#like hypothetically we get to the rut scene
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tennessoui · 6 months ago
#6, #20, and/or #38 for Road Trip AU my beloved!
ooo thank you for these road trip au (a/b/o dynamics within)!! i will answer them all and then just write a few paragraphs for one :D
6. Who would beg the other not to leave? Who has to leave to protect the other?
ok what an interesting question for road trip au cause you know they've probably thought loosely about how one of them should move out because they're too attached and this is gonna end in heartbreak
but like the moment the other one is like 'hey let's resign the lease together forever and ever', the first one is like 'yeah of ocurse lets do it. best friend roommates for life.'
but in the hypothetical next chapter for the fic, it's anakin that goes into rut and then refuses to let obi-wan be in the room with him for his safety and to try and respect obi-wan's wishes - and obi-wan definitely irrationally feels like this means anakin has left/doesn't want him at all anymore
20. Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
oooo the "you are my sunshine" song but when they hear it/sing it, they're both convinced the other one is the "you"
38. Who is more sexually experimental? Who’s more vanilla?
i think there's a moment in the fic/christmas fic where obi-wan mentions a hot professor flying into town and meeting up for some casual bdsm (which he never would have agreed to if he knew at the same time anakin was meeting jezebel) so i feel like obi-wan's more sexually experimental. he can separate his instincts from every day life super well (for everyone but anakin ofc). i'm sure anakin has done his own experimenting with kinks and such but you'd never know he likes to toss people around for how gently he places obi-wan in the bed lol
and for the writing! 20. what's their song (feat some post-get together fluff):
Obi-Wan wakes blearily to the feeling of the mattress shifting beneath him, the weighted blanket of Anakin's arm moving away. He lets out a noise of protest, though it's not nearly as indignant as he intends, residual sleepiness stealing the edge of his irritation.
"Hush," Anakin murmurs, hand carding gently through his hair as he pulls away. "I heard her shifting around on the monitor, she's about to wake up."
The worst part is, the alpha sounds downright chipper about it, as if their infant's fussy sleeps are like little tiny miracles or unexpected snow days that cancel school.
Obi-Wan grunts and rolls over into Anakin's warm spot. If Anakin wants to get up this time, then he's not going to complain. If Anakin wants to get up every time, in fact, Obi-Wan isn't going to complain. Obi-Wan's worked night shifts most of his adult life. On parental leave with a partner willing and eager to get up in the middle of the night to feed his daughter, to change his daughter, to cuddle his daughter back to sleep, Obi-Wan's not getting up for anything.
The apartment is quiet and still, the only sounds being the faint shifting noises coming from the baby monitor as his daughter fusses herself awake. Obi-Wan rolls his head to the side and squints at the digital clock on Anakin's side of the bed. 2:12.
Later than usual, but still far too damn early. He rolls back to look at the ceiling, trying to convince his body to relax back into the sleep he so desperately needs, even though he knows it's already a lost cause. After six months sleeping beside Anakin Skywalker, he can't sleep alone. He's forgotten how.
When the baby monitor crackles alive with the sound of Anakin's croons, just a moment before his daughter's first shrill cry, Obi-Wan sits up and slips his feet into the slippers by his bed. He knows what comes next, and suddenly he does not want to miss this.
By the time he convinces his old bones and sore body to walk from the warmth and comfort of Anakin's (and now his too) bedroom to the nursery--Obi-Wan's old room--Anakin has picked up his daughter and has begun to pace around the room. He's already on the second verse.
"When I awoke dear, I was mistaken," his alpha murmur-sings, large hand completely engulfing the back of her head as he sways in place. Her cries have dropped to steady whimpers. "So I hung my head and cried."
Obi-Wan leans against the open door and looks at them. It's with a kernel of satisfaction that he thinks that he'd been right. Anakin was made to be a father. He was so good at it. So beautiful with his baby in his arms, expression soft and open and vulnerable and so sweet that Obi-Wan almost thinks that perhaps he's not supposed to be looking at this. Even though she's his daughter, and he's his alpha.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine," Anakin sings, with such wonder in his tone that Obi-Wan pushes off the doorway and enters the room just to be closer to him. His presence seems to take Anakin by surprise, because the alpha blinks at him before frowning lightly, running his hand over the top of her head as he takes in Obi-Wan's presence. "You're supposed to be asleep, baby."
