#like i wanna use the hashtag on twitter too
suntizer · 10 months
twitter is crazy again should i just post my dnf fic here
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daydadahlias · 6 months
public service announcement to my wonderful beautiful followers: i love yall deeply and i love when u send me asks sm but can y'all pls stop trying to talk to me about the twitter situation now <3 I've established (multiple times) that I think it is all baseless bullshit and that I'm going to carry on happily vibing away here on tumblr where people are capable of critical thought <3 so y'all don't need to keep sending me asks about it
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voidpumpkin · 2 years
A Guide For New Users Fleeing From Twitter, From A User Who Needed One When They First Started:
Hi to everyone fleeing from twitter, Elon Musk is shit and he already has had an actively harmful effect on the site, one that will only get worse. So, welcome to Tumblr, it can be kind of intimidating, given its reputation and how many different features there are, I was certainly confused and intimidated when I first logged on and as I'm active on both I sympathise with y’all, so here’s a guide to anyone new:
Put your hashtags in the hashtag section. This is the only way they’ll actually have any sort of effect, or appear when you search for something. Don’t post them on the post itself.
There is a character limit for hashtags and a quite high hashtag limit. Go wild. Writing entire speeches is common. 
Don’t tag lots of unrelated stuff to your posts, that’ll get you reported for Spam and just hated in general
Don’t censor words, users are fine with swearing, doing so especially with triggering content makes it hard for people to limit their exposure to said triggering content.
There’s no such thing as ratioing.
We don’t have quote retweeting, every reblog, comment, etc counts to op’s post. They can see it all, and will be notified depending on their notification settings.
Change your icon, people will think you’re a bot if you use the default.
Give yourself a bio, it’ll make you look like a person.
Follow people and tags, that’s the only way you’re gonna see the content you wanna see. The foryoupage isn’t to be trusted.
Actually reblog stuff, liking has no effect, reblogging is the only important thing here as there is no like based algorithm. Doing so will also make you appear human.
You can hide your likes and who you’re following. Doing so is not frowned upon in the slightest.
You can block tags, similarly to muting words on twitter.
You can have multiple blogs tied to one account. 
You can customise your blog, go wild.
There is no word limit, you can write as you want. But if it gets too long make use of the keep reading feature, (the three dots beside the add gif feature)
There is an image limit of thirty, up from the former ten, though for some they may be stuck at only using ten, tumblr is kinda inconsistent. If you want to add more you’ll have to reblog your own post. 
There is no reblogging limit when it comes to a post, though there is a daily posting limit, go wild, only your followers will be upset.
You can have videos, gifs and pictures in the same post.
You can just post audio.
Adult content is still banned, but actual moderation and enforcement is spotty, especially if it’s written. 
Spam liking and reblogging isn’t a thing. Go wild.
You have an ask box that people can submit stuff to. You can respond or just delete the post. You can remove anon capability from it (which will get rid of most of the hate), or outright bar it.
You can’t private your account but you can restrict commenting and reblogging. Edit: I’ve been informed that you can in fact make your blog password protected, it’s just that it’s a rarely done thing and not widely known.
Block whoever and whenever, it’s not a big deal. Though if someone you’ve blocked has reblogged and added to a post and someone you follow reblogs that, their commentary will still be included in the post you see.
We don’t have muting, only blocking.
Yes, direct messaging is a thing (it’s the little smiley face)
The only way to promote your is through ‘tumblr blaze’, you pay a certain amount of money and your post will be promoted, but not targeted, so no invasions of privacy. You are subject to the employee’s whims on whether or not it gets promoted and unfortunately hate speech has been allowed.
Tumblr has tendency to hide/consume comments, posts and asks, don’t be surprised if they go missing.
Tumblr searching a blog relies on tags, words in the post and the users name, keep that in mind.
Posts will remain after you delete your account or the original post if they have been reblogged.
Years old posts are still circulating and that is considered normal.
You can queue up posts to be released when you’re not using your account. Or you can just post whenever you’re active. Go wild.
Wizards exist and are very popular on this site. Accept it.
There are posts with no notes that will never gain any more than a sing note for your like. Accept it.
There are posts will no op. Accept it.
Trans and autistic people dominate this site.
Don’t get pissy when someone tags a post ‘tw (insert slur)’, or any trigger warning for that matter, most are just being considerate of their followers who may be triggered by such content.
Twitter discourse is regularly mocked, it’s not gonna fly here.
No, we don’t call each other oomfs, or anything like that. We just have mutuals.
Tumblr in general lacks a lot colloquialisms that began on twitter.
We do have ‘blorbo’ ‘poor little meow meow’ etc.
Trying to go viral or trying to corporate is frowned upon.
Tumblr has a tendency to blacklist things tagged like ‘crowdfunding’ so bring that kind of logic you use for twitter posts over to tumblr.
We don’t have twitter circles, co-posting, etc.
Tumblr is surprisingly good at recommending blogs.
There are no verified accounts, and your follower count isn't visible. This is a good thing, trying to change it will get you laughed at.
People are going to just make up stuff, don’t believe everything you see and if it’s a claim about someone, investigate it rather than just believe it.
You can edit your posts after you’ve posted them, but the versions reblogged before said changes will still circulate. This editing of the original has been used as a spruce of comedy
If your worried about people seeing your potentially triggering, or even graphic content and they haven’t blocked the tags you’ve used you can use the keeping reading feature to put the content under the cut and post a warning at the top.
And this is quite important:
Stay anonymous and have fun. There isn’t an expectation to constantly expose inner details of your life, you aren’t expected to use your real face, your real name, age, etc. You’re not even expected to be truthful here. Exist however you wanna exist and have fun, that should be the point of social media. 
Also keep in mind that tumblr has its own distinct culture that is going to take some getting used to. As well as a history any user who’s been here a while will at least somewhat understand.
Also I'll be editing the post with additional info and corrections provided to me.
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dingodoodles · 13 days
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🎉 CONTEST ANNOUNCEMENT!🎉 Hey! Soooo To celebrate the Fool's Gold: Into the Bellowing Wilds campaign setting arriving in people’s hands
We got a contest to make some Post cards advertising the Bellowing Wilds A hard sell, I know lmao😬 You win cool shit too from us and Hit Point Press! So this is what we got going on: The Bellowing Wilds needs your help! Many adventurers are soon to experience our…..EXCITING (and very questionable) creatures and locals, and may not live to tell the tale. Let’s tell it for them!
