#like i wanna go to italy and eat pasta in the sunset right now
klara-rosa · 1 year
when it' summer and 35° and everyone seems to be on a perfect summer vacation but your holidays are over and you have to come into work everyday with no home office days because all your colleagues are also on their paradise trip and you're constantly hot and sweaty and feeling gross and you have sensory issues to begin with so you feel like screaming at the top of your lungs all the time but you can't because YOU'RE AT WORK and got shit to do 🤡🤡🤡
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i-am-just-a-kiddo · 4 years
Thank you @vishcount for tagging me once again, you busy bee 💞
This took ages but was fun
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?  black
2. Name a food you never eat. hard cheese? like cheese that is not melted, the only exception is mozarella and feta 
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? both, my system is all over the place so it keeps varying between extremes. but i loathe heat so i am not a good summer person, i whine so much 
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? i watched this girl on youtube dragging onision’s book lol
5. What’s your favorite candy bar? hmmm i feel like i haven’t eaten one in ages but the one i remembered now is kaštan - the chocolate is so smooth, but i don’t have it often
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? i don’t think so? unless you count the gymnastics competions i went to when i was a child and still doing gymnastics
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? “enjoy your food” to my flatmate cooking in the kitchen 
8. What is your favourite ice cream? chocolate and lemon sorbet (or just any sorbet tbh) 
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? water
10. Do you like your wallet? yeah it’s cute, my dad bought it for me when i went through my kuroshitsuji phase - it’s fake-leather with the demonic sigil on one side and the japanese name on the other (also it’s hella battered rip)
11. What is the last thing you ate? pasta with spinach and feta (why is it with these i always eat pasta)
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? nope
13. What’s the last sporting event you watched? am just gonna count street dance china here
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? just normal salty ones
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? @vishcount as well, because i love them and i enjoy their screaming as well as screaming back at them 💞
16. Ever been camping? yes, my family and i used to go camping in italy all the time, it was so lovely. i miss those times sometimes. i’ve also been camping during festivals and the last time i went was denmark in summer 2019
17. Do you take vitamins? i take vitamin d’s during winter, and also eat oranges and lemons very responsibly
18. Do you regularly attend a place of worship? i do not, i only like looking at churches/mosques when they are empty so i guess i do that often 
19. Do you have a tan? no, and my mum keeps scolding me for my paleness
20. Do you prefer chinese or pizza? please don’t make me choose sob. i wanna say both, but i think pizza wins by slight margin
21. Do you drink your soda through a straw? not really, unless am at mcdonalds or somewhere else
22. What color socks do you usually wear? very colourful ones with patters!! since my entire outfit is black usually i love having cute/colourful/patterned socks (my recent treasure was provided by vishie and i sobbed)
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? i can’t drive
24. What terrifies you? the future
25. Look to your left, what do you see? my water glass, my crocheting, a pile of writing material
26. What chore do you hate most? emptying the dishwasher - it’s too noisy
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? steve irwin, i loved watching his show when i was little
28. What’s your favorite soda? coke or sprite 
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? i can’t drive, so any other option
30. What’s your favorite number? i think eight but i don’t have strong feelings
31. Who’s the last person you talked to? my flatmate
32. Favorite meat? hmm fish and seafood (am 80% vegetarian so yeah) 
33. Last song you listened to? dragon tongue squad - chinese cooking (this song is so feel good and i love it okay) 
34. Last book you read? phew let me thing for a second. 
okay so i couldn’t remember the last book i read but i can name a longer dissertation called transformation and tradition: cataloguing chinese art in the middle and late imperial eras in by cheng yen-wen; and am working my way through an actual book called bronze and stone: the cult of antiquity in song dynasty china by sena yunchiahn c. (i feel like i don’t read anything else apart from uni lately - and honestly i am fine with that cause it’s fun) 
