#like he was a gross little goblin but he didn't seem bad
silverstudios · 9 months
Mario update- I knew we were going to fight a cake I just thought it was like- Not just a cake, I thought it was gonna be like a tank or something. Makes me wonder if they did a really good job making it or a really BAD job making it. Also- I do not like the pirate ship. These puzzles made me curse at least once until I thought of the password.
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aces-basement · 2 years
Chaotic Ace (Gorillaz) x Reader that borders on explicit but isn't and is written by someone with 3 braincells on the verge of a breakdown just for u anon
(it's not explicit but I don't want minors to read it anyway. Minors DNI!)
You were walking home from work. It was late. And cold. And you wanted to get home more than anything.
There was an alley. A scary one. A dark, wet, cold one. One you've never been in when it was dark. But it was a shortcut. And at this point? If you got shanked and left for dead that might not be so bad
Anyway you decide to go down the alley.
It was.
Too quiet. Not even a cat in the dumpster or anything.
Oh hey speakin of dumpsters
BAM! Ace stumbled out of one wowww
You jumped and shat your pants figuratively
He tried to be menacing but he got his leg stuck on the side of the dumpster. He was stuck. Hanging by the foot. Out of the dumpster.
He looked. So disappointed there. Dangling in the moonlight. He sighed long and hard. "......Can you help me down."
"Yeah sure stranger" You unhooked his boot and he fell on his face. You heard glass shatter
"Ah jeez, alright," The tall stranger brushed himself off and got the sunglass bits out of his eyes. "Well I was gonna mug you but I t'ink the moment's passed"
"You are the worst criminal I've ever met. Can I go now?"
He stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Aw, yeah, sure. Go." But this man. This legend. This absolute goblin man. With his head hanging low and his little puppy dog eyes looking everywhere but at you. You couldn't leave him because you are the protag of an x reader fuck you
Anyway this blushing idiot was waiting for you to leave and you wanted to. But no you didn't because Ace is hot. Anyway you said "I like your eyeballs. Do you smoke weed"
This. Flustered him. He looked right at you and stuttered "No??? That's just- that's just how my eyes look."
"They're nice. So are your ears. And your skin. They make you look like a gross elf. Slash affectionate btw"
"Are you trying to flirt? Because you ain't great at it. What does that mean."
"Ok well since you're the CEO of flirting why don't you show me how it's done." You snarked
BOOM. Next thing you knew you were pinned against the wall. You looked up at him. Surprised. He had one arm against the wall, leaning into you.
"You smell like cheese"
Boom. Pocket knife to your throat. He didn't seem to acknowledge what you said. Uh oh. "I'd watch my tongue, toots. Don't want it on the cement." He growled
"This isn't flirting this is um what is it this is uhhhh"
"Violence? I dunno" He shrugged
"Yeah that's the word keep going please."
"Alright." He smooched you up your arm, then to your neck, before BITING your neck
"Sorry too much?"
So he smiled and nibbled you some more, before pulling your hair and making out with you against the moldy ass brick wall mmmmm that's scrumptious. Then you took him home like an alley cat and yall lived happily ever after
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elfdragon12 · 3 years
Let's rate some orcs
Because I love orcs and have a number of Feelings about them and they tend to be portrayed wildly different across franchises. These are going to be franchises I'm more familiar with. Hopefully, we can find some orcs that will rank high.
My ratings will take into consideration visual appeal and variety. How big of an OOF factor is readily apparent will be taken into acount.
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Anime (in general): 0/10
I'm just giving a blanket statement for the vast majority of orcs in anime. They tend to have super generic designs, very copy-paste, and... Like... They seem to be mostly used for terrible porn because... Apparently there are never any female orcs. It's gross. (These creators are COWARDS! Give me a big, green, beefy orc girlfriend! She can be my waifu!)
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Kemono Michi: 3/10
Still the boring and basic anime orc design and I definitely don't care for those little horns, but their personalities aren't terrible. Also, more orc wrestling, please! (Side-note, there's a webcomic called Daughter of the Lilies and the orcs in that comic have horned eyebrow ridges that I think work very well for the design! It's been a while since I've checked up on it, but I really enjoyed what I have read.)
