#like i have him more cautious with what he says and does around mina because hes afraid hell scare her off
webbyghost · 5 months
i feel like i dont write doug saying enough offputting things
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vickyvicarious · 4 months
Seward describing Renfield I like how he touches on selfish vs. unselfish influences and how that affects humans. I find it interesting that, contrary to popular belief, being unselfish is what Seward would consider to be more dangerous.
Meanwhile, Quincey says that a good friend is less selfish than a lover.
Yeah, (un)selfishness is a recurring theme!
I quite like Seward's take, that someone who has dedicated themselves to a cause (unselfish) won't be held back by any considerations over their own safety, and thus is more dangerous. A person who is cautious because they're concerned for their own safety is in a lot of ways less dangerous, because you can work around that. The way he uses 'centripetal/centrifugal' to describe these is a clever way to not quite use the word 'unbalanced' (though he does say 'balance' in contrast) while still evoking the same idea about unselfish people.
This is actually a comparison that can be made between our heroes and Dracula later on. Because Dracula is fully selfish, and so he is cautious and retreats. While the protagonists are unselfishly dedicated to their cause of stopping him/saving Mina, and thus they abandon everything else to hunt him down and stop him no matter the cost to themselves. Of course, it's no perfect fit. After all, Dracula's caution in many ways is what makes him such a challenge, and if he had been even more cautious he would have been impossible to defeat. It's the moments of hubris that leave openings for them. Similarly, the heroes have a very methodical approach that involves them seeking out their own back-up plans whenever possible, and being careful and thorough to try and ensure success.
Quincey's line about selfish lovers and unselfish (or less selfish) friends is also interesting in light of later events. Specifically with Mina, all her friends were willing to make the hard choice to promise to kill her if she became a vampire. Her lover, on the other hand, silently vowed to join her if she became a vampire, and was silent when she asked him to kill her. Jonathan's reaction was certainly much more selfish. Except his devotion to her became his cause that propelled him to the utmost efforts to save her so things would never come to that, and he (unselfishly?) didn't care what happened to him in the process. Also, Arthur was able to (unselfishly?) kill Lucy when she actually did become a vampire, though it took the help of friends to convince him to do so. When she was sick, his worry for her was what got her help in the first place, and that certainly wasn't selfish of him.
And there's other lines later that follow up on this idea. I discussed it a bit before, but never landed on a single interpretation because there's so much fuzziness and uncertainty about how it's presented. But the idea is definitely there, resonant and really interesting!
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Sonic Prime Extended Universe HCs - No Place
so we know that the Shatterverses aren’t “real,” full universes, just  distorted reflections of the Prime that aren’t fully-formed, hence why  there’s only like 6 people and two locations. However fucking around is  fun fun fun so I’m just gonna do a post for each universe dissecting  where the other Sonic Universe characters would be and what they’d be up  to. Please for the love of GOD add your own ideas/hcs in the comments I  want us all to melt into creativity mush.
No Place
sorry this is kinda short im buzzing with excitement about prime dropping tomorrow
go ask @birdsareblooming about her pirate au
As expected, Blaze and Marine’s lives are mainly unchanged. They’ve got more of a pirate aesthetic though so obviously this is a massive W
Silver’s been on more sunken ships than he can count. He’s pretty sure he’s cursed. 
Sally is the Captain of her own ship with the whole SatAM squad as the crew. If there’s no wind Dulcy just ties a harness to herself and flies the ship. And then lands in the water because they won’t let her crash on the deck anymore. Bunnie has a peg leg
Tekno’s ship can fly. dont ask how, she’s very talented.
Mighty and Ray are still very pacifistic but Ray is quite adventurous so they cross paths with quite a lot of dangerous folk in their travels. Mighty is, thankfully, very good at defending himself
The ARK was an actual arc...,.,.,
Mina is a Siren
Cosmo’s species are very landlocked, however most of the world is underwater so their land is definitely fading fast. She’s got Moana Syndrome and wants to see what’s out there!!
Nobody expects Vanilla to be a formidable adversary. They are all very, very wrong. Gemerl may be Cream’s bodyguard but his second job is holding Vanilla back
God how many times do I have to say Sticks is thriving. She really just loves chaos
You know who else is thriving? The Babylon Rogues. Wave and Rouge have a homoerotic rivalry and Jet is sooooo tired of it he sees Dread’s ship coming and starts banging his head against the mast
Hooligans are also fucking THRIVING. Fang’s ship is small but nimble, and can outpace almost any other ship. And, yes, Bean mans the cannons.
If the Zeti aren’t on their hex they have their own ship of insanity. Imagine the chaos. They’re all trapped on the ship together. Zeena has used Zor as sharkbait more than once.
A lot of the SCU humans ended up on one boat. Rachel has tried to throw Captain Tom overboard multiple times. She mutinies twice a day. It’s a tradition now. Jojo was told she wasn’t allowed to have her own sword and so she walked over to the cannons and started firing.
Morain is having the time of her LIFE. she LOVES fighting and killing and maiming and biting. Errol is a little more cautious but he cannot stop her
In LOVE with the idea of the Nocturnus being held in stasis in an undersea shipwreck. If only someone would come wake them up. Hey, Dread, let’s go swimming over here...
Breezie has her own crew and she’s #girlbossing. Bokkun on cannons ofc!
Rough and Tumble are so bad at pirating but god bless them they are trying.
Helen is really really into mermaids and Chris and Frances help her design fancy “tails” for dress-up. Chris’s family is rich so obviously he’s a prime target for pirates and he’s just like. used to it by now? Usually Helen and her mechanized chair come into save him so he’s comfortable just being damselled and hanging out in the brig. He brings his own card games for the prisoners of whoever grabbed him this time. He runs into Princess Elise like every other week and they have a competitive tally of who’s been kidnapped the most.
Tangle also has Moana Syndrome and has been desperate to go pirating since she like. came into being. Jewel is on her boat but she’s uncomfortable with violence so she just hides below deck and does all the paperwork and organization. Lanolin is the Captain because she’s the only one who can organize AND fight at the same time.
Whisper cautiously joins Lanolin’s crew after they help her out of a jam at a pirate bar. It took a while, but she became accustomed to Tangle’s wild ways and would die and kill for her.
Her previous crew was killed in a shipwreck. What killed them?
The Sonic Boom Village are all on a ship together. Zooey is shockingly one of their best fighters and Sails would probably fall in love with her instantly. Perci considers herself the crew’s guardian and is very protective of them and of the ship, which she repairs herself. Dave still can’t cook for shit and Staci somehow still has a cell phone
Starline literally fished up Surge and Kit in a net. Kitsunami is a water spirit and had his water powers naturally in this universe, and he’s bound to Surge b/c life debt or smth.
Eyepatch!Infinite or bust
Clutch runs one of those pirate hideouts, like Port Royal in Pirates of the Caribbean, and he’s got tabs on EVERYONE. He’s got dirt on EVERYONE. Don’t cross him.
Instead of a moon, The End takes the form of a swirling whirlpool.
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kwonhoshi0 · 4 years
𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮, 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 | h.c
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navigation | requests : open | 9th feb 2021 | 
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pairing : bakugou, todoroki, shinso x gn!reader [separate]
genre : angsty fluff
warnings : mentions of toxic relationships/toxic past, abuse, read note below,
themes : toxic relationships, hurt, not specified trauma, only talk, mutual pining
note : i’ve never seen a headcanon for this and of course i would never write about this if i didn’t have experience on this and how it feels and i wouldn’t write about this if i didn’t know how much it hurts and sticks with someone, i’m not saying you can’t write about such events if you haven’t been through it but the emotions you can feel when in a toxic relationship is much more complex than one might think, i’m proud of everyone who’s been through this if you want to talk about this or you’re going through something right now my dms are open always <3
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[ bakugou ]
> before you and bakugou started dating you knew you liked eachother but neither of you made a move
> that was until he realised his feelings for you couldn’t just pass with time
> he knew however much he tried you’d still make him feel funny whenever he sees you
> so he decided to ask you on a date, he didn’t show it but when you said yes he was over the moon
> since this is your first date since you had been in a toxic relationship you were nervous
> the first date went amazing he held you hand after you got ice cream and you got coffee, drinking it as you walked in the moonlight
> ‘y/n, i uhh- i like you a lot’ he said cringing a little as he blushed, you were both leaning against a railing which was placed over beach watching the waves crash against the sand as the moon shon over
> ‘i like you too katsuki’ you smiled blushing as a unknown feeling creeped up your body, it was unknown in a good way but it still made you feel uncomfortable and weary
> bakugou noticed your furrowed eyebrows ‘are you feeling okay?’
> you nodded quickly not wanting to talk about how you felt since it always led to arguments with them
> ‘in that case’ he cupped your face gently with his pulling you in, ‘you’re mine’ he grinned placed a soft kiss on your lips which you returned
> you’ve been together a couple weeks now, almost a month
> bakugou has realised you’re not the same as you were before you were dating he knew some things would change since you’re dating now but he didn’t think you’d be distant
> if anything he thought you’d be closer to him and he couldn’t help but think if it was because of him
> everytime you’re alone he notices you tensing up a little when he touches you, whether it’s a hand around your shoulder or on your face you tense up
> but you don’t do that when mina or your friends touch you so he was convinced it was him
> after you had only glanced at him not talked to him through school again he decided he had to talk to you about this
> he knocked on your door as a warning before walking in, you were sat at your desk watching anime and he frowned a little
> he knows he isn’t too affectionate or by any means perfect as a boyfriend but you’re always watching movies with other people or series and he wanted to do that but everytime he brought up the idea of spending time watching something together you never got around to doing it, acting as if you forgot
> ‘y/n what the hell is going on?’ he frowned as you looked up with fear in your eyes
> ‘i- what do you mean’ he didn’t notice the fear he was thinking about every possible reason for your distance
> ‘i mean am i not fucking good enough anymore?, we’re meant to be closer as a couple not fuckin further apart’ he raised his voice a little as he walked towards your desk
> ‘i don’t get what you mean uh, am i being too much?’ you respond, you always got told you were too pushy and needy so you didn’t want to make the same mistake with bakugou
> ‘i mean why the fuck don’t you even touch me for fuck sake, y/n you barely fucking hang out with me i barely know anything about you because you don’t stay and talk to me for more than 10 fuckin minutes’ he edged closer to you now towering over you,
> ‘i-i uhm’ your words got caught in your throat as his arm left his side and as he opened his mouth you flinched shutting your eyes and shaking a little as tears filled your eyes
> then there was silence, he was trying to get him hair out of his eyes, ‘did- did you think that i was going to..’ he was hurt that you thought he’d do that, that he made you feel unsafe
> ‘y/n...’ you looked up at him, he saw the tears peaking out of the corner of your eyes slowing lifting his hand to wipe it
> ‘has someone done that to you before’ you nod as he placed his chin on your shoulder carefully rubbing your back up and down soothingly, he didn’t know how it felt but he knows that nobody deserves this and if he can help in any way he will, even if it means letting down his guard for you
> you explained how the last person you were with didn’t like your affection and love because you showed it to your friends and they wanted you to only show him love and no one else
> ‘y/n i’m not angry that you show your friends love idiot, it’s because you don’t let yourself open up to me, i want you to feel safe alright idiot not the other away around, i’ll help.. and for the record i don’t care if you hug and show them extras love that doesn’t bother me just don’t let yourself be so guarded around me, i’m here for you to feel safe alright’
> you nod wrapping your arms around bakugous torso as he picks you up still rubbing your back, he sat on the bed leaning back letting your head rest on his chest
> ‘now what’s that extras name teddybear’
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[ todoroki ]
> todoroki made you feel safe but that feeling is new to you so you didn’t understand what it was
> before you started dating you both got close as friends, you knew you liked him but being friends made you feel safe with him and dating has scared you, he didn’t know much about your last relationship only that it hurt you
> but he didn’t know that meant they literally hurt you
> so when he asked you, you said yes because of how amazing and happy it made you feel
> before you started dating you always laid your head on his lap to nap or talk to him, you were open and honest
> but you didn’t know how to act, you wanted to be yourself but that wasn’t enough then with them so why would it be now you thought
> todoroki noticed your change in behaviour and also noticed you always change when he’s around which led him to believe that he made you uncomfortable
> so when you were sat watching a movie he asked you getting a little insecure and heated
> ‘y/n do i make you uncomfortable?’ he said noticing how your eyes widen
> ‘no! how funny.. of course not’ you smiled which was clearly a fake smile to him and you wouldn’t have answered him like that if you didn’t have this act on
> ‘then why are you acting different? please don’t lie to me.. i don’t like this you seem like a different person and i don’t know why’
> ‘how would you want me to act shoto’ you replied with the same look in your eyes, you weren’t being sarcastic you genuinely wanted to know and that made him confused
> ‘y/n i don’t .. control you, be yourself.. is this really what you think of me, you think i want you to change how you act, your personality’ he moved his hand from his hair moving towards your face making you shut your eyes flinching
> his eyes widened at this, his hand was on your shoulder he was trying to comfort you but before he could get his words out you flinched at him ‘y/n.. what was that’
> he moved his hand away in fear that he’d scare you again
> you wiped away the tears forming as he looked at you with sadness, ‘i’m sorry’ you spluttered out as you moved to get up and leave
> before you could you felt a cautious hand hold yours ‘talk to me, please’
> you sat back down, his hand still in yours his thumb grazing over your hand soothing you
> ‘i told you about my ex, i was never enough so i acted different.. just to please him, i could never be myself and when i was myself.. he didn’t like it’ you said staring at your hands
> he moved his hand up slowly so you could see and placed it on your cheek as he moved towards you
> ‘y/n i fell in love with you, no one else only you, you’re more than enough for me, i don’t want some other version of you i want all of you. you’re perfect to me and if they don’t appreciate that then they’re fucking stupid’ you smiled a little at his uncharacteristic swearing
> ‘i love you, thank you sho’ you rested your head on his lap, your head faced his shirt he leaned down turning your head, kissing you slowly as you hummed into the kiss smiling feeling that same safe feeling you felt before but this time the feeling was stronger
> ‘don’t thank me my love’
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[ shinso ]
> you first met shinso at the sports festival and since you’re in different classes you don’t spend time together during school time other than a couple minutes at lunch
> you both started meeting up more and more until you realise you like him a lot
> you refused to date him even if he does like you you couldn’t date him because of your ex, you were afraid of getting hurt again
> shinso knows you like him because of the way you look at him and stare at him across the cafeteria and the way you get flustered everytime he comes over
> your friends knew how much you like him and told you to go for it but since they’re the ones you went to when you finally broke it off with your ex they understand why you shouldn’t
> the only one who didn’t agree and told you not to date him was bakugou ‘are you fucking stupid!? they’re not getting hurt again they don’t need him’ he was a little too protective
> when he told you he liked you, you panicked ‘i uh, i like you too but i just, i can’t sorry’ and with that you panicked running away
> the next day he found you at the lockers the halls empty ‘what was that yesterday?’
> ‘sorry i’m not good with this’ you mumbled as he got confused
> ‘are you dating bakugou is that why you can’t be with me?’ he said observing your reaction sighing when you started panicking
> ‘what?.. no! i don’t.. i’m not with bakugou i’m just not-’
> ‘y/n.. i like you a lot i do but this is.. messy bakugou came and threatened me earlier’ you flinched shaking as he moved his hand closer, not thinking you thought he was going to hurt you because of your indecisiveness
> immediately after he took you in his arms ‘shit what the fuck.. y/n i’m sorry’ he held you as you teared up telling you about why you don’t feel ready and that’s why bakugou threatened him
> ‘i’ll wait, for now we can just be friends until you’re comfortable alright kitten?’ his chin rested on your head until he looked down at you and took both his thumbs wiping both cheeks pressing a small kiss to your cheek
> after a couple months of hanging out and being friends you were talking to your friends
> ‘alright i guess he’s fine’ bakugou admitted as you talked to them about how you felt
> you called shinso ‘hey shinso come over to class a’s dorms’
> as soon as he arrived you sat in your room gaming, after a few rounds passed you took your controller from him placing it beside you and turning to face him on your bed
> ‘shinso’
> ‘yes kitten’
> you grinned as he raised his brow smiling back at you his purple locks framing his face, ‘i’m ready’
> as soon as those words left your lips he jumped at you climbing on top of you as you giggled, he tickled you making you laugh harder
> after a couple minutes of play fighting he layed his head on your chest smiling furiously but not letting you see that
> ‘then you’re mine’
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A/N :
/)/£/;)28: anyway wbahahahdbfn help it hurts
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taglist : @blazedbakugou @todoroki-shoto-is-life @luluwiie
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1plus1kiyoomi · 4 years
Chapter 22: How I Met Your Mother
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“Okay, listen up my children!” Kiyoomi announces in the middle of the living room, the kids all looking up to him. “Your mother won’t be around for 3 days-”
Kin starts crying because of his father’s words, taking Sakusa aback. His boy must love you so much since he’s the only who seems affected that you are away. The girls... don’t care.
“Don’t cry! Don’t cry! We are only 30 minutes in and you’re already crying,” Kiyoomi sighs, picking Kin up from the ground.
“You should not have mentioned mama,” Kia scolds him. Kia takes a seat on the couch which Mina and Mira follows. She is their leader, not Kiyoomi. If a hierarchy is made in your house it would turn out like this:
Yes. Sakusa Kiyoomi, the provider and the pillar of the house, is at the lowest ranking in your house, simply because he isn’t around all the time. He only goes home once or twice a month, leaving all the childcare and managing of the house to you. The wedding planning is only the side dish of what’s on your plate. He has so much respect for you that he’s willing to lower his pride and hurt his ego.
Kiyoomi is more than happy to take care of the kids for you. You get to rest and he gets to spend time with your children. It’s a win-win situation for the two of you.
“Mama!” Kin cries harder, and Sakusa bounces him on his arm, hoping it will stop him.
“If you stop crying we will go see the fish!” Kiyoomi cheers and Kin stops crying. “We will change now and then go see fish.”
“Really?” Kia questions her father, already old enough to be aware of Kiyoomi’s fear of crowds and germs. She knows that there is no way that their dad will bring the four of them in the aquarium. Especially since it’s a weekend, so it’ll be packed with people.
And Kia was right. Kiyoomi didn’t bring them to the aquarium, but to a small fish market. Kia is disappointed but not surprised. At least Kiyoomi tried, right? “Where’s the fish?” Kin asks, looking around as he sits in his stroller. The place only has a few people and small stalls, which Kiyoomi really likes.
They stop in front of a stall where fish are laid on trays of ice, shocking the twins. Kia just face palms, and Mina is just standing there but is also in disbelief. “What? It’s fish.” Kiyoomi defends himself, shrugging.
“It’s dead,” Mina remarks as she stares at the deceased sea creatures in front of her.
“A fish is a fish,” Kiyoomi argues. Kia scans through the surrounding and spots a small tank with king crabs in it. She points at it so they go to it. Kin and Mira are now out of their stroller and are almost glued to the glass tank. The owner of the shop comes out asks if they’re going to it at the store. Kiyoomi says yes, since the kids look so excited to be seeing crab for the first time.
What he didn’t take in account is that the kids will recognize that the crab they were staring at outside is now their food. Cue the loud crying from Kin and Mira. The number of times Kia has face palmed because of her father is uncountable. Mina is chill, playing with the claws of the cooked crab, making her younger siblings cry even more.
“Stop crying. Try it!” Mina puts a piece of meat in Mira’s mouth and she stops. Kin halts as well, confused why his twin stopped wailing. Kia feeds him the crab and he falls in love with it. Kiyoomi sighs in relief, very thankful that he has reliable daughters.
One task done.
Their lunch finally ends and they head to the toy store. Kiyoomi has already planned to buy kinetic sand for the twins since he can’t bring them to the beach. It’s a scary place. He might be the most cautious guy in the country, but he’s still like any clumsy father. The chances of him losing one kid at that place is high.
