#like he was accusing the guard of metagaming
notreallyuseless · 5 months
I like seeing the oblivious smile of whoever POV i'm watching while Etoiles is in the background complaining about anything and everything in french. They can't understand a word he's saying. But i do. And he's bitching about something. It's just so funny.
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doedipus · 7 years
LP D&D: The Road to Neverwinter
I’m not sure how much JP does this with the other players characters, but there have been a couple times where he’s taken Connie’s backstory and ran with it. I don’t have a huge problem with it, but I guess if Connie starts seeming a bit mary-sue-ish whenever her backstory comes up, it probably has more to do with JP’s tastes in narrative than mine. In our current place in the campaign, we’re probably going to start running into Coy’s backstory soon, so it’ll be interesting to see if it ends up being a touch grandiose as well.
Content under the break.
Zerander has never flown before, and is having a panic attack
Lucas reminds the group that they forgot some stuff in the city
The group decides to just have Lucas use sending to contact Liza
She’s to give the rubies to Greg
As they fly north, the weather picks up and the gang starts frosting up
Coy gestures to Graham to fly higher
Graham refuses to comply
Connie attempts to clean/melt the frost off the broom with prestidigitation
Lupe barely manages to shake off the ice
The wind is strong, and nearly knocks the gang out of the sky
Escrima is knocked off of Lupe, but Zerander catches him
Graham slides off the fly, but catches a leg
They land safely
Lucas and Connie land in a dignified manner
Thankfully, Connie remembered to buy winter coats
Zerander can make out a light source in the distance
It’s an inn!
Graham uses divine sense to check for holy or unholy creatures, but finds none
They knock on the door, but nobody answers
They try and open the door, but it won’t budge
Graham goes to the window
A dwarf is there, telling him to bash the door
No, but better this time!
They bash the door open
The innkeeper tells the gang to store Lupe in the stable
He points out a rope leading into the blizzard
Zerander follows it, dragging the gang behind him
He uses a crowbar to force open the door
Innkeeper asks Connie to help close the door for some fucking reason 
Somehow, they manage
Connie, Graham, and Coy crowd against the fireplace
Lucas, Zerander, and Lucas try to set up a tiny hut in the stable
Zerander tries to tie Lupe down on the far end of the barn
Escrima puts the muzzle back on her
He kisses her five times
Zerander decides to go back to the main inn
Lucas grabs a sack of flour as a pillow and sleeps in the hut
Escrima cuddles with Lupe
Are wyverns warm blooded? I think they’re warm blooded
RAW says they’re warm blooded. How convenient!
Zerander gets lost trying to find the inn
He has to try to bash the door back open
He hammers it p. Good
PVP occurs!
A fey mood overtakes Zerander, and he sticks a frozen finger in Graham’s ear
Graham tries to retaliate, but misses
“Why would you do that?”
Zerander felt it was the only reasonable course of action
The innkeeper introduces himself
His name is Bruennor
He’s a prospector
There’s also a human, and an elf
The human is reading a book
Graham tries to see what it is, but can’t
Graham wanders over and tries to read over his shoulder
The human’s name is Perrin Korsta
He’s reading a history book. Nerd!
He’s a chauffeur for the elf
Zerander asks who the elf is
Perrin doesn’t know much about him
Apparently, there was another passenger, but she’s asleep now
The elf drinks heavily
Maybe he’s one of Viper’s friends
The gang is hungry and tired
Say, what’s the name of this joint?
It’s the blue sky haberdashery
The owner’s gone missing in the blizzard
Something bangs at the door
Zerander pries the door open
A woman enters, followed by a man in handcuffs
Zerander closes the door like a champ
The woman introduces herself as paladin
The man is a prisoner to be executed in Neverwinter
A rapist and murderer, apparently
He denies this fervently
Graham tries a lie detector spell on the monk
Somehow, it fails, and half the gang believes him
Here’s the bounty paper, jeez!
