#like i know nature girl said christmas is her least favorite holiday because she can hear the trees scream
azurecoffin · 2 months
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hi who wants to hear my crackship of nature girl x dryad
plz I think the way out of nature girl's emo phase is sapphics hear me out plz
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ororowrites · 4 years
By the Open Fire - Yahya x Black Character
I’m getting back into the writing spirit and decided to write a little Christmas one-shot about my latest celebrity crush. Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa and Happy Holidays! 
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Warnings: Very, very, light smut, fluffy as hell
Word Count: 2,664
Six months was entirely too long to be away from the love of her life. 
Candace tapped the tip of her pen against the blank page, hoping her writer’s block would magically disappear. Being an actress was so much easier than trying to write a novel. Why didn’t Candace just stick to her day job? Since the pandemic began, she was trying her hand at other talents and writing a novel seemed to be the one wish on her wish list that stood out. On top of Yahya being out of the country filming for most of the year, Candace was in search of a way to fight a depression that was on the brink of flooding her life. Her filming project had come to a halt until 2021 and she was stuck in her Manhattan apartment until it was safe to come out again.
Yahya would be home in a couple of days and Candace was looking forward to his arrival. So many months a part made her heart ache and the heart below her waist. After hundreds of facetime calls, numerous texts a day and a few Zoom sessions that included their shared friends, her man would be there in the flesh. 
“Fuck,” Candace cursed under her breath. The block wasn’t budging, forcing the actress to give up and retreat to the kitchen for wine. Her phone rang, interrupting her attempt to brainstorm for the next chapter in her book. “You always call at the perfect time,” she groaned at her twin sister on the other end of the line. 
“Candy, you can never just say hello like a normal human,” Trinity laughed. “But did mama call you with the latest gossip?” 
“No, but she’s been texting me all damn day. I’ve been busy so I haven’t checked them yet. Wassup,” she pressed, knowing the gossip was most likely church related. Their mother had been an usher at the same church since they were nine. 
“Girl,” Trinity exclaimed, before explaining the recent Chicago gossip. “Mrs. Jackson got caught cheating with James. Someone saw them out at the park together, kissing up on each other and all that.” 
“Ewww, in this panoramic,” Candace gagged. “I’m not shocked though. That old floozy was always flirting with daddy and almost made mama beat her ass one Easter Sunday. Remember that?” 
Trinity cackled, “Boooooy, mama was about to peel that woman’s skin back and break her neck. Ol’ girl was trying it that day and knows she is too old to still be acting like that. But enough about Florence, what have you been up to today? Ain’t your man on his way back to New York?” 
 Candace rolled her eyes because she knew where this conversation was going. Her sister had four children, leaving Candace the only childless sibling left in the pack of five children. 
“He’ll be back in two days and then we’re going to Colorado for Christmas. Since we can’t gather for the holidays, figured we’d go somewhere where we can safely distance ourselves but still get away. You know,” Candace said, swirling the wine around in her glass before taking a sip. 
“Mmmhhhhmmm. You gon’ get knocked up in them mountains,” Trinity added in a serious tone. “You two renting out a cabin or something up there?” 
“Ain’t nobody getting knocked up until she has a ring on her finger. Yes, we’re getting a cabin and just chillin’ out. Yahya has been working and needs a break. I’ve been....lonely.” Candace paced her kitchen, trying to think of an excuse to end this call before her twin irritated her soul. 
“Ya’ll haven’t seen each in months, he’s going to tear--�� 
“Trin!” One major difference between the two of them was the lack of filter on Trinity’s part. The woman would say anything in front of anyone. “Look, I need to go straighten up before before Yah gets here. I’ll talk to you later?” 
Trinity sighed loudly on the other end because she knew her sister was rushing her off the call. Not liking people in her relationship business bugged Trinity because she was the nosey twin that wanted to know everything, much like their mother. “Well at least you won’t be needing to replace the batteries in that vibrator any time soon since the real Dr. Manhattan is back in the picture.” Before Candace could reply to the vulgar comment, Trinity squeezed out a quick ‘love you’ before hanging up. 
“Nasty ass,” Candace rolled her eyes and placed the phone back in the pocket of her jeans. 
The next two days were the same song. Candace’s brain did not want to focus on writing, so she eventually gave up and settled on online shopping to ease her frustration. The night her beautiful man was supposed to return, the actress fell asleep on the couch. His flight had been delayed by a couple of hours and he didn’t make it home until 3AM. 
He quietly entered the apartment, knowing Candace could never stay awake past twelve. The 6′3 actor, tip toed across the floor doing his best ballerina impression. Light snores could be heard over the infomercial playing on the television. She looked peaceful, almost child-like curled up on the sofa under her favorite coral throw. Yahya slowly leaned in, placing a soft kiss on Candace’s pouted lips. She stirred slightly, mumbling under her breath and fell back into a slumber. 
“Baby,” he sung into her ear, placing another kiss on her cheek. 
“Hmm.” Candace finally opened her eyes to see her Christmas gift standing right in front of her. Even with blurred vision, the smell of his cologne was a dead giveaway. She screeched and scurried to her feet to throw her arms around Yahya’s neck. Naturally, her legs wrapped around his waist as he rocked them back and forth. “I missed you so much.” 
“I missed you too,” he grunted, peppering Candace’s face in kisses. “My baaaaaaby,” Yahya sang as they fell to the sofa in a heap of long limbs. “It smells good in here, what you cook?” 
“Negro, you’re always looking for the food. Ol’ hungry ass,” Candace shook her head and playfully punched her lover’s bicep. “But, I saved you some fried rice and shrimp...homemade because that’s the only dish I’m good at.” 
“Oh, that’s not the only dish you’re good at,” he bit his lip, pulling Candace into a slow, passionate kiss, showing her how much he really missed her. With both of them being in the industry, they understood the heartache that came with being in a relationship and not seeing your significant other for weeks or months at a time. In this case, their time away from each other was extended due to the pandemic. “Mmmmm,” Yahya hummed into Candace’s lips before pulling away. He wanted to save the X-rated loving for their trip when he would have more time to rest and beat the severe jet lag from flying across the world for 12 hours. 
“We should get some food in this belly, babe,” Candace couldn’t contain the big cheesy grin that made her cheeks hurt. 
Christmas Eve 
Toni Braxton’s sultry voice filled the cabin as Yahya finished pouring the wine for their night cap. They had a busy day on the slopes trying not to kill themselves or break any bones. 
“Baby, where your fine ass at,” Yahya called out, making his way to the living room. The fireplace crackled, sending waves of heat throughout the cabin’s living area. The sun had set, but the mountains were still glowing against the dark sky. Their view was impeccable and the mood was set for a night of bonding and loving. “Candy, don’t make me come get you.” He warned playfully, sitting in front of the fire on their floor palette they had built earlier that night. 
“What was that,” Candace teased, stopping in the doorway getting a front row view of Yahya’s bare upper half. His back muscles bulged as he tended to the fire. 
“You back there sleeping, old lady,” he asked, with his back still turned away from her. 
“No, I was back there wrapping one last gift,” she replied, her voice dropping an octave prompting Yahya to turn around. 
His eyes almost fell out of his head, “Damn girl.” Pulling his bottom lip into his mouth, he moved forward, inspecting the gift that was screaming to be unwrapped. “This all for me?” 
“Every inch of it.” Her words almost came out as a moan. The way this man was eyeing her had moisture pooling between her legs. The fancy lingerie wouldn’t last long at this rate. Words became an afterthought when actions began to do all the talking. All it took was a soul turning kiss to send them both to the floor on their palette in front of the fireplace. Candace couldn’t tell if the fire had her skin tingling or the anticipation of having his hands rubbing over the most sensitive parts of her body. The wine and fruits sitting on the mantle quickly became an afterthought. 
For minutes, they enjoyed exploring each other and parts they hadn’t touched in months. Yahya was nestled between Candace’s thighs, both of them breathless and horny. Candace’s lace get up was quickly removed and thrown to the side. She giggled when his lips grazed her belly button, those giggles soon turning into pants and whispered obscenities. With gentle licks, he coaxed her clit out of its hood.
 Toys were fun but they weren’t the real thing and oh did she miss the real thing. See, the real thing knew exactly how to pull her close to the edge before sending her back. Her man’s skilled tongue sank deeper drawing intricate patterns in her center as she massaged the top of his head with her fingertips. 
Candace’s breath hitched in her throat and her thighs shook awaiting the impending release. “Jesus,” she moaned as her body suddenly felt light and her center thumped. 
“Still as sweet as I remember,” he grinned, kissing Candace’s inner thigh. 
Another track on their Toni Braxton Christmas playlist began to play and Yahya rested his head on Candace’s stomach. Time was precious and Yahya didn’t want to waste an ounce of the rare quiet moment they had. Soon, they’d both be filming again and the world would be back to normal. 
“What’s on your mind, baby,” Candace asked, her heart and breath back to a steady rhythm. 
“I don’t spend enough time with you. At least not lately,” he began. “I knew what I was getting into when we were back in school. Still makes me feel bad though.” 
“Yah, I enjoy all the moments that we do get to spend together. You’ve been working your ass off this year. Yes, I would love more times like this but we should also celebrate all your accomplishments. Because you’re doing the damn thang and I’m so proud of you.” 
“Thank you. You always say the right shit to get me together,” he chuckled. “Sometimes a nigga just be in his feelings and I missed the hell out of you those six months.” 
“Yeah, six months has never gone by that slowly. You should see my credit card statements. I’ve never purchased that many sex toys in my life,” Candace covered her face with her arm. 
“Word? Well.... you won’t be needing those sex toys for awhile.” 
A smirk formed on her lips when she felt him bump against her thigh, “No, no, you just sit back and relax. I got this.” Sitting up, Candace placed a hand on Yahya’s chest, prompting him to switch her spots. 
“You are beautiful,” Yahya’s eyes gleamed. After all these years, he could still make Candace blush like a little school girl. “Don’t hide that smile, girl.” His large hands massaged her thighs as she eased him inside of her. 
They both exhaled, letting Toni Braxton serenade them through the night.
Christmas Morning
They had finally made it to bed and got a few hours of sleep before Christmas morning arrived and it was time to get up for their next day of adventures. 
First, they needed to re-fuel their bodies after the festivities that took place the night before in front of the fireplace and in the bedroom. The shower also got some of their loving that morning. Candace could hear Yahya singing his own version of Joy to the World while whipping up his famous oatmeal. That man never knew the words to any song but sung his own words with all the confidence in the world. 
“Yah, do you ever know the words,” Candace questioned, placing a quick kiss on his cheek before grabbing a bowl from one of the kitchen shelves. 
“Nope,” he replied in a matter of fact tone. “It’s the Abdul-Mateen version.”
“Uh huh, sure.” 
Over breakfast, they continued joking about Yahya’s talent of making up his own versions of songs. Joy and love was on full display. They had always been the couple to roast each other and the next minute adore each other like the two biggest saps in the world.. Their relationship was built on a strong friendship they developed while they were in film school before reconnecting a few years later. 
They walked a short distance to one of the coffee shops near their cabin to grab hot chocolate. It was a chilly 45 degrees, but to avoid sitting in the shop, they walked back to their rental, taking a scenic route that Yahya suggested. 
“If we get lost or I end up falling off one of these mountains, I hope my family doesn’t kill you,” Candace joked, admiring the beautiful scene before them. 
“Oh, I know where we are. I was out here early yesterday morning trying to find the perfect spot,” Yahya replied. 
“Huh, perfect spot for what?” 
He didn’t answer right away and instead reached for Candace’s hand, stopping her in her tracks. “Something I’ve been wanting to do for awhile.” Placing his cup on one of the rocks, Yahya pulled a box from his pocket and got down on one knee. 
“What...what...” For once, Candace was speechless and caught completely off guard. 
“It’s hard as hell to surprise you and I’ve been trying to think of the perfect time to do this without your nosey ass finding out.” Tears began to flow down Candace’s cheeks. “We’ve been at this for a few years and I’ve had some of my best moments with you by my side. I want to make what we have forever.” He opened the small box to reveal a beautiful emerald cut ring. “Say love... would you marry me?” 
Being the goofball that she was, Candace laughed between her tears “You’re trying to get me pregnant on this trip, aren’t you?” 
“Well that can be arranged if you say yes.” 
“Ye...yes, of course!” Her vision blurred as Yahya slid the rock on her finger and stood to his feet to kiss his future bride. Moments later Yahya’s phone rang with an incoming Facetime call. 
“Hey Trinity, hey moms,” Yahya cheesed, turning his phone to share the screen with Candace. “Looks like you two aren’t getting rid of me anytime soon.” 
“She said yes,” Trinity screamed, jumping up and down with their mother. “Aye, aye, ayyyeeeeee.” 
Still in complete shock and happiness overflowing, Candace shrieked, “Wait, you two knew about this the entire time!” 
“Yep! It’s been burning my ass to keep this secret from you all this time,” Trinity teased, sticking out her tongue. “He took mom with him to ring shop last year and everything.” 
“Welcome to the family, son. Congratulations baby,” Ms. Fredrick sang, clapping for the happy couple on the other end of the call. 
“Now, I hope you two are using protection out there because having a baby before the wedding is-” 
“Trinity,” Candace called out, shaking her head. 
They should have followed Trinity’s advice because approximately two months later..... 
Hope you all enjoyed! This is the first piece I’ve written in a year. I have no idea if I’ m going to continue the stories I began before my hiatus, yet. But, we will explore that in the coming year! Who knows, we may get more Candace and Yahya depending on how hard writer’s block slaps me. May the new year bring you all peace and joy! 
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master-sass-blast · 4 years
*tosses escapism fic into the void* yeet.
Summary: You and Piotr go Christmas shopping and enjoy the holiday season. 
That's it. That's all that's happening. You're welcome.
Pairing(s): Piotr Rasputin x Reader and mentioned Illyana Rasputin x Kitty Pryde.
Rating: G.
Word Count: 2k precisely.
Set after “It’s Truly Magical.”
A/N: On the off-chance someone asks or is worried, yes, there are no mentions of masks or social distancing in this fic. That's because, in this fic, there is no COVID (ergo, no need for masks and such). I'm just not dealing with it in my fanfic as well. I won't. You can't make me.
Wear your fucking masks irl pls and thank u.
Taglist:  @marvel-is-perfection, @chromecutie, @girl-obsessed-with-things, @super-darkcloudstudent, @dandyqueen, @leo-writer
“What a bright time, it's the right time/ To rock the night away/ Jingle bell time is a swell time/ To go glidin' in a one-horse sleigh…”
You inhale deeply, then smile. The smells of fresh pretzels and pine –the latter is likely a fake scent that the stores use, but it’s still good—tantalize your nose. You tuck your hat and gloves in your purse, then look over at your husband. “Where all are we going?”
“Ah…” Piotr scans his list –which has notes on which stores to check and what order the stores are laid out in the mall, so as to streamline things. “Kitty said she did not want gifts because she does not celebrate Christmas, so we are just shopping for… my family and Russell. You said you already bought gifts for your dad and Wade?”
“Yup,” you say with a grin. Nate’s easy to shop for –ammo, clothes, and the odd book or two are usually all he want—and for Wade you just find the weirdest stuff listed on Amazon. “And I already sent my uncle a gift from us, so we don’t have to worry about him.”
Piotr nods, ‘hmm-ing’ as he makes a note on his list. “Okay.” He mumbles in Russian under his breath, then says, “Mama had no list this year; I think we start with her first since figuring out gift will take longer.”
“That’s fine. Where should we start?”
“I think bookstore is best bet. From there, we can stop by Hot Topic and candle shop for snezhinka, then Game Stop for Mikhail.”
“Sounds good.” You link your arm through his and smile up at him. “Lead the way, babe.”
 You glance between the piles of books on the table, then at your husband, who looks like he’s about to pull his hair out. “Do you think that, just maybe, you’re overthinking this? Just a little?”
“This is important,” Piotr insists as he skims through books from various areas of Barnes and Noble –cooking, history, fiction; he’d grabbed at least one book from nearly every section. “She has specific tastes. Cannot be just any old book.”
You purse your lips together. You don’t doubt that Alexandra has particular tastes in reading material –as a woman from her walk in life is bound to have—but you’re also certain that she wouldn’t want her son driving himself insane just to pick a present for her. You sit down next to Piotr and gently put your hand on his arm. “Sweetheart. She’s going to like whatever you get her.”
“Not necessarily. I have seen her toss many books aside with scoff and never pick them up again.”
“Okay, why?”
He shrugs. “Realism. She thinks some authors are ‘too indulgent’ or ‘too unrealistic.’”
“Alright, so maybe we leave out the crime and romance stuff,” you suggest, setting the few books he’d grabbed from those areas aside. “What does she like to do?”
Piotr goes quiet. His expression grows ashen as he contemplates the question. “I… don’t know.”
“Does she like to cook? Or draw? Or watch certain types of shows or movies?”
“I don’t know,” he repeats, more insistent. “She…” He sighs. “She never sits still. I don’t think any shows or movies interest her. When I was child, she always worked. On farm, taking care of animals, helping workers, making food, balancing accounts, translating letters and schoolwork… I never saw her rest. Do something for herself.”
You let out a soft snort. “Maybe a book on meditation.”
Piotr rolls his eyes, grinning. “Perhaps not.”
“Who does she like to be around, then?”
“Otets.” Piotr smiles when the answer comes easily. “She and my father” –he holds up two crossed fingers—“are like this. Aside from siblings and me, I think he is only person she is really close to.”
“Alright, maybe a cookbook, then. That’d give them something to do together.”
Piotr nods, then starts looking through the cookbooks he’d picked. “Question is, which one?”
“Well, we know she likes to stay busy and keep moving. Maybe something that’d challenge their skills? Something they haven’t tried?” You hold up a book boasting ‘rich and authentic Middle Eastern recipes.’ “This could be good. I think they’d have access to most of the ingredients, here in New York.”
He nods again, then sets the aforementioned book aside before checking over the other ones. “I think…” He lifts a hardcover thriller novel off the table. “She likes mysteries. This one has good reviews… maybe…”
You gently take the book from his hands and set it atop the Middle Eastern cookbook. “I think it’s a great choice.”
He smiles, then kisses your cheek. “Spasibo, myshka.”
 “Bozhe moi.”
You giggle as the two of you step over the threshold of the Yankee Candle store, only for Piotr to recoil and take a step back. “You good there, baby?”
He presses his fingers against the sides of his nose. “Is like… assault of smells.”
“I know.” You inhale deeply, them flash him an impish smile. “Isn’t it great?” 
Piotr groans, still rubbing his sinuses. “Do you mind—”
“I’ll find a candle for Illyana. Wanna meet up in Gamestop?”
“Spasibo, dorogoy.”
You blow him a kiss, then head into the candle store. You take a couple minutes to peruse the holiday display at the front of the store –and grab a couple votives for you and Piotr to enjoy—before heading towards the back of the store, where all the shelves of their regular candles are. You pause to smell your favorites –seriously, the McIntosh apple one never fails to make your mouth water—before taking a step back to survey your options. Alright, what to get for a mildly angsty, queer Russian goth?
It’s not as straightforward as it sounds (har har). Illyana’s an enigma, much like her mother. She’s quiet, keeps to herself, and doesn’t usually bother with convention.
Do I go for aesthetic? You pick up a pitch black candle labeled “Midnight Forest” and give it a cursory sniff. Ugh, smells like ass. No, thank you.
You also have to consider that whatever you get is likely going to be smelled by Kitty, too. As much as Illyana marches to the beat of her own drum, she’s surprisingly conscientious of her bubbly, energetic girlfriend.
Maybe something natural? Like the farm? You try a few options, wrinkling your nose after each sniff. God, what is it with the fresh scents and smelling heinous? You debate texting Piotr and dragging him back in here, if only so you’re certain you’ll get something Illyana would like—
And then it hits you over the head like a brick.
She’s gonna use these for meditation. You head down the rows of shelves, grab a jar labeled “Vanilla,” and give it a smell. Perfect. Not too strong, not too bland. You grab a lavender scented tumbler (for relaxation), then snag a pink one that smells like the perfume Kitty favors on a hunch it’ll be a hit.
By the time you pay for yours and Illyana’s candles, Piotr’s already waiting outside the Gamestop for you, bag in hand.
He eyes your bulging bags, eyebrow raising in trepidation. “Why…”
“Look, it’s your fault for abandoning me,” you say before he can point out your lack of self-control. “You know I’m weak for candles.”
Piotr snorts, then sighs. “Fair enough.” He nods and makes approving noises when you show him the picks you made for Illyana, then shows you what he grabbed for Mikhail.
“‘Mister Mosquito?’” You nearly double over laughing. “What even is this?”
“He wanted ‘weird video game,’” Piotr says, shrugging one shoulder. “I figure this should do.”
“He’s gonna love it,” you reassure your husband. “That’s weird as shit.” You start strolling along the main hall of the mall –and then your stomach rumbles. “Can we get pretzels?”
“Da, myshka,” Piotr chuckles, “we can get pretzels.”
 “There'll be parties for hosting/ marshmallows for toasting/ and caroling out in the snow/ there'll be scary ghost stories/ and tales of the glories of/ Christmases long, long ago…”
“It’s the most! Wonderful time! Of the year!” you sing along as you rip another chunk off your pretzel. You smile to yourself as you admire the glittering, twinkling decorations decking the food court. “How’s your pretzel?”
“Very tasty.” Piotr dips a bite of his pretzel in some mustard, pops it in his mouth, then swallows before wiping his fingers on a napkin. “I think we only have handful of stops left.”
“Couple of sweaters for your dad… weird socks and-or scarves for Mikhail…” You lean over, reading off the list in his hand (which is written in a mixture of Russian and English). You take another bite of pretzel, then tap on a portion of blended “Russi-nglish” that you can’t decipher. “What’s that?” you ask once your mouth is clear.
“Random gift options,” he translates. “For filling out presents, stockings, that sort of thing.” He touches the tip of his index finger to the page, moving down the list in order. “Chocolate, books, gift cards. Guaranteed hits, essentially.”
“Ooh, I could go for some chocolate.”
Piotr snorts. “You just had pretzel. And this is for others, myshka.”
“If it’s in the car with me, I make no promises.”
He laughs, then makes an extra note on his list. “Safety chocolate… for myshka. Got it.”
 “Here, dorogoy.”
“Oh, thank you!” You smile as Piotr takes some of the excess bags from your hands, shifting them so he can carry them (which, with his strength and the size of his hands, is no problem at all). You amble along next to him, admiring the various pop-up stands boasting games, calendars, and Christmas-themed treats. “Is there anywhere else we need to stop?”
“I believe we have everything.”
“And I’m guessing we need to head home so we can make dinner?”
“That would be best, da.” Piotr looks down at you, expression curious. “Why? There is somewhere you wish to stop?”
“Eh, not really,” you say with a shrug. “I just like coming to the mall during this time of year. The decorations, the music, the extra stands and seasonal gifts… It just makes me happy.”
“Aah, khorosho. I understand. We can come back later for date, if you like. Take time to walk around and admire stores.”
You grin up at him. “I’d like that.”
The two of you make to head out of the mall, back to the parking lot—
And then Piotr veers towards the right.
“Where are we going?” you ask, giggling as he leads you towards the bookstore. “I thought we already got everything we needed from here?”
He winks at you. “Trip is not complete yet. Not with hot chocolate, anyway.”
You grin and let him guide you over to the café in the bookstore.
Piotr gets you situated at a table near the expanse of windows at the front of the shop. He leaves your bags with you, then leads up at the counter to order your drinks.
You smile, lovestruck as you gaze over at him. How did I get so lucky? You lean back in your seat, taking a moment to admire the snow falling outside before checking out the decorations throughout the store…
Which is when you realize that there’s mistletoe hanging over your table.
You chuckle to yourself. Perfect.
“You are in good mood,” Piotr comments as he returns with two cups of hot chocolate.
“Of course, I am,” you admit with a broad grin. “I’ve got you. And tradition’s on our side.”
Piotr’s smile turns quizzical. He cocks his head to the side, staring at you for a moment, then looks up when you point towards the ceiling. “Ah,” he chuckles, “yes. That is good reason to be happy.”
“I couldn’t agree more.” You hook your finger under the collar of his shirt and gently tug him towards you. “Come here, handsome.”
He lets out a soft, happy giggle and bends down to kiss you.
