#like idk Kate and Victoria show up as back up and Max is standing there just surrounded by dead bodies and her eyes have yellow halos
Honestly… Starwars AU
Max’s force powers develop super late, causing her parents to give her up to the Jedi much later than normal. Normally they wouldn’t have taken her, she’s about ten, but her powers are strong and she seems like a good fit personally wise. Max’s parents didn’t want to cause her anxiety so they wait til after they leave their home planet to tell her, they heavily ‘recommend’ that she agrees to join. (As her emerging powers freak them the fuck out and they think the Jedi would help)
Chloe, left behind, has no idea that Max becomes a Jedi. She picks up smuggling as a job, Rachel being the one that gets her into it, and ends up with her own (shity) ship
Max is a good Jedi. She wants to help, she likes to learn and she’s willing to fight if it comes down to it. Until she meets up with Chloe again and wow would you like at that? She sure is suddenly really bad about letting things go.
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lawrencegarte · 5 years
Life is Strange (both)
HOKAY! i can’t do lis 2 super accurately because i’m only like... probably a quarter of the way through episode two and i KNOW there are characters i haven’t met yet so i’ll just go with who i know yeehooo
but first life is strange
Favorite character: kate!!! i love kate marsh this is a KATE MARSH LOVE BLOG
Second favorite character: toss up between joyce and dana :)
Least favorite character: mr. jefferson is hmmm Not Good! but also i really cannot stand david madsen OR chloe
The character I’m most like: hmmmmmmm..... well my sister is saying chloe which hurts my feelings but i also can’t really. argue with it that much. i’m Angry
Favorite pairing: HMM.... nathan x therapy lmfao uhhh.. actually i lov the idea of max/kate :’) they would be real cute
Least favorite pairing: bro both of the “canon” pairings are uhh bad! chloe is a manipulator and warren is a straight-up stalker creep so. both of those are kind of tied but max/warren edges out pricefield a bit by being straight
Favorite moment: legit love if u choose to be nice to victoria after spilling the paint and u two have a nice heart-to-heart, a few minutes later she just texts u BTW THANX BUT WERE NOT FRIENDS and i think it is. so funny. otherwise i really do love every scene with kate in it aside from when she’s uhhhhh about to jump off the roof. also okayy this is my last one i promise hjkdhl but i really really like the ending of episode 1 when obstacles is playing and it’s showing the whole cast reacting to the snowfall... lis did episode endings SO well
Rating out of 10: overall i think i will actually give it an 8! i really liked my latests playthrough... it’s a very nostalgic game both in terms of actual nostalgia and also the general vibe of the game? good game
okay and now... the first episode and a half of lis 2
Favorite character: daniel! baby supreme
Second favorite character: i wanna say lyla but rly i just love her whole dynamic with sean... i think i’ll say sean since i’ve spent more time with him :)
Least favorite character: don’t much care for that racist guy who tied sean up in his backroom! no sir!
The character I’m most like: oh definitely sean
Favorite pairing: daniel and chris are gonna be 9 year old boyfriends
Least favorite pairing: man idk sean’s love interests yet but i do NOT like white people dreads SO....... lmao actually i’ll have to get back to this one idk
Favorite moment: i liked seeing arcadia bay but then they ripped it cruelly from my hands.... i think my favourite bit so far was when the brothers were in the car w seth rogen (aka brody) and daniel revealed and named mushroom :’) that was all v cute. i also really liked when daniel was fortifying the camp in episode 1... he’s baby fr. i’m so glad they got the rights to minecraft
Rating out of 10: again, i am like... nowhere near done, but thus far i’d say... maybe a 6.5? i am excited to play the rest tho :)
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