#like i just personally dont understand how u cld be happy that way....theres so many beautiful features
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skunkes · 3 months ago
as ive been sculpting out talon's face more and being happy with the little details ive been fixing and adding, i think the silco obsession is also a? Focus? Honing in? Back and forth appreciation? <- unsure of exact feeling, on how its so qwesome when characters have unique features even if stylized its so human its so charming i love it i love it
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sheepnosed · 6 years ago
ooo cel i was just wondering what were ur opinions of the nct members at first vs now??
omg bold of u to assume i have a memory tht long… but ill try!
taeil: initially i didnt even notice him cjhsdh but now i love his voice nd appreciate the calmness he brings
johnny: omg i was so amused by him bc to me he was like. emo king but now i think of him as a sweet and reliable guy nd i appreciate his love and big brotherness towards hyuck
taeyong: i wanted to just ignore him bc he was so popular and i didnt find him that cute? but once i saw how sweet nd caring he was i was opened to a whole different person from who i thought he was and i rlly rlly love him
yuta: idk he just gave off big scorp vibes nd he still does
sicheng: he was actually the reason i got into nct bc he’s like so? pretty i was yanked right in. now i appreciate his confidence and the way he presents himself to the public
mark: i was so… into him. like i still am but when i first saw him i was obsessed w the face shape and his voice and i was just so enamored by how cool he was fsjdjf but now i see wht a big goof he is and the fact that he does everything he can to further his career while remaining humble and sweet is sooo endearing to me i cld go on forever
jaehyun: omg i used to just ignore him but then i had the biggest jaehyun phase and like my feelings towards him were so special to me that i refused to even post abt him bc they were just. too much like i loved him SO much u dont understand nd like nowadays im not too into him but i love his fashion and music taste and he whole aura is so calming and i love the way he talks like how he moves his lips? idk but he’s just the sweetest nd we have the same sun/moon
yukhei: i also have the same sun/moon and i am CONVINCED rising bc theres no way he isnt a leo rising. but mistre yukhei was my first nct bias nd i absolutely loved everything abt him im not kidding u i watched the boss dance practice over 200 times like no jokes i mean this. now i am just chill abt him but i adore his sweet smile and ability to lighten up any room
jungwoo: omg same as yukhei but now i wish ppl wld stop with the uwu thing like he’d drop some of us off a building for $2
ten: i first saw him on hit the stage and i was sooo blown away. i thought abt him as an artist and like. a hoe but now i think he’s cool like gay icon but also he better accept hyucks love or wtv
kun: i never had many big thoughts on him but i do wish him the best w his new china debut and i admire his patience i hope to get to see more of him and i love his piano pieces
doyoung: i was obsessed w that video where ten compares him to a bunny i thought it was the most amusing thing ever. also he was like. Biased u know.. big time. i thought of him as someone rlly cute nd cool that id love forever. i dont rlly see much of him now but i still think hes a Bad Bitch WHAM Attitude Nasty! BAM BAM u know
JENO: omg i did not have any thoughts on him at all at first but now i wld give my first born child to see him smile. his humor, his style, his temperament, his voice, his smile god EVERYTHIGN is so so auspicious to me im such a big fan of him like. existing
renjun: omg L i cant rmr what i thought of him at all but i rmr seeing pictures of him beating up chenle and i was like hehe also his little vampire tooth. now i see him as a very well developed and mature young man while still retaining his playful attitude and god id DIE for him
chenle: i thought he was so cute. like so so cute u dont understand he was so. Cute im not much on the chenle scene lately but i love him dearly and i always hope he knows that he’s loved and i hope he’s finding himself well rested and happy because i love to see him smile
jaemin: omg my first thought was that he looks like clefairy in pink and i loved his big kitty smile nowadays his HAIR is pink so def still clefairy u know.. also he’s grown into a well tempered and sweethearted boy and i want him to know how proud of him i am, im glad he was able to reconnect with dream nd that he’s home again
jisung: i rmr being like haha he’s my age but thats it akjdjfh i see myself in him sometimes but i dnt think we’d get along for that reason but same w chenle i hope he knows he’s talented and loved and is finding time for himself to explore and grow up without the microscope of the public on him
HYUCK FKJSHV: i saved him for las t but god.. when i first was getting to know him i was falling in love nd i was so AGAINST it. i used to be like ugh god when will he shut up i hat e him he’s too cute i want to throw him. nd it was so weird idk what 15 yr old cel was doing exactly but now i am. in love w him in this completely otherworldy way. like completely platonically bc i only date girsl u knwo but he’s EVERTHIGN like he loves tarot cards and michael jackson and queen nd does his own makeup and loves dance so much and shows everyone that he loves them as much as he can nd hes just EVRYTHIGNGGG he’s so funny and genuinely a little ray of sunshine at the same time as being a sun storm tht’ll burn u from the inside out he’s just so so special to me he has his very own part of my heart that belongs all to him i love everything about him and i always want him to be happy and comfy and confident and loved he deserves everything and i cant wait to see what he does with his life because i know ill be there nd i know itll be. explosive bc he’s truly the brightest thing in my solar system :((