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Neverwinter Nights: 5/10
I actually think the in-game sprites are pretty cute?? Not too much to say other than that. (If I was ranking half-orcs though, Daelan Red Tiger would be a 10/10, would definitely smooch. Xanos is fairly smoochable too, but one would probably have a slap slap kiss kiss romance with him.) The NWN games were based on D&D 3rd edition so orcs don't tend to be more than a basic bad guy.
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Rankin-Bass's Return of the King: 6/10
While having a general look to them, it's not just a copy-paste orc horde and I appreciate that. Also, I don't know if you've heard Where There's a Whip, There's a Way, but these orcs know how to belt out a pretty good marching tune! I didn't remember it being that good when I watched it as a kid! However, these are also the same designs used for goblins in their take on the Hobbit, so... Who knows?? Kinda reflects how goblins and orcs are basically interchangeable in the actual book. Oops!
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Bright: 3/10
This movie gave me a lot of Feelings and one of the only good ones is that I like the way the orcs look. However, I've given them such a low rating because the writing and world-building surrounding them is just Not Good. (Maybe, if you're going to heavily code your orcs as Black people and then use themes of racism and stereotyping, maybe give more than one of the 5 orcs not implicitly tied to the gangbanger lifestyle more than 3 seconds of screentime?! As I said, this movie gave me Feelings.)
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Peter Jackson LotR: 4/10
A good variety of looks in these orcs with a unifying theme. Not a whole lot of personality to them besides EVIL though. (And, well, we can't forget that it was LotR pioneered the modern image for orcs--Tolkien didn't invent them--and just how he described them in a letter to someone else. Man definitely wasn't perfect.)
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D&D: 4/10 (however, I will rate Wildemount orcs at a 10/10)
These orcs have... Been through a lot and have really changed over the years. (Language describing half-orcs in 2e is Yikes.) They only took the -2 Intelligence modifier away only as recently as Eberron and Wildemount strips away the explicit connection to Gruumsh and giving orcs more personal agency. Wildemount really does step it up! I do think the art for orcs in more the more recent 5e sourcebooks look a lot better and I think the official Nolzur orc minis do look pretty good.
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Warhammer: 6/10
There's a ton of lore and I don't really know a whole lot of it. However, I do have some fondness for the orkz. Oh, they're so dumb, but that's also why their powers work--because they don't know any better. There is a certain audaciousness to them I rather like. As for their visuals, there's a lot of variety in these orkz. While they're not so smoochable, they are fun to look at.
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World of Warcraft in-game: 5/10
Pretty sure WoW really kicked off the switch from pig-faced orcs to big, beefy, green people and I absolutely don't begrudge that. In the game itself, I can't say much. The difference between male and female orcs is really sad though. Maybe I want to see more female orcs that look like they could bench me with a single arm rather that "sexy woman with an hourglass shape, but green and a weird haircut".
And, because I feel like the vibe is different enough, here's a separate rating for~
World of Warcraft, movie/cinematics: 8/10
They really said "monster lovers, we got you" then Rihanna-winked. Very smoochable. We also get to see orcs across a moral spectrum, which is very nice. The difference between male and female orcs isn't quite as bad as the games as male orcs don't look so cartoonishly brutish and female orcs look bulkier. (Draka looks very nice.)
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spineofdeathwing · 3 years
Howdy! Seeing as I am no longer part of the SLP community, and how I've been seeing all of the hate going on for Jontont Frost over Wyrmguard Secrets, and the fact that they seem to celebrate my departure from the SLP server by stating "finally the evil beast is gone." as someone showed me via twitter
Let me inform you: the evil beast is not gone. Why? Because Jontont Frost is STILL there.
He and I had a lot of problems. What had initially began as a friendship turned into a nightmare for me. A nightmare I sat quiet on for a very long time. Even with alllll the shit that got posted about me being a bully, etc.
There were many times that I wanted to say something publicly, and in quiet there are a few who know the full story, but I stopped myself because I worried how it would hurt friends, but now it's kind of like... Not having said something has damaged so many things so much more than it would have if I had just said something to begin with.
Hi. I'm the person who played Finnegan Quill. I, to my knowledge, don't have a lot of trouble with people on Moon Guard, except for a few. Jontont is one of those few.
