#like it legit would have straight up been better to just put lucy or the ghoul in the game
itsohh · 3 months
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what the fuck is this?
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otakusheep15 · 3 years
I’m not sure if you take nsfw requests anymore so if you don’t, feel free to ignore this!
This is for m!MC -w-
Headcanon that demons have smaller dicks than humans, so when MC first tries to have sex with one of the brothers he says something like ‘sorry if I’m not big enough’ and they’re like ‘oh it’s ok we’ll figure something out :)’ but as soon as he pulls down his pants they’re like O-O ‘you’re insecure about this??’ You can make it funny or steamy if you want. I feel like Levi would just freak out and say no to sex but secretly fantasises about MC fucking him. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
This legit made me laugh out loud in class when I first read it. Funny nsfw scenarios like this are my fave.
Also, sorry for not answering this earlier, I've been kinda busy lately, so I've had no time to write until now.
M!MC with a Big Dick
He felt so confident when y'all started
Thought for sure he'd be the bigger one since he usually is
Did not expect this turn of events in the slightest
I think you actually broke his ego
But at the same time... he's kinda into it
Won't admit it, but he certainly wants to put your size to good use
Still wants to be in control though
You cannot take that away no matter how big your dick may be
You thought Luci's ego was destroyed?
Well you practically decimated this poor boy's entire existence
He was straight up so cocky when you got all embarrassed
Was ready to lowkey tease you as well
Then you take your pants down and it's over
He's so mad at you, like, for real
But he'll get over it cause he's also a horny mess and wants to get dicked down
Horrified but also extremely turned on
He's only seen dicks like yours in hentai
Kinda scoots away from you out of shock
Probably calls it quits on sex that night, but continues to think about it for a while
Eventually he comes back to you requesting that you break him in half
And he's still so shy about it and it's the cutest thing
Please destroy him MC, both you and him deserve it
Doesn't really mind that much
He's a nerd, so he probably read about humans having larger dicks somewhere
Yeah, it does kinda deflate his ego a bit to see it in person, but he gets over it quick
If anything, he probably gets a bit bratty
He teases you for thinking they were small and just gets them riled up even more
He'll definitely be taking advantage of your size though
Still stays in control for the most part, but doesn't mind if you mess him up a little if you know what I mean
Did y'all think he wouldn't already know?
He knows and he is prepared and excited
Wants you to absolutely destroy him And with how big you are, that shouldn't be a problem for anyone
Thinks it's cute how you think you're small and will gladly explain demon anatomy to you if it'll make you feel better
Also makes you feel better in other, more fun ways
Basically, he just has a field day with you and your very pleasurable dick
Barely has a reaction
He wasn't really expecting you to be bigger than him since he's big by demon standards
But it's not like he's upset or anything
All he really feels when he sees how big you are is the need to gag on your dick
That's pretty much it
This man will go to town if you let him, and it will feel good
Also would like you to rail him
The last brother to already know about human anatomy
He spent so much time with humans when he was an angel, so he knew
And he loves it very much
Will probably ride you for hours if he could
You've never seen him with so much energy
Literally just fucks himself dumb on your dick until he passes out
Yeah, he's secretly a very horny bastard and there's nothing anyone can do about it
Oh, and he makes fun of you for thinking you're small, but only in a joking way cause he secretly thinks it's cute
This was very fun to write and I hope the anon who suggested this enjoys it (and anyone else who reads it)
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trailerparkbubbs · 2 years
Ok obviously I love Bubbles but the relationship between Ricky and Julian is the core of the show and I think it stops working when it forgets that.
Their dynamic in the early seasons is what sets up their main internal and external conflicts. Julian is driven and ambitious and he wants to make a life for himself. He has plans to go to school, to move out of the park, to start a legit business and be successful. But everyone keeps putting the onus on him to take care of Ricky and (perhaps more importantly) Trinity, and he repeatedly has to sacrifice his own wants in order to do so. Season one ends with Julian making a big sacrifice for Ricky's sake – willingly going back to jail and destroying his relationship with Candy in the process.
Ricky is rash and temperamental and not very smart, but he's also self-aware, insecure, and loving and he really sees and appreciates how much Julian does for him, and genuinely wants to do better for Julian's sake, as well as the sake of his family. When Julian gives Ricky the Shitmobile, he tries to play it cool while Ricky hugs him and repeatedly says how much he loves him; in I'm Not Gay I Love Lucy Wait Maybe I Am Gay (aka the best Ricky/Julian episode of all time), Ricky drunkenly apologizes for fucking up, acknowledges that Julian is always "coming to his rescue", and again reiterates how much he loves him while Julian tries to play it cool.
While both characters do shitty things and make mistakes, they're ultimately both facing very sympathetic plights in the early seasons, and we can understand their motivations even when they're doing "bad" things.
The natural progression of this is that they start to resent each other. Julian gets frustrated with feeling like Ricky is holding him back, and begins to act more selfishly and get more jaded and bitter. Ricky gets fed up with Julian being "better" than him (tougher, smarter, even more attractive to Ricky's girlfriend and a caretaker to his daughter) when Julian hasn't been any more successful than Ricky, and starts challenging him more and acting less vulnerable towards him. This is essentially put into words in Countdown to Liquor Day, when Ray tells Ricky to stop putting all his time and energy into achieving Julian's goals instead of his own.
Unfortunately, maybe because of the huge hiatus in the middle of the show, it feels like we lose track of why Ricky and Julian have become the later-seasons versions of themselves. Instead, we just watch them get worse, and grow further apart, while also hugging and saying "I love you" at the end of every episode. Rock bottom is when Julian co-opts Trinity's wedding money, something season one Julian would never have done. And then he doesn't fix it – the problem gets magically written away, and he doesn't have to change his behaviour.
By the last couple seasons, Ricky and Julian's relationship seems to have completely fallen apart. Ricky is no longer appreciative of Julian taking care of him, and nor should he be – because Julian isn't taking care of him, he's acting in his own self-interest, no matter the collateral damage. The only reason they're still trying to be best friends is because Bubbles keeps demanding they stay together. When Julian leaves between seasons ten and eleven, Ricky gets his shit together, starts a legit business with Bubbles, and starts actually improving. Julian becomes a fisherman (although he is stealing lobsters) and gets a chance to make his own way without having to be responsible for Ricky. Both of them are, pretty clearly, better without each other – and something I wish they had addressed in season eleven is that things would have been better for everyone if Julian hadn't come back.
Things are still bad in season twelve; they get dragged into each other's messes, they commit crimes for each other's sake after attempting to go straight, and they hate each other's romantic partners. On Julian's part, this makes sense – Susan fucking sucks – but on Ricky's part it's the latest occurrence of his longstanding jealously towards every romantic relationship Julian has, and essentially just another way in which their friendship is destructive.
We're going to skip past the animated seasons for now because somehow, miraculously, in the Jail series something different happens: the show course-corrects. We get to see Ricky and Julian without Bubbles constantly present. Ricky gets in a bad place, and suddenly Julian is back to being responsible for him: talking him down at the behest of the guards who clearly know that dealing with Ricky is Julian's job not theirs; yelling at Terry when he gives Ricky dangerous makeshift drugs; doing everything he can to sneak weed in so that Ricky will stop putting himself in danger. When Ricky is lucid, he gives Julian a typically over-the-top grateful monologue, while Julian plays it off. They still bicker and disagree, but their relationship dynamic seems to be heading back towards season one – and contrary to most shows, that might actually be a step in the right direction.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 4 years
Icy Is The Avatar Of High School; The Essay
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I would like to begin this essay with a song. While reading this essay keep in mind that Icy has the exact same energy as this song which (imo) embodies prep & jock with a touch of nerd. No goth tho, press f in the chat.
Wow I put way too much into this. I hope y’all love it.
Okay so lets get into this! We will begin with the obvious one, goth:
*Gestures to all of the snow*
Edit: that was supposed to say show but snow works too.
Next we will talk about Jock.
So think of your typical jock. A stereotypical jock has a few qualities; reckless bravery and determination, large ego, usually at least kind of an asshole, doesn’t know when to quit, craves them gainz, and makes impulse decisions. 
Icy is definitely a very brazen person. It takes balls (and a large ego) to get banned from your campus and then very boldly strut back onto said campus in the middle of dinner while the whole school is assembled. She looked at Lord Darkar, shadow phoenix of the underworld and was straight up like, “yeah, whatever dude.”  Dude is such a jock word. 
So onto determination! Okay look, we have like 7 whole seasons of her trying to take over the world. She was arrested, what? 5 times? She literally doesn’t know when to stop. Give up??? Who’s that??? 
I feel like the large ego thing also speaks for itself she is constantly talking about how she deserves to be Darkar & Valtor’s main witch. She is well aware that her plans are usually fantastic. She just exudes an I’m better than you energy. It’s in her posture, her gestures, her tone of voice. Icy is absolutely certain that she is the shit and in the 4kids version one of her demands to the professors was to stand before the student body and say, “Icy rules, Icy’s the greatest.” *Spoiler alert* she is. I promise that she is not holding me hostage. 
Which brings me to the next point, getting dem gainz! Your average jock is at the gym, drinking protine shakes, and building muscle! While Icy is not in a gym trying to get 6 pack abs, she 100% chases them magical gainz! The dragon fire is just a really hot protine shake.  
In the 4kids version, upon overrunning Cloud Tower, she addressed the student body by welcoming them to her pep assembly. Ya know who else likes pep assemblies? Football jocks. 
Also that whole scene in episode nine (Spelled) where she rallies up the witches and they all chase Musa. That’s like the goth equivalent of getting the entire football team to chase after the nerd (or a member of the rivaling team).
And let’s not forget the ‘nerd run’ from season two where she rode this dinosaur thing and chased Timmy, the stereotypical nerd type. (It’s funny because she doesn’t know that she’s a nerd too). 
Okay so now that we dug deep into jock, it is time to discuss Prep!
I tend to use prep & always wears pink, blonde, mean girl interchangeably. But wiki says; Characteristics of preps in the past include a particular subcultural speech, vocabulary, dress, mannerisms and etiquette, reflective of an upper-class upbringing. Both definitions hold up in my book. 
So we’ll start with wiki’s. Icy (depending on whether or not we’re going with the season 8 retcon) is from an upper-class upbringing. Tbh she’s like Stella but a witch.  Icy is Stella’s goth phase and that’s why Stella fears Icy because she knows that that’s what she could be. I feel like Icy also has the most preppy dress style of her sisters.  Also pretty sure preps are known for being over-achieving perfectionists. Icy was actually pretty good with her academics. 
As for the Regina Gorge type prep; Icy is totally your classic mean girl bully, but make it witchy. I really think that this speaks for itself. It sings for itself too in 4kids OST. One of the lyrics in the Mean Girls song is that they will steal your boyfriend and trash your makeup. If that doesn’t scream prep, Idk what does. 
She reads them magazines. I don’t remember which one but I do remember her mentioning that there was a question posed in said magazine about ‘what would you do if you took over the world’ and apparently she wrote, ‘you’ll find out soon enough, loser’ and sent it in. 
Loser, pixies, nerds, dweebs. Icy has a whole list of mean and petty insults to put in her burn book. Like bye girl. 
Literally all of the Miss Magix contest. That is peak mean girl shit. The Trix literally went to a beauty pageant for the sole sake of making everyone look stupid and to trash on everyone’s fashion and makeup. On top of all of that she did that just because Lucy agreed to do their homework for ???? amount of time. Let’s be real, it was a life sentence.  
Now, the moment you’ve been waiting for! Nerd!
Literally every time she calls anyone a nerd or a loser I wheeze because, girl, check yourself! Prior to getting kicked out (for being a dumb jock), it is heavily implied that Icy, Darcy, and Stormy were at the top of their classes. Like these three were Griffin’s best students. And I am inclined to believe that Icy was thee top student. This woman was an overachiever whether she wants to admit it or not. 
Icy is the plan person. She’s the one who keeps the Trix on task. Though Darcy exudes ‘group mom’ energy, Icy is usually the one to snap at them to stay focused. She’s the organized one  and the one who seems to do most of the scheming. That takes some deep thinking and brain power. She knows how to summon monitors, banish trolls into oblivion, astral project into virtual reality using voodoo dolls, summon nightmare monsters, and summon an army of rot. Like how does she know all of this?  Studying. I almost said that I have no proof except in the Winx comics (this one) she is seen venturing to the library to research dark magic and spells. 90% she has done some extensive research and reading into all of these things because I highly doubt that Cloud Tower teaches things like summoning the army of decay. That was all down time research because this nerd enjoys learning about dark magic. Ya know who else enjoys reading and learning? Nerds. I know, I’m a nerd who loves reading and learning. Just because she likes learning about ~cool~ thinks like dark armies, doesn’t mean it’s not a nerdy quest to know everything about the subject she knows. 
Speaking of which (lol get it, witch), Icy also knows about history. She was the one who told Bloom all about what happened to Sparks and all about the coven. Why? Because that knowledge is floating around in her brain and she chose to retain it. I have a feeling her knowledge of history goes beyond the coven and Sparks too because she also knew that the Ring Of Solaria had fragments of the dragon fire.  She knows too much about this shit. 
I think that her nerdiest moment though, had to be when she solved that riddle at Red Fountain to get the codex. Like you have to have brain power to solve a riddle with the added pressure of being surrounded by your foes on enemy territory. In general her nerdiness just bled through in that season because she was snatching those codexes left and right. 
Also lets get into the fact that she (especially in the comics) has a tendency to humiliate herself, whoops. She managed to get her own (and Darcy & Stormy’s) memories erased, she got them trapped in an avalanche (and then dated a fellow nerd for two seconds and pretended like she didn’t hate it), and she is constantly pulling ‘we’ll be back’ speeches every time she gets defeated. Like seriously this is the evil equivalent of ‘lol I meant to do that’ or ‘haha, that didn’t happen, you didn’t see anything.’ And then she will make her next attempt as if she had never gotten defeated at all. Because losing is for losers and Icy ‘totally isn’t’ a loser. 
And honestly what’s more nerdy then prattling off your entire evil plan? Like this is her trying to flex her intelligence. 
Let’s not forget how she had her nerdy fangirl moment. She simped for Darko for like two or three whole comics. Like full on simping over here. If she could have bought a T-shirt with Darko’s face on it, she would have. Bonus, he was her childhood crush.
And finally, I am also very  inclined to believe that Icy is the fake it until you make is sort. With her it’s all about presentation. The only thing that saves her from being an obvious nerd is confidence. I touched on this with the whole ‘you didn’t see anything’ bit. But legit, pretty much everything she does would be kinda nerdy if she didn’t make it look good. 
Please feel free to add if you think that you have more examples of Icy being a nerd. 
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Nancy Drew ep. 16; The Haunting of Nancy Drew
WOW. Holy Hera this was an episode. I have so many thoughts so this is me basically processing everything haha.
Spoilers (but you already knew that)
Where to start? Well let’s just get the big stuff out of the way first and see if I want to talk about anything else.
The first reveal with reading the diary was like a surprise, but it made sense and honestly up till this point I couldn’t really settle on Lucy’s killer because no one seemed satisfying enough, ya know? Like that sounds weird but essentially no one really made sense except for the Hudsons and that was just basic. 
I really liked how Nancy called the whole town out, and I thought it was a good point to make. They had all driven her to this point and I feel that they executed that message well. It’s seriously such a sad story, because even though the town was so cruel to her, her family still cared, Karen, the Drews, and of course Ryan. If she had somehow gotten out of that town, maybe ran away with Ryan she would have had a chance at a better life. Just honestly getting away from his awful family and crazy father. 
But then with the end reveal of Nancy being her daughter? blew me away. I had heard the theory for a while but I didn’t believe it because I wanted more evidence for it. I want to go back and rewatch the show though now knowing why. I’m still a little confused why Lucy didn’t want Nancy to find the diary, but whatevs. 
Carson telling the story was amazing (Scott did such a wonderful job) and just realizing that the reason Lucy had been haunting Nancy this whole time because she was her daughter? Heavy stuff. It’s kinda a cliche “THERE WAS A BABY” twist but at the same time I feel like you can tell they planned for this the whole time which makes it feel like an actual pay off, and it really adds to the story and characters.
But with this reveal putting things into perspective it just raises so many questions and feelings. Nancy lost BOTH the mom that raised her and she never knew her birth mother. 
Ryan is now her biological father, which I am SO excited to develop on the show. It looks like he’s going to find out next episode which is going to be super interesting to watch, and also just taking this fact into account while looking back on Nancy and Ryan’s dynamic is cool. She hates his guts at the beginning of the series, and is constantly uncovering his secrets and wrecking his life, like she does, even accusing him of murdering Lucy (thinking back to that rain scene last ep-wowie). I’m excited to see how their dynamic will be going forward, and even though Carson will always be Nancy’s father figure (of course) I want to see how Nancy and Ryan’s relationship plays out. Ryan is a character that at the start of the series I hated with vehemency,  but have grown to be rather fond of as the show has continued. You can tell he really cared about Lucy and honestly the poor guy just needs to disown his family. 
I also wanted to mention the sort of Chekov’s gun in Lucy’s house, where they saw a bee’s nest and both Ryan and Nancy said they were allergic. I kept thinking something would happen with it-because why mention it- and while the actual bees (or wasps..?) never came into play the fact that it’s a clue to their relation does.
