#like he sometimes sent me kissy face emojis and talked about us having a date when we’re going on a lunch break
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cheekblush · 1 month ago
SCREAM there are rumors being spread about me at work that i have smth going on with a colleague of mine 😭😭😭😭
#and it’s NOT the colleague i actually have a crush on agabwjanana#istg every day there’s smth new 😭😭😭😭#the girl who always goes on smoke breaks with my crush spread the rumors….#which means my crush probably also thinks i have smth going on with this other guy 🥲#like it’s so hard to get closer to my crush bc we’re never really alone and he doesn’t talk much he’s kind of mysterious#whenever i ask questions he mostly gives short answers#and now i wonder if he really just doesn’t like me that way or if he’s put off bc of the rumors#bc the other guy is also his friend 😞#i did not sign up for all this drama when starting this new job seriously feel like i’m in some kind of bad tv show 😭#also i really like that guy but not that way and tbh he’s been acting rather flirty with me#and i was actually afraid that smth like this would happen but not so fast 😭#idk if i should say smth to that girl next time i see her bc like that’s such childish behavior#but i guess gossip at work can’t be helped?#like i’m literally interested in someone else but bc i like him so much i struggle way more to get close to him#whereas with the other guy bc i don’t see him that way it’s so easy to talk to him#he messages me a lot over the work chat and i always thought if someone sees these messages they’re gonna assume there’s smth going on#between us and lo and behold i was right 😭😭😭😭#like he sometimes sent me kissy face emojis and talked about us having a date when we’re going on a lunch break#but i NEVER reciprocated these kind of messages i ignored him whenever he said stuff like this#i should’ve just outright said that i don’t find it appropriate then i wouldn’t have this problem now#i just want my actual crush to like me back 😭😭😭#and it’s so funny bc that girl does everything with my crush smoke breaks lunch breaks so by that logic they’re dating too no??#like i’m actually so envious of how close they are and she’s out there spreading rumors about me based on some chat messages she saw..#☁️
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thunderheadfred · 4 years ago
💥Bakugou HC's💥
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Aged-up pro hero Katsuki for all of these. Some NSFW beneath the cut. Minors do not interact.
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He’s scary good at everything he tries. Every. Single. Fucking. Thing. It’s infuriating. Has zero patience when other people can’t immediately master a skill. Never let him teach you anything. Not that he’d offer, nerd.
He WILL offer, though. A lot. He can’t believe you still can’t Do That Thing. Tsh. Like THIS. You're gonna hurt yourself, Dummy.
But hold on. Of course you have unique skills of your own. You work hard to improve yourself. Trust me, he's the first person to notice. He doesn't praise anyone lightly, so when he raises his eyebrows and whispers he's impressed, your heart will go thermonuclear.
Perfect spelling and fully punctuated texts. Never uses abbreviations. Employs a grand total of four emojis, all of them angry faces. Constantly leaves you on read. He's busy, dammit.
Doesn’t smile or laugh in public (except sarcastically). His real smile is a crooked, fragile thing. Never make him feel self-conscious about it, or you might not see it again for weeks.
He does not talk about his private life to the press. Ever. Will K.O. rookie reporters who can't keep their big mouths shut.
HOweVER: he's intensely kind to his fans. There is a whole photographic sub-genre of little girls in cosplay hugging Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight like he's a Disney Princess.
Too smart for his own good. Emotionally hyper-vigilant. Overthinks every interaction to hell and back. Will act like he's not listening but actually hears every single word in a ten-block radius.
INSECURE AF. 110% convinced he will never be good enough. Terrified of his loved ones leaving him behind. Does he do anything to assuage his fears? Like... talk to anyone about it? Hell no. That would require admitting he has fears to begin with.
Seeing people upset makes him upset, especially if he doesn't know how to fix it.
The epitome of being mean because he cares. He genuinely does not seem to comprehend that monosyllabic grunts and lopsided shrugs are not actually that comforting.
Because he was such a brat growing up, he wants to make up for it now. Sort of. In his own way. Look, he's trying, okay?
He smells - so - good. Obscenely good. He doesn't wear cologne; are you joking? There's the burnt-sugar caramel candy smell of his quirk, for starters. And since he sweats deadly ammunition, he showers and wipes himself down almost constantly. He always smells clean. Like a fucking meadow.
Never got that growth spurt he was hoping for. He’s a short man - not even THAT short - but he has a Napoleon complex anyway. If you’re taller than him, the collars of your shirts will all be stretched out. He’s constantly dragging you down to his level. He will assert himself all the fucking time; the pissing contest is never-ending. Don’t wear tall shoes unless you want him to drag you around on a leash. If you’re shorter than him, that’s good. That’s very good. He likes that.
He’s an incredible cook, but everything he makes is a nuclear fire challenge. Adapt or starve.
- - - - -
Makes artisanal, nutritionally flawless bento lunches for both of you. When people assume his S.O. makes them, he gets fucking pissed. Damn right your co-workers are jealous of my cooking.
Your pet name is Dummy. Don’t like it? Fine. You can be dumbass.
There will be zero PDA in this relationship. His hands are shoved so deep in his pockets you can’t even try.
Intensely private with the press. But with his friends, he will brag about you nonstop. Bakugou Katsuki has the most talented and attractive and intelligent S.O., and anyone who doesn't recognize that is blind. Were you assholes even listening?
A mutual buddy definitely recorded one of these drunken brag-rants and sent it to you for safekeeping. Do not let Katsuki find out about it, unless you enjoy having an ash pile for a phone.
Gets jealous about everything, at least at the start. He calms down eventually. Kinda. He stops saying shit to you about it, anyway, because he learns to trust you. But anyone who so much as looks at you in a too-friendly manner will get the death stare of a lifetime.
He’ll throw all kinds of temper tantrums and the two of you will argue about every tiny fucking thing. He’ll scream out car windows, he’ll ball up his shirt and gnash on it. But he will never raise his voice at you. He’d rather die than make you feel unsafe.
Honestly, the constant bickering is really just... uhh... passionate communication. Eventually you both hash out the important things. You'll learn how to step around his landmines and actually make your points, and he'll learn to open up. A little.
Once you meet his mom, Katsuki starts to make a lot more sense. His family just... emotes like that. Eventually, you and his dad form a spousal support group consisting of exactly two lifetime members. He teaches you the Bakugou family semaphore you need to survive a long-term relationship.
Katsuki can dish it out but absolutely cannot take it. The only person who can level with him about serious issues without explosive fallout is his dad. Or, on a lucky day, Kirishima.
If you give him a legitimate criticism (even gently!) he will take it about as gracefully as a knife to the gut, because it confirms everything he hates about himself.
To your never-ending shock, you’ve made him cry. Yes, CRY! You monster! More than once! His lip gets all *trembly* and his eyes get all *watery* and all you want to do is hug him, but. No. He’ll storm out and wander around for a few hours before coming back with the problem perfectly solved.
He always takes your advice to heart. No, he will NOT talk about it, stop asking.
Gets mad if you don’t snuggle him on the regular. Will drag you into his lap with a pissy little grunt. There might be two seats on this couch but you will not be needing both of them.
Takes pictures of you while you sleep.
Takes even more pictures of you when you're awake but think he's out of the room.
He looks at all these pictures when he's away on high-stakes jobs. He gets all bleary eyed and sleeps in a salty puddle without you. NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW.
You don’t have to meet him at the door or anything, but when he says “I’m home,” you’d better answer fast. If he doesn’t know your precise location in 0.05 seconds, he will assume you’ve been kidnapped. He never checks the fridge for notes. Never assumes you've gone down to the konbini for a snack. No, it’s kidnapping every time.
A terrrrrrible bed partner. He goes to bed at senior citizen hours and will never fuck you after sundown. He snores SO loud. Runs hot and sweats through the sheets. Slaps and elbows you in his sleep and aggressively spoons you with his loud, sweaty body. You WILL want to suffocate him. Separate bedrooms aren’t such a horrible idea......
BUT HANG ON, because in the morning he transforms into an honest-to-god angel. He's half awake, his guard is non-existent. Morning Katsuki is a doting kissy-faced marshmallow man.
If you can wake up before the ass-crack of dawn, he will pamper the fuck out of you. You are royalty for one (1) hour only, and he is your bleary-eyed slave. You want a cuddlefuck? You got it. Hugs? Kisses? Take as many as you need. You want a perfect, fluffy, NON-SPICY omelette with a heart drawn in ketchup? Here it is, gorgeous.
Then he gets in the shower and the spell is broken.
- - - - -
💥bang BANG💥
Let’s get the obvious out of the way: this here is an ASS. MAN. He'll spank you with his quirk; doesn’t matter if you’ve been good or bad. Wants to see you wince when you sit down later.
Likes pounding you face down with a vice grip on your waist.
Unfortunately, even with all that said... he doesn't exactly have the feral beast sex drive you were expecting. He’s married to his work and has the fuddy-duddy habits of a once and future valedictorian. Only fucks you when he has the time and energy to fully dedicate himself to it.
But ohhhh. Shit. When it's time? It's TIME. The man will rush for nothing. Stamina for days. Making you cum as many times as possible is a point of pride. Yeah, you passed out once.
You’re gonna need those days off when he’s done with you.
That dick THICC.
Sends unsolicited dick pics. Only after you’ve been dating a good long while - he doesn't show that shit to just anyone. But yeah, don’t check your phone at work. He won't cum without you; those pictures and videos are time bombs. You better get home. Now.
Physically dominant as FUCK, but won’t verbally degrade you unless you ask. Well, let’s be honest. Unless you beg.
Praise him and reap the rewards. A long hard ego stroking will get him off more than touching his cock ever will.
Will grab your hair and fuck your throat. Will also stop immediately if you need him to.
The two of you have safe words and gestures. Even for vanilla stuff. He’s paranoid about scaring or hurting you. He insisted you both sign a color-coded ‘love contract’ that he meticulously formatted in a word processor. When you gave him guff about it, his blush was the darkest crimson you’d ever seen.
Coin-flip: he will sometimes be unbelievably gentle in bed. Doting and affectionate, taking perfect care of you. Like, it’s baffling. There’s no warning, the switch just flips. When you want him to be extra-rough and mean, he’ll sweetly worship you instead. For hours.
Bonus: he likes being penetrated. But of course he’s got a complex about that too. Super intense power bottom. You will never fuck him hard enough. He’d like to see you try. Hit his prostate just right and he might literally explode.
You'll live happily ever after but he will say he loves you out loud exactly once. Maybe. If you're lucky. And you're both about to die.
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deancas-fanfiction · 4 years ago
A Daydream Away - Chapter 4
Word Count: 19k+
Summary: After multiple couples go missing from a resort in northern Minnesota, Dean and Cas are forced to pose as a couple to investigate the mysterious entity. As Dean and Cas navigate their fake relationship, it leaves Dean questioning what's real and forces him to confront his feelings for Cas.
A story in which Cas is human, Dean is sometimes an idiot, and Sam acts as matchmaker.
Tags: fake relationship, case fic, sharing a bed, human!cas, Sam ships Dean and Cas, fluff, eventual smut
also available on ao3
Dean awoke to his phone buzzing on the nightstand next to him. He squinted against the morning sun filtering into the room. He could feel that it was still early but he carefully reached for his phone nonetheless. Much like the day before, Cas was practically entangled with Dean. Today he was pressed against Dean's back, with their legs intertwined. Cas' arm was resting over Dean's waist. It all felt very possessive. That thought sent a thrill through Dean. Cas has always seemed like a possessive bastard but knowing he felt possessive over Dean unlocked a lot of complicated feelings that made Dean nearly blush.
The phone buzzed again, and Dean reached for it, careful not to move so much as to jostle Cas. He managed to reach it with his fingertips and dragged it to the edge until he could grab it. Dean unplugged it and saw he had a few texts from Sam.
'I found a potential lead last night at the staff happy hour. Call me tonight and I can fill you in after I finish some research.'
'Don't forget about your dinner reservation tonight at 7. Go to the main lodge and they'll direct you.'
Just as Dean was starting to type out a response, one last message came through. 'Hope you lovebirds are enjoying your honeymoon. Make sure you use protection' followed by a bunch of heart and kissy face emojis.
Dean rolled his eyes and typed out a bitchy response but ultimately assured Sam he'd call him before their dinner reservation. After sending the message, Dean glanced at the clock and saw it wasn't even eight. If they got up now, they may even make it to breakfast in time for the cinnamon rolls Jake and Amy raved about.
"Cas, wake up," Dean half-whispered, shaking him. Cas remained unmoved and fast asleep. "Cas." He said more urgently this time. "Get up." Still no movement. Dean tried a new tactic and shook him a little harder.
Cas frowned and rolled away from Dean, grumbling to himself but still fast asleep. His hair was sticking in different directions and his shirt was bunched up, revealing a tan expanse of skin on his lower back. Dean poked him a few more times but Cas was unmoving and snoring lightly.
Dean rolled his eyes and decided to just get the damn cinnamon rolls himself. He wasn't going to miss out because Cas is a grumpy bastard in the morning. To soften the blow of attempting to wake him before 9, Dean started a pot of coffee in the cabin's kitchen for Cas to enjoy when he awoke. Then he threw on his jacket, grabbed his keys, and was off towards the lodge.
Sure enough, Jake and Amy were correct -- this was the perfect time to grab breakfast. There were few couples and families milling around, otherwise most of the tables were empty and there was no line at the buffet. Dean grabbed two to-go boxes and filled them with eggs and bacon for himself, pancakes and syrup packets for Cas, and of course a few of the large mouthwatering cinnamon rolls set up by the coffee station. He was attempting to close the lid on the full box when he made eye contact with Amy.
"I see you took our advice to get the cinnamon rolls," She smiled and grabbed one for herself.
"You two made them sound so good, how could we resist?" Dean flashed her a victorious smile as the lid gave in and finally shut. "Besides, Cas has a total sweet tooth, there's no way we would ever leave without him trying them."
"Yeah, Jake is the same way. If it were up to him, he would have pure sugar for breakfast. Before we started dating, he would have mountain dew and twizzlers for breakfast."
Dean wrinkled his nose. "That sounds like a college student's wet dream."
Amy threw her head back and laughed. "Precisely! I'm going to use that. The man is in his thirties, sometimes I think he even forgets that." She shook her head, a wistful smile forming on her face. "He wanted to have a candy buffet at our wedding. It took forever to talk him down from that idea."
"A candy bar sounds awesome," Dean pointed out. He paused and looked at her expression. "Oh God -- you don't mean as dessert, do you?"
"No, he wanted that for the dinner buffet!"
Dean laughed loudly. "That's something Cas would do. If we had a wedding -- I mean, a large wedding -- I'm sure he would have preferred if we just serve peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for dinner. They're his favorite."
"That's actually adorable. And it would make for a cheap reception dinner."
