#like if he scores i can't even be mad - love that guy
footballandshit · 1 year
when i want spurs to lose i hope yall understand that it doesn't include heung-min son. that man only deserves good things!!
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spidybaby · 7 months
Valentine's Day through the years
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A little late valentine's day gift from me to you 😋❤️
February 2020
"Can you open the door? Is Aurora." You sister asks, brush in one hand and hairspray on the other.
She was throwing a valentine's day party and you were helping her with opening the door since she said "only friends" are allowed.
"Isn't it a little early for her to be here?" You ask, confused. Getting up from your bed. "Like two hours early."
"just open the door." she yells from her bathroom.
You walked downstairs, mad that you weren't allowed to be at the party but you were opening everybody's knock.
"Hola guapa." Aurora says, hugging you. "Pablo had the cupcakes, help him please."
Behind her it was Pablo, he was carrying two cupcake plates, they look amazing you had to admit.
You grab one of the plates, walking to the garden and leaving it on the very pink and red table.
"Y/n, Pablo's staying, maybe you guys can watch a movie or something." Aurora says, she was putting some decorations on the garden. "and don't worry I'll take care of the door."
You turn to Pablo, he has this mad face. You and him are civil but he never cross words with you.
"we can see something in my room." You offer, he nods. You both walk to your room. He sits on the chair you have there. "You can sit on the bed."
He does that, sitting next to you. You open netflix and pass him the remote, you let him pick whatever he likes.
"I like comedies and I like action movies. But you can pick any movie you want." You smile at him.
You can't deny your little crush on him. Aurora and your sister are like glue, always together, meaning whenever they have the chance they force you to go out with them.
The thing here is, Pablo was shy, he was very introverted and he didn't even answer you with more than a yes or no.
"Do you want some pop corn and soda?" You get up from bed and walk to your door. "I know you're a footballer but a cheat day won't hurt"
The little smile he gives you is making your stomach go crazy. He nods excited. "do you have that red soda?"
"si, do you want a cupcake? I can steal two."
"por favor." he smiles big, you love the way he was smiling.
You hurry downstairs, grabbing a package of popcorn and throwing them in the microwave.
"Aurora, I think the bathroom is not working, is that going to be a problem?"
"What? No, that can't be I just went." she leaves what she's doing. "let me check, maybe it's not."
When she left the table you grab two of the pink cupcakes. Hurrying to the kitchen to hide them.
"False alarm, is working." she says happy. "sorry I left you with my brother, mom asked me to bring him and well you guys are the same age. Just ask him about football or something."
"Yeah, no problem."
When the popcorn is ready you grab everything in a little tray and carefully take it to your room.
"I have that red soda and the cupcake."
His eyes light up, it was like seeing a child excited for candy even when mom said no.
"I picked a comedy, since you say you like them."
Your smile grow, you leave the tray on your bed, taking a sit next to him you both watch the comedy.
After three movies, two comedies and one action. The night was coming to an end, sadly, you think to yourself.
The music from the party recently gone as your sister's friends say goodbye to her.
You turn the TV off, moving the empty popcorn bowl. The two cupcakes seating on top of the tray.
You remembered what Aurora told you. "cómo van los partidos?" (how are the matches?)
He scuff, he knows you don't know anything about football. "good, I scored a goal in my last one." he smiles proud.
You nod, not sure what else to ask. "that's good, so you're a forward?"
"No, I'm a midfielder."
"Oh, okay." You say low. "and do you like being a midfielder?"
He laughs, you smile a little at that, at least one of you is having fun with the talk. "I do, I love playing. When I play I feel so good."
"You play really good, the other day Aurora showed us a video."
He blush at the confession. He loves when people ask about football but with you he feels more shy than usual.
"I have a game in a few days, maybe you can come." he asks, very low voice. Grabbing the cupcake and biting it to make the things less awkward.
"Pablo." You laugh, the frosting from the cupcake on his nose. "come here."
You grab a napkin, cleaning carefully his nose. His eyes are on you the whole time, he love the way your eyes shine, maybe too much to ever say it.
"Done." You smile, getting up from bed and throwing the napkin on the little trashcan in your room.
Aurora knocks on the door, announcing that their mom was waiting for them and to pick his things.
"Thank you for the movie and for the food, I really enjoy it."
Your smile grow, he loved that. "Thank you for not leaving me alone, it would have been so much worse without you here."
Aurora screaming at Pablo to go interrupt your chat. He waves goodbye and walk out of your room.
"Pablo." You call, hand on the door and only half body out of the door. "Hope you score a goal for this match, so I can say I have a good memory of my first match."
The last thing you see is his smile, closing the door and trying to remain calm. You feel like in one of those romantic movies.
February 2021
"That was amazing. You did it amazing, Pablo. " You jump in his arms, excited about the victory.
"Did you see that assist?" He asks happily, arms hugging you tightly. "Thank you for coming."
Pablo and you became closer after the last 14th of February. You two became what your sisters are.
Aurora and your sister keep telling you that Pablo likes you as more than a friend. You prefer to let him tell you that and don't make yourself the fool.
"Of course I was coming. My boy is in the first team. I can't lose this."
My boy
Pablo loves it when you call him that. You're very special. The way you take care of him, motivate him to be better. In less than a year, you became his number one supporter.
"I think I'm allowed to eat something I shouldn't just tonight. Want to do that with me?" He grabs your hand and walks with you back to Pedri.
"Hola, long time no see," Pedri jokes with you. He knows about Pablo's crush on you and takes every opportunity to make it notice. "Did you enjoy the game?"
"I did, I'm happy you guys got assists today." You high-five Pedri. Pablo can't help the big smile he has.
To all the people around you it was obvious the connection you two have. They just need to look at Pablo's eyed when he's talking about you or talking to you.
"The eyes never lie." That's what his mother says.
Pedri drop the two of you to a restaurant. Asking Pablo to be careful and to enjoy the night.
You walk in front of him, that's when he notices that you're wearing the shirt he gave you. The one he used to play for the first time with the first team.
That number 30 and his name sitting on your back are doing things to him.
"Hello, how many in your party?" The host asks you.
"Two, please."
"You're so lucky. We have a table ready for you."
She guides you to the table. You love the decorations of the place, it was all so cute yet not exorbitant and tacky.
"We have a special Valentine's Day menu for all our couples. I'll leave it here and I'll leave two normal menus in case you want something else."
You can't help but blush at her words. You two aren't a couple, not because you don't want to, but you like the way that sounds.
"So, since you're my valentine's today," Pablo jokes, the smile he has is a teasing one. "Two valentine's day meals?"
"You didn't ask me to be your valentine" you pout, making him laugh.
"Y/n, pretty girl, will you be my valentine?"
He grabs a rose from the little bouquet that's making decoration in the wall next to him. He offers the rose to you with a big smile.
"I'll have to think about it, Mister Gavi." You take the rose, smelling it.
"What about now?" He steals another two roses, giving them to your now small bouquet. "Will you be now?"
"Yes." You grab his hand and intertwine your fingers with him. "That means you're buying me dessert."
He laughs, not letting your hand go. He nods at you, noticing how you're looking at your hands. He brings your hand closer to his mouth, giving it a kiss.
"I'll get you anything you want."
The little interaction was interrupted by the waitress. You both order the valentine's day meal.
Dinner was good. You both laughed with stories from the dressing room. He was spilling all the things that happened today.
"There's a park like a block away. Would you like to walk for a little while before I drop you home?"
"That would be nice. Maybe my pants will fit me again." You both laugh at that.
Once you're out of the restaurant and near the park, your hands find his again. You smile at the thought of him wanting more than just friendship.
After all, Aurora and your sister were sure of it. But what if it wasn't like that? What if he's just a very affectionate friend?
Friends held hands? Yes, they do.
Friends support each other? Yes.
Friends take each other out to eat on valentine's day? ... maybe?
The park has these rose tunnels. They were beautiful and very romantic. The way the little light was enough and gave this romantic vibe to the people walking in.
"What's on your mind? Pretty girl." He stops, noticing how you're lost in your thoughts.
Do you want to ruin the night with the question that's burning your brain? Do you want to ruin the friendship by letting your mind run crazy?
You look at him, worried frown on his face. "Tell me, maybe I can help you?" The way his hands are now on your waist, bringing you closer to him.
You're not sure if you should tell him. You're not ready for his answer. You don't want to end the day crying in your room.
"I'm just thinking." You whisper.
"Us." You confess.
His grip is stronger, not hurting you, but enough for you to notice the sudden change.
"What about us?" He whispers. He's scared, scared of you telling him that you only like him as a friend. Scared of losing you.
"Pablo, I like you." You say. Lips quivering.
He's internally screaming, making the best work of his life by keeping that famous frown.
You wait for him to say something, eyes glued to each other. As the seconds pass, you feel your heart breaking. He doesn't like you that way.
But how wrong you're, his mind is working a thousand miles per hour. Not sure how to tell you that he likes you too without sounding too crazy.
Your hands move from his shoulders to his hands, moving them away from you. You want to go home and cry yourself to sleep.
That action makes him go back to reality. He notices your tearful eyes. "Wait, no."
"No, it's okay. I can take a cab home. Don't worry."
You decided to leave, not wanting for him to see you cry. But the grip on your arm stops you. "Wait, Y/n."
"No, Pablo. It's okay, I just want to go home." You remove his hand from your arm, walking away from him.
"Can you let me say what I have to say?" He grabs your arm again. He needs to say it.
"You don't have to say anything, I know."
"No, you don't, shit you don't." His hands go back to your waist. "You don't know because I've been a stupid kid who doesn't know any better, I like you too, maybe too much for me to feel comfortable saying it."
You want to say something, but he keeps rambling.
"And you have no idea, joder. The way you look at me with those beautiful shiny eyes and the way you smile or laugh even at my bad jokes." He laughs, making you laugh. "The way my name looks on your back is making me think things I shouldn't but things I only think about you. And the way you know my sister and she loves you and my mom. Gosh, my mom. "
"What about your mom?" You ask confused.
"She told me to confess because a girl like you won't come twice in a lifetime." He hugs you, bringing you closer to him. You lock your arms behind his neck. "I like you more than you think. I was just too scare to say it before."
"I'm head over heels with everything you just said, but can you please shut up and kiss me?" You smile, making him chuckle.
His hand goes to the back of your neck, bringing you closer. The kiss is everything you ever dreamed of. All those nights dreaming about it now coming true.
He smiles into the kiss. Happy that the girl he always had a crush on, the sister of his sister's best friend, the one Aurora always tried to bring closer because they were the same age.
"Se mi novia." (Be my girlfriend) He let's out, not thinking much about it. "I can't let another day pass without making you my girlfriend." You nod, kissing him again.
"Te prometo que voy a hacer algo mejor que esto, pero hoy quiero volver a casa y que todos sepan que eres mía." (I promise that I'm doing something better than this, but tonight I just want to go back home and let all my family know you're mine.)
You press your forehead to his, enjoying the moment. He was yours, and you were his. That's all you need to know.
February 2022
"Pablo, stop it." You say, morning voice making Pablo chuckle. He continue with the kisses on your neck and back. "Amor, five minutes more."
"You asked me for five minutes like twenty minutes ago."
You open your eyes, room kinda dark thanks to the curtains. The big mirror he has reflecting you with his arms around you.
"Feliz aniversario, preciosa mía." (happy anniversary) he kiss your earlobe. "if you weren't such a sleepy head I would have given you a good morning gift but now I'm thinking of breakfasts." he tease you. Making you blush at the thought of your last night actions.
You turn to face him, smirk on his face. "Feliz aniversario, ojitos lindos." You kiss his lips, your hands caressing his chest. "I'm hungry too."
He laughs, kissing you again. He push you lightly, getting on top of you while he deepens the kiss.
He loves the way you whimper every time he touch you. Every sound, every little jump your body gives. You are his.
"Pablo, I have class in an hour." You remind him. His head buried between you neck. "and I am hungry, amor."
You both get up from bed, quickly running to the bathroom to do your routine and to force Pablo to do the one you taught him to keep his skin clean.
"Oye, I forgot my bag in the truck of my car, can you please help me and bring it? I'll make us some pancakes."
"Yes sir." You laugh, walking to the garage to open the truck. "Oh my god." You find five designer bags. All of them with red bows. "Pablo!"
He smiles when he heards you calling his name. He knows you've been stressing about classes, having barely any sleep.
He also knows you don't like when he spoils you, you're shy about it, telling him that you're more than spoiled with him letting you live with him and not allowing you to pay any bill or anything.
"Amor, what is all this?" You walk inside with the five bags. He smirk, serving the first pancake on the plate.
"A little something for my reina."
"Pablo, I can't. Amor this is too much." You check the first bag. It's a beautiful Hermes blanket you save on Pinterest. "Amor, this cost more than my tuition."
"Not at all." he laughs, the way you look at the blanket with such eyes. The shiny eyes he loves. "Keep looking."
"Dios mio, how?"
He smirks, he had to get your friends help to pick some things like colors or sizes. Like the bag you have in your hands, he knew you wanted it, but you never decided in a color of your preference.
Your eyes land on the red and gold bag. Cartier. You told him once a few months back that you wanted to match with him on something.
You gifted him a bracelet, he wears it everywhere he goes, is his favorite piece of jewelry.
But you wanted something else to match him. You remember that you wanted a P inicial.
His hands on your waist make you go back to reality, it was two necklaces, one with your initial and one with his and a little six.
"We can match now." he whispers in your ear, kissing your neck. "want me to put it in you?"
You nod, happy that he remembered something so small. You feel the tears in your eyes and he lock the necklace in place.
"Pablo." You turn to him, hugging his torso and crying in his chest. "te amo, you're so special."
He caress your back, kissing your head. "You're my baby, my reina, and I'm always going to give you everything you want."
"But I can't give you the same. And that make me feel bad for you, you're so special and I want to spoil you too."
"shhhh. You're special too, you spoil me a lot. You take care of me, you cook for me, you help me when I'm sick, when I'm tired, you're my biggest fan."