“Do you wanna walk?” Kiyoomi asks the twins, not wanting to carry a stroller around. The two nod so he takes out the safety harness and puts it on them. Mina and Kia are holding hands, walking obediently beside their father. The family of 5 enters the store and the kids become excited immediately.
“We can buy anything we want?” Kia asks in awe, which Kiyoomi just nods to. “Let’s go Mina!”
“Don’t go with strangers, okay?” Kiyoomi tells them as the two run off somewhere in the store. He picks up tubs of kinetic sand, clay, and slime. Then, he follows the twins around the store, picking up whatever they seemed interested in.
“You want that toy car?” Kiyoomi asks Mira, picking them up from the ground so they can see a clearer view of the toys. Kin points at a toy gun at another shelf. “I’m sorry, buddy, but you can’t use that yet, and maybe your mama will shoot me using that if she finds out I bought you one.”
As Kiyoomi and the twins are picking more stuffed animals, Kia and Mina come running towards him. “Papa! Papa! Can I buy a bike?” Kia pleads, tugging on Kiyoomi’s pants. He takes a deep breath in before agreeing to his eldest daughter.
“Where are your toys?” Kiyoomi asks them, seeing that the two girls are empty handed.
“I only want a bike and Mina wants a picture book,” Kia answers. Kiyoomi furrows his eyebrows in disappointment, but in his mind he’s actually really happy that the girls seem to be taking saving into consideration.
“Are you sure?” Kiyoomi raises an eyebrow at them.
“Can I buy a skateboard too...?” Kia shyly requests, doing a cute pose. Kiyoomi chuckles and agrees with her.
“How about you Minari?” Kiyoomi asks the younger girl.
“I want paint,” Kia nonchalantly says and Kiyoomi does a thumbs up to her. After that, they start to run to wherever they can get their wants. Kiyoomi walks after his kids, the twins already asleep in his arms, their heads on his shoulder. He spots Kia, scanning through the wide catalog of bikes, a small skateboard already tucked below her underarms.
“Can I get the blue one?” Kia tells the employee who is assisting her, pointing at the baby blue bike she wants.
“You don’t want the pink one?” The employee asks, presenting the pink bike. Kia looks at him in disgust.
“Do you think girls only like pink?” Kia remarks, taking the employee by surprise. Kiyoomi smiles under his mask, amused by his daughter’s words. He internally taps the his back because he’s pretty much the reason behind her attitude. He’s proud to say that he has raised his children not to believe in gender norms.
Kiyoomi feels someone tug on his pants, so he looks down and sees Mina holding a small cart filled with coloring materials, picture books and papers. “Is that all you want?” Mina nods and holds his hand.
After checking Kia’s bike they head to the cashier to pay. Kiyoomi then realizes that he has done the one thing you told him not to do. Spend money on the kids. But you won’t know right?
One task has been failed.
As they reach the house, all the kids immediately go to the bathroom to wash. Kiyoomi knows that they adapted this habit from him, and he feels happy that they’re understanding his personality even at a young age. Kia even sprays alcohol in her sibling’s hand every time they come back to the car. It’s the little things his little kids are doing for him that makes him love them even more.
The four of them falls asleep after the bath so Kiyoomi arranges the stuff they bought. As he is arranging Mina’s books, he notices the abundant number of books that included dogs. “Does she likes dogs?”
Kiyoomi is tired. He has never felt this tired after intense games or practices. Childcare is a whole new level of tired. Just when he thought he can rest, Mina walks out of her shared room with Kia. “Hi, baby. Did you sleep well?” Kiyoomi asks Mina which she doesn’t respond to. Instead, she comes close to him and hugs his leg. Surprisingly, Mina starts crying. “What’s wrong?”
“I missed you, papa,” Mina explains. Kiyoomi sits on the foamed floor of the living room, giving Mina a hug.
Mina has always been quiet. She always waits for her turn silently. She never begs for attention even if she wants it deeply. Mina only shows affection towards you and Kiyoomi when she’s alone with you, but with her siblings around, she gives way to them. Sometimes, Kiyoomi feels guilty because of this. Unlike Kia, Mina has never spent time with you and Kiyoomi on her own. Plus, she was then followed by the twins when she was still a baby. He’s afraid that Mina might start thinking that she is less important than her siblings.
“I missed you, too, Minari,” Kiyoomi says back. He puckers his lips so Mina gives him a short kiss. He hugs her once again, calming her down from her cry. She calms down so Kiyoomi takes this as a chance to trim her bangs. “Should we cut your hair?”
The two of them go to your shared bathroom as quiet as they can, not wanting to wake the other kids up. Kiyoomi sits Mina down on the sink, then takes a pair of scissors out of the drawers. “Don’t move, okay?” He starts to cut her bangs, thinking he’s doing a good job. But once he lets go of her hair, the room becomes silent.
Sakusa messed up. Big time.
Mina checks her reflection at the mirror and giggles. “Weird,” Mina says in between laughter, causing Kiyoomi to chuckle as well.
“Your mom will be so mad at me...” He cuts some more length off, but no matter how hard he tries, it’s just an uneven. He then decides to stop, not wanting his daughter to look like an unidentified animal.
“I like it, papa. Thank you.” She doesn’t like it, but she doesn’t want to break her father’s heart. Mina hugs Kiyoomi after taking a look at the mirror. Kiyoomi kisses her cheek, then laughs at the result.
“You’re still cute.”
Two tasks done.
As they return to the living room, they see Kia sitting on the living room couch, staring at the wall emptily. She sees Mina’s new hairstyle and grimaces. “You’re bad at cutting hair, papa,” Kia says, unfiltered. Unlike Mina who is considerate like you, Kia is as blunt as Kiyoomi. He doesn’t say anything back since she was right.
“Can you teach Mina the alphabet while I make dinner?” Kiyoomi requests and Kia nods in agreement. Mina goes to Kia while Kiyoomi goes to the kitchen to make dinner. He’s thankful that he has such a reliable daughter. He would probably not make it without Kia around.
Three tasks done. Somehow.
At first, Kia was teaching Mina the alphabet, but then she had to go to Kiyoomi’s bathroom to wash her hands, and that’s when she saw Kiyoomi’s ripped jeans that he wore a day before in the laundry basket. She hurriedly called Mina and ordered her to bring paper and glue.
“Is papa poor?” Mina gasps as Kia presents the ripped jeans to her. They sadly look at the piece of clothing and feel bad for buying so much at the toy store while their father was wearing clothes with holes in it.
The older girl flattens the pair of jeans on the floor and starts to glue the colored paper over the torn parts. Mina mimics Kia and does the same thing to the other leg of the pants. Kiyoomi, still in the kitchen, wonders why he suddenly can’t hear his children. It’s never good when they’re silent.
“Kia! Mina! Where are you?” Kiyoomi shouts and he hears small footsteps coming from his room. He checks over the counter and sees his pants are now covered in decorative paper. He almost drops the knife he is holding from the sudden transformation of his pants.
“We covered the holes in your pants papa! You might get cold!” Kia reasons as she shows off their little project. How can he get mad at them when they are just worried about him?
“Thank you, Kia, Mina,” he laughs and snaps a picture of them on his phone. Things that his kids do that don’t make sense but is damn adorable.
“Just go to bed. I beg you,” Kiyoomi pleads to his children who are still jumping on the bed. “It’s already almost 12AM. Please sleep.”
Kiyoomi is damn tired. How do you handle the four of them on your own? He suddenly feels bad for leaving you alone with them. And he hasn’t heard a complain from you even once. His love for you has become deeper just from taking care of the kids in one day.
“Bedtime story!” Kia cheers, putting herself inside the blanket, which her siblings follow. Kiyoomi sighs in relief. Finally.
“What kind of story do you want?” Kiyoomi tucks the blankets properly on their bodies, making sure that the four of them are comfortable in his bed.
“How did you meet mama?” Kia asks, causing Kiyoomi to smile.
“How I met your mother, huh?” Kiyoomi hums, thinking about how you first met. His smile grows, remembering every detail of how you met.
The first time Sakusa had met you was in Itachiyama. You were outside the volleyball gym, and he was on his way to practice. For some odd reason, you were smelling the roses by the wall. He thought you were the weirdest person he had encountered and judged you right then and there. After that, he would notice how you came to the same spot to smell the roses every single day. He didn’t even understand what smelled so good about them. He may or may have not tried smelling them after practice just to check why you kept smelling them.
It went on for weeks, but Sakusa never thought of talking to you. He just didn’t see see a reason why he should. Until one day, it rained so heavily that he became so worried for unknown reasons. On his way to practice, he stopped by the usual spot where you would smell the flowers and he didn’t see you there. Of course you wouldn’t be there, it was raining so hard. He didn’t care about you.
He was sure he didn’t care until he found himself carrying a bouquet of roses one morning to give it to you. He couldn’t believe it himself. But he couldn’t contain his feelings anymore.
You were a virus that slowly corrupted his mind that all he could think of is you. Maybe it be in class, during practice, on his way home, before he sleeps, after he wakes and sometimes he even dreams about you. Your virus then slowly travelled to his heart. He couldn’t explain it but every time he saw you, his heart would pound so fast he felt like he would suffer from cardiac arrest.
But it was also you who soothed him. When he was feeling down, he thought of your smile after you smelled the roses and he’s back up again. The calm he felt when he passed by you in hallways was enough to encourage him to do great in practice and in games. He didn’t even know your name but he already has a mission of taking your last name and replacing it with his.
You were his illness and his cure.
His cousin, Komori, wasn’t surprised to see him standing by the school gates with flowers in his hands. As the libero saw the roses, he immediately knew Sakusa was waiting for you.
Sakusa was never quiet about his feelings judgement towards you. Everyday the spiker would complain to the libero about how weird you were. Each day, Sakusa had something new to complain about. You cut your hair? He would say it Komori. You painted your nails a new color? Komori would hear about it. You were wearing a different bag? Komori definitely knew about it from Sakusa.
Komori had concluded that Sakusa had developed a liking towards you but the latter hadn’t notice yet. So when it rained hard the day before and Sakusa’s plays were bad, Komori knew Sakusa would do something about it. Sakusa was an honest man, even to himself, especially to himself.
You were on your way to school, when you saw Sakusa standing by the gates. Of course you knew him. He was famous in your school despite his too blunt personality and germaphobic tendencies. You had a little crush on him, but you also were aware he’d never like you back. You’d go outside their gym everyday to smell on the flowers and see him. He was a happy a crush. So, seeing him with flowers outside your school broke your heart.
‘So he had a lover, huh?’
You walked past him, head lowered in defeat. You heard murmurs and whispers as you continued to walk but you ignore them, head full of sad thoughts. Suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder so you turned your head and saw Sakusa standing before you, handing you the bundle of flowers. Everyone else was staring at you and Komori was hiding somewhere, taking a picture of the commotion.
“I think you got the wrong person,” you chuckled awkwardly, not knowing what to do since other students were looking at the two of you. And Sakusa Kiyoomi, the ace of the volleyball team, your happy crush, the man of your dreams, was handing you a bouquet of roses.
“You’re the girl who smells the roses outside our gym every afternoon, right?” Sakusa said as he pulled his mask down.
You literally short circuited. He was much more taller and more gorgeous up close. He smelled good, too. But what surprised you the most was that he lowered his mask to talk to you. Maybe you saved the world once in your past life to be able to experience this.
You nodded unsurely, glancing around you in nervousness, not able to look him in the eye. “Forecast said it’ll rain later in the afternoon so you won’t be able to smell the flowers outside the gym. So take this.” Sakusa explained to you.
You couldn’t believe it. The boy who you had a secret crush on since the first day of school had noticed you. You didn’t expect anything at all. Considering how he was with people, you thought you didn’t have a chance so you never made a move aside from stealing glances and watching from a far. To say that your heart was beating fast and that you felt butterflies in your stomach was an understatement. One more word from him and you would probably burst.
“Is that so?” A smile slowly grew on your lips, finally making eye contact with him. You were trying so hard to play it cool, but your reddening cheeks were giving you off. “Thank you. I’m (Y/N) by the way.”
“You can call me Kiyoomi.”
“And from that day on, I would bring your mother a rose everyday,” Sakusa tells Kia, fondly looking his children, the products of your love.
“So you liked mama ever since you met her?” Kia asks, seeing her father smile foolishly. A small giggle leaves Kiyoomi’s mouth and Kia teases him. “Papa is a simp.”
“Where did you learn that?” Kiyoomi gasps.
“Momo,” Kia answers and Kiyoomi takes a mental note to smack his cousin when he sees him again. “Papa, do you love mama?”
“We wouldn’t have the four of you if I don’t,” Kiyoomi answers with a chuckle. He checks his other kids and they have already fallen asleep. “Now go to sleep.”
“Good night, papa,” Kia greets him before closing her eyes. “I love you and mama so much. I am happy you are our parents.”
“We love you more.” He kisses their forehead one by one, before settling on the edge of the bed. He takes his phone out and messages you, hoping you were still awake.
All tasks complete.
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Kia is already 5 years old at this, while Mina is 2 and the twins are 1.
Mina thinks dogs are cute because Komori looks like one and he is her favorite uncle.
Mira is the quiet twin while Kin is the more vocal one.
Kin likes fish because the last time Hinata came over, he showed him a picture of his gold fish. Hinata is Kin’s favorite.
Bokuto is Kia’s new favorite uncle/boyfriend because Atsumu has children and Kita is married. She doesn’t want to get in trouble.
Mira is loyal to Kiyoomi.
Taglist:  @elianetsantana​​ @aoi-turtle @ptv-hades  @aquzairus @a-applepi  @justoneofthefangirlsarianna-r13 @morenabambinii @chaelysian @loser-keiji​​ @mxngy @ne-kuroon1fangirlsblog @d-efend @missalicebaskervillemarvelousbakugou @agaashesmilktea​ @bonkyandloki @kimi09 @ntimacy @mkazuyuh  @ushi-please @minty-mangos-world @dearest-kiyoomi​ @yeehawslap  @onlyshinji @obsessedwhxre @adrasteiaxandromedaa @abuliawrites @song-of-storms162 @tnu-ree @keichainn  @bunnybitesthedust @lililiynx  @maitenight @prettyinblack231  @hyoonx23
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Can you do Bakugou x soft (male or gn) reader meeting a Karen and go creative with it hope you have fun
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Big Meanie
Paring: Barista!Bakugou x Soft!Gn!Cashier reader
Warning: Karen being a Karen, cussing, bakujealous, Bakugou calling you a big meanie, not proof read
Catoergy: Comedy
A/N: Thank you for the request!!
Summary: boom boom man gets upset because you didn’t let him be the Hero of the day.
As you unlocked the door, you huffed a breathe of anxiety out and tried to build up as much optimism you could for your first day. You felt a mixture of anxiousness and excitement boil in you.
With a smile full of courage, you stepped into the clean kitchen. The lights contrasted and dimmed the already dark morning sky as you felt a cool breeze from an opened window. The hall was a bit dimmer from the kitchen so you turned those lights on for the rest of the co-workers. An ash halons hair boy was currently wrapping the store’s iconic colored apron around his waist. He tighter his grip as he caught a glismp of you.
“Good morning!” You spoke softly, but cheerful. You flashed a small smile but his demeanor did change. He held his solemn look at you when blood red eyes. “So...how was your sleep?” Your excuse of small talk feel short the silence in the air seemed to be even more awkward between the two of you. He grunted and muttered something under his breathe before speaking.
“Don’t forget to clock in.” He ignored your question which honestly, did not bother you. You took his warning and walked out to the time clock, punching in your time. Silence swallowed you both while once again. Ok y/n, your co-worker may not be the most friendliest, but hey it’s only your first day, how bad can it be.
”Also,” You head shot up from the time clock. Your co-workers back facing you. “Don’t talk to me, you boring extra.”
You began to start your third day shift with a proud smile on your face. As you made your way to the time clock to punch in, greetings of waves goodbyes from other workers thats shifts just ended, you’ve met made your start of the day feel even better. Humbly, you waved the two men off.
“Bye Kiri, bye Denki!” Denki giggly waved his hand in the arm with excitement as he happily walked with Kirishima.
“Bye Y/N!” The sharp tooth man cheerfully sang his farewell. His arm hugging around the shoulders of his shorter blonde hair friend. But before the two could fully walk out, the red head immediately turns back around, as if something just came to mind. “Also” he added, “watch out for the Karen’s.” Your head titled with puzzlement.
“The Karen’s?” You kept your question in your head and before you knew it, the two was gone.
But you shrugged it off for the day and continued to go back to work.
“Hey move it extra!” Bakugou’s voice arose from behind you like a sound of a hurricane warning. You huffed a little and stepped aside from the time clock. Tiredly, you twisted your body around and leaned against the wall, facing him with crossed arms. Your eyes dropped a bit and your eyelids cried to close. But though you body was ready to sleep, you were wide awake..kinda. You manage trying to hide your weary face. Holding a hopeful smile and you greeted Bakugou.
“Morning Bakugou.” There was a small chance he would really greet you back with a morning salutation. Today was not the latter. He’s body seemed a bit stiff, he��s face looked alive and refreshed, but his body slouched a bit. Turning his head to you, an eyebrow raised at you.
You stiffened a bit, you leaned off the grey wall with a feeling of astonishment  , “Wow that’s new.” A notion you told yourself.
Still, he said nothing, leaving you two both in somewhat awkward silence. By the looks of it, he was staring with bit of puzzlement in his eyes. He’s red eyes sparks with a look of examination. As if he was searching for a look, or scanning your farcical features like a robot. He was just standing there, arms crossed, eyes stern, eyebrows furrowed. It seemed like forever before you two said anything.
“Are you tired?” Bakugou finally spoke that shock you. You were a bit taken a back at his response but nodded you head. He grumbled something under his breathe and signaled you to follow him. “Come here,” he sighed.
You’re eyes widened, but you obeyed and follow. As you walked, you could hear his small mutters and talks but couldn’t understood a thing he said. He walked a little slow than usual, like if he was trying to make sure he didn’t leave in you in the dust.
The walk was short and you made it to the destination in no time. He groaned as you got there, the kitchen area. Your eyebrows drew with concern.
Backing up a little, you spoke “Uhm, look if you’re gonna splash me with water-“
But your cautiousness was only mocked by small chuckles that bubbled up in Bakugou as he picked up a plastics cup.
“No I won’t, ya idiot.” He interjected, “What’s your type of coffee, you like Frappuccino or somethin’?”
“Hey, Cashier Extra!” Y/N nostrils flare with heavy air leaving them. For the past three months and a half, you’ve been having to deal with one of the biggest meanies they had ever known in their entire life. Originally, you thought you were confused at times by him.
Bakugou Katsuki was one of the hardest people work with sometimes. It was like he had a whole book of mean names and rude comments. Or looked up how to send the worlds most bone-chilling stare. And after a long tiring day of work, right as you’re are about to clock out, you hear the small words “bye extra” leave his grumpy little pie hole. You wondered why his rude one point, then nice another.
Y/N briskly huff, straightening out any wrinkles or creases in your pale button up shirt. “Yeah Bakugou?” Y/N tried to give Bakugou the most genuine confusion on your face. Though Y/N didn’t find a lot great characteristics of Bakugou, but they knew that Bakugou was a smart man. He quickly caught onto their small frown creasing at the sides of their mouth and y/n bothered eyes.
But unlike usually, Bakugou’s face didn’t seem to get annoyed at that. No, instead, how facial expressions seemed to go down a little. Bakugou’s eyebrows furrowed, from y/n couldn’t tell what was on Bakugou’s mind. He’s volcanic eyes seemed to be put out.
Y/N would almost say the usual solemn face of Bakugou Katsuki just broke away for a minute.
