#like how I felt about Papyrus from Undertale
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angrybatart · 11 months ago
Hey! Heyheyheyh-heyheyhey! Want some more Spamton? YOU DON'T? [WELL, here ya go!]
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Inked and colored in my first doodle. Thought about shading, but he looks good without it!
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Based on the Spamton fan song. His hands are NOT good for someone who struggles with drawing them.
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Again, based on the fan song. But only because I haven't played or looked up let's play videos for Deltarune. [Kinda want to experience it myself, you know?]
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bonelyheartsclub · 3 months ago
for the swap versions of eachother (undertale/underswap and underfell/fellswap) what was it like seeing themselves essentially swapped with their own brother? and do you think the swapped versions of themselves get along for being like minded or are opposed to each other for it (at least when they first met i know they get along now lol)
Stretch: Was definitely…… overwhelmed when he met Papyrus and Boss. Imagining himself running around, doing everything like that every hour of every day made him feel tired just thinking it. More power to those guys. And he gets along with them as easy as his “lazy” counterparts, just conversation naturally oozes out with them.
Blue: Was absolutely astounded to see Sans and Red, how could he ever be that lazy in any universe? Though given he also shares their trait of lacking motivation in some things, he supposes he can relate. Papyrus was a great make-up gift, though, and the two became quick friends! Boss not so much, but that was for other reasons. Mainly dissimilar wavelengths. If anything came from it, though, it was nice to see that no matter the universe, his brother still kept his sweet tooth.
Red: Felt right at home with Blue and Nox. Even with the switching, he just saw it as more people to playfully antagonize with puns and pranks a plenty. He knows himself, he'd enjoy some April fooling, even if they were a bit more uppity. Stretch and Rus were a bit odd; he never thought he'd see his brother be so lackadaisical about anything. It took a bit of adjustment, but he considers them good buddies now. Though he does try to tone things down a little bit for them, moreso than he does for Sans; the part of him that still sees his little brother deems it so.
Boss: The swap siblings were a bit of a surprise to Boss, initially. Though over time, he realized Stretch still had ambition in his own way. Maybe not for the same things HE did, but nonetheless. Blue was a bit more difficult to understand, but gradually he noticed more similarities with Red. Particularly in their need to mess with each other; something he was glad to not be a part of. He was most perplexed by Rus. Knowing he came from such a harsh universe, he was initially surprised someone so clumsy could make it out of there. Though seeing Nox, he supposed it wasn't too much of a surprise: his brother would look out for him in any universe.
Papyrus: For Papyrus, seeing other versions of himself was a little earth-shattering, since before he had assumed it was just he and his brother. At first, he's ecstatic that there's more skeletons!! More friends who understand, especially with Blue!! He does realize later on that not all of his alternates have had the best life, but he wants to make sure they're comfortable from now on.
Sans: Was initially a bit surprised by the swapped siblings (and he for sure had some thoughts about multiverse theory when he met them), but once he got over the moment of shock, he found it easy enough to get along with all of them. Both Stretch and Blue remind him of Papyrus at times, just in different ways. Nox and Rus don't exactly have that same odd familiarity, though he likes them enough to be a general nuisance to them.
Nox: Was defensive and confused at first; seeing different versions of himself and his brother disheartened and enlightened him a bit. Seeing that others had better lives than them had him disappointed, but knowing Boss and Red having similar experiences of the underground had him feeling a sort of comradery- especially with Boss, even if they don't see eye to eye all the time.
Rus: Was a bit overwhelmed in general by the different versions, but he finds them all to be good company now. Papyrus was the oddest version of himself to see, but he admires Paps' energy. Boss reminded him a little of his brother and Rus admires him for his drive and ability to get things done. Stretch is the easiest to get along with for him, and Blue is a bit perplexing to him at times. Sans and Red are odd and definitely different from Nox, but he likes them both well enough (as long as Red keeps any big pranks to himself.)
Via @/Buttergriffin332 (Stretch), @/DuskySkye (Blue, Red, Boss), @/Creative-poptart (Papyrus), @/Lost-immortality (Sans), @/ChrysanStarset (Nox), & @/Goatdadjaxx (Rus).
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Hi! It's me again :) btw can I be your -💀anon?
You don't have to put a tag or anything but it's just so when I send asks you know it's me (^-^)/
Btw loved the headcanons you made
Could you please do some but this time it's a bit silly like I have this plot in mind :
Skele walks on s/o cutting their hair but with kitchen scissors and then like making it better with a derma shaver (I saw a video on tiktok of someone doing that and it just was funny to me lol)
What would the skele do and think? It'd be funny if some if them are a bit confused since they don't have hair
Again no worries if you don't take the ask ! Have a good day/night and be safe :)
of course you can be 💀 <3
(imma just do the skelebros from the last req bc i love them)
(also the amount of times ive wanted to do the exact same thing)
UnderTale, UnderFell, and UnderSwap skelebros walk in on their s/o cutting their hair
-"whatcha doin', y/n?"
-you look at him through the mirror while you continue cutting your hair.
-"oh, nothing! just wanted a little bit of a change. by the way, could you make sure im getting it even in the back?"
-he does.
-other than that, he just... watches.
-not creepily, or whatever.
-he's kind of quiet the whole time.
-when you finish, you do a little twirl to show your haircut
-"good job, kiddo"
-goes to take a nap
-as long as you're happy, he's okay.
-"human! what is it you are-" his jaw dropped.
-literally. it fell on the floor.
-that was his biggest concern. was having to wash the scissors. he uses those to cook! he needs them clean!!
-he gives you the silent treatment after
-for about 20 minutes. what can he say? he missed you!
-he was just walking by the bathroom and looked caught a glance of you, scissors in hand, hair in clumps on the floor.
-he thinks it's a fighting thing. to keep monsters from being able to pull it.
-kind of surprised when you said that no, you just thought it'd be fun.
-he's weirded out, kind of. he thought you liked your hair?
-but oh well. as long as he doesn't have to be the one cleaning up the bathroom.
-he definitely has the strongest reaction of all of the skelebros.
-he LOVES your hair.
-when you said you just felt like cutting it, he STORMED out of the house.
-he went through extreme grief.
-he didn't tall to you much for the next week or so.
-least supportive, most dramatic. that's for sure.
-he is SO excited.
-he thinks you'll look great!
-asks if he can help you
-wonders if you'll dye it, too? blue! it'a his favorite color, to go with his favorite human.
-the exact opposite of SOMEONE *cough cough* Edge
-he is the MOST supportive
-"hey, y/n, have you seen- oh!"
-it's certainly a surprise, but a welcome one, indeed.
-hangs around in there, just watching what you're doing.
-how are you so good? have you done this before?
-he thinks you look pretty damn good, though
sorry some of these are short ;-;
also idk if you meant just trimming? like i started writing these thinking 'oh! anon meant like long hair and going short! great!' because that's where it is from my (long haired) perspective. if that isn't what you meant i'd be happy to rewrite them x
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cloudyskydreams · 5 months ago
S/O with depression and old sh scars UT,UF,US!
This can be a triggering subject so fair warning to y'all, nothing explicit is mentioned. This is a little self indulgent and they're pretty similar I'm not going to lie but I tried to add a least a little uniqueness to each one. If you are struggling with mental health know you're not alone and this will pass. It will get better you just have to hold out hope as hard as that is and people really care about you including me ::3 anyways hope y'all enjoy!
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He gets it, he sees your scars and understands. Maybe not exactly what you've experienced but he understands enough. He shows you the odd scar he's given himself as he was never big on physical harming himself. On bad days he gets off his ass to make sure you atleast have something to eat, most likely takeout and after that's taken care of he snuggles up with you to vegetate out. He makes you promise and in return promises to talk about mental health more especially if it gets worse. He brings up his own problems more hoping it'll get you to do the same and vent to him.
He's hurting inside when he sees your scars. He's dealt with Sans depression but this is a whole nother ballpark to him as Sans never really self harmed. He gently runs over your scars and reassures you that he doesn't think any less of you. He checks up on your mental health alot and makes sure you're taking care of yourself. He helps out around the house with chores and such when you're having a particularly bad day and caters to your needs whether that be snacks or cuddles. He likes to journal with you and has you state at least 3 good things that happen every day, focusing on the positive is key your conscious becomes your subconscious and the goal is to get you to think more positively!
He's also hurting inside when seeing your scars. Red understands he has scars of his own that he shows you. He holds you close and kisses every scar he can find telling you they don't determine your worth and letting you know how beautiful you are. He gets worried and checks your wrists and thighs while you sleep sometimes. He knows how hard it is to ask for help so he offers it most of the time. When having a bad day he makes sure you're taken care of. Cuddled up in all the blankets and pillows in the house while he dotes on you like mother hen. He trys to help you find other ways to cope, one of his biggest ones is music and he creates personal playlists for you for when you're in your moods.
He freezes up upon seeing the scars. Edge is a protector he protects what's his, how is he supposed to protect you from yourself? He gently glides his finger over the scars as if they were simply dust he could wipe away. He reassures you and makes you promise to him that you'll come to him before it comes to this again. When having rough days he steps up, sets his scheduled day to the side, and takes care of all the chores around the house while simultaneously taking care of you. He makes sure you take care of yourself on a day to day basis basing his routine around you brushing your teeth together, changing clothes, eating meals. He just likes making sure you're taken care of even if he has to be there himself for it to happen.
A little distraught upon seeing your scars. He has them too and he hates knowing you felt it was even an option. He kisses your scars and shows you his albeit a little embarrassed himself. It's a moment of shared tears and reassurances. When having a bad day he cuddles up with you wherever you decide to lay and does his best to distract you with games and cuddles. He doodles little butterflies and hearts over your scars. He likes to draw little doodles when you're upset hoping they'll cheer you up. Some of them are silly and stick doodles like his brother as a cowboy and some are more well done like ones of you. He even has a small comic going of him and his brother as superheros saving the person in distress( aka you).
He internally freaks out upon seeing your scars. He went through this with his brother and seeing them immediately sends off alarms in his head. He asks if you're alright and gently looks over your scars dedicating each one to memory so he'll know if a new one shows up. He premakes you meals and texts you throughout the day if he's busy to check up on you or simply give you updates on his day. It's alright if you aren't feeling up to responding he'll still message if left on seen or delivered and knows you're just struggling right now.On bad days he cuddles you close and takes the day off of any previous activities he had to keep you company. He'll plan small easy activities for you two to do together so he knows you're getting some enrichment besides doom scrolling and sleeping.
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o-sunny-day · 2 months ago
Writing Exercise time!!! Plus a doodle based on the scene!
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Keep Reading for the writing since its kinda long for Tumblr, 508 words
Undyne can't really remember how or when this started, but it's how she's spent most of her free time these days. In a secluded cavern deep within Waterfall, the new-ish Empress of the Underground does her usual training, but in a much less sophisticated way than usual. And even then, she's hardly ever been sophisticated… This kind of “training”, she doesn't want anyone around for. But, there's still always a little bit of company whether she likes it or not. Sans.
Memories are a tad fuzzy around the time she started training, so naturally, memories are fuzzy around the time he started joining her.
“Joining” might be a strong word… watching? he also isn't really doing that either. His usual spot is the corner, his back against the wall that's to the left of Undyne. Eyes always closed, and in the same usual position. Legs out, head leaned back and to the side, and sitting at a less than comfortable distance away from Undyne's barrage of spears. Well, she's not forcing him to be here. He can do what he wants.
Her strained yells from giving so many speeches, always echo across the walls of the cavern, bouncing off stalactites. Adding on- the sound of barely restrained magic being released is deafening. All of her “attacks” lose any idea of “patterns” and “fairness” during these sessions. She doesn't know why it feels like it helps, but Undyne thinks it does
The vibration of the spears cracking the wall buzzes inside his skull in a comforting way, the shouting giving voice to a lot of subconsciously repressed feelings. All in all, the worst spot in the underground to take a nap. But it’s become a pretty enjoyable part of their routine, or at least for Sans it has. He hasn't asked Undyne about how she feels about him crashing her party, but she hasn't asked- er yelled at him to leave yet.
Sans doesn't really know, or remember why he decided to come to this area, or why he kept doing so after he found Undyne here. He supposed it just felt right. It's nice to not be alone and not have any obligation to talk about anything, or at all. If Undyne pretends Sans isnt even there, he doesn't mind. He, too, enjoys pretending he isn't anywhere sometimes.
As Sans heads out onto the beaten path, in the direction of the main walkway in Waterfall, he takes notice of, and is lowley amused- even sort of impressed by some of the echo flowers picking up on a few of Undyne's yells.
His head had started to ache in complaint at the assault to his metaphorical ears, so he checked out a bit earlier. Eventually reaching Snowdin, he walked right past his house. He wasn’t done laying around and doing nothing anywhere else yet.
Sans couldn't really remember how long it had been, or when Undyne had started walking to the side and a bit behind Sans, but it's how they spent a lot of their free time these days.
BACKGROUND: This is an idea I got while thinking about the Empress Undyne w Papyrus dead ending! Thinking about how Sans and Undyne would handle their own- and each other's grief. Their relationship is quite interesting in Undertale, its very much a mutual friend thing, but they also work so well as a trio. So what happens when that connection is ripped away from them? do they grow closer, or faaar apart? This piece is demonstrating what I think I'd be like….a weird version of growing closer. They don't talk… They both aren't one for talking about their feelings after all. They just are around each other way more often than usual.
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derangedanomaly · 11 months ago
Hi, was wondering if I can do another reqest! In this one, undertale, Underswap, horrortale, and underfell with a reader who is a doctor. Like, the best of thr best doctor. In this scenario, could you do one where reader comes home after a 17 hour shift and just grabs them, still in their work close, and just cuddles them where the bros are. No words, no noise, just grab, snuggle, sleep!
Hope you are having a good day!
(Undertale, Underswap, Underfell, Horrortale)
You were tired. More so than often, and couldn't stand it anymore. You just want to go home, snatch your boyfriend, and relax under the covers.. it would ultimately be more rewarding than anything.
You sighed in relief when the clock on your wall signalled that it's the closing hour... Finally, you could leave. It's not like you hate your job, quite the opposite actually! But today just felt more like a chore...
After you arrived home, you were met with the figure of Papyrus tending to the kitchen. "Y/N! WELCOME HOME!" You smiled tiredly at Papyrus. He was probably cooking up some Spaghetti. "Yeah, we ended a little earlier." You went into the living room and stood still, staring at the two figures lumped on it. Sans, laying the back of his head on the armrest of the couch, sleeping, and Frisk. They were staring at you with a small smile. You waved at them, then decided to finally let your mind just doze off...
You crashed onto Sans' lap, and hugged him close, closing your eyes.. yes, you missed this. Frisk seemed to be surprised at this sudden act of affection from you, as they gazed at you with opened mouth. You slowly felt your mind drift off before you succumbed to sleep.
Sans lazily opened one eye, staring at you on his lap. His cheeks gained a blueish color. Looks like his doctor worked themselves to the brim. He smiled even wider, if it was possible, and wrapped one arm around you, before deciding that it's just not enough, and bear hugged you.
Papyrus went into the room, about to announce that the dinner is ready, until gawking at you two. Him and Frisk shared glances, before he decided you needed to be alone. "Come On Frisk, Let's Go Eat Dinner.." he tried to be the quietest he can, as he took Frisk's hand and led them to the kitchen.
You smiled after you arrived home and smelled Papyrus' food floating around the air.
He probably didn't heard you, because you did not receive any greeting, while you were taking off your boots. You went into the kitchen area, and saw Papyrus absolutely engulfed in his cooking. He's sometimes too cute...
