#like how he’s unable to see the change in his optics he’s unable to see the changes in himself
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quibbs126 · 24 days ago
Wait, does Megatron know his eyes turned red?
Because like, we and the other characters know his eyes changed color because we can see them. But Megatron can’t see his own eyes, not without a reflection. And I don’t think he had any mirror to look in after his eyes first turned orange, and then to red
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jweekgoji · 5 months ago
I quite like Cybertronian!Reader, who can transform into a motorcycle. So Reader's size is just taller than a human. They can still stand in the palm of a larger Cybertronian's hand. What do you think?
TFO!Chars/Motorcycle!Reader [hcs]
tw: size difference, mentions of possessive/overprotective behavior. chars mentioned: D-16/Megatron, Orion Pax/Optimus Prime, Elita-1, B-127, Sentinel Prime, Darkwing, Airachnid. word count: ~2000 a/n: the size difference is sooo yummy  thank you for request anon
One of the tallest from the miner gang. When D-16 finally gets his cog, be ready for a constant tease from him. I feel like cogless D-16 is the most respectful one, he understands how hard it is for you to fit in a society where physical differences play a huge role in how others would treat you. So every time you get into trouble, he will pick you up and like «my apologies!» before quickly walking away since he does NOT want to be punched for the second time this day. He is a total sweetheart, but please, don't be like Orion.
Cogged D-16 is more bold. He is happy he can finally transform, and he desperately wants to test the limits of his own powers. You might walk next to Orion and Elita-1 one moment, and then he quickly grabs you from behind, placing on his shoulder with a «here, let me help you» which is kinda sweet if you think about it.
He also has that tiny overprotective side in him, which is borders with possessiveness. If Orion tries to ask D-16 about it, he will get defensive. What is wrong with him, helping his fellow bot? He never means to disrespect you, his intentions are pure, it's just happens that he is taller and stronger than you. How ironic.
I still believe that, as Megatron, he never treats you as someone weak and unable to protect yourself. He admits that you're skilled, you are a capable warrior if necessary, but he'd rather keep you close than let you wander around others. His touch is careful, his whole servo covers most of your frame, and he loves it, but he's not sure about the others. He doesn't trust them with you. If other decepticons try to mumble even the slightest insult towards your size and alt-mode, he will act as if they dare to insult Megatron himself. [reader is hot enough to replace you whenever I choose, Starscream!]
Orion Pax/Optimus Prime
Cogless Orion is a huge troublemaker, and he is reckless, despite his good intentions. He constantly wants to prove himself, to Sentinel, to others and to you. He can see you struggle with everyday life, and he wants it to make it better for you. Orion often brings you some tiny energon cubes he stole during one of his secret visits to the archives, or maybe it's some pretty shiny thing he gets you because he knows you love it. When he sees your optics almost sparkling in amazement when he holds a trading card of Micronus Prime and you immediately go to reach it, he will be like «what's the magic wooord~?» playfully making you try and reach for it. He's not a bully, usually he quickly quits it and gives you it anyway, but he just adores that cute, tiny smile on your face.
The height difference between you and Orion once he gets his cog is even more noticeable. But after everything, there are noticeable changes in his behavior. He sees you from a little different perspective (no pun intended), and he practically looses that playful and teasing side of his now that he has many responsibilities on his shoulders.
If Megatron is a bot who prefers to hold you close to himself, standing on his shoulder, Optimus is the one who would kneel so he can look into your optics. Now that he's a Prime, a real, kind and caring one, it might feel a little different for you because with Sentinel everyone was used to looking up at him. What Prime would stand on his knees for a small bot for you? You're dear to him no matter what size you are, and he wants you to know that you're important to him.
^ a tiny addition, but he's the bot who probably would like having you on top of his alt-mode, a tiny bot on top of a truck. It gives more mobility during a fight, and he can be sure you're safe next to him. a cute sight for autobots, but a dangerous combo on the battlefield for others!
Elita doesn't really care if you're short or tall, she is more occupied with her own thoughts about how to deal with today's mission and get her promotion. If you do your job well and listen to her orders without being a trouble, she also has no trouble with you. She's not rude, just a busy woman who is thinking about her career, you know? But if you somehow are friends with her, she can spare a minute or two to have some rest.
I feel like she shares the overprotective trait with D-16 if you're much smaller compared to many other bots. Mines are already dangerous for everyone, so she has to keep her optics on you 24/7 so you wouldn't get in trouble, for example, if you accidentally got stuck by a rock or lost somewhere. She explains it like «I don't want to lose my chances of promotion because of you» but it is only a partially true.
Cogged Elita is as bossy and commanding as before, but now she's more open about her feelings about you. You two have some similarities between your alt-modes, you're both cybertronian motorcycles after all. << but the size difference between her and you are a little funny tbf. She might give you the same treatment as Orion with her «I am better than you» talk, but she quickly adds all your other unique abilities. You're fast, brave and strong despite your size, despite often being teased by others, you never give up and continue to fight. She's inspired, and she makes sure you know that she adores you for it. But when someone else tries to pick on you, she will punch them straight into their face.
You two are both short. Congratulations! But somehow...he's not the shortest on the squad? Bee doesn't see anything wrong with you being small, if anything, he will try to make it look like it's the coolest thing he has ever seen. He is just happy to have new friends, especially the ones who can talk back to him! like «what do you mean you can transform into a motorcycle? that's like super, mega, ultra AWESOME! can you drive while standing on your one wheel? can you do some cool trick??» he's your biggest fan.
B-127 is really touchy with you, mainly because he had never talked with other bots for cycles while being stuck on level 50. He likes to hug you, pull closer to himself, and nuzzle his cheek against your helm, sometimes even doing it without realizing it because he has so much energy and affection he has to release, and you're just around him...it's hard not to give you some love.
This guy probably makes you his victim of loooong, long talks. He will keep you close to himself, and you just HAVE to listen to him talking about Steve, how he struggles to pick a new nickname for himself, and how happy he is to have a cog and finally work for the government...! Bee is very enthusiastic, it doesn't hurt at all, but he has this death grip around your frame that you have no chance but to listen to him. He probably doesn't realize that he holds you, maybe he's unconsciously a little scared of being left all alone.
Sentinel Prime
That man is a bastard. And a huge prick. If he chooses to let you have your own cog, that's probably for his own amusement. I mean, with or without a cog, what difference would it make for him? If anything, he might accidentally kick or step on you if he wasn't careful enough, so consider yourself lucky because he was in a good mood to spare your life. Maybe with a cog, you would be more useful for him?
Personally, see him as a bot who would have you on his shoulder/palm while posing for some photo just because he wants to look like a very respectful guy. Look at him, some tiny two-wheeler and THE Sentinel Prime? Ohh he's so kind and caring for all of his citizens! But he just does this for a boost of confidence and support from other bots. Whatever helps him rule over Iacon and get energon faster?
In private, if you have a closer relationship with him, I can definitely see him loving your small frame the most. Other bots I mentioned before pay a little to no attention to it, for Sentinel this is a thing that makes him feel even more powerful.
He's careful around you, his touch is gentle and soothing, but in his mind, it's tempting and hot; one wrong move, and he can easily damage you, but he never does it because he is in control. You're lucky he likes you or just finds you amusing to keep around. He's a control freak.
^ definitely into holding you on his lap if he has a chance. you can mind your own business until he randomly picks you up and places you where he wants it.
He is a jerk too, but at least he doesn't hide it. It really depends if you just got your cog recently or if you were with it all your life. If you were a cogless miner before, Darkwing has no mercy for you. He needs his work done and fast, after all, it is an order from Sentinel and he doesn't care if it's too hard for you to hold mining equipment that is almost as big as you. Do your job or he will report you, there's no other expectation. << but he might pick on you more than on anyone else just because of your size. Poor you.
If you were born with your cog and one of the elite cybertronians, might be a racer too, I can see him being softer. As a cogged bot you have a lot of free time, and most bots usually spend their time racing or minding their own business but let's say, you are popular enough to be noticed by him, who happens to be your biggest fan. If he spots you walking through the streets of Iacon he will awkwardly approach, holding his poster of you, shyly asking for you to sign it. His height and voice in intimidating but he acts like a total fanboy around you.
The spider lady is scary, intimidating and a little freaky. Most of the time she's really quiet next to you, whenever you are in the same room, listening Sentinel yapping about something unimportant as usual, you will notice her glancing at you. At first you might think it was an accident, the second one as just awkward, the third time she would not look away once you notice her staring. she has that little pleased smirk on her face whenever she sees you.
Airachnid is probably the second one of the tallest bots here. she's taller than Sentinel (but I'm not sure if she's bigger than Megatron with Megatronus cog), her spider-like appearance makes most bots uncomfortable and it will surprise her if you weren't at least a little scared of her. she's not the one to openly tell you that she enjoys the height difference between you and her but her silent interest tells you everything. her optics always focused on you and no matter how small and stealthy you are, you have no chance to make a move past her.