Bakugou caught himself, the dust of his volcanic chucked up as the lava came back into his eyes, keeping a stern look. Though Bakugou wouldn’t admit, Bakugou had definitely fallen for Y/N strong admiration for this job and their determination. He’d give them the compliment from time to time, but to wasn’t as much as he wanted to say.
“Just make sure you remember to clock in.” He mumbled softly, Y/N could barely even hear it. They nodded, a bit confused, but nodded and almost went on to work like usual. “Hey!” Bakugou stopped Y/N in their tracks, “Be cautious of Karens.”
The name still confused you to this day, but once again, you shrugged it off with a nod and carried on.
This would have to one of the most crowded shift you’ve ever had, ever. If you were a customer, driving up into the driveway, you would’ve definitely drive straight out by the amount of people parked or in the driveway, getting their order taken their.
Bakugou, Denki and six others carefully rushed with the drinks, other orders holding up on the racks. Kirishima, Mina, and another worker kept up their the best they could, taking people’s orders from the drive through, then there was you and three other cashiers. You four had to take the orders as smooth and quick as possible, all of you praying that the customer will have a little bit of compassion and patience. Lines of people excitedly waiting to order the new drink the shop put out.
The Christmas Chocolate Winter Cream. Your new enemy, almost every single child, adult, teen, everyone was asking and wanting that “creamy delicious coffee”. Who even lets their child drink coffee! You didn’t want any part of it.
“Stupid coffee ice cream, its not even December yet!” You quickly grumbled under your breath.
”Uhm, excuse me?” You nearly forgot about the rush hour at work today. Hastily you straighten your spine. The customer was a lady, maybe in her late 50s. Her pale skin wore brightly colored pigment over its wrinkles and creases. Her hair was short but bumped up and curled.
“Oh I said, hi welcome to StaryBunkers,” You correct yourself quickly, trying to pass your entirely different words as the same, you grasp notepad and it’s thin paper in one hand, and a pencil in another. Forcibly, you gave the customer a fake smile that would impress the greatest actress. “What would you like for today. Behind your fake smile and your facial creases, you internally prayed with every god, deity, and goddess you know, hoping that they wouldn’t say..
“The Christmas Chocolate Winter Cream,” The older lady grasp her young daughter tightly that was so short, you just now noticed her. She seems to be up to her mother’s knees. “make that two please, today’s my girls big day!” The woman’s words didn’t invoke any feeling of excitement that usually does when some says big day to you.
“tHe cHirStmAs cHocOlatE wIntEr cReAm”
Your sighs of annoyance was held captive in the bars of your fake smile. “Of course!” Your forgery of cheerfulness impressed your cashier partners who’s fake smile was somewhat stiff and expressionless. “Birthday I presume?” You ask, the pencil’s tip close to the paper, ready to write.
“Yep!” The little girl chirped, her two brown pigtails swinging with you as she nodded her head. Ok you had to admit, the little girl was very sweet and cute. She single handedly made your stressful day a little bit better (ugh what a queen, we stan)
Your smile became more genuine, you heart even warmed a little.. “Coming right up, wait a moment please.” You paced hastily behind you, internally wishing you could spend you whole entire day in the back. You made your way quickly to the kitchen, hoping the customer were the patient type as you heard the shouts of anger coming from the drive through. You took a quick glance at the altercation.
“I SAID CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATE WINTER CREAM,” The customer aggressively yanked the the lid up. “THIS ISN’T ENOUGH CREAM!” The white and red haired boy calmly his hands out, trying to rationalize with the person.
“Sir, ” He spoke with dullness, “Thats how much cream comes with it.” But the customer only got even more hotheaded.
“Yes it is.” Todoroki scrunched his face up, “You don’t even work here, how would you know?” Todoroki, unknowingly made the man even more upset which cause the drink from his hand to fly out towards him. You panic, rushing over there the close the door before it was too late. But, the man was quicker, and as the drink came rushing to a motionless Todoroki, a body came rushing in to take the hit, Kirishima.
“Brrooooooo” He said in slow motion. “Poor Kiri” you internally spoke with pity. And as the man ran away, kirishima’s stomach burned from the heat of the coffee. You cringed at the sound of his small whimpers of pain. “F in the chat.” You busy back to the kitchen.
The steam from the coffee makers brush against your skin, squeezing out a very thin layer of sweat on your cheeks. Quickly, you yelled.
“Two Today Specials for Cashier number UNO,” the Barista’s groaned, “AKA Y/N!” You yelled again for clarification. They, annoyedly, went back to work with the drinks again. The most pissed out of all them though was Bakugou. Not cause of the loaded day. But because everyone was going to “slow”. He huffed, panted, scream, yelled, intensely ordered and more,
The man was like lighting, filling up cup after cup after cup.
“Move your asses!” He sealed three cups and handed them to Mina, “Y/N stop wasting your time back here and work!” Your posture caved in, but you obey his command like a solider obeying their Sargent.
“Aye aye, Captain.” You sang jokingly. And while the others smirk and giggled amongst the stresss, Bakugou arch an eyebrow at your jokes and went back to work.
You happily went along to the front again to update the mother and the daughter about their meals. But as you approach them, you could hear the mother’s now bewildered voice. It was like cat nails to a chalkboard and her voice was crackly.
Her scream filled the whole place, putting a pause on the whole day. You internally panicked, not only can you feel the wrath of the woman from where you were standing, you could also feel the piercing and grim stare of Bakugou behind you. Once again, you we’re praying to gods, goddess, and deities. Praying that whatever is out there won’t eat you alive. Swallowing down your fear, you began to walk, with the feeling of it stuck down in your stomach.
Once you were in her eyesight, she swatted her daughters arms. And like a puppy, the girl immediately obeyed, handing her phone to her. The lady was obnoxiously grumbling words under breath as she pressed record. And with a large gulp she began her fit. You knew exactly what was gonna happen.
This..this must be the Karen they’ve talked about.
“SAY HELLO TO THE MEDIA!” Her voice sings with pride, “THIS PERSON MADE MY DAUGHTER WAIT ONE HOUR FOR HER DRINK-“ Your eyes grew with shock at the woman’s words. But before you could say anything, the cashier next to you, Deku interjected. His arm reached over to hover over your body as a means to protect you.
“Hang on now!” He argued. “You’ve only been here for three minutes!” You nodded in agreement. Pushing Deku’s arm up to cover your face from the camera.
“I’m sorry for the wait ma’am” you apologize, “But all you had to do was wait a couple of more minute-“
“DO YOU SEE THIS?” The woman ignored your remarks and claims, instead focusing on her own, “THEY ARE TRYING TO DISCREDIT ME AND MY NINE! YES NINE! YEAR OLD DAUGHTER!” She waved her phone in her daughters face like she was evidence. She waved, hopped, and dance around the counters and to other people’s table. “HOW CAN YOU PEOPLE DRINK HERE!” Her words and movements were melodramatic and over the top.
And after her little rant to the people, some of which left, she stomped her way back to you and Deku. This time, she had a nasty smirk on her face and a hot drink in her free hand she stolen from another customer.
“Ya know what!”
“Oh no not this again”
Hastily, you moved Deku and you away from the woman’s sight. You two ran into the back kitchen to Chef Ramsey Bakugou. Who was now even more pissed. Not only did Y/N make a Karen mad (ok he knew it impossible not to make them mad he’s just stressed). But no, instead of running to him, Y/N runs to Deku first?! Man’s got his priorities straight.
As Deku quickly runs over the back area to get his phone, you rush over to Bakugou and the others in panic. “Bakugou, call the police!” The others around quickly take of aprons and another things at the words of that. Police involved?? Yep they think a murder just went down. But Bakugou just grumbles and huffs.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO!?” Bakugou looks at you with bewilderment, this is his first time hearing you yell at him that way. But before he process the fact that a cinnamon bun is yelling at him, you began to grasp and shake at his shoulders. “THE LADY IS TRYING TO KILL ME!”
You two went silent after that,
Big Meanie?
Deku came out from the back with his phone, “Shoto!” Todoroki’s head jerked towards his way. “Help me with the Karen!” Todoroki nodded.
Finally, the situation was under control, the Karen was banned from the coffee shop, Mina and Denki gave Kirishima some aloe. And while things didn’t really calm down until the day was done, everyone seemed a bit less tense, expect you and Bakugou. For the rest of the day, he was knocking over cups, using wrong lids, and spilling coffee. Dude’s lucky that he wasn’t fire. He felt embarrassed by the way he reacted. Now Y/N probably saw him as some type of control freak. Tensions were high and he was stressful.
Bakugou quickly moved pass the others, trying to clock out early before Y/N sees him-
“Hey Bakugou” Bakugou internally groaned at the sound of your voice. Screw you plot device he said to himself. Bakugou turned his head to the side to face you. Yo he side view is lowkey cute you noted. “Could we talk outside, after I clock out?”
Oh how badly Bakugou wanted to say no. The pit in his stomach grew bigger as he nodded.
“Great, just give me a second” Bakugou nodded once again and quickly clocked out. He’s footsteps echoed in his head as he waited outside, leaning against the glass wall of the store.
He didn’t know what you were gonna say, but he had an idea of it. He annoyed you to no end, made things harder for you, and was never truly nice to you that often. How was he suppose to believe that you would like a guy like him in anyway? He internally frowned at his thoughts, the words eating him up and chewing him out only to get stepped on by the crushing feeling of doubt.
Once he saw the buildings door open with you coming out to join him, that crushing feeling of doubt covered and weighed down on him. This was it he thought. He shoved his hands into his pockets, readying himself for the painful impact of rejected.
“Bakugou..” you softly asked. Bakugou hmm’d at you with a feeling of shame boiling inside.. “Did you mean it when you said i was a big meanie?” Bakugou let out a sigh of pain.
He caught onto your words late, “Look I’m sorry for-what?”
“You called me a big meanie.” You mumbled, “and I was wondering if you were serious because one, you’re like 23.”
“I’m 16” he deadpanned  “Like you.” You ignored him though.
“and two, you’re the one who’s been acting like a big meanie.” You accused which wasn’t contradicted, “And all cause you like me huh” Bakugou opened his mouth to spew his defense, but nothing came out but a small “I”. He sighed defeatedly.
“Im sorry,” He spoke. “I just, didn’t know how to tell you or whatever.” He spoke so awkwardly and shy. “I’ll uh, I’ll leave you alone or whatever.”
You drew out a finger, objecting. “Hold on now,” you replied. “Who said I didn’t like you?” Bakugou’s heart sparked at those words, he lifted his head, red sparks in his eyes. “Hey what can I say? A big meanie like me likes big meanies too.”
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wagner-fell · 3 years
I am still very new to this website and I don’t know how link a post but this fic is based on a post by @sandersgrey
(If someone reading this knows how to link a post please either explain it to me or link it in the comments because that post is *amazing*)
“Hmmm,” said Tessa, depositing Mina into Kit’s waiting arms and examining her buzzing phone critically. She shot a quizzical look in his direction.
Jem looked up from his novel. “What is ‘hmmm’, my love?”
Kit mimed vomiting but stopped dead in his tracks when she replied, “it’s Astrid’s mother. You remember her from parent teacher night, don’t you, my darling?” Kit swears they were being extra insufferable just to mess with him but he didn’t have the time to be annoyed when Astrid’s. Mom. Was. Calling. Tessa.
To understand why Kit was panicking as much as he was, you must know that Astrid’s mom was incredibly chill. She never got mad. The worst punishment she’d ever given her daughter was taking away her iPod for a week so she couldn’t listen to Mitski.
Was she calling about last night when Astrid, Mari and Kit threw eggs at the Shadowhunter’s that were giving Mari’s pack a hard time for no reason? No, that couldn’t be it. She’d given them the eggs.
Could the call be about the day before yesterday when Kit and Astrid got distracted doing homework and ended up snapping the coffee table clean in half while battling gladiator style with pool noodles? No, that wasn’t it. She’d just handed Astrid a twenty and told them to go to Kevin’s parents' shop and get a new one. Was she pissed because they ended up spending the money on ice cream instead? No, they ended up finding a table for free in the rubbing bin outside a fancy hotel.
Kit clutched his sister to his chest and prepared for the worst.
“Seo-yoon! What can I do for- Oh, hello Astrid!” Tessa paused briefly, presumably to listen to Astrid speak, and Kit sighed in relief.
“Kit is occupied at the moment but I can relay the message.” Another pause. “Oh don’t be frightened of me. I’m a tots rad mom. Your secret is safe with me.” Kit felt his face flush red as he heard his best friend’s laughter echo across the living room. “Okay! I’ll let him know. He has to get Mina to sleep before he can leave though. Lord knows he’s the only one who can these days.” Tessa chuckled at something Astrid said before wishing her good luck in her endeavour and ending the call.
She turned her attention back to Kit. “Astrid needs your help breaking into your teacher’s home to retrieve her cell phone.”
Kit blinked at her, dumbfounded. “You aren’t mad I’m going to go break the law?”
Because of course he was doing it. Astrid’s dad had bought it for her and he was extremely cautious about money. That was one of three things Kit knew about her dad. He was cheap, he lived in America and he loved the movie Fight Club.
Tessa ruffled Kit’s hair affectionately. “Please. I’ve raised two other Herondales. At least I know about this particular adventure beforehand.”
Mina began snoring softly and Kit handed her back to her mother. He grabbed his bag and started his journey to the door when Tessa added, “she also told me to say hi to a ‘daddy Kit’. Are you ‘daddy Kit?’”
‘Daddy Kit’ closed his eyes and wished for the sweet release of death.
“Why is Kit a daddy,” Jem asked, genuinely confused. “Aren’t I the daddy?”
Kit swung the door open so fast not even a speed rune could have aided him. But not before I heard Tessa reply, “Lily Chen certainly thinks so.”
Mrs. MacNamara clapped her hands together. “Why don’t we all go around and say a few things about ourselves?”
Kit buried his face into his hands. He’d been relieved when no other teacher had fulfilled the Disney channel stereotype of making every student introduce themselves to the new kid. But Mrs. MacNamara didn’t even seem to realize what she was doing.
All Kit’s fellow classmates groan. Expect one. Her hand shot up immediately. She was short, like smaller than Clary short. She wore a baggy pink shirt with the words ‘Queen Glimmer of Etheria’ sewed on with purple sequins and tight black jeans. Her colourful, choppy hair was in a low ponytail and she flew a few strands out of her eyes as her hand wiggled in the hair.
Mrs. MacNamara pointed at her. She stood up and smiled at Kit. “Hi. My name is Astrid. My hobbies include making my little cousin’s girl Barbies kiss, as it should be, and watching television shows where everyone is a terrible person so you can love all of them!”
“And what shows might that be?” asked Kit, already in the process of pulling out his phone and opening the Notes app.
“Grey’s Anatomy, Glee, Grey’s Anatomy again because it’s seventeen seasons as of right now. And to be fair it practically became a different show when they killed off Mark Sloan.”
“That’s enough, Miss Yang,” said Mrs. MacNamara. Astrid sat down and winked at Kit. Then she took out her phone and airdropped him a complete list of all her favorite shows, along with her number.
After Blessica’s pre-birthday birthday party, they went to Cirenworth and stayed up till four A.M. binging them.
They met outside a queer dry bar called Aries Not Welcome, the unspoken gathering place of the Merry Hoes. It was run by a poly lesbian couple in their mid-thirties. Quinn, Sydney and Aliyah may not have served alcohol but at least they were open 24/7.
“Did you bring the shit?”
Kit gave her a look. “The shit? How conclusive.”
“Shut up. You know, the shadowhunter thing.”
“The shadowhunter thing?”
“The, the, the glow stick that you draw with.”
“The glow stick that I draw wi-“ Kit closed his eyes briefly. “Do you mean a stele?”
Astrid snapped her fingers. “That’s it!” Kit shook his head in exasperation, smiling fondly. “I borrowed a torch from Quinn, let’s move.”
“Should I be worried that you know where Mr. Smith lives?” questioned Kit as he followed Astrid’s lead through the park.
“Should I be worried that your mom was fine with us breaking and entering?” she shot back playfully. Kit pushed Astrid and she fell off the path, laughing all the way.
“You called me ‘daddy’ to my mom’s face.”
She just laughed harder, slinging her arm around Kit’s shoulder. “It was over the phone, Christopher. And as I should.”
“Pffffttt. Why did you get your phone taken anyway?” She put her hands into her jumper pocket and looked at the ground. “Astrid.” She remained silent. “Astrid?”
She mumbled something under her breath. “What?” asked Kit.
Kit gasped. “I thought you were a die hard Kanej shipper,” he whispered.
“I’m a multishipper, okay?!” she replied, equally quiet.
“Does Blessica know?”
She shook her head. “And she will never find out.”
Kit saw the opportunity and he seized it. “She’ll never find out as long as you never call me daddy in front of either of my parents.”
She removed her arm from his shoulder and guided them out of the park, in the direction of the many apartments that lined this side of town. “I hate you.”
“Well, so does Mari. You're not special, Ast.”
She rolled her eyes. “You know Mari doesn’t actually hate you, right?! They’re just still in the enemy phase of your enemies-to-lovers romance. She only dislikes you because they feel something for you but they don’t know what so she interrupts it as loathing. In reality, her inner soul knows you’re hot and shmexie.”
Kit didn’t know how to process this so he just nodded and follow Astrid in silence to Mr. Smith’s house. (Plus, he was kinda glad that, according to his best friend, he had a little more time for Mari to ‘discover their true feelings’. If Kit screwed this up, he was out of countries to run off to.)
“Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me.”
“What,” asked Kit, turning around to face Astrid and closing the drawer he was rifling through. “Did you find your phone?”
“Yeah. But I also found Blessica’s. She was Snapping Kevin. Platonic my ass. But he took the fucking trans flag out of her phone!”
Kit snatched Blessica’s phone out of her hand to examine it for herself. She was telling the truth. Where the glitter pride flag usually rested was just a clear purple case. Kit couldn’t believe his eyes.
“It’s one thing to misgender her every day.” Blessica had forced all four of the other Merry Hoes to sign a contract saying they wouldn’t do anything to harm him because of it. “But this is the last straw. You know what we have to do.” Oops.
“Yeah, but we don’t have any spray paint.”
Kit eyed Mr. Smith’s pink sofa, blue bar stool covers and white picture frames. “I think I have something better in mind.”
It would have been easier for both parties to just zip off the sofa cushions and tape them to the wall but by ripping them off in strips, they ensured he would have to buy new ones. And judging by the car he drove and the fiji water in his fridge, Mr. Smith could definitely afford it.
That reminded him, “I’ll finish up with this. Go put all his fiji water into my bag.” Astrid saluted him and ran off. “Wait.” She stopped and looked at him. “Steal all the remotes you can find.”
“How is he not awake?,” asked Astrid as they ripped the fabric of his seating from the stool.
He shrugged. “Don’t question it.” He shoved the bundle of cloth into her arms. “Glue this above the pink. I’ll handle the frames.”
“Say the magic word,” she sang.
“No. Lesbian. Come on, I thought you knew me better than that.”
Kit laughed quietly. “Can you lesbian glue this above the pink?”
She grinned at Kit. “It would be my pleasure.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello! Sorry I haven’t written anything in so long. School just restarted and it has been…a lot.
@adoravel-fenomeno @thechangeling @the-blackdale @the-wckd-powers @thomas-gaypanic-lightwood @im-not-ruined-im-ruination @ithurielkeepsgettingkidnapped @noah-herondale-lightwood @arangiajoan @shelvesofgold @maxboythedog @book-dragon-not-worm @hardlymatters
Very sorry if I forgot anyone. Lmk if you want to be addEd/removEd from the tag list.