He jumped a little when you wrapped your hands around him, hugging him from behind. "Y/N! I DIDN'T EVEN HEARD YOU!" Papyrus' turned around, and hugged you right back.
He picked you up, to hold you a little better. He seemed to beam with excitement when he hugged you. "HOW WAS WORK TODAY?" You hummed, tired just from the mention of today's work. "Tiring..." Papyrus had a worried face when he heard that, and fully faced you. "WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO TO BED? I CAN ALWAYS SUPPLY TODAY'S DINNER IN THE FRIDGE FOR YOU FOR LATER!" You only hummed, not really listening, as the thought of sleep covered your whole mind.
Papyrus was still talking, and you loved to listen to his ramblings! But not today. You cupped his skull, which made him immediately stop his constant rambling. "Oh.." he gazed into your eyes. You softly smiled and kissed his skull.
His whole face flushed orange, as he couldn't look at you with embarrassment. "H-heh...I....u-uhm..." This is probably the quietest you've ever heard him.
"Papyrus....." He was hooked on your words, staring back at you. "Let's go to bed.." "Of course!" He was quick to listen to your words, and left the kitchen, with you still in his arms.
You were so goddamn tired. You just couldn't stand it. All you wanted was to just go home, and crash your boyfriend with hugs and cuddles.. it would definitely be more rewarding than anything.
You sighed in relief when the clock on your wall signalled that it's the closing hour... Fucking finally, you could leave. It's not like you hate your job, quite the opposite actually! But today just felt more like a pain in the ass...
You yawned when you reached your home. You can't wait to reach your boyfriend... You passed through the door, greeting Papyrus who sat on the couch reading a magazine of some sort. He nodded at you, but quickly resumed his reading.
You went up the stairs, reaching your boyfriend's bedroom. Sans jumped up when you abruptly opened the door. "JESUS! My god sweetheart... Don't do that." You couldn't help but giggle at the sight of Sans' face. "Sorry...not." he playfully rolled his eyes and chuckled.
He looked at you with anticipation when you went up to him and sat on his lap. His skull flashed red, as he grinned flirty at you. "Shush...long day.." was all you had to say for Sans to lay with you on his bed, your body on top of his.
You laid for a bit, with comfortable silence...until- "How are you?" "Goddamnit Sans, I just wanna sleep. Shush..." He laughed lightly at your attitude, as he wrapped his arms around you securely.
You yawned when you passed through the big door, your eyes already looking for a certain skeleton. You just can't wait to be crushed with cuddles. You beamed when you saw him sat on the couch, reading a magazine.
"Papyrus.." this got Papyrus' attention, as he looked at you with happiness. "Ah! MY NUMBER ONE!" You giggled at his silliness, and engulfed him in a hug. Papyrus seemed to quickly melt into the warm hug, as he contently sighed.
"A LONG DAY, HUH?" You only nodded, already feeling yourself drift off. He chuckled at your tired state, as he let you cling to him. "Sweet Dreams.."
You were so utterly exhausted... Today was a hard one.. You just want to go home, snatch your boyfriend, and relax under the covers.. it would be so much more rewarding than anything.
You sighed in relief when the clock on your wall signalled that it's the closing hour... Finally, you could leave. It's not like you hate your job, quite the opposite actually! But today just felt more like a chore...
You didn't even step a foot into your house, when you were suddenly tackled by your favorite skeleton. Sans!
You smiled tiredly at him, which he returned with a concerned look. "Welcome home, Y/N! I figured you'd be tired after work, so.. I made you Tacos!" Your mouth watered at the mention of Sans' cooking.. especially Tacos. They were seriously so good!
"That's really nice of you, Sans! But can we just...." He was looking at you expectant. "Lay down?" His whole face beamed at you as he quickly nodded. "Of course!"
You flashed red when he picked you up as if you weighted nothing, and went with you upstairs. What a sweetie...
You yelped when you almost tripped over the laying figure of Papyrus, near the door.. how can he just fall asleep so easily like this? You sighed, not having enough energy to scold him. You're that Sans is gonna do that anyways when he finds out.
"Oh, hey Sweetpea. You're back early." Papyrus lazily smiled at you. You nodded, sighing yet again. "Yeah...we had a short day today, I'm really tired..." Papyrus jumped up when he heard that. "Then let's relax together!" He seemed almost ecstatic, when he threw you over his shoulder, making his way upstairs.
You giggled at his eagerness. "I was afraid you'd never ask.." you could almost doze off just by laying on his shoulder.. he then gently laid you down on his bed, laying on top of you and hugging you close. His cheeks were painted with an orange color, as he just relished in the feeling of your body against his. "Sweet dreams..."
Work in Horrortale was so unbelievably harder....you felt like dying right here right now. Today was especially hard.. You just want to go home, and hide under the covers.. it would definitely ease you more.
You let out a sigh of relief when the clock on your wall signalled that it's the closing hour... Finally, you could leave. It's not like you hate your job, it's just that at the surface... it's not as dangerous as in the underground
You went out of the hospital, about to leave, but was stopped by the looming figure of Sans. He gazed at you with a permanent smile etched on his face. Despite the creepiness this giant always held with him, you felt more than relieved to see him here. You ran up to him and crushed him with your hug. "Sans! You came to walk me home?" Sans nodded, and carefully returned you your hug. He still felt like as if you were made from glass... The thought that Horror doesn't want to hurt you made you feel butterflies.
During your walk, you explained him how much tired you feel today, you just wanted to lay down, and sleep. After your brief explanation, Sans suddenly picked you up from the ground, and sat you on his shoulders. Your cheeks flushed red. "Sans..you don't have to." He shook his head. "You're tired...sleep.." he spoke as he led the whole way home, seems like you were too tired to deny him, as you felt yourself drifting away..
The last thing you heard Horror mumble, before succumbing to sleep, was; "Cute.."
You beamed up at Papyrus, when you saw him standing outside the hospital, waiting for you. "Paps!" You went off, running towards him. "HUMAN!" He extended his arms, as you crushed into his hug. How lovely was it to see him!
"I DECIDES TO ACCOMPANY YOU ON YOUR WAY HOME, AS I'M AFRAID OF ANYTHING HAPPENING TO YOU, WHILE WALKING THROUGH HERE." You couldn't help the blush creeping up on your cheeks, when you heard how considerate he was. That's Paps alright. "Aww, thanks Paps." He nodded, taking a hold of your hand, and walking towards your destination.
"I'm tired Papyrus...today was really stressful..." Papyrus frowned at the sound of that, as he thought about the solution to this problem.. oh, he came up with an idea! Truly a brilliant idea! Unless you won't like it... "WELL IN THAT CASE- WOULD YOU LIKE TO START WITH YOUR SLEEP RIGHT NOW?" You looked at him in confusion. Right now? But you're in the middle of walking..
You quickly figured out how Papyrus meant it, when he picked you up bridal style, and carried you all the way home, in his arms... You won't lie. It was probably the most comfortable sleep you've had in awhile.
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undersprite · 6 months ago
2024 Comic Contest Results
Before we get started, I would like to extend a personal thank you to everyone who created an entry for the contest this year. Although we only got four entries this year, those four entries' dedication to telling stories that are novel and interesting for this community to enjoy is worthy of commendation in itself. For a while, I was scared we wouldn't even get enough entries to fill the podium; thanks to your efforts, this has not come to pass.
Since we have very few entries this time around, I'll be providing a link to each comic, with accompanying scores and excerpts from reviews. Now, catch the results under the cut:
Runner-Up: "The Undertale Game Comic" by FutureGamer25
(Average score: 15.5/50)
"As the submitter says, this was made in a day. I can’t be too hard on this out of principle..." - Soufon
"[...it] succeeded at making me laugh multiple times, thanks in no small part to how it deliberately wields nothing looking like it fits together." - CHAOS_FANTAZY
"You know, honestly for being made in less than a day and being posted 5 minutes before the deadline, I gotta give you a lot of credit for that. I don’t even think I could have made that in a day [...]" - Mufeet
"The freaking car and the ending got me a good chuckle. I'll give you that. I congratulate you for tossing your coin." - Subna
3rd: "Frisk Visits the Store and Nothing Happens" by Trooper3
(Average score: 34/50)
"I thought Sans and ESPECIALLY Papyrus were super funny [...] I think we’ve finally reached a point where the skele-bros are just consistently characterized properly now, and I love to see it." - Mufeet
"The FunMart[TM] makes an earnest effort to capture the feeling of exploring an area in an actual Toby Fox game, and [...] captures at least a bit of that shine." - CHAOS_FANTAZY
"I honestly like your idea, is funny and it works perfectly to show these OCs of yours in this format. I wish there was more content to see about them, I wish to know them [...]" - Subna
"As light as it is, I like having this kind of slice of life look into UT’s world, the comedy focus helping to make the comic feel more breezy than insubstantial." - Soufon
2nd: "Undertale: Pushing On" by Mouse
(Average score: 34.75/50)
"Of all the entries we got, this is the only one that really felt like it captured the essence of telling a story as if it were still part of a game—something I have sorely missed." - CHAOS_FANTAZY
"Great story and great teaching from it. Can add up greatly to UNDERTALE’s world and...tbh I’d LOVE to play a full game with Alvia." - Subna
"[...] I like having who [Gerson] is in UT be because of Alvia’s actions, like how the orange soul kid is framed as responsible for the bunny family in Snowdin’s success - having all the soul humans impact the underground like that helps all of them feel real to UT’s world[...]" -Soufon
"I was captivated from beginning to end, and god, the ending [...] it actually made me a bit teary-eyed." - Mufeet
1st: "Knock Knock" by StarlightShores and ToMoChao
(Average score: 47/50)
"I was not expecting something like this out of this contest. Knock Knock is a substantial storyline, not a peek into an adventure, or a silly reprieve." - Soufon
"Even if it’s pretty lengthy, it keeps you engaged, to know where this is all going, all the way to the end." - Subna
"Flowey and Sans pair-ups are so rare, but when done it is ALWAYS such a fun time. They both play off each other so well, and it is no exception in this comic, especially towards the end where they start to bond over dealing with the loss of someone important to them." - Mufeet
"You created a story going on a thousand panels where, while reading it, my attention never flagged [...] You created a webcomic the Undertale fanbase will, if there’s any justice left around here, be obsessed with for years to come. It’s art, I’m afraid." - CHAOS_FANTAZY
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Our full score card for the event can be seen here. The full reviews will be available in the Discord server on request.
With regards to prizes: the judge whom was contributing to our prize pool has begun college for the year, and unfortunately they were unable to set aside the money they had originally promised for the cash prize. The illustration prize is still available; winners, please reach out to fmsdraws on Discord to claim your prize.
And that leaves me...with this blog.
I'd like to write up a proper postmortem for this experience, but that can come in another week or two. For now, please enjoy the comics and celebrate the victors!
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sillyunknownkitkat · 1 year ago
Undertale, Underswap, and underfell brothers react to a reader (platonic or not) that is hyper sexual
Mind that you're responsible for your own consumption, vague nsfw under the cut and sentive topics
No dni banner because there's nothing really explicit but it's implied
Undertale :
He noticed slight changes in your attitude before your crisis started. You were getting more and more bold, which is quite unusual for you.
Sans was worried for the few day you disappeared but understood that you may not want him to know about your problems. It didn't make him any less curious though.
It was a week after your first "symptoms" that he really got worried. So he went to your hiding place to confront you about it.
"Knock knock" Sans said, standing right in front of the bedroom's door.
"Sans?" You asked surprised and a bit panicked.
"S'not how the joke goes, kid. Knock knock." His tone wasn't particularly harsh, but he made it clear that he wasn't leaving. He used a tone that you had learned to interpret since knowing him.
"Who's there?" You said recluantly, you didn't want anyone to know about your bad habits
"Will." You thought for a bit, trying to guess the end of the joke but couldn't figure it out with your head still full of what's currently going on
"Will who?" Sans smiles a bit. Even in bad times, he still likes his jokes. It helps him relax a little.
"Will you open the door so we can talk face to face?"
So after putting on a sweatshirt and pyjama's pants, you get up and open the door.
"Hey.." You look down at his slippers.
"Hey, how 'bout we sit down and talk a bit, mh? M'not upset with you, just worried."
After you both settle down on the bed, you bring your knees to your chest and wait for him to start talking.
"Soooo, what's up, kiddo?"
Yeah... This is awkward for the both of you
So after you explained the things you were doing and how you felt while he patiently listened, he just asked you one thing.
"Is it because of a traumatic event you've been through?"
Now I let you decide what happened or not because everyone is different, but let's just say that if a person did something to make you feel that way, they're going to have a not so friendly chat with Sans.
Now, this cutie definitely didn't wait to ask you what was going on. I imagine him being autistic
So, while our pretty boy is definitely not stupid, I like to think he still struggles a bit with social clues. This means that he did ask you as soon as he noticed, but it might have taken quite a while.
Now, we all now Sans almost canonically struggles with depression so Paps can definitely help you a bit.
So, since no one can resist that cool face, you explained what was going on and let me tell you... That man was upset! Not at you but at the fact that you felt that way and he couldn't do anything about it. Not that it was his fault, but yk (* ̄∇ ̄)ノ
Now he spent days telling you how amazing you were, how he loved you (platonically or not *wink wink*), and trying to get you attention on something else than your problem so you'd feel better.
Because you do. Not "maybe", you do 😭🔫😾
The cat is me, obviously 🙄
Underswap :
Blue (sans)
Might get hate on this one, but I think he struggles with hypersexuality too. I don't remember who's Au's it is, but there is one where he's popular on Instagram and where he's close friend with Viper (sf sans from that au which I use). So he knew what was going on before you told him.
Bb explained that he was like that, too, so you guys took care of each other :3
Like getting in comfy clothes, cooking a bit, cuddling, watching a movie, ... whatever you want!
And like spa treatments to echother too!
I'll probably write a part two for him in the future because, like this scenario + him, it's just ✨️perfect✨️
Stretch (us papyrus)
Even tho he's younger than blue, he still took care of his brother and therefore knew what was going on too. So when he sees you, he just picks you up with his magic, drags you to the couch, and pretty much instantly falls asleep on you. Well, he's not really sleeping, but you don't know that.
After a while, you start to cry silently because you feel kind of disgusting. Stretch cling to you a tiny bit harder and starts to purr "in his sleep" to try and console you.
Yes, skeletons purr, don't ask me why or how.
Anyway, after a while of being soothed, you fall asleep, and Stretch is smiling like an idiot because he managed to help you even the tiniest bit.
After both of you wake up, he goes to ask Blue what he can do to help you and apply with the wtv he tells him.
Blue might even join to talk to you a bit :)
Underfell :
Red (uf sans)
He knew what was going on but didn't want to bother you with it. The man already knows how hard it is when you're going through tough times.
So he kinda let you be but sometimes he comes buy and offer you to do some things.
It's not in a really nice way but not rude either, just a bit rough, I guess
He was like, "How 'bout you do something instead of just lying there, huh?"
He is not an asshole. He just grew up in a difficult world and therefore kinda has a stick stuck up in his non-existent ass.
If you don't move, he'll literally drag you out of bed and sit you on the couch with a movie already picked paused on the TV.
If you talk about it, he'll listen and suggest things that might help you, but if you don't, he'll do whatever he can while being "subtle."
Edge (uf papyrus)
He catched you crying when he opened the door of your bedroom to ask you to come downstairs since dinner was ready. Now Edge is by no means a cruel person, but he had to do things to survive in the underground. I like to think that when they all got out, he and Red cut links with most of the other monsters.