You nod, knowing that even when what you give him is not much. For him it was more than enough.
"Now give me a kiss and let's eat, you have to go to class." he dry your tears and kiss your cheeks and then your lips.
"I don't want to go." You whine. Hugging him again.
"Preciosa, see it this way, our kids will need help with the homework, and the one who will help them is you." he jokes. "that's your motivations".
You laugh, he always knew the right thing to say to make you feel better.
February 2023
"Can you serve me some more juice?" he smiles, kissing your shoulder. "pretty please."
"Pablo, venga hombre que tu te puedes levantar. Deja a la niña comer." (c'mon son. You can get up, let her eat in peace) his dad say. Smacking him in the back of the head.
You laugh at that, but you grab his cup and get up to serve him more juice. You know how crazy he gets for orange juice.
"Listo, now eat." You pass him the juice after taking a sip of it.
"Hey. That's mine." he frowns. Joking with you. "Thank you, preciosa."
You were eating with his parents, they were visiting from Sevilla and wanted to spend time with you two.
Aurora and her boyfriend are with you two. You love spending time with them. Going on double dates with them.
"You want to know what's funny?" Aurora giggles. "your sister and I always talked about going on double dates and now that's she's in Paris. You're the one I'm going on double dates with."
You giggle with her. Your sister moved to Paris to study design. She and Aurora always video chat and text but now that you're with Pablo, Aurora and you were closer. Thing that makes your sister extra happy. Knowing that you're taking care of each other.
"We're going on a hiking adventure today, if you guys want to join we will leave after lunch."
You thank him, explaining that Gavi and you were going on a little museum visit.
Gavi's plan was to take you to a museum, you love art. So to him it was a good idea to have a more calm anniversary and to do something you love and enjoy.
"Y/n, cariño. Can you help me later with the cooking, you're the only one that can get the sauce to its point." Belén asks you, you nod excited. "Thank you, mija."
You love cooking with Belen, she always gave you advice and you improved your cooking with her recepies.
After lunch you all chat for a little, you love his family and the love you as their own. If you ask Belen or Pablo's father, they would tell you that they can see you two going for the long ride.
Belén often asks Pablo about the future. If he ever sees you two in his plans. Pablo would say yes without hesitation. You're the most important person in his life. He knows that.
If someone asks you, you would say the same, you can picture yourself with a family. You can picture yourself walking down the aisle to him.
But you two are young. Too young to think about marriage and a family. You want to live a lot of things with him. Not rush into adulthood.
"Let's go, preciosa." he extends his hand out to you, you take it, thumb caressing his skin.
The drive was calm, he was singing this new song he has on replay. You love when he drives, it suits him so much the driver look.
He like the idea of going to a museum date, he's interested in things people don't know about, this being one of them.
"Look, this one is call El Beso" he says. Teasing tone as he elbow your arm.
"Wow, you know how to read names, babe. Good job." You joke. Making him pout.
Your hands intertwine as you walk around. There was this specific painting that Pablo liked. He was reading about it.
"I want a copy of this at home."
"Yes, it's very pretty."
"Pretty like you." he kiss your cheek. Hugging you while he finish reading about the painting.
You love how easy it is to enjoy things with him, how easy is to love him, to talk with him.
"Te amo, Pablito." You kiss his cheek. Hugging him tight.
"I know. I love you so much too." he kiss your lips. Smiling into the kiss.
February 2024
"Careful big boy." You say, helping him walk upstairs of your home. "Let's slow down, you're running."
He was tired. Tired of always needing help, tired of always looking like a kid who needs to be taken care of, tired of not being able to be the old him.
"Joder, I can't do this anymore." he fall in the bed. He feel like crying. "just leave without me."
You sit next to him. Caressing his hair and letting him cry, you help him with his shoes, taking off his Jordan's.
You grab the glass of water you always have next to you in bed. Bringing it to him, "Amor, drink this."
He does as you told him. Drinking the whole glass, you sit behind him, careful with his legs.
"Come here, amor." You push him down to you. His back stick to your chest. Your hands on his hair, nails caressing his scalp. "I'm not going anywhere, not without you." He sobs again, he's not in his best days and you know it. "shhh, I'm here. You're okay."
You treat him like a baby, you're aware of that, but you don't mind it. He was your baby, your Pablito, he was yours and you love taking care of him.
"Today my friend Jessica made cookies." You began telling him about your day to distract him. "and they're so good, I saved you one."
His sobs are more calm now. His breathing still very accelerated and that worries you.
"Also, today on this class, remember the one you convince me to take?" You kiss his hair. Hands caressing his arms up and down. He nods at your question. "Well they asked us today to describe something about our partner or someone we love, like when we knew we loved them."
He's calming down, paying attention to your words. You know how to calm him down, how to take his mind out of his worried state.
"And I talked about that nigh in the park. When you asked me to be your girlfriend." You giggle, remembering how happy you were that night. "I can't forget the words you told me. How your mom told you to confess your feeling for me, because a girl like me happens once in a lifetime."
"That's true." he whispers.
"I knew I loved you because you were so honest with me, you were so straight with your words. How you told me you will give me anything I want. And you do."
"Even when you told me that I spoil you too much." he chuckle.
"And I want you to know how in love I am with you, Pablo. You're my love." You kiss his earlobe, then his head. "do you know that?"
"I know, and I love you so much too. I'm in love with you too."
"So don't ever think just because of your ACL or any other injury I'll leave you behind. Pablo I'm with you for the long ride." You hug him, his hands find yours and intertwine them. "Now, what if we both stay home and I prepare some nice dinner or better, we can order McDonald's."
You see his reflection, he's smiling like crazy, even with red eyes and tearful cheeks he looks like an angel.
"Te amo. You're the love of my life."
"And you're the love of my life." You kiss his head again. "and I know that in every life time we will be together."
"Even as worms?" he tease you.
"Even as worms, mi amor."
You enjoy a night at home with him, telling stories and watching movies that you both later comment.
That's what you enjoy the most, how every moment is a special moment, even the smallest ones.
"Oye, kiddo." You call.
He lift his eyes from his ice-cream. Attention all on you.
"Te amo." You get closer to kiss him. "and I always will."
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httpsdana · 12 days
I don't know if you write for Kenan Yıldız, if you happen to can you please write with prompt #33, thank you
Game On~Kenan Yildiz
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*Pictures are from Pinterest*
I waited for the day I get a kenan request and now I got two 🙏🏻
request from here
master list -> part 2
players/drivers I write for
33-"I hate you" "love you too sweetheart"
Whoever knew Kenan, knew that he was one competitive guy. Whether it was in real life on the pitch, or at home while playing Fifa.
So obviously when he started dating y/n, the first thing he did was teach her how to play. Which ended up with them having constant competitions, so they can settle the debate of which one of them is better.
"who are you playing with?" Kenan asked y/n, as they were choosing their teams.
"obviously barca. you know I have to choose then went hey have Pedri on the team" she teased, knowing how much Kenan hated whenever she mentioned the Spanish midfielder.
"haha funny" Kenan rolled his eyes, scrolling through the teams until he stopped at real madrid, knowing how much his girlfriend hated them.
With a smirk, he selected the team, watching how her face dropped.
"now you're being funny" she said sarcastically, already going to fix the line up.
When they both fixed their teams, their match started. Kenan had a rough start as y/n scored a goal in the first 2 minutes.
"ha! take that! my boy Pedri is just too good" she said dramatically, making Kenan scoff.
"he's not your boy" he mumbled, muttering some incoherent words under his breath.
y/n laughed at him, before they continued their game.
After a few moments, y/n managed to score another, this time with Raphinha.
"you're playing with the fastest players and can't even score against me? when have you gotten this bad baby" she teased, knowing she was getting under his skin
"whatever just skip the celebration" he mumbled
By the end of the first half, it was already 3-1 to y/n.
"I'm gonna get you back. you're gonna see" her warned, making her chuckle.
"we'll see about that" she said.
As the second half started, Kenan already scored his second goal, of course not skipping the celebration.
"I thought he hated vini" she mumbled, rolling her eyes.
"yeah I don't like him. but I know you don't too so I'm celebrating with him" he said, making y/n huff.
Then y/n started the game, already finding herself in the box of the opponent. She was about to shoot her shot, a player from Kenan's team did a harsh tackle on the player
"Hey penalty!" she said, pointing to the screen
She ended up getting a penalty, while Kenan was trying to sneak a peek at where she was gonna shoot the ball.
She aimed to the right, and for her luck, Kenan's gk jumped to the same side, saving the penalty.
"no!" y/n groaned, as Kenan was jumping u and down
"yes! I knew you were gonna shoot it there" he cheered, making y/n cross her arms
"just continue the game" she mumbled.
The match ended with Kenan winning 5-3
"haha! I told you I'm better than you" he teased y/n, as she sunk into the couch with a pout.
"i hate you" she mumbled, turning her head away from him.
"love you too sweetheart" he said in a teasing tone, making a smile curl up her lips
She quickly hid her smile, trying to act mad at him. He chuckled silently moving closer to her. He held her chin with his fingers, turning her head so she was looking at him.
She still had a pout on her face, and Kenan couldn't resist not kissing her pout away. He leaned down pecking her lips a few times, making her finally smile
"I promise I'll let you win next time" he teasing, making her push him away playfully
"i wouldn't need you to let me win. I'll do it myself" she challenged him, making him raise his hands up in surrender
"if you say so" he said in a teasing voice, leaning over to press a kiss on her cheek.
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vaulthunterlands · 6 months
Stupid idea I had a few nights ago, don't think too hard about the inconsistencies in ages and stuff. Probably just doing Vault Hunters and a few other characters.
Majoring in cybersecurity. Good student, studies and gets consistently high grades. Has a well-formulated meal and workout plan. Also an RA on campus. Roland is the guy you go to if you have issues. He might not be great at "talking you through them" or "showing empathy" but he always has solid advice and is well-respected by his peers.
I was going to say "Brick wouldn't go to college in canon" but this isn't canon babeyyyy. Brick is going into veterinary medicine. You may think this is completely off as a major for him, but I argue that his love for dogs is far greater than any challenge he may face in his education. Still a gym maniac. Roland is his RA, which means Roland is in charge of calming Brick down when he gets mad. Dating Mordecai. Also, unrelated but Brick in a philosophy class:
"Brick, can you tell us what you think about what Descartes said?"
"I PUNCH Descartes."
Y'all are going to hate me for this but Lilith is a chemistry major. Girl loves fire, electricity, and acid so you can't tell me she wouldn't be a menace in her labs. (Also, before the first game was released her full title was "Dr. Lilith Cashlin, Mercenary Scientist") Only goes to class half the time but still does really well. Rooms with Mordecai and Brick. Huge crush on this RA she keeps seeing around
BIRD MAAAAAN. Y'all already know this guy is doing two things on campus. 1) Majoring in Ornithology 2) Going to parties to get drunk. This man is the epitome of "college is for partying". Keeps birds in campus (not allowed) and is doing okay in his classes (he is hung over 80% of the time) (Mordy pls) Dating Brick.
Honestly, what field of science ISN'T this girl majoring in? She's insane(ly smart) and constantly gets perfect scores on all of her exams. Closest friends are Roland and the gang.
Why is he here??? What??? Marcus is the guy who runs the restaurant that is directly across the street from campus. *Phenomenal* food, but GOD is it pricey. Tends to not care about many of the students chilling (as long as they BUY SOMETHING)
Doesn't go to this college but he's good friends with Roland and his pals. Likes to go out drinking with them on the weekends and is just all-in-all a cool guy to hang around with. Friends with Janey.
BMOC. Captain of the football team. You can trust him! (He's the water boy.) Total jock but he's not an asshole about it. Majoring in Rehabilitation Science. He's... not the *best* student, but he does try and genuinely care about what he wants to do. Lives with Salvador, Maya, and Zer0 in a dorm.
Culinary major. My man can COOK. He's the best cook in the dorm and no one will ever argue if he offers to cook. Really good student even though he parties all the time with Mordecai, Brick, and Axton. Lives with Maya, Axton, and Zer0.
*Insert weeb joke here* They're a literature major. Not just because of the haiku, either. I feel like Zer0 would be fantastic in literature courses and understanding thr deeper meanings in texts. They are seen as a "weird kid" on campus. They do not care. Lives with Maya, Salvador, and Axton.
The reason I made this list (big surprise, V does a huge post and it's Maya's fault), Maya majors in entomology. (S/O to @forbiddenpurplesoda for this because I've always thought Maya would be a bug girl) Maya is a phenomenal student and she always gets great marks in her studies. Lives with Axton, Sal and Zer0. Has at least one pet beetle that makes Axton panic.
Mechanical Engineering/Robotics major. Obviously built Deathtrap as a buddy because she felt a little lonely in her dorm. Calls her Dad every night. Has a huge crush on a girl in one of her math classes. Lives with...
Listen. Listen. Krieg majors in psychology. The *actual* football captain. Doesn't talk much and when he does, it's complete nonsense. (Everyone just goes "haha classic Krieg") Gaige gets along with him extremely well. Maya and him have a thing where they will just look at each other and think "holy shit they're so gorgeous). Always wears a face mask.
Child prodigy chemistry major, buddies with Lilith and Roland. But seriously, who let this kid in the lab? Like, okay, yeah, she knows what she's doing, but what she's doing is COMBUSTION REACTIONS. How is she still in school.
Engineering major. Lives in the building across from Roland and the gang. Absolute sweetheart and huge flirt but will also drop you on her ass if you threaten her friends.
I could see Moxxi as a professor of engineering, actually. Every student thinks she's gorgeous and she's learned to ignore it. Scooter and Ellie's Mom. Thinks their friends are funny.
Oh man, this one was tough. I decided on absolute tool you meet in college who's the head of a frat and thinks he's God's gift to women. Lives in the same building as Roland, Lilith, Brick, Mordecai, Salvador, Axton, Maya, Zer0, Gaige, and Krieg. Constantly getting into arguments with... basically everyone listed above. Majors in business.