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sunsinrinn · 4 years
Do you love her? Part 3
Angst, (some) fluff, language
Bakugo x reader (past), setsuna x bakugo, Kaminari x reader
Word count- 1,756
You look at Denki shock at his sudden boldness unable to speak. Taking your silence as rejection Denki, losing his boldness, begins to stammer,
“I- I shit, I’m sorry I said that I just needed to get that off of my chest. I totally get it if you don’t want to be my friend anymore. Oh crap i messed up. I mean I cant loose you as a friend. I know you’re still getting over Bakugo but I- I should have kept quiet. I just didn’t want to keep this from you but damn i should’ve just lied about what I needed-“
You cut him off, “Denki shut your mouth and let me speak,” He immediately stops rambling and listens, “I like you too. You make me feel complete again. You manage to make me smile even when I don’t feel like smiling. I cant imagine my life without you. I want to have a relationship with you. But if we do this we need to go slow. I know you wont hurt me but I still need time.” As you finish speaking you see his eyes slowly begin to widen along with his smile.
“Oh god- I thought you’re silence meant you didn’t feel the same way oh my god I cant believe it you like me back!” He says excitedly as he wraps his arms around you. You begin to blush and hug him back. When you hug him back he whispers in your ear “I promise I will never break your heart. I will protect it with all my power and make sure you never get hurt.” You smile softly at that and say “I know, and I trust you.”
As you guys hug, outside Bakugo looks like his entire world was shattered. He had not expected you to return Denki’s feelings. In fact he expected you to have closed off your emotions. He knew now he has to try harder to steal you from Denki. He could not allow Kaminari to swoop you in. Bakugo storms away forgetting about apologizing for the moment.
Later in the day, you and Denki are found in the common area really close,laughing at each other’s jokes
“Wow Denki did you finally ask her out?” Uraraka asks jokingly, not knowing it was true.
You look over at him to see him blushing like crazy, “Yeah, my phone charger finally confessed his feelings” You say laughing softly. He looks at you blushing even more.
You Look at him like he hung the stars and Uraraka could see how much you cared for him. “So when are you taking her on a date then, lover boy?”
“I- i we are taking it slow” he manages to say, feeling slightly embarrassed.
“Ah, I see well. I hope you treat her better! Or else me and you will have some problems mister.” His eyes widen at Uraraka while you just smile. “Don’t worry about that Uraraka, I trust him” you say to her but look at him. He looks speechless at you, still not completely believing you are trusting him with your heart and love. “I promise I will protect her and never cause her harm” he finally manages to say. Uraraka just smiles believing him.
In the background, Izuku tells Shoto, “I’m glad they are together, he will really help her heal and I know he won’t hurt her.” Shoto nods before responding, “I am glad he confessed his feelings for her. I was about to do it for him.” Izuku just laughs at his response.
*A little time skip- A couple of months*
Bakugo has spent these last few months avoided the new couple disgusted at your low standard. He likes to think Denki is a rebound, someone who will keep you company until you get bored and want bakugo back. Although he is currently with Setsuna he has been close to breaking things off with her but he never does. He keeps thinking of ways to talk to you, reach out, but you have him blocked and avoid him when you’re alone.
“I will get you back y/n” he says to himself.
For you these past months have been wonderful with Denki you knew he loved you and he showed it to you. He would buy you flowers and your favorite snacks and even go shopping with you. You unconsciously compared your relationship with the one you had with Bakugo. Comparing them made you realize that bakugo never cared. He only cared in the beginning but after he stopped. He never even attempted to get to know you personally. He was only with you because you were head over heals in love with him. He was with you, not because he loved you, but he loved the idea of you being in love with him. Essentially, he only loved you because your love fed his ego.
You were foolish to think he actually cared, but Denki shows you how caring he is. Hell, he isn’t afraid to show you off or to give you affection in public. He wants you to know you are loved and that you deserve the world. He knows you are still healing but he will do everything he can to help you so you’re finally free from Bakugo.
Everyone can see how much he cares and how much he adores you. He worships the ground you walk. They also see that you are visibly happier than with Bakugo. Everyone knows that bakugo hates the relationship and they know that he hates that you can’t even look at him without being disgusted. He has somehow become colder.
Bakugo finally decides that instead of coming up with a plan he is just going to confront you. He decides to do it sooner rather than later so he no longer has to see you in Kaminari’s arms.
Days go by as you continue spending your time with Denki and others. Even now, Kirishima, mina, and Sero are cautious to talk to you. It hurts knowing you lost three friends, now they are just acquaintances. It hurts them too but they know its for the best, just in case bakugo wants to show up while you hang out with them. They are thinking they are sparing you from more pain.
Bakugo believes that full on confronting you is the way to go so he begins to avoid Setsuna. And oh boy, she pitches a fit so he reluctantly continues talking to her.
As you finish getting ready for your date with Kaminari you walk outside to wait for him. As you wait, Bakugo sees you alone and takes his chance to finally talk to you. He begins to walk out and stands behind you.
You sense someone’s presence behind you so you turn around smiling thinking its Denki. Your smile falls as you realize who it is, turning around quickly to avoid looking at him any longer.
“Y/n...” you hear him say softly but choose to ignore him so he continues, “Please y/n, I want to speak with you.” He reaches out to touch your shoulder causing you to flinch from his touch, “Don’t touch me Bakugo” you say coldly. He retracts his hand but continues, “Please, please forgive. You dont realize how much I miss you. How much I regret saying those cruel things to you.” His voice breaking as he speaks. His vulnerability almost, almost, changes your mind about him.
“Bakugo stop. We haven’t been together for months. Can’t you see I’m happier now? Can’t you understand that what you did and said really hurt me? I can’t be with you anymore.”
“Please y/n, please I still love you so much!”
You laugh at that, “You don’t love me. Do you love her?” You ask him that question for the last time.
“I don’t love her! I’m sorry I ever doubted my love for you! Please give me another chance!”
“Bakugo you don’t love me. I know you don’t. If you did, you would have never fallen for Lizard bitch Setsuna. You would have never stuck your tongue down her throat. If you love me like you claim you do, you would have fought harder for me to stay with you, not insult and degrade me and the love I HAD for you.”
He stays silent for a while, but soon speaks up, “I am so sorry for saying those things to you I was just so angry with myself for falling how Setsuna, and because I hated that you accused me of cheating. I want to make it up to you please just let me. I want a future with you by my side! I cant stand to see you happy with someone like Denki”
“You did cheat, bastard! What kind of game are you playing at Bakugo? You don’t want me unless I’m someone else’s. You don’t even know you’re being selfish right now! I am happy now but all you fucking care about is your fucking happiness! Leave me alone for fucks sake, Understand I don’t love you anymore, I love Denki and I am glad to have him in my life. He sees me as an equal and cares for my feelings.” You look back towards the door, where the hell is Denki when you need him? As you think that you seem him come outside hurriedly.
“I’m sorry I’m late- what’s going on?” Denki looks at you and bakugo. He notices your mad and bakugo looks broken.
“What happened?” He asks. You look at him and speak, “Oh nothing bakugo just came her to try and win me back.” He internally panics because deep down he’s afraid you’ll give Bakugo another chance.
“Don’t worry though. I already told him I have someone who not only sees me as an equal but also cares for me. Something he’s never done.” You smile softly at him and with that Denki’s worries are gone. He feels proud of what you said.
“Okay, well lets go y/n, we don’t want to be late for our date” and with that you hold his hand and walk off leaving bakugo behind.
Bakugo watches as the love of his life walks off happily. He knows he won’t love anyone as much as he loves you. He knows he’s going to have to live with the regret of losing someone who cared about him even when he was insufferable. That one question you always asked him will always stay on his mind, haunting him,
“Do you love her?”
The end.
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Here is Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
A/N- with that “Do you love her?” comes to an end. I hope the ending is okay? I felt like I may have rushed it but oh well i guess...
What other characters should I write for? Any requests?
Taglist: @tspice283 , @random-fandom-girl-24
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hyuniebaby · 4 years
Focus (10)
Pairings: Baekhyun x Y/N x Junmyeon
AU: College student! Baekhyun, Professor! Junmyeon AU, college!au
A/N: So I've rewritten the whole Part 10 because Tumblr decided to mess it up... I didn't have any back-up file so… I completely changed the whole part. 😅 Sorry for updating this late, I had to cool down from my frustration over Part 10 getting deleted. I hope you still enjoy this~
Taglist: @coffee-prince-kyungsoo​ @thighhighsanti​ @littleflowercrown13​
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
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Mr. Kim doesn’t know what came over him when he started walking towards Baekhyun as soon as he had a glimpse of him. He was even more surprised when the words, “Mr. Byun, if you have time, please come by my office later” left his mouth.
Mr. Kim was a very laid-back professor. He doesn’t mind what his students were up to as long as they were actually learning. He only ever intervenes when he notices that his students weren't doing well on his quizzes. But right now, that wasn’t the case when he finds himself talking to Baekhyun. Unprofessional as it may be, he wanted to know what’s happening between you and Baekhyun. Were you two in a relationship already? Was he wrong for taking a liking to you? Were you cheating on Baekhyun with him? Does Baekhyun know what happened between the two of you? There were so many questions he wanted to ask but he doesn’t know how to do so, especially not to Baekhyun. Baekhyun wasn’t his friend, you are. It would have been easier if it was you who he was standing in front of.
He should’ve just held back the words. He should’ve just waited until he saw you so he could talk to you instead. But he was very curious, he couldn’t think straight! He was slightly panicking inside for being so brazen but he kept the cool exterior.
Mr. Kim wasn’t expecting to see Baekhyun nod to him. “I’m actually free today.” Baekhyun says. Mr. Kim thought that he’d be able to get at least three hours to be able to think of a plan to subtly ask about the two of you. Now he had to think fast.
“Well then Mr. Byun, please follow me to my office.” He says.
He leads the younger male into his office. Baekhyun doesn’t seem to be as tense as him. When they arrive at his office, he motions Baekhyun to sit.
“So Mr. Byun I see that you’ve become distracted in class lately.” Mr. Kim starts to say. Quite frankly, it wasn’t what he really wanted to say, but he thought it would be weird he went directly to the point. He wasn’t sure how Baekhyun would react so he was being a little cautious.
Baekhyun shrugs nonchalantly. Wow, he doesn’t really seem to care, Mr. Kim thought. It was annoying for him to see a student act so indifferent. He was a professor after all and he deserves to be heard and respected.
“Mr. Kim, just get to the point, I know you don’t care about my performance in class,” Baekhyun says with a slight annoyance in his tone. Baekhyun was being rude and he knows it, but he was really not in the mood for beating around the bush. He wasn’t in the mood to talk to Mr. Kim at all. He was very much pissed to know that he was the person who dared touch you when he basically marked you as his.
Mr. Kim was taken aback with the tone Baekhyun used. He felt offended for the lack of respect. He gives the younger male a warning look, a sign that he shouldn’t test his patience. Baekhyun just stares at him, challenging him.
When Mr. Kim doesn’t respond, Baekhyun says, “I know about you and Y/N.”
Mr. Kim raises his brow. He knows you well enough that you’re only comfortable with telling these kinds of things to people who you truly trusted. The fact that Baekhyun knew meant that you’ve grown close to the younger male. Mr. Kim leans back to his chair and crosses his arms, “What about us?”
Baekhyun gives him an incredulous look. “You touched her and kissed her. God knows what else you’ve done!” He was so mad.
“Didn’t you do that to her too?” He says with a glare.
Baekhyun was caught off guard by Mr. Kim’s statement. Mr. Kim knew something happened between the two of you and he still touched you and kissed you! You were his and like he told you, he doesn’t like to share. He was furious at the older man. Right now all he wanted to do was to punch Mr. Kim in the face, but he refrains from doing so. He tries to compose himself and smirks, “Oh but we did more than that.”
Mr. Kim clenches his jaw in annoyance. Baekhyun tugs the collar of his shirt to reveal more of the hickeys you gave him. Mr. Kim’s eyes widened at the sight, he wasn’t able to notice the hickeys at first because he was too busy thinking of what to say to Baekhyun. The sight pisses of Mr. Kim. He scoffs,”Should I care? Even if you did have sex with her, I don’t think it counts so much. After all, she allowed me to touch her despite having slept with you.”
Baekhyun felt like he was slapped on the face. What Mr. Kim was true. He wasn’t anything to you aside from the man who you had slept with, twice. “As if you aren’t in the same disposition as me.” Baekhyun snaps.
“Oh but I’m not the same as you.” Mr. Kim smirks. “We’ve known each other for quite a while now. I was her friend even before I became her professor. Even her parents adore me. She won’t cut ties with me easily.”
Well shit.
“Just a tip, Baekhyun,” Mr. Kim says his name mockingly, “She almost never dates. You see, she prioritizes her studies over everything else. She gets easily distracted too, so she avoids distractions as much as possible. And if you’ve been observing her for the past few days, you’d know that you are a distraction. Maybe you should just step down and save yourself the trouble.”
To Baekhyun, giving up is never an option. Baekhyun is a gamer after all. The thing about gamers is that they’re very competitive and passionate. He naturally loves to win. This time it was you who he wants to win over.
The past few days of you avoiding him lead him to realize that he does feel something about you. And because of this realization, he’s not going to step down, even if it’s Mr. Kim who’s supposed to be his opponent. He hates losing. And he would definitely hate himself if he lost you.
Without a word, Baekhyun stands up and leaves Mr. Kim’s office. He’s furious. He has to find a way to make you his, before Mr. Kim actually makes a move.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You enter the classroom with your head down low to hide your red face. Baekhyun was driving you crazy. When you looked up from the floor, you saw your friends were already seated by your usual place. All your friends were looking at you already.
Before you can even take your seat, Mina says, “So... I think it’s time to tell them what happened to you last week.”
You know immediately what she was thinking about when she raises her eyebrows up and down. “Do I really have to?” You whine.
Mina doesn’t answer you, she turns to the rest of your friends with a smile instead and she announces, “She met this extremely good looking guy!!!!”
“How good looking?” Joohyun asks, leaning forward.
“Like a god! He’s tall and handsome. A gentleman too.” Mina says dreamily.
You roll your eyes, “Mina, I think you’re exaggerating.”
“What’s his name? Maybe I can find him.” Joohyun says. You don’t doubt her abilities, she does have a lot of connections.
“Uh… I think you will definitely find him because you have so many friends.” You pause, thinking of whether or not to tell her. You eye her warily, but she looks so interested, you didn’t want to dampen her mood so you say, “His name is Sehun.”
“Sehun as in Oh Sehun? The one in Performing Arts?!” Joohyun exclaims.
You were shocked she knew him personally. You thought it would take at least a day for her to find out about him through her other friends. “You know him?”
“Yes,” she then lowers her voice and glances at some person in the front row, “he’s Jongin’s best friend.”
You snap your head towards Jongin, it was a good thing he was taking a nap so he doesn’t know about the commotion. “What the fuck?”
“So are you dating him?” Seulgi pipes in.
You slightly cringe, remembering how annoying he actually was when sober, “Of course not!”
“Whose shirt are you wearing then if it wasn’t from him?”
You were caught off guard by the question, momentarily forgetting that you’re actually wearing Baekhyun’s shirt. “This is Baekhyun’s shirt.” You press your mouth in a thin line
Your friends squealed. “Oh my god! Are you two dating now?” You didn’t know who asked because they reacted so loudly you had to cover your ears.
“No, no. Nothing like that. We -- uh, haven’t talked about it yet.”
Your friends’ eyes soften. “Well, you know we like him. For you. So don’t be too afraid to jump in Y/N. It’s been so long since you and Kyungsoo broke up, maybe you should give him a chance.” Mina says.
You frown, “It’s complicated,” you pause while thinking about Junmyeon, “I don’t even know if he likes me that way.”
Seulgi rolls her eyes, “It’s quite obvious he has a crush on you! When you were avoiding him, he always had this longing look when he saw you in the hallway. Not to mention --”
You cut her off before she could say anything else. You didn’t want to get your hopes up, “Besides, I have to study well, especially since I have to beat Jongin.”
Your friends laugh at your reasoning. They were aware you thought of Jongin as a competitor ever since he was dared to beat the top student in the class, who was unfortunately you. It was supposed to be for a quiz only, but when Jongin lost to you, he didn’t give up. So he challenged you to the next quiz which led to another and another. There was an unspoken agreement that this “game” would continue until the end of the semester, or at least if someone concedes. It came to a point where your classmates took bets on who’s going to score higher. Even your professors were aware of the game you both played, but they didn’t say anything about it seeing that somehow the rest of the class got motivated to study for the quizzes and examinations because of the competition. Then by the end of the semester, your classmates tallied your quizzes and examinations and well, Jongin scored higher than you by two points. TWO points! It frustrated you. But it was fun competing with him like that since you got more focused and driven. This time you weren’t going to lose to him. You weren’t going to let anything or anyone distract you.
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hanniejji · 4 years
[ bakugou katsuki x y/n ]
anon: "Hello. I was wonder if you could write about the reader (gn is cool if you want) where they transfer from the Jean Gray School (xmen) and they have the Phoenix after Jean's death. The school has them transfer to UA bc of antimutant sentiment in the US, and they end up being part of the bakusquad and bakugou starts to crush on them and he confesses? Whatever format you want is cool. Thank you!!"
note: AN XMEN CROSSOVER? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP (here's an explanation about the phoenix to anyone who doesn't know, phoenix is an evil and destructive entity that resides in the human body and turns into an alter ego of the the vessel when the vessel turns insane or losses control over their mutation or in this case, quirk) | m.list
warnings: a lil angsty but we good
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he didn't like you the very moment that aizawa announced that they have a transfer student
you're just another extra, so he doesn't understand why everyone was so excited
i mean, what's so special about you?? bakuhoe level 1000000
when you arrived, mina and kirishima were the first to talk to you
every teacher seem cautious with you tho
bakugou doesn't like that
he's gonna be lookin for reasons to treat you with respect
tbh he scared you a bit
like why does he hate you?? mina and denki reassures you that he doesn't but you're not convinced
y/n is big sad :((
here's where your quirk comes oh shit
they've seen it before when you just casually use your telekinesis around them
but when u used in training, everyone is sh00kt
bakugou is thrilled
his view will immediately change
he can clearly see that you can defend yourself and you can kick ass
strong is attractive
he think it's hot on you
he thinks you're hot he won't admit it
he'll stop treating you like you're shit and will show u some respect but he still wants to beat u in a fight
he'll finally pay attention when the bakusquad have you around and will listen without letting y'all know if you're the one talking
smol interaction with bakugou is the cutest :')
giving you water when he noticed you're sweating or when you're complaining that it's too hot "drink your water, bitch"
letting you borrow one of his pens or a piece of paper "buy your own stuff next time, idiot"
preventing you from tripping on your own feet "stop being so clumsy, dumbass"
and he'll notice smol things that you do that you're not even aware of
especially how cautious you are while training or fighting
he'd notice how the teachers are always hovering over you and excusing you from classes for some "personal reasons"
he'd be curious but wouldn't force it out of you
he didn't need to wait for long tho
you started with the bakusquad
you're more comfortable with them despite denki, mina, and eji's loud mouth
"so... i have something living inside me—"
"ANYWAYS as i was saying, it's called a phoenix, it's uncontrollable, evil, and is going to kill everyone. so if i ever ever lose control, i want you a to stop me at a cost, even if it'll kill me"
"we can't do that!"
"there must be another way!"
"can't we take it out of you?"
you kept quiet, having a hard time telling them that it can't be killed and it'll just go find a different vessel
"i'll kill you if i have to" bakugou bluntly said
"oi, that's too much"
"y/n gave us one thing to do, and if it'll save them even just a bit, then i'll do it"
even if it'll also kill me
but bakugou is deadly serious and he wouldn't go back on his words, not when it's about you
"we're going to keep you from going insane, i promise"
the smile you gave him already killed him inside
"thank you, katsuki"
*incoherent screaming*
it was at this moment, bakugou knew
he's in love with you
ever since, he's gotten closer to you than normal
he's going to be there beside you every single moment of your life because that's what he promised you
he's gonna savor every real bits of you
and with that said, it won't take long before he's confessing
he wants to be there for you and that phoenix can fuck off because he'll protect you from it no matter what
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kaoru-takaida · 3 years
MHA Collab Fanfic
What does it take to be a Hero? What does a hero mean to you? And if everyone around us are heroes, what makes them so special anymore?
