#like i remember this happening to Bad before and i was so distraught because how could you think gnf hates bad or how could you hate bad
sucker4colby · 1 year
Parties over: Part 2
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Summary : Colby’s in the doghouse after forgetting his girlfriends birthday to hang out with amber. He has to knock down the wall she built around herself.
Warning : angst , jealousy , insecurity, cussing
Pairing: Colby Brock x female reader
Part 1
It took me a moment to be able to tear my gaze away from my reflection and to stop criticizing everything I saw. I had to accept today was going to be one of those where I wasn’t comfortable in my own skin so I just made my way downstairs after changing into shorts and a knitted sweater hoping I wouldn’t see the blue eyed boy I was upset with.
Unfortunately for me he sat at the island eating a bowl of cereal in his own world as our friends did their own thing around him. I noticed how his hair was unruly and he looked tired as If he didn’t sleep last night. My eyes snapped away from him as Sam called out my name. “ there’s breakfast over on the counter if you want some.” The blonde boy pointed over his shoulder at the counter where a stack of waffles resided. I could see Colby’s head snap up from the corner of my eyes to look at me as his friend announced my presence but I avoided looking at him knowing I’d break on the spot to look at him. I smiled at Sam muttering a thank you as I made my way over to the food.
I heard his chair scrape against the floor as he hurriedly walked over to me stopping me from taking a plate . “ I can get your food.” Colby offered grabbing the plate I was reaching for looking down at me. Anger bubbled up inside of me and I glared at him. “ I’m not hungry anymore thanks.” I spat spinning on my heels and walking away from the prying eyes of our friends. He was just going to act like he didn’t blow me off on my birthday to be with another woman and I sure as hell wasn’t going to let that slide.
I might overreacted but If I wasn’t important enough why did he keep the act up, why not just rip the bandage off and break up with me. I sighed walking into the living room to see the mess from last night, cups ,trash bottles of liquor littered every surface. Grabbing a trash bag from the cabinet I began picking up hoping to get a head start before everyone came to help out.
I know he was standing there trying to figure out how to approach me but I couldn’t bring myself to ask him what he needed so I just pretended he wasn’t there. It was a difficult task to do when his blue eyes felt like they were burning a hole in my skin, I could see the distraught look on his face and it hurt my heart but he was the one who messed up.
Finally he cleared his throat to announce his presence as if I didn’t already know, it was hard not know when you’ve memorized the sound of his footsteps and when his presence filled up the whole room. I looked up to meet his sad eyes quirking an eyebrow up at him. “ I have something for you.” He told me in a small voice and brought his hands out in front of him presenting a small black box. I could see him deflect more as he noticed I wasn’t changing my stoic composure towards him. “ I also ordered you a cake from that bakery you like, I know you wanted one of those for your birthday.” He rambled only making me more upset. I hated that I couldn’t stay angry at him, was I really that smitten over him that I’d roll over and act like nothing happened just because it was him.
“ yeah for my birthday Colby.. which was yesterday had you of cared enough you would’ve remembered but how could you ? You were a bit …preoccupied.” I spat out the last word throwing the trash bag on the couch moving past him to go cool off in my room.
I threw myself on the bed and cried wishing my comforter would just hide me away from everything. He was probably trying to be nice so he wouldn’t feel bad once he left me for amber. My chest burned with jealousy at the thought of him doing everything I wanted of him for her, why wasn’t I good enough for him, He was everything for me and maybe that was the problem. I had to make it easier on both of us and end things myself because I know he wouldn’t do it.
I didn’t hear my door open or close but I noticed my bed dip making me wipe my eyes and look out from under cover. I cried even harder once I saw Colby sitting next me. He had tears in his eyes as well as he moved to put me on his lap, I didn’t try to fight him because this is probably the last time I’ll get to be in his arms. I wanted to memorize everything about him before I lost him.
“Baby I’m so sorry, I was a dumbass, I promise I didn’t mean to forget I just had to much on my plate and I got my days mixed up.” He sniffled setting his cheek on my head and caressing my leg knowing that calmed me down. “Do you not love me anymore?" I asked looking down at my lap picking at the loose thread on my knitted sweater. I felt like I could throw up waiting for him to answer me. "What ?" He asked me I could feel the bed shift under his weight as he turned to face me.
My face heated up at having to repeat my previous statement. I was embarrassed I had to ask him if he still loved me , if he did I wouldn't have to ask and save myself the heartache. " if you don't that's ok, i just.. I feel like I should know if you don't love me anymore, no one should be in a relationship without love." I mumbled my voice cracking as I tried to stop myself from crying even more. I could feel the tears pooling at my waterline even more as I tried to stop myself causing me to grow frustrated with myself . I put my hands over my face shielding my face from his view as my body shook after each sob.
“ baby I love you so much it hurts, I’m so sorry I made you feel like this. I’m sorry I made you doubt my love for you.” He whimpered rocking us back and forth holding me tighter to his body. “ I love you so so much, I was looking forward to yesterdays date because that’s the day my love was born, I should’ve been here but I promise I’ll make it up to you now.” He whispered kissing the crown of my head and I wrapped my arms around him. My heart softening “ I could never love anyone the way I love you, I can’t imagine getting so excited to come home to someone that isn’t you, you’re my favorite part of everyday and I don’t ever want to lose that.” His words slowly eased my worries.
I felt horrible because Colby wasn’t a bad person and he’d never intentionally hurt someone. I was so insecure I forgot how kind hearted and pure he was, That’s why I fell in love with him in the first place. I was caught up in my head I almost him because I was being childish. “ I’m sorry, I overreacted.” I hiccuped into his neck as I hugged him close to my body. He let out a small laugh rubbing circles on my back under my sweater. “ I think you under-reacted, I thought I was done for.” He told me causing me to giggle. “ I’m really sorry baby I know you were looking forward to your birthday.” He apologized again leaning back to look at me. I sat back on his lap to look at him. “ I just wanted to be with you, but you’re here now and that’s all I care about.” I told him making sure he knew I just wanted him.
He smiled and placed a kiss on my lips causing a smile to grow on my face. “ that one’s because I’m sorry and these are because you turned 23.” He said before attacking my face with kisses causing me to laugh as he counted each kiss. He let out a quick oh reaching over the bed to retrieve the same black box he had shown me earlier passing it over to me. I shot him a questioning look taking the small box and opening it. My eyes started watering again and I let out a small gasp at the small necklace that rested inside. “ I chose this out a while back and I wanted something you could wear everyday.” He explained taking it out of my hands and moving my hair to the side, I moved on his lap so he could clip it on. “ thank you, I love it.” I told him as he placed a delicate kiss on my expose shoulder where my sweater started slipping off. “ I love you .” He mumbled wrapping his arms around my again pulling my into his chest. I exhaled in relief leaning back and taking comfort in his warmth knowing we’d be ok, I had fallen in love with the sweetest soul and as perfect as he was he was only human, he was bound to make mistakes.
Part 2 guys !!!
I hope you enjoyed it. I almost made them break up but I just couldn’t bring myself to make Colby the bad guy 🥲
Let me know what you guys think !!!
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Lmfaooo what a week 😅
So a lot of people are, understandably, leaving the fandom. Drama like this always tends to put people off and unfortunately that affects the media they’ve come to love. I’m not going to be one of those people bc honestly, I don’t even know if I was ever that “in” the fandom in the first place to even leave it. My account isn’t and never was a nevermore account, yes I’ve made a few nevermore post but those were infrequent and amongst posts and reblogs of multiple other fandoms. I’m also in the discord server but I’ve only ever been a lurker, and usually only ever go in it when I want more context to something I’ve seen on tumblr. With that being said however, I still plan on reading nevermore when (or if) it continues because in THIS particular instance I can easily separate art from the artist and I’ll explain why in a moment.
Like I said I’m not and never have been very active in the fandom. I learned about this drama through a post from an account I follow and went through the server to find more context. I was not present through any of the actual conflicts but I’ve seen the conversations.
So why am I commenting on this?
Well mainly I want to make a point about para social relationships as well as moderation of servers and fandoms as a creator.
I just want to preface this by saying that after reading through all possible context, perspectives, takes and evidence I could find or come across, I genuinely don’t think red is necessarily a bad/morally wrong person. I DO however think she is in the wrong in this situation especially due to how she handled everything. As for how a lot of people are reacting to everything, there’s a couple of things I’d like to note:
From what I’ve seen, all of this is just one big thing of “he said/she said” and pointing fingers as well as just picking sides. If your absolutely distraught because red didn’t turn out to be the person you thought they were simply because she said things you didn’t like, I understand the disappointment and frustration but please remember that content creators in general aren’t your friends. You don’t know these people, they just do things you happen to like. Now I’m not saying you SHOULDN’T feel upset about it, it’s ok to and you even should if it’s an issue to you feel strongly about but please keep in mind that this isn’t a “sign of their true colors” or anything because you don’t know what they were actually like to begin with. Ofc I don’t mean that to say “expect the worst from people” but more as a reminder that can hopefully help you to look at the situation more critically and logically before jumping in guns blazing. It’s understandable if it affects you emotionally, you were emotionally invested in their work; but please realize this before you let it get to that point. Now on the other side of the coin, there’s the people who I feel as though will just pick the creators side simply because they’re fanboys and will stand by them no matter what. I’m DEFINITELY NOT saying that’s what everyone who’s on red side is, but naturally there’s bound to be a few that are going to dickride for the sake of dickriding. Regardless, there’s a lack of willingness to listen and understand from both sides (at least from what I’ve noticed) and that’s a problem because when no one wants to listen then what’s supposed to be a community coming together to resolve an issue just turns into a giant flame war. Also this should go without saying, but at least give the mods a chance. They obviously handled the whole situation horrendously but they aren’t going to do their jobs any better when they’ve got people coming at them with pitchforks.
Speaking of the moderators. I genuinely can’t wrap my head around how red and the other mods have managed to fumble this badly…….like it’s almost funny. All said and done they all had ONE very simple job and they blew it. Although I very much disagree with it, I do understand red’s decision to unban crimson. They wanted to give them a second chance, sure whatever. What I DONT GET is why would they not at the very least check to see if anyone else would be comfortable with a decision that would possibly affect them or even impact their safety. At the very least a warning to or a discussion with the victims would have been something. Not only that but even after they unban them, once red saw the NUMEROUS amount of people that were upset about it they, they should have immediately banned them again and then apologize after instead of some rushed explanation. But I get it stress gets the better of you. I understand their desire to keep things as transparent as possible (which i appreciate and I’m sure so do many others) but from that first apology/explanation it felt more like red trying to shake responsibility off themselves and pointing fingers in the guise of being transparent. I did see where red was trying to get at in her first statement, but there was also things that she honestly should have just had the foresight to realize wouldn’t put her in a better light, and this is aside from the victim blaming-esque wording. red basically says that she felt like a group of people (including Laci the one who reported crimson) were just out to get crimson, which is absolutely insane but then again it’s the internet so who knows. However it’s super clear that Laci obviously wasn’t lying bc the things she accused crimson of did in fact happen. So even bringing that up was enough for me to raise my eyebrow at but I digress. Then red practically says it was hard to handle the situation bc the evidence provided was censored, but Laci literally offered to give the uncensored versions so that was completely disingenuous on red’s part at best. To me it just seemed like the mods were looking for excuses for what could be there own laziness at best and negligence at worst. Their biggest fault so far is not being very good at actually listening to their audience and taking them into consideration. She also brought up that fact that Laci was apparently the only person to report crimson which I did not like to say the least. One of the victims confided in Laci and Laci brought it forward. I understand reds suspicions about Laci not being in the actual server where it happened but how are you going to immediately jump to “well why did no one else bring it up” instead of stopping for a sec and thinking “ hm clearly these victims feel uncomfortable stepping forward”. Which they had to do now anyway because of how bad the issue became. They should not have had to do that. Better it be just one person reporting, even if it’s someone you don’t like, than no one reporting and the issue persists under the radar.
And then there’s red’s formal apology…
First off, girl why are you dropping names??? A bunch of who are supposedly minors? Like let’s be so fucking for real right now😭
And then the audacity to be like “please don’t go after or dm these people” like babes if you were genuinely worried about them you wouldn’t have used their names at all. ESPECIALLY when in the end it was completely irrelevant and borderline inappropriate since it really had nothing to do with crimson, their actions or how you handled them. Not to mention the act of calling them “cliques” when literally all they were was side servers. Like if they’re cliques then what does that make red and everyone who’s on her side? It was very clearly just a biased reaction to people saying things she doesn’t like about her, which by all means she has the right to respond to but not in a way that is clearly trying to sway how everyone else sees them. The way red describes everything is as if it’s middle school drama and then proceeds to play directly into it. Don’t get me wrong her apology was fine, when she was ACTUALLY apologizing. Everything else felt like a last ditch effort to drag others under the bus with her. It was lowkey embarrassing to say the least.
Again, it’s important that I make it clear that I don’t believe red is a bad person. I just think she’s an immature person, or at least she is in how she handled everything and continues to handle it bc like I said I don’t know her, and don’t care to frankly. I didn’t start reading nevermore to be buddy buddy with her. Like if we look at the grand scope of things, this is a grown woman beefing with kids. Obviously they aren’t all kids, most of them aren’t I believe but she’s practically stooping down to school yard conflict in how she’s responded so far. Especially at one point in the server when she was being called out and jumped to “yeah I guess I’m the bad guy and totally evil. You all should hate me”. Like actually cut that shit out, what are you doing. I mean honestly.