She's an art major!!! She's super intelligent and aces all of her classes but she absolutely loves art. Jack is her brother in this AU. Has a crush on the cute punk girl in her math class but could never tell her. Lives in a single.
Double majors in conservation biology and zoology! Finds the creatures that he studies absolutely fascinating and always has a bright disposition on his face. Lives in a single that looks exactly like you think it does (his room on Sanctuary III). Strained relationship with his sister.
Acient History Major, specifically interested in Ancient Greece (wonder why?). Works at Marcus' restaurant. Hates it. Pay her more. Has her eyes on a girl that frequents Marcus' restaurant. Tried to live with Wilhelm, Jack, Nisha, Timothy, and Claptrap for a semester, she is now a commuter. Still friends with Timothy.
Jack's second-in-command. People look at him like he's a dumbass, big hunk of meat, but he's also in a robotics major. Aside from being buddies with Jack, he's... kind of chill? Man likes what he likes and he works out pretty often. Boxes in his free time. Lives with Nisha, Jack, Timothy, and (formerly) Claptrap.
Criminal justice major, naturally. Jack's girlfriend and the baddest and scariest bitch on campus. Likes watching old western movies. Never, ever shows up to class but still passes. No one knows how. Lives with Jack, Timothy, Wilhelm, and (formerly) Claptrap
Theater major! Always has a smile on his face, even though he's nooooot very well-liked. Tried to get in with the popular guys but eventually figured out he was being used. He confronted Jack and Jack kicked him out of the dorm 😔 Lives... well, he kind of just lives around Roland's dorm. Roland's too nice to say no.
I feel like Tim would be a Biology major. I don't know why but I can see him in that field. Looks SCARILY similar to Jack, and hates this. Unfortunately put into a room with Jack, Wilhelm, Nisha, and (formerly) Claptrap. Misses Athena greatly and wishes she still lived on campus. They're still good friends.
Oh good lord, who let her on a college campus. Has an extravagant single room because she's *rich* and she's not sharing with someone else are you insane? Studies law because this bitch wants to be a judge someday. Absolutely hates to be seen with her brother Alistair. Rivalry with another rich law student makes this even more tense.
Doesn't go to this college but she knows a few people around campus and hits up Marcus' restaurant for a bite to eat every so often. The food is just so good, right? No other reason. None at all. Friends with Scooter.
Rhys is a business and economics major. Is in Jack's frat. Is getting increasingly sick of Jack's shit. Buddy buddy with Vaughn, Fiona, and Zer0. Dating Sasha.
Accounting major. Man has a mind like a steel trap, and also enjoys bodybuilding. Best friends with Rhys, good friends with Fiona and Sasha.
I genuinely feel like Fiona would be a nursing or Healthcare major. I have no basis for this, it just feels right for her. Hates Jack and keeps telling Rhys to tell him to fuck off. Friends with Rhys and Vaughn, Sasha's older sister.
Social work major! Loves helping people and wants to make a change in the world after she and Fiona grew up in less-than-ideal circumstances. Dating Rhys, also keeps telling Rhys to get away from Jack. Friends with Vaughn.
Transfer student. Served in the military for a while before deciding she wanted to go to college. Undecided major but she's just trying to focus on the pretty women I mean her grades haha am I right? ALWAYS at Marcus'. Always. Lives with Zane, Amara, and FL4K.
FL4K has Mr. Chew, Broodless and Meat-Thief as emotional support animals. I can see FL4K as a double major in zoology and veterinary medicine. Loves their pets. Super chill unless you speak badly about them or their pets. Will shank a bitch. Lives with Zane, Moze, and Amara.
Healthcare studies major, with a focus on pathology. Also a bodybuilder. Also a boxer. Amara is that girl and she knows it. Always asking Moze to work out with her and she is completely oblivious to Moze being head over heels. Will fight someone being mean to a customer service worker. Lives with Zane, Moze, and FL4K.
Pop pop went back to college! No but in this AU Zane is probably older than everyone but not that much older. His major was tough for me, but I honestly think he'd be a good candidate for a major in rehabilitation science with Axton. Also LOVES parties.
His Father wanted him to go into Business to take over the family legacy but he decided to go into law to "protect the little guy". Has daily arguments with this stuck-up, pretentious "harpy" that's in most of his classes. She's awful. Has a crush on this well-spoken man in zoological studies. At least that will take his mind off of the harpy.
Troy is a media and communications major. Has a fantastic time making videos and being admin of many social media pages but doesn't do very well in class because he dislikes most of his professors. Has a very close relationship with his sister, Tyreen.
Double major in Art History and Theater. Loves to be the center of attention and often stars in her brother's videos and projects. She loves it. A little full of herself. Close with her brother, Troy.
Cringe boomer history professor that can be easily distracted by him telling his stories of his many adventures (no one knows if they're true or not). Troy and Tyreen's Father. NOT a piss poor Dad in this AU, just embarrassing as all hell. Pretty decent guy but he's okay as a professor. (Please guys let me have my "Typhon is a good cringe embarrassing boomer dad to the Calypsos" AU)
OKAY this was a really long post and I probably forgot someone but I'm sure I'll hear about it LMAO. Also I don't know every single college major and its appropriate title, I just went off of vibes. Pls be nice 2 me
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darkeralmond · 1 year
Luca smut… that’s the request, you pick the plot lmao
TYSM FOR THE REQUEST!! i am so obsessed with never have i ever so i just had to do this scene
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Study Session
Luca Fantilli x fem! Reader
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song: company - justin bieber
synopsis: y/n is luca’s tutor, and you’ve not been showing up to the past couple tutoring sessions. you and luca get in a huge argument and now you guys aren’t talking. he then crawls into your window and things get crazy
warnings: 18+, smut, p in v, she/her pronouns, luca calling u “good girl”, high school au!
word count: 1.6k
a/n: this is based off that one scene with paxton and devi from never have i ever when he crawls into her window and kisses her. literally my favorite scene ever. i’m in love with him and luca. ALSO THE EDITS TO COMPANY WITH LUCA LIVE IN MY HEAD RENT FREE
masterlist | request info
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For the past couple days, Luca has been mad at you. The thing about Luca is that he was all beauty, no brains. He relied on his hockey abilities to score himself into college. He broke his arm while playing in a game which left him with a season ending injury.
Now he relied on your tutoring to help him get the grades for college. Even then, he couldn’t seem to pay attention when it came to that kind of stuff.
When Luca came up to confront you about you flaking on your guys’ tutoring sessions, it broke out into a huge public argument in the hall. In the heat of the moment, you screamed at him which you regretted deeply.
“Maybe, you should start studying on your own,” you yelled. “If you wanna be a good student, then be a good student! I can't hold your hand forever!” Like that, you stormed away. That single statement ruined that entire relationship you built up with him.
It looked like he took your advice however. He started getting A’s on his projects all without your help. You felt happy to watch him succeed independently, but it made you feel uncomfortable to know that maybe he never needed you after all.
You were laying on your bed while listening to music. You felt your phone buzz against your stomach which startled you. You had your phone on ‘do not disturb’ mode since you wanted some alone time without any distractions. You checked the notification and saw it was Luca texting you. You furrowed your eyebrows and read the text.
Can u let me in?
There was then a knock at your window. Your breath got caught in your throat as you shot your head up. You saw Luca outside your window while the rain poured down on him. You quickly threw your phone to the side along with your headphones and got out of your bed.
You rushed over to the window and unlocked it. “Luca?” you whispered. “You’re in my house?”
“Yeah,” Luca said as he looked around your bedroom. “I guess so.” He looked back at you with a smile on his face. His hair was soaking wet, his clothes were drenched, and he was in your bedroom. You blinked a couple times as silence filled the air around you two. “Look, I just wanted to thank you for pushing me to be a better student. It felt good to finally do something well in school.”
He had never been hotter. He shot you a look with his bedroom eyes, your heart pounding in your chest as you tried to wrap your head around everything currently happening. “So…” you started, “Are you here to study or…?”
That was a great question, why was he here to begin with? Was he here to study for an exam? Was he here to apologize for the argument? Was he here… for you?
He simply shook his head and muttered, “No.” You continued staring at him as he stepped closer to you. He brought his hand up to the side of your face and tucked some strands of hair behind your ear.
His touch made your body tense due to the shock. He glanced down at your lips before meeting your eyes once again. He closed the space between the two of you and kissed you.
You kissed back, your eyes fluttering close as you placed your hands on his chest. Your heart pounded faster than usual as his tongue brushed against yours. Your body was humming. You melted in his embrace and let your fingers trace patterns into his wet shirt.
This was the best feeling you ever experienced in your life. Every fiber of your body was telling you to stay right there, kissing him. You figured he was here to just study or anything else, just not this.
You pulled away and looked into his eyes. “Y/N,” he husked. Your eyebrows raised as you anticipated what he would say next. “I need you.” He needed you? This stunned you even more. “Can I please treat you like you’re mine tonight?”
The way he said those words sent a thrill through you and ignited a fire inside of you. Without saying a word, you nodded your head as you stepped back toward your bed. You sat down on the mattress and looked up at him. The dim lighting created shadows across his face which made him look angelic.
With a smirk on his face, he sat next to you on the bed and pulled you close. He wrapped his arms tightly around your waist and peppered kisses on your neck.
His hands trailed from your hips to up underneath your shirt. A small gasp escaped your lips as his cold hands came into contact with your warm skin. His mouth returned to yours, his hands cupping your breasts that were still covered by your bra.
You let a small moan slip as the kiss went on and on, deepening. It almost hurt how much you craved his touch and how badly you wanted him. The only reason he didn’t get a reaction out of you is because you were trying to keep calm, but it seemed he could sense your desire and knew what he was doing to you.
You tugged off your shirt and tossed it to the floor. Luca leaned back a bit and gazed at your body. The moonlight hits your skin perfectly making it shine and glisten. He ran his thumb along the curve of your waist, his fingertips grazing across your hip bone.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he whispered as he threw off his own shirt. All of this was happening while your parents were downstairs. You felt nervous that they could hear you right now, or that they would hear you soon.
You turned your body to face him. He stared back with hooded eyes. The moonlight illuminated his handsome features in an ethereal light. Your breathing quickened with every passing second.
He teased at the strap of your shorts which was his signal for you to take them off. You did exactly that and revealed your matching pair of panties.
Luca groaned as his colored eyes examined your exposed body. You both stopped moving as he stared up at you. “Are you on the pill?” he asked softly.
Holy shit. He wanted to actually have sex with you. It was such an abrupt realization. It took you a minute to process. “Of course, I am,” you replied with a sigh.
He nodded his head, his eyes trailing down your body. “Okay, good.” He looked back into your eyes before messing with the buckle of his belt. “Take them off,” he said as he shot a glance down at your panties.
You slowly slid them off just like he said to. He nodded his head with a smirk spread on his face. “Good girl,” he rasped. “Now lay down.”
He got up from his spot on the bed which left you more room to lay. Once you settled down, he stood in front of you with a mischievous grin. He took off his boxers revealing his large erection. “Fuck,” you muttered as your eyes widened.
He ignored your comment and grabbed your waist. He pulled you closer to him before aligning himself with your entrance. You looked up at the ceiling, your breaths shallow and quick.
You felt nervous. What if you ended up getting pregnant? What if you sounded weird when you moaned? What if you got caught? Your thoughts were interrupted by him inserting himself inside of you.
Your breath hitched as your back slightly arched. His movements were gentle. He pulled out of you a little before thrusting back in with one powerful motion. Your back arched again, but you relaxed as you realized what it was like. He began to move in and out of you at a steady pace, filling you completely. You felt so full and comfortable, it felt amazing.
You closed your eyes and breathed deeply as you allowed him to take care of you, to take care of you for once. Quiet moans slipped from your parted lips as he thrusted into you.
He was slow and gentle, obviously treating you like you were delicate. You could even hear him groan out of pleasure. You bit your bottom lip as you looked up at him. His eyes met yours, both of you were panting. It felt good. You weren’t complaining, in fact, you loved it.
Luca began to speed up his movement as you both came together. He moaned as he held you tighter. “Fuck, Y/N. I’m gonna cum,” he groaned as he kept a steady pace.
He pumped in time with his thrusts. As he climaxed, you moaned as you came too. Once you finished, you laid there as he pulled out. You heard a loud noise coming from downstairs as you both tried to catch your breath after that unraveled in under one hour.
“Uh,” you said as you sprung up. “You need to leave, now!” You then heard your mom yelled out your name from downstairs. “Uh, coming!” you shouted back as you got up. You threw on your pajamas as Luca threw on his clothes.
“That was fun,” he smirked. “I should come over for more than just study sessions.”
You would’ve been flustered by that comment, but you were too worried about not getting caught. “Yeah, yeah! Go!” You threw your shirt on and watched as he threw on his own.
He winked as he hopped out of your window and looked back. “One more kiss?” he asked.
You sighed, “Yeah.” You placed a long, lingering kiss on his lips before pulling away. “Now leave!”
He chuckled, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” You smiled softly as you shut the window and quickly rushed out of your room. You just had sex with Luca Fantilli. Holy, shit. He did need you!
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kagamesayu · 4 months
more on...
shidou who hates leaving bimbo!reader's side.
c/w . implied female reader, implied smut, fluff, angst ??, possessive shidou wc: 1 k a/n . ngl this took forever and it's cause it ESCAPED me oh my... it might get messy at some point and i am SO SORRY . also im slowly becoming a shidou x bimbo!reader blog this is crazy, they're just so fun to write ugh reblogs and comments appreciated ✧*.
from my shidou x bimbo!reader pt 2
it's already a problem when you have to leave to go grocery shopping or anything of the like. he tries to find every excuse under the sun to go with you, even if he doesn't have to and you live right beside a convenience store.
"ryu baby i just need to go out and get that tiktok hair mask! you don't have to come-"
"yeah yeah shut yer trap doll i'm comin'. what if my baby needs a big strong guy to help her take her things?" he flexes his muscles, smirking as you gulp.
and you're too sweet and dumb to remember that you only need to get one thing, lowkey wanting shidou to be with you cause you always forget what you wanted to buy.