The guy has so many issues, and this is coming from someone with a lot of issues themselves, that it was extremely difficult to deal with them. Prior to things getting too bad, this is how things progressed:
We became friends through RP, I started talking to them more oocly. They seemed super chill, no problem, but as time went on, I found out what kind of person they are. They constantly put themselves down and would get very self deprecating, and me, I am a sensitive person, and my heart bleeds for this sort of thing, so I did my best to tell him he wasn't all the things he called himself, that he could make friends if he just put himself out there. That everything would be fine if he just stuck to his character and separated himself from it, that he wouldn't need to worry about things if he didn't take what happened in character personally.
I wasn't the only person who had to/has to deal with him. I won't name names, but I'm hoping they manage to get away from him sooner than later. Jontont Frost uses emotionally manipulative tactics to draw people in. He stalked me in game despite the fact that I had him on ignore. He still felt the need to put his nose in everything.
I made the heinous mistake of erping with him when he was still in an ic relationship with Elrodore Tate. Yeah, Finnegan went there, and I really wish he hadn't, because that put me in a spot to where Jontont wanted to know everything I was doing. Every single minute of the day. When I told him I needed a break, what did he do? He started to insult himself, call himself useless, friendless, a whole lot of other things, to which I came back to tell him "hey, don't talk about yourself like that. You'll be fine. Just be your best self" etc. Eventually I realized this was a tactic to keep me there, and hell did it get exhausting.
I've got a lot of problems. 100% no doubt. So I didn't need his problems too, but I still tried to be kind. So things still continued, and I grew exhausted again, and again told him I needed a break, but again with the self deprecation he came, and then when he did say "ok, I'll leave you alone for now." He would come back like 5 minutes later pretending nothing had ever even happened.
His stalking, cause that is what it was, grew so bad that even after I ignored him after I had a one sided talk with him, I went to the SLP mods to get it taken care of, because we were both existing in the same project, we worked out an agreement that we both would ignore each other--- FINALLY, because even though I had him on ignore on both Discord and WoW, that still didn't stop him from turning into a cat and watching me in stealth, but he still can't seem to keep his mouth shut about me, so here I am.
I have an extensive history of his stalking/manipulative/inappropriate behavior on documented file which is what I presented to the project moderators as proof of my issues with him, and I'd share it happily, but if I did that, I'd end up dragging other people into things who I don't particularly care to drag through the mud, dm me if you want, though I don't see this going anywhere. I can already feel the goblins on my back for this.
Fuck you, Jontont Frost, and your little Tobias too.
They're both horrible people, I hope others come to realize this sooner rather than later.
Jontont's behavior was gross and traumatic. Every time I seen a white Worgen or the bear form he uses, it made me sick. I couldn't stand to look at them. I was always alarmed when I would be out doing content and someone with the same druid forms would show up alongside me, prompting me to check if it was him, because I felt like I would never get away from him and he would always follow me. If I'm sounding over dramatic, lemme just say, it was THAT BAD.
More to come later.
Spoiler, he decided to tell me about how he masturbated to the ERP we did afterwards, while watching porn. Why did I need to know that? I didn't. He should have kept it to himself. But there he goes crossing IC and OOC again.
There are others who could back things up, but I won't call on them unless they want to come out.
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jamiebluewind · 5 years
Fantasy High Characters 2.12
I'll go back to ep 2.11 eventually, but I wanted to get this one out while it's still the newest. As always, let me know if I need to edit or add anything and tag/ask/PM me about art and stories so I can check them out!
Warnings: canon typical violence, gore, blood, gross mention, vomit, fantasy racism mention, disturbing imagery, panic attack mention, threats, murder, alcohol, injury
Ally (on the fig/ayda kiss): Two young Sheldon's makeing out XD
Lou (on the second fig/ayda kiss): Yes-ah! Yes-ah! Yes-ah! Yes-ah! I bless this union! Yes-ah!