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revelboo · 21 days ago
Hey, hope you're well, got this absolute cursed thing in at work and immediately thought of you. You've heard of Miku ball now get ready for; MEGATRON BALL
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Oh… that is an absolute abomination 🤣
I’m alive, just seem to be getting a sinus infection with a sick headache
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Everything Is Alright Pt 141
Starscream x Reader, Soundwave x Reader, Megatron x Reader
• “Stop looking at me like that. I’m not interested in your squishy assets,” Megatron mutters as you frown up at him. Carrying you toward his habsuite, he vents. Letting Starscream antagonize Soundwave and even potentially stress you out so that you end up having another little episode? As funny as it would be for you to accidentally pass Soundwave’s sparkling to Starscream, he never wants to see you like that again. Feel his spark constrict the way it had when he’d thought you were dying on him, so still in his hands. A part of him wants so much to resent you for scaring him, because he can’t understand why he cared if you lived or died. All he’s sure of is that he wasn’t ready to let you go just yet.
• Scowling and clinging to his servos, you sigh. So he had just nabbed you to aggravate Starscream. “Good. Because I’m not sleeping with you,” you mutter and his optics narrow. And maybe you do like him. When he does something unexpectedly kind, it throws you. Because the picture Star had painted of the warlord before you’d even met him had been of a cruel tyrant. He can be that mech, you’ve seen glimpses, but when Star’s not around, he mostly just seems tired. Completely different when it’s just you and him, like he’s dropping an act that he keeps going for everyone else and that must be exhausting.
• “If I was interested, you wouldn’t be sleeping,” he retorts, annoyed when you just roll your eyes at him. Dismissing him and he has to push down a rumbling growl of annoyance. Remind himself that getting even more involved with you would be a terrible idea. It’s bad enough he’s bonded for life to you. Jaw working he glances at you when you settle yourself more comfortably in his hands. Though, if he’s going to be stuck with you, it might not hurt to at least get some perk from it. Curious despite himself about you and figuring out what it is about you that inspired all of this madness to begin with.
• Wings flicking as he stares at the door, Starscream is half tempted to storm after Megatron. Demand he hand you over. And probably get punched again. But the idea of Megatron rutting against you makes his plating crawl. Turning on Soundwave, he gestures. “You’re just going to let that brute take our mate?” After all, you’re carrying Soundwave’s sparkling, surely he doesn’t trust you to Megatron? Knows he has a better chance to take you back with Soundwave’s help. Megatron at least respects him.
• “Megatron’s in need of stress relief.” Venting as the Seeker’s wings flare aggressively at his words, Soundwave pushes past him. And maybe it does bother him to think of you and Megatron together even though it’s what he’d been pushing for. Picturing the young gladiator he’d approached so long ago, servos wet with someone else’s energon. Angry and defiant. Cruel. He’s still that mech and Soundwave isn’t sure that he can truly be as gentle as you need and deserve, but he hadn’t lied to Starscream. Megatron needs you even if he doesn’t want to admit it. You’re safe with Megatron. He needs to be able to believe that and he needs to check in on his cassettes. On Frenzy and Rumble’s new human and their request for their own space. Everything changing and he hopes it’s for the better.
• Hissing softly, Starscream’s servos flex as he glares after Soundwave. And then he’s striding down the hall, unable to stand the idea of Megatron touching you. Even if you’re fully bonded to the warlord, he can’t trust him to not hurt you. Knows first hand how brutal those big hands can be and can’t let you learn lesson no matter what. You’re still his and he’s going to protect you. Even from yourself if need be. Stress relief. Growling, he grits his denta. That mech isn’t going to harm you while he lives.
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Best boys.
And Starscream
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theoceanoasis · 5 months ago
Rodimus is pregnant after a pitstop on Earth and everyone on the Lost Light is sooooo curious, wondering who the sire is. There's bets that it's either Dratchet's or MiniMeg's or even Thunderclash's because Rodimus is keeping a tight lip on the identity of the sire. And even though they're not the sire/s, they do try to court Rodimus to help him but he gently turns them down.
But surprise! It's actually Soundwave from a one night stand they had on Earth. Not only that but he comes to the Lost Light to woo Rodimus, who thought Soundwave was only interested in his frame but that's far from the truth. He wants to properly court Rodimus and be a family with him.
Rodimus had tried to keep it a secret but after passing out on the bridge his secret was revealed.
He was just coming around when he felt Ratchet scan him and then the medic gasped.
"You're sparked."
Those who'd been waiting for him to wake up also gasped and when he turned on his optics he blushed feeling a little embarrassed that his secret was revealed like that.
"I know."
He didn't say anything else even when people asked about the sire.
Word spread throughout the Lost Light and everyone began placing bets on who the sire was since Rodimus hadn't said anything.
Some thought it was Drift or Ratchet because he was close to them especially Drift. While others pointed out that Ratchet didn't like him and had voted against him as captain.
Other people thought it might have been Megatron or Minimus. While others argued heavily against Megatron being the sire and others thought the couple wouldn't want someone like Rodimus who was the exact opposite to them.
Then someone mentioned Thunderclash and for a while everyone was placing bets on them because who wouldn't love Thunderclash.
Out of all the bets Rodimus hated that one the most. However none of them were right.
He'd been joking about it with Drift until his friend got a serious look on his face and asked him who it was. He'd merely changed the subject refusing to talk about it anymore.
This seems to make his Amica worried because he begins courting him with a reluctant Ratchet. Both of them wanting his sparkling to have a sire.
He didn't even have to think about it before turning them down. However they weren't the only ones who wanted to "help."
Both Minimums and Megatron tried to prove they were worthy of being the sparklings sire. However he refused asking them both to stop.
Thunderclash was a lot harder. He was determined to be the sparklings sire and it was made harder by everyone thinking they were a cute couple. He hated it so much and silently fumed when people talked about what a great guy he was and how his sparkling was so lucky.
Thunderclash followed him around everywhere constantly trying to take care of him even when he could do things by himself.
He was getting tired of everyone bothering him and gossiping behind his back,bthat it was making his carrying so much worse.
He'd just spent the morning throwing up in the bathroom when he heard shouting. He rushed out to see what the commotion was about and found Soundwave coming towards him.
His crew was trying to stop him but Soundwave shoved them out of the way demanding to see him.
"What are you doing here?"
Around him people froze letting Soundwave pass.
"I heard you were sparked."
He blushed glaring at his crew for gossiping so much it got all the way to Earth.
"Is the sparkling mine?"
Unable to deny it he nodded.
Around them people gasped.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't think you'd want them."
"Of course I'd want our sparkling."
"I thought I was nothing more than a one night stand."
"I don't sleep with just anyone."
Soundwave reached out his hands gently stroking his face and he leaned into his touch.
"You are so much more than a one night stand and I've been trying to reach you even before I learned you were sparked."
He felt tears in his optics and Soundwave wiped them away. Around him people were aweing and he pulled Soundwave into his room so they could talk by themselves without everyone listening in.
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jinuaei · 14 days ago
Straight up Transformers x reader rambles and they're probably OOC AF but this is fiction let me live. Also I haven't properly read MTMTE/LL comics, if this is wrong and you want to talk shit, ehhhh you'll live.
I think I wrote this in a way that can be read as Cybertronian reader or Human reader.
I want to whore out Sentinel Prime, tie him up, rail him, just treat him like the slut he is. He wants power? He will find it under you, under your gaze as he lays there to serve you. He will see that you are the one with power within the room that you both occupy, even his size or status is nothing compared to the control that your mere presence has over him.
UGH COCKY LITTLE SHIT SENTINEL PRIME BECOMING A SUBMISSIVE MESS WHEN YOU ARE THERE. I know he'd rather die than to be publicly seen as a SIMP but goddamnit it would be funny to think that one minute Sentinel is passive aggressively insulting someone and the next thing you know he's kneeling in front of you cooing at you, asking how you are and if you want him to grab you refreshments. Him and Starscream. IDGAF if it's ooc I want them literally on their KNEES begging to serve you because just you being happy is enough for them. Or is that more of a Tarn thing?
MMMmm Tarn, the obsessed, the devoted. Perhaps his obsession with the Decepticon cause has shifted towards you and he finds himself listening to more and more of your commands(Its really just you talking about anything) compared to Megatrons original objective and making it as something that Decepticons and DJD should follow. Your word becomes law and you find yourself being followed and revered by this huge purple bot who's body count is in the hundreds, probably even more. Yet you seem to find yourself relaxed under his watchful optic as you know he wouldn't do anything to harm you. The whole DJD becomes your entourage every time you visit some new planet or even just somewhere in Cybertron or something.
When you find yourself unable to sleep, you'll hear a haunting voice echoing through the vents. You might think of it as a ghost, but don't worry! It's just Tarn who knows about your bad sleep schedule and is trying to sing you a lullaby to help you sleep. Maybe just invite him into your habsuite next time, it's probably better than being scared shitless at the deep ass voice singing a ballad.
Though he has the voice that can kill bots with his words, he still finds himself at the mercy of yours. His spark quivers when you speak and every word shoots through him like a laser. He has engraved Megatron's manifesto within his spark and processor, yet slowly but surely, it's getting replaced by yours. Each sentences he has memorized so dearly is now gone, word by word, letter by letter, the whole manifesto becomes redundant, now replaced with your smiles, your interests, your affection... Within such a short time, his objective of hunting down Decepticon traitors has now changed into keeping you happy, even at the expense of other bots.
Additionally, I don't remember if it was .1 percenters or Outliers that are known to be born obsessive, but any bot under that can technically be canonical yanderes. Side eyeing Overlord that plumpy lips little shit.
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love-and-war-on-cybertron · 2 months ago
Since you mentioned dead dove request. 👉👈 Could it be possible to request Synthetic Energon!Ratchet? I feel like that mech would do unspeakable things when horny.