35. Favorite day of the week? friday maybe? 
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? nope, we gotta sit here til tomorrow 
37. How do you like your coffee? black, in summer iced
38. Favorite pair of shoes? all my pairs of docs boots
39. Time you normally get up? hmm recently i have woken up somewhere between 9-10 but usually i take ages to get up so 11ish is a good time
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? i loooooove sunsets in every form but i experience sunrises so rarely that it always feels very special and magical
41. How many blankets on your bed? one, and one for emergency
42. Describe your kitchen plates. bold of you to assume i have one set of kitchen plates and not just a jumbled mess of second hand plates and plates ppl have left in this flat ages ago. and honestly i wouldn’t want it any other way. (but i bought myself a pair of pastel pink and black plates from ikea)
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment. moderately tidy, for once it is not crowded and there are only some pots piling by the sink for drying
44. Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? sparkling wine/prosecco, wine, beer, gin tonic
45. Do you play cards? no, only uno and maumau cause i suck at cards
46. What color is your car? invisible cause nonexistent
47. Can you change a tire? nope!!
48. Your favorite state or province? uhm. huh. i think where i live right now is good, the capital is its own province so that is nice
49. Favorite job you’ve had? i have only worked at one factory that produces measurement equipment and spirit levels for 5,5 months in total and i gotta say, it was surprisingly okay? i mean it was hell, because everyone is treated like machines, but i guess i enjoyed doing physical labour on my own without having to interact with ppl a lot; and with those i interacted they were really nice and you sort of connect through this atmosphere of being stuck there (though i guess i was most privileged cause i knew i would go to uni and wouldn’t be stuck here for the next 30 years like many others that worked there. i am angry about this, why is capitalism like this)
i am tagging @sassyassassy , @intyalote , @the-cloud-whisperer , @isabellaofparma (two in one day - i am sorry, my friend vishie is busy tagging me in all these so am just continuing this love train). no pressure though, as always
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halseyassthetics · 4 years
73 questions.
I was tagged by @wescoasts thanksss <3
I tag @twinzmoon @anf-stuff @amiloud-andclear @chloefran @peacelovehalseytaylor @badlandsxclementine and there’s always loads of people I want to tag but then I forget by the time I’ve done it so anyone else that would like to do it feel free, I’d love to read some cool answers :)
On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? 
Describe yourself in a hashtag?
If you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be?
So. Many. People
If your life was a musical, what would the marquee say?
No clue
What’s one thing people don’t know about you?
That I’m actually a terrible communicated in real life it’s like words run away from me 😂😂
What’s your wakeup ritual?
I lay there for a while, check my phone and then fall back asleep 5 million times
What’s your favorite time of day?
Just after sunset
Your go to for having a good laugh?
Watching twitch or Gemma Collins compilations
Dream country to visit?
The Netherlands and Italy
What’s the biggest surprise you’ve had?
Can’t think of anything 😂
Heels or flats/sneakers?
Sneakers (trainers)
Vintage or new?
Who do you want to write your obituary?
No one
Style icon?
What are three things you can’t live without?
Music, art stuff, my dog
What’s one ingredient you put in everything?
Sugar or something
What 3 people living or dead would you like to make dinner for?
Emily Dickinson, Roald Dahl anddd Vincent van gogh
What’s your biggest fear in life?
Losing everyone around me
Window or aisle seat?
What’s your current TV obsession?
Atypical (I cant stop watching it over and over)
Favorite app?
spotify or Pinterest
Secret talent?
I can’t think of anything
Most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?
Moving city on my own was pretty crazy for me
How would you define yourself in three words?
Creative, passionate and tired
Favourite piece of clothing you own?
Manic hoodie
Must have clothing item everyone should have? 
A comfy hoodie
Superpower you would want?
Teleportation and breathing under water
What’s inspiring you in life right now?
art art and more art
Best piece of advice you’ve received?
I can’t think of anything
Best advice you’d give your teenage self?
Don’t give up on school and keep being strong because you can get through more than you think
A book that everyone should read?
I’m not sure
What would you like to be remembered for?
Everything I create like my art
How do you define beauty?
What do you love most about your body?
My really weird knee because it’s awesome
Best way to take a rest/decompress?