In a world where 80% of the population have some kind of special ability called Quirks, life has become a superhuman society. Heroes exist to keep villains in check. And to create top class Heroes is the prestigious U.A. high. Where our story begins…
Just before our summer vacation started, the students of class 1A and 1B took their midterms. The Hero course was slated to spend vacation at a training camp, run by the Wild Wild Pussycats. But after the incident at the Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall with Shigaraki Tomura, something even weirder happened.
Class 1A is where our story starts. But first, the totally expositional Roll Call of Class 1A...
Yuga Aoyama: Can't Stop Twinkling
Quirk: Naval Laser
Mina Ashido: Pinky
Quirk: Acid
Tsuyu Asui: Froppy
Quirk: Frog
Tenya Iida: Ingenium
Quirk: Engine
Ochaco Uraraka: Uravity
Quirk: Zero Gravity
Mashirao Ojiro: Tailman
Quirk: Tail
Denki Kaminari: Chargebolt
Quirk: Electrification
Eijiro Kirishima: Red Riot
Quirk: Hardening
Koji Koda: Anima
Quirk: Anivoice
Rikido Sato: Sugarman
Quirk: Sugar Rush
Mezo Shoji: Tentacole
Quirk: Dupliarms
Kyoka Jiro: Earphone Jack
Quirk: Earphone Jack
Hanta Sero: Cellophane
Quirk: Tape
Fumikage Tokoyami: Tsukuyomi
Quirk: Dark Shadow
Shoto Todoroki: Shoto
Quirk: Half-Cold, Half-Hot
Toru Hagakure: Invisible Girl
Quirk Invisibility
Katsuki Bakugou: (Hero name still "undecided")
Quirk: Explosion
Izuku Midoriya: Deku
Quirk: Super Power
Minoru Mineta: Grape Juice
Quirk: Pop-Off
Momo Yaoyorozu: Creati
Quirk: Creation
Midoriya blinks once, with surprise on his face. "A new student? Before Summer break?" Iida nods.
"Yes. That is what I had heard." He replies. "Apparently they got in via recommendation." Iida puts out a straightened hand of reasoning. "They passed a special test and mock battle to gauge their ability. Supposedly their skills are on par with that of our very own Todoroki."
Todoroki's eyebrows raise slightly. "Are they a transfer student?"
Iida shrugs. "I haven't been told much to be honest. Probably because introductions will be made." Iida looks at the clock on the wall. He turns. "All right, class. Time to get seated before the bell rings." He begins to direct. He walks away, making Midoriya smile. Todoroki walks away to get seated. Midoriya puts a hand to his chin.
"I wonder who the new student is." He wonders.
"Hopefully some hottie." Mineta comments. "But it is strange for us to get a new student right before camp."
Is the need for more heroes arising? Midoriya thinks to himself. The bell rings and everyone is seated in their seats.
The door opens and Aizawa is there. Mr. Aizawa saunters in like he usually does. "Everyone better be seated." He says, without looking. An awkward silence wades through as all the students are already seated. He sighs and drops his folder to the podium in front of the class. "I know that Summer is almost here, but it seems we have an unexpected transfer student." He turns as all the students exchange glances. Some excited, some confused. "Come on in." He says. Someone enters through the doorway, sliding the door gently shut behind them.
The first things anyone will notice are the brown fox ears and fox tail. As the person walks to the front of the class, it's also seen that they have fox paws where human feet should be, and pink red tipped horns on the top of their head. Mineta gasps in bliss. "Jackpot! We have a fox girl!!!!"
It was a girl, with a wavy brown bob and bright red eyes, and one mole on each cheek.
They give an awkward and polite bow. They straighten up. "You forgot to introduce yourself." Aizawa tells them.
"Ah!" They begin nervously. "Um...I'm from America. My name is Kaoru Takaida." They say. They bow again, clearly embarrassed. "My pronouns are they and them. But in a hurry female forms are okay. I can't wait to get to know y'all…" They stop as an awkward silence sweeps through again. They clear their throat. "You all." They correct, a bit more politely. They grimace and fidget with their sleeves. The silence is rudely broken by a little Grape haired boy behind Deku.
"What's with the pronoun mumbo jumbo?" Mineta asks. "You're a girl, right? I mean you have boobs."
Takaida blushes and looks almost offended. Yaoyorozu smacks the back of Mineta's head with her folder. "Mineta! That's just mean!" She snaps. Yaoyorozu looks up at them. "I apologize for his stupidity."
Takaida shakes their head. "N-No. It's fine." Kaoru looks at Mineta. "In America, gender is a bit more…" They consider the word. "'Flexible'?" Takaida looks at Aizawa to see if the word was correct. He nods once and they give a nervous smile. "Because of this, I don't really have a preferred gender." Takaida places a hand on their chest. "If it's not too much trouble, please refer to me with 'they, them, and their' forms?" Mineta sighs and headbutts his desk.
Aizawa turns to the class now. "Please be kind to them. Since Takaida got here just in time, they will be attending the Summer camp with the rest of you." He looks at Takaida. "Until we can get you a desk, please pull up a chair and study with Bakugou. He'll also be responsible for showing you around campus. Think of him as your guide to U.A." The class grows silent again for a moment.
Bakugou, seated in front of Midoriya, jolts up, slamming his hands on the desk, little explosions from his Quirk triggering. "HANH?! WHY ME?!" He shouts, making Takaida's ears flinch back at the sudden loudness.
Aizawa's eyes narrow at the explosive student. "Because you have good grades." He points to Bakugou." And maybe, just maybe, a little responsibility on your end will teach you to be more patient." Bakugou chokes, growling a throaty growl under his breath. But he reluctantly sits back down, sliding into his seat a little with his arms crossed, sulking. Aizawa turns to them. "Go ahead and take your seat."
Takaida picks up their books, notebook, and pencil case. They stride over to Bakugou's desk. Midoriya meets eyes with them. And for an instance, something clicked. Midoriya could feel a strange connection when their eyes met. Huh? Midoriya wonders to himself. This strange familiar feeling… What is this?
Takaida keeps a curious, yet cautious expression on their face. They give him a slight bow. He stands up. "H-Hi. My name is Izuku Midoriya." He tells them. He puts out a hand and smiles. "Welcome to our class."
They look at his hand, and smile. "Nice to meet you." They say, taking his hand and shaking it. Takaida sits down.
"I feel like Takaida is a mouthful." Ashido says aloud. "I know! Let's call them 'RuRu'!" Takaida blushes at the nickname. Ashido begins to chant it over and over.
"Um, just call me Kaoru if it's too long." They say, almost sweating at the embarrassment, waving their hands at Ashido.
"Aw, but RuRu is cuter!"
Midoriya laughs at the scene.
"So tell me!" Hagakure says, jumping up and down. "What's your Quirk?" Kaoru's ears perk up at Hagakure. "I bet it's a cool one!" Study period was about to begin, and the students were waiting for the next teacher to arrive.
Kaoru smiles. "I'll admit it's a pretty cool one. But I was told not to show it off till PE this afternoon." Hagakure slumps over clinging to Kaoru's uniform shirt.
"Aaaaaw." She whines. "That's not fair. I'm guessing you already know all of ours by now."
Kaoru nods. "I watched all of you during the Sports Festival." This makes Bakugou look over, catching his attention partially, closing his notebook. "I was still in America but my uncle let me watch because I was thinking of going to U.A. My uncle graduated from U.A. too, so he was more than happy to watch it with me." They look at Midoriya. "You were super cool in your match against Todoroki, Midoriya." Kaoru tells him. He laughs nervously. "And all of you did so great. You guys are all so strong." Everyone in the class exchanged smiles and proud grins. Kaoru then turns to Bakugou. "But Bakugou, you were by far my favorite!" Bakugou chokes looking at how Kaoru's eyes light up at him. "Your Quirk is so strong! You were so cool! And the way you were able to dominate the battlefield! It was like I was watching All Might in action! With how he grabs the attention of anyone who watches!"
The class goes awkwardly silent at this. Bakugou only stares at the fox girl, unsure how to respond, a wide eyed almost blushing look on his face. "They did say Bakugou, right?" Sero asks.
Bakugou scoffs, glaring at Sero. "Shut up!" He snaps. He closes his eyes, looking down at his desk. "At least somebody knows how strong I am." Midoriya can't help but smile.
They're going to get along just fine, I think. Midoriya thinks to himself. I have a feeling Kaoru knows Kacchan already and will be a good friend to him.
Lunch rolls around, and Kaoru looks over to Bakugou. They fidget with their hair. "So, um, Bakugou?"
"Can we have lunch together?" Kaoru asks. Midoriya overhears this as he waits in his seat for Todoroki and Iida. "I'm still not confident enough to ask anyone else. And you see…" Kaoru frowns. "I'm horrible with directions and forgot where the cafeteria is…"
Midoriya smiles at Bakugou. "Come on, Kacchan. They wanna have lunch with you."
Bakugou glares daggers at him. "Shut your face, Deku!"
Kaoru's head tilts to the side. "'Ka… -cchan'? 'Deku'?" They question.
Midoriya laughs. "Oh, they're nicknames from our childhood." He rubs the back of his neck. "We used to call him that because the 'Katsu-' in his name stands for 'Victory'. So as kids we shortened it to 'Kacchan'."
Kaoru gasps, smiling. "That's so cute! I love those!" Kaoru puts both hands on the desk, looking at Bakugou. "I'm gonna call you Kacchan, too!"
Bakugou scowls. "Don't you dare! I'll kill you!"
Kaoru looks at Midoriya. "Can I call you Deku, too?" Midoriya smiles.
Kaoru turns. "Okay! Let's go to the cafeteria, Kacchan!" Bakugou stands up, following them, hands in his pockets with a salty expression on his face.
"Don't tell me what to do!" He shouts. "And stop calling me that!" Midoriya can't help but to smile even more. It seems I was right. One more friend for Kacchan.
The young heroes all gather at Training Ground Beta, adorned in their Hero costumes. "Soooo, like, we leave for Summer camp the day after tomorrow. So why are we here at the training ground?" Mina asks.
Aizawa turns to look at the class. "For today, we have a bit of a special case." He motions to the entrance of the training ground. Kaoru walks up, in their PE clothes. "Their Hero costume is still being made with improvements they'd requested from their prototype. So for now, they'll use their PE clothes. In order to get a feel of how the physical training in class is, Takaida has been challenged with a few sparring matches in mind." Everyone's eyes light up. Kaoru smiles now, stretching their arms.
"You mean, we get to fight them?" Kirishima asks, sounding a little excited.
Aizawa nods. "However to keep them from getting too hurt the sparring will end once I deem someone has lost the fight." He faces Bakugou and Midoriya. An icy glare is flung their way. "I will stop the match as soon as things get out of hand."
Why is he looking at us like that?! Midoriya thinks in a panic.
"So?" Kaoru begins. "Who's first?" They ball up a fist and clap it into their other hand. "Trust me, you'll want to see this." They say, smiling a smile not unlike the one people usually see Bakugou wearing.
One of confidence. And an almost insatiable hunger for victory. It was almost like they were another person. Aizawa turns back to the class now. "So who would like to go first?"
Kirishima's hand shoots up almost instantly. "Give me a shot, Mr. Aizawa." Aizawa glances at him.
"Very well." He says. Kirishima fist pumps. "The first match will be Kirishima." He puts his hands up, signaling the class to back away. "Now let's give them a bit of space."
Kirishima stretches now too. Kaoru does a little hop, seeming to warm up. "Let's have a good match." Kirishima says, a bright smile on his face, showing off his pointed teeth.
"No hard feelings to whoever wins right?" Kaoru asks, smirking. Kirishima crosses his arms.
"You seem confident." He says. "That might cost ya if you're not careful enough."
Aizawa lifts a hand. "Ready?" They both nod. He drops his hand. "Begin!"
The instant he says this, Kaoru darts forward with impeccable speed. It surprises half the class. Kirishima quickly hardens his skin all over his body. Kaoru changes direction at the last second and bounces up onto the wall of the building they're next to. They then bounce from the ground, to the wall of the other building next to them. Pretty soon, the fox girl is simply jumping up and down off of the walls and ground at random and with uncanny speed.
Kaoru's almost as fast as Gran Torino! Is that their Quirk? A speed type like him and Iida? Midoriya wonders.
Kirishima scowls. I can barely see where they're going. Let alone predict where they'll end up. Kaoru then, for an extra measure, bounces from one of the walls, then bounces off of Kirishima's hardened back. He exclaims in frustration, hardening his back into more of a spiked layer.
It's certainly a good Quirk. But up against Kirishima, they'll lose if he can get in one big decisive blow. Midoriya thinks. He looks at Kirishima.
He seems to be trying to track the fox girl's movements. As soon as they get close, I can jab them. Then without warning, Kaoru bolts right at Kirishima, a fist pulled back ready to punch. They're attacking?! Kirishima raises his hardened arms to block. A smile creeps onto their face.
"STOP!" Aizawa shouts. Kaoru skids a bit, stopping in their tracks.
"HUH?!" The class shouts in unison. Kirishima drops his arms as the two of them look at the teacher. "Mr. Aizawa, why'd you stop the match?" Kirishima asks, almost sounding annoyed.
Bakugou scoffs now, crossing his arms. "Are you blind, or just dumb? Didn't you notice?"
The class gives Bakugou a surprised look. Aizawa looks at Kaoru and points. "That punch you were about to use." He points at the building almost a block away. "Use it on that building." Kaoru nods. They sprint over to it, fist pulled back again.
"Haaaaah!" They snap their fist forward and as soon as their fist is about to meet the concrete, an explosion of fire bursts from their fist. The building wall explodes, concrete and debris taking the open air. The impact is enough to make a popping boom, startling everyone in the class. Kirishima chokes in surprise. They turn around to smile at the class, debris and pieces of building falling behind them.
As it is revealed a huge crater is now where the wall of the building once was, bits of fire lingering there. "Unfortunately, the blast would have been the same magnitude as the one that knocked you out in your match against Bakugou during the Sports Festival, Kirishima." Aizawa says. "So I'm sorry, but I had to stop them." The rest of the class is in awe. Jaws dropped. Bakugou scowls, growling a bit.
That damned Quirk… He thinks to himself. "Hey, Teach." He cracks his knuckles. "I want a shot at this idiot myself." Bakugou says.
Midoriya looks over at him. Kacchan… He looks at Kaoru. At first, the way they moved so fast, I could have sworn that would have been their Quirk. Did Kacchan notice something we all missed? Midoriya glances at the building. And speaking of Kacchan… that explosion just now looked super similar to his as well. Do they have the power to make explosions like Kacchan does? Midoriya raises his hand. "Mr. Aizawa, can I fight Kaoru with Kacchan?"
"HUNH?!" Bakugou snaps. "As if you, damn nerd!"
Kaoru fist pumps. "Yes!!! Can we?" They ask, bouncing up and down in excitement. "Please?"
"What the hell? You're on board with it too? You idiot!" Bakugou argues.
They nod eagerly. "Mmhmm!" They say, eyes lit.
Aizawa sighs. "Of course it's you two." Aizawa shrugs. "If Takaida is okay with two versus one, I'll allow it."
Bakugou scoffs, glaring at Midoriya. "Just stay outta my way, Deku." He growls. He slouches a bit into his fighting stance.
Midoriya nods and raises his fists up. His power begins to course through him. One for all, Full Cowling.
He looks at Kaoru.
"Let's have fun!" They say, getting into a sprinter's perch as Aizawa raises a hand.
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thetradeway · 3 years
Session 51 Sep 18 2021: “No! Get out of my orifices!”
Right - where were we? Oh yes, we fought some piranha and found some chests and some Duergar statues. We fill Mina in on what she missed; she offers to craft Gideon a new finger.
“No… No, I don’t want your goblin crafts on my body!”
Then there’s some waffle about covid deniers. (Ed believes covid is real; Gideon does not.)
Who wants control of the urine-drenched sorcerer? Sophie, OOC: “You make it sound so appealing.”
She agrees to take Ahleqs, if Matthew will help her out.
Now, when I put a message on the group chat earlier to ask if we were starting at the usual time tonight, our illustrious DM messaged back to say ‘Yep yep yep thumbs up emoji smiley face emoji’ which was far too enthusiastic. We are all now very wary. Ardvack slams a potion before we get started.
Right, where were we going? There is still a strange magical island with a wall around it to explore. There is a boat that leads to it; Gideon advances to Investigate. It looks old but in good shape and water-tight. There are oars. He thinks three will fit in it; he volunteers as do Tarragon and Melaina. Gideon, sternly: “No pilfering, rogue.”
Tarragon rows us across. Do the others want her to go back and pick them up? Apparently not.
Gideon investigates the magical barrier, which is blocking the door, but rolls a nat 1. We make Perception checks - the giant statue of the dwarves god of crafts has an offering bowl at his feet, with something written in Dwarvish. Gideon would read it, but Ed’s buggered off.
“You cannot enter this room.”
Tarragon decides to take this as a challenge. She takes out a gold piece and puts it in the offering bowl; nothing happens so she takes it back out. Gideon covers the ‘not’ part of the carving so it reads 'you can enter this room', but that doesn’t seem to help either.
Tarragon looks at the magical wall. It’s blue, and looks a similar colour to the brazier in the other room. Could we light a torch from the brazier and try waving that at the wall? Maybe. In the meantime Gideon puts some food in the bowl; nothing doing.
Ardvack, shouting across the water: “Have you tried blood?”
Gideon squeezes some blood from his severed finger stump - still nothing. Tarragon rows the boat back to get Kessler, who has hopefully been lighting one of her torches. She has not been able to light her torch from the brazier, however; it won't catch.
Is the bowl loose? Could we pick it up? No, it’s attached to the floor. Could Kessler pick up the brazier? It won’t move either. Time for stupid ideas.
“Hey Carl,” shouts Kessler pointing at the brazier, “put your hand in that.” Carl does not. Kessler gets just such a doggy look from Ardvack; she laughingly tells him she can’t tell because he has no face. Instead he leans down and says snottily, “Carl is precious.” He investigates the brazier. Can he feel warmth coming off it? Nat 20.
There is no heat coming off it. It does create light, but there is no noise. It is not consuming anything physical. He doesn’t think it’s evil or necessarily good; it’s just a spiritual fire. Ahleqs does an Arcana check. It’s some kind of divine magic; he is fairly certain it could be extinguished with a high enough levelled Dispel Magic spell.
Ardvack puts his hand in the brazier; it doesn’t burn him. He puts his whole head in. He’s a bit light-blinded afterward for a minute or so, but is otherwise unharmed.
Tarragon has Dispel Magic, but doesn’t have it prepared. What about Ahleqs? He doesn’t have the spell at all.
Gideon wants to rest his battle-axe on the offering bowl; he does that, but nothing happens. He rescinds the axe. Perhaps crafts, considering the nature of the god? Perhaps something he’s made?
Ahleqs has Ardvack’s leather face mask at the moment; since that was made by Kessler, perhaps we could try that.
Melaina is Investigating the door behind the wall of force. She can see beyond it to a ruined dock. If she puts her hands out to the wall of force, she can feel it though it doesn’t harm her. Would putting the brazier out remove the wall? She rolls a low Insight check and doesn’t know. Gideon rolls a low Religion check as well; he doesn’t know either.
“Alright Goblin, you’re up. Do your thing,” says Gideon. She puts Ardvack's mask in the bowl, but still nothing happens.
