let out an amused, annoyed, breathy laugh. “Ok. That’s cute.. now, give it back, Y/n.”
“What do you mean?” Y/n asked, acting oblivious but she knew she was pissing Buggy off. She was the only person on Buggy’s ship who would get away with doing stuff like this and still be on Buggy’s good side. Buggy inhaled and exhaled sharply again, then held his hands out, “Babe, give me my jacket.” He was smiling, but the look in his eyes would tell anybody that he was seriously about to snap.
“Hmm.” Y/n rested her arms on the ledge of the crow’s nest, looking off as if she was thinking, before looking down at him and grinning, “No.. I think I wanna keep wearing it.”
Buggy looked down, chuckling breathily and licking his teeth before growling and looking back up at Y/n, “You do this-.. every, damn, DAY. GIVE IT BACK!!” He shouted angrily at her. Y/n looked at Buggy with a dreamy look on her face, as much as she loved him— she thought he was so hot when he was mad. As much as he yelled, shouted and swore at her over silly things like these— she knew he would never purposely hurt her. He was her bitter, handsome clown and that’s what she loved about him, “Nooo.” She scrunched her nose at him, then giggled again.
Buggy growled and walked in a circle for a moment to think then he looked back up at her “Why don’t I get you your own jacket,” he tried to reason with his girlfriend. Buggy obviously wouldn’t get her the same one as his own.. he had to be the one to stand out of course, it was a fabulous jacket and Y/n was already hot enough as it was he didn’t want her getting more attention than she already got.
“I don’t want my own jacket, I want this one.” Y/n replied back to him, almost like a bratty child which made Buggy inhale through his teeth and laugh again. He put his hands on his hips. “Well you can’t have that one, cupcake.. that’s my coat.” He smiled at her. Then suddenly, his arms popped off and floated up towards her, grabbing the collar of the jacket and trying to pull it off of her himself, “Now give it back you little shit!” Buggy growled from below.
Y/n squeaked, stepping back and holding onto the jacket, holding it closed tightly to her chest so Buggy’s arms couldn’t peel it off of her body, “No!!” She tried pulling Buggy’s arms away, but he kept trying to yank and wiggle the jacket off of her. It was akin to a fight, Y/n trying to struggle away from Buggy, keeping a firm hold of the jacket while he was firmly holding it as well— trying to get it off of her.. “Move your hands!” Buggy growled through gritted teeth.
“STOP! You’re hurting me!!” Y/n lied.
It surprisingly got Buggy to pause for a second, anger leaving his face momentarily as he angled his head upwards some more to see what happened.. did he accidentally hurt her? He grimaced for a second before Y/n threw herself out of the crows nest and began to run to the lower deck.
Buggy immediately got pissed again and ran after her, “HEY!” his arms connected back to his body mid run, only his hands chasing after her this time. He grabbed her by the back of the jacket collar and lifted her up, like a kitten being held up by its scruff.
Buggy’s free hand connected back to his arm while the one holding Y/n brought her back to him so that he was holding her slightly above him. His brows were furrowed, his gorgeous eyes glaring at her like daggers, his jaw clenched. Y/n nearly melted as he glared at her, god he was attractive..
Without another word, Buggy dropped her back on the ground, his hand back on his wrist as he yanked the jacket off of her shoulders, and slid it off of her arms. “What the hell is with you and trying to steal my clothes.” He grumbled as he put his jacket onto his own body, looking down at his troublesome girlfriend. “It’s not stealing, it’s just borrowing.” Y/n giggled, she really couldn’t help it, she just felt so snug wearing Buggy’s clothing, plus the fact that they had his scent was a bonus.
“‘Borrowing’, my ass..” Buggy scoffed and put his hand around Y/n’s waist, walking her back to the deck. Y/n grinned and leaned up to kiss Buggy on the cheek, his stubble scraping over her lips just a bit, but that was the best part. A smile tugged at Buggy’s lips after that, his demeanor changing from moments ago.
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bluegalaxygirl · 5 months
Hello there :)
I'm new here but I love your stuff, it's all so sweet 😫❤️
So hear me out, I got an idea for Zosan x fem!reader, where Reader is a little Tinkerer and loves to invent things or just make cute thingamajigs. And she loves to make small things for Zoro and Sanji and even though they always get red and fidgety when she give them her little presents, they always cherish them and keep them neatly in their room🥺
Welcome and i hope you enjoy this, i find this idea so cute.
Zoro X Sanji X Reader, poly relationship, established relationship
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^ When you first joined the crew you were kinda scared to show off your inventions, mainly because you wanted to impress them and anything less than perfect was not good enough for you, but with time and some entrancement from Usopp and Sanji you started to show your stuff before it was finished.
^ Your always observing how the crew works and planning how to make their life easier by making stuff for them, so you always have a project going on. You used to hide away in Usopp's area of the ship but now find it more enjoyable by being around the crew, your main favorite places are the kitchen and the training room.
^ Depending on if you want to talk or not you'll choose one or the other to tinker with your project in, Sanji is always happy to have you around and willing to talk with you about anything. He's really into what your doing and fawns over your thoughtfulness and skill, he was doing this even before you started dating him. In the training room there's no talking just the sound of Zoro working out, he appreciated you being quiet but if he found you struggling with something he would offer his help mainly to show off how strong he is.
^ If you ever need help with something you can always go to either one of them, and they'll both do their best while also trying to cheer you up if something hasn't gone the way you wanted. Gods forbid you ever get hurt while making something, the slightest hiss or pain and their asking what's wrong, Zoro is way more toned down just asking if your ok and if you need anything while Sanji is instantly by your side taking what ever body part is hurt into his hands and looking it over before dragging you off to see chopper.
^ When you work late into the night mainly because you loose track of time both of your boys have to come down and get you, one isn't enough since you try and by more time if its only one of them. With Sanji you can give him a pout and kiss asking him to sit with you fore a minute while you finish up, that minute turns into 5, then 10 and soon the cook is fast asleep on your work table. With Zoro all you have to do is ask for his help with something, even if its just opening a jar or pulling something apart then compliment him, you'll force him to sit down in your seat so you can sit on his lap and work saying you'll be a minute, again that minute turns into much longer and the swordsman is fast sleep holding you tight.
^ It surprises you how long it took them to realize what you were doing so now come together in order to get you to sleep, they both have to remind each other of your tactics. Working together they manage to pull you away form your work and to bed, it warms your heart at how much they care about you, at first you feared they only liked you for what you made them but once that was voiced they both made it well known that they love you for you and nothing else. They constantly remind you of that with compliments, loving touches and pulling you away form your work just for your attention or make you eat and sleep.
^ Sanji loves all the things you make for him and tries his best to take great care of them, most of the stuff you make for him are in the kitchen since their practical gifts, A knife block that sharpens the knives for him and some robotic hands that you can attach to the sink that washes dishes for him are the main things but you've made small stuff too. One of his favorites is a small Robot that looks just like him, its made to grind spices and herbs for him rolling the stone back and forth to crush what he needs, he mainly likes it because not only is it useful and catches his likeness well but it also keeps Luffy distracted instead of asking for food.
^ There is one thing the cook keeps in his room away from everyone and everything, a small thing that no one would bat an eye too, but he holds so close to his heart that he wants to keep it safe forever. He's almost scared to use it in case he damages it, its one of the first things you made him and although you didn't think it was perfect still, Sanji couldn't help but fall in love with it and in turn fall in love with you.
^ The lighter you gifted him was unlike anything he had ever seen before, it was round and the middle made out of glass so you can see the strange multicolored liquid inside, a beautiful blue steal engraved casing surrounded it, at first it just seemed like random lines but when he looked closer he found that the small engagements where actually pots, pans, knives, spoons ect, anything to do with cooking was cut out letting you see the glass area.
^ He was beyond happy with it and loved the blush on your face when he raved about it but you had one last thing up your sleeve, turning the lighter on instead of the normal yellow flame it was a blue flame, he started at it in amazement a warm feeling filling his chest as you talked. At that moment the world around him became none existent, just him, you and the blue flame lighting up your face in a way that took his breath and heart, that was the moment he fell in love and what made him decide to treasure that lighter forever.
^ Zoro didn't care a first and was almost offended when you made him something that would make training easier, he did want or need your help and made it clear to you. He got yelled at by most of the crew for making you upset and almost scared of him but it was Us opp and Chopper who managed to make him see the other side of things. You weren't calling him weak, you just wanted to make his training better and more effective because of this he apologized the best he could, after that he loves having you around and working while he's training. On his breaks he'll sit with you and watch what your doing, becoming almost hypnotized by how you make it look so easy.
^ The things you make for him are mostly to do with training but there are times when you try to help him with his sense of direction but those always seem to fail since he keeps getting lost even with the best of your stuff. You've made wrap around pads that turn hot or cold dampening on what he needs, a small device that shows him how fast, strong and level his swings are either with a sword of weights.
^ The first thing you made him is a small device that can be strapped to the back of his neck, thanks to the help of Chopper its made to read brain waves, the small screen will show, what muscles in the body are being works, how long for and the amount of strain their under. It'll let off a beep if a part of the body is under too much strain which is what annoyed him in the first place, you did tell him that the gauge can be changed, but he didn't listen due to his anger. At first, he wanted to throw it out or chuck it into the ocean but for some reason he couldn't, it's been in his locker ever since, and he can't bring himself to let you knew he's still got it, so it says there.
^ There are times when he'll look it over with a smile thinking about everything you've done for him but also cursing himself for yelling at you that day and almost ruining what he has now, loving you and having you make things for him is something he holds close to his heart and this small machine if a constant reminder to never take that for granted, but he'll never let you know.
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choccy-milky · 11 months
hey! They already asked you but I don't know if you forgot hehe, what are the mbti of Clora and Sebastian? 😸
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OK, I FINALLY HAVE AN ANSWER!! took me a hot minute to figure out sebs, but after reading all the pages and comparing, i do think entp fits him the best. also i saw this picture on pinterest about a relationship between isfj and entp and its so true, esp the "do not listen to each other's advice, still get each other out of trouble" LMFAO. also the 'protecting isfj at all costs' 🥺🥺🥺im soft. (ALSO DONT COME AT ME I KNOW I SPELLED KNOWLEDGEABLE WRONG IM TOO LAZY TO FIX IT😭) OKAY!! and its been a while so i'll be using this ask to reply to a buncha others🙏🙏
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my fanfic does follow the plot of the game, but with sebastian added to every sidequest/story mission. and then from around the third (niamh's) trial, it starts to branch more into (mostly all) original stuff!^^
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yes actually LMAO, clora's lawley-slap wasn't even planned. but as i was writing it i started to get so offended on her behalf i was like GIRL, SLAP THIS BITCH🤬 so she did😇😇 id say its normal, yeah! even tho i stick to my outlines, a lot of what happens just kinda happens without my prior planning as i begin to write bahaha, especially dialogue scenes.