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lovely-ateez · 4 years
Cold Ice & Warm Hearts~
ꕥPosted: 12/24/20
ꕥGenre: College!au, Christmas Imagine, Fluff
ꕥPairing: FemReader! x Jongho
ꕥWord Count: 1.8k
ꕥWarnings: None
ꕥA/N: I’ve been watching a shit ton of ice skating videos lately so this is the result lol
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Ice skating was my favorite part of the holiday season without a doubt. I was always able to skate more around December since I had a month off from college, which was fantastic. Not to mention that more people would skate than usual, meaning the more people I could teach to skate, feeling pride swell in my chest as I saw them improve.
I was recently gifted a pair of beautiful white ice skates by one of my friends as an early Christmas present. Although the holiday was right around the corner, she said she just couldn’t wait to give them to me, knowing how much I needed new skates.
“You’re completely wearing out your old ones,” She told me, “These will treat you much better.”
Although I very much loved my old pair, I had to admit she had a point. The laces were tearing and the soles were wearing down, making it very difficult to skate without having to stop and adjust them every few seconds.
Tonight I was walking to the outdoor skating rink only a few blocks from my apartment. I lived in a relatively busy city so I expected many people to be there, but I never minded that. It made me happy to see so many enjoying it.
As I walked with my ice skates, my mind wandered. It had been a few months since I last skated and I had been dying to get back. I was slightly nervous; however. I always was if I hadn’t skated in a while. Part of me worried that I would fall as often as I did when I began or forget how to skate all together.
I sat on the benches next to the rink to put my skates on when a deep, attractive laugh caught my attention. I turned my head to the right of the rink, observing the young man it came from. He was about average height and had one of the most endearing smiles I had ever seen. His dark brown hair swayed in the wind as he slightly picked up speed. His long, tan jacket looked warm and for a brief moment I had to refrain myself from thinking about how it would feel to cuddle up next to him.
He was surrounded by four other men, some obviously more skilled than others, but he, himself, wasn’t bad at all. He could skate relatively well and I wondered if he grew up skating like I did. Or maybe he was a natural talent?
His build was strong. I could tell that even with the several layers he was wearing. He certainly wasn’t hard on the eyes, to say the least.
One of the men near him stumbled and fell, the others laughing while the man wearing the tan jacket helped him up, a slight smile on his face but still expressing concern.
He seems kind.
I shook myself from my thoughts and tied the soft white laces of my skates. There were more people on the rink than I expected and it made me smile. Maybe some would find passion in it like I did.
I stepped out on the ice and made several strides, feeling silly for being nervous before. Ice skating was so ingrained in me that I had no reason to be. I moved to the rhythm of the Christmas music playing overhead and felt the world fading away. My worries, fears, stressors—all of it—melted from me as I made laps around the rink, occasionally adding a spin or two.
I was only slightly aware of the people looking in my direction and the gasps in awe being directed towards me. Because honestly, it didn’t matter. I never cared much for the compliments. Sure they were nice, but I skated for myself. To improve myself, not to impress others. Although, perhaps tonight I had a  motive to impress a certain man. Only perhaps.
I slowed down to look at the sky above me. The lights surrounding the rink only a slight distraction from the twinkling stars.
How gorgeous.
Smiling to myself I leisurely spun around, eyes still locked on the sky. I didn’t need to constantly look at the ice to keep my balance. It took some practice, but it became second nature to keep my balance no matter where I was looking.
The slight disappointment I had from being interrupted only lasted for a few seconds until I saw the man I had been admiring in front of me. I blinked a few times, his handsome features up close catching me off guard.
“I hope you don’t mind me asking, but where did you learn to skate like that?”
A wide smile spread across my face at his question, “I grew up skating. I practiced nearly every weekend.”
He nodded, “That’s impressive. Think you could teach me?”
“Teach you what exactly? You seem to have a good grasp on skating already.”
He chuckled and looked down, confidence faltering for only a moment, his gummy smile emerging, “Okay if I’m being honest, that was my best attempt to ask if you’d like to skate with me.”
I raised a brow and looked over to his friends who were giggling in our direction until they were caught off guard by my gaze, quickly averting their eyes.
“Do your friends have anything to do with this?”
“I mean, I suppose a little. I wanted to approach you so they encouraged me. It wasn’t a dare or anything like that if you were wondering.”
“That’s cute of them.” I cocked my head for a moment, “I don’t mind, but are you sure you can keep up? I can’t promise I’ll slow down for you.”
“I can certainly try.”
I nodded and skated off, not waiting for him to join by my side, but knowing he would, and he eventually did.
“So,” I began, “May I have your name?”
“That would probably be useful information, yes.” He laughed, “I’m Jongho. What’s yours?”
I introduced myself and he nodded, a slight smile still on his face.
“You’re really attractive, you know that?”
He flushed, “Wow. Are you always this blunt?”
“Usually,” I shrugged.
“I admire that. I am too, most of the time.”
“Yeah?” I skated slightly ahead of him, turning around and skating backwards, still facing him, “You give off the vibe that you would be.”
His eyes became playful, “What other vibes do I give off?”
“Hmm. You look strong, so maybe you work in construction? Or some other profession that requires physical strength,” I raised my hand to my chin, “Also, I feel like you play an instrument. Maybe you sing? Either way I think you’re musically inclined.”
“You’re wrong with the profession. I’m a college student but I’m on a dance team so it requires strength. Plus I just like working out. You were right about the singing, though. It’s a hobby of mine.”
Jongho once again smiled, but it quickly disappeared and his eyes widened. He reached out towards me grabbing my arms and pulling me close.
“What are you-”
A little girl skated past us at a fast speed, right where I had been before.
My heart was racing, almost to the point of not being able to form words, but I had to thank him, “Oh my gosh thank you.”
“Hey it’s no problem.”
I noticed how close we were, my hands placed on his chest with his arms locked on my back. All at once I felt as if my breath had been taken from me as I looked into his dark eyes. I felt myself being drawn to him, unknowingly leaning in closer.
And then he let me go, skating away from me, “Are you gonna catch up?”
I brought my hands to my cheeks, feeling their heat before shaking it off and skating next to him.
Jongho looked in my direction when I reached his side, “Your cheeks are awfully pink, darling. Are you feeling cold?”
His cocky voice and the pet name caught me off guard and I looked anywhere but him, trying to avoid eye contact.
“Oh don’t get shy now. What happened to the blunt and confident girl I met earlier?”
“She’s blushing right now. And feeling nervous because she thought you were going to kiss her.”
He titled his head, “Did she want that happen?”
“She might have...” I bit my bottom lip and nodded, “She did.”
“Well you’ve gotta take me out to dinner first.” He laughed, “But, I might make an exception for you. On one condition.”
“Which is?”
I noticed he stopped skating and I stopped as well, curious as to what he might want.
“I want to go on a date with you.”
I narrowed my eyes, “You aren’t a player, are you?”
“No, not at all!” Jongho raised his hands in defense, “I just think you’re really beautiful and I’d like to get to know you better.”
I giggled at the compliment, feeling shy, “In that case, I agree to all terms and conditions.”
“Come here, then.”
I skated slightly closer to him, placing my hands on his warm cheeks as I felt his hands rest on my hips.
“I haven’t kissed anyone in a hot minute.” I confessed.
“That makes two of us,” Were his last words as he placed his lips on mine. His lips felt so warm and inviting and only until that moment did I realize how badly I had wanted to kiss him. I pulled him closer to me and kissed him harder, leaving me breathless. Too soon we pulled apart, eyes finding the other’s.
Jongho’s gummy smile appeared and I felt my heart skip. The cheer of several men brought me back to my surroundings.
“Yeah,” Jongho rubbed his neck, looking in their direction, “They’re a bit crazy but you get used to them.”
“I’d like to.”
His eyes warmed and he took my by the hand, “So when are you free? I know a great restaurant that just opened up a week ago. We’ll have to hurry though, Christmas is right around the corner and I’m sure we won’t be able to get in for the next few days.”
“Oh yeah? How about this Friday?”
“What’s your favorite flower?”
I furrowed my brows, “Why?”
“Well if you think that I’m going to show up at your place without bringing you flowers, you’re sadly mistaken.”
I bit my lip again and looked down at the ice, “I tend to like peonys.”
We exchanged numbers and said goodbye far too early for my liking, but his friends began to complain about being hungry, and he caved.
Watching Jongho walk away I decided to head back home. Originally I planned on skating for a while after, but I couldn't seem to concentrate with all the butterflies in my stomach.
Not even halfway back to my apartment I received a text from Jongho, making me smile. 
‘Don’t forget our date!’ He wrote.
‘I’ll be looking forward to it :)’
The butterflies in my stomach returned. Feeling childish with these new emotions, I skipped the rest of the way home with a smile on my face. All but holding my breath for the next time I would see him.
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Hey, Sister (Fred x Reader)
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Summary: Harry’s older sister goes to Beauxbatons and spends the school year at Hogwarts. However you seemed to have met a student who has his eye on you.
Notes: Set in a non Voldemort au. Honestly I came up with this one after I wrote the little sister one where she likes Draco. It’s been in my head ever since, hope you guys enjoy it!
You were a sharp and quippy person when you were a little kid. You got that from James, most definitely. Remus was your favorite of the uncles, him always encouraging you to strive for greatness. James took up a job with the ministry, sometimes having to travel. The family would sometimes get to go with him and that was the case one year in France. You got to see Beauxbatons in person and became HELLBENT on going. James naturally didn’t want you to go, after all you were his babygirl and he didn’t want you that far away. While Lily shared your sentiments, she saw how you looked at the place. She couldn’t tell you know. And we all know Lily runs the Potter household.
So you went, enjoying your time there making friends, having fun and coming back home for the summer and holidays. You loved your little brother and he loved you, telling you of all the fun events in Hogwarts, wishing that you got to see and spend more time with him. This year was different though. You came home for the summer as usual but you didn’t have a ticket to fly back to France. “Y/n, are you not going back to Beauxbatons?” James asked quietly. “We’re participating in the Triwizard tournament this year. We’re going to Hogwarts!” you said making Harry practically scream and hug you. “CAN SHE GO TO THE BURROW WITH ME PLEASE!?” Harry asked almost like a five year old. Lily chuckled. “Alright, but the first two weeks she spends them here. We missed her too y’know.” Lily said making Harry hug you tighter. “Christ for a fourteen year old you’re strong!” you wheezed. “I get that from Quidditch.” Harry said making you roll your eyes. You spent the two weeks at home, telling Remus and Peter all about your time at the school while doing slightly borderline illegal shit with Sirius. Finally though, you went to the Burrow, Harry practically bouncing with excitement. You walked in and Molly hugged you, instantly making you love the woman. “Harry has told me so much about you!” Molly said. “Harry has mentioned this place so much I almost know the entire layout already.” You chuckled. “Ron! This is my sister Y/n!” Harry introduced. You curtsied (A fun little thing that became a habit after joining Beauxbatons), making Molly smile. “So polite!” She chuckled before someone came downstairs. Fred was unaware you were even there, grabbing an apple before looking over and seeing you. He locked eyes with you and your heart basically drowned out any sound. “Who... Who’s this?” Fred asked. George walked in, also looking at you. However Fred was GLUED to you. “This is Y/n!” Harry said with a smile. “...Harry... You have some fantastic genes.” George said. “That’s my sister you jacka--” “Harry.” You halted him, nodding to the adults present. Fred extended a hand to you and you shook it, noticing his hands were calloused but still soft. Your eyes reflected off of his and he was captivated. “She’s going to Hogwarts with us this year for the Triwizard tournament.” Harry said. “Is she now?” George asked. Fred seemed to be speechless by you. “Yes, Beauxbatons is very proper though, I’m kind of terrified that kids from our school will be EATEN ALIVE.” You admitted. “We’re not... That bad.” Ron said. “Aren’t you worried about ‘being eaten alive’?” George asked. “No, if anything I know me and you two will get along.” You said. “And why’s that?” George asked. “Because I am a prankster at Beauxbatons.” You answered. “Pretty and a sense of humor, Freddie you must be dying right now.” George teased, noticing his brother’s prolonged silence. “She should hang with us.” Fred finally said. “hmm. Might take you up on that.” You said with a smile.
Then came the first day with the Beauxbatons. Fred saw you in that uniform and nearly dropped to the ground. Your hair was in a low ponytail, resting on your shoulder as you sat with your school. Fred for the life of him, could not fucking focus on ANYTHING Dumbledore was saying. He just kept staring. George was smiling like a git, noticing his brother being infatuated with you. “The Beauxbatons will be staying with the Gryffindors.” Was the only thing Fred heard making him look at Dumbledore and then you. “Let the opening feast commence!” Dumbledore announced. You got up, sitting next to Harry and Fred. “Excited for the tournament?” You asked Harry. “Meh. I’m just glad you’re here, you’re never here.” Harry said making you rough up his hair. “So you’re his sister?” Hermione asked. “Yes I am.” You nodded with a smile. “How is someone like you related to him?” Draco asked. “Shut up Malfoy.” Ron and Hermione said in unison. “And you must be Draco.” you said. “Yes I am. At least someone will be introducing class to Gryffindor.” Draco said. You looked at Harry and smirked. You turned around and faced George. “You said you’re a prankster?” You asked. “Yes dear, best in the business.” George said. “Great. I need your assistance. Both of you.” You said with a look of deviousness that made Fred’s heart practically bang in his chest. So there you three were, sneaking into the Slytherin dorm at an ungodly hour to ensure no one would find you. The maurader’s map Sirius gave you also helped out with this little venture. “Where the hell did you even get this?” George asked in a low whisper as you gripped a “Nair” bottle. “I have some fantastic uncles.” You whispered. You ended up shaving the boy’s eyebrows off in his sleep, sneaking back to the Gryffindor common room. You sat around and George practically passed out while you sat on the couch with a mug of tea looking at the fire. “Think you’ll sign up for the tournament?” you asked Fred. “Maybe. Might could use the prize money for George’s and I’s business.” Fred shrugged. “Is that the prank shop you have set up?” You asked. “You know about that?” Fred asked. “Harry tells me everything that goes on here.” you admitted. “I know that you and George are best friends. I know Ginny is shy but really smart. I know that you play quidditch. I know that you and George are very intelligent but don’t show any particular interest in academics like Hermione does. And I know that you have five brothers, one’s a curse breaker, one studies dragons, one is working for the ministry and the other two go to school with you.” you said. Fred rose a brow. “You listen to your brother talk that much?” Fred asked. You chuckled. “When you’re always away from home, you tend to cherish the moments you have with those around you.” You said looking at him. “...Why not come home?” he asked. “I’m not sure... Part of me is scared to ask my parents I guess.” you shrugged. “I’ve met your parents and I’m pretty sure James would practically piss himself of happiness with the way he talked about you.” Fred chuckled. “So you’ve heard about me too?” You asked. “God yes. You’re all anyone wanted to talk about when we celebrated Christmas with them.” Fred chuckled. You chuckled and leaned back with a yawn. “You should get some sleep, we have classes in the morning.” Fred said. You nodded and left, making Fred stare into the fireplace. You really loved your family...
The next morning while you were brushing your teeth you heard a VERY loud scream from the boy’s bathroom, making you smirk. You sat down at breakfast with Fred and George. “Heard the scream?” Fred asked. “How could I not, the kid gave moaning myrtle a run for her money.” You snorted. “I still think we should’ve dyed them.” George said. “Come now George, eyebrows grow back... We’ll dye them red and yellow to show he’s loyal to Gryffindor.” You said making Fred smile. The time finally came when names could be put in the cup. You put yours in, giving no particular reason except for “just felt like it.” Fred and George put their names in, Ron following soon after to impress Fleur. Soon you all sat in the Great Hall, waiting for names to be drawn. “Viktor Krum” “So you guys all signed up?” Neville asked. You all gave noises indicating yes. “Fleur Delacour.” “hmm.” you rose a brow, not realizing Fleur actually put her name in. “Fred Weasley.” Your eyes widened and everyone looked over at the poor bastard who’s drink just shot out of his nose. 
He came back to the common room with a bewildered look of shock on his face. “There’s our champion in the works.” George said. “My name was actually drawn. What the absolute fuck do I do now?” Fred asked. “We train.” You said, walking out of the girls dormitory in a blue sports bra, black leggings and your hair pulled back. “Wha-- Wha- hmm?” Fred asked, a blush about to come over him. “Fred, you’re acting like you’ve never seen a girl without her shirt.” George said in his ear. “It is different when it is her.” Fred said through his teeth. “I said: We train you. You’re about to go into a deadly competition of wits and physical stress. You need to be sharp and prepared.” You said. “Still, Y/n knowing how you train, don’t you think that’s a little much?” Harry asked. “Again. Deadly competition. None of us know what the hell is going on.” You said. “I’m down.” Fred nodded. “Of course you are.” George said making Fred kick his shin. “Great. Get changed, meet me by the lake.” You said walking out. “I’m so sorry.” Harry apologized. “For what?” Fred asked. “You’ll see.”
 “FRED WOULD YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GIVE ME TWENTY!” “Alright! Jesus woman, even Oliver doesn’t push this hard!” Fred said as he did push ups. “She is going to eat that boy alive.” Ron said watching you two from a distance. “Thank God we’re here to see it.” George snorted. “Do you usually train this hard!?” Fred winced. “I go to a school where fencing is an elective and you can get stabbed, yes Fred, I train this hard.” you said. “Can I please take off my shirt, it is WAY too fucking hot.” He whined. “I’m shirtless. Dude, I don’t care.” You said. He sat up, taking off his shirt and you cracked your neck before noticing abs. Oh Christ... Oh Christ he’s hot. He rose a brow. “Like something you see Princess?” He asked out of breath. You rolled your eyes. “We need to practice hand to hand combat.” You sighed. “Sorry. What?” he asked. “Dueling, actual dueling tends to happen. And I cannot stress this enough Fred, you are in a deadly competition. For all we know a gladiator fight could be a trial.” You said. “Still... I really don’t want to fight you--” You swept his legs out from underneath him, gripping his arm before he could hit the ground. “Shut the fuck up, quit treating me like a girl and fight..” You said sternly. He gulped, standing up straight. “Arms up.” You said, raising yours to your face. He copied your movements. “hit me.” You said. “Y/n--” “Hit me.” you repeated “I really don’t think--” “hit. me.” You said. “No--” “hit me-” “Y/n-” “hit me.” “If you say that one more time--” “Hit. me.” you said. He swung, you rolled under the punch and winded him. “Christ Y/n!” He wheezed. “You have to keep fighting Fred. Come on.” you said. “How did you even--” “Fred.” “Okay! okay.” He stood up, going back to his original position. You took a swing, him blocking it. “Good! Again!” you said. He took a swing, missing, but managed to avoid your next hit. “Good, you’re doing good.” You nodded. “Can we stop?” He asked. “Would Viktor or Fleur stop?” You asked. God damn your persistence. You took a swing, Fred gripping your arm and managing to pin you to the ground hanging over you. “Where’d you learn that one?” You asked. “Five brothers... Five.” he reminded. You laughed and he smiled, still holding your hands above your head. His knee was between your legs, face close to yours. He slowly let go of your hands and you did something he didn’t expect. You cupped his cheek and caressed your thumb against it. He swallowed, you looking in his eyes. What was going on in that pretty head of yours? You pulled back your hand and wiped your hand on your leggings. “You have dirt on your face.” You said. Oh. That’s what that was. He pulled back, sitting on his legs and running his fingers through his hair. Was it that necessary to look this attractive?  “We can stop. But we will do this every morning until your trial.” You said. “This hand to hand combat thing is terrible.” Fred sighed. “It’s for your survival.” You said, drinking from a water bottle. “You say that, but I’m beginning to think you liked being under me.” He said. You chuckled and shook your head. You stood up. “I never said I didn’t.” you said with a smirk, walking back to the common room. 
Fred swallowed hard, watching you walk away. Every morning from that point on you two would train, Fred getting quicker with his movements. You practiced dodging, running, anything you knew really. As he did this though, there were plenty of moments where he definitely caught you staring, eyeing him up and down. Course he was guilty of doing the same thing. Ron and George would watch you two basically mentally undress each other, Harry completely oblivious to what was clearly happening. Finally the first trial came. “Dragons!? I’m going to be in a ring with-- Charlie what the fuck!?” Fred gaped at his brother who couldn’t help but tell him. “Later today you’ll have to draw them from a bag. I’m sorry, I just got the news you were in this.” Charlie said. You walked into the common room, eye brow raised. “What’s going on?” You asked. “The first trial will be me in a ring with a dragon.” Fred said. You frowned. “Are you fucking serious?” You asked. Yep. Definitely your father’s child. “Afraid so.” Charlie said. “Who’s this?” You asked. “Charlie.” Fred sighed. “The one who studies dragons... Hmm... Any tips?” You asked. “Bob and weave. Serpentine and rocks are your friend.” He said. None of that made sense until today. Fred panted, leaning against a rock. “COME ON FRED!” George shouted from the stands. You were next to him, giving Fred a look of “you can do this.” Some how that was the motivator that Fred needed. He sprinted to another rock, closer to the gold egg. He dodged its tail, remembering how you showed him how to do a barrel roll. “KEEP YOUR FORM FRED!” You yelled. He chuckled to himself at your coaching and kept low, narrowly missing attacks until he had the egg in his hands. The dragon geared up and you frowned. Oh no. “BOB AND WEAVE!” you screamed as Fred noticed what alarmed you. He sprinted, taking his brother’s advice and serpentined across the ring before reaching the exit, earning a loud cheer from the crowed. 
“HE DID IT! Y/N DID YOU-- Y/n?” You were already gone, sprinting to the tent. Fred was out of breath when he got to the tent. You ran in and hugged him, nearly knocking him to the ground. He let out a relieved laugh and held you to him like you were the most precious thing to him. “You did it! I am so proud of--” you pulled away slightly, looking in his eyes as your noses were nearly touching. He kept you close, looking at your eyes and then your lips before George ran in, cutting his attention away from you. “You crazy bastard! You did it!” George said as you pulled away. “I literally thought my ass was toast.” Fred said making you laugh. You looked at the egg curiously. “Party in the Gryffindor common room!” George shouted. You kneeled slightly so you were eye level with the egg. “As long as I can sit. Down.” Fred said making George laugh. You pressed the egg, opening it before hearing the loud shriek come from it. Fred and George jumped as you slammed it shut. “What the bloody hell was that!?” George asked. "The egg!" You said, baffled by what it did. You ended up partying with the Gryffindors it of course being loud and fun. But FINALLY it died down and you could relax in peace. You looked at the egg and Fred sat next to you. "Why does it make noise?" You asked. "I have no idea. But it's loud." Fred said looking at it. "I'm still stuck on the fact that it makes sound, there has to be a reason it does." You said. Fred looked at it and sighed. You rose a brow. "Something wrong?" You asked. ".... I'm way in over my heard." He said. "What do you mean?" You asked. "Y/n, my challenge was a fucking dragon. The next one is probably going to be worse... What if I can't handle it?" Fred asked you. "Then you don't win." You said. "But that's not going to happen." You added. "Why are you so confident in me?" Fred asked curiously. "Because I have heard you do some off the wall shit. You're smart, you're quick, you're strong. You can do this." You said. He opened his mouth but you rose a brow to the little girl walking from the dormitory. "Gabrielle, is something wrong?" You asked. "I can't sleep and Fleur is already asleep. I didn't want to wake her." Gabrielle said. You patted your lap and she sat, you pulling her close. "Want me to sing the song?" You asked. Gabrielle nodded and you chuckled with a beautiful smile that Fred loved to see. You played with the girl's hair, brushing it out with your fingers as a way to relax her. "Hold me close and hold me fast this magic spell you cast this is le vi en rose." You sang surprising Fred as Gabrielle seemed to curl up in your lap. When you kiss me heaven sighs, and though I close my eyes I see Le vi en rose." You said, the girl's eyes slowly closing. "when you press me to your heart, I'm in a world apart where roses bloom and when you speak angels sing from above, every day words seem to turn into love songs." You continued, Fred absolutely mesmerized by your voice and smile. "Give your heart and soul to me and life will always be Le vi en rose." You finished, leaving the room completely silent aside from your breathing and the crackles from the fire in the fireplace. "Works like a charm every time." You chuckled in a low whispered. "You're close?" Fred asked in a low whisper, nodding to Gabrielle. "Fleur and her both. That year I wasn't there for Christmas I was with them." You said softly. Fred watched you with Gabrielle. "She's a light sleeper, I think I'm going to end up sleeping here." You chuckled. "I'll stay with you if you want." Fred said. "...I'd like that." You said with a smile. Fred couldn't help but smile at you. God you were so beautiful. He couldn't focus around you, he would trip over his own two feet sometimes, George pestering him nonstop. You turned back to the fire and Fred moved slightly closer to you. "I wouldn't worry about the competition." You said to him. "I'm... It's hard to do this when your mother's voice is going off in your head 'OH GOD THAT'S NOT SAFE'" he said making you chuckle. "I have faith in you Fred... You've got this." You assured, this sincere look. You two sat in silence for a while, Fred thinking nothing of it until your head landed on his shoulder. He looked at you and smiled, pressing a kiss to your forehead as you slept. "Goodnight Princess."
