#like i don't think tumblr is going poof at all - and tbh i don't even think it's gonna deteriorate
queen-mabs-revenge · 11 months
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i've tried this once before and it never worked so but sure why not let's go lol 50k+ posts so i guess that's on me but like....i want my stuff give me my stuff.
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dekupalace · 6 months
RAAAUUGHH UM!!!!!!!!!!!
okay I've been thinking about nadine way too much lately tbh even though I made them just for family bonds. I never had a canon design for them and I still don't but you get some tumblr exclusive nadine lore are you ready here we go
nadine is juuuust older than siffrin by about a year, and their twin siblings were born just before the island went poof. nadine and their siblings were adopted by a couple that were from the island, though nadine has no idea they were adopted (you'd think they would considering the twins just magically appeared in the family one day but they uh. weren't exactly taught how that stuff works yet lol). the parents were kind, and loved nadine as if they were their own child. nadine was happy, and was more than excited to grow up with their new twin siblings!
(on that note, nadine and their twin siblings DO share a birth mother. she was a single mother that knew she couldn't support a family, let alone herself, so the nice couple down the street who could never seem to have children of their own...offered to take the kid [and soon to be kidS] in)
but after the parents went on their "business trip" (they were going to bring the rest of their family from the island to vaugarde), nadine was left to take care of two practical newborns. and considering the parents were both from and ON the island when it went poof, nadine can't remember their features or names...but knows they were supposed to have parents of some sort, otherwise why do they have siblings here to take care of? so...they blame their parents for leaving them behind, because clearly that was their intention, to just...leave them behind to fend for themselves. it changed how nadine views family as a whole for a long, long time.
nadine, nanetta, and noreis were then going from town to town for help, because how can an 11/12-year-old take care of two newborns on their own? they can't. that's when they found dormont and the house.
euphrasie was younger and a little dizzy from time to time (wonder why?) but she and her housemaidens were quick to take in the three and take care of them. and that's when nadine learned about craft, self-defense, how to take care of themselves along with their siblings...and they learned to love again.
with how often they took care of their twin siblings, nadine developed a love for working with and styling hair, and wanted to help people change and come out of their shells just like they did in the house. it took them some extra time in classes to REALLY know what they were doing, but...after a lot of work, and some encouragement from euphrasie, they learned how to craft their special hair dye! despite how creative their craft is...nadine is actually rock craft!
nanetta and noreis are just a little older than bonnie. nanetta (she/her, scissors) is very masc presenting and noreis (he/him, paper) is very fem presenting, but they'll often switch outfits and do each others hair or play with makeup. the only way to really tell them apart is their hair, since nanetta's is short and noreis's is very long. they like to coordinate their words to try and speak at the same time to mess with nadine and their friends, but all of the latter just finds it funny. nanetta is very quiet and well mannered, and likes to spend her time reading and drawing. while noreis likes to play in the mud and climb trees and catch bugs. noreis will often bring small critters or cool looking bugs to nadine and nadine genuinely loves it. noreis will bring shed lizard skin or broken wings/feathers/etc to nanetta and she'll help him press them for scrapbooks. nadine has a whole row in a bookshelf filled with the twins' works.
they live in a shared house with their friends at the edge of town (the one by the ocean, where their shop is!) and they all work together to help raise nanetta and noreis and...take care of each other, too. all of them have some shared conflicts with family, but they find family in each other instead. with change, they can help, they can protect, and they can love...
then one day, during a festival of change, nadine saw a traveler a bit overwhelmed from the noise and crowd... and that's where a new story began.
now then...........
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it's YOUR TURN to infodump to ME!!!!!!!
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willel · 2 years
Tumblr poofed my post before I finished it 😢 All my excitement has been ever so slightly dulled. I have to type this out in a text editor first in case it happens again. I'll make the intro briefer than I originally did.
My rating for the season are: Season 1 > 2 > 4 >>> 3
Still not entirely happy with some plot distribution, but overall I like where the supernatural plot is going and I liked how certain relationships finally got something.
More below!
I guess I'll start again with the WillEl scenes. Especially the hug. I shit you not, that is the first time I've ever cried about Stranger Things ever. I say cried but I was smiling and giggling like a mad woman as tears ran down my face. I rewinded it a few times to make sure I wasn't dreaming.