Maybe he has a crush on reader who is a mechanic helping him out, and he gets jealous when he sees reader bond with Knock Out now that he doesn't have the medbay and you to himself. Reader could casually offer to buff/polish Knock and that pushes Ratchet over the edge and just yanks you and takes you to his quarters after giving you the silent treatment all day. Highly doubt that mech would show any restrains.
"How's it Hummin'" Will forever be HOT. Like goddamn sleazy but HOT. Sorry It's being split into a two-parter XP
cw: Heavy Dub-con. Reader wants it, but maybe not quite like that.
It had been innocent. Or so you thought. Ratchet had been moody, especially ever since he tried that synthetic crap. Ignoring you all day, even when you came directly to him, asking if you could help with anything. The huff you received in return was enough to know you didn't want to deal with whatever he was upset about.
Knockout was better company today anyways.
The formerly Decepticon Medic had warmed up to you despite being human. You knew your stuff and didn't joke or distrust him for being a turn coat. You could even share a few laughs and talk about Movies. He offered to let you ride with him to see one at the drive in.
Ratchet mumbled something. You assumed it was annoyance at what ever project he was working on. After some chitchat, you and Knock Out get to work, snarking back and forth. It was a project you had been working on for awhile. Something Ratchet said you didn't need his help on.
A couple hours in, you're taking a break, sitting next to Knock out. He holds up an arm, sighing at a scuff.
"I miss Breakdown. He could get this out and polish it away like it never happened." He seemed lost in thought for a moment.
Knowing what happened to his friend, you felt a little bad, "Well maybe I can Buff that out for you later?" Ratchet drops a tool but you pay it no mind, "I got some tool in my truck if you're okay with human tools. I could-" You stop, seeing Knockout's face.
He isn't looking at you, but past you, Optics wide. Heavy footsteps rapidly approach and knockout backs away, servos held up. He speaks in Cybertronian. There is a sharp response behind you before you are snatched up.
The grip is a bight tight, but nothing damaging. You try to struggle out of it but you're brought up quickly to meet green Optics. "Quiet."
It's Ratchet. What was up his aft? You try to speak again, but he growls at you. The sound and vibration sending a shiver down your spine. He stomps through the base all the way to his quarters. Far in the back. He liked the quiet. You are none-too-gently dumped onto the slap of rock he made into a berth. The room is dark, save for the glow of his eyes. The green makes you uneasy. As does the way he leans close, servos flat on either side of you.
"What's up Ratchet?" You sit up on your elbows, heart racing, trying to keep your voice steady.
The Medic glares down at you, silent. Servos dragging off of the slab as he stands straight. Glowering down at you, he looked even more massive.
"Getting real fragging close to that Con." He spits the last word out.
"He's not a decepticon anymore. You know tha-'
A massive metal fist slams down beside you, his face close. You're bathed in that sick green light. Vision drowned in his optics. His voice, a tense whisper.
"Getting. Real. close."
You start shaking, unable to look away as the mechanics of his optics shift and focus on you. Who was this, cause it sure as hell wasn't Ratchet. All this change started with...
"Ratchet. Come on. You-" you take a shaky breath, "You haven't been yourself. Lets just-"
"No." His voice is firm as he grabs your ankle and drags you to the edge of the berth, "I have never felt more myself. Stronger. Faster. Better. Can't you see it? Can't you see I'm better than everyone else? Especially that scrap excuse for a doctor?"
Trying to scoot away only made his hold on you tighten enough to earn a grunt.
"The frag do you see in him, when I'm right in front of you?"
You had always suspected something, Ratchet was a bit softer with you compared to the other humans. Always excluding you from his complaints about humans. Taking time to talk to you, teaching you about Cybertronian physiology. But this...
"Ratchet, that shit is making you act weird." You say, reaching out to touch the servo that grips you. The large Metal thumb running up and down your leg. It sent another shiver down your spine.
"No, I'ts making me act just right. I'm not holding back anymore." His thumb slides under your shirt.
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valacre · 1 month ago
: ̗̀➛ Valley of Green
Megatron x Reader (+ soft Optimus Prime) - transformers prime
“I’m sorry,” you say, tearing at a few strands of grass, your hand quickly filling up with them. Optimus watches you, sitting beside you on the green hill overlooking the sparsely forested valley.
“Of what are you apologising for, y/n?” asked he, laying a servo upon the ground to lean slightly to the side, getting a better view of you; sitting atop your flowered picnic blanket.
“For being unable to make Megatron turn away from the path of destruction,” you said, dropping the fistful of grass before plucking a few of the nearby flowers. “I… I didn’t try to stop him when he told me we shouldn’t meet again. Honestly, I don’t think I could even if I wanted to. I was just so…” you sigh, frustrated by yourself and how your heart still ached, “I feel so stupid. How could a human like me change someone like him?”
“Don’t speak so lowly of yourself,” said Optimus, chiding you softly, though there was no bite to his tone. He was as gentle as always. “I do not believe this separation will last, even as it relieves me to know that you are safe, but Megatron does not give up so easily,” said he, turning to look at a flock of songbirds flying by, their melodies seeming to echo between the mountains, “I believe his feelings for you are true, and that with this hour of severance, he will have much to think of. It is ever in my hope that he will turn towards the path of redemption, but we must also be prepared for the opposite.” He turned to look at you again, your eyes locking with his optics. “I do not wish to crush your hope, but we cannot ignore the possibility that Megatron will attempt to claim you along with this Earth.”
You are momentarily stunned by his honesty, so used to him keeping harder feelings to himself in hopes of sparing his team, but your growing friendship seems to reward you greatly for you see the truth in his optics, and though it stings your heart to think of it, you know you cannot ignore that fact.
“Thank you,” you say after a moment of hesitation, glancing away only for a second before giving him a lopsided smile. “I appreciate your honesty, Optimus. I… The fact that Megatron was so insistent about me giving up my human body hasn’t ever left my mind, and it is a reason for as to why I feel so conflicted. I…” you look away, shame washing over you, “I still care for him. God, I wish I didn’t sometimes, but the thought of never seeing him again breaks my heart so terribly I feel as though I’ll weep until my death, and it’s so—”
“Pure,” said Optimus, smiling down at you. “What you are feeling is pure, and you should not feel ashamed of it. It is…” he looked down at the flowers in your lap, delicate daisies, “It is beautiful.”
Your cheeks redden and you glance up at him again, huffing a breathy laugh as you refocus on the collected daisies in your hands, working the stems into a crown. “… thank you,” you mutter, clearing your throat to rid yourself of any lingering awkwardness.
Standing up, you shake your head and send Optimus a big smile. “Lower your head for me, please.”
Tilting his helm in curiosity, he bends forward to heed your request, yet you wave him to come closer, and he obeys, only understanding what you were planning to do once you reach up to slip the flower crown onto his right audial.
Blinking in surprise, he sees you step back, hands behind your back.
“I promote you to the status of my new best friend, Optimus Prime,” say you, smile bright and wide, heartbreak momentarily forgotten. You force yourself to focus on this hour, for while you fight with the love you feel for Megatron, you do not wish to neglect the love you feel for Optimus; his friendship is worth more than gold and diamonds combined.
Optimus feels a sudden urge to laugh, the jolt of joy in his spark so unexpected, but he instead smiles a little wider for you, and with a servo laid upon his chassis, he says: “I am deeply honoured, my friend.”
And he was, he truly was.
Previous / Next Music: Vangelis – Pinta, Nina, Santa Maria
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karinadele · 23 days ago
Ratchet x Reader SFW | Medical | Fluff CW: a mention of a spider, medical practices on a human.
"The surgery was a success."
The first thing you hear after the anesthesia wore off. Ratchet said in his usual gruff tone. Bedside manners was never his strongest trait.
Ending up with a tumor and having a giant alien robot as your doctor was never part of your bucket list. Yet it happened. Who knew your friend would be connected to intergalactic space wars and pull you into it? Technically she didn't, you simply told her that you've been losing weight and unable to eat anything. Next thing you know, she's dragging you to a 'doctor' in the middle of nowhere, Jasper, Nevada.
As if shock value can't kill, but you also knew why. Dealing with human medical care is absolutely painful. Years of telling them something is wrong with you, and a dozen of doctors later, you still never got a conclusive answer. However, what would an alien even know about human biology?
And that's how you met him. Ratchet. A giant metal robot that turns into an ambulance. You've always thought aliens were green and got an absurd amount of tentacles, —not this.
Overtime you've realized why your friend confided you to him. He's exactly like her. Just a different flavor of species. Same no nonsense, same tired mother vibes. Yet holds absolutely nothing but love for everyone.
"Lay still. I'll run a scan." Ratchet stated flatly in his usual demeanor.
With June and your friend next to you, holding you hand as you take a deep breath.
Ratchet pulls out a device looking like a round tablet as the infrared lights up, waving it above you as a visual of your insides materialize. How wild. A human would require a whole CT or MRI scan to see whats going on, and here you are —a tiny (huge in human perspective) device that instantly points out abnormalities. Viva la alien technology.
When Ratchet first heard from your friend that she's bringing a human in for him to check on, he did not want to be involved with it. Why couldn't they just deal with it like any other human? But coaxing after coaxing, he relented. He definitely has a soft spot for your friend. Spending days after days researching human biology, working with your friend and nurse Darby —a small gang of medical professionals.
When you broke the news that you weren't doing well, you friend also broke that she finally got her paramedic license. You know she went through several carrier changes, but paramedic was totally not on the list. But it made sense, and it made even more sense now that you're in her world, surrounded by medical professionals. —Including a chief medical officer that's cybertronian.
