#like how beau did it
umblrspectrum · 3 days
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getting in that spooky spirit
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imorphemi · 8 months
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Fjord and Jester <3
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levinbolts · 9 months
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the audacity of me saying that beau is too happy as if his neutral face doesn't scream "abandoned kicked puppy"
a redo of this post with baby's new hair and adjusted face
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nellasbookplanet · 1 year
I just caught up with ep 63 and I'm fucking vibrating. The difference of the Bor'dor reveal and the Dusk reveal! Dusk spending their entire time with the party stirring up drama, once caught out still openly provoking and trying to find an angle to straight up kill Fearne's parents, and the party still struggling to find every reason to let them go, let them live. And Dusk never gave a shit. Why would they! They were a fey assassin! And still the Hells fought and argued for them and let them walk away despite openly remaining a threat.
And then we get Bor'dor, wet paper tissue of a man, tragic backstory up to the gills, genuinely spending time to bond with them, having his little practice session with them being his proudest moment, sharing vulnerabilities. And though he drew first blood, he did it trying to run away, not kill! He did it having seen these people murder his friends and drag their dead bodies out of the hole! He was helpless on the ground, all but begging them to end him because he saw no reason to keep going! There was enough turmoil and doubt in him that he could probably have been deradicalized! He hated them but he loved them too!
And had this been early campaign, in all likelihood they would have let him live. But this is a Bell's Hells who have already been betrayed once by an ally, who lost Eshteross to the Ruby Vanguard, who lost half the fucking party to the Ruby Vanguard, who went on a grueling journey to get Laudna back, who struggled and struggled and still failed to stop Ludinus and ended up separated and scared and not knowing whether the world is about to end or not, whether their friends are alive or not.
And they were done. They did not fight for him. This is war. Were Dusk to show back up now, I doubt they’d survive the encounter.
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trickstertox · 12 days
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Hercules and Beau's Farm; Watercolor (Real) Brush on ibisPaint X; In a Charming Country Life palette by meowstic-seer-of-the-future as submitted to @color-palettes; 4 hours and 14 minutes.
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action-not-despair · 1 year
shut up im thinking abt loquatious' final speech again. such a small detail is that he mispronounces zerxus' name. which is fine, hell he did it with his own name in the first episode's broadcast. but theres something about this one.
zerxus has made a Deal, and if anyone in the ring of brass knows something about deals itd be our faerie warlock. and i think about vespin chloras, whos wish to not be forgotten was granted by being remembered as the worst villain in history. and i think about how loquatious tells laerryn "history is not true". and how faerie and devilish lore both share a belief in the importance of names.
and yeah, its probably not that deep. but maybe, just maybe, it was loquatious' way of protecting his friend from the march of history flattening a person's identity into a word on a sheet of paper.
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Me: ahahha no im TOTALLY normal about One Pice now :) I can prove it, I only watched 150 episodes this month!
Also me: *watched 500 episodes last month* :)
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loverboydotcom · 7 months
felix bobby and beau the funniest “love” triangle of all time in the sense that there’s no love triangle because there’s no conflict or tension between them at all regarding their individual relationships with one another because they don’t want the same things and the idea they would be jealous or conflicted never occurs to them. however they have all had sex each other
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dallonwrites · 1 year
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beau is sooo messy i'm obsessed with him. him being happy to see felix seemingly flourishing and being more confident etc but also feeling weird and almost jealous at the fact that it used to be just him that got to see felix that way. that he used to be the only reason for it. and like he KNOWS that's a messy and kind of fucked up way to think about it but he also knows he's in a really weird spot emotionally and can't help it
#one question i am obsessed with at the moment is what makes a person/character 'toxic'#i don't think it's a simple yes or no a character either is or isn't#especially with grief and complicated emotions like...#i have had some UGLY thoughts about people. even about people i love and consider friends#and i have had times where i've had to question myself and wondered if i'm actually this spiteful and meanspirited person#but i realised all of those moments were happening in very difficult and dark times in my grief#which was making it harder for me to regulate emotions and being much more sensitive and quick to take something personally#even though i would know logically that i did not feel that way AS I FELT THAT WAY#it was a mind fuck and it took so long to figure out how to process and unpack all that...#anyway im obsessed with grieving characters having sensitivity and messy feelings and being easily triggered into them#and feeling them even though they know logically that's not how they actually feel under 'normal' circumstances#all this to say i dont think beau is a toxic person. but i do think he is grieving and his is the fleshiest/rawest character ive written in#a while LOL#hes competing with felix and dorothy. who imo were actually being toxic to each other in RR LOL#but then it's like. a character that is toxic at times is not necessarily a bad person to me!#im specifying character because i dont want to get into a discussion about irl morality. but like.#oughhh i love characters who are hypocritical and suck but are also full of love and a desire to be better but its hard to be
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dyketubbo · 2 years
i do think oranboo would wear dresses and skirts but i also think that she would still be really pathetic. shes not your sassy but supportive sister figure who magically knows makeup now and does yours for you shes not human and her species doesnt have gender (at MOST if you connect enderians to the ender dragon then she would be. a dragon) so tits would probably be more annoying to her than anything ("why would i choose to have back pain. why shouldnt i just tailor dresses to fit me without weird lumps on my chest") shes probably not going to be very nice at all really
no in my mind oranboo has just decided that now that shes a girl shes TWICE as better than everyone. shes still a weirdo who lives in a cave and cant go out in the rain not because it would ruin her makeup but because itll literally kill her. ranboo not being on the server is actually just oranboo going mining to try and get rich again. shes still a spoiled brat but now shes a spoiled brat of a PRINCESS and really her connection to the ender dragon makes her THRICE as cool and better than everyone else, actually. she mutters to herself and probably always has dirty hands because ender but she doesnt have silk touch.