You woke up the next morning on him, blankets covering you, Gabrielle and Fred. You got up, Gabrielle dressing for the day and you getting up with the egg. Fred finally woke up, finding you with the egg on the floor, staring at it from all angles. "....What the hell are you doing?" He asked. "I'm Sherlocking. It's not working." You said looking at the golden egg. Fred sat cross legged next to you. "this is really bothering you." Fred snorted. "Why does it make noise!?" You repeated your question. "By this point I want to just drown the damn-- wait." You gasped. "New murder plot?" Fred asked. "No! I figured it out! You need a bath." You said handing it to him. ".....Y/n what the hell?" Fred snorted. "Oh-- come on." You said pulling him up and walking to the bath. You started filling the tub and he rose a brow. "....Y/n, what the hell are we doing?" He asked. "We could go to the girl's room but you'd have to deal with Moaning Myrtle." You said. "No, why are you so insistent--" you took the egg out his arms and "about a bath? Are you trying to see me naked?" He asked making you blush and roll your eyes. "We're not actually taking a bath you dolt." You said. "Speak for yourself, I still have ash in my hair from yesterday." Fred said stripping making you turn around. "You're welcome to join me." He yawned. "Just go underwater and listen to the egg." You said, your back turned. "Compromise, I keep my underwear on and you listen to it with me in case I miss something." He said. "Why are you so determined to--" he said nothing, putting a hand on your forehead and pulling you back into the bath. "FRED!" You screamed, a loud splash from you as you fell in. "I'm all wet you moron!" You yelled. "I know, I tend to have that effect on girls." Fred laughed as you splashed him. You shook your head and went under, making him raise a brow. You didn't resurface for a while but you shot out when you did. "I WAS RIGHT!" you said making him nearly fall over. "The egg sings!" You said. "What--" you yanked Fred under, looking at the egg it sang. "Come seek us where our voices sound, We cannot sing above the ground, And while you're searching, ponder this: We've taken what you'll sorely miss, An hour long you'll have to look, And to recover what we took. But past an hour - the prospect's black Too late, it's gone, it won't come back" you both popped up for air and Fred coughed. "You were right!" Fred said. "I know, I'm a genius. But I'm getting confused, this is a mermaid singing... Are there mermaids somewhere on campus?" You asked. "In the lake that we usually train by." Fred nodded. "Great. So the next trial is in water... You're retrieving something... What though?" You asked. "I'm not sure... It said I lost it." He said. "Lose anything lately?" You asked. "No." Fred muttered pondering. His focus was broken by the wet clothes currently clinging to your body, showing your curves in way that made it very hard to even form words. "Would you stop staring!?" You said splashing him. He gave you a cheeky grin, splashing you and you sighed. "You're a child." You said.... Before splashing him back. You two continued this goofy little routine and he wrapped his arms around you, flinging you both into the water. You laughed and he smiled. You two were panting from the laughter and stared at each other. Fred was almost prepared to risk it all in that damn bath if it hadn't been for breaking the eye contact and pulling the egg back up. You went back to dorms, changing before leaving to class. "Y/n, dear would you mind coming with me?" Mcgonagall asked. Fred's next trial began and it was fucking cold, breaths being visible. "Of fucking course it's cold." Fred whined. "Where's Y/n?" Harry asked. ".... She's not with you?" Fred asked. "No, I thought she was with you." Fred said. "I've been thinking she was with Fleur." George said. Fred walked over to the girl. "Hi, have you seen Y/n?" He asked. "Ze lake." Fleur said. "What?" Fred asked. "Ze challenge is to retrieve a precious item lost..." Fleur reminded "I know that, I'm asking--" then it hit Fred, him locking eyes onto the dark waters. "No." Fred said. George frowned as Fred walked back over, pacing. "Fred what's going on?" George asked. "She's in the lake!" Fred said. "Champions take your places!" Dumbledore announced. Fred stood at the edge, Neville slipping him something to breathe underwater with. "Thanks Longbottom." Fred said. "On your marks." Dumbledore said. "Good luck Weasley!" A boy shouted. "GO!" was all Fred heard before downing whatever Neville gave him. jumping and colliding with the water. It was fucking cold. He was swimming, looking for you frantically before noticing a tail slink past. Shit. He swam as quickly as possible, finally finding you. He untied you, using his wand to keep the mermaids at bay before Krum got Hermione out of there. "I cannot believe they put my fucking sister in a LAKE. IN WINTER. MY MOTHER WILL KICK YOUR ASS!" Harry yelled before George slammed his hand over his mouth. "Calm down! Fred isn't going to let anything happen to her!" George assured. Viktor came back up, Hermione shivering from the cold. Fred came up soon after, you gasping for air as you left the lake. "Christ it's fucking cold!" You breathed. Fred hugged you tightly, nearly making you fall back. You noticed Fleur empty handed as you pulled away and frowned. "Fleur, où est Gabrielle?" You asked. "Je n'ai pas pu la faire sortir du lac!  les sirènes!" She answered frantically. "What's wrong?" Fred asked, his hand on your back. "Gabrielle is down there still!" You said. The worry and pure fear in your eyes nearly broke him. So... He jumped back in. "FRED!" You screamed, running to the edge with a bunch of other students. One second seemed way too long now, all of you watching-- waiting to see what would happen before he shot back out with Gabrielle. Fleur hugged Fred, thanking him for retrieving her sister.⁸ You hugged Fleur and Gabrielle both, thankful your friends were safe. Fred wrapped himself in a towel before you stood up, walking over to him. He was talking to George when you turned his head by putting a hand on his cheek and kissed it. His face was almost hysterical but it was soon replaced by determination as he slinked his arm around your waist, pulling you forward and kissing you. George and Ron both almost slammed Harry down to stop him from disrupting this. You let out a laugh as he rested his forehead on yours. He noticed your hands were freezing, picking them up and warming them with his breath. "I'm glad you kissed me." You chuckled, him letting out a small laugh. "I've been waiting to do that all fucking summer." He said making you giggle. You and Fred were more... Couply now. Training would take adorable turns when he'd just pick you up after you charge at him and kiss the side of your head. You and him were close, him absolutely adoring you. Despite you two now dating, you never held back in training (Fred would be forced to use full strength because damn for the dainty thing you looked like you could pack a REALLY strong punch), you'd ease up on the yelling sure. But never once did you go soft on his ass when it came to combat. Fred had a new challenge today though. Dancing. Look, the boy is a fucking goofball, his idea of dance is a scene from footloose. You were helping Mcgonagall teach the class seeing as dancing was something you HAD to learn in your second year. Mcgonagall would hide the forming smile when she saw you with Fred, teaching him this. "Fred it's one, two three, come on now." You chuckled. "Love, I cannot DANCE. Not like this." Fred said. "Anyone can dance, you just have to have the right teacher. Maybe I should get Mcgonagall to teach you--" he pulled you closer "Don't you dare." He said with a laugh. You smiled, showing him. "There we go! See I know you could do it!" You chuckled. "Say, this is for that dance..." Fred began. "Mmhmm?" You asked. "Would you maybe want to go with me?" He asked. You snorted. "Fred we're dating. It was implied you and I were going together." You laughed. "I wanted to ask you formally Love, I can never be too sure." He said making you nod with a laugh. "At least you didn't ask me like George did Angela which was just him doing terrible movements while Snape geared up to kill the boy." You snorted making Fred laugh. Hogsmeade was now approaching though, making you very excited. Fred wasn't too sure why until you dragged him to the three broomsticks with Harry. "UNCLE MOONY!" You squealed, hugging a man with a scar on his face. "Y/n! Oh it's so good to see you!" Remus chuckled. "Uncle Padfoot! My man!" Harry said, hugging Sirius. You hugged Peter and motioned for Fred to come over. "Hey, you're the Weasley boy!" Sirius recalled. "Yeah, Sirius right?" Fred asked. "Yep! Good to see you!" Sirius said. "What brings you to us?" Remus asked. "Y/n's persistence." Fred teased making you smile. "You've become good friends!" Peter said. ".... They're dating Worm tail." Harry said making all of the men now stare daggers at Fred. "Dating?" Remus asked. "Does Prongs know?" Sirius asked. "No." Harry said. "Oh please don't tell him until I can see his face." Sirius begged. "Where is mum and dad anyway?" You asked. "What?" Fred asked.  "You've already met them." Harry said. "NOT IN THIS CAPACITY!" Fred whined. "Reminds me of Sirius with Marlene." Peter snorted, resulting in Sirius smacking his arm. "Actually I have something to tell all of you." Sirius said. You finally saw that red hair though and you smiled. "Mum!" You said. "Oh god oh god oh god." Fred muttered. "Y/n! Fred-- George? Which one of you are you?" Lily said. "Fred ma'am." He said, now nearly sweating through his shirt. "What's wrong with this kid?" James asked. Sirius resisted a loud laugh as you pulled a chair out for your dad. "Dad. Sit." You said. "....Why?" James asked. "Sit." You said using the same stern voice your mother does. He sat as an instinct. "Fred and I have started dating." You said. James' jaw dropped and Sirius snorted. "You're dating my baby girl?" He asked. "Congratulations dear." Lily said to you. "Thank you mum." You said. "YOU'RE DATING MY BABY GIRL!?" James screamed. "Oh God." Fred whined. "Dad, calm down." You said. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU." James yelled. "Fred... Run." You said. "Legs. Won't. Move." Fred whined. You gripped his hand and sprinted out, James running after you. "THIS IS NOT WHAT I HAD IN MIND FOR A FUCKING FIELD TRIP!" Fred whined. "Running practice!" You said with a laugh. "I'M GOING TO WRING THIS FUCKER'S NECK!" James screamed. "JAMES WOULD YOU CALM DOWN!?" Lily yelled. Students noticed you and Fred running but thought nothing of it until a fucking parade of adults ran after you two. "What the hell is going on!?" Cedric gaped. "....Potter." McGonagall said gritting her teeth. 
James cut you off with a deranged look in his eyes. "DAD WOULD YOU FUCKING COOL IT!?" You asked. "MY BABY GIRL!? THERE ARE AT LEAST FOURTY DIFFERENT GIRLS ON CAMPUS AND YOU CHOSE MY DAUGHTER!?" James asked. Fred gulped and looked at Lily for help. "JAMES. CALM. DOWN." Lily snapped. "HOW ARE YOU CALM!?" James asked motioning to Fred. "She's sixteen James, I'm honestly amazed she hasn't dated anyone before this." Lily said. "Wait I'm your first boyfriend?" Fred asked looking at you. You had your face in your hand, letting out a long groan. "Prongs, he is a good kid! She could be doing worse!" Sirius said. "Sirius, have kids! Then you'll get it!" James groaned. "That's why I'm here you prat; Marlene is pregnant!" Sirius said making the group turn to him wide eyes. "YOU CHOSE A FUCKING HOMICIDE ATTEMPT TO TELL US YOU'RE HAVING A KID!?" Remus asked. "Surprise!" Sirius said. "TOO MANY VARIABLES. BRAIN CRASHING." James yelled. "Dad knows the word variable?" You asked. "Apparently." Lily nodded, equally surprised "I WANT TO KILL THE BOY, CAN I KILL THE BOY!?" James asked. "No. That's homicide." Lily said. "I WANT TO KILL SOMETHING BY HUGGING RIGHT NOW I'M SO CONFLICTED." James yelled. You walked up to Sirius and hugged him. "I am so happy for you Uncle Padfoot. This kid is going to be so loved." You said with happy tears falling. Sirius hugged you tightly. "He will have the greatest Godmother in the world." He said making you pull away with wide eyes as Remus held back James from choking Fred behind you. "I'm--" "I was going to ask you formally, you and Harry both are the godparents until one of you gets married then it's you and your spouse." He said calmly. You hugged him again and he saw the sight behind you of Lily smacking James upside the head as Fred used Harry as a shield. "I like the boy by the way. He looks at you the same way your parents do... er... Did." He corrected seeing Lily successfully closeline James as he booked it forward towards Fred. You winced as you saw it. "Lilyyyy!" James whined. "CALM. DOWN." she said. She got up gripping Fred's arm and putting him next to you. "We approve--" "Lily!" James whined. "WE. APPROVE." she snapped. You blinked a few times as James grumbled sitting cross legged in the snow. You all went back to the three broomsticks Fred sitting close to you as James gritted his teeth. "So do you know what gender it is yet?" Lily asked. "We find out next week." Sirius said. "I'm proud of you Sirius." Remus said. "What about you and that Tonks girl hmmm?" Sirius asked, nudging his side. Remus flushed pink and you smiled. "I've met her before, she's a sweet girl. Kickass. But sweet." You nodded. "Hmmm. While we're on the topic of love, Fred." Sirius said. Fred looked up. "What drew you to our little Y/n?" Sirius asked. Fred swallowed and blushed making you raise a brow. "I... I just got to know her and I... I don't know I just..." He sighed. "I love her." He said making everyone look at him alarmed. "You... Love me?" You asked. "Yeah... I wanted to tell you for awhile and not in front of your family but I do." He said. Remus smiled as you kissed him, smiling and putting your head on his shoulder. James twitched but Lily stomped on his foot making him yelp. "We're glad you two are together dear." Lily said. "Thank you mum." You said with a smile. The conversation went on, you keeping your head on Fred's chest as he played with your hair, occasionally saying something. James wanted to loathe this kid. But he just... He couldn't. Fred was so irritably like him that he just liked him.
You all got back to the school and you smiled, poking Fred's cheek as he was deep in thought. "What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" You asked. "...I think I have like... Twenty orders I didn't do today." Fred said. You kissed his cheek and he smiled. "And they can wait because you're here." He said kissing you. You chuckled. "You should get them done Freddie." You said, kissing his forehead before walking to the dorms. You sat on the cot that was Fleur's, talking to another British student from Beauxbatons that you regularly hung out with. "So you and that Fred boy." She said. "Someone's in lovvveee." Another girl said with a chuckle. "He's perfect." You breathed with a smile. "There's just something gnawing at me." One of the other girls said. "Hmm?" You asked. "What happens once we leave?" She asked. "What do you mean?" You asked. "We go to school in France. We don't exactly live close together Y/n." The girl said. You frowned. "I... Never thought about that." You admitted. "Don't worry about it." Your friend said. "But--" "Y/n most relationships fail because people are too focused on the future than to actually focus on the present. You and Fred will cross that bridge once you get to it." She said. You nodded. "When did you become so insightful?" A girl asked. "I'm not sure." She shrugged. You took that advice to heart living in the present with Fred. Not one moment came that you weren't smiling. When the Yule ball came, Fred was a mess. He was supposed to be presented. And on top of that he was supposed to participate in that ridiculous dance. Harry insisted on walking you down the stairs, saying that you could trip and break your neck. You assured him that wouldn't happen but still allowed him to do so. When Fred saw you all worry just... Instantly left him. He swallowed hard and looked at you as you dusted something off of Harry's shoulder. "Have fun Harry." You said him smiling and running over to Ron. You turned to Fred and smiled. "Look at you! My God you're handsome." You said with a smile. "Y/n you're..." He seemed speechless. You rose a brow. "God you're beautiful." He said. You smiled and he chuckled. "You're almost ethereal." Fred said with a chuckle. You kissed his nose, taking his hand and walking over to the other contestants. "Vous êtes belle Y/n!" Fleur said making you smile. "Toi aussi Fleur!" You chuckled. You and her went back and forth in French for a while, talking about something to do with how she felt about the next Trial and Fred watched you talk. How in the world were you keeping up with this? Like how are you this perfect holy fuck. The doors opened and you took your place next to Fred, walking about holding his arm. "You've got this Love." You said with a smile. "Can we talk about something to keep my mind off this whole dancing thing?" Fred asked. "Of course. So birds am I right?" You asked making him laugh as you took your place. "Sorry, your immediate conversation topic that you chose is birds?" Fred asked. "I hate geese." You said. Fred snorted and shook his head, dancing with you. "I'm more of a cardinal guy myself." He said making you smile. "Would it be cliche to say doves are pretty?" You asked as you danced, not missing a single step. "Doves look like fancy chickens." Fred said making you laugh. "I thought you were going to say fancy pigeons but you do with chickens!?" You laughed. "Pigeons are just street chickens, change my mind." Fred said. "Chickens can't fly!" You laughed. "Meh. Doesn't change them from being birds." He said making you laugh harder. The two of you finished the dance a slow song soon followed, Fred pulling you into his arms and you smiling. You kissed his nose and he smiled before clearing his throat. "Y/n... I really don't mean to be a downer... But what happens when you go back to France?" He asked. Your face dropped and you cleared your throat. "....I don't want to leave you." Is all you could say. You looked so pained in that expression and he held you close. ".... I'll wait then." He said. "What?" You asked. "Next year we're in our last year. We can wait Y/n... If you want. We'll send letters, we'll see each other on the holidays..." He suggested. You nodded. "I want. I definitely want." You said. "Then it's settled. I'll just wait for you." She shrugged making you smile. You kissed him, him smiling against your lips. "....Doves are still not chickens--" "They are fancy chickens!" He declared. "What are penguins then!?" "ARTIC CHICKENS--" "OH MY GOD" 
You and Fred spent every waking moment together, savoring every memory that you two have you two made. Finally it was the day of the last trial. He was kind of panicked but you were there. "You've got this Love." You said to him. He kissed you, resting his forehead on yours. "I love you." You said. "I love you too..." He said. "CHAMPIONS TAKE YOUR PLACES." The announcer said. He sighed, kissing your knuckles before walking out. You sat with Harry and George. "Nervous for him?" George asked noticing this expression on your face. "A little." You mumbled. "Mum and dad wanted to see the last trial, they're around here somewhere." Harry said. "They are?" You asked. "Yeah." He nodded. You got up and walked around until you found them. "Mum. Dad... Can I talk to you?" Fred stood at the start, clearly nervous. "Good luck Weasley." Krum said. "I'm surprised you know my name." Fred chuckled. "You're a contestant. Of course I do." He said. Fred shook his head and Fleur cracked her knuckles. "You're dating Y/n, correct?" She asked, the French accent being clear as she spoke. "Yes." Fred said. "Hurt her and I kill you."  She said making him open his mouth before the noise sounded off and they all booked it through the maze. "Christ this is creepy." He thought to himself, moving through the area. He stopped for a second, trying to figure out if he just accidentally went in a big circle when he felt something on his arm. He looked and saw the maze reaching out. His eyes widened and he booked it, running as fast as his legs could carry him before literally slamming into Krum. He turned around. "Weasley!?" Krum asked before noticing the maze behind him. "SHIT!" Fred yelled before sprinting down the maze with Krum behind him. Krum however tripped. Fred hesitated before Krum screamed "RUN!" and he nodded, booking it. He saw the cup, sprinting to it and gripping the handle. It was then he realized it was a port key, him hitting the ground hard as he landed. "Ow, holy fuck." He winced. He sat up, you sprinting to him and hugging him. He chuckled and you scattered kisses on his face. “You did it!” You said, him raising a brow before seeing the crowd who was cheering with the band playing as Harry, Ron and George all ran down. “SUCK IT PERCY!” George yelled earning a snort from you as Fred stood up.
Gryffindor had a massive party, all of you celebrating with smiles. “So what are you even planning to do with the money?” Ron asked. “What, hoping for some cash?” George asked, smacking him upside the head. “I’m using it for the business. We’re capitalizing on this bitch.” Fred said, earning a laugh from you. “I knew you could do it.” You nodded with a smile. “My coach also was very helpful, you beautiful thing you.” he said, kissing you with an arm around your waist. “I was serious about my threat.” Fleur said watching him. “You threatened Fred?!” You asked. “She did. But it was more of a ‘you hurt her you die’ situation. I’ve got a whole line of students who will brutally kill my ass if I do something wrong.” Fred said. “Myself included.” Harry said making you roll your eyes. “What can I say? I’m lovable.” You joked. “Oh yes you are.” Fred said earning a gag from Ron. “I feel like I just interrupted something.” George said. “Warning, you might want to back away from Y/n, her parents are coming.” Hermione said. Fred immediately stood back and you snorted as pure fear fell over his face when James entered. “Congratulations kid.” James said looking at him. “Thank you sir.” Fred said. James squinted at him, eyeing him up and down. “This place has not changed at all, holy shit.” Sirius said. “What are you guys doing here?” Harry asked. “Meeting with Dumbledore for something, passing the time while we have it.” Remus answered. Gabrielle ran over to you, talking to you about something making you giggle. Fred smiled, watching you talk to other students with your arms over Gabrielle. Remus took notice and put a hand on his shoulder. Fred looked over and then back at you. “Have you two talked about France?” Remus asked. “We’re going to try to stick through the last year of school... See each other on holidays and such.” Fred said, clearing his throat, his attention obviously still on you. “Think you’ll make it?” Remus asked. Fred watched you rough up Harry’s hair earning him swatting your hands away and Gabrielle giggling. “I’d wait a hundred years if it meant I could see her again.” He said, Remus nodding with a smile.
The last week of school was hard, you not wanting to leave your brother, new friends and Fred. The last night being one of tears and partings. You and the Beauxbatons sat together, Fred watching you with this expression that just... God he didn’t want you to leave. “ Of all the money that e'er I had I spent it in good company” A girl at the table sang, making you look up. “And all the harm I've ever done alas, it was to none but me” another sang. Great. The ending serenade. “And all I've done for want of wit” You sang with them. “To memory now I can't recall” you sang. “So fill to me the parting glass” You all sang, slowly raising glasses. “Good night and joy be to you all So fill to me the parting glass” The students sang, slowly rising “And drink a health whate'er befalls Then gently rise and softly call good night and joy be to you all” You all sang. “Of all the comrades that e'er I had” Fleur sang out, an arm around you as you held glasses up. They're sorry for my going away and all the sweethearts that e'er I had”  You all sang, looking at the scene around you. “They'd wish me one more day to stay but since it fell into my lot that I should rise and you should not” You all sang, students from Hogwarts joining in. “I'll gently rise and softly call good night and joy be to you all fill to me the parting glass and drink a health whate'er befalls then gently rise and softly call” You sang, walking to the Gryffindor table and Fred smiling sadly as he rose and held you. “Good night and joy be to you all” He sang with you making you smile. You extended a hand to George and he took it, hugging you as the school sang with the Beauxbatons. “I’m going to really fucking miss you.” George said. “Ditto Weasley.” You said, crying with smile. “since it fell into my lot that I should rise and you should not I'll gently rise and softly call” The voices around you sang as you shared a group hug with students from Gryffindor. You weren’t ready to let this go, not now. “Good night and joy be to you all so fill to me the parting glass and drink a health whate'er befalls then gently rise and softly call good night and joy be to you all” You all sang, more students slowly beginning to have tearful goodbyes. After all, other students had become good friends with students from the other schools. “Good night and joy be to you all” you all sang.
The next morning was honest to god one of the hardest things you’ve ever had to do. You gave tearful goodbyes to all of your new friends. But the pain of leaving only worsened as Fred approached you. He hugged you tightly, burying his face in the crook of your neck as you gripped his shirt. When you pulled away he pressed a kiss to your forehead and he blinked a few times. “I told myself I wouldn’t cry but damn it this is hard.” He said, letting out a sad laugh. “God, this is stupid! We’re seeing each other for the summer!” You whined, also crying. You kissed him one last time and hugged Harry before walking with the other girls. You gave one last glance to the group and walked away. George put a hand on his brother’s shoulder, pulling him close as to say “I’m here for you.” The next few days Fleur noticed you not showing much emotion. Your laughter was absent and she could tell you really got attached to Hogwarts when you went. You however were released early, school ending because of the tournament. You came home bags in hand a week before Harry would. Even James could tell something was making you sad. He hated seeing his little girl hurt this much. Lily however had a trick up her sleeve. She knocked on your doorway and you looked over, sitting in your window just watching the summer rain. “Hey mum.” You said softly. “Hi darling... Can we talk?” she asked, shutting the door behind her. You nodded at your desk chair and she sat down. “What’s eating at you sweetheart?” She asked. You cleared your throat, tears in your eyes as you spoke. “I don’t want to go back to Beauxbatons mum.” You said. She rose a brow. “You don’t?” Lily asked. “No... When I was at Hogwarts I just... I felt like I was home...” You said softly. “There’s a lot of reasons why I want to leave if  you need to hear them--” “Sweetie” “One: I want to be close when Marlene has the baby” “Sweetie” “Two: I want Harry to be there for my last year” “Y/n.” “I’d be closer to you guys” “I’ve already enrolled you into Hogwarts Y/n.” Lily said. You blinked. “What?” you asked. “And I got you something else.” She said. She handed you a packed bag and you rose a brow. “You’re staying with the Weasley’s.” She said. You threw your arms around her and James saw you off later that afternoon. 
