#like i was so actually FLABBERGHASTED!!!! MIND BOGGLED!!!!
orbch · 2 years
dhmis is insane because duck and red guy had ZERO romantically implied scenes in the og series but people were like “but wouldnt it be nice if they were gay?” and the creators were like “yeaaah... it WOULD be nice...”
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mikimeiko · 2 years
My brother made me watch Green Book last night and I am... flabberghasted that it won an oscar. I mean, not that I think the oscars are particularly valuable as a metric of artistic value, but this is mind boggling.
I mean, the buddy comedy part was not bad. If it was just a roadtrip movie where wildly different people get to know each other and become friends it would be alright, I actually enjoy that dynamic when it's done well (here was... ok).
But the bluntness and superficiality in its approach to question of race and class... woah. Are you serious. Viggo Mortensen THREW AWAY THE GLASSES just because two black men had drank from them and five minutes later he's treating Mahershala Ali like a person, despite the fact that he's clearly uncomfortable with their class differences. And then hee finds out that this guy is very good at playing classical music and... for some reason this makes him like him more?
And don't get me started on the final... half an hour I think. It's like a chain of feeling good cliches one after the other (standing up for you black friend! the one good cop! i love you so much now that i am driving you in the snow to your family on christmas eve despite having hired you as my driver! i even let you use my precious blanket! after a moment of esitation i come to your christmas party! every single man is racist in there but one line from viggo and racism is solved!). I was... O_O
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