Zerander ties to convince her to let the gang deliver him
...but she’s a paladin, and a paladin that likes money, at that
Then he tries to convince her to kill him herself
But she’s big on JUSTICE and BEING A COOL GUY
Zerander tries to out-paladin the paladin
Oh, and 20kgp
Paladin lets him make a copy of the document
Graham decides he wants to get laid
So, uh, live around here often?
She’s about 45, and has a boob plate
And a srs bsns cougar
“Things happen”
They’re quite loud
The noises wake Escrima up, and he wanders towards their source
He wanders off into the blizzard
After over a mile, he finally turns around and wanders back
He manages to make it back inside
Coy sneaks towards the noise
She likes to watch?
She enters the room
There’s a lot of action going on that JP’s not gonna describe
Coy takes psychic damage
She tries to steal the bounty document
She takes more psychic damage
Can fingers even do that?
Coy gives the papers to Zerander
He hides it in his pecs/cleavage
Coy drinks a lot and passes out
Zerander goes to check on Lucas
He pitches the plan to Lucas
Lucas isn’t having it
Zerander goes to sleep in the stable
Escrima tries to proselytize to Connie
Perrin asks Escrima about mother
At some point, Graham had time to have a dream
Some things were crawling around in the room
When he wakes up, the paladin is full of holes, and he’s covered in blood
On closer inspection, the holes are stab wounds
He exits his room
The prisoner is still bound
Salvatore screams that there’s been a murder
The guests convene in the main hall
Coy comes to
One of her daggers is bloody
Graham notices this
The dorf accuses the gang of killing the paladin for the reward
Coy protests
Graham tries to use zone of truth again, but the others claim it would be biased
Escrima tries to detect thoughts on the dorf
He’s kind of afraid, and wants the gang out of the inn
A small boy is chased out of town
He changes into a small girl, returns to town, and kills his family
Escrima demands that nobody leave, lest they get sliced and/or diced
Graham accuses the other travellers of murdering the paladin
The NPCs reveal themselves to be changelings
The changelings say that the prisoner was assuming the form of a criminal when the paladin captured them
They set up a trap for the paladin and prisoner, but the gang wandered in and complicated things
Coy loots the paladin’s body
Graham tries to fill Lucas in on the night’s events
she was an older lady but not that old and she wanted to see under my armor and then she did and when i woke up she was dead and coys dagger was bloody but it was the changelings but they're good guys and...
Lucas recasts his tiny hut
Connie wants to know why they were impersonating a criminal
They knew he was important, but not why
They went to Lucern in disguise and got picked up by the paladin
Lupe is hungry, and eats the horses
Very, very messily
Horse viscera fly all throughout the stable
Lucas tries to polymorph her before she eats the rest of the horses
But Lupe is too hungry to be manipulated like that
Lucas uses phantasmal force to occupy her instead
Graham makes a snow angel
It’s okay
There’s some food in the hall, and the gang eats breakfast
The gang decides to use the horses to travel the rest of the way
They reach neverwinter
Caravans bustle about by the gates
Steam rises off of a river running through the city
A large portion of the city has been destroyed in the spellplague wars
It’s famous for inventors and mechanical technology. They are ambivalent towards magic
There’s also the main temple of Oghma
The most civilized city?????
The water in the river runs very hot, keeping the climate hospitable
The lord used to be an adventurer like us, but then he took an arrow to the knee
Watchu doin with your wyvern?
Escrima approaches a guard with Lupe, and tries to persuade him to let the wyvern in
But it fails, of course
He goes to store her in the ruined quarter
He then removes her saddle and muzzle, and tells her to go roam free 
“Escrima starts going through puberty”
“Mom hasn’t been talking to me, she doesn’t understand!”
Lucas asks about selling the horses
Connie is approached by her cousin Aleister the sidler
She is nonplussed when she realizes who he is
He leads the gang through the mess of caravans to meet with the rest of her family
They’re Vistani
All of the caravans in front of the gates are here for the wake
Graham is confused. Is this Catarina?
No, seriously. What about Catarina?
Aren’t you a lady there?
Who’s Heidi?
 //Connie’s run through a lot of names over the years. “Adelheid” is the one her parents gave her.