ENTRY 📩 Using your powers of persuasion, create a postcard promoting a visit to the Bellowing Wilds. Come up with a slogan, or draw an adventurer’s picture, or write a small excerpt from an adventurer’s point of view on the postcard. Either way, it should try to convince the reader to visit in any way possible! Then either:
1) Post it in our Discord in ⁠postcard-contest , to enter for the community award. Winner will be determined by most ❤️ reactions. or 2) Post it on social media with #VisitFoolsGold (Twitter/Insta/Tumblr/Bluesky), to enter for the crew choice award. Winner will be randomly chosen from eligible posts. or Both! (But you can only win one)
REWARDS FOR EACH WINNER 🏅 - 1 copy of the "Heckna! Box Set"!! 🤡 (Provided by Hit Point Press!) - The winning postcards will also be PRINTED and SIGNED by Dingo, Felix, and Avery - A chosen sticker sheet of Fool's Gold stickers!
RULES ✅ Using and/or reformatting provided images from the digital Bellowing Wilds PDF (The one given is just 1 example of what can be. Feel free to use it if you wanna) ✅ Drawing your own artwork ✅ Using clip art text ✅ You may submit to both discord & social media. Your choice. ✅ Maximum of 3 entries per person (On either/both platforms) ❌ No AI art
IMPORTANT Discord: Upvote your favorite submission with a ❤️ emoji (No other emoji / heart colors count) Social Media: You have to include the hashtag and like the contest post. Contest will end Sept 26 @ 11pm PST 🗓️ Kickstarter Backers: It's arriving! 👀 For those who have pre-ordered the Fool's Gold campaign setting, make sure you keep an eye on your mailboxes! Orders have been shipping out for a few weeks now, so if you haven't received yours yet, you should very soon! For help or tracking info, you can contact Hit Point Press at [email protected]
I apologies for the big wall of text :'3
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dragonheart2497 · 1 year
things twitter migrants may find useful that dont often get included in "how to tumblr" posts
1- queueing!
instead of feeling bad for spam-reblogging and clogging up other people's feeds, you can click the dropdown and add it to your queue instead!
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you can edit how many times a day your queue posts, and between what hours. You can easily re-order or completely shuffle your queue as well!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REBLOG STUFF. Tumblr doesn't run on an algorithm!! YOU are responsible for putting cool stuff onto your followers feeds!
"but if i reblog too much people can't see my posts!" i have just the thing for you
2- personal tags
You can have different tags you use on your blog to help people navigate! for example, i use "dh rb art" when I reblog art and "dh rb" for most other reblogs- that's so that people can filter my reblogs out of their feeds if they dont wanna see that, and only want my original posts to show up.
On the other hand, my art is tagged "dh2497" so they can easily search my account for it!
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If you open a person's blog and click the search button, a list of Featured Tags will show up. By default this is just the blogger's most used tags, but you can customize what shows up on yours in your blog settings
You can follow entire hashtags too! if you wanna see hermitcraft fanart without following every hermitcraft artist, follow the tag :D
3- Filtering
Tumblr actually hides things you don't wanna see, very nicely!
In your account settings, you can filter specific tags, and even specific words that show up in the post.
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sometimes different bloggers warning tag differently (i do [trigger] tw or [content] cw) so you can try to input every variant, but if its something you really want to avoid just put it in the post content as well. Blocklists aren't really a tumblr thing, so if you wanna avoid an entire community you can block their tag as well
NEVER. CENSOR. YOUR WARNINGS. PLEASE. On twitter or tiktok or wherever, you may have to do that or else the algorithm suppresses it- THERES NO ALGORITHM HERE!!! if someone reblogs your post, it will show up for others, don't worry!!! you're just bypassing filters placed for people's safety, if you censor words.
Also! don't worry too much if a word you wanna filter is commonly used in unrelated contexts- tumblr doesn't remove it entirely, but rather adds a 'spoiler' so that you have to click on it to view it. So just in case it is what you want to avoid, you have time to prepare to see it.
4- effective tagging
[read more in detail here] Only the first 5 tags will show up for people who follow the hashtag. That makes them the most important! Then, the first 20 tags will make the post show up when searching that tag. The rest of them do not give your post any visibility.
I see a lot of people reblogging art with fanart tags- that can be useful for searching back the tag in the reblogger's blog specifically, but doesn't actually give the OP more visibility in that tag.
You'll learn what tags to use by checking the content you come across! most communities are "[word]blr", and most fanart goes "#[character/show] fanart". tumblr tags can have spaces!
Lastly, a few notes
you will only have 1 PRIMARY blog. this will appear when you like a post, comment on a post, or follow a blog. your sideblogs will not link back to your primary blog, but you cannot do those interactions as those sideblogs.
artists love receiving compliments when you reblog!! commenting does NOT boost the post. most people put their compliments in the TAGS of their reblog, so that it doesn't become a long post/thread, and if people reblog the reblog of your reblog you won't keep gettings notifications about it. The artist will still see and very much appreciate it
read up on tumblr etiquette, do not treat this place like twitter or you'll be disliked lol. there are some 'big blogs' but follower counts aren't public, popularity isn't a contest here. make friends, or just block/ignore people you don't get along with. no one cares about your petty arguments
if you noticed the lil cat in my screenshots, that's from a very useful browser extension called XKit!! it enables 1-click queue reblogs (automatically adding your tags), mass-post editing, and lots of other great tweaks vanilla tumblr doesn't have! and the cat is a silly cute thing you can enable in it as well
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 7 months
03/04/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast&Crew;WJW; Con O'Neill; David Jenkins; Bumbles; Rhys Darby; A LeagueOfTheirOwn Watch Party; Wrecked WP Continues; NewarkNewark WP tomorrow; Fundraiser Statuses; SchadenFreude; Fan Spotlight; Podcasts; LoveNotes; DailyDarby/Tonight's Taika
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
== Wee John Wonday ==
Today's Wee John Wonday featured our Pirate Queen Ruibo Qian! Please check the video out on Kristian's Instagram! Don't have time to watch? There are some highlights below the pic!
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Some Highlights:
Anapela couldn't make it tonight sorry!
Ruibo is really into perfume like Kristian
Ruibo and Anapela really clicked on set!
Ruibo still has hope regarding s3!
“DO I wanna smell like a haystack with a cow dung hidden inside of it?” - Ruibo
Ruibo would be interested in polycule, Zheng may not be
Kristian has an announcement coming out tomorrow - 📚
Apparently the last episode, when they were all walking out in the colonial outfits, it was SUPER LONG and a lot of it was cut.
Qian means money = so Ruibo is literally the Money Bitch
== Con O'Neil ==
One of our wonderful crew-mates was out and about and ran into none other than THE Con O'Neill! Thank you so much for sharing this meet up with us @queerjolras!