(also let’s just NOT think about Ryan and George. Thanks)
I also want to bring up the Hudsons because they are not just clowns, they are the entire circus. THIS DUDE (Mr Hudson) straight up caused the death of Lucy, told her to abort the baby and yet
the baby lives and becomes literally his worst problem.
Like dude, ya’ll messed up BIG TIME. Nancy’s comin for ya and she’s gonna wreck yo life. This homeslice didn’t want Lucy involved with his fam, and now his GRANDDAUGHTER is Lucy’s kid, forever tied to the family and is gonna be the new thorn in his side for the rest of his life. If he had just been a chill dad to Ryan this never would have happened so jokes on his dumb butt.
That’s karma for ya my dude.
(also can we talk about how he said he’d mess nancy up like he did lucy not being aware that lucy was legit her mom) (and the fact that ryan has been so annoyed with nancy getting involved in his life when shes his kid) (I could go on for days)
-I really do not like Owen and he is as shady as the second circle of hell, he stole a bone from Lucy’s body???? why ??? and is for sure up to something. I would not be surprised if he was also involved in trying to kill Ryan/accidentally killing Tiffany. He could have moved whatshisname’s body and I also would like to mention he was suspiciously not at Ryan’s meeting that night. 
-Also I hate him so if he’s bad that’s great
-Chief McGinnis IS LEAVING FOR SOME REASON?!?! they never used this wonderful man enough and now he’s leaving I’m upsetti
-still dont know how I feel about Ned Nick and George
soooooo yeah, if you made it to the end of this, good job! I’d love to discuss this episode with ya’ll and see what you guys thought!
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Just imagine a normally nice MC that is pissed off. Everyone will be kinda concerned and confused bc this docile, sweet human is threatening to behead them. This something I cannot get out of my head. It’s ok if you don’t do it, but thanks for taking the time to read this :)
((I might just be on a Danganronpa binge, but I picture MC snapping like this (Spoilers for Danganronpa if you’ve never seen or played it and intend on doing so. I’ll put a gif under it if it helps prove the point better) ))
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                         I’m gonna TRY to take this seriously, I swear XD. Only doing this with the 7 bros atm, but lemme know if you guys want the undateables in the future.
SPOILERS FOR LESSONS 1-20, MOSTLY CUSA BELPHIE’S PART. I really hope this is okay, it took me a WHILE to write. There’s probably some grammar mistakes here and there, but I will fix them overtime))
Lucifer was kinda putting pressure on you with chores and tasks, barely giving you time to rest. Eventually, it just kinda made you snap at him.
Welp...it was nice knowing you. Depending on the types of relationship you have with Lucifer, his punishments are either personal...or “Private” if you get my drift.
Either way, you DEFINITELY feel like you are dead meat once you realize it was LUCIFER you snapped at. 
If the others are in the room with you, Mammon will run, Levi will livestream it, Satan and Belphegor will either be there to laugh at you or encourage you to say worse, Beel will get a snack to watch and Asmo...well he’ll probably tell Luci to try not leave a mark on your body because that’s “his job”. Basically no one is helpful here.
Unless you’re not afraid of Luci or just stupid in which case, you keep runnin your damn mouth at him over stuff that will TOTALLY hurt his Pride. If you get one of his brothers to laugh, even SNICKER at him, you are in WORSE trouble.
Bonus points added to you getting screwed over by him if Diavolo was anywhere CLOSE to hear that,
Your ass is getting dragged to his room or office and getting a talking to or a “talking to” for SEVERAL hours straight.
Luci doesn’t take shit, He i the Avatar of Pride and will not let some human taint it.
Not gonna lie though...you DID catch him off guard and he did kinda ease up on the work because even though he’s way stronger than you, he does NOT wanna see you like that ever again
Oh, he did it again. He got both of you in trouble. You snapped cus this was the third time in a row that week. Mammon’s making his stupid excuses and it just..unloaded onto him.
He. Was. Stunned. 
If you’re Lucifer levels of angry, he might even be a little scared of you. 
For a moment to defend himself, he may switch to how he was when you two first met.
“O-Oh yeah?! Who are you, a weak, feeble HUMAN to tell the Great Mammon what he is and isn’t?! I could crush ya right now if I wanted to!”
He’s bluffing so much even humans that WEREN’T there could see it.
“Oh, you know what? YA KNOW WHAT?! That is it! I am not even gonna speak to you til you are BEGGIN’ me to forgive ya!”
Yep, he’s really doing this. Obviously, you don’t care because you’re not the one that should be apologizing here.
The other 6 are actually pretty happy with this transaction. Finally, some silence from Mammon’s ever yapping pie-hole. He’s sitting there with a pout on his lip and slumped. He’s not going to say how sorry you’ll be in front of his brothers because he said HE wasn’t talking to YOU. So he doesn’t need it rubbed in his face.
Of course, being the Avatar of Greed, he’s up to his Greedy ways, so he’ll make whatever excuse he can to get his brothers away from you.
Not even a day has passed and he comes up saying he “forgives you for getting mad at him”. But if you still look upset with him, he does legit feel bad and apologizes...the MAMMON way lol.
“Well...I GUESS if it bugs you that much, I could keep outta trouble...Just for a little while, though! I ain't some softie! I’m too much of an awesome rebel for that~!” he said, trying so much to impress you with his “Bad Boy” attitude.
Deep down, he just doesn’t want to make his human mad at him again.
((Sorry if the reason isn't great, but this baby boy is too cute to have a reason to be mad at, I’m sorry! If Levi stans hate this, you have permission to slap me. I deserve it XD))
Levi had kept dragging you to play games with him and watch anime, but you had studying to do.
Whenever you tried to tell him you had to go study, he did this thing where he would use the “Studying is probably better than hanging out with a lame otaku like me” speech to get you to cave in.
You didn't realize it, but you only had a few days left to study and you were STRESSED.
Levi was about to use the same speech on you again when you finally had had enough.
Levi was hurt his best friend would say all of that to him. You could see him fighting back tears. 
“F-Fine..! Whatever! I can just find s-someone else to play with me..!” he said, choking n his words. “J-Just get outta my room, already!”
You tried to apologize for snapping, but he wasn’t having it, at least not right now. 
You would make it up to him after you finished studying and taking your test.
Levi spent the next few days being somewhat passive-aggressive towards you, spending more time with Mammon or Henry 2.0 (his goldfish) just to spite you. However, you were too busy catching up on the studying you missed out on to notice.
Eventually, he was ready to go give you a piece of his mind when he saw...you were asleep at your desk and surrounded by books. It kinda made him realize how much he really made you miss out on and he felt pretty bad.
The next morning, you woke up to a text from Lucifer that said he pulled some strings to get you more time to study and have your date for the test slightly later than the others. You also had Levi’s jacket wrapped around your shoulders.
You definitely bought him some new games and figures as a way to apologize for yelling at him and you two made up.
Rest assured, Levi listens to you way more after that. You being mad at him is upsetting and kinda scary to him.
Satan was being a typical cynical smartass and talking about what tricks he’ll attempt on Lucifer today.
The past THREE times you, he and Belphie tried to pull pranks on Lucifer, you were one step ahead and you just DID not have the energy for it anymore.
“Hey Satan..~” you say sweetly to lure him in.
“Mmm?” he asked, distractedly.
“Shut...the F**K up!” you snapped, irritated at him.
Now...There are really two ways the Avatar or Wrath can take being told to shut up, let alone to shut the f up. 
If you are LUCKY...Satan will laugh it off with an amused chuckle that you’re trying to intimidate him
Your luck runs out of you try and elaborate on that WHILE he’s laughing.
You’re dead. You’ve dug your own grave and you are DEAD. He’ll PROBABLY grab you by the throat if that REALLY pissed him off.
“What the F**K...did you just say to me you weak, breakable little twerp?” he asks in that calm, serial killer like tone that let’s you know you’re dead meat.
That’s when you run, you knock some books in his path and you run!
You don’t stop running until you find Lucifer to make Satan calm the hell down.
It’s probably best if you two don’t talk to one another for a few days.
Satan is secretly shocked and upset his image of you being the innocent one is shattered...for like, a SECOND. That is until he realizes...he LIKES to see you angry...and he WILL use this newfound enjoyment against you.
You go to apologize, but he yanks you in, pins you to the wall like he’s going to hurt you...but smirks and says in his most smarmy and CONDESCENDING tone.
“You’re even cuter when you’re mad~ I won’t hurt you over this...at least not in the way I had intended~” he teases before pecking your nose and walking away like the tease he is.
He could be such a bitch sometimes.
You were honestly pretty jealous of the people who Asmo had been flirting with. To the point it was really starting to irritate you. Especially if he spoke about how cute OTHER people were while you were there.
When he got to talking about something hot someone else has that you are self conscious over…you just lost it.
Asmo blinked at you, shocked you would even WANT to shriek at someone as beautiful as him. After thinking it over for a second, not even looking offended, just surprised, he grew a small smirk.
You see, kids, if events have taught us anything, it’s that you can’t get angry at Asmo…cus his horny-ass just thinks you’re being forceful or aggressive and he enjoys it.
“My, my~ This is an INTERESTING change of pace, (Y/N). I sense that someone is jealous over my attention being away from them~! Of course, it’s not like I blame you~! I’m so beautiful, ANYONE would fight over me~” he bragged.
You were just so done with his nonsense, you were about to leave, but you felt him grab your wrist all of a sudden. He tugged you close and stroked your chin with a sly smirk.
“That being said, I think I LIKE seeing you raise your voice at me~ Do it some more, (Y/N)~ Pretty please~❤”
Yep, you were gone. You couldn’t with his flirty shit right now. You were still mad, you just had the deepest blush across your cheeks.
Asmo kept trying to make you jealous so you would bark at him. You opened a new kink for him to say the least.
You know what DID end up getting to him though? When you looked the person he was flirting with dead in the eye and said “You can have him..” like you were giving away something you didn’t even want.
THAT’S when he got offended. He was maaaaaaaad.
“(Y/N)! How could you SAY such a thing?! Do you not want me or something?!” he asked, pouting up a storm.
Well, you wanted to get a reaction out of him, you just didn’t expect it to go like THAT.
He tries to give you the cold shoulder, but he wants your attention too much to keep it up, so he eventually sits beside you with a pout on his lips and his arms folded.
“I’m willing to apologize for flirting with other demons...but only if you apologize for that comment earlier.” He said
You eventually do apologize, cus even if you love him, a whiny Asmo can get emotionally tiring. You promise him you mean every word of apology…and then he tackles you with hugs and kisses.
You may or may not regret apologize just for that alone, but at least he’s happy.
Beel ate something you were saving for later. Usually he wouldn’t because he would want to eat something like that WITH you since it was yours. Sometimes it wasn’t even that big of a deal to you because you could just get more. ((I know all the foodies in the audience are looking at me funny for writing that. Look guys, unless it’s something I haven’t had in a while, I don’t personally care if someone eats my food.))
 But this time it was different. It was a special treat someone close to you had brought just for you before you got to the Devildom. Maybe even they last time you’d see them for a long time, not just the year you were in the Devildom. It’s not the last time you see them ever because it’s not gonna be THAT depressing guys.
You had written your name and everything on it, but Beel was in his hungry stages…like CLOSE to demon form stages.
You saw the carnage left over from this special treat. Beel was JUST apologize when you snapped.
“TURNING INTO A DEMON PUT YOUR BRAIN IN YOUR STOMACH, DIDN’T IT?!” you snapped. Beel was like…legit surprised to see this coming from YOU of all people. You were such a small, sweet little human the rest of the time and here you were, yelling at him.
Yelling at Beel definitely caused some instant regret, because the boy couldn’t help himself. Now YOU were about to apologize when Beel interrupted.
“I-I’m so sorry (Y/N). I didn’t realize how much it meant to you. I should have gotten one of my brothers to call you…o-or told you on my D.D.D so we could’ve…I’m sorry.” He said, frowning. “I promise, I’ll make up for this…I’ll go to the human world and get the person who made it if I have to.” He said, leaving you alone.
Well you sure felt like a jackass now. Yeah, out of all the brothers, Beel is probably the most understanding, so you legit feel like an ass after yelling at him. You texted and said your apology over and over to him, but he either wouldn’t reply because he was trying to re-create it or insisting it was hit fault.
Belphie is pretty pissed you yelled at Beel like that, but you did tell him you didn’t mean for it to slip out and explain the situation.
He doesn’t get the sentimental value like you or Beel do, but he soon gets you really ARE sorry and leaves you alone about it.
Beel eventually calls you over and he made a BUNCH of the food he ate on you. Some he got his brothers or Barbados to help him with, but a lot were made by him.
This freaking teddy bear of a demon worked his wings off to make it up to you. Of COURSE you two forgive each other.
The flavor probably isn’t EXACTLY like the one he ate on you, but you felt the love put into it none the less and you at least have a new fond memory of that food. You may need help eating it all though.
The whole house eats that dish for a while. You even get Solomon, the angels and even Diavolo to help clean out the supply.
Beel’s more than happy to help though. It’s also just as well you won’t see the person who gave you the original for a while. You get sick of it pretty quick…but seeing Beel smile over it does help bring enjoyment back to the flavor.
It was either like Satan where he got you in trouble with Lucifer or he slept in and missed out on something important. Either way, you were fed up with Belphie showing up late to things or not showing up at all
As soon as he woke up, he just gave you an innocent looking, bus clearly condescending smile, much like when he used to lie to your face. You sure let him have it in the middle of his smart ass tone.
Now kinda like Satan, at first Belphie’s response to this is to get angry right away. His face gradually lowers and he kinda towers over you like he’s trying to intimidate you and, if you remember what he did in another timeline, it kinda works to a degree.
“The hell did you just say to me? I killed you once, I’ll do it again if I wanted to.” He was hoping to catch you off guard and laugh at you once you got scared of him, but you were still just so mad at him, you were ready to call his bluff.
Okay, THAT was a scorcher tho! That knocked the damn wind out of him. He knew for a FACT, you would never bring him being in the attic into this, so he KNEW he had legit pissed you right off. He just kinda took a step back in surprise.
“Okay, damn…I wasn’t being serious.” He said, picking up his pillow and walking away, shaking his head slightly. “You humans are so sensitive at times.
Out of all the brothers, as surprised as he is by your outburst, he probably cares the least. You know how he is with Lucifer, so he’ll likely use this as a means to push your buttons too.
You don’t want to talk to him, but he will STILL give you a smarmy “Are you done being a child yet?” JUST to get on your nerves.
Beel can see that it’s not just putting a damper on your mood, but Belphie’s too, because as much as he wants to uphold how much of a smartass he is, he’s finding it harder to take naps knowing he upset you.
The twins talk it out and Belphie admits defeat, waiting til you’re alone in your room to go see you. He says nothing, comes in and sits on your bed, gesturing you sit beside him and resting his head on your lap.
“I’m sorry I kept pushing you…I didn’t realize how much I actually upset you and I’ll try not to sleep in as much if it’s for you..” he said softly.
You stroked his hair slowly and kissed his forehead. “I’m sorry I yelled at you..the attic thing was too far.” You said.
Belphie smiled and wrapped his arms around you, keeping you in place. “You can make it up to me by letting me sleep on you.
He did actually make better effort into showing up and it only cost more naps while holding you, so best make sure you don’t have anywhere to be for the next few hours. Belphie will lock you in place.
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kotofvi · 4 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all have witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
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Mun Name: Leo      Age: 27       Contact: IM, Inbox, Disco
Character(s) I rp: Canon: Shiro, Sebastian, Dirk, Kyoya, Kurama, Nelliel, Maka, Dwicky. OCs: Hades, Google, Emogene, Dominic, Seirios, Iso, Felix, Reeves, Nyx, Zeru, Ren, Charlie, Dakota, Nemo, Bluejay, Koko, BD, Raven, Cora, Sammie, Lucie, Poppie, Ollie, Alphie, Bambi, Abbigail, Hiraeth, Bonnie, Rei, Rory.   Which muse(s) inspires you the most atm?(for MM): Nelliel, Shiro, Rei, Bonnie, Hiraeth.  Current Fandom(s): Bleach, V/LD, Naruto. (I’m not deeply involved in the fandoms themselves anymore.) Fandom(s) you have an AU for:  Uhhhhh.. I basically have an AU for any fandom if I know it well and am asked for it.  My language(s): English. (I’m learning other languages but I don’t RP in them unless it’s just a sentence or two.)  Themes I’m interested in for rp:   Fantasy / Science fiction / Horror / Western / Romance / Thriller / Mystery / Dystopia / Adventure / Modern / Erotic / Crime / Mythology / Classic / History / Renaissance / Medieval / Ancient / War / Family / Politics / Religion / School / Adulthood / Childhood / Apocalyptic / Gods / Sport / Music / Science / Fights / Angst / Smut / Drama / etc. Themes/Genres you have an AU for: Modern, Mythology, Medieval. 