So now he got quite a lot softer, but it's still Edge, so don't expect too much.
He sat down next to you and brung a hand to your back (a bit awkwardly, but the man is learning people)
"I'M HERE IF YOU NEED TO TALK." he told you in the softest voice he could manage to get out (it wasn't soft, but since you know him and how he talked you understood that he was trying)
Same as his brother, if you talk, he'll listen, but he might be a bit more insistant with his advice. Again, not in a rude way, just in his way of saying thing.
If you don't, he'll probably get a little offended that you don't trust him even after he tried his best to be soft but still understands why you may not want to talk about your problems.
Not verified afterwards, sorry ;^;
So this is it :) it's a bit shitty ngl but I tried my best.
Kinda self indulge, honestly, but I'm better now so dw
If you have a similar problem or even another one, my dm's are opened, don't stay alone in your misery.
I might not answer right away (I live in Western Europe), but I will as soon as I can
Have a good day/night, and be safe, everyone. <3
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haveyouseenthisskeleton · 2 months ago
Heyy, how would the main 10 skeletons react if their S/O dislocated their knee? I legit just dislocated my knee and it hurts so bad 😭
Undertale Sans - He immobilizes your leg with blue magic so it hurts less and he teleports straight to the hospital. He stays calm externally and jokes with you to keep you calm, but man, he is screaming inside. That's a sight he for sure didn't need to see. It's haunting him.
Undertale Papyrus - He doesn't know what to do about that? If it was his knee, he would just pop it right into place but he's a little scared he might make things worse with how strong he is. But seeing you whine on the floor makes him act anyway, he can't let you like this. I have two news for you though. Your knee is back in place, hooray! ... But he broke your ankle trying to pull hard lol. Papyrus feels horrible and won't even look at you in the eyes even if you keep telling him you're not mad at him.
Underswap Sans - It's happening all the time with his brother so he randomly screams "LOOK A TIGER!" and as you turn to look at whatever he's pointing, he grabs your knee and pops it back into place. Uh. Well. That was something. You hated the sound it made though. He calls an ambulance after that, as he's scared your dislocation is not exactly the same as the skeletons could have, and he was quite right.
Underswap Papyrus - That's his worst nightmare. Honey already hates it when it's happening to him because his knees are quite fragile, but seeing it on someone else, it's... It's too much. You scream as you see him start to faint but can't do anything to prevent him from passing out next to you lol. You know he'll probably be out for a few hours and the phone is far away. Welp. I hope you're not in a hurry because you're not moving from there before Blue returns from his shift at the police station.
Underfell Sans - He's panicking as you're crying and rolling on the floor. The hell you want him to do? Use words! He has no idea what to do, he needs instructions and simple comprehensible words to act! He's pretty sure you're dying for now and he just wants to cry. Help him to help you god dammit!
Underfell Papyrus - He sighs as you cry on the floor, takes all the time in the world to get up from the couch, pushes you on your side with his foot, stomps hard on your knee, making you scream in agony but popping the knee back to place, calls you a drama queen and goes back to sit in the couch. Wow. You've never felt so insulted by someone saving your life. You're the one calling the ambulance lol. He's stubborn and still thinks you're acting.
Horrortale Sans - He runs to ask for help to Willow, but when Willow asks him what's wrong, he just blinks. Uh. What's going on again? Oh well, if he forgot that was probably not that important. Maybe he's tired, he's going to nap. Meanwhile, you are in the chicken coop, screaming in agony. You're going to wait for a very long time... Willow finds you a few hours later crying and hugging a chicken to comfort yourself lol. Oak is so going to hide from you for a few days, scared you're mad at him forever.
Horrortale Papyrus - He stays calm and gently helps you to relax as he talks to you about random things. You don't notice his hands slowly getting close to your knee and can only gasp as your knee suddenly snaps back into place. Willow keeps talking to keep you calm as he starts to use healing magic on your leg and call an ambulance. He's kinda used to this by now. Because his growth was all wrong, it happens quite often to him. He's so in pain all the time he barely feels it anymore, which is... Uh. Concerning, actually.
Swapfell Sans - He stares at your knee with a disgusted expression as you scream at him to stop staring and do something. What the hell do you want him to do? He's a soldier, not a doctor, and he's definitely not touching the alien egg in your leg that you claim is your knee simply not in the right place. He calls an ambulance and then grabs a broom to keep you at safe distance from him. You're so offended. You can't wait to be able to walk again to hit him in the face.
Swapfell Papyrus - He's a bit freaking out right now, not knowing what to do. He tried to touch it, but you screamed in agony and now he doesn't want to touch it again, scared he's going to hurt you. He calls an ambulance and simply tries to distract you with jokes as he anxiously waits for help. He's kinda relieved when the doctors say it's not that serious and that you'll be better already in a few hours.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He picks you up with his magic and carries you above his head to the hospital. The doctor said you can't move while you're waiting for a doctor so he keeps you above his head the entire time lol. Everyone is staring at you and you're so embarrassed, but Wine doesn't really care. At least, his magic is easing the pain, so you're holding on.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - You're screaming. He's screaming. Everyone is screaming. Coffee is horrified and has no idea what he can do to help. He's already in the middle of a panic attack and now you have to deal both with your knee and Coffee not being able to breathe. You manage to convince him to give you his phone and you manage to call an ambulance. That's not a very good day lol.
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somniseeker · 1 month ago
HIHI i was thinking about your fic and was wondering, what would be the reaction frm the guys with a yn more mean? Like, they told yn to come to a party with them and yn answer "why would i want to be near You guys lmao"
swings legs i had fun with this one pls read until end for longer snippet !!
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“How would the sans' react to a meaner MC?”
pairings; undertale sans aus/mean reader
cw; made with ding!sans' in mind, they're from my fic which you can find on my page. can somewhat be read alone.
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You’re quick to deliver sharp, biting remarks, often pointing out flaws or poking fun at the others.
Fresh: At first, Fresh laughs it off and tells you how unrad it is, but you notice his responses slow down over time. You almost think you had hurt his feelings—not that you'd care, but then... Eventually, he starts countering with his own brand of overly chipper sarcasm. 90's insults and the whole shabang. “Jabroni!” “Bozo!” He’d text quick wittedly and honestly, you felt as if he didn't take you seriously at all!
Ink: Ink acts unbothered, but his emojis start feeling a little more passive-aggressive after each comment. He eventually flat-out asks if you’re always this “charming.” (Hint: yes, you are.)
Anytime someone gets excited about something, you’re quick to brush it off as “boring” or “childish.”
Blue (Swap): At first, Blue is genuinely hurt. He tries to win you over with kindness, but when it doesn’t work, he grows more defensive. “Well, at least I’m not a grouch like you!” Except this doesn't get taken that seriously through text messages, he made many typos while mad. Embarrassment sunk in his skull.
You don’t sugarcoat anything. If someone asks for your opinion, you give it to them straight—even if it stings.
Fell: While the others struggle with your bluntness, Fell almost seems to respect it. “Finally, someone who knows how to talk without all the coddling. You’re still a pain in the ass, though.”
Your humor leans sarcastic and borderline cruel, often making fun of situations or people when they least expect it.
Mutt (Fellswap Papyrus): Mutt starts out confused but eventually laughs along, he was used to his brother somewhat acting this way anyways. “i can’t tell if yer joking or just heartless. either way, i respect it..”
The Skeletons Get Used to You
Over time, the group adjusts to your personality. While the initial sting of your remarks still lingers, they realize that your meanness isn’t necessarily personal—it’s just who you are.
Fell outright calls you out one day: “At least I have the guts to say it to someone’s face. You just hide behind a screen like a coward.” Surprisingly, his bluntness makes you pause. After that, the two of you develop an odd sense of camaraderie, bonding over your shared abrasiveness. But, in your defense, it's not even like you could say anything to any of their faces—it was a groupchat! An online one!
Blue learns to dish out sass in return, though he’s not nearly as sharp as you. “Hah! See? I can be tough too!” It’s almost endearing how hard he tries to keep up.
Overall; the skeletons gradually adjust to your mean-spirited personality, finding it strangely entertaining rather than off-putting. For you, being snarky behind a screen is easier than dealing with the judgmental stares of real life. At first, your bluntness catches them off guard, but having already dealt with Fell’s abrasive honesty and Error’s sarcastic tendencies, they learn to roll with it.
Ink: we should do introductions!
You: pass.
BlueberryBoi: that’s no way to make friends!
You: i’m not here to make friends. isn’t that obvious?
GlitchBitch: ok, but why’re you still here if you hate us so much?
You: free entertainment. like watching a bad soap opera.
Ink: :\
BlueberryBoi: hey, what’s your favorite color? i wanna know more about you!
You: it’s not blue, if that’s what you’re fishing for.
BlueberryBoi: why would that be what i’m fishing for?!
FunkN’Fresh: dang, blueberry got roasted!
You: relax, fresh. you’re next. how’s it feel living in 2010 with that personality?
ISTHATTHEGRIMREAPER: this is just sad at this point.
You: what’s sad is your edge level. did you write this chat on a black notebook with skull doodles in the margins?
DANCETILLURDEAD: ok but that’s actually kinda funny.
You: congrats, first compliment of the night. don’t get used to it.
nastydawg: i’m crying.
Ink: it’s been a while since we had someone meaner than fell in here…
Fell2cool4school: correction: i say it to yer faces. this coward hides behind the screen.
You: pretty big words coming from an off-brand tsundere.
Fell2cool4school: say that again, and yer dead.
You: aw, did i hurt your feelings?
FunkN’Fresh: hey brah, we’re watching a movie later. wanna join?
You: nah.
Fell2cool4school: you always say no. do you do anything fun?
You: yeah, but it doesn’t involve hanging out with people like you.
Fell2cool4school: just admit it. you’re scared we’ll out-snark you.
You: yeah, i’m terrified. let me go cower under my desk real quick.
ISTHATTHEGRIMREAPER: ngl, that sounds like a yes.
BlueberryBoi: i think you secretly like us!
You: doubt.
Ink: so you coming to the movie night or what?
You: didn’t i already say no? you forget things a lot for someone with so many brains.
Ink: nah, just figured you’d be too lonely to say no twice.
You: …ok, that one wasn’t bad.
BlueberryBoi: hey, if you hate us so much, why’re you always online?
You: you’re that one annoying ad you can’t block.
BlueberryBoi: that doesn’t even make sense!!
Fell2cool4school: neither does their personality. move on.
You: says the guy who named himself “fell2cool4school.”
You had just logged off your last class for the day, stretching as you leaned back in your chair. The soft hum of your computer faded into the background as your phone buzzed on the desk. That group chat again.
Despite how bizarre it all was, you hadn’t left yet. Something about their antics kept pulling you back—though you weren’t sure if it was curiosity or sheer disbelief at their personalities. You picked up your phone, thumb swiping to open the app.
ISTHATTHEGRIMREAPER: yo, who’s up for a party tonight?
FunkN’Fresh: YO YO YO!! PARTY?? sign me UP, my dudes!
Ink: Party? Who’s hosting??
Fell2cool4school: tf u need to know for? either you’re in or you’re not.
nastydawg: bet it’s just some lame excuse for you to brood.
You couldn’t help but scoff. A party? With them?
You already knew where this was going. The thought of actually hanging out with the loud, chaotic group made your head hurt.
Before you could mute the conversation and move on with your evening, another message came through.
Ink: protégé, you coming?
GlitchBitch: doubt it.
DanceTillUrDead: um, we haven't even seen their face yet..
fell2cool4school: shut up remix no one likes u
DanceTillUrDead: i didnt even say anything :(
FunkN’Fresh: c’mon, protégé! it’ll be fresh. gotta let loose sometimes, you feel?
ISTHATTHEGRIMREAPER: yeah, don’t be lame.
The barrage of messages made you pause. Did they actually think you’d go? You glanced at the messages again, your lips curling into a smirk. If they were expecting you to jump at the invitation, they had another thing coming.
You typed quickly, the sarcasm practically dripping from your fingertips.
You: why would i want to be near you guys lmao.
The chat went silent for a moment. Then:
Fell2cool4school: lmfao
Ink: 😐
nastydawg: damn, that’s cold.
You could almost picture their faces—well, if skeletons had proper faces. Maybe they weren’t used to being called out like this.
FunkN’Fresh: WHOA OKAY, rude.
ISTHATTHEGRIMREAPER: not rude lol, just pathetic. they’re too scared to hang with us.
You raised an eyebrow at the message. Scared? Hardly. But the baiting tone was hard to ignore.
You: scared? pls. i just don’t waste my time.
Fell2cool4school: says the one still sitting here reading our messages.
You grit your teeth. Fell’s words hit a little too close to home, and you weren’t about to let him get the last word.
You: nah, i’m just here for the free comedy show.
gotta say, you guys are top-tier entertainment.
The chat erupted into a mix of responses.
nastydawg: ok but this is funny
Ink: yeah, hilarious.. /s
GlitchBitch: stop fueling them, mutt.
FunkN’Fresh: YO PRO, i’ll have you know i’m like, the LIFE of any party!! you’re missing OUT, my dude.
You: i’m sure. let me know when the clown
show starts, maybe i’ll swing by.
You set your phone down, satisfied. The chat was still blowing up with messages, but you ignored them. They wanted to play games? Fine. You weren’t about to make it easy for them.
Still, as you leaned back in your chair, you couldn’t shake the faint curiosity lingering in your chest. For all their weirdness, you wondered what they’d actually be like in person.
But you weren’t about to admit that—not to them, and definitely not to yourself. Why are you even wasting your precious time with some dumb no life roleplayers anyways.
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raichukfm · 2 months ago
I played Undertale recently. My favorite character is Chara. No, I didn't kill anybody. I am going to go on about them, now.
Spoilers for Undertale, all the routes. "It came out nearly a decade ago!" Yeah and I first played it last week and was happily surprised by the sheer amount of things I hadn't been spoiled on, so. Have a courtesy warning! Also courtesy warning: Too many fucking words. I'm sorry.
As a preface: Undertale really genuinely touched me. I bring this up as a preface because I think it's important to why it is exactly I feel how I feel, and that is important to how I perceived Chara.
And it having such an impact honestly surprised me; Undertale seemed cute and fun but silly and something I had felt… prepared for? Like, inadvertently, from hearing about it and its characters for so long. And for some parts early on, I was, at least in part. I liked Sans and Papyrus from the start, but in the way that I liked a gimmick, and it took time for the enjoyment to get more and more… not genuine, it already was, but I can't find the word I'm looking for. I guess it struck me with less artificiality? It started actually getting to me. This was happening throughout the whole length of things, like, I really genuinely liked Toriel basically from the start, but the farther in I got the more it was happening. Actually, looking back, the intro cinematic really hit for me in a way that should have clued me in that this game was going to get me.
Because I really connected with Chara as the character I was playing as, to an extent that honestly really surprised me? It felt emotionally resonant. Admittedly, naming Chara the way that I did probably did a fair amount of lifting there; I used a nickname of mine that isn't used that often. I think that hit more than it would have if I had used one of my first names, since it was distant enough to easily have differentiation while also close enough to feel so immediately personal. Chara is someone where most things with them are up to interpretation, but I just had a specific interpretation readily and naturally come to me.
Of course, I knew the Chara and Frisk distinction beforehand, and that informed my interpretation pretty heavily; but I hadn't really heard much of anything about Chara other than the Genocide Route stuff, prior. I mostly saw them treated as like some pure evil nasty may-as-well-have-been-demon. I hadn't been reading like narraChara theories or anything (amazing name, 10/10 whoever coined it). I just landed there naturally. When Undertale was giving the early hints that Chara had actually come before the human you played as, like in the garbage dump, it only amplified those feelings.
