#like in restaurant terms he's a server who has to smile for tips while yjh is the executive chef in the kitchens yelling at everyone
speaking of comparisons, tesilid argente and yoo joonghyuk are both tragic regressors, but i genuinely think tesilid gets more of a raw deal than yjh
yjh may have had to go through 1800+ regressions but a) he chose to do it (even if he doesn't remember at the time) and b) can make his own decisions. like he has free will and can express his emotions and stuff
not only does tesilid not choose to go through his regrssions and has it forced on him by an uncaring god, he also has to police his own actions (and possibly emotions/thoughts??? can't remember exactly how throughly the stigma monitored him) lest his stigma act up and decide he's committing a sin and punish him for it
yjh can let off steam by murdering people/constellations and tearing down the star stream system and has clear goals and a plan of how to end the regressions, even if both change over time. but tesilid basically has to grin and bear it while he's fed shit from literally everyone around him unless he's willing to act up and be both be in pain and become weaker. also i don't think he has any idea of how to end his regressions other than saving the world?? i need to finish reading the novel lol
no wonder tesilid went completely and homicidally insane in a fraction of the number of regressions that yjh went through. i would too if i was forced to act like a goody two-shoes while going through hell
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