#like i spent a little while thinking of different ways i could pose them and the layout and junk
It'd be really super duper cool if you wrote a fic about Stanley finding lewd and/or suggestive polaroid pictures of reader that their girly friend helped them take as a little present behind his back 👀 maybe he finds them stashed in his wallet... Like, ass/boob shots or close-ups of them in cute poses wearing their undergarments or something? I absolutely adore all the drabbles and fics you've been pumping out lately! I'm OBSESSED!
A/n: *SCREAMING* because I love this and been hoping someone would suggest something like this or the reader and Stan making a porno together 🤭.
Also thank you! That mean's so much!
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Turning your back to your friend, you lifted up both of your arms fixing your hair. The only thing you wore were a pair of black lace panties. Your friend snapping the picture getting a cheeky reveal your backside and hips.
The day dragged on as your friended guided you into different poses. From you kneeling on the bed, your head turned slightly away from the camera, lips parted, eyes hooded.
To you sitting on the drawer, with one leg extended down and the other bent to around knee level with your foot resting on the open drawer.
Your fingers were clutching his gold chain, the only other piece of clothing you wore being the lace panties.
And once you were done you could help but give your friend a thank you, that you'll take the rest from their having wanting to take a few more raunchy one's for Stan because those....those would be for his eyes only.
Being the only one in the house, Stan spent most of the day helping Ford get the place ready for Dipper and Mabel. He was so distracted he hadn't realized you were gone. Eye's snapping to the door opening he half expected to see his twin spewing some nonsense, not you holding something behind your back.
"Whatcha got there doll face."
Letting out a soft hum, you smiled as you sat yourself on Stan's lap giving his cheek a kiss while you placed the envelop in his lap. "Just a little gift for you, since you've been over working yourself Stan."
"Is it money?!"
"What!? No! Stan just open it."
Giving you a grin, Stan pinched your hips. "I'm only teasin ya." Though his eyes went wide as he looked over each and every one of the photos. He felt his mouth go dry and the slacks he wore suddenly felt a lot tighter.
You looked like a goddess, you maybe showing of some skin he was having trouble pulling his gaze away as he flipped through the polaroid's he had to shift his body to relieve some of the tension.
He really liked the selfies of yourself the most, the way your tits seemed to be spilling out from the bra he liked so much and god, the look on your face with your hand out of the cameras view.
He knew what you were doing and he wished he could have been there to see it. Quickly brushing the blood from his nose he cleared out his throat.
"Well....what do you think?"
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kozachenko · 3 months
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Don't really have much to post again aside from some more sketching that I've done recently, this time of Reimu and Marisa, mainly because I just need a starting point as to how I would go about drawing them in my style (which is why the poses are so boring lol).
Artist's Notes;
So I mentioned in the last post how I've been wanting to experiment with how I wanted to draw Reimu, and I then got an idea for Marisa. So I wanted to try and contrast the two of them with each other via their shape language and body types. For scale I also put some numbers on the side just as a visualizing aid so I can imagine them easier. I wanted to make Reimu very tall and lanky and Marisa to be short and rounder. Also, this provides some interesting contrast in their shape language, and Marisa ends up being more round and Reimu ends up feeling more sharp.
I think what I'm most worried about is mainly that I don't 100% know if these two drawings still...feel like Reimu and Marisa. MMaybe because I made so many changes to both of them, but I feel like it's mostly in their faces. I kept the little personal touches that would add when I would draw them in the past (i.e. Reimu's tiny eyebrows and Marisa's freckles) but I dunno, maybe it's in the eyes? Like, Marisa's bigger eyes and eyebrows are definitley ideas that I want to play with in the future, but Reimu.... I dunno, I like the idea of her face shape in this drawing specifically, and I defnitely feel like I got closer to the monilid eye look I was trying to achieve in my previous attempt at drawing her eyes, but something still feels off with her.
When I drew Marisa, I really wanted to explore some other ideas for her body type, mainly in contrast to Reimu, so I wanted to give her a fuller figure and make her shorter than Reimu. I do feel like her eyes could be a bit sharper as eyes look maybe a little too innocent for Marisa, but I do still want to use these eyes I drew for her as a springboard for later attempts. I made some adjustments to her dress so that they would look good on the body type I gave her. I also need to draw shoes more because those boots....I just, I don't even know, I probably just need to draw that specific body type more wearing those types of boots or find references because I am not happy with how they turned out. Out of the two of them, Marisa was definitely my favourite to draw. I really enjoying drawing different body types when I get the chance to, and I feel like it's important to try your best to expand your variety when it comes to drawing the human body, I'm glad that I'm comfortable with drawing different body types. I do still have a long ways to go with this as I just need to do it more often and still need to do this but with different body shapes and weights and how to combine those two aspects to create unique body types and silhouettes. Also, please feel free to give me any critiques to how these two designs turned out, I remember that I drew Reimu when it was late at night and spent the entire day on Marisa so I defnitely feel like there's some things to critque here.
I'll be honest... I don't really like how Reimu turned out too much. Not to say it's a bad drawing, but I dunno. I think I just need to draw Reimu more, but she's honestly the hardest character to translate into my style. The thing is, I have an idea for her in my head but I just have a hard time putting it to paper. It's not like I've never drawn her before, in fact, aside from the height I really like how she looked in this piece of fanart (why tf did I make her so short in that piece) I did a while back despite the fact that I've imrpoved on my faces a lot since then (again, I do want to try my lineless style again, I just need to find the chance to do so), maybe because that was the drawing that provided me with some of my ideas on how to draw Reimu in my style? I do think I'm definitely in the rut of the "not knowing how to draw a character's face in your style" phase that I'm sure many fan-artists go through, so with enough drawings I'll get through it eventually, just gotta suffer through several more hours of trial and error though so yipeeeeeeee... As for things I do like, Reimu's hair turned out nicely. I did my usual technique for drawing Reimu's hair and then pasted the lineart layer underneath the main lineart layer and changed the colour to give it some extra pizzaz, and I do like how Reimu and Marisa contrast each other a lot. I just need to find a way to make them feel more like themselves while still taking liberties with their designs in my style.
Even if these are just sketches and me laying the groundwork for how I want to draw these two in the future, I still want to improve how I draw them a lot (also I don't like how much these two look like teenagers, I see both of them as being in their late 20s-early 30s and it just doesn't read like that and I definitely need to do more studies in the future to get them right in my style).
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epiicaricacy-arts · 1 month
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without the sour the sweet wouldn’t taste
why are you as a man eating another man’s ear after you failed to make him eat his ex girlfriend. 🤨🏳️‍🌈⁉️
im allowed a bit of toxic yaoi. as a treat
process discussion utc ⬇️
for those familiar with my work you’ll know that i like trying a lot of new styles and experimenting in order to achieve a certain vibe. usually those are heavy painterly styles such as the sunday art inspired by Yuming Li, which is what i’m familiar and comfortable with, both traditionally and digitally
what im NOT familiar with is watercolour. i’ve never had a good time with it 🥲 i just cant seem to wrap my head around the process since its requires me to work backwards (light to dark vs dark to light)
for this piece i just couldn’t imagine myself rendering it in my usual style. i needed to do something new so that i’d stay invested enough in the piece considering that it has two people, meaning double the work. for some reason i thought it’d be fun to do double the work with a style i am completely uncomfortable with but oh well!! i managed to do it 🤷‍♀️ i was specifically looking at the works of Ko Byung Jun, an artist i’ve seen all over my pinterest feed
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while i didn’t end up really following the style super closely i still learned quite a lot just by looking at it while i drew. i tried my best to stick to watercolour brushes and an ink pen but as i was nearing the end i needed to make some alterations that i wasn’t bothered to try fixing with the watercolour brushes so i just went over it with my digital ones 🫡 i did my best that’s what matters!!!
i had to repaint rody a few times cause i just couldn’t get it right and the colours never ended up matching vincent. i painted them separately and i think i got possessed while painting vincent cause it happened in like. 40 minutes. and i couldn’t get it to happen again 😔 it didn’t really matter cause i ended up going ham with the curves tool as always but you know 🤷‍♀️
here’s the image without all the effects:
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i find lately it’s been more and more common for me to be sketching several iterations of a concept for days, even weeks before i land on something i like. i have an entire separate canvas that i’ve spent 5 hours just doing thumbnails trying to figure out how i wanted to pose these two in a way that would showcase the characteristics that mattered in the story of this piece.
that’s my process for coming up with drawings: i find inspiration somewhere, i figure out the key concepts/characteristics/symbols etc i want highlighted, and i work around those. sometimes i have a composition in mind or just a general vibe i want to portray. for this one i wanted to make sure the towel, rody’s injured finger and vincent’s face could all be clearly seen, while also portraying the fight scene and the vibe i get from the reference song. almost all of my work revolves around a specific lyric from the song which drives the story of the piece. here i interpreted the line “without the sour the sweet wouldn’t taste” as a connection to all the little actions vince takes with rody that can be seen as “sweet.” drying rody’s hair, bandaging rody’s cut. i then asked myself how i could take those actions and make them “sour” or show them in a different light, in which vince is biting the finger he bandaged and pulling rody closer, preventing his escape with the towel he used to dry his hair. what im trying to communicate in this illustration is the idea of “if it weren’t for how i’m treating you now, you wouldn’t understand how kind i was to you then” in an attempt to illustrate the complexities of the way vincent acts towards rody.
i’m truly in love with the story telling of this game. it’s hard to really say anything about how the characters acted during the story because it’s so complex in how it’s done. it’s very hard to summarize their relationship because there’s so much about it i can’t explain without just quoting the game directly. i think it’s such a beautiful portrayal of obsession and just being fucking weird about someone. i wanted to ensure the elements i mentioned in the above paragraph because i didn’t want to be portraying vincent as solely a villain and rody as a victim. i wanted the storytelling of this one illustration to live up to my impression of this beautiful game and i hope i did it justice.
thank you for reading this if you’ve made it this far. i love rambling on all my art posts cause i think it’s so valuable for artists to expand on their work outside of the result alone. i hope what im saying is at most helpful to someone and at the very least a good read. i’m probably gonna take a bit of an art break after this since it took a lot out of me, plus im on the last days of my trip. thank you again for reading!
here’s my dog
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 2 months
Would you write a fic where it’s really warm in the village one summer so maid Reader is wearing a tank top with no bra around the house and Donna notices Reader has nipple piercings and becomes really flustered and obsessed with them. If you’re uncomfortable with the nipple piercings part feel free to eliminate that part completely <3
Yess!!! Thank you for your request!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!! :))))
Heat wave
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem, Maid! Reader
Warnings: Fluff
Word count: 4,350
Summary: You have to change your clothes, cause it's too hot there...
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open, my inbox is empty and asking for yours!!! I love you all!!! :))
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“This is unbearable...” You murmured, wiping the sweat from your forehead and airing your uncomfortable maid clothes.
It wasn't usual to be so hot in that place, but that summer seemed like it was made especially to annoy you.
A lost village in Romania was the only place where you didn't plan to get hot. A visit to your family a while ago was what you needed to decide that you preferred that gloomy place to the modern world.
You were always the weird one, the strange one, the one who didn't fit in. Well, it might seem like a sinister coincidence, but in that sinister place there were people much stranger than you. Maybe the cold, the snow, the feeling of living in a completely different way, were the reasons that pushed you to make the decision to stay, and never return to your old life.
But, as expected of a young girl like you, you should work.
Gardener, farmer or maid, those were the available jobs, or at least the ones you would be willing to do, because to be Lord Moreau's test subject or Lord Heisenberg's metal worker were never among your options.
Luckily, you had the opportunity to work as a maid for one of the village Lords, a seemingly harmless one, although she was not at all: Donna Beneviento.
At least you had the recommendation of the all-mighty Mother Miranda.
At first working for that woman was strange. You barely saw her and you certainly didn't talk to her. You went three whole months without hearing a single word from her mouth. Well, Angie made it more entertaining, at least you could talk to her.
You were not ignorant, much less innocent. It didn't take long for you to start seeing a strange behavior from the lady in black, some shy curious approaches towards you and finally, a conversation.
Then more, and more, until you were finally able to see her face and strengthen the trust she had in you. Well, trust and… Something else, for sure.
Her beauty, her fragility, the darkness that was hidden behind her gray eye... All of this meant that Donna was not the only one who wanted to get closer. You could call it many things: irrational attraction, love, desire... But honestly, nothing you said regarding your feelings had reached her ears. Of course, Lady Beneviento had never said anything about it either.