Dean nodded in agreement as he poured coffee in a to-go cup in case the cabin coffee isn't up to Cas' standards. "Careful, if he were to hear that, he would totally hold that against me and be all pissy we didn't actually do that. Then I would have no choice but to tell Jake his candy-dinner-buffet is genius."
"Okay, okay truce! I won't say anything about the sandwiches." She responded, laughing.
Dean returned her smile. "Good thinking. You wouldn't want twizzlers and mountain dew as your wedding dinner."  He grabbed the to-go boxes and coffee carrier, carefully balancing them in his arms. "Well, I better bring this back to Cas before the cinnamon rolls cool down. I know he'd want to experience them in their warm and gooey glory."
"Of course, enjoy! Tell him I say hi and that's it -- nothing else at all relating to sandwiches." She winked.
Dean playfully rolled his eyes and slowly made his way back to the car, without catching sight of Sam. Probably for the better anyway, he'd likely make some kind of dick comment about bringing Cas breakfast in bed. Which -- okay, may be true. But that's only because Cas refused to wake up this morning and he didn't want to miss out on the famous cinnamon rolls. And sure, if he was with Sam, he wouldn't have brought him anything back and would have just said "you snooze, you lose, Sammy. You can eat oatmeal and yogurt like the rest of the late sleepers."  But that was part of being the older brother -- you get free reign to be a dick sometimes.
And! Cas is his fake husband! This is totally something a married couple would do for each other, Dean reasoned. So it's not weird or a romantic gesture. And okay, maybe there was a moment last night after they went sledding down the hill. At least, to him it felt like there was a moment where he wanted to kiss Cas and Cas -- well, it seemed like Cas wanted that, too. Or maybe it was just part of the case. There's really no way to know, except y'know, talking about it. But that sounded about as appealing as eating one of Sam's "nutrient rich" meals, whatever the hell those consisted of. All Dean knew was that it was mostly of veggies and no meat, so he didn't want any part in it.
Regardless, Dean wasn't going to be the one to bring it up. If he was imagining something between them, he'd never be able to recover from the embarrassment. Besides, he didn't want to ruin their friendship. For the first time, Cas has agreed to stay with them, and Dean refuses to do or say anything that would make Cas uncomfortable, thus driving him out of the bunker and away from Dean. Not for the first time in the last few days, he bitterly wished he knew what was going on in Cas' head.
By the time Dean returned to the cabin, Cas was sitting up in bed, blurry eyed with a frown etched on his face.
"Good morning, sunshine!" Dean chirped, setting the food down on the bed.
"Do I smell coffee?" Cas grunted.
"Sure do. I put a pot on and brought you a cup from the lodge. Here you go," He handed over the cardboard cup and settled next to him on the bed. Cas' frown eased as he began gulping down the coffee. "I tried waking you so we could get cinnamon rolls, but you were not having it."
"Sorry," Cas said sheepishly. "I don't even remember."
"You and your damn sleep," Dean muttered, opening the cartons of food. "Good thing you have a really thoughtful husband who ventures out into the frozen tundra that is northern Minnesota to obtain cinnamon rolls."
"Yes, good thing." Cas agreed softly. He tipped his cup back, draining the remaining of his coffee.
"Jesus, Cas. It's been like two minutes."
"It's good coffee. If you want me to also be a 'thoughtful husband,' then you should be thankful for my high caffeine intake first thing in the morning."
"Yeah, I remember that time we ran out of coffee at the bunker. You were on a warpath. Sam hid in the dungeon because you nearly called him an 'abomination' again."
"Yes, Dean. I recall. I already apologized to your brother for that."
Dean took a bite of bacon, amused. "Hey, I thought it was funny. I'm just glad you didn't turn on me, too."
"You're the one that went to the store to supply me with more coffee."
"Jesus, you make it sound like I'm your dealer or something."
"You may as well be," He pointed out, grabbing Dean's cup of coffee and taking a long drink of it.
"Yeah, yeah. Eat your damn breakfast. Those cinnamon rolls better be worth the trouble."
Cas opened his mouth, surely to respond with some sassy comment but at the last moment thought better of it and took a large bite of the cinnamon roll. The sound that emitted from his mouth was absolutely sinful.
"Oh my God, Dean." He moaned. "This is amazing."
"You want a room for just the two of you?"
"What do you mean?" Cas tilted his head as he chewed thoughtfully. "We have a room, we're in it right now."
"I -- never mind, Cas. It was a joke. It's that good, huh?"
"Yes, you must try it." He tore off a piece of his cinnamon roll and held it up to Dean's mouth. "Eat it." He ordered.
And wow, okay. The demanding tone from Cas was really working for Dean. He hesitantly leaned forward and took the piece into his mouth. His tongue momentarily brushed against Cas' finger and he swore that he saw Cas' pupils dilate. Huh.
"Yeah, 's good, Cas."
Cas looked pleased with himself and continued eating it in silence, the only sounds in the room were his small moans as he finished it off. Dean felt dazed and forced himself to finish his own breakfast.
"Dean, you have --"
"Just, let me -- you have icing on your mouth." Cas leaned forward so he was in Dean's space and slowly dragged his finger along Dean's bottom lip. Against his lip, the pad of his finger felt calloused and rough. Cas' gaze flickered to Dean's lips before they focused on Dean's eyes.
Wait. Is he going to -- ? Dean's brain immediately stopped working as Cas held his gaze and put his finger in his mouth, sucking the frosting off it. Holy fuck, if that wasn't the hottest thing he'd ever seen. Dean knew his mouth was agape and he probably looked like an idiot but he couldn't find the strength to care. Cas basically licked frosting off of him. His pink, plump lips were wrapped around his long finger and Dean's brain not-so-helpfully supplied a lot of fantasies relating to that.
Cas pulled his finger out of his mouth and went back to drinking Dean's coffee with a little smirk on his face. Asshole.
"I, uh -- I'm going to take a shower." Dean mumbled and hurried out of the room.
Dean hurried from the room and locked himself in the bathroom. He leaned against the heavy oak door and took a deep breath. Was it his imagination or was Cas flirting with him? Why else would he suck the icing off his finger like that? Sure, Cas used to have that whole 'innocent angel' going for him but now he's human and he actually acts like it. Probably Dean's bad influence, but whatever. The point is Cas had to know what he was doing, right? No one in their right mind would clean icing from their friend's face and then lick it off if they didn't want to be more than friends.
The worst part is that it was really fucking hot. Dean was already struggling to suppress his feelings for Cas and that nearly pornographic display was really not helping. But maybe he didn't need to actively suppress those feelings, not if Cas felt the same way. But did he? Dean still couldn't be sure. If Cas truly was messing around or didn't understand the connotation of his actions, then Dean would be fucking mortified. Regardless, he couldn't keep sitting around waiting for something to happen between them. So he'll push their boundaries a little and see how Cas reacts. Hopefully then he'll get a better idea of where they stand.
Dean rolled his eyes at himself for how complicated he's making this. If only he felt comfortable straight up asking Cas, but that's never been his style. At last, he peeled himself from the door and turned on the shower. He undressed and briefly considered taking an ice-cold shower to calm himself down, but he changed his mind. Turning the temperature dial to hot, he decided to address his not-so-little problem. After all, he would need to have his mind clear if he was going to read Cas for any indications of his feelings.
He stepped under the shower and nearly groaned as the hot water washed over him. The water pressure was excellent and soothed his sore muscles. His thoughts immediately turned to Cas as he began to stroke himself. The image of Cas’ pink lips sucking on his finger filled his mind as he expertly flicked his wrist around the tip. He imagined those lips around him instead and within no time he was groaning Cas’ name as he spilled into his fist.
Dean and Cas spent their afternoon lounging on the couch watching movies. Once Cas became human, Dean compiled a list of movies that Cas needed to watch. Most were movies that came out after Metatron uploaded all of the pop culture references into his mind so that way Cas could truly watch something for the first time. However, Dean snuck a few of his favorites onto the list like the Harry Potter series, Lord of the Rings, and a few spaghetti westerns. When Dean saw there was a Star Wars marathon on tv (another series on the list) Dean declared they would be having a lazy afternoon until it was time for the bourbon tasting.
This brings them to where they are now: sitting with their backs against opposite arms of the couch, legs tangled together under a large shared blanket and the box of chocolates from their honeymoon package sitting half eaten between the two.
Cas grabbed another piece of chocolate out of the heart shaped box, humming happily as he chewed.
"Which character is your favorite?" Cas asked, as he swallowed the candy.
"Han Solo, hands down."
"I should have known."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Oh, come on, Dean. The parallels between you and his character are so obvious. You have the whole 'I'm better off alone' thing going for you, even though deep down you're really caring and would do anything to save your family."
Right. Cas has always been able to read him perfectly. "Whatever, man. Han Solo is cool. And Harrison Ford is a good looking dude." Dean snuck a glance at Cas to see if he'd react to that.
"I suppose," Cas acknowledged, tilting his head as he surveyed Dean. If anything, he seemed curious with a glint in his bright eyes.
"So, uh - let me guess. Your favorite character is Princess Leia?" Dean ventured.
"Actually, yes. She's always out for the victory of many, rather than personal gain. Leia is very brave and independent, too."
"Yeah, I can see why she would be your favorite. It's like you -- always working towards the greater good."
Cas smiled at Dean and his eyes crinkled around the corners. He looked so happy and so human in this moment that Dean was almost tempted to just blurt out his feelings for the man. Almost.
Instead, he threw a piece of chocolate at Cas, which he caught in his mouth, looking very pleased with himself. "You're a dork," Dean said fondly, rolling his eyes.
"I know."
"Did you just Han Solo me?"
Cas looked amused and just turned his attention back to the movie. That asshole totally Han Solo'd him.
- - -
By the time the movie ended, it was nearly time for the bourbon tasting. Dean forced himself up from the couch that had no business being so comfortable, so he could get dressed for the day. He quickly threw on some dark jeans, a t-shirt and a blue button down, which he left open. Deeming it satisfactory for the day, he threw on a coat and waited by the door for Cas to be ready.
While he waited, Dean shot off a text to Sam asking how research was going. Sam immediately responded with 'slow' and an eye rolling emoji. Dean was about to reply and rub it in Sam's face that he gets to go drink bourbon while Sam is stuck reading tomes, but it was at that moment that Cas came out of the bathroom. He was clad in black jeans that were mouthwateringly tight and one of Dean's Zepp shirts. He had become so accustomed to Cas' pristine suit and tie ensemble that sometimes seeing him dressed so casually in Dean's clothes, nonetheless, causes Dean's brain to stop working.
"Am I underdressed?" Cas asked, eyeing Dean warily. "Should I throw on a button down like you?"
"God, no." Dean said, internally wincing at the hoarseness of his voice. "I mean -- it's just a bourbon tasting. You don't have to dress up or anything." Besides, it would be an absolute crime to cover those arms. They were tanned and muscly and Cas should always wear t-shirts to show them off because damn. Dean so badly wanted to run his hands along them, feeling the muscles flex under his touch.
Cas threw on his jacket, interrupting Dean's train of thought. God, it's like he reverted back to a 14-year old's body with the way it constantly responds to Cas.
"Ready," Cas confirmed, sliding on his Grand View mittens with a soft smile.
The bourbon tasting wasn't very crowded. High-top tables filled the room but only about seventy-five percent were filled. Dean and Cas grabbed a table towards the back of the room so they could keep an eye on everyone. Each table only had 2 chairs which were facing towards the front where the speaker would be. Dean realized this must be another 'couples only' event. The room was dimly lit with dark wood paneled walls, making it feel very warm and intimate. Small table lamps were on each table, along with two flights of bourbon glasses with 5 shot glasses each.
"Cas, are you going to be able to handle this? 5 shots of bourbon is a lot, this shit is strong. I don't want to have to carry you out of here."
Cas sat in the chair to the right and rolled his eyes. "I can handle my liquor just fine, Dean. You've taught me well."
"Hell, I suppose that's true." Dean joined him, sitting in the remaining chair. He scooted his chair closer to Cas and rested his arm on the back of Cas' chair.
"Right," Cas murmured. "We better get in character." He leaned in against Dean's side and rested his hand on Dean's upper thigh. It was enough inches above the knee that it certainly wasn't an innocent placement. His hand was a welcome weight on his thigh and Dean moved his arm so as to rest his hand on Cas' shoulder. He got a small smile in response, letting him know that was okay so Dean rubbed his thumb in circles against it. A soft sigh escaped Cas' mouth which was frankly adorable.
"Did Sam say he found anything else about his lead?" Cas asked, leaning into Dean's ear. Goosebumps prickled along his neck in response.
"Not yet," Dean muttered. "He said he's doing research but hasn't found anything concrete. We'll give him a call after this, we'll have some time to kill before our dinner reservations."
Cas nodded. "I feel like we haven't done much to help move this case along. I do not want Sam to feel like he's doing all of the work."
"I know. But we knew we were unlikely to get any information from guests. All we can really do is try to lure whatever it is and go from there."
"I suppose." Cas chewed on his bottom lip and Dean wanted nothing more than to release his bottom lip and kiss it. Maybe bite it, then smooth it over with a swipe of his tongue. What kind of sounds would Cas make?
"Hmm?" Dean dragged his eyes from Cas' lips to his eyes. His pupils were blown wide, leaving only a small ring of blue.  Another look he wasn't used to reading on Cas.
"Kiss me."
"We need to move the case along. Kiss me."
Right. The case. That's why Cas wants to kiss him. No other reason. Dean sighed, a little dejected. He was hoping to avoid this because he knows once he does, it's going to be torture knowing what it's like to kiss Cas without being able to do it again whenever he wants.
"Are you su--?" Dean didn't get to finish his sentence because with a frustrated growl, Cas grabbed the collar of Dean's shirt and pulled him in, pressing their lips together. It started chaste.  A dry press of their lips, soft and warm and innocent. Then Cas sighed into Dean's mouth and made a small sound in the back of his throat. And that made Dean absolutely feral.
His fingers pressed into Cas' hips as he licked into his mouth. He was warm and tasted like honey and chocolate. The smell of his aftershave surrounded him, and it was all just so delicious. Their lips perfectly slotted together, and the kiss was slow and languid, like they all had night and could take their time exploring each other. Dean always imagined their first kiss would be frantic and rough, filled with the unresolved sexual tension from over the course of ten years. He never imagined it could be so sweet, yet so hot. It was everything he'd been waiting for and so much more. Except that it still wasn't enough. He needed more -- he needed to feel Cas against him, he needed to explore every part of him and kiss him so hard that he becomes dazed and all he can do is chant Dean's name like a prayer.
Distantly, a door slammed shut, reminding the two that they were in a very public place, and not in the privacy of their cabin. They jumped apart, flushed and hearts pounding. Dean stared at Cas, his lips were parted, red and swollen, as he breathed heavily.
Dean momentarily closed his eyes, breathing through his nose as he tried to calm his body down. The last thing he needed was for someone to see he was rock hard at a bourbon tasting. He peeked at Cas, who looked just as debauched.