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aw, im glad u like my blog so much and that it can help u even in the smallest of ways 😭thank u!!💖💖
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BAHAHA AWW TYY IM GLAD U LIKE IT SO MUCH!! i saw u re-reading it recently on wattpad and ur comments always have me dying. also im just gonna address your other ask here in this one, but as u know seb has now met mr.clemons, and you 10000% nailed the dynamic between seb and clora's dad LMFAOO, they will absolutely bond over disagreeing with how careless she is and wanting to protect her/stressing over her LOOL. ty again for all ur messages, i love seeing how much u love my art/fic😭💖
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OMG u are so right i need to draw this
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also god idk....following the sebinis example, i guess they'd be...sebora?? reminds me of sephora LMAO. ive also had someone call them "alliteration shipping" which i think is so cute BAHAHA. HONESTLY PPL CAN JUST SAY WHATEVER THEY WANT, i aint picky.
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oh god its been too long since ive read the books (tho i do really wanna re-read them esp in the winter) but my fav movie is half blood prince, just because i love all the ron/hermione moments and the highschool drama BAHAHA. what do u mean harry potter isnt a romcom??? ok and last but DEFS not least
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THE UNHINGED ENERGY OF THIS ASK CRACKED ME UP SO MUCH WHEN U SENT IT BAHAHAH, couldnt even fit the whole thing in my screenshot. IM GLAD U LIKED/HATED THE CHAP, and also your pfp just makes everything you say funnier, i love it LMAOOO. ty🙏🙏
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angel-eyes05 · 6 months
What's In A Name
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pairing: roronoa zoro x fem!reader
summary: as a master thief, you pride yourself on never getting caught. that is until you're caught by the straw hats as you try stealing from their ship. unable to turn you in to the authorities just yet, they'll have to make due with storing you on the going merry in the meantime. but, your time in confinement has allowed you to get particularly close to a certain swordsman. how close the two of you get is to be decided though.
warnings/info: nsfw mdni, oral sex (fem receiving), alcohol consumption, drunk/tipsy sex, face riding, my own sex headcanons for zoro are VERY clear here lmao ,takes place in between jaya and skypiea (please pretend theres more time at sea in between those arcs cause this will not work otherwise OK THANKS), this is for the pre-time skip zoro girlies (he's 19 pre-time skip dont come for me), no use of y/n, the first half of this is just cute shenanigans between reader and the straw hats. its a lot of character building stuff but i like it.
word count: 6.3k
notes: HI GUYS IM BACK IVE MADE MY RETURN I FOUND SOMETHING TO WRITE ABOUT!!!! and its the longest fic ive ever written too god damn what a comeback lmao. ok so i started watching one piece and im head over heels in love with this man...but i'm only up to water 7 rn so i only know how to properly write for pre-time skip zoro so thats how this is gonna go. i was looking for zoro/one piece fics to read but theyre literally all established relationship ones which aren't my cup of tea so im doing it myself lmao. also i didnt proofread i got too lazy sorry if some stuff doesnt make sense sorry sorry sorry but im a simple lazy tired girlie lmao enjoy!!
dividers by: @cafekitsune
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You didn’t know any of their names.
You had been aboard the Going Merry for about three weeks now, and you still hadn’t learned anyone’s names. Granted, your reason for being there wasn’t to make friends anyway. That wasn’t particularly easy to do, being tied up in some storage closet and all. 
Being one of the few residents who actually lived on Jaya had allowed you to pick up a skill or two when it came to stealing. Pirates with big bounties and even bigger treasures left their ships unattended at the docks, leaving you with some perfect quick heists from time to time. Some steals were easier than others. As much as you believed in your talents, most of the time your ability to get out unscathed was based purely on the luck of the draw. It wasn’t an easy life, many recent nights leaving you with more injuries than berries and gold pieces, but it was all you knew having lived here for so long. 
After having taken a break from heists for a bit, you finally laid your eyes on a ship worth stealing from. A pirate ship with a goat out in front and seemingly orange trees next to the helm. Most of the ships at the dock had been there for a while, leaving the pirates on board used to your tricks already. Being low on cash was another factor. So, after a bit of planning, you made your way onto the ship.
Earlier, you had found that one of the windows to a cabin had been left open, so you decided to make your entrance through there. You gathered your things and dove into the crystal blue water by the dock. Once you made it to the back of the ship, you took your rope, with your own handmade grappling hook at the end, and swung it to hook on the window sill. Luckily for you, it stuck the landing on the first try. You smirked to yourself and used the hook as leverage to climb up onto the ship. Unfortunately, this seemed to be the ship’s bathroom. Not super ideal. You’d have to venture more out into the ship. But with this came the risk of getting caught. Given your dire circumstances though, it was a risk you were willing to take.
With an attempt to make as little creak as possible, you slightly opened the door into the rest of the interior. Coast was clear so far. Suddenly, a shake rattled throughout the interior. You tumbled onto the floor, pushing open a door due to your unbalance. What the fuck was that, you thought to yourself. It quickly became no matter though, when you noticed the door had opened up to a room with a treasure chest tucked away in the back. Jackpot. You slyly made your way into the room and shut the door behind you. 
The room was neatly kept, with bookshelves, a couch, two sleeping hammocks, and a desk with navigation tools on it. There was even a bar. Though temptation pursued at you, you had to stay on task. While making your way over to the chest, you heard different creaks vibrating across the walls of the ship. You prayed to yourself that it was just the wood’s reaction to the waves. As you had predicted, the chest was locked, so you searched your bag for anything that could key the lock. 
Time became of the essence quickly as the thuds and creaks on the ship grew louder and louder. Finally, the lock to the chest made a perfect click, as the chest unlocked. You lifted the roof of the chest to find a sight for sore eyes: jewels and gold galore. This was it, you were set. You were so in awe with the vision before you, that you had failed to notice the woman standing behind you. The image you saw in one of the emeralds was a tall figure, with jet-black hair just below her shoulders, and dazzling blue eyes. “Looking for something?” the woman questioned, almost sarcastically. You seemed to have forgotten rule number one of thieving. Remember to lock the door behind you.
Quick on your feet, you whip around to throw a punch in her face, but her reflexes seem to be quicker than yours by the way she catches your fist. You then attempt to kick out her legs. The image you see next shakes you to your core. A hand, seeming to appear out of thin air, attaches itself to your calf. The hand then slowly raises your fear-frozen body into the air, dangling you upside down like a party toy. You attempt to throw more hits at her, all seeming to be in vain though. You kick and scream, like a child throwing a tantrum, in an attempt to get out. The woman looks out into the hallway and signals over another one of her companions. Fuck, this is turning sour fast. Before you can make out any other features of the man, besides his cartoonishly long nose, he uses his slingshot to pelt a rock towards your forehead. Your vision goes black as the rest of the pirates rush into the room.
The rough fibers of the rope tying your wrists together were the first thing you felt as you woke up. This was quickly followed by the underlying nausea from the waves rocking the boat, reminding you why you preferred to stay on land. You attempted to stand up, but your dizziness and the rope tying you to the floor weren’t letting you get very far. Suddenly, the door to whatever room you were in swung open, and the group of 7 pirates living on board entered the room. You slinked yourself along the back wall, attempting to disappear into your skin. You weren’t sure what felt worse: The fear of what they were going to do to you, or the embarrassment that you had been doing this for so long and still got caught.
Nope, definitely the embarrassment.
The man, no boy was a better word to describe him, standing in the middle of them attempted to speak to you before a woman with short orange hair cut him off. “If you think we’re gonna let you get off easily just because we’re also pirates, you’d be sorely mistaken!” she spoke, fiery anger lacing her words. The tall woman from earlier put her hand on her shoulder, calming her down, and walked out towards you. You tried to scoot away as much as you could as she crouched down to your level. 
“Listen, we want this to be over as much as you do. We would love nothing more than to get you off our ship and drop you off at the nearest island. But unfortunately for us, that would mean having to find a group of marines to hand you over to, who we aren’t the best of friends with right now. And we can’t drop you back off at Jaya since we’re too far by this point. So, for now, we’ll just have to keep you tied down here if that works out with you.” You began to speak before the woman cut you off. “You don’t have much of a choice in the matter by the way.”
She stood back up and began to exit the room, the other pirates following her except for two. The boy with the straw hat and another man, with striking green hair and three swords lying in a holster on his belt. The boy looked somberly at you as if he was against this whole idea. But the green-haired one just stared at you. As uncomfortable as it made you feel, you couldn’t help staring back into his piercingly soft eyes. “Come on, let’s go,” the green-haired man said to the boy, finally breaking eye contact and turning his back to leave. The boy followed him shortly after. As he closed the door, you had nothing left to focus on except for the itchiness of the rope, the empty stuffiness surrounding the storage room, and your worsening seasickness.
The following weeks had the same routine. Each of the pirates on board took individual shifts watching you during the day when they were just out at sea. The strange reindeer creature would watch you when they were out on islands. The first shift was taken by the tall black-haired woman. She would come in at the break of dawn to make sure you didn’t find some way to escape at night. You two would sit in silence for a little more than two hours, asking and answering some questions before switching spots with the blonde one. His company was strange, with him hitting on you at random points in your conversations, but he always brought you breakfast in the morning. As much as he made you uncomfortable sometimes, you couldn’t deny that his cooking was the best you’d had in years. He’d even let you take a hit off his cigarettes if you ever asked, so his visits had its perks. 
The next shift was taken by the orange-haired one. The first thing she would always do when walking into the room was ask you how creepy the blonde one was. The answer varied on the day. Once she warmed up to you, she would bring you tangerines from the trees out on the deck. As the days passed, she eventually explained that the treasure you attempted to steal belonged to her, which you begrudgingly apologized for. On some level, you felt bad. These seemed to be small-time pirates, just trying to get by like you were. The more you learned about each of them, the worse you felt about your actions towards them. 
Around lunchtime, the long-nosed one would bring you your meal, cooked again by the blonde man. This member would go into detail about his next invention he was working on in his workshop. You admired his passion and energy towards his craft. His rants and rambles were normally interrupted by the reindeer creature coming in for his shift, causing intense, yet entertaining, arguments to break out between the two of them. The reindeer was the sweetest of all the crew members, always checking in on your health and helping you with your seasickness. He would talk about his home and his experiences there. You developed a pity for the creature. His presence was calming, and you felt as if you could let your guard down around him. That would change as soon as the straw hat boy would come bouncing into the room, scaring both you and the animal. You would soon come to learn the energetic boy was the captain of the ship, which shocked you. But you soon came to understand why. His crew had a massive respect for him, even if he was the root of half their problems.