"There's an abnormality in the lower stomach area. Most likely a tumor of sorts." Ratchet states, still focused on the device, tinkering with it as he squints his optics looking at it.
A tumor? Isn't that dangerous? Do you have cancer? A million questions run through your head. Nearly spiraling into a panic until your friend gave your hand a squeeze.
"It's okay Spider." She tells you. "You're in good hands. Err. Servos. Whatever."
Why of all things did you introduce yourself as a spider?! When you first met Ratchet, and he asked for your name, wanting to not blurb out your real name, the first thing that came to mind after realizing that aliens in fact, was not creepy crawlies, was Spider. Oh, and the fact you were staring at the spider that was up in the corner of the base, nesting like it wasn't living in some super secret government sanctioned hide out. Oh to be a spider.
"June, lets draw some blood and run some tests to determine what exactly it is." Ratchet's voice dragged you out of your thoughts. Glancing over at June as she gives you a little smile, and acknowledging Ratchet.
"A little sting, okay, honey?" She tells you. Needles never bothered you. Yet somehow every nurse has always said that line. Is it just how they are? It's probably just small talk to assure patients.
You watch the blood fill into the syringe as you feel the numbness flow through your arm. Completely unaware your stupid friend is biting her lip like the crazy vampire freak she is. Who even drinks their own blood? Answer: she does.
A couple more tests and you're absolutely exhausted from being poked and prodded. Thank god there's a ground bridge that can send you right home. After all, without it, you would have never traveled half way across the world to just see some alien ambulance doctor.
When all this is over, you really need to sit down and have a chat about how your friend keeps getting into questionable situations.
Laying on your bed back at home as you wonder what the fuck just happened. You just traveled halfway across the world to get diagnosed. Sure, that doesn't sound too bad, if it wasn't for the fact it is anything but ordinary. Not to mention you spent a totally of 0 dollars. That was a huge part. You definitely could not afford whatever healthcare you needed, and in turn accepted your friend's offer.
Ratchet on the other hand, with June and your friend, are busy arguing over the next course of action. He's learned from the Raf dark energon incident that in order to co-exist with humans, he needed to study on them as well. With your friend and June, this was going to be another case study. —Not just, a human life that he's responsible for.
"I think surgery is the best course of action." His thoughts were cut short. Turning around from the console as he see your friend, standing there with her arms folded, talking with June.
"Surgery is dangerous!" June chimed back. "We can't just open her up like a bot and rearrange organs like its a build-your-own-pc!"
Primus help him. They're arguing again. Pausing his work as he turns to face them, resetting his vocalizer to get their attention.
"I think surgery is required." He tells them once both of them are focused on him. "Judging from the size of the mass, along with how fast she's losing weight, —not to mention she's unable to even refuel, it would be dangerous to not operate."
With a deep sigh, June relents. Your friend gives Ratchet a pat on the leg as a 'thanks for the back up' gesture.
Come surgery day, you just want this thing out by now. Months of carrying around what is the size of a small fetus without any benefits —an absolutely nightmare.
Walking through the ground bridge as your friend waves for you on the other side, running towards you and giving you a hug.
"Ready Spider?" She cheerly asked.
"I just want this child out." You're so tired of it. Hardly even able to keep liquids down without anti-nausea medication.
Your friend snorts in response. "let's grill it afterwards." She gives you a grin as she puts her hands on her hips.
You swore out of the corner of your eye, you saw Ratchet raise an optic ridge.
"Enough chitchat. Let's get to business. Chop Chop." He told you two as he gestured a chopping motion with his servos.
You totally forgot to even ask how a GIANT robot is supposed to work on delicate organs, but it was too late, June has already pushed the Propofol into you.
Mass displacing as Ratchet shoves the rest of his mass into subspace, coming down to a nice 7/8 feet —versus his usual 25 something.
"Scalpel." He demanded.
Your friend quickly hands him a fresh scalpel. Being smaller now, he can finally hold human instruments. Still, a bit small for him, but he didn't become the CMO without no reason. Those servos, steady until the day he dies. Focused as he is, slicing through the skin before moving onto the fat layer. Tissue after tissue, clamped open with an organ holding clamp while June keeps it steady.
He's used to wrenches and engineering equipment, not surgical instruments. But with the guidance of your friend and June, he carefully snips away at the surrounding tissues once the tumor is out in the open.
A relatively straightforward procedure. Although a first for him. Placing the now retrieved tumor onto the metal plate as he calls for sutures.
Since he learned that absorbable sutures are a thing, closing up the deeper cuts with it, as he works his way up towards the surface. Sure, cybertronians don't require such methods, but nevertheless, a skill he's picked up and learned.
Human bodies are complex. which cybertronian frames are sturdy, and everything has a designated function, a human body is so malleable and can even form masses as big as dilapidated grapefruit.
Did they say they wanted to grill it? What in the love of Primus are they thinking? Humans are so weird… Do they refuel with their own…?
It's probably best to clarify with Ratchet that it in fact, was terrible joke, but you're barely conscious. When the Propofol was finally taken off, you slowly rose back from slumber with your friend next to you, holding your hand as somehow she's now, head on the mattress, is asleep on your bed.
You were just about to tell this bitch to wake up when you heard Ratchet's voice.
"The surgery was a success." He tells you.
Now returned to his normal size —not that you even knew he changed in the first place, as he give you a nod.
With all the narcotics in you, you've nearly forgotten that you just had surgery. Glancing down on your abdomen as you noticed that the whole area is bandaged over.
"Take it easy for a couple of months. You should be able to ease into solid refuels in a few weeks."
Oh how you missed eating food. Once you can, you're totally gonna go get a hotdog.
"What a journey." You friend finally stirs. Voice still raspy from sleeping as she winces an ugly face, trying to wake up.
Despite the comment that was clearly directed to you, Ratchet responds. "Indeed it was. I've learned several techniques regarding sutures and-"
Your friend cut him off. "Ep ep ep, that's enough Ratchet, let the patient rest and just go do your biopsy. Or send it out to some human lab. I don't care."
With a hmph, Ratchet leaves the medbay, mumbling something about no respect for medical practices or something.
Your friend grumble as she whines back. "I am a medical professional…what.." and sighs.
With the Adam now gone —yes, you named your tumor, you can finally breath a breathe of fresh air. While there is still a road of recovery ahead of you, things will only be looking up from now on.
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lets-try-some-writing · 1 year ago
Got Angst for Prime.
AU: Whatever AU you want to use.
Concept: Ratchet's Optics never really recovered from his Synth-En incident. He sees everything in a tint of green. And his optics show it. So, every time OP looks Ratchet in the optics, he sees the blue with a tinge of green surrounding it, and he gets hit with how bad he failed Ratchet.
(I've pretty much always HC that Ratchet had some lasting aftereffects of his tests. This one's my favorite though.)
I can't help it.
I am going to make this shippy.
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Optimus had always loved Ratchet's optics. If you asked him, he would deny the way he often found himself staring wistfully off in the doctor's direction. It was all professional concern for a mech who simply didn't know when he needed to rest and recover. If he shared a glance with Ratchet for a little longer than normal, it was simply because he cared. That was what he told others. Whether or not they believe him was up for debate.
But beneath that veil of half truths created for both his and Ratchet's safety, Optimus's affections ran deep.
Even before the war, he'd loved those optics. Ratchet's optics were aged even when Orion was young. And yet they held a life to them that was undeniable. Passion incapable of being smothered by the harsh words of others and the seemingly impossible trial that was going up a caste. Ratchet bore every burden and political scheme with blunt determination, his optics always shining brightly as a hint of a smirk played on his features. Optimus loved that mischievous grin and the telltale glint that Ratchet got in his optics when he had some wild plan cooked up. Even though he was unable to bring himself to utter the compliments that formed in the back of his mind, he loved the Doctor's optics more than he cared to admit. So much energy contained within a compact frame. It was beautiful in its own unique way.
Once the war began and Orion Pax became Optimus Prime, he did not think about Ratchet's optics as much. At least until they began to lose the shine that he had been so familiar with in his youth.
War was uncaring and it held no love for those trapped within its web. Optimus endured it with the patience of the old gods of Cybertron long since left to rot. Whispers of ancient beings far beyond his comprehension clouded his sense of time. Tears he wept for the fallen turned his gaze away from those around him and instead to the rivers of energon that flowed around his pedes. He endured it as the last of a long line of divines given frame. But Ratchet was mortal, and as the war dragged on, those optics that Optimus adored grew darker. Passion changed to red hot fury so bright and dangerous that Ratchet's gaze felt almost like venom at times.
Stokes of fire leapt through Ratchet's blazing optics, and more than once Optimus feared he'd be scorched by that boiling inferno of loss and grief. And yet despite being the one to lead their war ever onward, Optimus never felt Ratchet's anger directed at him. When those optics gazed up at him, Optimus felt only age old affection and care. Fire was tamed and turned to comforting warmth. Steady servos ran along his arms and a soothing voice lulled Optimus into temporary serenity on long cycles where he simply had no more tears to shed or reason to give to their Primus forsaken war. All the while those optics met his own and Optimus was at peace.