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Only thing that made me mad is Jonathan didn't join. What the heck big bro, stop trying to be cool!!!! HUG THEM
Well, he does hug Will at least.
I didn't really say much because I suspected this would happen, but once again Will is trying to set his feelings aside for the sake of other people. And well, what can he really do? He loves Mike. But he also loves El. She saved his life, and they welcomed her into their home. He is her sister and he truly feels that way, you can tell. So he wasn't going to do anything even though he technically did confess and then slapped El's name on it.
That poor kid, it's unfair. 😔 Stuck between a rock and a hard place. I wonder if he truly feels fulfilled this way. Probably not. I wonder where this plot thread will go.
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I would've loved if Will managed to say more, but maybe Jonathan knows that he couldn't, therefore, didn't ask. Jonathan allowed Will to come out without saying anything. Just, "Absolutely nothing will change that. Ok?"
I love the Byers + El. I truly truly do. My angels.
Ok ok, next thing popping out in my mind! LUCAS AND MAX! OH MY GOSH!!! That note passing thing was so sweet 😥😥 Sadly I was partially spoiled on this bit because everyone was saying Max would end up in a coma and I couldn't avoid it. I didn't know how it would happen of course. Poor Max. And Lucas oh my gosh, that fight? I'm glad he won out in the end. He saw someone he loved was in danger and kicked his ass into gear. Sadly it was too late. Lucas crying???? Definitely the second time I cried. I say cried, but I was still smiling and giggling even though it was devestating. Maybe I'm a crazy person.
If I had to guess what's happening to Max, I'd say Vecna did manage to get her soul. But her body is still in tact so maybe upon defeating them Max will be freed. That's my guess. But this post isn't for plot guessing!
Next we have Joyce and Hopper! An expected outcome for sure, though I guess I didn't expect they'd make out. How gross are their mouths exactly? It's all I could think about. Disgusting. But hey, I guess after everything that happened they don't care about a little plagque squapping.
JOYCE SAVED HIM MORE THAN ONCE! She wasn't gonna stand by and let what happened to Bob happen to him!
I'm shocked that their Russian pals and everyone got out of there alive! Especially Murray, I was real worried so I'm glad he's ok tbh.
Eddie! Once again, another spoiler I couldn't avoid. I didn't know how it would happen, but I kinda expected it somehow. It was sadder than I thought it'd be. I wasn't attached to Eddie exactly, but I felt really bad for Dustin. And I did feel bad that Eddie never got to clear his name and for his uncle. His uncle clearly loved him SO MUCH, it's so sad they didn't get to reunite. This is the first time Dustin and Lucas are facing a real loss close to them.
I'm glad the jock is dead. Jason was it? It was terrifying seeing him dissentigrate though. I'm guessing that's what happened to all the people who got in the path of the big gate. But why??? Why did they dissentigrate and not just fall through? Isn't that kinda weird?
I'm mad I didn't get my "See? We're gonna fix it" line from Will but whatever >:C Hopper reunion! I guess they really want to make sure season 5 is all set up.
JOYCE HUGGING HER BOYS HGNOEGNRJHHNRHHF JOYCE HUGGING EL RGHWSNROUJWRSNHOWRHNWIRHNIWORKHNWHNRRG Fucking finally. I get to drop the fbomb. It's about damn time. I'm giffing EVERYTHING after I reblog everyone else's gifs.
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Ok ok, anymore thoughts up in this noggin?
I am VERY disappointed in what the did with the Jonathan and Nancy situation. I mentioned how in my lost post that they were setting up plot threads for season 5 and this is one of them. They didn't let Jonathan come clean and once again they seemingly have Nancy questioning things. :/ I feel like there's so much they could do with Jonathan and Nancy that isn't this. Even if their relationship was on the rocks again, why do you need to include Steve? I hate it. I'm not a super big shipper or anything but I … hate it. Love triangles are annoying, especially when they've already be buried.
I like what they did with Robin and Vickie. I assume by next season it'll be more than just flirting.
Also what the hell, why is anyone gonna stay in Hawkins after that huh????? Everyone needs to evacuate.