And my final point because I’ve ranted long enough. I mentioned before that in this instance I am willing to separate the art from the artist, I stand by that because I genuinely do think this is a situation where red could hopefully grow from this and rectify things. The actual unbanning was a stupid and inconsiderate move on her part, but I don’t think she meant any ill-will or had any malicious intent. I disagree with the people calling her a r@pe apologist because that’s honestly just a huge reach. I’ve also seen some accusations of red and/or Flynn being racist, promoting inappropriate art knowing there’s minors around and from what I’ve seen it’s pretty iffy. Regarding the racism, I don’t believe that they are. Their characterizations of the characters regarding their ethnicities IS stereotypical and was obviously just very surface level research into those respective cultures but I chopped that up to ignorance rather than racism. As a woc I was frankly just relived they didn’t make the poc characters centered on some kind of discrimination or tragedy from their era, which yes is something that shouldn’t be ignored but also I don’t know if rednflynn could accurately and more importantly, respectfully portray those types of issues. Nor is it even their place tbh. With that being said however I don’t belong to most of the cultures the characters belong to. To me it never seemed like they were making a caricature out of these cultures, especially since their ethnicities are barely relevant to their stories anyway but I acknowledge that it’s not my place to deem what’s offensive or not.
As for the promoting inappropriate art of the characters and creating some themselves. Yeah they do. I’ve never been shocked about that nor did I think it was something that they are wrong for doing, I mean it’s their own work. Granted I didn’t realize how many minors were in the fandom but that’s literally every fandom, there’s only so much you could do about it. I don’t know if nevermore has a rating but it’s not like it was something ever promoted to be kid friendly, it’s obvious that some scenes are just straight up fan service. While I personally don’t like fan service it never was enough to impact the story so I personally never saw an issue. But point is I don’t think they should have to monitor what is and isn’t appropriate for minors but things get tricky when they have a server where they are clearly aware of minors.
And then there’s other things like people accusing them of promoting SA or some shit like that bc of a lot of stuff involving Montessor which frankly, that’s just a media literacy issue on the readers part. So yeah with that being said I don’t think red is a bad person, although I understand why a lot of people are done with them which is completely fair. I’m pretty much in a grey area about it, who knows if they end up getting in an even bigger scandal, hopefully they come out better from this but only time will tell. The best/smartest thing red has said throughout this entire debacle was that they’re taking a step back from the fandom. I think it’ll be good for everyone, especially them. It seems like it’ll take stress off them anyway. Plus the hole they’ve dug for themselves is already halfway to china by now so there’s that
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paperdice · 3 months
HIIII how are youuu?? Sooo I wanted Golden cheese angst bcz we love angst right? …right? EHEM!!! One shot Mom golden cheese x child reader, the scenery is like when she’s gonna turn off the virtual world, what would she say to her child to calm them down? THABK YOUUU
𝐦𝐨𝐦!𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞 𝐱 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭
"Let's not make much more out of all this, it pains my heart enough."
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You could only watch as everything unfolds before your tiny eyes, watching your dough glitch was so uncanny,, What was happening to you and the other cookies? You felt like a harsh waterfall of fears and anxiety was just poured on top of you. Your head was hurting, why was it hurting?
You looked around for golden cheese cookie but your mother was elsewhere with the outsiders, but you didn't know where. Panic was creeping up on your paranoid confused mind with its long claws scraping against hope itself.
"momma?? has anyone seen my ma?? the queen??" you pleaded at your cookies for help but the panic and confusion was also spreading to their minds too.
A small body like yours was easy to miss, and your throat was up against the tight lump of fear which made it difficult to speak any louder than an inside voice. This made you frustrated, puffy red cheeks with tears wanting to roll down on them to finish the saddening piece.
Everything was too much, you just wanted your momma.
Like any child would be under unexplained pressure, you sat and began to cry where you were. You never had to go through anything like this before, nothing was even close to this, you were always pampered and safe. never had you thought to be separated from your mother in such dire time, because she always told you she'll be by your side.
"oh there you are! my poor baby bird.. I'm so sorry..!"
Your mothers voice shined a bright light to the darkness that was holding you in its grasp. Quickly looking up and running towards your mother, arms reaching out for her protection away from the world. Hiccups raided you when attempting to speak but all that came out was babbles and loud whimpering.
"oh no, you.." the distraught in her voice was clear, kneeling down and hugging you like it was the last hug she'll give. Her wings cradled you with its soft feathers,. "wh-whuAH!- is haH-haa-peen-nningggg. .. mommaa pl-leaze.." crying to tell her not to leave you again.
The most painful thing shes ever heard. Her baby trying so hard to talk through their fright after being left alone for how long. Her heart being broken is an understatement, it was stabbed and swollen, trying to stay strong for what's next.
Forcefully shutting her eyes by the time her own tears began to stream down her face. But she can't let you see that, you've been through enough as you proved.
Wiping away her tears with her arm, still holding her child in the other. She needed to do this.
She needed to do this right before shutting down her kingdom, but her heart aches so violently against her.
This was the closest shes gotten to her baby after the kingdoms perished, she doesn't wanna lose you again, she doesn't want to let you go. Losing the real you was the most difficult so she doesn't care that you're virtual because you felt just as real.
She gently holds both your shoulders and looks into your now redden eyes.. "I know there's a lot to explain, but.. I think its better not to uh, dull on it too much. because everything is okay." she smiled and felt bittersweet to speak more when she saw your face gleam as bright as gold, with faith in her words. "My gem, I've noticed how your dough has been getting paler as of late. Have you been getting rest?"
Have I been getting enough rest lately? hmm.
"I don't know, I can't remember.. is it that bad momma?" Worries was heard within your voice, "Nothing serious, just concerned me a little since it doesn't look good on you... How about you get some rest." she felt her brow flinch at the end of the sentence, was this the right way?
"mhm! can we nap together again?" .. "of course we can, anything you want."
A genuine smile was now on her face remembering all the times you two would nap, everytime you wanted to sleep you always invited her to join her. Even at the most uncalled for moments, your obliviousness spoke volumes of your love for your mother.
"I promise to nap with you whenever your small heart desires, no matter how many times you ask I'd do anything to be with you again."
Be with me again? ma's talking funny
"But I'm right here! And your bed is waayyy over there! let's go rest!"
"Yes you're right that's quite the far flight huh? How does sleeping in my arms in the meantime sound? Just like your real freshly baked days"
You don't exactly remember those days of course but you know your mother loved it based on how many times she'd reminisce about the memories. You didn't want to leave her side so you nodded and began to get comfortable, giggling at how goofy you felt. You were too big for this you thought.
"everything will be okay, sleep tight my love, I will wake you up when our morning comes.." tears falling as she saw you close your eyes and smile, "I love you ma." you said nuzzling on her inner arm, not realizing that you were fading away.
"I love you more, so much more.."
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hellooo!! I'm doing alright how about you? I hope well, I also hope you like the angst! I had to resharpen my angst writing skills since its been a minute sobsob, thank you for the request and you're welcome! come back again if you're thinking of rolling another <333
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imreadydollparts · 10 months
Q&A stuff here
(If you have any other questions, let me know.)
How dirty of a doll or pony can I send?
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Inside and out, these are both fine to come to the salon.
I may decline a pony or doll if they're dirtied with bodily fluids of any kind. I will be more than happy to talk you through the cleaning process so you can take care of that yourself.
However, if you are distraught and can't handle it, we can talk. I absolutely need a warning.
What happens if you damage a pony/doll someone sent?
I fix it.
For example, I got some 40Vol on a customer's Confetti's yellow hair and it bleached out the yellow color. I told the customer what had happened and did a partial rehair with vintage hair of the same color from my MLP G1 tail stash. That way the owner is informed and the pony is still full vintage.
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Another example is that I was resetting the pose on a Flutterbye, and her feet turned white where they'd sat in a little boiling hot water (I didn't take a picture). I blasted them with a heat gun for a while and they're good as new.
And another was a Birthday Pony who's ribbons had been tied in knots and were weak. I snapped one when I went to recurl it, informed the owner, and they were amenable to replacement of all of the ribbons.
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Repair is often risky. If I do damage that I can't fix, I will pay the going price for one of the same quality on eBay or order it for you and give it the salon process for free.
What hair do you use?
I use high-grade, silky smooth nylon mostly ordered from Shimmer Locks for full rehairs.
For partial rehairs like replacing a few plugs here and there or a forelock that was cut, I use vintage hair as long as I have it available in my stash of tails or can harvest enough from the pony's own tail without making the tail too thin. I do offer full tail replacements if I happen to have a replacement tail.
Can I request a hair style?
Absolutely! I can't guarantee that I'll be able to do the style you're wanting, but I'll certainly try. I can attempt a few different kinds of curls and have both a standard size and mini crimper.
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You can also let me know if you want every pony's mane to be on the same side of their head. I'm not very consistent with that otherwise.
Why do you charge so much more for deflocking?
I hate doing it.
What paints do you use?
Right now I'm using Army Painter acrylic paints. I was using Liquitex before and found it difficult to get just the right consistency, whereas Army Painter has been easier for me to manipulate.
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Why is your hair styling/photography/etc. so inconsistent?
I am not a professional anything and have a poor memory.
My photography is also inconsistent because I use my phone and every time I take my phone on or off of the cheap ringlight-phone-tripod the tripod moves.
The way I style a certain pony's hair will change between ponies because I don't remember how I styled it before and if I've had to flat iron it, I may not remember that it had been curly.
One of the great things about this being a hobby as opposed to a business is that I don't have to spend a lot of time on the parts that aren't fun (for me photography isn't fun), and don't have to be consistent. I just have to enjoy what I'm doing. If I can help out other people and get a little money so that I can keep doing what I do enjoy, that's a bonus.
Do you always ---
deflock So Soft Ponies?
No. I only do that when asked because I hate doing it. I will also deflock a pony I bought to clean and sell if the flocking is bad enough, but if the flocking is decent I don't ruin it.
straighten doll/pony hair?
No. I will do my best to preserve factory curl if it's present and the hair is in good enough condition it doesn't need flat ironed, but can't guarantee I will succeed...
How aggressively I treat hair depends entirely on the hair itself.
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minhmynchi · 1 month
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wingfrin bc i was thinking about the silly ☺️
feat. some twohats writing in the read more bc i would love to draw this but don't know how to compose it so i wrote it instead (edit: it's now on ao3 if reading on tumblr doesn't suit ur fancy)
You keep your wings hidden all the time, now. They were adequately sized, enough to glide short distances like the Housemaiden, but that's no longer the case. As you push past what you unfortunately recognize as your thousandth loop, you are painfully aware of how your wings pull and tear at your cloak every loop, ripping it only to become fixed when you loop back after dying to the King or otherwise. Every loop, your wings grow the smallest bit bigger, and you can't help but tear a feather off each time, using the pain to ground you better than the quick, useless reset your dagger was.
Wrap your wings around yourself, pull a piece off, mutter something thrice or more, let it fall unceremoniously to the dark, cold floor of the House, unbeknownst to your friends who question you all the time but you shove it off because it's not like they can care anyways. They show as much, and you don't want to worry them, but one loop you seemed to have dropped a lot more feathers than necessary. You chalk it up to the half bottle of wine you had picked up and drank. You shivered, your hand reaching around your body once more, but the Kid pushes into you, pressing against your body in what you presume is an awkward no-arms hug, and you startle so bad that they flinch back and they look distraught for a moment before frowning pensively at you and crossing their arms. Saying that you looked bad, and pushing a hard candy into you until you let your arm show itself from its clothed cage, hand shakily taking the proffered treat.Your feathers ruffled, and a few fell to the ground, and the others stared at it, their own wings spreading in alarm as they stared at you with questions in their eyes. You quickly shove the candy into your mouth, relishing the new taste. Realizing the taste was not the only thing that was new.
You want to cry, but you march on into your designated failure. Down the familiar hallways of despair, even if your friends were acting weird.
A lot of things happened then. You had a talk, your hands were held, your face was cupped. You were given snacks, and told to say something, anything. Hands held once again in a sweaty grip, and you laugh for the first time in what felt like months. Years.
You do your best not to cry, because you can't have hope. Something new doesn't mean anything good. It can't.
You don't feel that great, but you think that this loop is a little more manageable until you get to the end.
And what an end it is.
You give up, but your friends don't. You remember their names, you see them for the first time, you really, truly see them.
You stand up. You hold your hand in a Scissors sign, channeling Craft through it, and your burning wings spread beneath your cloak, and it doesn't tear. No feathers fall.
But the King does.
And you won.
You won!
You want to collapse out of relief as your friends cheer and scream, and you feel the tears you held in for years suddenly start to overflow, and then you feel it.
The familiar tug on your stomach.
Before you know it, you were dragged all the way back to Dormont, and Mirabelle is leaning over you with a blissful smile on her face.
No, no, no--
You can't breathe, and your wings burn against your back, against your cloak, against the grass.
You smile at Mirabelle and she leaves.
You sit up, and make your way to the Favor Tree one last time.
You haven't been here in years.
Your wings, originally small and graceful, are now as big as your torso and feathers glide past your waist, hugging against you under your cloak.
You chase away Isabeau, your memory somehow not failing you (you try not to laugh as he leaves).
And you climb.
You climb, climb, climb up the Favor Tree, flapping your useless wings to help with balance. You toss down your hat in the process so you could see better, and you make it to the top.