DM offers a clue if we roll good on Insight; Ardvack, Melaina and Gideon all do. They think the inscription refers to the desired offering. Gideon wants to put something in the bowl that would not fit in the door.
What about a fish? They breathe air, and so could not pass anywhere above the water. Tarragon steps into the bowl and Wild Shapes into a fish; still nothing happens. She changes back. Is this one of those children’s riddles that we should have definitely got by now? Joe says we will absolutely kick ourselves when we get it.
Ardvack picks a handful of mushrooms - and that bloody well works. You cannot enter this ‘room. Goddammit. Joe removes the wall. If Ardvack had a face, he’d be looking smug.
We go through. Goblin shield goes first. She sees something horrible - it is currently standing motionless. It looks like a huge dwarf in heavy armour, but made of stone, and there is a faint red glow emanating from its chest. There is an open chest next to it full of shiny shinies; Kessler points them out to Melaina, possibly in hopes that she will go first. Melaina, sadly for Kessler, does not fall for this trick.
Ardvack ventures too close and it spots him - initiative time. (Ed has disappeared again. While we wait, we discuss Matthew’s zombie campaign. We will all be level 2 when we return, which gives us an ability called Zombie Grab. Matthew and Sophie order pizza.)
Tarragon Potions and readies a Thorn Whip (which always reminds Sophie of a Walnut Whip. Not the Ann Summers sort of whip, Joe asks? No, but interesting that his mind went there.) Melaina hides and shoots - 24 hits, for 22 damage. Her bow is magical, correct? Yes. Good. Okay. Bits of rock fall off the golem. Hooray!
Does she want to move, say, to run away? (Oh shit.) She moves back so everyone else can get in.
Kessler takes aim with her crossbow. 24 hits for 7 damage, and her weapon is magical as well. She reloads and shoots again for 7 more damage while Matthew and Sophie decide what Ahleqs is going to do.
They decide that he will cast Shatter on the golem. Ba-boom! It has to make a Constitution save - at Disadvantage. “Because you’re made of stone. Like an idiot.” But it gets Advantage on saves versus magic, so that’s just a straight roll. 13. “Ha! You lose!” It takes 19 Thunder damage. Ahleqs cheers, then hides behind Tarragon.
It rushes at us - Tarragon looses her Thorn Whip but misses.
Carl uses his big stick that Tarragon gave him, but misses, almost hitting everyone else around him. He was excited. He doesn’t move, but holds the line.
Gideon is up. “Ed stop eating sausages!”
“… How did you know what I was doing.”
He Acid Splashes it. The Golem fails the save, even with Advantage, and takes 9 Acid Damage.
Like the hero he has proved himself to be, Ardvack does a cautious tactical repositioning to get away from the golem, does Shksdjlsdglsghjkhhbllhh, and then casts Eldritch Blast. It hits, and more stone crumbles off the golem.
Tarragon does Greater Shlgljksdkgjfhl;jjjhh, just to flex on Ardvack, and hits it for 11 Bludgeoning. She bares her teeth at the golem.
Melaina falls back a little, and shoots again. Matthew and Sophie suddenly seem unable to hear the rest of us, so there is a short recess while we sort that out. Their wifi has died. I decide, in my infinite wisdom, to restart my computer; of course, it decides to install something without even asking and so I am still waiting for it long after Matthew and Sophie return. I miss a bunch of stuff; some people do some damage, and the golem does a thing where it forces a Wisdom save - those that fail have their speed halved, and can do an action OR a bonus action on their turn, but not both. Joe makes an attack for me, which hits. Tarragon is pleased. And then I’m back!
The golem is looking ropey. Its light is still glowing, but bits are falling off it. It turns on Carl, even though Kessler has imposed Disadvantage on it if it attacks anyone but her. 14 still hits, as does 29, and he takes THIRTY NINE damage. Carl is now on zero, having had exactly 39 HP previously.
Matthew, sounding worried: “This changes things.”
Carl makes a real death save - and fails. "No! Carl!"
Gideon's turn - and Ed has snuck off again. Or fallen asleep. We skip him for now and move on to Ardvack. “I’ll save you Carl!” Then, to himself as he runs, “Not my precious Carl…” He casts Life Transference. (A lovely, sacred, holy Cleric spell.) He saves Carl, but instantly regrets walking closer to the golem.
Tarragon batters it for 16 damage - the light begins to flicker and sputter in its chest. Does she want to move? “Nope!” She could bonus action dive in the water with the Quippers if she wanted? “… No thank you.”
Melaina does a Scorching Ray - one of the three hits for 7 fire damage total. It’s looking ‘exceedingly ropey’ but is still up.
Kessler gets the how-de-do-dis with her Thunder Gauntlets - she runs up it and yells “Red means stop!” and punches it in the chest. It falls to the ground in a big pile of rubble. We solved Joe’s Golem puzzle!
Matthew, immediately: “Loot its corpse!”
Kessler is holding the gem from its chest; it is no longer glowing. Ardvack sets about the treasure chest. It is open, and there is gold inside. He clicks on the loot chest, and adds 100gp to the 3000cp he finds. (428 cp, and 14gp each.)
Kessler: “Anyone got a Transmute spell?” (That's a lot of coins.)
Ardvack shares out the treasure as equally as possible. Kessler finds herself overburdened. Melaina slyly: “I could carry your treasure for you.”
Kessler: “No thank you.”
Where to next? There was a rope bridge in the room with the brazier that led to an island with a dead giant spider on it; Joe zips us all there for expediency.
Melaina crosses the bridge to approach the ‘very very dead’ spider; it looks like its moving around. Not the legs, but as if there’s something moving under the skin…
A swarm of maggots burst out of the spider, taking her by surprise. They swarm up her legs and over her flesh.
Melaina, equally horrified and furious: “No! Get out of my orifices!”
(This is why Joe was so pleased earlier isn’t it.)
She now has two rot grubs burrowing under her skin. We’ve all heard of these, the subject of adventurer’s tales swapped in taverns. Melaina knows she has to burn them while they’re still just under her skin, or they will burrow to her heart and kill her.
Well shit.
We roll initiative…
Ardvack fails at Eldritch Blast, and the grubs become resistant to that type of damage (Force I think?) for 1d4 rounds. (4. Fuck.)
Ahleqs does a Burning Hands at them. They fail the save and take 6 fire damage. Several screech, and curl up and burn.
Melaina wants to cast Scorching Ray on herself - she can do that. She takes two fire damage, and the grubs die. She can spend the rest of her action to squeeze them back out of the holes they burrowed in through. Delightful.
Tarragon moves to the side and Thunderwaves the swarm - they fail the save and are pushed off the bridge into the water to be eaten by the Quippers. Yay! Everyone wins! We move forward, Melaina at the head.
DM suddenly: “Stop there, Melaina!”
Us immediately: “Oh no!”
She finds a door with a shape carved in it - the gem that Kessler took from the golem looks like it would fit in there. That is not relevant right now, however, as she has charged forward and tripped a trip wire. She fails her Dex save and a giant ballista bolt sticks her for 14 damage. Could have been a lot worse. She decides she’s not doing anything else, even when tempted with a treasure chest; she goes to sit in a corner and sulk.
The treasure chest is on a different island, reachable only via a broken bridge. Kessler suggests throwing the dead spider into the water to distract the Quippers while we jump across.
Do we want to take a short rest first? Yes. Tarragon makes up some Relaxing Bark, allowing everyone to regain a couple of Hit Dice which we roll, and take potions. Ardvack casts Life Transference on Carl again.
We are about to move on when the DM has us all roll a d20. Uh oh. Anyone who got ten or more can get five more HP back, as we burned incense in a temple. Yay!
Matthew, grumbling: “Oh as soon as we get a long rest, you can bet I’m going to be re-summoning Admiral Pancakes…”
Do we want to jump the bridge after the treasure? Is it worth it? Melaina wants to; the rest of us are dubious. How far can she jump with a run-up? Ten feet. She could jump it.
“Alright then, I’ll do it. Whoosh.” Kessler follows her.
Melaina checks for traps - an 8. She can’t see any! Sophie, OOC, resignedly: “Oh, right, okay.”
She checks the chest itself and finds a trap mechanism - some nozzles sticking out of the ground next to the chest. She makes a roll with her thieves tools, and by the skin of her teeth (13) disarms it. It would have been bad; one nozzle would have squirted her with flammable liquid and the other would have set her on fire. She finds a Brooch of Shielding! There is another item, a ring, which seems magical; Kessler takes eleven minutes and casts Identify as a ritual. It’s a ring of Swimming!
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Melaina gives the brooch to Ahleqs, as he would almost certainly appreciate anything that would give him some extra protection. We decide to crack on, as it would take another hour for him to attune to it. Besides, the longer we’re down here the more this place sucks so we’re all eager to leave.
Kessler puts the gemstone into the hole in the door and it creaks open; we walk through. We enter some tunnels, which are very claustrophobic after the caverns. It’s very dark. We follow them until we come out into another large cavernous room.
We jump to another map…
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There are more islands with about ten foot tall towers with glowing orbs at the top. More water, and a broken stone bridge. (Is anyone reminded of Beverly?)
The bad news is, this room has glowing orb lights, a broken bridge, and more islands. The good news is, it seems quiet enough that we could take a long rest.
Kessler does her Alarm spell, and Carl - not needing to sleep - takes all the watches. We all take turns to watch with him as “his Perception is for shit.”
Kessler takes first, Tarragon takes second, and Melaina third.
Carl and Kessler make Perception checks. A 3 and a 6; oh dear. Kessler thinks she hears water noises, but it could be just the water on the shore.
Then Tarragon and Carl. 13 for Tarragon and a 16 for Carl. We watch some bats flitting about in the light from the strange tower; nothing dangerous, however. Everyone but Tarragon now completes their long rest. She retires, and Melaina and Carl roll Perception.
Carl is on fire tonight; a 17. He makes an Intelligence check - a 9. That’s actually not bad. After about 3 hours he becomes agitated and tries to say something, but can’t. Melaina’s nostrils are assailed with a foul stench; she looks to the water to see something breaking the surface of it. Which means that whatever it is doesn’t get a surprise round…
Melaina and Carl roll initiative. Carl has used all his good rolls on Perceiving. But he’s ready for anything; he’s got his stick.
Whatever is crawling out of the water looks like a troll, but dripping with horrible ichorous black ooze and smelling like a busy harbour at low tide.
Matthew, OOC: “They smell like a bonfire of nappies. No - a burning zoo.”
Melaina hides behind some mushrooms; triggering Kessler’s Alarm spell as she leaves the area (because Kessler didn’t specify otherwise). We all wake, and can roll Initiative next round. Melaina takes aim with her longbow. 19 to hit with Sharpshooter, which does. She gets a nat 1 for her Sneak/Sharpshooter which is only a measly 25 total, plus her bow’s damage of 9 for 34. The thing lets out a howl, which would have woken us if the Alarm spell hadn’t.
It approaches us. It’s wearing a loincloth; small mercies.
Everyone but Ardvack and Melaina makes CON saves as the troll runs a filthy claw down its own forearm for a venom spray attack. Gideon and Tarragon take 18 poison damage and are poisoned. The others take half damage and are not poisoned. Now it does its multi-attack.
It has a bite at Tarragon but misses, then a claw at Kessler and misses. Then it claws at Gideon, and misses again. Ha!
Another one shambles up, but doesn’t attack yet. It’s Carl’s turn; he uses his zombie agility to run up to one of the trolls and give it a good old Slam - “Classic Slam - ” and uses his Zombie Grab to try and grapple it. They make contested STR checks - Carl wins even with a 14. The bad news is that part of the troll’s corpulence is ruptured, emitting a black foul ichor into the air - Tarragon and Kessler take more damage as it, however unintentionally, does an Acid Splash.
“… Thanks Carl.”
Melaina goes first. She goes to move but takes 15 Force damage from the towers. What??? Sophie OOC, to Matthew: “Honey, I’m being shot by the nasty tower.” She was just inside its range. She shoots one of the trolls. She hits, and causes another Acid Splash. Tarragon has just woken up from a Long Rest, and is now under half HP. Melaina does do 34 damage to the troll though.
Gideon, with advice from Matthew, casts Grease under the troll that Carl is *not* grappling. This seems a classic ‘Grease’ situation. It rolls a DEX save, and fails, falling prone.
Tarragon casts Lesser Restoration on herself, ending the Poisoned effect, Rages, and steps out of range of the Venom spray.
Ahleqs screams the incantation for Mage Armour, and steps back also. Kessler’s turn, and she will risk stepping back. One is restrained and the other prone, so no attack of Opportunity. She takes out her crossbow and shoots at the one grappled by Carl. 20 hits for 11 piercing damage. “And I will shoot that sucker again.” 17 also hits for 7 damage. She drinks one of her potions; wise.
Carl takes 18 poison from Kessler’s attacks on the troll, but he’s immune to poison. Carl has the Grappler feat, so even though the troll is a size larger than him it doesn’t get Advantage on the Strength check to free itself. They roll straight Strength checks - Carl rolls a ten, and the troll rolls a 6, even with a plus four modifier.
The prone one uses half its movement to stand up and moves forward, biting at Kessler - 26 to hit. It actually hits her! Even Shield won’t do it! She takes 6 piercing and 6 poison damage, and is poisoned until the start of the troll’s next turn.
It claws twice at Tarragon; “Bring it.”
24 hits, the ten doesn’t. Ten slashing (halved to 5) and 6 poison (not halved). She’s at 19HP now, and hasn't even attacked yet.
Ardvack wakes up to see the trolls attacking. “Ah. It must be Wednesday.” Matthew, OOC: “Im going to do… something… stupid. Or… brilliant.” Seeing the damage Tarragon and Kessler have taken, he heals Tarragon for 11HP. She blinks with surprise, and he backs up.
We call it there as it's getting late...
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bbq-hawks-wings · 4 years
Who are your fave characters in bnha (aside from hawks) and your least liked. In a "i dont like this one as a character or/and as a person" kind of way or even they're just meh to you.
This is a good and surprisingly complicated question! I'll try to give at least three from each category with my reasoning as I like most of the characters for one reason or other but marking down favorites and least favorites is not as straightforward as I first thought.
I love that most of Horikoshi's characters are either loveable, likeable, enjoyable to hate, or leave a benevolently indifferent impression. There's not really many characters that get on my nerves for just existing.
Except Mineta. He can die in a ditch. But that's too easy for our purposes he doesn't count. This time...
Mina is a character I just really am drawn to every time she shows up. She's described as a people person, and as a cautious introvert who often feels the need to put on appearances to make friends in a "you do not have a high enough friendship level to unlock my tragic backstory" kind of way, I feel like if she were a person I could just relax and enjoy myself around her. She isn't dismissive of people's real fears or insecurities and prefers to let herself be the best she is right now in all of her dumbass glory. I really, really love her even if I don't give her a lot of love often.
Iida is another character I gravitate towards despite not showcasing him often. I'm just always happy to see him and his dorky, admirable self. It's like you could look up "square" in the dictionary and his picture would apply to basically all possible definitions, but it's a good thing. He's conscious and proactive even if he seems overbearing, and it's just his way of protecting his family and friends' security and happiness. It makes me feel like I would be safe and cared for in his presence, you know? Bonus points for his wholesome adoration of his big brother (who is also a majorly underappreciated background character, imo), and I can't help but headcanon him as autistic. I literally can't not see it every time he shows up at this point.
Gotta give the last spot to Fatgum. Another detail about Horikoshi's character writing I adore is that the "obvious" thing about a character usually does not end up taking up the bulk of their characterization or is usually never focused on for too long. They have lives and identities outside of one or two traits. Being huge and fat like Fatgum in a Japanese society that usually runs smaller and thinner than the rest of the world (and that is never canonically shied away from) would usually be focus of his entire character in most other series. Here, it's just a blip on his entire sheet - an important one to be sure, but it's just been embraced as a part of who he is from so far back it's beyond old news for him. Confidence, focus, determination, and enabling others' personal growth is where it's at as far as he's concerned, and I am here for it! He's just so set and comfortable in his skin that he's got more than enough to give others a boost if he can offer it.
Horikoshi has a lot of empathetic characters that feel more like people than tropes (especially in the world of anime overrun with cookie cutter personalities to fill flashy but otherwise empty character designs), so there aren't many characters I just genuinely don't like or care for. That said, there has been a pattern I've been noticing, and wouldn't you know it happens to correlate with traits I don't like in real people, either.
I cannot stand people who can never admit they can be wrong. I mean those people that might say how everyone in their family or all their last group of friends hate them/left them or how their ex was crazy and when you ask if maybe they had any idea why they go, "OMG, I don't know! 😭😭😭 I just can't seem to find anyone who will love me for who I am, warts and all. 😇😇😇"
Sure, Jan.
So about the villains! To be fair, not even close to all the villains fit this bill. Most of them I either unironically love (like Rappa and Gentle Criminal) or love to hate (Dabi and Shigaraki). It just so happens that no "hero" character happens to grate or push my buttons in a way that leaves me either negatively ambivalent towards them or outright hating them. (Save one...)
Toga. Get your pitchforks, folks! BBQ is on the menu! I actually don't hate her or even dislike her. She's just not a character I can have sympathy for for very long. In a situation I couldn't just walk away from and hope to never see her again, she'd get some stern words a la Ochako a long time ago. Especially at her age I get where she's coming from and how she feels, but while asking people to just conform without question under threat of punishment is not inherently good, it's not unreasonable in her case and it's troubling she seemed to one day snap and decide she was being unduly repressed and killed someone when she looked like she otherwise had a normal life. I completely give her some grace for clearly having an "pretend it isn't there and it'll go away" kind of help, but she's capable (at least now) of realizing why people are repulsed by her behavior and that it's not unfounded. She needs much better help than what she got and certainly more than what the League offers.
I have similar problems with Spinner. He has a reasonable-enough justification for wanting to lash out at broader society, but he largely refused to help himself before the League of Villains and he'll always be working with a handicap in my book thanks to that. If he was living with parents and couldn't escape to a larger city with more inclusive attitudes towards heteromorphs I could understand, but it looked like he lived alone and either managed to finance his lifestyle or supplemented with government aid anyway, so points lost there as well. He relies on others to give him meaning, first Stain and then Shigaraki; and even then only acts on it because they give him permission to act out his aggressions in an environment that doesn't hold him accountable for it or ask him to do something constructive to change it. That came out harsher than I intended, but I really am not able to give him much room either way in this case.
Monoma. Ah, yes. The Exception™. Sorry, buddy. It's not like I don't get it. You've got a lot more in common with Bakugo than you probably like, but your brand of inferiority complex is just... Unhinged? Grossly inappropriate and misplaced? My dude, you gotta stop trying to knock others down to make yourself feel better by comparison, you can and will destroy your life doing that. I get that having a quirk that requires you to play second-fiddle is infuriating, but that's where you really need to leverage your individuality and be certain what defines your character in a vacuum. At that point you can find a way to leverage other's quirks in ways even they can't because of the sole fact that they aren't you. I know easier said than done, but I am rooting for you, buddy!
That was fun! Thanks for the ask! It's interesting to break down my gut feelings about the characters like this. I enjoyed it a lot!
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ripspaghet · 4 years
bff | 04
↳ series m.list | 00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 |
→ pairing: yoongi x reader
→ word count: 4,750
Prologue Summary; Your best friend's boyfriend takes an unhealthy interest in you and just as he shows up something from your past starts to creep up on you again. Could this strange and mysterious man have something to do with it? And should you trust him, or your instincts to run far, far away from him?
→ warnings: angst, swearing
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The bell overhead chimes as the doors open, making Seokjin's mouth finally clamp shut before another word can make you slam your head into the register. Your shift had only begun and he was already on a roll about being forced to clean the toilets earlier.
"Welcome to Sil's Coffee, how may we help you?" The slogan fell off your lips like a sigh of relief as you plaster on a bright smile for the customer, coming in from the frigid outside air.