My read was that I as the player I was, largely, controlling Frisk's actions, but seeing Chara's thoughts. Every time I saw or heard memories, they were Chara's. But I don't think Chara was in control of the body or anything. I think Chara was there tagging along as an observer, at first not sure what exactly was happening or understanding why; but linked to Frisk's SOUL and so having Frisk's feelings resonate through them. So, they decided to help. They not only lent their lingering Determination but also just tried to help Frisk stay determined in the normal sense. But that was what they were doing: Not acting, but watching Frisk's actions and feeling their feelings.
And in my playthrough, Frisk was a dogged pacifist who was very reluctant to even slightly hurt anyone and very willing to put themselves into terrible danger because of that. And I think seeing that, feeling the feelings behind it resonating with them, made Chara a better person. A profoundly better person. Just in itself, the way it would anyone, but… Here's an example of the best of humanity, that same humanity they despised. Here's someone willing to refuse violence even if it puts them at risk of dying, even actually dying once before they discovered they could LOAD even after death, if they remained determined. Someone who again and again and again takes attacks and doesn't fight back unless it's absolutely necessary, who sees a whole people that have time and time again just tried to callously kill them and keeps choosing to help them. To trust them, and reach out to them, again and again and again, and who each time is proven right. Even when there's nothing to reach out to but dead human children whose SOULs had been absorbed for power by an entity whose power was represented in their SAVE by the highest numbers expressible there.
I think seeing all of that really challenged Chara's worldview in general and view of humanity in particular. I think they understood that they had been wrong, and done wrong.
And then Frisk goes back one more time to set things right and save everyone. Chara is there experiencing what Frisk is feeling as they go through that lab, as they learn about Determination... when they find those videotapes and learn about how Chara died intentionally, hoping to wreak violence on humanity and then break the Barrier. And Chara learns that Flowey was their adoptive brother, all along. Sees with what must be horror what has become of sweet little Asriel, knowing that this only happened because of then. Understanding what Asriel chose in the end, why he chose it, and now seeing what trying to make up for that 'mistake' had done to him. And Chara sees Frisk try so hard to save him, even after everything he's done, just because he's another person. And Chara does everything they can to help Frisk, together mustering enough Determination to deny death itself, as many times as needed, until Frisk does it. Reaches out to Asriel and helps him to get over what happened enough to stop fighting, to start to heal, to give up on godhood... To use a moment of unity to bring down the Barrier without needing to hurt anyone else.
And Chara watched their brother realize that Frisk isn't them, and that that is good. That Frisk is a better person, and one whom Asriel wishes he could have had in his life before, as he admits to himself that Chara wasn't a good person. And Chara lets go. They let Frisk and everyone else go to their happy ending, while they stay behind.
And then Asriel and Chara have one last moment, in the game. Chara comes back and Asriel, even once again lacking a SOUL, cares enough about everyone else to ask Chara to let them be happy, to not tear them away from everything. But Asriel doesn't trust Chara, and so asks that if they are going to rip them out of their happy ending… do it to him too. Don't make him sit through everything repeating. Don't make him become deadened all over again by seeing everything play out over and over and over again in countless variations. And then he imagines that this exchange has happened again and again and again and Chara must be tired of hearing it. Because that is what Chara would do, isn't it?
But Chara doesn't say anything. Maybe they can't, maybe they just choose not to. Instead, they let their brother say goodbye to them. And then they choose to let go. Chara couldn't be the one to save Asriel; it had to be Frisk. Once Frisk has... What waits for them and their brother… I don't know. But I hope they can be happy. I hope they got their closure. And, maybe vainly, I hope they can find some way to have each other again, but healthily this time. But that's for them, not for me. Maybe one or both choose to let go entirely and fade away, return to the death that had once taken them. All I've got is hopes for the future of these people that aren't even real.
Immersion is a powerful thing, huh?
So, about the Genocide Route. There's a lot of characterization for Chara there, and some for Asriel too. I know people tend to read the Genocide Route as Chara taking Frisk over and unleashing their preexisting violent impulses, but I really don't think that's right. I don't think that route shows what Chara was like before much at all. I think the Genocide Route is what happens when Chara finds themselves brought back from the pall of death, given some sort of second chance, and all they can do in it is watch Frisk murder everyone they encounter. When they see their mother get murdered in cold blood, and can feel how little Frisk cared about her while doing it. When all they can feel when it happens is that sick sense of pleasure at an accomplishment. When they're forced to find some kind of meaning in that, some reason for why they were brought back and made to be complicit in this, some purpose to this existence.
And they find it. They find it in their idea of numerical invincibility, and they cling to it. And they are abraded down until all that's left of them is their worst impulses stripped of context, magnified, and then redefined under the light of this 'purpose'… and that sick sense of accomplishment. More and more, Chara wears down to this thing that only cares about power and violence, and more and more Chara loses their sense of distinction from Frisk, sees these actions as their own; or maybe they become more and more able to exert control of the actions as they redefine themselves to be better at wielding power. Either way, Chara murders their father. Chara murders their brother. Then Chara destroys humanity, not even out of hatred, but simply for the sake of power. They destroy all the monsters they missed, too. Only power matters; the gaining of it, and also the exercise of it for its own sake. The only thing they don't destroy is Frisk, their reliable partner, the one who showed them their purpose. The one they are perversely grateful to, but will betray the moment it suits them, now that they have the power to do so.
I've heard a lot about how this is criticism of RPG players, and I can see that but more and more I don't think that the purpose of this is to moralize, or at least that that's not the only purpose. Because this shows Chara become their worst self, this epitome of power in a husk of a person. Someone who wasn't a great person from the start falls to horrific depths. And then they can't climb back out. You can't help them out. Chara defines themselves as Numbers Go Up because after all this trauma from the first moment that their plan went awry and Asriel held back their powers, and they both died a second time… All they have refuge in is that belief in invincibility. Chara believes you can escape suffering if you become the strongest thing in the world. And so Chara does just that. And it's all they can hold onto, because it's the only thing holding them together.
But really they're just another lost soul who you no longer have the power to save or comfort or bring positive emotions to, someone tricking themselves into thinking they're an unfeeling demon beyond sentimentality just to feel like they have some control, so they can delight in exercising power over others without guilt or regret.
Frisk can give them their SOUL and Chara doesn't change, doesn't really feel anything more, no matter what Frisk shows them. Because they've closed their heart to those feelings. You can't take this back. You can't save them. They're the only person you can't save. Sometimes, when you hurt people you make them worse and you can't be the one to help them after that. And you can't cheat. Whatever you do… Chara remembers it. You can't just take it back, can't do it over. You can only look on in horror at what Chara has become and accept or deny your fault in it.
In the Pacifist Route… I think Chara feels something like that when learning that Flowey was Asriel all along, and knowing it was their fault.
It's easy to blame what Asriel became on the lack of his SOUL. But I really believe that's not what it was. Maybe that does dull feelings, but you don't need a SOUL to love, to care. We see that, with Asriel-as-Flowey asking Chara to leave the others to their happy ending. We can see it in how Chara, at their worst, gets a SOUL and gets no better. How Chara, with a SOUL, does not understand the sentimentality still held by the player who has already given up theirs. Flowey didn't become a monster because of the lack of his SOUL. He was a traumatized little kid who couldn't get his life back, couldn't get his sibling back, but had the power to evade consequences and abused it to try and cope until it further wore down his ability to care. So he retreated to seeing things as less than real to cope with it all, resorted to cruelty and vindictiveness just to feel something.
Where Asriel as Flowey makes a performative show of his petty cruelty and vindictiveness, Chara dresses it up with dispassion and a veneer of objective judgement. But, deep down? They're the same. If you don't let yourself feel anything you can't be hurt.
The Genocide Route isn't some creepypasta about a demon taking over an innocent. Nothing so convenient as that. Because the point is that you choose to do it. You do it, and you choose it every step of the way, and only at the very very end does it become too late to turn back. So it fits it better, I think, if it's not about Chara corrupting Frisk... But about you corrupting Chara. Whether that you is Frisk, or you the player, you make someone who was a bad person to start with so much worse.
Asriel was pressured and manipulated by Chara and became a worse person for it, and then retreated to the toxic ideology of "kill or be killed" to cope with that and further trauma, as well as denying his own emotionality in an attempt to make himself invincible. And in the Genocide Route, Chara does the exact same fucking thing. A different toxic ideology, that the only thing that matters is acquiring power, a different mask to deny their emotions which is impassive rather than irreverent, but so similar. Beat for beat. Even down to the fact that Asriel still idolized the person who hurt him, considered them special, the only person worth caring about: Chara wants you to come with them to conquer and destroy new worlds, considers you the perfect partner, doesn't kill you even when you try to resist them, even keeps remaking the world for you when you ask despite already getting your SOUL the first time. You showed them the truth of their existence, after all, even without meaning to. Just as Chara showed Asriel that this world is kill or be killed, even without meaning to.
So… Knowing that all of this could happen…
It adds a lot, I think, to the Pacifist Ending. To Chara getting better, growing as a person and helping everyone, learning they were wrong about the world and humanity, and letting power go. Letting Frisk go. Letting everyone go. Hearing out Asriel's grievances with what they did and accepting them. Just being happy that Asriel could be saved along with everyone else, before the end, despite the negative impact they had had on him and how coming back as a flower no one recognized as him fucked him up even worse.
I just like those two poor siblings, and can't help but be sympathetic to somebody young making a nasty plan with good intentions but without a real appreciation for what they were doing. I am so glad that such a tragic and awful thing got better the way it did, amidst everyone else getting their happy ending. And I think Chara just gets me so much because they become so much better than they were to begin with, and because I felt I was there with them. Immersion is a powerful thing. But maybe even more than that... It's that Frisk doesn't save Chara. Frisk can't save Chara. Frisk can just give Chara the chance they needed to save themselves.
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mystii-gur0 · 13 days ago
One thing I don't see addressed in Undertale fanworks a lot is Sans's eldritch madness.
Like I know we all love Sans because it's relatable that he's depressed and all, but he isn't depressed because he has MDD, he's depressed because he figured out the secrets of the universe and didn't like what those secrets had to tell him.
Keep in mind, Sans is not a naturally self aware character like Monika in DDLC, it's very VERY heavily implied that he has a fascination with science, specifically things like theoretical physics given the things he has in his room and the LITERAL SUPER COMPUTER IN HIS GARAGE. He is A LOT smarter than he appears at first glance. So no, Sans is not naturally self aware. He is in fact, a classic case of curiosity killed the cat.
I assume he probably built his computer around the same time Papyrus met Flowey since it was in the underground already when we fall in and we can't reset back far enough to give Sans the time to realize something was weird with time/deja vu whatever and build a whole super computer and THEN meet us outside the ruins.
Keep in mind, Sans remembers/has data for EVERY TIME someone plays Undertale. That's why he hates us even in the first true pacifist run (without having done a no-mercy run before hand) you do on your device. He knows that the player character has killed him and everyone he knows over and over again, just because they felt like it. (I've said it before and I'll say it again, the player is the true villian of Undertale, not Chara.) That's why he's depressed. Because he's slowly starting to realize that he lives in a fake world with a cruel god and there's nothing he can do about it.
Sans knows too much. He understood, even if for just a moment, the true scale of the world he lives in. Not that it's huge and infinite, but that he lives in a tiny, at most six hour long video game. And that made him crazy.
Undertale has a certain horror that is honestly some of the best I've ever seen because of how subtle it is. Like on the surface it's just another side scrolling video game. Dig a little deeper and it's a side scrolling videogame with morals. DIG EVEN DEEPER and it's a cosmic horror told from the perspective of what is essentially this universe's god, a cruel child who likes to squish bugs because it's fun, involving a time loop that will continue to go on as long as the game is played, trapping the characters of this world in their own personal hell that they don't even know about for the most part. We are the lovecraftian monster to these people.
I am autism. I am visible in your children, but if I can help it, I am invisible to you until it's too late....
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peasofgreeniguess · 6 days ago
its that time again, the time i remember tumblr exists
this ask is from Zatheon on discord! they ask : a male reader who's usually really shy just kind of breaking out of that shyness because his boy is getting harassed. Like full on tone goes cold and cruel on the person who's just generally annoying one of the skellies. But as soon as they leave he's just back to being a soft man vvv
Undertale Sans: You and sans were walking down the street, shopping bags in hand. You two had just finished shopping for dinner and were about to meet papyrus back home to start cooking! As you two walk you notice a small group of people shouting at you, you don't pay any mind until a empty water bottle hits the back of Sans's head. Sans is shocked at how quickly your mood shifts, your face morphing into a scowl as you whip around and start yelling at the rowdy humans. Your normally quiet demeanor replaced by loud protectiveness that causes Sans's soul to flutter in his chest, evoking a feeling he never felt before- The teens eventually run off as you barrage them with insults and curses only a sailor would know, as they do you turn back to sans, retuning to normal. You ask him if he is ok as you point out his face is fully blue. (TLDR: sans realizes that he's a bottom)
Undertale papyrus: Papyrus is used to being harassed on occasion, it comes with the job of "Mascot of all monsters" Afterall. But he's never had you with him when it happens. Papyrus is standing with you in a grocery store when a human woman starts talking very loudly about how monsters shouldn't be allowed in this "fine establishment". Papyrus is embarrassed but you two ignore her, until she rams into papyrus with her cart "on accident". Papyrus was about to just apologize and walk away when you step in, calling out the woman's poor behavior and defending him, he's really surprised at your sudden courage, normally you could barely ask for extra ketchup! his soul warms at the fact you care so much about him that you would yell at a lady in the middle of a grocery store for him. Finally a store associate comes by and escorts the woman away. papyrus places a hand on your shoulder, placing a kiss on top of your head and whispering a thank you.
UnderFell Sans: You two are usually two opposite sides of the same coin, sans being loud, rowdy, and rude, where you are quiet, shy, and polite. He didn't mind, he thought you were cute and sans enjoys being protective over his mans. Until one day he was at Gilby's with you, he had had probably one too many drinks and wasn't paying attention when a random dude threw something at him, knocking is HP down to 0.5. He growls about to rock this random dudes shit before you stepped in front of him, swinging and hitting the human square in the face, oh but you weren't done. while he was down you start yelling at this man for hurting him, saying threats he thought only people in the underground would say. He's so fucking proud of you! the human man runs off and you sit back in your stool, sans stares at you with hearts in his eyes. meeowwww!
UnderFell Papyrus: Papyrus can handle himself, you both know this, he was captain of the royal guard Afterall. But that doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy sometimes being the one protected, instead of protecting. So when some random lady rear ended him and started blaming papyrus for the accident and you stepped in… well, even on his death bed he wouldn't say it but he found it incredibly attractive. His once quiet and shy boyfriend now defending him, stepping face to face with this rabid Karen, hell if you directed that look you had on to him he would be shaking in his boots. You are much stronger and brave than he imagined, finally the Karen concedes and you get to go home, insurance all taken care off. the moment you stepped back into the car you were back to your normal self. Papyrus keeps glancing at you in the passenger seat, when you ask why Papyrus just shrugs, not wanting to admit he would like to see that side of you again.