You see that accursed House in the distance. The King's Craft, keeping it shrouded in night forever.
The King, who you killed, and should have stayed dead.
Why did you loop back?
You tear at a feather, and then another, and another as you whisper into each one, voice choked and hurried.
You know why.
You wanted to stay with your friends, and so you do! But you can't escape!
You want to stay with them, but not like this!
Night falls around you as you continue plucking your feathers, because you don't want to fly anymore. Whispering into the dark, light appears from somewhere you can't identify in your haze. Your wings hurt, your head hurts, everything hurts and burns and tears at your soul as you feel frustration and rage build up within you.
You can't take it anymore, as you hold up your last feather, covered in a dark, unidentifiable liquid. You wish, you wish, you wish one last time to be helped.
Someone, anyone...
Pain blooms through your entire body as the Universe listens, sending down a star into your outstretched hands and taking the feather with it.
You rid yourself of your feathers, of your wings, of your friends, of yourself.
Dropping off of the canopy of leaves from the shock of the pain, unlike what you've inflicted upon yourself, unlike any you've experienced. You felt like you were being torn apart and rearranged, and you couldn't help but let out a scream as you fell, fell, fell.
And you wake up.
At the Favor Tree in Dormont.
You shove your face into your hands and scream so loud, you send a few birds flying, and you realize.
Your wings have returned, but they are no longer soft. Something much more sinister had happened, and you opened your eyes. Gazing into your lightless, starry hands.
And you laugh, shrill and manic.
Is this a joke?
Giant, inhuman wings to accompany your sudden inhuman body? Is this the Universe's idea of an escape? Of help?
There are no feathers to pluck. No pain to instill upon yourself any longer.
You attempt to check, but you hear a loud guffaw that tugs at your chest, and you peek around the tree and see yourself talking to Isabeau.
And that same self, that same mirror image walks up to the Favor Tree, and makes a wish. Their wings are free and fluttering, happy to be there.
You want to tear their feathers apart. Rip their wings from their back. Cause unimaginable pain to him, because what the stars is this?
Are you even Siffrin anymore, if this pitiful, laughable shadow is starting again for you?
The Universe pokes at your head, and you have to school your expression into something level.
You're here now. There's no doubt about that. Siffrin asked for help, and Siffrin will get it.
Blindingly ironic that it's not you that will get help.
Why give you wings if you could never fly free, if you'll be stuck for eternity again?
What else is there to gain when you have been given everything to lose?
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irisintheafterglow · 7 months
(approaching you like the homeless ant meme) enemy frat!suguru pt 3?
LMAOO of course anon my friend if you ask i will provide <3 hope you like it since i've missed writing him :)) please welcome back enemy frat!suguru !!!
cw: down BAD suguru, mentions of sex/hookup culture, swearing, implied fem!reader but they/them pronouns used <3
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there must have been something in the air of that garden, since his chest was constricting him more than the droves of sorority girls and frat boys present for the joint philanthropy event.
"holy fuck," he breathes, or at least tries to. his pulse was racing but his legs were frozen in place, all of his attention going toward trying to breathe properly. he swallows thickly and it doesn't help, and his hands feel like they're slowly starting to drip with sweat. all because you had to appear in the doorway.
"aw, is that them? they look beautiful," satoru comments. suguru can only manage a weak mhmm before he turns away, blinking rapidly and exhaling so deeply it sounds like a dying animal. "shit, man. you good?" suguru throws his roommate a shaky thumbs-up, leaning the other hand on the wall and barely able to keep himself upright.
"i don't know what the hell is happening to me," he manages to choke out. "my heart feels like it's about to rip itself from my chest." with a wild-eyed expression, he glances at satoru only to find his best friend smirking, amusement crinkling the corners of his eyes. "what the fuck do you look like that for?"
"pull yourself together, suguru. if i had known you would be this affected seeing the love of your life, i would have brought my camera," satoru remarks all too casually, shooting nearby spectators a casual smile. suguru makes a noise of suffering from his throat and satoru thinks he's trying to say 'fuck you.'
"they're not the love of my life," suguru says after several seconds of catching his breath. "they're a fling. a good time."
"have you asked them for sex?" he turns to satoru like he'd just suggested setting your sorority house on fire.
"what the hell? of course not."
"it's not a fling, then."
"how would you know?"
"your flings are only physical, but this is something more than that. plus, you wouldn't be this emotional if they were anything otherwise," satoru points out, and suguru is too flustered to admit that he's right.
"i'm not being emotional," he hisses, pulling the band from his hair and turning it into a neater half-bun. "i just think they're a good time without the sex."
"and i think you're lying to yourself," satoru concludes, giving his delusional friend a pat on the back before disappearing into the crowd. before suguru has the chance to chase him down, you're standing in front of him with two cups of punch in your hands.
"what'd satoru say to make you so distraught?" you ask with a smile, handing him one of the cups. he takes an indulgent sip to avoid answering you immediately, the silence allowing him to slow his thoughts. your sisters, for the time being, were nowhere to be found, so he had at most five minutes of conversation before they whisked you away.
"don't remember, probably somethin' stupid," he lies. you consider him curiously and he prays that he doesn't look like a mess; if you notice something off about him, you thankfully don't comment on it. "you look nice."
"just nice?"
"what else do you want me to say?"
"that we can get the hell out of here whenever i want to leave." he chuckles, gently guiding you out of the walkway and into a quieter corner of the courtyard. your voice softens when other students are well out of earshot, saying, "your face is flushed. what's wrong?"
"it's nothing. don't worry about it," he reassures you, mustering as much courage as he can to not look like an idiot.
"i am gonna worry about it if you don't tell me," you murmur, stepping closer in the darkness. he prays you couldn't hear him gulp from the intoxicating smell of your perfume drawing him in, in, in. "i worry about you more than i'd like to admit."
"tell me more about how much you think about me, sweetheart," he says in a low tone and you scoff, unable to stop the unconscious desire to be as close to suguru as humanly possible.
to the untrained eye, everything about the situation was innocent, an intimate conversation between friends at most. but, if they looked closer, they would see suguru's eyes unable to decide whether to look at your eyes or your lips, or even further down as they rake across your dress. they would see your fingers brush away loose strands of hair and carefully tuck them behind his ear, your fingertips lingering on his skin in a way that makes him feel like he's been set on fire.
in the unlit corner of the school's philanthropic event, suguru realized that satoru was right. everything about you changed him, his mind, and how he viewed the future. all he wanted was to be yours until time stopped moving and space stopped expanding; even then, he knew he would find you in any other lifetime. his only worry was whether you could fathom how eager he was to lose himself in you.
his mind goes blank.
and he leans forward to press his lips against yours.
you inhale sharply, immediately melting into him as his hands find your waist and your arms slide around his neck. he kisses you fervently like the tension in his body finally snapped and his composure went flying out of a window. you taste like minty gum and strawberry lip gloss and all he can think about is giving you more, more, more until you're sick of how much he adores you.
"suguru-" you start when you break away to breathe, looking at him like he was the moon incarnate.
"i can't breathe when i'm not with you," he confesses before you can continue, his voice barely a whisper. he waits for you to protest, to pull away and leave him, but you pull him closer and that's all the permission he needs. "i thought this would be some secret fling where the thrill only comes from the riskiness, but i am totally and deeply in love with you. it's kind of ruining my reputation as the frat house bad boy."
"what do you mean, your reputation? who have you told about me?"
"basically everyone," he answers sheepishly and you laugh, hiding your face in his shoulder. "yeah, sorry. everyone in the boys' house knows about us."
"you couldn't keep your mouth shut about me for one more month?"
"we made that agreement to tell our houses when i was still only one foot in," he argues. "but you kinda pushed me into the love-pool, so..."
"i did no such thing," you counter lightheartedly, kissing the corner of his mouth. "it's your fault for falling head over heels for me."
"i don't think it's just head over heels. i think i'm rolling down a hill, so it's like head over heels over head over heels over-"
"okay, okay," you cut in. "i get it, lover boy. now, shut up and kiss me again before my sisters find us and apprehend you."
"i'll get satoru to be our lawyer. we already have a plan ready-"
"suguru geto," you command.
"fine, fine," he grins before leaning down and kissing you until you're both dizzy.
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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rhythmstars · 1 year
Hello!! Just saw that you were writing for Pavitr- and thought I could submit this idea:) soo, I was thinking an Pavitr x reader where some villian finds out that spider man is dating the reader and uses that against him by kidnapping the reader? And Pavitr is just kinda freaking out and Gwen or someone has to calm him down before they go and save reader? Just thought it was an interesting idea and it's fine if you don't want to do it:) remember to take care of yourself and all that stuff<3
A/n: omg i live for hurt comfort!! Also, thank you so much for being so sweet! take care of yourself as well, drink some water!! and thank you for requesting!! <3
i tried my best to write this, i hope you enjoy, I'm sorry for any mistakes or if it didn't turn out the way you wanted it to :)
Warnings: minor? gore, panic, crying, hurt (with comfort fellas!), Pavitr being ANGRY, and bad writing.
this is my first fic on Tumblr so pls let me know if you like it and if there are any mistakes :))
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Pavitr Prabhakar x GN! Reader
It was five hours ago when Pavitr received a text from his partner asking him if he is free for the day.
Five hours ago when he replied with a 'sorry but i have a meeting with the others today, maybe next time? will make it up to you i promise <3'
Four hours ago when he got a text from them reassuring him that it's alright and that they can always plan something for some other day, and asking him not to blame himself for this.
Three hours ago, before he got a text from them telling him that they have a sudden change in schedule and that they'll be attending their piano lessons today. A message with the last line being 'don't forget how much I love you, Pav. <3'
It was two hours ago when he got out of the meeting and tried calling his s/o to talk with them about their day and his. Two hours ago when they didn't pick up his first and his fifth call.
It was one hour ago when he asked Gwen and Hobie to help him find his s/o because he was freaking out.
And, it was exactly 30 minutes ago when Miguel called him to the office and told him that his beloved had been walking home from school when they got abducted by some unknown people. When he felt like the world has stopped.
It was exactly now that he was panicking and pacing around the room with uneven breathing.
"Pav, you need to calm down. They'll be fine." Gwen tried to reassure him because she felt like if she doesn't, then Pavitr won't ever stop. He didn't reply though, possibly not even heard what his friend had said. He kept murmuring about the possibilities he had flooding his mind.
Hobie sighed "This is no good mate. You gotta stop pacin' and think for a moment." He tried to talk to him but was met with silence once more. Frustrated with his best friend's antics, he walked towards Pavitr and puts a hand on his shoulder making him still. "Oi! can you stop pacin' around and think calmly for a moment?" he said in a sharp tone.
What he didn't expect was a distraught looking Pavitr looking at him helplessly with tears in his eyes. "Pav..." Gwen was shocked to see him like this as well. A guy like him never liked crying in front of others or talking about his problems, so seeing him like this really hurt them.
Both of them looked at him shocked to their cores. They had never seen this guy so frustrated or angry. This cool and calm guy with a never ending playful persona.
He sighed. "I'm- I'm sorry I just-" he covered his face as he sat down on the stairs. "I- I don't know what to do...i don't know what is happening to them right now or if they're alright. I have no clue where they are and what those assholes are doing to them." He took in a deep breath. "I- You don't know I just- I don't want to think about this- what if, what if they're hurt? what if they're torturing them for being with me? they'll never tell my secrets, they'll rather die and it just, it scares the shit out of me guys i don't know what is going on. what if i never get to see them again? what if they leave me? what if- what if I-" His voice broke and he choked on a sob.
Gwen and Hobie looked down in guilt. They knew that this isn't easy for Pavitr. He truly loved Y/n.
Only a minute later, Peter came running out of the building. "Hey! We found 'em!" At his words, Pavitr got up with the speed of lightning and impatiently demanded the location.
Miguel walked beside Peter, "Do not act irrationally Pavitr, this is-"
Miguel and Peter looked at him in shock. They had never seen him so angry. "The warehouse near the east coast in Mumbattan."
That's all he needed to hear before getting ready to take off. He had waited enough. One more second of delay and he'd lose himself. With impatient, trembling hands, he started using his watch for opening a portal back to his world.
To save his world.
"Pavitr!" He looked back at Miguel when he heard his voice, expecting a lecture on being rational and thinking calmly. But much to everyone's except Peter's surprise, Miguel said something nice. "Good luck."
Pavitr gave him a grateful nod and walked into the portal followed by Gwen and Hobie.
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The three of them stood on a tower standing a few meters away from the warehouse. Pavitr was growing impatient every second and both Gwen and Hobie could see it.
Gwen placed a hand on his shoulder gently speaking, "Hey, it's alright. We're here now right? They're gonna be alright." She gave him a small reassuring smile.
"Yeah mate really, let's just check before getting straight to them, eh?" Hobie gave him a grin.
Pavitr sighed and nodded. "Let's go." They swung by the warehouse and over, trying to search for men possibly on the lookout. When they found none, they landed on the roof of the warehouse. A skylight caught there attention as they walked towards it to look inside. Unfortunately for them, it was too dark.
Too dark for Pavitr's liking.
Suddenly, the door to the warehouse opened and a man dressed in a robe walked in. He had a suitcase in his hand. What the actual hell?
He placed his suitcase on a iron table nearby and walked towards....
Pavitr's eyes widened. There, in front of that man, laying on the cold hard ground, tied to a metal frame, was his beloved s/o. The light coming in from the opened door reflected their bruises and cuts. Pavitr's blood turned cold at the man's laughter.