Being on the ship, you got extremely close to all the pirates. Even the tall woman from before seemed to respect you in some way. You enjoyed all of their company. There was something strange about them though. One morning early in your stay on the ship, you could’ve sworn you’d heard the tall woman say something to the rest of the crew. 
“Whatever you do, don’t tell her your name. Your name is your biggest secret.”
You didn’t know any of their names. You had thought you heard some of them speak it to each other in passing conversations, but not enough to remember who was who. You had bonded with them, but if someone put a gun to your head and told you to name your prison guard pirates, you’d be dead in seconds.
Except for one.
Zoro seemed to be his name. He would come in for the last shift. His presence didn’t frighten you, but it slightly intimidated you. His habit of carrying his swords everywhere he went wasn’t helping. He was silent his entire shift, normally dosing off halfway through after spending around an hour sharpening his swords You didn’t even attempt to make conversation with him. You found out his name when the captain would yell for him to get back to his sleeping quarters. “Zoro! Your shift’s done, you can sleep for real now!” he shouted across the hall the first time it happened. Zoro almost bounced up from his sleep and gave you one look before bolting out of the room to catch up to the captain. You could hear the echoes of their bickering from down the hall as you giggled to yourself. At least he didn’t seem to always be that stern.
It seemed crazy to you. His name was the only one you knew, yet you knew the least about him. He had hardly said 5 sentences to you in the three weeks you had been on the boat. His stoicism was one of the things that drew you into him though. Something about his demeanor, how intensely he would sharpen his swords, how his worries seemed to melt away the minute he escaped into a slumber, and how alive he seemed when he was with his crew. It was enticing. You wanted to know more. You attempted asking him questions about himself, but the most you would get were one to two-word answers. The most you got from him was when your seasickness finally got to you, causing you to puke up the dinner the blonde one made for you. “Woah, are you okay?” he asked concernedly, shooting up from his seat. When your only response was a cough and more puke, he ran out of the room to go get the reindeer. One thing he failed to do was close the door behind him. 
You speculated your options. You had no idea where you were. You could be out in the middle of the ocean. Or you could be right about to dock at land. If you managed to scrape yourself about the ever-loosening rope and sneak out, you’d be free. You’d never have to worry about these pirates again. 
At this point though, did you want to?
You took too long to decide, the reindeer rushing into the room with his medical kit, the blonde one short behind him. As the reindeer gave you a dose of medicine and cleaned up your mess and the blonde one held your hand and consoled you, your attention stayed by the doorframe. Zoro leaned against the wood, watching the work from afar. What shocked you most of all was his face. For a man who seemed so disinterested in you and your existence, his brows were furrowed, his cheeks had a light pink stain on them, and a slight frown invaded his face. He was concerned. Maybe even a little nervous. But why? He’d never shown any sort of emotion towards you before other than sleepiness. Once the reindeer and the blonde one left, he continued with his shift. You noticed something though. He sat closer to you than he normally did. 
You couldn’t tell, but you were blushing the rest of his shift.
Once he left, you sat in silence, thoughts racing through your mind, until you finally fell asleep.
You noticed a change in his behavior in the next few days. When you would ask him a question, he would respond now. And with more than just a “yes” or “no” too. He had more energy around you and wouldn’t spend his whole shift asleep. He would even let out a chuckle now and then. You didn’t know what you had done differently to get him like this, but you liked him like this. He was sweeter than he let on. 
Something had changed in you too though. On the occasions, you would catch yourself looking over his appearance. The more you observed, the more you realized how handsome he was. His clear, warm skin, his hypnotic eyes, his striking hair. You caught his appearance giving you butterflies when he would walk into your storage room. Your heart skipping a beat when he would give you even the smallest smile. You would stare even more when he would nap during his shift. Noticing certain things. The way his breath would hitch sometimes. How he always slept with his mouth open and would wake himself up sometimes with his dry mouth coughs. How his chest rose and fell with his soft breaths. How fighting with a sword in his mouth probably made his tongue stronger than other men you’ve met. You felt weird about it sometimes. Almost like some freakish stalker. But you would feel better about yourself whenever you would catch him staring at you out of the corner of your eye. 
As time went on, the crew began to give you some more freedom. The tall woman began leaving some of her archeology books in the storage room to keep you entertained. The orange-haired one would show you all her marked-up maps. The long-nosed one would even let you out of the rope to test his inventions from time to time. With the door locked of course. And then, the big display came. One day, during everyone’s shift, they told you their names. The blonde one was Sanji. The orange-haired one was Nami. The reindeer was Chopper. The long-nosed one was Usopp. Their captain was Luffy. And the tall woman, who initiated your imprisonment, was Robin. It was a small gesture, but it meant the world to you. With each passing shift, you grew more excited for the next. To learn the next pirate’s name, and with that, their story. Until the last shift of the day came. And you realized.
You already knew his name.
“My name’s Zoro,” he said quietly. “I know,” you replied, bluntly. 
Something felt different about this shift. You didn’t feel the same excitement you normally felt when seeing him. Without your connection to him before, his being the only name you knew, something about him just didn’t excite you as much. Now he noticed your behavior change. “You okay?” he inquired. “Mhm,” you responded in monotony. The rest of his time there was spent in silence. 
You felt bad about what you were doing. This wasn’t his fault. Yet you were acting like this. It was almost as if the two of you swapped places. He was now the one trying to dig information out of you. And you gave him nothing more than blank faces and empty words. You wished you could figure out why you were acting like this, but you had no clue.
Today though, the crew was going to take an extra step towards including you. Throughout your time on the Going Merry, you had only left your little storage room prison a few times. To go to the bathroom and visit the kitchen on special occasions. But you hadn’t seen the sun in weeks. After proving to the crew you had changed, they planned a little surprise for you.
Robin woke you up earlier than usual. “Is everything ok?” you asked, still half asleep. Robin just smiled at you. “Come on, get up.” You looked at her confused, as she walked over to your restraints, untying you from the hook keeping the rope down. She took you by your restraints and walked you out to the room. The mix of drowsiness and confusion left you slightly panicked as you realized she was walking you out to the deck. She opened the door to a still-dark morning. 
The rest of the Straw Hats were sitting out on the deck, just conversing and eating an extra early breakfast, courtesy of Sanji. They all turned to you once you and Robin walked out. “What’s going on,” you asked, still very confused. “On Thursdays, we all like to get up early and sit out and watch the sunrise. And we were talking about it, and we felt like you should join us this time,” Nami smiled. She stood up and pranced over to you, mouth slightly agape and speechless, and took you over to sit in between her and Zoro. You turned to Zoro, overwhelmed with emotions. 
It had been so long since you felt a part of a community of people. You never exactly fit in with the ruthless bands of pirates coming and going on Jaya. Finally feeling connected to people, especially after you wronged them so horribly, brought you happiness you hadn’t felt in ages. 
A singular “I-” was all you could manage to get out, a tear trickling down your cheek. “Just enjoy it. They’ll be at each other’s throats again in a minute,” he joked, getting a soft laugh out of you. He smiled gently, brushing the tear off your cheek. His finger lingered there longer than expected. You blushed. The butterflies were back and you caught yourself staring again.
“What’s that supposed to mean!” Nami interrupted. “Well, it’s true!” Zoro retorted, leaning over you to yell at Nami. The two began arguing as you noticed the sun starting to peak out over the horizon. “Shut up you two, you’re gonna make her miss it!” Usopp and Luffy yelled. They stopped bickering once they also noticed the sky begin to turn orange. 
The pinks and oranges mixed together in a beautiful watercolor painting as the sun reflected its image on the ocean. The soft waves bobbed the ship up and down in a calming hypnotic motion, almost putting you back to sleep. The beauty of it all was so serene. Against popular opinion, you always preferred sunrises to sunsets. The representation of a new day beginning. It gave you hope in your most dire situations. 
You lifted your head back to see the colors slowly spreading to the rest of the sky. Everyone to your right was in the same headspace you were like they were in some sort of trance. They were all cuddling against each other, Robin holding Chopper in her lap, Luffy and Usopp mimicking each other’s smiles, and Nami resting her head on Sanji’s shoulder. They all seemed so close to each other. Like a little family. Connected. You turned to Zoro to see if he was doing the same as the others, but all you found was his eyes softly gazing into yours, and his hand slowly inching towards yours. The minute he snapped out of it, he sharply turned his head and hand away and cleared his throat. You couldn't help but laugh at his schoolboy behavior. With your ego controlling your actions, you took his hand and slowly intertwined his fingers with yours. You could see a smile float onto his face out of the corner of your eye. You did the same.
The rest of the day was spent out on the deck. The feeling of the sun on your skin for the first time in weeks was euphoric. All you wanted to do was soak it all in. The Straw Hats must have been in a good mood today, because, with some extra convincing, you got them to finally take off your shackles. You spent most of the day sunbathing out on the deck with Nami. She had let you borrow one of your bikinis. You two were slightly different sizes though, so the suit was a little tight on you. You didn’t mind very much. You were just happy to be out of the same clothes you had worn for 3 weeks. Sanji didn’t mind either, ogling both you and Nami and basically worshipping the two of you. “It’s ok, he’ll get over it in a few hours,” Nami consoled. You circled the deck a few times to see if Zoro was anywhere in sight, but you couldn’t seem to find him. He probably went inside to nap away from the heat. Part of you wanted him to get the rest he deserved. The other really wanted him to see you in your outfit. 
The day really took a turn when Usopp brought out the liquor from the kitchen. “I was saving that asshole!” Sanji yelled. “Oh come on, this is a special occasion!” Usopp pleaded. With some more convincing, Sanji finally gave in. You and the crew got increasingly drunk throughout the evening, Zoro eventually coming out from wherever he was napping to join the party. You all had even decided to jump into the ocean and swim around for a little bit. All except for Chopper, very sober and very nervous for any incoming sea monsters. He had managed to get you all back onto the ship with some very convincing pleading.
You and Zoro caught each other catching glimpses of one another throughout the rest of the day. Zoro admiring your figure in the swimsuit, and you ogling at the way his damp shirt hugged at his muscles. One by one, as day grew into night, crew members began to pass out on the deck, deciding to sleep outside for the night. You and the other members who wanted to go back into the cabin, Zoro and Robin, made your way back down into the ship. “Make sure you tie her back up. No hard feelings but we can’t be too careful.” Even slightly tipsy, she was still her stern old self. “Yeah whatever whatever, goodnight to you too,” Zoro drunkenly pushed off. You giggled and blushed as he took your hand and led you down the stairs into the cabin. Robin sighed to herself as she watched the two of you scamper off.