UnderSwap sans: Believe it or not but sans doesn't really like confrontation, has not as anxious as his brother but he definitely avoids it. so usually he just keeps walking when people harass him, and if its more than that has usually able to defuse it, like he was attempting to now. You and him were in a coffee shop when some bigot starts bugging you two, it was fine until they called blue a name, that's when you stepped in. Your face turned cold and collected, it sent shivers down his spine in a way that… wasn't all bad. you scared the shit out of the bigot though, he practically ran away with their metaphorical tail between their legs. Sans smirks at you, bumping his hip into yours with a teasing smile as you flush, realizing what you did. He laughs at your reaction and nuzzles your neck.
UnderSwap Papyrus: You two are like peas in a pod, both shy and quiet most of the time, at any point when papyrus gets in trouble or harassed he just shortcuts away. and he was going to do the same this time, you two were in a restaurant when the manager comes by and explains very rudely that monsters are not allowed in their store, but before he could hold your hand to leave your normal shy attitude makes a complete 180. You kick your chair out from under you and start ripping them a new one, papyrus is shocked at your bravery and flattered by your protectiveness, all he can really do is watch you with wide eyes. You grab his hand and pull him out of the shop with a huff, saying something like "we are too good for them anyways". He trails along behind you like a puppy, before taking you in his arms and shortcutting home. you deserve cuddles and some tea after that!
if you wanna join our discord feel free! 18+only
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ichiwashername-o · 2 months ago
What Are Friends For Ch. 28
An Undertale fanfiction
Written by ichiwashername-o
Summary: The final chapter, an ending.
Rating: Viewer discretion advised.  Contains swearing, trauma, and psychological horror
Cast: Undyne, Papyrus, Sans, W.D. Gaster, and others
Chapter 1
And finally, FINALLY, my story has finished. I hope everyone who's been with me through this enjoys.
For all the times Frisk had made it here, they never really knew where exactly here was. Or if it could even be called a place to begin with.
They stood with Asriel in a black empty void that stretched infinitely all around them, and though Frisk felt their feet stand on something solid and there , it gave off the impression that maybe what they were standing on wasn’t actually a physical thing at all, merely the suggestion of what should be.
So already their plan to get back to Sans and Papyrus’s house was falling apart because how could they get there if they didn’t even know where they were to begin with?
Asriel heard their concerns and simply shook his head. The small goat monster looked so sad, even though he was doing his best to keep smiling.
“We’re still in the Underground,” he explained. “It’s just that–when I took all the souls, it just distorted the world around us. But we can get back to Sans and Papyrus’s. It’ll be easy.”
Asriel held out his hand and Frisk took it without hesitation. 
And just like that, they blinked and they were in Snowdin, standing outside a very familiar house with twinkling lights and festive decorations. Frisk’s eyes went wide in surprise, and Asriel just laughed at their expression.
“With all the monsters’ powers within me, well, I can do just about anything,” he said. 
Sometimes it was easy for Frisk to forget, as small and unassuming and innocent as Asriel looked right now, he had all the power of a literal god. Frisk shouldn’t be so surprised, given everything they’ve been through, but even now they found new mysteries of the Underground.
They stepped around the house and to the back door which led down to the basement. As they walked, with Asriel nervously fidgeting with his hands, he spoke out loud.
“I remember Gaster. Before he got erased, that is,” he said absently. Frisk slowed their pace, listening carefully. “Even when I was young, I always got the sense he was a very troubled monster. He always looked so sad. And angry. But . . . he could also be really nice. I–I didn’t have many friends growing up. Not until–” he stopped, his voice choking a bit from the memory. “But he was a friend to me and Dad. He helped tutor me. He taught me sign language, because I had a hard time understanding his accent. But when he met–when he met Chara–” Again he had to pause to compose himself. “He really hated humans. Just like they did. Because they hurt him so badly.”
Asriel stopped, turning, and Frisk paused as well. They looked at the young prince, whose expression was overcome with resolve. 
“I know he did a lot of bad things. Things a lot of monsters won’t ever forgive him for. And it doesn’t excuse it, but I know how badly he was hurting. And if he’s really decided to be a better person after all this time . . .” He took a deep, steadying breath. “He really was a genius. And when he’s back, he can do a lot of good not just for monsters, but for everyone.”
Frisk smiled, nodding their head. “That’s why we’re going to bring him back.”
Frisk extended their hand and Asriel took it as they stepped into the basement together. 
Along the far wall, buried underneath a whole slew of dusty old tarps, loomed some strange machine. Frisk had no idea what they were looking at, but it looked like a great big metal arch with tubes and pipes running all around its perimeter, a computer on its right with a keyboard and screen. 
This had to be the time machine, but Frisk had no idea how to work it. Asriel clearly did as he approached what Frisk assumed to be a control panel and started pushing some buttons.
“I remember this working a few times before,” he said out loud as he furrowed his brows in thought. “Give me a moment, I just have to power it up.”
“You remember how to work it?” Frisk asked in surprise.
“Not really. But Sans does,” Asriel said “And now that his SOUL is in me, I know what he knows.”
Frisk nodded in understanding. “Right.”
In just a few short moments, the machine was activated with a low and steady hum. The circular gate-like machine was now fully operational thanks to the preemptive work of Papyrus and Sans. And with Asriel at the controls, it was working perfectly. The arc was filled with a shimmering blue iridescent light that sparkled like the ocean waves in the sunlight.
Frisk stood back, admiring the massive metal machine with awe.
Asriel extended his hand, placing it against the metal exterior, and shimmering rainbow vines began to cover it all over, the vines sinking into every nook and cranny it could. The vines pulsed with a beautiful cascade of rainbow colors as they glowed brilliantly. 
He turned back to Frisk. “I can’t go with you. I need to stay here and keep it running. It has to work on my own SAVE file. But once you go in, you should be able to find Gaster.”
“Gaster said himself he’s scattered all across time and space,” Frisk thought out loud. “So we’re going to have to go all over to gather up all the pieces of him and put him back together.”
“Sounds like a lot of work,” Asriel said with a grin. “Are you ready?”
Frisk nodded, feeling that familiar warm surge of determination within their soul. “Ready.”
“Ok, just step right through. And good luck, Frisk.”
Frisk nodded, looking up at that swirling maelstrom in front of them. The electric hum tinged the air as they felt their hair stand on end as they approached, static dancing on their skin. They could almost smell the charged ozone the machine was emanating.
They took a deep breath, closed their eyes.
And stepped through.
They felt themselves falling. And then they were pulled, as if swept up in some great powerful current, their tiny body hurtling along some great unknown cosmos. They felt themselves being flung every which way, their arms flailing out to grab something– anything to steady themselves. All around them was a bright shining cascade of colors and sounds and sights too incomprehensible to decipher. 
They were traveling across the timeline, seeing each and every possible past, present, and future playing out simultaneously before them.
The chaos was deafening and maddening. Frisk felt tears prick at their eyes as the world around them grew far too much to bear. But they hung on, searching for something–anything– anyone –
T̙he͚͓re yo̯̬u̬ are̯̦̰.
Something grabbed them, steadying them. Though Frisk didn’t see so much as sense it, they knew Gaster was there beside them. A hand that clamped around their arm, firm yet steady, guided them through the chaos of time.
And then they were pulled out of it, out of all the noise and sights and sensations, out into somewhere abyssal and black and nothing.
So staggering was the sudden whiplash between too much stimulation and none at all that Frisk needed a moment to reorient themselves, the stars of their vision fading and the ringing in their ears lessening. 
They stood(?) besides Gaster, the skeletal monster that looked like he was barely hanging onto his own existence. Though as fragmented and distorted as his shape was right now, Frisk could see that glimmering beam of his own determination dancing in his black empty eye sockets.
Frisk shook their head, getting their senses back to them. “Gaster,” they said. “Am I glad to see you.”
Gaster simply hummed. W̖͚̤ẹ͖ ͕̖hav͈e̞̦ ̪̙̼muc̬h ̝̯w̰͖ͅork̥͇ a̭̙h̰̲͙ead̮͉ ͚͍͕o̪f u̳̤̺s̗͎,ͅ he said. He then turned upon the small human, and they saw light returning to his eyes. But̘͙͉ ͉̝b͔ͅefo͉ṛḙ͍ w̱e̳̲ ̖̠beg͈͖̘i̥̙̟n̫͚,͖̼ I h̫̻a̲̫̮v̳͉͕e ͔a few ̥͎th̳in̘̣g͕̱͖s̞ ̩to͇̮̗ a̦͚s̠k ͙̗of ̰̳y͕̪̗o̬̻u͔.̬͉
Frisk swallowed. “Um, ok, what’s that?”
F̟͈̱i̯rs̜ṭ͙ ̦of̱ ̭̻al̺͚̘l͉̼̲,͍̬ do̗ y͍̲͓our b̤̥̱e̩s̱t̙̰ t̗o̳̤ ̮̭not ͉͍͕g̘̬͉eṯ di̲͇̻str̞͕act͙̟ẹd and̞ to͖̙ ̬̥͉sṱ̰a̝͈͓y o̟̱̳n̮͎ ̥t͓̤a̱͔ͅsk.̲̤̘ It̫̩ ̲̮i̹̗s͉̟ ̤d͕̼i̜̳f͈̲f̳i̦̜cu͔͙l̰ṭ ͍en̤ou̻g̭h̯͈̳ ͔̩t͍͕o na͓̪͔v̥̠̙i͓̰̬g͓ate ͕t̝h͈̦̣e ̼̝̘vo͖id ̤̳͍a͍s i̥s̩̞.̺̼
Frisk frowned, very nearly pouting. “I’m not going to be distracted.”
S̳̬͉ec̻̙̙on͍̭d̮̹ of a̳̳ll͍̻,͙̻͕ ̜ Gaster went on, as if he hadn’t heard them. I ͉woul̮͚d͈̜ ̮̪̩li͍̬k̻̺ͅe ̳ͅy̙̘ou̩ ͔̝̤t͉͈o ͉̘̝h͓old͚̻̰ o̺n ̹̼to a̜̮ ̭f̹e̗͈͇w̲̯͖ ̟̫t̹̱̱hi̗͇n͖̖̤gs͎͍.̟̦
He raised one of his skeletal hands and reached inside . . . somewhere and pulled out two envelopes, sealed shut. Frisk blinked. 
Where did he get those?
I ̻͔͔n̥̝ee̺ḏͅ ͓̩͚y͕̖ọṵ̮ ͉to̗ h͈o̳̬͔ld̗̗ on̺̲t̰̲̱o ͓͖̦t͕̪hes̫̲e̠̹ fo̩r̮ me. As ̗̫a ̯favor̤̜,̻͚ Gaster said calmly. He extended his hand, holding out the envelopes to the human. Too curious for their own good, Frisk took them, seeing that one was addressed to them, and the other–
The other was addressed to Grillby.
Now Frisk was completely confused. “Why do you want me to hold onto these?”
I̳̮n̯͍s͖u̥͕̲r̰an̳̯͙c̣̪͙e,̩ Gaster said simply. I ̘am͖͚̠ ͕̮n͚͇͚o̲̖t̺ ̟̠͎g̞oi̼ng t̥o̻̯ ͙̼p̬̝̬r͚et̻end̲͖̙ ̜̫th̬͓ạ͖t th̩̞is ̲jo̹͈̘u̩rne̤̭̺y ̳w͔̦o̘͙n’̺t͔͉̮ ̞̼͚b̩̞e ext̪̮raor͕͓̗d͍in̜͇͎a̻̺r̳ͅil̪y ̫̟d̠̝a̲͎ͅng̜e̱r̟o̮us͓̭.̺͕ ͅI̭̗t͖̟̟ coul͉d̩̤ ͖very̘̰̱ w̟̗ell͈̺̪ ̹ͅde̘ș͔̬t̰̠ͅṛ̱͇oy͎̦̤ m͍e.̦ A̭̮͉n̥d̟͎̰ j͎̝̱ust̳̻ in ̣͉c̼̖a̳s̤͖͔e it̞̪̱ ̞do͙̜e̱͉s . .̲̯̘ ̣̦̩.̖ I̺ ̗̦n̪e͉̝e̬̜͚d͎ yo̠͖u̜̮̥ t̺o̙͚̰ ͇h͕o̮͙l̻͙d ̪̩̥o̖͔̬n͚̳͚ ̰t͓̣̭o ̜̱t͉hese.̰
“But nothing’s going to happen to you,” Frisk insisted, shoving them back towards Gaster. “You’re getting out of here. Then you can hand this to Grillby yourself.”
Gaster didn’t move as Frisk continued to shove the letters against Gaster’s semi-blobby, semi-static form. 
Plea͚̫se ͉͖̩p̪̹̻u̻t͔̤ a̩͍si̭d̖e yo͉̲u͓̭͍r stub̭̻̦bo͇̤r̟̞n̘ness̖̠ ̫for ̥o̞n͎̝͈e m͕̺o̟͖̬m̙en̠̘t and̺ li͍ste̺̹͎n,̙̬ Gaster said lowly. I͚̻ ḍo ͙̦͙no̰̹͚t̰ ͉͚̲i͖n̞t̥͇e̬̜n̖d̗͔͕ ț̤̞o ̫̜̱lẹa̙̠ͅv̩e ̜̭̥a͙̠n̪͈͎y ̮b͚us̝ine̲s̰s͚ inc̖̥͙om̦̻ͅpl͔͕͕ẹt̫e̘̝, ̯̜b̪̲ut so to̮o̼ mu̘s͙t I ̦͍a̼̝͎c͈̰k̤̹n̻ow̦͍̦l̹e͙d̹̤̬g̥̦̪e̙ ̟̰̥t̻̲h̭̭̫e ̺̯i͎̜n͉̜̱n͚a̞͇̣t̯͉e da̹ng̲͓͙er ͔͙of ̹o̟͙ͅu͕͈̠r̘ ̺̲̠mi͍s̻sion̝̹͓. ͎̯S̮͈̭h͕̩̭ou͕͖̻ld a̫̻̗l͖l̜ g̠̻ͅọ̳̦ ̭̗̻to̺̝ ͔̤̙p̼̜l͈aṋ̯̞,̦ ̩ͅt̰̖h̼͙e͚n ̞̺̹you ̺̺ne͍̥e̩d ̭̺n̦̖͙ot do an͓y͇̞̺th̞̭̲i̼̳ng͕͙̞. Bu̫t ͙i͈f̩̤̟ no͍̪͓t .̥͓ . ̻ͅ.
He let the warning hang.
J̳̮̱ụs͉̮̜t͇͚ d̮o̪ ͉͍me ̤̦t͙̜h̲̟͙i͇s͙͎ ͉̦o̺͚n̯̲e̜͇̟ s̼m̹̳̤all ̲̮͖g̮͔͎rac̙̦e,͓͎ ͕͉p͚l͔̻ea̖͓̯se.͓̜̬
Frisk frowned, but begrudgingly shoved the letters into their pocket. “As soon as we get back, I’m giving them back to you.”
Tha̮͙t ̼̜i̤̻s̭ ͎̤more ṱha̘̱n ̬̺f̩a͇̤̳i̬̱r. O͇̤͚hͅ,̗̥̜ a̮̗͙n̰̗d̹̟ ̩o̩ne l̤̦͇as̪t͍ ̪thi̗n̻g,͎ Gaster said, raising a finger.  I̟̙f͇̥ ̦I ̩̼̟can̖n̖ot d͈̻͔eli̗̥̗v̖̩e̬̲r̯ͅ ̜͈the̮̘ l̖e̗̥̗t̤t̹̩e̘͔r̟̙͉ m̺y̲s̺el͚̗f–̰̺m̞i͔̲nd ͓̱yo̩͉͈u̖, I s̟̩̥a̗͈id ̪͖I̭F,̮̪ he snapped, to prevent Frisk from interrupting him. T̯͔̹ẖ̘̫e̦re ͉͎̫i̻ͅs̘̘̟ ͙on̗̺͚e ͕ț͖̙h̬̮i̘̫̺ng I n̥e͓ed you͎ t̘o t͍̬̲e̗̖̙l̟͓ḷ ͅGr̖͇i̩l̰̯͍l͖by̥̱̺.͎͖
“And what’s that?” Frisk asked.