Vorns passed by. Optimus continued in his eternal march toward victory and Ratchet continued to change. Rage turned into bitterness, the molten hot wrath of war transforming into a deep set sorrow that left creases in the living metal that surrounded Ratchet's optics. Grim darkness pooled in that once passionate gaze. Those optics flickered in wrath long fostered each time Megatron made himself known. Those optics flared with every injury that the team brought with them back to base once they arrived on Earth. Those optics that Optimus loved so dearly dimmed and quieted, their light softening in the dark of the medical bay on long nights when Ratchet thought no one would hear his quiet sobs.
Optimus always loved Ratchet's optics.
He should have treated him better.
"Does it still hurt?" Optimus asked as he ran his digits over the weld on Ratchet's side.
"Of course it does. The weld has only been in place for a month and the wound ran deep." Ratchet replied clinically, not looking up from his work even as Optimus risked wrapped his arms around the doctor's waist. Others could see, but in the moment, he didn't care.
"I'm sorry." He murmured into the crook of Ratchet's neck as he leaned down, desperate to feel the comforting warmth of Ratchet's frame against his. The Doctor stilled, his field extending and wrapping around Optimus is concern.
"Optimus, please, we've talked about this. I was out of line in saying that. You are not at fault." Ratchet broke from Optimus's embrace and turned around. Optimus wanted to look away in shame as those optics looked up at him, still as lovely as ever, but tinted a haunting green.
A sign of Optimus's greatest failure.
"I am at fault, and you know that as well as I do. Let us not delude ourselves." Optimus reached out to cup Ratchet's face. The Doctor leaned into his touch obligingly. Any open affection was a risk, but there was something unspoken that needed to be addressed before time ran out and the world drew them apart yet again.
"You have always done what you think is right. I can't blame you for hoping and trying to save a mech who was once a friend." Ratchet's optics cycled and the green became more prominent within them in response to his emotions. Optimus frowned and shifted so caress the metal around the Doctors optics. His scarred digits traced creases and small scuffs, lingering around the corners of Ratchet's optics as Optimus observed the green hue in sorrow.
"You shouldn't have felt pressured to do this to yourself. The risks were too great. If I had only-" A digit pressed to Optimus's derma before he could continue, silencing his attempts at being self deprecating before they could truly begin.
"I made my choice. It is not your fault. Besides, the world is just a little more green for me now. That is all." Ratchet forced a smile, but Optimus could not bring himself to do the same. Ratchet's words while he was on synthetic energon were cruel... but undeniably true. How many times had Optimus had the chance to bring down Megatron only to let the warlord go? How many lives could he have saved if he had only put aside his feelings on the matter and acted?
"I can tell you are beating yourself up over it. Stop. It's over now and I'm fine." Ratchet pulled away and Optimus's servos fell. They stood quietly together for a nanoklik before Ratchet moved forward, his smaller frame pressing against Optimus's in a gentle embrace. Strong arms hooked themselves around the crooks of Optimus's torso, unwavering but gentle enough that if he wished, the Prime could pull away.
"Forgive me." Optimus murmured in the quiet of the medical bay. A gentle hum met his plea. Neither said another word as they stood in the relative dark, comforted in the presence of one another. Only the light of the nearby console lit up the area, but it was more than enough for the Prime to work with.
Green tinted optics glowed in the gloom, illuminating Optimus's face as he leaned down. Ratchet's optics closed, most likely expecting a gentle touch to the crest of his helm. Instead, Optimus leaned as close as he was able, even going so far as to angle his helm so that he could get near enough to place a ghost of a kiss over Ratchet's optics. Each closed optic received the lightest of touches, so soft that it may as well have been a gust of wind. But as Optimus pulled back and settled into the helm touch that Ratchet had likely been prepared for, the Prime finally smiled.
"Thank you for standing by my side." Ratchet stared in shock as the Prime's digits again found their place tracing around the Doctor's optics. Ratchet stood still, uncertain of how to respond until Optimus spoke again.
"I've always loved your optics, regardless of their hue." Optimus assured, earning a gentle huff from his companion.
"You sap." Ratchet whispered even as his optics glowed in all too rare joy at the show of affection. The green was still present, a permanent reminder of the costs of war. However Optimus continued to smile all the same, simply pleased to have those optics locked on him.
Yes, Optimus would admit it aloud if times permitted.
He had always loved Ratchet's optics.
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ya-zz · 1 year ago
Hii! I've been waiting for quite a while to share this thought with you. A while ago, I shared with you my thoughts and it led to "Hacked" being written with Ramattra x Reader. I'd like to... maybe request a second part of that? I've been daydreaming about the possibilities of what's next for it. So, I'd like you to choose what happens:
A. Ramattra encountering Reader again in the battlefield and this time she has no time to hack through his system, and he finds her first. Keen into making her feel exactly how he felt back then.
B. Reader once again hacks into Ramattra's system, but this time she's braver, getting him while he's recharging (simply sneaking in his base to prove a point) and making him feel exactly what humans feel when they orgasm.
We don't talk about how I did this within hours of the request coming through...
HI AGAIN!! IT'S GOOD TO SEE YOU!! ♥ Thank you so much for requesting again, I love the ideas as always ^^
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Ramattra x Reader (gen)
Word count: 1348 !! NSFW !!
The vessel rattles in the sky, currently moving over Toronto. The attacks below were never ending as Ramattra continued to repeat the broadcast. The gunfire and screams were louder than before as he watched on; one by one, humans fell and omnic civilians were secured. It was going exactly as he planned. 
Steering away from the capitol, he heads for his new location to oversee the destruction happening there. In the meantime, however, he was due a recharge. 
Taking a seat on the floor, back resting against the wall, he plugs himself in, wires connecting to his sides and back of the neck. He goes through his systems, setting up the necessary precautions just in case his vessel gets attacked and then the lights on his forehead dim, changing orange as he goes into standby. 
Everything fell silent, though Ramattra could still pick out the workings of his ship; the humming of the engine vibrating against the floor, the soft flickers of light that passed by the window on occasion. It was as if time had slowed down.
His optics shifted to where a noise could be heard, but due to being in standby, his vision was blurred to make his charging time quicker. Something had fallen so he left it be, the turbulence must've knocked it over.
Ramattra went back to his charging meditation, his body unmoving as it lay against the wall until a familiar feeling kicked in. 
It took his systems a moment to register what was going on but it was too late. The module he had locked away was open once again, his wires heating up slowly as he attempts to wake up. 
“It’s too late.” A familiar voice rang out. “Your systems can’t beat me this time.” 
Despite his vision being overrun with omnicode and errors, he tilts his head up to view you. His voice was a low rumble as he attempts to speak. 
“You- How-” 
“It’s simple, really.” You approach him, straddling his knees as you lower yourself onto him and dropping the holopad beside your leg. “Your guard is down, a foolish idea, really.” Your fingers stroke the wires that were placed into his sides. The Null Sector leader beneath you once again, unable to do anything, unable to fight back, what a pretty sight it was.
“Get out.” 
You tut, shaking your head with a smirk. “That is no way to treat a guest, Ramattra. Besides, I want to finish what we started the other week.” 
The omnic felt his wires flare up in heat, the module lighting up within his vision. His vocaliser cuts out as he speaks. “You-... serious.” He was weak, you truly had caught him when he least expected it.
A sly laugh escapes you as you trail your fingers on that same tubing over his hips. A gentle squeeze that sent a wave of euphoria over his body. He shudders at the contact. 
“How far can we take this?” Leaning over, you tap the holopad, pulling up the module that Ramattra had kept locked deep inside of his systems. From there, you had full access to his sex drive. “Oh, Ramattra. How long have you been like this?” 
His system fights back, or attempts to, but your software was stronger this time, he can barely move his hands or arms. 
With one tap, you send a wave of ecstasy throughout the omnic and his back arches involuntarily, a garbled, static moan escaping from his vocaliser. 
“Hm?” You smirk at him, letting the holopad go as you return your hands to his body, tracing the pads of your fingers against his metal bracing. You could feel him shake with each careful, calculated stroke. 
Ramattra can only glare at you, optics looking at your blurry features as he tries to adjust the settings. 
“Ah, ah. I don’t think so.” You override his attempts before moving closer to him, hands dipping between the braces as they move towards his back. The exposed cables there were begging to be touched and with one tap, a spark of electricity surges through Ramattra’s core. 
“S-Stop that-!” He demands, though his tone suggests that he does not mind the feeling. 
He doesn’t know what to do. No matter how hard he tries, he cannot get rid of you from inside of his systems. He tries an alternative route but there was no success there either. Deep inside, however, he did like the feeling of being vulnerable, having someone touch him like the way you are doing. It felt pleasurable. 
Ramattra tries one more time, searching through any and all coding to find a weak spot and when he finally stumbles upon it does he take immediate action. His systems work hard to destroy your virus but the want to keep the touching going slows down the process. 
He needs you. 
He wants you.
He gives in.
The omnic sits there, allowing himself to be lost in the moment. The feeling of your hands exploring his body heightened his senses. His servos twitch before slowly making their way to your hips, holding you in place.
“Someone is enjoying this.” You smirk, dragging your fingers over the pistons on his neck. 
“Shut up.” His vocaliser betrays him once more, another static moan escaping him as his head tilts back against the wall. 
“Feels nice, doesn’t it?” 
It took Ramattra a while to respond, but when he did, it confirmed everything you ever wondered. 
“Yes…” His grip on your hips tighten slightly, indicating that he didn’t want you to stop for any reason. 