You felt your heartbeat get increasingly faster as he led you to your room. For some reason, the air in the hallway got thicker as you got closer. You blamed it on your tipsiness. But your heart slowly sank as you got to the door, realizing you had to say goodbye to Zoro for the day. He opened the door and stumbled into your room, leading you in behind him. He closed the door behind him, hesitating for a moment before going to wrap the rope back around your wrists. 
He seems distressed for some reason, breathing heavily and avoiding eye contact. You look down at your hands, as he so gently maneuvers the rope around them. The butterflies begin to well up in your stomach again, the alcohol fueling their ferocity. His hands. So calloused yet so gentle. You can smell the remnants of sake exuding from Zoro’s heavy breaths. You looked back up at him. Were you two always standing this close together? You the butterflies keep rising and rising. You don’t know what to do with yourself. You’re not sure if you should run, kiss him, punch him, but you have to do something before you implode. Until. He stops.
The rope undoes itself in his hands as he freezes. His hands are shaking, his breath is heavy, and his eyes avoid yours like the plague. You were just getting antsy but Zoro seemed in distress. “Hey?” you ask, lowering your hands and dropping the rope to the floor. “Zoro?” You take your hand under his chin and lift his eyes to yours. You might throw up at any second. His eyes are so softly intense. 
He brushed his thumb against your cheek, sending chills down your spine. You both want the same thing. Both of you are just too scared to take the chance. “It’s ok. You’re okay,” you reassure him, placing your hand over his heart. His heart, which happens to be underneath his bare chest, him having taken off his wet shirt earlier. His breathing slows, and his eyes move down ever so smoothly from your eyes to your plump lips. You catch yourself doing the same to him, and you inching closer to him. “You’re fine.” Closer. “We’re gonna be…fine.” Your lips barely brush each other. The gentleness of the kiss is calming though, as you notice Zoro’s breath slowing. 
You brush again. And again. And again. Lips touching a little more with each meet. Until they fully interlock. The two of you melt into each other as Zoro wanders your back into a wall for support. Your kisses are structured, made to get the most out of each meeting. You’re both ravenous for each other, but you know if you go at each other like mad dogs, you won’t get what you want. So you both take your time getting to know the feeling of the other person’s mouth. You slip a moan out as Zoro’s tongue seeps between your lips. His kisses get slightly more sloppy as he runs his hands down your body. He feels the underneath of your breasts, the curves of your waist and hips, and finds a nice resting place under your ass. Your hands roam his cheeks and jaw, making their way to tug slightly on his moss-colored hair. 
“Needed this,” Zoro whispers in between kisses. “Needed you so badly. But I didn’t know how.” He separates his lips from yours and plants kisses and hickeys along your jaw and neck. “I was always just too nervous for some reason. You make me so nervous.” His hands find their way into your bikini bottom and fondle your asscheeks, getting a low moan out of you. The alcohol must’ve given him a confidence boost. “Good to see you found your footing now,” you whisper in his ear. He chuckles, the butterflies speeding up in your stomach. 
The two of you stay here for a little bit. Hell, you could stay like this for hours. Just soaking each other in. Feeling his warmth brought a fire into your soul. You could tell Zoro was getting a little antsy though, one of his hands moving from your back to your front, beginning to slowly circle your clit. The other hand went to your bikini, untying the back and letting it fall to the floor as his mouth moved to your breast. Waves of pleasure crashed through your body as you let him do his work. “God, you sure this is your first time?” you moaned out. He removed his mouth from your nipple to talk. “Never said it was, sweetheart. You just assumed it.” “Well from the loner vibe you got going on mixed with being on this ship 24/7, you can’t blame me for thinking that.” “Well the loner vibe worked on you, so who’s to say it hasn’t worked on others?” he smirked. You laughed to yourself as he got down on his knees.
Zoro slipped off your bikini bottom, completing the set on the floor. He kissed your v-line with the same softness he treated your lips to. He sat back on his knees for a moment to catch his breath, looking up at you, as if to ask for permission. You held your hand out to his cheek and rubbed it with your thumb. His eyes closed as he placed his hand over yours, as if you would ever take it away from him. God now this was a sight you could get used to. He was so infatuated with you it made your heart ache. He was right here at your disposal, yet you wanted more of him. So you bent down and gave him a sloppy forehead kiss. Once you were back up, he decided to go in. 
Like most things he does, he started slow and controlled. He kissed and sucked on your inner thighs. Once his hand finally left your clit, you knew he was ready. He kissed your cunt, using his tongue to lick up your wetness. You could pass out right now if you had less self-control. Whimpers and moans left your lips, your hips naturally starting to grind against his nose, relieving the ache in your clit. You let him know what felt good by the tugs and yanks you put in his hair. He was a natural. Your guess about his tongue earlier was right too. “You taste so good, just as I imagined,” Zoro breathed onto your lips. You could tell he was starting to lose his composure with the way he continued to bury his face into your pussy. Your cunt naturally tightened around his tongue as he tasted you. Your hips began to buck into his face as your grinding pace increased, the butterflies turning into a white heat you felt getting stronger and stronger. Your bud was becoming more swollen by the second. Your grip on his hair tightened to make up for your failing knees. 
You wouldn’t be able to take much more. Zoro wouldn’t either, his hand making its way into his pants to relieve his own bulge. His pace got faster to match your grinds. The smack of your lips against his tongue, mixed with both of your moans, was pornographically loud. Suddenly, the situation of Robin or another crew member hearing became an apparent one to you. That worry quickly left your mind once one of Zoro’s hands made its way to fondle your nipple. If he asked you to follow him anywhere right now, you might just do it if it meant this every other night. You felt he knew your body better than you did. “So pretty. So good for me. You make this so easy,” Zoro groaned between licks. “Zoro god fuck me please!” Your final whimper sent you over the edge as you wailed and came all over his perfect face. He licked up your juices as he finished his own job as well. Your knees finally gave out as you fell on top of him, into his arms.
He brought you down gently, straddling you on his lap as you wrapped your arms around him. He traced his cum soaked hand across your back and kissed your nape. You were more exhausted than expected, almost passing out in the crook of his neck. Even now, he was so gentle with you. “You did so good, darling,” he praised, kissing your earlobe. “Want…more…want you…inside me,” you managed to get out. He just laughed and pushed you up to look at you. “If you took me right now, I don’t think you’d wake up tomorrow morning. Look at you, you can barely keep your eyes open, sweetheart,” he teased. You pouted. “Oh, you feel that proud of yourself?” your drunkenness fueling your frustration. “No no no, sweetheart,” he chuckled. Once your frown didn’t change, he stopped laughing and pressed a kiss deep into your forehead. “I’m sorry. What I meant was, if I fucked you with everything I have left right now, which is the only way I would want to do it, this floor would leave us with sore backs for weeks.” You stayed frowning. “I want to fuck you right, the way you deserve. And I can’t do it for you right now.” You pouted more at him. He smiled up at you and leaned in closer to your ear. “If you trust me, I promise I’ll make it worth your while. You’ll be walking funny for weeks.” God, you almost came again just now. You didn’t notice how much your jaw dropped until Zoro laughed at you. You couldn’t help but laugh back in tune with his infectious laughter. 
He kissed you with a fever behind his lips, then scanned the room around the two of you. “What’s wrong?” you drowsily asked. The exhaustion from you coming, the sleepiness brought by the alcohol, and how late it was getting was starting to overpower you. Zoro didn’t respond. He just grabbed your swimsuit and helped you put it back on, tightened your legs around his hips, and hoisted you up as he stood. You decided to ask questions once you had a clearer idea of what was happening. He opened the door and walked with you down the hallway, passing the girl’s quarters and into the men’s room. He checked inside quickly before bringing you in and signaling you to bring your legs down. You confusedly followed him to his bed as he groaned, rubbed his back, and sat down on the edge of the bunk. “Wanna explain to me what you’re doing?” you asked, slightly more awake. “If you think I’m just gonna leave you to sleep alone, tied up, on that dirty floor after what we just did, then you must think I’m a really shitty guy,” Zoro quipped before getting under the covers and trying to pull you down. You put some resistance towards him though. 
“B-but Zoro, I’m not supposed to be in here.”
“I know.”
“If someone catches me in here we’re both fucked.”
“They won’t catch you.”
“How do you know that?”
“I’ll wake up before Robin starts her shift.”
“Are you sure, I mean I just don’t kn-.”
You stop your nervous rabbling and look at him as he sits back up. “Do you want to go back and sleep on the cold, dirty, hard floor?” You really didn’t. “No.” “Then stay here with me.” “But what if-.” “Do you trust me?”
You sure hope you did after all of that. His kind eyes reassured you in the darkness surrounding the two of you. You took a deep breath and nodded. “Do you trust me?” he asked again. “I trust you, Zoro,” you confirmed. He smiled kindly at you. “You’re fine. We’re gonna be fine.” He steadied you by placing his hands on your hips, running his hands along your waist, and pressing his lips into your tummy. You loved the way he looked at you. Like you were his whole world. It was comforting.
He took your hand and helped you into bed. You bundled yourself under the covers and wrapped yourself around his frame. He kissed your temples one more time before slipping into sleep, his light snores hypnotizing you into a slumber of your own.
The last thing you remember before dozing off was the feeling of his hands on your waist.
Everything you wanted was right here. In front of you. Straight out of a dream. Your only fear was that it would be gone once you woke up.
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a/n: THIS TOOK FOREVER GOOD LORD. anyways thanks for being here for my comeback era lol. my upload schedule is NOT going to be consistent this is just a little splurge i wanted to write lol. thank you for reading i really appreciate it (i also really appreciate engagement lol please like repost comment etc im greedy). i love one piece and i love zoro. once i meet law expect all hell to break loose im gonna write so much fanfiction about him its concerning hes so fine im so excited. anyways lol thanks love you bye.
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seneon · 3 months
hii :3 saw that requests were open ! can i request rayne ames having an s/o that loves cats and is taking care one? pls make it a fem reader if u can, thank uu very much <33
notes. hey anon! i wrote this immediately after i saw your request (but kept it to rent in my drafts) because i have kitties too 🥹 i honestly dk what format to write it in so i'll write in messy headcanons / imagines.