Also where the hell is Owens huh? They all just abandoned him there but I guess he was on a time crunch. I guess that woman is gonna take over for Owens and Owens is probably being detained.
Oh right! Hopper and El's ruinion! That was really cute how they commented on the matching hair. Aw, he's so happy and she is too. The whole family is finally here~
Anything else anything else……..
Oh right! I did sorta predict it would end on a Will cliffhanger and it certainly did. I'll save my thoughts on Will, El, and the supernatural for later.
I think that covers all my initial thoughts! More posts will definitely follow with more defined things to say.
I did like it, I am way more satisfied by this ending that I was by the entirety of season 3. I don't feel like I'm in a limbo of did I like it or did I hate it. I firmly liked it. For that, I am grateful. I'm sure I'll pick it apart and find issues later but I don't immediately feels like there's a dictionary full like there was for season 3. I got lots of character interactions (like Will and El hugging Dustin and Lucas. Felt so satsifying). So yeah. Cheers!
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Howdy guys! I have some news today for y'all, just a small update on some stuff but I'd appreciate it if y'all who still exist here would read!
Here's a watercolor piece I finished recently uwu sorry for not posting here often anymore, tumblr mobile is how I mainly accessed tumblr and it's like super shitty.
Even after I switched from apple to Samsung when I got a new phone back in July, so I've hopped around a little and I think I'm going to officially start using Instagram a bit more. I'll still post here occasionally for y'all who don't have Instagram and are too lazy to make one though so don't worry XD
Ok so now to some important news! If any of my mutuals have dms with me or people who actually contacted me (unlike some who basically haven't talked to me since they made a request which is a bummer) about request have dms open then message me on whether or not you have an Instagram so we can maybe do more stuff there? ^_^" I'm not joking about tumblr mobile going to shit for me: notifications don't work like at all and are super janky, my dms are oddly changing order even though I haven't touched some in a long time, and sometimes I cant even make post cause the button just poofs even when I close and reopen the app >_<" if I have a dm with you or y'all have wondered why I keep dying, when I started using tumblr less is when these problems started. I literally am having technical problems that carried over to a completely new and different branded phone than my old one. I'm sure I'm not the only one here with these kinds of issues, and of course now most of my notifs are literally pron bots following me or liking random old ass post of mine.
I'm super disappointed in what's happened to tumblr tbh since I didn't think this hellsite could actually get worse ._. Except now it's in quality too rather than just a bunch of its content. I'll stick around because the tumblr website itself still works pretty decently for me, but I'm not on my laptop for media as much so activity will be slowed until I can figure out how to rise from the grave permanently oof. Also irl life has also kept me super busy and my art time is restricted to school sketchbook doodles. This art here is literally art I did for my AP class and i put many days of at home work into it as school days =_=""" I'm hella tired. Good news is you'll guys probably can see more improvement on my art since I am taking 3 art classes and I'm gonna try and post my work from those at least.
Also I know I've typed a bunch so I apologize for the long ass message most of y'all probably won't read and probably won't even see tbh, but I got one more very important thing to say. Everyone who has dropped contact with me who had request, I am no longer going to waste time and effort into them since I have asked many times for those who haven't talked to me to rekindle a convo since a while back all my dms were poofed and I messaged who I could track down. I've had no new people come up since the ones I've messaged myself so all those requests will be moved to my discarded/incomplete folder and I will no longer work on them until you come out of the dark and ask. I've gotten behind on art request for other people because of time wasted on these and I owe several people art now, which I apologize for those who have been waiting btw I've been doing my best but things keep getting difficult. Please understand that I'm not being rude by doing this, I just can't overstress myself anymore over these because it's hindering my ability to create for others and I feel hella shitty about being pushed behind and basically being ghosted. I'm going to use all the free time I have working on art I owe to people who still speak to me, figuring out job stuff, trying to set up a college portfolio since these are taking up most of my time. Once I completely finish these hopefully I can start doing more of what I love on here and other social media sites than just for school and shit.