"mm...but i don't wanna waste your time ryu..."
"what if ya chip a nail-"
"omg you're so right! thank you baby, you're the best!"
he'll insist on going with you and it's all fun and games until he thinks someone's looking at your cute sequence miniskirt or your tight Barbie tanktop too long.
seems like some people can't take the hint - even with his arm snaked around your waist. one thing leads to another and he's in a fight for your honour, grinning madly and thoroughly fucking up the person staring you down.
because of his reactions you tend to sneak out and get the things really quickly - this doesn't usually work out though cause shidou always has tabs on you. he's obsessed after all!
this always ens with you getting a 'punishment' which can range from having to sit on his lap and feed him grapes to letting him have all the fun he wants with you.
if you get what i'm saying ;)
it's even worse when he has to leave you for a whole different country. he regularly goes overseas for matches and you almost always go with him.
but your scatter brained self will forget the dates and there are times you can't go with him because you forgot to take the days off.
and when he finds out he's so, so sad - never mad because he never gets mad at you. loves you too much.
"doll~ oh my cute, dumb baby doll~!" he squishes your face till your lips pucker, making you look at him as he pouts at you. "why'd ya gotta hurt me like this baby~?"
"didn't mean to ryu!" your speech is muffled, fingers wrapping around the wrist of the hand holding you hostage. "forgot..."
he sighs exaggeratedly before pecking your pouted lips, pulling away with a grin. "it's okay baby. it's ok," he sounds like he's saying that for himself. "just spend all yer time with me now, kay?"
as the days creep by, he becomes much more clingy. he becomes more quick to anger on the field, scoring much more and becoming so much more aggressive in his plays.
he never brings that energy home though, he treats his baby doll with so much care, he wouldn't dare make them cry.
he only brings that drive with him into the bedroom 🥵
you've been trying to make up for your mistake by pampering him more. leaving more lipstick kisses on his face and neck and making more beaded bracelets. you'd even made him an altoid wallet with polaroid pics of you two!
not gonna say he cried when he saw this but....
you pack some pink bandaids and hair clips in his luggage, and even let him take your favourite stuffed rabbit.
"please look after mr hannah montana! he can't have gluten and seafood and he hates the colour green so please don't put him in green clothes."
"okay baby-"
"and he also needs his fluff brushed in the morning!"
"and he hates being in a luggage so you have to hold him in your arms!"
"anythin' for you doll~"
and when that fated day arrives he gets so, so obnoxiously clingy. singing 'i love you's and 'i'll miss you's as he hangs off your shoulders, arms snaked around you. it was like he was trying to be a part of you.
he was :) he always wants to be inside you, sexually or not
he holds you like you're his lifeline. kisses you like it's your last.
you're both in the airport, a hand holding his duffle bag, the other holding yours, mr hannah montana in your arm as you try your darn hardest not to cry. your nails are digging into shidou's hands but he doesn't say anything.
he needs to feel you clinging to him. needs to feel you need him. cause he won't be able to have you for a week and he thinks he might die thinking about it.
who's gonna kiss his 'boo boo's when he gets into fights? who's gonna paint his nails and blow dry his hair while talking about what happened at work?
who's he gonna kiss and hug and fuck?
fuck, he's going to die.
"ryu..." your whiny tearful voice breaks him from his thoughts, his grip tightening around your hand. "gonna miss you so much-!"
your mascara falls with your tears, jaw quivering as the time for his flight comes closer and closer.
"oh doll." his coo makes you pause, his hand let's go of yours only to come up to your cheek. "'m gonna call ya everyday and yer gonna send me pictures everyday, right?"
"and ya got that pile of clothes in case ya get lonely?"
"good. i'll be back so fuckin' fast baby you won't even have time to miss me~" his handsome smirk is splayed on his face, "and don't forget," he leans in close and kisses you passionately, tongue sneaking in your mouth as his hand moves to hold your throat.
when you pull away, you're breathless, panting and gasping air greedily, a string of spit connecting your lips. you don't even think about the fact that you're in an airport with his teamates staring at the two of you. you can't think about anything other than shidou ryusei.
"'m yours and yer mine, no matter where i go."
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bfiaflbox · 8 months
The only time I feel I might get better
Pairing: Matty x Reader Warnings: Mentions of Drugs, drug use, alcoholism and recovery Disclaimer: All I know about this is second hand knowledge and things I googled so don't get mad when I get something wrong. I just thought this scenario is an interesting one and wanted to type it out. I kind of hate and love it at the same time.
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It‘s around 11 pm when your doorbell rings. You were about to go to bed and were definitely not expecting visitors, so you‘re hesitant about answering. The doorbell rings again. „Y/n, are you there?!“ you hear a familiar voice shout. It’s Matty. In the middle of the night. Frantically ringing your doorbell. This is not a good sign.
You open the door to a disheveled looking Man who seems like he‘s about to cry. He‘s breathing heavily and fidgets with his hands. „I fucked up“ he almost whispers. Without asking any questions you let him in and go into support-person-mode.
The second the door closes behind Matty, he starts rambling. „Fuck, I‘m sorry, I’m so SO sorry. I'm so fucking tired, I can't think. I fucked up. I don’t know what came over me, I just couldn’t fight the urge to use anymore so I went out and…“ tears start falling down his face.
„Okay, okay, breathe!“ you try to convey as much calm as you can and look him in the eyes. You notice he doesn’t look particularly high or out of it just… sad and tired. „Is it ok if I touch you?“ it’s the most important question in this friendship of yours, however fucked up and complicated it may be. He had to ask before he could touch you every time not to trigger something in you, and you extended the same courtesy to him. He nods and you start to stroke his arms. „How about you come in and we talk?“ and maybe calm down before going to see a professional about it.
He nods and both of you make your way to the living room and sit down on the couch. Matty buries his face in his hands, elbows on knees.
„Okay, Matty, tell me what happened“
„I don’t know, I haven’t really slept in days and I feel so drained and everything‘s too much and I just wanted something to make that feeling go away, to feel some peace and smack was the only thing I was able to think of. Fuck! This is bad. I don’t want to do this again.“ you know the feeling all too well. „Fuck. I couldn’t even score myself, the guy selling knew who l am so I paid another junkie to do it. I'm so pathetic.“
„Have you consumed any?“
He shakes his head. „I didn’t. I couldn’t. I came here instead. I’m sober right now. Please believe me“
„I do, I believe you“
He‘s pressing his palms into his eyes, probably a desperate attempt to stop the tears.
„Do you still have it?“
„Go on, hand it over“ you extend your open hand. He can’t have it near him. It’s like the first rule of addiction recovery: remove temptation. It‘s what he did for you when he got rid of all the alcohol that you were gifted early into recovery by people who didn’t know about your addiction. It‘s what he kept doing for you over the years, being there with you, frequently checking in during family gatherings, work events and birthdays, occasions that were typically linked to alcohol consumption.
Matty reaches into his pocket and produces a small packet of tinfoil wrapped in plastic and hands it over without question.
„That all?“
He nods
„Right, ok. I‘m going to dispose of this in the kitchen, do you want some tea?“
„Yes please“ he chokes out.
You go into your kitchen, put the kettle on and get the opioid disposal process started. How to get rid of heroin is one of the many things you had no idea of before your friendship with Matty, but now you know exactly what to do: you get out a glass from the cubboard, fill it halfway with water and dump the contents of the little packet into it. You go to your fridge and see if you still have any lemon juice left and find some that you forgot you had which also smells rank. Doesn’t matter, it will do. You add the juice to make the opioids dissolve in water like you learned in a fucked up chemistry lesson you would only get from a sober heroin addict and stir. Then you get a ziplock bag and go to the hallway cubboard where you store cat litter for exactly this occasion. You fill a good amount of the cat litter into the ziplock bag and return to the kitchen, take the heroin-lemon-water and dump it into the cat litter. It produces an absolutely disgusting looking brown mass, rendering the opiates completely unsalvageable. You zip up the bag and throw it in the trash.
When you come back to the living room from the kitchen, two mugs of tea in hand, you find Matty laying down on your couch, blanket over his legs. You put the mugs down on the coffee table and sit down on the floor in front of the couch. You reach your hand to his face and stroke his cheek with your thumb. He sighs and absolutely heartbreaking sigh.
„I know“, you whisper. And you do. You know how hard it can be to be a recovering addict, being on the brink of relapse.
Matty seems to calm down a bit. He's stopped crying and you just sit with him and the emotions in silence.
„Thank you“ he whispers after some time.
„Always“ you reply softly.
„Can I stay?“
„You know you can“, you smile.
He audibly exhales and timidly asks „can you please not tell George?“ oh yes, the accountability system. No keeping secrets, owning up to your mistakes, making sure you don’t isolate, etcetera, etcetera. It‘s not an official program, more like a thing you both came up with on your own.
„You know I have to tell him, it‘s part of the deal, remember?“
„I know, but I want to tell him myself.“
„Okay. But I‘m gonna make sure you do!“
„Tomorrow?“ he sounds so drained and exhausted.
„Tomorrow“, you agree. You don’t think you‘d have it in you to ask anything of him that he doesn’t want to do. You’re soft like that for him.
You sit in silence for a few minutes, admiring his face. His annoyingly handsome, lovely face and his slender but strong body. You long for him. And you long for him to get better. If only you could crack open his ribcage and personally fix everything that gives him grief, you would do it.
„I‘m so sorry“ he whispers again.
„I know. Trust me, I know“
„I feel like this right here is the only place where I can exist without judgement“, he admits and it makes you proud that you managed to create such a safe space for him and at the same time it breaks your heart knowing that the world is full of people watching and judging him. But truly, you feel like you‘re only returning the favour. He‘s been there for you through the worst parts of your life, always turning up for you when it mattered. A part of you fears you might no longer be here had it not been for him.
„Maybe here with you is even the only place I might get better… being with you makes me feel less helpless“
„Next time just come over without stopping at the dealer‘s before, yeah?“ you joke but on the inside your heart is burning. You want him and you want him to want you.
Matty smiles and you can feel him relaxing even more. Your hand is still tangled in his hair, thumb still stroking over his cheek. He closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths. He‘s exhausted and his body is begging for sleep. „It‘s okay, you can sleep, I‘ll stay here“ you say softly and you‘re not sure if he heard you because all his muscles are relaxing and he‘s lightly snoring, seemingly fast asleep.
You just sit here and watch him. You think about that one time he told you he didn’t feel worthy of any love or affection coming his way which makes you acutely aware of all the love you hold for him, that you don’t know where to put, that has nowhere to go. You wish you could tell him. Tell him that you‘ve never loved anyone like you love him. That you feel like you‘re missing an integral part of yourself when he‘s not there with you. That you love every part of him, even the ones he himself hates, that his vulnerability only makes you respect him more.
It is there and then, sitting on your living room floor in front of your couch with a sleeping Matty on it, that you decide you‘re gonna tell him. Tomorrow. You lay your head down on the couch, telling yourself you‘re only going to rest your eyes a bit before you fall asleep as well.
Little do you know that when Matty wakes up from a weird dream in the middle of the night and finds you asleep in what must be an uncomfortable position on the floor next to him, he decides that in the morning he is going to get over himself, be brave for once and just tell you that he loves you.
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ineffable-gallimaufry · 6 months
characters in les mis (musical) ranked on how good their introductions were:
jean valjean: 9/10 he actually says his name and like . conveniently gives us his backstory while talking to javert which was nice
javert: 10/10 literally says his name and then says "do not forget my name" so forcefully i managed to not forget his name immediately so that was good
the bishop: 5/10 solid but not enough context. could've used a whole five minute song about only him beforehand tbh (kidding i swear)
fantine: 9/10 she does have people say her name which is good, she doesn't say it directly but like she does fill in her situation well. also i would feel bad for giving her a low score since her intro is literally her having a horrible time
bamatabois: 3/10 he never says his name and he's a huge asshole . only gets a three because it conveyed his character well + javert was there. but he also gets a three because i hate him
fauchelevent: 10/10 because. it's the runaway cart man . best song in les mis. also they do say his name so it works
cosette: 10/10 her name is said over and over again before she's even onstage + her introduction really shows the bleakness of the situation she lives in with the thénardiers
mme thénardier: 8/10 she doesn't say her name but it is a good introduction nonetheless . 8/10 instead of 9/10 because it isn't like. my favorite favorite but it is good
eponine: 6/10 controversial but sorry. i feel like they introduce us to eponine as kind of a brat (with her name which is nice) and even maybe as helping her mother directly to hurt cosette whereas we don't get a good enough reintroduction to her character in act two that gives us a better idea of her character as someone who's arguably just as hurt by the thénardiers as cosette. it's still okay though
m thénardier: 10/10 they say his name and then immediately he gets master of the house? it's a good introduction to the fact he's a big old thief and it's also kind of a bop. no notes
gavroche: 10/10 his name is in his first line. and it gives you a very good impression of him. i don't have any notes alright . i mean they kinda give the impression he's not related to thénardier but i can't fault them for not including that since it's not a HUGE plot point
enjolras: 2/10 i genuinely do not think anyone ever adresses this guy by name. i only remembered he was supposed to be there after i watched the play and then had to hunt down the actor's name in my playbill so i could see if i remembered him. like he just felt like another member of les amis tbh. two points because at least he's still characterized well
marius: 5/10 we hear his name from enjolras and because we get no context for his life before this point he feels so damn uninteresting... like all we get is the "ooh marius is in looove" without ANY context of his life outside of that. literally just there to fall in love with cosette and it shows
les amis de l'abc: 4/10 i am grouping them together because they literally get NO distinguishing qualities from each other in their introductions. grantaire making fun of someone is alright for things grantaire would do but like. can we not give that to courfeyrac?? why are all of them such non characters in this introduction?? like at least we get a few name drops from enjolras but i am just not really a fan. courfeyrac should be in here more since marius lives with him but i guess that doesn't matter because marius had his whole backstory surgically removed to make room for the brick to not be a million year long play. whatever. probably why lesgle gets nothing either despite the fact he introduced marius to les amis. didn't know this got on my nerves so much
patron-minette: 5/10 i mean. it's AN introduction but also to be fair i can't get mad too much since they're not major characters+ they are kinda interchangeable in the end. only montparnasse got a name drop but they did also keep my favorite eponine moment largely intact so. eh. whatever they get a five for being mediocre
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centipedelightning · 1 year
Could you do an Undertale, Underfell, and maybe Underswap with an enderman-like S/O, like they're really tall, jet black skin, can teleport, the whole shebang. But instead of eye contact making them aggressive, it just makes them really anxious and on edge.