"Look at you, young gorgeous. Not so gorgeous anymore with all those scars but-" he pulled out a pair of gloves and started putting it on. "Come on dear y/n. We both know he doesn't give a DAMN about you. Otherwise he'd be here by now."
Gwen places a hand on Pavitr's shoulder, trying to ground his racing heart. "He won't even LOOK at you with a face as bruised as this. Just, tell me already." his voice turned deadly serious as he kneeled in front of them, "how. do. i. defeat. him."
That's enough.
Pavitr broke through the glass of the skylight and landed behind the man making him turn away startled. Gwen and Hobie followed after him looking angry. But Pavitr wasn't angry, no.
He glared at the man with so much rage and hatred that even the creepy man felt a shiver run down his spine. "Hah! would you look at that!" The man clapped his hands. "so you DO care after all."
Pavitr rushed forward and punched the man straight in the jaw making him stumble. But he still laughed like a maniac. "Haha! Gosh! You have some strength in you young man!" Pavitr punched him again as Gwen rushed to y/n's side untying their hands and legs. Hobie took his chance and smashed a random discarded wine bottle he found lying somewhere on the man's arm making him yelp in agony.
"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" pavitr yelled. He held him by the collar of his shirt. "WHY DID YOU TAKE THEM!?" He punched him on the right cheek but he kept laughing. "HOW DARE YOU HURT THEM!" A punch on the left cheek and his laughing turned to choked coughs as he spat out blood on the floor. "HOW DARE YOU!" He yelled and kept punching him.
Gwen, y/n and Hobie watched him with wide eyes. They had never seen him so furious. So vengeful. Gwen looked at Hobie who stood behind Pavitr, giving a look. He nodded before walking forward and holding pavitr by his shoulders. "Hey. that's enough, mate."
But to their surprise, Pavitr pushed his hands away and kept punching the now unconscious man. Hobie frowned. "Pav. Let go man. that's enough." He didn't stop.
Y/n watched. This wasn't like him. He wasn't the sweet, charismatic boy who they knew. No, he was a furious and enraged superhuman who had forgotten about the boundaries of being the friendly neighborhood, Spider-Man.
"Pav..." They spoke weakly but loud enough for him to hear. He immediately stopped his movements and looked at them. They had tears in their eyes as They stared at him with fear. Afraid that he'll lose his humanity. He dropped his hands to the side, his blood and the man's blood mixed, dripping from his knuckles. He swiftly walked towards them and kneeled in front of them.
His eyes scanned their body lingering on every cut and bruise. Y/n slowly raised a hand to his cheek and it was enough to break him. He hid his face in the crook of their neck as the tears escaped his eyes.
Gwen and Hobie shared knowing looks and walked out with hobie carrying the unconscious man.
Pavitr hugged y/n and cried in their embrace. "Hey.... I'm okay... it's okay...Pav..." They whispered gently to him.
The hold on their body tightened as he cried. "I- i thought i- l-lost you.." Y/n felt a ache in their heart. He sounded so broken. "I was s-so scared."
It came as a surprise even to y/n. No matter how bad things got or how scared he'd get, Pavitr NEVER showed it on his face. He always kept a charming smile on his face and a few corny jokes up his sleeve to assess the situation. But seeing him break down like this only because of the fear that he'd lose them, it was overwhelming. It was heartwarming. It was endearing.
They took in a shakey breath and hugged him tighter. "Yeah...me too. But hey" they pulled a little back and looked at him in the eyes, "we're okay. you're here... I'm here...yeah?" a reassuring smile on their face, they tried their best to console his racing heart and shaking body.
"B-but y-you're hurt..." He looked down at their wounds but they held him by the chin and made him look at them.
"I'm alive." Their voice was firm and reassuring. "They....they may leave some scars but, nothing serious. I hope you don't mind a little ugliness, Spider boy." They smiled and joked but their voice held some sort of insecurity and fear in it. This didn't go unnoticed by Pavitr.
He always noticed.
He gently cupped their cheeks and looked softly at them. "You were, are, and always will be the most beautiful person to me. In every damn universe and in every damn reality. I will NEVER stop loving you y/n." His words made the tears in their eyes return as they smiled at him.
How can he be so brutally furious one moment and then so sweet and caring the other? 'This boy... he'd be the death of me.' Y/n thought as they looked at his miraculously perfect face.
Pavitr pulled them in for a kiss and they happily gave in hugging him close. When they pulled apart, Pavitr gave them a small smile.
"Now let's get you home." He gently picked them up in his arms and grinned at them.
" I'm pretty sure you missed your dashing boyfriend."
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thefallennightmare · 3 months
If you don’t have too many requests already, but if you do please ignore this headcannon
Reader and Bad Omens go to Vegas to celebrate the drop of Concrete Jungle [The OST], Noah and Reader get so hammered that when they wake up, they realized that they got married to each other. Reader is distraught because she believes Noah hates since he very rarely speaks to her, but on Noah’s end he’s more than happy realizing that he married the girl of his dreams.
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@thescarlettvvitch @missduffsblog @hayleylatour @sleepyomens @loeytuan98 @artificialbreezy @marvelousmal @bngurngheart @lma1986 @dsireland86 @wild-child-7747 @calleyx13 @illmakeyousaywow @jaded-and-hollow-souls @exitwoundsx @shayzillaaaa @badomensls @princesspeach-00 @burning-outx @shadowseve @collective-heartbreak @klutzy-kay24 @sorrowsofsilence @sweetlittlekitsune @shilohrosechicken @itsafullmoon @toospooktocute @niicoleleigh @thatchickwiththecamera @hoe-for-daddywise @whenthesummerdies @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @thisbicc @sammyjoeee @pathion @flowery-mess @tashka @Karenfranco @its-inourblood @amelia-acero @xxkittenkissesxx @cncohshit @xserena-13 @collidewiththesavannah
I hope you don't mind but I changed the idea of getting drunk only out of respect for Noah(who is sober) and me because I don't feel comfortable writing that aspect. But I promise, it will still be good!
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"What did we do?" You asked with a shaky breath, staring at the ring on your left finger.
It wasn't anything special, a simple golden band, but when your eyes glanced over to the sleeping form next to you, you nearly choked on your breath.
Noah lay on his back, a hand resting on the tattoos on his chest, and soft snores fell from his parted lips.
A matching band on his left finger.
The buzz from the adrenaline from last night was beginning to wear off, and moments of what happened slowly coming back.
Everyone was in Vegas to celebrate the release of CJ OST and the energy that vibrated off of Noah was insane, both of you bouncing off the walls with excitement.
You'd help them produce one of the tracks so being able to hear it made you feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.
As Digital Footprint played in the background last night while the two of you sat on the couch, he gazed over at you.
"What?" You asked a red hue covering your cheeks.
"Let's get married. Just for the fun of it," he suggested.
You snorted while rolling your eyes. "No fucking way. I'm not marrying you if you're drunk."
"I haven't touched a drop of alcohol in months. I'm sober."
Now here you were, twenty-four hours later with a husband lying next to you in bed and a twinge of regret.
You'd never been close with Noah, not like how you were with the others. And you knew once he woke up and he realized it was a mistake, the faster you two could go get this marriage annulled.
Soft fingers grazed over the fabric of your shirt, pulling you into a warm chest.
The crash of adrenaline happened before you could celebrate this marriage, both of you falling asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow.
"Hi angel," Noah mused in the crook of your neck.
You stilled in his embrace at hearing the nickname. He'd only ever called you that a few times but you thought it was something to mess with you. Since you loved everything fallen angels.
"Do you remember last night?" You asked.
"Of course I do. I told you, I was sober."
Absentminded, you began tracing over the bright red designs over his arm.
"So was I. But I figured you'd regret what happened."
He gripped your chin now, forcing you to look up at him. "I don't regret anything that happened. You're it for me, angel. This is what I want; as long as you do too."
His eyes sparkled with so much light as he gazed down at you and you felt your heart nearly burst out of your chest.
"I do," you admitted with a breath.
Noah brushed his nose along yours. "Good, because now that I have you. I'm not letting you go."
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hinalatte · 6 days
(Not so)Quick thoughts on Episode 13
I have a lot of things to say about the new episode (about Levi especially) and a little Hu analysis I can write now that her secret is confirmed, but it’s very late! But I still want to talk about things! So here’s a random collection of stuff I thought was interesting.
Spoilers under the cut!
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Eden was the one who took out Xander’s eye with a fork. It’s interesting that she’s the weakest member of the cast, but somehow managed to injure Xander, the strongest by far. He must’ve been really caught off guard.
It’s also interesting that the weapon is a fork. It must’ve been a spur of the moment decision, otherwise she would’ve had a better weapon. Her distraught expression also implies she wasn’t planning on hurting Xander.
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In the opening scene of the show, someone (likely Xander) says he has to kill Teruko. He says he “didn’t expect her to attack him like that”, which we now know is referring to Eden. But he also says he made a mistake to trust “them”. So Eden was working with someone else. She might’ve betrayed Xander on Teruko’s behalf.
Also, this scene emphasizes that Xander’s goal was to end the killing game! A goal which he never saw through, but David is trying to carry that torch for him.
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This one isn’t related to the new episode, but I found this and it made me feel things. Eden says almost the same thing to Teruko in chapter 1 that Arei says to Eden in chapter 2.
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I’ve been trying since last week to figure out what David knew about Xander. Their interactions in chapter 1 provide no clues, as far as I can tell…David doesn’t act like he recognizes Xander at all, except in their “role models” scene where he has this line. They did investigate together at the start, so maybe something happened then? Or maybe David was just determined to not let Xander know he recognized him. Or maybe David didn’t care much about Xander Matthews as a public figure before he got to know Xander as a person, and only started considering Xander’s career important after the fact. Or maybe he genuinely didn’t recognize him because he didn’t mention his last name? But in the MV, he remembers what Xander looks like without his eye patch, so wouldn’t that mean David knew what he looked like?
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When Teruko claims to have the family secret, he makes a face like “I caught you”. Why did he react like that if he already knew what her secret was…? Does David know from his prior knowledge of Xander that the family secret is his?
It’s possible Teruko genuinely believes the family secret is hers, since she blames her own bad luck for the things that happen to people around her.
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Eden can’t fathom the idea of not caring about people. She’s so empathetic it almost seems like a weakness, so she doesn’t understand how someone could lack empathy completely. I love that dynamic…I hope they both live so I can see more of it.
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Arturo has a strong reaction to this because he still remembers Felicity.
Also, Arturo being a voice of morality this episode was something I did not expect, but I’m here for it.
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Ace is absolutely lying. He’s the most gullible person in the cast. He definitely thought Levi was being genuine.
He pushed Levi away over and over in chapter 2, but Levi kept bouncing back from it, insisting he wouldn’t hurt him. That probably made Ace feel comforted, in a way. Like there was one person who wouldn’t abandon him, even after enduring all of his awful behavior.
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It’s interesting that he brings up the term “friends” here. Since when were they friends? Genuinely. A guy expressing concern for you does not a friendship make, Ace Markey.
He’s also taking Levi very out of context. Levi says he doesn’t care about anyone at all, because he’s literally incapable of it. Ace takes that as a personal attack. Levi doesn’t care about him, specifically, and that’s a betrayal somehow. Levi never meant to mislead him about that, but Ace thinks he was lying to him. (It’s made worse for him because now he knows no one in the cast likes him)
Ace projects a lot of things onto people in general. Mostly negative intent. But in this case, he might’ve been projecting the idea of a friendship that wasn’t really there. It makes sense to a degree. I was also fooled into thinking Levi cared about Ace, but not because they were friends. It was because Levi like helping everyone, including Ace. Ace seems incapable of understanding that sometimes people do stuff and it doesn’t really mean anything.
I say all that as an Ace Markey fan. He’s my favorite character. This critique is from a place of love. Boy, is there a lot to critique about him.
I’m interested now in seeing how his relationships develop after this. His most important dynamics (Levi and Nico) either don’t care about him at all or hate him so much they tried to kill him (unless there’s a plot twist on that front). Is he ever going to have a friend? Or a confidant of any kind? Not if he keeps acting like that, but it’s kind of a vicious cycle.
Also did his friend die? Why does he say “his memory”? Okay Ace. Is this why his sexuality was confirmed?