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its just like having bunnies and taking care of bunnies. except he takes care of bunnies and you take care of kitties. at first, he didn't really fancy cats, but especially after meeting your super special cat, he fell in love with it. you see rayne smiling so often while he's playing with your cat. your heart just... melts. it's a bonus if your cat is a kitten! this man cannot resist cute little fluffy things.
expect rayne to visit your house / dorm A LOT. he brings along a few of his bunnies or one each day tho so its ok. besides bringing his own bunnies to play with your cat, he also brings a bunch of stuff for your cat! he'll spoil kitty good, just like how he spoils his pretty girl so much.
probably wants to name any other cats that you want to adopt (he'll make it your ship name heha) for some reason i feel like he'll hire an artist, pay them to draw a portrait of your cat, and gift if to you... yeah rayne will definitely do that. and then he'll keeps pestering you to hang the kitty drawing in your room or something.
you'll feel as if he's more of the cat's father than you are as the cat's mother. your cat is you and rayne's ultimate pride and joy. the cat definitely feels like royalty after the super spoiled treatment it gets.
but look! sometimes you get a little jealous of your cat. so when it comes to that, rayne will switch his full attention to his actual princess. here's how it goes:
"rayne. do you really love my cat more than me?" you asked as he raised a brow at you. "what? no." then it's like an electricity bolt jolting throughout his entire body as he quickly holds your face kiss your cheek. "no y/n my love no. i love you more than anything else."
"really? even more than your bunnies?"
"even more than my bunnies."
i mean, you ARE the first human being that is more interesting and lovable than a bunny or cat. of course he's going to pick you over his bunnies anytime. he can get thousands of other bunnies but he can't get you again if he ever lost you. the thing is, you love your cat more than rayne. in a comical way, of course.
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TAGS ★ @kyoghurts @caelivir @dragonictears kyetsu
© SENEON 2024 ♱ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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ddlcbrainrot · 5 months
I love how your mind works so much everything you say is canon now bc I said so.
Since you've done Monisuri, Moniyuri and Natsuri thoughts, do you plan on doing any other ships? Sayonika would be cool/nf
my mind is a cat, a red panda and a raccoon in a trench coat pretending to be human, or so i’ve been told so thank you
if people ask me to, then sure!
sayonika makes my brain go brrrrr and i stop thinking proper thoughts bc i love them so much every time i see them i just go hehehe so this is going to take a while bear with me
m…monika and sayori,… kithes…
ok but srsly, i think the reason i like sayonika so much is bc its a very versatile ship. You want cute best friends to lovers? Side stories are right there. You want angst fest, hurt no comfort with no happy ending? Base game is right there
If we are talking about base game, a lot of questions pop up. Like how did they even get together? (probably some time after the ending, maybe since both have gone through the epiphany they bond over that) Can they even be in a functioning relationship after the events of ddlc? (a functioning one? no lol, but maybe after a lot of work they make something special) Does Sayori ever forgive Monika? (surprisingly, yes after a long time. I actually can see her "forgiving" Monika right away, only for her to build up resentment over time and snap and so she realises that she needs to actually feel and process her feelings of anger and betrayal before she can forgive Monika) Does Monika forgive herself and lets herself be loved? (THERE IS NO WAY LMAO). So yeah, the main headcanon i have for them in base game is that Monika never fully forgives herself, no matter how much Sayori insists she forgives her. Because i love suffering.
Anyway lets step away from the sad sad world of base game and get to the happy stuff of side stories :D
So yeah, bffs that slowly realise they like eachother
I think ive mentioned this before, but they give off first sapphic crush/relationship vibes. if you know you know
Both had a hard time accepting they like each other bc both were like "shes too good for me..." (dumbasses)
Acting like a couple before even being together, im talking hand holding (how lewd...), cuddling, compliments, you name it
And when Natsuki would be like "you guys act so gay for eachother" they'd be like nnNnNoOoOo We're just gals being pals (dumbasses p2)
Who would confess? Probably Sayori. But only in a last resort situation. She'd be expecting to be rejected too. Surprise surprise being the kindest person alive gets people to like you who would have thought
PDA couple.
Sayori's physical affection and Monika's words of affection? You can't be around them without getting diabetes
Im not kidding when i say they would be the worst couple to be around. But like in a sweet way
Sayori steals Monika's clothes
They paint their nails the eye colour of the other person, so like Sayori paints them green and Monika blue
When one is having a bad day, the other gives little notes filled with cheezy puns throughout the school day to cheer them up, and they talk about whats bothering them after (sayori started this and it has become kind of a tradition)
I can keep going but if I do this will end up longer than the declaration of independence
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 6 months
no pressure, I love your headcannons, will you do Avery and jameson
averyjameson head canons
my favorite ship in the whole wide world. hope you enjoy these. i'll probably do multiple posts for them bc i love them sm. again, not proof read bc i'm lazy as fuck.
sometimes, when avery is working, she'll start humming songs, and jameson just sits there listening to her.
avery loves sitting in between his legs bc jamie always starts stroking her hair and stuff.
avery and jameson will sometimes just sit in bed and read together.
during one of their adventures, avery fell and injured herself, and jamie flung her over his shoulder and carried her home. the paparazzi posted pictures of it online, and they went viral.
when they do interviews together and the person interviewing them start asking questions about their relationship, jamie starts gushing about how incredible avery is and how she's changed his life. he looks at her with so much love in his eyes that people post pics of them everywhere wishing they had a bf like jamie.
jamie absolutely lovesss physical touch. he's always holding her hand, hugging her, cuddling her, stroking her hair, kissing her, etc.
they absolutely loveee back hugs. jamie will sometimes creep up on her from behind and wrap her in his arms (he'll refuse to let her go).
when avery has nightmares, he'll make her lie down on top of him and stroke her hair, avery loves listening to his heartbeat.
ok many people have talked about this, but their first fight is the reason why they now have the codeword tahiti. in my head, their first fight was about how avery wasn't talking to him and he felt like he didn't know her (my poor baby avery just isn't used to confiding in people).
jamie lovessss kissing her. avery pretends she doesn't but she does
they absolutely love rooftop dates. they'll have picnics, and sometimes play golf like in thl.
jamie is always posting stuff about avery on his insta with cute little captions (sometimes its ts lyrics, sometimes he's just confessing his love), fans eat it up.
avery's fav color is obviously the color of jamie's eyes (green). ever since she started dating him, she started integrating more green in her wardrobe
jamie is always dedicating karaoke songs to her.
jamie asks max for relationship advice.
he loves carrying her to bed after a long day of work.
avery works sm she forgets to eat. jamie learns how to cook thanks to grayson and makes her meals.
during the eras tour, they swayed together to lover.
ok in another post i said xander fake proposed to avery during love story, but jamie would do it too.
when jamie started crying to tolerate it (he related to it bc of tobias, i also might be projecting...), avery held him in her arms.
avery vibes so hard to i knew you were trouble bc that was the song she associated to jamie when she first met him.
when avery has panic attacks, jamie just sits there with her. one of my other hc is that she loves sitting with her back to his chest, and so jamie sits her down in front of him and strokes her hair. when she's calmed down he'll try to distract her with riddles or by making her laugh (usually he does this by making a fool of himself)
jamie lovesss buying her gifts. he and xander will go shopping together to buy gifts for their gfs.
jamie sometimes gets nightmares about avery dying from the bombing, and so he lies down with his head on her chest to listen to her heartbeat.
speaking of that, jamie lovessss resting his head on her chest.
sometimes, jamie can't believe avery is actually his, and he starts crying. avery sometimes finds him, takes him to bed, and cuddles him while whispering sweet nothings in his ear.
jamie will sometimes call her avery hawthorne bc he knows that someday he'll marry her, and he wants to know what her name would sound like with his last name
when avery gets hate comments, he absolutely destroys the haters.
jamie loves taking pictures of her when she isn't expecting it.
like i said, jamie loves buying her gifts, but he especially likes to buy her jewelry.
avery is constantly stealing his shirts. jamie loves seeing her wearing his shirts sm that he'll put some of them in her drawers (he makes sure they smell like him)
avery loves watching jamie rock climbing bc she finds him hot (max teases her about it all the time).
jamie loves burying his nose in the crook of her neck at night when he can't sleep.
max once dared avery to do a tiktok dance with her, jamie is always rewatching the video bc he finds her beautiful
fans find them so cute they make fan accounts about them (there are hundreds of them). jamie likes to follow every one of them and comments on their posts.
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scullysflannel · 3 months
ok i was feeling crazy bc i kept seeing the "like a switch has been flicked" quote on here and then i get to that episode and scully says the speech and i'm like scully wtf are you talking about!!!! shes saying all this stuff about suddenly realizing youre in love with your best friend and i'm like scully my love that has not been your experience at all though. but i liked your post about it maybe being scully lying to herself a little as she processes her feelings for mulder. i liked "the rain king" and i thought all the ship baiting was fun but there was something kind of off about it too, like the in-your-face-ness of it all was jarring and i wasn't sure if that was intentional or if it just happened to land oddly for me. i think iconicscullyoutfits said smth about how in mistaking scully & mulder for a married couple, the townspeople flatten the relationship and fail to understand everything scully & mulder are to each other, and i liked that. i liked your point about how putting scully & mulder in typical domestic situations always showcases the ways they chafe against them, i think that's so crucial too.
all that aside though it was still a gorgeous episode i liked the heart shaped hail and i loved seeing scully & mulder in the rain because of course it evokes them in the pouring rain in the pilot!!! and the score is particularly lovely in this episode, there's like a repeated love theme mark snow does for sheila and her weatherman which surprised me because that's not really typical of xfiles episode scores and it made it feel almost like a film. i kept turning up my volume so i could hear the music better ^_^
right! and thanks! I said this in that post, but it's hard to tell in season 6 when the writers are leaning into rom-com conventions to make a point about how mulder and scully don't fit those roles and when they're just squeezing them into those roles for fun. but it is fun! and either way, the intentions behind "the rain king" don't really change its effect, which is that the truth of mulder and scully is too interesting and too private to be flattened into something traditional.
but at the same time one of my favorite x-files things is the "both and"-ness of the truth: it's both complicated and simple. mulder and scully don't fit the rom-com friends-to-lovers template, but there is something true about "the rain king" essentially saying "just kiss, it's not that hard." it's the benefit of being just one episode in a procedural that can go anywhere: painting them as small-town marrieds can't remotely sum them up, but the fact that scully fantasizes a little about making their relationship fit that mold means the emotion of it still means something to her.
she and mulder are both obsessed with telling themselves there are still lines they have to cross. if they can pretend that friendship is something that happens before the big commitment instead of the biggest commitment the two of them could make, the other milestones have more meaning. which is not entirely wrong, in a darin morgan "we create our own meaning" fiji mermaid sense. they still have to decide when to define the same things they've been doing this whole time as romantic. I love season 6 because everything they're anxious about is both so easy and so hard. it gives the storytelling more leeway to be unsubtle, because what is obvious can still be difficult to accept. which is kind of the essence of "I want to believe." it's hard to let yourself be loved.
anyway, it's a cute episode, and the stylized elements like the music really help. (so funny that mark snow sometimes sleeps through the big episodes and then something like "rain king" or "soft light" comes along and he's inspired.) love that "the rain king" also carries on the season 6 wizard of oz motif. it's such a grand adventure to get home, but all you have to do is click your heels.