"Jesus, Cas." Dean groaned. One kiss and he was completely hooked. How the hell would he ever be able to look at Cas and his mouth and not think about kissing him?
"Sorry," He nervously licked his lips. "I may have gotten carried away."
"You -- ? No, man. If anything, I got carried away. It's just -- ah, it's been a while since someone kissed me like that. That's all."
Cas nodded, his small smile back. "I'm glad I didn't make you uncomfortable."
Dean laughed humorlessly. In reality, it just solidified his attraction for the guy and he's pretty sure that kiss is going to be the thing that ultimately kills him. "If anything, we just made sure we're target number one."
Something flickered on Cas' face, but it was gone before he could get a good read on it. Before he could analyze too heavily, the speaker greeted everyone and began giving an overview of the brands of bourbon poured out in front of them.
Dean half-listened as he introduced himself and gave his credentials. He told Cas it had been a while since he'd been kissed like that, but truthfully had he ever been kissed like that? He didn't think so.
"The first glass in front of you is Old Forester 1897. From Kentucky, Old Forester is known for making affordable high-quality bourbon," The man explained. "Tasting this first glass, you should note rich vanilla with roasted coffee notes and spiced overnotes. This one is big and bold, with a dark caramel finish. Take the next few minutes to try this one and discuss it with your partner. I recommend trying it in sips, focusing on each of the flavors I mentioned. Enjoy!"
Quiet conversation broke out in the room. Dean sniffed the amber liquid and his mouth nearly watered. Typically, he drinks the cheap stuff because that's what is always around. So, having the opportunity to taste some high-quality bourbon put Dean in an instant good mood. Any awkwardness from the kiss quickly faded and Dean was grateful for the distraction.
"Cheers," Dean said happily. He clanked his shot glass against Cas and drank it all in one go. It burned down his throat into his chest and instantly he felt the warmth spread through him. And now that the guy mentioned it, yeah, he could taste the hint of caramel.
"You were supposed to sip it." Cas frowned. "Not drink it all at once."
"It was just a recommendation, Cas. You can drink it however you want."
Cas didn't look happy with Dean's answer and took another sip of the bourbon. Dean watched as Cas' throat swallowed the bourbon and suddenly he was regretting drinking it all in one go. Watching Cas savor the drink made him wish he had something to distract himself with.
He quickly tore his eyes away from Cas' mouth for the millionth time that day. "What do you think, Cas?"
"I like it. It makes me feel...warm."
Dean laughed. "Yeah, bourbon will do that to you. It's the best drink to have in winter for that exact reason."
The bourbon man clapped his hands together to gather everyone's attention. "I see most of you have finished the 1897, so I'll move forward onto the next one. This next one is perfect for the colder months - "
Dean lifted his eyebrows at Cas as if to say see, I told you so. Cas smiled and turned his attention back to the speaker.
" - it is another Old Forester bourbon, but this one is the 1910. It has notes of cherry, dark chocolate, maple syrup and a hint of spice. For those of you who prefer sweet to spice, this is the bourbon for you." He continued sharing trivia about the Old Forester brand and the barrels used to make these bottles. "Now that I've given you all time to clear your taste pallets, enjoy the 1910!"
Dean focused this time on savoring the glass instead of drinking it in one large gulp. He had to admit, Cas was right. When he took the time to savor the flavors he could actually pick up on the cherry and dark chocolate. Before all he tasted was the burn of it.
"I really like this one." Cas announced. His cheeks were a little pink from the alcohol which Dean thought was endearing as hell. "I like the maple syrup flavor."
"When we get home, I'll have to introduce you to the finer bottles of whiskey I've been saving for a special occasion. You'll love it."
Cas titled his head. "But you said you're saving it for a special occasion?"
"Hell, Cas. We saved the world and we're all together. It can't get more special than that."
"I suppose not."
The rest of the tasting continued the same. The speaker would explain the bourbon they were tasting and include some interesting facts (all bourbon is whiskey but not all whiskey is bourbon) and sometimes some gross ones (like before there were strict FDA regulations, distilleries used to include substances like tobacco spit and dirt in their whiskey barrels for flavor) and by the time they finished their fifth and final glass, Dean and Cas were feeling the effects of the bourbon. Cas more so, his speech was a little slurred but he could hold himself upright just fine. He was in that perfect tipsy zone and Dean wasn't far behind him.
The lodge offered a free shuttle service for everyone back to their cabins so the guests wouldn't have to stumble back to their cabins in the cold. Dean happily took them up on that service because he knew he wasn't in the right state to drive. The shuttle was a small bus with only a few rows of seats. They grabbed a seat in the back while a few of the other couples from the class climbed in.
With a low rumble, the shuttle started and lurched forward. It headed along the road towards Dean and Cas' cabin, making stops along the way for the other guests. Cas leaned into Dean's side and sighed happily, nuzzling his face in the crook of Dean's shoulder.
"Mmm, 's nice." His voice was muffled against Dean's coat. "You're warm."
"You're drunk."
"Just a little," He pressed a kiss to his shoulder and Dean's breath hitched. Was this part of the act or was this Cas with his guard down? He leaned more into Dean and gripped Dean's arm. To any onlooker, there would be no doubt they're a couple. That thought sent a little thrill through Dean, secretly pleased by that idea. Who knew he was so possessive?
The bus stopped at the access road leading up to their cabin, so Dean nudged Cas and ushered him off the bus. They stepped out into the cold and Dean felt it sober him up a little. Cas must have felt the same because he was holding himself up straighter and his eyes seemed a little less cloudy. They trudged up the road leading to their cabin and Dean grabbed a hold of Cas' hand, noting the small smile which formed.
"Should we call Sam?"
"Yes, good idea." Dean pulled out his phone with his free hand and dialed Sam's number. It rang a few times then went to voicemail. "Did he reject my call?"
"That seems very out of character for Sam."
Dean tried again. On the second ring he picked up, sounding out of breath. "Dean?"
"Dude, did you reject my call?"
"Uh, sorry. I was - uh in the middle of something."
Dean and Cas exchanged a confused look. "Why are you out of breath? I know you're not running in this weather."
"No reason. I just -- what's up? Are you guys alright?"
"Dean and I drank bourbon at the tasting and now I feel really warm," Cas announced.
"Are you guys drunk?" Sam sounded amused.
"No!" They both said in unison.
"Just, tell me about the lead you found."
"Oh, right! I don't really know much yet. But last night at happy hour the staff was talking about local legends and there was this one that targets young people in love. I don't remember the name of it, but it sounded like it fit the bill. The locals didn't know much that sounded helpful so I'm having Donna look into it."
"That sounds promising," Cas agreed. "Do you remember any other details?"
"Not any that are helpful. I had to really sift through a lot of stuff that isn't our kind of thing. You know how these legends get so twisted over the years."
"Well, keep us posted if Donna finds anything."
"Yeah, will do. Just hang tight until --"
A loud crash echoed over the phone and a woman's voice carried through, saying something intelligible.
"Sam." Dean warned. "Who's there with you?"
"Um --"
"So help me -- if you are with another woman I'm going to be pissed. Eileen is so beyond your league and the fact that you're even willing to risk that..."
"Shit." Sam sighed over the phone. "Switch to facetime."
Dean did as Sam said and was greeted with Sam's anxious face. "So uh -- Eileen is here." He turned the camera and was greeted by Eileen smiling sheepishly.
Cas signed something to Eileen and she laughed in response. Dean focused the camera back on his face so Eileen could read his lips. "What are you doing in Minnesota?"
"My hunt in Iowa wrapped up early, so I came up here to join Sam."
"I thought your hunt was in Ohio?" Cas questioned.
Eileen had a look that was equal parts sympathy and panic on her face as she handed the phone back to Sam.
"Sam, what the hell? Was Eileen not actually on a hunt?"
"No." He admitted. "She wasn't."
"Then why the hell did you send us on this hunt when you two could have done it?"
Now Sam just looked uncomfortable and Dean suddenly realized what was going on. "You've got to be kidding me." Sam opened his mouth to respond but Dean cut him off. "Nope. Not discussing this with you. Not now, not ever. We have to go, keep us updated on the case."
"Bye!" Eileen yelled from the background before the screen went black.
"I don't understand what just happened." Cas said, looking genuinely confused. "What did Sam do?"
"He set us up! To take this case when he and Eileen could have done it."
"But what did he set us up with?"
"Each other, Cas." Dean said strained.
"Oh." He squeaked and blushed furiously.
Maybe he wasn't going to kill Sam after all.
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angelisverba · 5 years ago
no need to be sorry
in which y/n realizes she loves Jason, and he can’t touch himself to the thought of her because it makes him feel guilty
word count: 12.8k
pairing: y/n and her brother’s best friend, jason
warning: strong mentions of sexual trauma and abuse. please read at your own caution if you are not comfortable with that .
author’s note: originally this was supposed to be a super long piece (and the last one) but i wanted to put something else to make the last part even longer :) THIS IS NOT EDITED, sorry not sorry hehe
March is a very confusing month. 
For y/n, it meant SAT cramming and intensive camps for the retake in may. A maxed out speed on her brain as to keep up her grades (and even improve them because God knows her math grade needs urgent care) and constantly keep her nose in her books because finals were approaching soon. 
For Jason, and the entire senior class for that matter, it meant renting out tuxedos and making appointments at the beauty salon in preparation for prom, buying tickets for prom, finding a prom date, asking out said date in a cutesy way that was memorable for both parties.
It meant asking y/n to be his prom date, but not drag her away from her studies because that just wouldn’t be fair.
Hell, Jason still hadn’t taken his girl out on a second date because she was such a busy bee, and had to settle for ‘study dates’. Really it was just him watching her chew on her bottom lip as she transferred notes from her chemistry textbook to her notebook, his own work splayed out in front of him, meaning to be completed but his attention diverted elsewhere. She’d glance up with burning cheeks to tell him that his glasses were sliding down his nose, and Jason— quite nearly in a hypnotic daze— would smile dopily at her and say ‘you’re so pretty’. She would shush him and tell him to get to work, or sometime ask for his help, and Jason would use that as an excuse to wrap his arm around her waist telling her ‘gotta whisper love, come close’ and proceed to explain how the law of gas, ideal gas, and Dalton’s Law of partial pressure differentiated from each other. 
He didn’t mind this. Any time he got with her he treasured, but god did he want to keep her tucked at his side at all times to show him off. It was selfish of him to be jealous that she wasn’t spending time with him when all she wanted to do was study for her future; for college. Selfish because Jason already had everything worked out. He’d gotten a scholarship to his dream school via football and his good-ish grades. Dorming and transportation was all set-up; he was 100% ready to go. 
But y/n? She’d confessed to Jason that she had no idea what she was doing with her life. That she was studying and doing all these things to look good for her college application, but her biggest fear was that they still wouldn’t accept her and she’d wind up going to community college. There were times where her bouncing leg would violently shake their table in the library so much, Jason would drag her out of the chair and take her on a short walk around the library (if her eyes were teary he’d sneak her into a corner and peck at her eyelids softly until she giggled). An effective strategy that resulted in a noticeable tent at his crotch, and a dreamy-eyed y/n that peeked up at him through her lashes with heated cheeks. 
He’d say, “Are you relaxed now? Or should we go home?” 
Home was his house. Y/n had her home, and Jason had his- respectively- but he referred to his place as ‘home’ and she never bothered to correct him.  More often than not (once it got to this point) y/n would nod and they’d head over to his place. 
And, well, who was she to pass up that opportunity? 
Y/n enjoyed reading her dog-eared SAT book on Jason’s bed and falling asleep on her crossed arms. Only because she would wake up an hour or so later, glued next to his side, with him also napping, lips puffy and hair extra fluffy. His hair, how a complete chocolate brown color, closely cropped since he’d cut off all the blond, fanned on the pillow and curled around the frames of his tortoise-shell glasses that he never remembered to take off. 
She’d always take them off for him, and the movement would startle him awake, his green eyes fluttering awake, eyebrows furrowed in a confusion that disappeared when he realized that it was just her. His sweet y/n with sleepy eyes who took his glasses off ever so gently, and reached over him to place them on his bedside.
They were wrapped up in their own little personal heaven when they were together, alone, and it was only disrupted when it was time for Jason to take y/n home. Grabby hands and kissy faces consumed them when she received a questioning text from her parents or brother, and the whole ‘do you really have to go’ ordeal took its course. And maybe- just maybe- Jason enjoyed the goodbyes because y/n always put extra effort into her goodbye kiss, leaning and pressing up against his mouth so their noses were squished against each other, her hand at the collar of his shirt to pull him even closer, communicating to him how much… how much she would miss him. 
She knew that Jason understood, and when they broke apart with a wet suction noise, and her eyes fluttered open to meet his, Jason knew that she knew that he knew what she was trying to say. It was a slight moment of vulnerability on her part, because it was the closest they’d get to admitting/discussing the sexual parts of their relationship. Or rather, the lack of.
But never mind that, it didn’t matter to any of them. They could be intimate without having sex. 
*                                                      *                                  *
Jason was confused. 
As silly as it was, prom was a big deal. It signified the closing of an era in a teenager’s life; the end of high school. A party to honor their struggles and begin a transition to a period of more struggles. 
Traditionally, you attend a dance with a date. A girlfriend, a crush, a last resort. One could go with friends but, Jason has a girlfriend now and he’d be damned if he didn’t take his pretty girl and show off that he was the one that got her in the end.  
The only issue was: the prom-posal.
He knew that y/n and him didn’t hang in the same crowd, and while they were both mellow, y/n held a little more reserve to public announcements.
She was shy. 
Needless to say, Jason had a very big quest on his shoulders; to find a way to ask y/n out to prom in a way that was memorable and attune to her likings. He thinks he doesn’t think he'd be able to get over it if he messed this up. 
“Jason? Bro are you even listening?” Andrew asked from across the lunch table. Kent stuffed french fries into his mouth, and glanced from both his friends. 
“Sorry, man. What was that?” Jason presses the lock button on his phone, and places it down on the table. 
“I was talking about the rager at Greg’s, is everything alright? You’ve been distant for a few days now, not having issues with y/n are you?” Andrew’s facial features darkened slightly, the deep concerns for his sister shining through his demeanor. Kent picked on the change of atmosphere, and his chewing stops. 
Jason sighed, his shoulders slanting downwards and the fabric of his letter-man jacket coming to a close at his chest. His heart-shaped lips come to a pensive pucker, debating if he should tell his best friend what was on his mind. 
At the troubled look on his face, Kent smiles encouragingly, and says, “You know you can tell us anything, J.” Andrew turns to look at his Kent while he’s speaking, and when he turns back to Jason, he nods, a knowing glimmer in his eyes. 
“What’s up?” His girlfriend’s brother leans forward, prepared to listen.
“I don’t know how to ask y/n to go to prom with me.” 
Andrew and Kent���s facial expression drop to a deadpan, and Jason’s eyebrows furrow in response, confused at their reaction. 