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Last observation for the road. Whit called David “Starboy” in chapter 1, and now “Sir Light Pollution” in chapter 2, continuing the trend of star-themed David nicknames. It makes sense in his head. (Why does he know so much about hanging)
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matan4il · 2 years
Buddie 611 meta
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I LOVED that the ep showed us how Eddie wasn’t doing compressions on Buck because someone instructed him to. No, he just couldn’t stand by, couldn't let someone else try to bring his partner back to life, so he announced he was taking over, fuck anyone who would try to stop him. No one even tries to, they wordlessly acknowledge Eddie as Buck's mad with worry partner, much like how in 315, the team treated Buck while Eddie was in danger. And then Eddie shocks Buck’s heart back and gets his pulse going again. Eddie literally kept Buck’s heart going, and then he was still so distraught that he yelled at the medical staff (even though as a medic, he knows it’s pointless), “Do more!” 'Coz that’s what Eddie himself was doing, he stepped in and did more than he was asked to, a continuation of us having seen him doing exactly that in 610 as well, when he didn’t wait for Bobby to decide what to do to help Buck, Eddie charged up an electrocuted ladder he was just thrown off of. Because when it comes to Buck, he will always do more. ~~
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The significance of the bond between them is also shown when Eddie is the first flashback Buck experiences within the coma dream, the first lifeline to the real world. That’s continued when the second flashback is to the tsunami, where Buck saved Chris. However, Eddie and Chris aren't quite present in these flashbacks. Buck’s subconscious is at war with itself. The Diaz boys are this powerful connection to the real world (much like Buck and Chris were Eddie’s back in 315, as I tried to demonstrate in this gifset), but the coma dream shows the power of childhood trauma and how much we can be trapped by the desire to fix it. The whole dream contrasts Buck having parents who are loving, who want and appreciate him, with everything bad that would happen if he weren’t with the 118. As the dream goes on, the price keeps getting higher, yet Buck still struggles until the very end with letting go of the illusion that his parents love him, and the sense he himself can be fixed if they do, like he’d then finally feel good enough. That’s why, in a sense, Eddie and Chris have to be more absent than present for the coma dream to be seductive. Because if they’re fully present, if he truly engages with their coma versions and remembers the family unit he has outside the dream, the balance would be tipped over, the battle would have been decided before Buck had a chance to learn his lesson.
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That’s why he only hears what happened to Eddie, he doesn’t witness it firsthand, and why when the dream's seductive nature is failing, suddenly Chris is there (despite his coma version not being in LA) to tempt Buck into staying. Even then, walking away from the dream version of Chris while telling him that he’s not real is the only thing Buck says he'll always feel guilty about. ~~ 
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I just gotta include a small note here on how much I love the progression we’ve had from Bobby saying in 101 that while Buck calls him “pops,” they’re not a family, through Buck telling TK aloud that Bobby’s basically his dad (in the crossover) to Bobby finally admitting this is true for him as well. I’ve pointed out this season repeatedly (like in my 610 meta) that the show’s dealing with questions of fatherhood, including the question of biology in that context, and this ep was no different, yet this truly was one of the highlights for me when it comes to this theme. I love how much Buck and Bobby mean to each other. ~~ 
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Buck’s mom saying “your kids” and Buck being confused until she clarifies it’s not his actual children, it’s his students, then his disappointment, that’s one loose end that the ep didn’t wrap up, because that is a continuation of the whole sperm donor situation (with Margaret once more being at the center of confusion on whether Buck is a dad or not). This one is only going to be really addressed once Buck fully deals with his role in Connor and Kameron’s baby’s life, something he can’t properly do until he also faces his role in Christopher’s, a role that this ep really emphasized. No other kids were by Buck’s bed, not even May who has free access as a legal adult and who has now admitted she knows Buck is her step dad’s other kid. Chris needs his Buck in a way that no other firefam kid does. ~~ 
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Which brings me to the heart wrenching fate we (and Buck) learn the Diaz boys have suffered in his absence. I have mentioned countless times in my meta posts how important I believe 204 was to Buddie. How critical Buck’s decision to step into Eddie’s mess with him was. Not once, but twice in that ep, first when he helps Eddie by talking to Bobby about Chris spending the day at the station with the 118, then when Buck introduces Eddie to Carla. I have always said Eddie was very attracted (and not just physically) to Buck from the start, but Eddie’s Christopher’s dad first, so he never would have been able to fall for anyone who doesn’t also love his son as much as he does. In other words, I’ve always thought the heart eyes Eddie gives Buck at the end of the Carla introduction scene, that was the moment when he was gone. And now we learn how meaningful Buck himself knows that was. Without that happening, his subconscious just knows Eddie’s parents would have succeeded with their threat of getting Chris away from his dad, leading to Eddie completely falling apart. Buddie's tale is a love story, and this coma revelation is basically the show telling us Buck’s subconscious already knows this. ~~ 
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Eddie’s reactions in the real world are also a reflection of how important Buddifer’s little family unit is to all three of them. Keep in mind, even with his therapy, Eddie is still a reserved guy, right? He normally remains calm in the face of adversity, it takes a lot to rattle him, he doesn't easily get to the point where he falls apart emotionally. When he does in this ep, he only allows himself to when his son is looking away. And even then, he just can't go on answering Christopher's questions about Buck's state. So it highlights how important Buck is to Eddie, when the latter DOES fall apart. When he jumps in to take care of Buck on the gurney as it’s wheeled into the hospital. When he shouts at the medical staff. When he looks so wrecked at the hospital, close to what previously it took weeks of insomnia to do to him. When he can’t look at Buck's comatose body or stop himself from crying while he listens to Chris speaking or bring himself to be strong for his son and answer him. And of course, when the reserved Eddie goes against hospital regulations and parental common sense (to keep your kid away from disturbing sights), sneaking his son in to see Buck. But Eddie does it because he gets it. When Chris says he needs to talk to Buck, Eddie knows the full weight of this, because it’s his truth, too. Both Diaz boys need their Buck to wake up. So everything Chris is saying, all the comfort he’s offering, along with the insistence that Buck MUST return to them? He’s speaking for Eddie as well. ~~ 
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I also liked that Buck realized during his coma dream two truths that seem, but are not, mutually exclusive: that he does have a family worth going back for, but that ultimately, he’s returning for himself. He’s not trying to please anyone else, he’s not trying to get anyone else’s approval. His adoptive family matters to him, even his bio parents who have failed him repeatedly matter, but at the end of the day, he’s not going back because his loved ones do or don’t need him, do or don’t accept him, do or don’t approve of him. He’s going back because he loves them and he wants to be with them. And that ties in with another thing we see in this ep. 
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Bobby describes the coma dream as a world where Buck can fix everything. Buck says not all, seemingly implying he couldn’t bring Bobby back from the dead. But that’s not actually true, is it? 'Coz the coma world is Buck’s subconscious, it can be altered in whatever way he wants. Bobby can be there and talk to him despite being “dead” which means... he’s not really dead, not in the way that makes death so tragic, depriving us of our loved ones. Chris can be at the hospital, despite not being in LA and not knowing Buck. It’s a coma dream, there are no rules! Buck’s subconscious is king! And we know how important it is for Buck to fix things, Eddie pointed it out in 504, and we saw a callback to this just last week. The climax of this ep is even set against the musical backdrop of Coldplay’s Fix You. But this trait stems from Buck feeling like he needs to fix things, to be the hero, in order to be worthy of love. In the coma, Buck realizes he IS loved. And therefore, he doesn’t need to fix EVERYTHING in order to make a difference and be deserving of love. He IS enough, exactly as he is, limited fixing possibilities and all. That’s how he gets to choose both his loved ones and himself in coming back to reality. ~~ 
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Oh, can we talk about the heart drawings scene from 514 and how it relates to this ep? I recently answered an ask about it, and pointed out I think Eddie’s heart has been Chris for years now, and for a long time, it was only him. But that scene showed how, thanks to the way Buck has been there for both of them along the years, helping, healing and loving them, Eddie’s heart is no longer exclusively his son. It’s Buck, too. Which explains why the heart theme we’ve been seeing with Eddie since 413 has expanded to include Buck’s in this ep, with Eddie literally restarting it. So 611 really affirms who Eddie’s heart now belongs to. We see how, without Buck, he would have lost Chris as well. Without Buck, he would have lost his whole heart. ~~ 
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And that brings us of course to what kind of a person Eddie would be once that happened. We learn he would have become this angry man, drawing on his reaction during the lawsuit story arc. But notice that in both cases, a part of the issue causing Eddie's anger is not having Buck. Yes, back in s3 Eddie was dealing with Shannon’s death, but he doesn’t really start losing it until he also can no longer speak to Buck. Similarly, in the coma dream, he becomes Angry Guy due to the loss of Chris, but that is tied in with the absence of Buck in his life. In other words, losing Buck causes Eddie SUCH grief, that it has no other way out except for rage. ~~ 
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Did you notice how once again, Buck got to be Madney’s truth teller? He did that first in 208, when he realized Madney are basically dating. Interestingly, everything he told Maddie about them was also true for him and Eddie. Then in this ep, he tells Chim Madney basically should be married, since they already share every other part of domestic and committed life. Obviously this will come into play soon. So just remember that once again, his words can be easily applied to Buddifer as well, plus Buck’s truth teller status was paralleled back in s2 with Maddie in 204, when she asked her brother about his newfound boy crush on Eddie... ~~ 
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Okay, last one, but I just had to share with you maybe my fave parallel from this ep. You might have noticed in my 610 meta how much I think the lightning stroke parallels the shooting arc. Well, this was true with one of the sweetest moments in the ep’s conclusion. Just like how, at the end of 414, we got to witness Eddie hugging Chris while Buck watched on, so we get to see Buck hugging their son while Eddie looks on now. Except Eddie isn’t just looking. He enables the hug by helping Chris into Buck’s arms. Tell me again: how is this not a family? How are these men not partners, dedicated and loving towards each other in every way that matters...? ~~ 
Please enjoy direct links to my weekly meta posts, my Buddie gifs and more of my content in my pinned post. Endlessly thankful to @whosoldherout​, who​ blows my mind away every week with her hard work and beautiful gifs for my meta. Tag list will follow in the reblog, please let me know if you wanna be added/removed here. Thank you in advance for any reblog and like! I’m operating on far too little sleep in order to get this posted quickly, so I can't explain how much any and all encouragement matters to me. Thank you! xoxox
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essycogany · 6 months
Hot Take! Nine’s Redemption Arc Was Rushed
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I’m usually positive on this blog, but I believe it’s important to have a balance. This’ll be my longest post yet, so buckle your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.
Quick Positive Points
I like the idea of an antagonistic Tails. Nine’s amazingly voiced by a VA I recognize. His design is awesome. His attitude and sarcasm can be entertaining. Nine saving Sonic’s skin when dealing with the Chaos Council was nice. The scene with Nine and Mr.Doctor Eggman talking about Sonic is one of my favorite moments. The thought of creating robots who look like the other characters as if Nine still wanted friends was neat. (even if he tried to kill with them) And despite my grievances, I thought Nine’s hug with Sonic at the end was adorable. The animation is what helped with that.
While I do like Nine, I’m going to talk about my glaring issues with his character development. I can see both sides of the argument, but let me tell you why there’s more proof of Nine not being well written. I will implore you to think for yourselves regardless of what I have to say. We all have our opinions and I’m only here to share mine.
Nine’s Characterization
This is how the fox carry himself throughout the show and why most of it isn’t written well. I’ll state my issues with Sonic in certain moments too.
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Season One
Nine’s reasonably defensive at first when Sonic came to his home out of nowhere. He became annoyed by Sonic’s immaturity yet concerned for him once they’re captured. After they meet the Rebels, his sassiness begins to show. Replying “You’re welcome,” after saving Sonic by taking control of Rusty. Having a direct and harsh tone when advising others to take the Chaos Council’s shard. And not seeming to care about the rest of the group who gets trapped with Mr. Doctor Eggman.
Nine: “Sonic we have to get to the core!” “You heard her come on!” This I understand because Nine doesn’t know them, so they don’t really matter to him. But then Nine dismisses Sonic’s feelings even after he asked “are you okay?” Because he noticed the hedgehog was a little off.
-Because Sonic started remembering the events that happened to him before he broke the Paradox Prism.
After Sonic realized the prism shattering was his fault Nine says, “Snap back to reality! Grab that shard and we’ll sort the rest out later!” Then when Sonic stated the original Tails told him not to touch it Nine states, “Well, I’m telling you the opposite! Now grab it and let’s go!” Not realizing if Sonic is the reason for the prism being small, his original variant might’ve known touching it was a bad idea. I also can’t forget about these lines.
Sonic: “If there’s anyone who’s got the brains to put it all back together, it’s you.” Nine: “That’s the first thing you’ve said that I agree with.” Nice ego for a person who ends up getting Sonic sucked up by the prism after being warned. Back to what I was saying before, Nine seems to only care about stealing the shard away from the Eggmen here. Which is proven later on in season one. His care for Sonic has progressed, but Sonic learns from the Rebels that Nine abandoned them. And it’s never addressed by Sonic.
-Sonic also insist Nine’s “not a traitor” without any proof. Sonic hasn’t known Nine that long. The last time Sonic saw the fox, he ended up getting the hedgehog sucked into another shatterspace. Unless Sonic’s talking about Nine working with the group. But I’d argue it was more for Sonic and his own sake. Especially since Nine left the Rebels and Rusty at the drop of a hat.
When Nine comes to help Sonic, he shows off the Grim and discuss how it’s “Their bright new future.” Wanting to live in the Grim with Sonic. Even after the last time he saw Sonic, Nine knew how distraught Sonic felt about losing his home. Again, Sonic stated he believed Nine could put the prism back together. Meaning his original friends and world would come back. But Nine immediately assumes Sonic would be happy living with him for the rest of his life. Which is sweet on paper but very messed up in execution. I’ll get into why later. To be fair, Nine’s never had a friend before and was bullied for most of his life. His social skills aren’t the best and he isn’t use to caring about others. But even if Nine didn’t understand empathy, he has no reason to believe Sonic would forget about his home just because Nine didn’t care about his.
Nine: “That city hasn’t brought me anything but misery. I owe it nothing.” He hasn’t been around Sonic for long either, but Sonic’s demonstrated his loyalty before. By worrying about the Rebels instead of the shard while Nine did vise versa. Anyways, Sonic explains he needs to save the Rebels. Nine being Nine didn’t care about them, but came to help anyways because he “cared about Sonic.” I’d say Nine only helped because he thought Sonic would join him after getting the other shards, but that’s my opinion.