Teͅl̗͇̹l͉͇͎ ̝̩ͅh̩͕i͚̺̟mͅ ̮̩t͈̰o̹̯͍ ̤͙̭r͍̞̞ea͙͈d m͕y͚̼ let͍͍te̞r in it̟s̳͎̯ ̠̫enti̗͖̤r̝̲e͍̫t̩̞͈y̺̟̥. Ma͈̠̺kͅͅe͚͎͈ him̖ ̼̣prom̹̹̘i̜̟ͅs̺͉e̤̪ ̖̲͈to̼̻ d̠o̤̘ so̫̹, Gaster urged. 
Frisk felt their brows contort together in confusion. “What?”
I f͎̙ear̞͓̥ h͉̜e m͕̞̹ay͔ ̼̪̹b̝̥͚e a ̮̳̱b͈̗̭it . . .̹͉̹ ̞̥i͔̤̲nc̩̼̗en̺̺sed̪̗͎ ͎͖̣t̤o ͕̯s̱̩ee̯̩ m͖̱͍e̹̙̥ ̞reac͕̼͔ḫ o̼̺̮u̻̳̪ț̬ to͍̲ ̠̖̲hi͖̮m, a͍n̹d͓̪ ̟thu͔̜s ̮̗̞wo͙̫͓ul̗̜ḏ ̯͕̦b̯u͎̘̝rn͚̣ͅ ̼̜͕m͇y̲͓ let̖t͍e̘͍ͅr͔̗ ̳t͔o̞̹ ash͈͇ ̯̟͈bef͔͓o̲r͈̤e̮̙͚ ̟̠͚he͎͓ ̘̟eve̤n͙̰ͅ o̗̰pens i̗̖t͙̗̮, Gaster admitted. His expression contorted, his sockets shifting upward in mourning and regret. I͍͓̻ d̮̞ͅo ̫͇̮no̠̤̰t bla̳̦̮m̗e̪ ̘̬̱h͈i̝m̲͈. Bu̠͇t̩ the͇̮̫re ̲is̝̦ much I ͅwo̝͈uld ̞͓li͇k͓̳̟e̲̺̼ ̜͚t̯o͙̳͇ ͉̘sa̞̟̪y to̪̟ ̳hͅim̥̬–̱̭so̲ b̮̪̥e͇̹̞fo͕re y̹̼ou g̱̬̘i͇̲̼ve̯ him͕ th̟e̝̥̙ ̯͖let̪̠t̳e̬̩͉r͎,̱̦ ma̱͇̣kͅe̙͕ h̠͓i͍̫̭m̯̪͉ ̯̞̫s��̠we̘aṛ̭ ̪̜̱he͕̼̥ wi̘̖ll rea͎ḏ it͙̞ ̼̙thro̩ug̗̯h͚͚̥.̳̗ͅ ̹And ̪o̖͙̥n͔͙ce̦̱ ̖̯ͅhe ̠̠̫d̺̗͍ọe̫s .̤̯ ͍.̦ .̺ ̜̮h͖̥̪e m̻a͔͙̩y ̰̻ͅdo̟̟̥ w͖it͉̰͚ḫ̜͍ ̦it͕̮ ̭̯̜wh̠̣̗at h͔e̫̪ p̖leas̪̙ẹ͙s.
Gaster’s plea was so earnest and desperate that Frisk understood immediately the severity in which Gaster spoke. So they nodded grimly, gripping the letter tightly.
This letter was so important to him. It made Frisk feel so small to be entrusted to something so dear.
“But you can tell him yourself, face-to-face, when we get back,” Frisk insisted.
Gaster smiled. T̘ha͙̣̙t̩ i͙̬̯s̭ t͚̱̖h͖͓e ̭h͇ope.̱
He then extended his hand out to Frisk, who grabbed it without hesitation. His hand felt so strange, flickering between solid and not-there and static and everything in between. Gaster really did look like he was going to fall apart at a moment’s notice. And Frisk knew it was by some small miracle that he hadn't by now.
Let ̗u̺̙s b̤̮̺e̼̪̰ ͓͎o̯̣̦ff͎̱, he said.
And then they dipped right back into the time stream, stepping out of the void and back into chaos. Frisk squinted their eyes closed, bracing themselves as they tried to shut out all the noise around them.
They didn’t know how Gaster knew where to go, they simply had to trust the monster. And once they found his pieces, they could start putting him back together–
Slowly the sights and sensations around them began to come together into a more coherent image. They saw flashes of Alphys in the lab, experimenting with a yellow flower. They saw Asgore at the end of a golden hall, facing down a small human child clad in yellow. They saw Toriel run from the palace, her expression twisted in a furious mix of rage and grief.
Frisk blinked.
Just when were they going?
The scene before them began to grow clearer and clearer. They were at the throne room, the two massive chairs of the king and queen of monsters currently empty. Light filtered through the many stained glass windows of the halls. They could hear birds singing lightly in the distance.
And through the far door, a figure loomed. It approached, staggering and limping. It towered above Frisk, even as hunched over as it was. And as they stepped into the lush green throne room, the light spilling on its face–
Frisk’s eyes widened in recognition.
It was Asriel. But not the small young goat monster Frisk knew them as. He was in his godly form, long curled horns arching over his head and black stripes crossing his face. 
His body was badly damaged, sliced apart from many gashes and wounds, arrows burrowed deep all across his body. Every step the prince took was one of sheer agony as he pushed through his fatal wounds to return home–
Return home with the tiny unmoving body of Chara clutched in his hands.
Frisk could only gasp. “What–what are we doing here?” they asked breathlessly. They heard of the moment the young prince died so many times, but to see it for themselves-!
Gaster didn’t answer. They just watched on, their eyes narrowed with grit and focus. His expression was a tight grimace, one hand reaching out as if in anticipation.
Frisk watched him carefully. “Wait, is a piece of you here?”
Asriel collapsed to his knees, one last mournful smile crossing his face. He closed his eyes, and with one final sigh, his body crumpled to dust.
Above the grass where his dust laid, Frisk saw it: two souls, one red, and one white. The red vanished in but a blink of an eye, but the white soul lingered for only a moment more. And Frisk immediately knew what they were looking at. 
Asriel’s soul. 
It burned with all the radiance of a star, hovering in the air with a faint tremble. 
So̜me͍̦da̪̜y, ͕̮̫p̠͔er͉ẖ̝̼aps̻ yo̙̫u ̬̞wil̪l̫̩̬ ̣̝f̺͕̘or̯̞͇g̞iv̹͎e̗̜ me̗͍̖.͓̦
Frisk didn’t understand. Not until it was too late.
Gaster’s hand snapped forward, his fingers latching around the soul and digging deep into the unbridled force before him. He screamed. But on he held, his eyes flashing wildly with magic as he grabbed the Soul and began to drag it, his body shredding into flakes of nothing as the overwhelming power of the soul threatened to rip him apart.
“What are you doing?!” 
Gaster could not afford even a moment of his concentration to waver as it took every single bit of strength and grit he had left to simply hold on. But he pulled, pulled himself and Frisk and Asriel’s soul through time and space–
Back to the time machine. 
Back to the small monster waiting just on the other side, his eyes wide in shock and horror.
With one final desperate cry, Gaster reached out, slamming the soul into Asriel’s tiny body.
Asriel screamed.
Gaster, with one final contented smile and a sigh of relief, fell into oblivion.
And the world around them went white.
“Frisk! Oh, Frisk, please wake up!”
Frisk groaned. Their entire body ached, and their head pulsed painfully. They slowly blinked awake, shaking off the haze of confusion and disorientation.
It took many seconds for the world to come back into focus. Everything around them was so blurry and discombobulated, the voices around them muffled and muted.
They tried to sit up, and a gentle hand assisted them, pressing onto the small of their back. They blinked again, screwing their eyes up in concentration. There was nothing but a blur of white in front of them.
“Human! There you are! We were so worried! We didn’t know if you’d wake back up!”
Frisk groaned, rubbing their head. Their senses were finally coming back to them. “ Urgh . . . Papyrus . . . ?”
“It is I!” the skeleton announced bombastically, his wide toothy grin finally coming back into focus. “You’ve been through quite the ordeal! But I am glad you’re back to the land of the living! You gave us all quite the scare!”
Frisk shook their head, gathering themselves. They were back in the final corridor just before the barrier, right where they were when they fought Asriel. Surrounding them was Alphys and Undyne, but Sans, Asgore, and Toriel were nowhere to be seen. Frisk looked around for them.
“Where’s everyone else?” they asked immediately. “What happened?”
“We were hoping you could answer that,” Undyne said with a smile. “We were facing down that flower, there was a bright light, and then we were back here, with–”
“Everyone else is back in the throne room,” Papyrus said. “They didn’t mean to leave you here, but I promised to look after you, and, well –”
Frisk looked up at Papyrus, trying to figure out just why he looked so damn guilty. But no time for that right now, they shoved themselves to their feet and took off back towards the throne room, the three monsters hot on their heels. 
They could hear voices, loud voices. They couldn’t tell if they were laughing or sobbing over all the shouting and screaming. Frisk ran faster.
They burst into the room to see Asgore and Toriel on their knees, their arms wrapped tightly around a third figure between them. Both were openly weeping, fat wet tears rolling down their cheeks, but they were both smiling so wide and so brightly. Frisk froze.
“I don’t believe it– I don’t believe it!!!” Toriel was saying between gasps of sobs. 
“It’s a miracle! You’re back!” Asgore was somehow sobbing even harder than Toriel. He had to pull away several times just to wipe away his eyes. “Oh, my son, you’re back!!!”
Frisk could only stare. In between the clutches of King Asgore and Toriel . . . was Asriel. The young goat monster was clinging to the both of them with all their strength, refusing to let go as he sobbed in his parents’ arms. 
Standing behind them was Sans, who was looking on silently and with a sense of fondness.
It wasn’t long before Frisk’s presence was noted, and Asriel looked up at them with big red eyes. He smiled ear to floppy ear, finally at last pulling away from his parents to greet them.
He ran right to them, hugging them fiercely. Frisk hugged them right back, still too stunned to do much else, but they pulled away, gaping at Asriel.
“I–what– how?!” was all that they could stammer.
“I’m here! I’m really here!” Asriel said, pulling back slightly but still holding tight to Frisk’s hands. “Gaster and you–! You got my soul! You got it back to me!”
It came back to them. That moment in the hallway with Gaster, who reached through time and space to grasp the young prince’s soul and return it to his body.
“So you’re here? You’re really . . . you?” they stammered.
“It’s me! It’s really, finally me!” Asriel said, tears threatening to spill once again. “I–I can feel again! I can feel everything! I’m not a flower anymore!”
And they just held each other for a long moment still, Frisk’s head still reeling. But finally, after what seemed to be hours of all of them reveling in the young prince’s miraculous return, Frisk turned back to address all the gathered monsters, examining all their faces. Everyone was a mix of surprise and sheer delight, but behind those proud contented smiles of the skeleton brothers . . .
There was a look of deep and profound sadness. And guilt.
“Where’s Gaster?” Frisk asked, turning towards the brothers. “I went back to save him, so where is he?”
“You still don’t get it, do you?” Sans said with a quiet sigh. He shook his head. “Ah, kid, there’s no easy way to say this–”
“Gaster’s gone,” Papyrus said sadly. 
“What?! No he’s not!” Frisk protested furiously. “He was right behind me–! We were going to bring him back, he promised–!”
“He lied to you,” Sans said softly and with a great deal of patience. “He never had any intention of coming back.”
Frisk felt a terrible weight bear down all around them as if the floor beneath their feet had fallen away. “So–this entire time–ever since you stepped out of that door–”
“Please forgive us,” Papyrus said mournfully. “But it was Gaster’s wish.”
And so the brothers recanted what happened behind that silver door
Sans was not in a mood to talk. Hell, he was barely holding it together and admirably restraining himself from bringing down his entire wrath upon the one monster responsible for all of his suffering. To speak nothing of the devastating harm he inflicted upon Papyrus.
But Papyrus, ever optimistic, stupidly naive Papyrus, heard him out. He listened. He empathized. Empathized . With that bastard .
I c̖a̞n ͔̪̥st̠and ͈h͙ere t͈i͔l t̪͇he ̘̱̱e̝̺̫n͇̪d̫ of t̰̖ịm̯ḙ̖ t̠͓o ̦v̭̞o͈i͚̞̫c̠͉e ̥͇͉my̥͚̫ ͎̗r̳̟eg̮͍r͖̟̝ets̗̠ ̖̱an̙̮d͉̖ ̯so̙̻͉r̘̝ͅrow̥s͚͖̭,̠͖ bu̖t ͎̞͙not̹̠̤h̝̱ͅing ̙I̭ ͇ca̝n̦͓ sa͓̳ͅy̟̳̪ ͔̰̻w̺i̭̝l̯l̩ mạ̟ke̳̳ ̙̹ͅy̩̝ͅou f͙o͉̦r͈̖gi͙ve͓͕ me̳̪͇, ̜̞o̠̟̭r̮ eṿ̩e͔n̞ ̝̺͔b͎̗͎eg̘̳̘in to̯̱͈ m̤̠a̩k̳͍e̳̯ ̙̤up f̘̭or ͔ẉ͔̝h̥̟at ̻̩I̭̞’̞͓v̜͖e ̯͇̭d͍̻o͔͔̮n͓̤e̯͙̫,̳̳ Gaster was saying. B̪u̜̙͖t ̻ͅh̤o̗we̬̖v͔e̱͈r em͕̥pt͚y ̪͈̩you͖̜̩ m̠̱̖a̯ỵ͎ fi̜̗̻n̮̥d̟ ̱̹th̙̠̪es̱͉ͅe͕͕͍ w̘̹̤or̖̘ͅd̥s, ̬do̼̙ ̥̠kn̬ow̲̙ this̱̼̝ ͈̰͎ṭo̦͚͎ ̝̘b̺̯e͕ ̱t̹̥ru̬̟e–̼̜I ̪re̟͓g̙͇͈ret̟̯̝ ̻͇͈a̖͙͉ll ̹I͍ ha͙̯v͍e̬ ̤̼d̹one ̙t̼o ̦y̮̦ͅo̭u̩.̝ ̰͉͖A̹n̥͔̩d I wi̥͕s̘̲̺h̪ to us̘̻e ͓͙̙m̝̣̩y ̹̗̭f̩in̦͖̖al̮ ̲̱fl͓̩͙e̠̭̤e͖̖ting̘̭̩ ̝͓̦mo̫͙m͍͖eṋts̳̰ ̝̠̻o̫f̗ e̹͓xi͍̣s͖t̲e̼nc͈ͅe̦͓̞ ̘̜t͖̥̘o ̙d͉̲o̼ o̟ne̙ f͓̗i̙n̦al̰̖̲ a͙͈̳c̼̲t o̹f g͕̩oo̪d̦̘.