"I named her after that song, you know," Obi-Wan murmurs, stepping forward until he can run a finger down her soft cheek. He rests his chin on Anakin's shoulder, wrapping an arm around his waist. "Rey, like ray of sunshine."
"Oh," Anakin says. "No, I didn't know that."
"Because you used to sing me that song," Obi-Wan adds, turning and pressing his lips to the bare skin of Anakin's neck. "When I was exhausted from work or sick or you thought I was asleep."
"I definitely thought you were asleep," Anakin says, eyes falling back to his baby. She's gone back to sleep. Little Rey Kenobi-Skywalker, curled up on her father's chest and fast asleep as if she'd never fussed at all.
"I used to hear that song and think about you," Obi-Wan admits. "You'll never know, dear, how much I love you..."
"That's funny, sweetheart," Anakin replies, turning towards him so that the baby is kept safely between their bodies and Anakin can look at him with dark eyes. "Cause I used to sing that to you and mean every word."
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olderthannetfic · 2 years ago
With all this talk about AI, the one perspective that appears missing from the discussion is that of someone who actually uses AI writing tools in production of their fanfic. So here I am, stepping in to provide my (anonymous) two cents.
I've been using a generative AI program especially made for creative writers for several months now. Initially, I had a lot of the same reservations I'm hearing form others, but I was curious about the tech and wanted to try it for myself. I quickly discovered that it's insanely useful, and I truly believe it has improved my writing. 
I also believe these tools will become commonplace among creative writers in the near future. In fact, I've heard that generative AI is coming to a writing software near you (MS Word to be exact), and I suspect that that once more people have actually tried it, use of AI will begin to seem no more remarkable than the use of spelling or grammar checkers does now. 
In the meantime, as you can see, I am staying anon, and there is absolutely no way I would tag my fanfic as AI assisted given the current environment. People are very quick to make assumptions about what a statement like that means, and are all too hasty in reaching for their pitchforks.
As far as I can tell, the main concern seems to be that Ao3 will be flooded with 'bad' fanfic as a result of AI use. But 'bad' fanfic has been a thing for as long as I've been in fandom (decades, at this point), and in my experience, human beings are perfectly capable of writing poorly without any help from machines. Readers are, as always, advised to curate their own reading experience. The 'back' button works the same as it always did, and someone's possible use of AI changes nothing about that. 
But the general assumption that AI input automatically leads to 'bad' writing seems rather short-sighted. Yes, obviously if someone were to go to ChatGPT and tell it to write them a fanfic in 'x' fandon about 'x' pairing, the output would be bland, generic and probably a bit rambling. AIs are not great storytellers; they can't maintain narrative logic. 
If this hypothetical person then copy-pasted the unedited output directly onto Ao3 and called it a story, the result would most likely qualify as 'bad' fanfic. Whether it would be worse than a story the same person might have written on their own is debatable. Our hypothetical protagonist obviously decided that the output was good enough as it was, and chose to post it without bothering to edit, which suggests (at least to me) that they would have similar standards about a story they'd written without an AI.
Since the above seems to be the scenario everyone has in mind when talking about "AI fic," I would like to point out that what I just described is not the only way to use AI in one's writing. My own use is more akin to using an online thesaurus; a very powerful thesaurus that can make suggestions for things like phrasings, descriptions, dialogue, and so on. The key there is that it makes suggestions. 
My AI assistant is smart enough to 'read' the scene I'm working on and tailor its suggestions to the mood, style and context of what I'm writing. But it's still my story. The AI doesn't write it for me. I'm the one who sifts through those suggestions, takes the bits that work, and shapes them into useful text. Sometimes the AI comes up with amazing things. I wasn't kidding when I said it's improved my writing - and my rewriting. It knocks me out of those mental ruts we writers tend to get into, coming up with descriptions and turns of phrase that I wouldn't have thought of on my own. 
But it's still just a tool, and at the end of the day, I'm still the writer. The words that end up on the page do so because I chose them. Those writerly choices are what make the story mine, regardless of where the words might have originated from. And whether they came from my brain or the AI, they are still subject to the same standards of rewriting, editing and proofing.