Nine: “With enough fortifications and enough shard energy, this could be home.” Because of this line, I believe he already knew about the other shards before Sonic. Which is also why he knew what Sonic was doing in season two. He also says, “When this is over, I’m going home and never looking back. Whether I go it alone is entirely up to you.” Still assuming things.
-Sonic doesn’t give Nine an answer for some reason. Only responding with “I knew you’d come back, buddy.” Projecting how he’d expect Tails to act. Which becomes a serious problem later.
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Season Two
Throughout this season, Nine helped Sonic collect the shards. Which was a bonus to keep developing the Grim.
-Sonic and the Rebels have another debate on trusting Nine. At least this time when Sonic says “He saved you,” it’s true. Nine took down the Doctors before Sonic and co got killed. I’d still argue it was for Sonic, but Nine still saved their lives despite his intentions.
I’ll also admit when Mr.Doc used Nine, it was reasonable for him to feel as if he had no choice. He even apologizes to Sonic. We even learn how Nine first fount the Grim and see him make a hammock for Sonic. But the positives goes down hill once we get into the shard chase between Nine, Sonic, and the villains. Once away from the Docs Sonic stated, “Oh, things are finally coming together. We’ve got the shards! We can finally fix everything!” He’s still obviously talking about Green Hill and his friends. But Nine doesn’t notice this. Instead he says, “It’s going to be perfect.” Very specific you two. Nine seems to suddenly believe Sonic changed his mind and Sonic still thinks Nine and Tails are one and the same.
Dude even calls the fox “Tails Nine,” while introducing him to another character. What are the odds? Later on Nine says, “If you like surprises, wait until you see what I’ve got going on in the Grim.” Sonic responds with, “Grim? Cool. Can’t wait to here more. But right now, we’ve gotta get to Ghost Hill.” Talking as if if the Grim was an afterthought. Then the two talk about bringing the prism back together without knowing what the other’s thoughts were behind it.
Even if they didn’t have time to discuss things, I think they should’ve explained something to each other during the chase or before Sonic left to help the Rebels in S1. That way the unfortunate occurrence could’ve been avoided later on, but we’ll cross that bridge soon enough. Anyways, after the goose chase, they meet up with Shadow, who reasonably doesn’t trust Nine.
-The Blue blur defended the fox again with his projecting his friends onto strangers self. It’s also weird how often this dude doesn’t listen to anyone while also wondering why no one won’t listen to him.
After Nine put one of the shards back together and it brought everything back for a split second. Sonic: “Reality was flipping out over here.” “Green Hill was back and so were my friends.” Which must’ve went in and out of Nine’s ears because this show has no time for the characters to communicate properly. Instead of listening, Nine interrupts the hedgehog and shenanigans ensues.
After said shenanigans, another argument scene happens. Except somehow, it’s worsts then the last. I’ll criticize both characters. I want to address the “Sonic projecting” discussion first. I know people think Sonic’s wrong for doing it (he is) but I believe he’s doing it as a coping mechanism. Since his friends are replaced by ghost who repeat themselves and a bunch strangers who look like them, he might not be able to help it. I give him a bit of slack because we all know what he’s been through. Prime!Sonic is also a very sincere version of Sonic who instantly feels guilt. Even if he doesn’t completely understand what he did wrong.
For example, in the first episode, Tails didn’t tell Sonic why he was upset with him. He just said, “It’s cool really.” Tails brushes things off instead of discussing them. I can see where Sonic is coming from. What I won’t excuse is Sonic having a terrible amount of trust in Nine. I’ll discuss this in S3’s issues. And the rest I’ll summon up to Sonic never addressing problems which might’ve needed to be addressed. Like Green Hill almost coming back and other stuff I’ve already mentioned. Onto the fox. This argument might be a great time for Nine to explain what his plans are instead of saying, “We’re not making your old world. We’re building a better one.” Implying Sonic’s original world is inferior and he should deal with it being gone.
When Sonic says, “I think we can get it back.” Nine responds with, “You’re wrong about that.” Despite Sonic in the same episode said minutes before, “Green Hill was back and so were my friends.” Did the fox forget? Is he lying? Or does he not care? I’ll go with the writers forgetting about this line since it never gets mentioned again. Which seems to be a trope in this show. I understand Sonic’s done plenty of wrong when it comes to Nine as well, but I don’t see how Sonic wanting to fix the problem he made in the first place as selfish. Especially since Sonic’s not the only one who wants Green Hill back. Shadow’s dealing with the consequences too.
The “what’ll happen to me when you bring your friends back,” issue is never explored. There’s no confirmation on what happens, so this comment basically means nothing. Also, Sonic living with Nine forever is messed up. It implies Sonic and Shadow never going home. And their friends would stay ghost forever. Dead to be specific. Not to mention Nine’s home would be a copy of what Sonic use to have. You’re telling me Sonic The Hedgehog would allow his freedom to end because of a self centered fox who wouldn’t care if he wanted to go home? I could continue, but I’ll stop here. In the end, Sonic and Nine were both wrong. You could argue Sonic never said “no” to staying with Nine, but Sonic saying in S1 “It’s not going anywhere” was all Nine needed to hear. Sonic thinking Nine would love Tails and discussing Green Hill was prominent when talking to Nine before getting to Ghost Hill too. Dude was completely set on getting home and he wasn’t subtle about it.
To be fair again, Nine hasn’t been in enough good relationships to know who to trust. Then finds someone he thinks he can trust. Then gets treated like a reflection of someone else instead of a different person entirely. This goes to show I actually don’t hate the idea of the miscommunication. I only feel the show doesn’t give them enough time to breathe and only focuses on rushing the plot. Therefore having contradictions and forced conflicts.
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Season 3
Nine’s first statement in this season is, “This could’ve been everything he ever wanted.” I wish Sonic had a moment to explain why creating a new world is a nice but bad idea. That way Nine could get a better understanding of how close Sonic is to his home and friends. Giving it a sense of importance. He could choose to stay selfish or to be reasonable. Nine tries to capture Sonic in order to get his shard energy throughout S3. In the next scene Shadow says, “So, it was all about power?” (Shadow is the MVP of this entire show) Then Sonic defends Nine for the millionth time.
Sonic: “No, that’s not…” Nine: “Exactly!” Wonderful.
Moving on. Sonic tries to reason with Nine again. Nine: “You were only using me to get what you wanted.” Sonic: “That’s not true.” The hedgehog doesn’t elaborate before or after this conversation. I love how the two barely have a coherent conversation. It’s honestly my favorite thing in the world.
-Sonic tells Shadow if reasoning with Nine doesn’t work, he’ll be “theirs .” Probably implying they’ll have to hurt or kill Nine if necessary. Then Sonic never follows through with it and doesn’t actually fight Nine. Sonic only uses his shield powers or tries to convince others not to hurt the fox.
After that Nine tries to attack both hedgehogs with a robot copy of Sonic and states, “This time, you’re on your own.” Shadow: “He’s not on his own” Nine: “We’re all on our own.” Describing his perception on loyalty is a detail I actually like.
Later in the season Nine tries to disrupt the bystanders worlds to get Sonic, so they disrupt their agreement. Nine attempts to kill them again and wonders why they wanted to protect Sonic. Almost as if Sonic has been helping them since the fox met him or something.
After constant fighting and begging on Sonic’s part, he tells Nine to, “LOOK OUTSIDE!” And that’s when Nine at last sees the shatterverse breaking and realizes what he’s done. All of this mess lasted 7 episodes by the way. The big fight took up 6 of them. Nine knew beforehand the shatterverse was ending and it didn’t phase him as long as his world was safe. Now he suddenly he feels guilty?
Sonic apologizes because he didn’t listen to what Nine wanted. Or appreciate what he was trying to do. This is Sonic’s words not mine. Nine doesn’t apologize for trying to kill everyone, but to Sonic instead. Sonic asked everyone to leave Nine alone. And asked Nine to not cause anymore trouble. Knucks: “How can we trust him?” Nine: “You can trust me.” Outstanding dialogue. Plot needs to occur, so we’ll skip the part where Nine and everyone else gains trust in a none forced way. Great.
Nine finally helps Sonic even if those problems could’ve been avoided a few episodes earlier and say their goodbyes. The End.
I hate how Sonic had to apologize to Nine about wanting to go home. It’s absolutely unfair. Then Nine doesn’t apologize to everyone else for the havoc he’s caused. What I believe Sonic should’ve apologized for was treating Nine like Tails, but it never gets brought up. But my biggest issue is the only way Sonic called out Nine on his actions was by saying, “This isn’t you!” “Don’t do this!” “I care about all of this. You, the shatterverse, and everyone inside of it. I know you do too.” The last bit being a huge lie.
I don’t make these kind of comparisons often, but Game!Sonic would have everything nipped in the bud. I’d assume by telling Nine, “What you’re doing is wrong. This is why it’s wrong. If you don’t quit, I’ll do everything in my power to make you quit.” He’d understand Nine needed to be stoped and act accordingly. I’d assume everyone would have to make him surrender and he’d be forced to fix everything. No, it doesn’t reform him, but I wouldn’t have minded if he didn’t get reformed because sometimes you can’t change people. This might not have been the perfect solution, but I tried. Yes, Nine is a child who was treated terribly, but it shouldn’t excuse his actions.
What’s hilarious is during his last talk with Sonic, he unreasonably guilts the hedgehog and called him selfish. Saying Sonic didn’t save everyone because he actually cared about them. But because Sonic feels guilty about breaking everything from the start. Except Sonic actually admits to messing up which was shown in the third episode of Prime. And took the time to right his wrongs. It’s the most hypocritical and short sided statement in the entire show. And if that wasn’t enough, Nine gets upset when everyone came to attack him. It admittedly was a dumb idea, but Nine made himself the enemy. He didn’t give the gang a reason to trust him before or after his deal with Sonic. Yes, including the end of the show. It made no sense.
Why Nine’s Reformation Was Rushed
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First of all, I’m not saying I don’t like Nine because of his negative traits. That’s the main reason he exists. He’s a antagonistic or I’d even say evil version of Tails. Nine is suppose to be distant, selfish, and such. I simply don’t believe after all he’s done and how his character was established that he suddenly changed into a good guy.
Nine’s focus was on his own pain while he ignored everyone else’s. Including the one person who saved his life on multiple occasions and who (even if it’s wrong) still tried to stick up for him. Giving off the, “I suffered so everyone else should suffer,” mentality. Then blames Sonic by saying he, “Put him into this position.” As if Nine didn’t already make terrible choices before going evil. Sure, the shards could’ve been corrupting him, but it’s never explored and can only be assumed. Which are too different things.
-Also other characters like Thorn and Dread made bad decisions before they had the shards. So, there’s zero proof regarding that theory.
These are obvious toxic/red flag behavior and it never gets properly called out. Things are only fixed because the plot demanded it. Not because there was a natural progression. The only thing that progressed was Nine’s uncaring attitude until it magically fixed itself…at the last minute. And I hate that for him because he deserved better. Sonic deserved better. All of the Sonic Prime characters deserved better. But they all fell into the pit of unsatisfying conclusions.
Side Note: What also bothers me is how Sonic is almost the only character Nine interacts with. No wonder he doesn’t care about anyone else. Nine barely talks to anyone. Like Shadow, the blue blur is the main center of Nine’s attention. At least most of the other characters don’t have the same problem, but it’s still ridiculous.
How The Show Is Flawed In General
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I have more glaring issues with this show. Sonic Prime’s plot almost never stops to breathe. The repetition is unreal. None of the characters (especially the OGs) get enough attention. Some things are both over and under explained simultaneously. There’s reused animations.
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Reused conversations and dialogue are especially prevalent. “This isn’t you, Nine!” “It’s over, Nine.” “Gotta go fast!” “Game over.” “We’re gonna end/fix this together.” “We’re friends.” “Me Beauty.” “We have to take the fight to them.” “You’re even dumber then you look.”
This isn’t half of the repeated lines unfortunately. Some of them aren’t only said by Sonic either. It’s almost as if they ran out of dialogue. I am only scratching the surface of problems, but I won’t go any further. At this point “the show’s writing” is the main issue of Nine’s arc. It’s also why other parts of Prime feels rushed.
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Yeah, I have a love hate relationship with this show. It’s seriously hard to watch sometimes. I know this has been a bummer, but here’s what Sonic Prime does right. I adore Sonic Prime in terms of how it looks and sounds. With the outstanding animation, voice acting, music, editing, and sound design. I’ll even say it’s one of the best looking 3D animated kids TV shows I’ve seen. There’s so much attention to detail and quality of the character facial expressions and movements. Furthermore, when the lighting is really good, it looks near movie levels of quality. Not to mention great writing still exists. All in all, Sonic Prime may not be the best written Sonic show, but it does have the most polished animation. Even with its plethora of flaws and lost potential, I’m glad Prime exists to prove 3D TV shows can look fantastic when given enough care.
Stay Creative! 💜
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blacklegsanjiii · 3 months
•°♤°• Read a Zosan fic where every single male (Except for the male Strawhats; compliments here and there) is attracted to Sanji and I'm so here for that. But think, what would happen if this thing happened in the ASL x Sanji or God AU? That would be so fuking funny and hilarious that alot of men are down bad for this beautiful blond cook with blue eyes with muscular legs and a gable waist.