You had feelings for her, and she had feelings for you. It was only a matter of time before that strange, annoying tension disappeared, but you didn't know when or how it would happen. Your patience was extensive, but little by little, it was shrinking.
You didn't want to lose your job. You didn't want Donna to tell you that you were wrong. You would have to wait for her to take the first step, but how? That was something that seemed impossible.
“You've been complaining all morning,” the Angie doll protested, the only company you normally had at that time of the morning. Donna spent a lot of time in the workshop. You started to think that this was her way of running away from you.
“I'm complaining because it's too hot, Angie,” you said, with a furious snort, untying your overly covered maid's dress. “This is horrible.”
“I don't feel hot,” the puppet said, with a cocky pose, to which you rolled your eyes.
“Well, how lucky you are,” you whispered with clenched teeth, running a hand over your sweaty forehead again.
“You're weak, (Y/N), Donna doesn't like that,” Angie said with a dark tone that made you turn your head sharply towards her.
“Doesn’t she? And what does Donna like?” You asked amused.
Angie definitely knew best. To think that maybe she said those kinds of things because she shared part of her mind with the lady of the house was like a relief to you.
“You should ask her that,” Angie said without further ado, plopping down on a sofa and thus vanishing your attempt to get information from that piece of porcelain.
You could have insisted, but that terrible heat was affecting your own health, making your body want to faint at that precise moment, or throw yourself into the soft, cool water of the waterfall.
“Hey, I can't take it anymore, Angie, I need to take off these infernal clothes at least,” you sighed, leaving the rag on a table and leaning on it, continuing to fan yourself with your hands.
“Donna sure likes that,” the doll murmured, in a discreet tone, but loud enough for you to hear it and smile mischievously.
“Oh, really?” You said, with a soft, velvety tone. The doll got off the couch and pretended to shrug her shoulders. “Hey, seriously, can I wear something different?”
“Wear whatever you want, you whiny maid. You can go naked if you want to,” Angie muttered, heading out of the room, as if what she said earlier had been something she shouldn't have said at all.
“Well, that's too much, isn't it?” You said to yourself, going up the stairs to enter your room and get rid of that horrible dress.
Carefully, you folded the clothes on the bed and looked for something more suitable for those horrible temperatures.
You didn't have a lot of things in your old suitcase, but a tank top and a skirt, a perhaps too short one, presented themselves to you as an acceptable alternative. You smiled satisfied at your choice and bent down to pick them up, but the sound of tearing fabric made you turn completely red.
“Oh, no...” You sighed as you felt the fabric of your bra hanging teasingly from your back. “Oh, great, fantastic... Now I have to sew it up,” you grumbled, studying that inopportune tear.
“Hey, whiny maid!” Angie's squeaky voice interrupted you just as you were threading the needle. “Donna wants an iced tea!”
“I'm coming! Shit…” You whispered, leaving your sewing kit aside.
One order from the lady in black was more than enough to turn you away from whatever you were doing. Well, almost anything. Picking up that top and skirt, you looked in the mirror, checking that the lack of your bra was not so obvious. It was, but you didn't think care, hurrying down the stairs and heading to the elevator.
The coldness of the drink you made along with the pleasant temperature of the basement made you feel more comfortable. You didn't even pay attention to the obvious revelation of your body in that top.
“Excuse me, my lady,” you whispered kindly, slowly opening the doors of the workshop. “Angie told me you wanted…”
The lady in black had her back turned, working tirelessly on her dolls. She barely paid any attention to you, she simply pointed to one side of the table so you could leave the tray you were carrying, causing only the sound of ice to interrupt that serene calm that always surrounded her.
“Here you go,” you whispered, glancing at Donna, who nodded gratefully.
“I've told you a thousand times not to call me...” She murmured with that hoarse voice that was almost addictive to you, slowly directing her gaze to yours. When her eye met your body, she remained silent, as if something had prevented her from continuing. “…My lady”
“Oh, I'm sorry, Donna. I always forget about that,” you said, leaning on the table casually and frowning because of her strange look. “Do you like it?”
“What?” She asked, looking away abruptly, something that made you look at your body, at what had caught her attention.
Oh no, no way. There was no chance that the elegant and lonely Donna Beneviento was looking at you bust, or maybe she was?
“The tea, do you like the tea?” You said amused, crossing your arms. She blinked erratically, glancing sideways at you again.
“Yes, I asked you for it,” she murmured, being interrupted by the sound of breaking wood.
Comically, the paintbrush she was carrying in her hand snapped in two, as if she had been exerting too much force on that little wooden stick.
“Oh, wow, let me help you,” you said, bending down to pick up one of the pieces, making her gaze return to your chest and her breathing become labored. “Hey, Donna, are you okay?” You asked worried.
It wasn't the first time that her mental problems played tricks on her in an absurd moment like that. You were used to it and besides, you loved that you were able to make her relax in your arms.
“I'm fine. The brush has just broken,” she murmured, with a superb expression, turning her body to return to the painting of that porcelain doll. You nodded suspiciously.
“Are you sure? If you’re having a crisis, you know you can tell me,” you said in a soft voice, standing up to rest your hands on her shoulders and observe her gestures and expressions. Looking weak or sick was one of the things Donna hated, and even more so in front of you.
“I’ve broken the breast, I mean, the brush,” she stammered, her face completely red. Oh yes, she was looking at your breasts.
“Okay...” You sighed, holding back your laughter. “I hope you don't mind that I’ve changed my clothes. It’s too hot here.”
Donna looked at you more discreetly, lowering her eye from your chest to your short skirt. Like a zombie, or a puppet, she shook her head as she tried to regain some of her composure.
“Yes, it’s, it’s hot,” she repeated, this time turning back to the table and looking for another brush in a vase.
“I was about to listen to Angie and go naked,” you said, amused, but on purpose, making poor Donna choke on her iced tea and comically break another of her paintbrushes.
“That, that would be a bit inappropriate, don't you think?” Donna said with a nervous smile, searching in the vase for another victim for her trembling hands.
You shrugged with a triumphant smile.
“Aren't you hot in that dress?” You ask, diverting the conversation to one that wouldn't make her so horribly nervous. The lady shook her head, her gaze fixed on the half-painted doll, very far from your indiscreet top.
“No,” the doll maker said dryly, with the tone of her voice asking you to leave the room as quickly as possible.
“Well, I guess that's admirable,” you sighed, moving a little closer to look at the meticulous work of the brush on the doll.
As you bent over, your cleavage was once again visible to Donna, who swallowed, pretending that she hadn't looked at it again, and cautiously left the brush on the table, probably to prevent her nerves from breaking it.
“(Y/N), I... I'm, I'm hungry,” she said, shaking her head and with a fake smile. “Could you prepare lunch?”
You nodded, releasing her from that scandalous view of your breasts.
“Sure, what do you want?” You asked kindly, separating yourself so she would stop shaking.
“I don't know,” she said, putting on a serious look and returning to that disastrously painted doll.
“Something refreshing?” You asked again, laughing internally at the reaction that your new look had provoked on her. “A salad could be a good idea.”
“Yes, that... Quick, go to make it... Per favore,” Donna said, moving her hand to indicate she wanted you to disappear.
 You gave her a bow that was intended to be elegant, but was blatantly mocking, and you left the workshop, putting a hand over your mouth to mitigate the laughter that her nervousness caused you.
“Wow, wow... Well, it seems like maybe I'm showing too many things,” you said, sighing, looking at yourself in the reflection of a pot.
Although you were embarrassed by the involuntary display of your body you were making, it seemed to create some kind of nervousness in the lady in black and that… That was good.
She had to take the first step.
You began to prepare the salad calmly, humming songs that seemed almost from a previous life. As you cut the lettuce, you remembered that nervous look, that look that went straight to how unsubtle your clothes were. Deep down you didn't want to be so direct, but you knew her. Maybe a healthy exhibitionism would bring out some of those feelings you knew Donna was repressing.
The sound of heels on the floor gave you a new opportunity to attack, one you weren't going to waste.
“Hey, Donna, come here,” you said, peeking out the door, making the lady in black stop in the hallway, upset at having been caught in something resembling an escape.
The woman sighed and walked slowly to where you were, looking as high as she could, above your eyes.
“What do you want? I was going to take… A shower,” she explained, a little crestfallen. “A cool one.”
“I knew you were hot,” you joked with a smile. “Look, I thought I could boil some chicken breast, I think it could fit very well in the salad, what do you think?”
“Breast...” The lady murmured, involuntarily returning to look at your chest, at those marked nipples that seemed to draw her attention in an almost uncontrollable way.
“Yes, chicken breast,” you said amused, with a slightly low and joking tone. She smiled, shaking her head and pretending nothing had happened.
“That's a good idea, (Y/N)” she said, regaining some of her composure and slowly backing away towards the exit, not giving you time to counterattack.
“Don't make the water too cold, you could catch a cold,” you murmured as advice, pretending that you didn't want to keep her by your side a bit longer.
“No, I... No,” Donna said hurriedly, cowardly running away from you.
You smiled, shaking your head. It was a sad, melancholic smile. That woman was important to you, Donna was important to you. You were almost obsessed with her, you thought about her, you dreamed about her... Maybe that desperation to know if the love you felt was reciprocated was turning you into a shameless exhibitionist.
“Do you like it?” You asked politely when you served lunch. She smiled innocently and nodded, much to your joy. Cooking for her was one of your favorite hobbies.
“Thank you, (Y/N),” she said with a whisper, returning a smile.
“Well, let me know if you need anything, I'm going to eat too,” you commented, grabbing some salad, ready to get away, like in all meals.
“Wait,” Donna interrupted, making you turn around slowly. “You can, you can eat here with me if you want.”
“With you? But I’m your maid,” you said, surprised, but pleased by the offer.
“That's stupid. Sit here, please,” she asked you kindly, pointing to the chair in front of her with the fork.
“Okay, thank you,” you said with another elegant bow.
At first the meal was in silence, with nothing to say, just shy smiles and glances, glances that were always directed to the same place.
Donna wanted to be discreet, to pretend she wasn't looking at what you knew she was looking at. But you were even more subtle, noticing that detail, her nervous breathing when her eye looked at what it shouldn't.
You could continue playing at teasing the lady for much longer, but you decided to stop beating around the bush and see how far you could stretch the rope of her patience.
“My lady, are you looking at my tits?” You asked with an indifferent tone, one that didn’t show any offense or annoyance. You didn't even look at her. You just poured water in your glass.
Donna looked up with a frown, dropping the cutlery on the plate.
“I told you not to call me...” She began, with some offense in her voice until her eye opened and her face suddenly reddened. “What did you just say?”
“You're looking at my tits,” you repeated amused, crossing your arms so the objective of her gaze would become more evident.
“Of course, of course I’m not, how can you say something like that?” Donna said suddenly, playing with the salad so as not to look at your face, probably looking for some excuse for you to disappear.
“Well, I've seen you looking at them,” you said, with that passive, indifferent attitude.
“I would be looking at something else and your... Body has gotten in the way,” she said in a clumsy and childish manner, hiding her blush behind a glass of wine.
“Oh, sure,” you whispered with a suspicious look, tilting your head in a funny way. “You’re such a clumsy liar, my lady,” you said with a mocking but seductive tone at the same time.
“Don't call me...” The lady said, closing her eye furiously, squeezing the cutlery tightly in her fists. “Oh, you know what? I'm not going to give explanations to you. You said it, you are my maid.”
You opened your mouth surprised by that out of context comment, noticing how the tension was getting even stronger. The rope could stretch further, but it could also break, and it had to do it now, or it would never do it.
“I don't mind you were looking at them, Donna,” you said with a seductive tone, leaning over the table to give her a better view of your exposed bust, something she didn't overlook, cooling her expression even more.
“I wouldn't do it if you hadn't worn those clothes,” she murmured, with a cold face and an angry or annoyed expression that didn't match the trembling of her hands.
“My clothes?” You asked, without stopping your bright eyes from hers, which was fleeing from your gaze as if it were a matter of life or death. “Oh, well, I already told you, it's very hot here.”
“That is not an excuse to show your... Virtues around the house,” the lady in black snapped, with a cocky, defensive posture. Those were defenses you had already decided to break at that very moment.
“Oh, do you think my breasts are virtues?” You asked, without giving Donna any chance of respite. She seemed very nervous, but she hadn't cowardly run away like other times so, well you could consider it a small victory.