Preferred Thread length: one-liner / 1 para / 2 para / 3+ / novella. (I legit love all lengths, tbh, it’s more so with one-liners I tend to lose interest if there’s no substance to further it.)  Asks can be send by: Mutuals / Non-Mutuals / Personals / Anons. Can Asks be continued?:   YES / NO   only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO. Preferred thread type: crack / casual nothing too deep / serious / deep as heck. Is realism / research important for you in certain themes?:   YES / NO. Are you atm open for new plots?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS.  (I’ve admittedly been v busy, so if you’re fine with me takin’ forever-- YES) Do you handle your draft / ask - count well?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT.  How long do you usually take to reply?:  24h / 1 week / 2 weeks / 3+ / months / years. I’m okay with interacting: original characters / a relative of my character (an oc) (It really depends here.) / duplicates / my fandom / crossovers / multi-muses / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / canon-divergent portrayals / au-versions (as main or only verse). Do you post more ic or occ?:  IC / OOC.(I post more IC, but the gaps between IC and OOC make it seem like there’s more OOC at times???) Are you selective with following others?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS.  (This is entirely because half the fandoms some of my muses come from are absolute shit so I have to be careful.) 
Best ways to approach you for rp/plotting:  IM or Inbox-- tbh, Just kick my inbox in and screech that you wanna plot/rp with me so long as you’re a mutual. I’m honestly so laid back?? Sure, it might take me a minute but this is entirely because IRL things and not because I’m putting anyone off. 
What expectations do you hold towards your plotting partner:  Having fun? Having ideas? I guess, just, mutual interest? I mean, I’m here to write! I’m here to have fun! If you’re not interested in that much alone then?? I guess bye?? ‘Cause I’ll become very annoying to anyone who doesn’t have an interest purely because I’ll randomly ambush my partners with excitement and ideas. 
When you notice the plotting is rather one-sided, what do you do?:  Oh I’ll just straight up ask if they want to continue the thread or start a new one! I mean, I get it, you can lose interest or otherwise just not feel it anymore and that’s fine! If you’re not interested in that particular thread, then no worries, we can always start more! If you’re just being one-sided in general, however?? I’m not gonna be interested at all and I’ll likely tell you as such. 
How do you usually plot with others, do you give input or leave most work towards your partner?:  Normally it’ll just happen? I’ll do my “Hey what if they ___” thing and then a rapid bombardment of inquiries and excitement later, there is a thread. It’s usually mutual, the involvement of creating this plot, but sometimes it’s just me being excited and them being excited and then suddenly BAM THERE BE THREADS. S’all good over here! 
When a partner drops the thread, do you wish to know?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?: I mean?? I’d like to know, yes! But I get that sometimes it’s incredibly anxiety ridden trying to tell someone that you’ve lost interest in a thread. It’s alright if you don’t tell me, but if you can muster up the courage to do so I’d appreciate it! I’m not gonna be upset at you for losing interest/muse in a thread! If I cared deeply about the story, I might poke at you and then you can tell me?? Either way it’s fine and tbh, I don’t mind. However, please let it be known that you can take forever on a reply as well so don’t worry about just hoarding a draft too! Tbh, I had someone reply to a thread literally a year later and I was still excited for it!  - What should your partner do when dropping a thread?:  Just shoot me an IM or hell, make a list of threads you’re dropping and tag me in it??? Which ever! Or don’t even tell me at all, whatever works for you sugar! 
What could possibly lead you to drop a thread?:  Hmn, being overwhelmed-- I tend to accumulate a lot of drafts and 90% of them are long so sometimes I’ll drop a thread or two to help myself get by. Also lack of muse/interest is a factor. I won’t drop a thread purely out of being overwhelmed unless I just can’t muster up the muse to respond to it.  - Will you tell your partner?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. Sometimes I get overwhelmed myself and I’ll drop a thread, forget to tell my partner, etc. Other times I’ll tell them before I even delete the draft! 
Is communication in the rpc important to you?   YES / NO. - And why?:  Yes and no~ Yes primarily! I get that others can take a minute to muster up the courage to talk to others and would just prefer to keep things to a few sentences at first! However, I can and will ambush you with conversation and interest nonetheless. Because communication is important. If you’ve got something you wanna say to me, say it! I’m here for it!  - Are you okay with absolute honesty, even if it may means hearing something negative about you and/or portrayal?:  Yup! If you’ve got an issue or something that might come across as criticism to say, say it! Civil discussion is absolutely wanted here and I would like to work out any issues you may have with me or my portrayal.  - Do you think you can handle such situation in a mature way?  YES / NO.
Why do you rp again, is there a goal?:  To write and have fun! To explore in depth the characters I create or take on! I mean, c’mon, lbr here-- my gremlin ass muses require some more in depth speculation and investigation into their characters! I love the creativity, the world building, the constant drive to do better and to make others feel something from words alone. The capability to rend emotion from another living being simply from reading and reacting to something I created is amazing and I want to make others cry, laugh, smile and think. I want to create. 
Wishlist, be it plots or scenarios:  Oh man, there’s an endless supply of things I’d like to do! I want to explore the depths of my muses’ histories more?? Like Shiro, I want to write out the things he must’ve seen, felt, experienced. How Nelliel was when she was alive, how Shiro fared in the Arena when he wasn’t fighting, Seb’s life torn between the various throws of data and reality-- there’s so much! And ALL THE AU’s!!!! All of them!!!  
Themes I won’t ever rp / explore: Sure, I work with a lot of darker themes like torture, gore, etc-- but I will not write Rape, sexual abuse, nor will I write child loss.  
What Type of Starters do you prefer / dislike, can’t work with?: I can work with most starters! However, if I’m randomly given a starter that I can’t work with for the muse selected, I’ll inform the person who wrote it! I appreciate the effort given but don’t expect me to be able to reply to every random starter given! Sometimes, they don’t even show up in my tag. 
What type of characters catch your interest the most?:  Okay, I’m a sucker for the underdogs, aggressive folks and the villains. I’m not even going to try and lie and say I don’t immediately look at the Aizens and Kenpachis and go ah yes, those fucking gremlins, give me ten. I also love the background characters? The side characters in a show that seem so unimportant but have a crucial role? I love characters that have such an obscure involvement that you have to stop and ask why and how their involvement was crucial. I also love the soft beans? The ones who are so hyped with positivity and gleaming interest that they just can’t be ignored?? But then turn around and whoop some poor sap’s ass with that sparkle sparkle smile. Also love the upstanding moral types that also acknowledge that some things can’t be avoided and that morality is a grey area dependent on the perceptions of the individuals themselves. 
What type of characters catch your interest the least?:  Hmn-- I guess the kind that don’t seem to have much substance to them? The ones that are just uncharacteristically too kind. Yes, I love the overwhelmingly positive types but?? Also?? The ones that are too kind and without flaw just?? Don’t strike me as interesting. Also the ones that are just cruel for some obscure reason just to give them a reason to be villains. I mean I understand but also?? Villains don’t have to have a reason?? They can be cruel just to be cruel. Idk that’s always just been a thing with me.
What are your strong aspects as rp partner?:  I guess that I’m fairly laid back? I don’t mind if you take 10 years to reply, I’m going to get excited if you message me with some random idea, I’m not going to be bothered by any ideas you suggest?? I can also sometimes give u doodles?? I don’t have time to doodle a lot but sometimes, once in a blue moon, you’ll get a random offering of doodled booty for ur blessing. Also gonna hit you up with random HCs, ideas, threads, etc?? Always?? Idk, I’m not too good at thinking about positive aspects of myself lmfao. 
What are your weak aspects as rp partner?: Hnnn, I’m too laid back at times. I take too long to reply and I’m busy af IRL. I’m often goaded into being irritated by some asshole or another so I can come off aggro af too when I don’t mean to be. Sometimes I can get overwhelmed and disappear for a week, other times I can end up overwhelming someone else by being too excited? I tend to watch how much I do and say because I feel like I might come off as smothering and am too used to being shut down and told to shut up so I just don’t?? Do anything sometimes. I’m also not very good at initiating contact sometimes so I tend to go days and weeks without speaking to others. 
Do you rp smut?:  YES / NO. Do you prefer to go into detail?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Are you okay with black curtain?:  YES / NO. - When do you rp smut? More out of fun or character development?:  Usually only if it’s developmental for the characters involved. Sometimes it’s just fun to do! It really depends on the characters involved + if I have any muse in general for it.  - Anything you would not want to rp there?:  ???? Kinda vague, Idk? I mean if I don’t wanna rp somethin’ I’ll say so. 
Are ships important to you?:   YES / NO. Would you say your blog is ship-focused?:   YES / NO. Do you use read more?:  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. Are you: Multi-Ship / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  Multiverse / Singleverse. - What do you love to explore the most in your ships?:  The relationship, the depth of two muses who can be wildly different or even similar. The multifaceted involvement of others to that relationship, the angst, the arguments, the sad moments along with all the happy things and how hard one might try while the other is cold-- etc. I don’t just want happy dates and sunshine, that’s not how relationships work after all!   - What is your smut tag?: Kettledrums
Are you okay with pre-established relationships?: YES / NO. - And what kind of ones?: I like a lot of pre-established relationships! However, I can be a tad wary of child muses? Aka: The ones who are children of one of my muses. Reason being, sometimes even I don’t know how they’d raise a child so the muse in question would be off putting to me because it’s out of my realm. Beyond that, I’m down for just about everything! 
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- What could possibly make your Muse interesting towards others, why should they rp with this particular character of yours now, what possible plots do they offer?:  Since I have so many damn muses, I’mma just go with Shiro for all of this-- I suppose what they could find interesting is his very multifaceted dynamic as a soldier, human, technical non-human (Zombae), war worn, space exploring person. He can be rainbows and sunshine but also can suddenly become incredibly aggressive and cold. He’s not one or the other, he’s all and everything that he’s learned and encompassed while still remaining fragile and human in the end. Writing with him can be inspiring and can be soul wrenching, depending on the thread. As for plots, dude your character could be in space in one thread if the otherwise couldn’t be. There’s so many ways to go about writing with him?? He’s such an amazing character and the plots he can be instilled in are almost limitless with just his main verse. 
- With what type of Muses do you usually struggle to rp with?:   Hmn-- I guess the main one I have issues injecting him into place with would be the ones who are strictly non-tech oriented?? I mean, I can still have him there but getting him to fit is just?? Really difficult. Also with people who RP villains of his fandom and expect him not to be volatile. I’m sorry, but if you’re writing a S.endak or a Z.arkon-- you’re not going to get roses and butterflies with Shiro, plain and simple. If that’s something you can’t accept then don’t approach him with those muses.  - With what type of Muses do they usually work well with?:  He works really well with most anyone! So long as one goes into it knowing he can be hostile with soldiers, Galra, etc; then he can be used no matter what. He’s one of my most capable muses that doesn’t have much of an issue when it comes to responding. 
- What interests your Muse(s) in general:  Space, mechanics, biomedical engineering, people, freedom, fighting for a cause, flowers, his mother, violin, cats, sparring, getting stronger, constellations, nebulae, engineering, literature, alien languages, cooking. - What do they desire, is their goal?:  The safety of others, the freedom of others, the ability to choose, hope-- he wants to make sure those he cares for and all others are free and safe from the Galra take over.  - What catches their interest first when meeting someone new?:  How they look at him. If they show signs of pity, of fear, he tends to walk away from any possible meeting with them. Otherwise, their appearance is what first catches his eye. How they dress, how they respond to him, how they talk and if he can make them crack a smile with an awkward joke.  - What do they value in a person?:  Hope, Strength, Loyalty, Purpose, Honesty, Patience. - What themes do they like talking about?:  Shiro’s more of a listener than a talker, but honestly he’ll talk about anything of interest and question anyone’s as well to get them to talk about it. It’s what makes conversation with him easygoing most of the time.  - Which themes bore them?:  Himself. He’ll try to avert any conversation about himself if it’s too personal or too close to something. It’s not so much that it bores him but that type of talk is reserved for those insanely close to him. Also talk of command bores the FUCK out of him. He’s never been one to really like rank. 
- Did they ever went through something traumatic?:  So. Fucking. Much. Between being a prisoner of a war he was never involved with to being told he was a leader of a rebellion for said war, being a prisoner in the Arena and forced to fight and kill others, being held down and sedated as he tried to warn the others, DYING-- this boy has been thru too much.  - What could possibly trigger them?:  Certain noises, textures, Galra, medical equipment, certain lighting.  - What could set them off, enrage them?:  Galra, someone protecting him. - What could lead to an instant kill?:  Any bloodlust towards him or those he cares for. Most of the time, he has this under control and tries to be merciful, give them a chance; but sometimes, especially during an episode; there’s no stopping him from gunning for someone’s throat if they had any intent to harm another or himself. 
- Is there someone /-thing they hate?:  Z.arkon, S.endak, L.otor, H.aggar, Druids, himself a lot of the time. - Is there someone /-thing they love?:   The paladins, space fam in general, his mother, his friends, people in general. 
Is your Muse easy to approach?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?:  Just approach him? Honestly, Shiro’s one of the easiest persons to converse with and get near. That doesn’t mean his guard is dropped, but he’s very easy going a lot of the time outside of battle. So long as you have a reason to approach him (even simpler ones like: his appearance, his arm, etc) then you’re set.  - Where are they usually to find?:  Oof, honestly? Anywhere. Space, Earth, other places-- he’s constantly on the move. If you want a set place, just say somewhere on Earth and I can work with that. 
Something you may still want to point out about your muse?:  Shiro is certainly easy to get along with, but he is not without flaw or issue. He has a plethora of issues even after the fall of the Galra Empire. He’s not without his scars, physical and otherwise. Approaching him is easy but getting close to him is not. Don’t expect him to be an open book. Just because he can talk about war, battle, fighting with a straight face doesn’t mean he wasn’t effected by it. He has suffered greatly and it will show the closer you get to him. 
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
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rebellious-chi · 5 years
FMR Chapter 2
After Sam went to bed, I spent my time alone writing down the recent events in a fanfiction. I was slightly startled when Cas entered the bunker at 6:41. “Hello, Rachel.” He said. “Cas? What were you doing out all night?” I question. “There was some business in heaven I needed to attend.” He said. “Really? Like what?” I asked. “There’s a rogue angel killing people in a small town.” He explains. “Oh, do you think it could be a case?” I ask. “Maybe, it’s in Big Sandy, Tennessee.” He states. “Great, do you want coffee?” I ask him, knowing he and Dean like black coffee. “Yes, that sounds pleasant.” Cas smiles, taking a seat. “Alrighty.” I smile back and head to the kitchen.
When I turned on the coffee machine, Dean walked in. “You look terrible.” I laugh. “Shut up.” He groaned, rubbing his face. “You know, I heard from a wise person once a great way to get rid of hangovers.” I say, smirking to myself. “Yeah? What’s that?” He asked. “A greasy pork sandwich served served up in a dirty ashtray.” I giggle. “I hate you.” He groaned. “I know you do” I smirk. “Do you want coffee?” I ask. “Yeah.” He answers as if it shouldn’t even be a question.
Dean’s POV
She grabs three cups and pours coffee into them. She gets creamer and pours some in the first one. “I like my coffee-“ I start to say but she finishes my sentence. “Black, I know.” She says. “What are you? Psychic?” I ask. “Totally.” She jokes, rolling her eyes.
She takes the cups for her and Cas into the library and I take mine to the war room and find Kyler snoring. “Dude, wake up.” I say, shoving his shoulder and he sits up straight fast. “I’m awake!” He shouts.
When the clock hit 9:45, everyone was up. Cas told Sam about a possible case that we should investigate and after breakfast, we packed for the road.
Kyler’s POV
I forgot we stole a van. Karly, Jax, Gibbs, and I through our bags in the back of the van that Sam was going to drive and I called shotgun. Gibbs and Karly listened to music while either playing a game or taking selfies because they kept laughing. Jax was occupied with music and drawing in the back pair of seats, sitting sideways. Andrew insisted on riding in the Impala with Cas and Dean so he did. Rachel was a give-in on riding with them because of how obsessed with Cas she is so there’s no surprise there.
Sam turned on the radio two hours in and ‘New Perspective’ by Panic! At The Disco comes on. Four hours later, Dean texts Sam saying he’s hungry so we stop at a Biggerson’s and get some food. “Quit eating like you’ve been starved for weeks, you’re embarrassing me.” Sam tell his brother as Dean gorges himself in the food in front of him.
Andrew’s POV
After lunch, we got on the road again. “Five more hours.” Rachel sighed, putting in her earbuds. “Five hours isn’t so bad.” Dean said, but she was already in her own little world. Two hours after lunch, Dean called bathroom break when he saw a Gas ‘n Sip and pulled in. “Alright, everyone get out and go to bathroom. We have three hours to go and I don’t plan on stopping again until we get to the motel.” He said. “Okay.” Rachel said, getting out and walking in. I got out and followed Dean to the restroom. “Can you get some snacks and drinks?” He asks me. “Sure.” I reply. “Thanks, man.” He says, handing me a 20$ bill. I grab a bunch of snacks and take them to the cashier. “You’re buying all of this?” The man asks me. “Um, yeah.” I answer. “I don’t do business with kids like you.” He tells me with an angry look. “Get lost.” He adds. “You know what? You can get fucked in the ass with a peanut because you eat pickles and wipe your face with diapers!” I yell at him. “Excuse me?” He asks furiously. “Okay, we just want some snacks, here’s your money.” Rachel says, rushing over with Dean to avoid any fights that might’ve taken place. Dean grabs the food off the counter and walks out quickly. “Have a nice day, sir!” Rachel tells him, grabbing my arm and dragging me back to the Impala.