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Con also posted a picture of himself and his pup Cooper on IG today!
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== David Jenkins ==
Our friend @cosmosart-s posted a lovely picture of David for the 2 year anniversary OFMD anniversary and David ran it on his IG Story! One thing I've noticed a few people mentioning was the "3" hearts. Not to clown/honk too hard, but just something to think about <3
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== Rare Bumbles Sighting ==
Many of you know of Rhys and Rosie's cat Bumbles, but we don't get to see Bumbles too often! Rosie uploaded an adorable photo of one of the Darby Feline-Fam.
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== Rhys Darby ==
Are you in Aotearoa? Stop in to seen see Rhys on Wed 3 Apr 2024, 8:00pm–10:00pm at the Wild Estate in Auckland!
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New Cryptid Factor Episode!
89: #089 The 2nd First Issue!
Spotify / Podfriend / Apple Podcasts
== New Watch Parties ==
= Mar 3 - Mar 7 A League Of Their Own =
Join us this week starting Monday, March 4th for a multi-fandom watch party! Each day will have different games and polls! (Sorry this is a bit late, I didn't get it until today!)
Where: Amazon Prime
Time: Every day 1 PM EST / 10AM PT! 
Day One, March 4th: Pilot episodes for both series with tweeting predictions for the rest of the seasons. 
Day Two, March 5th: Bingos! Live tweet your reaction and share your filled out bingo cards! 
Day Three, March 6th: Polls! Live tweet your reactions and share your thoughts on the shows so far! 
Day Four, March 7th: Caption the screencaps from the shows: Wrong answers only! 
Day Five, March 8th: Finale time! Share your predictions for the next seasons with the hashtags. 
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Watch Party Hashtags:
SaveALOTO to join the event! 
== Watch Party Reminders! ==
Mar 4 - Mar 8: Wrecked Season 1
Wrecked is no longer on any streaming platform, and it is not available digitally on US sites. (Apparently, it is available on German Amazon?) There are sources being passed around. If access is an issue, DM @iamadequate1 on Twitter or Tumblr
Season 1 watch from March 4th to March 8th. 
Season 2 watch from March 11th to March 15th. 
Season 3 watch from March 18th to March 22nd. 
Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST. Watch two episodes per day. Episodes are 21-22 minutes each. Use the following Saturday for the tags/watch if interested but not able to make this time.
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= Mar 5: NewarkNewark with @adoptourcrew =
Please join @adoptourcrew for a @NewarkNewark watch party on March 5th at 10 pm GMT/ 2pm PS / 5pm EST!
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== Fundraiser Statuses ==
= Underground Ads =
The Final Stage of the Save OFMD Crew fundraisor for the underground ads is still going! If you're so inclined, feel free to donate or share around! Ko-Fi Link
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= In Soup Now =
Wow! Only 24 hours open, and already at 10%! Great job all!
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== Schaden Freude ==
Thanks @iamadequate1 for catching the very sad times WBD Inc is experiencing on the NASDAQ
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== How to Help ==
Another Ranker Poll! Feel free to hop in and bump OFMD up. You can rank shows up AND down so make sure to rank other shows as well. Ranker Link
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== Fan Spotlight ==
Our lovely crew-mate @melvisik is back again, this time with our favorite Captain Rhys Darby as part of the Crew Cards <3
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== Podcasts ==
@fandomthingpod on Twitter did an episode on the OFMD Renewal campaign and interviewed our esteemed crew-mate @lcwebsxoxo! They gave lots of kudos to the @saveofmdcrewmates and @adoptourcrew and the recaps got a shout out too! (Ty for the mention LC!) The Campaign To Save OurFlagMeansDeath
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== Love Notes ==
Hello lovelies :) It was an action packed day for sure (as Mondays usually are). That being said I took some time to do some stuff today I've been meaning to, so I apologize for not taking more time on love notes!
Please know me and your crew-mates are thinking of you and hoping for all the best things for you in the upcoming days.
I know it's short but here are some reminders / love notes in other people's words for today/tomorrow. <3
Stay Strong Lovelies! Whatever you're up to, you're gonna make it through, I believe in you!
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== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Yeahhhhh no gifs tonight luvs, I am running late and I can't stop looking at these still pictures anyway, so here you are <3
Taika Src / Rhys courtesy of Prim on Discord!
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xoxobuckybarnes · 8 months
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January 2024 Stucky Fics
The Things We Hide (Rated: E, Words: 109K) by ThePirateStorm / @fsbc-librarian
Summary: Bucky looked at Steve. Steve carefully did not look at Bucky. “You didn’t tell him?” Becca asked, pausing in the doorway. Steve shook his head. “He only just got here. Besides, I thought you would have told him over the phone,” Steve grumbled, now also carefully not looking at Becca. “He is also standing right the fuck here,” Bucky snapped. “In case you both forgot.” “Steve,” Bucky started, quietly, purposely not looking at either of them now. “Why is Becca your doctor?” Neither Steve nor Becca answered him. Bucky looked up. Becca was watching Steve, who was staring intently at a wrinkle in the sheet covering the bed he was sitting on. “Why is Becca your doctor right now?” He asked again, more forcefully, this time looking to his sister. “And why are we in the fucking family rooms?” ***** Steve’s a marathon runner. He’s still friends with his ex-alpha, his life revolves around training, work, and Bucky, his best friend. He’s also 6 months pregnant and he doesn’t know who the sire is. If he ignores his problems, they’ll go away, right?'
Wanna Be Your End Game (Rated: E, Words: 23K) by KirkApologist
Summary: "Brooklyn, baby!" Bucky types up an Instagram post. "It was so great to be home. Y’all were the best crowd I could’ve asked for on the last night of the US tour. I’m going to miss the hell out of all of you. Get ready, Italy! I’m coming for you next month. And @StevenGrantRogers - my DMs are open. Ball’s in your court - er, zone? 🏈" Before he can second-guess himself, Bucky attaches a few photos from the concert and hits post. Then promptly tosses his phone away as if burned by it. * The one where Bucky's a world-famous popstar, and Steve is the NFL player who sweeps him off his feet.
young hearts, out our minds (Rated: T, Words: 2K) by junko (orphan_account) / @ladydent
Summary: Bucky posts a selfie of the two of them in bed to his instagram. He hashtags it #goodmorningamerica. Sam Wilson and Pepper Potts retweet it to their twitter accounts.
a question of expertise (Rated: E, Words: 2K) by mwestbelle / @villainsexuale & Fancomic by piumpoetam / @pium-poetam
Summary: Steve has criteria for losing his virginity. Bucky knows somebody who meets them.