I like to just lay and clear my mind for a bit or read
Favourite place to view art?
Art gallery/museums
If your life were a song, what would the title be?
‘Sleeping all the time’
If you could master one instrument, what would it be?
Electric guitar or drums
If you had a tattoo, where would it be?
Everywhere but I’ll say arms since that’s where they are now
Dolphins or koalas?
How do I choooooose
What’s your spirit animal?
A panda
Best gift you’ve ever received?
A book of all of Emily Dickinson’s poems
Best gift you’ve ever given?
Probably festival tickets to my cousin that was an awesome gift
What’s your favourite board game?
Monopoly because I always win 😂
What’s your favourite colour?
Least favourite colour?
Maybe brown
Diamonds or pearls?
Drugstore makeup or designer?
Blow-dry or air-dry?
For hair it would be air dry
Pilates or yoga?
Yoga if I was to try any 😂
Coffee or tea?
This is so hard but tea
What’s the weirdest word in the English language?
Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
Milk chocolate
Stairs or elevator?
Summer or winter?
You are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat?
A dessert you don’t like?
A skill you’re working on mastering?
Learning languages
Best thing to happen to you today?
My painting turned out great
Best compliment you’ve ever received?
That i’m a kind person. All I ever wanna be is kind so it’s really nice that people actually think that
Favourite smell?
Cinnamon or vanilla
Hugs or kisses?
If you made a documentary, what would it be about?
Space or the deep sea
Last piece of content you consumed that made you cry? 
Alaska dying in looking for Alaska :(
Lipstick or lip gloss?
Lipstick probably
Sweet or savoury?
Girl crush?
Tooooo many
How you know you’re in love?
Idk one day I’m just there and I’m like ‘shit I think I’m in love’
Song you can listen to on repeat?
I’ve been listening to who by lauv constantly for the past week idk why
If you could switch lives with someone for a day who would it be?
Tom Holland so I can be Spiderman
What are you most excited about at this time in your life?
Just to move onto whatever happens next
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kumikirin · 8 years
I was tagged by: @yourplisetsky ❤
1- Name/Nicknames? Abril. Literally a fuckton of nicknames, most of them ridiculous to no end, bc in my family we apparently don’t know why people have names. I mean, my mother used to call me drosófila, wanna know what that means? Fucking drosophila, a fruit fly. DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE WTF MOM. And that's only one of the MANY I've been given. Okay but for real, most used nickname now is Kumi (not by family but friends).
2- Height? 1,63 cm, which is... apparently 5'3?????
3- Hogwarts House? Hufflepuff! <3
4- Last Thing Googled? “how do you put your height in inches", it was actually "how the fuck" but Google doesn't like swearing
5- A fictional character I’d like as a sibling? Uh. I don't know how I feel about siblings rn but... ah, Byakuran, from KHR.
6- How many blankets do I sleep with? Depends, in summer the sheets are usually enough and maybe a duvet if it's kinda cold. In winter, tho... three blankets, two duvets, this woolen thingy my mom bought from me, and it's still not enoughg sometimes. I'm really sensitive to cold okay.
7- Favorite artist/band? I don't really have one of those ;A;
8- How many blogs do I follow? 191 wow I thought it'd be more
9- What do I usually post about? Yuri on Ice has taken over my life. Also writing, sometimes *cries*
10- Do you get asks regularly? I wish :C
11- What’s your Aesthetic? Probably summer afternoon-nights, when the sun starts going down and I can go to the balcony and watch the colors of the sunset behind the buildings, and the suffocating heat of the day turns into this warm and moist air with the gentlest breeze and the crickets start chirping. That or summer storms, gray-purple skies and lightning and thunder and big cold droplets of water completely soaking me before I get too cold and go inside, wrapping a towel around my shoulders and watching the storm with a big smile, eating cold burgers and talking about deep things in life with my best friend. So specific.
