#like im black! i cant throw my hair into a messy bun! stop that shit! and my cheeks dont turn pink! IM BLACKKKK!!! STOP THAT SHITTTT!!!!!
outof-spite · 1 month
lololol i wish more tumblr writers were more considerate of who is reading their works!
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urbfsecretgf · 3 years
The boy next door. (pt1?)
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a/n: this is my first time writing stuff like this is went though and looked at a bunch of other peoples stories and took into consideration on how they did it. i hope you enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it if not more. :)
(everything is made up, names, ages, street names, and the phone number.)
you and your family had just moved from beautiful NYC to a small town all the way across the country. in your room you are trying to figure out ways to introduce yourself to your neighbors in hopes of meeting someone your age.
"hi! im y/n! no that wont work, uhhh, hey! im y/n! we just moved in next door, ugh this sounds so lame"
your little brother BURSTS into your room
"JACK GET OUT" you scream "mom told me to tell you she wants us to go into town and figure where places are"
your brother is a few years younger than you, hes 13 and you're 16. this isn't your first time having to move with your family. your mom is a single parent who gets job offers all the time. sometime she has to take them even if she doesnt want to move again but she has to because of money problems.
"ill be out in a minute let me finish getting ready. please." jack rolls his eyes at you and sighs "fine but hurry up" "i will, now get out of my room"
you start getting ready, you put on your favorite t-shirt and a pair of your favorite black ripped mom jeans, you throw your hair up into a messy bun, throw on some of your strawberry flavored lip gloss and put on some perfume and walk downstairs.
"jeez took you long enough" jack says while you're putting shoes on. "at least i tried to look presentable unlike you"
"knock it off you two, be back before dinner and have fun." your mom says as she kisses your cheek, "i love you both now go its going to be dark out soon"
you and jack set out to town and stop at an ice cream shop. you order a vanilla swirl cone and you get some chocolates for your mom. "what do you want?" jack orders a strawberry cheesecake cone.
you hear the bell on the door jingle while you are waiting for both of the ice cream cones to be handed to you.
"ayeeee its my favorite customer! havent seen you in a while. how you doing vin?"
you look back to see this tall, blonde haired boy with tattoos and lots of jewelry. hes probably the most handsome boy you have ever seen.
"holy shit" you whisper
jack whispers back to you "i heard that."
you hit his shoulder
"im doing great man, its a beautiful day outside, ive been out skating all day so i just came in to get some of my favorite ice cream from my favorite guy." vinnie says to the cashier
"vanilla swirl in a cone?"
"you know it!"
the worker handed jack his ice cream cone and then handed you yours.
"alright heres the vanilla swirl in a cone for you, you two have a nice day now" she said with a smile
"ayeeee vanilla swirl AND IN A CONE?? bro you got good taste" vinnie says to you.
you laugh and say thank you.
"im vinnie"
"ah i knew a pretty girl like you would have a pretty name"
you smile and blush
"are you new to town? i dont think ive ever seen you around before" vinnie says while grabbing his ice cream cone.
"yeah we just moved in yesterday, its my mom, little brother jack, and me"
"yeah that makes sense, where'd you guys move from?"
you, vinnie, and your brother head outside and sit at one of the tables. jack sees that there is an arcade across the street and begs you to let him go. you give him money to let him play so you can talk to vinnie alone.
"we actually moved from new york. my mom got a job offer over here and moneys tight right now so we had to move."
"oh thats understandable, so where do you guys live now? that sounds like im trying to stalk you i promise im not im just curious. i live on greendale over there."
"no way! we do too!"
"haha isnt that something, whats your house number? i wanna know if you guys moved in right next to me. there was a house for sale not too long ago and it was right next to mine."
you laugh and tell him what it is.
"HELL YEAH BRO! thats the house next time."
"actually?" you cant tell if hes just messing with you or if hes being genuine.
"yeah" he laughs and offers to walk you guys home.