A chuckle erupts from the customer, "I see Seokjin is harassing you again."
"W-What?! I do not-"
"I'd like an iced mocha with caramel. Could you fetch that for me Jin?" Mina slides into the bar chair in front of Seokjin, who bites his tongue before turning around to make her order. The man may loathe his job, but there was no way he'd allow himself to be fired.
"Honestly, just tell him to shut up. You don't have to listen to his whining."
You can hear Seokjin muttering inaudible profanities at Mina and you let out an actual sigh this time, "Seokjin is just expressing himself."
"And this is the best way he knows how? How sad."
"You're coffee." You flinch as a cup is slammed onto the counter and slid into Mina's hands.
"Thanks, handsome." She grins endearingly up at him.
"Can you leave now?" 
"Oh, how rude of you to say to a customer. I wonder what the manager would say?"
You pinch the bridge of your nose, "Mina, stop, for fuck sake." Seokjin is presumably the only person who dislikes Mina more than Jimin, although Mina doesn't dislike Seokjin. She actually likes him, despite his constant rambling. 
Another chime grabs everyone but Mina's attention back to the entrance to see your stumbling yellow-haired friend enter the shop. He swore as he tripped on the entrance's floor-mate, but quickly composed himself and looked up to send you a dazzling smile before gracefully making his way over the seat in front of you, "Good morning, my ray of sunshine." You open your mouth to return the gesture just before someone else strides in behind him. Dark hair, dark eyes, and pale skin sporting a baggy tee and flannel with tight frayed jeans. You grimace at the sight. Of course, he was here. Why wouldn't he be? Mina was here and wherever Mina was, he had the right to be.
"Couldn't you have done us all a favor and let yourself fall?"
"Like I'd ever do a favor for the likes of you." Jimin retorted swiveling around in his chair. 
It's been exactly three weeks since your first session with Yoongi began and you still haven't grown comfortable with the whole ordeal. Especially since Yoongi had all of a sudden started making an effort to include himself in Mina's life more, resulting in him almost always being around. Which is great for Mina, just not so great for you.
"Anyways, how is my love doing?" Jimin reached out for your hands and smiled at you in a way that made it impossible for you to not return the gesture.
"I'm alright." You squeezed his hands reassuringly before pulling away to make his usual drink. At least you had Jimin most of the time. He did a great job of pulling your attention off of the guy just a few feet away from you and settling your nerves.
"I heard how Namjoon left you high and dry. Taehyung has been dogging me for studying material ever since. Is your project coming along alright? I can help you with it?" You tense as you begin pouring the chocolate syrup into Jimin's drink. Maybe you'd spoken too soon again? You hadn't told anyone about studying with Yoongi, out of fear of what Mina would do and judging from the lack of passive aggression coming from her, Yoongi hadn't said anything either.
"N-no, I've got it. You don't need to do that."
"She'd fail for sure if you helped her."
"Mina, nobody was talking to you. Can you shut that trap of yours?" You turn back around and place Jimin's cup in front of him just as Mina reaches over to whack him on the back of the head.
"Yah! Don't you touch me, you witch!"
"Me? A witch?" Mina laughed, "Well, that must make you a troll."
"Mina, stop that." Yoongi's cold metallic voice caught you off guard and you made the mistake of shifting your gaze over to him just as Mina began whining, merely to see he was already watching you, his brown eyes intense and dark. 
Things have been very awkward, for you to say the least. You didn't know what to make of this new relationship you had with Yoongi. Hell, even calling it a relationship felt weird and from every angle, it just seemed wrong. When you so much as looked in Yoongi's direction you felt like you'd just transgressed some imaginary line you'd drawn for yourself. Or maybe it had been drawn by Mina. It was normal for the girl to be possessive and paranoid, even more so when it came to a guy she liked. Mina had been friends with a girl in the past that had stolen guys from her left and right, so now she always assumed you, one of her few female friends, was always plotting against her and knowing this made you extremely cautious.
"You two have been extra snarky this week."
You cleared your throat, trying your best to not seem uncomfortable, "Would you like something to drink, Yoongi?"
"A black coffee would be nice."
You nodded, turning again only to have Seokjin place a black coffee in your hands, "I figured he'd order that again, so I went ahead and made it."
"Oh, here," You slid the drink over to Yoongi, sure to avoid eye contact this time.
"Well, with ____ spending all her time studying lately, I'm left alone to deal with this nuisance." Mina jabbed her finger at Jimin.
"What? I'm the nuisance and yet you're the one constantly complaining about this and that and never shutting up?"
"Shut your mouth Park." Mina flushes red as Yoongi turns his head over, suddenly taking interest in their conversation.
Jimin scoffs and turns back to you, "So, can I hear it?"
"Huh?" You tilted your head.
"Namjoon told me about it, don't be coy. I wanna hear it."
Your cheeks flush at the realization of what he was talking about, "He did what?! No way. I'm not letting you hear anything."
"What are we talking about?" 
"We," Jimin looking back at Mina, pointing at her and then himself, "aren't talking about anything. Me and ____ are." Mina scoffs and turns away from him as he does the same, overeating his attention back on you, "My best friend won't let me hear her sing?"
"What best friend? Last I checked you have no friends." Mina mumbles under her breath, rolling her eyes at Jimin's pouting lips while sipping her drink. He scowls but is quick to ignore her in favor of you.
Damn, they really are at each other's necks right now.
"Why are you embarrassed? I know you're good. Namjoon said your voice is amazing. In fact, he gushed about it."
"Stop rambling and leave me and my voice alone, Park Jimin."
"You cutie, you're all red, like a tomato." He reaches up to pinches at your cheek but you quickly swat his hands away.
"Shut up."
"Let me hear it and I'll shut up for the rest of my life, just for you."
"No." You turn away from him to busy yourself with work, emphasizing your seriousness. There was no way in hell you'd ever let Jimin, or anyone else for that matter, hear you sing. Sure, Namjoon and Yoongi had heard it, but- your gaze drifted over to Yoongi again to see a small smirk playing on his lips as he stirred his coffee. 
"God, you two make me wanna vomit. I can't believe you refuse to admit your dating each other." Seokjin finally spoke again as he wiped down the counter-tops.
"Seriously, get a room," Mina adds.
"Says the two who bicker at each other like a married couple," Jimin smirked over at Mina, who just about spit her coffee out her nose.
"We do not!"
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Message from Min Yoongi- 8:11am: The door is unlocked. Just come in when you get up here.
After work, you stalled around a bit before heading towards Yoongi's. You knew if you left right after your shift, Jimin would've tried to tag along. He normally walked you home when he got the chance and as far as he knew you'd been going home every week to work on your project alone. 
Your stomach turns as the elevator finally comes to a halt, the doors sliding open, and you step out. More than anyone else, you wanted to tell Jimin about this. You knew he'd have the best advice for you, but you also realize that Jimin hates Mina. He would probably let the information slip on purpose just to piss her off. He'd prefer not to be friends with her because, in his opinion, she's faker than all the plants in his dance teacher's office. You don't doubt he'd take any chance he could to try and show you that, probably saying something along the lines of, "It's for your own good, trust me."
Honestly, you're starting to get pretty sick of this. All the elevator rides you've had to endure are almost as bad as riding an airplane, never knowing if it's going to give out or just break and send you to a gruesome death. You head for Yoongi's door, sending a glare back at the box of threatening death as it's doors slide shut again. You've tried to convince Yoongi on countless occasions to meet elsewhere, but he declines each time, saying, "Why would I go somewhere else when I'm most comfortable here?" You roll your eyes at the memory. That self-centered jerk doesn't care what you put yourself through every week to get to here. Making sure none of your friends, especially Mina, see where you're going, facing your fear of that dumb elevator while doing so, and lying practically to Jimin. Mina would assume you're sleeping with Yoongi if she ever found out. It wouldn't matter what you told her. And imagine if she did find out, even after all your efforts? Every week you had to put up with Min Yoongi's self-centered attitude and constant complaints about how you're, "Too early." Or, "Too late." Not to mention you've been feeling under the weather lately.
One of these days you're really gonna to jump from one of the windows on this floor just to escape from Min Yoongi, because at this point it feels like there is no escape. You go to school, he's there with Mina. You go to work, he shows up with Mina. What did you have in life, if not peace away from that guy?
You give the front door two gentle taps before entering. The penthouse was the same as always, warm and quiet, as the world outside opposed it. It was probably the only thing you enjoyed when meeting with Yoongi, the quiet, something you normally got so little of.
"Back here!"
You jump, whirling in a full circle before figuring out where the voice came from. You follow it down a hallway and to a room. Little decoration fills the room and it's relatively empty, except for a grand piano occupying the center.
"I figured we could transfer your cords into a melody on the piano to place at the deeper parts of the song. I have a feeling it will sound good with your voice." 
Your breath catches in your throat, your wide-eyed stare never leaving the piano Yoongi is sat at, as he writes, what assumed to be, notes onto a piece of paper.
"Come sit, " He gestures you over, still not looking at you. Your feet feel like they've rooted themselves to the floor and it takes all of your strength just to do as he says and bring yourself to the piano, trying your best to ignore the way your heart stills as you sit down next to Yoongi, a sharp fear piercing through you like cold wind.
"You play?" Your voice comes out dry as your eyes linger on ivory keys.
"Yeah, I learned when I was little." Yoongi finally brought his gaze over to you to watch as you lightly move your fingertips up and over the keys, "Do you?"
You frown and pull your hand away from the piano, "No."
Yoongi hums and places his fingers onto the keys before playing the first few notes of your song, "That's too bad. This would be a lot easier if you did."
"Well, I don't." You sneer at the sound of your song coming from the piano and stand back up, realizing that this had been a horrible idea, "Listen, I'm not feeling up for this today. I'm gonna go." Your mind was beginning to cloud with distraught memories and all you could focus on was getting away from the piano as you stood up. You weren't fast enough though.
Yoongi stood up after you, following you out of the room, "Is everything alright?"
"I just want to go home."
His pace quickened as you approach the front door and he was in front of you before you could reach it, "Do you not like the piano idea?"
You glare at him, "The idea is fine, I just want to go home, as I said."
His eyes dart all across your face as if he's still trying to read you, to understand what had set you off.
"I'll be going now." You attempt to sidestep him, only to be abruptly cut off by Yoongi placing a hand to your forehead, "W-what are you-"
"You look really pale, I don't think you should-Woah," He steps back out of shock after feeling your temperature, "you're burning up."
"I'm fine, just let me-"
"____," Yoongi's eyes narrow on you, his voice dropping a couple octaves, "go sit on the couch and I'll get you some medicine."
You hesitate for only a moment before giving in, "Fine, whatever." You stomp away from him, over to the couch before plopping down onto it. Admittedly, your head was starting to pound and you couldn't deny the cold sweat that was beginning to settle in along with the aching of your whole body. It'd be just your luck that you'd caught the flu or something, only to start showing symptoms after arriving at Yoongi's, of all places. You'd honestly prefer being at Jimin's house right about now and he'd probably be smothering you right about now. You should've just canceled today and walked home with Jimin.
"Here, take this." Yoongi returns within a few minutes, crouching down in front of you before placing a pill in one of your hands and a glass of water in the other, "This should reduce your fever." 
"And how am I suppose to trust that you're not drugging me?" You raise an eyebrow at him accusingly, but he just gives you a skeptical look.
"It's ibuprofen, ____." 
You watch him hesitantly, before plopping the pill into your mouth, and tilting your head back to drink the glass of water. You hadn't expected yourself to drink the whole thing, but you did, and rather quickly. 
Yoongi takes the glass from you and places it on the coffee table behind him, "Are you hungry?"
"I really don't-" You're cut off by the sound of your treacherous stomach growling at the mention of food.
"I'll make soup." Yoongi gets up again, heading back to the kitchen before you get the chance to protest further than you already have. Your head is starting to spin and you have to lay down just to keep yourself from running to the bathroom to vomit. No way would you be caught dead throwing up in Min Yoongi's bathroom. You'd jump from a window before that happens. You close your eyes, waiting patiently for Yoongi to return with food. You hadn't even noticed yourself drifting off.
The ground beneath is dry, altered to a sandy substance. Dull silence replaces loud screeching alarms, and instead of hazy darkness, something else lurks amongst the unknown. The difference between now and then is an odd sense of familiarity tugging at your heart. You know all too well what this nostalgia is, but you refuse to move towards it. The mere memories are enough to coax out inner demons dwelling behind your walls. A place you once called home.
“It's unnecessary, ____.”
A harsh memory, filled with a harsher smell of gin and gasoline forces itself forward. One of those memories a child prefers to suppress, yearning to someday forget it...pretend it never happened. Although, bad memories die-hard, just as bad habits do and the specific way that man had always held onto second agendas and gave everything a double standard was etched into your mind. You can never seem to escape him, no matter how hard you try. 
Especially here. 
Such a strange feeling it gave you. Do others feel this? A looming dark hole in the cradle of their heart, remaining, even if eventually, and inevitably, a change comes. A childlike intuition told you how it was fated, as it was for a reason beyond your knowing that the place you once called your home would burn, that - that man's eyes would close and the smell of gin and gasoline would fade into something much more horrendous, along with that godforsaken piano. And then, and only then, you would realize that home never truly felt like home.
And him, that damned voice will only further remind you of that misery and loss.
"Wake up, it's just a dream."
Mark my words.
"____," You whimper at the feeling of someone's hand against your cheek and you lean into it, "what's wrong?"
Your eyes open slowly and it's only then that you realize the wet tears running down your cheeks, "W-what?"
"Why are you crying?" You look up, seeing Yoongi's dark worried eye on you as he wipes away your tears with his thumb.
You sit up slowly, your head still spinning and skin still aflame with a fever, "I-I don't remember."
"Here," Yoongi moves an arm under your legs and to your back before hoisting you up.
"W-what are you doing?! Put me down!" You have no strength to fight against him in your current state, but that doesn't stop you from yelling at him.
"I'm moving you somewhere comfortable, be quiet." He walks out of the living room and back down the hallway that had previously brought you to the piano room, only this time he walks passed that room and into another at the end of the hallway. He sits you down on a bed and covers you with a blanket, "I'll go heat up the soup, and once you're done eating you should get some more sleep."
You only nod and watch as Yoongi leaves the room before pushing the covers off of you and standing back up. You make your way over to the door and back down the hall, only briefly stopping to leer into the piano room. You'd have to make up an excuse later to leave the piano out of your song. There's no way you'll be able to stomach hearing the sound of it every time you work on the piece. Once you make it to the front door you're quick to exit, despite hearing Yoongi's footsteps exiting the kitchen at the same time. You don't care all too much if he sees you leaving, you just need to leave. Sure, your head is spinning and your joints ach, but letting Yoongi take care of you while sick is crossing that line that had been laid down. 
While in the elevator you have to sit on the floor and pray to reach the bottom soon. The motion of moving down is only making you all the more nauseous, so when the doors finally open you're surprised to see that the sun has already set, despite you showing up here early this morning. Had you really slept that long? Yoongi must've had his curtains closed. You stand back up and your stomach growls in anger as you make your way out of the building. You really were hungry, to the point that it feels like your stomach is digesting itself, but you're desperate to get away. You don't want any misunderstandings.
"Madam, may I assist you in finding a-"
You cut off the doorman, turning in the direction of your apartment, "I'm fine."
"Miss, the streets are dangerous at this time of-"
"I'll be fine, Jackson. Good night." You ignore the polite man's pleas for you to let him help you and continue down the street and away from him. You have no money for a taxi or uber and you aren't going to let someone else, you barely know, pay for you. The last thing you need is to owe someone or make them think you're poor, not that you aren't, due to college debt, but that's beside the point.
"Woah, look what we've got ourselves here." A group of burly looking men walk around the corner of an alleyway just as you're about to pass it and your expression turns sour. Of all the nights. 
"What's a pretty girl like you doing out so late?" There's four of then, but only the tallest of the bunch is quick to close the distance between the two of you.
"I don't think that's any of your damn business." You glare up at him, attempt to regulate your breathing. Your fever is making you feel like you're extremely out of shape so that just the smallest amount of walking you've done so far had you almost breathless.
"Oh! A feisty one!" A disgusting grin pulls up the man's cheeks as he laughs at your bold response.
"Get out of my way." You wave your hand at him, trying to move around his broad shoulders only for another one of the guys to come up beside him, blocking your way.
"No, I think you should stay and hang out with us for a while."
You huff and run the back of your hand across your forehead, nonchalantly whipping away the sweat to try and hide how weak you actually felt before letting a fake smile pull up your lips, "Oh, yeah?"
The man opens his mouth to reply, but before he can get a word out you're darting across the empty street.
Yes, you felt like shit, but that didn't mean you were gonna give up without a fight. The group of men yells after you, taken by surprise and you can hear their heavy feet scurrying after you. Thankfully, you're fast enough that once you've made it across the street you can start towards the nearest convenience store. Thinking you're about to be home free, your heart races with anticipation only to sink down in terror a second later as a hand yanks you into an alleyway way and covers your mouth, muffling your scream. You thrash and kick, panic shocking your body like electricity.
"Stand still, ____. You're going to break my nose." The whisper has you stilling in the person's arms.
"Shut up!" He whispers yells, covering your mouth again. 
"Damn it! Where did she go!?"
"I almost caught her."
"No, you fucking didn't! You were behind all of us, you idiot !"
You freeze and sink further into the person's arms out of seer terror as the four men pass the alleyway you're hiding in.
"When I find that bitch, she's gonna wish she never ran."
The grip around you tightens in an almost protective sort of way. The feeling comforts you, but tears still begin welling up in your eyes before the group of men finally carries on down the cold streets. Once they're out of hearing range the hand over your mouth moves and you're turned around to face none other than Min Yoongi.
He eyes you up and down, concern evident in his features, "Are you alright?"
You can only imagine how not alright you look, cheeks red from the cold, eyes glassy from fear, after having your adrenaline wear off. You probably look like a complete mess, but you still manage to nod in response to his question.
"Are you stupid? What the hell were you thinking? I told you to stay because you weren't feeling well and now look what you've gone and gotten yourself into. Why couldn't you just listen to me? Something could've happened. What if I didn't followed you?"
You stare up at Yoongi, trying to listen to what he's saying and gripping his arms tightly to keep yourself upright as a loud thumping began echoing in your ears, everything around you starting to spin, "I-I'm sorry, I-"
You fall, losing your grip on Yoongi as all your strength leaves your body, and you faint.
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You groan and stretch, your eyes slowly opening. The light shining in through your window burns your retinas.
"Finally, I was beginning to think you were dead."
"Huh?" You look over, next to your bed to see Jimin sitting there with a tray of breakfast in his lap.
"How-What are you doing here?" You croak.
Jimin raises an eyebrow, "You don't remember? You must have felt pretty bad."
"Jimin, " You cough, trying to sit up, and he's quick to help you, "what are you talking about?"
"You texted me last night that you felt really sick and needed help. I was surprised at first, but once I got here I understood that you weren't kidding. You were tossing and turning in bed and sweating as if you'd just ran for hundreds of miles." 
You frown, trying to recall your memories from last night. 
"Are you alright?" Jimin rubs your back soothingly.
"I-I'm fine." Your voice squeaks as you push Jimin's hand off you.
He raises an eyebrow at you again, your reaction surprising him, but drops it, figuring it's probably because you're sick, "Well, here's your breakfast. I'm going down to the cafeteria to get you some water. Call me or text me if anything happens or if you need something, okay?"
"O-okay, " You take the tray of food from him and he nods before getting up and leaving. You look around your room, briefly glancing over at your roommate's bed. Hopefully, she'd been out all night and hadn't seen anything.
You jump as your phone starts ringing, your tray of food nearly flying up in the air. You quickly grab your phone, accepting the call without checking the caller ID.
