#like if everyone but bh died really who are we losing. why do i care.
hellcatchvalley · 5 days
the way that if any bh member died now it wouldnt even be a "oh no im gonna miss them :(" feeling but more so a "man they didnt even really get a chance to finish anything" feeling is.
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This is worth reblogging and/or adding a comment on TBH
This went over the 1.2k mark again, so read me ramble about Motel California,  why I hate Scallison, and the subsequent diminishing impact of Allison‘s death under the read more.
I haven’t actually watched Motel California in a while, but— 
The sad thing about Scott creeping on Allison is that it’s completely in character, and that’s what makes it terrifying. The twins’ whole thing is their ability to merge, and not having their ‘own’ identity until later. Isaac is literally a werewolf because of his abuse. Boyd’s sister is gone, and accepting the bite meant family that couldn’t get taken away that easily. except it’s BH and then they all either died or fucked off to France anyway.
Point is, their lowest points are all very closely linked to being a werewolf (do we know if the twins were born or bitten?), or the reason they became a werewolf. 
Scott doesn’t have this. Scott wasn’t born with it, or chose the bite to get out of a shitty situation. It was forced on him, and his werewolf related lowest point will always be about what he was ‘forced to’ give up because of it. Even if you can’t convince me that human!Scott/hunter!Allison would ever work out. 
For Scott, being a werewolf is the only reason he didn’t end up with Allison. Which is true, because human!Scott couldn’t lie to her about how her family could realistically kill her if they found out about their relationship, or about what’s really trying to kill them, or about her mom trying to kill him, or— your get my point.
The wolfsbane enhances the worst part of you (be that trauma, or identity issues, or stalking someone to show how much he loves her), and that part will always be Allison. 
And a big part of season 1 was learning control to be with Allison, which doesn’t really matter, but I needed the control in here somewhere.
If he had been still human, they could have been annoyingly adorable together. This is, for Scott, all the werewolf’s fault.  So, being poisoned, and having ‘no control’ over his actions would be the perfect time to, and I cannot stress enough how much I want to strangle this kid sometimes, get Allison to take him back.
The worst part of their relationship for me is that they had so much potential. If it weren’t for fucking Scott. We could have had a strong relationship that defied all the hunter/werewolf drama. We even could have had a sweet first love that ended because Allison trusted the wrong people, and Scott wouldn’t stop lying to her. 
It’s why I like Allisaac a lot more than them. There’s baggage and blood on both sides, but they both know who the other is, has seen— has been on the receiving end of— their worst, and they’re still choosing to be together. 
Meanwhile Scott is somewhere in the background getting a good job on not stalking someone on the other side of the earth tattoo. Which, seriously, what?
But hey, at least Scott told Kira everything after only the first time she nearly got killed, so [insert gif of Stiles saying “progress”]
But instead the show kept pushing for them to be, if not endgame, the epitome of True Love. And I get that Scott is the main character, that he is supposed to be the Good Guy and Get The Girl or whatever. But the thing is, he’s not. He lies and manipulates people for their own good/to keep them safe. He uses people to get whatever outcome he wants. But he still becomes the True Alpha™, who never killed anyone, who has a strong moral compass, or whatever that whole speech was about. 
And this may just be me having read too many anti fic metas, but this is a show specifically made for teens, and the fact that the main character gets to do whatever he wants— including stalking, harassing, getting physical with someone he technically has power over because he like the girl who broke up with him, literally using someone’s body without their consent, etc— without any form of consequences other than maybe breaking up with Allison for a few episodes is Bad. Like, give me all the morally grey, manipulative main characters, but especially with shows aimed at younger people you need to be aware that they will see this shit being normalized/trivialized and will use it as a ‘norm’. 
And sure, shows like supernatural/the punisher do this, too. But, despite the Winchesters/Frank being the main characters and helping people, the show never lets you think what they’re doing is ‘good’.