(To clarify, I see teleporting and short cutting as to different things. Teleporting is instantaneous disappearing and then reappearing while shortcutting is more like a portal type thing)
(Love your hcs, btw. Here, have some chocolate 🍫 ❤️)
Enderman-like OCs and stuff are always so cool bc Endermen are cool. And thank you!! can't have chocolate without strawberries though! so here !! 🍓🍓🍓. I agree btw! I don't always write it, but I've always seen shortcuts as needing to happen at the edge of the screen/at certain points in the world like doorways. So portal-like if you don't think about it too much!
| UT/UF/US x Enderman-esque!Reader || Romantic || Fluff |
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How neat!
Up until meeting you, he's been the only Monster that can disappear and reappear he knows.
On the surface, he definitely likes to race you and see who can get further faster. The deciding factor is genuinely only on if you can teleport before Sans can get to a shortcut.
Y'all's score is about even.
Listen. This man is like 5'2" (~157cm). Even if you aren't exceptionally tall, like 6' (~182cm), he has to try to look in your eyes.
Try to tell him pretty early on in the relationship, but even if you put it off you really don't need to worry too much.
For others though, he tries to act as a mediator to give you a second to prepare yourself.
His life as a stand-up comedian has also given him a few tips and tricks to help you.
Things like "Look just slightly past the person you're talking to" and "Look right between their eyes"
Once you guys are pretty established in your relationship Sans makes sure to keep something for you to hold onto in his pocket.
Sometimes it's a fidget toy. Sometimes it's a roll of tape he snagged out of the junk drawer on the way out the door.
Truly depends on the day.
Tred... Carefully here.
He thinks it's neat sure, but if he catches you teleport from the couch to the kitchen for a snack back to the couch prepare to be lectured.
He's not mad at you he's just passionate.
You can buy his silence very easily if you are willing to surprise him with a grocery run without needing to drive.
Papyrus is scary good at reading people, so if you don't mention that you can't do eye contact, he'll figure it out by the end of the day.
So, regardless of whether you tell him or not, he will start fully turning his head away from you while you guys talk.
He doesn't even need to be able to see your face normally.
He can be doing something with his back to you and he will instinctively turn his head.
Yes, that does probably mean he turned enough to see you slightly.
That also means he can see what he's doing less so you might want to remind him to look forward lest y'all have a mess.
As a crafty guy, he'll make you some little item for you to hold onto if you need to.
Introduce him to fidget toys. He'll lose his mind.
Stressed mostly.
Underground, someone who can teleport is bad news.
Once you get into his good graces, he's your biggest fan.
Have you ever been a living taxi? Do you want to be? regardless of the answer Red is gonna try to mooch a free trip out of you all the time.
Similar to Sans, he's short. You really don't need to worry about constant eye contact from him.
Or any Monster for that matter. I've always seen Fell-verses as not being eye contact heavy for probably obvious reasons.
Red still does try to give you some tips and they are somewhat similar to Sans'.
He likes to whittle things with interesting textures for you to hold and mess with.
Think something like a little animal figure with ridges and bumps and stuff.
So here's the thing about Edge.
He is not dumb and he is very emotionally intelligent.
That awareness of the world does not overpower his lack of chill.
He makes the Most Intense eye contact with people and you are going to need to tell him to knock it off.
Because you can be completely turned away from him and you will still feel his gaze.
Once your relationship progresses more, he stops trying to turn you to stone with his eye sockets.
By that point, he will also be comfortable telling you to do whatever you want so you don't need to worry yourself about looking in other people's eyes. If they say anything he is more than ready to tell them off for you.
Obviously, he also has a similar worry to his brother about your teleportation. At least initially. He's in the royal guard and a high-ranking member at that! He has a right to be a little wary.
What he won't tell you is that he's easy to please so you can do the bare minimum to prove your friendship/interest in him and he folds.
If you're the type that's into it, he really enjoys sparring with you. He thinks your teleporting is a really fun challenge.
Edge will find you the tiniest, most obscenely complex puzzle boxes on the market to give you.
He says it's something about keeping your mind sharp but it's more so insurance that you won't get bored of it too quickly.
That and he likes bragging about his datemate being able to solve complex puzzles.
Despite the height difference, he looks you in the eyes super hard all the time.
It's not to be mean or anything! He's just passionate and forgetful.
This is one of the few guys where avoiding eye contact is gonna be more on you.
He'll notice after a bit during conversation and relax a bit but until then...
He thinks your teleporting is pretty neat!
He's not crazy about the lazy applications of your ability, but who's he to tell you to stop teleporting?
He complains even less once he realizes you can take the both of you on spontaneous, last-minute date nights.
He likes to give you his things to hold onto.
He tries to keep it to a reasonable size but you have ended up with one of his action figures before.
Guess you can carry it in a bag?
If you like much smaller objects he'll give you cool rocks out of his collection
He was already a couch potato before meeting you, he's even worse now.
To shortcut he still has to get up and walk to a spot where he can but you? You can just poof from wherever?
Yeahhhh you're on snack duty from now until forever. That includes the convenience store.
Force him to come with you. Don't let him get too comfortable.
Stretch isn't big on eye contact himself, so neither of you has ever had a problem with it.
Stretch will find you cool knickknacks to hold onto. usually super little ones with a button or switch. Something tactile.
If it's your style, he is also willing to sew you a little stuffed animal or something. It makes it happy to know it's being loved regularly.
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 6 months
HIII I want to say i love your OCs and your writing that i binge reading them everytime 🥰, especially i love your Yandere Jock story cause I weak for sweet himbo man but actually scary, lol.
If you don't mind , can i ask for a scenario where Damon is playing for tournament, but his team losing by a lot now cause Damon not feeling great at that time, so his coach have to use their ultimate card, bring Y/n here to cheer. Therefore, in middle break, the coach had to snatch Y/n from library, using their authority as PE teacher that Y/n has to follow. Damon shock at seeing Y/N in the tournament , even sitting at the team seat. He asked why is she here,
Y/n grumpy said "I got brought here because you stupid playing today, why are you suddenly so bad?? I thought you were the best player in this school!!!. Fine!! If you don't even win this tournament, then no point in giving you a kiss" . Damon heart stopped at that sentence. Y/n promise him a kiss if he win this??? Afterward, he went back to the tournament feeling full energy and totally annihilated the rival team. After tournament end, with everyone gone wash up and went to party to celebrate the win, only Damon and Y/n in the shower room, hungrily kissing Y/n and make out 🫣
Unbeknownst to everyone, the reason Damon was not in the mood to play was because Y/n rejected his invite to his tournament to focus on her exam lmao
Yandere! Jock x Honor student! fem! reader everyday tidbits: encouragement
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"What the hell, Damon?!" One of Damon's teammates screamed at him, exasperated by this usually amazing jock turn into this... Dunce.
"Come on, Damon. What's happening with ya?" One teammate also whispered, patting him on his shoulder. "We need your head in the game here, man. You're our MVP, please, don't be like this."
Damon only frowned, annoyed and sluggish. He really wants to lash out, but he knows he can't due to being this nice guy, so he gave a sheepish smile.
"Sorry..." He whispered, trying to get into the zone, but nothing.
The coach noticed this and frowned.
"What's happening to the guy?" The coach asked the member who got benched earlier.
"Dunno. He seems distracted coach." The guy muttered, looking around the bleachers. "Huh... Maybe the reason is that y/n is not here?"
The coach looked at the usual spot you would sit on. And he's right, you weren't there at all.
"... Are you thinking what i'm thinking?" The coach whispered, and the other members nodded.
"You, you watch the game. I gotta go fetch someone." The coach pointed at his assistant before running towards the library, hoping you're there.
He bursted open, earning quite a handful of jumps and yelps, and earning the ire of the librarian and staff.
"The basketball coach? What are you--" The librarian was about to nag when he waved him off.
"No time, I gotta find a student."
Then, he found you, just reading a book that you were too busy with to notice him.
"You, come with me." He said, getting up to your face and frightening you to nodding.
You got dragged to the court and paused when you saw the scores.
"What the hell..?" You whispered under your breath, before narrowing your eyes when you saw Damon looking so off his game.
Pursing your lips, you got to your usual seat and leaned on the railing.
"Oi! You damn dingus!" You yelled, making the whole stadium look at you. The referee was about to charge but the coach made him stop. "What's with this pathetic display? What happened to your skills? Gone? Fine! If you don't do good... No kisses!"
The whole stadium bursts in awe, squeals and blushes of bashfulness.
But Damon was the only one you're looking at, and you watched his face go from bewildered to horror.
"No! I want my kisses!" He yelled, suddenly getting energized and making a mad dash towards the hoop and dunking, earning a three points.
The stadium cheered, making you calm down as his a-game rose.
"Finally..." You grumbled, annoyed but felt good that he got energized when you got here.
Sure, you were also the reason why he's distracted. You did say you won't be attending the game since you're busy with studying...
But come on, he's been thriving before you...
You watched him suddenly getting shot after shot, and hiding from the University journalists trying to cop a pic from you.
After the whole thing, Damon completely annihilated the whole rival team. Looking scary as steam emitted from his body due to his body temperature and the stadium temperature difference.
You sighed in relief before finally going down and back to the library.
Surely, he would go celebrate his victory with his teammate right?
You walked moderately, and when you passed by their locker room, you suddenly got pulled in.
The door locked.
"So, where's my reward?" Damon, freshly showered, caged you between his arms before capturing your lips in a hungry kiss.
Yeah, he's hungry. But not for food, that's for sure.
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himbo-in-limbo · 1 year
[Glamrock Bonnie fluffy headcanons n stuff!] 💙🐰
Just some random stuff of him with his s/o idk I'm rambling
This guy is such a cuddle bug
He needs to be touching you in some way since physical touch is his love language!
If you pet him his foot will do a lil stomp out of excitement, it's uncommon but it has happened b4
Even when y'all are standing around he'll just have his arm over you or around you, he just likes to hold you 🥰
He gives you kisses at random times and it'll always catch you off guard
Bc he likes to make you flustered hehe
If you happen to have tattoos he just loves looking at them and admiring the artwork
He's a baby girl so he def wants to sit on your lap or just have his leg on you
If he's his robotic self that might not be possible 😭 tho he wishes he could be carried like a bride
He'll settle for just leaning into you if y'all hug so brace yourself
If you also happen to know how to play an instrument he would be so happy n he'll definitely want to have a jam session with you
If you somehow also play the guitar he's gonna have heart eyes watching you play
Tbh I feel like he'll have such a weakness for you if you can sing too
He just loves people who can sing like
Man wants to be serenaded
Aww then when y'all have a jam session he'll play a tune and y'all can duet
if physical touch ain't your tune all the time he can totally just chill on the side
He just wants to be close to you is all!
Make overs are also fun for him!
Tho he usually just dose the eye liner he's open to you doing whatever to him!
He'll rock anything tbh
If y'all cuddle to nap he's cool with being the little or big spoon!
Tho you'll wake up to find yourself flushed to his chest and his leg over you
If you cry he cry's
An endless endearing cycle of cry
I feel like all of the animatronics are programmed to calm crying kids down so...
I feel like he'd be good at making you feel better
His go to method is just to make you laugh
If that doesn't work n if you let him he'll just hug you from behind n hope it helps
His ears will flop on your head 🥺♥️ aww
Tell him he pretty n he's a happy bunny
He is a bit of a jock so he would definitely flex to impress you on occasion
Especially when he scores another strike in bowling 🙄
If you can somehow beat him in a bowling match he's gonna be so impressed
Like finally a worthy rival
He can go all out now!
You probably didn't beat him after that but it's amazing you were able to win one at all
He still thinks about that loss once in a while 💀
Even then he gives you hugs n kisses to make up for your losses
Honestly u can't stay mad at him he's just to cute
Since he's a bit of an athlete if your into it he would definitely work out with you! He'll be super encouraging and spot you if you plan to lift that day!
Don't even worry about pre workout he's already making the smoothies n everything
I do think he's an active guy so if you like to run he'll always be up for it
He's a bit competitive so don't race him 😭
N when y'all have had your fun for the day all he wants to do is just chill with you on the couch n watch something till the both of y'all knock out
With him laying on your chest 💕
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spidybaby · 1 year
use this as a part 2 for golden child 🙋🏽‍♀️
Golden Child | part 2
Summary: Your brother finds out about your relationship with his best friend, while everyone learns the truth about your family.
Warnings: cursing, physical altercation.
A/N: I hope you like this. It took me more time than expected (and I'm sorry about it). I love you 🥺💛
Part one | Part Three
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"Aurora." You say seating next to her. "I promise this is not what you think."
Aurora lift her hand, stopping you from talking. "We can talk at home." She turns to the other side and starts talking with Anna Lewandowska.
The second half of the game began. Both Pedro and your brother were on the pitch. You turn your face to your sister, mad expression on her face.
You sat next to Mikky. She was super nice to you from the beginning, introducing you to the wags seated next to her and making a conversation with you.
Thanks to an assist from Pablo, Pedro scores, the stadium full with barca fans erupts in happiness.
Pedro does his glasses celebration, but this time, he waited until his eyes found yours. Making it in your direction, smiling after.
Goosebumps run down your spine. He kept his promise.
"Why the glasses?" You ask, curious. You were lying down in bed with him. "Not judging, just curious."
"I do it to honor my dad." He confess. "And now it's like my signature, but it's because of him."