"Hm, you sound a lot better today. How are you feeling?"
The sudden sound of his voice has your whole face heating up and your stomach flipping over in an unexplained manner, "Y-Yah! Why are you calling?! What do you want?!"
"What are you being rude for? Didn't I save your life?"
You scoff, "I would've been perfectly fine without your help. I had a plan."
"Oh, really?" He asks sarcastically, "And what was that? Run until you collapse from exhaustion?"
"I-I don't need to explain myself to you!"
"Right, it's not like I had to drag you all the way to your dorm last night, because you refused to listen to me, or anything."
"I didn't ask for your help!"
"Well, since you seem to be fine now and you don't need my help, I'll hang up." His voice is condescending and mocking. The sound of it makes your blood boil and you can't help but respond with malice.
"Fine! Hang up!"
"Try not to go running down the street in the middle of the night again, yeah?"
"I'll do whatever I want!"
His laughter fills your phone's speaker and you found yourself turning even redder, "I'm sure you will, ____, seeing as you do that and nothing else."
"I'm hanging up!"
"Alright, "
"Shut up!" You pull your phone away from your ear swiftly and end the call. You huff and throw your phone to the end of your bed. You can't understand why you'd just been so childish. He had helped you. Why did you respond so absurdly? You could feel something burning inside your chest, the feeling of it was making you irrational. You run your hands through your hair distress-fully and whine, "What's wrong with me?"
@team-work-made-the-dream-work @seokchella @crackhead1-800
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loser-writings · 5 years
Fluff ABC’s || Katsuki Bakugo
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
    Bakugo isn’t one to just lounge around all day, so expect him to drag you around a lot. Random hiking trips, small walks, maybe even a date to the arcade or movie theatres. His favorite dates are always the ones that end up with the two of you alone without having to worry about anyone else watching, like stargazing late at night or exploring the woods.
When he has to stay home, His favorite thing to do is to watch a movie with you or play video games. Sure, he is a sore loser and has broken a fair share of controllers, but he does enjoy playing with you. His favorite games? Zombie games like Dead rising, GTA, and surprisingly? He loves animal crossing. He can and will spend hours fishing, catching bugs, and planting flowers. God forbid you kill his lowers.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
    He admires how patient you are with him. He is very aware that he has his mothers temper, so it was only natural he found someone to calm him down like how his Dad calms his Mom. Despite many not believing it would work, your patience made being in a relationship much easier than he thought it would be, but he is also very aware not to overstep. You are not a doormat, and he refuses to treat you as such.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
    He isn’t very experienced with comforting, let alone dealing with panic attacks, but he does his best. He remembers Todoroki mentioning that there are 2 types of people. The people who relax when they feel compression because it grounds them, and the people who become overstimulated and cannot be touched. When he sees you worked up, he does his best to stay calm and ask if you need held, or just need him there to talk you through it. Your answer determines how he acts. After your attack or breakdown though? He will always end up with you against his chest as he rubs your back.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
    He never imagined that he would end up daydreaming about a future with somebody. His goal was to be the number one hero but after you came in, he realized he would be content with whatever he got as long as you were there. Sure, this doesn’t mean he would stop fighting for the Number 1 spot, but he has come to terms with the fact that his desire for a family and a place to come home to once his day is done is there.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
    Bakugo? Passive? You’re funny. He does tend to be very dominant, but many of your friends believe dominance to be how loud and confrontational somebody is. You know the real Bakugo though. Sure, he can be quite a dominant personality, but it really tones down when he is alone with you. He loves laying against your chest as you run your fingers through his hair as he watches whatever is on the television. He loves having you scold him or baby him after he is sick. In conclusion, His dominance truly just depends on the situation.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
    When Bakugo fights, he fights with passion. Even in little petty arguments, he is really slow to admit that he is wrong even if he knows it. On little fights, he will eventually back down just by huffing and leaving the room. On bigger ones? The fights don’t stop until he says something he totally doesn't mean. He might make a nasty comment or hit an insecurity, but by then he knows he has fucked up big time.
 Bakugo would forgive his lover much easier than he is willing to admit since he often realizes that he causes most of the fights, but he never apologizes until it becomes too much for him. This can be for a good couple of hours to a couple of days. He eventually gets really annoyed with waking up every morning before him and when you sleep before him too, so he apologizes because he is tired of being ignored.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
    Sometimes he can be a little blind to what you do for him. He looks over the dinners you cook for him, how the house is always picked up, and how you never fail to make him smile. It does occur to him at random moments, Like when he is holding you in bed while you sleep or when you’re cleaning his wounds, but most of the time he doesn’t notice. It can be exhausting for you, but after he makes a note of how awesome you are, he never fails to buy you a little gift or bring you something to show his gratitude.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
    For a long time, Bakugo had kept it a secret that he was partially deaf. He struggled to admit it to you when you asked him about it, but he mumbled about how he just can’t hear himself. It’s a side effect of his quirk, and he truly can’t control it. You had never seen Katsuki to be insecure about anything really, but this was a big soft spot since so many people complain about him yelling. After he admitted this to you, you went out of your way to try to get him some hearing Aids. He hardly uses them, but he really appreciated the thought.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
    He’s a little more cautious now that you have been with him for a while. Originally, he was quite harsh and never held back. His words could be extremely painful as was his punches, but you both have been together for quite some time now. You’ve made him think about what he says and when he is fighting, he has to remind himself he wouldn’t be any help to anybody if he was dead. He plays it a bit safer during fights with villians, but he still can be a bit reckless.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
    Bakugo always is keeping his eye on you. He can’t help but feel jealous when you help Iida. How you smile at Midoriya. When you have conversations with Todoroki. He can feel his blood boiling every time you’re around any of his friends. Hell even Kirishima has had to deal with his wrath a few times. Normally, this happens one of two ways now. People rather run when they can tell Bakugo is getting tense, or they tell you. When you hear, you call him over, force his arms around you, and continue to talk as he just huffs in your neck.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
    Bakugo hates when you talk about your first kiss with him since he wasn’t experienced in the slightest. He just sorta slammed his lips against yours and hoped for the best. It only resulted in your teeth clashing together and a busted lip. Now that you’ve been together for a while, he’s learned how to kiss. Sure, there are the days where he just smashes your lips against his, but they always seem a bit more gentle now.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o? (Warning mini story ahead)
    He actually wouldn’t confess until he noticed how Monoma started approaching you. Kirishima and Mina had been trying to hype up Bakugo so he had the confidence to confess, but he was afraid of rejection. By the time he was going to finally ask you out, news got out that the other boy had asked you on a date. He huffed around, seemed more irritable, and just seemed antisocial. He watched you leave the dorms, feeling his heart ache since you looked so breathtaking, but was also there when you came back. It had started raining, you were soaked from head to toe, and it looked like you were pissed. “How’d the date g-” “Don’t even get me fucking started.” You barked back at him before sitting down on the other side of the couch. “Did he not even show?” He asked, turning his attention to you quickly. “Nah even worse. The asshole showed up, flirted with anything that walked, then left me with the fuckin’ bill.” Bakugo could feel his blood beginning to boil, but he noticed how you were shivering. “Hey, go change out of that. Ill make some dinner for you.” he stood up and pulled off his hoodie before tossing it to you. “Put that on. It’ll keep your ass warm.”
With that, you did as he said and change clothes. When you walk back out, Bakugo has some fried rice for you and your favorite movie ready to play. He even brought out a small blanket from his room for you. At first, you're taken back but he just huffs and tells you to “Sit your ass down”
Once you sit, Bakugo wraps the blanket around your shoulders with a small huff, grumbling under his breath. You couldn’t help but blush a little and chuckle at his mumbling. “What’s so funny?” He asked softly before sitting beside you. “You’re mumbling about attacking Monoma. I don’t blame you.” he moved to hand you the bowl of rice. “Can you blame me? That idiot seriously asked you out just to leave you the bill. It’s all bullshit.” he huffed. “You deserve someone better than that idiot.” He crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. You smiled at the food before looking at the boy. “Oh? Like You can do better?” You teased a little, knowing that he was currently taking care of you. “Of course I can!” You looked over at him and smiled before shaking your head. “You’re too cute you know…” His cheeks turned pink and he huffed, turning his attention to the movie before starting it. You started to eat the food, noticing Bakugos gaze on you. He couldn’t help but stare because this was the you he adored. The messy hair, the red cheeks, and how you seemed to steal glances at him. “Bakugo,” He hummed. “Why are you doing all of this for me?”
He sighed softly and looked back at you. “Cause...I dunno.” He huffed and looked at the movie. “I feel guilty in a way? Cause like...I was going to ask you on a date but Monoma asked before I did. But I also am pissed that he treated you this way.” He shook his head and looked at you again. “I guess it’s cause I like you.” You smiled at his answer and moved to snuggle beside him. “You’re an Idiot.” He huffed and flicked your forehead, cheeks red as he put his arm around you. “I like you too.” You said as you finished eating. He hummed with a small smile and just pulled you closer. “So...Does that mean you’re going to take me out to eat tomorrow?” “Sure...I guess. You pick, I’ll pay.”
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
    By this point, You both have graduated from UA, Bakugo is a pro hero, and you both live together. You don’t live in the middle of the city though, A few miles away since you both agreed that privacy was a big thing for you both. He had wanted to propose to you for a while, hell he even had a ring since he graduated because he knew you were the one. He didn’t know what to do, and he knew that he wanted it to be private since public proposals were too stressful for you. He ended up just ordering flowers for you, adding the note, and placing the ring inside.
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N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
    Not extremely romantic. He mainly uses Babe and baby, but when youre in a pissy mood, he loves calling you “Affection Rabbit” which is a joke since you call him “Love bunny” sometimes.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
    It ends up being fairly obvious when he is crushing or in love with somebody. It starts off with him letting you win an argument or two. Maybe him commenting on how you’ve improved on your skills. Then it turns into him siding with you on a situation, and then affection. He hardly ever raises his voice with you and genuinely cares about your feelings and opinions.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
    He isn’t afraid to brag about you, especially if others are bragging about their lovers too but when it comes to actual affection, he is pretty shy and reserved. He may give you a hug or hold your hand, but he will hardly ever kiss you in public.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
    You never feel unsafe with him because seriously. He has to be in the top 10 best heros. You know you’re safe with him even if he can be a little hot headed and chaotic at times.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
    He isn’t the best when it comes to romance honestly? He tries but ends up stumbling all over the place, so if he tries to be romantic, its similar to the things you see in TV or movies. Now what would he do to make you happy? Damn near anything within reason.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
    He may not go out of his way to make achieving your goals easier, but he will support you. He will cheer you on silently, and feel an immense sense of pride when you do achieve it. On your bad days, he will hold you and tell you reassuring words, but he also won’t let you slack off for too long. You have to earn it.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
    Its a mixture of both routines and random events. He enjoys having a routine and knowing what to expect, but when he is bored or feels like life is getting dull, he will decide to do something to spice up your life. He might add things to the bedroom or try something he saw in a random romance movie, but he will do his best to keep him happy.
U nderstanding - How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
    He likes to think that he knows you well. He doesn’t know everything but he knows a lot about you. When it comes to your past traumas and triggers, he does his best to avoid them but also help you move past them so it no longer hurts you as much as it once did.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
    Your relationship with him is one of the most valuable things in his life. He would give up his life to make sure that you and any family you have with him is safe, just because he knows that he would do anything for you. Including giving up his own life. Not that he’d admit it though
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
    The first couple of dates are actually pretty intimidating because he is so focused on being The best. He actually is really tense and stiff, accidentally stuttering a bit. God his hands are so sweaty too. He even accidentally set off a small explosion when he went to pick up a glass which shattered the poor thing. He was so anxious he had to leave to go calm down for a few minutes. After the first date, you reminded him that you liked him for him and that not everything has to be perfect. He is still a shy mess, but the date gets a lot better after you leave the restaurant to go to the local park. There, he pushes you on the swing, you play tag, and just act like kids. He would never admit it, but it was his favorite date of his life. Even now you both occasionally go to the park at night just to run around and tease each other.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
    Bakugo is very affectionate in private. He can be considered clingy and touch starved, but he also enjoys his moments where he is alone. Normally, he will greet you with a kiss, a hug from behind, or something to let you know he is there. Later on, he will pull you into his lap and cuddle you til you go to bed. On the bad days though, the ones where he can’t save everyone, He needs his space. He will brush his hand against yours, kiss your shoulder, or ruffle your hair. On those days, you just have to be patient. Being a hero also means seeing things that many cannot handle, so he needs time.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
    He steals your perfume/cologne. He can’t help it cause he ends up missing the warmth and your scent, so he often just hides in your bed until you come home. If he isn’t at the house and he is missing you, he imagines you cheering him on or holding him. When he is missing you badly, he will hold the necklace you gave him that has a picture of you inside. It’s his biggest reminder when he is working that you are there for him.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
    He would be willing to do anything to protect those he loves. If you are in any sort of trouble, your life is above his in every way. If he fucks something up, he is willing to make up for it and do the right thing. Hell, if he was forced between working less or losing you? He would find a way to make some time for you just to make sure you are in his life. He may not fully give up being a hero, but he will find a way.
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Eunoia : It comes from the Greek word εὔνοια, meaning "well mind" or "beautiful thinking."
Where your first impression of Todoroki is to avoid him because he reminds you of your dead father.
Todoroki Shouto x reader 
Genre : mainly fluff, some angst and comfort 
Trigger warnings : mentions of death
Words : 1,500
A/N : Hope you enjoy!
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Todoroki Shouto. He was cold, aloof, distant, the list could go on. The average person may have been attracted by his good looks or intrigued by the mysterious aura that surrounded him. This had been proven by Mina's many remarks on his appearance and Midoriya's unsuccessful attempts at being friends with him. Yet you stayed away. It was barely two weeks into the school term but you had already made your intentions clear. Even your new classmates had picked up on it. He reminded you of your recently deceased father, whom too was cold and distant. Neither you or your mum blamed him, but he had become the shell of the loving father and husband he was before. You haven't expected it, but you weren't surprised at the cause. Lives, dozens of lives lost to a villain he was unable to stop. The guilt had eaten away at him alive, to the point where he gave up on himself. Your attention returned back to the class as people piled in, eyes flickering as you racked your head to remember their names, and in walked one of which was the subject of your silence. You were almost certain that his seat was on the other side of the classroom but when his attention turned to you, eyes locked on yours and figure approaching, you acted on your urge to flee. Standing up abruptly from your seat, you looked around, ignoring the bewildered stares of your classmates and you saw the door behind him. There was no way you'd make it to it without having to go past him. So instead you turned and ran to the windows, yanking one open and jumping out, landing roughly on a bush below before running off, ignoring the shouts from your classmates, who all piled on top of each other to peer out of one window. "Y/N either is scared of you or really hates you." Kanimari commented, giving a sad shake of his head to Todoroki before Kirishima smacked him over the head. "Don't be so rude." he scolded. "But it's true." Asui spoke up. "What did you even do to her?" Todoroki raised his eyebrow at her. "Nothing. I haven't even spoken to her once." He kissed his teeth in confusion as he walked back to his seat, lips pursed as he wracked his brain for any reason for you to hate him. Sure his father had reprimanded him for the thought of making friends and he had kept to his wishes fairly well, he couldn't help but wonder at your erratic behaviour. Did you perhaps have a crush on him? There were multiple girls, and sometimes boys, who had a crush on him and he had observed their behaviour on occasions, but he wasn't sure if this was the case, after all you made no attempt what so ever to even talk to him, to get to know him. Perhaps you were shy but not once had he ever seen your eyes on him. He had looked over at you several times, more so than he would like to admit. And so he dismissed this possibility almost immediately.   Was it that you were indeed scared of him? Kaminari had mentioned it before but he couldn't understand why. Fear was something he had his father labelled as. It wasn't that he was scared of him, that had long ago been replaced with hatred and anger. On the other hand, others were certainly scared of the person he distastefully called father. Everyone knew that all the citizens were scared of him, and that was something Todoroki had made sure to be aware of as he trained to be a hero. Was it his appearance? It had to be, he hadn't even spoke to you before and you and him had been classmates for nearly half a month. And so his thoughts wandered. And he questioned if maybe, just maybe, it was his scar that frightened you. ~~~ You had joined the rest of your class in the afternoon for hero training, with All Might, opting to have spent the majority of your day in Recovery Girl's office. She had completely seen through your pathetic excuse of skipping class but she allowed you to stay in her office, telling you that this would be the only time before continuing her work. You slipped onto the field, standing behind Mina as you quietly listened to the instructions your teacher was giving. And luck would have it, you would sparring against Todoroki. With a small pout on your lips you walked towards him, trying to give him your best smile, despite it being very tight lipped and fake. The fight, other than a few acknowledgements here and there, was completely silent, neither of you even attempting to start up a conversation. That was until Todoroki tackled you, pinning you down to ground. "Why do you hate me L/N?" he asked sternly. You spluttered, mind flickering between him physically and then his words. He was above you, chest heaving with ragged breathes as you believe you had put up with a good fight. And his hair, the longer strands blew in the wind as his bangs stuck to his forehead. He looked completely ethereal, sun shining against his face as his eyebrows furrowed tightly into a frown. "E-excuse me?" you squeaked out. "I asked why you hate me." he repeated, inching forwards, cautious to not overwhelm you. After all, he would hate to be anything like his father. "I don't." you said, keeping your eye contact with him as you felt the urge to just sink back into the ground and away from his scrutinising stare. He seemed dissatisfied with your response, sitting back with that all so familiar frown etched on his face. "I don't Todoroki-" He cut you off with an sigh. "You say that but you avoid me." He moved his hand off your arms and brushed away a stray piece of hair that was about to fall into his mouth. "Do I scare you?" he began to ramble, something you had never witnessed the aforementioned male to do. "Is it my personality? I'm not here to make friends so I'm understand I'm often too straightforward and come off as rude but I don't understand, I've never talked to you before?" Your face dropped at the thought that he had taken it the wrong way. Of course you made it pretty obvious that you were avoiding him, heck, you even jumped out of a window to escape the possibility of him starting a conversation with you, but you didn't stop to think how he would take and here you were, watching your usually stoic faced classmate second guess his every move because you, a complete stranger, had decided to take your grief out on the wrong person. "Is it my scar?" His question snapped you out of your thoughts and your mouth hung open at his question. "W-what? No of course not." you shouted. You had taken him by surprise, evident by the way his eyes widen at your outburst. You started to sit up and he shuffled back, now sitting at your feet. You crossed your legs and looked at him sternly. "Don't you ever think that Todoroki." you say sternly. "I get that it's an insecurity of yours, everybody has at least one, but I think you're absolutely stunning, and your scar does absolutely nothing to change my mind at all." You felt your face flush at your comments but you flashed him a small grin. "And no, you don't scare me, and your scar is not at all scary, I'm sorry if I made you think that." You watched as his mouth hung open slightly. His cheeks were dusted a light pink. "T-thank you." he said quietly before continuing. "That's still doesn't answer my question though." You noticed as his face shifted back into a small frown. "It's not your fault I promise." you quickly said, hating the downcast expression on him face. You decided to carry on, sure that he wouldn't be satisfied with such a vague answer. "It's just that you remind me of someone who was close to me that recently passed away." you explained, giving him another, this time slightly smaller, smile and he nodded. "I'm sorry for your loss." he said. You shake your head. "It's alright, it happens to everyone." you said, standing up as you see your other classmates start to walk back to where your teacher was standing. Smoothing down your PE clothes, you held out a hand to Todoroki, who looked up at you from where he sat. “Yeah but-” he began to speak. "Come on, let's go." you smiled, cutting him off as you nodded your head towards where the majority of your class stood. "Alright." he responded, grabbing your hand and you pulled him up before turning around to walk back to the class. Not before noticing the smile that graced his lips. 
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