After much jubilation, Connie’s mother Ida offers to get the party’s fortunes read
Fortunes are private! No metagaming! //To this day, nobody’s talked in or out of character about what they saw. 
Escrima breathes heavily
The futuuuureeeeeee
Heidi and her mother pay their respects at the pyre
The procession takes turns dropping their torches on the pyre
The fire cycles through the full spectrum of color
The music swells to deafening levels
The pyre explodes into sparks and is no more
Ida pulls Heidi aside to tell her origin story
Heidi was born in sigil
So was her brother
No, ya dingus
At some point, the gods nearly entered sigil, and much destruction happened
Ida and Ingo were only able to rescue one of the two of them
The brother wasn’t a planetouched
Some demons were trying to track down their mother for... reasons...
Ingo left her some “things”
A key to a portal in sigil
Think of family by a wall near the hive
Watchu doin, Coy?
Eatin’ hot wings
The secret’s in the tomatoes, you know
Some Vistani beckon Graham over, and demand he remove his shirt
A Vistani man forcibly removes his shirt
Dude, nice tits
He tries to leave, but there’s too many boobs around to leave
Lucas goes for a flight on the broom
He does some blue angels shit
Heidi has a good heart to heart with her sister
Her sister got married to their cousin
Heidi talks about her crush on Graham, and Lou encourages her
Lou looted some liquor from their father. It’s some strong stuff, and they both pass out after a few glasses
Everyone gets totally wasted and passes out
Lucas drinks a suspicious beverage, and his brain goes to Elysium
The next morning, the Vistani have vanished, in a giant cloud of fog
The gang finds a horse trainer
He only wants to pay 150gp/horse
Graham knows enough about horses to know that’s bull
The merchant moves to 275gp/horse
He directs the gang towards the Merry Hunter inn for information
The gang wanders around the market
They reach Hides ‘n’ Stuff for a stable
The shopkeeper is a halfling
Lucas takes the opportunity to practice his halfling
This gets him a slight discount
It’s gonna be ready in 2 days
Coy visits a weapons shop for kicks
Apparently werewolves are common as mosquitoes in the north, and everything has silver in it
Coy sells the bucket of silver for 250gp
Lucas wanders into a magic shop
“Himo Fezin’s Scrolls, Scrolls, Scrolls”
Himo is a little stuck up
Lucas offers to write scrolls for a commission
Coy goes to a potion shop
She gets a greater health potion, some mistakes, a smoke bomb, and some sort of anti-werewolf silver slather
The gang goes looking for the inn horse man was talking about
It has a bath house! Amazing!
Dude, ovens!
They ask the Witha, the inkeeper, about William Teller
Apparently, he’s staying at the inn
Witha goes to get him
He’s confused about his guests
He’s also very hung over
They move to Teller’s room
They all sit on his bed
Escrima sits on Graham’s lap
They look like two little brown eggs from an aerial view //They both shave their heads
Graham produces the map
Teller begins scribbling on the map
Apparently it’s gonna take a few hours
Lucas visits the grand temple of Oghma
A well-dressed cleric comes over to talk to him
Apparently they know who Lucas is, and what Eva’s situation is
It poses a lot of questions to the order
Lucas walks into the light
He has a vision of flying over Neverwinter
Oghma appears to him
She asks him what he knows about current events
Proskur was entirely Gandalf’s fault
Eva was supposed to go there to stop him
Yeenoghu is coming back, and threatens the entirety of planescape
Lucas asks about the fortune he received from other Eva //The one related to Connie, not the one trapped in Lucas’ head
Apparently it’s not 100% reliable, but possible to change
He returns to reality
His clothes are smouldering
The cleric reminds him that talking to the divine is rare and important
The cleric wants a copy of The Complete Adventures of Lucas Valeroyant and also a copy of his spellbook
Including the bits with Greg! Fujoshi across the planes get nosebleeds!
Lucas gets a pretty swanky talisman of Oghma from the cleric
Teller says he’s done, and the results are deeply disturbing
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