He feels you grinding against his pelvic plate, possibly chasing your own high but the way you squeezed and teased him said otherwise. Then it clicks in his head. This was about him reaching his orgasm after several long years of nothingness. You knew how long it had been for him and how much he craved it.
Your one hand was tangled in his cabled hair as the other trails back down towards his hips. You feel him jerk, he wants the contact to last as you pull back, a familiar heat pooling in your stomach. 
“Seems like you cannot hold on for much long either.” He states with a hint of amusement in his voice. 
A flush appears on your cheeks as you squeeze his tubing once more, a little harder than last time. 
The omnic jerks his hips, pressing further into you as he moans out, vocaliser stuttering as he tries to keep it together.
“Such sweet noises… To think the Null Sector leader could sound like this…” Another tug at his cables causes him to moan loudly. 
You glance at the holopad whilst the omnics head was tilted backwards; his systems were lit up, errors appearing as you manhandle his wires, pinching and twisting them. It brought you joy, a satisfaction coursing through your veins as you realise how much power you truly hold over him in this moment. 
Another squeeze had the holopad flash black which causes you to look back at him. His vocaliser cuts mid moan, the lights on his forehead were off, fans were slowing down, yet his hold on your hips stayed. You had caused him to crash. 
Part of you panicked, but the moment the lights flickered on again, a soft orange before red, the panic was overridden with a sense of accomplishment.
His vocaliser clicks before he speaks. “No human should mess around with machinery too advanced than their mind and body can handle.” 
Your eyes widen as you realise that him rebooting meant that your virus was no longer in affect. His grip on your thighs gets tight, bruises already beginning to form under the skin. He pulls himself free from the wires connected to him, grabbing both of your wrists with one hand before pinning you down on the floor, one metal thigh pressed up against your sex. His other hand toys with the waistband of your pants as he speaks out in an intimidating tone.
“Perhaps it is time for me to teach you a lesson.”
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quill-firefly · 3 months ago
Did I Ever Really Know You? (SG TFOne Fanfic) - Chapter 3
Chapter 3 yippee
Also don't be surprised if the story summary changed, I had to make it different to fit the multichapter this one-shot story has become lmao.
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How many rotational periods has it been? D-16 wasn’t sure.
He hadn’t even seen a berth for so long that he was starting to believe they were a myth - or maybe that was the lack of recharge speaking. If any of the High Guard were to realize where to find him, his deal with Starscream would be nullified. Still, the sooner he could complete the cannon, the sooner he could get a good recharge. Besides, he wasn’t certain whether he would be able to properly recharge when he hadn’t finished what he had begun. The excitement would overload his processor.
It was selfish, but a piece of his spark was thrilled that he could finally put the multiple equations and formulas in his processor to use. If only it wasn’t to create a weapon… The cannon would not be his first invention, though Dee had no interest in stating that his newly fashioned arm was the first. After he had gathered enough scraps from the Cybertronian deers and the remnants left behind by the trains, he had created himself a new arm. Sentinel’s had served him well, but he would not continue to use the arm of a dead mech.
No, the cannon would be his first invention - and as much as it pained him to use his intellect for a weapon of mass destruction when all he had ever wanted was to do good - it was this or never see Pax again. Starscream wouldn’t let him go back to Iacon, no matter how much he had pleaded. Dee knew in his spark that if he could just talk to Pax again, then the newly risen Prime would calm down. He always did. For Dee. Starscream refused to risk it though, not after everything that had happened after Sentinel’s death.
The High Guard were kind and accommodating, yet Dee could not help but feel stifled among them. He had seen their pitying gazes. They were not cruel like the mining supervisors, yet Dee knew that their concern came from their inability to believe that a mech like him - cogless and unable to transform - could possibly be capable of protecting himself. Even Starscream, who had been nothing but patient as Dee spiralled over the loss of his best friend, had refused his request to return to Iacon and attempt to negotiate with Pax. He didn’t trust that Dee would come back.
Now, Dee was alone in a hidden nook on the surface. He was close enough to the High Guard base, though he refused to return until the cannon was built. Starscream would be furious, but Dee needed to accomplish his task. Even if Starscream yelled at him after, Dee knew the High Guard commander would have to agree to his terms. They had made a deal, and Starscream was an honorable mech. He wouldn’t nullify their agreement so long as Dee accomplished what he had promised.
At that thought, Dee remembered another deal he had made a long time ago.
“Do you think it’s possible to recreate it?”
While mining energon was vital to the survival of Iacon, those in-charge still had enough mercy to grant them respite at certain intervals. Though the breaks were short, Dee utilized those spare moments to his advantage. Not that Pax would agree to that, as it usually meant Dee quickly consuming his rationed energon before immediately using the energy to process any idea that had come to his processor at the time. Dee thought it was an effective strategy: Process his ideas before work so that he does not get distracted while mining.
“Huh?” Pax was leaning against the wall, those orange optics focused entirely on the hulking figure of Darkwing at the other side of the room. Dee had settled down on one of the boxes, having already consumed an energon cube. He had offered one to Pax - but the other mech seemed distracted. Any other time, Dee would have seen the calculating look in Pax’s optics, how he stared down at Darkwing as though the mech had personally offended him by simply existing. However, as it was their break time, Dee was too busy in his thoughts to notice. “Recreate what?”
“Transforming technology.” He murmured, his vocoder set low. Dee had never had a strong relationship with Primus, but he knew some miners did. Pax - despite all his lecturing of needing to seize your own fate - believed strongly in Primus. Dee knew that what he was implying could be seen as blasphemous. This was proven true when Pax immediately turned his full attention to him. At least the reaction wasn’t rage, more so shock and disbelief than anything. “Given the current circumstance of Iacon’s technology, do you think it’s possible to recreate it? It would help a lot of cogless Cybertronians—”
“There are a lot of thoughts in that precious processor of yours, Dee.” Pax flicked his digits against his helm. Dee flinched at the quick pain as the other mech sat down next to him. This close, their legs were touching and he could feel Pax’s familiar heat against his side. He didn’t know why, but Pax had begun to cling closer to him ever since their latest argument on the roof. Dee didn’t mind. Pax was his best friend. “But seriously, do you hear yourself, Dee? Recreate transforming technology, oh please. No mech is brilliant enough to do that.”
“Don’t say it out loud!” Dee would have slammed a servo onto Pax’s dermas if he had been quick enough. A few miners looked over in their direction, luckily turning away as soon as Pax turned his optics on them. Of course, unlike Dee, Pax didn’t care about being heard. With his reputation, nobody wanted to pick a fight with Pax - and while Dee wasn’t an easy target himself (having been used to taking a few hits for his overly brash friend), he would rather not get into an argument about how heretical his words were. “But imagine the possibility—”
“I’m not imagining anything!” Pax snapped, servos digging into the side of the box that it had begun to grate underneath his digits. He could feel his words get lodged in his vocoder, and subconsciously, Dee began to move away. As if his attempt to escape was enough to snap Pax back to reality, he quickly pulled Dee back by the shoulder pad, settling them both back into place. Dee stopped moving. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you. But Dee, come on, don’t you think if it was possible then some other mech would have done so already?”
“A mech can dream, Pax.” He laughed, an uncommon noise in the mines, but Dee always found it easy. When Pax was around, their troubles and pains seemed to disappear. No matter what, he knew he would always be happy so long as he had Pax by his side. Usually, Pax would laugh along with him, but he was greeted with silence. Dee opened his optics, realizing that the other mech was staring at him strangely. He felt heat rush to his face plate. “What? You’re the one who kept saying we should hold onto our dreams… I’m trying to.”
“Oh, wow, you actually listened to me for once.” Pax rolled his optics, but Dee couldn’t help but notice the clear blush of blue on the other mech’s face plate. He had thought about what Pax had told him on the roof, and while Dee would never abandon his duty as a miner, Pax had some merit. Dee truly believed that some day Sentinel Prime would find the Matrix. Then he and Pax would be free to pursue their dreams together. He had to believe in that. “Hey, if you somehow manage to find a way to recreate transforming technology…”
“Huh?” He hoped Pax didn’t think Dee was actually going to pursue the idea. It was only a passing thought! Dee had been thinking about the future! A future that could possibly be cycles away! He wouldn’t have time to actually think about recreating transforming technology now! Dee shook his helm, realizing that he might have just placed himself in a worse position than before. This is what happens when he listens to Pax. It never ends well, and it usually ends with him in the medical bay or with Pax lecturing him. “Pax, I didn’t mean I’d actually try—”
“If you somehow manage to find a way to recreate transforming technology…” His words died out as Pax repeated what he had said, but really it was the other mech leaning closer to him that made Dee pause. Their face plates were nearly touching, and he could already feel the embarrassment in his spark as he realized what this might look like to the other miners. Pax leaned even closer, a look of mischief in his optics. Dee swore to Primus that he could feel the heat coming from Pax’s intake on his dermas. “I’ll let you kiss me.”
He could feel his face plate heat up at the memory. Dee couldn’t even remember how long ago it had happened but he never really did forget what Pax had said. Playing with his feelings like that… Not that Dee had processed what he had felt for Pax at the time. He shook his helm, ridding himself of the phantom pain. Pax didn’t mean it. He never would. The other mech had only wanted to rile Dee up again. Had Pax seen and recognized Dee’s affection for him even before Dee had even realized he loved him? He must have.