"oh yes please. that would be wonderful i dont really know my way around town yet and i dont wanna get lost."
vinnie laughs and tells you; "i promise if you stick with me, we wont get lost. i'll get lost in those beautiful eyes of yours tho. ohhhh im smooth! sorry that was dumb"
the two of you laugh and you see jack coming out of the arcade.
"i dont have anymore money" he said while holding 3 giant stuffed animals.
vinnie walks you and your brother back home and as soon as you get there jack rushes inside to show your mom what he won at the arcade.
you and vinnie sit outside for a couple minutes and talk.
"it was nice meeting you y/n. oh im missing something."
"did you leave something at the picnic table? i can go inside and tell my mom that ill be back and go with you to look for it."
vinnie smiles and says "no im missing your number, its not in my phone" he winks at you as he hands you his phone to put your number in.
"wow you're really on a roll today huh." you take his phone and punch your number in.
"i'll text you after dinner. maybe we can plan something out for tomorrow or if you need help with moving in, i'd be glad to help."
"yeah no of course. i think we could really use the help."
"sweet just text me anytime you need something and ill be right over."
"thank you vinnie i really appreciate it"
"anything for a pretty girl like you."
you blush again and say thank you. "it was nice meeting you vinnie, have a nice night and text me later"
"yeah it was really nice meeting you and your brother too, tell your mom i say hi as well"
"i will" you say smiling
you both say bye to each other and head into your houses.
as you are walking into the kitchen you feel your phone buzz.
New Message from +1-453-555-8000: hey pretty lady :)
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the-tiniest-one · 3 years
Late Night Office Visit: Confessions of the Copy Ninja
Kakashi X Reader
This is my first post so go easy on me. Its just a little fluffy/smut I wrote while thinking about it. Tell me what you think and thank you so much for reading!
Your office is tinted in soft warm light from the small lamp by your desk. A candle burning near your desk is scented for the fall season, October is here in the village and it’s starting to get chilly. You had dressed comfortably for work, an over-sized lavender hoody and long black leggings that covered your socked feet with knitted dark grey boots. Your (h/l,h/c) in a messy bun.
It’s no secret that Kakashi is a man of routine.
 His routine had recently begun to include trips to your office. Usually to tease you. You being a night owl, around 1am like clockwork when he was home from missions, he will indulge in a “random and unplanned”, unannounced visit, usually involving some kind of failed attempt at sneaking in and trying his best at scaring you. You expect his shit by now though. 
During his visit both you and he compete to best the other in a battle of “who can make the other blush” during the private office conversations.
“So why are you always working so late” kakashi asked, wandering around the office, picking up a book from the shelf and thumbing it lazily. “Dont you have a boyfriend to go home to?”
The question was bold.
“No”. A short yet devilishly innocent sounding reply from you, while looking at your mound of papers littering your desk, followed by deafening silence.
“What a shame” Kakashi says almost no variation in tone.
The tension is strangling you. 
Feeling a little bit bold as well, you decide to lay the innocent act on as thick as possible 
“I guess it is a shame. It gets so lonely in my little apartment...If only I had someone to come home to... It’s too bad. I bet you probably have lots of company waiting for you to get home and keep them warm.” you reply with a grin.  
Standing and walking over to the large window Kakashi came into the office through, leaning forward to close it, the cool October air giving you a chill.
Turning around, almost in an instant, Kakashi was behind you. Wrapping both hands in your hair with breath taking tenderness. His lips pressing against yours….expressing desperation and need. You had been dreaming of this moment for months, your tongue pushing through his lips first. Both of you searching for security in each others kiss. 
When he pulled back to look at you, you kept your eyes closed for a moment. savoring the first time. 
The first time that you knew, as silly as it sounded....As much as you hated the idea that you could be so deeply invested before his lips ever touched yours....the first time that the man you could feel in your blood was your perfect match...Your soulmate kissed your lips.
When you did finally open your eyes, the worried look carved across his perfect masked features was too clear. “Was that okay?” he asked, clearly worried to hear the answer.