Brennan (on forgetting to change the music for the arcane crime scene): -this is the wrong music for this moment
New Characters
Craf-me Rootdrinker
Gnome and druid
Gave his life 200 years ago to reclaim Arborly from the curse
Was very kind
Avoided "cleric nonsense"
Nuathura (New-ah-thoo-ra) the Fox
Older red fox who was awakened as a pup by Craf-me (was his familiar/companion)
Spry and slinky despite his age
Fluent in silvian, elvish, and gnomish
Runs the town (basically the mayor) and offers the adventurers every resource in their village at their disposal
Appreciates it when he is shown respect and is more open to outsiders and outsider tech than Mira, saying that the Nightmare King was once defeated by a strange band of Solesians and that they were delighted to have them
Likes shrimp and was given one by Fabian and four (one on each paw) by Kristen
Was told the crown of the Nightmare King was kept deep under a pit under a pyramid where it could never be found (and was understandably upset to discover that it was instead kept on a shelf in a dean's office and now in the hands of Adaine's mom who is trying to get into the forest)
Mira Silverbough/Silverbow
Wood elf and leader of the rangers who guard the town (of which there are 40 standing on bolders with arrows nocked when the teens wake up)
Intense angular face with steal gray eyes and long black hair on the top of her head (that might hang down in her face) with shaved sides that appear to be turning gray/salt and pepper
Dressed in dark forest green with leather archer's bracers and gloves with
"Ah. Not TRULY children. These are almost adults grown. Come here!" *gestures for the teens to come over*
Racist against those with infernal lineage, goblins, and orcs, but seems to be racist against all other races in general
Was put off by technology she doesn't understand
Referred to Fig as a troubadour (poet who writes verses to music or specificly a French medieval lyric poet) and the van as very small house of wheels
Furrowed her brow at Adaine being the Oracle
Second to Nuathura and very protective of him
Krumpkin Springbill
Head of the Tinkerer's Hall
Round as a pumpkin with a shiny bald head and a mustashe like a push broom
Dressed in soot covered goggles (which he pushed up) and a leather apron filled with tools
He and the other gnomes come up to Gorgug's mid thigh
Two unnamed gnomes
Person with a huge handlebar mustache and a top hat with gear in the side of it
Woman with folded canvas ornithopter wings
Unnamed Bartender
Works at The Owl And The Harp
Was told by Adaine that she was looking for her mom and was shocked by her crystal (used to show him a picture)
Said Elianwyn was staying on the top floor, but thought the kids couldn't afford the substantial outstanding debt she left behind (after leaving without checking out) of 10 gold
Was paid 12 gold by Adaine, then 5 gold by Riz, then another 5 gold by Riz (which was wet), and shown a very round frog by Adaine
Told them that they were acting very suspicious despite being warned about them by the rangers
Most likely has no idea the damage Elianwyn did to the suite she was renting
Vraz the Mean
Executive Potenti of the Dominion of Avernus (first/topmost layer of hell) and Arch Secretary to Blozo the Undimenished who is the regnant of Sloth
Came through a burning oval doorway opened by Fig's magic (which opens to red firy sky and blasted red plane)
Dressed in black steal plate armor and horned helmet, covering all but her face
Beautiful woman's face with porcelain skin, ruby red lips, and a seem at the edge of her helmet where the rest of her skin had been flayed off her body
Burnt scarred skeletal remains of wings
Carrying a burning scroll to serve to Fig
Wood elf, resident of Arborly, drunkard, and a cruel man
Worked for Elianwyn and was rude to the tinkerers while picking up wax, ink components, and fiddle faddle for her
Had short cropped brown hair, hazel eyes, and a small amount of facial hair
Seen in scry as a puppet with a slit throat. Not wearing a shirt or boots as he left bloody footprints. Blood dripped from his burning dull red glowing eyes into his beard. His sternum was broke open and a fire was roiling within the open exposed wound where a gem was glowing.