So no, I don't think I'm going to be tagging my fic with an AI disclosure statement any time soon. Not until the current moral panic dies down to the point where people don't read that and automatically assume it means 'copy-pasted from ChatGPT.' And for anyone who's curious about AI... I suggest you try it for yourself. Play around a little and find out what it's about before making judgments. I think you'll find it's a tool like any other - and just like any tool, it can be used well or it can be used badly. That's entirely in the hands of the human being using it - which is one thing that hasn't changed, and never should.
Yeah, I fail to see any major issue with more sucky fanfic getting posted. That's just the default for big fic archives.
The actual problem problems we're seeing are with paid markets with open submissions that get flooded beyond what staff can handle and big corporations replacing humans they already try not to pay.
The main potential issue I see with other uses of AI is that it may end up with samey suggestions, but it's hard to know how much that's 1. a thing and 2. an actual issue when writing genre stuff that often sounds samey on purpose and where that's a desirable characteristic.
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jandjsalmon · 5 years ago
So let’s talk Banana Split. 
I did this mini review thing with Dylan’s last film (if you’re into crazy hot crazy boys - check out my review here) - and I’m not going to get super detailed into Banana Split as I did with that one - but needless to say, this will be a video and picture heavy review - because look at him. *looks down*
Before I get into the nitty gritty - I just have to say - THIS FILM WAS ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTFUL. I adored it - and probably not for the reason you think I would ... it’s true that the very very best time to be a Dylan fangirl was late 2017 and that December was when Dylan packed up Magnus and headed up to Syracuse to film with Hanna and Liana- but it’s not just about his pretty hair and his pretty face and his pretty hands. It’s not. I promise. 
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Let’s talk about the good of Nick and April’s relationship. They were sweet high school sweethearts. They were each other’s firsts. They had literally nothing in common - save a friendship with Ben (who is absolutely hilarious) - and that built up common ground of growing up together, same town, same school, same life. It’s actually addressed in the first real scene in the movie - other than those things - they really don’t have anything in common. 
But they’re happy - for two years. 
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Sharing baths with your high school boyfriend - but talking about Dumbledore and horcruxes? This is the epitome of hilariousness. It was part of a montage meant to show us their tender moments. I mean, they dated for two years. Nothing Nick has with Clara could compare to two years of this kind of build-up, right? 
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Continuing with that montage - I will never look and lemurs and pandas the same way. Honestly - while Nick is rutting away - telling her she’s his lemur? I nearly DIED of laughter. But I mean, get it. Kink same not kink shame. 
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And let’s take a brief segue to talk about April’s sister Agnes. SHE has a crush on Nick too (of course she does) - and she is HILARIOUS. Whether she’s telling her sister to suck my dick/kiss my ass (their poor mother eventually has to lay down the law about keeping their mouths away from their respective genitals) - or she’s feeling up Nick under the table (making him give her mother and his girlfriend THIS expression) - Agnes was a HIGHLIGHT. SO funny. She’s like 11 years old. Poor Nick.
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But then they broke up. And it was painful. You see - they were graduating from high school and April got accepted to Boston College. Nick got accepted to UCSB. They didn’t talk about it - and then they both cried and broke up. It was hard to watch. When they discussed it later - it was even harder to watch.
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Anyway - after the breakup, Nick moved on. Clara was SO clearly a rebound - and he certainly had a good time with her - sex on the beach - sex in a birthday party hat (aside: notice how the women in the sex scenes in this film are covered up? I LOVE that they went that direction. This is not a misogynistic film in ANY way. But I digress.) - They really do seem like they have a good time together - but it was definitely MORE for Clara that it was for Nick. Definitely.
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AND we were talking about SprouseHands here on tumblr the other day - I offer this picture as evidence that it obviously runs in the family. YAY genetics. You know what they say about big hands! (... big gloves ha ha ha).
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ANYWAY - unfortunately - April and Clara kinda accidentally meet at a party - and find out that they actually have a TON in common and instead of hating each other, they become best friends - on the sly without telling Nick.
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And without letting mutual friend Ben tell Nick either. Which is actually kind of a big thing - because Ben is Nick’s bestie - and he hates lying to his friend. But it’s also hilarious - so roll with it. (in the below scene right after this, the girls take their birth control pills together... because they both have alarms to remind them and they are completely bonkers. lol).