“What?” He looked back and forth between his two unimpressed friends, who suddenly burst into laughter; snickering and pointing fingers at him through wheezed words. 
“You’re fucking whipped,” Kent said, slapping a hand on Andrew’s shoulder and doubling forward.
“My sister,” their laughter calms down momentarily, “has you this upset?” And at his comment, the boys start laughing again, loud enough that it drags the attention of nearby tables. 
“Guys,” the corner of Jason’s lips struggle to stay down. “It’s not funny.” 
“Yeah, it is. Your panties are in a twist because of y/n,” Kent said, “Where is she?” He stands up from the bench and glances around the cafeteria, looking for her. 
Jason’s eyes widen, and his jaw drops, amazed at his friend’s response. “Dicks,” he mutters. “She’s with her English teacher, preparing for an exam.” 
Andrew’s chuckles die down again, and he shakes his head while rubbing his fingers on his forehead, grinning. “Deadass?”
“Yes!” Jason juts his head forward, nodding wildly. “Help me!”
Kent sits again, and places his chin on his palm. “Just go with what she likes, man.”
“Gee, thanks so much.” The stressed boy looks away, defeated.
Perhaps, it was a mistake bringing it up. Instead of receiving help, they were taking the piss out of him. He thought that maybe, because Andrew was related to the girl he was dating, he’d be a bit of hel-
“She keeps bugging me to take her to the aquarium.” 
Jason whips his head around to look at his friend, crossing his arms on the table and leaning with interest. 
“The aquarium?” He asks, eyebrows raising.
“Yeah, they remodeled a few exhibits and she’s been wanting to see them. Sent me a text about it a few days ago,” Andrew reached back to pull out his phone from his back pocket, unlocking it and pulling up a thread of texts from his sister. “Look.” 
The boy takes the phone from his friend’s hand. Y/n had sent her brother a link to the aquarium’s announcement of a reopening that occurred a few weeks before, along with ‘pleeease can we go? pleeease?’ and a puppy-eyed emoji. Andrew had only sent a curt ‘we’ll see’ to which the girl responded with screenshots of seals and penguins. 
A pang hit him straight in the heart, and he was saddened that she hadn’t asked him, given that he had refrained from taking her out in fear of distracting her from her studies. Yet, here she was asking to be taken to the aquarium, and Andrew showed no interest.  
“Take her. Ask her there. The only reason why I haven’t taken her is because she’ll ask for something from the gift shop and they’re expensive as fuck.” Andrew shrugged.
With a composed look, he clicked off the phone and slid it back. On the inside, he was hopping up and down, pumping his arms with joy because everything had clicked, and he knew exactly what to do.
*                                                      *                                  *
Y/n still felt butterflies every time Jason looked at her.
Every girl wanted to be looked at by someone the way he looked at her.
A soft, dreamy daze that took over his face, eyes shining with an enamored gleam. Lashes fluttering adoringly, and lips coming together in a smirk, like he held all kinds of secrets and wanted to share them with her. His look alone said it all. I want you and only you.
It was overwhelmingly passionate. So intimate; an open admission with no shame. 
“You’re not even paying attention to me,” she whined, flopping over onto her back and throwing an arm over her head. 
They were- as usual- laying on Jason’s bed, with one of y/n’s textbooks spread open in front of them. 
“Can’t help myself,” he pushed up his glasses and raked his hair back. “You’re so pretty it’s distracting.” 
At that, y/n turned herself over so she laid next to Jason again, but her face was still nestled in the crook of her arm where her cheeks flamed. “Stop it,” she said, words muffled. 
“I’m serious.” She felt his weight dip on the bed, his hand coming to brush away hair that blocked the side of her face, and then puffs of air on her arm. Tilting her head so her eye peeked out, she saw that Jason’s mouth was hovering millimeters away from her skin, and when her eyes glanced up, an intense emerald gaze fixed on hers. “Like an angel, you are.”
Fire, heat, tingles littered the areas where his lips pressed against a trail into his skin. A blossoming feeling of affection imprinted onto her arm, and up to her cheek, where his lips lingered right underneath her lashes.
It became too much for her to handle, her heart and mind becoming muddled and confused through the overwhelming sensations that traveled throughout her nerves. Her cognitive senses seemed to refuse to acknowledge the difference between welcomed attention and… unwanted but forced attention. And, in efforts to prevent a hysteric scene or breakdown, she sprung up from her position, pressing a quick kiss into Jason’s cheek so he wouldn’t suspect anything, and sitting so she was almost completely off the bed. 
Jason watched her with… rejection. But, she wouldn’t know that because she refused to meet his eyes. Instead she said, “Have you got marshmallows in the cupboard?” 
“Uhh,” Jason cleared his throat, standing up and heading out of his room. “Yeah, I think so.”
She followed after him, shoulders hunched; ashamed. Mentally, she was pushing away repressed trauma from what seemed like yesterday. A haunting memory that refused to leave like paranoia. 
“Tiny ones or…?” He heads straight for the silver door knob next to the fridge, stepping in to squat at the lower shelves. Y/n stands in the doorway, hands awkwardly at her sides. 
“The big ones, please.” She doesn’t look up when he extends his hand to give her the fluffy white bag, and he doesn’t ask what's wrong.
Silently, y/n walks over to the kitchen island to pluck a skewer out of the drawer, and pops her hip to shut it. Jason lifts himself to sit on the countertop, his white shirt lifting to expose the pale sliver of skin that escaped from his grey sweatpants. Out the corner of her eye, she could see the enticing movement, and it caused her hands to shake, but she hid it in the twisting wrist movement of turning on the stove. 
A tearing noise comes from behind her, blending in with the clicking noises of the stove turning on. Jumping at the startling disruption, she turns to see Jason with an Oreo midway to his mouth. He gives her an open lipped smile, eyes wide as if shocked, and it makes her burst into a chuckle. 
“Can I get one?” She asked.
Wordlessly, he passed her a cookie. She took it, and it seemed that he purposely grazed his fingers over her palm. 
Y/n yanked her hand away like he’d burned her. 
Alarmed, Jason hops off the counter and moves to stand next to her.
“Y/n, is everything al-”
“Do you want a marshmallow?” She interrupted him, her breaths tense. 
“Uh, no.” He said, his head slightly shaking in disbelief at her actions. Had he done something wrong?
The girl stabbed the skewer through the white candy, and twirled it over the flames, the edges quickly turning a golden color. 
“Baby, what’s wr-” 
It catches fire, and her lips blow them off before it turns completely black, the fuh noise that escapes overpowering Jason’s gentle words. She was scared of breaking in front of him. She was scared to show him how much she was holding in.
“Can you hold this?” Voice small and squeaky.
He took the skewer out of her hands, holding it while she opened the oreo cookie. Knowing what she was gonna do, he gingerly placed the melted marshmallow on top of the frosting covered cookie, and pulled away when she sandwiched the top cookie on top.
Y/n takes a bite out of the treat, and relishes in the slightly burnt, woodsy taste of the white taffy and how it melts on her tongue and slides with ease down her throat. So much so, that a small noise of appreciation comes from the depths of her chest.
“S’good?” Jason asked, a breathy-uneasy- laugh whooshing through his nose.
She’s nodding before she looks up at him, and her head stills when she locks eyes with him. 
It’s the same, intense, focused look from before.
The one that promised so much. And it just- god she was so confused. 
So confused that she leaned forward to kiss him, disregarding the fact that- in that moment- she didn’t want affection. She needed a bit of distance and time to process her emotions.
 And instead of doing so, she lunged and connected herself to him in a smoldering embrace of their mouths. A sudden flood of inexplicable physical impressions, claiming, pleading.
Jason didn’t hesitate to respond, his hands appearing to cup at her cheeks, thumbs gingerly rubbing on the apples of her cheeks. He breathes deeply; a sharp inhale into her mouth that pulled his frame taught against hers. The forgotten treat pressed up against the divot of his pectoral muscles. 
The instant his tongue snaked into her mouth, he was bombarded with the warm and sweet taste of her mouth. Marshmallows and just her essence crowding over his taste buds; his nose also breathing in the fruity scent of her hair and woodsy burnt candy. Urgently, his lips suckled on her lower lip, y/n gasping at the sudden, ardent actions. 
Had she been any other girl, that would have been the night she finally let herself have sex with Jason. 
The mood was right; they were both bleeding mad for each other. 
But, y/n was y/n and that’s not how she was wired to go. Her mind began again with the confusion, her heart rate picking up double the rates from both the proximity of the boy and what was going to happen if the kiss continued. Did she want this? Fuck, of course she wanted this! Why was she…
“She’s not gonna do it because she’s a prude!” said one of the girls in the room. 
“No, I’m n-”
“Yeah, you are y/n. You’re a virgin. Probably wouldn’t even know what to do,” said the same girl.
Y/n had been invited to a party that the cheerleaders in her class were throwing, and boys from rival school had been invited to. They were all sitting in a circle- enough people to fill up the living room of a rich man’s house- playing a game of truth or dare, and they’d just gotten to y/n. 
She’d gotten dared to give one of the football players of the opposing school a blowjob… in the middle of the living room, with everyone watching. When they all saw her face fall, redden, and then pale,  no one wasted time to verbally pounce on her hesitance.
“Look at her! She’d pathetic Marcy, she’s not gonna do it.” The girl who invited her, Marcy, looked at her with a smirk. 
Embarrassed, and just numb to everything that was going on around her as well as what may come depending on her decisions. All she knew is that she needed to do this because she’d look bad if she didn’t. She didn’t want to be known as a prude. Even if she was a virgin. She didn’t want to be thought of badly. 
“Yes, I will.” Her meek reply had silenced the whole room.
“Come over here, and blow me.” Chris was a sophomore that was known for his promiscuous ways, and the fact that he had a big… that was evident when y/n came to kneel in front of him. 
Shaking, she sat in front of him with wide eyes, her back burning with stares and her heart pounding so hard she could feel it in her hands. 
Throughout it all, she felt disgusting. Ashamed. And unable to breathe because the guy wasn’t letting her come off, holding her down with a strong grip in her hair. Tears burned on her lashes and down her cheeks, partly from being unable to breathe, and the other because she was scared. 
God, she was so scared. What would happen to her when this got out? What then? When everyone knew what she’d done? There were more than enough witnesses present to attest that she’d given head to a guy she didn’t even know.
She’d felt a hand on her breast, and her eyes snapped open from their painful clench; alarmed. The guy sitting next to Chris had leaned over to touch her, and at her scared look he only laughed and continued to do it. His hand trailed lower and lower, and eventually she felt something hot spill down her aching throat. Her ears were ringing, her eyes bleary. 
Much of how she escaped had been... blurred through her panic.
But the feeling… that dreadful, terrorized feeling. It was what deer felt moments before being impacted by a car. 
She’d never forget it.
It was the same feeling creeping up on her then. The niggling, freezing, ambushed fear. It’s the reason why she pulled away from him, and said in a wet whisper, “I can’t.”
She hugs her arms across her chest, oreo still in hand, and turns away with her eyes dropped to the floor.  Y/n’s mind is reeling, utterly confused and just so scared scared scared.
“Did I do something wrong?” Jason asked, trailing after her to place a comforting hand on her shoulder. His lips are a dark shade of pink, the skin of his cheeks a flushed color; if one were to look down, they’d see the heather grey color of his sweatpants was slightly lifted. But his arousal was pushed aside by his concern towards the small girl, who shivered when his fingers grazed her shoulder. He could see her eyes were shut closed, but a tear escaped to roll down her cheeks, and at that the thick hairs of his brows dipped to crinkle on his forehead. “Y/n?”
“I’m sorry.” She sighed, her words hitching and cracking. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry-”
Jason pulled her into his chest, his head shaking no no no to her apologies. “There’s no need to be sorry, dovie. It’s okay. You’re alright.” 
“But I am! I so sorry, Jason. I-” Her words died on her tongue, collapsed by a series of sobs that ruptured out of her lips. She was guilty. So so guilty. She felt like she was lying to him by not telling him of what had… occurred. 
“Baby, baby, hey. Y/n,” He pulled back to cup her face with his hands again, forcing her to gaze into his calm, forest eyes. “Listen to me. Deep breaths,” he began to inhale, his chest expanding with the intake of air. “You’re okay. I’m not mad at you for anything, dove.” 
“You don’t know what I’ve done,” Y/n sets the cookie on the counter, and goes to wipe at her eyes roughly, Jason tugging at her wrists and doing it himself, shushing her as he does. 
“Well I can’t be mad if I don’t know, yeah?” He gives her a small smile. “Do you wanna talk about it?” 
“N-no,” she shakes her head. “No, I don’t.”
“Okay.” He nods, still smiling. “That’s okay. I’m here to listen whenever you’re ready.”
Y/n just nodded and gave him a sad attempt to seem happy, but her chin began to tremble, crinkles appearing underneath her lip, and she rushed to dig her nose in the crook of Jason’s neck. 
“Oh, sweetheart, I wish you’d tell me what’s got you so upset.” He murmured into her hair, his arms wrapping around her. 
“Please, Jason. I don’t wanna,” She sniffled. “Don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Alright. I’ll stop asking. Don’t wanna stress you out anymore, dovie. You need a break as it is.” Jason rubs a warm hand up and down her back soothingly when he feels her nose dip into his collarbone. 
She sniffles some more, a slight hiccup in her breaths, and Jason continues, “speaking of breaks,” this catches her attention, and y/n tilts her head so she’s able to rest it in his shoulder and look up at his side profile. “Would you like to go to the aquarium with me next week?” 
At this, her head springs up so she’s eye level with Jason, her wet eyes gleaming as a surprised smile plays on her mouth. “The aquarium?” 
“Yes, the aquarium.” Jason laughed at her response, his eyes flitting between hers. The skin of his chin crinkled because he was looking down at her, and y/n wondered how he still managed to look so good with a double chin. “A little birdy told me you’ve been wanting to go.” 
Squealing, she said, “Oh my gosh, Jason please! Can we?!” 
Jason pressed a small kiss to her nose, “Of course, silly. It’s why I asked.”
“I’ve been asking Andrew but he….” she trails off, and her eyes become squinty, “heeey, did he tell you?” 
“Mayb-” She jumped suddenly at the feeling of her phone vibrating in her back pocket. The Simpsons theme song blaring through the quiet kitchen, and letting her know her brother was calling. Most likely to tell her it was time to come home. 
“I’ll go get your stuff,” Jason mumbled, separating himself with a wistful look in his eye. 
Y/n mumbled a ‘thank you’ and fished her phone out of her back pocket, pressing the green call button and holding it up to her ear.
“Hey, lover girl. Mom says it’s time to come home. See ya,” and he hangs up before y/n can even respond. 
Rolling her eyes, y/n heads upstairs to help Jason pack her stuff with all her troubles plaguing her heart like weeds.