Fred was relatively quiet on the train ride back, Ginny noticing him looking like he could break at any second. “Freddie... Are you okay?” She asked. “I miss her.” Fred murmured. Ginny hugged her brother and he basically moped the entire time walking to the car. He sighed, Arthur even taking notice to the newfound sadness over Fred. George sighed and poked his brother. “So when are we putting that prize money to use.” George asked, hoping to distract his brother. “Hmm... probably after graduation.” He said. “Right. Well maybe we could set up a plan over the summer.” George suggested. Fred nodded mindlessly and Harry sighed “You’ll see her for the summer Fred. Which is in like... A week.” “I know, I just miss her Harry. Let me mope in peace please.” Fred sighed. They got to the Burrow, Harry walking in and walking upstairs. He saw you and you put your hand over his mouth. “I’ll explain in a minute, go back down and tell me when Fred gets here.” You said. Harry nodded and walked back downstairs, wide eyed. “Harry? Are you alright? Did George gag your drink again?” Ron asked. “No uhhhh...” Fred walked in. “NOW!” He said and you walked downstairs. Fred’s eyes widened and he literally dropped everything, hugging you tightly. You chuckled in his arms and held his face. “What are you doing here!?” He asked. “They let us out early but I have more news.” You said. “is it good news?” Fred asked. “I’m finishing my last year at Hogwarts.” You said making everyone LOSE THEIR MINDS. You all celebrated that night, not one moment of you being seen without Fred. The night ended with you , George and Fred sitting outside with cider. “To the future.” You said holding out your glass. George and Fred clinked glasses with you before you all drank. 
The future was so fucking beautiful. You and Harry met your god daughter Olivia Juliet Black and basically vowed to kill anyone who even so much as looked at the kid wrong. You ended up working with Fred and George, opening the shop with them after graduation. Fred proposed and of course you said yes, later marrying that same year. Remus later married Nymphadora, them having your other god child, Teddy Edward Lupin. Bill Weasley ended up marrying Fleur, you being her maid of honor. You gave birth to your son Atlas Nicolas Weasley. There was not one day of your life that you didn’t enjoy. But let’s not focus on the future now. Let’s live in the present. 
“I cannot believe your sister actually transferred.” Draco griped. “Choose your next words carefully boy. I’ve got two bottles of hair dye with your name on it.” You said. “I KNEW THAT PRANK WAS YOU!” Draco gasped. “Shit.” You winced making Fred snort. “I’M GOING TO END YOU!” Draco yelled, wand drawn as you bolted down the hall with the twins, the sounds of your laughing echoing through the halls.
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silverarmedassassin · 4 years
Home for the Holidays (2/2)
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Bucky x Reader | Word Count: 5,661 | Warnings: None
A/N: Here is part two! Thank you to those who humored me and read this little mini story! Part 1 can be found on my masterlist, which is conveniently pinned to my blog 😬
This is part 2 to my holiday submission for @wonderlandmind4​‘s fall/winter writing challenge. My prompt was: Character B is very enthusiastic to introduce character A to all their traditions, but tries to be sensitive when A seems like they’re struggling to fit in/enjoy themselves.
Dividers by the lovely @firefly-graphics​
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“You’re going to love it here,” you announce as you take the exit to your small hometown. The drive out of the city had been relatively quiet, the playlist you’d crafted specifically for the trip was only briefly interrupted a handful of times by you pointing out a landmark or attraction tied to childhood memories. Normally, silence on a road trip would make you uncomfortable, but not with Bucky. In the few months you’ve known him, you’d come to understand he was a man of very few words most of the time, so you rarely felt the need to fill the empty space with senseless words.
You’d gotten to know him a lot better in the few weeks leading up to Christmas. He had been making an effort to spend time outside of his apartment more, which often meant he would come down to yours to share a meal or watch a movie. It was nice, getting to spend so much uninterrupted time with Bucky and, if the offhand comments that Sam had offered the handful of times you’d seen him coming and going, Bucky was enjoying the time too. If anything, it was helping him open up again. And, if that’s all you could offer your neighbor, it wouldn’t be the end of the world.
Bucky doesn’t say anything, instead he continues to look at his window at the passing landscape. Driving home has always been one of your favorite things to do, as the concrete jungle of the city slowly tapered off into nothing but dense forest, hills, and nature preserves. As much as you loved where you were in life now, there were always moments in time where you questioned why you’d ever decided to re-root yourself in New York City.
Once off the interstate, it doesn’t take you long to reach town limits, and it’s only a few short minutes of driving to reach your parent’s home. As you pull your car into the drive, you see Bucky tense out of your peripheral. You’d had a feeling the reason he was being so quiet today was because he was nervous, but this subtle action reaffirmed that.
“My dad’s not home yet,” you state nonchalantly in an attempt to ease his anxieties a little. “It’s just my mom home. I told her to be on her best behaviour, so you don’t have to worry about a million questions.”
Bucky glances over at you and the look in his eyes tells you that statement has eased him just a little. The fact he was so nervous to meet you family made you feel bad for even inviting him in the first place. But you knew he didn’t have anyone, as Rebecca’s family was going on a cruise, and Bucky had shared Sam was spending the holiday with his mother out of state. Despite your wanting to help him feel less alone during this awkward time of transition and settling, you felt guilty for bringing him all the way here.
Before you can let that guilt settle uncomfortably in your chest, you pop the trunk and jump out of the car. You’re only going to be home for four days, as Bucky didn’t want to stay away for too long and you wanted to use the extra time off of work to finally finish making your apartment feel like your home. Due to that, you both only had a small duffle of clothing, so unloading your things was quick.
As you lead Bucky up to the front door, you’re suddenly reminded to alert him of one tiny detail that might make him uncomfortable. As you turn to tell him, the front door of flings open and your mom comes barreling out, arms wide open. “I forgot to tell you,” you say, voice slightly muffled by your mother’s arms, “Mom’s a hugger.”
“Oh hush,” your mom says as she pulls away from you, her sights already set on Bucky. “Everyone needs a good hug.”
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That night, Bucky had an easier time falling asleep than he ever imagined. New places, mixed with the fear of having one of his nightmares typically kept him up, if not all night, into the wee hours of the morning. The non-prescription sleeping pills Sam had suggested, mixed with the calming effect you seemed to have on him, were likely to thank for the early night. He isn’t surprised, however, when he startles awake around three in the morning. As he sits up in bed, sweat-drenched hair sticking to the sides of his face, he tries to remember what exactly the dream was about. It was another little something Sam and the others had suggested he do, something about acknowledging the things that hurt us most or something.
After a few minutes of sorting through his brain and trying to pin-point exactly what was the cause of his sudden consciousness, he gives up. Bucky decides that, instead of attempting to fall back to sleep right away, he would refill his glass of water and attempt to clear his mind of any lingering shadows.
Your home is quiet, a kind of peace settles over the entire building that no place in the city could ever harness. He thinks that maybe one day he’ll retire, move someplace quiet like this, maybe have a family of his own. Bucky pauses slightly in his descent of the staircase, caught off-guard by his own thoughts. He’d never been one to think about the future, not since he woke up in it. Just living to see the sunrise over Manhattan another day was enough for him. But his mind hasn’t quite been the same since you came along.
As he rounds the corner into the kitchen, he expects to find it devoid of others, but instead finds your mother sitting at the small kitchen table you’d all been sitting around just hours before, laughing and sharing a lifetime of memories with an outsider.
“Trouble sleeping,” she asks without looking over to where he’s standing. Instead, she raises a steaming mug to her lips and takes a tentative sip.
“Ye-yeah,” Bucky says, voice still thick with sleep and disuse.
Your mom hums as she looks over to him, profile lit effortlessly by the early winter moonlight streaming in from the back door. “That’s nothing a good cup of tea can’t help fix. There’s still water in the kettle if you’d like.”
Bucky watches her a moment longer before accepting her offer. She directs him on where everything he needs is located and, before he knows it, he’s sitting down across from her, his own warm mug full of a lavender and something concoction. If anything, at least it smells good.
“I’m really glad Y/N brought you along, Bucky,” your mom says as she takes another sip of her own tea. There’s a glint in the corner of her eye that Bucky can’t quite place, and it admittedly makes him a little nervous. “I do have to admit that her father and I were a bit shocked when she said she was bringing someone home. And then finding out that someone was a...well, you. I guess you never expect your own kid to get mixed up in the affairs of a superhero,” she chuckles to herself.
Bucky takes a large drink of his tea, instantly regretting it as it burns his throat the entire way down. He doesn’t know how to respond to that. When it had sunk in that he was going to be visiting you home for Christmas, meeting your parents and seeing your hometown, it made him anxious. He remembered that, back when he was still the punk who ran the streets of old-time Brooklyn like he owned the place, when a girl invited you to meet her parents it meant you were going steady, or at least headed in that direction. He knew things had changed a lot in terms of dating and relationships in general between men and women in the eighty-odd years he had been under, but he couldn’t help but wonder if this - spending one-on-one time with his beautiful downstairs neightbor’s mom - still held the same implications as it did in the forties.
“I, uh,” Bucky isn’t sure what to say. He doesn’t want to make it sound like he is disinterested in you, he knew that you talked about him in some capacity with your mother, afterall. But at the same time he didn’t want to sound too overzealous on the off-chance that this entire trip meant nothing other than a friendly visit for the holiday. “I’m really thankful you opened your home for me.”
Your mom takes Bucky off guard when she snorts out a small laugh. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to...Listen, I don’t know exactly what is going on between you and my daughter, but whatever it is, it’s really good for her. Y/N is, as you’ve likely picked up, a giver and a caretaker. She never asks for help when she needs it, and rarely accepts it when it’s offered.
“She took the whole Snap thing pretty hard, harder than she let on I think. That’s when she really threw herself at taking care of others, so much so that she forgot to take care of herself sometimes.” She pauses and looks intently down at her mug. “Y/N needs to be taken care of sometimes, too. And, whether you know it or not, I think you do that. I haven’t seen my daughter this happy in a long time. So of course we would open our home for you. Now and whenever you may need it.”
Bucky’s unsure of how to respond to such a tender sentiment, but the way your mom is looking at him tells him no response is needed. It’s a look, he assumes, only a mother can give. One of knowing and mystery and tender loving. One that she so openly offered to him, a stranger, an intruder in her home and holiday season. He realizes then that, everything he’s gone through, everything he’s ever done both voluntarily and not, doesn’t carry as much as he’s been thinking. That, despite it all, maybe he is more than what HYDRA made him and that he is deserving of the good things that have come to him in recent weeks.
“Well, Bucky,” your mom says as she takes one final sip of her tea. “I’m going to try to get some sleep. I suggest you do the same. Christmas Eve is kind of a big deal around here. You’ll need the energy, especially if you want to keep up with Y/N.”
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Bucky quickly learned that when your mom said that Christmas Eve was a big deal, she meant it. You had come knocking at his door a little past seven this morning, telling him that, if he did not get up, you would not hesitate to grab a handful of snow. Despite the too few hours of sleep he ended up getting and the desire to hide away just a little longer before facing your entire family again, Bucky pulled himself out of bed and plastered a smile on his face.
The morning passes in a flurry of Christmas activity. Cookie dough is beat and patted and molded into festive shapes while various Christmas melodies flowed through the home. It was tradition, you had said as you deposited a fresh batch of snickerdoodles into the oven, that Christmas Eve morning was reserved for baking and eggnog making and singing out-of-tune to Christmas songs. So, you taught him how to use a rolling pin properly, showed him the perfect amount of pressure to put on the cookie cutters, and even scolded him when he took a spoonful of dough all for himself. The uncooked sugary goodness was just as good as he remembered.
As the last of the cookies are placed on a rack to cool, and the eggnog is nestled neatly into the fridge to chill, Bucky feels his back pocket start to vibrate. His heart drops momentarily when he pulls his phone out and sees Sam’s name scrolling across the screen. Sam only called for two reasons: Avengers business or to coax him out of the hole Bucky sometimes digs himself into, and only one was pertinent to the situation at hand.
Bucky excuses himself and steps out onto the back porch where he can talk in private. “Is everything okay,” Bucky asks in place of a proper greeting.
“Merry fuckin’ Christmas to you too, bud,” comes Sam’s witty response. Bucky has never wished to reach through a phone and slap the grin he just knows Sam is wearing right off his face. “I was just calling to see how things were going.”
“They’re fine, Sam,” Bucky huffs out, crossing his metal arm across his chest. “I made cookies for the first time, I think.”
Bucky can’t help but crack a smile when Sam starts to laugh on the other end. “That must have been a scene. I would tell everyone not to eat ‘em, though.”
The easygoing banter continues for a few minutes before the topic shifts to how Bucky is really doing. He shares his past day - because really he’s only been away from the city for a little over twenty-four hours - and Sam updates him on the goings-on at his own family gathering. Bucky listens intently while watching a pair of cardinals take turns pecking at the bird feeder hanging just beyond the porch and the sunset looming just beyond the yard.
“You sound really good, Buck. I’m real happy this neighbor can look past your shitty moods and spend time with you,” Sam says before saying his goodbyes. Bucky would be lying if he said he wasn’t happy to hear from him. It was one of those little things that reminded him there were people out there that cared.
Instead of going back inside right away, Bucky decides to stay out on the back porch a little longer to enjoy the view of the setting sun and the tranquility that comes with being out of the city. It was rare that he found himself in a place as quiet as this, with a view unobstructed by skyscrapers. He wanted to savor the moment a little longer, appreciate the things he hadn’t realized he’d been missing for all these years.
“Pretty, isn’t it?” While lost in reverie, Bucky hadn’t heard you join him on the porch. He looks over to find you standing just to his left, already focused on the view. He admires the way the last rays of daylight streak across your face, takes in the way it makes you look like you’re lit from within by some ethereal, otherworldly energy. And maybe you were. After all, you’d somehow found a way to look past his flaws and broken pieces and settle yourself deep within his bones, whether you knew it or not.
“Yea, it is,” Bucky replies without taking his eyes off of your face. He’s not sure if he means the sun or you.
You look at him, then, the softest smile he’s ever seen planted on your face. He notices that under your left eye is a streak of flour that had found a home there at some point throughout the day. Without much thought, Bucky makes to wipe it away. “You have a little...” when he swipes his finger across the soft skin of your cheek, he swears he hears your breath hitch in your throat, but he tries not to think too much into it. He had unintentionally used his left hand, after all.
You both stand there like that for a moment, his thumb still lingering just under your lower lashes and you looking at him like he was the one responsible for this sunrise and sunset every day. The spell is broken, however, when a winter breeze blows through, causing your to shiver and curl in on yourself for warmth.
“Hey, so, if you’re up to it, we still have one more Y/L/N tradition that we have yet to complete.” You wait for a reaction, and Bucky’s not sure what you were looking for, but when he doesn’t say anything, you continue. “The city goes all out with the lights each year, and we usually go downtown to look at them. You don’t have to come if you don’t want to. It’s usually kinda busy, and I know it’s cold and-”
“I’d love to,” Bucky smiles, and when he sees the unparalleled joy that spreads across your face, he knows then that he would say or do anything to be the reason for that look over and over again.
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It’s just beginning to flurry when you make it to the main drag of your little hometown. Your parents lived just far enough away to feel like a quiet neighborhood, but close enough that you could easily walk downtown without immediately regretting your decision.
It comes as no surprise when you find the wider-than-normal sidewalks in front of the neat row of old storefronts crowded with other residents bundled up in their winter’s best. Despite the shoulder-to-shoulder situation in some sections of the street, you didn’t mind the crowd one bit. The unique and beautifully decorated window displays and intricately lit buildings and trees made the awkward shuffling and getting elbowed by strangers worth it.
At some point, you get separated from your parents and, when you turn to see Bucky’s reaction to the spectacle, you find he’s a good two couples away from you. You decide then that the only way you’re going to avoid being separated from anyone else is by looping your arm through his. He doesn’t fight it, and there’s only a slight moment of stiff awkwardness before he relaxes his arm and allows you to guide him through the crowd. Your cheeks hurt from the genuine smile on your face, and your throat is already feeling the effects of the amount of talking you’re doing. You have to point everything out to Bucky, though, from the horrifying, oversized light-up tooth the town’s dentist has put on display since you could remember to the ever-changing elegant light show that danced across the courthouse. You’re so enthralled in making sure you share every last detail of this special tradition that you fail to notice the way Bucky has closed in on himself.
Despite the glistening lights and the way the moonlight was catching on the large snowflakes as they fell, the light that usually shown in Bucky’s eyes had dimmed to barely the flicker of a candle. The smile that graced his lips was for your benefit and only appeared when you looked back at him to ensure he was still listening to you. As much as he loved watching your enthusiasm seep out of every pore, and enjoyed hearing the way the pitch of your voice got just a bit higher when you spotted something you especially enjoyed, Bucky wasn’t having a good time. The crowd, despite living in New York City, was making him nauseous. Every time he let you pull him down a side street, each seemingly smaller than the next, you felt the knot that had settled in the bottom of his belly tighten just a little bit more. At least when he was in the city, he felt comfortable, knew his way around most of modern-day Brooklyn, and had identified the perfect escape routes just in case a situation went south. Luckily, he’s never had to utilize such routes. But here? The place you were so excited to show him, share with him was foreign to him. The idea of not knowing what waited beyond each turn of the corner, who stood watching through the windows above the quaint storefronts took him back to his time on the run, back to when his days were filled with strict, careful routine, and he felt he was living on borrowed time.
“Earth to Bucky,” you laughed as you waved a hand in front of his face. He blinked a few times, pulling himself back to the surface before he could drown in his thoughts. You were looking at him, obviously waiting for an answer to a question he didn’t hear. “Where’d you go?” you laughed, blissfully unaware of the demons that were creeping in the shadows of Bucky’s still fucked mind.
“I, uh, got caught up in the lights, I guess,” he replied lamely, flinching when he realized just how stupid the answer sounds. He watches as an array of emotions flick across your eyes; amusement, questioning, concern. He had to look away before you could settle on a look of pity. Bucky couldn’t handle that.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” your probe, pulling him off to the side of the walkway into the entryway of one of the many buildings. “You don’t look so good.”
Bucky felt like kicking himself, wanted to scream at and scold his fragile mind for taking the joy and excitement you had been exuding just moments ago and turning it into worry, pity, anything but what you deserved to be feeling right now. “Bucky, please tell me if something’s wrong.”
He takes a breath before looking down at his snow-covered boots. “The crowds, being in an unfamiliar place...I still have problems with that, I guess.”
Your face falls even more at that. “Why didn’t you say something? We could have gone back home ages ago. Or not come at all. Or, or…”
“Y/N, it’s fine. Really. This is a tradition; I didn’t want to ruin it.”
You cross your arms and pout at that. He’s waiting for you to stomp your foot, much like Becca used to as a child when something didn’t go her way. The thought of his sister stings a little. She would have loved something like this, Bucky thinks, and that makes his uncomfortableness even more of a nuisance. He’s alive and able to see crazy Christmas displays and enjoy the things children growing up when he did couldn’t experience, yet here he is, broken and wishing he was anywhere else.
You pull him from his revere again when you start to tug on his metal arm. “Come on,” you huff, not out of annoyance or anger, but something else he can’t quite put his finger on.
“We’re not going back to your house,” he says, digging his heels into the concrete. This causes you to stumble a little and let go of his arm. “Please, don’t let me ruin this for you. I’ll be fine.”
“The only way you’ll ruin this is if you continue to be miserable while walking around. This is the same display as last year anyway,” you shrug. “I think I can skip one year.”
The two of you stand there for a moment, just looking at each other before Bucky sighs and relents. You loop your arm through his again, this time holding it a bit firmer and closer to your body, and begin to worm your way through the crowd. The further you get from the downtown streets, the quieter and emptier the sidewalks became. It wasn’t long before it was just the two of you walking along in silence. Despite the crowd-less walk, you don’t drop his arm.
“I’m really glad you came with,” you whisper after a few minutes. You’d lead him down the long route to your home, both for the fact it was sparsely traveled by foot and because you weren’t quite ready to lose the closeness of holding Bucky’s arm. “Even if I made you uncomfortable.”
Bucky doesn’t say anything for a moment, and you think he’s retreated back into wherever he goes when he’s feeling stressed, but then he replies. “No, thank you. This is obviously a special holiday for you and your family. And here I am, intruding.”
You snort and bring your free hand up to wrap around his metal forearm. “You could never intrude, Bucky. I enjoy spending time with you.”
Despite the chill in the air, Bucky has never felt as warm as he does when those six words leave your mouth.
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When you return home, boots are quickly shed and coats are hung neatly in the closet. Bucky stands quietly by the door, waiting for your lead. Despite your efforts of making him feel comfortable in your home, his movements were still shy and timid as he glided over the hardwood floors.
“I’m going to finish putting the dishes away,” you say after a moment and nod towards the T.V.. “You’re more than welcome to turn something on, I’ll only be a second.”
Bucky nods his head and watches you disappear into the dark kitchen. He waits until the clatter of pans and ceramic bowls reaches his ears to head up to the guest room. He didn’t feel much like socializing anymore. The day, despite its laid back approach and festive touch, had been both mentally and emotionally draining for him.
Bucky gracelessly flops down onto his back on the borrowed bed. He’s contemplating sending a message to Sam, maybe do that video chatting Wanda enjoyed so much but he loathed. He needed the comfort of home, the familiar to drag him from the hole he could feel himself sinking into. Despite his best efforts, he couldn’t even enjoy himself on Christmas fucking Eve. He sighs as he flips onto his side and listens as the faint sounds of you puttering around the kitchen, his enhanced hearing allowing him to hear your humming of a Christmas song he can’t quite place, travel up the stairs and wrap him in a warm embrace.
He’s not sure when he drifted off, or for how long, but you pull him back to the surface of consciousness with three soft knocks on the cracked bedroom door. “Bucky?” you say softly, not daring to enter his space without an invitation. “Is everything alright?”
“Tired, I guess,” Bucky says as he pushes himself to sit up. As he swings his feet over the side, you push the door open a little more so that you can see him.
“There’s a...We have one more tradition that I’d like to share with you, but I wanted to do it separately.” You timidly step further into the room, arms held behind your back. “We usually share one present on Christmas Eve. Typically pajamas, sometimes just a gag gift. And I, uh, I wanted to make sure you were included this year.”
Bucky watches you carefully as you make your way to sit next to him on the bed. As you settle in on the mattress, you rest a neatly wrapped package on your lap. He watches as you run your hands along the paper in a nervous attempt to smooth out the nonexistent impurities. When he finally looks up to your face, he finds that you are already intently watching him, your gaze unwavering as his meets it.
“But I don’t have anything for you,” he nervously blurts out. He can feel the heat of embarrassment as it creeps up the back of his neck when you offer him a soft laugh.
“That’s not the point, Bucky. Just...here.”
You shove the gift into his hands and, as he examines it, he can feel you practically vibrating with the excited but nervous energy you’re not giving off. This was always the worst part of receiving gifts - having to open them in front of the giver. It always made Bucky a little anxious, worried that he wouldn’t deliver the expected or desired reaction. He smooths his hands over the silver paper a moment longer before he digs a finger into a seam in the wrapping. He’s slow to unwrap your gift, a part of him wishing that you hadn’t gifted him anything at all. Bucky didn’t have anything for you, and, the more he thinks about the fact he showed up to a holiday without even a small gift for the one who invited him, it makes him want to leave and never show his face around you or your family again.
When the wrapping is finally discarded, a brown leather book sits firmly in his lap. His name, his full name, is expertly embossed across the front, and the corners decorated with a simply but intricate design. When he flips it open to the first page, a set of familiar faces are smiling back up at him. His ma, dad, and himself with Becca tucked neatly in what he remembers to be a soft yellow blanket - the photo of when they brought her home, the first photo he saw when he visited her just two short months ago.
“I wanted to give you something special, meaningful,” you say when Bucky looks up at you. “Your family helped too. They gave me copies of your old pictures, provided some of their own.”
Bucky looks back to the book as he continues to flip. He watches himself grow older with each turn of the page. Pictures his ma had taken, some from school, even some from his time as a Howling Commando. Articles, magazine clippings, and copies of book pages filled the middle of the book, all about him, praising him for what he did and what they thought he lost his life doing. He can feel tears start to prick at the corners of his eyes as he looks over previously unread words of kindness, admiration, and sadness, all for him.