Ok that's finally it now phew! Sorry again for the long post, and some cursing oof, I hope y'all have a fabulous day/night! ^w^
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karak9 · 5 years
Another stupid long post about how I don't know my own fucking gender
This is honestly just copied and pasted from a yt comment I made on an older vid and I figured I'd share it here bc tumblr loves this shit I guess lol. God damn I've been questioning my gender for so long and ik rn im prob not still in the best position to be thinking about deep life shit like where I am mentally and im dealing with a lot in my life and also very insecure about potentially being trans bc a lot of my friends don't seem like they would be very accepting and my bf is only really into girls. I asked him how he would feel if I was nonbinary or looked like a boy and he just said he wasn't totally sure but he's only attracted to girls :c he's the sweetest bf in existence and im honestly so afraid of losing him, so aside from obviously not wanting to deal with all the other trans shit, I definitely hope im not trans bc I don't wanna lose him. Anyways, ill start with my childhood I guess. I was always super tomboyish. My older sisters (im the youngest sibling btw) were always p tomboyish so maybe I kinda got it from them but I kinda felt like I was more tomboyish than them? I felt like I was the most boyish girl I knew, like even meeting other tomboy girls in elementary school I felt like I couldn't really relate to them or like they couldnt relate to me enough idk. I also remember once making up a song about being like so tomboyish that I was basically a boy or something along those lines and sang it to my best friend at the time who I copied like all the fkin time (it honestly wasnt healthy lmao I didn't have good parents, also I think I started making up songs bc she did that and I wanted to like impress her), but she thought it was stupid and weird so I just forgot about it and moved on. I was embarrassed to even enjoy playing with dolls or play dress up games online and was determined to play masculine games like runescape (even tho I ended up doing girly shit in runescape anyways lmao) and considered myself one of the guys. In 5th grade when I started needing to wear a bra I absolutely didn't want to, tho some girls in my class thought it was weird I didn't wear a bra when they found out and that made me more insecure about it, but since then I've p much only worn sports bras. I have bought some more normal bras bc I wanted to look attractive in them for my SO or whatever but I still highly prefer my sports bras and can't stand wearing the other ones unless I have to bc my sports bras aren't clean lmfao. I always hated talking about genitalia and breasts n shit but that could just be bc of how I was raised and how my family was always so strict and such radical Christians and anything sex related was a sin, idk if its dysphoria or not. I've never rlly liked my chest and hated showing cleavage like so god damn much and still do but maybe that's the same thing or maybe I just want smaller boobs and that's it idk??? Like I'd want to appear to have a completely flat chest at least, idk if I'd want to actually like have a guy chest or not? Also huge issue with ppl seeing me naked or touching my boobs but again idk if that's gender related or just a normal issue I have. Tho I had a friend in high school (a girl, a very weird lewd girl) who would occasionally grope my chest randomly and it wasn't a huge issue but kinda made me uncomfortable and more aware of my chest. I really like when I wear big hoodies or when I lean over so my shirt kinda poofs out and it looks like I have a flat chest underneath. Though im not super uncomfortable with my boobs, like normally ill want nothing to do with them but I don't mind my SO touching them especially if they're really into it. I wouldn't say im rlly dysphoric about between my legs either, like yeah I think its weird and I hate monthlies and stuff but I think that's normal. I think if i woke up one day and had a dick I would be fine with it, I'd prob even enjoy it tbh lmao. I once had a dream that i was, well, a male dog like,,, ya know, with a female dog, and not to sound weird af (hey we were both dogs ok) but I think i kinda enjoyed it? I don't really remember any other dreams where I remember actually having a dick or feeling it but I've had several dreams as a male person, but p much all of them were like, I was seeing through a character's eyes or smth, not really that I was a guy, so idk if that's normal. I have the same dreams about being other girl characters, I'd say its split about 50/50. Because of this game community im in, a lot of ppl assume im a guy, and a lot of people still think im a guy and I haven't really bothered to correct them but idk if I find it more enjoyable bc its funny or if I enjoy not being referred to as female for once. I'll admit I feel most comfortable referred to as they/them, like without a doubt, if I could go by only 1 set of pronouns for the rest of my life it would be they/them. But ik that's not enough to call myself trans. I definitely wouldn't want to be 100% male. Like if I imagine myself as a grown man vs a grown woman id prob choose to be a woman. I don't like my voice but I think that's mostly just bc I sound 10 years younger than I actually am, and wouldn't