The Long Way: A Stucky Fancomic (Rated: T) by BeaArthurPendragon / @beaarthurpendragon & LittleWolf82
Summary: After Thanos is defeated, Steve doesn't stay in the past. This is the story of where he and Bucky go next. Seven pages. Posting complete.
A Trace of All That Was (Rated: M, Words: 36K) by leavinghope
Summary: Bucky Barnes has to deal with the pain of watching Steve Rogers leave and return as an old man. Sam Wilson has to learn how to become Captain America when he had not asked for the role. How could they both have been so wrong about Steve? How could the man they both thought they knew have let them down so completely?
Lost But Found (Rated: T, Words: 2K) by innerslumber / @innerslumber
Summary: Bucky shrugged Steve's hand off his shoulder and tried to get up but his legs wouldn’t co-operate. His whole body felt heavy with random bursts of pain shooting through his synapses. The interior lights were too bright and while the quinjet was quieter than almost anything except a Wakandan aircraft, it still emanated noises that his super soldier ears could pick up. It was all too much. Bucky curled his body toward the wall and tried to make himself as small as possible. “Bucky-” “No, Steve,” Bucky groaned, his voice barely a whisper. “I can’t do this right now.”
Joker in the Pack (Rated: G, Words: 9K) by Ginny_Potter / @hipsterdiva
Summary: “Shut up,” Bucky mumbles, closing his eyes and leaning the back of his head against the bricks. “You’re jinxin’ it. C’m on, deal. I’ll know if you cheat.” “I never cheat,” Steve says, a smile already creeping up, anticipating Bucky’s reaction. Bucky snorts. “Like hell, you don’t.” Or, Steve and Bucky team cheating at cards, 1922 to 1945.
Barnes & Rogers and the Goddamn Truth (Rated: NR, Words: 18K)
Summary: There are three well-known facts at Shield High: 1. The history teacher Mr. Barnes is a stone-cold terror, and it’s not even because he only has one arm. 2. The other history teacher, Mr. Rogers, is a mysterious enigma, and it’s something to do with the body of a Greek God and contradicting stories of his past. (They’re all rumours, anyway.) 3. Mr Barnes and Mr Rogers hate each other. Bucky wouldn’t have it any other way.
Crack My Back Like a Glowstick (Rated: T, Words: 1K) by moodymelanist / @moodymelanist
Summary: Actors Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes read thirst tweets to promote their latest film.
Everybody is Supposed to be Dead (Rated: M, Words: 22K) by pollutedstar
Summary: “…there is nothing intelligent to say about a massacre. Everybody is supposed to be dead, to never say anything or want anything ever again. Everything is supposed to be very quiet after a massacre, and it always is, except for the birds.” In 1944, Bucky Barnes falls off a train into the Alps, missing and presumed dead. Months later, Steve Rogers nosedives a plane into the arctic. In 2010, the Winter Soldier project is uncovered by S.H.E.I.L.D., and Bucky Barnes is found alive. Three years later, Steve Rogers’ frozen body is found in the ocean.
look what you do to me (making me love you) (Rated: E, Words: 13K) by burning_brighter / @burnin-brighter & art by Reagy_Jay / @reagi-df
Summary: “Oh, you like this, don’t you?” Steve says, though it doesn’t really sound like a question at all. There’s an underlying threat in his voice, something almost dangerous, almost animalistic, and a smile spreads on his face when he sees Bucky shudder again. “Yeah you do.” Steve takes a step towards him, and he’s still so far away, but Bucky finds it hard to breathe anyway. The air around him feels heavy, tense, and he doesn’t know what to do. “Shut up,” Bucky mumbles, but he doesn’t deny it. He can’t really, because Steve is right, he is, and Bucky hates it. ———— After a failed mission, Steve and Bucky find themselves in a safehouse, where tensions run high and a lot of things come to light. When everything is said and done, it’s unclear where they stand and where their relationship – both personal and professional – is headed, but at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter. Bucky has only one thing on his mind: to find out what happened on their mission.
put you on something new (Rated: E, Words: 13K) by howdoyousleep / @howdoyousleep3 & the1918 / @the1918
Summary: “What? Y’never suck a dick before, Rogers?” Steve can’t even stop the hysterical bubble of overcompensated laughter that escapes out his open mouth. It’s loud and such an extreme reaction that Steve can’t take back, makes his cheeks heat right back up. He shuffles on his feet, bounces on the balls of them a few times, has another round of giggles as he chugs the rest of his beer. “N-nah, I...fuck, yeah no I haven’t really—” --- Steve's fraternity throws a kegger. The star of the football team shows up.
Birthday Wishes (Rated: E, Words: 6K) by Graendoll
Summary: Steve Rogers has made the same birthday wish for almost a decade. The wish has gotten more explicit since he and Bucky started living together.
No One Wants Your Opinion (Rated: E, Words: 5K) by thepinupchemist
Summary: Wherein Bucky loves to cuddle Steve Rogers, Steve comes out on national television for the sole purpose of spiting conservative politicians, Tony sees things he wishes he hadn't, and Pepper doesn't know why she even bothers.
Lost Vocabularies that Might Express (The Memory of These Broken Impressions) (Rated: E, Current Words: 93K) by dorian_burberrycanary / @burberrycanary
Summary: The worst of times, like the best, are always passing away. How’s that for some consolation on the road? A post-The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Stucky fix-it as part of the all-American road trip, detours included.
twelve twenty-five (Rated: E, Current Words: 40K) by burning_brighter / @burnin-brighter
Summary: “I have to say,” Winifred says, a mug of cocoa in her hands. “When you say you were bringing someone home, I thought you meant you were bringing a boyfriend. But I’m glad you brought Steve.” “Who says I’m not?” Bucky teases, laughing when Steve lets out an exasperated groan. “You two finally got your respective head out of your respective ass?” asks George, looking at Steve and Bucky intently. “No,” Steve says pointedly, “Bucky just thinks he’s so funny.” - Ever since they met, everyone assumed it was just a matter of time before Steve and Bucky became a thing. Ten years later and it has yet to happen. But when Bucky invites Steve to spend the holidays with him and his family in upstate New York, things start to change.