He doesn’t think he could feel any fuller until he flips to a hand-drawn picture of himself and Bridget, signed sloppily but in the most loving way. He can’t help but let out a watery laugh, and he can hear you add your own chuckle. “She was very excited when I asked her to contribute. That little girl loves you so much already, you know?”
Yes, Bucky knows. He knows his worth in this world now, thinks he’s finally found his misplaced spot in this place in time, and it’s all thanks to you. His chest grows tighter the further he flips in the scrapbook. Pictures of his sister when on her wedding day, when his first niece was born. Graduation photos, birthdays, and family get-togethers just because all were documented for him to see, for him to live through these pictures because he wasn’t around to bear witness in person.
When he gets to the very last pages, he pauses. A face he hadn’t expected to see smiling back at him was tucked neatly in this book, and it filled him with a warmth he thought his poor, frozen bones would never feel again. A picture of you and him on the day of Becca’s funeral, all smiles despite the somber day. It looks like you’re mid-laugh and had only just looked at the camera in time for the photo to capture your face. He’d almost forgotten that a family member - name and relation lost to him at the moment - had insisted on getting pictures of all those in attendance, had mentioned something about never seeing each other outside of things like these so he had to take advantage. He was glad that cousin or nephew or third-something-twice-removed had pestered them into taking it, because, despite not wanting to look at his broken, mismatched self, you were there shining brighter than he thinks he’s ever seen any star.
“Bucky,” you whisper, clearly unsure of what to make of his silence.
“I...I don’t know what to say, Y/N,” Bucky swallows the lump in his throat in an attempt to keep the tears that have begun to swell in his eyes from coming out in his voice. “This is the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever given me - done for me, actually.”
When he looks up at you, he tries to blink back the tears but it causes them to spill down onto his cheeks instead. “Oh, Bucky,” you gently laugh and raise a hand to wipe away his tears. When your hand makes contact with his cheek, however, you realize what you’re doing and make to pull it back. Bucky, however, is quicker and places his flesh hand on top of yours to hold it firmly to his fuzz-covered cheek.
“I lied,” he whispers and you give him a concerned and questioning look. “Earlier. I said I didn’t have a gift for you, but I do.” As he’s speaking, he slowly begins to lean in closer until your face-to-face, only a breath away from one another. “Only if you want it, though.”
You nod and bring your other hand up to fully cup his face as he closes the space between you, gently connecting your lips. It’s a slow, chaste kiss that has him craving more. More of the feel of your soft lips against his, more of your breath catching in your throat, more feeling your eyelashes butterfly across his own as you pull away just enough to rest your forehead against his. He opens his eyes slightly to get a peak of you. You’re already looking at him, a smile spread across your lips.
In that moment, he wishes he had the ability to read minds so that he could know exactly what you were thinking. Before he has the chance to say anything, you’re leaning back, this time pressing your lips more firmly against his own. If it weren’t for the fact he was so enraptured in the essence of you, he would be embarrassed by the low groan that rumbles deep in his chest. He feels your lips perk up into a wider smile before planting another quick peck to his lips before pulling away so that you could look him square in the eyes.
You brush a lock of his hair from his face and tuck it behind his ear before whispering, “Merry Christmas, Bucky.”
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twinklecheeks · 4 years
Friends With Benefits (Jeff Wittek Imagine) Part 10
Summary: Jeff and Y/N have been hooking up for a while. The whole vlog squad assumes they’re dating and Y/N does too but Jeff doesn’t like labels. He eventually starts to express interest in Natalie.
Note: Planning on making this a multiple part series, depending on how good it does.  You’re 21 & Latina in this (maybe) series. Also, I’d like to apologize for the typos, if there is any. I’m just illiterate lmao.  
Side note: I am SO SORRY I’ve been MIA since May? June?. I was planning to write chapters throughout the summer but this quarantine thing really affected my mental health. I hope you guys understand. Also, I’m starting my last semester of college next week so Idk my posting schedule.
Warnings! Pregnancy
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 , Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
Word Count: 2.1k
Okay so now that y/n and Jeff had a rather… Interesting time in Big Bear, they end it with bad news…. And Jeff still hasn’t told his parents about y/n. Christmas is in less than a week! What can go wrong?
Jeff: hey hey hey, can you calm down. Knowing the piece of shit I can be, I didn’t think I was going to be in your life. But look, I surprised myself!
Y/n: So absolutely no one knows?
Jeff: Karyn does…. Maybe my brother Steven too. Karyn basically knows the whole story.
Y/n: Are your parents going to be mad?
Jeff: Haha no. My ma has been begging me to straighten myself out and have a family. If they knew the whole story,... then they’d kill me.
Y/n: Is it just going to be us and the rest of your fam?
Jeff: Oh I forgot to tell you, Jonah’s family is coming too.
Y/n: Really?! Thank god. If it gets awkward, I can just stuff my face in the corner w/ Jonah.
Jeff: Don’t do that. You have to eat healthy.
Y/n: *gives Jeff a death glare*
Jeff: At least try to. Come on I just don’t want any other risks for the girls.
Y/n: Yeah…. I guess. What are we going to do if they’re deaf? I don’t know whether to choose the cochlear implant for selfish reasons or to let them grow up deaf and learn sign language.
Jeff: If they grow up deaf, we’re gonna have to take one or both of them to speech therapy and that’s going to be extremely difficult because they’re not going to hear if what they’re saying is pronounced right.
Y/n: Maybe we should give them the implant and make them learn sign language? I mean, it’s always beneficial to know another language.
Jeff: But we also have to remember that there’s a chance the implant won’t work and they’re going to have to grow up deaf. Also, remember that there’s a possibility that only one of them is born deaf.
Y/n: I hate how we’re talking about this before Christmas. I thought this was supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year.
Jeff: It is but hey, if my ma gets mad at us, we’re breaking the ice w/ the babies possibly being deaf.
Y/n: JEFF.
Jeff: Oh shut up you know you would do that too w/ your parents.
Y/n: *rolls her eyes* I mean… you’re not wrong.
Jeff: Now hurry up and pack your stuff. We have an early flight tomorrow.
*At the airport w/ the Antonyan’s*
Suzie: I can’t believe we’re spending Christmas in New York!
Jonah: It’s gonna be so cold there though.
Vardon: Shut up Jonah. It’s a free present from David.
Jeff: Hey I’m gonna give y’all a heads up that my parent’s do not know that y/n is pregnant.
Everybody: *looks at Jeff for being a dumbass*
Suzie: You’re so stupid.
Jonah: I agree
Jonah’s mom: She look like she gonna give birth tomorrow and you no tell your parents?!
Jonah’s dad: You in big trouble Jeff
Y/n: *Laughing*
Jeff: Let’s just get on the plane.
*They arrive in New York*
Y/n: Jeff, we can’t just show up to your parent’s house and they see how pregnant I am. It’s going to ruin Christmas!
Jeff: Don’t worry. I’m sure they're going to be fine. I think.
Y/n: JEFF.
Jeff: *sees his older sister* Hey look it’s Karyn!
Karyn: *moves Jeff out of the way* Oh my god y/n! Can't believe you’re having twins!
Y/n: Jeff hasn’t told your parents about me yet.
Karyn: *turns to Jeff* JEFF ARE YOU FUCKIN STUPID
Jeff: Hey can y’all wait to yell at me after we leave the airport. People are staring
*In the car*
Karyn: Jeff I know I gave you a deadline to tell Ma and Pa but that didn’t mean to WAIT UNTIL THE DEADLINE.
Jeff: Everybody just loves to yell at me today
Y/n: How do you honestly think they’re going to react.
Karyn: They probably think Natalie is gonna come
Jeff: Thanks a lot Karyn why tf did you have to say that.
Karyn: Hey, this is your fault. Not ours. You have to think of a way to tell mom and dad.
Suzie: *sitting in the back* This is going to be an interesting Christmas.
*Jeff’s parent’s house*
Jeff: Here goes nothing. *opens the door* hey ma?? *looks around*
Karyn: Maybe they left to get last minute things for Christmas.
Y/n: Cool, gives me time to hide.
Karyn: Hun, everything is going to be fine.
*another car pulls into the driveway*
Y/n: Oh god I’m going to throw up
Jeff: How about you go to my old room and I talk to them.
Y/n: *walks to Jeff’s old room* What if Jeff’s parents are disappointed that I’m not Natalie? They knew about her and not me.
*Jeff’s parents walk in*
Jeff’s mom: My baby boy! I know it’s only been a month but I love it everytime you come home. Sorry we weren’t here. We were buying more food just in case. You didn’t bring Natalie?
Jeff: About that, her and I are done… for good.
Jeff’s dad: Oh well, that’s too bad son.
Karyn: *whispers* But he did bring someone else…
Jeff: *shoves Karyn* hey, shut it. Ma…. Pa…. There was someone else before Natalie… We went out for a while but I broke it off w/ her cause I was stupid and now we’re back together…
Jeff’s dad: Okay, I don’t see the problem? Is she here?
Jeff: Ummm she is… But there’s something else. She’s pregnant… and they’re mine.
*Jeff’s parents both laugh*
*Everybody else laughs nervously*
Jeff’s mom: Good joke, now where is she?
Karyn: Ma, he’s not joking…
*Jeff’s parents look at everybody*
Jeff’s dad: Oh Jeffrey, what did you do.
Jeff: No no no, everything is fine between us. It was ugly between us at first but now we’re back together.
Jeff’s mom: *processes* WAIT. Did you say “they’re mine” as in PLURAL?!
Jeff: Umm yeah. She’s having twins.
Jeff’s mom: I don't know whether to be angry or excited. I mean I’m going to be a grandmother again!
Jeff’s Dad: If he’s on good terms w/ her and is back together w/ her, I see no problem.
Jeff: Y/n you wanna come out?
Y/n: *Walks out slowly* Hii
Jeff’s mom: My god, how far along are you?
Y/n: 5 months
Jeff’s mom: *turns to Jeff* You kept this from us for HOW LONG.
Jeff: We can talk about that later but at least give a warm welcome to the mother of your soon to be granddaughters.
Jeff’s family: IT’S TWIN GIRLS
Jeff’s mom: Oh my god I feel like fainting but I won’t. Oh dear congratulations. I’m going to spoil those little girls rotten. *hugs y/n*
Y/n: Thank you so much. I was afraid of how you would react.
Jeff’s dad: His mom has been begging him to settle down for years. She finally got her wish.
Jeff’s mom: This is a Christmas gift I wasn't expecting at all but I am so happy for the both of you. Jeffrey is a natural when he spends time w/ his sister’s children.
Y/n: haha that’s good to know.
Jeff’s dad: Dear they’re probably all tired. Let them rest for a bit and we’ll go out later tonight.
*Jeff and Y/n take a nap in Jeff’s old room*
Y/n: Well, that went better than expected. I just wish my parents were like that…
Jeff: Babe don’t worry, they’ll come around.
Y/n: I doubt it. When my older sister moved out, they didn’t talk to her for a year but when our older brother moved out, my parents helped him w/ everything! All I’ve done is please them and I do one thing they don’t like and I’M DISOWNED?? QUE SE VAYAN AL CARAJO!
Jeff: Hey hey hey, calm down. You don’t wanna stress the girls out.
Y/n: I mean, at least my siblings are on my side but they live in Seattle.
Jeff: We also have like 20 friends who will always be w/ us. The twins will always have family around.
Y/n: I’m just wondering when we should tell them about the deaf thing.
Jeff: I think we should wait until after the holidays. Maybe in February? I just think we need our time to process and prepare ourselves for anything before it’s confirmed once they’re born.
Y/n: Yeah, you’re right. But February is my birthday though… I don’t wanna ruin the fun w/ that.
Jeff: Hurry up and get dressed. I have a little surprise for you but you have to close your eyes when you get in the car.
Y/n: Jeff please don’t send me into pre-term labor.
Jeff: Don’t worry. It’s nothing bad. I think you’ll love it.
*Jeff drives to Brooklyn*
Jeff: Okay we're almost there. Are your eyes still closed?
Y/n: Yeeees. Boy I’m getting impatient.
Jeff: We’re here. I’ll help you get out of the car. Okay now you can open your eyes.
Y/n: *turns around* NO FUCKING WAY. RIMINI’S.
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Jeff: Yeah. I remember you sayin that you came to this bakery all the time. And that they had your favorite cookies in the world.
Y/n: Jeff. I haven't been here in 10 years. My grandpa would always take me here. I lived 5 minutes down the street.
Jeff: That’s why I brought you here. I knew how much it meant to you.
Y/n: I know you’re not proposing but I would’ve said yes in a millisecond. Now let’s go inside! I have to get their italian butter cookies and I’m bringing a bunch back to LA. I don’t know the next time I’ll  be able to come back.
Jeff: I mean, we’d be coming back quite often after the babies are born to visit my family.
Y/n: Okay but I’m still bringing a bunch back. You can’t get anything like this back in LA.
Jeff: But don’t go overboard w/ the sweets. You don’t want gestational diabetes.
Y/n: *death glares* You sayin I eat too much?
Jeff: No no no, you know what I mean.
Y/n: *pouts* But they taste so good :(
Jeff: Which means you should ration them as much as possible. Also, when we film for my channel, you might wanna hide these from Jonah.
Y/n: I swear to god if Jonah even THINKS about eating my damn cookies, I’m going to jail for manslaughter…
Jeff: Hun, what did I say about the anger. Don’t stress the girls out.
*Back at Jeff’s house*
Jeff’s dad: Well look who finally came back. We wanted to take you guys out but y’all left.
Jeff: Sorry pops, Y/n and I went to Brooklyn. She lived there until she was 11.
Jeff’s mom: Oh wow, I wouldn’t have guessed you were from New York too.
Y/n: Yeah, my parents moved my older siblings and I to Seattle because it was getting hard w/ the cost of living. Also, my grandfather passed away, so there wasn’t really any reason for us to stay there. My parent’s LOVED living here.
Jeff’s dad: Your parents are from New York too?  
Y/n: No. My parents immigrated from Peru. My dad came in the 70s as a teenager and went back and forth. My mom immigrated here in the 80s. They still have a bunch of friends here and they still know the city like they still live here.
Jeff’s mom: Why didn’t you invite them for Christmas in the city. I bet it would bring back so many good memories for them.
Y/n: *sighs* Well, we're kind of not talking at the moment… They were really disappointed when I told them I was pregnant. My older siblings are supportive though.
Karyn: Well that’s good that you have older siblings that will always look out for you. That’s why I give dumb dumb over there *points at Jeff* a hard time.
Jeff: What the fuck.
Karyn: They’ll come around eventually but even if it takes an eternity, just know that you have us now. We’re family! Even if Jeff somehow messes things up w/ you in the future.
Jeff: Ma can you tell her to stop!
Jeff’s mom: Karyn, stop bullying your brother.
Next chapter is CHRISTMAAAAS. (Don’t worry it’s already done. I won't post it for another couple of days) Also, some of the stuff in this chapter is kind of based on me. (Not the pregnant thing. I’ve never been pregnant lmao) But I was born in Brooklyn and the immigrant parents/ moving away thing is from my real life. (but not the moving away cause of grandpa. He was still alive for a couple years after.) But the cookies from Rimini’s… Will change your LIFE.
Comment if you want to be on the taglist!
Taglist: @elvlogsquad​​ @siemprestan​​ @zavidzobrik​​ @galxydefender​​ @iminlovewithenchilidadas​​ @ilsolee​​ @ranprivate​ @one-sweet-gubler​  @sunwardsss​ @shamalamashams​ @michellemxndes​
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just-a-happening · 4 years
Kelly from Psych | T.H
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Summary: Sometimes destiny looks like walking in on someone in the bathroom at a party you didn’t want to be at and he wasn't invited to.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Word Count: 1,815
Author’s Note: hello! again! everyone was so nice in my last fic that I decided to give it another go. am I a one-hit-wonder? you decide! also, I’ve decided that all my fics exist within the same universe, so it’s just like one long story if that makes any sense anyways this is how you met!
          You picked nervously at the label of your beer bottle, searching the faces in the crowd for your roommate. It’d been an hour since she disappeared and what had started as a drink to pass the time had quickly escalated to two Stella’s and a slight buzz.
In her defense, you should have known better. You’d been reluctant to agree to be her plus one at an old classmate’s going away party—“You remember Kelly! From Psych!”—but after negotiating a quick but long-enough-to-be-polite appearance followed by ice cream at your favorite parlor in the East Village, you’d caved.
You lost her within the first half-hour after she spotted an old flame in the crowd, making empty promises about how she wouldn’t be long.
          “I don’t want him thinking I’m not over him!” she argued, already backing away towards where he was standing with a few friends you recognized from the three dorm-room parties you’d been forced to attend.
          “But you aren’t over him,” you’d countered, raising an eyebrow skeptically.
She rolled her eyes. “Of course I am,” she said and you didn’t know who she as trying to convince more: her, or you. “Just relax, okay? I’ll be right back.”
That was an hour and a half ago.
You downed the rest of your drink, smiling sheepishly and gesturing at your now empty bottle as you excused yourself from the small gathering of people that had assembled around you. Not that it really mattered, everyone was so engrossed in the conversation—to which you’d contributed so little—that no one so much as glanced your way as you slipped away.
The crowd had thickened into a dense throng of people. A quiet, intimate, friendly get-together you could handle. A full-blown college rager full of people you hardly knew and barely remembered? Less so. As you weaved through the throng of people you felt anxiety creep into your chest making it uncomfortably tight.
No amount of ice cream was worth this. 
You made it to the kitchenette, which was an oversight on your part. It was impossibly full of at least a dozen people grabbing at chips and beer, emptying the scarce selection by the case. You scanned the room over guests’ heads for a few seconds before zeroing in on the perfect escape.
You traded in your empty bottle of beer for a new one and all but sprinted across the small two-bedroom apartment, ducking into the bathroom by the coat closet and shutting the door behind you quickly, not stopping to check whether there was a line. 
The sound of music and small talk dulled, falling away until it was basically white noise and you felt relief wash over you. You closed your eyes and turned to press your back against the door, letting out a breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding.
For a brief second, everything was better.
But then you heard someone cleared their throat and you felt your blood turn to ice in your veins—you’d been so preoccupied about finding an escape you’d never stopped to consider that there was someone already inside.
Your eyes flew open and you came face to face with the unfortunate stranger whose privacy you’d completely invaded, your gaze meeting a strangely familiar one.
You felt your mouth fall open.
He gave a little wave, his expression a mixture of surprise and concern. You thought you must look as overwhelmed as I felt. 
          “Uh, hi.” 
Unfortunately, your mouth worked faster than your brain and instead of the string of apologies he probably deserved, you said: “I swear I’m not a fan.”
He blinked, the ghost of a smile dancing on his lips. “Pardon?”
Shit. You swallowed hard and tried again. “I just–I didn’t want you to think that I, like, followed you into the bathroom like some kind of creep or something because I didn’t.”
He raised an eyebrow.
          “I mean I am a fan,” you backtracked helplessly. “Of your work, I mean. I’m more of an Iron Man girl myself, but you’re great, too. I just–I’m not one of those fans–not that there’s anything wrong with those kinds of fans! Except, maybe there is? Because nobody should be following anybody into the bathroom regardless of whether or not they’re Spider-Man, y’know? Which you obviously are.”
          “Obviously,” he agreed and you chose to overlook the fact that he was very clearly making fun of you. 
You don’t know what you expected, but this wasn’t it. His demeanor was surprisingly calm, all things considered. You wondered if maybe this wasn’t the first time this had happened to him, which seemed like a terrible thing to get used to. 
There was a beat of awkward silence where he watched you, openly amused, as you felt around behind you for the doorknob. After what felt like a small eternity, your hands closed around it and you smiled sheepishly.
          “Anyways, I’m just gonna go and find a different hiding place, preferably one where I don’t make a total ass of myself, and uh leave you to it–” you tried to pry the door open but he cut you off before you could manage to slip out.
          “Wait, who are you hiding from?” he asked.
Your fingers fell away from the handle. “Um, everyone?”
He nodded, gesturing lightly around the room before saying, “Well then, if that’s the case you might as well stay. That way we can hide from everyone together. Strength in numbers and all that.”  
You tried not to smile. “Why are you hiding from everyone?”
He pointed loosely to the party that was raging on outside with a half-empty beer bottle you hadn’t realized he'd been holding. “Oh you know, just doing my best to avoid crazy fangirls who follow me into bathrooms and stuff,” he teased. “They seem always find me, though.”
You flushed. “I never said anything about being crazy.”
He feigned innocence, one hand moving over his heart like some kind of celebrity boy scout. “What makes you think I was talking about you?”
Before you could fire back a response, someone knocked on the door and without missing a beat, the two of you replied, “Occupied!”
When you were sure the coast was clear, you gave him a pointed look. 
          “You know, they’re going to think we’re hooking up in here now.”
He laughed, “I’m sorry to have to break it to you, love, but according to the tabloids I’m actually already having a secret love affair with my co-star.”
You gasped playfully. “Which one?”
He shrugged nonchalantly. “All of them, I think.”
It was your turn to laugh. “Scandalous.”
You slid down the door to sit on the tile floor, grateful you’d gone with jeans instead of the leather number your roommate had tried to corral you into. For the first time since making your dramatic entrance you realized that for someone trying to stay under the radar, he wasn’t dressed very inconspicuously in a pair of dark pants and a printed button-up.
Then again, maybe that was the perfect camouflage.
          “I’m Tom,” he said, holding his arm out to you across the too-small space.
You took his hand. “Would it be shitty of me to say ‘I know?’”
          “As long as your fine with being impolite.”
You rolled your eyes. “It’s very nice to meet you, Tom.”
          “Much better.”
You hugged your knees closer to your chest, trying to make yourself as small as possible. It was evident this wasn’t a bathroom meant to be shared by two people at the same time, the ends of your shoes brushing his with every small movement despite sitting on opposite ends. 
You should have felt cramped and uncomfortable, but instead, you felt strangely at ease.
Which is how you found yourself falling into easy conversation. He was in town for business, just a few weeks of press before heading back home for the holidays. You told him about how you’d negotiated Christmas but sacrificed New Years at work. He told you most of the time he sacrificed both. You did your best to keep from asking about Hollywood and he was surprisingly good-natured about it when you inevitably failed. He asked you about college and the party and your roommate who still wasn’t answering your texts.
          “So tell me,” you started and he leaned forward. At some point during the conversation, he’d slid down from the bathtub’s edge to the floor, his knees now slotted in between yours. You tried to keep the intimacy of it all from distracting you. “How did you end up here? I didn’t peg you as a party crasher.”
He almost looked offended. “I’ll have you know I was invited,” he said.
You narrowed your eyes skeptically. “Really?”
          “Not exactly,” he conceded. “But my mate Harrison has been kind of seeing one of the girls who lives here–or I guess lived here.”
Your eyebrows shot up into your hairline. “Your friend is dating Kelly from Psych?”
His lips twitched. “Well, I know her as Kelly from Tinder.”
          “Huh,” you said, in a voice right above a whisper. “Small world.”
          “Isn’t it?” he said, his stare latched to yours. “Out of all the girls in New York, Haz swiped right on Kelly and out of all bathrooms in this flat, we both chose this exact one.”
You felt a twinge in your chest but you pushed it down. “Not to take away from this otherwise great moment, but I do think this might be the only bathroom in this apartment.”
He scoffed. “Semantics, love.”
          “Are you saying that us being friends is some kind of destiny?” you countered, narrowing your eyes at him lightly.
The word ‘friends’ hung between you so tangibly you felt like you could pluck it out of the air. You don’t know why you said it, it had just slipped out, but now that it had, there was no taking it back. What else were you supposed to say? This wasn’t exactly a conventional situation.
Besides, it was pretty bold of you to assume that sitting in a bathroom for an hour with someone even constituted a friendship, much less anything more. But something told you it wasn’t supposed to end here and friends felt like a good place to start.
          “I guess I am.”
You straightened up and squared your shoulders, holding your now-empty beer bottle out to him, almost as a challenge.
He touched his equally empty bottle to yours, eyes bright. “Friends.”
For a moment you both just stared at each other, the air loaded with an emotion you couldn’t quite place. When you couldn’t stand it anymore, you peaked at your phone screen to check the time.
          “So friend,” you said and he grinned. “Want to get out of here? I know a great ice cream place.”
He pretended to ponder it. “You know friend, I think I might.”
And you did. 