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They even have secret code names on their phone (George Clooney and Brad Pitt respectively) and it ALL comes to a head when Nick realizes that he misses April - thinks about her all the time - and breaks up with Clara when he thinks that April is going home from a party with Ben (she does and there is weird bushes kissing but they both agree it was weird and agree to never do it again). 
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ANYWAY - then the crap hits the fan and Clara goes all #friendsoff with April - throwing a slushee at her head that misses and hits her boobs - and they’re both miserable - and they both want their best friend back. 
It’s funny because neither is really that miserable about Nick. 
His storyline concludes with him telling off April for being the bad guy in this whole thing (she was) - and him making up with his best friend (after sucker punching him). Nick was the sexy lamp in this story - and there is no way around that. It’s a delicious departure from most films like this. 
ANYWAY - the crux of the film is that April and Clara are best friends. And they eventually make up - and it’s adorable and sweet and I LOVED it. The scene below is literally me and MotherMaple btw - I love her but I don’t want to bang her. Ha ha ha.
So yes. Was this a great movie? It TOTALLY was. I will watch it again and again. It was delightful and funny and heartwarming (as heartwarming as you can get when the mains continually make poor decisions, get drunk a lot, get high a lot, and make more poor decisions. 
But I love it for not being a typical romancey movie. Like I said - no one gets Nick at the end (except for Ben - who is an awesome and funny friend) which is a good thing because he deserves to meet a great girl at UCSB who also loves Carly Rae Jepson (unironically) - and the girls are happy to have their long-distance best friendship and that’s awesome too.
I definitely recommend. 
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eloquentbaboon-blog · 8 years ago
Imperfect Rhyme: The Perfect Solution
Ah, there you are - you’ve just written the most amazing riff, using the most surprising chord structure, and sung a vocal melody that would make angels weep. Now, if only you can find that perfect lyric then you will have finally written the PERFECT SONG. Let’s see…this is all about that heartbreaking love affair you had last June. What rhymes with June?? I know, MOON!! There. That was it. That was the moment you lost everybody’s interest. It’s gonna be hard to play your next gig over the sound of the entire audience snoring so damn loud. Don’t buy bigger amps, don’t get some Björk-style Tesla coils that will zap sleepy fans into submission (tempting as that may be). The solution is blessedly simple, you don’t have to use perfect rhyme.
Abandon Reliance on Perfect Rhyme, All Ye Who Enter Here
Rhyming is part and parcel to songwriting. Rhymes make your lyrics more memorable, they allow the lines to connect, they can impart a flow to the words – they bring a sort of musicality even in the absence of music. But cliche rhymes will cause that flow to bleed out – they wear on the listener’s attention span until it trickles away. There’s only so many predictable couplets an ear can withstand before the brain simply tunes it out as so much noise. Moon/June, rain/pain, miss/kiss, hand/understand…zzzzzz. Worse, as a writer you can fall into a trap before the song’s even finished by allowing the meaning and direction of the lyric to be dictated to you:“But, these are the only words that rhyme! I had to write it like this, I’m sorry!” You should be sorry, hypothetical songwriter. You should be.
Ok, we’re gonna talk a bit about the nuts and bolts of language now, but hang in there it’s worth it. Just get a little phonetic knowledge under your belt and you’ll never be short of options when writing again. When we talk rhymes, 99% of people think of perfect rhymes. We all know it when we hear it: sound/round, here/beer, June/moon. In short, perfect rhyme occurs when the final vowel+consonant combination between two words is identical. The vast majority of cliche rhyme crimes are committed because of the desperate search for these perfect rhymes. Now I’m not saying all perfect rhymes are cliche or that you should never use perfect rhyme, but once you abandon reliance on it and learn how to look for more unexpected rhymes, your verbal palate will expand exponentially and your songwriting prowess will level up. Then the next time you finish a song you might think: “No that isn’t a perfect rhyme, but yes that is closer to the actual meaning of the song I set out to write and hey whaddaya know it’s actually something I’ve never heard before, isn’t that clever? Won’t all the people love me now I’ve written something truly original? End Scene”
 Be Friends With Family
There are several different ways to find a thoroughly satisfying imperfect rhyme, but for the moment we’re going to stick with what’s known as Family Rhyme. Family rhyme is a type of imperfect rhyme that occurs when two words have the same final vowel sound but only a similar sounding consonant.