a - age: 22
b - biggest fear: Probably never being good enough
c - current time: 9:45 pm
d - drink you last had: Chocolate milk ❤
e - every day starts with: Checking my phone to see why the annoying blue light is blinking (texts/tumblr notifications)
f - favorite song: I have many favorites for many different reasons but I'll pick Alegría from the Cirque du Soleil act bc it really touches something inside me wow
g - ghosts, are they real? THEY ARE
h - hometown: Necochea pff let me know if you've ever heard of it
i - in love with: Medicine I'm a fuckin nerd. The heart, it's such a great organ it's awesome it's perfect. That warm bubbly feeling you get when you see/talk to someone that makes you happy.
j - jealous of: People who can get their stuff to be liked by lots of other people ugh :'C
k - killed someone: Not that I know and considering I'm gonna be a doctor I SURE HOPE IT STAYS THIS WAY
l - last time you cried: Uh... last week when I saw a picture of my uncle, smiling with my mom and aunt. I think it's the last picture I took of them together, that made me really sad
m - middle name: Abril is my middle name, joke's on you *evil laugh*
n - number of siblings: ... three
o - one wish: One? ... to be a great doctor one day and be able to change people's lives for the better
p - person you last called/texted: My best friend
q - questions you’re most asked: "What are you studying?" followed by "OH MEDICINE? IS IT DIFFICULT??" Yes it is.
r - reasons to smile: good friends, cute girls, upbeat songs, animals being precious, family saying they're proud of me even though we're pretty cold when it comes to showing affection. Those small gestures people have with you, like asking if you're eating well or if you got home safe, or yesterday when one of my best friends handed me a photocopy we needed for our class bc he knows me so well he knew I hadn't bought it.
s - song last sang: Garganta con arena. What, I like tango.
t - time you woke up: Around 9 am
u - underwear color: White with purple dots and a purple bow, my underwear is the cutest
v - vacation destinations: New Zealand. I had a really great time in Hungary and also wanna go back to Italy omg that place is beautiful. And please take me to Canada. Also if I could just like visit all the Nordic countries that’d be great. and I still have to go to the South, walk around Usuahia, see Glaciar Perito Moreno. Okay can I just travel around the world.
w - worst habit: Overthinking. That and deeming myself not good enough before I even try.
x - x-rays you’ve had: Right hand, and hips when I was a baby. Don't worry nothing happened I was just born defective
y - your favorite food: Pasta in all its forms, LASAGNA. And tacos and burritos omg food
z - zodiac sign: Capricorn
I’m tagging: shit I really don’t know who to tag who hasn’t been tagged yet??? I don’t think I should keep tagging the same people omg poor you. Do it if you want and consider yourself tagged by me I guess? :’D
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judithsears · 7 years
Tumblr media
2017 - Great year.
I went to Cuba in April. I swam in turquoise waters for the first time and cried like a baby. Snorkeled in the ocean, danced and ate with the locals, squished giant cockroaches and lived in paradise for 8 glorious days.
I went to Italy in July with my mom. Visited Mestre, Venice, La Spezia, Portovenere, Cinque Terre, Florence and Rome. I ate pizza, pasta and drank prosecco. Swam in the Mediterranean sea with the fish, saw the sun set at the top of piazza di michelangelo, hiked the eastern coast between the towns or Corniglia and Vernazza. It was incredible. I spent one day alone, a complete stranger in a village. Anonymous, and alone, eating gelato at the top of a mountain, sweating in 42 degree heat, looking down onto a marina on the ocean.
I completed my second season of rowing.
I learned how to throw ceramics on the wheel and made several mugs and bowls.
Continued working on my body and my self.
Watched Third Eye Blind play Semi Charmed Kind of Life, live, outdoors, at sunset overlooking the water in upper New York.
My nephew was born in January. He is perfect. And I love him.
I tried desperately to expand my friend-base. It has proved very difficult between the weddings, babies, schedules, careers, money, etc...But I made some genuine connections with some really great people and feel pretty fortunate for it.
What do I want to do in 2018? I was doing aquafit the other day, floating in the pool with one of the aforementioned friends, and we talked about what goals we have for the new year...
-Build and nurture friendships and put myself out there. Stop standing in my own way and hang out with people.