“Your body is a virtue, (Y/N). Your whole body,” she murmured, paying a compliment you never expected her to give, making your heated cheeks even hotter.
“That was very... Nice,” you commented, in an almost inaudible voice, changing your arrogant look for a tender one.
“And yes, I’m looking at your breasts, I like looking at your breasts, are you happy now? You can leave right now if you want,” Donna said abruptly, crossing her arms and looking away from, suppressing a small sob.
“Leave? Why?” You asked amused, raising your eyebrows. “I should feel flattered.”
Donna didn't respond. She simply looked at you to check that your impassive reaction was correct and not a product of her imagination.
“You haven't stopped until you provoke me, right? You want to provoke me so I lose control and then you can leave my house, and my life,” the lady in black accused, standing up in a threatening way.
That phrase should have scared you, or made you feel helpless, but on the contrary, you burst into a rather comical laugh.
“What are you talking about, Donna? Come on, stop talking nonsense,” you laughed, earning an even more dangerous look. “I wear these clothes because I was hot and yes, they may show a little… Well, you know, my nipples, but that wasn't to provoke you, my bra simply broke.”
“Of course, yes, sure,” she said, with a suspicious tone, which made you laugh even harder. “Are you laughing at me?”
“Well yes, I’m laughing at you, my lady,” you said, perhaps risking too much, but sure of what you were saying, sure of wanting to clarify certain things that were beginning to consume you. “Even walking around the house naked, I wouldn't think I was provoking you. There is no one to provoke you, Donna. You're like a block of ice... Oh, ice... I could really use one right now...”
Your rambling talk only angered her more, causing her to clench her fists on either side of her hips.
“If you don't want anything from me, why do you provoke me?” She asked, ignoring your erratic explanation.
“Because I might want something from you,” you whispered in a more serious tone, playing with the fork on the plate.
“Do you want more money? You want to kill me? Lock me up? What do you want from me, (Y/N)?” She asked with a voice cracked by nerves, presenting all the symptoms that you knew preceded a crisis.
You sighed, shaking your head and wiping yourself with a napkin slowly, ignoring all those danger signs. Slowly, you dragged the chair and stood up, walking with a determined step towards the lady in black, who followed you with her eye, with her body prepared to make you suffer.
You sighed again, already being very close to her and you put your hands on your hips, maintaining that dangerous look. A smile changed that cold expression on your face and you took another step, two, until you were close enough to smell that subtle and intoxicating lavender perfume.
Your hands traveled to her face, cupping it roughly and pulling her towards you, making your lips collide, making you kiss her, making you do what you had been waiting for so long.
At first Donna didn't move, but after a few seconds she returned that tender kiss, bringing her hands to your hips.
After a few wet and affectionate moments, you separated from her with one last quick kiss, slowly moving away from her and returning your hands to your hips.
“I want that, Donna,” you whispered, before dropping into the chair and continuing to devour your salad as if nothing had happened.
The lady in black looked at you surprised, but with a more relaxed expression, approaching you slowly, taking your hand so you would release the cutlery.
“Do you like me?” She asked with a nervous tone, broken by the sensation your lips caused on yours. You nodded nonchalantly, trying to ignore her gaze, to no avail.
“So much,” you whispered drinking water as if nothing had happened, as if you hadn't just kissed your lady.
“I like you too,” she said, with the same shy tone. You looked at her and smiled cutely, winking at her.
“Great,” you said amused, kissing the back of her hand.
“You didn't have to look like that... Just to prove it to me. You could have told me,” Donna murmured, pointing again to that provocative top. “I've been waiting for you to say something like that for a long time, too long.”
“Yes, yes...” You sighed, biting your lip. “I've already told you that this is because of an accident... But...” you said, standing up again, gently grabbing her waist and pulling her closer to your body. “If it has helped to clarify things, I’m glad that you’ve looked at my breasts…”
“I haven't...” She said, embarrassed, with a nervous smile. “Well, I… I'm sorry.”
“Don't be, it's okay,” you said, placing a strand of black hair behind her ear, noticing the heat of her skin, which you knew was not due to the high temperatures. “I'm glad you like them...” you whispered in her ear, making her shiver shyly.
“Yes, I...” Donna murmured, carelessly, looking at you again in that place, now with less discretion. “I've been wondering... What is that?” She asked pointing to one of your marked breasts. You looked at it and smiled mischievously.
“A piercing,” you explained, shrugging your shoulders.
“A what?” She asked, looking at it closer. No lust, just curiosity.
“An earring if you prefer,” you commented, making her more nervous with your closeness.
“Why do you have an earring...There?” She asked with a cold expression, trying not to look at it so directly, which you sighed for.
You shrugged again, running a finger over that metal part, amused by the curious innocence of Donna.
“I don't know, youthful nonsense...” You murmured with a much wider smile. “Do you want to see it?”
Donna shook her head, her face betraying her true desire, causing you to laugh softly and kiss her cheek.
“Yes, no, I mean...” She stammered, which you took advantage of to lower your hands to the edge of your top and raise it little by little until it was over your head, making her look away from you. “(Y/N)...”
“What?” You asked amused, resting two fingers on her cheek to guide her gaze to your naked torso, making her sigh overwhelmed. Maybe it would be the heat, or maybe… Another kind of excitement…
“You are so beautiful...” Donna whispered, running her hand over your chest, with her gaze fixed on that metal piercing that had caught her attention. “Why have you made holes in your body?”
“Oh, well, it's... It was fashion,” you explained, letting her fingers explore your skin, letting her meticulous caresses make your heart beat harder. “Don’t you like it?”
“It's... Weird...” The lady commented, with her fingers playing on your flesh, surrounding your breasts without touching them, respecting what she thought it was your shyness.
“I can take it off if you want,” you said, with a dark smile, guiding her caresses toward that area of ​​your body, toward that metal ornament.
“Oh, no I...” She said, smiling nervously at how your hand guided hers. “It's weird but... I, I like it.”
“It's hot here, don't you think?” You asked, changing the subject abruptly, with the lady in black focused on exploring your body. She nodded, as if she wasn't paying attention to you.
“Yes, this heat wave is horrible,” she commented distractedly, while you pulled her waist to get closer to her ear.
“You should take off that dress, Donna. I also want to see your body...”
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bigification · 9 months
Fit to Fat to Fit - Male TF
Nate stood in his bathroom, staring at his own reflection. "What have you become?" He asked himself. His untamed hair. His big ball belly. His moobs. It physically and mentally weighed him down. He grabbed a measuring tape and wrapped it around his gut. "48 inches, a new high. I'm truly at rock bottom."
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He spent a few more minutes poking and prodding at his fat. Being more and more depressed as he discovered new rolls of fat and bulges that stuck out farther than they did before. He then pulled out his phone and started looking at photos of himself from years prior. He landed on one from 3 years ago. He had taken a selfie of himself in a jockstrap.
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"That was the beginning of the end for me." Nate stared at the photo. It was taken just after he stopped playing hockey, though he never lost the appetite he had while he played. "Man I thought I was so fat in this photo. It was the first time I realized I was getting fat, but if he could see me now I don't think he would feel so bad. Or maybe he would feel worse knowing this is where he ends up in three years." Nate can't help but to spiral. He thinks of what he could have done differently. Maybe if he just stayed in hockey, or if he just slowed down on his eating after hockey. Maybe he wouldn't end up like this.
In the middle of Nate's spiral of self pity, his boyfriend Andres walked into the bathroom. He noticed the measuring tape on the counter and picked it up.
"You shouldn't worry about it so much, it happens when you're in your thirties and you have an office job." He said trying to cheer Nate up."
"That's not helping. Besides can't you just do your weird magic thing and make us skinny and hot again." Nate sulked.
"For one, I promised never to use that on us. And also you're hot now so why bother." Nate just sulked in response. "Look, if it makes you feel better, I know the feeling." Andres continued. "Before we met, I was so hot, so fit. I was even an underwear model, although that was due in part to me using my power to make myself skinny. But that's beside the point." He pulled up a photo of him from before the two had met and showed it to Nate.
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"The point is that I fell in love with a beautiful man with amazing cooking and now look at me. In a couple years I turned into a fatass with a beer belly and I couldn't be happier." Andres gave his gut a jiggle.
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Nate seemed to chuckle a little, lightening his mood. Though he still seemed to be unsatisfied with his body. "Can we at least get a personal trainer." Nate asked. "Fine, if you really want to." Andres responded, feeling as though his reassurances failed to comfort his boyfriend.
A couple weeks went by and it was time to meet with their new personal trainer. The couple had tried to begin adjusting their diet to ease into the training, but both of them had gained weight leading up to it. Nate's cooking was just too good to give up so easily. They both drove to the gym and paused in the parking lot to gain their composure before going in.
"Does this shirt make me look fat? I hope it's not too small." Nate asked Andres.
"No you look great!" Andres reassured.
"I'm scared our trainer is gonna be a dick. What if he's like some jock douchebag that's gonna make fun of us for being fat."
"Well we're paying him so I don't think he'll care how fat we are, I don't think he'll be a dick. He looked pretty nice in the photos on the website." Andres pulled up the photo of their trainer. "Ok, he kinda does look like a dick." Andres said. Their trainer was posed in his car, flexing and pointing at his arm with a smug look.
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"You know what, don't worry about it. Let's just go in." Andres said quickly as he got out of the car and went to Nate's side of the car to drag him out of the car.
The two sheepishly entered the gym, being that it was the first time they had entered one in years. They made their way to a private office to meet with their trainer to discuss a routine and diet before the training would begin. They knocked on the door and a tall strong young man answered. "Andres and Nate, yes?" He said politely as he let them in. "Take a seat." The trainer said pointing at a couple chairs across the room. The chairs seemed to let out a squeal as the two men sat down.
The session went on normally. The trainer introduced himself as Kent. He then went through a workout schedule and a diet schedule after asking a few basic questions about their life. After a little while, Kent excused himself to get a protein shake before they would finish up the meeting.
While Kent was gone, Nate leaned in toward Andres. "He's nice but he's still kinda scary."
"Well maybe... I could make him less scary." Andres suggested.
"You mean-"
"Ya." Andres interrupted. "Have you ever seen fit to fat to fit?" He asked.
"No, what is it?"
"It's a show where personal trainers gain a lot of weight so they can then lose it with the person they're training. It makes the weight loss feel more personal cuz both of them are losing the weight together." Andres suggested.
"So you're saying we make him fat so he can lose the fat with us." Nate questioned.
"Yes!" Andres responded.
They were both interrupted when Kent entered the room. He sat down at his chair and began typing away at his computer. Andres winked at Nate as he got up and approached Kent. He put his hand on Kent's neck and he almost immediately froze. Fat started to pile into the young man's body. His cut six pack became a large muscle gut that stretched his shirt to its limit. His solid pecs became soft moobs that pressed firmly against his shirt. His arms started to look soft as a thick layer of fat covered his muscle, though they still looked large and imposing. His ass widened until it took up the entire office chair he sat in. And his legs thickened until they permanently rubbed against each other. Andres was feeling generous as a large bulge formed in Kent's pants. Finally Kent's jawline disappeared under a layer of fat and a double chin folded under his shirt stubble.
Andres seemed like he was just about to end the transformation, but wanted to add one final touch. Kent's face seemed to mature as wrinkles formed on his face and his hairline receded. It receded almost to the point of leaving bald. His build also seemed to change as his already broad shoulders broadened and his belly and ass stuck out a bit more. Finally Andres lifted his hand from Kent's neck and sat back down in his seat. "Now he's about our age, and much heavier. He should be no problem." Andres said confidently to Nate.
As if nothing had happened, Kent swung his chair around toward the couple. He lifted his hand up to his gut and began rubbing it.
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"Well let's get started."
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mishambles · 1 year
☆Being KAEDEHARA KAZUHA’s big sibling
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Summary: Having Kazuha as your lil bro <3 Character/s: Kazuha, Beidou, Kamisato siblings, Traveler Warning: the timeline can possibly be incorrect T0T, slight angst, rushed ending lol Note: spoilers to his character quest and the first act of GAA. Reader is around 5 years older than Kazuha and has a vision (not specified).
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•As a child, to put it simply, kazuha was clingy. extremely so.
•He isn’t very vocal about wanting attention but he would follow you EVERYWHERE. He understands you have a lot of responsibilities as the future head of the kaedehara clan why can't he help? so he quietly hangs onto your sleeve until you're done.