"That's so cute, I love how your family is so close." You kiss his cheek, he wrap his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
"If I score tomorrow, it's yours. I promise It'll be for you."
The game continues, and the team scored another two more. The vibe in the stadium is amazing. But you can't stop thinking about what your sister saw.
Once the game is over, the wags and family normally wait for the players on the vip section, but you grab Aurora and pull her to the side. "Can we go home, I want to talk."
She nods, going back to her seat, collecting her stuff. "Adiós Mikky, Adiós Anna." She waves them goodbye. "Pediré un uber. Así no esperamos a Pablo." (I'll call an Uber, so we don't have to wait for Pablo)
While the two of you waited for the Uber, the boys were in the changing room celebrating the victory.
"Visca al Barca," Xavi yells. Making the whole team sing the anthem of the club. "Venga, go to shower, get your shit together, don't forget anything, and we'll see each other in training."
After taking turns in the showers and changing back into normal clothes. Pedro and Fermin laugh at Ferran getting angry about someone wetting his shirt.
"You did amazing, man. That goal was another level." Fermin says, even tho he's new, he was very friendly and was beginning to make friends with the guys.
"Thanks to Gavi's assist."
"Yeah, he's always been so good with that." Fermin and Pablo have history. They go way back. "I saw that his family was here today."
"Yeah, I feel he's more in the game when his family is here. So cool they could come."
"Yeah, he has two very supportive sisters." Fermin says, closing his bag, ready to go. "Well, I'm leaving."
Before he steps outside, Pedro stops him. "Wait, sisters? Aurora is his only sister."
"Well, no." Fermin laughs, "Aurora and y/n are his sisters. But Pablo and Y/n don't have the best relationship. That's why it might seem like that." He shrugs. "Anyway, have a nice one, Pedri."
Pedro nodded to his goodbye. He is still processing the fact that Pablo lied to him and Frenkie about his own sister.
"Oye, platanito, let's go home." Ferran says, picking his bag from the floor.
"I can't tiburón, I have to talk with Gavi about something." He looks over at Gavi. "But I'll call you so we can connect and play."
He waited for him on the hallway, saying goodbye to the other players and team members.
"I thought you were gone by now." Pablo says, hitting him in the head. "You okay?"
"I was talking with Fermin about the goal, saying that thanks to you, I did it." He began, not sure how to approach the topic. "And then he said something about your sisters." The emphasis on the last s makes Pablo look away quickly.
"Look, it was just a bad day." Pablo tries to explain, being cut off by Pedro.
"So, just because you had a bad day, you decided to lie about your sister?" He sarcastically laughs, "why?"
"Why do you care?" The tone is matching now. "Like I said, it was a bad day." Pablo walks to the exit, the happiness from the win already gone.
"I thought friends didn't lie to each other." Pedro says, repeating something Gavi once said. He walks past him. "But I guess we're not friends then."
Pablo stops, his eyes on Pedro's back, watching how the story repeats again, feeling like that thirteen year old kid who just lost a friend thanks to his sister. He walks fast to his car, angry at the whole situation, angry at you.
But at home, the angry one was Aurora, who was scolding you about the whole bathroom situation.
"Imagine if it wasn't me. Imagine if it was Pablo, the one that walked into the bathroom." She says, stern tone. "Why on earth from all the guys out there you choose him?"
"First of all, it was a woman's bathrooms." You say, sassy tone. "Second of all, I didn't plan for it to happen. We were at a party and it just happened."
"You could have stopped it. Once is a mistake, two is a coincidence, three is more than that." She sighed, hands on her hair. "I don't want to say this, but if Pablo finds out and he yells, that would be on you."
"Oh, please." You laugh. "Like when he was mad because his team didn't win, or when he was mad because I was watching a Barbie movie and he didn't like that." You say, fingers counting. "Oh, yeah. Like when he chose to lie about only having three people when he got to the first team. Everything is always on me."
"I didn't mean that." The tone of voice was a calmed one. "But this is different from when we were kids."
"It's easy for you to say that." You get up from bed. "You're not the one he's denying." You whisper to yourself, leaving the room slamming the door.
You couldn't believe that even after everything she witnessed, she chose his side. You tried to control yourself, not wanting to leave like that.
You open the refrigerator, finding a bottle of water. You wanted to text Pedro and talk to him about the incident.
You hear Aurora calls your name, "Please don't go." She tries to get closer, but you imitate her by putting your hand in the air. "Don't go, please."
The front door slamming shut alert you, and you both walk to the living room, finding Pablo angry.
"I'm done with you." He says, getting closer. You back down a few steps, feeling scared. "I'm fucking done."
He grabs you by the wrists, making you walk, stamping you against the wall. His eyes are black from anger. Thing you never seen on him before.
"Pablo, what are you doing?" Aurora grabs him by the arm, trying to get him away from you. "Pablo, stop!"
"Let go off me, Aurora." He says, the tone is a low and scary one. "First, my friend from home and know Pedro?"
"Pablo, you're hurting me." You try to release yourself from him, thing that makes him apply more pressure. "Pablo, stop it. Please."
"I fucking hate you."
The way you feel like you're being stabbed by the weight of his words. The tears that pool into your eyes, threatening to spill.
"You don't mean that." You whisper, eyes glued to his.
He laughs, not a sarcastically one, but a sinister deep one. "Oh, I do. I hate you."
"Let me go." You feel the tears wetting your cheeks. Feeling like a part of you is bleeding. "You don't mean that." You shake your head, denying his words.
"Stop! Pablo, are you crazy?" Aurora pulled him off of you again. "Pablo, let her go." She shove him.
He let you go. Backing off, eyes never leaving yours. It's like your pain is giving him some satisfaction.
"You don't mean that."
Aurora gently grabbed your hands, checking your red wrists. You're crying at this point. Breathing uncontrollably.
"Estas loco, estas jodidamente loco." Aurora yells, turning to Pablo. "Estas llevando esto a otro nivel, Pablo. Ella es tu hermana." (You're crazy, you're fucking crazy. You're taking this to a whole new level. She's your sister)
"I was fine, but no, she has to walk again and try to be the center of attention as always." He yells back. "I was fine without you."
"I was helping you." You say, trying to gain composure. "I was taking care of you."
"Am I supposed to thank you? You always do this, joder, and now I'm losing a friend over you."
"Pedro and I didn't plan on this to happen. We were drunk. And he was the one who asked me to see each other again." You say, explaining the situation.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" He's confused now. "Por la puta, te estas follando a mi amigo?" (For fuck sake, you're fucking my friend?)
"Weren't you talking about that?" Aurora asks. She's trying to put the pieces together, not finding a way to do it.
"He knows." You understood. This wasn't about you and Pedro. This was about him finding the lies your brother told him. "He knows you lie to him."
The face of your brother changed, you knew. "This is your fault."
"No, it's not. You lie to him and to Frenkie. I didn't."
"Can someone explain? I'm fucking lost here."
"Tell her." You say. Even when your voice is shaky, your tone is strong. "Tell her, Pablo." He shakes his head no, he can't admit to Aurora what he did. "If you don't tell her, I will."
"You're not saying shit. Shut up."
"Pablo told his friends." You tried to talk, interrupted by him yelling.
"Shut the fuck up."
"He told them I was his cousin." You yell too. "He told Pedro I was his cousin, he told me that."
"You're such a fucking bitch."
Aurora is speechless. She couldn't believe that her brother did that. She knew that, yes, they didn't have the best relationship. Yes, they were always fighting, but not to the point where he would lie like that.
"I'm your sister, Pablo." You walk closer to him. "I'm your family, I was here for you when you needed me the most. I took care of you. And all you can do is treat me this way?"
"To me, you're not my sister." He spatt.
You push him to the side, wanting to get out of there. You notice his car keys are on the floor at the front door. Picking them up, you run to his car, wanting to get away as quickly as possible.
You drive fast, feeling your phone vibrating in your back pocket. Not taking care of the stops or crosswalks, wanting to get home. The tears running down like crazy, air barely there.
You run a red light, making a car impact on the side of Pablo's car. Your head hit the window, making you feel dizzy, the airbag making you feel suffocated.
The urge to fall asleep is beating you by the second. You know by those medical programs you shouldn't sleep, but you can't keep your eyes open.
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"I'm not sure what to do." Pedro says, dropping the fork. "I'm mad at him for lying, and at the same time, I'm mad at her."
"You said Fermin told you they don't have a good relationship. Maybe that's why it happened. And maybe she didn't want you guys to fight." Fer says. He is the only one who knows about your fling.
"Do you think I should call her?"
"Do it, at the end of the day, you already know the truth. And you like her too much, don't let her go over this, let her explain her side."
"Yeah, I'll go call her. Thanks for the food."
He steps outside to have more privacy. He tries one, two, three, or even more times, but straight to voice-mail. He leaves two messages, telling you that when you feel like talking, he is there.
"Nothing?" Fer asks. He shakes his head no. "Venga, let's go play some fifa. Maybe her phone is dead or something."
"Yeah, I need to distract myself."
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"Eres un imbecil." Aurora hit Pablo in the head as hard as she can. "How dare you?" She hit him several times, in the head, in the arm, in the chest.
"Aurora, stop!" He says, grabbing her hands. "Fuck, stop!"
"You're such a fucking asshole. You hurt her." She feels like crying. "Pablo, how could you?"
She starts sobbing, feeling like some of the blame is on her. Never caring enough about their fights, always telling you he was going to change.
"Rora, stop, don't cry." When Pablo tried to hug her, she pushed him away. She didn't want him to touch her. "Rora, don't do this."
"You did this to yourself. I'm packing my stuff and leaving. You can be alone with your misery." She pushed him away from her, not forgetting to give him the last hit on the head.
Pablo walks over to the couch, sitting on it. He knows he went too far, but he was mad. He knows he has to fix things with Pedro for the team and because he's his friend.
He tries to call him, ending in voice-mail. He doesn't know what he did so wrong that all his friends always ended somehow finding their way to his sister.
To pass the time, he logs into tik tok, finding the videos entertaining. But deep down on his mind, he's asking himself if he needs to apologize.
"Pablo!" Aurora yells, seconds later she's downstairs, teary-eyed. "We have to go to the hospital, get your keys."
"What? Why? Are you okay?" He stands up quickly.
"Go get your fucking keys." She push him to the side. "I'll wait for you in your car."
The whole trip to Plato, the hospital. Aurora kept shutting down Pablo. Asking him to be quiet.
When they got to the parking of the hospital, Aurora took her seat belt off, rushing towards the inside of the building.
"Rora, wait." Pablo yells. He parked the car, hurrying to find his sister. He finds her next to another girl. She's crying on this girl shoulder. "Aurora, what's going on?"
"This is your fault, Pablo." She cries, hitting him on the chest. "This is all your fault." He wraps his arms around her, stopping her from keep hitting him.
After a good five minutes of Aurora crying onto his chest, she pushed him away. "Y/n was in a car accident. She hit her head really hard."
"Wait." He began to get angry. "Did she fucked up my car?"
Aurora looks at him, the anger reflected in her eyes. The next thing he can feel is Aurora hitting him on the face with her bag. "Rora, what the fuck?."
"Get out of here." She shouts. "Go!"
He's rubbing his cheek, feeling the pain from the hit. "You didn't have to hit me like that." He says, walking out of the building.
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Pablo sighs. It's the third time he tries to get close to Pedro, but nothing works. If he gets closer, he finds a way to move. They are not ones to fight, mostly because Pedro is the calm one in the friendship.
Xavi noticed this, pulling Pedro to the side. "Look, I'm not trying to get involved, not my style and you know it. But for the love of God. Take Gavi to a room and fix whatever you have to fix."
He nodded, walking toward Gavi. "Come here." Taking him to the inside of the stadium. Not a word exchanged. They're both sitting face to face on the gym floor. "Why did you lie?" He asks.
"It's complicated. It's not something I want to elaborate on." He's being honest. He doesn't feel like telling his life story to him.
"You really thought that was a good idea? Imagine if we said something that moment when we met her."
"But you didn't, and I wasn't planning on her being there. Mom didn't let me hire someone to do the job."
"Gavi, hermano, you can't blame others for your stupidity." Pedro feels like he's talking to a wall. "Look, I get it. You guys don't have a good relationship. But she's your sister, and that was wrong. If I did that to Fernando, he would have punched me in the face."
"It's not the same. Plus, you're not one to talk to on doing wrong shit." He buffs, getting up from the floor ready to leave.
"What the fuck does that mean?" Pedro asks, imitating him on getting up.
"You're the one who's been fucking my sister this entire time." He yells.
Pedro shut his mouth, not knowing how to react. "It's not like that."
"Is not? I was injured, and you were flirting with her while "helping me." He does quote marks with his fingers.
"She's not a kid, and I'm not one either, plus you don't even have the right to recriminate me about it."
"I don't, but don't come at me acting as if you're a fucking saint." Pablo says, pointing at him.
"But I never said I was a saint. " Pedro asks, eyebrow lifted. "Listen, I'm not going to apologize for seeing her, I like her. I wasn't aware she was your sister because you lie to me about it."
"Can we move past this?" Gavi asked, exasperated. "Yeah, I'm sorry too. I really am. But please stop with this morality speech that's about to happen. You also fucked up. Let's go."
"Pablo, this isn't about me. This is about your lies."
"No, it's not. This is about to be a life lesson of why I don't have to lie or treat my sister like that." He passes his hands to his hair, trying to relieve stress. "If I wanted to hear that, I'll be on the hospital hearing Aurora telling me how is my fault she got into a car accident."
"She what?" He whispers.
He's zone out after that. That's why you weren't answering, that's why you didn't open your door when he went looking for you at midnight.
"Is she okay?" He asks, still whispering. "Please, tell me she's okay."
"Not sure." Pablo says, indifferent to the situation. "All I know is that she hit her head on the window."
"Joder, Pablo." Pedro says, impressed by the news. "Fuck, what hospital is she in?"
"I think she's still on Plató."
"How can you be so calm?" Pedro asks, confused about his demeanor. "Does Xavi know? You have to go to Plató, be with Aurora."