-See my ladies club - S.W.I.S. - come to fruition.
-Work on my hobbies in the evenings after work rather than just sit on my ass and be lazy. I’d like to do things that feel good, make me happy and allow a feeling of accomplishment at the end. (ie. sewing, painting, etc...)
-Make my GRL PWR show a reality.
I’m welcoming in 2017 with open arms. I’ve turned 30 and am trying to figure out how to be happy and to better my life. Here are my goals for 2017:
*Travel. I want to go to Italy and go hiking in BC. (I DID IT. I FINALLY WENT TO ITALY.)
*Create less waste. Less packaging. Find a way to compost.
*Eat slower (like my dad) and enjoy my food (and wine) more. (FAIL)
*Take more pictures. (MEGA FAIL)
*Sew wearable clothes. (NO)
*Take a pottery course/workshop. (YES! SUCCESS!)
*Continue rowing. (YES. V GOOD.)
*Continue at my job and maybe grow into a new, higher position or role to gain experience. (KIND OF IMPOSSIBLE RIGHT NOW)
*Continue my quest for good health - physical and mental. Which means eating well, eating whole foods, less sugar, salt and fat and exercising regularly. (YES)
*Continue growing food on my balcony and using it in my cooking. (50/50)
*Travel. (CUBA)
*Travel. (ITALY)
*Travel. (SYRACUSE)
Lets see how I did at my 2016 list….
- Sew something new. Clothing. T-shirts. Dresses. Anything. (No. BUT I did pick up a pattern. I guess that doesn’t count though.)
- Be kind for pete’s sake! Drop the attitude. (No. Attitude is as fiery as ever.)
- Be more accepting of others and everyone’s little imperfections! ( I tried.)
- Complain less. Appreciate more. (Yes, I tried.)
- Work out more. It wasn’t until I hurt my knee that I realized there are other things you can do with your body that are (almost) as challenging and as rewarding as running. (I’ve completed Kayla Itsines full 24 week guide this year.)
- Get them abs. I want to see and earn my muscle tone and definition. (Photos to come soon.)
- Travel somewhere new. (I think the only place I really went this year was Syracuse, NY)
- Grow something new and edible. Grow more edible things! (My whole balcony was food this summer! Kale, kale and more kale. Tomatoes. Basil. Etc.)
- Drink more water. (Nay.)
- Cook new things and try new foods!!! I love food. (Yes. Success.)
- Love more. (Yes.)
- Beat this awful and miserable fear of flying. (Nay. I think it may have gotten worse actually. haha.)
2016. It’s coming to an end. Everyone is going on and on about how much it sucked. I thought it was alright.
I think the really defining piece of my year was moving into a new job. That all my hard work and time and emotional exhaustion paid off in one way or another and I am now supervising the program I started off in. I may not be teaching, but I’m happy.
I began rowing. I was on a team this summer with 7 other rowers and we learned and raced and drank together. It was amazing. Terrifying but amazing. Along with that, I started doing yoga at the boat house, overlooking the Ottawa river. Pretty amazing.
Went to Syracuse, NY for an amazing, incredible, spontaneous weekend to see Rob Thomas and Counting Crows at a beautiful, magical outdoor amphitheatre.
I turned 30. And my best friend and boyfriend orchestrated the more surprising surprise party, and it was so fun and memorable.
I donated my hair for the SECOND TIME! I love doing this. But somehow after turning 30, my hair is incredibly thin now and worrying me so it may not happen again! Hah.
I had an amazing time at the cottage this summer with my best friend. I visited the cottage I grew up at every summer, rode the boat I caught my first fish in, swam in the lake I learned to swim in and roasted marshmallows in the same spot I roasted marshmallows in when I was 5 years old. That weekend meant a lot to me.
So I think I did alright.