Shone a dull red glow 20 feet ahead of the group which causesd a path to open in the dark, twisted, and grarled forest like a subterranean tunnel
Established Characters
Elianwyn (Adaine's mom)
Stayed at The Owl And The Harp for several months
Kept to herself, save sending Killean  to get things for her at the Tinkerer's Hall (they had spell components that could be used by both them and wizards)
Vanished with Killean and Aelwyn the night Aelwyn arrived
Murdered Killean and did a spell that left him a puppet with Gorthalax's gem in his chest
Went into the forest, using puppet Killean to cause the briars to retract
Was wearing a deep elven traveling cloak and covered in nasty scars related to a curse (but might be due to a Fallinel curse and not the original crown curse)
Arrived at Arborly a night before the bad kids (and 2 nights before the bad kids talked to the locals) and was still uncontrollably and explosively gassy (which reaked), worse for wear, and started crying
Changed into wood elven travel garb and traveled with Elianwyn into the forest
Dispelled Adaine's scry without seeing it
Told Kristen that if they make it through the wall, she would kill them all (starting with Tracker) and that the only reason they were alive was because they were a nuisance (not a full problem) and never got between her and what she wanted
"I want you to stay out of that fucking forest."
Riz didn't see Calina despite being right there and the grass wasn't bent or disturbed where she was supposed to have been standing
Pok's sleeve wasn't disturbed where she was supposed to be standing either and she couldn't drink (or possibly hold anything at all)
She gave Riz sleep paralysis, but never hurt him
Most likely doesn't exist anywhere physically
Is in their heads, but still had to ask questions, so she can project herself into their minds but not read their minds
Note: The unmade goddess turned her familiar (a black cat) into a plague
Told Tracker she shouldn't be guilty about passing on any kind of sickness because she believed it had to do with both of them due to her secrets combined with Tracker being a carrier
Suggested doing spells through a dental dam as she had a bunch from Jawbone (who kept insisting that she use them)
Found a bag of loose crab meat and used it to make crab nachos (which she always makes when she has the choice as her parents always made it for parties and never let her have any)
Got drunk and tried to make Riz kiss a shrimp when he got upset, offered Fig a "shrimp secret", tried to throw Fig 2 beers (which Gorgug smashes and she thought was awesome), called Gorgug a scientist when he said he was a little crab, and called Riz "king crab king!" when he was down on himself.
Saw Calina when nobody else could and responded by screaming "Fuck you!" at her
Drank a cortada and stayed cool while Calina was there (talking shit about her as Calina threatened her and the group) but freaked out after she left, asking everyone to hold her and dogpile on her before she vomited coffee and shrimp
Was okay once she was pressed into the grass by all her friends
Tried to get Tracker to stay in town and not go into the forest, offering handcuffs and asking as officer Kristen (and even colonel Kristen using an order)
Still rocked after the Galicia sister thing saying that the elven church and the priestesses she knows are nothing alike, but they both worship the same goddess and what the elves did was causing her to have a lot of questions for the first time
Took precautions during things like the life transference spell to avoid passing on lycanthropy, but had never thought to protect herself from something coming back the other way
Had a good talk with Sandra Lynn and gave her a solid shovel talk
Translated the gist of what the others were saying in elvish (to Nuathura and wood elves) for Gorgug and Ragh
Got drunk, balanced crab nachos on her head, and told the others to "Let [Fig] use the shrimp tub!" which resulted in a "shrimp tub" chant
Comforted a freaked out Kristen by rubbing circles in her back
Shivered when she entered the Shrine of Thorns, her eyes flashing yellow as she suddenly felt nauseous and generally not good as the shrine basically repelled her until she exited it
Had a message chat that's mostly jokes and memes (that Fig wasn't in on due to losing her phone)
Wanted a fluffy robe
Her crystal has meditation and non-fiction (like a hystory on mage hand) instead of music
Found bellinis and caviar to eat (instead of crab nachos) and shared with Fabian
Drank half a beer, got a little drunk, wondered where Fig was (but was silenced by Kristen), wanted to go in the hot tub with Fig, and pretended to be a crab
On rather they should be honest with the wood elves "Maybe? It makes me nervous. Everything majes me nervous. Sure. Why not?"