Every Me and Every You (Rated: M, Current Words: 23K) by deadto27 / @deadto27
Summary: Bucky Barnes is doing his best. He’s getting by after the blip, after Sam became Captain America, after Steve…well, it’s best he doesn’t think about that. The point is, his life is different now, and he’s trying his best. He just wishes the hollow feeling in his chest would go away. —– Bucky gets blinded by a bright light as the tear seems to implode in on itself and there’s an odd little jolt as the pulling stops, and then Bucky’s blinking, trying to get his vision right again as he loosens his grip on America. “You okay?” he checks, still squinting. He’s probably not blind, he thinks. It just feels like it right now. “I’m okay,” America tells him and he sees her nod shakily as his vision starts to clear, and he carefully lets go of her, seeing that she can support herself, hands pressing onto the floor next to her. “Uh…I don’t think I am,” says another voice, and Bucky turns his head so fast he might give himself whiplash. Because he knows that voice. He knows that voice better than any other voice on the planet and he’s missed that voice, so, so much.
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
Can i have mcyt + cellbit with a reader who has lots of pets like reptiles, birds and mice and stuff?
ooooo okay!! I don't know too much about little rodent pets (/lh) so I had to do some research, bare w me if anything is weird or wrong lmaooo
MCYT ; animal sanctuary
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu, quackity, & cellbit
warnings ; language, talk of harm towards animals
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"Holy shit, what is this? an animal sanctuary? this is your house???"
he loves all ur animals dw
he's afraid of the little parakeets though
he mistakes them for pigeons at first 💀💀
he's jittery around the mice and rats but he comes to love them
if you have a lizard/salamander that likes to be heald/climb all over ppl, you know damn well he's allowing it to crawl all over him
so many selfies and pictures of the little critters all over his insta, tik tok and even twitter
he makes a whole segment in his show to talk about your animals 😭😭
"the first time I ever went to y/n's house, I actually almost pissed myself" cue pictures of your little critters on the screen behind him "these fuckers are so terrifying. you see that bird right there? he mocks me everytime I speak! hashtag ban rodents 2024"
absolutely loves the reptiles and fuzzy critters
always taking pictures of them
you two do this fun thing by inspiring outfits around your different animals
like one day it'll be a certain salamander and another it'll be one of your birds
loves handfeeding the critters
loves posting their goodnight pics with one of your critters in hand/climbing on them
you guys go to animal shelters if you wanna find a new pet or buddy for a critter of course
yall always get the ones with the saddest backstories and shit
ranboo gets an axolotl
they're obsessed with her, and is so good at raising the fishy lizard 🫶
you bring a salamander over to meet the fish and they have a connection istg
ranboo takes a pic and posts it to Twitter; "two best friends in two different worlds"
is probably slightly afraid of the birds at first, they're scared of being bit
uses funny pictures of your animals as reaction memes
absolutely loves all your little critters
loves all the colors of them as well, especially the reptiles and birds
if you have a snake, he's terrified to get near it but will always take pictures of it climbing all over you
"You feed him spiders?? 😨😨😨"
he's the bird master
birds all over him all the time, he's a walking bird nest
always taking pics of/with your animals
if you have hamsters, good lord he's paying more attention to them than you 😭😭
"hiiiii, how are you today?"
"why do you actually care about my mice more than me"
also loves taking to the birds that talk back
has genuine conversations with them too
you do a cooking stream and he HIDES A RAT IN HIS HAIR FOR TEN MINUTES
"what the fuck"
absolutely adores all your little creatures
always has to show them off online
and always telling stories on stream
"y/n has this one salamander and she likes to nibble fingers, and one time-"
always taking cute pics with the pets that like to be heald/like to climb on people
she's literally an animal godess I swear
she's a critter whisperer sorry not sorry
always taking videos of funny moments / when you're giving all them time outside the cage
there's always birds on her shoulder, sleeping beauty ass 😭🙏
literally becomes a photographer for ur pets, she takes the best pictures ever
she makes them little hats and accessories 😭😭😭
always buying them toys as well
in the middle of the night you'll be awoken with the RMRMRMRMRMRM of the hamster wheel she got the hamsters
literally has to make a note on his phone to keep track of all the names
he is not touching no damn reptile
always posting pics online
you guys start fostering critters as well
turns on loud meme music and has a concert with the mice
he knows how to call the birds like he's fucking sleeping beauty
"how tf did you just do that???"
"okay then 🤨"
you foster a duck together that had her wings clipped
you name her together (it's named daisyhq I can't even make this up. you did the hq btw)
mice and rats all over him and his desk 24/7
and he'll gladly show them off on stream
"can we get a parrot?"
"my brother in christ we already have two birds?"
also lovessss your critters
he genuinley has conversations with the birds
so many pictures of your animals on his social media LMAO
he names the new ones (you left it all up to him) the most random things
always asking you about toys before he buys them because he feels bad because what if they're lonely and sad but he doesn't wanna potentially hurt them either
always fucking around with the birds when they're hyper
also plays tag with the mice/rats
also loves showing them off on stream and ranting about them for a solid ten minutes
he finds a rat on the qsmp and names it after one of your rats
walks back in the house one day with a rat like "I found a friend! :D"
"Holy shit bro"
selfies with critters in his hair >>>>
alright this is all I got this took me way too long...
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meraki-yao · 11 months
The taylor zakhar perez hashtag just full of praise for Nicholas acting and twitter full of anonymous messages asking for his recast because he's not as good as Nick. That shit hurts and I can't even enjoy the new content I'm tired of the hate that man has been getting for a year and a half (it's not about Nicholas I love him so much)
First and foremost this is awful and Taylor doesn't deserve any of this unfair critism that are frankly insults, it's fucking sick
I will say this about the acting (and I'm typing this while listening to the podcast where Matthew talks about how well suited the boys are for the roles)
Both of them nailed their roles. But because of how the roles are written, certain things show easily than others.
Henry is more emotional sensitive and "broken", and because that's kind of an unhealthy mentality which isn't the normal state of human being, it's easier to pick up, which is why even with a surface glance audience can pick up on Nick's intensity and level of performing. For example, Henry spiraling on the lake. It's a crescendo of negative emotions, and you can see it go from opposite of the previous emotion (happy and content) to increasing panic and heartache.
Alex is the healthier one, in the movie he doesn't have much baggage as Henry does, but he does have baggage. At first Alex might seem like a sunshine puppy or something but if you paid attention to the details which Taylor does, you can read so much more. His fingers fidgeting whenever he's nervous like when Henry's taking off his clothes or Zahra barging in looking out. Like him clenching his jaw and watching every second of Henry's face when he goes in. Like how you can feel the aggressiveness in him die down as Henry shouts his thoughts during the Kensington confrontation. Like how fucking in love he looks all conveyed in his eyes.