Its that time again!
we are, another new year. It feels a little lack luster right now, but at the same time - I don’t mind. I feel kind of, at peace, I suppose! Content. And I think that is okay! The New Year right now, doesn’t seem all that scary and it doesn’t need to be a BIG SHA-BANG! I feel peaceful and happy and I’m going to roll with it! Also to be noted - I have to say I really thought my new years kiss was so sweet and tender, and maybe thats why I feel this way! I’ll take it. Anyways - what can I knock off my list of things to do in 2015, what did I achieve?
- Be kinder. Do things more selflessly. Do things for people without expectations of getting anything in return. (I’m going to say I was about 60/40 on this one. I think I definitely took strides, but its hard when you begin to feel used. We’ll work on this one.)
- Concentrate on what is RIGHT or what is GOING RIGHT. In life, in my job, career path, etc. (Yes - I think I did this to the best of my ability! Love my job, my home, my friends, etc.)
- Complain less. About everything/anything. (No - definitely need to work on this.)
- Eat clean, whole foods. Less salt, less sugar, less fat. Eat whole ingredients and whole foods. (YEA YEAAH)
- Love more, accept more. (hmmm I’d say.)
- Paint more. (Nay, Nay)
- Sew something wearable. Sew another quilt (#4) (Sewed two more quilts, need to up the game on the SS Fashion Line for 2016)
- Make the best out of any bad situations. (I’d say.)
- Fitness. Find some way to correct my knee problem and work on being the fittest I can be. (Knee is still fucked. Body is reasonably fit. Feeling pretty good!)
- Get on the supply list. (Nay Nay - I think my career path may take a slight sliiiight detour.)
What would I like to achieve in 2016!?
- Sew something new. Clothing. T-shirts. Dresses. Anything.
- Be kind for pete’s sake! Drop the attitude.
- Be more accepting of others and everyone’s little imperfections!
- Complain less. Appreciate more.
- Work out more. It wasn’t until I hurt my knee that I realized there are other things you can do with your body that are (almost) as challenging and as rewarding as running.
- Get them abs. I want to see and earn my muscle tone and definition.
- Travel somewhere new.
- Grow something new and edible. Grow more edible things!
- Drink more water.
- Cook new things and try new foods!!! I love food.
- Love more.
- Beat this awful and miserable fear of flying.
Well.. I’ll continue coasting for now on my wave. Work is good and could open up some doors to a career detour. Love is good. My man human is amazing and as sweet as sugar. I saw a few new places this past year. Met a few new people. Made a few new things. Close friends got closer. My family is amazing and they love me so much - and I am so grateful for that. Missing some old friends, gained a few new ones. And I’m not sure what else to say - so on that note! Peace out 2015, its been a pizza-slice.
2014 - well, well, well, we’ve come to an end.
Am I sad to see you go? No, not really. You gave me a lot of great opportunities a TON of new experiences. You’ve given me a lot of exceptional moments, good times, good friends and good memories. I’ve become a lot closer with some of my favourite people and shared a lot of cool memories. Could we improve for next year however? Of course.
So what did I accomplish from my MUST DO list of 2014?
WELL - lets see…
-Get on the supply list (I’ve supply taught, but I’m not on the list JUST yet..)
-Cook more natural foods (YEA GIRL YEA)
-Read more books (#1 on the list, Wheat Belly) (I think I read 3, but that might be a record?)
-Continue running (and working on my self) (My knee is busted, so no… )
-Help people more - without the expectation of anything in return (Check.)
-Meet more people (Check)
-Play more music, write more music, play more shows (nope)
-Paint, quilt, sew - be more creative (painted and sewed another quilt)
-Love more, accept more, understand give & take more (Check.)
Not too bad. I feel like I’m in a good place. I’m content and believe I’m on a path of success. My job is good, and my co-workers are fun and keep me motivated. The kids I get to hang out with make me laugh and challenge me every day. I’m always learning how to plan better, how to be more patient, be more engaging and to listen and communicate. Kids are weird, but the hilarious stuff I hear them say always makes each day bareable when all I wanna do it be a lazy pile on the couch.
My best friends are amazing. My favourite human is amazing and he lifts me up and lets me depend on him for anything, and I know he’ll still accept me with open arms at the end of the day no matter what. Life is good and for now, I’ll just keep rolling along into the new year. I’m pretty interested to see what its going to hold for me.