As much as it stung that Pax had played him for a fool, it was entirely Dee’s fault for believing that Pax could ever return his feelings. The other mech may have enjoyed being Dee’s best friend - and may have held those particular feelings for him - but Pax probably never felt anything more than that. Even so, their friendship had been real. Dee knew that to be true now. If he could somehow return to Iacon and see Pax again, then perhaps there would be no need for further violence. Cybertronian against Cybertronian was not an outcome that Dee wanted.
He held up the unfinished cannon in his servos. It didn’t need to work, but he doubted Starscream wouldn’t test it. Still, Dee was not about to test it near the High Guard base. If it worked, then he’d be giving away his location - and he couldn’t go back yet.
He had no intention of using the cannon, ever. Yet it was the only way Starscream would let him see Pax again. With the power of the Matrix, Starscream was worried what a confrontation with the Prime would incur. His condition was that if he were to allow Dee to meet with Pax, he needed a failsafe. Being escorted by some High Guard members or even Starscream himself was not an option (and Dee wouldn’t ask them of that either). Besides, Pax would fly into a rage if Dee showed up with the High Guard or with Starscream. Pax had nearly killed the mech the last time they had seen one another.
He shook his helm, holding carefully onto the cannon as he began to vacate his hiding nook. Dee would have to venture further out into the surface, but if the cannon worked then he could finally return to the base.
If the cannon worked, it would prove to Starscream that he could be trusted to defend himself.
So he set off.
Though, deep down in his spark, he knew he might not ever muster the courage to shoot at a mech he once loved.
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moonlight-tmd · 1 year ago
What if BlitzBee started when Blitzwing and Lugnut arrived on earth?
Like, what if Blitzwing got hit with cupid's arrow the moment he saw Bee- the little yellow Autobot with a smile brighter than the sun, a frame so small yet attractive, the confidence he spoke with in the few minutes they met and, oh Primus, those enchanting azure optics-
He just can't get over that minibot.
So he devices a plan to court this golden beauty for himself. The next time the 'cons and 'bots meet, Blitzwing snatches Bumblebee the first chance he gets and ditches the whole fight. He flies up to the highest skyscraper in Detroit- there is a neat little picnic set up, oil, some rust snacks, even few fancy meal-metals that Blitz snatched from Nemesis. Bee is very confused when Blitzwing says 'why fight when you can talk', but he's not about to protest- he is on top of a very tall building and next to him is a transformer 3 times his size- he can't run and he doesn't want to die if this apparently famous criminal changes his mind.
So they spend some time together, they talk, eat the snacks, at one point Blitzwing calls him cute and Bee just doesn't know how to respond. He's never gotten a compliment before, everyone just shat on him the moment he got forged, only thing that kept him going was pure spite.
Lugnut interrupts on Blitz's comm, telling him to get his aft to base cuz the fight is over. Blitz stands up, takes Bee's servo and in an oddly romantic tone and says "Until zhe next time." then he stands on the edge and with a salute tilts back. Bee was about to say something but Blitz falls and the next thing he sees is a jet flying into the clouds.
Optimus contacted him after both of the 'cons disappeared. Bee didn't know what to tell him so he just said what happened; Blitz snached him and they had a picnic. And that he needs help getting down from a skyscraper. He was too confused to come up with a reason why this new Decepticon did that, nor were the others. They had to get a police 'copter to come get him.
The next time Bee saw Blitzwing was when he and Prowl were sent to investigate some weird activity a civilian reported- only to find Blitzwing with a whole makeshift disco ring. Blitz proceded to run at them and both of them thought he was gonna attack them- but then he pulled a smooth card and slid up on his knee to Bee and pulled out a big boquet of sunflowers. "Pretty zhings for a pretty bot.~" He said with a big red grin.
Blitz actually wanted to pull Bee to a dance before Prowl snatched him and drove away as fast as he could, Bee was glad his pedes has wheels on them otherwise he would be leaving a screeching trail of sparks.
The next meetings were more obvious- well, very obvious; Blitzwing straight up flirted with Bee whenever he saw him. The others were worried about Bee, who just seemed to take it. The most annoyed by Blitzwing's attempts to court Bee was Prowl. He didn't like that a dangerous Decepticon was trying to win one of theirs' spark- especially since that one of theirs was Bumblebee. Prowl was the one to get involved and separate the big 'con from the minibot when they fought. He kept that creep away from Bee for the most part.
One time he and Bee were patrolling they bumbed into Blitzwing. They ended up talking/bantering until Prowl spoke up and told him to leave Bee alone; a discussion evolved into an argument. Bee called in back-up, when the others got there they were met with Prowl and Blitzwing screeching at one another while Bee sat there unable to go home. They were talking with Bee when they heard a scream- Blitzwing had a kunai in his visor, "COME HERE AND I'LL GIVE YOU THE OTHER!!" Prowl yelled, holding the other kunai to stab him with. Optimus had to pick him up while the others chased Blitz away- He was absolutely ready to throw servos with the mech. They went back to base once Prowl stopped being rabid.
So from then on the ones to fight are Prowl and Blitzwing- Prowl thinks he's protecting Bee from this creep while really he's just jealous and doesn't want to admit it, he does like Bee as more than a friend and doesn't want anything bad happening to him. Blitzwing meanwhile just wants to get together with Bee and have the scout look at him with the same adoration as Blitzwing holds for him.
There are multiple times Prowl and Blitz argue so loud about Bee it becomes clear Prowl is after Bee as well. The others don't know whether they should tell Bee that or not; the scout is just very confused why everyone wants to be his best friend.
Then there comes the Elite Guard along with the other Prime, Longarm. Longarm- or rather Shockwave has been close friends with Bee since boot camp, he really liked Bee and wanted to ask him out on multiple occasions, but similar to Prowl- he just never built up the courage to do so. So he gets there and sees this whole drama with both Blitzwing and Prowl trying to win Bee's Spark.
So, of course, he has to get involved. Longarm is very chill and doesn't make it so obvious. He and Bee hang out, no one suspects anything and Bee actually enjoys it- that's until things get very heated with Prowl and Blitzwing and Longarm also gets jealous and whoops, one wrong comment and it's obvious he's after Bee too.
So now there's these 3 disasters trying to court Bee while also trying to eliminate the other 2. Bee is just sitting in Bulk's subspace all the time, worried to go out because both Prowl and Longarm are at the base and he can't go outside cuz Blitzwing is there.
Now you might think he'll be after Bee too, but nah. He openly admits he'll never see Bee as anything more than a best friend.
I think at one point Starscream will get involved, he'll kidnap Bee for fun- he doesn't actually know what's going on, he just likes seeing everyone pissed off.
Blitz will have a public argument with Longarm about him being a spy to eliminate him from the competition- which Longarm of course denies. Not sure what that will lead to.
I don't know where to take it, it's just a funny idea with no actual ending. Feel free to send me suggestions on what might happen and who are you rooting for. X3
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saint-transfag · 3 months ago
Afterimage: a Fiddlestan fanfiction
a sight lingering in view after seeing what one knew
A post-Fiddauthor Fiddlestan fic exploring trauma, aftermath equations, healing together, and loss.
*eventually: contains explicit content
Chapter 2
It had been a difficult decision, coming to stand on the steps of this wooden porch again.
Nearly all of Fiddleford’s reflexes, reactions, and base common good sense had screamed at him to leave well enough alone. But, here he was once again: abandoning all reason for a senseless fealty to Stanford Pines.
And into the maw of the devil. What in tarnation was he doing?
Everything inside of him thrashed against being here.
When Stanford’s twin had asked him to come, Fiddleford had truly meant it when he’d said that he’d have to think on it. He'd been unable to stop thinking on it since, tossing and turning all the previous night as an unwelcome cascade of memories had reemerged in the process.
All the while, Fiddleford had found himself repeatedly returning not only to his mix of horribly complicated feelings about the—former?—love of his goddamn life, but to Stanford’s brother as well. The look in the man’s eyes when he’d brought up Stanford, the haunted expression as he briefly explained the situation.
He also hadn’t forgotten how Stanford’s twin—Stanley, he reminded himself—had waited until after he was untied to ask for his help.
So, despite having been able to resist all of Stanford’s pleading through Fiddleford’s apartment door to speak to him again, despite everything—in the end, he couldn’t ignore the tug inside of him. The fish hook in his gut that slingshotted him back to Stanford Pines time and fucking time again.
He hesitated before the door, fist raised to knock. 
The door swung open and Fiddleford had to yank his fist back before it landed onto the face of the man he loved. 
No, almost-the-face of the man he loved.
The slight dissonance was jarring—he blinked, and felt he could see the memory of his former lover overlaid upon his twin, a bright spot in Fiddleford’s vision from looking too long at the sun. Looking at Stanley Pines was like seeing a blurred double-image; an optical illusion that almost made him feel a bit queasy.
“You came,” the optical illusion breathed out, taking in the sight of Fiddleford standing there. He came back to himself after a moment and stepped aside in tacit invitation. 
Fiddleford tensed, body and mind shouting opposite commands, but reluctantly dragged himself through the threshold. Stanley stood in the hallway, his hand rubbing the back of his neck.
“Do you, uh… want any coffee, or,” 
“Yes, thank you.”
Fiddleford glanced around nervously, arms wrapped around himself, his leg starting to jiggle in place a little as he took in the sight of Stanford’s cabin again. The outside looked different, but from what he could see of the inside it didn't seem like much had changed—a fair deal messier than last time—
Then he peeked through the window of the leftmost door.
No, it had… definitely changed. 
A lot.
“Uh…” he started, not sure what to say. But then, Stanley returned with a steaming mug in his hand.