So TL DR and this is my understanding of the performance: the tricky part for Nick is not to go overboard so that it's too dramatic to the point of being unrealistic, while the tricky part for Taylor is too not under perform it that Alex becomes one dimensional. AND BOTH BOYS NAIL IT PERFECTLY.
But for people who watch it passively, or watch it with negative assessment already in mind, it's easier to miss Taylor's details than Nick's details.
But this is a speculation from the acting perspective as to part of the reason why Taylor's getting so much shit
Also Twitter people are just another fucking type of crowd who mostly should use their life to do something better (I'm not on Twitter and never will be) and I'm convinced that there's still racism involved in these commentary even if it's internalized or latent
Anyone who says Taylor should be recast or is not as good as Nick either didn't actually pay attention to the movie or don't understand Alex. Taylor read the book 8 times. Matthew and Nick, the two most important people in regards to his performance, have nothing but praise for him.
Taylor is Alex, just as Nick is Henry.
Hopefully after a while these stupid "opinions" die down and only intelligent/genuine/constructive comments will be left and things will get better. And I truly hope Taylor can see more support than insults. He doesn't deserve any of this.
I'm sorry that this has affect you, and I understand it. Honestly this is why I don't directly look at tags, especially the actors' tag, block whoever I don't wanna see or deal with, and don't go on Twitter.
Just from my experience on dealing with shit like this, I would say give yourself some distance from RWRB and social media for a bit, even if it's a day or two, and come back when it hurts less. Take a bit of a break. And avoid places you know you will see shit like this as much as you can.
Both of the boys did amazing, and imo perfectly in the movie and in these roles, and they deserve all the love and support. Both of them.
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carecrowgames · 1 year
Yazeba Readthrough #1
I gave up on finding a migraine free bunch of hours to lie down and read Possum Creek Games Yazeba’s Bed & Breakfast. So instead! I’ll try reading some daily on phone during work breaks and in trains and y’all get a commentary thread (to remind myself to sit down for it ^^)
Music for this reading session is ofc Running Away Again from the Yazeba OST. I love the vibe it, and the cover, establish for the game. I’m currently on a train and it makes me want to look out of the window more and dive into feelings of the exciting melancholy of leaving 
Cover: I think one of the great things about the cover is the way in which it immediately hooks you on the specific characters and interactions this book is going to evolve around. Like who are these two! Why are they argueing? Will I be able to play this frog! Thief cat??? 
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Table of Contents: so i did this the first time I looked a bit into the PDF too, but I gotta do it again, because the table of contents entices me similarly as the cover does There is so much to water my mouth here. if alone because Yazeba’s has fantastic fucking character names 
Some favourites: the rabbits in the garden, who wear little outfits (I want to play them immidiately) the fact that there are two characters with a nickname in the middle of their name one after the other, Niviana “Viv” of Llyn and Percival “Percy” Combustion (are they friends?) 
The "Tracks & Shelves" Chapter fascinates me. From my first rough look into this book I have a kind of idea of what they are gonna be and how they are gonna make the book work but I don’t realy know yet! Maybe they have to do with my next fascination: locked characters!
What do I have to do to play “The Zappamouschi Circus!”? who is “T.H.E.M”? “32 Maple Lane” as a character name hooks me immediately, I would read a book on that character without any further info. 
The fact that there are going to be entire chapters on resident journeys warms my heart somehow. I've been watching a lot of slice and life recently, and I'm realy looking forward to being able to see some main characters growth over a longer amount of time.
Some of the late Chapter names similarily give me preemptive and beautiful heartache. "The Witch's Old Hostel" sticks out, as it feels like alot of emotional processing is coming for us.
also i'm noticing that a character from the locked characters is part of the resident journeys, and listed after yazeba! I love the idea of the cast of residents changing. feels like a second season addition to the cast, i often end up loving the addition to the tone these bring 
i'm still in the tabel of contents and my train is arriving '^^ diving into the first pages tomorrow 
I started this on twitter, but oops, it died and i will not cling to it’s zombiefied corpse. I honestly love being back on tumblr, so this is me reposting my first thread of my readthrough here, and all upcoming threads will be primarily made for tumblr. Happy to be back!
You can see all my Readthrough posts under #zeebthrough, or mute the hashtag if you don’t wanna see them pop up on your timeline ^^
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daily-ravka · 2 years
Something has been stirring the fandom just recently and I know we don't have to say it but we're going to anyway because the series's coming back soon and everyone needs the reminder;
It you find/see something that upsets you, do not and I mean DO NOT attack the actors be it in their dm's, in comments or in the streets. These are human beings, and if you have the urge to type an f-you letter in full caps to any actors, I plead you to put that phone down for a bit and walk outside. If you think it's activism or doing it 'in the name of the grishaverse', it's not, you're just being an asshole.
If you disagree something in the coming episodes, keep in mind that these actors have NO SAY in the plot progression(they might suggest some cute lines to say from the book but that's it). They are not responsible.
If you don't like anything from season two and you just need to vent. There are proper ways. You can 1) write a review on sites like rotten tomatoes/imdb - journalists love to look at those stats or 2) use the hashtag on platforms like twitter - journalists love to look at those too and write articles that may reach the writers way. For goodness sake please do 1) and 2) AFTER you watch the show.
Once again, the actors don't control the plot. No matter what you hear. Don't be assholes.
(TLDR: Don't harass actors including production crew, they are people too. If you wanna let it out go to sources that the writers will likely hear you eg: rotten tomatoes)
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melty-milky-chocolate · 6 months
Intro || Seasons AU || AU Boundaries || Ref sheet Pt. 1 || Ref Sheet Pt. 2
Fanart/Fanfic is absolutely ok 👌 I love people getting creatively inspired by work! Please tag me in it too! I wanna see it!
Shipping is absolutely ok! Whether it’s canon x canon, oc x canon, y/n x canon, or your sona x canon! I am very ok! Just also don’t break canon gender identities and sexualities(Poppy being trans and lesbian, Frank being nonbinary and gay, Eddie being a gay man, and Julie being genderfluid and bisexual. I made Wally in this AU pansexual!)
Headcanons are absolutely ok! I love to see it! Just acknowledge that everyone is queer in my AU 🥰
You are allowed to simplify my designs when making fanart! I know it’s difficult! I am just happy people like my AU 🥰
If you want to talk or make NSFW stuff about my AU, keep it on Twitter and use the hashtag, I don’t want anyone to post nsfw on any other social media platforms, especially on Tiktok.
Please don’t tag my main account if you do make NSFW stuff on Twitter, just credit saying something like “This AU is created by @/ Dah_Lord_Choco , please don’t mention them in this post”. I will block both the person who made art and you if you do @ me after the person has said not to.
