#like ik it literally does not matter but lately every time i log in i feel left out and like no one actually wants to talk to me
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girlsdads · 6 months ago
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astarlightmonbebe · 6 years ago
~DMing the Wrong Person; Stray Kids Hyung Line~
Bang Chan
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So, Chan is a music producer and he has around 300k followers on Instagram
You honestly only followed him because he was good looking (yeah that’s a bit shallow but you actually bothered to listen to some of his beats and now you stan his music, too)
You’re just a chill fan of his, only have his post and story notifs on because you like to keep up but you’re not obsessive
Anyways so you found this really funny post with some screenshots of his recent live (which was at like midnight...and Chan was pretty tired...you love memes, you had to take advantage of him)
Chan’s insta is @prod_cb97 and you’re just scrolling through your contacts to ‘p’ to send to your friend, but it’s late and you accidentally click Chan’s name and send it before realizing your mistake
Of course you’re like ‘omg, I have to unsend that now’, but by the time you’ve exited over to it, it already says ‘seen’???
Cue: major freakout because what the heck is happening, why is he looking at your messages
911 is this a drill it’s 2 a.m. in the morning
He finally sends a message, ‘ik i’m a meme why do you guys bully me like this’
And you’re like; ‘jkdahfds I’M SO SORRY I’LL ESCORT MYSELF OUT’
But he’s all ‘noo, I was kidding’
Then he also adds; ‘those are high quality memes, I saved them’
Like, please, Chan, those memes were so ugly and you both knew it
You don’t know what else to say so you end up being all; ‘it’s two a.m., you should be sleeping !!  us fans want you to be well rested :)’ and it sounds so weird???  
You’re not that big of the fan...
It takes him a couple minutes, but he responds; ‘music doesn’t sleep :), but thank you for the concern!’
How is he so cute and cool at the same time...you’re a little bit starstruck because you’re follower account waves at 502 and his has a big ‘k’ on the end
You decide it’s time to get sleep, but then he sends you !! another !! message !!
‘Well...you know all about me, can I know a little bit about you?  Anyone who creates such wholesome memes is worth getting to know’
Hmm, it almost sounds like a pickup line, but you’re not crazy
(okay, maybe a little, because you respond back with probably a little too much information than he had wanted and/or expected)
‘hi, I’m y/n and I’m just a uni student who likes way too many groups and people, I’m an art major at my college...’
He probably didn’t need to know that, you should stop, definitely
He replies back with three laughing emojis
Laughing emojis????  WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??
You panic and say; ‘why are you laughing at me???!!!!’
‘oh...I’m sorry if that offended you, I just wasn’t expecting your present life story’.
Oh.  You feel bad now.  He was just being a nice person :(((.
‘No...I’m the one who is sorry.’
There is silence
It says ‘seen’ but he’s not typing?
Oh gosh you messed up for real this time
Ahhhhhh who let you be on Instagram at two a.m. again?????
Then, out of the darkness of that ‘seen’, there comes the sweetest words you’ve ever seen.
‘Tbh I actually was really touched at those memes because I sometimes really feel like I’m only appreciated for being handsome and not for my music...but you really made me feel like a real music person who even has memes made for them, and it made me happy  💗’
You’re over here in a puddle of tears because literally you feel like a fake fan since you don’t really keep up with him and you were so shallow in the beginning.
What comes out of your fingers is; ‘haha wow.  that’s so sad because honestly you’re amazing and I have mega respect for you for being so young and doing all this stuff, also living off two hours of sleep (don’t do that).  So my tbh is that you’re awesome and I’m not and like...2 a.m. feels???’
Someone stop you before you fully word vomit all over this conversation
Yet, he replies with a ‘:)’
After five minutes, the ‘typing’ icon pops up again, and he sends; ‘i hope we can talk more, y/n’
Uhhhh heck yeah you would love that, Chan would probably regret it when he learns you’re a mess all the time, but anyways!!!
‘me too’ you opt to say, and then; ‘but first, we should both sleep’
Chan likes your message; ‘we have an agreement’ he says, and then his online flag disappears, leaving you smiling at your phone.
Kim Woojin
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Woojin actually goes to the same college as you
You have a few mutual friends and at a meet up one day you all exchanged numbers and instagram handles
Though you unfollowed a lot of those people, you personally found Woojin very cute and he posted song covers with his guitar too! and as you know, you’re a big music fan :) so you kept on following him
And he kept following you! You guys even comment on each other’s posts sometimes and join lives, as well as say hello to each other on campus
So maybe you started having an interest in him...but who’s to say?
Anyways one day you’re just bored and looking through insta stories instead of working on that big assignment that requires way to much work
Woojin’s posted a clip of a coming up cover on his story and you’re all like ‘oh that’s super cool’
Yet you have no courage to tell him that, so you’re just swiping past again when you’re sweaty fingers are all like ‘oh we would rather slide up instead of go right’ and suddenly you’ve sent a 100 sticker to him?
You’ve done what now?
You’re blessing instagram for being able to unsend things, but he has, once again, already seen it
It’s just your luck, really
‘thx so much’ he replies after liking your story response
‘ahaha...np’ you say, then add tentatively, ‘you’re so good at music, like you’re voice is so beautiful??’
‘aww, thank you~’ he says, and you let out a breath because you think the crisis has been averted, but suddenly...
‘you’re actually so good yourself! I really love your art, you’re super talented!’
(you personally think you SUCK at art but like,,,if Woojin thinks you’re good you must be a little, right?)