transitioning didnt make oranboo go from a manloser to a #girlboss #slay #baddie who pinches your cheeks and teases you but means well. shes just a womanloser now who does wear dresses and heels but the heels are so it hurts more when she steps on your foot to get you to drop something and then pretends it wasnt her and even if it was you deserved it actually because that was hers? its in her hands so its hers now. she probably stole the gender too
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umblrspectrum · 6 months
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au where the sentinels are jusr really big dogs but everyone still dies through hilarious and comical missteps
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beauzos · 11 months
Was wrapping up chapter 21 last night (which. Pain because I rly wanted to finish it before today and because of it I went to bed at 4:30 fml) and something I think is interesting is like. Blackstone is talking to Vic about how he feels like he can’t trust Jerome or the posse because they all knew something was wrong with Beau and just kept letting Beau go along with them anyways, not to mention how there’s always been rumblings about shadiness in that group, and although I think the narrative (from Vic’s perspective) suggests that Blackstone is wrong . To be honest I think he has a point KDND
He just seems irrational because he’s really angry but Blackstone is fuckin right about most of the things he says lol
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potatoesandsunshine · 2 years
thinking about molly is like.
me, internally dodging a bunch of dumb shit ppl said that i remember: honestly his presence and absence in the campaign were deeply impactful and served to make the narrative richer and more compelling
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icedhockey · 2 years
this is the first time i’ve witnessed a trade that is deeply upsetting to me in real time and i have so much respect for you guys who have been doing this for years because what the fuck just happened. how does one move on from this
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miabrown007 · 1 year
mia I need you to know that i love it SO much when you reblog one of my posts that's like. a month and a half old. because by that point i have TOTALLY forgotten about the post and you reblogging it reminds me of it again.
and it's also really funny to me because the way i use tumblr means that there's no WAY i would see a post that someone i follow reblogged a month ago. that is ancient history.
PLEASE keep doing it
ah, so that's how long my queue currently is 😂😂 (it has 422 posts, which, I'm not gonna lie, things run away a little, but on my defense, I don't have a 300-posts limit to stop me anymore)
but glad to know that my insane blogging habits appeal to someone, getting good grade at mutuals!!
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irrigos · 2 years
i was not expecting that post abt ahistorical fiction to get any notes lol. but since it's on my mind i AM gonna talk a little shit about the regency letter larp i was in. yes i will do it on my fl sideblog you are not the boss of me
really i guess it's my fault for expecting more from people but i s2g sooo many of these people got their knowledge of the regency era from like. memes. yes i too read that twitter thread about how beau brummel ruined menswear, but i did one picosecond of research after that and learned that thats literally not true at all. "beau brummell made it all boring :/" look at a fashion plate from the 1830s and tell me menswear got boring in the 1790s and never recovered. try it. please. "its his fault that menswear is only black or navy suits :(" literally when was the last time you saw a man wearing a suit regularly. like... my dad wears one to work sometimes? but he's a lawyer. that's not really what menswear looks like anymore!! that used to be the daily work wear for everyone, but honestly if i wore a suit into the office every day, people would think i was incredibly strange. we're just less formal these days!
but also like. im sorry i know all your ocs are soooo special and smart and right about everything so somehow they all have modern opinions about every topic. but most of them would probably be into beau brummell. they would think he was stylish. because that is what was stylish at the time. why don't you also tell me that your girl characters don't wear stays or corsets because #feminism while you're at it 🙄
i just don't really get the appeal of writing historical fiction if you're not actually interested in engaging with the reality of the era? i mean, i know it's all fantasy. it's play. but why choose THIS setting then? i honestly had more respect for and more fun playing with the people who were open about the fact that they didn't know much about history, and just wanted to rp a romance between fancy people. at least they weren't trying to convince me that it makes perfect sense that their character held these really anachronistic views about their own era that just so happen to align with what you, a modern person, think about it retroactively
anyway tldr: 🙄
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