•When he's feeling extra needy, he asks you for a piggy back ride or just wants you to carry him. He does that thing where he stands in front of you and lifts up his arms and opens and closes his hands. this is a rare occurrence though so make the most of it <3
•He has a habit to (not so) sneakily steal your clothes and act like you when he thinks you're not looking!
•"I am Kaedehawa [name], futuwe head of the Kaedehawa clan." As he poses in clothing that are almost three times his size.
•Did I ever mention he has a slight lisp? He gets suuuuuuper embarrassed about it wishing he could speak the "adult" way and whenever he notices he mispronounced something he covers his mouth and pouts. You're gonna have to comfort him <3
•has a habit of collecting pretty rocks and shells and gives them to you when he sees you're tired. Almost had a fit when he realized he couldn't collect maple leaves cause they wilt very quickly but we have a solution
•Flower pressing! After you introduce it to him to preserve maple leaves he's been randomly bringing you flowers to press so he can keep them for much much longer.
•He wishes he could grow up so he can help you.
•As a teen, he focused more on his sword art so he doesn't have much more freedom to follow you around as he used to.
•He asks you to spar with him whenever you have the time (it's the only time you get to bond anymore– you need to take care of the household after all)
•He picked up his flowery language from you! He naturally started speaking like you after watching you converse with others throughout his childhood (please never mention the lisp he still gets embarrassed)
•This is also around the time he was a bit of a troublemaker! Only some little petty pranks like drawing on your face when you're sleeping but nothing that could actually cause any real harm
•He also introduced you to his friend (you're glad he has someone with him, especially since you haven't been able to be with him that much anymore)
•To be honest, you allow him too much freedom all the while chaining yourself down with the issues of the household. It makes him so..frustrated. He can’t do anything to help you but he wants to, he really does, but when all you do is insist you’re fine, then what can he do?
•Am I so incompetent that I’m a dissapointment to you?
•As an adult.. mhm well.. It’s a bit complicated
•After the vision hunt decree, a huge chunk of time in your relationship was spent wondering if the other is safe.
•Considering the fact that both of you have visions, the vision hunt affected you both very differently. While Kazuha went after his friend, you were taken under the Kamisato’s protection and hidden for a long time
•Both of you were separated but you two were able to communicate through letters (though very limited). He’d tell you elaborate stories about his adventures with a woman named Captain Beidou and his recent interest in an outlander. (perhaps.. You could be free like he is?)
•You send him letters about your wellbeing and the current situation in Inazuma. Though, the letters between you two are scarce considering you’re busy helping the Kamisato’s and he’s constantly traveling
•He not-so-subtly suggests you to come with him and explore the world (like you’ve always wanted to). He knows that Beidou wouldn’t mind another person on board and he’d love for you to be more free 
•Perhaps you’ll be able to see each other again once the vision hunt decree is abolished?
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osleeplessflowero · 5 months
Could you write something with classic papyrus 👀 if your requests are open still
Love your stuff btw
let's see...i sure can, anon! (i'm glad you like my content :])
Word Count: 3,601
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It's a warm, welcoming day. You sit casually in your living room on the couch reading over one of your favorite novels, humming a familiar tune as you use your imagination to the fullest. Mystical worlds full of wonder and mystery..that sounds like a wonderful place to explore.
Your peace is interrupted by the ball of energy that is your datemate, Papyrus, opening the front door to your shared home with a wide smile, shifting to what he deems a "cooler" pose as he leans against it.
"I Have Returned From Gardening With The King, My Love! I Sincerely Hope I Hadn't Kept You Waiting Too Long." He shoots a wink in your direction, earning a little laugh as you walk over and press a kiss to the skeleton's cheekbone. His cheekbones then proceed to flush as a smitten expression overtakes the previous one.
"Don't worry, Paps. You're right on time. So..any big plans?" You tilt your head as the skeleton snaps out of his dizziness, putting his hands on his hips as he stands up straighter.
"Now That You Mention It, I Do!" He holds out his hands for you to take them, so you do. He leads you into the living room, motioning for you to wait a second as he..floats to his room to put his things away. Sometimes you forget he can do that.
He walks right back in moments later, proudly smiling.
"So! I Have Spent Some Time With My Good Friend Mettaton, And With His Advice I Would Like To Properly Court You!"
"Court me?" You smile, raising a brow at your partner's antics.
"Yes! See..We Haven't Had A Proper Date Before, But Now I'd Like To Take You Somewhere Nice! ..For The Both Of Us."
You let out a hum as he kneels before you in a knight-like fashion, gently holding your hand in his own as if you were royalty.
"Would You Do Me The Honor Of Going On A Date With Me?" He smiles up at you, eyelights shining..how could you say no to that? Letting out a chuckle, you nod your head and jolt a little when he stands up abruptly.
"Excellent! Well, I'd Best Take Some Time To Plan...I Want To Surprise You! Will A Few...erm. ..Hours Be Alright?" He asks, holding his hand up to his chin to think. You smile amusedly at that.
"Yeah, I don't have any plans anyway. Do whatever you think is right, Paps." You give him a hug from behind, making him smile before letting him rush away to start planning. A warm feeling creeps its way into your heart..he's putting so much thought into this, all for you..such a sweetheart.
You decide to go into your room while he's planning, rummaging through your closet for something you'd like to wear. It's a bit of a difficult task as you don't know exactly where he wants to go, so you go with something not too formal, but not too casual either.
Papyrus paces back and forth, writing ideas down and even going as far as to call his brother for some ideas as to where to go. Eventually, after planning for hours, he'd found himself ready to go and walks over to his closet, looking for something appropriate for the evening.
You sit in the living room, scrolling away on your phone through different socials before you hear footsteps approaching. Your eyes shift up as you see your datemate standing before you, taking in his attire.
He had chosen to wear a red jacket and his usual "Cool Dude" shirt beneath it, with slightly torn black jeans, some shades resting on his head to complete the look. His signature gloves are still present on his hands, as well as his signature smile on his face.
"Oh, Paps..you look so handsome. But then again, you're always handsome, so nothing's really changed." You stand, walking over to your partner with a warm smile.
He smiles, putting a hand on your cheek. "You Look Wonderful Yourself!"
"You're gonna make me blush." You grin, putting your hand over his and leaning into it.
He lets out a nyeh heh, before you lean back a little.
"So, Paps..where to first?" You ask him curiously, raising a brow as you face him.
"That Is For Me To Know, And For You To Find Out!" He grins, leading you outside and gently closing the door behind you as you both walk to his bright red convertible. You hold up your phone when you get a text, reading it.
punmaster - now
good luck
You - now
okay now im scared what's goin on
punmaster - now
dw about it
You - now
what are yall up to??
punmaster - now
cant tell im sworn to secrecy ;p
"Dearest, Are You Coming?" You raise your head to see your datemate smiling a little worriedly, sitting in the car already. Your face flushes when you realize you'd been distracted, walking over and getting in.
"Sorry, got sidetracked." You smile apologetically at him and he assures that it's okay, that he does that all the time.
Once you're properly buckled, Papyrus begins to drive. His convertible is definitely one of his favorite possessions in the world, the two of you often going for rides with no particular destination in mind, just wanting to enjoy the scenery and each other's company. The wind hits you both as he cruises through the streets, moving your clothes back just a little. Too much wind would be annoying to deal with.
Both humans and monsters alike wave as you both stop at a red light. Papyrus greets those he recognizes cheerfully as always as you both wait, waving them off once you remind him the light's green again.
"Sooo.. where are we headed, anyway?" You turn to him, a curious glint in your eye as you look him over. He shakes his head but keeps his eyes on the road, adjusting his mirror a bit.
"Oh No You Don't, I'm Not Telling You Anything! That'd Ruin It. I Am Not Going To Ruin The Surprise! Nobody Enjoys That." He chuckles as he speaks, an amused tone to his voice as he sees you cross your arms in response.
"Oh, c'mon! At least let me know what I'm wearing is appropriate." You gesture to yourself, frowning. It'd be pretty awkward if you showed up somewhere nice without the proper clothes for it..
He gives you another glance before shifting his eyelights back to the road. "You Look Lovely As Always, Dearest, You'll Be Just Fine As You Are!" He grins.
You sigh, deciding to leave it at that since his replies aren't getting you anywhere. He turns up the radio to a comfortable level as he turns in another direction, you decide to hum along as you scroll on your phone to keep yourself occupied. Excitement consumes you as you wonder where he could possibly be taking you. Curse you, surprises! But at least it'll be worth it when you get there.
Papyrus bounces a bit in his seat, excited to see your reaction. He'd put a lot of thought into how he wanted the evening to go, and with his brother's assistance he thinks he's managed to plan out the perfect evening. As..long as everything goes according to plan..
"..I'd Thought Of Doing Something Simple, Like A Dinner Of Sorts, But When I Thought About It A Little More I'd Realized That Wouldn't Be Enough Time. I'd Like To Spend Lots Of Time With You, So.. What Better Way To Do That Than Go Somewhere Fun?" He turns one more time, parking and taking the key. You lift your head as you pocket your phone, grinning wide when you realize just where he's taken you.
"A Carnival?!" You exclaim, smiling and getting out of the car as Papyrus makes sure the top is up, joining you. "Paps, how did you know they'd be hosting one?"
"I Had A Little Help." He winks, holding out his arm for you to take it. You wrap your arms around it, chuckling.
"Remind me to tackle Sans when we go see him."
He lets out a laugh, guiding you into the carnival. The wait beforehand was worth it in your eyes, since it's fairly late all of the lights have been turned on, making the space colorful and bright. You can hear some upbeat music playing through speakers set up, lightly bopping your head to the beat. The most eye-catching part of the carnival itself is definitely the large, illuminated ferris wheel behind the games with people lining up to enter.
"How long do you think they'll be open for?"
"Well, I Believe The Website Said That They'd Be Open Until Midnight Tonight, So There Will Be Plenty Of Time To Explore!"
"Let's get started then!" You drag him along, hearing him laugh a bit.
"Hold On A Moment! We Can't Do Anything Without Tickets. Wait Here!" He rushes away, leaving you standing in place. You let out a sigh, smiling fondly as he runs off.
"he's the coolest, huh?"
"Yeah.." Wait a minute. You turn your head, seeing the shorter skeleton beside you. "Sans?! What are you doing here?"
"i'm helping out over at one of the more obviously rigged games. they said if anything's left over at the end of the week i can keep it. i'll probably sell the prizes, or give 'em to paps. he loves collecting plushes. well, that and action figure sets."
"I hear that. Well, it's good to see you. Were you the one that gave him the idea for this?" You tilt your head, seeing him shrug in response.
"maybe i was, maybe i wasn't. either way, don't let him know you saw me. i wanna surprise him." He chuckles, before hearing him approach and shortcutting away abruptly.
"I've Returned! Ready To Go?" He holds out his arm for you, and you take it.
"You know it, Paps." You smile, leading him down a path to choose between the games.
Up first, you decided to go for a shooting game, sliding over a ticket and picking up a water gun. "So yeah, this one's pretty simple. You just shoot the targets until time runs out. The more targets you hit, the more points you get. And however many points you get determines what kind of plush you can get from up there."
"Sounds Fairly Simple! What's The Catch?" He raises a browbone, a curious glint in his eyelights.
"Well, there shouldn't be one to this game, but you've gotta be careful with some other ones. They tend to be rigged a lot of the time." You grin, waiting for the carny to start up the game and begin firing randomly at whatever targets you can. Papyrus watches you intently, mentally noting how the game is played. Once you finally run out of time, you step aside so Papyrus can give it a whirl.
"I'll pick something out after him." You smile, the carny nodding in understanding before looking back down at their phone. They're probably just working here as a summer job..makes sense.
Papyrus focuses his aim, before finally beginning to shoot. He hits quite a few targets! About as many as you do, only off by about one or two.
"You did great, Paps! Alright, which of these silly critters should we choose?" You look over the selection. The carny looks at the amount of points you'd gotten that they wrote down, saying you could pick from any of the medium-sized plushes.
Papyrus decides to get a bunny plush, a very cute white one with a red ribbon around its neck. One of its eyes are missing, but that just makes him want it even more. You smile fondly at the sight, still struggling a little to pick yourself, when you finally decide on a matching plush you can put in your room, only this bun is black and just so happens to have a ribbon the same color as your soul. Perfectly fitting!