Slipped behind Fig during the wood elf standoff and held up a fist while saying "yeah!" to support her, but jumped in with her status as the Oracle, saying it was a prophesy and going into the forest was "A thing we have to do." (which made the wood elves lower their bows and whisper to each other)
Admitted that her sister and mother were trying to get into the forest too, but that they were working against them
Started searching for Calina nearby after her sister booted her from scrying
Told the bartender at The Owl And The Harp that she was looking for her mom (with picture) and paid off her outstanding debt of 10 gold for the suite (with a 2 gold tip) before going upstairs to discover the crime scene her mother left behind
Found a bunch of kippers for Fabian
Munched on an entire bone in ham
Got drunk, got shirtless and started screaming "More lobster! You're not lobster enough!" at Tracker
Pointed out the obvious (one guy in town has 4 refridgerators) when Fabian was worried about introducing tech too soon
Got drunk, did a "crab stand", made his arms look like a crab, chanted "crab king" at Ragh, became crab king, said the shrimp tub was not for peasants (when Fabian told Fig about it), smashed the two beers Kristen threw to Fig out of the air (followed by a celebratory yell and him pumping both arms in the air while the bloodrush boys chanted "hoot growl!"), said "I'm a little crab." to Kristen, and finally gave Riz the crab king crown and said Riz? *points at him* You're the crab king now.
Walked up to Nuathura to say hello in gnomish when he heard Nuathura mention tinkerers
Told the tinkerers that he repaired the Hangman, but failed to make a working mechanical butt for him
"Showed" the tinkerers his crystal and headphone as well (and by that I mean the were crawling all over him like excited 5 year olds)
Started setting up a tiny conspiracy board in Hollyhill minutes after getting there
When asked how he got a certain picture of Kristen, he said "You know... you take pictures; you hang um. That's what you do."
Said "I'm gonna snoop around. In a suspicious way, NOT in a party way." and finds Spyre tech and receipts showing that the guy is expensing stuff to his corporate card that have nothing to do with his work, resulting in him telling the others that it was a tax haven and illegal, so he felt less bad about having a party and more like Robin hood stealing his beer.
Got drunk, somehow stated acting/dancing like a shrimp, pointed out that Gorgug was a crab, started crying and got emotional because "Shrimp are so little and sometimes they get caught in the nets and stuff!" and told Kristen "I'm not gonna kiss the shrimp! It's dead Kristen. And we killed it.", cried again before Fabian comforted him, and became the crab king saying "Honestly, I just wanted to be the crab king. This whole time I've just been the shrimp and I feel like I've been the shrimp my whole life and I just wanna be the crab king. It means a lot that you guys made me the crab king."
Is super hung over the next day as well as super sweaty and nervous about being around a bunch of people, but still tells the elves that there is a demonic plot
Saw that something was off with Fig and thought for a moment that she might have kissed someone, but ends up going with "Did you have... good crab?"
Discovered what his fate would have been if the group hadn't rescued him when Adaine scrys Killean
Vomited over seeing Kristen vomit
Didn't see Calina despite looking exactly where Kristen was and checked the grass with his magnifying glass to find that the grass wasn't bent or disturbed where Calina was supposed to have been standing
Gets super sweaty and unhelpful when trying to talk to the bartender
Had no idea when to stop trying to bribe the bartender and said that the money was so wet because he ate a lot of shrimp
Got in a small argument with Adaine on rather or not it was okay to touch your dad's butt (he said it's fine)
Still has the sheet with him as well as the sword Faun-drang-goorh
Got drunk, excitedly said Riz was a shrimp and that Gorgug was a crab, said "I'm a little shrimp!" over and over while dancing, tried to explain everything that had happened to Fig (including that the hot tub upstairs was filled with shrimp), tried to comfort a crying Riz by telling him "The Ball, it's going to be alright. The shrimp will be fine.", and wrapped Riz in his sheet, looked him dead in the eyes (with one hand on either side of Riz while gripping the sheet), and told him "I believe in you. *licks lip* Spring break.", before giving Riz his first ever bardic inspiration
The next day, gave Nuathura a shrimp from his pocket
Rebbed engine of Hangman as Kristen tried to give an inspiring speech
When opening Hollyhill, said "What did I say? Has your girl ever not delivered?" followed by a resounding "Yes!" from the group
Found a ghost white mushroom with a black skull imprint on the top of it while looking for psychedelics and wanted to eat it
Hears whispering coming from the briar wall
"Sometimes one of the fun things about friendship is just being a chorus on nonsense together and you don't have to hear each other; it just feels really good to talk really loud."