really want a deep/masculine voice. Like a "tomboy" voice would be fine if that makes sense? I don't want facial hair or want to have a masculine body, I like that I have curves and soft skin and small hands. Personally I like my hair long bc its soft and people love it, but sometimes I kinda wish I had short hair and could pass as a boy. Like I'd wanna be a typical cute kpop boy ngl lmfao. I like the whole cute androgynous/feminine boy look and wish I could pull it off. Tho I also like really girly things sometimes and am okay being seen as a girl, i just want to be cute and attractive. Ik whether im trans or not I like being a mix of feminine and masculine, tho I admit in the past I've been kinda insecure bc I used to be super sure I was nb and thought me liking girly things and wanting to still havd long hair and wear girly clothes made me seem like "not trans enough" or whatever. But i guess here I am questioning myself again anyways. If I am nb, it sucks that ill never really be able to be openly myself and all but I've accepted by now that I kinda have to pick a binary and choose what I want to be seen as for the rest of my life, and im ok with being female. There are some things I dont like about my body whether they're really gender related or not but I can't afford to transition and wouldn't like most of the effects of T and am afraid of surgery and not sure I want top surgery enough to ever get it anyways, but I think if we lived in a perfect world and I could magically change my body at will and I wasnt afraid of judgment or being unattractive or whatever, I'd probably want to look androgynous and itd be cool to be able to change my genitalia at will lmao. If I had to choose 1 genitalia over the over I honestly have no idea what I'd choose but I have no desire to ever get bottom surgery, at the same time tho I honestly wanna someday get surgery or w/e to never be able to get pregnant. I just could not handle pregnancy or giving birth and I don't even like babies and breast feeding sounds awful so if I ever have kids they will be adopted 100% and most likely be older and like not newborn babies lmfao, babies are honestly so weird to me and they stink and cry and they're so fragile and im so afraid of like dropping them when I hold them lmao. But I like my nieces and nephews and I like being the cool aunt (is there a gender neutral version of aunt/uncle?) who lets them use my art supplies and helps them do fun stuff even if I get tired of them sometimes lol. Idk if that's gender related either but yeah I guess. This if kind of a more recent thing but I often say I'd make a great bf kinda as a joke bc of how I am in relationships like being the stereotypical sweet bf type who makes things for their partner a lot and wants to be their knight in shining armor and their protector and all that, but again prob not rlly trans related lmao just thought I'd throw that out there I guess. So when I was 17 was when I really started getting into trans stuff, prior to that I mostly just learned from my parents that trans ppl were "against god" and all that bs, and eventually started realizing lgbt+ isn't as bad as my family said and later realized I was bi. But anyways I met an agender person online when i was 17ish and I'd never heard it before and thought it was really interesting and asked them how you know you're agender bc after hearing their explanation of it i thought it described how I felt, but ofc they weren't transmed and just described it as being like a deep feeling or whatever and since then i started calling myself agender (and switched between a few labels but basically nonbinary) until my transmed friend told me I was ridiculous and that I wasn't trans, and honestly he was a huge dick but im a huge pushover lmao and I thought well he's trans so he must know what he's talking about, and though I felt discouraged about it I stopped calling myself nonbinary. Then I began questioning it again after not too long and basically since then I've been questioning my gender off and on. I'm now 22 and god I fucking hope im cis but also I feel like a part of me doesn't want to be cis if that makes sense?? Idk if that's because I don't like being a girl for some weird deep reason I don't know about despite being pretty sure I've gotten a lot of my feelings and their reasons behind them figured out, or if it's because I am trans and dont want to force myself to pretend im a girl 100% forever. At the very least, whatever the fuck my gender is, I want to continue going by they\them wherever I can and pretending to be a boy to strangers online and I'd love to cosplay male characters and bind and occasionally just dress masculine for the hell of it and probably wear sports bras for the rest of my life. I feel like in a way I cang possibly be trans because I can live with all of those things and be fairly comfortable still being seen as female for the rest of my life. But idk, I have bpd and other mental shit so sometimes im not great with my feelings (tho I do try really hard to identify all of my feelings/emotions and stuff) but at the same time bpd can cause weird identity shit so maybe its just a weird mix of a bunch of crap and im not actually trans but just weird and tomboyish enough to question my gender for 5 years and still be unsure. Also I know a lot of ppl suggest talking to a therapist/psychologist/whatever professional and trust me I would love to but I can't currently and am unsure when ill be able to bc they're expensive and I live in the middle of fucking nowhere so finding a decent therapist around where I live rn is going to be very difficult. Also, I have fucking crippling social anxiety lmao like I'd be so afraid to open up about this stuff even to a professional. So if anyone could suggest anything online that could help that would be amazing