*                                                      *                                  *
Y/n had eased up a little on her avid studying habits because the SAT had passed, and she studied hard enough that she wasn’t planning on re-taking the exam-- no matter the score. In addition to that, there was enough to place on her shelf to make her look… well, better than good. Years worth of community service work, volunteering, participating in and starting clubs, all about to finally pay off. It was surreal. Kinda stressful, too, but now that she had time off she wanted to decompress. Enjoy herself some. 
To begin with, much of it was taking time off with herself. Meaning, no Jason, or Andrew, or her parents. Just her. She didn’t even have to explain to Jason that she wanted to be alone because after her initial comment of taking time off alone, he’d kissed her palm and murmured about how proud he was against her skin. No bitterness or spite attached. He’d even made a joke about ‘bro time with Andrew’. 
The gym nearest to her house was offering a free month trial-- which just so happened to be the amount of time she was planning on taking to relax before starting to study for finals again-- and she took it up instantly when she found out that they offered yoga and guided meditation classes. It was most likely the best thing she’d ever done.
Apart from getting an hour of physical exercise a day (because yoga is harder than it looks) she was the most relaxed ever. Her sleep was the best it’s been in so long, and her body felt so light. Time to reflect, she’d decided, was very important.
 Plus, her self-esteem had gone up knowing she was doing something to better herself for* herself. 
For the most part, that was how most of her days went.
Go to school, sometimes she’d eat lunch with Jason, get a ride home from him (the goodbye kisses ignited her), head to the gym, come back home and fall right asleep. She took advantage of the first three periods to finish any work that she had to turn in.
It’s only logical that she’d be nervous the day of her date with Jason, since it hadn’t been on her mind at all, and she hadn’t been spending time with the boy so his presence has not consoled her. An anxious fervor had plotted itself in the depths of her belly, goading her like a devil on her shoulder. Better watch how you act, it said, or you’ll fuck this all up.
Jason was the same way. 
The poor boy had also taken to working out to release his...stress. Sleepless nights were spent with the weight-rack in his father’s home gym- arms aching from the strain of bench pressing. Shirtless torso draped in a sheen of sweat, flushed a pink color and littered with prominent veins as he pulled his body upwards, jaw clenched and mind focused, having already reached the point where he listens to his body’s begs for mercy. Rhythmic release of tense breaths escaped through the hard line of his lips, muscles defined under a glint of perspiration beneath the lights of the room, shorts low on his hips. His curls dripped salty beads down the line of his nose, and matted on his forehead. 
He lost himself in the repetitive movements, body going numb until his brain turned off. 
It was almost better than sex. Hell he did it to forget about sex.  
He swears his body chose to betray him every time he was getting ready to fall asleep, projecting filthy images of a girl so sweet, he felt guilty just humoring them. Swollen red lips, hot mouths, soft hands, perky breasts blotchy with his marks. These pictures were so explicit and vivid in his brain about y/n, who was nothing but sweet and kind, and had never come close to even insinuating the things he imagined. 
Hell on earth-- torture is what it felt like, having to ignore sticking a hand down his pants and pulling at himself until he found relief with such an innocent girl on his mind. It made him feel icky and gross because she was so pure. Jason preferred to turn to exhaustion of his body rather than pleasure. And, more often that not he greeted his father’s gym with a scowl and determination to distract himself, pushing himself until he was nothing but a breathless, strained heap laying all tired-out on the bench, salty beads running a path down his forehead and dripping down his neck where his shoulders drooped-- defeated.  
Waking up the next day was a burning adventure; muscles feeling as if they’d been shot through and pricked with needles over and over again.  
But, his dignity was still intact and he was able to look y/n in the eyes with no remorse. The one time he’d jerked off to her, he was a sweating, burning mess as he made his way up to her in the halls.
He’d learned his lesson then.
His nerves didn’t run as deep as y/n’s, but he did second guess himself the more intricate his plan got. Take a certain route, be there at a certain time so there wouldn’t be so full, alert the personnel of his presence. 
Jason had approached his mother, Anne, the night that she had come home, and questioned her about her friend’s sister that worked as a zookeeper, to see if she had connections to the aquarium. Turns out, she did and-and, 
“Honey, what’s the sudden interest in Penny’s sister?” She looked up at her son while chopping green onions. 
Stammering, he rubbed his neck and said, “I was kinda… wondering- maybe, uhm… you could call in a favor for-for me…”
“What for?” 
“I wanted to ask… y/n to prom at the uhm.. The aquarium,” his cheeks go pink and he can’t keep steady eye-contact with his mother. She’s smiling at him knowingly, smiling at him from underneath the lip of the wine-glass she holds up to her mouth. 
She smacks her lip, “Y/n? The prom? When did this happen?” Anne smirked at him, scraping the onions off the cutting board with a knife onto the pan. 
This would be the moment where the distraught teenage boy goes off on his mom for being absent and not knowing a single thing about him. Slam his firsts against the counter-top while sneering. 
But Jason loved his mother and they maintained good communication, so there would be none of that. “Start of February…” He bites his thumb.
The sound of sizzling onions is what fills in the silence of their gazes. His mother slowly nodded her head, and Jason blushing. 
“I knew it.” 
Jason furrowed his eyebrows at his mother’s statement. “What?” 
“I knew this would happen. I knew it the day she first came in with Andrew. The instant you said her name, I knew.” 
Jason furrowed his eyebrows at his mother’s statement. “What?” 
“I knew this would happen. I knew it the day she first came in with Andrew. The instant you said her name, and that look in your eye…” She gleamed at her son. “You love her, don’t you?” 
The boy gaped at his mother. Had he really been that transparent from the beginning? So much so that not even he had noticed his feelings? “You knew?” 
“Course I did. Pushed you out of me didn’t I? Know you like the back of my hand.” His mother set the glass down and continued cutting vegetables. “It’s a mother’s instinct to know when her boy has been swept off his feet.” A soft pat on the cheek meets a dazed Jason. “Now, what’s this favor you wanted?” 
*                                                      *                                  *
Y/n was scared to admit how deep her feelings were for Jason.
Scared to admit that the usual fluttering gnaw at her ribs had developed into an inferno that took over her entire body, centering at her heart and spreading through her nervous system, leaving her skin a tingling network of her emotions.
Basically, take puppy love, and remove ‘puppy’. She loved him. With her entire being and more she loved him. She could see her life with him more secure than anything in her life, which was a big admission because the poor girl was all about security. And Jason made her feel more comfortable than anything in her life at that moment; he made her forget about anything that wasn’t them together in that moment. 
The morning of their date was like one of those scenes in movies where the character just has that really big realization, and all her feelings hit her at once. Y/n pieced it all together in a few seconds. How much he meant to her, how she loved him* and how scary it would be if she were to admit her feelings and receive nothing in return. 
It was at cause of these thoughts that her nerves revved up to their max, mind overthinking different ways that her feelings might cause this date to go wrong. Like something might slip from her lips; a rushed, urgent proclamation of her devotion full of jumbled stutters and met with a stunned look and a freshly single boyfriend.
“Honey, Jason’s here!” Called her mother at the base of the stairs. 
Y/n watched herself grow pale in her reflection, teeth sinking in her bottom lip. No turning back now. 
“Coming!” She took one last look at herself, pulling on the sleeves of the cardigan she layered over the long, white-eyelet dress she was saving for an occasion like this. It was a light, summer material with white embroidered flowers and a nice frilly detain around the waist. The creme cardigan served no purpose other than the fact that she was nervous, and covering up calmed her down. There wasn’t much to cover, but bare shoulders made her heart want to start a riot, screaming at her that people were looking and it was time to get anxious about whether she looked good or not. 
She forced herself to tear her eyes away from the dewy makeup on her face, drawing her mind away from picking at it until it was perfect because it would never be that and it’s okay. Instead, she focused on what lay ahead of her for the day— and maybe that was a tad bit worse but that didn’t matter because she was already in the witch’s pot and the brew was boiling— her date with Jason looming with possibility. Not to mention, she’d finally be getting to see the newly added exhibits she was longing to see. 
Cute baby sea lions, penguins and jellyfish that quickly outweighed all the disastrous scenarios filling her mind. 
Skipping down the steps with an eager smile on her lips, y/n struggled to hold in all her happy squeaks because downstairs Jason was waiting for her and-
“There she is!” Her mother greeted her at the base of the stairs, and winked at her daughter with a smile, a cheeky expression displayed upon the fact that what was happening was a surprising event. Her little y/n going out on a date with none other than her favorite out of Andrew’s friends, Jason.
This would have been the moment in the movies where everything freezes and everyone else disappears. The camera comes to a zoom in on Jason and y/n’s faces, the screen split in half but it the same, dreamy, loved-up expression on both their faces. Y/n’s cheeks warmed with a soft flush and a cheek splitting grin on her mouth, lips that shined with the gloss she had put on them, and eyes that shined under the kitchen lights with an extra sparkle that had floated up from her chest that had become the cavern where she shoved all her emotions.
Jason is equally stunned, unsure of how his girlfriend could get any more beautiful. Bunny teeth on full display, hands in the pockets of his blue jeans. He wore a satin bomber jacket with a tiger on the lower right side of his abdomen that was perched on snow-capped mountains that stretched up to his chest, a swooping eagle on his left breast. Two buttons were left unclasped, the collar of a white under-shirt peeking out, and the dip of his breast-bone on display, highlighted by the glint of the golden cross necklace his grandmother had given him when he was eight.
Meanwhile he took in the sight of her, y/n did the same as well, eyes roaming all over his figure and settling on the eyes that were already set on hers. He loved how she turned a pretty bothered color when they locked dreamy gazes. How her demeanor changes to shy glances when he smiles at her all toothy- his dimples prominent on his cheeks. The boy straightened, looking proud to be able to take her on a date. 
“Well are you guys gonna stare at each other all day, or go to the aquarium?” Andrew asked. He was standing at the kitchen entrance, a bag of Cheetos in his arm, and one cheek bulging with chips. 
“Andrew!” His mother playfully swatted his bicep. “Be nice! You’ll be the same, just wait.”
“Ready to go?” Jason asked, giving a sluggish nod towards the door, his being still transfixed in y/n, who nodded equally as slow even though her heart raced a mile a minute. “Alright, let’s go then. I’ll bring her home before 10, Mrs. Y/L/N.” Y/n walked towards the hand that Jason stretched out for her to grab, her hand swimming in his. It suddenly made sense why he was able to launch a football 400 meters. His hands were big, with a wide palm and nimble fingers that wrapped around hers, the top of it striped with the pleasing ridged of his veins. 
“Bye, hunnies! Have fun…. But not too much fun!” The mother clutched at her chest, her eyes soft at the sight of Jason opening the door for her daughter. 
“Ew, mom!” Andrew said, crumbling the bag to a close and retreating up the stairs, presumably to his room. He stopped at the base, and turned to say, “And I’ll be here, the brother forgotten by this best friend, woe is me!” 
His friend twisted around with a hand on the doorknob, “You know I love you, babe!” 
Andrew said something stupid along the lines of ‘show me, ya stud!’ before his mother shushed him up and waved at the couple that it was okay to leave, approaching the doorway to lock up.
Y/n peeked sideways at Jason, finding him already looking at her with a cheeky smirk. 
“Caughtcha looking,” He said, taking hold of her hand again and giving it a mall squeeze, leaning over to peck her cheek. “Missed you, y/n.”
She wanted to stop and pull him in by both sides of his face to smash their lips together, but she knew that her mom was probably watching through the window. “Wanna kiss you good so bad, but my mom’s probably watching through the window and I don’t wanna hear about it later.” 
“It’s okay, baby, I know. Wanted to ravish you when I saw you coming down the stairs, but that’s not the most appropriate thing to do when my girlfriend’s mom is present, is it?” They reached his car, and he sped up slightly to open the door for her, placing a hand on the small of her back. The grip on her phone increased at the sudden warmth on her body, her mind jumping to dirty assumptions on where this could lead to. 
She got in the car with a quiver in her belly, and it jolted away when Jason shut the door behind her. What was she thinking? Their relationship was built upon glances and sly touches, and how she was flustered in a non-sexual way over him? Strongly?
“Did you wanna get food anywhere before?” He said when he opened the door to his side, leg hiking up and to the side to take a seat. “Dunno ‘bout you, but I’m really really craving those chicken-avocado paninis from that one little coffee shop, and I know you really like their milk tea, what do you say?”
“I say that’s a really good idea.” Y/n said, nodding with a pinch on one side of her face, her true feeling hidden. Eyes trained at the way he held the steering wheel; one hand at 12 while he turned the key into the ignition. Maybe he would hold her neck while the other rubbed at her…
What the fuck? She needs to cut it out. 
Clearing her throat and looking out the window she said, “I could definitely go for a milk tea right now…”
“Yeah? Are you excited for today?” He twists to check behind him before pulling out of his parallel position to the curb, and y/n uses that moment to glance at the smooth skin of his neck, imagining how it would feel underneath her fingertips… her mouth…
“Yes,” She chokes, saliva collecting at the back of her tongue and slipping through. There’s a small pause where she coughs, and Jason plucks a bottle of water from the glove compartment, the back of his hand grazing her knees and the tops of her thighs, which only makes her cough harder. 
“Are you okay, my love? Here,” using the flat of his wrist to take hold on the steering wheel while he opened the bottle, “drink some. I don’t want you to die before you’ve seen the jellyfish.” 
A feeble ‘thank you*’ left her lips before the water bottle occupied it. The liquid washed out anything that had agitated her, and she drank extra to fill the time for at least a few more seconds. She was terrified of doing something wrong. 
The car was pulling up the parking lot of their local cafe when she placed the bottle in the cup holder between them. Jason didn’t have a clue what was going through her head, or the fact that he should be concerned because her thoughts had traveled to him fingering her while she made a mess of his seat. He was simply so grateful to be spending time with the girl who he loved. 
Who he loved.
The boy had realized the extremities of his regards after his mother had spoken them aloud. 
You love her don’t you?
Yes, yes he did. He had known that it was there. The guzzling, spritzy feeling he felt over his chest- like when a sip of a freshly opened can of Sprite goes down your throat- when he saw her, felt her touch, thought about her, had always been there. Always. It was there the day he bumped into her outside of the locker room, her tiny frame going unnoticed when he rounded the corner of the locker room where she was waiting for her brother because he was busy texting some girl, but the moment he heard a squeaky ‘oh, I’m so sorry!’, it was there. 
In some aspects, Jason was a bit dense, and this was one of them. He didn’t act when he should’ve. Or at least recognized what was going on in that broad chest of his-- he doesn’t think he would’ve acted because Andrew wouldn’t have held back. They hadn’t developed such a strong bond to come to the understanding that they did (Jason had made a really bold statement about life long partners and Andrew had been too blown away to stay mad). 
Jason loved y/n, and he always would; that was just facts.
“Wanna stay in here or go inside with me?” He asked her, taking the key out and placing a hand on the door. 