Without verbally responding, you crashed into his lips again. This time wrapping your legs around his waist and pushing your hands through his unruly hair.
Within seconds your back hit the desk gently, his hands wandering under your hoody. His calloused thumbs running over your nipples, causing you to moan quietly into his open mouth.
His lips left yours quickly finding your jawline, just behind your ear, “I have wanted to kiss you from the instant that I first saw you”. he whispered.
You blushed... “six months does feel like a long time” you respond quietly.
He stops kissing for a moment to look at you inquisitively, (your tits still fully engulfed in his large hands). “6 months?” he asks confused.
“Yeah, when we first met?” You reply slightly embarrassed by his exasperated expression. 
He looks at you with even more embarrassment and his soul bared just under the surface of his clear pretty eyes,
 “Oh, well uh...you see, I was talking about the very first time that I first saw you...like ever ...back at the Academy.” Said Kakashi
“What” you said, thinking back....Kakashi, and the other mutual friends you two shared from his graduating class like Guy and Asuma.... were two years above you. You cant remember ever having seen him at the Academy or even when you and your team had grown and gone on countless missions together. You would remember him, you know it. It wasn't as though he wasn't around...He was just such a private guy (and you were a private girl), and he had spent so many years in the special ANBU division or...away from other people in general. 
Even though you’d never met in person until about 6 months ago, you’d heard of the famous copy ninja almost your whole life. His sinister reputation was known throughout the hidden nations.
“How long?” you ask breathless...nervous to hear the answer.
“Hmmm lets see...I guess it would be the day you graduated from the Academy... I was passing by, headed to turn in a mission report when they posted the list.” he replied in a more confident tone.
“I watched you never stop to check it. You already knew you made it. Everyone else clamoring for a look at the list, and I heard you tell another student...”Im going to become a chunin, then a jonin, then Hokage. To protect the person I love someday”. 
Your stomach did somersaults. You remembered the moment he was quoting..... but as hard as you tried to place him, he wasn’t there in your memory of that day.
 Head spinning... you were an early academy graduate, 8 years old when you made genin. You were 27 now….That means Kakashi Hatake has loved you almost your entire life...without you ever having met you. 
You forced him back down onto your lips while simultaneously unzipping his flack jacket. Then pulling his shirt over his head to reveal his perfect torso.
He undressed you however, much more slow and methodically, only a bra under your hoody, quickly unclasping it and throwing it to the side. Then your leggings, finally while kissing down your neck to your breasts, he pulled your panties off and put them in his pocket.
His mouth making slow circles around your nipples. You noticed how wet you were when his right hand slid from your tits to your hip, then to your slit...he giggled as he quickly fingered and teased the outside of your soaked pussy.
“Please kashi” you gasped, maybe louder than you wanted for the office building you were currently being ravaged in.
His slow kisses moved down to your panty line. Lips dancing along your skin in perfect rhythm with his hands teasing you. 
“Please what?” he asked with an almost stern inflection
At first you didnt reply, only writhing under him.
But the shock of a slap on your inner thigh made you almost scream with desire.
“Please what” he asked again while resuming the kisses to your belly.
Please let me cum you said, almost at a whisper.
Just like that his mouth was on you. Licking your clit at first, an eternity of teasing you nearly to tears. Then he started sucking you with a ferocity that bordered on desperation.
You were a mess. You couldn’t even begin to form coherent thoughts when you felt his tip graze your pussy lips.
“You looked into his eyes, and he waited for confirmation.”
The second you nodded he began. Slowly dipping in and out, first the tip, then slowly incorporating more of himself. Making sure you were comfortably adjusted before adding another half inch or so. The care in which he conducted himself was nothing short of impressive...however it was driving you insane. You needed to be fucked. You wrapped your legs around him, forcing him as deep as he would go, catching him off guard...if only due to his extreme focus on your perfect pussy.
He gasped at the sudden tight warmth around his cock, looking up at you as you rocked your hips to help him along.