It wasn’t until much later, long after saying good-bye at your subway stop after turning down his offer of paying for a car—“My subway card works just fine thank you very much.” “Right, but does it have leather interiors and seat warmers?”—and after making loose plans to meet again tomorrow for lunch that you finally heard from your roommate. 
It was well past midnight but dessert had put you behind on work and you had spreadsheets to finalize before bed, which is why noticed when your phone lit up with two messages from an unknown number.
Remember no chains tomorrow. You promised the real New York experience!
This is Tom btw
Before you could answer another message came in, this time from your roommate.
did you really leave kelly’s party with tom fucking holland ????
You bit back a smile. 
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Happy Holidays from the Library! (and Jeep)
Hello friends! Thank you for the love and support and concern you have shown me. My personal blog got a bunch of dm’s and asks telling me about how happy they were that I was putting in the effort to fix the tags and keep the Library going and it’s been a wonderful gift to me. 
But today is Christmas Eve and I didn’t want you to head off to your family’s without a little gift from me! 
This post is going to be a list of my favorite Christmas fics, all true recommendations and not just an update on the latest fics like usual. These are all fics that made me laugh, cry and just truly enjoy the holiday season. You might recognize a few so be sure to tell me the ones you love as well! 
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This is gonna be quite the list, and I try not to be a total ass, so the fics are under the break :) - Jeep
In no particular order, Jeep’s Sterek Holiday Favorites -
When You Stop Believing in Santa You Get Underwear by owlpostagain (7,817 | 1/1 | T)
There are some salvageable things though. A virtually untouched heavy slate sign that says, engraved in an ornate script that confirms at least one person in the Hale family had a sense of humor (Stiles has a horrible suspicion it might have been Peter), When You Stop Believing in Santa You Get Underwear.
The Natural Binding Properties of Pine Sap by uraneia (4,296 | 1/1 | T)
Derek saves a nymph from being somebody's Christmas decoration. As a reward, the nymph grants him a twig of mistletoe.
If Derek had known the mistletoe would come to life and goad him into kissing people at random, he might have tried to refuse.
I Just Want You For My Own (More Than You Could Ever Know) by yodasyoyo (16,062 | 4/4 | T)
“What is with that sweater, dude?”
Derek ducks his head to look at it, abashed. “Uh- Mrs Hernandez knitted it for me. It’s an early Christmas gift.” He smooths it down self-consciously.
Stiles cocks an eyebrow.
“What? She’s my neighbor and sometimes I-” Derek trails off. Stiles’ other eyebrow rises to join the first, and Derek sighs. “Sometimes I help her carry her groceries."
Of course he does. One day maybe Stiles will stop being in love with Derek Hale, but today is not that day.
A Hale for the Holidays by rlnerdgirl (38,095 | 1/1 | E)
“I sent you a Christmas card that got sent back to me. Did you get a new apartment?” his dad wonders. The question is all suspicion and little anything else.
A flicker of an idea sparks. It’s not nearly formed well enough for him to say, “Yeah, actually,” and when he follows that with, “I moved in with someone,” he wants to punch himself in the face. He’s living with someone?!
“You’re living with someone?” It’s the same voice and tone as the one in Stiles’ head, just thirty years older.
Two things keep Stiles from bashing his face onto the table: there’s a steaming cup of coffee in the way and, more importantly, his dad will definitely hear. Someone passes by in front of him and a semi-familiar book cover catches his eye. “Derek Hale,” he muses, and stops. No. That wasn’t meant to be out loud.
Gingerbread by slythatheart (16,572 | 1/1 | T)
Stiles is offered a Christmas wish, and there's only one thing he can think of to wish for.
A Christmas Hale by Captain_Loki (14,298 | 1/1 | M)
His mouth began forming the word 'no' in a knee jerk reaction, but it died on his lips when he actually looked at Stiles. There was no pity in his face, no sense of moral obligation or charitable intent, he looked...earnest and nervous and so much the sixteen that he was. He realized with a jolt that had his stomach twisting into something that felt nothing like anger that Stiles wasn't asking for Derek's sake. 
sometimes fate is like a small snowstorm by thepsychicclam (8,145 | 1/1 | M)
In a coffee shop two days before Christmas, Derek meets Stiles. Despite neither of them being interested in relationships, they spend an unforgettable evening together, but then part ways. During the following years, Stiles competes in the Olympics, Derek tours the world - and neither of them forget. Then twelve years later, two days before Christmas, Derek finds Stiles in that same coffee shop.
With A Little Christmas Magic by Ashabadash (10,669 | 1/1 | T)
AU: Stiles is jobless this Christmas and as a last resort, is stuck playing one of Santa’s elves at the mall. The job is a bust, and Stiles isn’t really in the Christmas mood, until he finds salvation in the Starbucks at the food court, not only in hiding from kids, but in one very sexy barista named Derek.
Real life isn't a movie (life doesn't make narrative sense) by dearericbittle (dutchmoxie) (11,586 | 1/1 |T)
Somehow accidentally insulting a hot guy in a coffee shop leads to pretending to be his boyfriend in front of a house full of werewolves. Stiles Stilinski is living his best life and making the most of his Hallmark movie moment.
All The Way Home (I'll Be Warm) by GotTheSilver (11,535 | 1/1 | M)
Stiles is standing there, shifting awkwardly from foot to foot, and Derek doesn’t want to see him disappear into the apartment opposite without a promise to see him again. “Do you—would you like something to drink? Coffee?”
“Uh, yeah, sure.” Rubbing his hands together, Stiles nods and looks over his shoulder. “Can you give me a minute to get changed? I’ve got snow melting in places that I don’t want it to be melting.”
Derek laughs at the look on Stiles’ face and nods. “Knock when you’re done.”
If Derek watches Stiles until the door closes, that’s no one’s business but his own.
Jingle Grouch by aggybird (3,262 | 1/1 | G)
Derek the Grinch has a crush on Stiles the Snow Elf.
All I Want for Christmas (Is You) by blindinglights (9,284 | 1/1 | E)
Derek meets Stiles in a department store while shopping for his family, after seeing a little girl crying for her Dad on the floor. They part ways and Derek doesn’t think he’ll see Stiles again. Beacon Hills may not be that big, but it still doesn’t mean he’ll ever run into Stiles, because that’s just not how Derek’s life works. Despite what Erica tries to tell him whenever she can, that sometimes fate can happen, Christmas miracles, whatever, it won’t.
Home for Christmas by mikkimouse (6,613 | 1/1 | T)
"Derek," Dad said with a warm smile. "Glad you could make it."
Derek nodded seriously. "Of course, Sheriff."
Stiles felt the pieces slot together in his head. "Wait, you called him?"
"Technically, Melissa called him," Dad said.
"Ha ha. What's he doing here?" Stiles turned to Derek. "Seriously, what are you doing here?"
Derek held up his keys. "I'm here to take you home."
how you doin’? by decideophobia (6,768 | 1/1 | T)
“So,” Derek says eventually, because he feels awkward and uncomfortable, “how you doin’?”
Mistletoe's Overrated Anyway by stilinski (8,263 | 1/1 | T)
Derek remembers a hyperactive eleven year old with a buzzcut and an irritating habit of getting underfoot - his memory doesn’t lend to the lean, doe eyed brunet in his hallway; he’s talking on his phone and scowling something fierce but Derek’s mouth goes dry at the way Stiles runs long fingers through his hair.
“Coffee?” Derek asks abruptly, turning to look at Laura. “There’s a fresh pot. Cora’s gone out on a last minute supply run - is, uh, Stiles staying?”
“I offered your wonderful hospitality until he can find a flight to take him home,” Laura says, following him back into the kitchen and leaving Stiles in the hall. “I know you have the space, and it seemed a shame to leave him stranded. Nobody should be alone on Christmas.”
lube and determination by bleep0bleep (4,873 | 1/1 | E)
It's a holiday classic: homesick boy wants to make a pumpkin pie while studying abroad, boy realizes the only place to find vegetable shortening is a sex shop, and boy makes fool of himself in front of other boy.
Last Christmas (I gave you my heart) by jadore_hale (4,532 | 1/1 | T)
“W-what is this?” Derek couldn’t even begin to get his mind around this current situation.
“My Christmas gift to you, nephew.”
Peter pushed the guy towards him, and Derek hastened to catch him before he fell face first on the floor.
“I’d like you to meet your soul mate.”
Don't Call Me Buttercup by ElloPoppet (15,830 | 1/1 | T)
Isaac wants to do Secret Santa. Derek is bad at gifts. Stiles helps, and also practices making Derek uncomfortable with awful, cutesy pet names along the way.
Derek secretly loves the pet names. Oh, and he loves Stiles as well.
Well, I hope you guys enjoy some of my all time favorite holiday fics and that maybe you find a new favorite of your own! Thank you for your love and patience while I try to figure everything out with the tags. You guys are truly the best and I wouldn’t be here without you. 
I wish you the best for this hectic time of year and that maybe these fics can keep you occupied from crazy family members. 
Happy Holidays and best wishes for the new year,
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yungidreamer · 4 years
Summary: Finals are finally over and its time to relax a little before heading home, but not everyone really has a home to go to. 
Word count: 2k
Content warnings: none, this is basically a little hit of domestic fluff
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Finals time passed like a flash. On Monday morning, while Mingi prepared to go and take his test and Yunho continued to study and finish his take home tests, she took San out for a walk to get some extra food and supplies. They walked to the store close to them to get the few things that they needed, having fun in the very clear cold morning air. The storm had cleared and left a crystalline world in its wake. The sky was clear, the snow was a bright and pure white sheet that covered and softened every surface. Everything looked like a Christmas card, clean and white.
They successfully bought all the things that they needed and had a little bit of fun along the way. Fields of snow were too tempting, too perfect, to be left alone. She was the one who started it, lobbing a soft ball of snow at the back of San’s head as he walked ahead of her. When it hit him with a soft whoof sending a burst of powdery snow over his head and shoulders the battle was begun. By the time it was over and he had tackled her into a snowdrift they were both laughing, exhausted, and covered in snow. It was the most fun San had had in months.
They arrived home not long after Mingi got home from his final and his spirit was much improved by the sight of both of them entering the house looking like they were snow monsters more than people. He greeted her with laughter and kisses, cupping her cold pinkened cheeks to warm them.
“You know, I’m cold too,” San laughed. 
“Of course,” Yunho broke into giggles, joining them at the door to use his large warm hands to warm San’s cheeks much like Mingi was doing with their girl, but skipping the kisses, which he wasn’t particularly sure he would have appreciated. The scene left everyone in stitches and raised the mood of the house in general. Yunho and Hong Joong returned to their studies while she, Mingi, and San spent the evening watching movies in the bedroom room to keep from distracting the others.
When Tuesday afternoon finally rolled around Yunho was finally done and Hong Joong headed back to his dorm to get ready to head home. They were all done and all free and it was time to relax and pamper themselves. Yunho felt like he had done well on his exam and started the holidays on a positive note. He came home to find that they had gotten the spa day prepared for his arrival. In the living room a calming natural soundscape was playing and the steam diffuser was filling the air with a mix of lavender and chamomile. They had drawn the curtains and lit a few candles around the room to create the mood. 
“Welcome home,” Mingi greeted him with a hug and passed him a warm cup of cider. “You should hop in the shower and get clean so you can get on with your pampering.”
“Okay,” Yunho gave his cheek a kiss and took the mug from his hand. “Where is our girl?”
“She’s in the shower but she’ll be out in a minute,” Mingi smiled.
“I’m going to see if I can’t catch her,” Yunho’s eyes sparkled and he hurried back to their shared bathroom. Pulling off his outer layers as he walked down the hall, he hurried to the bathroom, catching her just as she was about to step out. With a mischievous grin, he pulled her back into the shower, insisting on washing her hair, which she had skipped, figuring she could do it before bed instead. But Yunho enjoyed taking the moment to take care of her, even if it was just a small thing.
Feeling clean and warm after their shower, they threw on some comfy clothes and headed out to join San and Mingi in the spa prepared living room. Mingi had laid out their favorite masks and beauty products on the coffee table and had put out cookies and cakes for everyone to snack on. San was seated on the couch, dressed in some comfy shorts and a t-shirt he had borrowed from Mingi. Beauty could get messy after all, Mingi had said as he gave him the clothes to change into after his shower.
“Where do I start?” San asked, grabbing a cookie and taking a bite.
“Let’s start you with a mask,” She suggested. “I have just the one I want you to try.”
“I don’t trust that smile you have,” He narrowed his eyes at her as she pulled a container off the table.
“It’s fun, I promise,” she laughed.
“Carbonated clay bubble mask,” San read off the side of the container. “What on earth?”
“Just wait,” Yunho assured him.
“Okay sit facing me so I can put it on you,” she instructed, sitting next to him. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously but did as she asked. She pulled out a tiny silicone spatula and opened the container. San peered inside at the shiny grey paste, still not sure what he thought about it. She spooned out a little on the spatula before bringing it up to his face. Over a period of a minute or two, she spread a small layer of it onto his face. 
When she was done, she closed up the tub and set it back on the table, then chose one for herself and let Mingi put it on her face. The two boys took sheet masks that smelled like lovely fresh fruits. San waited and sat, letting the mask work on his face. At first it just felt cool and slick on his face, but after a few minutes it started to tickle.
“Here, look,” Mingi gave him a hand mirror to look at his face. San made a sound of surprise as he caught sight of himself. He looked like he had stuck his face in some sort of grey cloud. The slick mask had bubbled itself into something like a fluffy, airy poof.
“It’s cool, isn’t it?” Yunho asked.
“It’s weird,” he commented, poking slightly at one section. 
“You can wash it off in like 10 minutes,” She told him from where she had stretched out in front of the fireplace. San sighed and leaned back in the loveseat, trying not to give into the urge to just sit and pop the layer of bubbles on his face.
“Ummm, is your dad going to be home for Christmas?” She asked him. 
“Not really,” San sighed. “He’ll be there for a couple of days after I get there but…”
“Then you are coming over for Christmas dinner at my parents,” she replied, more as a statement than as a question.
“I don’t know,” he sighed. “I don’t want to be an imposition or something. You’re supposed to be with family and...I don’t want to intrude.”
“You aren’t an imposition,” she dismissed. “I already asked at Thanksgiving. Like, if you want you can just come over and stay for the whole break with us. But you can also just come when your dad leaves.”
“I don’t know,” San sighed. “I just feel like I am going to be a bother and just because my holidays are messed up, doesn’t mean yours should be.”
“Pfft, please,” she scoffed. “Oh my God, if we adopt you, I wouldn’t have to be the oldest anymore! Yooooou can be the oldest kid and I can be a middle child!”
“Love, I don’t think that is how it works,” Yunho laughed, casting her a look that was mostly obscured by the fabric of the mask on his face.
“Shhhhh, let me have my dream,” she shushed.
“I wish I could stay at your place for Christmas,” Mingi sighed, not looking forward to spending the holiday at his own home.
“Someday we can just do our own Christmas.” She shrugged. “I’d hate to think we have to wait until we graduate or something but...yeah. Anyway, San, you are coming for Christmas.”
“I don’t know,” San sighed. “You need to ask your parents again at least. And really I would be fine at home. I can take care of myself and you guys have already been so nice to have me the past few days already. It was like Christmas even without presents. You have the tree and everything.”
“I’ll call them later so you can hear the invitation from them,” she agreed, not willing to let him just be fine over the holidays by himself. “If you really don’t want to come, I won’t make you, but like if you think you shouldn’t come because you would be a bother, then you’re being stupid and you are going to come for Christmas.”
“We’ll see,” San gave her a smile. He appreciated the invitation even if he didn’t end up going. “Maybe after Christmas, or for New Years.”
“Oh that, too,” she spoke with such confidence that he almost believed her.
“Hey mom,” she said, stepping out onto the back porch after San had gone to bed in Mingi’s room.
“Hey honey,” her mother said cheerily from the other end of the phone. “It’s pretty late, is everything okay?”
“Yeah yeah and we are still coming home tomorrow,” she replied quickly, not wanting her mom to worry about why she was calling. “I asked at Thanksgiving already but...is it okay if San comes and stays for Christmas?”
“Is his dad going to be gone again?” Her mother sounded appropriately annoyed by the thought.
“Yeah at least for a good part of it,” she confirmed. “Can’t we just, like, adopt him...for a while at least until his dad realizes he is an idiot?”
“Of course he can come,” her mother assured her. “He is always welcome to come over.”
“I am sure you’ve probably already bought most of my presents but…” she sighed and shivered. “Can you take some back and get a few things to put under the tree for San?”
“Oh honey,” her mother could not have been more proud of her daughter. “When you get here we can go shopping and get a few things for him. You probably know better what he might want than I would.”
“Okay, that works, thanks mom,” she was relieved, not that she ever doubted her mom would say yes. “Can you have dad call San soon and invite him. He doesn’t believe me that he has an open invite.”
“Of course, I’ll tell him now,” her mother was quick to agree. “Was there anything else you needed to talk about?”
“No, that was it,” she said easily. “I’ll call again tomorrow when we are ready to leave. Tell dad I said hi, too.”
“Okay honey,” Her mother’s smile could be heard through the phone. “Sleep well, I love you.”
“Love you, too, mom,” she said earnestly.
She ended the call and headed back inside the warm house. Locking the back door, she went through the house, making sure that all the doors were locked and turning off the Christmas tree lights and the other lights in the living room and kitchen. Mingi and Yunho had already headed to the bedroom when she had waved them off, holding up her phone to silently indicate that she had a call to make.
Assured that the house was safe and shut down for the night, she headed down the dim hall she could have walked down blind at this point. As she passed Mingi’s bedroom door, she heard San’s phone ring and then heard him answer it, saying her dad’s name as he did. Though she couldn’t make out exactly what they were saying, a smile spread across her face. She headed into the bedroom, deciding she didn’t need to eavesdrop, as she was pretty sure she knew what it was her father would tell him.
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Survey #397
“you’re my religion, you’re my reason to live  /  you are the heaven in my hell”
Do you think that you’ll always love who you love now? Even if we're never together again romantically, I will ALWAYS love her at least as a best friend. Have you ever made out with a random person? Yeah, no. If you could do your first kiss over, would you? No. I'm lucky that my first kiss was honestly cute as hell. Do you like your country’s president or prime minister? Well I voted for him, so I obviously can't hate him. He seems to be doing fine so far, though take that with a grain of salt seeing as I don't keep up with politics. Even before voting for him, I just did a small bit of researching on his values. What color is your house? Yellow with white accents. Do you listen to Christmas music during the holiday season? No, I don't enjoy it. Man, Jason's mom sure did, though... I loved how in the spirit she'd get and always played Christmas music in the car during that time of year. I miss that woman and I sure as hell hope she rests easy now. Do you like ginger ale? Solely if I have a stomach bug, and I can only ever sip it. What are you listening to? "Electric Sugar Pop" by Jeffree Star. What’s the last thing you watched on TV? The TMS office has the TV on, and the woman who overlooks it (I have zero idea what her position is called) tends to have it either on a cooking channel or a home improvement one. Today was a cooking one. Is your favorite author the author of your favorite book? I don't have a favorite author. Describe someone you find really attractive: M-Mark Fischbach. *___* If you HAD to look like someone else, but could choose who, who would you choose? Hm... maybe my friend Alon. I've mentioned I feel like a million times that she is like, ethereal with how gorgeous she is. Have you ever seen someone get a tattoo done? If so, what was it? Did they cry or were they in a lot of pain? Yeah; it was a watercolor feather with "ohana" written below it. She didn't cry at all, but she grit her teeth a few times. Do you have anything you couldn’t go a day without? Some form of technology. Have you ever gotten caught doing something illegal? No. What’s your favorite flavor of Vitamin Water? I don't even think I've ever tried it. Is there someone you wanna date right now? Yeah. What first attracted you to the last person you kissed? If we're talking the very first, our vast similar interests. How many brothers does your father have? None. Does your best friend have any tattoos? No. Do you like Ben + Jerry’s? Yep. Man, I want their Phish Food ice cream now. Would you ever wish to be the opposite sex? Nah. Do you think you’re attractive? Nope. What is your favorite card game to play? Magic: The Gathering. I really miss my PS3 where I had Duel of the Planeswalkers installed on it, it was really fun. Do you own a globe? I don't think we still do. What is your favorite wild cat? Perhaps clouded leopards. If your bedroom had three portals to anywhere, where would they lead? South Africa, Sara's place, and maybe a nice little cabin in the mountains for when I'm feeling a peaceful getaway. You can ask any author one question about their story. What do you ask? I have zero idea. What’s a place you have a strong emotional connection to? The pond behind the local community college. Jason and I took our first prom pictures there. Do you take yoga classes? No, but I'm actually considering it since they offer those at the YMCA Mom and I now go to. What is a decision you’ve made that changed your entire life? To let Jason go. It's pretty great, my PTSD has been less of a bother lately! Have you ever made any money from a side-hustle? Could you consider being paid to take pictures once in a blue moon a "side hustle" when I don't even have a main job? Do you ever wonder what kind of person you’d have turned out to be if a certain event never happened to you? Ugh... it's incredibly painful to wonder how life would be if Jason never left. If you could have anyone’s singing voice, whose would you choose? Adele's or Amy Lee's, probs. What are your top 3 favorite genres of music? Metal, hard rock, alternative. Do you think Mars will be colonized in your lifetime? No. Have you ever been homeless? If so, what led to your homelessness? Technically, yes, because Mom couldn't afford the rent. She, my little sister (who still lived with us at the time), and I each were accepted into the homes of willing, kind people, though. Have you ever been on a ship? No. Who was Van Halen’s better singer - David Lee Roth, or Sammy Hagar? David. Which fictional character has the most memorable quotes? Heath Ledger's Joker is quoted all the time, so probably him. What do you think of the "Healthy At Every Size" movement/philosophy? Before I answer this, I want you to keep in mind that this is coming from someone who is obese, so I would positively love to agree with that for my own self-confidence, but I don't. I believe it's a very dangerous mentality. I think you should cherish your body unconditionally, like it's an amazing machine, but I firmly believe you should have an active interest in becoming what is physically healthy. You couldn't pay me millions to convince me that, say, a 300 lb. person is healthy. What was the name of the first person you ever had a crush on? Why did you like them? I think my first *real* crush was this guy Sebastian my freshman year of high school. I thought he was very sweet, funny, caring, and attractiveness was a bonus. What food will you absolutely not, under any circumstances, eat? Sashimi, caviar, raw eggs... Which famous person would you like to be BFFs with? Bindi Irwin, for one. What kind of natural disaster is most common where you live? Hurricanes. Have you ever had an animal get into your attic? No. Have you ever been bitten so hard that there teeth marks were there after? I mean I've had hickeys before if that's what you're asking. Ever gave one? Oh, I guess you were. Yeah. Do you think its weird if guys wear make-up like eyeliner? Not at all. Would you ever date a disabled person? (Be honest) Yes. Would you rather adopt or have your own child? IF I wanted kids, I'd rather have one myself because I'm well aware I personally need that special connection. Stepkids count, too, because they'd be my partner's and therefore very important for me too. What is the most personal question you have ever been asked? Probably TMI, so here's your fair warning, but I've been asked before if I "touch" myself and I was absolutely repulsed that someone would ask me that. Were you abused by your parents? No. If you’re not straight, who was the first person you came out to? Sara. Were you one of the smartest in your class? Up to finishing high school, modestly, I was. Where did you meet your first crush? Art class my freshman year of high school. Do you ever go places with wet hair? Yeah, idc. Who is your favorite little girl? My niece Aubree. She's such a wonderful girl. Does your best friend have kids? No. If you were pregnant, would you want a boy or a girl? Hypothetically, a girl. What place outside of your own home do you spend the most time at? Um, maybe my older sister's house? Have you ever participated in a medical study? No. Do you have any family members who are cancer survivors? Yes, including my mother. Twice. Are you allergic to any medications? None that I've tried. Do you have any licenses other than your driver's license? I don't even have that. If you’re atheist, would you raise you kids believing in God or not? No; I wouldn't intervene with their own spiritual (or lack thereof) journey. They'd learn what they'd learn and decide themselves what they believe. Do you like reading self-help books? No, I just can't get invested in those. What is your opinion on sex change? If you're unhappy with your body, you're more than free to surgically change that with no judgment from me. Do you have any goals for this summer? If so, what are they? Yes, to lose weight. Can you get a strike at bowling? I have before. There was one occasion where my first go was a strike RIGHT after saying I sucked at bowling, hahaha. Do you ever take pictures of negative moments? Well, I photograph roadkill, and that's one hell of a sad moment. I actually wouldn't mind broadening my horizons of photographing negative moments (with permission of course), because I actually find these very impactful and even builds empathy. I will never, ever forget this one picture I saw sometime of an emaciated boy huddled in the dirt with a vulture close by watching him... like fuck, it made me want to sob. No one should ever have to live like that, especially a child. Would you ever post a picture of yourself crying on social media? No. I know that sounds contradictory to what I just said, I just wouldn't be able to do it myself. Have you ever held a newborn baby? Once, when my last niece was born. I'm terrified of holding them because they're just so fragile. Do you know anyone who has twins? My friend just had triplets. What is your favorite country in Europe? Germany. Are you thriving in your life right now? BOY HOWDY- Do you remember to water plants? I don't keep plants. Name three YouTubers you aspire to be like. 1.) Markiplier in a vast plethora of ways; 2.) Jeffree Star for his incredible work ethic; and 3.) Shane Dawson for his incredible compassion. Yes. I know the controversy, but regardless, he cares a lot about people. Who is your favorite character from Harry Potter? I wouldn't know, given I haven't read the books or seen the movies. Do you watch PewDiePie? Not anymore; his content doesn't interest me anymore. I watched him religiously back in the day when he was a serious let's player, though. Do you have a Steam account? Yes. Have you ever played Five Nights at Freddy’s? No, not personally. I like watching LPs of it and I find the story fascinating, but it's not the kind of game I'd enjoy playing. Have you ever tried Akinator? Yes. I don't think I ever beat it, except maybe once. Are you wearing socks right now? No; unless I'm wearing closed-toe shoes like sneakers, I never do. I hate the feeling of them. Can you twerk? Haven't tried, don't wanna. Do you like dabbing? No, it looks stupid. Do you like fishing? I honestly do think it's fun with all the anticipation and thrill of seeing how big the fish is, however I don't support it anymore unless, like hunting, you genuinely need it for food. The only case where I'd go again was if my dad asked me, because that's always been our bonding experience. Do you have a Spotify account? Yes. Have you heard of Blizzard Entertainment? Well, they're the company behind World of Warcraft, so obviously. Do you like bananas? Yes, but only for a VERY short window of time. I am beyond picky with the ripeness of bananas. Are you addicted to anything? Caffeine and technology. Do you know your phone number? I actually don't. Do you swear in front of children? No.