I would also like to add for the God au that before Sanji lost his godly status and life, he placed the inability to all DF users to be unable to swim. This is their punishment because of what the WG did to the gods (Ex: Sabo, Ace, and Luffy).
First: Yeah, Sanji was fucking pissed and absolutely told the Elders and the World Government to get fucked during the void century and wrapped his most prized creations, amalgamations with the god of life, taking the ability to swim away. If they want to fuck with the gods the gods will fuck right back. Sanji was more than giving, he gave far more than he was worshipped which led to his followers always singing their praises to the ocean, so after the void century his followers were distraught to find the fruits, now called devil fruits because if you eat one you have betrayed the ocean, betrayed him. He is a god who forgives easily, you just need to give it back, it only costs your life. His partners had never seen the god so enraged because he used to bestow fruits to those were so utterly devoted to him or his fellow gods. Now? It doesn't matter if all three of his husbands have eaten a fruit, Ace and Sabo were old enough to remember what happened, Luffy might not have been but it doesn't matter, they do not get leeway either. It's probably a really fucking dark joke he makes despite how often he does save them, just grins at them and says he could always get his fruits back if they want to swim so bad. Sabo didn't eat a fruit in this from what I can find so Sabo spears Sanji overboard quite a bit to avoid his brothers.
I did read that fic as well I think? But like could you imagine the crew are meeting the other gods for whatever reason(how much do you think it would fuck with the romance dawn trio if Buggy was a god? Or the Cross Guild and Shanks?) And a lot of the gods and others are just flirting with Sanji. Nothing new, he's a handsome guy. He is married though, he has the marks from his godly spouses claiming him just as they do from him. Buggy is ruffling their hair and avoiding Luffy because he can't play nice with the god of luck and travelers in this life. Buggy looks at Zoro and just goes 'oh no, poor baby' and does nothing to fix his sense of direction because Buggy is a trickster god, tell me otherwise. Sanji is of course used to striking deals with the clown in past lives for the wayward travelers but also Buggy redirects so many gods from Sanji and tells the blond to quit being born pretty and Sanji rolls his eyes.
There's gods left and right grabbing Sanji and Buggy is sending body parts whenever Zoro and Luffy are distracted by some other god of whatever as they plan their assault on the Elders. The crews are fucking weirded out by the sheer godly power in front of them and how close the gods are to each other. Also Mihawk has to be digging deep into himself to find out the weakling of the Roger pirates is the god of luck and travelers and distracting so many gods from his normal waiter from Baratie who is the god of the ocean. Also Buggy keeps riling up Luffy and splitting apart to escape the sun god. Also he distinctly remembers Ace showing off his godly body at Marineford and watches him shoot off with the blond a few times. Sabo, the chief of staff for the revolutionaries for heaven's sake straight up attacks several gods for getting too handsy with his husband. Mihawk calls Shanks later and asks if he knew Buggy was a god like Luffy or Ace and the silence from Shanks on the other end of the denden is very telling as Crocodile is screaming next to him about how many gods there are and the strawhat crew has. This is a true test of will for them.
(I just had to make buggy the god of luck and travelers it's so him I'm not sorry)
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sullina · 7 months
IT WAS A SIMPLE CONCEPT OF "there's a big bad thing. Our heroes have to fight it, using the unconventional method of expressing ones emotions in a healthy way" AND THIS IS SO GOOD
and even just what we GOT from Hanazuki already speaks of the potential the show had!
there's Hanazuki, obv, who's a healthy moonflower. She can grow treasure trees with little difficulty, and she can grow just about every kind of treasure tree.
Kiazuki, presumably, used to be a lot like Hanazuki, but she was unable to grow even a single treasure tree, so the "big bad" got her moon and all her little guys, except for one, are gone. From what I remember of the show, i can extrapolate, that either the big bad got her too soon, destroying her moon before she was able to grow a treasure tree. And since all "little guys" represent the range of emotions and are, presumably, supposed to help moonflowers grow treasure trees, Kiazukis little guys were probably lost sometime between after she came into existence and before the big bad got her moon. This loss left her depressed and angry and cold, effectively cutting her off from her ability to grow any treasure trees at all. And then Kiazuki meets Hanazuki and she's the villain for a while, but once they become friends, Kiazuki relearns, or rather learns for the first time, how to feel emotions. You don't see this kind of character arc often. We don't know exactly what happened, except for the fact that her moon was destroyed, but it's pretty obvious that it was traumatic for her, but instead of being reduced to the perfect victim, Kiazuki was made cold and angry and a villain. And only when this is acknowledged (by Hanazuki in this case) does she start to heal from it. And just as important is how Hanazuki, instead of getting angry with her and pushing her away indefinitely, instead showed understanding and helped her, even when Kiazuki stole Hanazukis treasure trees. It would've been easy for Hanazuki and the show to just dismiss Kiazuki as a cold hearted villain with evil intentions, but they didn't. And I just love that so much.
Then, in a similar strain to Kiazuki, there's Kiyoshi. He experienced a different kind of trauma to her, where instead of outside forces taking everything away, his own friends betrayed him and pushed him away. it's been a while since i watched it, but didn't they also, like... have him wanted like a criminal? Pretty harsh stuff anyway. So Kiyoshi, alone and betrayed, he still felt one emotion, but that emotion was sheer hopelessness. It's the only emotion he could feel anymore, because what else was he supposed to do? He was on his own and his former friends turned against him, there was nothing he could do.
Maroshi was introduced fairly late, but it's pretty clear that his way is the path of least resistance. If something bad happens, his go to response is "oh well, nothing I can do" and he gives up. According to the wiki, he didn't have any treasures available to protect his moon with in the first place, which does leave me wondering why? Hanazuki recieved her first treasure pretty much right after she was born, and both Kiazuki and Kiyoshi got plenty of treasures, despite one not being able to grow any and the other only being able to grow black trees. Did little dreamer not give him any on purpose? Did he forget about him? Seems unlikely, but it's pretty obvious that Maroshi wasn't born right before the big bad struck his moon, since him, Kiyoshi and Kiazuki had formed the Garlandians.
Miyumi was introduced last, only appearing in one single episode. Her attitude seems to be denial, since she seems to ignore any problem she comes across until Hanazuki could finally make her open her eyes to the fact that her little guys were being kidnapped. I don't have much to write about Miyumi. I mean, she was in one single episode.
But the introduction of the new unknown villain who kidnapped her little guys was so interesting and could've been so big! ESPECIALLY, because Kiazukis little guys were ALSO kidnapped like that!
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cherriemybaby · 13 days
best friends dad! this will probably have two parts or a few extras and i love them!
you and harry spend a night together after a fight with your best friend aka his son!
warnings:smut, oral f to m and m to f, some body issues (talked about deeper in part two)
you and ben had been bestfriends for as long long as you can remember but that’s it just two close best friends so when he told you he was in love with you.. 30 seconds ago? two hours ago? you weren’t sure all you knew after he muttered out those words you stood staring at him, waiting for that cheeky smile he always supports after telling you a funny joke and then you would both crack up. but that smile never came and his expression never faltered. He just looked at you so.. lovingly? was that it, was he really in love with you and you somehow didn’t see it for the past 6 years.
other friends would joke about it saying how there’s no way you didn’t feel it or apparently didn’t see it when he looked in our direction. but in your eyes you were brother and sister but you know saying that to him would be hurtful and you didn’t want to lose him over this even though you know everything will change once you open your mouth and finally get the courage to respond so instead you stare for a good minute before he breaks the silence
“are you okay.. did i scare you- fuck i shouldn’t have said anything i promised myself i wouldn’t but i just thought maybe you would feel the same i mean you’re always giving me the eyes and telling me how bad the dates you go on are and i just thought it was a hint that you wanted this too”.
ending his rant you look at him a little different this time, he thought you were giving him signs? you were notoriously known for being overly honest, only one or two times did you keep secrets from him. but those things are out of the realm of you two, how do you say “oh yeah i’ve had a huge crush on your dad for the past 6 years and that’s why my dates go horribly” but back to reality you still couldn’t believe what he said
“you thought i.. i mean why would i do that i tell you everything” and yeah maybe that everything was a little over stretched but you couldn’t say that so you stated a broad oversight of what you let him in on.
“i mean yeah maybe i just thought since you’re always looking at me and-“
you huffed “yeah i look at you like i love you because i do, as my best friend as my platonic soulmate i just always thought we shared those feelings and now i just dot know what to do”
the look on his face made everything real he was mad? upset? hurt? all of the emotions and probably ten others
“i can’t believe- they all saw it and i just- whatever y/n honestly whatever i can’t do this right now” he began towards the door of your apartment you wanted to stop him and ask who said what but you just couldn’t bring yourself to move, instead he slammed the door on his way out and you crumbled completely a mess on the floor not knowing what just happened or how you lost the most important person to you.
you sat there for a good amount of time before you hear your phone ding twice and you get a knock at the door, wiping your tears. You stand and look through the peephole in the door, it's harry.
you gasp slightly before grabbing your phone to check the messages which are in fact also harry first asking if you’re okay but second asking if you were home.
your mind is rolling you have no idea why he is here or what he wants, he asked if you were okay but maybe he came by to defend his son? had he seen the “looks” ben convinced had been so obvious, you didn’t know but you knew you had to face the music so you opened the door and were met with harry looking distraught?
“what- what are you doing here, did ben tell you i’m sorry harry i really didn’t know.”
he let you finish before pushing through the door and gathering you in his arms, a bag you now noticed was in his hand, peaking out of the top was light pink daisies, your favorite. “it's not your fault , he started, ben doesn’t know what he was saying i’m do sorry he said that to you and made you feel in the wrong, he called to tell me on his way home from here and i wasn’t thinking i just jumped in the car and made a trader joe’s pit stop”
you pulled away from him slightly to look up at him your brows furrowed, he wasn’t mad, he came over to comfort you? looking into the bag a bit deeper you saw the flowers and your favorite soup dumplings as well as your favorite off brand chips, you looked up at him again now he looks anxious as he awaited your response to it all.
harry you just, why did you do all of this, i guess i was expecting you to come in and give me a lecture about how to treat your son and you just, you brought my favorite things and” he cut you off
“i know how much you love him as a friend and it wasn’t fair of him to say what he did, thankfully he wasn’t in front of me because I would have punched him right there.. i mean he was awful he was so rude saying you’ve been leading him on and i know you, the real true flower loving, soup dumpling loving girl who’s been his biggest cheerleader for years and trust me i know how he feels i would have a crush on you too” he smirks at that while blushing slightly
maybe you’re in a state of shock when you retort, i know how having a crush on one of you always makes me feel special.”
and while maybe this doesn’t feel like a crazy thing to say just hours ago you admitted to one of the styles men that you didn’t have a crush on him so your truth speaks loudly throughout the air making it your turn to blush.
harry doesn't seem scared or shocked by this as he responds “well yeah i mean if we’re telling the truth i’ve always had quite a bit of a crush you”
stepping out of the hold he has kept you in you look down embarrassed by also excited? did he just admit what you’ve kept hidden for so long. at this he gently picks your head up into his palm and swipes his thumb over your lip, it's not much but its enough to make your breath feel heavier. The lust and want in your eyes must be apparent because one more good look at your and he’s leaning down to kiss you. you melt into it as you feel every nerve ending react to him and for the first time in your life you feel the once imaginary fireworks.
he drops the bag on the floor and moves to take off his coat, his mouth never leaving yours, he reaches down to your hips pulling you further into him as he deepens the kiss, squeezing you tight in his grasp the slight pleasurable pain has you gasping allowing him to incorporate his tongue which moves against yours perfectly making you whither which each flick it has in your mouth. you reach your hands out tugging at his shirt, only leaving his mouth astray for a moment before you pounce back onto him jumping up so he could carry you. he walks backwards slightly before pulling away and smiling, “i was thinking i could be sexy like the man in the movies who magically knows where your room is but all i see is you and three closed doors and i believe walking us into the toilet may turn you off a bit” you laugh loudly throwing your head back “ last door on the right “
he nods curtly with a small smile and it's times like these where you remember just how much you like him. every time you would enter his house and he would take your coat and insist you sit immediately, never wanting you to lift a finger while in his company and while nice he sadly raised his son to be the same which made earlier all the more difficult and with this in mind your heart stops.
you can never go back from this, it’s not that you don’t want it, it's that you absolutely do and you know you can never go back, if ben found out i would kill him especially after his recent confessions, but you shake those thoughts away as you look back at harry carrying you to your bedroom and you know when that door opens and all of your fantasies come alive you won’t care about what’s right and wrong just that the man in front of you will make doing all of those bad things feel so right, so much so that you might be convinced it’s all good but definitely not pure.
he pushes the door open and steps in, kissing you again for a moment before sitting on the bed making you straddle him, harry reaches down and grabs the bottom of your shirt to tug it up and over your head leaving you more breathless before and well now shirtless.
he begins kissing down your neck and just like that all of your thoughts of ben and the argument drift away as if it never happened at all.
“harry” you whine out as he continues sucking and kissing all of your pressure points he somehow has found, a low sound, a growl? a moan possibly escapes him
“hearing you moan my name that way is making me crave you more somehow and i know now more than every i don’t want you moaning another mans name ever again” the sudden possessive tone he has turns you on more, reaching down you begin to unbutton his pants before pulling the zipper down in a swift manner.