‘thanks but I’m not that good’ you reply with a laughing emoji
He sends you angry emojis next! and you’re like ??? what did I do wrong??
You wait anxiously as he’s typing
‘y/n, believe me when I say you and you’re art is so breathtaking’
It’s so short but...so good...you’re heart...is fluttering
Unsure of what to say, you like his message and send some soft heart emojis, unable to convey the emotion you feel right now
He sends a heart emoji right back, along with a blushy face
(what does that mean???)
You send one more heart and then the conversation is over, but you have a feeling that maybe something new has started as well
Lee Minho
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Minho is a famous model under JYP entertainment, and his handle is @youknow_itsminho 
Firstly, you’re in love with his aesthetic, because every model picture he posts is like looking at an angel without wings.
Secondly, he always goes live all the time and it’s with his cats
People who respect and love their pets??? Yes.
Lives is how it happens, actually
You’re clicking around on Instagram, watching his live, and a notification from your friend comes in.  You click on it, but your phone shorts out suddenly.
When it turns back on, it opens back up to your messages, so you quickly type out a response ‘lol’ and hit send.
It sends...but, ummm...that was not the convo you were having with your friend.
In fact, it’s to someone you’ve never even had a convo with
You quickly check the handle and, omg, it’s Minho’s account djshjkad!
When you clicked on the notification, you’re finger must have accidentally hit his account name instead.
‘At least he’s live still, so he probably won’t notice and doesn’t bother to check...’ you thought to yourself, because you were sure many people tried to talk to him since he had almost one million followers.
So you go to sleep, turn off your phone and put it face down
But you forgot to turn off your ringer
At three in the morning it goes off right in your ear, really loudly
You’re already pissed at being awake and still half asleep, so when you see it’s an Instagram notification, you automatically assume it’s your friends and reply as you would to them without bothering to read the message.
Not your finest moment,...but please, you need your beauty sleep
With that, you roll over and go back to sleep
In the morning, you wake up and go check Instagram, like you do every morning
You check your pms, but the top one shocks you so much you have to blink several times to make sure you’re not dreaming.
Minho???  He saw your ‘lol’?
Ahh...as it turns out he saw much more than just ‘lol’.
Remind you to never respond to notifications at three a.m. x.x
Then-this dude- sends you a selfie he took from snapchat or whatever with the caption ‘woken up at three a.m. from my fans’
Yes???  That’s you???  You’re sorry???
‘I’m sorry about that but dang man, no need to be so salty...’; you send
Also, you realize as you’re looking through instagram, he posted the snapshots of your message to him on his story with all these laughing emojis...THIS BOY NOW YOU’RE MAD
I mean he crossed out the handle and profile picture but you know that’s you and, really, that’s what matters right now
So you dm him again; ‘hey did you really need to post that I DIDN’T THINK I WAS THAT FUNNY’
More laughing emojis
You’re about ready to snap, but he sends you another picture with ‘i’m sorry’ scrawled over his beautiful face
You can’t help but smile at that, especially when he adds ‘i’ll talk to you tomorrow?’
‘to clear up this misunderstanding of course :)’ he is quick to add
‘of course’; you say, smiling as you log off
Seo Changbin
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Changbin is your best friend’s scary older brother
He followed you first so you followed him back for courtesy’s sake
Plus you like to laugh at his bucket hat posts...
The bucket hat posts is how it all starts
He posts another one and you’re sending it to your friend to laugh about how he looks so soulless, but...ahah...their contacts are right next to each other and maybe you accidentally clicked his?
You’re really not sure how it happened, except the message is sent to Changbin and definitely not your friend
And wow, reading it back, that sounds so mean, especially considering you sent it to the person the message was about
He’s seen it
Oh...wow...you’re really screwed
You immediately try and send an apology that goes something along the lines of ‘I AM SO SO SORRY I SWEAR I DIDN’T MEAN FOR THAT TO COME OFF SO MEAN OR ANYTHING REALLY’
He sees it again
And leaves you like that for a whole hour
Where you just kind of turn your phone off and try and do something else but the anxiety keeps you checking your phone constantly
Finally he says ‘I’m used to people making fun of me and my hat, no big deal’
But that’s actually kind of sad, so you’re all like ‘:(((’
And he’s all ‘is this conversation done’
Which kind of slaps but like it’s all your fault anyways so whatever
You find some hug gif and send it to him, and then you get radio silence before he actually sends a ‘thanks’
Hmm...you can’t read sarcasm online...
‘are you being sarcastic?’ you ask
‘no, that made me smile’ he tells you and wow, you weren’t expecting him to be quite so touched by a random gif you found 
‘i’m glad!’ you send him, and he actually sends a smiley face?
(he uses emojis? in all your years you had never pegged Seo Changbin as the emoji sending type of person. surprises happen, you guess)
‘I really am very sorry though :(’ you send again because you’re REALLY sorry
‘you’re forgiven, so don’t sweat over it haha’ he tells you
You guess that’s that but you still feel really bad about the whole situation, like you never thought you were a mean person, but that was pretty mean of you
You don’t want to bother him by apologizing again
So you just say ‘ah okay, I won’t~I hope you have a good day’
And he’s like ‘you too’
You can’t tell if he’s just using etiquette or if he really means it, but you’ll take what you can get
(you also never make fun of him or anyone ever again, having learned your lesson)
(your friend also finds out about this exchange and mercilessly teases both of you)
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