It didnt take more than a minute at most before you laced your hand into his…
“Im so close, kashi...can I please cum?”
Surprised and fully turned on by the request, his thumb hit your clit, fast circles helping you along.
“Cum on my cock (y/n). I want your pretty pussy to cum for me”
And like that you snapped, quivering and writhing on your desk while he followed almost immediately, soaking your insides with his hot seed.
You laid motionless, gasping for air and seeing stars….
He kissed your nipples again, still inside you,  making you jump from the overstimulation.
Finally resting on your chest while your hands wandered through his hair.
“I wanted to do that for an eternity” he said still catching his breath.
“Well I let me grant that wish” you say with a giggle. “An eternity it is”.
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allyoucanthinksmut · 5 years
Don’t- Dwayne Johnson Smut
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Requested:  hii, i was the one that asked about the dwayne johnson one. i was thinking that like, y/n is a friend of dwayne’s daughter and when she falls asleep y/n seduced him and he teaches her a lesson if ya catch my drift. (; (you are 18 in this btw.)
You sat on your bestfriend Simone's bed. You two had just finished watching Smackdown. You wished her dad Dwayne was still wrestling. You loved watching him. It was wrong but you had a thing for your bestfriends dad and you wanted him so bad. You had been trying to tease him the past few weeks when she was asleep. He always stayed up til like 3 and she went to sleep at 11. Only an hour left you thought.
"What do you want to do?" You asked looking over at you. You were wearing shorts with a hoodie on and long socks with bows on the side.
"I'm hungry." She said getting up. You followed her to the kitchen passing by her dad on the couch. You looked over at the back of his head wishing you could see his face. You two got to the kitchen deciding on pizza rolls. You were waiting on the oven to heat up when you heard a deep voice say, "Don't burn the house down."
You turned around and giggled. "I'm an amazing cook." You said to him. You bit your lip as you looked at him. You saw your bestfriend turn around so you stopped.
"Go away dad." She said shooing him. He just laughed shaking his head before walking out going back to watching football. You finished the pizza rolls before getting ranch and heading back upstairs. You guys ate the food while watching the masked singer. She ended up falling asleep 30 minutes after you ate. You got up and hopped in the shower only washing your body. You got out and put your Victoria secrets underwear on before putting on a oversized sweat shirt. You butt poking out slightly. You put your hair up into a messy bun before putting a little mascara on. You looked at yourself before getting your other long socks that were black with red bows on them. You smiled at your outfit before heading to the kitchen. You walked in knowing he would come in here and say something. You went over to the cabinets going for the cheez it's you knew were on the top self. You reached up to grab the box hearing someone clear their throat. You turned around seeing Dwayne looking at your ass. You smirked slightly before turning back and continuing to reach for it. You started to jump slightly knowing it would make your ass jiggle. You felt body heat as a head came into view. He reached up and grabbed them. You got down grazing your ass onto his crotch. You could've sworn you heard him groan. He gave you the box before turning around. "You need to put some clothes on." He said.
"I'm about to go to bed so it doesn't matter." You said opening the box. "Will you help me onto the counter?" You asked batting your eye lashes. It really was hard to get up there but you also loved when he touched you at all. He huffed before walking back over to you. He stared at you for a second before grabbing your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he lifted you up onto the counter. You took this opportunity to pull him in by your legs. He put his hands on the counter clenching his jaw. He unwrapped your legs before pulling back. You went to grab his shoulders but he caught your wrist.
"Don't." He said sternly. "You have been trying to tease me for weeks now. It stops today." He says throwing your hands back at you.
You jumped off the counter standing up straight. "I know you want me just as much as I want you." You said getting in his face.
"You are my daughter's best friend." He said pushing you back. "We cant." He said shaking his head.
"Yes we can." You said trying to kiss him.
"Are you nuts?" He said pushing you down.
"Yes I am. I know it's wrong but I want you so bad it hurts. Every time I see you I just want to hop on you and take you and then cuddle you to sleep. You make me have thoughts I didn't even knew I could have. I have hid it for 5 years now and I can't anymore. I need you or I'm going to explode." You said breathing heavily from how fast you said it.