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ody-my-ssey · 10 days
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Oh would you look at that,saying I won’t end it soon made me end it soon,guess I am like that.
Well telemachus Desing as I saw the last one exploded(7-8 likes im famous) I really don’t know if I archived the idea of “looking younger yet not like a child” Which is kinda my own iffy but not really when it’s about telemachus Designs I mean I still sleep at night and like I’m not really bothered after all ik I’m not better and each one can design him how they want and doesn’t mean some obscure meaning.
It’s that personally I feel he is pretty babied? Look ik he is a fictional character you know and saying “baby boy baby” doesn’t mean you see him as a toddler but this days I felt it affected negatively this fandom…with certain ship,you know…
Yes I will ramble about my thoughts of the Antinous x telemachus ship,I lied to you all(jk)
So ok I wanna ramble but if you wanna jump this just scroll down until you can see the notes.
Ok so before anything if it helps you in your day. I don’t personally ship em like at the point of making ship art but it appeals me
I also can understand why ppl can not like it and I respect it but I don’t respect the massive pearl clutching reaction,like I really don’t.
And look I’m not going to tell you bullyng is bad (it is) because other,more famous and eloquent artists and users alredy told you that
I’m not eloquent just a rambler so please can I know why there was such a fuss for what is basically a good guy x bad guy ship?
It’s not more complicated is scenically that.
What is telemachus? A good guy.
What is Antinous? A bad guy.
And yes,yes ik the lyrics ik he said those things about penelope and yes I gasped but we can understand that when ppl ships these two isn’t because of that? Like I hope we all agree those two sentences aren’t cool or good but we have to re learn the concept of “indulgent shipping”
Wich idk if the name exists but my explanation is: those ships that aren’t meant to appeal canon and you wouldn’t like or accept if they were canon but just for the characters or the vibes/dynamic you would ship.
In resume. I know that these two wouldn’t work canonically,I don’t want them to be canon but I absolutely would see the appeal of drawing em idk wall pinning scene because its literally just enemies tension and we don’t have to think about the canon because the ship itself couldn’t be canon,yet doesn’t mean is worse or pointless it’s just shipping.
And I’m surprised that concept wasn’t even mentioned not all ships have to be canonically appealing or meant to “pinkwash” the actions but you can make them not exist in the context of the ship.
So I’m sorry but the reaction was too much more with a ship that it’s basically seen in all fandoms and try and shame ppl for drawing stuff that is even cute just because for some reason people can’t just mindlessly ship two adults that don’t get along it’s not something that at large is going to benefit you nor anyone, because if,epic is your first fandom im glad for you it’s a pretty cool fandom to be in but having such reactions for ships with dynamics of evil x good or bad guy x good guy when like I said both are in an acceptable age,shipping em doesn’t mean you think the bad guy is not bad or justified you just don’t think about it cuz it’s not meant to work canonically.
So it’s ok not liking it,it’s ok voicing your dislike with your friends or circle but it’s not reason of making a big deal and less harass
(Aside from the other thing the artist did but I accept the apology if you don’t I won’t force you I’m just talking about the ship itself)
If you wanna voice any opinion please do it with respect,thanks
(Also I don’t count ao3 as the mayority ik the kind..stuff of there is )
(Btw do you realize how i made you all think i was going to talk about the "infantilizing" issue but then i never mentioned it? Yeah,have a wonderful day.)
Still don’t take my whole antithesis crap as shipping it was just me finding funny these two being the oposite in desing
Other than that I can’t explain more than what there is.
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cosmic-nopedog · 2 months
Could you possibly share more of your kirakira swap au... it is very inch resting to me!! (also- cute art :D)
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ok ok so, its a very simple swap au as i've said and im gonna be shooo honest with youo, its ciel x ichika, i like the ship i think they are cute together SO ITS GOING TO HAPPEN, BUT ANYWAYS THIS IS GOING TO BE KINDA LONG
In this au, ichika is a fairy from strawberry mountain, and goes off to paris to learn about sweet making like ciel in the og, however unlike ciel, she goes alone and does learn from jean pierre and gets shot into the lime light, but the thing is that she kinda feels like somethings missing.
yeah she makes a lot of kiraru with her technique alone and her passion for sweets making but it feels a lil.. empty, she is a very lonely girl and at the beginning very clumsy [its still ichika cmon dsfjn vg] so she kinda also has this like BIG imposter syndrome thing going on, she masks it well enough for PR and what not but shes kinda worried that this all is just a big stroke of luck and some day shes going to inevitably fail.
I will say i do have kind of a storyline in mind so bear with me dfkjbnjkdf.
Anyways, she goes on her life in paris as Uzuki Ichika: Prodigy Patissiere [am still making the au so bear with me for there will be changes here n there] and nothing more, UNTIL, she runs into Usami Satomi [aka Ichika's mom in the og storyline] and they talk, and she learns that Satomi is a doctor and lives in strawberry mountain and all that stuff and shes in paris temporarily as part of her job, and i want them SOMEHOW i've yet to really think about all the details to develop a sorta soft ish guardian&kid relationship like, thats not ur kid but might as well be type thing.
ANYWAYS, after enough time [yet to be determined] i feel like ichika starts confiding in Satomi alot of the feelings she has going on and Satomi brings up the idea of taking a break and going back to like her home town, and Ichika does agree and all [BUT I WANT SOME REALISM HERE RIGHT not too much tho we still have fun,] but does bring up the fact that she probably wont have a place to stay if she does so [excuses cus she could very much so stay with the fairies] and CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG but a long time ago i did read something about how if you know like, a family in a country well enough they can like take u in for some time? like Adopt you so tospeak AGAIN I MIGHTVE HALLUCINATED THIS but if not yeah, THATS what happens.
So shes staying with the Usami's! yay! well just the dad cus Satomi does have to travel cus of her job n what not, and goes back to strawberry mountain to hopefully clear her head and maybe remember why she did all of this in the first place.
THATS THAT ON ICHIKA, which im going to be sho honest with you, shes the one i've like thought abt the most, mainly cus i like making the pink cures depressed kdsnbjkfdb BUT ALSO because shes in SUCH a situation and i find that inchresting.
I WILL ALSO SAY, im not swapping everyone, just ciel n ichika, mainly cus i find making ichika a fairy and ciel a cringe fail amateur patissiere very fun and inchresting BUT I DIGRESS.
NOW, AS FOR CIEL, shes a normal girl that has just moved into strawberry mountain, ysee, she is originally from strawberry mountain but moved out at some point in her life and decided to sort of move back in to take care of her grandmother who still recides in there, Rio also came along with her cus I LOVE MY SIBLING DYNAMICS OK.
SPEAKING OF, the way i see their dynamic is that they are very close and yes they stil have their shared interest in sweets and what not but ciel is more of a What happens if I double the amount of batter type interest and Rio is more of a Watches 3 bilion youtube videos on alot of recepies that he sometimes asks ciel if they can try out. Which ofcousre has a very diverse rate of success kdjfhbjbk.
They have the Passion and all the Feelings into it but Not alot of technical skill, I do think they meet Pekorin the same way Ichika met Pekorin in the og story, AND I DO WANT TO MAKE RIO A CURE, HE WILL BE A CURE I WILL MAKE THIS HAPPEN.
OH speaking of, i did kinda change Ichikas and Ciel's cure names, Ichika is now Cure Meringue and Ciel is now Cure Velvet.
I do have some liek spare thoughts here and there like, Ichika and Pekorin Have a sybling dynamic slash are actual sisters and at somepoint i want ichika to get stained in shadow maybe same with Rio but i have yet to figure out a cohesive storyline for that, BUT I WILL FIGURE IT OUTTTTT!!!
Also do NOT spoil me shit, I have NOT finished Kirakira Precure as of rn, IM CLOSE BUT NOT THERE YET.
LAST THING: i will call this AU very simply Strawberry Meringue Au
That is all.
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kit-kat-jo · 30 days
My Murder Drones Finale analysis… 1/2 - 2/2
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i stayed up until 2 am with friends last night (who i roped into binging the series with me) freaking the fuck out and theorizing, so next morning post hello!
i am FAR from done with this series, it’s been my hyperfixation and comfort show for over a year, and i pray y’all don’t die out too quickly because i have so much left to share. This show and community has blessed me in so many ways, and no way I’m letting it go just yet.
so now, of course, my frame by frame crazy analysis! ready? cool!
spoilers of course!
firstly i love how the first character they hone in on is the teacher, just laying on his desk and accepting his fate. like “really?……. ok. i guess.” fucking hilarious. man is so done.
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the solver straight up pulling a Cluster from Steven Universe is not what i expected…. but so on brand. truthfully i don’t understand how in the end, uzi killed THIS whole fucking thing too when swallowing the [null], but if this finale proved anything to me its that about fifty loose ends are kept loose. and that’s… oddly okay with me?
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you spin me like a ballerinaaa-
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on my first rewatch i realized she tried to yell out “MOM!” in the vacuums of space… what if i just fucking cry?
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mother daughter bonding… i’m so glad they have the chance to properly meet. :’) give this woman a drone body post finale so she can give her girl a hug…
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SPACESHIP PILOOOTTT!! i love how all the fan content of N pulling Uzi from space into a ship came to fruition! it makes my little heart happy!!
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proud of N here for being mad at her!! it doesn’t last long like i knew it wouldn’t, but still.
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another thing i realized in my rewatch is that he stops being mad as SOON as he sees her cry? STOPPP😭💔
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and yeaahhhh that doesn't last long.
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CLOSEST to a walle kiss i got. and i’m HAPPY with it!!!!! just uh... gonna draw in that little spark later...
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solver said: stop being straight :)
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this whole scene makes my heart SCREAM, they’re so goofy and awkward and cute, they’re dating!!! i’m so proud of them!! them continuing to do coupley things throughout the fights coming next was absolutely too much.
oh you…. you hear something guys?? YOU SEE THAT?
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MY WIFE LIVES!!!!! “itd be better if she stays dead nehnehneh” /lh NUH UH!!!!!!!! ANDDD she’s riding in on the fucking sentinel! my life…. my life is complete…. and i heard that “will it ever end for me,” so Eternal Dream IS one hundred percent HER song!