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sanhatation · 7 years ago
i honestly have so much work to do right now but all i can get myself to actually accomplish is being soft abt KIM MYUNGJUN !!!!!!! this man….this man does not get nearly enough recognition he deserves. where tf do i even start carol theres so much GOOD to him !!!!!!! hmmmmm shall i begin with his TALENT ? i shall………..this man. or should i say Vocal God? his voice is so unique….the color is so unique…….its so BRIGHT !!!! so bright and open!!!!!! his voice is honestly an open meadow of wheat its so pretty and natural and open and big !!!!!!! how does such a thicc range fit in such a tiny body? who knows! his voice just flows……like hot sugary and sweet caramel or honey…….its so serene yet so energized !!! like a stunning and vibrant sunset that u cant take ur eyes off of!!!! u just wanna take a billion photos of it to treasure it forever but no camera does it justice!!!!!! and im 100% confident that his voice is the same….no microphone or audio recording can do his voice justice and even then its so absolutely stunning i cant even imagine hearing him live. and that man can dance. i know nobody says NOTHIN abt myungjun’s dancin and im no professional but bicnhg I LOVE HIS DANCING!!!!!!!! hes so GRACEFUL!!!! the way he moves his hANDS even????? truly so artistic ??????? i honestly dont know jack squat about pop dance or whatever but hes got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!  and gosh diddly darn it that man is a Full fledged visual artist. have yall SEEN that one drawing he did of beauty and the beast????? sis i cant even TRACE that well!!!!!!!!!!!! his phone case designs????? STUNNING!!!!!!!!!!! yall when the frick are they gonna let him design one of their albums bc id take 400!!!!!!! gladly!!!!!!!!! and quite honestly i dont know jack squat about drawing and painting either but here we are!!!!! me admiring his drawing and painting!!!!!!!! his hands were crafted by God just for that!!!!!!!!!!!!! he has Artist Hands karen he really does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and bc of that he must see beauty in such small things and he has an eye for design and aesthetics and i just!!!! wow!!!!!!!!! he literally………….all he carries in his bag is a pair of sunglasses, some cologne, and his ART SUPPLIES !!!!!!!!!! just a freaking sketchbook and pencils!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hes so SIMPLE?????? and i have to SAY this isnt something ive noticed in myungjun until now……he is so Simple. so homey….all he needs is his little self and his art supplies and hes good. theres just something so ???? idek like??? domestic?????? and homey abt that????? like!!! when i look at him,,, im reminded of my own home???? especially my home in autumn i dont even KNOW how a person can possess that kind of quality but he does it for me!!!!!! he feels like the personification of sitting around an open fire at christmas with ppl u love !!!!! he is honestly the personification of the feelings of christmas!!! he possesses so much warmth and raDIATES so much warmth!!!! everyone wants to be around that!!! his smile lights the world……him and his gorgeous toothy thicc luscious lip smile!!!!! 1000000 watts!!!! his visuals are seriously insane…..he looks so soft and feminine yet so sharp and masculine!! his eyes are so beautiful and sparkle in the light and u can see the entire galaxy in them!!! and have u seen his nose????????? have u ?????? its very boopable ! and binchg wtf his jawline ???? wow……..then his proportions….absolutely perfect…………..he can wear suspenders any time !!all the time !!! bc WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont care what anyone says. i hope myungjun’s tum is here to stay. i stan. he doesnt need to lose ANY weight binchf hes already so small i cld probably pick him up with my pinky!!!!! let him eat its what he DESERVES. hes just so soft….i wnna squeeze his lil waist tbh its understandable why bin cuddles him so much!!!!!! hes just a lil cuddle ball!!!! he makes me smile so much i love it when he laughs and i ADORE when he throws his whole tiny body into laughter!!!!!!! i love when he throws himself to the floOR and slaps it and holds onto people and LAUGHS!!! that man is gaining YEARS!!!!!!!! i want him to be happy like that 100000% of the time,,, and he doesnt even know…..he doesnt know how much happiness he brings to ppl with his happiness!!!!! sure he knows hes the happy virus but does he knOW??? does he KNOW that just by that one (1) giggle or by that one (1) facial expression hes making a chick literally on the OTHER side of the WORLD smile from ear to ear???????? he needs to know!!!! hes so amazing…..in so many ways and on so many levels. hes so happy that its so easy to forget the kinds of weights he must have on his shoulders…..its so difficult being the eldest, its so difficult being the main vocal. he works so hard. he puts his all into everything……he cares so deeply for his members and watches out for them in ways we cannot see and works harder than we even know…he is a true artist who is bursting with beauty and inspiration and power and influence. such a small man holds so much light and artistry i love him somcuchh
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