You both step away from the game, looking for another one. A montage of sorts begins..
When apple bobbing, Papyrus manages to win almost immediately, using his teeth to his advantage. When playing a ring toss game, you both end up realizing the game's rigged and ditch it. When playing a duck game, you manage to grab the duck with the highest number, and receive a little set of rubber ducks as a prize. Oh, are you going to torment Paps with these for the next few weeks..he shakes his head as you deviously smile.
When playing a strength test game, Paps..almost breaks it. Almost.
"Paps- I knew you were strong, but not "break the machine" strong." You stare in awe at his score, while his skull flushes as he smiles beside you.
"I Suppose I Don't Know My Own Strength Sometimes!" "Explains why you can carry me and Sans so easily." You huff amusedly, dragging him in a different direction.
"Oh, let's go over to the Dunk Tank! I wanna sink somebody."
"A..Dunk Tank? Elaborate, Please."
"A dunk tank is a sorta game where you try to throw a baseball at a target so the person sitting above the tank falls into the water. There aren't prizes for those, but it's pretty funny to watch them fall."
"I've Got A..Sinking Feeling About This One." He smirks, proud of himself. You snicker, which makes his smile grow even more. These skeletons and their puns.. Sans is a lot more prone to telling them than Paps is, but when he cracks one or two it's always a delight!
"Don't worry, the person in the tank is totally okay. They're able to swim up and all, then the next person gets to try to sink them."
"I See..How Interesting!" He accompanies you over to the tank, but stops when he sees just who's in the tank, pointing a finger accusingly (and very overdramatically). "BROTHER?!"
"oh, hey guys. been watching you walk around. wanna give it a go?" Sans waves down at the two of you as you approach the tank. Somehow him having this role makes the most sense out of all the other ones. You can't exactly put your finger on why..
"How Long Have You Been Here?"
"the whole time. wanted to surprise you while i'm workin' here for a little bit." The lazier skeleton shrugs, his typical lazy grin there to match.
Papyrus sighs. "Of Course, That's Why You Suggested The Idea To Me, Wasn't It?"
"partially. other half is so you lovebirds could have some fun." Sans looks down at you. "should've heard this guy walkin' around in circles and ramblin' like a madman."
"Sans!" Papyrus' cheekbones flush, and you can't help but laugh in reply. Stars, you love your datemate.
"anyway," Sans clears his nonexistent throat, "which one of you wants to give it a shot first?"
"I'll give it a whirl." You pick up a ball, backing up a bit. Sans gives you a thumbs up, smug on his seat above the water. There's no water on the ground, so maybe nobody's managed to sink him yet. Well, you're not about to let that slide.
You move your arm back, then..throw!
You miss. Dang it.
"two more shots. c'mon, i believe in you."
You nod, throwing again. Another miss. A frustrated sigh leaves your lips as you pick up the last ball, throwing it..but the hit isn't strong enough to knock him down.
"There's no way this shit isn't rigged."
Sans shrugs. "i don't even know myself."
Papyrus puts his hand on your shoulder. You look up at him, raising a brow. A determined glint is visible in his eyesockets as he grins down at you.
"Stand Back, Dearest. I Can Do This."
"give it a shot, bro." Sans gives him a thumbs up. You wipe a fake tear away from your eye, swooning dramatically as Papyrus steps up to avenge your attempts..and then, he throws.
Sans falls right into the water. You both laugh at the sight as Sans shortcuts right back up, grinning. "nice job, bro. knew you could do it."
"Damn Right!" Papyrus laugh, putting an arm around your shoulders.
"you wanna do it again?"
"What do you thi.." You pause mid sentence, feeling a droplet hit your shoulder. You look up, seeing more droplets begin to fall. Papyrus' eyelights shrink as he looks to you.
"It's raining." You state, holding your hand out as droplets begin to hit it.
"It Wasn't Supposed To Rain Today! I Checked The Weather Beforehand!" He sounds stressed, glancing around.
You put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, Paps, it's okay. There's a reason they're called weather predictions."
His focus stops on the ferris wheel, and his smile picks up. "We Can Ride The Ferris Wheel! The Seats Are Covered So We'd Be Shielded From The Rain!"
"Brilliant idea, Paps!" You run over with him (not without bidding goodbye to Sans of course), waiting in line eagerly before finally sitting down with him. You both sit across from each other, enjoying the sights. You find yourself looking out of the window as the raindrops hit it, smiling softly at the view of the city area nearby.
Papyrus watches you with a warm smile, eyelights shining with joy as he takes in your curious expressions..something so truly perfect to him. For a short while..everything is peaceful between you. You reach across to hold his hand as he joins you in observing the view..the other couples and friends alike alongside you doing the same.
..The wheel stops. Why has it stopped?
You both turn to look at each other, worry slowly consuming your previous expressions. You both look down as the person running the wheel who seems to be panicking, calling someone over to take a look.
"Yikes..looks like we'll be stuck here a while. But at least we're together, right Paps?" When he doesn't reply, you look to him. "Paps?"
He stares down at the floor, frowning. A stressed expression crosses his face.
"Paps, what's wrong? You can tell me." You speak softly so as not to upset him. He looks up at you, before looking back down. He hesitates a moment before speaking.
"This Is All Wrong." He rests his arms in his lap.
"What do you mean?"
"We Were Supposed To Have A Peaceful Evening, One We'd Remember For A Long Time..One Where Nothing Goes Wrong. But Now We're Here, Stuck In The Rain And Stuck In The Air For Who Knows How Long? I Just..I Suppose I Wanted This Evening To Go Perfectly. Now It's Ruined." He looks up at you.
You pause, thinking carefully about what he's said, before letting out a laugh. He furrows his browbones, putting his hands on his hips.
"It's Not Funny!" He cries as you calm yourself down, standing up and moving over to his side.
"You're too sweet, Paps. Nothing's ruined at all. I'm..super touched you care so much for me. I've had so much fun this afternoon with you. Just playing games, taking in the sights, you sinking Sans in the Dunk Tank.. and even if we're stuck up here, we're stuck together.. and I don't mind that at all."
His eyelights sparkle.
"This has been so much fun..being anywhere with you is worth it, no matter the circumstance. So what if some rain poured? We can still save the evening. It's not like it's totally lost just because some stuff didn't go according to plan. I've got you..and you've got me! And that's all we need, right?"
He smiles, visibly relaxing as he turns towards you.
"You're Right. I Need To Stop Obsessing Over The Little Things. We Can Still Have Fun! In Our Own Way. I Can't Believe I Was So Worried About That.."
"I love you for your imperfections, Paps. Nothing's ever truly perfect, anyway. And that's just fine."
You put your hand over his, your hands intertwining. His eyes soften as he shifts his position a little, raising a hand to hold your cheek..ensuring that you look up at him. You both smile at each other fondly, silently giving each other permission. He leans forwards..pressing his teeth to your lips, the two of you sharing a warm and loving kiss that could stop time. Not that you would complain if it did.
Almost as if it was your doing, the wheel starts moving again. You lean back a bit, surprised, before the both of you laugh. Everyone is slowly let off of the ride, and you plan an escape route.
Papyrus slides off his jacket, holding it above you both. "I Have A Crazy Idea!"
"Well, let's go with it!"
"Alright, Let's Run To The Car As Fast As We Can! Think You Can Keep Up With Me?" He looks down at you with that determined smile you know and love.
"I'll do my best!" You grin up at him, equally determined.
Aaand then you both just start running and screaming as you dart out of the carnival and into Paps' car. You both pause a second in your seats to catch your breath, before looking at each other and letting out a good laugh.
"Come On! The Night Can Still Be Saved. Let's Go Home And Change, Then Figure Out What We'll Do Next!"
"You've got it, Paps." You grin, turning up the radio as he begins to drive off.
Sans watches the car leave as he dries himself off with a towel, letting out an amused chuckle.
"those two were made for each other."
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starspann · 1 year
wouldn’t it be nice
joe cooper x reader
fem!reader, she/her pronouns are used
warnings: cursing, violence, suggestive themes
notes: just something short bc i LOVE coop
the one where cooper wants remer’s girlfriend.
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cooper wasn’t the jealous type.
he never really considered himself to be one anyway.
in fact, throughout his life, he had prided himself on being the supportive friend, celebrating the successes and happiness of his team and friends, no matter what.
today, cooper stood alone, his gaze fixed upon the boy he grew up with, watching his fingers intertwined with his girlfriends.
he felt different when it came them, and he knew exactly why.
he envied him.
you’d figure it’s because he’s just lonely. because he and jenna didn’t work out, and the fact that he hasn’t gotten laid in months.
if you did, you’d be wrong.
the real reason behind the gnawing ache of jealousy that twisted his insides was caused by the girl currently wrapped in remer’s arms.
he wanted her more than anything.
it was hard for cooper to admit that to himself, even within the private corners of his own mind.
however, there was no denying the truth.
with each passing day, cooper made a conscious effort to suppress the green-eyed monster that threatened to poison their friendship.
that didn’t stop the thoughts of her that constantly ran through his head.
he’d imagine what’d it be like to be in remer’s position. to hold her hand, feel the tender brush of y/n’s lips against his own, the warmth of her embrace.
usually, during a game, as they watched a fellow beers teammate play from the dugout, remer would talk about y/n.
cooper didn’t want to know, yet he’d force the sentence out anyway,
“so, how are things with you and y/n?”
it’s almost like he wanted to outdo him.
remer would make subtle points about how perfect things were between him and y/n while all cooper could do was stare dejectedly, numbly nodding his head and acting like he gave a shit.
he gleefully shared with cooper all the details of her accomplishments, both big and small. he recounted stories of her selflessness and kindness that would bring a proud smile to his face.
but then he’d talk about her in bed.
what pissed coop off was the way remer would talk about it.
he paused, drawing in a deep breath before continuing on to describe some of the more intimate moments from y/n’s life that she most likely may have wanted him to keep to himself. remer seemed determined to tell it all in vivid detail.
“god, coop. she’s unbelievable, really.” he shook his head, “she purrs like a kitten.”
sometimes, this pissed him off so much, he felt like cracking his fist into the brunettes nose, hopefully breaking it and giving his uniform a dark red stain.
yet, he couldn’t help but a feel a little bit grateful for the information about y/n.
then he felt dirty.
he cringes when he remembers the time he heard them through the thin walls of their house and shamefully pleasured himself to their sounds.
cooper can recall countless nights like that. nights he spent tossing and turning, his mind plagued by fantasies he dared not indulge.
so he’d end up taking those feelings to him and remer’s shared bathroom.
it was a ritual at this point.
he’d stumble to the bathroom and hastily lock the door, fiddling with the zipper of his jeans.
one of his porno mag’s lied on the cold, bathroom tile, a well endowed model posing on the front cover.
he’d sigh and pick it up, quickly flipping through before stopping randomly.
he’d stop at some chick staring seductively back at him through the flimsy page.
“okay.. that’s kind of hot.” he thought, palming himself through the rough denim of his jeans.
he’d get off to the magazine but only while thinking of her.
his heart still ached.
walking out of the bathroom, he dragged his feet to his room.
remer is his friend. his best friend since childhood. y/n is his girlfriend. he just had to learn to respect that.
after all, cooper wasn’t the jealous type.
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arimiadev · 5 months
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Hello visual novel fans and vampire lovers! It’s been a while since I last wrote a postmortem, so I hope I’ll be able to write this concisely (and coherently).
Dahlia was a short visual novel I created in under 36 hours for Velox Formido, a shortform visual novel game jam ran by robobarbie and Allie Vera. It’s inspired by Ludum Dare, one of the longest running game jams in the world where devs are tasked to make a game in 1 weekend based around a theme. I got my start making visual novels by entering Ludum Dare…which was 10 years ago, as of 2024!
I had my eye on this game jam for a while now, as this isn’t its first incarnation. I’ve been a bit burnt out the past year or so, not completely where I can’t make progress but to where I feel like my work has slowed down a lot more than my peers and feel I can’t make anything quickly. When I saw the jam was happening this weekend, I hopped on board once the themes were announced.
the themes
While Ludum Dare has a rigorous process of eliminating themes until it gets down to the final one, Velox Formido has it where there are 5 themes that win and participants have to use at least 2 of them in their entries. The final themes were…
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Enemies with Benefits
Flower Symbolism
Doomed by the Narrative
Trapped with Someone
Forbidden Romance
I started crafting ideas as soon as the themes were announced, which was what the jam started- meaning the clock was ticking!