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Oh, V. “We were supposed to get away, J! You said we do our jobs on this planet, and it leaves us alone!” as soon as this was said, i REALIZED. and oh, my GOD, all of V’s actions make so much sense now. J, as the leader of the squad, led V to believe that if they all did their jobs, killed blindly until no drone was left, cyn would leave her and N alone. no more messing with them, tearing them open, mutilating them and traumatizing them. as long as she made N do his job, he would be safe. I’M GONNA BE SO FUCKING SICK!!!!! J mislead them this whole time and was on the solver’s side! she knew tessa was long gone! as much as i wanted a J plot where she realizes she’s on the wrong side, i can’t say i wasn’t secretly expecting something like this.
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“There’s no escape, even in death!” J has given up. she sided with the solver to end her own suffering. she sided with the abomination that was tearing them apart, tired of fighting against it. Oh, J. That’s so tragic. Fucked up what you put your teammates through, though.
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the aforementioned coupley stuff. YAAAAAAALLLLLLLLUHHH. get a room
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now to the fucked up shit. can i just say how much i love cyn’s animations here? she’s so fucked up. love her
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you did a lot more than hurt his feelings girlie, LOOK AT HIM! his pure, horrific fear here actually broke me.
ran out of space for images! here pt 2!
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ryn-loves-cheese · 11 months
Hi! ৻(•̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)⊹。 Welcome to my tumblr page! I’m Ryn I go by they/them! And I’m pansexual/demiromantic
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fandoms I draw for:
•demon slayer
•jujutsu Kaisen
•sk8 infinity
•Tokyo revengers(haven’t finished the show yet)
•the owl house
•the Magnus archives(haven’t finished the podcast yet)
•hazbin hotel
•sky: children of light
•bungo stray dogs
•Luigi’s mansion
•doctor who
•the apocathary diaries (haven’t finished the show yet)
•house MD
•gravity falls
•the outsiders
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☀️I TAKE ART REQUESTS☀️I can’t promise I’ll get to them but if you have any do send bc my ass always has art block- ill be doing two at a time at most
I will draw your ocs or any characters I’m okay with ships but i can say no if I’m uncomfortable with the ship that also goes for any other drawing I can refuse if I’m uncomfortable
Things I’m ok with:
oc x oc
oc x canon character (no minor x adults)
Canon character x canon character (DEPENDING ON THE SHIP)
Chibi characters
Regular animals: parrots, cats, dogs, lizards, snakes, fish, tigers, chickens, anything like that
mild gore or candy gore
any of the things on that list I will draw :]
Things I’M NOT OKAY with drawing! You will be blocked if you ask for some of these things! (Also this is a DNI list for some things):
proshipping(minor x adult) -immediate block don’t bother following me
racist or homophobic or transphobic don’t follow me istg
heavy and graphic gore
Anthro/furries (i don’t have a major issue with them i just don’t know how to draw them 💀)
mechanical or mecha stuff (idk how to draw this)
any depiction of ‘Yandere’ or unhealthy toxic relationships that shits not welcome here
‼️this should also be clarified i will NOT draw ANY nsfw or suggestive material i may make jokes but don’t ask it of me i don’t mind blogs with mildly suggestive material follow me along as its not straight up nsfw. I’ve seen a few blogs like that follow me but general rule of thumb here DNI if you are a blog that has nsfw art or material it’s just weird I’m a minor it’s not hard to understand you’ll be blocked :3 Ty for reading‼️
also if it’s a oc I will require a picture of them
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this is my oc ryn!
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my moots/freinds :]
@bin-s0 (lovely artist and very sweet :] and my bf they are literally one of my favourite people 🩷🩷🩷)
@boo-simplified (also a banger artist and a very wonderful friend i know them irl and they are so goddamn nice✨)
@mercurymaceo ( EDIBLE ART. Need I say more! And a very close friend ⭐️✨)
@kimetsu-chan (LITERALLY SO SWEET OMG 💖💖very pretty art and a good writer)
@thesimp-nicki (very nice very delicious chibi art)
@thesilliersakura (ART IS VERY SILLY AND ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS and very silly freind)
@swisscheeselovers-blog (he is another close irl friend of mine dose some silly doodles once and a while. SO FUNNY ONG very goofy and silly friend 🫶💖)
@shycroissanti (some more edible art has one of the silliest ocs ever and is so nice!)
@clownpalette (ART IS SO SILLY AND CUTE!!!)
@aceofstars0 (so sweet makes some SCRUMPTIOUS ART- I wanna eat it please follow them :] )
@rion-isnot-an-ai (yet another underrated artist who is also very nice! Makes lovely art!)
@silas-png (bro im bouta eat your art if you’re not careful THE RENDERING THEY DO IS JUST 😭💖✨🤌)
@pearlymoonn (OMG they are so nice iv spoke with them before and they’re lovely fncndhshchvu they make very cute art!)
@cloudymistedskies (if you like Muichiro I suggest following them they have so many good fanarts of him :D)
@scrimblyscrorblo (very silly doodles iv spoken with them a couple of times and i absolutely adore they’re art its so goofy and cute and are also very nice 🫶)
@delirious-dan (THE ART <3 so good and they are very silly and cool)
thanks for reading and welcome to my blog :]
divider creds to:
my art tag is #Ryn’s art 💜
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bluegalaxygirl · 7 months
Home cooked meal (Law X Reader)
Plot: Your the cook of the heart pirates creating amazing meals that meets all the crews energy and dietary needs but when Bepo asks you to make a meal from his home your secret might get out.
Warning: Bad language, Panic attack, Past Bullying, Bepo being cute and finally some comfort.
Reader is GN, This can be read as Platonic or romantic, As someone with Dyslexia i struggle from time to time with reading but i'v had a lot of help to get to where i am now. Reader on the other hand hasn't had any of that help so i'm writing this based on my experience's in the past and the struggle i had in getting help later on in high school. Honestly it was only when i was in collage that i actually got any help.
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It was Early morning and like always you were about to make breakfast for the crew but to your surprise Bepo was already up and sitting at the dinning room table looking over a few pieces of paper. "Morning Bepo, did you not sleep well?" You ask with a concerned look while the bear jumps in surprise at your sudden voice "O-Oh! No, i slept ok, i've just had something on my mind for a while now and i-i was hoping to talk to you about it" Bepo stands holding the papers in his paws as he makes his way over, you can tell he's beyond nervous about something but you wonder why wouldn't he go the Captain who's usually his go to when something happens. "Sure sweetie, what's up?" You ask the slightly shaking bear, he gulps before holding out the papers to you with his head slightly down "I-I know you don't like taking requests but i was hoping you could make an old home recipe for us tonight" You jump a little in shock, its true you don't take requests from the crew unless its something you know how to make off by heart or something you've made before. You hesitate to answer while keeping your hands to your sides refusing to take the piece of paper your friend and crew mate tries to hand you "I'm sorry, i'm just missing home at the moment and this always cheers me up, my brother used to make it for me, and he wrote down the recipe and steps so i was hoping you could make it tonight" The bear begs as his eyes look up to meet yours.
You freeze in place when meeting his watery and shining eyes, gritting your teeth your breath hitches in your throat as your eyes widen at his cute face but you try to stay strong. There's a reason you didn't take requests and none of the crew know the real reason why and you would like it to stay that way. Gulping you go to say no to the cute bear only for him to let out a little whimper, you crumble as your heartbeat sped up and cheeks go pink due to his cuteness "Ok... but tonight really?" You ask grabbing onto the papers as his eyes stop watering, a huge smile forms on his face as he cheers pulling you into his furry chest for a hug. "Oh thank you so much Y/N your the best and i know its short notice but i checked, and we have all the stuff needed on the ship so please." he talks so fast it takes you a while to figure out what exactly he's saying but you soon get the gist of it while pulling your head out of his white fur trying to breath again. "I-I'll try my best but there's no garrote it'll be for tonight ok?" You ask as Bepo lets go of you bouncing on his feet with joy his smile never fading "Thank you so much Y/N, your the best" You can't help but smile at his compliment while gesturing for him to sit so you can make breakfast but you can't help the sinking feeling in your chest. You know your gonna have to work hard in order to read it all in a short amount of time while also keeping it out of prying eyes.
Placing the papers on the side you start making breakfast trying to calm your mind and enjoy the morning, soon one by one the crew walk in thanking you for the food and coffee before heading to the dinning room to eat. As usual Law hasn't walked in, he's probably working and doesn't want to be disturbed but if it gets around to lunch, and he still hasn't eaten you'll make something and bring it to him. After everyone ate and headed off to do their work, you cleaned the table with a bit of help from Shachi and Penguin before grabbing your own plate of food and a cup of coffee heading to the dinning table. A sick feeling rose inside making you look down at your own food in disgust since now you had the alone time to read or at least attempt to read the recipe Bepo gave you. Reading always gave you anxiety and a feeling of dread, it was embarrassing to admit that you couldn't read all too well. It's not that you don't know how too or that you need glasses, its just hard when the words move on the page. They look like their vibrating causing the words to look blurry, some handwriting is harder to read then others but the worst part is the headache you get when you stare at it for too long. It's gonna take a day maybe even two to decipher what it says and try to remember it so you don't have to look at it again, with a sigh you try and focus on each word instead of the whole page, moving closer to the page as you do so and cupping your hands around each word to try and force it to stop moving.
You abandon your food and coffee letting it go cold since the words make you feel sick and slightly dizzy soon followed by a growing headache. After half an hour your headache got worse and worse to the point where it felt like your eyes were vibrating along with the words so you forced yourself to stop. "Fuck, all that and i've only read the ingredients" You sigh to yourself while rubbing your temples and keeping your eyes closed shut in an attempt to stop your throbbing head, managing to ease it a bit you stand while grabbing your dishes, throwing the food in the compost and the coffee down the sink you place the plates on the side and reach into one of the cabinets pulling out some pain killers. The dishes were usually a task you didn't like too much but right now it was the only thing you wanted to do since it will be an excuse to get away from the words for a while. Reading has been something you've struggled with since you can remember, your parents often got upset with you over not being able to read simple words while your teachers gave up a few years into school, labeling you as a lost cause. You weren't dumb despite what your teachers said, You know how to spell and what words mean, it was just reading that was a problem. You were more hands on when it came to learning which is why things like Art, Physical education and Cooking came so easy to you. Your mother, despite some times getting frustrated with you, taught you how to cook, how to measure by eye and helped you remember all you needed to know while reading the cook books to you.