- Be kinder. Do things more selflessly. Do things for people without expectations of getting anything in return.
- Concentrate on what is RIGHT or what is GOING RIGHT. In life, in my job, career path, etc.
- Complain less. About everything/anything.
- Eat clean, whole foods. Less salt, less sugar, less fat. Eat whole ingredients and whole foods.
- Love more, accept more.
- Paint more.
- Sew something wearable. Sew another quilt (#4)
- Make the best out of any bad situations.
- Fitness. Find some way to correct my knee problem and work on being the fittest I can be.
- Get on the supply list.
So what do I need to accomplish in 2014…
-Get on the supply list (I’ve supply taught, but I’m not on the list JUST yet..)
-Cook more natural foods (YEA GIRL YEA)
-Read more books (#1 on the list, Wheat Belly) (I think I read 3, but that might be a record?)
-Continue running (and working on my self) (My knee is busted, so no… )
-Help people more - without the expectation of anything in return (Check.)
-Meet more people (Check)
-Play more music, write more music, play more shows (nope)
-Paint, quilt, sew - be more creative (painted and sewed another quilt)
-Love more, accept more, understand give & take more (Check.)
I’ve been working on my list of New Years Resolutions and things to accomplish in 2013.
Here goes…
*Get a job in my feild - or at the very least take a leap in the right direction. (CHECK. *pats self on back*)
*Paint more. (Does water colour count?)
*Run more. (Check.)
*Meet new people - whether through the internet, group meet-ups, through other friends or mentors, just meet people. (favourite new friends of 2013 awards coming soon.)
*Continue my clean eating quest. The more natural the better. (December has been rough on that front - but the rest of the year has been top notch)
*Buy less. Narrow down my possessions. (I am a notorious self proclaimed “thing-hater”. If I can do without it, I will find away to make due without it.)
*Run a half marathon - which may require me to buy new running shoes. (Didn’t happen… but I did go through 3 months of physiotherapy and therapy-ed my self back to running again)
*Volunteer at Ottawa School of Art - again. (CHECK.)
*Grow plants or vegetables. (Two live plants, thriving in my apartment presently. Tomatoes next?)
*Maintain my pledge to never work another Christmas in retail. (SUCCESS! I spent boxing day laying on my couch. Win win win!)
Things to do in 2012…
*Tattoo (before Sept. 11th). (Didn’t happen.)
*Record that EP I’ve been meaning to record. (Didn’t happen.)
*Make a [shitty] music video. (Didn’t happen.)
*Sell some art work. (Check!)
*Finish my quilt. (Double check!)
*Paint more. (Check!)
*Find a shitty job to get me through the winter and then a sweet job for later. (Hmmm - well I didn’t work a lick last winter, but I managed to get an assistant manager position in a shitty shit shoe store selling over priced leather shoes to annoying Europeans.)
*Cook more diverse and delicious food. (Duh, check! Clean eating!)
*Drink more wine. (Check, obviously.)
*Visit Alex in Berlin. (Didn’t happen.)
*Be more spontaneous. (Check. Summer of YES happened.)
*Be a lady. (Hmm, Summer of YES may have gotten in the way of that.)
*Be more creative. (Somewhat check?)
*Design and sew a piece of wearable clothing. (Didn’t happen.)
So not so bad! It could of been worse. So what did I do this year?
*Got my second degree.
*Had my first solo art show and sold art work.
*Wrote A LOT of music. Basically an entire new catalog of songs.
*Moved out of my long time apartment on Somerset and made some big changes in my life.
*Started running, trained for a 10km, ran a 10km run.
*Moved from Somerset to High Street to Lisgar to Frank to Lisgar.
*Summer of YES.
*Endured the most difficult and traumatic ordeal I’ve ever experienced in my life to date. Which has effected me long term mentally and physically.
*Rode a motorcycle for the first time. Many times. Best time - to the top of Champlain Lookout in Gatineau
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