“‘Get fucked in the ass with a peanut?’” Rachel questions, giggling. “Dude, we’ve gotta work on your insults.” Dean chuckled, turning on the engine. “Wait, where’s Cas?” Andrew asked. We all looked at each other, trying to figure out where the angel went. “I’ll get him.” Rachel said, running inside. “Go with her, I don’t know if that guy is angry with just you or all three of us.” Dean yells me and I rush after her. “Hey, me again. Sorry, have you seen a 5’11 man in a trench coat?” I hear her ask. “Yeah, he’s- what are you doing back here?” He glares at me. “Andrew, I can find Cas on my own. Go back to the car, we don’t need to start a fight.” Rachel tells me, then turns back to the cashier. I leave, but stay by the door to listen. “Just to be clear, you’re talking about the attractive guy dressed as Constantine?” He asks. “Yes, that one.” She says, I could hear her snap her fingers and point her bisexual finger guns. “He’s looking at the news papers.” He tells her. “Thank you so much.” She tells him and the next thing I know, she’s walking out with Cas.
Karly’s POV
For the final three hours of driving, Gibbs and I made fools of ourselves on the internet and listened to music. When we got to the motel, Sam received two keys from his brother and came back to the van. “Karly, Gibbs, you two will be roommates.” He tells us, handing me a key with a room number. “Cool!” We exclaim.
We grab our bags and take them to our room. Gibbs took the bed next to the door and I took the other one. “I’m going to take a shower.” I say, walking to the bathroom with my bag. “Okay.” Gibbs says, getting out his pajamas.
Jax’s POV
When Andrew walked in front of the van and held up a key, I knew I was going to share a room with him and Kyler. “Come on.” I say as I climb out, nudging Kyler.
When we get to the room, Kyler falls on the bed opposite of the door. “So Jax, who’re you gonna share a bed with?” Andrew asks me. “The couch, you perv.” I answer. “Won’t that be uncomfortable?” He questions. “It’s a pullout, dumbass.” Kyler mumbles. “Oh. Well, I’m gonna take a shower then go to bed.” Andrew tells us. “Mkay.” I say, removing the cushions and pulling out the hidden bed. Since Kyler was basically asleep, I changed while Andrew took a shower and flipped on the bed.
Cas’s POV
“Rachel, you and Cas are gonna room together this week.” Dean says, tossing a key at her. “Um, what?” She asks, confusion in her voice. “Since neither of you sleep, I thought I would put both of you in the same room.” He explained. “Oh.” She says and I follow her to our room. “Which bed do you want?” She asks me. “It doesn’t matter, I don’t sleep.” I reply. “I sleep when I feel safe, otherwise I don’t.” She explains, placing her bag on the bed opposite to the door. “That’s not healthy, usually, humans need at least 8 hours of sleep a night.” I tell her. “Yeah, well I’m not ‘usual’ and I never will be, so I’m sure I’ll be fine.” She half-smiles at me. “When was the last time you slept?” I ask curiously. “The night my parents were murdered.” She said in a cold tone. “I’m sorry about your parents.” I tell her. “It’s fine, if I’m being honest, it lead me to a great place. I’m better off here then anywhere else and I feel like I fit in a little more.” She tells me. “If you need to talk, I can listen.” I say, sitting on the motel bed. “Thanks, Cas.” She smiles. “You’re welcome, Rachel.” I smile back.
I turn on the TV and flip through the channels and find ‘Dr. Sexy’. 5 minutes in, Rachel and I are squinting in confusion. “I seriously can’t understand why Dean likes this show.” She says. “Neither can I.” I agree. I reach over to the nightstand and turn it off. I walk over to the small table and pick up the newspaper I got from the gas station and read some of the stories while Rachel gets out her phone and starts to write.
At 4:34, I hear someone screaming and stand up. “Stay here.” I tell her. “What happened?” She asks. “I’m not sure, it might be the angel.” I suggest as I walk out the door. I stop when I see an all too familiar face standing over a dead body. “Lucifer?” I hear Rachel’s voice behind me and I turn around. “I told you to stay in the room.” I glare at her. “I don’t follow anyone’s orders.” She says, shifting her wait and putting her hands on her hips. “I like her already, who is she?” Lucifer asks. “If you like me, you’ll love Jax.” Rachel tells him. “I’m Rachel.” She says, walking up and offering her hand to him. “I see you already know who I am.” He says, shaking her hand. Rachel turns around and looks at me. “I don’t get how everyone hates this guy, he seems cool.” She says. “Thank you.” He seemed genuinely touched by my comment. “Lucifer, why are you killing people in this town?” I ask sternly. “I’m not.” He says to me. “Then who is?” I ask, not convinced. “That’s what I’m trying to figure out.” He replies. “Not to side with anyone, but if you aren’t doing this then why are you standing over a lifeless person that I assume to be the person that screamed bloody murder?” Rachel asks. “I heard the scream as well and flew over here.” He defends. “His alibi seems legit.” She tells me. “It’s Lucifer, he could be lying.” I say. “Castiel, I’ve watched Supernatural so much that I can tell when one of the characters is lying.” She glares at me. “Fine, go back to the room, I’ll have Balthazar take you and your friends back to the bunker while the Winchesters and I solve this case.” I tell her. “Okay, 1:you sound like an FBI agent, and 2: no way, we’re going on this hunt.” She tells me. “Fine, but if this goes wrong, you won’t be allowed to go on any hunts until all of you are ready.” I warn her. “Awesome!” She exclaims and runs back to the room, but not without turning around and yelling “Don’t go anywhere, Luci! You’re going to meet your biggest fan tomorrow!” at Lucifer and slamming the door.
A/N- I’m sorry for the crappy ending and all of the cringe in this series. I know it kinda leaves off on a cliffhanger but the hunt will be in the next chapter along with a slight twist so I hope to be finished with the next part of the series within the next two days or so. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a great rest of your day!
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Top 10 Obscure Christmas Specials II:
 Guys! Guys! I'll get to the review proper in a second, but remember last year when I talked about A Cranberry Christmas? I said that it was lost media. WELL IT'S BEEN FOUND! HALLELUJAH! [link]
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 Hell-ho ho ho everybody! My name is JoyofCrimeArt, and it's that time of year again! Christmas time is upon us, and there is no escaping it! The radio is playing the same ten Christmas songs on loop (nine if they've already banned Baby, It's Cold Outside.) The feeling of kindness and generosity shared between you and your fellow man. And best of all, their finally airing all those weird ass Christmas and holiday specials.  I love Christmas specials! Even the not very good one's usually have SOMETHING good about them! Whether it be some kind of festive ambiance, a good message, or just being very easy to make fun of. Sure, everybody knows about the classics Christmas specials. Frosty the Snowman, The Grinch, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, ect. But that's only the tip of the iceberg. But with Christmas being such a massive holiday, There are THOUSANDS of other Christmas and holiday specials out there that mostly go unnoticed every year! And while most of these specials go unnoticed for a reason, some are actually worth a watch, and act as hidden gems. And that'd why I'm here. To count down five more of these weird, bizarre, and unknown Christmas specials, that way you can check them out before the holidays are over. This is 5 Obscure Christmas Specials You Should Watch Part II.  Now, I've done this before last year. (Link here if you haven't seen it. Top 5 Obscure Christmas Specials You Should Watch:) As such I'm going to be following the same rules as I did last time. I'll be ranking these specials not by quality, but by how much you should watch them! Because sometimes a bad or cheesy Christmas special can provide more entertainment value than a really good one. But don't take the number ranking to seriously. This is mostly just a showcase of bizarre specials that you might not have heard of, and the actually number rankings aren't really the focus here. But with all that said, let's get this started with... Number 5: Neo Yokio: Pink Christmas (2018) (Oh, the Cringe!)  Just like to remind all of you that this is still running while Daredevil is canceled. Anyway, Jaden Smith is back! Just in case six episodes just wasn't synergy for you, now there is a Christmas special. Neo Yokio's Pink Christmas. This sixty-six minute long movie continues the story of Kaz Kaan, Neo Yokio's second most eligible bachelor and top demon hunter. The special opens with him having a cold around the holidays as his robot butler, Charles, tells him an original Christmas tale to make him feel better.  Said tale follows Kaz as he has to prepare for the Neo Yokio top bachelor secret Santa contest. He finds out that he has to find a gift for his arch rival, Arcangelo. Being uninteresting in giving his rival a present, he hires a shopkeeper named Herbert Sims to handle the secret Santa contest for him. And while this is all going on he also has to deal with his Aunt Angelique visiting Neo Yokio for the holidays. But when both demonic forces and Arcangelo have plans to ruin Christmas, it's up to Kaz to set things right.  If you've seen season one of this show, this special is more of the same. However, It is a bit more refined in it's doing so for the most part. I feel like there is more INTENTIONAL comedy overall compared to the first season. And I do like how this special manages to balance both the demon hunter and the bachelor aspect of Kaz's character. As oppose to the first season, where it felt like the show forgot half way through that it was suppose to be about demon hunting. We even get some more backstory and world building on the history of Neo Yokio and the Great Demon War, which is definitely a welcome addition. And Arcangelo, much like in season one, continues to be one of the highlights. He's like a cross between Phantom Blood's Dio Brando and Jake Paul. I love him. So I like how this special has him in a more major role.  I also like some of the themes presented in the "message" of the special. How corporations around the holidays essentially try to monetize anti-materialism for there own benefit. "Sure, we'll air specials like the Grinch and Charlie Brown. Specials that are meant teach you that Christmas isn't about consumerism. Just as long as you sit through all the ads we place in the middle. It's a legit and kinda smart message that I haven't really seen tackled before. But like Neo Yokio season one I don't really know where the show stands on this topic. Is it pro or against capitalism? Maybe it's trying to show that there's no right or wrong answer, but it ends up feeling more confused than anything else.  However, what does annoy me about this special is *Spoiler Warning?* the whole thing is, presumably, not cannon. I know that from the beginning we know that it's all a story told by the butler. But I was expecting some kind of twist where everything we heard would have actually happened somehow. Like Kaz would say "Wait, didn't that all happen last week Charles?" or something. Like a joke. Cause you know, this show is supposedly a comedy. But no, it's all just a story. So all the lore and world building that was actually somewhat interesting serves absolutely no point! *Spoiler Warning Over* I can't believe I let Jaden Smith trick me yet again.  In conclusion, what you see is what you get here. If you want to see a Jaden Smith anime Christmas special, than Neo Yokio Pink Christmas is the special for you. Check it out for the clout.
You know what, I change my mind. Screw "There About to Warp!" this is my new favorite Toonami promo. Number 4: Crunchyroll's Christmas Special (2015) and Crunchyroll's Holiday Special (2017) (Oh, the Cringe!)  Now this is as bizarre and obscure as it comes. Just in case Neo Yokio wasn't enough for you to get your fill of vaguely anime themed Christmas nonsense, we have not one but TWO different Holiday specials brought to you from the lovely people of Crunchyroll. For a company as big and professional as Crunchyroll, you would think that any kind of special that they would make would have to be at least somewhat well produced, safe, and marketable, right? But that's not what this is at all.  What we basically got here is two half hour long "variety show" style specials that were released on both Crunchyroll and Youtube. Both specials are pretty much the same in terms of content. There both just a smorgasbord of random sketches, out of context anime clips, straight up ads for their own service and merch. All themed around the holidays and anime. This special has a real [adult swim] vibe to it, relying on a lot of surreal humor and anti-comedy. In fact, it might of even out [adult swim]'d [adult swim] in it's sheer bizarreness. It's honestly pretty hard to describe without just telling you to see the special for yourself.  Both specials are hosted by some guy named Mike Toole. I don't know who this guy is, but he's one of the best things about these special. He's just portrayed as this bumbling goof who's just unfazed by everything but really loves Christmas and anime. He has some really good comedic timing and his dry but cheerful delivery is a consistently funny thought both specials.  The specials aren't perfect however. Not all of the skits land and some of them go on for WAY to long. But that's kinda what happens with any sketch show. You gotta take the good with the bad. But do you know what you should do if you want REAL otherworldly experience? Watch the Neo Yokio Christmas special, but pause it at random intervals and watch this special. Treating the sketches like the bumpers you would get in between the ads of a TV show. It's a horrible idea that I'm not willing to try, but I feel doing so could lead somebody to either madness or true enlightenment. And I want someone else to be the guinea pig for that.  If you're a fan of both anime and weird surrealist humor then I would actually recommend checking these specials out. There both up online for free, so what do you have to lose?
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Number 3: The OTHER Charlie Brown Christmas Specials (1992, 2002, and 2003)  So everybody knows about a Charlie Brown Christmas. It's like, one of the most famous Christmas special of all time. Charlie Browns sad. They hold a play. Snoopy kisses Lucy on the mouth without her consent #MeToo. Linus gives a speech about Jesus to an empty auditorium cause adults don't exist in this world. Everybody sings. THE END. Timeless classic, we all know it. But many are not aware of the OTHER Peanuts holiday specials.  There are three. 1992's It's Christmas Time Again, Charlie Brown. 2002's Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales. And 2003's I Want a Dog For Christmas Charlie Brown. Like all the Peanuts specials made after Charles Schulz's death, these are all just a collection of random Peanuts comics that were animated. As oppose to the original Charlie Brown Christmas special that had an original story written by Schulz's himself. All three of these specials are just little vignettes based around the Peanuts gang celebrating Christmas.  While none of these specials are as ambitious or as heartfelt as the original special we all know and love, I don't think that their trying to be. While the first Charlie Brown Christmas special tries to tell an important message about the true meaning of Christmas, these other specials are pretty much just jokes without much plot or sentiment. But, given that they are just adaptation of Charles Schulz's writing, you know that there going to be funny. I always forget how much of a little shit Sally is, and these specials remind me. However,  sometimes the transitioning between scenes can be a bit wonky. They clearly just copied the strips, without putting much thought in how it would work when put together in a sequence.  While It's Christmas Time Again, Charlie Brown and Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales are pretty similar. But I Want a Dog For Christmas Charlie Brown takes a bit more of a different approach. It focuses mostly on Linus's little brother Rerun, and has much more of an overall plot. (Though a lot of it is still just mini vignettes.) However, while I do admire the risk, I'd say it's the weakest of the three. Rerun just isn't that interesting of a character compared to the rest of the Peanuts gang. And that one has an hour long run time, which causing the special to drag a bit. But there still are some fun highlights.  If you are a fan of the Peanuts comic strips or specials, I would highly recommend these specials. They're light fluff, but They're good light fluff. They might not give you that warm Christmas feeling, but they will make you laugh. And sometimes that's all you need. 
Number 2: Olive the Other Reindeer (1999)  1999's Olive the Other Reindeer use to be a holiday tradition for Cartoon Network every year right long side such other TIMELESS and BELOVED holiday classics as Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer and Legend of Frosty the Snowman. But now, it's seem like it's kinda fallen into obscurity. Which sucks, cause this special is actually really good. The special follows Olive, voiced by Drew Barrymore before her magnum opus Freddy Got Fingered. Olive is a dog who isn't very good at doing traditional "dog" stuff. She's so un-dog like that she actually begins to believe that she might in fact not be a dog at all, but a reindeer. And when one of Santa's reindeer's get's injured right before Christmas, Olive believes it's up to her to trek to the North Pole and save Christmas by flying Santa's sleigh. Despite the fact that she isn't a reindeer and can't actually fly.  This is just a nice special, and a lot of that comes from Olive herself. Olive is a precious cinnamon bun who I WILL PROTECC! She's just such a kind and lovable lead, and Drew Barrymore's voice talent really helps extenuate this. But it's not just Olive, there are several other fun supporting characters too. Like Martini, a con artist penguin who accompanies Olive on her journey. There's also a evil postman (played by Dan Castellaneta) who acts as the specials main antagonist. His goal is to ruin Christmas because he hates all the extra work he has to do around the holidays. It's an interesting motivation for a villain, but they kind of ruin it in the last act by adding in a cliche "was always on the naughty list" element to his backstory. But regardless he's a fun villain. Between this and Robot Devil from Futurama Dan Castellaneta really knows how to ham it up as a villain who sings. What, you thought he wouldn't have a villain song? How naive of you.    While the special is based on a children's book the adaptation was headed by Matt Groening, which I never realized as a kid. Though that does explain why Dan Castellaneta is here. The special is a departure from his usual style, with art based more on the book instead of his usual Simpson style. The special is done in CGI surprisingly, despite the characters looking entirely flat. I don't really get the point of this. Why go through the effort of trying to use CG to make something look 2D, when you could just animate it in 2D to begin with. But whatever the reason, I do appreciate the pop up book look this special provides.  The special also carries a bit of that more adult humor, without going to far. Kind of like Murray Saves Christmas, a special that I talked about last year and also featured a lot of recurring staff members from Futurama. However, the world of this is special is weird. Santa is a known person who does radio interviews, but I guess that makes sense if we are assuming a world where Santa really exist. But then there are other oddities, like how Martini mentions how he use to work at the zoo until he got fired. But we also see Monkey's trying to escape the zoo. If being in the zoo is there job, why are they escaping? Aren't they there willingly? And why does Olive have an owner, but also a pet flea? Is this show set in the same universe as The Moxy Show? These are all questions that need to be answered.  The special is cheesey and some parts are just there to fill up time. But overall it's still a really nice special featuring some likable characters and some really funny jokes. While no means perfect, I still recommend you give it a watch if you can. 