Your mother also taught you how to figure out what shops are by the signs color which made shopping a lot easier, most fresh fruit and meat shops are green while most fish markets are blue so when on an island you use that to figure out where to go. Despite getting a headache and feeling anxious around books you have quite a few cook books in the kitchen, you want to keep trying to read and learn new recipes but their mainly dust collectors now, you haven't picked up one in months. You either can't bring yourself to read it or you give up half-way through due to your headaches, it can take you a week to read and remember a new recipe but thats a week of dealing with a headache, sickness and anxiety all while trying to keep your problem under wraps. You could never bring yourself to tell anyone or ask for help in this, you fear they would think your stupid or that your not worth keeping around. You wanted to tell Law when you first joined since he's the smartest man you know, and he's a doctor, he could fix you but on the other hand because he's smart he might think your not worth bring on his crew. Your scared he'll laugh at you or kick you off the ship, as for your friends your scared they'll also laugh at you, the worst would be the teasing from your best friends, Shachi and Penguin. They tease Bepo all the time for little things, and they do the same to you at times but its all light-hearted, reading through is a touchy subject and one you avoid at all costs even more so around them.
After lunch, you spend the rest of the afternoon trying to read that stupid recipe, you were forced to take pain killers once the last ones had warn off but in your effort to please one of your best friends you forgot about you Captain who hadn't joined the crew for lunch. Squinting at the page with your hands cupping the sides of your face the words continued to move, you wanted to cry in frustration, you wanted to throw your hands in the air and give up but your friend asked you to do this one thing for him and you already agreed. "Please... please stop moving" You whisper to the words as if they are living things and can hear you, if they were living things your sure they would laugh at you and start hopping around to make it worse. Footsteps soon get your attention making you gasp and look up hoping who ever came in didn't see you in this position, your eyes widen further when seeing your Captain standing at the head of the dinning table your sitting at. "Oh! Gods Captain, i'm so sorry, i forgot your lunch" You panic standing out of your chair almost knocking it over in the process but Law raises his hand to stop you "Its fine, don't worry" he sates but you can't help but worry, you forgot the most important person on the ship, the captain. "I'll make you something, i'm so sorry" You continue to panic while rushing past him to the kitchen.
Law sighs before following you into the kitchen where you rush to get things out to make him something to eat. "It's fine really. How long have i been in there?" His question makes you let out a small laugh starting to relax now that your cooking and you can't see the mans face as he leans against the wall "Over a week" you state keeping your eyes focused on the food, the captain lets out another sigh while rubbing his head "You want some Coffee?" You ask wondering if it will ease his headache or stress, he gives you a simple nod keeping his eyes on what your making. "You can sit, I'll bring it to you" You smile at him while boiling some water for his Coffee, there wasn't an answer but you could hear him walk away into the dinning room, you let out a sigh mentally cursing yourself for forgetting the Captain of all people. You manage to compose yourself before walking into the dinning room a plate in one hand and a cup of steaming hot coffee in the other, you gulp when seeing Law looking over the recipe you were trying to read. Walking over you place the plate and Coffee down in front of him getting the man to look up at you with his tired eyes before moving the papers away. You were about to apologies again but Law spoke first "I thought you didn't take requests" You gulp again trying to swallow your nerves before gathering up the papers "Yea but its kinda hard to say no to Bepo.... especially when he gives you those eyes" You laugh a little, The captain sips his coffee while raising an eyebrow at you, he could tell something was wrong, your laugh sounded more nervous than humorous.
Holding the papers close to your chest you give a small bow "I'll leave you too it" you smile going to walk away when the captain pushes the chair across from him out with his foot "No need, sit" It sounded like an order but you didn't want to sit in front of your captain for god knows how long while portending to read, you've gotten good at it, letting your eyes scan over the page while making tiny facial expressions once in a while. "I don't want to be in the way." You smile hoping to cover up the anxiety welling up in your chest, as Law eats he's eyes shift from you to the chair before pointing at it with his fork "Nonsense, If anything i'm in your way, sit and continue" he states while his eyes go back to looking at you, your chest tightens but you do as your told and sit back down placing the papers in front of you. He goes back to eating as you do your best to pretend to read, your normally very good at it but with your incredibly smart captain who spends most of his time reading sitting right in front of you its starting to get harder and harder. Before you know it, Law is done with his food and coffee his eyes fixed on you as you stare at the paper your eyes unmoving while your hands grip into fists on your lap trying to control the building anxiety. You're breathing stops as your mind spins with thoughts, its likes a thousand eyes are on you waiting for you to slip up, so they can laugh at you and call you stupid, you can already hear their laughter, how their mocking voices sound.
A tear slips out of your eye rolling down your cheek and hitting the paper your still staring at making the captains eyes widen "Y/N? You ok?" he asks with concern, when you don't answer and instead start to pant in small breathes trying to force air into your lungs he stands making his way around the table to you are, he spins your chair to the side forcing your eyes away from the paper "Hay, Y/N can you hear me?" he asks kneeling down while placing his tattooed hands on your shaking and clenched fists. "Y/N, it's ok, your in the dinning room on the sub, just try and breath for me" He keeps calm as you try to breath more tears falling down your face, his voice starts to bring you back to reality but now you know you've fucked up, how are you going to explain this way? What if he already knows? What if he forces you to leave because of this? You're spiraling thoughts are interrupted by a hand on your cheek making you look up from your lap to meet your captains eyes, they were calm and held no sign of annoyance or humor which you were thankful for "Hay, it's ok, your having a panic attack, i just need you to breathe, in for four, hold and out for four... try and follow me" You follow his breathing the best you can slowly starting to get better with each intake of breath, after a while he lets go of your cheek and takes both of your hands "I-I'm sorry" You stutter, but he shakes his head at you and squeezes your still clenched fists "You have nothing to be sorry for, it's ok if you don't know how to read" he states trying to be calm while getting to the route of the issue but it makes you angry.
Pulling your hands away from him your body tenses while you look away from him "I can read, i'm not stupid" You spit out through clenched teeth, Law sighs seeing this isn't an easy topic for you but he's your captain and doctor if something is wrong it's his duty to help. Pulling out the chair next to you, Law takes a seat and leans forwards letting his arms rest on his lap "I know your not stupid. Your smart Y/N, it's ok if you don't know how to-" you cut him off with a glare while wrapping your arms around yourself trying to give you some kind of comfort "I do know how to read, its just-" you cut yourself off not wanting to reveal too much but despite your yelling and angry glare Law stays calm, he didn't flinch or get mad or upset with you like so many others and you wondered why. He waits for a second before speaking again letting you have time to calm down "I'm sorry for making that assumption but i want to help, can you tell me what you see or feel when reading" He tilts his head a little as your eyes shift to the paper and then back to him, he wants to help you? Its nice of him to try but people have tried to help you in the past and no one has been able to do anything for you. "You can't help me, no one can... I'm sorry to disappoint you Captain" you bow your head letting your forehead almost touch your lap wanting his forgiveness, The captain sighs before placing a hand on your shoulder and pushing it slightly to make you sit up and look at him.
His eyes are still calm but there seems to be a bit of sadness or maybe anger. "Your not a disappointment Y/n and i can help you, I'm a Doctor and your Captain it's my job to make sure all my crew is healthy and capable, even if it means they need some help." Your eyes widen at his words, he's not going to ridicule you or throw you off the ship? It sparks hope in you, that even if he can't help, you still have a place here. Now you feel stupid for doubting your captain, Law's smart, smarter than anyone you've ever met, if anyone can help you he can. "The words move, well they vibrate, if i look at it long enough i can make out the words it just takes time and i need quiet but... I get a terrible headache and i feel sick and dizzy" You explain placing your hands back on your lap starting to relax "Do you find it better or worse with different color's?" he asks making you raise an eyebrow at him, you never really thought about that before, but he did have a point "Kinda, i can't make out anything when its white writing on a black background but i find it easier to read writing thats on cardboard" You shrug as your captain leans back a bit giving you a nod "All that plus a few other things iv noticed over time i'm sure you have Dyslexia" at first your overjoyed that you now have a name for what is wrong with you but then your hit with confusion, you've never heard of that before, what is it and can it be fixed?
Seeing your confusion Law leans forwards again and places a hand on yours. "It's a reading disorder, You have difficulty reading due to the part of your brain that identifys speech sounds and another part for learning how those sounds relate to letters and words not communicating with each other. There isn't a known cause but it does run in families." As he talks you nod along starting to understand more and more "So can i be fixed?" you ask earning a slight smile and huff of humor as Law looks down at his lap "Your not broken Y/N, there's no cure for this but there are things that can help. There's a test i can run that will help you in the future, if you want" Your captain looks back up at you as you show him a small grateful smile, there may not be a cure but at least there is something that can help so you nod scared to speak in case you break down in happy tears. Law nods and let's go of your hand before standing up "I'll grab some stuff and be right back" at that you jump up and stop him by grabbing his arm "Wait, i don't want anyone to see" you panic not wanting to be teased by your friends and crew mates, Your captain sighs and removes your hand from his arm while turning to face you "There are several people on the crew with Dyslexia, no one is going to laugh at you for it or tease you about it. If you feel more comfortable we can go to my office but i assure you that no one is going to think differently of you" You release his arm letting your hand falling to your side "I-i would prefer your office if thats ok" You gulp but Law nods and takes your hand walking you to his office.
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kabutoden · 5 months
Just curious, what are your ships? (I swear I’m not a Nepeta kinnie.)
i thought about this forever its so funny. listen my buddies kin assigned me nepeta and i was like im NOT im NOT...
i had to think about this for a long time. i think the funniest thing about me is that honestly im really impartial about ships and like stories focusing on friendship more. like, complex friendships about buddies who fight and reunite or have slightly unhealthy relationships... thats really good stuff.
im so unaffected by cannon my favorite ships in homestuck would be entirely based on who makes content i like about them. ill read an essay and be like ok ill smoke that thats cool. fancontent wise i really like arasol<3 and <>, and karkat <> with any of his besties(sollux, kanaya, gamzee, rezi, dave.) solkat and davekat <3 are fine. that one bitch with the 12 page erikar essay makes me be like 'yeah im ok with this interpretation of the characters.' i dont really have an otp ever
i wish more was done with terezi dave and karkats friendship. i want to see them play together. honestly, karkats and terezis friendship is something i want to see way more of, because he respects her a lot and i think karkats like. whole goofy existence is really enjoyed by terezi. but those two need to define their friendship as not existing in a quadrant and instead being of mutual respect and appreciation. also dave and terezis friendship is literally sooooooooo fire. amazing even
i like the canon ships fine. rosemary, the meowrails, calliope and roxy, but i wish that vrirezi's <3< aspect was like more widely discussed. vriezi is my dirkjake if you will and i hate when it appears in the background of fics without that trainwreck of girl best friends being acknowledged as being like a dumpster fire for both girls but also magical. on that note dirkjake and dirkjohn are fine. l
i used to adore gamkat <> but ive fallen out of love with it due to how it puts too much pressure on the kat and gamzee's shown not really helping kat down from panic attacks in the comic. just want 2 see kat happy. i like it when its written healthy and cute though. gamkat <3 is my least favorite ship ever probably. it makes me barf.
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