Family rhyme relies on using sounds that are closely related to one another phonetically. Essentially, it’s as close as you can get to perfect rhyme without technically being perfect. And now, time for a visual aid:
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(Note: This chart shows the sounds of consonants in English but in no way reflects how these sounds are actually spelled. For example, the sound of the g in fragile is represented on this chart by the letter j – because English is a language with a long and complex history and often the spelling makes zero phonetic sense. Don’t think so? Here are some other words with the letter g: rouge, bulge, hug, rough. Yeah, that’s what I thought. Oh, add “thought” to that list too.)
This little chart groups consonants in the English language by the way in which the sounds are made and what mouth/tongue position is used to make each sound.
The different columns reflect the 3 different ways these consonant sounds are made – either by allowing for a build-up and release of air (plosives – explosives!), by restricting air as it passes through the mouth (fricatives – think friction), or by resonating the nasal cavity to form the sound (nasals – mmmawp?). Sounds that are formed the same way are called companions.
The top row of voiced consonants are formed when the vocal chords are engaged, the unvoiced consonants are formed without using the vocal chords.
To demonstrate the difference, take a deep breath and breathe out slowly. Now being sure to keep your mouth in the same position, alternate saying “Uhhhhh” while you exhale with saying nothing at all (“Errrr” if you’re British. See, arbitrary spelling!). That’s you engaging your vocal chords. Now try saying “Duh-duh-duh-duh” and then say nothing at all while continuing the same mouth/tongue motions. The “duh-duh” sound is the voiced plosive “d”, the “t-t-“ sound you get from disengaging the vocal chords is its partner “t”. Yeah, you guessed it. Voiced/unvoiced sounds that appear directly opposite each other in the chart (partners) are made using the same mouth/tongue position.
The completionist in me wants to give an example for each sound. Left to right starting with the voiced row: rob, rod, gig – sieve, budge (j), baThe, forces (z), deluge (zh) – seem, seen, sing. Unvoiced: tip, pit, pick – sniff, hatch, bath, trips, splash.
And Then…?
So, how does all this newly found linguistic knowledge help get you out of the rut of relying too much on perfect rhyme? Well, if you can’t find a non-cliche perfect rhyme or need a word that more closely conveys the meaning of the lyric as you envision it, start by searching for a word that has a partner sound to the one you want to rhyme. And, like in life, if you can’t find a decent partner, you should at least be able to find a decent companion. Companion rhymes can be just as good.
Hypothetical Songwriter Finds a Hypothetical Rhyme
Let’s look at an example of this approach in action by coming up with some alternatives for the second line in this couplet (Copyright 2016, by me. I would’ve used an actual famous human’s lyrics, but that would’ve cost money so…womp-womp)
           You say my ambition isn’t serious enough
           You call it a flaw [when I laugh at stuff] Ok, so we’re gonna wanna to fix the obvious placeholder “at stuff” here. Enough/stuff is a perfect rhyme, it’s just a terrible line. We’ll start by listing perfect rhyme options. The sentiment of the lyric is dealing with an overbearing or overly-critical lover. Perfect rhymes for “enough” include:
bluff      cuff       huff       scruff     buff       fluff       puff       snuff chuff     gruff      rough    tough
Hmm, nothing great there.
You call it a flaw when I call your bluff – could work, but there’s no context in the rest of they lyric. What bluff? What are you talking about?
You call it a flaw when I dress too rough. Meh, that’s ok, but it’s a superficial criticism and doesn’t cut as deep as the line could. And it’s a bit awkward.
You call it a flaw, and that’s just rough. Another indifferent solution – just doubling down on the meaning of the previous line without adding any interesting nuance. Also by changing the subject of the criticism, it detracts from the momentum of this section.
You call it a flaw when I’m not tough. Ok, that does work. It’s a bit simplistic, but let’s see how the rest of the section develops.
Right, time to move on to the partner. If we look back at the chart we can see the consonant directly opposite the final f sound in our word enough is the voiced fricative v. So we’re looking for words with the same vowel sound as enough, but ending in v.
above   dove     glove    love      shove
Not a lot going on here either.
You call it a flaw when I fall in love. Hey, good line – makes zero sense in this context though.
You call it a flaw when I’m a dove. Ok, makes sense, but a bit out of place. Someone is usually called a “dove” for their political beliefs.