“The human wishes to bring you back,” Papyrus was saying. “If we can somehow find all your missing pieces that were scattered about–”
A̙̣̜nd wͅh͈̜̠at̯? Gaster said with a scoff. P̖u̘̗t ̪̲ͅme ͔ba̭̮ck͈̫ ͕̟tog̰̮eṭ͍he̳̤r̹ ̯̖̩like̼̞ s̜om̞̪̺e j̯͙̱i̠͉͈g̳sa͔̠͍w ̠pu̳z͍z͓͕̜le?̤̘̥ No. I̞͉ h̫̱ạv͈͓̦e̫͎ ̣͍l̠̬ong ̼̳si͔̮͈nc̫̜͈e p̘a͙s͈͈s̘e͇̦d ͎͙̬the ̲͍͔po̙͇i͓͇nt͈ o̦͖f ḇei̻̜n͈g͇ re̟̝̘s̺to͔r̹ed.̦͔
“So what exactly is it that you want to do?” Sans said, unable to keep the venom from dripping from his voice.
I w̮͈i̯ͅsh͍ ͔t̳͓̩o̰ ̪̣s̮͍a̝͔̣v̭̪ẹ tḥ̯͙e ̟̺͎one m̰ons̩̲̤ter ̯̥who̲ i̟̪s̩̘ ̫̣tru̯͕ly ͔d̗̙̼e̪̪̙serv͖in͓g of̙͈ ̯i͓̺t̳̠, Gaster said. I w͍̺̫i̲̻͎s̹̹̙h ̪̙̱t͓̪̯o ̫̻̮r͙es͔ͅt̗o̻re Pr̟̠inc̞ͅe̺͚̦ ̭̙̗As̼rie͔̯l.͉̥
The skeleton brothers stared at him.
“You’re–you’re insane. It’s not possible–”
I͍ͅt is. I̥̫ ̮̤̪h͙a͙͎v̟͕e ̬̥̝s͙̮̮e͓en̪̬ͅ ̟t̝̣h̠̺̦e fa̖l͔l̦̠ ̖̣̹o͇f̯̗ ̬Aș̳ͅr̦̥ͅiel̩̥̖ ti̘̺m͍͕e͎̫ and͎̮ ̞̻͉ti̜͖m̠̙͚e͚ ͅag̹̯̞ḁ̱̳in,̰̩͙ a̺nd i̪f̱ ̠͙͕I w̲̬e̙r͎̳e ̝̺t̺̫o̯͇ be ̪̗t̙̗h̞̰͈ere͈̭ at ̻t̹he͓͖ ̪p̭̝rec̼is̖e̮̙l̟͔͙y ̼r̟i̬gh͍̭̰t͓̥̜ ̼͇ͅm͈̗̤o̼͇m̘e͕̻͙n̩̣͖t . ̼. .̟̙̙ He trailed off. It̤͉̹ ̬̗̤c̹̤an̦͇̺ ̮̫̯b͎̻e ̩d͇o͍̬̼ne.͕ ̰̮B͔͖ut t͈̱hi̳s̰̤ s̺̻hall̟ ̭f̩͚̤i̝nạl̖͎ly̖, ͔̯̳d͈efi͖n͙it̩̫̪iv͎el̹̞͙y͕,̫͙͇ ̯̝̣be͚̣ͅ my end̳.̪̺̮
The brothers glanced at one another. Shock and disbelief still settled over them like an uncomfortable static. 
“What do we tell the human?” Papyrus finally whispered.
S͎̹̭ho͔̬͚uld t̤he̮y know̭̠ my͍̩͉ p̝l̗a̯̭n,͎̲ ͍th͉͉e͖͙͙y͕ ̗w̙i̤l̩l̦̺̯ ̬n͕e̺̘v͎̫ͅer a͙͍gr͕̘e̦e ͈͇̻to it.̯ S͎͈u̩͚ch͕̼͚ ̤̬stu̜̱̹b̥b͎͕̗orn̗͈n̻ḙ̭̰ṣ̺s͖ ͈̺.̫͍ͅ ̗. ̼̫̮. Gaster said with a heavy sigh. I͓̦̹t͍ͅ r̥͓emḭ̭n̦͖̯d̬̞s ̦͙me̥͈ ͇.̟ .̮̥ ̦̫͈.̳ ͖̘̝of ̺̗a̟͈ ̤de̺̭ͅa̦̲r̗̮̤ st̥̮u͔̲d̥̦ent ̙̤̯ofͅ ṃin̫̯̩e̱͚̘.̥̥ͅ
He shook his head.
T̝h̰̬e̟͈͈ hu̱m̹ͅa̤n͇̝̭ ̞̼͎can͍n͇̻o̰͇̺t ̫̖k̫̫͔n̖ow̙̭ ̗ou̘͔̞r ̞͍t̝̙͎r̝̳ͅu̺̗͎e ̲͕in̙̫̪t̪̥̺e̹n̖̤ͅt̜͙ͅ.̤ T̝̰̰h̤̦ḙy ͈̝̼w̪͇̰ill ̠̳̬never ͍͓͈ag͈̘̩r̫̗e̝e̯̟ͅ ̝to ̦͕it.͕̯̙
“So you want us to lie to them?” Papyrus protested fiercely. “We can’t do that to them!”
Kn̞o̦̪ẉ͓i̪͎̠ng ͔th̳̹̫em,͚̼̠ ̠t̮̬h̦̞ey ̜̞̙w͉i̹̹ḷl͎ nev͉̬͇e̥̯r̳̰ ͕̩a̮cc̰e̳p̝̝t̮ t͙̮̘h̺is̲̫ outc̦o̠me.̣ ͖͎ͅThe͕̮y wil̙l̜̲ ͈̜.͓͙ ̘.͔̘ . ̠͈i̫n͙̣t̮e̞r̻͇fer̦e.̼̤ A͉̠nd then ͍̫͈m̘̞y͉̜͔sel͔f̗ ̙̯a̜̞̹nd ̟̳As̞ri͙e͔l ̝̺wi̩͙ll̯̫ ͍b̪e͈ ̹̖̖ḷ͕͔o̫st f̣o̼̭̳re͕v̗er.̙̫̞ His gaze hardened. Th̻̦i̩s ̗̬͉is̬̭ ̬ͅmy̻̺ ͈̱͔f̬i̦na̩̣l ͓̱̬w͇i̬̦̼sh̠. ̳̩͙My d͔̣̯e̫cͅi͙s͈͕ion͈. ̹̙͙M̹̼̦ỵ̹̣ ̻̳c͓̭̮hoic̰̬̭e ̟̲̫t͔̩̦o̬ ͈̫d̟o t͎̰͈his ̥̱one las̗t th̯͈i̖ng,͔͚̩ f̮͎or̘ ț̠̼ḫem, an̪̩̣d for̤͚ ̪̬̦th͓̱̝e w̭o̪̣̫rld̺.͇̻̞
Sans let out a bitter laugh. “So. This is your ending, huh? You get to die a hero?” Sans balled his hands into fists. “You don’t deserve that! You don’t deserve forgiveness!”
I̻ ne̥͓̻v̙͔e̹̫r sa͔i̳̠̠d̼ any̝͈t̠͔̫ḫ͎̱i̖ng̺̣ ͙ab̯ou̲̺t͙ ̣͈f̳̫orgi̩̗vene̫̙̖s̠̠s,̩̬ Gaster said calmly. I͚͎̙ am͍ well pas̰̞̝t̖̰̼ ̺t̫h̦e͈͕̗ ̮̱͉p̭̹o̱͍int̘ of͍͍̞ ̱ṛe͉̻ͅde̳̗̮mp̫t̺̠i̥̪o͎̫̪n o͔͓͇r ̗ͅsa͓̞l͈͚va̼͙t̺̼̹ion̺͇.̩̜ I ̞kno̭w I ̳c̤̣͉ann͍o̲͓̠t̘̼ ̝̜̳b͉̼e͖ fo̩̫rgi̘̩v͇͕e̱̳͕n̥͖ f̳̻o̫̣r w͈͇͔ha̝t ̭̪̞I’v̯̣̙e̹̝ͅ ̝ͅdon̜̟̤e. But̯̟ a̜̦l͚͎low ̫̯͉m͉̜e̗̤̘ ṭ̦o g͕͈i̟v̱͙̱e a se̺̗͚c̹͈̪o͙̗̠n̪͔̲dͅ chanc̜̠͖e̩ ͕to̼ ̹̠ͅth͉̮̞e̼̥͖ ̮o͎̲͎ne̮͓ p̣̗̲er̠̲̱so̯̯n̮̳̞ ̭̝̮w̖̬h͓̼͔o t̲͈͕r̤̞u̳̼l͈̥̝y̞̺ de̻s͙̥̞e̜r̭v̯̣es͕͇̭ ̜it.͖
Gaster’s features, as warped and distorted as they were, had been stoic and still, but at this, his expression contorted into one of true sorrow and grief. His brows shifted with sadness, the light in his flickering eyes desperate and pleading. 
P̘̙̰le̝ase. L͚e̘̠t m̘̞̺e͍̱ͅ ͈̳s̪̯av͚̫ͅe ͍͙̤hḭm.͙͎̼
Frisk and Asriel listened to the brothers tell their story, struck silent. Frisk couldn’t help but feel . . . betrayed. And used. It was such a filthy underhanded thing to do–
But in their heart of hearts, they knew Gaster was right. If they knew, they would have protested. They would have fought back with all they had–
It did nothing to lessen the sting. It hurt so bad, knowing that they couldn’t save him–
But Papyrus, seeing their torment and pain, put a hand on their shoulder comfortingly. “Frisk, please do not be upset with him. You’ve given him something he’s been waiting for a very long time now: peace.”
Frisk shuddered, closing their eyes and composing themselves. It was still so hard to accept. But was it not the case that in every other ending, there was always someone left behind?
Their gaze turned to Asriel, who had been listening on, also wrestling with his own grief. 
“I also believe that Gaster gave you something?” Papyrus added.
The letter! Frisk ripped it out of their pocket, feeling a hot lump build in their throat. The bastard had of course planned this and had lied to them from the start. They pulled out the letter addressed to them and ripped it open, Asriel peering over their shoulder.
Frisk began to read it out loud.
Dear Asriel and Frisk, 
By the time you read this letter, I will be dead. And my plan would have undoubtedly succeeded in doing what I intended to do from the start: To give the one monster in the entire Underground who is truly worthy of it a second chance.
I understand by now you must feel deceived, and for that I am sorry. But I knew if I had conveyed my true intentions, it would have jeopardized the mission. Frisk, as kind and as compassionate as you are, I know that bull-headed stubbornness of yours far too well. You would have never agreed to any of this if you knew that I would be forfeiting my own life.
You truly are the blood of my dearest student.
But I give up my life freely and gladly, without regret or remorse. Frisk, I know how much you wanted to give me that second chance. I know you wanted to SAVE me to make reparations, to start anew, to redeem myself. But you did not heed my words when I told you I wanted none of that. I have lived a very, very long life. I had my chances. I made friends, I’ve loved, I’ve lost, and I made my choices. I had my chance to live.
But Asriel has not. His life was cut so bitterly short, so young and so full of potential.
If anyone deserves a second chance, it would be him.
Asriel, you truly deserve this, do not doubt it for a second. I remember you when we first met. You are kind, compassionate, intelligent, and will undoubtedly grow into a great and honorable monster.
Now, my dear Prince, my final words to say to you are this: you must not dwell and despair on the actions of your past. Take solace that at this moment, they did not happen. Your friends and family are alive, they are with you, and they love you. Do not despair. Share their love and joy.
Ah, but that is so easy to say but so very hard to do. I know. Because it is not that easy, is it, dear Prince? You may find it easy to blame and hate yourself for your sins, but that is a dark and terrible place to tread and I urge you not to descend that path. There is nothing there but horror and despair.
If you truly wish to seek redemption and reparations for your transgressions, then find it in the good deeds you do for others. Find redemption in kind acts to others,  find it in the love you share with family and friends. Let go regret and guilt and give selflessly. You may wish to seek forgiveness. You may wish to earn it, but forgiveness is not something that is earned. It is given freely and willingly. And most important of all, you must be able to give it to yourself.
There is so much I wish to say, so much I want to tell you. But I have full confidence the both of you will lead monsters and humans alike into a new era of peace and prosperity. You will do great and wondrous things, I have full faith in that.
I do not do any of this in the name of redemption or repentance or forgiveness. I do this because it is right , and because this is my final wish: To make one life better from beyond the veil of existence. And if I can accomplish that, then I am content. I can pass in peace knowing my final act was helping another. That is all I wish for.
Enjoy the stars and sun for me.
Dr. W.D. Gaster
Frisk finally finished reading, looking up from the letter with fresh tears brimming in their eyes. Asriel was already crying, messily sniffling and wiping at his nose. 
“Gaster always seemed to know just what to say,” Asriel whispered between his sniffles. “I was feeling so guilty because of everything I did–”
“But now you can start over,” Papyrus encouraged. “And you can count on your best friends to stand right by your side whenever you’re feeling down!”
Asriel smiled. “You mean that?”
“Of course I do! Or I am not called the Great Papyrus!”
Asgore and Toriel, both composing themselves from what must have been an incredibly emotional moment, gathered to discuss what to do next.
“Now that the barrier is down, all the monsters can go free,” Asgore said. “And . . . it would be my great honor if I could continue to rule monsters with you by my side, dear Tori.” He extended his hand to her, looking on expectantly. Wishing. Hoping. Praying.
Toriel took a moment, many thoughts crossing her mind. She still resented Asgore for what he did after her son’s death. Asgore had lashed out in pain and grief and she didn’t think she could ever forgive him for that. But what she did afterwards–running away, abandoning her people, locking herself away, letting her entire kingdom and her dear husband fall into despair–well, that had been cruel of her, hadn’t it?
She gave Asgore such grief for not taking one human soul and passing the barrier to gather the other six he would need, but seeing what happened to Asriel–how could she expect Asgore to face anything different? How could she expect Asgore, radiating great and terrible god-like power, to just walk up to humans and ask them for six souls? What would she expect humans to do?
It also didn’t escape her notice that if she so chose, she could have left the Ruins at any time. She could have escorted the ones that fell down here to the barrier herself. She could have lead Frisk here and faced Asgore–
But she didn’t.
She made her choices, too. And now, she had another one to make.
Toriel would be lying if she said she didn’t miss her husband’s company dearly. And seeing Asriel look up at her, practically begging her to say yes . . .
She wanted nothing more than to be a family again.
They would have much to talk about, much to amend, but right now she wanted nothing more than to be with her husband and child once again.
“I accept,” she said, taking his hand. She pulled close, a small smile crossing her muzzle as she touched her snout to his. “You’ll always be my King Fluffybuns.”
Asgore laughed a deep booming full-bellied laugh as he gripped Toriel into a hug. “And you I shall love and cherish for the rest of my days.”
Asriel made a sound of mock-disgust. “Ugh! Parents!” he laughed. “And what about Frisk? Can they stay with us, too?”
Asgore and Toriel looked at the human, exchanging a quick look between them. 
“Well, I suppose that is up to you,Frisk,” Asgore said carefully. “Do you have somewhere you need to be?”
“And if not,” Toriel spoke up. “I know we’d love to welcome you as another member of our family.”
Frisk didn’t even need to think about it. “I want to stay with you,” they said. “If–if you’ll have me.”
The Dreemurrs didn’t have to say anything. They just wrapped up Frisk in a mighty hug.
“Welcome to the family,” Toriel said, nuzzling Frisk.
Frisk let themselves relax and bask in their warmth and love. And finally, finally , they felt . . .