Sees nonsense as a good way to escape when things get too heavy or dark
Talked down about her abilities, especially when compared to Ayda
The thorns don't try to attack her, so she used burning hands on the thorns and the vines sucked up the magic, moving it to the Shrine of Thorns and leaving behind a charred handprint
Didn't want Ayda to know she was a virgin
Cast greater invisibility on her and Ayda
Rolled bad on insight checks on Ayda (trackerbees take two! XD)
Is terrified of saying nice things to others and vomits a little in a bush before telling Ayda "I actually think you're perfect the way you are" before skateboarding away and down an 80 foot near vertical tree, coming out of invisibility so Ayda could see her trick.
Couldn't go anywhere on her skateboard in the ferns and dirt
Wrote up a "contract" after Ayda's confession that said if Ayda made fun of her for what she was about to say, she could give her a wet willy. Before Ayda could sign, she took Ayda by the chin, said "Just so you know, I've never done this as myself before', kissed her (as the fire on Ayda's head swelled out and she became uninvisible), and tried to skateboard away behind a tree, peaking out to see what Ayda thought of it.
Slinked out from behind the tree, apologizing and admitting all of it terrified her before Ayda asked for another kiss.
Admited she started the whole party so Ayda would stick around.
Made out with Ayda until a bit before dawn and tried very hard to get Ayda to stay
Gave Ayda the ear cuff from her left ear which has blood on it (Ayda replied that she will treasure it and can use it)
Went back to Hollyhill to find her drunk friends before locking herself in the room with the hot tub and was still kinda pruney the next day
Name drops Grover to the wood elves, explaining that he offered to let them stay there (to try and deescalate things with the rangers)
Shook hands with Nuathura the Fox
Was honest to the wood elves (that the group were going into the Nightmare Forest), resulting in the rangers pulling back their bowstrings (and her backtracking)
Random note: Try to contact your warlock patron Fig!!!
Burned 1 or 2 luck points to keep a perceptive Riz from finding out that she made out with Ayda
Found a charred handprint in the shrine of thorns and recognized it as the same one her magic left at the top of briars and that the vines took somewhere
Lied to Tracker and Kristen, saying she was up by the briars working on song
Used burning hands again, causing the fire to spread into a stretching oval shaped burning doorway
Was served a burning scroll by Vraz the Mean on behalf of the regnant of Sloth
Was invited to the party (which the group decided to have immediately, starting at 1 or 2 in the morning)
Stood in a corner looking around awkwardly before/during the party before following Fig out
Thought nonsense was bad, but Fig showed her that it could also be good and made her willing to try it
To Fig about disguising herself "Uh... yeah. That's interesting. I... can't understand that because if I was you, I wouldn't want to be anyone else because you're... very exceptional."
On Fig saying that she was different than Ayda thought she was "Being mistaken about the nature of something and discovering its true nature is my favorite thing in the world to do."
Turned herself and Fig invisible (look like a translucent version of themselves, like a pale outline to each other) and flew to the briar wall to give Fig a closer look.
Lit with Fig in the low looped saddle of two treetrunks that were fused together right next to the briar wall
Ayda's flaming hair and wings still cast a dull glow on her surroundings, even while invisible
Complemented Fig on her magic
Analyzed the wall and saw it was a very powerful and old abjuration (keeping them out but also keeping other things in) keyed to powerful devils (arcons, princes, and monarchs) where even dimension door would cause all roads and pathways to lead them back out.
Thorns tried to attack her
Thinks that everything Fig has done has been cool
"We all have a nasty legacy, in one way or another."
Laughed with a squawk
Spent a lot of lifetimes building Compass Points Library
Is part phoenix, so when she dies, she comes back but with no memory from her previous incarcerations. She left extensive notes and instructions for herself. This incarnation is 17 years old, but an Ayda has been on Leviathan for a little over 150 years
On why she never just reinvents herself when she reincarnates "Every time I come back, I don't know anything and I guess I trust the versions of me that knew more? I don't have a lot of self confidence and I don't... want... to make mistakes."
Said she could die when she goes back to Leviathan attempting to shut down the library as it's a dangerous city.
"The future's never guaranteed. We don't have anything but today and even that might get cut short."