“Oh, thank you,” he murmured as his instinctive etiquette kicked into autopilot. He took the mug in both hands, blew on it, then sipped. Then, repressed making a face.
“Sure,” Stanford’s twin—Stanley—replied awkwardly.
“Ah, d’you have any sugar, or—”
“Oh, yeah, of course—”
A few fumbling moments later they stood in the kitchen together a little stiffly, mugs in hand.
“So, uh—thanks for coming. I… yeah. Thanks. Wasn’t sure that you would. It, uh. Means a lot.”
“Um… yeah, ‘course… I mean.”
After another beat of uncomfortable silence Stanley seemed to remember chairs—swearing briefly under his breath—and soon they were sitting on the two no longer piled high with scattered papers and books. Fiddleford felt something strange unfurl in his chest as the thought flickered through his mind that these must have been from Stanley rummaging through his brother’s work to try to find something to help. 
He ignored the feeling. 
Fiddleford made an awkward little noise not quite dignified enough to be called a cough. “So, ah. You said last night that Stanford got himself in a mess of trouble with a… machine. In his basement. One that I may have been involved with. And now he’s gone?”
He’d had a feeling already that he knew what it was, but wanted—and also, desperately did not want—Stanley to confirm it out loud.
Unfortunately, Stanley obliged.
“Ford called it some kinda… interdimensional portal, thing. Mega… meta… vor…plex… somethin’. Not sure. He wasn’t too big on labeling his notes clearly. But, portal, definitely, anyways. We had a fight, and—my fault—he… he went right through it. …Never came back.”
And there it was.
Fiddleford could feel himself tremble so hard that he knew it must be visible. In some distant corner of his mind he also knew he ought to be ashamed of his cowardice—but damned if he wasn’t too afraid for those kinds of thoughts to even matter right now.
“I don’t… I can’t…” he stammered.
Read the full chapter on ao3
Read from the beginning
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revelboo · 1 month ago
Omigosh I miss the scavengers 🥺🥺 got me on the edge of my seat with all your fics!! It's such a shame they don't get much luv 😭
They’re goodish boys 18+
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A Lifeless Ordinary Pt 21
Scavengers x Reader
• Helm pressing against the back of your shoulder, Spinister groans and you swallow a laugh. “It’s not that bad. Come on,” you say, awkwardly reaching back to touch his helm. “We can’t just hide in here all day.” Venting against you, he finally gets up, sliding his legs off the edge of the Medbay berth and just pushing off as your heart leaps into your throat. Can’t breathe even as he mass shifts and safely lands on his peds, flaring his rotors slightly while your heart races. And he’s turning toward you, completely oblivious to the fact that he just scared you. Reaching out his cupped hands, he rumbles at you when you scoot into his palm. “Clothes, Spin,” you say when he starts for the door and he does a little shuffle in a circle with you cupped in his hands before you point at where he’d tossed them.
• Bending to pick up your tiny coverings and handing them over, he opens the Medbay door and you squeak, swearing and clutching your coverings to yourself. Oh. Aware that the other Scavengers are right there staring at him and you, he turns so his back is to them while you hurriedly dress in his palms. And you swear again when Misfire drapes an arm against his shoulder on one side, leaning to look at you and Crackcase comes up on his other side as you tug your bottom covering up your thighs, face reddening. “What?” He asks as you turn your scowl his way. “What?”
• “Spin treat you right, Tiny?” Crankcase asks, grinning down at you fighting to get your top covering on. Hadn’t realized you could change color like that as you squint sullenly up at him. Trying not to think about what Misfire had done, because even if he’s a much more eligible partner than Spinister, he’s aware of the way you glance uncomfortably at his damaged helm from time to time. That it bothers you and he doesn’t want to be a pity frag. Suspects that’s what Spinister is. Why else pick him?
• “You’re not shy all of a sudden are you?” Misfire purrs, reaching to run a servo down your spine. Messing with you and seeing how territorial Spin is after claiming you. Rotors swinging slightly, Spinister just watches him. Making him think his little speech worked. That Spin won’t interfere if he or any of the rest of them flirt and try to lure you to their berths. And he wants to have you to himself. Curious about you.
• “Leave them alone.” Already tired of Misfire acting out and doing precisely whatever he wants without caring about the consequences. Because Krok’s sure that’s what the Seeker’s interest in you is- another impulsive decision. Doubts Misfire actually cares about you romantically, only the challenge you present and he hates it. It’s all harmless fun until you realize Misfire is just messing around and he hurts you. And that’s not happening on his watch even if he has to guard you from the rest of the crew and be the bad guy.
• Embarrassed on your behalf, Fulcrum watches you smack at Misfire’s servos when he ignores Krok and keeps petting down your spine. And you’re so small, fragile and unsettlingly alien. Wouldn’t have believed your two species were compatible if he hadn’t seen more than he’d wanted of Spin rutting against you. Unable to forget the wet sound of it, those unsettling noises you’d made. Can’t stop remembering the way you’d looked, head tossed back and lips parted, eyes locked with his optics as you took Spinister’s spike. It’s unsettling. Scandalous. And he keeps picturing it against his will.
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theoceanoasis · 3 days ago
Something a bit more spicy
Megatron notices how stressed Soundwave has been lately and decides to help out one of his best warriors. So after a meeting Megatron pulls Soundwave aside and hands him a ticket to a night club and tells him to enjoy himself.
Later that night Soundwave finds the club, its run by neutrals so there shouldn't be any trouble with getting in or scraps starting with a few regular patrons. However when he heads inside he's shocked to see a stage full of exotic looking mechs and femmes. Ah it was one of those night clubs. Quickly hiding his flushed face Soundwave finds a quiet booth furthest from the stage and starting ordering a drink.
After a few drinks Soundwave notices the mechs and femmes on stage have changed and are now starting up their next performance. At first he pays little attention just trying to enjoy his night in peace until a flash of red and gold catches his optics. In brightly decorated fabrics Hot Rod dances and sways on stage with a flirty smile, the speedster then turns noticing Soundwave's gawking and simple blows a kiss and a wink before returning on with his dance. As for Soundwave, he thinks maybe this club isn't so bad after all.
"What's this?"
He stared at his leader wondering why he'd given him a wrist band for a night club.
"You've been under a lot of stress recently and I thought this would help. You haven't been able to go out and have fun for a while now."
"I'm perfectly fine."
Megatron gave him a look of disbelief but doesn't call him out on it.
"That may be so, but you should still give it a chance."
Although he didn't want to, Megatron's words were vaguely a command. Something he couldn't disregard which is why he found himself in front of the night club.
Even from outside he could hear music coming from inside. Before the war he used to go to night clubs all the time. He loved music and liked listening to musicians perform.
He stepped into the night club which was neutral allowing himself to relax slightly. He didn't have to worry about a fight breaking out because of his presence.
Looking around he was shocked to find people dancing on poles. He was expecting a regular night club not something like this.
He didn't understand why Megatron wanted him there and found a booth hiding in the shadows. Although the music was good he wasn't interested in the dancers. He wonders if this was Starscreams idea. The traitorous mech wanting to make a fool out of him. Or maybe Megatron was trying to tell him to get laid.
Distracted by his thoughts he didn't notice the dancers switch out. Not until he noticed a familiar paint job. He looked over in shock to find a beautiful mech dancing.
His hips swished back and forth causing the fabric around him to sway. He was looking out into the crowd with a flirty smile and he clenched his fists. Barely stopping himself from going over and removing Hot Rod from the stage.
Seeing other people looking he glared at them until they looked away. Noticing the strange behavior Hot Rod followed their gaze towards him. He watched Hot Rods optics widen and he found himself unable to look away. Even though he was a little embarrassed his crush saw him at a place like this. He now understood why Megatron had wanted him to come.
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post-it-notes7 · 2 years ago
oh man mir arthur really does just willingly breed paranoia in his organization doesn't he haha - based on this comic it seems like mir arthur is even able to create Audible illusions which is something I didn't realize before. What limitations if any does he have, can he extend his range to environments and so forth? (Even if he can't I imagine getting everyone to double guess the limits of his ability is probably something he encourages to keep everyone on their toes lol (also really loving the continuation of the comics insanity it always brightens my day!))
Aha, he really is a fan of misdirection, I'm glad you picked up on some of those smaller details, anon :)
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He does have some limits! When Mir Arthur speaks with someone else's voice, he's actually adjusting his own voice to mimic them! He tends to avoid talking when he can if he's masquerading around as someone else, as he can only mimic a voice if he's actually heard it before (and preferably multiple times if he's going to do it at length). Optical illusions are his specialty, meaning if someone's paying close enough attention, they might be able to spot a discrepancy between what they see and what they hear (ex: seeing a hand mirror shut without hearing a click) and figure it out. Fooling the other senses isn't something he can really fudge without help.
He has two primary ways to cast his illusions! He can fix them onto things, almost like drawing a curtain over the object, and freely walk away (though it'll start to unravel over time and can get ripped away through magical means). Or, he can actively generate an illusion around himself that can change and shift at will (these are usually much stronger, confined to his space, and take more effort and energy on his part). His range depends on how large, complex, and adaptable the illusion is. The more detail, the more concentration it takes, and the less distance he can cover.
In the rare event he completely exhausts himself, he'll be unable to generate any new illusions for a while (though any that he's previously fixed in place won't be greatly affected)
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Even he isn't immune to nap time.
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