Leave questions about NSFW topics out of this blog, I will not answer it. This is all you’re getting.
Please don’t white knight/defend me if someone does make NSFW of this AU on Twitter, just let the adults be and leave me out of it.
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battlemaiden13 · 1 year
I actually have a question, well technically 2?? Okay wasn’t 2, I kept thinking and getting ideas. But!!!
1) Are you okay with your characters, plot, stories etc from your fanfics (mainly HND) being Cosplayed? As in people cosplaying like Berry and Syrup like how on tiktok people did Sans, Edge, Fresh, Coffee etc? You okay with cosplays and reacting scenes? Or possibly even fan made scenes? Or them cosplaying they’re YN/MC or what they would wear in different chapters etc?
2) Is drawings of scenes on tiktok? Or again fanmade scenes? Changes or etc? Is it okay? Or like what if scenes? Or like voice acting said scenes or comics or comic dubs??
3) On said note of drawing; when you do the more spicy scenes, are you okay for the nsfw artists to draw it? With a YN or their MC?
4) Are you okay with fanart etc being on more then just Tumblr? Like Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok? Maybe even Youtube?
5) Do ya know how in DnD peoplez make mini scenes from they’re sessions? Or while they roleplay the figures move or the furniture or area changes? Are you okay with that or like doll like in dollhouse type thingy, because I kinda wanna do a figures of the paintball scenes
6) is it okay for people to make fanfics of your fanfics? Or like use your version of characters in they’re own fanfic, for example; take your characters out them in a total different world, but they’re personality etc stay the same, unless needed for certain story ideas like medieval, fantasy, dnd world etc
7) ALSO are you okay with people like making HND, etc, inspired like “merch” in a way?(thoughts on selling, but I’m more of is it okay to make for yourself) Or like making *spoiler kinda* The necklace Mafia gave MC? Mango and MC’s bracelets? Or like Dreams coin necklace? or people making like the boys jackets so it’s the cute “wearing my bf jacket” thing? - or thoughts on people designing tattoos of your fanfic and getting those tattoos? Or just designing tattoos?
Of course for all of these you’d be given credit, tagged, etc- if you have the certain platforms where posted or regardless credited one way or another! And of course have it’s own hashtag so it doesn’t get lost to something completely different like some idea examples: Cosplay wise: # HNDCosplay, HNDBerryCosplay, HNDMCCosplay, etc etc etc and say scenes HNDCannon, HNDFannon, HNDScenesCannon,
It’s just I’m a Cosplayer and I’ve been really wanting to Cosplay your characters, redo scenes in Cosplay format, and I wonder if it’s okay aswell as if others might be wanting too as well or if it’s just a me thing😂 Also sorry it was originally 2 questions that lead to an essay🤣 I really am sorry it’s long, however your story, REALLY helps my creative mind keep getting ideas and I have a lot of hobbies, I also don’t wanna spam you so I try to keep it all in one ask. Sorry again!!! Have a wonderful day and thank you so much for being my inspiration and motivation!!💞💗 ~Long Asks Anom aka 💚𝒯𝒽ℯℴ💚
Woah! This is a lot XD ok lets do this. 
Yeah people can cosplay scenes and characters from my story. I would actually love to see some cosplay scenes or even fanmade ones! And absolutely A-OK with people cosplaying MC. I love seeing different variants of MC!! It’s so cool and interesting to me. So Big Yes to all this
Absolutely!! Love drawing and a-ok with you making fan made scenes or changes! Yes to voice acting and comics and comic dubs! Go nuts. If my writing inspires you, use it! I’d love to see what others make because of my writing. 
Hehehe yes. Go nuts. If a NSFW artist would like to draw them then yes. Hell if they want to draw this now so I can have some inspiration I won’t say no XD
Yeah! Tumblr is just my main platform. I have an Instagram too! But don’t post there at all really. And a TikTok but that’s literally just for watching others' content. As long as you send me a link or something to it here because I’d love to see it more than anything else post wherever you’d like!
If you want to make miniatures, heck yeah! Like that’s awesome! Like little dioramas! That’s so cool honestly. Omg the paintball scene would work so well too! Go for it
YES! I have a few so far on AO3 that have been inspired by HND. I feel like the only skeletons I have claims on are Syrup and Berry though because I accidentally made them. Obviously all other skeletons belong to their original owners but if you like my interpretation of them go for it. Also use Syrup and Berry for whatever. Take them all of them! Then they can be your problem. You can use all the humans too, like Lo, Vanessa or the brothers. I don’t mind
Yes! Again i’d be careful cause obviously most of these skeletons are not mine. They are the respective owners so you’d have to check with them. However the necklace, mango’s friendship bracelet and dreams coin necklace are all fine to make if you want cause I did make them up. The jackets would be based on the other creators (I think most are ok with it from memory but double check) but Syrups you can make. Tattoo designs would be awesome to see!! If people get tattoos on HND that’s on them but I might die. Heck if someone makes a HND tattoo that I love I might get it XD. Currently I have no plans to make merch for HND just cause I never thought of it XD you can make whatever you want for yourself, selling would be fine for now? If I ever make my own in future my stance on that might change though. 
And that’s everything. Like you said please please please tag me so I can see!!! Or even just send it my way.  I love seeing creative works based on my writing. Your suggestions on tags all sound great too. 
I’ve never had a cosplayer want to do scenes from my writing before so that’s very exciting! Don’t apologize, this was great! Bother me anytime! I can’t wait to see what you end up doing!! I’m so pumped!! 
I hope you have a fantastic day Theo!!
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yokomation-blog · 1 year
Time to Vote, Time to be ambitious for my projects
SOOOOOOOO, Twitter Fucking died and i had a nice Poll going on SO, let´s Bring it to Here Than, sadly i was unable to share EVERYTHING, Things Like Yossi vs the Weegee monster from 2017 has sadly been lost to time but wanna share a Link to the other things showen here tho
Future Wildlife New Worlds Ep1 - 2016
Quoll alone where is skittles - 2017
Alice Crash Lands - 2017
Quoll alone where the Background remake - 2018
How to Keep a Dragon - 2020
Eggs - 2021
Quoll Alone where is the Background remake - 2022
if you have seen EVERYTHING i got to offer here or, indeed on my Newgrounds and YouTube, i wanna remind you the only reason im currently doing this poll is because, welp i feel that good feeling after doing a Really REALLY Good and ambitious project, a good feeling i had from working on Yossi vs the Weegee monster all the way back in 2017, now i feel like i got ALOT of good new Stuff leanred i wanna put into good use in a Good Project
first off
a much better animation workflow, plus improved animation if you couldn´t tell
as well as
some new Tricks learned i would LOOOOOOOVE to put into good useage
as well as been able to Make MUCH BETTER Looking textures too.
also got THIS fucking thing i wanna try and see we can beat for real
SO onboard for this here? GREAT hope you found me via the Hashtags because there´s alot to do right now, shall we?