Pablo shrugs. He's not interested in another fight, so he keeps his opinion on the situation to himself. "I haven't talked to Xavi about it."
"Mierda, Pablo. I'm sorry about yelling at you, I didn't mean to." Pedro says. "Let's go talk to Xavi so you can go home." Pablo nodded, walking with Pedro out of the gym.
After Pedro called Xavi for a talk, he told the news. Pablo knows it's not okay to act as if he's was going to go to the hospital, but he at least can rest a little bit.
Xavi sent him home, asking him to report himself and telling him that the team was there for him.
He drove home, stressed about the whole situation. Aurora doesn't pick up his calls. She won't answer his texts, nothing.
He parked outside his house, in case Aurora needed him to pick her up. All he can think right now is a cold shower.
While he's changing, he hears the noise of the front door closing. Thinking is Aurora. He puts his shirt and goes looking for his sister.
"Rora, are you back?" He yells, walking downstairs. "Mom, dad, hi."
Belen and Pablo only stared at his son, not able to believe all the damage he's done. "We need to talk, Pablo." Belen says. "Come sit."
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"The doctor says there would be no marks on your face." Aurora says, helping you with your hair.
As she says, being in the hospital is no motive for you to have bad hair. So she's brushing it and pulling it up.
"Well, that's good news." You laugh, stopping because of the pain. The doctor told you that you had a broken rib. "Okay, no laughing, that hurts."
"I'm sorry, hermanita."
"Don't." You stopped her. Knowing she's about to extra apologize again. "I told you this is on me, I was the one believing I'm part of the fast and furious cast."
"Im sorry I took his side. I'm sorry I was not aware of everything. I promise I'm not leaving your side again."
You squeeze her hand, sending her a smile. You know she's feeling extra bad. No matter how many times you reassure her, there's nothing she should feel sorry for. She apologized again.
"Are you sorry enough to help me pay for the wreck?" You say, lighting the air. "Becuase I don't think Pablo is taking care of it."
"Don't name him. He's voldemort from now on." She rolls her eyes. "But don't worry about it, his insurance is taking care, and dad says he's paying."
"I'm getting a part-time job, I can't let dad do that."
"No, you're not."
"Yes, I am." You say, serious. "It was my fault, as much as you say is not. Aurora, I took his car and wreck it."
She just nods, not wanting to go back and forth with the topic. "Okay."
"Do you really think he hates me?" Your mind plays the fight time after time. "I don't want him to hate me."
The way your voice cracks as you speak bout the topic is heartbreaking for your sister. She doesn't think Pablo hates you.
"He was being mean." She says, honest answer.
"And what if he does?"
"You don't need him." She says, slowly talking. "Someone who stoles your mental peace is not worth the time."
"I love him." You cry, no matter the pain the sobs are giving you. "I just want him to love me."
She hugs you, calming you down. Like always, she's the one drying your tears. The one telling you silly things to stop your cries.
"Pedro called me." She confesses after a while. "He found about the wreck, and he asked me how you were."
"He did?" You ask, smiling. "I can't text him. My phone got lost."
"He wants to visit." She confesses, finishing with your hair. "Actually, he might come at any minute now."
"Is that why you did my hair?" You ask, wanting to laugh. She only shrugs, laughing.
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"Mom, I can explain."
"No, Pablo, how dare you?" Belen yells. "You're not the kid I raised. You were taught to love and protect your sisters, not hurting them."
"We thought that your problems were some dumb child phase. That you were going to grow out of it." Pablo father says. "But mijo, you cross the line. Your sister is in the hospital because of you."
"Joder." Pablo sighs. "She stole my car and wreck it. But it's my fault for yelling at her."
His mom throws a pillow at him. "Listen to me, niño. Aurora already told us everything. So don't act innocent because you're not."
"I don't know what she said, but probably she exaggerated."
"Pablo, don't try us." His father says, angry at his attitude. "We're so disappointed in you. Hijo, I taught you to love and respect women. And you left bruises on your sister. You put your hands on her. And I don't know what we did wrong."
"You didn't do anything wrong." He says, not liking his parents to feel like that because of him.
"Then what is it, Pablo?" Belen asks him. "Are we that bad as parents for you to do this? Did we lack to provide you with enough love? Did we miss something for you to treat your sister like this?" She can't stop the tears.
Pablo can't stand his mother tears, especially when it's because of him. "Mami, stop crying."
"I just can't. You don't care."
"I do, I'm sorry." He hugs her. "I'm sorry, you were the best parents in the world. I'm sorry."
"You don't have to apologize to us, hijo." Pablo says, patting his sons back. "You have to do it to your sister."
"Please, Pablo." His mother says, breaking the hug. "Let us help you. I don't want to sweep this under the rug, not anymore." He nods, feeling like crying.
"Want to know something?" His father asks.
"Even when Aurora told us what happened. When we saw her after she woke up, she begged us not to yell at you. Even after you hurt her, she was protecting you."
"I'm sorry." He cries, hugging his parents.
🏷: @gadriezmannsgirl @percysley @jajajhaahaha @cinderellawithashoe @alwaysclassyeagle
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Punch out headcanons take one
Sorry super punch fans, this is only wii/nes versions
Minor circuit
Glass Joe
Pretty good baker, can't make complex stuff without help though.
Actually retired once after the arcade/nes version of punch out, came back after Gabby jay retired, has had thoughts about it again but keeps remembering that his life would be dull without it. Also his score rested and he still got 99 loses (102 after the wii game)
Has trouble sleeping, uses weighted blankets to help.
Von Kaiser
Your meaning to tell me that dispite being 42 canon years old with some of the most out of pocket head canons ever im the only one that thought it would be funny for him to have a kid be the near opposite of him? Aka he is a dad.
Knows how to cook, doesn't often anymore but still knows
I believe he would like coconuts.no i won't elaborate.
Disco Kid
Likes all kinds of songs, not just disco. Still loves disco though.
Is a relative of kid quick, nobody knows what relation though.
I like the idea that he is friends with aran, i don't ship disco clover but its still a nice pairing we need more.
King Hippo
Can speak English but prefers grunts or noises.
Likes to explain his culture, specifically gifts and other stuff other find meaningless.
Also has a lot of tropical recipes he gives to everyone.
Major circuit
Piston Hondo
Still has that restaurant from the Wii live action ad.
Piston honda? Oh that's his twin.
Definitely has a manga collection. He also has 3 sets of everything. One for display one for reading and one for borrowing. He does not trust aran,soda, bear hugger, and king hippo with them at all.
Bear Hugger
Dad energy. He essentially went and adopted all the boxers with daddy issues, or parent issues in general.
Forced the WVBA to give maple (the bear) a seat in the crowd so she could watch the match, they had to make an entire separate area for her.
Has walked out in the snow with nothing but his overalls and shoes on. That gave everyone a scare forgetting he's used to the cold.
Great Tiger
Uses his clones to do/help with his chores. Once got beaten up by them (a reference of the century here folks)
Once his jewel was stolen and was found in a pawn shop selling for 3 dollars. He was mad at how low the price was then anything.
Once brought his tiger into the shared house, and it immediately broke the couch. The tiger is not allowed in the house anymore.
Don Flamenco
He and Carmen broke up after his first lost, got back together shortly after and forgot the whole issue.
Used bull fighters techniques on bald bull, he would have won if bald bull didn't right hook him into next sunday (literally)
Has tried multiple different types of hair growers, wigs, and more. He is still Balding.
World circuit
Aran Ryan
Actually got in the world circuit fair and square, not by cheating.
He started cheating after some idiot tried to stab him in the ring, good times from the WVBA!
I have a feeling he would say he likes to eat limes raw just to get on everyone's nerves.
Has also gotten confused with his Older brother, spo Aran Ryan, who promptly got a name change after aram started to cheat.
Soda Popinski
None of the boxer can drink his soda because its a legit health hazard to all of them.
Has no clue what the hell is going on 68% of the time.
Has actually used dry ice as a ice pack. This guy isn't human anymore.
Bald Bull
Hates don flamenco with a passion after the bull technique incident.
Is actually calm outside the ring, any public out brust is to get rid of potential paparazzi's (it doesn't work often)
Makes a pretty good calming tea.
Super Macho Man
Once had a horrible movie shoot that made him lose alot of viewer, proceeded to have an early mid life crisis and dye his hair gray.
After his loss with little mac he was more upset at the ladys chasing after little mac rather then him, rather then the sudden drop of viewers (which wasn't even a dent)
Probably had alot of talks about his boxer outfit, you know what im referring too.
Mr. Sandman
Dispite his name, he gets very little sleep. Not like glass joe but still.
He's so strong the WVBA actually has a ambulance on standby whenever he fights.
One time was put up against glass joe, actually laughed, realized it was serious, looked the referee in the eyes and said "if im put up against him ever again we'll need to find a new glass joe" and forfeited the game. Technically if joes score didn't reset it would now be 2-299.
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shrimplymoray · 8 months
This is... Very much self-indulgent and for my own comfort right now. So, excuse anything that may be off, or a bit OOC. TW: Apathy crisis, existential crisis.
Cronus Ampora x Reader - Apathy
Cronus was never the smartest fish in the sea when dealing with people, especially when it is other's feelings. He may seem like the emotional type of guy (he has cried multiple times for human love songs), but dealing with others is way out of his league. He - and the rest of the Beforus trolls for that matter - keep wondering how he managed to actually score one. He was used to shooting his shot at others and missing by well over a mile, so his oh-so-not-smooth flirts actually hitting a soft spot for you made him lose his composure, and get fidgety. An adorable view, truly. Though in past times his bluntness and lack of emotional knowledge never affected you, it seemed as though fate had other plans. Apathy. Something all 13 of you have become used, almost acquaintances to. Sadly, being used does not mean it is easy to deal with. Some of you, like Meulin and Rufioh, have mastered the art of surrounding yourself with others to get better. Latula and Porrim tend to dive into hobbies to lessen the effects. You? Oh... Even after what seemed like thousands of years, it is a mystery what actually helps you. That is why, this time, Cronus went too far for you. It was simple, you were faking till you got better, but he ran his mouth too much. "Heyy~ hot stuff, are ya mad at somefin? Did'ya stub yer toes? Ya so dry it shorelly must'vwe been somefin goin' on." A pause, and an answer "I don't know what you're talking about Cro." "Huh? C'mon, bae~ Lemme guess... Meenah talked shit 'bout yer hair?" "Is... there something with my hair?" "wvah- NONONO! No it, uh, it looks as great as ya! Like alwvays, I just, uh, y'knowv howv she can get, haha!" You knew he was not trying to make you mad, yet... He didn't seem charming when being a dork, this time. Your pause, the look in your void white eyes that stared at his, and your look at the distance. That showed him something really was up. And also that he fucked up big time by running his mouth today. "Hey... Hey, look at me." "What?" "Y'knowv ya can trust me, right? Ya been here for me, wvhat good of a matesprit wvould I be if I didn't do the same?" ... "It's the... the thing, again. This stupid thinkpan of mine can't seem to co-work with my bloodpumper. It's like... Y'know how, like, sometimes the reality hits us? that... that we are gonna be here, forever. We will never grow old, travel the world, or... or have a life, again. We are stuck in the bubbles, and we don't have a future ahead of us anymore. Any... certainty we had once, from the moment our session ended, it will never occur, like, ever again." "Wvoah..." It took a while, the two of you staring at the abyss, on the edge of the dreambubble you two have been sitting on, a special place for you, as this is one of your bubbles. No one said anything. You couldn't feel uncomfortable, at that moment. The lack of emotions took a deep toll on you, but you instinctively looked at Cronus. When he looked at you, however, he didn't seem worried. Or afraid. He took his goofy fake 'human' cigarette put it on the corner of his mouth, and gave you his side grin. Not the smug one, the one he puts whenever he is really confident about what he is going to say. "I mean, ya not wvrong, by any means but... heh... Do ya think it is bad? I mean, hey! Wve are gonna be all here forevwer, so that means wve can at least, like, be together for eternity or wvathevwer. I used to be pretty damn bad wvith these apathy shellnanigans but... I'm not really that afraid anemonemore. I havwe the best fuckin' matesprit in the wvhole 'bubbles and, like, I'm pretty damn shore I can live the rest of a boring eternity if I havwe ya to make it interestin'!" As you two stared to the far, far void of nothing, outside the bubble, you instinctively reached a hand on top of his, which, as always, sent his face into a violet blush mess, and managed to drag a smile and chuckle out of you. "Can't complain with that, really."
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mayiwritesomething · 6 months
Love is an Unfamiliar Name (Pt. 7)
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Pairing: Pedro Pascal x f!reader
Wordcount: 2,1 k
Warnings: friends talking about sex, basically an allusion, no big deal.
A/N: In this slightly longer (and quite sad) chapter we have a Pedro who is a bit... let's say a jerk . but along the we will understand why this kind of behavior is happening, I swear haha
Fear (Of the Unknown)
"Neeeeext," Jenny demanded, munching on a bag of Takis while perched on the couch. "I want all the juicy details, girl." You finally met the girls at Jenny’s room on Sunday night after spending the whole day at Pedro’s.
"Well, we have to give the guy credit," Amy chimed in, reclining at the end of Jenny's bed. "I can't even remember the last time you had a sleepover with a man. He must've really impressed you to change your mind."
"Hey, it's not like we were going at it like rabbits," you chuckled, the memory still fresh in your mind. "We talked a lot too. It just felt like any other day, you know? Even during sex, we found our rhythm quickly."
"Have you noticed how radiant her skin looks?" Amy observed, peering at you with curiosity as you sat in the middle of the bed.
"Fuck, you're glowing!" Jenny exclaimed in surprise. "We'll have to find out what his secret is." You simply laughed it off.
"He really paid attention to what I wanted, always checking if I was comfortable," you admitted shyly. "But he could also be quite dominant. And like I said, we had some deep conversations in between... activities," you finished with a silly grin.