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shes-an-oddbird · 4 years
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Christmas at River’s End Mall
Summary -  A Christmas AU in which everyone navigates their seasonal jobs, relationships and Christmas spirit, or lack there of, through woven together tales inspired by holiday prompts.
Chapter 6 - Christmas Tree
Summary -   Jemma and Daisy search for a Christmas tree last minute and Jemma tells Daisy about their new house guest.
Prompt - Christmas Tree Relationship - Jemma & Daisy POV - Jemma
Jemma knows the last few boxes are just a little messier than usual and the ribbons slightly askew but she’s in a rush to finish the last of the gifts and clock out. It’s quiet in the mall. The natural day light from the skylights had been replaced with softer moonlight and the harsh fluorescent fixtures cast shadows she doesn’t recall seeing during the day. Gates have been lowered on stores, the only patrons are mall staff and most of them are on their way out too. She cleans up her space quickly; brushing the scraps of her conversations with Fitz into the bin beneath her workspace and making sure all the gifts are secure before pushing her stool under the table and rushing to the stairs.
She’s supposed to meet Daisy so they can finally get their Christmas tree. It’s the first chance they’d had even well into December. Her labs kept her busy and Daisy seemed to work non-stop this time of year. She dedicated her days to volunteering at the mall and that left her freelance cyber security work to be done at all hours of the night.
But someone was covering her labs tonight and Daisy managed to squeeze out a little time in schedule, so this evening they were going to have a Christmas themed girls’ night and decorate their tree, bake cookies, down eggnog and maybe binge a couple of holiday movies.
Jemma was hoping it would put Daisy in a good mood because she had some news that her friend was going to be less than excited about.
She hurried down the steps to the North Pole where a few volunteers were finishing clean up. Daisy is leaning against a table while Daniel, the new volunteer Daisy claims to be the biggest dork, creates neat stacks with piles and piles of envelops.
“You’ve never seen Elf?” She asks him in disbelief.
“No.” He confirms.
“What about A Christmas Carol.”
“Of course.”
“The Muppet version?”
“Um, no.”
“The Grinch?”
“The original.” He says positively.
“Okay, have you watched any movies made after 1990?”
“Not many.”
“Jemma help, he’s never seen Home Alone.”
Jemma knows that while Daisy is chipper and teasing this may truly be causing her distress. “I’m surprised she’s even speaking to you, our first Christmas as roommates I think we had a 48-hour movie marathon of every holiday movie I hadn’t seen.”
“My family only ever watched classics when I was a kid, I may have seen some of these but if I did, I don’t remember them well.” He reasons.
“So watch them again, mix it up.”
He shrugs. “I guess, I just don’t like watching movies alone.”
Daisy huffs, “Well I’m making a list – “
“and checking it twice?” He interrupts her and she shoves his shoulder.
“I’m making a list of must-see Christmas movies and you’re watching them, I’ll watch them with you if I have too, no one should be deprived of watching a grown ass adult’s belief in Santa be restored ten or twelve times in a row.”
“I do hope you’re making this list later because if we don’t get going, they’ll be all closed up soon.” Jemma hates to pull Daisy away from her fun but she’s eager to get their tree.
“Where are you guys off to?”
“We’ve got to get our Christmas tree.”
“Do you need any help?”
“Thanks but we’re good, Bobbi forced Hunter to stay late and help us, might as well put him to work.”
“Fair enough, see you tomorrow?” Daisy nods and they wave goodbye. They walk in silence towards the front entrance of the mall, pulling on their coats and gloves. Jemma adjusts her wool hat so that it covers her ears and checks to see if Daisy is ready to go only to find her looking back in the direction they came from.
Jemma smirks and doesn’t bother to try to hide her amusement. Daisy turns back to her, preparing to pull on her own hat and jumps when she sees she has been caught. “What?” She asks, her cheeks rosy like they’ve already stepped out in the cold.
“Nothing, you’re right though, he’s kind of a dork, sweet though, it was nice of him to offer his help.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
They hurry outside and across the dark parking lot towards the tree lot. There are a few snow-covered cars nearby and Jemma spots Hunter loading a fluffy tree into the bed of a large red truck. As they get closer Jemma can see that the tree farm has been picked over and what is left seems to consist of a few unnecessarily large trees, a few puny ones and the rest look as though they are already on their last limbs.
“Oh dear.” Jemma’s heart sinks and she glances worriedly at Daisy.
“Wow.” Her friend runs her hand over a branch of the nearest tree and several bristles fall to the ground. “Not much to choose from is there, guess it’s my own fault, I should have made time sooner.”
Jemma frowns. Daisy’s attempt to brush off her disappointment is obvious, at least to her. Her friend loved Christmas and putting up the tree was one of her favorite traditions. She had several beautiful ornaments; May and Coulson and even Bobbi had taken to giving her one every year. Just recently she had started to do the same. She always took such care when hanging them.
“I’m sure we will find the perfect one, let’s look around.” Jemma loops her arm through Daisy’s and pulls her along.
The healthy little ones were too small to support Daisy’s vast collection of decorations and the large ones would eat up the small living room of their apartment, but they look and look again for the right one.
“Hello loves,” Hunter steps up behind them, throwing an arm around each of their shoulders. “Bout time you showed up.”
“Hey, you didn’t save us a decent tree, did you?” Daisy asks.
Hunter takes a step back, “you know Bobbi might have mentioned something about that.”
Jemma feels a surge of hope, “so you’ve got one for us?”
“Afraid not.”
“Hey, you ever try to deny a tree to someone this time a year, one woman nearly took my head off when I told her the one for you was off limits, this,” he gestures to the scarce lot of trees, “is all you’ve got to choose from.”
Jemma shares an unsure look with Daisy. She wasn’t about to go without a Christmas tree. “Maybe we could get a big one, we can just push the couch aside, we hardly ever use it anyways.”
“Works for me, I get better commission on the big ones and better tips by the way.” They both shoot Hunter a look and he raises hands up in defeat. “Just let me know when you’re ready.” He says and makes a hasty disappearance.
Daisy sighs. “What do you think, we can make it work right?”
Oh damn. She was hoping not to have to bring this up yet. “Actually, we will be needing the couch, very soon actually.”
“Wait why?”
“Remember my cousin Deke?”
“The one with the creepy crush on me?”
Jemma cringes. “Yes well, his parents are flying out to spend Christmas with my parents and he was going to go too, until he heard I was planning to stay here and he thought I should have some family around for Christmas so – “
“Oh, don’t say it.”
“He’s kind of going to be staying with us.”
“I’m sorry, if I didn’t take him in, I would have never heard the end of it and he’s been better right, since you had that talk with him.”
“Yeah, but it’s still awkward.”
Jemma was actually quite fond of Deke. He shared her love of science and had a good heart. He was just a bit awkward, not unlike herself. That said it was uncomfortable to be in a room with someone you knew liked you and that was unfair to ask Daisy to do. “Let me call my mom, if I explain – “
“No, it’s okay, he’s really not bad company and I can’t throw him out at Christmas that would be cruel, even for me, besides, I know he’s your favorite cousin.” Daisy stops, maybe to re consider her words, Jemma thinks. “But if I see one lemon Jemma – “
“He’s on the street I swear, favorite or not.”
Daisy laughs and Jemma feels better knowing she’s not actually mad at her. Still she wants to make it up to her. An unexpected house guest was not in their Christmas plans. “Let’s get the big tree, I think I can squeeze an air mattress into my room.”
“We don’t have too.”
“We should, we never have enough room for all the ornaments anyways, this way we will.”
“Really?” Daisy asks hopefully and she nods insistently. Her eyes light up. “Alright, which one?”
“How about this one?” Jemma points to a vibrant green one that towers over the pair.
“I like this one.” Daisy points to a slight smaller one, the bristles are a bit browner but it would be a better size for the apartment.
“Are you sure, this one looks healthier.”
“Come on, I bet you could nurse it back to health and I’m afraid no one else will take it.”
Jemma doesn’t question Daisy’s attachment to the misfit tree. It wouldn’t be the first time she picked something that was a little different or a little odd. “It will be beautiful.”
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backtobackbakubabe · 5 years
Baby its Cold Outside (PART 13)
Bakugo X Reader 
It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas! 
Words: 2122
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“OI dumbass! What are you doing? Let me help you with that!” 
It was Christmas eve and you were just trying to organize the presents around the tree. Your baby bump was more like a baby basketball at this point. Only a few more weeks to go before the world had a new Bakugo. You groaned as you straightened up bracing your hands on your lower back. “Thanks babe... there’s only a few more. Your mom stopped by earlier today and dropped off a bunch of stuff. Like it took both of us like five trips to the car to get all of it unloaded. I’m assuming it’s mostly baby stuff.” 
“Wouldn't surprise me if it was all baby stuff.” He helped you over to the couch. “The old hag won't shut up about the little guy.” 
He organized the last of the presents before joining you on the couch. He pulled both of your feet into his lap and started to rub them. “She loves you and she's excited about having her first grandchild. I cant tell you how many times she's given me a speech about how you are too good for me and you’re the kid she’s always wanted and I cant screw this up.” 
“Aw babe she loves you too you know. All she could do was talk about how cute you were as a baby and how exceptional you were. Said our kid was going to be amazing with my heart and the Bakugo genes. Naturally she did throw in a couple jabs about your attitude but she does love you..” 
He leaned over and put his head in your lap, “She is right though... I dont deserve you. I’m thankful every day that you saw something in me and decided to give me a chance.” 
“That is not true! Bakugo Katsuki you take that back right now! I am not too good for you! If anything you’re the one who's constantly taking care of me.” 
He snuggled further into your lap, “I love you. So much. And I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with you.” 
You giggled, “Katsuki if I didn't know better I would say that sounded like a proposal.” 
“So what if it was?” He pushed himself up and into a kneeling position on the floor in front of you. With sure hands he pulled a small red box out of his jacket pocket. “Y/n... I’ve been carrying this stupid ring around for probably six months now. It’s not that I didn't want to ask you sooner... its just you know how stubborn I can be. And for some reason I had made up my mind that I was going to propose on Christmas. I know it’s your favorite holiday and I dont know, its probably stupid but I just wanted it to be special.” He opened the box to show off the most gorgeous ring you had ever seen. 
“Y/n would you do me the honor of being my wi- Oi are you crying?” 
You had tears streaming down your face, “You try having the love of your life propose to you with the most beautiful ring ever in existence while being eight and half months pregnant full of fucking hormones on fucking Christmas eve of all fucking nights! Of course I’m fucking crying!” 
He just smiled, took the ring out of the box, and held it to your finger, “So is that a yes?” 
You wiped your tears with the hand he wasnt holding, “Yes! Of fucking course!” 
He slid the ring onto your finger before giving you a soft kiss. He cupped your damp cheeks in his hands, “Mrs. Bakugo... Has a nice ring to it.” 
You chuckled, “Damn I thought I was going to be Mrs. Zero... Is it too late to change my answer?” 
He squeezed your thigh, “I’m afraid us Bakugos don’t come with a return policy. So it looks like you’re stuck with me.” 
“OH! Yuuto will be so happy! At least once a month he asks if you’ve proposed yet. He’s always saying his quirk keeps telling him its the only logical outcome and it was making him anxious that we weren't engaged yet. Every time I would tell him no he’d just say ‘Any day now would be nice.’” 
Bakugo laughed resuming his place on the couch with arm draped around you, “Not much of a filter on that kid huh? Well I’m surprised he kept it a secret this long. I actually told him about this a month ago. He kept bugging me about it that one day I came to eat lunch with you and decided to hang out with the class the rest of the day. So eventually I told him so he’d calm down.” 
“Sounds like Yuuto. Did I tell you he took down Aizawa in his final exam? Took him all of ten minutes. I tried to tell him how awesome he was and all he had to say was, ‘I have him memorized at this point, all logical outcomes led to me passing.’ The kid spent weeks prepping by watching every video of every teacher fighting. He knew every move before it even happened. He's something else.” 
“I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, he reminds me of Deku, except way smarter and honestly more tolerable. I love how blunt he is, even if he doesn't mean to be. He's honest and to the point and I can respect that.” 
It was obvious how much Bakugo cared for Yuuto. He worked with him every now and then when he had free time. It made your heart soar with how patient he was with him. In a way they both lacked social skills but they both strived to be better versions of themselves. Sometimes you thought Bakugo took more away from their training sessions than Yuuto did. You wouldn't be surprised if when the time comes Ground Zero got a new side kick. 
You flinched as the baby started kicking. It wasnt the first time but this time seemed to be bit harder than usual. You grabbed Katsuki's hand and placed it on your belly, “He’s kicking!” 
With his hands on your belly and his forehead on you shoulder... this was what true happiness felt like. “Babe? How would you feel about a Christmas wedding?” 
He turned to look at you, “I’d be fine with that. Would give us about a year to get everything figured out. The baby could be the ring barer, that’s be pretty fucking cute..”
“No... I mean like tomorrow. Fuck it. I dont need a fancy wedding. I just need you. We can renew our vows later if we want to, but I’m done waiting. I just want to be married.” 
He gave you a wicked smile, “Look babe I know you're desperate to lock me down but I honestly think you’ll be a little upset later down the road if we did the bare minimum. So how about we compromise? You call our parents, I’ll call our friends. Tomorrow night we’ll have a small courthouse wedding with just us, followed by a dope ass after party with all our friends and family. How does that sound?”
You threw you arms around his neck, “You are so perfect! Oh my gosh!” You pulled back, “Shit what am I going to wear? Im huge! I won't fit into any of my nice dresses! No where will be open either! It’s Christmas eve!” 
He sighed, “Okay just this once... I’ll pull the Ground Zero card. We can ask Sasha, the women who does all my hero costume alterations if she could have something put together by tomorrow morning. Let me make a call.” 
Half an hour later you were sending over a few pictures of dresses you liked to Sasha. She said not to worry and she’d have a dress ready in no time. Shit this was happening. You were really getting married tomorrow. 
You spun a few times in front of the mirror. You dont know how she did it but Sasha was really amazing. She came over a little after lunch and did last minute alterations and she somehow managed to make you look beautiful and not at all like an oversized marshmallow. 
Mina came over and helped you with your hair and makeup. She, Kirishima and you and Bakugos parents were the only ones that would be at the actual ceremony. Momo, Denki, Dylan and cementoss were over at the UA gym decorating it for the after party. You had decided that that it was big enough and secure enough that you all could have a good time without worrying about paparazzi trying to sneak in. Katsuki had gone a bit overboard with the after party invites. Claiming he wanted everyone to see you were off limits. As if they hadn't known that already. 
You felt like a total cliche with your shot gun wedding but honestly you didn't care. You were starting a family... starting a life with Katsuki. Its all you had ever wanted. So as you walked down that isle all you could do was beam your most endearing smile, and all Katsuki could do was return the gesture.
It was time for your vows. You knew Katsuki was nervous because he's not always the best with his words, or expressing his feeling for that matter but he surprised everyone in the room. “Y/n. A little over a year ago... One year, one month, and four days ago to be exact. You threw a snowball at my head. And shit are you lucky I was already so far gone over you already. That may have been the day we officially started dating but I fell in love with you years before that. I fell in love with you the day you pantsed me outside of UA with all of our future classmates watching and I’ve loved you every day since. Any girl who could be that pretty AND put up with my bullshit. Definitely a keeper. I may have had weird ways of showing it. And I’ll be the first to admit I was a dick from time to time. But you bring out the best in me and I cant imagine a life for me without you in it.” 
You stuck your lip out, “Aww Katsuki that’s so sweet. Oh shit you're going to make me cry again.” He slid the wedding ring on your finger giving your hand a quick encouraging squeeze. You have no idea where or how he got wedding rings on such short notice but you weren't going to ask. 
“Alright so I guess it’s my turn then. So we've obviously been friends for years now. But we've also been rivals for years as well. We always competed at UA in just about everything. We competed for better grades. We fought constantly, literally with our firsts just as much as we screamed at each other. Just the other day we tried to see who could fit more marshmallows in their mouth. But the only thing I've ever been better at than you was English. Which brings me to the only time you ever asked me for help... Your Oscar Wilde paper. It was in your dorm room that day that I truly fell in love with you because that was the first day I saw the kind, soft side of you that I’m so familiar with now. And like Oscar Wilde once said, ‘You dont love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.’ and baby you sing that song every day in the little things you do for me and I don't think it’ll ever get old.” 
A single tear fell down his cheek which he was very quick to catch before anyone noticed. “You may now kiss the bride.”
And just like that you shared your first kiss as husband and wife. 
Later you two were sitting at a table eating cupcakes at your after party. All of your friends dancing around you having a good time. You leaned over so he could hear you over the music, “I never knew you liked me all that time. I’m sorry it took me so long to catch up.”
He gave you a wicked smile, “I’m used to waiting on you by now. I’m just sorry you actually thought you were better at English than me... I never needed help on that Oscar Wilde paper... I just wanted an excuse to spend time with you.” 
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iphoenixrising · 5 years
How d’you think everyone’s favorite threesome in the Doctor!universe would spent Christmas? Or perhaps just Christmas Eve, if they go to the manor for the big day? -🐉
Aww, hi babe!
Hm, we’re going to talk a minute about Dr!Tim? You know, after a bit of thought, I think Tim’s first Christmas after finding a vigilante on his fire escape bleeding out would have probably started out awful. 
Let’s say he’s usually the one to work Christmas Eve and into Christmas Day whenever he could during his time learning under Tony Stark before he started his Residency in Gotham. 
He didn’t have Stephanie and Layla or anyone else but Tony, really, so it was fine for him to take shifts so people with families could be off with the ones they loved. 
Once he got to Gotham and met back up with Steph and pretty much became Uncle Timmy to Layla, he only took Christmas Eve or Christmas Day off when they weren’t out of town visiting with Steph’s mom. The years Layla’s dad has her, they run the Gauntlet together, and work until they’re sleep-deprived and delirious, laughing at crazy things while they stumble to Steph’s house to pass the fuck out for twelve hours or Tim’s penthouse to binge some boring nature show.
But last year Layla’s dad had her, so this year, his girls are off to Metropolis, waving at him out the back window. Steph offered a place for him, but he knows her mom’s place will be cramped as is, so he just watches them go with his heart in his throat, and no shift at Mercy General to keep him up and moving.
I think he spends Christmas Eve wearing the ugly sweater Layla got him, something crazy playing on Netflix completely un-Christmas related because he doesn’t really have good memories of the holiday, not even from when his parents were alive. 
(One year, Mrs. Mac stopped by to check on him and bring him cookies, gave him a hug and a pat on the head before she left to be with her daughter and grandchildren. When he was really young, he can remember laying on his mother’s lap with the tree glowing gently, opening presents with them there, watching and laughing. The next year, they were on a dig somewhere exotic, just like the year after and the year after that until they were just gone, never coming back this time...)
So, he plans to keep himself busy and ignore all the movies and decorations, ignore the warmth and family and togetherness. He’s going to bury himself in research and tech articles, write on one of his articles for a medical journal, maybe hang out in his lab down the hall for a few hours, just let Christmas–
–go on without him.
The knock on his window at three a.m. is jarring, shocking because the city has been silent for hours at this point. 
The second round is enough to make him stand up off the couch, wander closer to the window with squished brows, probably bleary eyed from staring at the screen for too long (probably also from those old memories rearing up). 
When he moves the curtains, and those whiteouts are right there, he eeps and almost falls on his ass.
The window is nudged up by a gloved hand, Nightwing hanging upside down with a Santa cap somehow staying on his head when he swings in without hesitation.
“Timmy! Are you okay?! Geeze, I’m sorry. I didn’t even think you’d be awake at this time of night.”
“Wazzat, Big Wing? Got Timmers with that old trick?” Hood is right on his heels, calves wrapped around the wrought iron fire escape, the Elf hat probably on the helmet with double-sided sticky tape. 
“Wh–?” Wide-eyed, looking from Nightwing to the Red Hood peeking in at him, he’s pretty much at a loss. 
“We came to see if you were home! You weren’t working at Mercy tonight.”
“Sides, it’s Christmas, ya feel me, Baby Bird?”
Hood tosses a small sack inside before he’s through the window just that fast, he and Big Wing offering hands down to their sometimes personal physician.
“Oh, I mean, I tried to sign up for a shift, but the Chief of Staff said I couldn’t work another double,” he shrugs and wearily lays his hands in gloved ones, imagining the warmth of palms against his, lets them pull him to his feet.
“Mmhm,” Hood hums as he and N pull their doc to his feet, looks him over critically. “Looks like ya been up long enough,” the free hand thumbs the dark circles under his eyes.
The doctor quirks a brow at them, “well, let me at least make you some coffee before you have to go back out in the cold. Does anyone in the class have any potentially fatal injuries you’d like to tell me about before I have a whole lot of unconscious vigilante on my couch?”
Both vigilantes obligingly hold up their hands and turn in small circles to show off no punctures in the suits or injuries he can see. Nightwing is grinning softly at him and Hood gives him a thumbs up in an all good here. 
They follow him to the kitchen, exchanging a glance after his back is turned, wondering where the Christmas Tree is, or decorations, at least. There’s only one sad little construction paper wreath on the end table by the door made by Layla, but that’s...it. 
Gauntlets and gloves come off, helmet and holsters on the back of a chair while the coffee perks and Tim moves around his kitchen, talking idly about doing some research before bed, fervently hoping they don’t ask him the hard questions.
But, of course, Tim doesn’t talk much about his past with anyone, not even Ives and Steph, prefers to just keep moving forward instead of looking back. He might be a little more compromised tonight than usual, and pours coffee with a slightly trembling hand.
It might be the night Nightwing and Hood start taking more of a shine to their doctor than they should, considering how close to danger he is just by helping them when the injuries are bad and they’re in a bind. It might be how he obviously has no one to be with on Christmas, how he doesn’t have anyone to celebrate with, to decorate for, to have presents wrapped up, or leftovers from a good dinner in his fridge. 
They’re detectives and the story is right there in every inch of the penthouse, in Tim’s awful sweater and pj pants, his slightly red eyes, the way he won’t really meet their eyes when they talk about the quiet night in the city because of the holiday. 
They stay with him until dawn, drinking coffee and juice, watching awful fails on YouTube, waiting until Tim’s finally tired enough to pass out on the couch between them. 
And dawn is just peeking on the horizon when Nightwing gently carries the doctor to bed, Hood pulling the sheets back, maybe lightly touching Tim’s hair before covering him back up. 