She was lightning quick to say “With you!” a bashful look overcoming her when he looked at her all knowingly, like he could see right through her. “I’ll go with you so you don’t have to carry everything,”  y/n blubbered in efforts to reclaim her dignity, and stepped out of the car. 
He feigned being hurt, “Owie, that stung. Are you saying I’m not strong?” Jason followed after her, a playful pout in his lips, “Tell you what,” he placed an arm around her neck, tugging her close to him and putting his lips by her ear, “I can carry you and the food, at the same time.”
Tables with umbrellas were located at the front of the cafe, people sitting with their computers open or having a chat with friends. Some looked up, some didn’t, but the stares of those who did made y/n feel thousands of times shyer than what she felt. 
The girl couldn’t help but squeeze the fabric of her sweater around herself, her thoughts getting the best of her, the feeling of his lips an enticing action that drove her mad…
He knew it too, chuckling to himself as he opened the door. 
Inside, only a single person made up the line for ordering, and she was already in the process of giving the man her card to pay. Jason and y/n stood side by side, looking up at the menus as if they were thinking over their choices, but really just thinking about each other. 
“Nex- Well, well, well.”
Y/n doesn’t think she had ever forgotten that voice. And hearing it ten, with Jason at her side, brought back the fear she hadn’t even begun to overcome. Her face went white, her lungs freezing, and her feet glued to the ground. 
Shock, was the medical term for it. 
When your body is submerged into temperatures it can’t handle, it goes through a series of procedures to attempt survival. It begins to slow down to conserve energy, shutting down to keep in heat, or await help. Hearts slow, lungs slow, and in extreme, abrupt situations, a person can faint. 
At the appearance of Chris after nearly an entire year, y/n wanted to faint. She wished she had, that way she wouldn’t have to endure Jason’s confused glances, and Chris’s malicious, salacious smirk. 
“Y/n, long time no see, baby.” He said, a piece of gum that he had hidden in his cheek appearing as he started to chew, leaning forward on the counter and giving Jason a once over. “Who’s that?” 
Jason’s eyebrows furrowed at the audacity this guy had, calling his girl ‘baby’. Y/n wasn’t looking at him, she couldn’t- she wasn’t aware of what was happening anymore, retreated into deep parts of her brain- but had she, she would’ve seen a bone-chilling, intimidating look of dominance in his usually kind green eyes. “I’m her boyfriend, who are you?” He said, stepping forward so his thighs were flush with the edge of the counter. His body was pulled tight like the strings on a violin, one pluck away from releasing a disastrous melody. 
Y/n’s eyes began to tear from not blinking them, her heart going from beating normal to beating so hard she could feel it in her fingertips, her stomach dropping like it had been ripped to her feet. 
“Who am I?” Chris licked the inside of his cheek, and y/n gagged. Repulsed, her feet tripped over themselves in attempts to get to the trashcan by the pickup site. “There wasn't even anything in your mouth, babe! Guess that thing they say about muscle memory is true, huh?”
Jason didn’t pay attention to the last thing that he said because he ran over to hold his girlfriend’s hair, rubbing her back and whispering that ‘it’s okay, my love, take deep breaths’. Her body started to tremble when nothing came out, her eyes emitting actual tears now, feeling undeserving of Jason’s affection because of what she’d done.
“I’m so-rry,” she whispered, her face a splotchy, red color that made him panic on the inside at what could plague her. “Can we go?” 
“Yeah,” He nodded quickly, no questions asked.”Yeah, let’s go.” 
Y/n shot up then, practically running out of the store while Chris laughed a belly-clenching laugh that pushed her out further. Jason looked back at him once, anger on clear display because whatever the guy had done, it was bad if it made her this upset.
When he turned around, y/n’s figure was disappearing  through the view of the store’s window, arms clutching herself as she ran to the parking lot. There were more stares than when they first arrived when he ran out after her with a call of her name. 
“Y/n!” He turned the corner to see her yanking violently at his door handle, tears streaming continuously down her cheeks now. Her shoulder jerked back and pushed forward until her knuckles collided on the material of the car. She was hurting herself. “Hey!” He yelled, yanking her back and wrapping his arms around her torso to restrict her movements. 
She thrashed for a few seconds, sobs leaving her until she went limp, which was when he let her go. His eyes were wide with concern, not being able to believe what had just happened. 
“Dovie? Look at me, dovie,” With a curled finger, he gently encouraged her to look at him. Irritated, doe eyes blinked with...  fear. 
“Do you want me?” Were the words that left her mouth in a breathy tremble. 
“I always want you,” Jason said, not hesitating to respond to her abrupt inquiry. His thick brown eyebrows were still knitted, however, and she knew that she owed him answers. As much as she couldn’t bring herself to give them up, y/n said,
“Would you want me even if I was used?” She shut her eyes tight, not being able to bear looking at him. It felt as if she were the one using him then, comforted by his presence, but lying to him as well. 
He scoffed, head shaking. “Yes. Even then I’d still love you.” Jason’s composure remains the same,neither alarmed or shocked that he had let it ‘slip’ past his lips because he hadn’t. He loved her and he told her. 
Y/n, on the other hand, burst into tears and dropped her head, her forehead on his chest, chanting a pathetic, “I don’t deserve you. I don’t deserve you.”
“Y/n, I need you to tell me what just happened,” He crooned into her ear, his lips kissing her head in attempts to show his affection to comfort her, “Let me help you.” 
She shook her head, and the gold zipper of his sweater scratched her forehead when she did. “No. No, I’m sorry.” She looked up at him, her voice pleading, “I don’t want to ruin our date. Can I tell you after?” Jason looked at her with lips pressed into a firm line. “Please.” She begged.
“Not gonna ruin our date, dovie,” He kissed her right cheek, and her eyelid, the bridge of her nose, and nudged his forehead against hers, “Spent so much time waiting for you, that I’m not gonna let a silly thing break us apart. I’m willing to fight, y/n. I already have.” He fumbled behind her, unlocking the door and propping it open before he pressed a kiss to her lips. A deep press that conveyed everything he just said. I love you.
A shaky, relieved breath left her when they parted, her eyes still shut when he said, “Get in the car, my love,” with another, plushy kiss to her lips before he stepped back to see her get in the car. Her eyes opened slowly to see him smiling at her, no trace of anything strange in his eyes- like he had forgotten everything that happened in the past 10 minutes. 
Y/n mumbled an ‘okay’ and got inside, putting on his seat belt as he closed the door and walked over to his side. She wondered if this was it, if this was her messing up and at the end of the day she would be crying into her pillow because he’d broken up with her. If e was just playing nice because that was just Jason, his MO.
Lost in her own thoughts, she didn’t notice that he had turned on the radio until he started singing along to it. An oldies station that he always had on if there wasn’t any music coming from his phone. It was in the middle of Prince’s Nothing Compares 2 U to which Jason didn’t hesitate to start singing. 
“I went to the doctor’s and guess what he told me, guess what he told me,” he looked over at her while he was singing, a playful look in his eyes, and he shimmied his shoulders. It was a classic ‘sing to your girlfriend so she’ll never forget this song and always associate this song with you’ moment. 
“I went to the doctor’s and guess what he told me, guess what he told me,” he looked over at her while he was singing, a playful look in his eyes, and he shimmied his shoulders. It was a classic ‘sing to your girlfriend so she’ll never forget this song and always associate this song with you’ moment. 
“He said girl you better try to have fun no matter what you do,” his singing voice was a direct reflection on his character, smooth like honey, but deep and slightly scratchy like the comfort of burning wood, “but he’s a fool.” 
Just then, his voice gets a little louder, “Cause nothing compares to you.” He placed a hand on her knee, his lips forming an exaggerated ‘o’ shape on the ‘you’. Jason was clearly singing to her, his eyes flickering from the road to her as a sweet gesture to direct his words to her. 
Y/n sniffled and laughed, using her finger to trace the veins on the back of Jason’s hands, looking up at him while he sang to her. She had the sudden urge to reiterate what he had confessed in the parking lot. How it swelled in her chest, and consumed her. 
But she couldn’t. It was hard and she didn’t know why. Maybe it was because he didn’t know the whole truth about her. Instead she wrote it on his hand. Her caresses going from random to spelling out letters on his knuckles. He noticed this. How the movements were calculated now, and the singing stopped. Green eyes went from the road to her eyes, to the road to their hands.
I love you, too.
She wiped her hand over his when she finished, and didn’t dare look up at him, so she looked out the window but left her hand in his hold. He brought it up to his lips, and kissed her knuckles, rubbing his lips over them repeatedly.
*                                                      *                                  * 
Jason stepped out of the car, and took long, quick strides over to her door, y/n admiring how long and muscular his legs looked in his jeans. He pulled the door open, leaning back so the door could swing past his torso, but staying relatively close to the car, giving her just enough space to get out. Y/n didn’t think anything of it, until she stood, and was face to face with his face, her nose swamped with the toned down scent of fresh, spring scented body wash merged with the soft smell of his skin. 
Given how close she was, she could see the lines on his cupid's bow where his skin color changed from a golden tint to the strawberry of his lips. 
“Can you kiss me properly now, baby?” He said, voice low and raspy. Hands came to flatten on the hood of his Prius, caging her in so she was close to his torso. A blush formed from the way he stared at her mouth like he was starved. 
“P-properly?” She muttered, her hands taking purchase on his hips, and smoothing up his sides, the material cool under her hands. 
“Yeah,” He licked the inside of his cheek, his head tilting, “Like this.”
Jason pushed forward until her back hit the car, and their hips were flush, y/n’s hands stuck between them, but she maneuvered them to she could palm at his chest, her nails digging in like cat’s claws when his lips found their way together, pillowed between each other in a passionate embrace that warmed her to her toes. 
“Mmph, baby ‘ya marking me with your fingers,” He spoke in a sotto voice, heavy breaths and wet noises of their smacking lips resonating through their ears.
It took everything in her not to moan, and she knew that if they kept going it would be inevitable, so she unclenched her hands with a reluctant squeak, and ducked her head into his neck. Breath hot on his neck, “I’m sorry.”
“No, no, no, no. I… uhm, I liked it, my love. You didn’t do anything wrong, don’t be shy.” He flexed his jaw, his eyes rolling at the back of his head at recalling the feeling of her hands- dainty and small, and sweet,, and god* it was just her*- clawing at his chest. Jason dipped forward, and kissed her neck. His lips staining her skin with scorching heat, the soft skin creating a magnetic force between them. 
She moaned at that, her teeth scratching at his neck tentatively.  “Stop it,” Her head felt floaty, her limbs soft, “Wanna see the fishies and the way that you’re…” “The way that I’m what, dovie?” He’s stunned by her moan, his brain haywire. “Tell me.”
“The way you’re talking is gonna me make me wanna stay here, and I really wanna see the fishies. Please?” She’s whining; voice an embarrassingly high pitched tone. Her hands gripped the collar of his sweater for stability because her knees were shaking. 
“Alright. Alright, let’s go see the fishies, baby.” Jason pecks her one last time at the juncture of her neck, and takes a step back to grab her hand. “Come on.”
*                                                      *                                  * 
 “So, they’ve got McDonald’s, Tam’s Burgers, Ruby’s Diner, and Sushi.” Jason holds a tri-fold directory of the aquarium in one hand, and y/n’s hand in the other. 
“Sushi? At an aquarium?” She skews half her face to the side like she tasted something sour. 
“I know right?” He copies her face, “The irony. Up for burgers? It’s all they’ve got.” 
Y/n’s stomach grumbled at the mention of food, and she giggled when Jason noticed and laughed at her. “Burgers sound good,” she said, rubbing her stomach comically.  Although she was still heated by their earlier interaction, both were pretending like nothing happened, and like they didn’t have a big thing waiting for them at the end of the day.
Like she wasn’t going to reveal how sh-
“Anything for you, baby.” Jason Jason held up the tri-fold again and blew out of his lips as he made out the route to Tam’s burgers. 
When they both got there, they ordered the same thing: one cheeseburger with a vanilla milkshake. Oh, and they were sharing chili cheese fries.
It was the epitome of a perfect date for a young couple in love. They chose to sit on the same side of the booth because they were greedy to get everything they could from each other. Unnecessary touches were made more than the amount of things they said to each other. Him brushing hair behind her each, hand on her thigh, rubbing her cheeks, feeding her, wiping her mouth, her arm hooked through his, pecking his cheek after a sip of her milkshake, nudging his feet with hers, caressing his thigh. It was on the rubbing his thigh part where things would get slightly heated, and Jason would stop to kiss her, licking into her mouth to taste the vanilla that was also on his tongue.
Jason paid for their meal, much to y/n’s begging, and then walked her over to the penguin exhibit.
“Heard one of their eggs just hatched, and I want you to see it.” He said, swinging their hands between them.
“Really?” She asked, her features lifted with excitement. “Well then let’s go!” Y/n ran ahead of him, looking back at him and pulling at his arm. Laughing, they swerved around people and ran past the large tank that represented the reef ecosystem, blue light from the sun that streamed through the top of the tank dancing on their skin like shadows. It was a magical moment, even though they looked like weirdos. In their head they were in their own movie, their own world.
 “Jason, honey? Is that you?” A woman in green cargo shorts and the customary blue shirts with the aquarium’s logo on the left breast called from the inside of the penguin expedition. She had raven black hair in a low bun, and red lipstick paired with a bright smile. She was feeding the animals from  two buckets on the edge of the pool where they were jumping in. 
“Hey, Janet!” Jason called out, waving from behind the glass barrier. “Long time no see, have you gotten younger?” 
She laughed and turned around, walking through an archway and disappearing from view. A male walked out, and smiled towards the couple, nodding once and turned his attention towards the penguins. He whistled once, and they all came to him, huddling around him expectantly.
Then he bent downwards and placed the back of his hand on the penguins tummy, pressing back and they waddled backwards. He did the same to four others, pressing them so they were in a straight line, and they stayed where he placed them. Janet came out then, with black objects in her arms. 
“What are they….” Y/n asked, confused as to what was going on because she had been to this aquarium several times and had never seen such things. “... doing?” 
Janet removed one of the items from her chest, and y/n could see that they were large letters. A ‘P’ which she placed at the feet of the first penguin. ‘R’ on the one following. They rested against their bellies, and after an initial peck at it, they left it alone and watched their keepers expectantly, presumably for food. ‘O’ followed, then ‘M’. And as the question mark was being laid on the last penguin, Jason turned to watch his girlfriend’s face, waiting for the realization to hit. It didn’t take very long.
“Oh my gosh, Jason, look! Look it spells prom!” She pointed at it excitedly, a smile from ear to ear as she looked on at the animals, amused by their antics. She looked over at him to share her glee, and found him watching her with a dreamy smirk. “Look at the animals! Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Will you go to prom with me?” 
Y/n’s jaw dropped, the full realization hitting her. This had been planned, more specifically, Jason had planned this. “You did this?” She asked. Looking back and then at him again as he nodded slowly, still waiting for an answer. She stood there for a moment, stunned, and after a blink she jumped into his arms. “Yes! Yes! Yes, I want to go to prom with you!” 