Said she had information for Fig, but would only share it if Fig signed a contract (on ancient wizard scroll held in a binder that turns into bright fire and whips up into her palm when signed) that stated that Fig wont make any inference based on the information or think anything judgemental or critical of her. The information is "At any waking moment outside of combat that you and I have been together, if you had tried to kiss me on the mouth, it would have been received favorably."
Said Fig's contract was less of a contract and more of a threat
After Fig ran to hide behind a tree, she asked if it's normal for people to run away after that (kissing)
Shed firy tears over Fig starting a party so she would stay, admitting parties frighten and terrify her, but she stuck around because Fig was there
"In this version of my life, this is the greatest moment of it."
Enthusiasticly initiated their 3rd kiss
Said the library meant a lot to many past hers (her current incarnation and 3 others)
Offered to research plane shift for Fig at no charge and said that people ask things of her, but even if she cared about them, they never cared about her (save Fig who does care which makes it different and that's exciting)
Pulled out a firy feather with a squawk and handed it to Fig (if Fig holds if aloft and says her name, she will know)
Said if anything happened to Fig in the nightmare forest, she would "... start over" because she would never be able to forgive herself
Said she would go back to Leviathan to research Plane Shift and would return after that, intending to shrink the library later
"Goodbye for now. By the nine winds and the seven stars and all the secret names of the earth and beyond, I shall see you again. This is my vow." (resulting in Fig replying "Fuck yeah [is/that's] my vow." and Ayda saying "God you're great and cool. Goodbye!")
Sandra Lynn
Was more affectionate with Gilear than she had been the rest of the trip
Left Hangman in charge while she slept in the van
Spoke to the wood elves and Nuathura on behalf of the teens (while they slept til 1pm)
Was trying to move the van to get ready for the teleport to Leviathan early that morning. Had the van in neutral with the door open when he tried to let his feet skim over the morning dew on the grass. He had put his apple in his mouth to shift when his trousers caught in the axle of the wheel, tearing them and sucking him under the left wheel well (WHY DIDN'T VAN SAY ANYTHING to anyone!???)
Really had to pee even before he got stuck and only made it 10 minutes before he gave up
The apple was jammed into his mouth (and later covered in ants). He couldn't bite through it because it was pressed against the carriage of the van and he couldn't scream to loud because ants would get in his mouth
Overheard the dance and spent most of his day sweating and crying
Was found later that night, still caught in the front left wheel well, covered in rubber residue and oil, with a browing ant covered apple in his mouth
Didn't need medical attention, but admitted that he did piss himself while under there
Got a hug from Kristen, Gorgug took his apple and tossed it, and Fabian tried to be nice to him about Hallariel not noticing him missing until Gilear asked for an honest response, which he answered with "Of course not Gilear, don't be dumb!" to which Riz said "Guys, he's not dumb; he's just pathetic." (Also found out Hallariel ate all his yogurt)
Adaine mended one of the tears in his pants, but then said "I'm not gonna mend your piss pants, here's another pair." and gave him new ones from her jacket followed by a boot cut pair of pants, Chelsea boots, denim vest, chambray embroidered shirt, and a beret. The kids (including Fabian) approved of his new look. His favorite part of the outfit was the beret.
Said he preferred pants with very narrow ankles and a wide front and back carriage to the seat
Fig told him that she loved him and apologized for not realizing where he was
The teens gave him one hot tub to himself
Was given a massage by Sandra Lynn while laying on one of the day beds in one of the public rooms (when she told him that he needed to make it a part of his routine, he responded that he was extremely broke)
Slept in the van that night
Spoke to the wood elves and Nuathura on behalf of the teens (while they slept til 1pm)
Decided to make sandwiches for everyone for their trip and looked a little different than normal, stood up straighter, and was wearing his new outfit
Sat on a branch on top of Hollyhill and slept outside
Grabbed Kristen and Tracker in his claws while Fig and Sandra Lynn road on his back to Shrine of Thorns
Left inside fenced in area at Hollyhill (can't cast fly on him)
Hallow extends out 60 feet from him, so the kids camped outside on matresses from the house
Was left in charge during the party, but told the kids "No rules."
In the middle of a dramatic speech defending Gorgug, the tinkerers jumped on him (to examine him with their artificers glasses), resulting in him very much wanting to run them over
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