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Ahhh, nothing says Christmas like Santa, Pope John Paul II, Ultraman, and Quasimodo. Number 1: Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas (1999) And to end this countdown, let's end on a Christmas special that just screams wholesome. Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas. Probably the best direct to video product Disney has ever made. (Not that doing so is very hard.) This special is pretty simple. It's three different Christmas specials stitched together to equal an hour long movie, each staring a different Disney character. We got Huey, Dewey and Louie wishing on a shooting star hoping for it to be Christmas everyday. We have Goofy trying to prove to Max that Santa is real in what I guess is a prequel toGoof Troop? And then we have Mickey and Minnie reenacting the Gift of the Magi. All these segments are linked together by a narrator voiced by Kelsey Grammer. His voice is so warm and cozy in this special, and really helps add to the mood. Sure, none of these stories are that original, but that's fine because there well executed. There's just such an earnest sensitivity to this special that it's hard not to not feel all Christmas-y while watching it. The animation, while nothing that fantastic, is good for direct to video. And it manages to do both cartoon-y slapstick and warmer more emotion moments pretty well.  The special isn't perfect. Some of the segments can feel a bit longer than they need to be despite the fact that the films so short. They're written like TV episodes but most run close to thirty minutes instead of twenty two. Also the last segment, with Mickey and Minnie, while not bad, is probably my least favorite. So it kinda ends on it's weakest note, though I get why they ended with it. Mickey just isn't my favorite of the Disney cast. I personally prefer the cartoon-y antics of Donald or the kindhearted nature of Goofy more in this special.  Goofy is also a precious cinnamon bun who I will protecc. And I ship him with Olive.  There was a sequel, Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas, released in 2004. I haven't seen it in a while, but I remember it not being very good. It's goes for five shorter stories instead of three more focused ones, and I remember there being less of a warm Christmas-y essence to it. It was more jokes and less sentiment. Also, they replace the beautiful 2D animation for CGI. In 2004. With a direct to video budget. I can commend the ambition, but that probably wasn't the best movie. But if you want a nice wholesome Christmas special that the whole family can enjoy, than Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas an underrated pick I highly recommend you check out this holiday season.
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 And so there we have it. five (or technically eight now that I think about it) obscure Christmas specials that I highly suggest that you look into this holiday season. But again, there are WAY more underrated specials that just these out there. So I may have to revisit this idea again at some point in the future and do a part three. What would you all think of that? And what weird, obscure, underrated Christmas specials do you guys watch every year? I'd love to hear all about em in the comments down bellow! I'm always looking for new specials to watch! Please fav, follow, and comment if you liked the review. And I hope you have a Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah (Even though that ended a week ago) Happy Ramadan (Even though that ended in June) Or whatever holiday you celebrate. Life Day? Regardless, Happy Holidays to you all! May your days be merry and bright!  Now if you excuse me, I have to go work on 2018 year in review. Have a great day, and see you then! (I do not own any of the images or videos in this review. All credit goes to there original owners.)
https://www.deviantart.com/joyofcrimeart/journal/Top-5-Obscure-Christmas-Specials-II-776656208 DA Link
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afriendlyboat · 6 years
A Timeless Thanksgiving
This is my Timeless Fan Fic Swap/Secret Timeless Birthday Santa gift for @tsuuriki! This is an S.S. Garcy Original Bunker Family Thanksgiving fluff piece.
For the fanfiction purists, this is my first legit fanfic...so please be nice and enjoy. 
So heres my warning I see in other fan fics about how we don’t own these characters, but enjoy this jaunt into my head canon. 
Rating: PG
Characters: Garcia Flynn, Lucy Preston, Wyatt Logan, Jiya (I just realize she doesn’t have a last name), Connor Mason, Denise Christopher
Parings: Implied eventual Garcy, Implied eventual WyJess, Riya
Trope: Bunker Family, Holiday Fun
It’s been seven months since the time team lost Rufus in 1888. Seven months since Future Lucy and Wyatt appeared, bringing with them more questions than answers. They brought with them instructions on how to upgrade the lifeboat allowing the team to cross their own timelines and increasing capacity so that they would be at full force when returning to save Rufus. Their visit was all business, the only information about the future shared were time machine upgrades. This was much to the dismay of Wyatt, who was hoping for reassuring information about his baby, about Jess. And as soon as the team appeared to have the task of upgrading the lifeboat under control, Future Lucy and Future Wyatt were gone. 
It was a long, long seven months. Lucy told off Wyatt for the inappropriate “I love you”, for his selfishness in not even offering Lucy condolences after the death of her mother. He realized that Lucy was right and what he was feeling for her wasn’t love, but his own desperation to be loved. He needed to sort things out with Jessica, save his child from Rittenhouse. He needed be the dad he always desired to be, back before his world fell apart.
It was seven months of Connor and Jiya distracting themselves with work, Denise cataloguing Rittenhouse intel, Lucy brushing up on all the history that had changed since they started stomping through time. Flynn and Wyatt cleaned and restored the time team’s weapons. They would sometimes go on clandestine missions out of the bunker. Although they were far from being buddies, they tolerated each other better and complemented each other out in the field. The last seven months were a period of growth, in the wake of pain, for the bunker family and they were a little more than a month away from completing all the necessary upgrades to return to Chinatown.
Seven months of quiet and solemn nights. The emptiness in Wyatt and Jiya’s room was suffocating, reminders of heartbreak and loss. They would occasionally share a drink, late at night, when neither of them could sleep; wordlessly understanding what the other was going through, silently showing support. Lucy and Flynn had grown closer than ever, sharing late night conversations about family and the alterations to history Lucy had discovered during the day. She had moved her bed into Flynn’s room before the team went to 1888 and their relationship was a comfortable unknown. Lucy had not been in the state of mind the last seven months to be romantically intimate with anyone. Like most things between Flynn and Lucy, Flynn understood this fact without it being spoken. He showed restraint and showed his love for her by being present and available, he gave Lucy the space she needed to heal.
These seven months were an emotional gauntlet and the time team desperately needed a break. Something to renew their spirits in spite of all the emotional baggage currently cluttering their underground space.
Chapter 1
November 15, 2018
Garcia Flynn casually waltzed into his and Lucy’s bedroom, hair wet from just taking a shower. He dried his hair aggressively with a towel before shaking his head causing droplets of water to hit Lucy. “Hey!” Lucy objected from the cot on her side of the room, “you got me!” Lucy put her book down and grimaced, she had been reading up on her history. This down time the past months while they upgraded the lifeboat had given her lots of time to catch up on all the changes they accidentally made. Flynn smiled at Lucy and shook his head again, laughing as water flew in her direction. “Sorry,” he said even though he wasn’t really. Flynn was feeling puckish and loved making Lucy squirm, Lucy rolled her eyes even though she enjoyed these little moments. These were the bits of her day where her life felt almost normal.
Flynn flopped down into a chair over by Lucy, “what are you reading?” He asked has he glanced around. “Oh, it’s about the industrial revolution…how industry progressed after we erased Henry Ford and his bloodline from Rittenhouse.” Flynn made a look like ‘Henry had it coming’ when Lucy’s calendar caught his eye. “Lucy, what day is today? Is it the 15th?” “Ummm, yeah…the 15th of November…why?” she replied. “Well, it’s just next week is Thanksgiving!” Lucy grew quiet and a frown crept across her face before she quickly fought it off. “What?” Flynn asked, “Lucy, what’s wrong?” “Nothing, I’m fine” she tried as she looked away. Flynn touched her chin and forced her to look at him, “Lucy, c’mon, I know you better than anyone, I know when you’re not okay.” Lucy softened, “It’s just…Thanksgiving is a time for family, it reminds me of my old life where my Mom would roast a big turkey, and Amy demanded cranberry sauce….but only the kind that kept the shape of the can.” Flynn understood, he thought of Lorena and how they would spend all day in the kitchen and how Iris helped to tear up bread for stuffing while she watched the parade on TV. “Hey, I know how hard it is Lucy, but we have to do something for thanksgiving…Amy and Lorena, they wouldn’t want this….us…sitting around all sad.” Lucy nodded, “ I know it’s just hard.” She took a deep breath, smiled a tight smile and squeezed Flynn’s hand. Flynn winked at her, squeezed her hand back and stood up, not wanting to be too touchy…Lucy was still healing and needed her space. “Hey, I’m about to go to bed, you need anything? Glass of water? Mug of booze?” He smiled playfully with the last suggestion. “Nah, I’m fine but thank you though,” Lucy responded as she smiled, closed her book, and put it on the crate next to her cot that she used as a table. “Alright,” Flynn said as he walked over to his side of the room, sat on his cot and swung his legs into bed. They both laid down and Flynn reached over to turn off his lamp, “Good night, Looce!” “Night, Flynn” with that Flynn reached over and pulled the chain on his lamp, turning off the light. As his head hit the pillow, he thought about how Lucy deserved the best Thanksgiving he could give her in this bunker and how he was going to make it happen.
Chapter 2
November 16th, 2018
Flynn woke up early the next morning. He went straight to the kitchen and made coffee, poured a cup for Lucy and walked it back into their room and left it on her crate. He had been making her coffee every morning since she moved in with him and he liked to make sure it was there ready for her as soon as she woke up. He went back to the kitchen and started rummaging through the pantry, trying to figure out what they had and how he could McGuyver a Thanksgiving meal out it. To his chagrin, the pantry provisions made for a very sad menu. There was a half open box of spaghetti that Wyatt had placed upside down, Flynn discovered this less than ideal orientation of the box when he tried to move it and the uncooked noodles fell out. He rolled his eyes, put the noodles back and placed the box in the correct orientation. He also found peanut butter, a can of corn, a bag of rice, and a bag of English muffins. “Well, here you go Lucy, a thanksgiving just like the one you used to have with your family…complete with corn and rice….pathetic,” Flynn sighed. None of this was going to cut it, not one bit. As he put his findings back in the pantry and moved to shut the door, he heard Agent Christopher clear her throat.
Flynn turned around, “Good Morning Denise, I made coffee.” Flynn pointed to the pot. She smiled and grabbed herself a cup. “Um..Denise, by any chance are you going on a shopping run for us this week?” Agent Christopher turned to Flynn and continued to prepare her coffee, “I can, is there anything specific you need?” Flynn replied casually, “Oh you know just enough stuff to make an entire thanksgiving dinner for the bunker.” Denise looked up, “Oh…well okay, like what?” Flynn continued, “You know…..a turkey, spices, bread, onions, celery…for stuffing, green beans, sweet potatoes, pecans, pie crust, corn syrup, dinner rolls, and um…cranberry sauce in a can.” Denise laughed, “is that all?”. Flynn shrugged snarkily,”Yeah, I mean that should be it…if you could get some wine too that would be excellent.” “Heh.” Denise shook her head at Flynn, “And um how am I going to sneak all of this into our underground bunker?” “I’ll help!” Flynn offered and Denise promptly shut him down, “You’re a wanted terrorist!” Flynn looked at Agent Christopher, slightly defeated, “ I know..it’s just…it’s for Lucy…” Denise raised her eyebrows, “Lucy?” “ Yes,” Flynn replied. “I mentioned Thanksgiving last night and she looked so depressed, it brought up memories of her mother…and Amy…and cranberry sauce in a can.” “I’ll see what I can do,” Denise said with a sincere smile. Flynn nodded and Denise turned in the direction of Connor’s room. Soon he heard Jiya’s door open and the bunker began to rustle as very one got up and got started for the day. Lucy emerged from her and Flynn’s room with her cup of coffee, and shot Flynn a smile. Flynn smiled back and nodded knowing that he was going to be able to give Lucy and the rest of the bunker one day of happiness that everyone desperately needed.
Chapter 3
November 20th, 2018
Everyone in the bunker was hard at work. Connor and Jiya were in the the lifeboat making some final adjustments so the team could jump across their own timeline in a month and rescue Rufus. Wyatt and Flynn had just come back from another recon mission and were putting their putting their gear and guns away. Lucy was studying, marking down more and more history changes that happened to 1888 so that this time the team would be better prepared. It’s was getting late and the team was about to call it quits for the evening when Denise arrived with her arms full of groceries. “Garcia Flynn, you made me buy all this stuff you better help me carry it in,” Denise yelled and everyone looked up. A smile flashed across Flynn’s face as he grabbed the 20lb turkey from her arms, ran to the kitchen, and dropped it in the sink.
The rest of the team followed behind Denise and Flynn, trying to figure out what was going on. “Is that…is that a frozen turkey?” Wyatt asked. Flynn turned to him and cracked, “I know I’m not from this country, but isn’t that what you Americans eat on Thanksgiving.” Wyatt glared at him only mildly appreciating his snark.  “Do you even know how to roast a turkey?” Connor then inquired. Flynn shrugged, “how hard can it be, you just plop it in the oven and turn it on.” Wyatt chuckled, “looks like we’re all getting food poisoning.” “Oh shut up, what are you some kind of expert? Do a lot of top-secret ‘Delta Forcing’ in the Army’s galley?” Flynn snarked back. “You guys can call the hotline!” Jiya exclaimed. Everyone looked at her with surprise, she had hardly said a word since they lost Rufus but the idea of a Family-style holiday had brought some life back into the scientist. “Hotline?” Flynn asked. “Yeah the butterball hotline, they used to have commercials for it during the holidays when I was a kid. You could call in with questions and they would give you tips and tricks for cooking the perfect turkey!” Jiya continued. “She’s right, here it is,” Connor confirmed as he spun his laptop around, “They have a chat or you can call 1-800-BUTTERBALL”. Denise cleared her throat, “Well since you all are in hiding, and one of you is an escaped prisoner/wanted terrorist, I suggest you all use the chat option. Now I’m off for the rest of the week, the kids are off from school and I have to cook a Thanksgiving of my own. Good luck.”
As Denise left, the team got back together trying to figure out how to thaw and prepare the turkey. Lucy started removing items from the grocery bag and setting them in the counter. A loaf of bread, green beans, a box of wine, and then she saw it….a single can of jellied cranberry sauce. She set the can down and walked towards Flynn, placing a hand on his shoulder. Flynn turn at the contact and looked down at the petite brunette, “Hey, what’s up,” he asked. Lucy looked him in the eye, stood on her toes, and kissed the giant “terrorist” on the cheek. A tear dropped from her eye as she smiled at him, “Thank you, Garcia.” He stood there frozen as he watched her turn away and go back to unpacking groceries. He smiled, took a deep breath and went back to ‘helping’ Wyatt and Connor fill the sink with water so they could defrost the turkey by Thursday morning. For a moment, they all forgot where they were and just enjoyed feeling like a family.
Chapter 4
November 22nd, 2018 (Thanksgiving day)
Garcia Flynn woke up to the smell of coffee wafting through his room. As he cracked his eyelid open he could see that a fresh cup was left for him on the shelf next to his cot. He slowly sat up, reached over to grab the cup and take a sip. As the hot liquid passed his lips he grimaced from the bitter taste before smiling to himself..Lucy should never be allowed in a kitchen, ever. But he appreciated the gesture and as he got up he grabbed his cup and continued to drink the hot liquid, knowing that coffee is coffee and the caffeine is necessary for him to be an actual person in the morning. He padded to the bunker where he heard the sound of showtunes blaring from the television. To his surprise, Lucy and Jiya were sitting on the couch, tearing bread for stuffing and watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade. Flynn took a seat on the arm of the couch and nudged Lucy, she looked up with a smile and he whispered, “thanks for the coffee.” She nodded and went back to tearing bread and watching the parade. Garcia spoke aloud to both the women, “I thought I was supposed to be cooking Thanksgiving dinner, why are you ladies doing all the work?” Jiya replied, “Connor and I got back on the Butterball chat and figured out the stuffing recipe, so Lucy and I figured we’d get a head start on the prep.” Looking behind him he could see Wyatt and Connor fumbling around in the kitchen, everyone was busy trying to do their part to help with dinner. Flynn looked back at the girls and made a crack about Lucy’s kitchen skills, to which she playfully elbowed him before he got up, knowing when to take his leave...before he got himself into actual trouble.
Flynn walked into the kitchen and poured himself another cup of coffee, before approaching Connor and Wyatt. Wyatt looked up and acknowledged the tall Croatian, “This Dinner, asking Denise to go get everything, that was really decent of you..it’s been really rough here these last couple months and this is exactly what everyone needed.” Flynn awkwardly returned, “it was nothing, I know people have to be missing their families” as he stole a glance at Lucy before he continued “i just figured we all deserved a nice meal.” Flynn’s glance at Lucy didn’t escape Wyatts notice and he gave Flynn a knowing look. “Well, I can tell you really care about people and I was wrong months ago to tell you to stay away, you’ve really grown on me now that you aren’t trying to kill us anymore.” Flynn rolled his eyes, “thanks, I’m gonna start seasoning the turkey if you and Connor can manage to put together this pie..the bird has to go in soon if it’s going to be ready by 2.” Wyatt agreed, “Yeah I can do that..I don’t know if pie is really a two man job though..” “I can make the vegetable offerings,” Connor interrupted. “There you go.” Wyatt confirmed and everyone got busy cooking so that dinner would be ready early and everyone could relax for the rest of the day.