"My friend, I have some news for you," Amy interjected with a laugh. "It's a good thing that you finally let yourself date someone you've known for a while, it is way better than with some random shit—and you’re going to have to swallow your pride and admit that this guy was good. You probably didn’t let him know, but he got you on your knees.”
"He got me at least three or four times that I can remember," you chuckled.
"Come on!" Jenny playfully tossed a Taki at you.
"I'd pay to see that," Amy teased. "YOU," she pointed at you, bursting into song, "Just like a prayer, you know I'll take you there." She laughed.
"It was definitely a great point of view; I can't deny that." You smiled, feeling a shiver of excitement run down your spine.
"Amy, look at her. SHE IS FUCKING SMILING," Jenny pointed out, munching on her Takis.
"And to think he was so nervous about approaching her," Amy added, causing both you and Jenny to look at her in shock. She realized her mistake.
"WHAT?!" You and Jenny exclaimed simultaneously, eager for more information. Amy tried to backtrack, claiming it was obvious, but you pressed her for details.
"Please don't tell Timmy I told you this," Amy pleaded, disappointed in herself. "Remember that night you were feeling down, and he joined you on the patio? You two spent the night together. He was feeling confused and guilty for maybe mixing things up, so he confided in Timmy."
"And why are you telling this now, Amy?" You snapped, a hint of irritation in your voice. "I could've been having this great sex all this time. Single people also deserve happiness, you know," you added sarcasticly.
"Timmy only told me at the pub! before we went to check on you," Amy explained. "I was mad at him too, ok? But he told him that you're not someone to mess with. If he screws up and you decide to leave, you'll walk away just like you did before." Tim knew you; he had seen you broken before.
"Well… that explains a lot," you mused, recalling your conversations from the previous night when he decided to explain himself.
You jetted off to LA for a few days as planned, but true to your workaholic nature, you managed to squeeze in a business meeting during your vacation. After years of toiling on scores and earning some awards such as an Academy and a Golden Globe, you now have the luxury of being selective with your projects. The upcoming project was one you couldn't afford to pass up.
Your conversations with Pedro continued as usual, but as you boarded your flight on Monday, a nagging fear crept in—would he suddenly disappear? You didn't want that to happen; the memory of your past involvement with someone you had a prior connection to still haunted you.
Despite your reservations, you decided to give it a chance. Spending a long night with people you had no attachment to was much easier, you understood why the girls were excited to see you with someone you shared a connection with. And from your conversations with him, you learned that his friends felt the same.
A lingering question plagued your mind: Two different people, same traumas. Could it possibly work?
You pushed that thought aside, refusing to indulge in self-sabotage this time. You were enjoying yourself and didn't want to ruin a good thing. Upon returning to Canada, you and Pedro found yourselves in a rather funny situation—sneaking into each other's rooms like teenagers trying to evade their parents' watchful eyes.
Both of you excelled at maintaining a professional demeanor during the day, and no one would suspect that you were secretly meeting in the middle of the night. You were admired for your serious demeanor, while Pedro's easygoing nature was already known. Despite your differences, you both managed to keep your clandestine rendezvous under wraps, maintaining the facade of being nothing more than good friends.
In the past few months, you have been seeing each other at least once a week, a frequency that felt just right for you. With both of you thriving in your careers, it was important not to let things spiral out of control. So, when Pedro broached the topic of aligning your schedules to spend more time together, you felt a sense of relief. It was evident that he was trying to downplay his excitement about seeing you more often, but you welcomed the conversation, knowing it was a discussion you had also been considering.
You made sure to let him know that after the post-production phase, you would go on tour with Mended Fragments, so it would be harder to meet during these months, but with the tour ending, you would have a break, which he acknowledged and agreed, considering he had his own projects.
As usual, you meticulously planned the agenda for the following two weeks, which included a trip to New York to produce a quick soundtrack for a runway show while assisting your team via Zoom. Additionally, you had been invited to the show’s after-party, where Jenny would accompany you, presenting an excellent opportunity for networking and reconnecting with familiar faces, so you had a good feeling about it. During a post sex conversation, you discovered that Pedro would also be attending the same event.
"She's a good friend I made during my time in New York, so I'll finally have some free time to catch up with her. Oscar is also attending," Pedro mentioned, his gaze fixed on you as you both layed on the bed.
"Wow, I had no idea you knew her. Vivienne sounds like a lovely person," you replied. "She was blown away by Rick's show in Paris last season, so she reached out to him to know who the composer was, and that's how we met—even though you didn't ask," you added playfully, planting a kiss on his shoulder.
"I would ask, but you're quite quick, baby," he said, his demeanor distant as if his mind were elsewhere, which made you feel quite bothered.
"Is everything okay?" you asked softly, pulling away from his embrace to look him in the eyes.
"Yeah, it is; you just wore me out a bit, that's all," he replied, though you sensed he was not being entirely truthful. Or perhaps it was just your own mind playing tricks on you. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, you decided to let it go, so you kept talking.
"It'll be nice to see you there without anyone from work around," you said without hiding your smile. "I mean, being able to talk to you without having to sneak around like thieves." Your excitement was palpable.
"Well, baby...” Your smile faded, his tone felt weird. “I think it's best if we keep things as they are now. It's not like we have anything serious going on to show up at a party as a couple," he said, getting up to get dressed. His words stung like daggers, piercing through your skin. "It's almost 7 a.m. I should head back to my room."
"I never said anything about us being a couple, Pedro," you retorted, your tone sharp with frustration. "I simply mentioned meeting you at a party you were already planning to attend. I'm not suggesting anything." You were hurt by his sudden change in behavior.
"Okay. I just don't want us to misunderstand things," he said, noticing the glint of tears in your eyes. "I really enjoy what we have, baby, but it's more of a close friendship with benefits, isn't it?"
You couldn't understand why he was bringing this up out of nowhere. Perhaps it was the tequila you both had indulged in due to exhaustion. While you tried to make sense of his actions, you refused to throw a fit at that moment. You wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing you beg for his affection.
"If that's how you see it," you replied curtly, masking your hurt with sarcasm. "I must have misunderstood, but thank you for clarifying. I guess I'll see you at the party then. I'll be leaving on Monday."
"I thought you were supposed to leave on Wednesday," he remarked, surprised. "So, I won't get to see you?" Closing the distance between you, he attempted to embrace you, now fully dressed, while you stood by the bed, wrapped in a blanket.
"No," you answered firmly.
"I'm going to miss this body," he said, adjusting your hair, his breath tinged with the scent of alcohol. You held back tears, refusing to let them fall.
"Is the body all you'll miss?" you asked, trying to maintain a facade of strength.
"Is there anything else to miss?" he replied, deliberately cruel. It felt as though he wanted to see you break down in tears, solely because of him. He wouldn’t let you win this argument.
"Leave,” you were about to break. “Go have a shower and eat something, you’re fuckin drunk.” Your voice was trembling. You were also quite dizzy.
His gaze lingered on you, taken aback by your response. It wasn’t the plea for attention he anticipated. Why hadn’t you begged for his affection? Though he wanted to express his regret and admit he'd miss you, he needed validation from you. It was then that he realized he had screwed things up. You held the door open, silently urging him to depart. As he reluctantly exited your room, he reached out, attempting to grasp your hand.
"Please, just go," you stated firmly, unwavering in your resolve. And so, he left. Without a word.
Two hours later, after shedding all the tears you had in you, a message from Pedro lit up your phone screen. "Sorry for what I said." You decided to ignore him, but the persistent ringing of your phone indicated that he was calling. Reluctantly, you answered. "What?"
"Babe, I'm sorry.” He started, “I shouldn't have drunk that much. I was upset about work shit that happened yesterday, and I took it out on you—It's not your fault, please,” he added. ” I was a jerk, and I'm sorry for being mean to you. I'm really sorry, baby."
"Okay, anything else?" you responded coldly.
"Baby, I'm fuckin scared—what we have... it scares me," his voice quivered, betraying his own tears. “I don’t want to fuck things up; I truly don’t—”
"Listen, I always make an effort to see things from your perspective, Pedro. I hope you can do the same for me now," You wanted to express more, but you held back. "I don't want to talk to you right now, okay? Can you respect that?"
"Babe, please..."
"Can you respect that?" you reiterated firmly.
"I can. I'm really sorry."
"Goodbye. See you at Vivienne's," you abruptly ended the call. All you wanted to do was cry. Little did you know Pedro was doing the same: crying about the cruel words he said to you. He wanted it to be just a friend with benefits kind of relationship, but deep down he knew it wasn’t, and he was scared. You both were.
“Imagine two complete strangers
Who suspect they were meant to be
Both in need of love and affection
Yet their suspicions prevent something heavenly
Fear takes control — fear of the unknown”
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julianalvarez9 · 2 years
meant to be / martin ødegaard
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requested: yes
wc: 1.1k words
summary: you're an aspiring actress being interviewed by jimmy fallon at the tonight show. you can't possibly imagine where tonight would take you, though.
author's note: sooo my first request for martin 🥹 i'm was actually really excited to start writing for him, he's just the cutest little guy isn't he ☹️ hope you like it!!!
"so, y/n, how is it that you're married?" the interviewer asked, jokingly tone heard through his voice. "stop!" you giggle, repositioning yourself on the sofa to keep comfortable. you had done a lot of interviews over the past few months, but still being an aspiring actress, sometimes, the nerves got to you. especially on shows like the one you were at currently, where you knew that it was watched by millions.
you weren't mad at the topic being brought up, but you were surprised that he had done enough searching before interviewing you to find the video he was alluding to. the fact that you had married on a holiday with your family when you were just a kid was spilled by you as a joke, while filming a video of 2 lies and 1 truth with florence pugh, your co-star. ever since then, it had become almost a meme to try and find the kid your younger self fell in love with during the family vacation.
"your turn now!" your co-lead yells, excited about how her inevitable win. it had been fun until now, your chemistry clearly showing on camera, and you were quite entertained about the whole challenge. but being a deeply competitive person, you knew you had to win this round to even have a chance of taking the lead on the score. "okay so, this one's hard," you earned mischievously, before listing the options. "i went skydiving during the summer, i married young, or i have two older brothers," you sentenced, trying to keep your face hard as stone to avoid giving away what the truth was.
"you went skydiving!" florence assured, so sure about her answer that she was squealing, thinking she had won the round, and consequently, the game. "no! i'm actually afraid of heights," you laughed, and her face fell when she realized she had lost. "it's quite a tricky one, but i'm married," you laughed, and her eyes widened in surprise.
"not really married, though, that's why i said it was a tricky one," you laughed, and continued to explain. "one summer i went on a cruise with my family and fell in love with this one kid. we jokingly got married. i think my mom even has a picture!" you laughed, and florence furrowed her eyebrows immediately, pouting at your cheating. "yeah but you're not really married, dummy, that's cheating!".
"we have some news! your mom found the picture and she kindly sent it to us!".
your face turned bright red when the audience started cheering, and you turned around to see the picture showing in the screens behind you. two little boys were seen, holding hands under a tree. you didn't remember it clearly enough to recognise where you were, but you remember that the cruise had stopped once on the coast before returning back home, and you guessed that's where the picture was taken. "that's so embarrassing! i had never seen it" you commented truthfully. "i hope he doesn't recognize himself," you laughed while blushing, and tried to fan air into your face to make your cheeks calm down. the entire studio was cheering, and jimmy was pleased to see your reaction and how excited the whole crowd was about his discovery. "you didn't get to him yet?" he asked curiously, and you shaked your head in negative.
meanwhile, internet was going crazy about it. the search had started when you joked about it months ago, but now, with photographic evidence, it didn't took long until someone recognised who the little kid by your side was.
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the interview was about to come to an end, but minutes before, jimmy clapped his hands excitedly. "we have a surprise for you, y/n!," he squealed, and the crowd let out a "oooh" in anticipation. "oh my god!" you exclaimed, while smiling widely, "i really like surprises". his eyes glinted mischievously, "well, we hope you like this one! we've found your husband with the internet's help!". the sound in the studio was deafening, cheers and screams filling your ears, but the only thought that you could form was a simple question. what? it couldn't be.
jimmy went on, this time, explaining to the camera and the viewers. "on the line is martin ødegaard, arsenal's captain, welcome!".
after what felt like too long, but probably, was only a couple of seconds, he answered a shy "hey", thick english accent lacing through his deep voice. "so, martin, is it really you?" the interviewer pushed, and you were glad that the focus had turned from you, because you still were in shock about it. you never even considered that the little five year old guy would ever find you, let alone, be someone in the public eye as you were. it seemed unreal, and you still were having problems believing it.
"i guess so," he laughs, and you are one hundred percent sure that you look like a tomato now, after hearing the beautiful sound heard through the line. "my mum always watches your show, and she told me she recognised me in the picture you showed earlier," he explained, and after jimmy showed the picture again, a few tweets were also shown on the screen; various fans pointing the similarity between the little kid in the photo and what you could guess was a picture of martin as a kid.
you were taken back to reality from watching the screen showing the tweets by his sweet voice alluding at you. "how's my wife doing? haven't seen her in so long," martin joked, and the whole crowd yelled in delight. you laughed, while trying to shake off the feelings erupting in your stomach after being called his wife. "it's been like 20 years, no?," you asked, already knowing the answer. "yeah, i think so".
you didn't want to think too much about it: you knew it was only a joke. but 20 years is too much time, and he could be actually married and with a family of his own. you shifted uncomfortably in your seat at the thought, and it was like the interviewer had read your mind. "martin, are you actually married? kids?".
"apart from y/n, no," he joked, and the public laughed. "i'm focusing on football currently," he pointed out, and a few pictures of him wearing a red jersey and celebrating appeared on the screen behind you. so he was really arsenal's captain, wasn't he? "that's great! y/n, do you like football?".
"yeah, my dad's actually a diehard arsenal fan," you said, matter of factly, remembering how your weekends went when you were a kid, seated at the sofa with your dad, while cheering on his favorite red team. it really seemed too good to be true. "you were really meant to be, weren't you?," quipped jimmy, buzzing at the thought of actually being a matchmaker between the two of you.
"i guess so," you smiled.
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