Now, the dumpster fire that is the ‘I’m in the arms of my first love’ scene—
The short version is, I despise it and everything it stands for with a passion that’s only rivalled by my hatred for Kate and Theo.
The long version is, I already said why I hate Scott, especially anywhere near Allison. The show continuously pushes them together, reduces everything about Allison, her sacrifice, her skills, literally every other relationship she has, to being Scott’s First Love. 
She saved Isaac, the boy is literally 5 feet away from her, but we don’t get more than a close up of his face for 3 seconds, followed by 2 fucking minutes of Scott acting like he’s the only one who’s losing her. 
And from a writer’s perspective, it makes sense. Scott is the main character, Isaac and Kira are just the new love interest of the season, Lydia and Stiles couldn’t be in the fight (also Stydia™), I don’t remember why Chris showed up late, and even then, we already got’ their goodbye.
But the thing is, Allison isn’t Scott’s girlfriend. They’ve been broken up for the better part of the season. And it just continues to boil down to the fact that Scott doesn’t know how to handle not having a claim on her. They may still love each other, but that doesn’t mean everyone else doesn’t matter.
Isaac and Allison were (going to be? I don’t remember) dating, she literally just saved his life by sacrificing her own. 
Lydia was her best friend, she knew Allison was going to die. And from a writer’s perspective having her scream alone with the boy whose face just killed Allison is heartbreaking, but you can’t tell me that having Lydia scream for her as she watches her die, having Allison tell her that she’s her best friend, reassuring her that this isn’t her fault would be any less dramatic.
Stiles doesn’t even get to care. He’s unconscious, and after everything they’ve been through together, the show acts like they were never friends, like Stiles doesn’t deserve to mourn her.
Chris is what makes me the most angry. He just lost the last person he loved, after everything he lost his fucking daughter, and he gets to the scene too late and stares at her until the camera goes back to show us how much Scott is hurting.
And then he has to coach these kids through lying about her murder and he doesn’t get to break, doesn’t get to show how much it hurts until that scene with Isaac. 
Like, sure, Allison got to say goodbye to him, but Chris didn’t, and I fucking hate the show for it.
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drrockbell · 5 years
Edward Elric (because I want to see) but also Lucy from Fairy Tail (I want to know why you like her and NaLu so much)
Thank you sooo much for the ask!
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Edward Elric
How I feel about this character
He’s my short, demisexual, agnostic representation. He’s brash sometimes, but he’s like the nicest person in the world. I wonder how easy it’d be to befriend him. He looks like he’s so busy all the time.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Just Winry. I’ve loved them from a young age (8) and I personally see their love as eternal and nothing will ever change that.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Ling, obvs. I know that the ship is extremely popular, but I really don’t see it. They’re just really good buddies who talk about how amazing their girlfriends are and Ling occasionally crashes at Ed’s place when he doesn’t feel like doing emperor work.
My unpopular opinion about this character
This is EXTREMELY unpopular but I feel like in 03 Ed was made a bit too desirable romantically, including in the games. There’s implied feelings from Noah, Rose’s final arc is all about him, there’s that strange obsession from Dante, and in the games there are, I believe, 5 different girls with implied feelings (there’s apparently a scene where Sophie walks in on Ed in the shower) Learning that there was supposed to be a love triangle b/w Ed, Noah, and Alfonse made me cry
I’ve just never liked the sexual tension and implied feelings that’s common between the main protagonist and the “new girl.” And it is SO overused in anime and distasteful. (If anyone has ever seen more than two movies of Naruto then they’ve definitely seen this) They do this with Roy too in 03.
That’s why I’m a lot more comfortable with Ed’s romantic life in BH because they just focused on one person and didn’t do that particular type of fan service. (In BH Al is the one who gets all the attention without making him out to be this major desired guy)
For me, it just hurts my feelings a bit especially when I know that Winry is keeping Ed in her thoughts, has no other men or romances in her life (because you know girls have to be good and only think of one guy while he attracts as much attention as possible 🙄), and a simple phone call would be enough to make her happy. So I just don’t see why they had to introduce and force in these other characters when a canon relationship was already established.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
Not live the rest of his life in Germany
You know I noticed that Edward has never once spent the night alone. He has never spent a long period by himself ever. I wish there was a point where he was truly all by himself (I’m not counting fighting Kimblee bc it didn’t last long, there were other allies somewhere, and he made friends with Darius and Heinkel quick)
Also, I wish in BH his morals would have been challenged the way they were in 03. That would have made the perfect FMA for me.