My first idea was a shounen rivals-esque sapphic story about two rivals meeting up for alone time. I started writing it immediately but moved on to another idea- being trapped with a vampire. I doubt I’ll ever use the first idea, so I’ve shared the snippet I was able to write for it here. Every new line is the other woman talking, so think of it as a quick back and forth.
Even though I had started on this idea, I wanted to write something more… mysterious. Frilly. Girls in cute dresses, to be exact. So I began potting an idea where a girl wakes up to find a vampire in her room, unsure if she’s had her fill yet or toying with her next meal.
the story
The “flower symbolism” theme was definitely my first pick, as I love the concept of it and played around with it in my last visual novel, Asphodelium. I named the characters Dahlia (beauty, change) and Camellia (admiration, longing). Dahlia represents a change in Camellia’s life, a sudden burst of newness. Camellia longs for something different, some way for things to change.
The other theme I picked was “trapped with someone”, as the premise is a girl stuck with a vampire in her room. I didn’t want it to be outright horror, but still a little creepy and tense.
Dahlia "I've had enough pitchforks stuck in my face for today." Camellia "And why is that?" Dahlia "Because your kind isn't too welcoming to my kind." Camellia "I was asking why you were here in the first place." Dahlia "Obvious questions get obvious responses. I needed a snack, of course." Camellia "And you chose my residence." Dahlia "Didn't you say this was your fathers?" Her words curl around the last word, like ivy growing against a trellis. She's clearly already had a "snack", but was it enough to satisfy her? Or am I the main course?
Both of them are somewhat young, but there is still the element of the unknown. This creature clearly already had a meal, but does she want dessert? Is she just toying with her food? Or is she truly delighted to find someone her age to talk to?
With the time constraints I wasn’t able to flesh out much of their dynamic, but I hope it was still an enjoyable taste! The story ended up being about 2.3k words long with 3 endings.
the art
I started doing the art about….12 hours before the jam ended. I love working with fullbody sprites as they offer me a lot more versatility with posing, but I knew I didn’t have time for that here. This time I went for 3/4ths bodies, namely just so I could cut it off at the end of their dresses. I spent about an hour on each of these.
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With the time crunch I didn’t have time to do concepts for them- I just winged it! I knew I wanted Dahlia to have pigtails, though she was originally going to have a purple theme. Camellia was supposed to have proper curls in her hair, but because the game starts with her being rudely awoken, I went with messy waves instead. Think of it as bedhead rather than her actual hairstyle.
I also quickly did a main menu artwork towards the end of my crunch in about half an hour. It was originally going to be the cover art on itchio but Dahlia’s >:D sprite looks more striking.
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For the backgrounds I went with free photos from Unsplash and edited them. Personally, I like the look of filtered photos as backgrounds depending on the aesthetics of the game.
I didn’t have time to edit the GUI aside from the textbox, which was NVL mode.
the presentation
Dahlia is stylized fully in NVL mode, with the textbox to one side of the screen. I love NVL mode for scenes focused on narration and setting the right mood.
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I was considering making the game a different resolution, but because the NVL mode is to the side rather than the entire screen I wanted to make use of the widescreen resolution.
The game is set late at night, so each of the backgrounds had to be nighttime. To match with this, I tinted the sprites to match each of them. For example, the above tint looks like this:
transform nightcolor: matrixcolor TintMatrix("#8594d6") * BrightnessMatrix(0.03) image dahlia night = LayeredImageProxy("dahlia",nightcolor)
I wanted to try something more complex like a tint + another light source overlayed onto the sprite, but ran out of time.
Another part of the presentation I did was to have a variety of shots. I had a very limited about of art to work with (only changing mouths and eyebrows, no arm poses or eye positions) so I knew I had to be smart about how I composited the scenes.
One thing I’ve done in other visual novels was to have one character further away and have another closer to the camera but their sprite turned black. This allows me to give the illusion of depth without having a sprite of the back of each character’s head.
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for instance, this is that technique in Canvas Menagerie
Doing this in Dahlia was a quick and easy way to make the visuals much more interesting rather than swapping between two mostly static sprites the entire game.
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The way I do it in other games is on a per-sprite basis, meaning I set brightness and position each time. It’s hectic, really! But because of the time limit for this jam, I was able to come up with a much quicker way to set it up.
transform lefttt: zoom 0.5 xalign 0.3 yalign 0.05 transform leftttb: zoom 0.8 xalign -1.6 yalign 0.1 matrixcolor(BrightnessMatrix(-1)) xzoom -1
The lefttt transform is for the character in the back- in this example, that’s Camellia. The leftttb transform (b standing for “black”) is for the character in the foreground who’s shrouded- in this example, that’s Dahlia.
Basically, the leftttb transform sets the sprite to a bigger size than the farther away sprite, sets the position, and then makes the color completely black before flipping the sprite (because this should be us seeing them from behind).
I also did quite a few small animations in the game, such as Dahlia dancing around or bouncing up and down. You define it once as a transform and can reuse it again and again.
transform dance: ease 0.7 xoffset -59 linear 0.25 ease 0.6 xoffset 74 linear 0.19 ease 0.76 xoffset -70 linear 0.3 ease 0.7 xoffset 102 linear 0.2 ease 0.8 xoffset 0
If you’d like to see the code in action, then guess what- I’ve released the entire source code for the game on GitHub! Feel free to sift through it to see the components in action and copy some of the code for your own projects. All I ask is that you do not redistribute the game (i.e. download the code, make a build in Ren’Py, and redistribute that as your own game).
wrapping up
I’m pretty happy with how Dahlia came out. It’s short and visually distinct and helped “prove” to myself that I’m capable of making visual novels in a weekend still. I tried to avoid spoilers here, so if you haven’t played it already then give it a try!
— Arimia
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vaultlinkvt · 8 months
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This is the first proper thing I've drawn in ages (and first are I think I've posted in over 5 years?) I just needed to draw the opening to Act 5 and my reaction to it.
Nothing has gripped me in such a way and forced me to finish an art piece like this in so fucking long. I see far too much of myself in him. I just want them to be ok after this is all over. STARS, this is just Asriel all over again isn't it. But WORSE!/pos
…I guess that could make this vent adjacent? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I also made a shitpost edit that I posted separately here.
There are so many things covered by each other and I just need to share and talk about them. Bonus details and rambles under the cut.
Siffrin's expression was like the first thing I drew and if it didn't turn out as good as it did I probably wouldn't have spent almost 10 days slowly adding to this and I just need to show it because his hands/arms end up covering most of their face.
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Nothing much else to say about him, I'm just super happy with how everything about him turned out (I did have to go back and redraw some of his hair towards the end because the line thickness wasn't consistent with everything I drew after.
Next is ME yippeeeee. I have no idea why I spent so long adding details even tho I knew alot of it would get covered by Sif 'cause of how I was posing this.
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I even designed a little button based on the Change Ornament + Star (the Change Belief and Lost Belief in The Universe really spoke to me in so many ways)
The gloves are an Archery Glove on the right hand and a Drawing/Writing Glove on the left.
The cloak is based on the style of cloak my mom made for my family for SCA events when I was young. It's just a simple hooded cloak but it has a slit in each side so you can stick your hands threw without needing to open up the cloak. I imagine it being stylized like, the opening doesn't exist until you stick your hands threw and then it can just freely glide around the face of the cloak to wherever it's needed, stopping at the elbow only letting threw the forearm, below the slit beginning to hang off the elbow with gravity while the part above begins to move with the upper arm.
I didn't even try to draw the outfit under the cloak because dealing with the folds of a thick wool cloak was enough for me (you can see how I gave up at the knees because I KNEW Sif was gonna cover them up). What I imagine the outfit being is this big baggy tunic and pants that are tied down at the forearms/calves to keep from getting in the way, it's also supposed to have a big baggy turtleneck thing that can be pulled up as a(nother) hood (iirc, this sorta thing was used so someone could wear a chainmail hood without it grabbing your hair(there ware also like stand alone cloth hoods that did the same thing too but eh, my memory is bad I might just be misremembering this)) but I couldn't figure out the folds and ended up just doing a simple button up thing (which then got covered by Sif's big head anyway.)
I spent soooo long trying to draw my eyes, trying to figure out the shape, and ended up just doing a bunch of small tests to the side before finding one that actually looked right. Drag it over the face and see that it fit EXACTLY, didn't even need to redraw it or anything.... unless you're talking about the other eye in which case I just duplicated it, flipped, and did some perspective warping until it looked ok because I could NOT draw that again especially at a different perspective (can I just say I have no idea how I drew that creepy eye but I love it, it was the first eye I drew and I just threw 4 lines down what the fuck how. Also the Mira-ish one looks cute too but didn't fit the expression.) I also needed to figure out what the hell was wrong with the expression I had before so you get 2 faces from me figuring that out (turns out I had the eyebrows facing the wrong way.)
I ALMOST FUCKING FORGOT MY FRECKLES TOO AAAAAAAAA (they're actually missing from the version I posted in the official ISaT server.) It was super weird trying to add them at the obscenely low resolution I was drawing at and they're probably gonna get compressed to hell and back but I think they're cute.
final thing.
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Why is my hair so similar to Sif's but longer? Like, you can see I was sketching over my drawing of him to make sure I'd keep the proportions right when I started working on myself but in the process I realized that I was basically drawing over his hair but longer for mine (drawing I was using as ref here made by @leemak)
Add that to the uncomfortably long list of things I have in common with Siffrin I guess.
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sorenphelps · 8 months
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All the artwork I made (so far) for the fanfic Fall For Me by @nikialexx for this year's @rsbigbang!
When we received the fanfic summaries and I saw that there's gonna be a rockstar AU, I ranked it high and was hoping for the best that I'd get it... And I got lucky, we got paired up with Niki, and I cannot even begin to express how much fun working with her has been! When I signed up for the Bang, I had no idea that I will end up being such an overachiever, but our collaboration was just too inspiring for me to stick to making only 1 picture! I'm gonna share a little backstory for all of them, also listing all the hidden easter eggs!
The banner: It was inspired by an off-screen scene (and a Hozier gif) Niki shared with me which inspired her to play with this AU to begin with! She was kind enough to let me design the look of the characters however I wanted and as I am the biggest facial hair enthusiast irl, I shamelessly drew the boys with beards, even tho it is not even once mentioned in the fic! (I aspire to be the fanartist known for drawing every male character with a beard, jsyk.) I am especially fond of Remus' nose, it just turned out so cute! Also, big thanks to Niki again for adding the extra bit about Sirius' parents coming from Vietnam, which is a very personal touch for me! It's the reason why I draw the Black family members with East Asian features, and finally it is perfectly valid in this fic's canon! 🙇🏻‍♀️
The paparazzi photo: This was my very first idea upon reading the summary of the fic, and thankfully Niki was very onboard with this too! This however turned out to be more challenging than expected, the first version was from a different angle and I really couldn't figure out the correct proportions and perspective, and the pose is harder to pull off in an anatomically correct way to begin with, so after some discussions whether it would be plausible in the fic if the paparazzi would have a room next to this balcony instead of in front, it finally clicked into place! And it is actually a real place in Madrid (the hotel and the background too)! Madrid is my ultimate favourite European city and I've spent 2 weeks working there this spring, so I could actually use my own photos as reference! I also hid a crescent moon and a star on the label of the wine bottle in the background! In the fic it is a kiss and they shouldn't be this visible, but I think I managed to convey the heat of this moment anyway. I really like how Sirius licks Remus' neck and their pleasure is obvious however subtle it is. Also because it is not an actual kiss, it has around the same level of ambiguity as the "original" semi-hidden photos would have in my opinion?
The Instagram posts: This idea came to me while reading the first draft of the fic. I've always liked social media inspired drawings, so at first I just sketched it out for fun, but then I liked it too much, so I finalized it, only to realize that I remembered incorrectly and it was not an Instagram post in the fic! Thankfully Niki was flexible enough to change the platform to Instagram in the final version to cover for my mistake! As in the fic it's Snape who takes the paparazzi photos, I referenced him in the first insta post (username). The second insta post was a last minute addition, I figured why not put the story in a "frame" this way. I wanted to draw Remus again, and I had so much fun with it, I've added a lot of easter eggs too! He is drinking wine and is a little tipsy - just as the beginning, and a lot of other times in the fic actually, haha -, he has the ring, the photo was taken in James' restaurant, and there is also Padfoot the dog, who is now bigger as a whole year has passed! Niki gave me free hand with the caption and the comments too, so I decided to really double down on the story framing idea, and have the same comments, but with a twist, emphasizing Sirius' sassiness more (the caption and the extra comment from him saying the love of his life is his dog, but i used the moon and wolf emojis so it would refer to Remus... Also Padfoot is on the picture which is a nod back to the first one when the comment said who is on the picture).