“Alright, enough of this mushy sappy CRAP!” Undyne suddenly shouted, causing everyone to jump. Frisk honestly forgot they weren’t the only ones in the room at the moment. 
“I challenge all here to a race outside!” Undyne said, her mouth splitting wide into a great toothy grin. “Last one out of this dumb cave is a rotten crab apple!”
She took off in a dead sprint, but Papyrus was not to be outdone. Quick on the draw as ever, his form crackled with an explosion of orange magic and his form shifted instantaneously into his Blaster form–
His normal Blaster form, the one Frisk had grown so accustomed to seeing. The one that was truly Papyrus.
The great skeletal dragon overtook Undyne before they were even out of the throne room, practically scampering up the walls as he took the turns at a full sprint. Undyne shouted from behind him.
Papyrus responded with a series of loud barks of laughter.
Frisk and Asriel watched them take off, laughing at the sight. Frisk could tell how eager everyone was to get out of this cave, but they still had a few more things to do first.
“We should let everyone else know. Tell them the good news,” Frisk said to Asriel, and Asriel nodded eagerly in agreement.
“We’ll wait for you right here,” Toriel said. “And then we can go see the sun together!”
Hand in hand, Frisk and Asriel took off to make their rounds all throughout the Underground. Every monster they met, they spread the good news that the barrier was broken.
And that Prince Asriel had returned.
Frisk had no idea how to explain that to everyone, so they simply . . . didn’t. No one needed to know the truth about Asriel’s existence as a flower, so when the inevitable question arose, they simply shrugged and shook their heads.
Who knows? Does it matter? He’s back, and that’s all that’s important.
It was the least Frisk could do to ensure Asriel got that fresh new start that Gaster wanted for them. 
So on they traveled. All throughout Hotlands, telling all the guards and residents. News of their freedom spread like wildfire and soon the entire Underground had erupted in celebration. By the time the two finally made it to Snowdin, the entire town was alight with festive celebration and jubilant merry-making. Already monsters were packing up and readying to move out into the world above.
The two were showered with praise and admiration. They could barely make it two steps before the residents descended on them, insisting on shaking their hand or giving them a hug or simply wishing them well. After what felt like hours talking to every single monster Frisk had ever met, they finally broke away and stole into Grillby’s bar, desperate for a reprieve.
Asriel and Frisk giggled as they snuck away, hoping the bar would be fairly empty with everyone out and about. It would either be dead or packed to the brim with celebration, but Frisk had another reason for being here.
They had a letter to deliver.
Much to their relief, the bar did happen to be mostly empty, though a monster or two lingered at the booths as they shared a celebratory drink. Working away at the bar was Grillby himself, busily cleaning the many glasses on his shelf and even he seemed to be sorting thighs to be packed up later.
Frisk approached, greeting the fiery bartender with a wave. Grillby looked up and dipped his head in silent greeting to them. Asriel was right behind them, and Frisk could very nearly see Grillby’s “eyes” widen considerably at the sight of the young monster. Asriel gave a sheepish wave, to which Gaster gave a small bow to the prince, placing a hand on his chest.
“Hey, Grillby!” Frisk greeted, crawling on top of a barstool. Asriel saddled up right next to them. “We’re here to share the good news that the barrier is down and we can all go free!”
Grillby gave another nod, the flames that made his body brightening and sparks dancing off his head in a clear sign of his joy. The bartender had always been a monster of few words.
He set down his glass and gestured to the bar, silently asking Frisk if they wanted anything to eat or drink, but Frisk shook their head.
“Ok, thanks, but I’m good, we just needed to sit down and catch our breath,” Frisk said, gesturing to themselves and Asriel. “We’ve been all over the Underground talking to practically everyone. We’re exhausted!”
Grillby’s mouth crackled like a warm fireplace as he laughed. 
“But I actually have something for you,” Frisk said. Grillby tilted his head curiously as Frisk pulled out the letter, handing it to Grillby. Grillby raised a hand to take it, but Frisk snatched it away. Grillby blinked, his eyes quirking with confusion.
“It’s from Gaster,” Frisk said slowly, and at the mere mention of Gaster’s name, Grillby’s flames grew red hot in anger and sparked in a much more violent fashion. Steam hissed from his jagged mouth and those white piercing eyes narrowed into white-hot circles of fury. But Frisk was not intimidated.
“He wanted me to give you this,” they went on. “But I need you to promise me you’ll read it the whole way through. And then you can get rid of it if you want. But you have to promise.”
Frisk once again held it forward, but kept it out of Grillby’s reach as they stared the monster down. Grillby’s flames were still red-hot and Frisk could feel the heat from where they sat, but with a resigned and frustrated sigh, he nodded.
He reached out his hand, but once again Frisk pulled away.
“Do you promise?” Frisk challenged.
Grillby hissed. He closed his eyes, his shoulders squaring, and he dipped his head.
“I . . . promise.”
Satisfied, Frisk handed over the letter.
Grillby ripped it open. Despite his promise, Grillby couldn’t help but smoulder the edges of the paper as he held it between his fingers. To his credit, he did not instantly vaporize it, and his eyes quickly scanned over the writing.
Grillby didn’t talk much. And sometimes it was hard to read emotions on the flame elemental. It was easy to read him at the moment, given his anger, and that anger sustained for a moment as he began to read.  But that fiery anger softened, muting back down to a more subdued level. And then the fire nearly died down completely to the intensity of a flickering candle, Grillby’s eyes widening and a hand raising to his mouth. The flames around his head turned a soft and gentle blue as he read on. His shoulders heaved. His hand shook.
Frisk didn’t know if Grillby could cry, but they imagined this was what it must look like.
Grillby finished reading, drawing one final shuddering breath as he folded up the letter and carefully–oh so carefully and gently–folded it back up and tucked it away inside his vest. He looked up at Frisk, his expression one Frisk could only describe as . . . grateful.
“Thank you,” was all he said.
Frisk and Asriel didn’t stay much longer. Grillby informed the other patrons he’d be closing up soon. He had much to attend to, much to plan and pack up.
And surely much to think about.
With Frisk and Asriel finally making their rounds, they returned to the throne room where Asgore and Toriel were patiently waiting for them. Everyone had already gone up ahead, not that Frisk blamed them, but now together once more, they made their way to the exit.
They were free. It was over.
It was finally, finally over.
They stood at the mouth of the cave, high atop a rocky cliff, looking over a spectacular scene. The sun was rising, casting a golden glow on everything around it. A thick luscious forest surrounded the mountain, and far, far off in the distance there was a city, metallic skyscrapers piercing the sky and glistening and shimmering like jewels in the morning light. 
Frisk could stay up here forever to admire the view. 
They weren’t alone with that sentiment. Papyrus, Sans, Undyne, Alphys, Asgore, Toriel, and Asriel, all standing shoulder-to-shoulder, looked over the world sprawled out before them, taking it all in, enjoying the sun after so many years beneath Mount Ebott. 
“It’s so bright!” Papyrus said. “Say, what is that thing, anyway?”
“That’s what we call the sun , Papyrus,” Sans laughed. 
“Wowie! I can’t believe I’m finally meeting the sun after all this time!”
“And smell that fresh crisp air!” Undyne said, taking a deep breath. “Ah, man, I can’t believe we’re finally here!”
“It truly is beautiful, is it not?” Toriel said. “But we should start to think about what comes next.”
“Of course,” Asgore said. “Everyone, this is the beginning of a bright new future. An era of peace between humans and monsters. Frisk, I have something to ask of you. Will you act as our ambassador to the humans?”
“Of course!” Frisk said without pause. “I can do that! And you all can help me!”
“We’ll be sure to make a great first impression! I’ll be sure to dress my Sunday best when we get to meet all the humans in the city!” Papyrus said.
“I have no doubt you will!” Frisk laughed.
“Well, off I go! I’m going to greet as many humans as possible!” Papyrus said. He spun sharply on his heel and began to race down the mountain at a break-neck pace.
Sans chuckled as he watched his brother go. “Welp, someone’s gotta keep an eye on him. See you around, kiddos.” He then turned down a different path to go down the mountain, which was, funnily enough, a much shorter path than the one Papyrus took.
“Hey! Wait up! Don’t think you can get away from me so easily!” Undyne shouted, chasing after Papyrus. 
Alphys called out excitedly, she too giving chase. “And wait for me, too!”
Now it was just the Dreemurrs and Frisk standing together on the mountain, watching their friends head off to make good on their new start in a new bright shining future. Never before had Frisk felt so happy, so satisfied, so . . . relieved. 
There was still much they regretted. They regretted that it took so long for them to finally get here. They regretted that they weren’t able to save Gaster. But they couldn’t waste their life wallowing in despair. 
The whole world was waiting for them. Their future was theirs for the taking. And together, with all the loving friends and family Frisk could ever want, their future felt unlimited.
Frisk took Asriel’s hand.
“Let’s go make the most of it.”
And they walked off into the sunrise, their soul brimming with DETERMINATION.
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silkkorchid · 11 months ago
What went down in TWST rp in a week-
Covers 4/6 - 4/12
Naming this week “Sebek’s life cannot get any worse”.
People are throwing tomatoes at Mrs. Rosehearts.
The NRC Prophet is loosing their cool for Kalim since he always ask them to read his palm at parties.
NRC Fashion advice account is spraying Lucius. That won’t end well…
There is now a Book Club in NRC.
There is now a daily announcement what goes around NRC account.
A dance club member got their privacy violated by their friend.
Crowley hit someone mom, get that crow in a cage immediately!
Crowley’s hair is thinning, WHICH HE WILL BE BALD!
Lucius made an account, and this week can’t get any weirder that THE CAT FROM MAGIC HISTORY CAN SOMEHOW FUDGING- [🍮.exe has crashed]
Lucius got a brother name, Luciciu…
Lucius join the dance club. Don’t ask how though.
Lucius got a secret stash of catnip from the NRC Staff.
Diasomnia is playing Mario Kart and according to Silver. Malleus, Lilia, and Sebek is all screaming.
Ain got an allergy reaction after someone threw blueberries at them.
Ain ate the rocks from the Monstro Lounge again.
Someone point out that Sebek and Silver kinda acts like Papyrus and Sans from Undertale.
Sebek got a crazy stalker that happens to be his older brother ex.
That Valarie person mess up the wrong family the moment she kidnapped Sebek, also the Diasomnia future children has join in the manhunt, wonderful.
Idia is willing to do a fist fight with Valarie, she pissed off the wrong person.
Ruggie join in the fight to rescue Sebek for fun.
Valarie is now dead after being shot by Yuu. I presume…
Sebek got a bird that looks like Sebek..?
Ignihyde blew their budget fixing the second floor, Idia is in disbelief about it.
Verdis got kicked out from his own dorm for insulting Idia.
Idia now knows what is like being a father, while his future children are hugging him.
Idia is afraid of the Leech Twins, I’m not surprised at all since everyone knows that the twins are damn terrifying.
Idia is being bullied by someone he can easily beat.
Deuce got turn into an egg… HOW THE HECK DOES THAT LOGIC WORKS!?
Deuce became a rainbow. Can we petition to stop bullying deuce?
The reason why Deuce got onto Tumblr was a bet from Ace, in which made Deuce strained his ankle.
Deuce now realizes that Lucius got an account.
Cater meets his future child, welcome to the You Are Now a Dad Club.
Tsum Cater is at it with the phone, but got captured by Althea.
Ruggie knocked out someone with a magift disc as they were laughing too hard to the point they felt like they were dying..? Also WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS AT PRACTICE RUGGIE BUCCHI!?
Someone made Cheka cried. And Leona is out for blood along with several others.
Cheka said the f word, welp here we go again. Rip quartz
Azul Mom made a tumblr account, TIME TO ASK WHAT WAS AZUL LIKE!!!
Mrs. Ashengrotto now know the existence of her grandchild. This is gonna be a interesting family drama.
Mrs. Ashengrotto sent baby pictures of Azul.
There is two Kalim, rip Jamil Viper.
Someone traumatized Kalim.
Mrs. Rosehearts is in denial about her way of raising a child.
Mrs. Rosehearts is at it again complaining about her treatment at NRC. She brought it upon herself.
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o-sunny-day · 4 months ago
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Oh right. The other one.
CW: Undertale rant/analysis
Ive played Undertale- hundreds of times. and lately ive reflected on how the game is supposed to make you feel IN THE MOMENT- since ive kinda forgotten a lot of that. Because of the aforementioned ✨“hundreds of times”✨
Everything ofc still feels just as captivating, but nothings surprising because im not playing it from the perspective of someone who has absolutely no idea whats going to happen next. Sometimes I overlook and forget how the little details are supposed to make you feel/think about the characters. Like how Undyne is implied to be an abusive boss. After you get to know her, then replay, you hear how Papyrus talks about her at first, and see their interaction as you enter Waterfall, and you completely understand!
But BEFORE- youre like “oooohhh she’s threatening him-“
On this topic, I rewatched some playthroughs, and saw their first reactions to geno papyrus death, and I realized. that this room placement. IS SO COOL!!!!
Normally its like- yep! I just befriended/beat papyrus, time to continue on my way- oo hi sans! sure, ill go to Grillbys with you! Even on replays, you’re not really excepting him in any room hes in, im just like “oh yep, theres the man.”
But when you kill Papyrus for the first time, usually on a geno route. That same thing kicks in. You’re not predicting him to be there cause youre focused on the room youre in currently, but when you GET THERE youre like “oh yeah and thats where Sans is” but he’s NOT THERE and you stop for a millisecond and go “oh, no yeah, that makes sense.”
…the silence doesn’t help either.
Its worse that he’s all over the underground too, not just in the start of Waterfall. Even not seeing him in front of the mtt resort is just a slap in the face 😭
If youve gotten to the phase of killing people on purpose to see what will happen, youve also gotten to the phase of KNOWING theres gonna be consequences, so Sans not being there shoudnt hit as hard as it does BUT IT DOES (at least for me)
The typical reactions to Monster death in general that you cant avoid are Undyne and Sans’ speeches, and neutral run phonecalls. DIALOGUE. things that appear because of what you did. But with Sans its not what he does or says (up until the judgment hall) its what he doesn’t do.
He doesn’t bother to show up, to say anything to you because what is there to say??? Ignoring how personal it is for a sec- Sans knows this isnt your first time playing, but doesn’t comment on it (much). Right now he still believes the anomaly just wants to be happy, so gives the benefit of the doubt.
That is until you kill the dude that is impossible to kill on accident, or argue in self defense.
Now Sans knows the anomaly just wants to know what will happen. Doesn’t care if its bad or not, they’re just curious, so theres no point.
STILL he wants them to reset and do something ELSE so he halfway pleads with them in the judgment hall to rethink what they’ve done. The fact that he asks an answerable question feels important to me, like hes searching for something, ANY reason. But maybe hes trying to make you see that- there was no reason. Youre DUMB and you should RESET because- WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THIS????
What I also find really powerful even on replays, is the silence after he drops lines like this. Especially the judgment hall question. Sometimes I do sit there and soak in the silence like- “jesus. Yeah, why DID i do that?”
My main point of this entire thing is, I LOVE this game, I LOVE Papyrus and his impact on the game even when he isnt there, and I wish I could play it for the first time again, and fall in love with it all over again, but alas, hitting myself with a rock to screw up my memory only works 17% of the time,
so im happy enough sticking with changing my perspective, and taking a moment to remember what it felt like to accidentally kill toriel and realize your actions have consequences, to beat Undyne the Undying, to hug Asriel, to hear that Undertale was getting a “sequel”, and to hear that dreaded line, “Then why did you kill my brother.” all for the first time again.
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