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Hey Guys it's been a while since I last wrote here like 4 years ago lol so many things happened already and I don't know why I've decided to not share it with you anymore oooppss my bad, but now I'm back at it again like I've been locked out of tumblr for 4 year can't imagine my last post was yeah my bestfriends birthday. Now I'm planning to post his birthday again but 4yrs ahead from the last. Well actually he doesn't really know that a big factor of me writing here was him, idk I just I can't even explain..lol tbh I really don't know where to start, actually can I start on my birthday last yr? I went back to the Philippines to celebrate my birthday last year 2019 my plan was to really surprise him, I din't tell him I was going and that I had ticket already so I went to see him my 1st time traveling back after 6years, to be quite frank I miss him, like I told myself amma hug this guy if I see him, I planned everything like how to surprise him and stuff, his sister helped me..shout out to his sister by the way, we went to his work and pretended to be a customer, a staff assisted us and knew the sister right away so she's like "you want me to call your brother?" And sis said "yeah please.. can u tell him there's a customer complaining or something" so the staff left and called him, I was hiding in the shelves pretending to look for a product I need to buy.. and then they saw each other.. he was like "what brings you here sis?" And sis said "before anything I heard at the last aisle there's a customer complaining can you check and help them out?" Then they both went to my direction and he was like (jaw dropping moment) "wth?? Are you real? Why are you here? How?" And he's so happy like leggit happy. It got akward at some point so if you're wondering if I ever hugged him after that nope.. I din't even get the chance but I really wanted to.. we actually almost forgot to take selfie but yo girl remembered so here is the 1st selfie :
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The photo felt akward right? Idk I shuda hugged him or do something that'll make us like how we use to idk really but yeah that was it.. we've talked for a bit and then he had to go back to work so he told us to wait for his break so he can get us something.. so we've waited for hours (but it was fun cause I get to see the place and the sister toured me around) after hours of waiting he finally came and grab us food I was so shy.. I'm not used to people treating me I always treat people but he said "it's okay all on me" realtalk he doesn't know this I am the happiest when he's doing that.. we then ate our food and took selfies again :
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After that we went home. I've texted him and said sorry for pranking/surprising him and that he should come for my birthday celebration on the weekend. He said he can't cause of work, I was so sad..can't even tell him that I've wanted to be with him on my birthday.. so he should come with me and other friends.. anyway the celebration is actually right after my birthday, I felt bad I think he figured that out easily so he asked me "are you free on your birthday? Like the actually day? It's friday but I can make it work..do you want to go with me?" And I was like Geez do you really have to ask? I would say yes in a heart beat lol if you know me..so yes it is. At first I told him we'll just gonna watch a movie but then after movie we want to SKY RANCH, my 1st time after a long time, been there once but they were actually building it still so most of it aren't available to ride so I guess it's my 1st time 1st time. I was so happy, couldn't contain it.. I took lots of selfies and a polaroid, told him if the polaroid won't turn out good he gotta keep it in his wallet it turned out fine but he still kept it :
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Asked him to take a shot for me because there's only one copy idk if he's still keepin it. And here's the selfies :
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Posted it on IG story because I was so happy can't even forget..how could you it's your birthday brah... I felt it..everything that day is special from the movies up until dinner time.. I thought at some point he's gonna go home soon and I don't want the day to end yet so I texted my Family if they can come over so we can celebrate my birthday there, like even just dinner.. so I told him that my Family is coming and We're having dinner, In my head I thought he's gonna say "ok I'll leave you with them then" but he din't instead he stayed, we've waited for hours (but again it was fun cause we get to talk and laugh together again) finally they came.. we ate dinner and took selfies again:
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My Mom with my Brother and his Family and Him and then poof the day ended.
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