By 1:45 the smell of Turkey and sides had filled the bunker as bickering could be heard from the living room where Wyatt wanted to watch the Cowboys game but Jiya wanted to watch Hallmark Christmas movies. Connor was nursing a tumbler of scotch while Lucy napped on the couch with her feet on Flynn’s lap who was enjoying a nap as well. Connor looked up at Wyatt. “Does it really send the best message for a team called the Redskins and a team called the Cowboys to be dueling on a holiday celebrating a shared peaceful meal between Native Americans and European Settlers.” Wyatt rolled his eyes, “Fine. We’ll watch the girly Christmas movies.” Just then the timer went off on the oven, waking Lucy and Flynn up from their respective naps. “Saved by the bell,” Wyatt exclaimed as he got up to check on the turkey.
Flynn groaned and rubbed his eyes as he woke up. Wyatt shouted into the living room, “Flynn, how do we know if this bird is ready?” Flynn looked over, “Uhh….there should be a red button in the turkey, if its popped then it’s ready to come out.” Wyatt looked, “Oh yeah, it’s ready!” and he lifted the Turkey out of the oven and placed it on top of the stove. Lucy, Jiya and Connor got up and started setting the two small tables from the kitchen that they moved together to make one long holiday table. Flynn began to carve the turkey placing the light and dark meat on a serving platter. When Flynn was done carving everyone sat down at the table as a family. Before they ate Jiya acknowledged that although the have all been through alot, that they go around and say one thing that they were thankful for. Lucy grabbed Flynn’s hand under the table and gave it a light squeeze before releasing it to pick up her napkin and place it on her lap. Letting Flynn know silently that although she wasn’t ready to announce it to the table, one of the things he was thankful for was the growing closeness she shared with him. Meanwhile in Wyatt’s pocket he could feel his phone vibrate, he discreetly checked the screen to see a text from his wife, “Happy Thanksgiving.” He drew a deep breath and cracked a small smile at the comfort that not all was lost, that maybe there was a little bit of hope that when this was all over, he, Jess and his unborn son could possibly be a family again.
When everyone was done saying their thanks, the team dug in to the spread of food on the table. Flynn noticed that something was missing and abruptly stood up, alarming Lucy. He walked into the kitchen and returned with a can opener and the can of cranberry sauce on a plate. He opened the can, shook the jellied cranberry onto a plate and placed it in front of Lucy. “We can’t forget the most important part!” Lucy glowed at the sight of the cranberry sauce and all the memories of her lost sister, like the others she remembered with every bite of the Thanksgiving meal why they must continue to fight Rittenhouse, all the important things that they needed to preserve.
Later that night when everyone retired to their rooms after an afternoon of eating and movies, Lucy sat and waited at the edge of Flynn’s bed. She smiled as he walked in, fresh from the shower and shook his head like always hitting her with the clean water from his hair. “Garcia?” Lucy said, and the tall man froze and looked at Lucy intensely, not accustomed to people using his first name anymore. “Thank you for today, I mean really thank you.” He smiled at her and answered, “It was nothing, I wanted to,” as he sat on his bed and swung his legs behind the historian so he could lay down. “I mean it Garcia, thank you for helping me save some of my memories, from when life was more...normal.” Flynn touched her hand, “Well you saved my life, it’s the least I could do.” Lucy exhaled and laid down next to Flynn on his cot, “would it be okay if i slept right here tonight?” Flynn wordlessly wrapped his arm around the small historian in a chaste embrace and closed his eyes, knowing that Lucy was still healing and this small step was all she was ready for. “Happy Thanksgiving, Garcia.” Flynn exhaled and whispered as he fell asleep, “Happy Thanksgivng, Looocy.”
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lucelockwood · 7 years
Thank you for turning on anon! Since you’re taking requests, can I ask for ‘When they’re sick’, please? (Maybe some angst if you want to put some on there.) I wanted to read a good sickfic since I’m currently sick. I love your work, so thank you so much for taking requests! ♥︎
Anonymous said to lucelockwood:
A locklye prompt where one of them is very ill and the other is taking care of them, please? Legit all i need in life rn
Anonymous said to lucelockwood:
Can you write one for when they’re sick? :0
I went fluffy rather than angsty, mostly because the ficlet I’m currently working on could loosely fit this prompt and has more of the angst to it. Plus I’m…kinda a sucker for fluff…it’s pretty bad, friends
To all three of you gorgeous anons: I love you. Hope this satisfies!
After three days spent trying to convince Lockwood that he’ssick and needs a break, Lucy finds him sitting at his desk with his head in hishands.
Shaking her head, she walks up to his desk, completely donewith his stubbornness. “Lockwood?” she asks as she approaches, eyeing himcarefully. Even from here he does not look good.
“I’m fine, Luce,”he says, for maybe the hundredth time that week. “Just got a little dizzy isall.” He looks up at her with glassy eyes and flushed skin, his smilehalf-hearted.
Alarmed, Lucy reaches out and pushes his forelock out of theway to test his temperature. His skin is so hot that she feels the heatradiating off of him before she even presses the back of her hand to hisforehead. “Fine?” she asks incredulously. “You’ve got a real fever now,Lockwood. Like I’ve been saying for days, you’re sick.”
“Hardly,” he protests, but Lucy isn’t putting up with thisanymore. She takes him firmly by the upper arm and hoists him out of his chair.When he sways on the spot and nearly tips over, she pulls his arm around hershoulders and wraps her free arm securely around his waist. She can feel theburning heat of his skin, even through his clothes.
“Come on, Lockwood, come with me.” She tries to keep hervoice stern, expecting the same protests and excuses he’s made all week, butthey don’t come.
“Anywhere,” he says instead, at which point Lucy decidesthat he’s moved straight on to delirious. With  more worry than she’d care to admit, Lucyleads him around his desk.
“I can’t believe you let yourself get this ill,” shegrumbles, her words coming out sharper than she intends. “None of this wouldhappen if you would just listen. To. Me.”She continues in the same vein under her breath, disguising her concern withirritation as she guides Lockwood through the office and up the spiralstaircase into the kitchen where George is finishing breakfast.
“You’re deputy today,” she tells him. It’s more of a grunt,really, as Lockwood is mostly dead weight in his delirium.
“I’m deputy every day,” George counters, eyeing Lockwood witha sharp eye. “He looks like death.”
. “Our fearless leader has earned himself a fever.”
“Keep his germs away from my waffles, eh Luce?”
“You’re both fussing,” Lockwood protests. Lucy has to catchhim as he tries to pull away from her and nearly tips over in the process. “I’mokay, I promise.”
“No, you’re not,” George and Lucy say in unison, drowningout his protests.
“I’m putting him back to bed and making sure he stays put,” shetells George, moving Lockwood towards the door of the kitchen. “I’ll beupstairs if you need anything.”
“We’ve got a client meeting at eleven-thirty,” George remindsher as he turns his attention back to his breakfast.
“You can handle it, Deputy Cubbins,” Lucy calls back, tuningout his grumbling as she helps Lockwood up the second flight of stairs.
“I just need a nap,” Lockwood’s saying. “Half an hour and I’llbe sorted, Luce. No need to make George meet the client alone.”
Lucy rolls her eyes. “You’re not leaving your bed againtoday, maybe even longer. Besides, George isn’t alone. He’s got Kipps and Holly.”
“Not the most reassuring thing you’ve ever said to me.”
“Yeah, well, they’ll do a sight better than you, right now.I’m not even certain you know your own name half the time.”
Lucy pushes the door to Lockwood’s room open and leads himin. For all his protests, Lockwood does not hesitate to collapse face down ontohis bed with a groan. After a slight pause, Lucy kneels at the end of themattress and starts tugging his shoes off.
“You don’t have to do that Lucy,” Lockwood murmurs, thoughhe makes no move to stop her, or to do the thing himself, so Lucy ignores him,dropping his shoes at the foot of his bed one by one. Then, hands on her hipsand chewing on her lower lip, she tries to decide what needs to be done next.
It brings up a world of issues that she knows neither ofthem is really ready to deal with, but there is no doubt that he would be morecomfortable in his pajamas instead of a suit that’s slightly too tight. Feelinga little warm herself and ignoring it, Lucy moves around the bed to crouch infront of his face.
He hums but doesn’t open his eyes until she brushes thatforelock away from his too-hot forehead again. His dark eyes are still asglassy as ever, but they fix on her steadily.
“Do you want to change into your pajamas?”
“Am I ever leaving this room again?” he asks, resigned.
Lucy’s lips twitch as she tries not to smile at him, herfingers still running along his hairline. “Not for the foreseeable future, no.”
Lockwood sighs heavily. “Then yes.”
When he doesn’t move, Lucy steels herself and tries again. “Lockwood.”
Another hum.
“Do you need me to help you?”
“With what again?”
Good grief. Lucy’sheart rate has probably tripled at this point, but his discomfort matters morethan her own. “Do you need my help getting into your pajamas?”
There’s a delayed moment in which she can see him processingher question, and then he’s struggling to push himself upright again. “Ah, no,no, Luce, I, uh, I’ll be just fine.”
Face easily as red as his, Lucy helps him sit up. She takesa moment to turn down the covers while he moves slowly over to the armoire,then heads straight for the door, not once looking his way. “When I come backyou’d better be in bed,” she tells him before shutting the door firmly behindher.
Lucy stands in the hall breathing deeply in an effort tocalm her rapidly beating heart—this is notthe time—before heading back to the kitchen.
Collecting a pitcher of cold water and an empty glass, Lucy detoursto the bathroom on the way back in search of a few clean washcloths. Her arms arefull by the time she makes it back to Lockwood’s door, which she knocks ontwice with the back of her least encumbered hand.
She finds him sitting in his pajamas on the edge of his bed,eyes closed, still swaying a little.
“I think you might be right about this, Luce,” he says as shesets her armload on the night stand and starts filling the cup with water. “Idon’t feel very good at all.”
“Just think how much better you’d feel if you’d listened tome three days ago and rested then,” she says, handing him the glass of waterwith firm instructions to drink.
“I know better than to ignore you,” he agrees, drinking thewater in three gulps and handing her the empty glass.
Lucy’s filling an empty bowl with water from the pitcher, soakinga washcloth and wringing it out again as she talks. “You should, by now, andyet you still do.”
“Not often. Not really.” Visibly shivering despite his hightemperature, Lockwood curls up under the covers.
He looks so miserable that Lucy lets her irritation take aback seat for a moment. She tucks the covers around him, then brings his mother’safghan from the chair in the corner and lays that over him as well. She takesthe cool washcloth and lays it across his forehead in the hopes of helpingbring his temperature down.
Lockwood catches her hand as she finishes, his fingers hoton hers. “Are you going to leave?”
“Someone needs to make sure you stay in bed,” she tells him.
Lockwood hums, tucking her hand between his cheek and thepillow so that her palm is cupping his face, his dark eyes never leaving hers. “Ilike it better when you’re here.”
Lucy feels her face heating up again. She doesn’t respondright away; she’s not completely sure of what to say.
“Everything isbetter when you’re here,” Lockwood continues, and she knows they aren’t justtalking about whether or not she’s going to keep him company while he sleeps.
She also knows he likely wouldn’t be saying any of this ifhe weren’t so feverish.
Lucy brushes her thumb along his cheekbone. “I’ll stay,” shepromises softly, thinking of months and years and possibly a whole lifetimespent together. “But you do have to let me go get that chair first,” she addswhen she moves to pull away and his fingers tighten on hers.
He lets her go, and watches as she rearranges his furnitureso that the chair sits right next to the bed and the nightstand with the wateris set on the other side of the chair so she can reach it easily. Then withanother promise to come right back, Lucy runs up to her room and grabs an extrablanket and her sketchbook—she’ll need something to do to pass the time otherthan watch Lockwood sleep.
His eyes are closed when she settles herself at last in thechair next to his bed, the extra blanket draped over her knees and sketchbookin her lap, but that doesn’t stop him from immediately reaching for her hand,or from pulling it closer to him, so close that she can feel his breath fanningacross her fingers.
“So much better with you here,” he says again, his voice growingdistant.
Lucy smiles and squeezes his hand. “I’m not going anywhere.”
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shtbgs-blog · 6 years
hello it’s me tea being a bad admin and not writing the first event. Instead i’m doing this and i’d make a pretty graphic but i hate my big computer right now so a nice graphic might come later bye, this also got insanely long and if you guys actually read it k u d o s
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HELLO DREAMS N QUEENS, I feel like I haven’t said that in a while but anyway I’m tea, i’m 23, my pronouns are she/her, and I already forgot what else I’m suppose to write here like i’m in the est timezone but i act like i’m in the pst for some reason????? also I do not personally have any triggers and I have no limits on what i rp like I’m always down for literally any plot even if it’s been done to death it hasn’t been done by my character so lets go.
INTRODUCING…. the muses.
ugh are you ready for the shit show..... im gonna shoot myself in the face i have so many
DON O’CALLAHAN, justin chatwin, ( 30 ) + ALONE by HALSEY feat. BIG SEAN & STEFFLON DON.
IMOGEN WARD, madelaine petsch, ( 22 ) + REPERCUSSIONS by BEA MILLER.
JAMES WILLIAMS, milo ventimiglia, ( 35 ) + iROBOT by JON BELLION.
SHANE FRANCIS, carlson young, ( 22 ) + BETTER DAYS by HEDLEY.
WESLEY LLOYD, aaron taylor johnson, ( 25 ) + I’M NOT FAMOUS by AJR.
NIRVANA BAILEY, meaghan rath, ( 32 ) + TROUBLE by HALSEY.
ETHAN MCDONALD, dylan o’brien, ( 24 ) + I FALL APART by POST MALONE ( cover ).
VANCE MICHAELS, cody christian, ( 20 ) + I MEAN IT by G-EAZY.
COOPER JORDAN, charlie puth, ( 24 ) + ME MYSELF & I by G-EAZY FEAT. BEBE REXHA
MICKEY DONOVAN, tony oller, ( 24 ) + SOBER UP by AJR.
JESSICA MILANO, mila kunis, ( 35 ) + SO WHAT by P!NK.
INTRODUCING…. wanted plots.
Okay I am obsessed with platonic / supporting friends ships like? oh my fucking god? give me a good gang and I will legit die? especially if it’s like a brot3 or something like three solid amazing friends and like the more people connected the better im OBSESSED with name dropping. 
Also I’m a bitch for cheating / toxic relationships. Give me physical fights and sleeping with other people. Give Me Fucking Angst. Let my muse be the cheater or let my muse be the one cheated on listen I’m down for legit all of it but when I do the specific muse posts I’ll sort of narrow this down a lot more but these are my two favorite kinds of ships which can technically go below but fight me.
INTRODUCING…. the favorites.
I will say this until I’m blue in the face, I am disgustingly straight for ( 4 ) men in this world. Okay there are a lot more than just four but I do have a top four because I’m a basic bitch but I love ansel elgort, taron egerton, danny jones & hugh grant. those are my main boys but if I made a legit list it’d probably go on for years. honorable mention who is my solid #5 is definitely keith powers. I am OBSESSED with this mans.
Want to talk about how gay I am? WOULD LOVE TO. I am a complete ( slut ) for vanessa morgan, kehlani, zendaya, zoe kravitz, ashley tisdae, lucy hale, lynn gunn, hayley kiyoko, nicole byer, bae suzy, keke palmer and ulrikke falch bitch MURDER ME.
as for ships like i’m down for anything m/f m/m f/f like I do lean mostly towards m/f and i do often prefer playing the male which is another favorite of mine like this rpg is the most i’ve ever played females and it’s legit so fucking weird to me??? i get so nervous talking about ships and stuff when it comes to my females because it’s so far out of my domain / comfort zone so murder me violently.
I tend to lean more toward platonic / supportive / family ships tho because I feel like I’m not stepping on anyones toES LMFAO OKAY I SHOULD STOP RAMBLING NOW BECAUSE IM EXTRA AS HELL
but also my favorite sweatshirt is the one i’m wearing and it says ‘i’m like 104% tired’ and my favorite pants are black boho pants with white swirls and just big and comfy ok
INTRODUCING…. future plans.
I AM HERE TO BREAK THE FUCK OUT OF MY COMFORTZONE I HATE IT IN HERE LIKE I am so used to playing dom!male characters and like don’t get me wrong, i fucking love my boys, i love them so god damn much but I want to have some girls who get love too like I want to play sub!boys and soft!girls and hard!girls and GIRLS! IN! GENERAL! like i sound so fucking basic but when I tell you guys it’s been about 10 years since I actually dedicated time to fleshing out a female character I mean it’s been about 11.
Also I really want to play out some slowburn relationships, some active marriages, some really fucked up exes and really confusing best friends like those are my favorites but I always get so fucking busy or so spacey that I wind up going missing for long periods of time and like? I’m here to stay? Like I feel comfy as fuck in this rpg and I am here to actively get past one or two threads for my connections / ships I’m here for longlasting relationships / rping okay????
AS FOR THE FUTURE, I do have two muses who are sitting in the submit waiting to be accepted? Like which is wild because while they’ve been sat there I’ve accepted myself twice? I don’t know why I’m holding off I guess I just feel guilty bringing in two girls without any sort of connection or anything???? Like I can not wait to bring Lennon up in here because my lil blue haired queen is going to burn this motherfucker down :’)
INTRODUCING…. why i said fuck it.