Also, I don’t know if I want this to happen or not, but Ed getting taller?
On one hand he’s perfect the way he was and was able to find love being 4’11’ (huge inspiration) but on the other hand, 30 year old Edward Elric is daddy🤷🏻‍♀️
Lucy Heartfilia
How I feel about this character
She’s sooo sweet! I feel like she get put in the back burner a lot and the her enemies hurt her give a strong rape vibe, so that just makes me feel for her more. She gets insulted a lot for her outfits and physical weakness, and it’s not even her fault. She’s actually the most innocent, most abstinent character, but gets criticized a lot by people who don’t know FT.
When I first started watching FT, she just reminded me of Winry. They’re not all that much alike, they’re just real bubbly and have similar senses of humor and they both just looked a lot alike so I think that drew me into her.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Just Natsu. So there are a lot of reasons why I ship them.
I think from the outside they look like you’re stereotypical hotheaded protagonist and preppy girl ship, but they aren’t that at all.
I found this to be so strange, but apparently they weren’t even supposed to be a ship! I thought from all of the canon art and screenshots that they were already together, so I confused (and bothered as hell) when I realized they weren’t even planned! They’re endgame now, though, once the creator grew to really love them together.
One reason I love them together is that for each personality on of them has, the other can match it.
Like if Natsu wants to joke around and play games, Lucy matches that perfectly. Or if Lucy is deep in thought and is bothered by something, Natsu notices immediately and will drop everything to help her.
I feel like before Lucy joined Fairy Tail Natsu was a bit more closed off and spent most of his time at home or on jobs. He fought a lot (in a good way) with everyone else, but I don’t think he really had any friends until Lucy. Gray was a rival and Erza was someone he usually just avoided out of fear. I think she made him more open and sociable.
He spends far more time at her house than his own, tries to read her book (and let’s be clear. Natsu doesn’t read ANYTHING) she’s the only person he consistently goes on jobs with.
I think the moment that really touched me was when Natsu truly thought she died and it put him in such a heartbreak he didn’t care about anything except revenge (we know the affects of END gave him the demonic flames and aura, but that anger and despair was all for her)
They can be goofy, they can sit down and talk about nothing, and they can be tender with each other.
I can go on for days, but those are all my highlights.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Juvia! I wish they had more screen time together that’s not just “love rival!” stuff. They just have a really cool dynamic and we know that they’re really good friends.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Kinda what I mentioned above, I just feel like whenever she’s being attacked by an enemy there’s just... a rape vibe to it.
For ALL the characters, male or female, they always dress inappropriate for battle and lose their clothing in battles. It’s a sexual anime, without the sexual content.
But with Lucy... they always do this torturous, invasive way of hurting her and I don’t like it.
Like when they’re on the island and there’s this gigantic man hitting her repeatedly from behind and picking her up by her head and just how almost ever enemy is like, “I’m gonna strip you, hahaha” that bothers me and I don’t miss how it’s done to Lucy, the most vulnerable and innocent character, more than everyone else.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
I wish her attacks were more space like! So we’ve got the zodiac thing going on and that’s awesome, but I can see her having powers similar to Captain Marvel.
She’s a celestial girl, so if she had some anti-gravity, supernova stuff going on it would be so cool and it’d fit for her magic type and the show.
Also I don’t want her to be the girl everyone saves anymore. She’s gone one so many jobs and has been training, but the creators still use her as an outlet for someone else to look cool and heroic because they save her.
It’s not even close to being her fault, they just need to write differently than they have.
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