The two ease out of the room and close the door behind them.
When Tim wakes up the next night, Christmas Day will be over in a few hours, and he’s grateful because the world can finally go back to normal. Steph and Layla will be back, and the Gauntlet will be waiting for them to try saving Gotham in their own way. Nightwing and Hood will get beat-up fighting the good fight and at least come to him when they need to. Robin will still tt at him, Tony will visit soon to just remind Tim he’s making awful life choices. Lucas will ride his ass about how much he works and Ives will be his safe haven. The world will somehow balance out again. 
He won’t get stuck like this next year, just make sure he’s always on the schedule when his people have other places to go. 
But when he finally pulls himself out of bed, gets his feet under him to stumble in and try finding something to eat in his kitchen, his gaze falls on something sparkly sitting on his bedside table. Something vaguely square and wrapped in crazy black and yellow paper with little bat signals on them, the ribbons Robin red and green.
He’ll gasp softly, his heart leaping into his throat, blink once, and then blink again.
The package is still there.
He tentatively touch the box with trembling fingertips, pull it against his chest, hold on a little too tightly with his eyes wet and a laugh on his face at the utter absurdity of it.
But damn if it doesn’t give him the strength to get his legs under him, and fucking stand.
(Jay and Dick don’t find out until next year that Tim never opened the present, wanted to keep it just like that since he hadn’t gotten gifts from anyone but Steph, Layla, and Ives in years. It comes out the next year when they drag him to the Manor for a few hours before riding back to the penthouse to meet up with Steph and Layla, when there’s a massive tree decorated with stacks of presents underneath. When his place has lights strung up all around and cut-out snowflakes from Batgirl, when the ornaments are Nightwing blue and Robin red, Jay and Dick drug him to Hobby Lobby to pick out. When the special one with three snowmen labeled Dick, Jay, Tim is right in the middle surrounded by Layla’s nutcracker, Dami’s picture one from school, and Lian’s ballerina. Steph managed to get a few picture of the three of them together wearing Santa hats and the picture is framed on the end table. 
When they get home that night, cuddling on the sofa a year later, watching It’s a Wonderful Life and drinking eggnog Alfred sent with them, Jay will ask why he never used the little gift they left him last year. And Tim will get a little pink in the face when he admits he never opened it, he just put it away with his other good memories, not wanting to spoil the magic.
That earns him soft kisses and more cuddles since Dick is literally a cuddle machine, and Jay finds it so easy to fit their little boyfriend under his chin. 
They’re on either side of him when he finally brings the box after some digging, and pulls out the bow.
The small device fits in the palm of his hand, easily fits in his doctor’s bag.
“A comm, in case you ever needed to contact us,” Dick tells him with a kiss to his temple.
“We started takin’ a shine ta ya, Baby. Thought ya might use it when we don’t come ta ya, you feel me?”
“Oh,” and he has to clear his throat, his voice a little wavery, his eyes a little hot. “That’s...even back then?”
“Merry Christmas, Timmy,” Dick replies gently in answer, palming the back of his neck. 
“Merry Christmas, Sweets,” Jay’s deft fingers move the comm to thread their fingers together and hold on.
“Merry Christmas,” he chokes, face buried in Jay’s neck, squished between them while the lights from the tree glow and the warmth in his chest is so beautifully, perfectly fragile. 
It’s certainly the best Christmas ever.)
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hadestownmodern · 5 years
“this is literally a shit show god help us” was the name of the google doc that this pic was on. Aka Eurydice takes embarrassing pictures while encouraged by Persephone
Annika here! This was inspired directly by the conversation Danielle and I had that went like 
“I’d take pictures like that”
“I’d get drunk and cheer you on in the corner.”
This is pure crack but please enjoy. 
“So...first anniversary is coming up. What’s the plan?” Persephone teases, nudging Eurydice with her shoulder. She’s swirling a wine glass, the deep plum color of the wine nearly spilling out over the top. 
“Hmmm? Oh.. haven’t really thought of it.” It’s honestly not on her mind. “It’s on thanksgiving Persephone,  not the most romantic of holidays. Besides..we get married in a month anyway.” Eurydice finishes writing the words onto her notebook before the train of thought leaves her. Only a few short assignments come between Eurydice and her degree, Christmas, and her wedding. 
“Well you two clearly did not have any trouble finding romance last year..” Persephone comments, gesturing to the sleeping three month old Eurydice cradled in her arm, a direct souvenir from their prior thanksgiving festivities. “And I would really rather you didn’t celebrate the same way, because Melody is precious but you don’t need any more.” 
“Oh, like you didn’t invite me over with ulterior motives that day.” Eurydice shuts her book and shoves it haphazardly in her bag, before settling into the booth more comfortably before her shift began that night. “We don’t want to spend money on anything...we are literally getting married in four weeks.”
“Well..doesn’t mean the romance needs to die before it starts…” She finishes her wine, and at once a coy smile slips over her features. “I have a brilliant idea. Tonight, after closing, come on down to the bar…” Persephone sits her glass down and holds her hands out, making grabbing gestures for the baby. “What size are you now? C..D?” Persephone gestures to Eurydice’s chest with a finger, and a raise of the eyebrow. 
“Why does that matter-”
“Regardless, here’s the plan. You, bring your little milf body down to the bar after closing. I’ll bring the camera, i’ll go buy you something a lil sexy to wear..” Persephone smiles as she takes Melody, kissing her head before holding her sleeping body closer. “You and me, we’ll do some home made presents I promise he won’t forget.”
“Are you...Persephone!” Eurydice’s skin flushes pink as she registers what persephone is suggesting. “I am not taking..those...kind of pictures. Let alone in this bar. Let alone with you!” 
“LIsten. All i’m saying is he won’t be expecting it and it’s the gift that keeps on giving if you know what I mean.” Persephone winked, smiling down at little Melody with a teasing grin. “Just hope it doesn’t give you another one of these. I’ll be down here tonight, right after closing. Tell Orpheus you have to help close and re-stock.”
“You’re ridiculous. Why would he want to see pictures, I’m literally right here…”
“Trust me.” 
Regardless of her hesitance, she did stay late in the bar that night. She had Melody against her shoulder, filling out an order form for the next day when Persephone strolled in- Persephone and a small entourage of people.
“Seph, what the fuck! You said it was you and a camera!” Eurydice is suddenly flustered at the idea of..exposing..herself to so many strangers in an attempt to get a semi-sexual photo out of it. 
“Well..It’s me. And my photographer. Grace does all our pictures, has for years. And these are just her assistants to help with lighting!” Persephone tosses a little pink bag in her general direction, far too small to contain anything of any substance. “Gimme the baby, go put that on.”
Eurydice caught the bag and her eyes went wide. “Persephone. How much did you spend on this-”
“It’s my anniversary gift to you, not like you won’t wear it again. Besides, I feel like it’s my job to keep the romance alive since it was my dinner that you decided was a good reason to have a three day fuck-fest upstairs. Go. Change.” Persephone reached her arms out and simply grabbed Melody, quickly holding the sleeping baby to her chest to keep her asleep as long as possible. 
Eurydice glared, before slipping into the bathroom down the small hall. When she didn’t emerge after a few minutes, Persephone took it upon herself to knock. “You can’t hide in there forever.”
Persephone wasn’t expecting to open the door to see heavy tears running down Eurydice’s face, or to see her clinging so tightly to the silk robe. “I can’t go out there in this...look at me, Persephone.” Eurydice tilted her head back to try to keep the tears in her eyes, blinking violently to keep them at bay. “I’m spilling out of the top, and it doesn’t cover all the stretched out skin and- I can’t take a picture like this…” She is shaking her head rapidly, chest heaving with the impending panic. 
“Hey, hey, Eurydice, baby.” Persephone steps closer, taking her face in her hand. She holds the young girl’s cheek, and kisses her forehead gently. Slowly. “You are absolutely beautiful. The top, thats how it’s gonna fit honey, i’m sorry. You can thank Melody here for that. But you get to do things for her that noone else can, Eurydice.” She turned her to face the mirror, keeping one arm around her shoulders. “You made a person, Eurydice. You made a little person a year ago, who loves you more than anything. Think of it as the anniversary of that.” 
Eurydice nods, but her hands still grasp desperately at the ends of the shirt, holding it tightly over her middle. 
“Here. Change of plans.” Persephone decides, running her hand over Eurydice’s short hair. She gently shifts Melody back into her arms, the infant in her constellation colored pajamas now covering the black lace on Eurydice’s chest. “Come on. What’s a milf without a baby, right?” 
Persephone leads her out, and helps her step up onto the bar, fixing the straps on Eurydice’s shoulders and the golden bow on Melody’s head at the same time. 
She whispered something to her friend, through her eyes never left Eurydice, who looked at her daughter like she was one of the stars on the onesie she wore. 
Yes, there were pictures taken, though the night is more of a blur to them both than they expected. 
Persephone, midway through a bottle of tequila, screaming endless encouragement of “God you are fucking HOT, Eurydice. I get it, I totally get it. Spread your legs or something..I don’t know, you’re fucking hot, own it!”
Eurydice passes her baby back and forth between Persephone and herself, actually finding herself smiling at the antics of her friend throughout the night. 
“It’s probably a good thing Melody is so clingy, you’d have another by now.” Persephone teases as she hands the fussing girl back to Eurydice at the end of the session, Melody now long past ready for bed, ready to sleep in the arms of her mom.  Persephone ignores a call for the tenth time that night, dropping her phone into her coat pocket, though Eurydice notices how her fingers itch for it. 
“You got somewhere else to be?” Eurydice teases, settling her sweater back over her head, wanting nothing more than to climb into bed besides Orpheus upstairs. 
“It’s my damn husband. He knows where I am, but Junie won’t sleep now that she knows i’m gone.” She rolls her eyes, though Eurydice can see through the cool exterior. 
“And you say mine is clingy- at least she’s only three months old!” She holds her hands out to take Melody for the last time. “Go. I’ll see you tomorrow, Junie’s waiting.” 
Persephone nods and grabs her bag, wiping at her eyes quickly. “Night, baby.” She says to neither Eurydice nor Melody specifically. 
“Night Seph..oh. And thank you. I actually think I had fun.” Eurydice rocks slightly with melody, offering a tired but genuine smile. 
“I know you did.” She teases as she leaves, hand going for her phone as soon as she was out the front door of the bar so she could call her insomniac daughter. 
Eurydice kisses Melody’s head, locking up the back door of the bar, before climbing the quick flight of stairs to her home. 
Orpheus was awake in bed, strumming an old guitar he had been trying to tune. His eyes lit up when he saw them coming, her spot in the bed already turned down with her favorite pajamas ready. “Hey! Long night?”
She kisses him, passing Melody to his chest effortlessly, before grabbing the pajamas to put on after her shower.
“You’ve got no idea.” 
Persephone was right, Eurydice learned a week later on Thanksgiving morning when she handed him a wrapped album, full of some of the pictures from that night. 
Yes, his eyes went wide when he saw one of her with his bandana around her neck. Yes, his heart stopped beating momentarily when he caught the wide angle shot of her on laying the bar top, eyes closed with a skirt rucked up around her hips. 
The ones that really got to him, though, were of her with their daughter against her chest, eyes trained on the baby in her arms. Ones that somehow looked like the most natural thing in the world, despite the makeup and raunchy clothes she wore. 
She should have expected that he’d slip one specific one out, to keep in his guitar case. One with her sitting cross legged on the bar top, a gauzy black skirt spread around her. She held Melody with both her hands, their bodies perpendicular to each other. He couldn’t tell anything about Melody’s expression, though he knew it must be a smile the way it always was when she was with her mother. No, it was Eurydice’s face that caught his eye. The way her eyes sparkled, even in the black and white photo, and the way her smile spread across her face as she so clearly was speaking to their daughter some words of love. 
“You are so so beautiful, Eurydice.” He is not usually at a loss for words, though he is when he leans in to kiss her, both hands going to her waist to pull her closer, to pull her ontop of him as he laid back. 
Yes, Eurydice decided, she would have to thank Persephone later.
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bytheangell · 5 years
Second Chances at First Impressions
(Read on AO3) Square Filled: First Date // Ship: Clace // Rating: General // Tags: Christmas fluff, first dates, holidays, Post-Canon Summary:   Not wanting Clary to be left alone for the holiday, Jace invites her to spend it with his family - and Clary feels right at home though she doesn't know why her time with the Lightwoods feels so natural. Created for @shadowhunterbingo
It’s a dating auction for charity, but with a twist: several of the art classes at the local college are auctioning off paintings - and whoever wins the painting also wins a coffee ‘date’ with the artist after the auction. Obviously, as no genders or appearances will be known, it’s set up as less of a date-date and more of a chance to meet and talk with someone new. 
Jace has no way of knowing whether Clary’s even going to participate, but he’s willing to gamble on yes as he situates himself in the audience looking spectacularly out of place for an art auction in his ripped jeans and leather jacket.  Clary’s never turned down the chance to help people, he can’t imagine she’d stop now. 
He’s right. The moment the 9th painting is brought out he knows that it’s hers - he’s been going to her exhibits, watching the evolution of her work. He may not know much about art in general but he knows a lot about Clary’s art - her use of colors to give hints at scenes just beyond the canvas, the way the brush strokes grow thicker and the colors more prominent where her emotions take over and she gets a little too into the work, a little too heavy-handed. 
He wins the auction after a very strenuous back-and-forth with a middle-aged woman, and has to act surprised when he’s brought over to ‘meet’ the artist. 
“You again!” Clary says, smiling. “Jace, right?” 
“You remembered, I’m touched,” Jace says, smiling with just the right amount of teasing. 
“Yeah, well, it isn’t often someone runs away from me at my own exhibition,” Clary points out, joking just as easily. 
“No running away this time, you’re stuck with me for an entire coffee,” Jace promises, motioning for her to lead the way out. “Java Jones?” 
“That’s my favorite! How did you know?” Clary asks. 
“I didn’t. That just happens to be my favorite,” he covers quickly. 
“Huh,” Clary muses, but doesn’t comment on it any further than that. Instead they chat, about the crazy up and down temperatures lately, about Clary’s classes, about Jace’s work. He freezes for only a second before deciding on a whim to say it’s training in, and teaching, various forms of martial arts... which isn’t entirely off base.  
Soon they start talking about Clary’s artwork, and once Clary starts she doesn’t stop. Jace listens with his entire focus on her, asking questions and commenting here and there. He starts one too many sentences with “This girl I knew used to-” for everything he has to add, because everything he knows about art he learned from watching her during her time at the Institute, not that he can tell her that. 
The hour they’re scheduled for flies by, and the next thing they know it’s been two hours, three drink refills, and they’re still talking when the barrista comes around to warn them they’re about to close. 
“Oh my goodness,” Clary says, looking at the clock on the wall. “I can’t believe I kept you here so long, I didn’t realize how late it was!” 
Jace smiles and shakes his head. “I wasn’t exactly trying to leave, you know,” he points out. 
And it’s true. Even without having the Shadow World to talk about, it’s like falling back into stride with an old friend talking with Clary, where everything is so much easier than he ever expected. It’s a blessing and a curse because as nice as their conversation was he knows this is only for the night, and once he walks out of here she’ll probably never speak to him again. 
“I think I’m just starved for company this week. Everyone else went home for break, I think I’m the only one left on campus,” she says, trying to laugh off the statement though he can tell she’s at least a little bothered by it. 
He almost asks why she stayed behind when he remembers - she doesn’t have anywhere else to go for the holidays.  
His heart breaks, and before he can think twice the words are tumbling out of his mouth. 
“Why don’t you spend Christmas with me?” 
“What?” Clary asks, clearly surprised by the offer. 
“I mean, not just me. My family. It isn’t anything big but you’re more than welcome. What’s that saying? There’s always room for one more?” Jace ignores the voice in the back of his head telling him how terrible of an idea this is, especially when he catches the hint of
“I couldn’t. I barely know you-” Clary starts, but Jace cuts her off before she can completely turn the offer down. 
“Really, it wouldn’t be a problem at all. My mom always makes way too much food, and my brother’s husband makes the most amazing cocktails. And I have this feeling you’ll get along really well with all of them. In fact, right now I’m the only one not bringing someone along, so you’d be doing me a favor.” Jace pauses, realizing how that might sound. “Just as friends. And if you hate it you can turn around and leave. What do you have to lose?” 
He knows he might be trying a little too hard to get her to agree, but he can’t imagine a scenario where he walks away from her right now to leave her entirely alone for the next two days heating up Christmas dinner in a dorm microwave, or eating alone at a diner. 
Clary considers the offer for a very long minute or two before sighing. “I guess it couldn’t hurt. But if it’s awkward you have to cover for me leaving early.” “Deal,” Jace agrees immediately, pulling out his phone. “Give me your number and I’ll text you the address.” 
She does, putting her name in as ‘Clary’ with a little paintbrush icon. Jace immediately sends her a text with Maryse’s address. 
“I’ll see you then,” he says, resisting the urge to hug her goodbye. He doesn’t want to push his luck, and he wants to make sure she’s comfortable enough to follow through on the offer in two days.
To his surprise, Clary’s the one who takes one step to leave, stops, and turns back to wrap her arms around his middle for just a few seconds. 
“Thank you, Jace,” she says as she pulls away, and this time doesn’t look back. 
They do breakfast and presents with Simon and Luke who both leave before Clary is due to arrive. As far as Jace could figure out from his time with Clary, her memories of the two of them were altered in a way similar to Simon’s mother’s, so it wouldn’t do to have her completely blindsided walking into a room with the two of them. It’s enough of a risk with the rest of the Lightwoods and Lightwood-Banes - something Alec brings up one last time. 
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Alec asks. 
“It’ll be fine. We just can’t let the wrong things slip out… we did it once before, you all managed that dinner with Charlie,” Izzy reminds him. 
“Does Clary think we’re jewelers too, then?” Alec asks with a slight smirk. 
“You can do whatever you want. I’m a martial arts instructor,” Jace reminds him. 
“Of course you are, blondie,” Magnus says, walking over with a drink in hand. “But Isabelle’s right. I’m sure we’ll be fine.” He doesn’t bring back up the contingency plan of being able to wipe this day from her mind and send her on her way if it backfires spectacularly, because Jace hates the idea and only bristles and insists they won’t need that. 
“Better than leaving the poor girl alone for the holidays,” Maryse agrees. 
“She might not even show. I mean, it’s a weird offer from a guy she only spoke to twice,” Jace points out. And when it hits ten, and then twenty minutes past the point Jace told Clary to come over they’re pretty sure she decided just that. 
Until the doorbell rings. 
Jace goes to answer it, beaming when he sees Clary in the hallway holding up a bottle of wine. 
“Happy Holidays,” she says. “I hope this is alright. I didn’t want to bring nothing, but I didn’t know what anyone liked…”
“It’s lovely,” Maryse says, coming up behind Jace. “Come inside, take your coat off, dear. I’m Maryse, by the way. We’re so glad you decided to come.” 
“Thank you for having me,” Clary says. “I’m Clary.” 
Jace watches Clary’s eyes dart around the room, taking in the number of people she doesn’t know and swallowing back a moment of nervousness. Jace wonders if maybe this is too much for her - perhaps he should’ve arranged to do something with just her rather than expose her to all of the Lightwoods all at once. 
But a moment later Izzy is bounding over with a bright smile. “I’m Izzy! So glad you could make it! I’m tired of being outnumbered by all the guys here,” she whispers conspiratorially to Clary who laughs and allows herself to be led off to grab a drink. 
It’s roughly half an hour later, with Izzy making her way quickly across the living room to grab something from her bag, when Maryse says, “I don’t know how you manage those heels on this carpeting.”  
“There’s nothing she can’t do in heels,” Clary chimes in, and Izzy and Jace share a look. Clary doesn’t even seem to realize she said it, turning right back to whatever she’d been discussing previously. 
It isn’t the only time it happens, either. Magnus calls her ‘Biscuit’ and Clary only smiles and says, “It’s been a while since anyone called me that.” Another time she brings up archery to Alec. 
“How did you know I shoot?” Alec asks slowly, eyebrow raised. 
“What? Oh. Jace must’ve mentioned it over coffee,” Clary says with a shrug. Alec looks over at Jace who only shakes his head slowly. 
Jace isn’t sure if it’s good or bad that Clary remembers more about them than just his name, but he’s certain that she has no idea she’s even doing it. Dinner is full of laughter and stories with just as much attention paid to Clary as to anyone else at the table, possibly more so as everyone - even Alec - goes out of their way to make sure she’s comfortable. They sit next to one another at the table, and more than once he catches himself getting lost watching her laugh over something Magnus said or blush over a compliment from Izzy. He also catches her staring at him a few times, too, though she’s always quick to look away once he does. 
Refusing to get his hopes up Jace does his best not to read into those little moments. He did invite her here as just friends, after all, and he’s sticking to it - if he can keep Clary in his life, even just as a casual acquaintance, it’s better than the total lack of her he suffered the past year. It’d have to be enough, and he’s determined not to scare her away and ruin even that. 
“I hope I didn’t impose too much,” Clary says at the end of the night. 
“Not at all, Clary,” Maryse promises. 
“In fact, we lost a good friend last year who you remind me a lot of… it was nice to have that energy around again,” Magnus adds, earning himself a warning glare from Alec which he pretends not to see.
“Oh, and it’s started to snow! ” Izzy announces from the window, turning around with a smile before Clary can read too much into Magnus’ comment and before the mood grows too somber. “We haven’t had a white Christmas since we were kids!” 
“Let me walk you back,” Jace offers, and Clary looks like she might argue for just a moment before giving him a small nod. 
“Alright,” she agrees, grabbing her coat and saying quick round of goodbyes to everyone before the two of them are out the door and on the snowy street below. It takes every bit of restraint Jace has within himself to not reach over to grab her hand as they walk, or move closer as they walk. He misses this. 
“I know I said it before, but thank you again for inviting me. Everyone was so welcoming, and honestly? I felt so comfortable around your family, like I’ve known them for months, not hours.” Clary says with a happy sigh.
“Yeah, I know the feeling,” Jace says. 
Once they’re back at Clary’s dorm Jace hesitates. There’s so much he wants to say but he’s afraid of scaring her away, of being too much too soon, that he’ll come across as too eager to have her back in his life for someone who should, as far as she knows, barely know her. 
Before he can say anything, still trying to figure out how to ask to see her again as casually as possible, Clary speaks first. 
“I know you said this was just as friends,” Clary says, carefully avoiding his gaze as she talks. “But… I wouldn’t mind if it was more. Unless I’m totally misreading this and you were just being nice, which is totally fine-” 
“Do I get to answer?” Jace cuts her off, unable to keep the smirk from his face. “Because I think this was a perfect first date.” 
Clary relaxes at his words, smiling back. “Me too. Well, almost perfect,” she adds, taking a step closer to him. 
Jace closes the rest of the distance between them, their lips meeting amidst a flurry of snowflakes. There’s an immediate warmth between them, the spark of a connection that’s still there. He doesn’t have to wonder if Clary can feel it too - he feels her gasp against his lips at the spark between them, so intense it’s palpable, just like that moment in the alley the night of her exhibit. 
“What-” she starts, but the words trail off. He knows she can feel it, their past just beneath the surface, but not enough to put words to it. Instead she falls contemplatively silent again instead. 
“Setting the bar pretty high for a first date, aren’t we?” Jace observes. 
“I don’t think it’ll be a problem,” Clary counters, leaning up for another kiss, this time bringing her arms around his waist to pull him closer. “After all, this wasn’t even supposed to be a date - we weren’t even trying.” 
“Speak for yourself,” Jace says with a huff, and finds himself rewarded with a laugh Clary tries, and fails, to hide behind the hand she brings up to her mouth. “But you’re right. With a little planning I think I can arrange for us to go ice skating next time.” 
“I used to ice skate all the time when I was little,” Clary says with a soft smile. “I haven’t been in years, though. I’d love that.”
It’s obvious neither of them want to be the one to walk away first but as the snow continues to fall and the temperature drops they finally part ways with the promise to make plans again soon. 
Jace’s phone buzzes almost as soon as the door shuts behind Clary. 
Clary: Too soon to make those plans?
And with a smile he wastes no time in replying:
Jace: Free tomorrow? 
He already knows so much about her he doesn’t like lying to go along with this ‘first date’ label, acting like he doesn’t love her with everything he has and then some, but it isn’t like he can tell her. All he can do is start over and hope the pieces fall into place the way they’re meant to - the way they did once before and hopefully will again. Angels be damned, Jace thought their happy ending was lost forever, but now?
Now that he has his second chance he isn’t going to let another second go by without Clary in his life. 
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