I SAID FUCK IT because do we wanna be honest? I had been running a rpg that was just draining the life out of me I felt like I was being a bad admin and not doing enough and I just wanted a group where I didn’t have to do so much y’know like, I wanted to just rp in a place where I could do whatever in the living fuck I wanted?? Like I wanted 50 muses, I want to sometimes just make graphics, I want to sometimes just chitchat ooc in private messages or just lurk the dash or just write starters / reply to them like
some days i’m here as fuck for writing and sometimes i’m not and I felt like no matter what rpg I ran or joined I’d be like put on a specific schedule and people will leave me in the dust???? you know????? but I feel like here we’re all just sort of chillin and tryin to live our best lives and I feel like this is my own personal and selfish safe haven like
i’m selfish as fuck and lazy as fuck and here as fuck for all of you :’)
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emisonme · 7 years
Tyren, Tyren, Tyren................
A shit load of people keep asking for my opinion on Tyren. Instead of answering all the different asks, I'm just going to put it in a post , to answer all the questions about them, at the same time. So, here it is...
What some need to understand, with all the Social Media platforms out there today, and everyone using them to follow what's happening, with anything and every thing, the Music Industry doesn't have to do PR stunts, like they did in the past.
They used to have to call the professional Star chasers, otherwise known as Paparazzi, and stage photo ops, use the rag sheets, or tabloids, and the Red Carpets, to promote a PR Relationship. That lead to THEM having to "confirm" the "relationship". The problem with confirming a PR relationship, is when it's served it's purpose, THEY then had to stage a "break-up". Drama, Drama, Drama. PR relationships was a very messy side of promotion.
Now, with the various platforms of Social Media, the world of PR has become a lot less messy, for the Stars and the Industry. It's easier to control the message, using the Stars own SM platforms.
If they want to promote a PR relationship now, all they have to do is get the two people together someplace, take a few pictures or short videos, and when they are ready, send them out through the Stars SM accounts, and presto, PR relationship has begun. They don't have to pay the middle man. When they are ready for the world to catch on, they shoot out a notification to the likes of the TMZ's and Perez Hilton's of the world, and it is known by every "media" outlet in no time.
It's not even really necessary to have the stars together, to make people think they are together, at any given time. A member of the Stars Team could go, take a short video/pic, log onto the Stars SM account that they have unfettered access to, send it out, and there you have it, everyone thinks that's where the star is at that time. It's really that easy.
What makes it even easier and effective, they can take these video/pics anytime, anywhere, and post them anytime from any place, to make people think the star is at a certain place at a certain time. This is a favorite tactic for them to use, because it serves it's purpose and it costs nothing.
Social Media has become the most cost effective way for the Music Industry to push a narrative, or anything really. A PR relationship, a song, a video, an album, anything, SM allows the promotion of an Artist and their projects to be seen by millions in minutes. Now-a-days, the majority of an artists promotion and success is driven by the fans through Social Media. They succeed by the fans, they fail by the fans.
Now, with all of that in mind, lets address the question on everyone's mind. Is Tyren real or PR? I personally think it is nothing more than a PR stunt. What makes me think that? Lets look at how Tyren started. It started as a rumor on the internet, on January 20, 2017. That rumor was, that Lauren hooked up with a married man. People took to SM and deduced, that man was Ty $. People didn't think much of it, until the Women's march happened after Trump's Inauguration. Lauren and Lucy was at the same march, but they were not marching together. Uh oh, trouble in Laucy paradise.
When the time was right, Ty started sending out little cryptic tweets, here and there. People started thinking that Lauren cheated on Lucy with Ty. Then we got the release of the Laucy photo shoot, and the photographer "confirmed" Laucy, after they had "broke up" After that, they started the process of being more "open" with Tyren.
They started giving us "proof" that they were together. They have gone so far as to make people think they are happily living together with a new dog and everything. Ty would shoot out a tweet about taking his Bae to the airport, just to have Lauren's account shoot out a pic shortly after of her at an Airport. He has sent snaps of Leo, only to find out they were sent to him to present on his SM account.
To this day, have we ever seen Tyren alone together? Not to my knowledge. They are always surrounded by other people, at concerts, sanctioned events, birthday parties, and there is always someone there to make sure a pic and video is taken to prove they were there together. They need to make sure the public see's them together.
Hell, Lauren went to Jamaica to celebrate her birthday, and Ty was sure to tweet that he was on his way there as well. Lauren, Ty, and her friends weren't the only ones that went. Lauren's Manager Tara, her Social Media manager Sheila, and her choreographer Sean, and Ty also took his personal Professional Photographer. How convenient!
Are you starting to see the pattern here? They pretty much did the same damn thing with Laucy. We always knew when Lauren and Lucy were together, because they wanted us to know that they were together. They even had Lucy's professional photographer friend take a bunch of the pictures they would send out as "proof".
That's the reasons why all of this Tyren shit screams PR stunt to me. I predicted the Laucy kiss pic to drop, because I had a really good idea what was happening, and what to expect. When you realize and start to understand how these things work, it helps to get a clear picture of what's really going on.
I'll move on to one of the other questions people seem to be very confused about, and that is; Why Tyren? People keep trying to connect Tyren to Camren and Camila. There are no dots there to connect, so no need to keep trying. They effectively "killed" Camren with Laucy and Camila's departure. Tyren has nothing to do with Camren or Camila's "straight" image. Tyren is about Lauren and Ty's image.
It actually serves three main purposes. First, when the Music Industry makes the decision to let a female artist come out as Bisexual, it is handled in stages. Step one is to get another female to PR with.
The MI has never hooked two successful female artists up together in a PR relationship. They either choose a known actress or model, or they will use a close friend of the Artist, that can be trusted. They start the stunt with some close pics and videos, just to get the possibility of a "relationship" circulating. When they are ready, they stage a scene, usually an innocent kiss picture, or a slightly more intimate but short video, usually taken from a distance, almost like it was caught on camera by "accident".
They "leak" the "proof", and once it has made it's rounds and picked up by the gossip blogs, the Artist officially comes out of the closet publicly. Once that has been done, the PR relationship comes to an end, usually within a couple of months. It has served it's purpose and is no longer needed, or wanted for that matter. They are eager to move on to the next stage.
This step is an almost immediate PR relationship with a male artist. They do this, because they want their female Bisexual to be out and proud, just not seen as "gay". Yes, the homophobia in the Industry is that bad. They don't mind that Lauren is an out Bisexual, they just don't want people thinking she has a preference for the Ladies. Insert Ty Money here!
The second reason for Tyren, was "Strangers". That is the reason they took Tyren from rumorville to public PR stunt, when they did. They needed to solidify the Tyren "relationship" to the fan base, before "Strangers" was confirmed and released.
The last thing they wanted, was for people thinking there was something going on between Lauren and Halsey. They were just two out Bisexuals, who happen to be friends, that decided to do a song together, to represent their LGBTQ+ community. It's also fitting, they relaesed the song just in time to celebrate Pride Month. They perform the song a few times live, but there are no worries, because Lauren is with Ty, right!
Lastly, why Ty Dolla $ign? Well, they had spent time together during their WFH run, and the possibility of it seeming legit was real because they had hung out and partied together after performances and award shows. The connection was already there to play with...Plus he is about to drop a new album.
He has his, "rapper reputation" to protect. Most rappers are "known" as players. It doesn't matter if that's the way they are in real life. That is the image they are given. What better way to represent that image, than to have him "cheat" on his "Ex" with a hot young Latina that's 11 years younger than him. Yep, that done the trick.
Beach House 3 is supposed to be dropping soon. There has been speculation, Lauren and Ty have a collaboration on the album. If that is true, and they plan to make that collaboration a single, Tyren will continue until after the release and promotion of it. If it is not true, or they don't plan on releasing it as a single, Tyren will only last a month or two, after the release of BH3.
If I'm wrong about Tyren, so be it. May they live their happy high life together in harmony...but I don't think I am. Either way, we'll find out soon.
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thesnootyushers · 7 years
As season 11 of Trailer Park Boys lands on Netflix, here’s my attempt at launching at a British version.
Trailer Park Boys returns for it’s 11th season today on Netflix. It is hugely popular around the world despite its very humble beginnings. It starts out as a documentary following Julian and Ricky as they get out of prison and attempt to go straight. They move back to the trailer park they have lived their whole lives, and the wacky characters of the park have made for a great comedy series eer since. After coming to an end on traditional TV, the three main actors (JP Tremblay, Robb Wells, and Mike Smith) kept the show going through a series of films, before launching Swearnet, their own produciton company and online network. They bought the rights to the Trailer Park Boys and have gone about making the franchise bigger than ever, having teamed up with Netflix to produce live specials, and even recently did a series with their characters touring Europe, which featured Noel Fielding in the first episode. They also regularly appear in character on chat shows, and there is a whole bunch of content on Swearnet featuring various cast members of TPB.
And with their international success, why not try to produce a British version?
Bear with me Bubbles, I think it would look a little something like this…
Julian (John Paul Tremblay ) to be played by …. ANDREW LINCOLN
Julian takes the lead in most of the boys schemes, and at times he is even moderately successful, before his loyalty to his friends and trailer park, the law, or sheer bad luck usually end up with him back at square one. He has gone legit a few times, running a bar/club/casino, and also various illegal plans such as a clean urine business. He is also the one who invited the cameras into the trailer park for the first time. As nominally the straight man in the trio, there were a few names that came to mind in a British version, including Martin Freeman, Ben Miller, and of course Idris Elba, because he should be in everything. None of them had the greasy edge that Julian has, until I thought of Andrew Lincoln. Although now a superstar due to The Walking Dead, his role in Teachers showed that he can do comedy drama, and obviously Egg in This Life wasn’t a totally straight role. And look at that picture of him in a black T-short and jeans – a bit more tricep meat and he’s perfect!
Ricky (Robb Wells) to be played by …. NICK FROST
Ricky is, simply put, an idiot. Rickyisms are one of the highlights of the show (“Make like a tree and f*** off”, “Looks like we need two turnips and heat” and “Don’t judge a cover of a book by its look” are some of my favourites), and I just think Nick Frost would be great at delivering them. He would also be brilliant with the physical comedy, as Ricky is constantly falling over:
  A natural Ricky!
Bubbles (Mike Smith) to be played by …. MACKENZIE CROOK
And so onto the breakout, and most difficult to cast, character. Bubbles started out as an odd neighbour, but over time has grown into being the heart of the show. He lives in a small shed and is devoted to his kitties, as well as being a budding singer. In turn, actor Mike Smith seems to be the most natural performer when it comes to the live shows. Although I toyed with the idea of Peter Kay or Steve Coogan doing a comedy character similar to a young Leonard the paper boy or Duncan Thickett. Or Marek Larwood from We Are Klang, to try and match Bubbles heer weirdness. But when it comes to oddball characters, giving it a British twist is what we do best, and I can’t think of anyone who would capture Bubbles’ nervous, naive nature than Mackenzie Crook. And in the same way that Gareth Keenan was originally a totally different character before Crook auditioned and won the role, Bubbles would be slightly tweaked by retain the spirit of the original character. Plus Crook is sublime in BBC Four’s The Detectorists, alongside the great Toby Jones.
Jim Lahey (John Dunsworth) to be played by …. JIM BROADBENT
The supporting characters in Trailer Park Boys are much more complex than in most comedy shows. Jim Fahey is the Trailer Park supervisor, an ex-police officer, with a serious drink problem. At the beginning of the series he is a comedic foil for the boys, almost like Officer Dibble in Top Cat, but later he goes on the offensive to try and get rid of Julian, Ricky, and Bubbles. He has season long arcs, and a love story for the ages with Randy. There were a whole bunch of slightly older British actors I considered. Paul Whitehous, Timothy Spall or Mark Heap. But there’s a underlying tragedy to Mr Lahey, and I think that Jim Broadbent would be fantastic in this role. He has a background in comedy, and one of his most recent roles, as James McAvoy’s therapist in Filth, shows that he isn’t afraid to get weird when required.
Randy (Patrick Roach) to be played by …. JOHNNY VEGAS
Randy is the Assistant Supervisor at the Trailer Park for most of the show, occasionally holding different positions depending on the whims of the owners. At one time in their younger days he was friendly with Julian, Bubbles, and especially Ricky, but now he is on the side of law and order, helping Lahey to thwart the boys. He is also truly in love with Mr Lahey. There was only really one choice for the role of the shirtless, cheeseburger-eating, rotund Randy – Johnny Vegas.
Sarah (Sarah Dunsmore) to be played by… JESSICA HYNES
Onto the female characters. Sarah has got the measure of the boys, never taking any of their nonsense and with almost no romantic entanglement to cloud her judgement. She is also far more successful than Julian when it comes to planning and executing schemes – Trailer Park Girls would be a much different show! Jessica Hynes is a comedy great – she was one of the highlights of my Christmas countdown with her star turn in Nativity 2 – and as a smart woman trapped by her circumstances, she would be perfect. She’s also grown beyond her role as Daisy in Spaced, but I reckon we could work in one reference with her and Nick Frost, and someone else later on…
Lucy (Lucy Decoutere) to be played by… SHARON HORGAN
Another smart, confident woman who is held back by one thing – although with Lucy it is her love of Ricky that keeps dragging her back to him. She knows that she deserves better than him, but she loves him so they always end up back together. Although Horgan has made her name with starring roles in comedies like BBC Three’s Pulling and more recently Catastrophe which has been picked up by Netflix. This has led to her new show Divorce getting picked up on HBO, starring Sarah Jessica Parker and Thomas Haden Church.  This would be a great role for her to just be a comedy actor though, a bit like when Chris Morris was in the first series of The IT Crowd.
Barb Lahey (Shelley Thompson) to be played by… JULIA DAVIS
Barb is the owner of the Trailer Park, and the wife of Jim. She also has a bit of a dark edge to her, being ready to act in her own self-interest and sell the park to anyone with the money. Julia Davis would be great to be involved, stuff like Nighty Night and Hunterby more than shows her comedy chops. I also see Barb as a young woman being impressed by dashing police officer Jim Lahey before he lost his job and fell into his spiral of self destruction, so that is why she is so much younger than Jim Broadbent. This would also help her bond with Lucy and Sarah, who I’ve always thought more of as an older sister rather than a mother figure.
J-Roc (Jonathan Torrens) to be played by …. SIMON PEGG
J Roc is the trailer parks’ resident wannabe rapper. He has a million and one catchphrases that have evolved over the course of the show,“maafk”. For the equivalent version in Britain I needed a very British comedian with a love of hip hop – so why not Simon Pegg? I reckon we could shoehorn in ONE Spaced reference with the Tim, Daisy, and Mike reunion.
Cyrus (Bernard Robichaud) to be played by …. JASON STATHAM
You didn’t think I could get through this without The Stath, did you? Cyrus is the inept faux gangster/pimp/tough guy who is the Boys main criminal antagonist. I’ve not recast everyone in the series, but Cyrus would be the big bad over the course of the first season of my British version of Trailer Park Boys.
Sebastian Bach (Sebastian Bach) to be played by …. BRUCE DICKINSON
Rockstar Sebastian Bach plays a recurring role in Trailer Park Boys, and a British reboot would need someone of a similar stature. Iron Maiden front man Bruce Dickinson could get involved with a drug distribution scheme either with his band on tour or with his own jet (he’s got a pilot’s licence).
Cory and Trevor (Cory Bowles and Michael Jackson) to be played by… DANIEL RADCLIFFE and RUPERT GRINT
Cory and Trevor are basically used by Ricky and Julian as a supply of cheap labour and free cigarettes. They are basically included in the plans to be ready-made scapegoats and take the rap when things naturally go wrong. So why not get the boys from Harry Potter back together?
But where is it set?
Sunnyvale, Nova Scotia to be replace by… BRIDLINGTON, YORKSHIRE!
In this country, we don’t really have “trailer parks” on the same scale of North America, so it has to be a seaside resort. Bridlington it is!
And that’s it for my British version of Trailer Park Boys. I’d like to thank our Senior Wrestling Correspondent Jonny Hogarth for his help as a sounding board to bounce my ideas off with this article, as I mentioned throughout there really were a a lot of names in the mix. What other shows would you like to see remade in a British setting?
So, what do you think now, Bubbles?
That’s all I ever wanted to hear.
Until next time, stay gold Ponyboy, stay gold. See you soonish.
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Fan Cast – Trailer Park Boys: The British Version As season 11 of Trailer Park Boys lands on Netflix, here's my attempt at launching at a British version.
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from 'RittenhouseTL' for all things Timeless https://ift.tt/2Fcto3X via Istudy world
ssgarcy: A Timeless Thanksgiving This is my Timeless Fan Fic Swap/Secret Timeless Birthday Santa...
A Timeless Thanksgiving
This is my Timeless Fan Fic Swap/Secret Timeless Birthday Santa gift for @tsuuriki! This is an S.S. Garcy Original Bunker Family Thanksgiving fluff piece.
For the fanfiction purists, this is my first legit fanfic…so please be nice and enjoy. 
So heres my warning I see in other fan fics about how we don’t own these characters, but enjoy this jaunt into my head canon. 