He didn’t waste any time in wrapping his hands around her waist and twirling her around, laughing. Kissing her cheek, he set her to her feet and she was watching him with bleary eyes, a pout on her lips. “You did this for me?” 
“Technically, my mom did, but yes. Had her call in for me. Did you like it?” He put his hands in the pocket of his bomber jacket, his lips puckered as he tried to conceal a proud smile. 
“I love it, so much, Jason I-” She’s left speechless, and she glances up at the animals again, where Janet and the other keep were throwing fish at them. “Thank you.” The tips of her fingers came to cover her mouth, tears of joy threatening to slip. 
“Don’t cry, dovie. You weren’t supposed to cry,” he cooed, slipping his hands out again to wipe at the tears that fell down her cheeks.
“Shut up and kiss me,” Leaning up on her tip-toes, y/n abruptly yanked at his jacket, and crushed their lips together. 
“There we go! Your mother would love this!” Janet whooped, and her cheers caused the couple to split from each other with red faces, laughs covering their embarrassment. 
“Hush up, and let me kiss my girl will ya?” Jason pointed a finger at her and pretended to scowl. “We’re leaving to somewhere where we can smooch in peace!” Nearby people laughed at his jokes.
“Bye, sweetie! Tell your mother I said hello!” She waved goodbye, and returned her attention to the penguins at her feet. 
Y/n waved a goodbye along with Jason, yelling a ‘thank you’ as she walked away. Her brain was still trying to process what had happened when they turned the corner and walked into the new exhibit of the darker layers of the ocean. A long, winding hallway where the only light was the glow coming from the bio-luminescence animals in the water. 
An influx of serotonin swimming through her veins, squeals leaving her where she noticed where they were. 
“The jellyfish!” She left Jason’s side to stand in front of the large glass. An abundant amount of jellyfish bobbed up and around each other at slow, hypnotizing speeds. Glowing, long tentacles swaying in their trail; networks of veiny light streams present in each of them. The blue hue reflecting off of her skin, and onto the pane where it showed her amazed reflection.
“They’re beautiful,” she mumbled. Jason caught up, and stood besides her, his figure also appearing on the glass pane that held the jellyfish. “I could watch them all day.” 
His eyes drifted from the jellyfish to her side profile, admiring how ethereal she looked in that moment. Her face was soft with curiosity and wonder. “Me too.”
“You’re not even looking at them.” She gives him a side-eye glance. 
“I know.” He turned so his feet pointed to her, and combed his hair back because a few curls were tickling his forehead. “Can’t believe I’m gonna have the prettiest girl as my prom date.” 
Y/n’s nostrils flared and she sucked in her lips to suppress a smile. “Stop it.”
“S’true. Everyone’s gonna be so jealous of me.” He sucked in a breath, “Gonna have to hold on to you so no one steals you from me.” 
She knows he means every word that leaves his lips. And that the words are meant to tickle her heart with their honesty. While they do so, they also break it. Y/n thinks she’s living a lie. Not her relationship with him, but the way she acts and portrays herself. So much of herself, she kept hidden. It hurt knowing that he was being so genuine, and she wasn’t. It hurt more than knowing he could break up with her if he knew the truth. 
So, she decided to come clean. Even though they decided on the end of the day, her conscience wasn’t letting her live. 
“Jason, I have something to tell you.” She said, her throat closing up on the second syllable of his name, and crying by the end of her sentence. 
The boy brings his palm to her lower back, and moves his thumb up and down comfortingly. “Deep breaths, y/n. I’m listening.” 
“That boy?” She tilts her chin so she’s looking at him, and he nods when they make eye contact. “From the cafe? I knew him from a party.” Deep breath. “We were playing truth or-” a sob leaves her, shoulders sagging as her composure breaks. 
Jason raises his hand from her back to her shoulder, and steps closer so she’s pressed against his chest. “It’s okay. I’m right here, baby. I’m not leaving you. Take your time.” 
It would’ve been a lot more embarrassing if people were passing, but they were the only ones there. Had there been someone, they would’ve seen a terribly emotional y/n and a very concerned Jason. 
A creeping feel of panic like the one from that night teased her toes, anxiety of her confession crawling up her spine. But she had to push through. She needed to get this off her chest. 
“We were playing truth or dare, and… and I got dared t-to suck him off in front of everyone else,” another hiccup interrupts her words, and she had to stop to take a deep breath like Jason said, giving him an ashamed, fleeting glance.  Not long enough to see that his eyes were wide with astonishment, eyebrows furrowed with bubbling rage.
“What?” He said, more on the rhetorical side to encourage her to keep talking. His mind kept jumping back to the guy at the cafe and the way he said ‘there wasn’t anything in your mouth, babe’ with a knowing look in his eyes. How he practically violated her with his eyes. Rage filled him; all he wanted to do was punch the guy in the face. 
Anger made itself present in his stunned comment, and y/n took it as a disgusted comment. She jumped to explain herself, “I didn’t want to do it! I swear I didn’t put they started calling me names, a-and I didn’t want them to be upset with me so I-” another collapse of her words, chest rising and falling with desperate breaths. The panis increased, rising up to her chest and gripping like a boa. 
Jason knew that she needed reassurance on that moment and said, “Sh, sh Dovie, deep breaths. It’s alright, I know you didn’t, my dove. That’s called peer pressure.” 
It was clear that this was something she struggled with for a long time, and it hurt him so much inside that he had so blindly lived in the presence of her pain. Held her, touched her, and never noticed that she was so deeply in pain. The anger in him became a mix of bitter remorse at the fact that he had done nothing to push at her, or present himself in a way that showed she could trust him. He was unaware he was crying too until his own vision became blurry with moisture. 
“I left right after he… after he…. Because the other boys started touching me, too. That was when you found me under that tree. Remember?” Shiny doe eyes glimmered with the light that came off the jellyfish at him. They seemed to beg him for forgiveness, for understanding that she was sorry.
“Yes, sweetheart I remember.” Soft fingers crawl up her cheek, caressing like silk at the tears that still fell. Kisses were littered in her temple with strong pressure, a display of his comfort. “Oh, I’m so sorry that you had to go through that, baby. It’s not your fault.” 
“I should have said no. I should’ve l-left or something…”
“No. No, y/n this wasn’t your fault. This wasn’t on you. You were under pressure, and they were bullying you as well… Oh my god, baby, this- You don’t want to tell authorities?” 
“No! No, no, Jason I can’t l-let anyone find out I did…” Her eyes shut with distaste, “That. Please, don’t tell anyone.” 
“Yeah, yeah, okay.” He nods.
“Do you still want me?” Her cross, and her nails dig into her arms. Y/n bowed her head and sniffled. Jason took note of this, and pried her hands off so she wouldn’t bleed. His heart clenched at the tone of desperation in her voice. It hurt him to even think that he’d leave her so easily, and his words came out more emotionally tainted than he would’ve wanted.
“Y/n look at me.” His hand cupped her cheek, and the other held both of her wrists. She wrapped her hands around his wrists and squeezed him tightly. “I’m not leaving you. Can’t you understand that I love you, baby? I’m not leaving you, not now.”
“God, Jason. I don’t deserve you.” Y/n leans into his touch, sniffling.
“No, dovie. You’ve got that all twisted. It’s me who doesn’t deserve you.  You’re so good to me, so kind, and sweet,and I’m so so sorry thing happened to you. But it’s gonna be okay, yeah? We can work through this, I’ll be there by our side. I won’t leave.” The boy followed after her eyes, wanting to maintain eye contact with her, but she was shifty with her gaze. He wanted to be able for her to see-- in his eyes-- that he meant every word.
“I love you.” Y/n jumped into his chest and wrapped her hands around his neck, happy to be free of guilt, and blissfully happy that she had Jason. That he loved her, and she was able to tell him that she loved him.
After a moment of just standing in each other’s arms, head’s buried in each other’s neck with Jason muttering into her ear just how much she meant to him, they stepped back  to look at the other, and y/n laughed halfheartedly, wiping at her eyes and underneath her nose. Quiet ‘thank you’s were exchanged and they took one last good look at the jellyfish in silence. Y/n suggested they go home, and Jason said he wanted to stop by the gift shop first. Something about how how he needed a polar bear to hold onto at night.
In reality, he bought her the sea otter she wouldn’t stop petting, and a key chain with the date engraved on it. He didn’t give these to her until they were in front of her house, and he reached into the bag behind her seat.
“These are for you.” He said, placing the stuffy on her lap, and the key chain on her open palm. “A memoir. The first time we said I love you... among other things.” 
His tone was serious, mouth set in a grim line, but y/n was smiling.
“I knew something was up when you told me to wait outside. Thank you.” Leaning over the console, they both met each other halfway, and kissed each other goodbye. At the first taste of her lips, he removed his hands from the steering wheel in favor of having them on her face, holding her too him a few seconds longer than she usually would have let herself stay kissing.
“You’re welcome, dovie. I love you.” He said, pecking her lips once more, and then her nose, making her laugh through her nose. “I’ll see you tomorrow, but I’ll call you tonight. Yeah?”
“Yeah. I love you, too.” She opened the door, and waved once more at her boyfriend who smiled at her from inside the car.
Y/n was slightly upset over he fact that he hadn’t gotten out to walk her up the steps, and in any other situation, he would’ve. But out of his eagerness, Jason waited until she was inside, and lifted his hips to get his phone out of his pocket, calling the one person he knew would have his back if he wanted to set things straight.
It rang three times before he picked up.
“Andrew. It’s an emergency. Come over to my house tonight. Don’t let anyone see you leave.”
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cecilspeaks · 5 years ago
165 - Charlie
There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are written about on Wikipedia. Welcome to Night Vale.
Charles Rainier grew up in Becket, Massachusetts, nestled in the rolling small hills of the Berkshires. The fiery fall leaves, pristine winter snowfall, lush spring flowers and sparkling summer lakes belied the average life of young Charles. He went to school, passed his classes, he spent time with friends seeing popular movies and playing popular games. His family ate food together and generally got along. When he wanted to be alone, he went to a small pond, hidden in the woods, to fish. He studied sociology at Amherst College and graduated in the top 50 percent of his class. Nothing about his unremarkable upbringing indicated he would one day be standing in the middle of a desert, behind a roadblock, holding a rifle and a flashlight, and searching for fugitives from his own asylum.
Last month, a dozen inmates of the Night Vale Asylum escaped during a production of a play. As an attendee of that play, I would say that while the escape was clearly not part of the original draft of the script, it made for an exciting resolution. I mean, bout 30 minutes in Carlos and I were like, is there going to be a car chase or a shootout or something, I mean that play was bo-o-o-orring! And then suddenly, there was both! But the warden, Charles Rainier from Becket, Massachusetts, did not like the last minute edits to the plot, as he and the Sheriff’s Secret Police have yet to round up any of the inmates now on the run, somewhere in our vast desert. Night Vale citizens have expressed deep concerns about their safety. A scathing op-ed in yesterday’s Daily Journal by Leann Hart read: “Warden Rainier should never have been in charge of such an important institution. His unchecked irresponsibility will lead us all to be killed by psychopaths, who surely hide now inside our basements, our attics, our laundry hampers, perhaps inside our own pants pockets.” The editorial continued: “They wield knives, ropes, wrenches, candlesticks, or pipes. And when we least expect it, these crazed killers will leap out at us, screaming bout eating our faces or feeding us to rodents. Or whatever other evil actions those two very funny women are always describing on “My  Favorite Murrderrr”. Charles Rainier called Hart’s claims “neurotypical ableism”, saying that we become too biased from movies and TV shows that play up harmful tropes about mental illnesses. He added that none of the peoples inside were of immediate anger to any individual in Night Vale. The Night Vale chapter of the ACLU then responded, calling for in investigation into a public facility that would imprison people who had committed no criminal acts and were of no harm to society. Charles Rainier replied: “I said they wouldn’t hurt any individual. I didn’t say they were of no harm to society.”
But who were the people in the asylum? Carlos and I attended the production of the play “18713/NTSB”, partially to have a nice date night, just the two of us. But also because I was curious if I would see Amelia Anna Alfaro there. The air traffic controller has not been seen since 2012, after hearing voices from the missing flight, Delta 18713. There were rumors she was checked into the asylum. Other rumors, that she had gone off to find the missing plane, and other other rumors, that she was disappeared by a Vague yet Menacing Government Agency.
Amelia was not inside the asylum the night of the breakout. But Doug Biondi was there. He played the pilot of the missing plane in the play we saw. Doug was the impetus for this entire story, really, because it was Doug who, according to Sheriff Sam, had real information about the missing plane. Members of the National Transportation and Safety Board had also come to Night Vale to talk to Doug about what he knew, and Sheriff Sam obliged by sending those agents from Washington DC on an undercover investigation into the asylum. Yet, like Doug and the dozens of other inmates in that fearful place, they did not return.
According to to Doug Biondi’s journal, which Carlos and I found inside the asylum after the play, warden Charles Rainier developed a paradoxical logic for dealing with these inmates. He encouraged them to talk openly bout their feelings under the guise of healing them, but the more they expressed their thoughts and emotions, the more the warden used this information as proof of their insanity, and by extension, ineligibility for release. But as Doug elaborates, if inmates refused to talk, they were deemed uncooperative and of course, ineligible for release. Reading further into Doug’s journal, I realized it’s just like that novel, “Catch-22”, in that there’s a bunch of talk about airplanes. What stood out most to me, though, was the fact that every other inmate Doug mentions also talked about the missing Delta flight. Every single person in there either heard voices of the passengers, or had theories about what happened or were, in the case of NTSB agents, just open to find survivors of a missing plane. Doug railed against the collusion between the warden and the sheriff to imprison people simply because they knew something, anything, about flight 18713. “This is the last thing,” Doug wrote the day he escaped. “This nefarious conspiracy runs deep. Deeper than we can imagine. There are innocent people on a missing plane, and our government wants to destroy us for seeking the truth. Oh well. In other news, they fixed the TV in the rec room so I’m hoping to finally watch ‘Cheer’ on Netflix. Everyone says it’s super good.” Doug makes a compelling claim here, but he is wrong. About the conspiracy thing, not about “Cheer”, that show is super good.
So. Back in 2015, my devoted husband and devoted scientist Carlos, was heading a research project into a desert otherworld, a place very similar to our own. We spent almost a year apart while Carlos was in this alternate dimension performing experiments and drawing charts and pouring bubbling liquids back and forth between flasks. It was hard. We had only been dating a year when he left, but we kept in touch talking almost every day, sending each other text messages at night, like a kissy face emoji with a big red heart emoji. Or sometimes we sent racier messages, like [naughty voice] the safety goggles emoji with the police siren emoji and the first place ribbon emoji. Oh, sorry if that’s a little too graphic.