The extra sketches: Originally I didn't want to add the extra sketches, as all three were just warmup before/after working on the actual pieces, but Niki decided to include them in her fic anyways! I really enjoyed the tension of the bathroom scene, I might even clean that sketch up sometime, but the roughness somehow really fits the vibe of the scene! The guitar playing one was actually the first version of the insta post that I only drew for my own fun, before I moved to make a more direct illustration of the scene. I really like how it looks, the guitar just looks so right in Sirius' hand! The boy really is a born rockstar, haha! The balcony in the background has the same pattern as the hotel in Madrid, however it really is just a coincidence. And how could I have resisted drawing Sirius with baby Padfoot?
The promo pic: I had the basis of this picture since working on the banner, but I actually only finished it recently. My aim was to make it look like an actual promo, influencer style (that's why the text is so cringy)! I've also came up with the idea of drawing the rockstar version of Sirius with a cross earring while working on these pictures, which I liked to much that I draw every version of him with it now 😆 It's like 95% of aesthetic and 5% reference to his godfather status (which makes sense only in my native language, cause the word for godfather is mirror translated as cross-father).
The rockband pic and the concert pic: I'm gonna list them here too, because they are both connected to the fic! Neither of them is a direct illustration, but they were inspired by the conversations I had with Niki in the meantime! The concert pic is actually a variation for the situation I tried to convey with the banner!
TLDR; (this became so long again, jeez) I really enjoyed working on all of these pictures, and I am sure that I will definitely create more! (The R/J/S threesome is just too tempting!!) It was really the most prosperous of collaborations, and it was so nice to get to know Niki too! I am really grateful for the opportunity to join the Bang, in my case it really delivered all the benefits: engaging more in this fandom, my creative drive skyrocketing and getting to know a lot of new people! Thanks to everyone involved, really!
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moccahobi · 9 months
Tangled Mess: The Beginning
Summary: taking a break in his local park doesn’t go as plan when he witnesses a seemingly sudden breakup
Paring: Hoseok x GN Reader, Yoongi x Jungkook
Genre: Soulmate AU, Grad School AU, Young Professional AU, Angst, Fluff
Warnings: A Breakup
Word Count: 648 words
Masterlist >> Next Part
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Soulmates were something Hoseok hated thinking about. As a kid, he always wondered why there were red strings attached to everyone's pinkies, pulling them away from their lives. He'd watch as his parents lovingly weave around each other while cooking, their strings tangling together as they tried to lead his parents in different directions. 
He was confused when he saw his math teacher and literature teacher had connected strings and felt sick when he learned the red strings connected you with your soulmate. His math teacher was married to someone other than his English teacher. They never dated but Hoseok always wondered why they were connected and what it might possibly mean.
His parents weren't married to their soulmates. 
His friends never dated their soulmates. 
It seemed like he alone knew who were soulmates and who weren’t. But most of all, it almost didn't seem to matter. His parents were happy and by the time he reached grad school, he knew of many friends who were happily engaged to people who weren't their soulmates. He barely knew two couples who were dating their soulmate.
The one soulmate pair he found was Taehyung and Jimin who were attached at the hip. Their love was a love Hoseok yearned for. They seemed to know what the other needed and were there before anyone needed to call. 
There were too many nights spent up replaying Taehyung and Jimin’s interactions, wondering if all the soulmateless love he sees is faulty. 
He'd never felt that way about anyone before. Given he only dated once after giving up on finding his soulmate. It was a sweet relationship and Hoseok might’ve been able to get comfortable in it… if it wasn’t for that little red string leading him away… and his partner’s red string. 
Shaking his head, Hoseok looks around the park. It’s the closest park to his apartment and after long days stuck in the library, Hoseok needs the crisp winter air to smack some sense into him. Grad school is grueling and the only thing that kept him going most days was the dogs in this park. 
“Excuse me!” Someone ran up to him, eyes shining and smile larger than probably humanly possible. They look happy and their joy makes Hoseok feel a bit better, “Do you think you could take a photo of my girlfriend and I?” 
Hoseok nods, grabbing their phone and waiting for them to run back to their girlfriend. She has a big scowl on her face, her red string tugging her away but Hoseok pays little mind. Strangers are of little importance to him and not everyone is made for cold weather. 
The person who asked Hoseok is smiling big, posing with their girlfriend and kissing her cheek all cutely, their red string trailing limply towards where they were earlier. 
Hoseok doesn’t hear what they’re talking about as he snaps away at photos… until it’s too late. The person now looks absolutely crestfallen, eyes shining with tears as the girlfriend walks away quickly. 
Pocketing their phone, Hoseok rushes forward to make sure they’re physically ok. 
They are. 
Just emotionally destroyed. 
After helping them to the closest bench, Hoseok somehow figures out that their girlfriend chose that as the perfect time to break up. Wanting to comfort them (and having no idea of what to do), he slowly pats their shoulder. 
Loud sobs break from them (other people stare worriedly) and they pull Hoseok into a bone crushing hug. He waffles, not sure what to do, his red string is tugging him backwards, but he doesn’t listen and stays put. 
He tries to hug them as tightly, to communicate somehow they would be ok. 
Eventually he finds himself at a convenience store with them as they inhale ramen, Hoseok frozen in place as the steam from his ramen envelops his face. 
His red string was tugging Hoseok towards them. 
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come-down-that-tree · 4 months
Prologue Previous
Come Down That Tree! (An aftermare story)
Chapter 20:Unu partì per piglià a so scarpa, l'altri dui parlavanu.
Geno had watched as the other looked absolutely flabbergasted at his bare foot. Understandable. How could someone go through their whole day without noticing they’re missing a shoe?
That was a show of incredible head-in-the-clouds behavior.
Not that clouds couldn’t be very distracting but that was certainly not the point he was trying to make.
Point was: Nightmare had been rightfully mortified by the ordeal and had eventually run off to search for the missing boot, shouting that he must have lost it on the way back.
And all of this led to his current situation: alone with Dream, a plate of untouched cake sitting innocently in front of him and a ring around his finger.
The last element made his mind twirl in a confused dance, hesitant on where to put his next step and if doing so would unleash a beast or a rose. 
The fluttering feeling spluttered out once a simple question was thrown his way.
“Do you like the cake?”
“I said,”Do you like the cake?”, you barely touched it.” 
Geno hesitantly brought a piece of cake to his mouth, munching on it until it dissolved easily with a fizzy leftover taste (indicating it was at least partially monster food) and nodded in the other’s direction. 
“For my part, I think the berries are a bit young, it’s bitter than it should be.”
Another nod, it wasn’t like he was any good at baking himself. Baking With A Killer Robot was one of the only times he watched someone explain the process. Unsure if the dramatic poses and furious buzzsaws were an obligated addition.
Silence stretched for a minute.
They ate their piece.
He then spent a moment ogling at Nightmare’s gift and wondered about any implication with choosing a ring. 
Shaking his head, the monster chuckled at the thought. Mere coincidence! And perhaps a little cultural difference.
“Can I ask you something?”
Dream’s question was sharp, gutting the silence with a surprising precision.
He merely hummed in answer, eye still focused on his hand.
“Who are you?”
At that, he glanced up and met a serious gaze. He frowned.
“Mind elaborating? I’m Geno.”
The eyes didn’t blink.
“What do you want?”
“I’m calling you back when it’s relevant again. I don’t want anything.”
A stone statue peering at him, unblinking.
“What are you doing here?”
“I think I remember that it was you who dragged me here to be precise.”
Not a twitch, it was a bit eerie if he dared to say.
“Have you ever hurt Nightmare?”
A flash of something made the guardian's eyes shine for a second before it’s gone. Geno hesitated, waiting. Maybe Dream counted that as an answer.
And at that, he indignantly sputtered and before he realized what he was doing, he shook his head furiously.
A beat.
Another one.
A sigh and a rigid pose gaining back some fluidity.
“I want to trust you.”
It didn’t even occur to him that Dream could have been anything other than a trusting soul, maybe a bit naive. To his defense, the guy brought a stranger to the very treasure he was made to protect. 
“Allow me to think about it, alright?”
And like that, the tension disappeared fully as if nothing happened. Dream smiled and took another piece of cake before frowning jokingly.
“This one is thoroughly burnt.”
The monster chuckled and pointed at the blackened crust -pushing away the unease to think about at a later date, maybe never- and declared that as it was still possible to see the colors under the black, “it couldn’t be that burnt!”
And they bantered about failed cakes and if baking something at a high temperature could shorten the time efficiently (obviously it would but it would be worth some experimenting to determine the length it worked) and thus and that for a good while.
Above them, the blue of the day was blending out with a softer orange, making the clouds pink on the underside.
A black shape flew right above them, shrieking and startling them both.
“What was that?”
A thud resonated and something fell on the grass between them.
There, lying in all its fluffy glory, a whole bat. A whole confused creature who bonked hard on the tree’s bark. Somehow.
The event got two very different reactions out of them.
Geno bit out an incredulous laugh and Dream swiftly started fretting over the dazed animal, quickly pulling it into his lap to check it.
It had dark fur all over, except for some burned golden hue around its throat, and was roughly the size of a fast-growing pupper.
Geno watched, bemused, the guardian handling the bat with care, moving parts, observing stuff. 
“Do you do that often, you’re being very… efficient at the task?”
Without looking up from the small beast trying to sink tiny fangs in a thumb -which ended up not doing much beside getting a chuckle out of the spirit, bone can be heard to break- Dream hummed.
“Yes and no, I wouldn’t say it’s a very common occurrence but it is not the first time a bat bumped its head here,” he looked up, displaying an amused grin, “and now I’m starting to wonder if it’s not the same one as last time…”
Little screeches arose from Dream’s prisoner and the bat was released at last.
“Bye, little bat, please stop bonking your head against mother’s trunk.”
And, like that, they watched the chiropteran fly in a circle over them once before going away in the darkening surroundings.
Dream sighed once and they quickly fell back into silence.
The gentle wind played with the frayed end of his scarf and a lonely thought of days it blew without help idly passed his mind.
“Isn’t he taking a long time to find a boot?”
“He is.”
They both glanced at the village, with its newly lit lights, contemplating.
Geno wondered, face closed and pinched, if Nightmare was even capable of going down there without running into deep troubles.
“What do you mean by that? It’s just the village. A few folks there can be pretty rough -and most hard to please, ignore that I said that- but they aren’t bad!”
He said that out loud, curses.
“I’m sorry if you’re stuck in temland or something but I can’t say they made a good first impression on me and I’m pretty sure they had been making a lousy one on your brother for a while now.”
Dream kept quiet for a few seconds and idly, Geno briefly thought about adding more facts to the argument.
The voice was small and the eyes searching, searching for what? He wasn’t sure. 
He nodded.
They both glanced, once again, to the houses and streets, ant-sized people moving along and treading back home.
Geno swore and stood up.
“I’m going to go find him.”
The other did not follow but he felt burning eyes digging into his back all the way down the hill…
End of chapter 20... Go to chapter 21?
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@dragon-tamer-1 @shinechermont
Geno!Sans belongs to @/loverofpiggies Nightmare, Dream and dreamtale belong to @/jokublog
That chapter is dedicated to @shinechermont! Happy birthday AC <3 🦇🎉💖
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zatna · 3 months
i know i know, i'll give my first chapter review of z:bdth!! personals leave me alone i do NOT fuck with u.
review: its good. 10/10 (no one expected anything less).
now my silly little thoughts:
it opens with with zatanna being ridiculed for messing up a ball-disappearing trick, then promptly going to her father for some advice on real magic. zatanna's backstory has never been heavily consistent, even in her early origin days, so to see an actual scene where she's younger and doing her own actions.. it's different than the regular flashbacks we've been getting with her that just exist as a sort of "here's how magic works" to the general audience.