“get me out baby i wanna see what you look like with your mouth stuffed full”
you audibly whine as you pull him out he’s large to say the least, at least 7 inches with a pretty pink tip that’s already leaking for you. you lean in and put him in your mouth, just the tip at first
“fu-fuck baby, please give me more of your mouth you’re so warm i might not last long” you want to giggle at that because he already looks so fucked out and you wonder how long it’s been for him, but you do as he commands while taking him deeper until your nose is almost touching him.
he whines and gasps, wrapping his hand tightly around your hair before murmuring ‘m gonna fuck your mouth is that okay sweetheart” you hum around him since your ability to do much else has been taken away
he starts off slow, guiding you up and down is cock but before long he’s moving you faster, deeper, so so deep you think it's the best thing you’ve ever felt, you’re getting drenched without stimulation. he groans deeply and you know he’s almost there
he looks down at you, pausing your movements momentarily, “is it alright if i finish in your mouth, i can pull out if you’d like just want you to be comfy”
it would be sweet if his cock wasn’t down your throat, so instead you pull off for a moment looking into his eyes, “yes please wanna taste it” he takes a breath before leaning down to pull you into a kiss
“okay m’gonna finish if you keep talking like that, get back down there and finish what you started” you giggle for a moment leaving one last peck on his lips then slowing sinking down to your spot in between his legs.
taking him back into your mouth, you suck hard wanting his come down your throat, with other guys you never felt this urge and want to see them come undone so deeply but with harry all you want is for him to feel good so you continue sucking and licking him so deep in your throat before he’s finishing for you
“fuck angel please m’righ there right there for you just keep going please” his words turn into a mingle of whining and begging all the way through his orgasm, you pull off when he’s down before sticking your tongue out to show him the mess then bringing it back into your mouth to swallow the rest and sticking it back out to show him just how well you took it all.
he groans at this lifting you back up into your straddling him again “you’re so fucking hot i think i might get hard again” you giggle at that “so proud you baby took me so well, i think you deserve a treat of your own” your heart falters a bit at this, you loved your body.. well it's a temple and it keeps you protected and all of those things but there’s hesitation about someone you’ve waited for seeing you like this, would he be disappointed?
the look on your face must tell the whole story as he grips your face in his hand forcing you to look at him “this is about you okay? i would love to see you and i mean all of you but i’m only going to do what you’re ready for, what you’re comfortable with. how bout we lay down for a bit and relax maybe talk maybe put on a record and just enjoy each others company”
you smile at this, as you’re pretty sure you’ve never wanted something more than to just lay in a bed domestically with harry after a long day and listen to a record. so that’s what you do, for probably an hour you laugh and lay and talk about everything from music to tv shows and don’t forget the animals you want once you’re out of a ten foot apartment. and it feels nice, it feels right.
a break in the conversation comes before harry is caressing your leg, your thigh more like it and somewhere in the conversation you decided to take off your jeans because they were uncomfortable right? definitely not because you wanted to slowly start taking clothes off, maybe to tell him you were ready, maybe not? okay yeah definitely you were trying to send signs.
so back to him caressing your thigh, to make it more obvious you slowly spread them allowing him to stroke deeper, closer to your spot that aches so so goodbadgoodbadgood you can’t tell anymore.
he chuckles lowly “I can tell what you’re doing baby, just tell me what you want and i’ll give it to you” . You look up at him trying to find the words to describe the ache and the need but all you say is “touch me please?” this elicits another chuckle “where” he whispers “my- umm my pussy” he takes you aback when you feel a light slap on your inner thigh
“you’re missing something little girl try again” you whine “touch my pussy harry” after a moment his hand in the air like a warning you whisper “please”
“good girl bunny knew you were my good girl” you want to smile but instead of happy it makes you crave him more. he slides himself down further on the bed before coming face to face with your heat, he wraps your legs around his neck before tracing an outline slowly, teasingly around your panty line
you huff loudly earning another slap “be patient let me enjoy this okay?” you nod not wanting him to back away and decide to no longer pleasure you how you want
he finally after a lifetime grips the top of your underwear slowly dragging it down your body and finally throwing it off the bed.
he leans in getting closer to your pussy until he finally places a small kiss right atop your clit, you whine tugging at his hair , urging, begging for more.
finally his teasing tops and he dives in enjoying tasting you, you feel foolish for believing you could come already but it's been a long time, too long, way too long. as he continues you feel your orgasm getting closer.
”harry please i’m right there, just need to come - fuck!” you yell out as you come undone for him, he licks you up until you’re shaking from overstimulation.
smirking to himself he runs into the bathroom to grab a towel to wipe you down and before leaving a kiss on your inner thigh, you whine slightly and he playfully bites down. you lay back watching him go back into the bathroom, although you should feel bliss and have no thoughts, you have every thought. would this happen again? was it a one time thing? so when he walks back in, you don’t notice too caught up in your own thoughts.
”what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours” he whispers while laying down next to you, pulling you in for a cuddle
you sigh, “i know i shouldn’t be thinking about what this means but i just want to know where your head is, i mean if its a one time thing that's okay, i guess i always thought of you more than that but i would understand if-“
he cuts you off with a peck, looking into your eyes. “its not a one time thing for me i’ve had a crush on you forever, lets worry about it in the morning yeah?”
you smile up at him letting yourself relax slightly as he pulls you in farther and you drift off to sleep, you'd figure it out in the morning, right?
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avonne-writes · 2 months
Hi! I want to start by saying that I love your writing, it's well-planned and easy to follow, but captivating and detailed at the same time, and I've spent so much time rereading your works that it's honestly embarassing, but I can't help myself, because each time I find some other detail to focus on, which makes it all worthwhile.
But I wanted to ask about your HS AU - specifically about the other canon characters from MOTA. I remember you mentioned that they (Brady, Benny, Curt, and all the others) don't know the severity of Gale's home situation, only that he spends a lot of time at Bucky's. But they surely had to notice something? Especially after the events of "Broken Things"? Maybe they didn't know about the situation in details, but if the boys (or just Gale) missed school in that period of 10 days between "Broken Things" and "Silence", they must have asked questions? They must have sent messages to both of them? Maybe Gale and John tried to cover it with an illness or a roadtrip or something, but there must have been times, after he came back to school, when he didn't feel quite like himself, and when Bucky was visibly distraught when Gale wasn't near or when he was more quiet than usual, etc. Sorry for rambling, I'm just very curious, in general, if they ever suspected something, or how Gale and John handled that at school, with their closest friends?
For satisfying my curiosity, thanks in advance <3
Hi dear, thank you for the ask! ❤️ Nothing makes me happier than to hear that you guys are enjoying my stories. These were great questions!
Gradually, their friends became more aware of Gale's family issues as Gale's mental health started to deteriorate before Broken Things. They put two and two together and filled the gaps - sometimes incorrectly - with their own assumptions.
When Gale cracks, there's no hiding it, but Gale and Bucky try not to share how bad it got.
Bucky goes back to school on day 2 after it happens but Gale is absent for a few more days. Their friends can already tell from Bucky’s agitated, sleep-deprived, unusually quiet behaviour that something is very wrong. To their questions, he just says that Gale is away because of family issues.
Some of the boys message Gale, but Gale brushes them off. He pretends it's a much less serious issue than it actually is.
When Gale comes back to school, their friends are ready to move on and carry on as usual, but they can tell that Gale is not okay. He goes through all the motions but his and Bucky's interactions give it away, because they're not as playful as usual. Constant worried looks from Bucky, half-embraces that look more protective than possessive, quiet affection instead of over the top flirting.
The boys are all texting each other separately to discuss what's going on. Bucky told one of them that Gale moved in with him, Gale told someone else that he just didn't want to feel anything anymore.
It's Curt who eventually takes the plunge, texts Gale and finds a way to stir the conversation to what happened, and then he doesn’t let up. He tells Gale that they're his friends and worry about him.
This is all through text, which is lucky for Curt because that's why Gale is eventually able to open up a bit. He says that he considered taking his life and that's why he needed things to change. He still paints a less severe picture than reality, but it's better than nothing. He gives Curt permission to tell the others but also says he doesn’t want to talk about it.
The issues John and Gale struggle with for the rest of Year 12 affect their friend group negatively. With some other things (like new girlfriends, university plans etc.) also pulling them away, it becomes less tight-knit than it used to be, and they don't hang out as often as in the past. Their paths diverge, and it's mostly just Bucky-Curt and Bucky-Brady who stay in touch regularly after high school.
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LETS GET THEM MARRIED ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️
144 for ⚡️:
“Thank you,” Buck tells him when he breaks the kiss. “For talking sense into me.”
Eddie lays back down next to him.
“You want to know what I was thinking?” 
“What?” Buck asks. 
“How would Hen handle you?” 
Buck bursts out laughing. “Fewer kisses and sweet remarks, I think.”
“Well, okay. It’s a modified version.”
Bobby knocks on their door before they even have a chance to eat breakfast. Which is bad, because no one has had coffee and Buck slept terribly. But good, because it can only mean that something has happened. 
“I have a venue for you,” Bobby announces, grinning smugly, as Eddie hands him a mug of coffee. Like Buck’s insistence one couldn’t be found was a challenge he could personally overcome.
Buck blinks. “Wh-what? How?”
“I stayed up late calling Department contacts,” Bobby explains. “They got me in touch with the LAFD Historical Society.”
“Historical Society?” Eddie asks, dubious. “Are we getting married in a classroom?”
Bobby smirks. Oh, he is enjoying Eddie’s doubt. Damn. 
“Why, yes, Eddie.” He says, delighted. “The same Historical Society that operates the LAFD Museum in Hollywood.”
Buck ‘s jaw drops so quickly Eddie’s afraid it’s going to fall off. 
“No,” he gasps. 
Bobby grins. “Yes.” 
“A museum?” Eddie asks.
“Bobby, that’s the coolest thing I’ve ever heard!” Buck practically squeals.
“A firefighting museum?” Eddie asks again. 
“Yes, Eddie!” Buck says, a little shortly. Like he’s miffed Eddie isn’t also trembling with excitement. “You know this museum! I’ve taken Chris.”
Right. Because Eddie remembers every nerdy thing they’ve ever done without him.
“Yes,” he says anyway. “Of course.”
“Bobby, how?” Buck asks. “And can we afford it?”
“Well, that’s the best part,” Bobby says. “It’s free.”
“Free?” Eddie asks. Fuck nerdy. This museum sounds great. 
“Free,” Bobby repeats. 
“How is that possible?” Buck asks.
“Okay,” Bobby’s expression switches to nervous for the first time. “So I might have milked it a little. Heroic queer firefighting couple who have been shot, crushed, and struck by lightning for this Department, only to have to put out the fire at their venue days before their own wedding…”
“Oh my god,” Eddie mumbles.
“Yes!” Buck exclaims. “Wax poetic about us! We deserve it!”
Eddie thinks this is truly something Buck would only ever say under the pressures of wedding stress. 
Bobby chuckles. “So it’s free. For your service to the city.”
That’s… That’s actually pretty fucking cool? Not that he’s ever thought of them as a heroic queer firefighting couple before. Whatever. He’ll take it for the hundred percent discount. 
“Bobby,” Buck says, eyes tearing up. “Oh my god.”
Bobby smiles triumphantly. “I had a feeling you’d like it.”
“It’s like… It’s like the coolest thing ever.” 
In that moment, Eddie thinks Bobby looks more like a dad trying hard to impress his kid more than he’s ever seen. He knows that exact feeling. Like you’d do anything, move a fucking mountain with your bare hands, just to see your kid smile. Damn it. Why don’t those two just call this what it is? They’re worse than Buck and Eddie were. 
“I’m happy it’s a good substitute,” Bobby says.
“Are you kidding? It’s better!” Buck proclaims.
Bobby grins.
Eddie feels a profound sense of relief. A restaurant wedding is more his style than a museum wedding, to be honest. But Buck had been so distraught. Seeing him this excited? That feels like a supreme win. 
“Thank you, Bobby,” Eddie says. “Seriously. I can’t believe it’s even available at such short notice.”
“Yeah, I couldn’t either,” Bobby admits. “Funny thing… There was a big birthday party there, but it got canceled. Same day. Life’s funny like that, I guess.”
The thought crosses Eddie’s mind without permission.
 It’s meant to be. 
Oh. Oh, boy. He’s not used to having thoughts like that. But it feels true, doesn’t it? That Buck would get this sort of dream venue, instead of nothing? 
Eddie feels a strange emotion overcome him. 
“Wow,” Buck says. “Okay. Amazing! We just have to get decorations and stuff sorted, then. Right?”
Another smug smile from Bobby.
“Your sisters are already on the job.” 
The night before their wedding, they go out with their families for a nice dinner. They didn’t want to do the whole big wedding week of preparations. Mainly the expenses. So they’re not having a proper rehearsal dinner. Just a dinner they booked months ago at a place that serves handmade pasta that Buck personally thinks is to die for. 
He’s feeling a lot more relaxed about everything. Or, less catastrophic anyway. As excited as he is for the museum, he’s still nervous that it’s not what they’d planned. That he doesn’t have a clear image in his brain. That things need to be delivered to a new address. But overall, he thinks he somehow scored the coolest wedding ever. 
Well, not somehow. Bobby. Bobby did that for them. Buck and Eddie would have never thought of it. Or have the necessary connections, likely. 
Buck finds himself watching Bobby a fair amount during that dinner. He’s chatting easily with Eddie’s father. Saying something that makes Ramon laugh. Across the table, Buck can’t quite hear it. 
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