Rating: PG
Characters: Garcia Flynn, Lucy Preston, Wyatt Logan, Jiya (I just realize she doesn’t have a last name), Connor Mason, Denise Christopher
Parings: Implied eventual Garcy, Implied eventual WyJess, Riya
Trope: Bunker Family, Holiday Fun
It’s been seven months since the time team lost Rufus in 1888. Seven months since Future Lucy and Wyatt appeared, bringing with them more questions than answers. They brought with them instructions on how to upgrade the lifeboat allowing the team to cross their own timelines and increasing capacity so that they would be at full force when returning to save Rufus. Their visit was all business, the only information about the future shared were time machine upgrades. This was much to the dismay of Wyatt, who was hoping for reassuring information about his baby, about Jess. And as soon as the team appeared to have the task of upgrading the lifeboat under control, Future Lucy and Future Wyatt were gone. 
It was a long, long seven months. Lucy told off Wyatt for the inappropriate “I love you”, for his selfishness in not even offering Lucy condolences after the death of her mother. He realized that Lucy was right and what he was feeling for her wasn’t love, but his own desperation to be loved. He needed to sort things out with Jessica, save his child from Rittenhouse. He needed be the dad he always desired to be, back before his world fell apart.
It was seven months of Connor and Jiya distracting themselves with work, Denise cataloguing Rittenhouse intel, Lucy brushing up on all the history that had changed since they started stomping through time. Flynn and Wyatt cleaned and restored the time team’s weapons. They would sometimes go on clandestine missions out of the bunker. Although they were far from being buddies, they tolerated each other better and complemented each other out in the field. The last seven months were a period of growth, in the wake of pain, for the bunker family and they were a little more than a month away from completing all the necessary upgrades to return to Chinatown.
Seven months of quiet and solemn nights. The emptiness in Wyatt and Jiya’s room was suffocating, reminders of heartbreak and loss. They would occasionally share a drink, late at night, when neither of them could sleep; wordlessly understanding what the other was going through, silently showing support. Lucy and Flynn had grown closer than ever, sharing late night conversations about family and the alterations to history Lucy had discovered during the day. She had moved her bed into Flynn’s room before the team went to 1888 and their relationship was a comfortable unknown. Lucy had not been in the state of mind the last seven months to be romantically intimate with anyone. Like most things between Flynn and Lucy, Flynn understood this fact without it being spoken. He showed restraint and showed his love for her by being present and available, he gave Lucy the space she needed to heal.
These seven months were an emotional gauntlet and the time team desperately needed a break. Something to renew their spirits in spite of all the emotional baggage currently cluttering their underground space.
Chapter 1
November 15, 2018
Garcia Flynn casually waltzed into his and Lucy’s bedroom, hair wet from just taking a shower. He dried his hair aggressively with a towel before shaking his head causing droplets of water to hit Lucy. “Hey!” Lucy objected from the cot on her side of the room, “you got me!” Lucy put her book down and grimaced, she had been reading up on her history. This down time the past months while they upgraded the lifeboat had given her lots of time to catch up on all the changes they accidentally made. Flynn smiled at Lucy and shook his head again, laughing as water flew in her direction. “Sorry,” he said even though he wasn’t really. Flynn was feeling puckish and loved making Lucy squirm, Lucy rolled her eyes even though she enjoyed these little moments. These were the bits of her day where her life felt almost normal.
Flynn flopped down into a chair over by Lucy, “what are you reading?” He asked has he glanced around. “Oh, it’s about the industrial revolution…how industry progressed after we erased Henry Ford and his bloodline from Rittenhouse.” Flynn made a look like ‘Henry had it coming’ when Lucy’s calendar caught his eye. “Lucy, what day is today? Is it the 15th?” “Ummm, yeah…the 15th of November…why?” she replied. “Well, it’s just next week is Thanksgiving!” Lucy grew quiet and a frown crept across her face before she quickly fought it off. “What?” Flynn asked, “Lucy, what’s wrong?” “Nothing, I’m fine” she tried as she looked away. Flynn touched her chin and forced her to look at him, “Lucy, c’mon, I know you better than anyone, I know when you’re not okay.” Lucy softened, “It’s just…Thanksgiving is a time for family, it reminds me of my old life where my Mom would roast a big turkey, and Amy demanded cranberry sauce….but only the kind that kept the shape of the can.” Flynn understood, he thought of Lorena and how they would spend all day in the kitchen and how Iris helped to tear up bread for stuffing while she watched the parade on TV. “Hey, I know how hard it is Lucy, but we have to do something for thanksgiving…Amy and Lorena, they wouldn’t want this….us…sitting around all sad.” Lucy nodded, “ I know it’s just hard.” She took a deep breath, smiled a tight smile and squeezed Flynn’s hand. Flynn winked at her, squeezed her hand back and stood up, not wanting to be too touchy…Lucy was still healing and needed her space. “Hey, I’m about to go to bed, you need anything? Glass of water? Mug of booze?” He smiled playfully with the last suggestion. “Nah, I’m fine but thank you though,” Lucy responded as she smiled, closed her book, and put it on the crate next to her cot that she used as a table. “Alright,” Flynn said as he walked over to his side of the room, sat on his cot and swung his legs into bed. They both laid down and Flynn reached over to turn off his lamp, “Good night, Looce!” “Night, Flynn” with that Flynn reached over and pulled the chain on his lamp, turning off the light. As his head hit the pillow, he thought about how Lucy deserved the best Thanksgiving he could give her in this bunker and how he was going to make it happen.
Chapter 2
November 16th, 2018
Flynn woke up early the next morning. He went straight to the kitchen and made coffee, poured a cup for Lucy and walked it back into their room and left it on her crate. He had been making her coffee every morning since she moved in with him and he liked to make sure it was there ready for her as soon as she woke up. He went back to the kitchen and started rummaging through the pantry, trying to figure out what they had and how he could McGuyver a Thanksgiving meal out it. To his chagrin, the pantry provisions made for a very sad menu. There was a half open box of spaghetti that Wyatt had placed upside down, Flynn discovered this less than ideal orientation of the box when he tried to move it and the uncooked noodles fell out. He rolled his eyes, put the noodles back and placed the box in the correct orientation. He also found peanut butter, a can of corn, a bag of rice, and a bag of English muffins. “Well, here you go Lucy, a thanksgiving just like the one you used to have with your family…complete with corn and rice….pathetic,” Flynn sighed. None of this was going to cut it, not one bit. As he put his findings back in the pantry and moved to shut the door, he heard Agent Christopher clear her throat.
Flynn turned around, “Good Morning Denise, I made coffee.” Flynn pointed to the pot. She smiled and grabbed herself a cup. “Um..Denise, by any chance are you going on a shopping run for us this week?” Agent Christopher turned to Flynn and continued to prepare her coffee, “I can, is there anything specific you need?” Flynn replied casually, “Oh you know just enough stuff to make an entire thanksgiving dinner for the bunker.” Denise looked up, “Oh…well okay, like what?” Flynn continued, “You know…..a turkey, spices, bread, onions, celery…for stuffing, green beans, sweet potatoes, pecans, pie crust, corn syrup, dinner rolls, and um…cranberry sauce in a can.” Denise laughed, “is that all?”. Flynn shrugged snarkily,”Yeah, I mean that should be it…if you could get some wine too that would be excellent.” “Heh.” Denise shook her head at Flynn, “And um how am I going to sneak all of this into our underground bunker?” “I’ll help!” Flynn offered and Denise promptly shut him down, “You’re a wanted terrorist!” Flynn looked at Agent Christopher, slightly defeated, “ I know..it’s just…it’s for Lucy…” Denise raised her eyebrows, “Lucy?” “ Yes,” Flynn replied. “I mentioned Thanksgiving last night and she looked so depressed, it brought up memories of her mother…and Amy…and cranberry sauce in a can.” “I’ll see what I can do,” Denise said with a sincere smile. Flynn nodded and Denise turned in the direction of Connor’s room. Soon he heard Jiya’s door open and the bunker began to rustle as very one got up and got started for the day. Lucy emerged from her and Flynn’s room with her cup of coffee, and shot Flynn a smile. Flynn smiled back and nodded knowing that he was going to be able to give Lucy and the rest of the bunker one day of happiness that everyone desperately needed.
Chapter 3
November 20th, 2018
Everyone in the bunker was hard at work. Connor and Jiya were in the the lifeboat making some final adjustments so the team could jump across their own timeline in a month and rescue Rufus. Wyatt and Flynn had just come back from another recon mission and were putting their putting their gear and guns away. Lucy was studying, marking down more and more history changes that happened to 1888 so that this time the team would be better prepared. It’s was getting late and the team was about to call it quits for the evening when Denise arrived with her arms full of groceries. “Garcia Flynn, you made me buy all this stuff you better help me carry it in,” Denise yelled and everyone looked up. A smile flashed across Flynn’s face as he grabbed the 20lb turkey from her arms, ran to the kitchen, and dropped it in the sink.
The rest of the team followed behind Denise and Flynn, trying to figure out what was going on. “Is that…is that a frozen turkey?” Wyatt asked. Flynn turned to him and cracked, “I know I’m not from this country, but isn’t that what you Americans eat on Thanksgiving.” Wyatt glared at him only mildly appreciating his snark.  “Do you even know how to roast a turkey?” Connor then inquired. Flynn shrugged, “how hard can it be, you just plop it in the oven and turn it on.” Wyatt chuckled, “looks like we’re all getting food poisoning.” “Oh shut up, what are you some kind of expert? Do a lot of top-secret ‘Delta Forcing’ in the Army’s galley?” Flynn snarked back. “You guys can call the hotline!” Jiya exclaimed. Everyone looked at her with surprise, she had hardly said a word since they lost Rufus but the idea of a Family-style holiday had brought some life back into the scientist. “Hotline?” Flynn asked. “Yeah the butterball hotline, they used to have commercials for it during the holidays when I was a kid. You could call in with questions and they would give you tips and tricks for cooking the perfect turkey!” Jiya continued. “She’s right, here it is,” Connor confirmed as he spun his laptop around, “They have a chat or you can call 1-800-BUTTERBALL”. Denise cleared her throat, “Well since you all are in hiding, and one of you is an escaped prisoner/wanted terrorist, I suggest you all use the chat option. Now I’m off for the rest of the week, the kids are off from school and I have to cook a Thanksgiving of my own. Good luck.”
As Denise left, the team got back together trying to figure out how to thaw and prepare the turkey. Lucy started removing items from the grocery bag and setting them in the counter. A loaf of bread, green beans, a box of wine, and then she saw it….a single can of jellied cranberry sauce. She set the can down and walked towards Flynn, placing a hand on his shoulder. Flynn turn at the contact and looked down at the petite brunette, “Hey, what’s up,” he asked. Lucy looked him in the eye, stood on her toes, and kissed the giant “terrorist” on the cheek. A tear dropped from her eye as she smiled at him, “Thank you, Garcia.” He stood there frozen as he watched her turn away and go back to unpacking groceries. He smiled, took a deep breath and went back to ‘helping’ Wyatt and Connor fill the sink with water so they could defrost the turkey by Thursday morning. For a moment, they all forgot where they were and just enjoyed feeling like a family.
Chapter 4
November 22nd, 2018 (Thanksgiving day)
Garcia Flynn woke up to the smell of coffee wafting through his room. As he cracked his eyelid open he could see that a fresh cup was left for him on the shelf next to his cot. He slowly sat up, reached over to grab the cup and take a sip. As the hot liquid passed his lips he grimaced from the bitter taste before smiling to himself..Lucy should never be allowed in a kitchen, ever. But he appreciated the gesture and as he got up he grabbed his cup and continued to drink the hot liquid, knowing that coffee is coffee and the caffeine is necessary for him to be an actual person in the morning. He padded to the bunker where he heard the sound of showtunes blaring from the television. To his surprise, Lucy and Jiya were sitting on the couch, tearing bread for stuffing and watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade. Flynn took a seat on the arm of the couch and nudged Lucy, she looked up with a smile and he whispered, “thanks for the coffee.” She nodded and went back to tearing bread and watching the parade. Garcia spoke aloud to both the women, “I thought I was supposed to be cooking Thanksgiving dinner, why are you ladies doing all the work?” Jiya replied, “Connor and I got back on the Butterball chat and figured out the stuffing recipe, so Lucy and I figured we’d get a head start on the prep.” Looking behind him he could see Wyatt and Connor fumbling around in the kitchen, everyone was busy trying to do their part to help with dinner. Flynn looked back at the girls and made a crack about Lucy’s kitchen skills, to which she playfully elbowed him before he got up, knowing when to take his leave…before he got himself into actual trouble.
Flynn walked into the kitchen and poured himself another cup of coffee, before approaching Connor and Wyatt. Wyatt looked up and acknowledged the tall Croatian, “This Dinner, asking Denise to go get everything, that was really decent of you..it’s been really rough here these last couple months and this is exactly what everyone needed.” Flynn awkwardly returned, “it was nothing, I know people have to be missing their families” as he stole a glance at Lucy before he continued “i just figured we all deserved a nice meal.” Flynn’s glance at Lucy didn’t escape Wyatts notice and he gave Flynn a knowing look. “Well, I can tell you really care about people and I was wrong months ago to tell you to stay away, you’ve really grown on me now that you aren’t trying to kill us anymore.” Flynn rolled his eyes, “thanks, I’m gonna start seasoning the turkey if you and Connor can manage to put together this pie..the bird has to go in soon if it’s going to be ready by 2.” Wyatt agreed, “Yeah I can do that..I don’t know if pie is really a two man job though..” “I can make the vegetable offerings,” Connor interrupted. “There you go.” Wyatt confirmed and everyone got busy cooking so that dinner would be ready early and everyone could relax for the rest of the day.
By 1:45 the smell of Turkey and sides had filled the bunker as bickering could be heard from the living room where Wyatt wanted to watch the Cowboys game but Jiya wanted to watch Hallmark Christmas movies. Connor was nursing a tumbler of scotch while Lucy napped on the couch with her feet on Flynn’s lap who was enjoying a nap as well. Connor looked up at Wyatt. “Does it really send the best message for a team called the Redskins and a team called the Cowboys to be dueling on a holiday celebrating a shared peaceful meal between Native Americans and European Settlers.” Wyatt rolled his eyes, “Fine. We’ll watch the girly Christmas movies.” Just then the timer went off on the oven, waking Lucy and Flynn up from their respective naps. “Saved by the bell,” Wyatt exclaimed as he got up to check on the turkey.
Flynn groaned and rubbed his eyes as he woke up. Wyatt shouted into the living room, “Flynn, how do we know if this bird is ready?” Flynn looked over, “Uhh….there should be a red button in the turkey, if its popped then it’s ready to come out.” Wyatt looked, “Oh yeah, it’s ready!” and he lifted the Turkey out of the oven and placed it on top of the stove. Lucy, Jiya and Connor got up and started setting the two small tables from the kitchen that they moved together to make one long holiday table. Flynn began to carve the turkey placing the light and dark meat on a serving platter. When Flynn was done carving everyone sat down at the table as a family. Before they ate Jiya acknowledged that although the have all been through alot, that they go around and say one thing that they were thankful for. Lucy grabbed Flynn’s hand under the table and gave it a light squeeze before releasing it to pick up her napkin and place it on her lap. Letting Flynn know silently that although she wasn’t ready to announce it to the table, one of the things he was thankful for was the growing closeness she shared with him. Meanwhile in Wyatt’s pocket he could feel his phone vibrate, he discreetly checked the screen to see a text from his wife, “Happy Thanksgiving.” He drew a deep breath and cracked a small smile at the comfort that not all was lost, that maybe there was a little bit of hope that when this was all over, he, Jess and his unborn son could possibly be a family again.
When everyone was done saying their thanks, the team dug in to the spread of food on the table. Flynn noticed that something was missing and abruptly stood up, alarming Lucy. He walked into the kitchen and returned with a can opener and the can of cranberry sauce on a plate. He opened the can, shook the jellied cranberry onto a plate and placed it in front of Lucy. “We can’t forget the most important part!” Lucy glowed at the sight of the cranberry sauce and all the memories of her lost sister, like the others she remembered with every bite of the Thanksgiving meal why they must continue to fight Rittenhouse, all the important things that they needed to preserve.
Later that night when everyone retired to their rooms after an afternoon of eating and movies, Lucy sat and waited at the edge of Flynn’s bed. She smiled as he walked in, fresh from the shower and shook his head like always hitting her with the clean water from his hair. “Garcia?” Lucy said, and the tall man froze and looked at Lucy intensely, not accustomed to people using his first name anymore. “Thank you for today, I mean really thank you.” He smiled at her and answered, “It was nothing, I wanted to,” as he sat on his bed and swung his legs behind the historian so he could lay down. “I mean it Garcia, thank you for helping me save some of my memories, from when life was more…normal.” Flynn touched her hand, “Well you saved my life, it’s the least I could do.” Lucy exhaled and laid down next to Flynn on his cot, “would it be okay if i slept right here tonight?” Flynn wordlessly wrapped his arm around the small historian in a chaste embrace and closed his eyes, knowing that Lucy was still healing and this small step was all she was ready for. “Happy Thanksgiving, Garcia.” Flynn exhaled and whispered as he fell asleep, “Happy Thanksgivng, Looocy.”
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