"Ah shit." You heard say before he pulled you to him crashing his lips on yours. You moaned into his mouth putting your arms around his neck as his went around your waist. One of his hands came up to your face as he brought you closer. "This will only be a one time thing." He said pulling away taking his shirt off.
"Agreed." You huffed starstruck. You knew this wouldn't be the only time. You wouldn't let it. You needed him all the time he was like a drug to you. "Jump." He said picking you up. He kissed you once again bringing you to the counter. He ripped your shirt off grabbing your boobs.
"God damn." He muttered kissing you again as his hands went around your waist pulling you flush against him. You moaned when he did. Your hands reached under his shirt to pull it over his head. You ran your hands down his abs feeling them. You had wanted to feel them for so long and now it was actually happening. You heard him groan as you did. All of a sudden you were lifted up off the counter.
"Where are we going?" You asked giggling.
"Somewhere we can do whatever we want." He said biting your ear. He went to the basement door and opened it. This was his room. It was like a whole apartment down here but he wasn't down there often. He was really about being in his families life all the time because of his schedule and everything. You had never actually been in his room as you admired everything before you felt yourself being thrown on the bed. He slide down his pants before sliding in on top of you. He immediately went into kiss you with so much passion you almost came right then. A loud moan escaped your mouth. This seemed to trigger Dwayne as he started to thrust his hips into you as he kissed you neck. You started moaning really loud as you threw your head back. This was really happening you thought. It felt like a dream. You put her hands on his arms pushing him back.
"I want you inside of me." You said flipping him over. He growled as you did this. He leaned up and pulled your face to his kissing you.
"You are really hot like this." He said grabbing your hips and grinding them on his. "But I'm teaching you a lesson right now." He said flipping you back over. He pulled both of your underwear off before getting in between your legs. He reached between you two rubbing you clit. Your head fell back as you gripped his shoulders. "Right now I'm getting you back for all the teasing you've been doing for the past few weeks." He said as he gripped your throat. He continued doing what he was doing as he leaned down and bite one of your tits. "From now on you wear decent stuff around my house." He said right beside your ear before biting it. You let out a loud moan at his words. "You will stop brushing up against me all the time. The games stop now." He said before pulling away from you. It was only for a split second before he thrusted himself into you. You threw your head back as your eyes rolled back. He let you get used to him kissing you. "I want you to look at me while I destroy you." He said. His words went straight to your core as you looked up at him. He threw your legs over his shoulders before he started pounding into you. It wasn't long before you was screaming which made him have to put his hand over your mouth as he slammed into your repeatly. You swore you came with every thrust as you clenched around him. His groans were heard throughout the room as both of you were in bliss. You two kept eye contact the whole time. "Fuck." He groaned as he bit down on his lip. "I'm going to cum." He said. He continued to thrust a few more time before pulling out and cumming on your stomach.
You admired him as he sat there huffing. It shocked both of you as you blurted. "I love you." He looked up really quick standing up.
"You can't.......we can't......im sorry." He said getting a towel and coming over to you and cleaning you up. Before he could walk away again you jumped up and wrapped yourself around him smashing your lips on his. His kissed back immediately shoving you up against the nearest wall. He didn't pull away until you moaned into his mouth. He backed up rubbing his face.
"We can't fucking do this. If Simone finds out she would hate both of us. I don't feel the same way for you so just stop." He said huffing.
"Then why didn't you pull away whenever I kissed you. Why did you kiss me back with as much passion as I kissed you with. And why are you trying to deny it." You said walking up to him.
"Because your my daughter's bestfriend and I shouldn't feel these things for you." He said grabbing the back of your neck and pulling you flush into you picking you up a little in the process. "I do feel these things for you and it's wrong but goddamnit I don't know if I can stop now." He said putting his forehead on yours.
"Then don't." Was all you said. The rest of the night you two made love in every inch of his room.
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