Feel Free to Re-Blog this if you see if, got a Week to Vote
got Those Models of Doily, Nat and Kitube to work on right now so we can prefect my modeling skills as well as... you know have some models around, im a 3D artist kind of guy, i do draw but my main hub, Blender baby.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 7 months
03/06/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew Sightings; David Jenkins; Kristian Nairn; Ruibo Qian; Fuckeries; Watch Party Polls; Watch Party Reminders; Fan Spotlight; Cast Cards; Pink News; Q+ Magazine; Stats; #ReleaseTheJenkinsCut; Love Notes/Morale; Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
== David Jenkins ==
David popped his head out today with all the Jenkins Cut talk going around. @bbviago thank you for bringing Dad out of hiding!
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Our friends at @adoptourcrew captured the fandom reaction pretty well me thinks:
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Also too, @skrifores had a really excellent point about how different the interpretations of this were. Which way were you all thinking? Any thoughts?
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== Kristian Nairn ==
Remember the book Kristian kept hinting about? It's up for preorder! It comes out Sept 24! Wanna pre-order it? Visit Kristian's Linktr.ee
Src: Kristian Nairn's Instagram
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== Ruibo Qian ==
Our pirate queen singing and playing the guitar for us. In addition... there's some clown/honking going on because of the note she added to her Instagram. *Resurrection* with 3 tiny stars, anyone? 👀
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Ruibo Qian's Instagram
== Fuckeries ==
Save OFMD Crew is calling out for some help! Please reach uot to businesses, streamers, personalities, etc today to bring in more engagement if you have a few spare minutes!
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== More Watch Party Voting! ==
We need you!
Our crew-mate @iamadequate1 implores you to come vote for the final version of the watch party hashtags! They're neck and neck!
Final Short Poppies Watch Party Hashtag Poll
Flight of the Conchords Watch Party Hashtag Poll
== Watch Party Reminders ==
= A League Of Their Own =
Tomorrow the 7th is ALOTO Episodes 6-7, and then OFMD 6-7 Time: 1-4PM EST/6-9PM GMT Where: You can watch ALOTO on Amazon Prime
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Watch Party Hashtags:
= Mar 4 - Mar 8: Wrecked Season 1 =
Don't have access? DM @iamadequate1 on Twitter or Tumblr
Season 1 watch from March 4th to March 8th. 
Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST.
Saturday there will be a re-watch for those who need to catch up (time TBD) .
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards! =
Thank you thank you @melvisik for recognising our dear Gabriel, Nick Kroll! So glad to see some of the actors from just one episode getting some love! Another card to add to the collection!
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= Pink News =
I realise that Pink News is an actual news site, but they are joining under the fan spotlight tonight for their continued dedication to #OFMD and quality content/memes.
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= Q+ Magazine =
Our friend @spanishjenkies caught Q+ sending some incentive over to Chaos Dad 😉. Just more reasons to love Q+ for their continued support!
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Great News Everyone Looks like Season 1 and 2 are ranking in the top 20 Comedy shows in Germany! WAY TO GO DEUTSCH CREW! Thank you @quirkysubject for the update!!
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= @AdoptOurCrew Data Updates! =
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== #ReleaseTheJenkinsCut ==
Thank you to @sweet-little-goldfish-stede (@Rowan_ofmd on twitter) for bringing this new hashtag to our attention! #ReleaseTheJenkinsCut is being used not only for fun, but to encourage streamers to #AdoptOurCrew! Please feel free to use it liberally, especially with your favorite BTS scenes! Also, kind thanks are in order for catching Jenkins trending!
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== Love Notes / Morale ==
Hey there lovelies! Today had some pretty great excitement going on! Chaos Dad popped his head out, Kristian's book got announced, our Ruibo put out a lovely song for us. All good news! Even though a lot of folks had peaks today, I know some of our crew is still having some troughs, so I wanted to send out a little reminder that it's okay to have bad days. It's okay to not be as excited as everyone else. It's also okay to be excited when others are feeling down. We are all individuals and we all have our unique experiences and struggles we deal with every day.
You don't need to compare your experience to others-- you're allowed to be exactly how you are right now. If you feel down, give yourself a hug, you don't have to come out of it right now if you're not ready, but if you are, there are plenty of things happening to give you some joy.
I was going to save this song for when I wanted to talk a bit about mistakes and dealing with them, but I think it's pretty applicable to any situation where we're feeling down. It helps keep me grounded sometimes when I'm not feeling up for things. Here's just a couple lyrics from: "It's Alright - by Mother Mother"
"It's alright, It's okay, it's alright, it's okay You're not a demon, there's a reason You behaved in that way It's alright, it's okay, it's alright, it's okay And I believe, yes I believe that you will see a better day It's alright"
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Another lovely note from @spanishjenkies I thought was really important to include tonight-- Jen is right, David didn't say stop :) Remember that whenever you're feeling like the gravy basket is feeling too deep. Chaos Dad is still fighting the good fight in the background and he hasn't told us to throw in the towel.
Goodnight/G'day Lovelies, hope you all get some rest and have a wonderful day tomorrow!
==Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika==
You can blame thank @celluloidbroomcloset for the inability to think after that Darby gif. @ofmd-ann thank you for the reaction gif for all of our brain cells in the form of Taika.
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
Is there actually proof of this apple treating Tom and everyone on set like crap? Cause that has been said nowhere I’ve seen. They posted him and the cast three weeks ago. Is this fans anger that they didn’t tweet the way they wanted them to tweet or is there actual evidence of this? Cause I’ve seen fans of twitter being mad at Apple for not using the hashtag the way they wanted them to use it and @ them in the tweets cause they didn’t like how Apple promoted. I just want to know since Anon dropped a bomb like that but we haven’t seen any proof of this.
That's what I'm wondering too Anon.
AppleTV, in general, is just notorious for not really promoting their shows/films well at all. Maybe they just don't have the money in the budget? Or, maybe they just don't wanna spend time or money on promotion? 🤷🏾‍♀️
These are some HUGE bombs, so whenever smthg serious like this is alleged, I need to see some actual evidence before I fully believe.
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