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this page above is SOO GOOD i'll be thinking about it for the rest of my life. the colors, the shapes, the poses for both young zee & her father.. i'm glad they're bringing attention to their relationship prior to magic teaching, because it creates a distance between them that we don't see a lot, but i consider all the time. zatanna's most remarkable teacher was her father, yes, but zatanna had way more years of self-teaching than being a mentee to someone else. giovanni had never wanted to teach her anything beyond a few simple spells, and for a man who spent his life fighting supernatural horrors and threats i don't blame the fact he didn't want his daughter going into the world-- even though it's apparent they're both consumed by it already. the magical tomes, books, the obscure objects (floating or not), typical assistant bunnies. smthn smthn a visual clash of the two types of magicians we see in the room. giovanni's face is shadowed in, he's mysterious and direct, if not somewhat dismissive: "you said you'd teach me magic..." "did i?"
this could be read as not dismissive as well, since in the next scene she does use magic. so maybe he indulged her. but the spell was definitely not what she asked for and looks way more like a strong desire that developed into a spellcast out of emotion alone. maybe she grabbed one of his books when he wasn't looking, or we can go a different route and assume giovanni did teach her that spell, a backwards lesson of the difference between parlor tricks and real magic. he's always written as very coddling of zatanna, so to see him even demand her to "speak up." when she's got her head down was a bit of a surprise in itself, i don't know what he might've done..
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i will never get tired of overpowered children having to deal with the fact they're overpowered children. this is the second time, that i can remember at least, where a younger zatanna had used her powers in a scenario where she thought they were justified, only to deal with the cruel consequences after the damage is done. how zee wielded magic in her youth, intentional or not, drastically impedes how she views it in her adult life. she's scared of it, this immeasurable power that responds to her slightest command. its a type of power that grown men yearn for, but giving it to a critical, impulsive child that's still learning the world around them, the people around them, and it'll just end up as a disaster and they'll grow to fear it.
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nothing is important here besides the first signs of something is wrong, with her bunnies being cowered as far from her as they can while one bites in retaliation. ok there's like, smthn big going on but just look at the fact zatanna wears boxers... shes so hot. also transfem. thanks.
also omg little notes is the magic poster of herself being a wall for the rest of the kitchen. identical top hats on shelves. the drawn out man on the wall with knives sticking out of it jksgjkds. you can't see it exactly in this crop but there's just a bucket of chains and cuffs... she's such a weirdo... get another hobby im begging u. also mattress-on-the-floor zatanna is real and she is out to get you.
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just a casual shadow of a creature following your shadow, no big deal. idk if the book will go this route, i think it's just another *team-up with someone who won't ever appear again in any continuity, but i like to think this is a canonical example of the consequences of zatanna under-using her magic. enter me forcing my headcanons and portrayal onto panels that definitely represent something else. anyway i'd like to think her magical presence becomes so dense when there's no "output" on her magic, and it's the equivalent of dangling a steak in front of a carnivore... or a carnivore's shadow. it's a mirror to when magic wielders overdo their own magical output, leaving them drained and instead an itty bitty fish in front of a carnivore. foods still food. i'm done with these metaphors i hope everyone caught the gist already..
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pretending to hypnotize someone is so silly of her. but even more importantly there's a justice league mention oh wow!! and she turned them down :( zatanna's passion of the stage was very much outweighing the possibility of being a hero. this, as far as i'm concerned, has always been a fact. zatanna desired stardom and was perfectly content to sticking on stage, it was her fathers disappearance that had her jumping through mystical hurdles.
at this point on i'm not gonna post anymore panels because im lazy and this is getting so ridiculously long and also you should read it yourself. but i'm happy they're incorporating the fact zatanna doesn't use real magic on stage. outside of the premise of this series, where she has a present fear of it, zatanna in the past was of the stern belief that she shouldn't need to, and so she didn't. these lines kinda got blurred, and then discarded completely, and then now her main act is using illusionary magic and leaving it up to the audience to decide if it was real or not. i like both interpretations, personally, but it's nice to see the former again.
a bit of a disappointment that this is yet another zatara-led storyline.. or maybe this is just where it starts? you'd think they've run out of "cleaning up my fathers messes" plotlines but you'd be wrong!
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*team-up wise smells like yuri... even better it smells like doomed yuri so i'm here for it for as long as it'll stick around.
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thevagabondexpress · 5 months
Can't believe I've never asked you for them, but could I please have some Christopher headcanon 🤲🏻
Okay. Christopher headcanons. Go.
A) He hates ties. He feels like the kind of person who'd just. Hate ties. And also collars because of the way collars were starched back then. It's too restrictive, and something scratches every time he turns his head. So whenever he can he wears sweaters (which were just barely coming into fashion at the time) to avoid that, and if he can't then he wears bow ties because at the very least those don't pose an occupational hazard if they come untucked from your shirt/waistcoat.
B) He sets stuff on fire on purpose more often than you'd think. Specifically he burns old paper that he knows for sure he's never going to need again (grocery receipts once the taxes have been done and notes telling his mum he'll be late for lunch and stuff like that) and clothes he's irreparably ruined. It's an efficient method of disposal, it serves a practical purpose in keeping the laboratory warm, and depending on what it was that ruined the shirt he's burning, it might turn the fire blue or green. Matthew keeps a hawk's eye on this practice to make sure Christopher doesn't set fire to anything anyone is actually going to care about, but Kit doesn't have any intentions to.
C) He's also not, actually, a shit cook. I see this a lot in fanfics but I actually think he'd be reasonably good at it. Baking is an edible form of chemistry, and I think he'd enjoy stir fry because pop! sizzle! spatter! There's plenty of appeal there for someone who's not afraid of explosions. However he's not really into cooking for other people (he already doesn't like parties that much, the idea of entertaining is a huge no) so nobody will probably ever know this unless they're actively living with him.
D) He seems to be well known and well loved at the Shadow Market. While he obviously interacts with that world differently from the way Anna or Matthew do, I think Christopher also thrives in the Downworld spaces he visits. He's not threatening, he doesn't have his nose in the air, but he's also not scared of these people, he doesn't get nervous being in a room full of werewolves. He's just a guy who pays well for mushrooms and maybe he's not going to remember your name but for some reason he'll remember that your little brother sprained his wrist doing something stupid last week and probably ask after him.
E) Speaking of memory, I think his works a lot like mine does. The things neurotypical people think are important, like names and deadlines and grocery lists, just get lost in the ether. But if it's a weird little detail? Oh, he'll remember it to the end of time. Does he remember your name? No. Does he remember what medals your grandfather earned when he served in the war? Yes. Does he remember that he was supposed to buy celery? No. Does he know eight common names for celery as well as the scientific one? Yes. Stuff like that. At first you think he never remembers anything. Then you begin to think he never forgets anything. Come to find out, both are equally true, at the same time.
F) He grinds his own glasses lenses. He employs a jeweller at the Shadow Market to make the frames, but he makes the lenses himself and adjusts their strength on his own. While he needs the glasses to see they also can be really annoying in some circumstances, especially battle, so he's spent years developing glue that he can use to keep them on his head in a fight (and solution to safely dissolve the glue later), and shatterproof lenses, and more effective cleaning solution, and even a primitive antifogger.
G) Personally I headcanon him as having both autism and ADHD and one of my reasons for the autism headcanon is I think he's a hyposensitive/low-pain autistic. He tolerates cuts and burns to a far greater extent than other people would. While he'd never hurt himself on purpose (in fact, if you ever brought up the idea, he'd probably look at you like you'd suggested he was an elephant), he'll take, say, a pretty good cut to the shoulder from an exploding beaker, and only realize he's bleeding when he goes to see why his shirt feels wet. He's the kind of person who could get an absolutely massive full-color tattoo and it'd just feel like little scratches. What he would want a tattoo of I don't know though, I don't think I could see him with one.
H) This is a lot less lighthearted than stuff previous, but I'm going to dig into that "if he lived" hypothetical again. Personally I think, once he woke up from the coma/came back from the dead/what have you, I think he would've been disappointed and maybe a little annoyed with Grace about the fire messages. She credits the first one as "invented by Christopher Lightwood and sent by Grace Blackthorn" but I think in his eyes, while she used his research, Grace was the one to complete the invention and she ought to take equal credit for it. I don't think he'd ever really understand what she was trying to do there with saying only that she sent them. As you've probably noticed, while I like both of these characters a lot, I don't need them to have a completely tragedy-free story and this is one of those pieces of how I think it would realistically have panned out.
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irlcats-bracket · 1 year
bracket 1 FINAL BATTLE
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Rusty used to be a stray and then he had An Accident and now he has three legs (he had been living at a vet's office for a month when submitter adopted him). But he's doing great! Submitter taught him how to climb stairs and built him some steps out of cardboard boxes so he can get on their bed whenever he wants. They think he could be anywhere from 6 to 12 years old, it's hard to say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. To their pleasant surprise, he does not mind wearing a harness at all, which is good because he still loves the outdoors. He often gets his ear turned inside out while bathing and weirdly prefers dry food over wet.
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breaking: semi-feral baby learns to cuddle, becomes addicted to laying on my face
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and here he is chillin on the patio with me!
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vote for rusty #1 best at sticking out leg
when i first got Rusty he could not go up stairs... but he could go down, so he would get stuck at the bottom of them and meow for help. Of course he also hated being picked up and carried up the stairs.
but now he just goes ZOOP up the stairs doing audible damage to my carpet the whole way, which is so valid of him because i hate carpet on stairs
and something that is not quite propaganda for rusty but important words from rusty's human nontheless
For this semifinal I am going to do a different kind of propaganda.
Next time you are looking to adopt a pet, please consider getting an older animal or one with special needs, if you are able, or even just a shy, timid one. The reason my vet friend came to me about Rusty was because cats like him are usually overlooked in shelters. It wasn't just his injury--behaviorally, it was like he didn't know how to be a pet. For about three months he spent 95% of his time sitting in one spot, doing nothing, mostly indifferent to human attention. And now, after less than two years, he is super active and follows me to bed every night for cuddles. There are so many pets like Rusty who just need somebody to give them a chance, and give them time. If you can be that person, it is the most amazing thing to see what they bloom into!
Thank you for reading my spiel, now here is a picture of Rusty sleeping in the cat equivalent of a T-pose for some reason:
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If she's quiet she's either sleeping or somewhere she shouldn't be. Or Both. Openly favors submitter, tolerates others. Very autistic cat: anxious of bad noises, very picky eater, kneads with her right paw out for no reason, must walk a circle around the room before going somewhere, has Specific eating spots for mealtime, etc. She probably knows more English than she lets on. Disobeys authority when she's bored or hungry. Loves the outdoors but she needs her pretty pink harness or she'll run; her favorite activity is playing with grasshoppers. She's a little brat but you can't help but love her when she squeaks at you.
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As you can see, she likes tight spaces (it's the 'tism -u-). She has access to larger, roomier sleeping spaces, but she always gravitates to places where I can't understand how she could possibly be comfortable. That round thing in the top right pic? She sleeps on top of that for the night even though a whole leg falls over the side. We've debated getting her a bigger one, but I don't think she'd like it.
She is also a lover of people food; we tried not to get her used to it, but somewhere along the way she broke down our walls. Whenever I snack on cheese puffs on the couch, she's always gotta get up in my face to try to get some of that delicious cheese dust, going so far as to stick her big face in the bag right in front of me while I'm holding it. And if you've got salmon, she will go nuts. I think salmon is her favorite food with cheese as a close second. ...but she'll also beg for chicken nugget.
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[Image description: a photo of OP sitting at the dining table over a plate of chicken strips and ketchup, OP on one side of the chair and holding a piece of bitten chicken and Prissy sitting on the other side of the chair with one paw on the table eyeing the bitten chicken strip. OP's face has been painted over with a black spot.]
As for speaking English, I've caught her saying Hello and Mama clear as day, and is working on pronouncing Outside and Water (I mean it, just from her tones and "syllables" of her meows, it's like she's trying to speak).
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Sorry for the spam, but she really is that photogenic. And also sorry for the stuff on my bed, but my legs were injured at the time and needed extra support. While they were injured, I also spent a lot of time on the couch, where Prissy frequently sat by my side and especially on my lap. Now that I'm better and not sitting there anymore, she now claims that specific corner of the couch as her own; she's even stolen that spot from me when I get up to do something really quick.
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I've also trained her to hop on my lap when she wants to eat, instead of jumping on the table, but at the end of the day she still does what she wants lol. She's always been by my side, from the first day she got here at 3 mos. old and took a nap on my lap right in the hallway.
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