That’s about it there, how about companions? Always start with the nearest companion/s and expand out from there – the further away you get from the original sound, the more imperfect the rhyme becomes. First up, ch:
clutch   crutch   much    such     touch
Better options here.
You call it a flaw when I use a crutch. Ouch! In the literal sense of someone actually having the gall to criticize you for needing a crutch to walk, that’s pretty good. However a “crutch” can also be a metaphorical one – like maybe, alcohol. So, yeah that could be a flaw indeed. Too vague.
You call it a flaw when I laugh too much. Good. And the closest one yet to the meaning of the original line.
You call it a flaw when I need your touch. Yeah, also an overly harsh criticism so it works in that sense. But “need your touch” is a cliche phrase, and this exercise is all about avoiding cliches so…Next!
Next companion, th:
doth (American accent only…)
Yeahhh, moving on – s:
bus, cuss, discuss, fuss, impetus, plus, radius, stimulus, us, adventurous, ambiguous, analogous, anonymous, arduous, assiduous, blasphemous, boisterous, cancerous, chivalrous, courteous, curious, dangerous, delirious, dubious, envious, fabulous, furious, glorious, hilarious, humorous…
There are actually hundreds of words that could possibly fit here – seriously, give it a moment and you’ll realize these are just a few examples. So very quickly we’ve gone from 12 not-so-great perfect rhymes to literally hundreds of imperfect rhymes with varying degrees of meaning and subtlety, and weeding out the obvious duds still leaves us with dozens of directions the lyric could go. It’s much easier to find a needle in a stack of needles. Our job now is simply sifting through the options to find which needle works best.
I’ve settled on either:
           You call it a flaw when I laugh too much
           You call it a flaw when I’m hilarious
Now to try the two in the context of the whole bar:
You say my ambition isn’t serious enough You call it a flaw when I laugh too much You tell me I’m week, ‘cause you’ve seen me cry And I never lay the law down for you to comply
You say my ambition isn’t serious enough You call it a flaw when I’m hilarious You tell me I’m week, ‘cause you’ve seen me cry And I never lay the law down for you to comply
Difficult to say. Although I love the self-deprecating humor of when I’m hilarious, the fact that it produces the internal rhyme with serious almost makes it flow too well. It’s gonna be another 4 lines before the listener gets a true end-line perfect rhyme, and when I laugh too much makes that payoff bigger by more effectively delaying gratification, and it still manages to flow.
Decisions! And this is just the first batch of words with potential, there are still more to try – we haven’t considered ­sh or any of the companions voiced counterparts yet. Hopefully this example proves the point – with just a little applied phonetic knowledge, there is no shortage of options.
Loose Ends
Moving on from the example above, let’s quickly address why L and R sounds are missing from this whole discussion. Well, L and R stand a bit apart from the rest of the English consonants, phonetically speaking. In fact the only close relationship they have is to each other so the options when trying to find a suitable rhyme can be limited. If you’re having trouble, rewriting the line by ending with a different word might be best.
And lastly, rhyming vowels. The good news: words that end in vowel sounds usually have no shortage of potential perfect rhymes. I, she, you, they – we could go on all day. The bad news is: that’s all you get! There’s no such thing as an imperfect rhyme for an isolated vowel sound.
To truly get the best results from this method, you’re gonna need a grown-up rhyming dictionary. I know what you’re thinking: “But, aren’t there websites that do this for me? Why do I have to think about it?” Well for starters, there are no websites out there that cover everything, especially the more complex compound rhymes. And really the most thorough solution is to use both, of course.
By ‘grown-up’ rhyming dictionary I do NOT mean a simple, most often worn out, list of perfect rhymes. You need one where the words are organized by sound – in other words, phonetically. I whole-heartedly recommend The Complete Rhyming Dictionary, edited by Clement Wood. You should note, though, that this is an American dictionary and therefore everything is grouped according to that accent. Fear not! Many if not most modern singers tend to mimic a flat Midwestern American accent when they sing anyway (yes they do, it’s fine, it’s just a style and there’s historical context to consider), but even if you’re in the outside set that sticks to their regional guns, this book is arranged by sound. Your rhymes will still be in there. And be sure to read the introductory material, it’s worth taking time to familiarize yourself with how the book works. Good luck!
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