#like i'll see people listing off all their ships and there's zero f/f ships ANYWHERE. sometimes there's not even any women present at all
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evilkitten3 · 11 months ago
if you ever find yourself looking at a list of the ships you're obsessed with and you notice that none of them are yuri then you need to fix that immediately. everyone should have at least one yuri ship they're unhinged about ok that's gotta be a fandom standard
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the-firebird69 · 3 years ago
List of deaths | The Sopranos Wiki | Fandom
Christopher montesani is a different character until Trump jumped off the bridge and was rescued by he and his son and he was attacked by Garth because he showed up as Christopher want to signing which meant he was going to take his character over so someone had to go and he got his son to do it because of the amir cola incident and it failed they wounded him so Garth got shot to ship as did c. Moltisani son. That was season 1 and several things happened because of it when is they keep on shooting at each other and kill each other and trying to adhere to try and threaten their son or to grab them and I'll keep hitting them and they don't get it so the other day I ordered a hit on both and they were hit and hit and hit him getting up and stuff while they're hit I said I don't think we need these people anymore all of them gone and I see there's a problem in there everywhere but they just refuse to leave and they're idiots just hang on to him and really dumb people they're too dumb and I agree with our son but really they don't have a right to be here at all I don't want them anywhere near us. With that said today it moves on to season 3 and 4 and they both die in it you're just not really following who the characters are no that's not true they're changing characters and getting killed going after each other and then season 4 and 5 they shoot each other a lot and it gets nasty here and that's tomorrow and season 6 Christopher dies again suffocates as a lame death but they shoot each other quite steadily and in Fargo they die completely big hits to their heads today and tonight and yeah Trump died twice last night and what's very badly in Fargo and it's very stupid today sister says dumb things over and over constantly needs to leave so hands up leaving and going back to The sopranos and season 3 kills which are not on there kind of lame and then to Fargo when he gets hit very badly I just leave it till the afternoon and he's a nuisance still going to take her over here and use him as a vehicle and yeah zero motorcycle factories to be taken over by us out west in California and other manufacturing facilities will be shortly. That's a huge problem here it keeps on claiming that he has some right to be stuck to our side I would say we don't want you doing that we told you not to and he just keeps doing it so we're going to expel him I don't want him here I want him out of there his jobs too the guy is over inflated and pissing everywhere such a jerk she has Sue him in DC start laying down just keep airing the news over and over and over and getting rid of his idiots. I care if you can't help it idiot this isn't a family argument besides you do it or you can hit.
So we'll start hitting his now his little a****** worm and it's going on now you're starting to hit
It's a big list of deaths and season 4 begins today too it's even bigger five and six or mild Fargo's intense they shoot each other all the time tons of them fighting in the Midwest and the upper Midwest the clones are still pouring out it's huge numbers, and is it is in fight like they have nothing to worry about.
Jager and the tanks are still in the upper Midwest Shatteredome. I wonder if my son is correct then they're just sitting there trying to allow cerebrus to take over from Tommy f. It's a larger shatteredome than up north and the Giants would be the middle of everybody and would be exposed partially and they already went up to hoss unless I left her blasters no that doesn't happen yet either I see why it happens though with the rest of what they have to try and grab blasters. I'm going to run some tests and see if AI is taking over and if so we'll have to lunch a major attack on the shatteredome ASAP. I have some reports that say it's a strong possibility and that they want to load robots of the ships and to leave with those including on to the large ship up north and that makes a lot of sense
The numbers of clones coming out and the numbers of cork are still gigantic if we assault The Shatteredome they'll increase dramatically it's not a fact it was all of them will come out of there huge numbers will attack Galactus and Galactica and the celestials huge numbers so we're building up our force and we're getting Galactius and Galacticius to organize and build it all up and orchestrate it and they're doing what they can now they're taking the bull by the horse and they're raging armies and armies of us it is a huge huge Army gigantic Giants and they're getting ready to assault at this time
Thor Freya
Well that's a beautiful we see the problem.
These robots take off and go in the ships we won't be able to take the ships and we won't take away to go and if they stay in there they can drill a hole cuz we're in compilatent as a whole
Speak for yourself and I can take it over this damn computer I don't know what to do they're not coming out and find everything else you don't have any reason to come out so surely do it's so implants the device on the top of them
Tommy f
You see more locks moving to it and his droves of them
Thor Freya
It should be over by nightfall now it's going to work tons of things are happening but it's good as soon it will be over within a few days the conflict in the midwest will end and upper Midwest what a bear. You're contemplating what to do with the campus it's huge it's not very huge it's not big enough for motorcycles it really isn't she'll like we were not massively professional and that's the image he wants to kind of convey that's how it is with electric motorcycle tons of people buy them in California I think they're all made there I think we're getting the green light on it I think so
Yes well holding on it and it's a goal and Hera has her strange factory eclectic factory she has a wall itoff, mostly for noise.
And the motor will be assembled there I'm doing it now getting it ready this is fun and exciting he said we could modify buildings as required we need to join them or infill and make a big floor and we do see that that's a better idea than what I was thinking I think it just make it flow the way it is and he says why do we have to or we don't have to it's fill it in and make the factory the whole floor and upstairs you put in what you can do for weight reinforce it too I go ahead and do this this whole structures in there that are pretty beefy for the engines and frame with The foundry right with that circle is I'm going to hate it makes a lot of noise but really people will want to work there, give me a ton of ancillary jobs for folk and we'll start with that he says and delivery is one of them will have them deliver them of course not usually but in this case it's not a bad idea and people will demand their bikes and they'll find it a lot harder than they think there's a whole bunch of jobs that pop up it's going to be interesting Hera is smiling she says it's going to be a strange place see me like this call this campus but it's a factory it's not really normal to have that kind of atmosphere and factory it's not bad for a little odd it's not the worst thing can happen and maybe we learn from it they're going to try it out we have something like it it's really good idea everybody will see it it's going on now and we're applying for a whole bunch of permits and it should be an easy process you shall see our son says newsome is going to be out shortly and Max will push him out, as he's just going to sit there denying permits and stuff and probably helps get him killed
Thor Freya
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