Anyway. Carlos made friends during his many months out of town, and so when he finally decided to return to Night Vale, some of those he met followed him. They came through a portal Carlos discovered in the Desert Otherworld: a one-sided door. It was difficult to find in a never-ending sandscape, but it is still there. And as Carlos said, once you know the way, you never forget it.
One of the people who came with Carlos through the portal in 2015 was Charles Rainier of Becket, Massachusetts. It was not easy for most of these new arrivals to find comfort or employment in Night Vale, but in just a few months, Charles had become friends with our new Sheriff and secured himself a job at the Night Vale Asylum. Few people looked deeply at the asylum, nor at Charles Rainier’s quick appointment as warden. Few people, in fact, looked closely at anything to do with mental disorders. It it almost as if we prefer not to see the mental illness at all. It is almost exactly like that. Well below the radar of public attention, Charles settled into his new position. And because there are no accounts of what went on in the asylum, and thus no stories of failure, it was inferred that he did a good job. But Carlos discovered something this week. In reading Doug Biondi’s journal, Doug makes passing mention of warden Rainier cautioning his inmates against listening to the voice of the pilot. The warden warns them that the pilot can control other beings with his mind. It is odd that the head of a mental health institution would patronize his patients with their own inner demons. Carlos at first thought the warden was manipulating the mental stability of his charges to stir up their fear and confusion in order to keep them there. We don’t know if the warden profited from retaining inmates or if he just felt an evil thrill from playing these games. But in Doug’s notes, the warden apparently said: “It is possible to escape the allure of the pilot. The power of his voice. Some have, but it is rare. And it is dangerous that you can hear him at all.”
Carlos remembered when he first met Charles Rainier, five years ago in the Desert Otherworld. Charles was so enthralled with Carlos’ stories of Night Vale. Charles Rainier could not wait to see this fantastic town and more importantly, to leave the terrible place in which he lived. He told Carlos that he escaped some – frightening people there. Charles Rainier said he had live in a commune for a couple of years. It began OK, they foraged and hunted their food, they helped each other and shared shelter inside the fuselage of an old plane. Everything was fine. They were alive, but soon the group became cult-like and aggressive, fashioning weapons and manufacturing enemies. The constant threat of violence toward other, towards themselves, shackled Charles’s every move. But he could not leave. Every time he tried, he heard a voice that called him back. So he trained himself to block out the voices. It took him weeks of determined practice, but finally he broke free. Carlos said to me: “Cecil, sweetie, my hypothesis is Charles Rainier was flying home from Detroit to Albany on June 15, 2012.” And I said: “What are you saying, honey-pop?” And Carlos said: “Babe, his plane blipped out of the sky and into the Desert Otherworld.” And I said: “Are you saying, kitty-cake, that Charles ws a passenger on Delta 18713?” But then Carlos aid: “You know, little piggy-pie, all this work talk is exhausting. Let’s have a glass of wine, sit out on the deck, and enjoy the nice weather.
[“Breathe” by Tanja Daub http://tanjadaub.bandcamp.com]
Listeners. I called Charlies Reinier, and I told him what Carlos and I talked about, and he confirmed what we discovered. He was indeed a passenger on 18713. They landed roughly but safely in the Desert Otherworld in June 2012. They ate their few food items and drank their water stores in two days. And soon they began spreading out to find civilization. But the desert was vast and seemingly uninhabited. They were too afraid to venture far from the plane, the only symbol of recognizable society. The pilot lead expeditions to find plant life and sources of water. He exuded calmness and clarity, and the passengers followed his example, occasionally finding peace in this unpleasant and frightening desert. Within a few months, they had developed a rhythm. They were finding food to eat, water to drink, the pilot seemed to know exactly where to hunt, exactly what to say, exactly how to behave.
Every passenger fell in line. They all had jobs to do, roles to fill, in this little commune. The fuselage kept them sheltered from the searing white days and the icy black nights. Sometimes they sang together, walked together, taught each other how to sew, how to cook, how to make tools. The passengers’ fear became comradery, which became unity, which became family. Which eventually became religiosity.
One day they were making salves from cacti, and the next they were crafting weapons. Charles hadn’t realized it at first, but every person on that plane could communicate telepathically. They could speak without talking – no, without learning. They were becoming a single organism separated into dozens of bodies. The loudest voice in their heads was the pilot. They had grown too complacent, and the pilot began to fill them once again with fear, fear of outsiders, of the rest of the world. They began to make barbaric expeditions hoping to find people or things to destroy. “I tried to escape,” Charles said to me. “I tried to escape over and over, but the voice was too strong. It was only when I thought about a little fishing hole down near Stockbridge that I would go to in summers by myself, to get away, to be alone.” Charles said he began to pantomime fishing, casting his imaginary lure on an imaginary line into and imaginary pond on hot desert sand. And when he did this, the voices quieted in his mind. He could free himself from the pilot’s voice, from the pilot’s control. I asked Charles why he and Sheriff Sam were locking away people just for knowing about the plane. He said: “Cecil, I locked up Doug Biondi before anyone else. He’s from that Otherworld, and he knows how to get back, and if he knows how to get back, he’ll join the 18713 and lead them into Night Vale.” Charles said he was protecting our little town from the threat of the passengers of Delta flight 18713. “If the pilot enlists Doug and gets into Night Vale, he’ll recruit who he can and destroy the rest.” “But why odes he communicate only through Doug? I-I mean why not Carlos or, or Dana Cardinal or Sheriff Sam themself? Why not recruit everyone who knows the way into Night Vale?” “I don’t know, Cecil,” Charles snapped back. “But I don’t will into existence by yapping about it either, so drop it!”
Listeners, Doug Biondi is about six foot tall. With an unsettlingly… long smile and dark nightmarish eyes. If you see him, contact the Sheriff’s office immediately. If you do not see Doug Biondi, then close your windows, hold your family close, and repeat a mantra that will clear your head of all outside thoughts.
Stay tuned next for a meditative oummmm. A single oummmmmm. For one full hour, uninterrupted by breath and commercial free.
Good night, Night Vale, Good night.
23:07 time traveler 30:32 pottery class
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randomoranges · 4 years ago
drag meeting au part 3
The nice thing about Fridays was the weekend that started and the little tradition Étienne had for himself. At the end of his day, he would go to his favourite café and indulge in an end of week treat and some frothy sweet drink he liked. He’d stumbled upon the café years ago and had liked the variety of baked goods it had so much that he had decided to splurge once a week and go there.
 On this particular Friday, Étienne had finished work early, (he really loved the days when all he had to do at work was hand in his finished project and then he was free), and so he had arrived at the café earlier than usual. After chatting up with the cute waitress, (who was really more of a friend at this point, considering the fact that he came here so often and that she was very happily engaged) Étienne made his way to his favourite table and got comfortable.
 It was a perfect afternoon to enjoy his cinnamon bun and chai latte while doing some people watching and sketching. It was the best way to unwind after a busy week and start his weekend, in his humble opinion. He was happily sipping at his latte, when the door to the café tingled and Étienne nearly choked on his sip when he saw Kate walk in.
 He hastily wiped at his mouth and then stumbled his way upright as he tried to wave and make his way towards her. After tripping over an empty chair beside him, he finally got close enough to call her out without disturbing the other patrons.
 Kate looked equally surprised to see him, but she smiled and walked towards him, “Oh, it’s you – it’s – Étienne, right?” She said after pausing for a moment to remember his name. Étienne nodded and was pleased as punch that she remembered and even more so, when he noticed her cheeks colour ever so.
 “I have a table – you can come and sit with me, if you’d like,” He blurted out, jabbing with his thumb at the table he’d abandoned. Kate nodded and said she’d join him after getting her order.
 Étienne took that time to clear out the table of everything he’d put over it (he had a very bad habit of spreading out all over the place and using every last available surface for his own needs) and gave himself a once over in the metallic napkin dispenser before she arrived. The last thing he wanted was to have a conversation with Kate with watercolours smeared all over his face.
 “Fancy meeting you here,” Kate said with an amused smile as she returned with a muffin and a warm drink of her own. She pulled out the chair across from him and Étienne automatically sat up straighter as if wanting to make a good impression on her, or something. He chalked it up to the effect Kate had on him. There was something about her that commanded his full attention and the best of him. He thought it was incredibly attractive.
 They exchanged pleasant trivialities from how they were, to what had brought them here and Étienne found himself wrapped up in the conversation with her yet again. At some point, she remarked on his open sketchbook and Étienne found himself showing her the previous sketch he’d been working on. She was quite amazed at it, complimented him on his talent, and when she asked if she could peruse the rest of the book – only if he wanted her to, Étienne found himself agreeing, something he very rarely did.
 There was something about her – the grace with which she carried herself, the easiness and flow of their conversation that connected them together. There was an instant connection, or so Étienne thought and he found himself fascinated with what she had to say and wanting to sit with her for many more hours to get to know her better. He wondered what made her laugh, what she liked, and what made her crinkle her nose in disgust. He wanted to get the chance to find out – to catalogue what delighted her and what would set her off.
 He spent more time talking to her and listening to what she had to say than he had with anyone in a good long while and he was utterly endeared by the way she would enthusiastically nod her head or laugh at something he’d said.
 It got to the point where they’d finished their drink and snack and the last of the sunlight had disappeared for the day. The café was emptying out and soon it would close. Étienne really didn’t want to leave or have to say goodbye to Kate without knowing when he’d next see her. The first time they’d met had been nice enough, but this second chance encounter convinced him that this was a sign and he had to seize this opportunity before it escaped. He figured he had nothing to lose and took a leap of faith.
 “This might be a little bold, but I’ve really enjoyed my time with you. I was wondering if you’d like to – maybe grab dinner together sometime?” He offered and hoped that she wouldn’t turn out to be happily engaged or in some very serious and very loving relationship. (Not that he didn’t want her to be happy – but, he’d like a shot at it. An excuse to get to spend more time with her and get to make her happy.)
 Kate seemed to hesitate for a moment, but a soft smile bloomed on her face and Étienne took that to mean she was at least somewhat interested, “Well, I certainly wasn’t expecting to get a date out of this, but that sounds like a marvelous suggestion. I’m unfortunately occupied over this weekend, but I’m very much free next Friday night.”
 “That sounds perfect. I know the greatest of little Vietnamese restaurants, if you’d be interested?”
 “That sounds lovely,” She beamed and handed him her phone without missing a beat so that he could put in his number. “Why don’t we meet up over here, if it’s not too far from the place?”
 “It’s a few blocks away, actually, so it works,” He said as he put in his contact information and then handed her phone back. Their fingers brushed for a moment and Étienne found himself with pleasant little butterflies migrating down to his stomach and making it their new permanent home.
 Kate nodded and then sent him a text message so that he would have her number as well. Étienne looked away from her pretty smile and dazzling hazel eyes for a moment and couldn’t help but grin when he read her message, “Looking forward to our date ;)”. He answered her before he put the phone back down on the table.
 “I know you said you were busy, but would you mind if I walked you out and towards wherever it is you need to go to?” Étienne asked as he started putting his things away, the waitress having signalled to him that they were closing up.
 “How very noble of you; I’m headed towards the metro, if that’s not too much of a detour for you.”
 “Not at all, I’m headed that way myself.”
 They both picked up their things and got dressed. Kate was entirely amused by Étienne’s multitude of layers, but Étienne argued that it was cold and that, if anything, if she so happened to be cold, he would at least have a scarf to lend her. The comment seemed to have its desired effect, for Kate’s cheeks turned a lovely shade of pink and it got her to stop making fun of him.
 The walk to the metro was unfortunately over too quickly and Étienne found himself lingering by the entrance, knowing that once they would get to the turnstile, they would head off into opposite directions. At least, this time, he consoled himself, it wouldn’t be the last time he’d see her.
 “I guess this is it then, until next week?” Kate asked as she toyed with the sleeves of her jacket, as if she too were reluctant to call it a day and leave.
 “Do I have your permission to text you if I wanted to over the week?”
 “You better, mister, or else I’ll think this was all a clever ruse of yours.” She said, very much serious and leaving no room for argument.
 Étienne laughed, “In that case, I’ll speak to you soon.”
 She nodded and smiled and Étienne pushed the door open for her. They fell quiet as they finally made it to the turnstile and the only reason they even made it that far was because Kate really had to get going, lest she be late for her previous engagement.
 “I know this wasn’t really a date, but – I’m really glad I ran into you again and would it be too bold of me to kiss your cheek?” Étienne asked her once they passed the turnstile. They were really milking these last few moments they had together, but Étienne didn’t like the idea of leaving her just yet and the thought of spending his evening alone suddenly seemed that much less interesting than it previously had.
 “It would be bold only if I didn’t want you to,” She grinned up at him and turned her cheek sideways so that he would have better access to it.
 Étienne couldn’t help but laugh, even more enchanted by her, before he walked over and pressed a soft kiss to her exposed cheek, “I look forward to our date, then, see you next week,” He said to her as he stepped back. Kate looked only a little flustered as she waved at him goodbye and Étienne watched her go down the flight of stairs, before he headed off to catch his own metro.
 By the time he was sat down, his phone vibrated with an incoming message; “I do expect a proper kiss after our first real date next week. Have a nice weekend!” There was an accompanying kissy face emoji and Étienne chuckled to himself as he answered her back.  
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Secret Identity | Jared Leto + Reader | Part 2
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Prompt: Flirting between Y/N and “Jay” starts to get more serious, and he starts to get more secretive. He prefers to talk about her, instead of himself, and it makes her wary.  Notes: May dabble some with Jareds POV in this. I really enjoy writing this, amd it’s fun to be a bit of a mystery. I haven’t decided when to have them meet, or how, so if you guys have any ideas, let me know!  Warnings: PG-13 for swearing in some chapters.
Part 1
Letoislove sent you a picture.
The notif came in a good few hours after you’d sent your last message to Jay. Your heart skipped a beat, and you hoped he wasn’t being cruel about sending you a different picture after how your conversation ended.
But as it loaded, you saw he wasn’t. It was Jared and a cute boy outside somewhere. You weren’t sure which part to focus on first - that he had met Jared (you only wished you had) or the fact he was a pretty cute kid. Okay, he didn’t actually look like a “kid”, he looked like he was probably in his 20s, but the emo-ish vibe a lot of their fans had given him that cute kid kinda look. You didn’t mind that he’d been the one flirting with you.
Withtheecehlon: You’re sooo cute! <3 Also lowkey jealous you got to meet Jared. Closest I’ve gotten is being really close to the stage.  Letoislove: It was taken at Camp Mars. Super great experience overall.  Withtheechelon: Ugh. Lucky! I want to go, so bad.  Letoislove: You should sometime =) It’s a bunch of fun. I know it’s expensive but so worth it.  Withtheechelon: I’m working on trying to save up, but stuff keeps coming up. It sucks cause I don’t live terribly far from there either, so it’s not like I’d have to fly. I could drive up, leave my car at a friends house and Uber over to avoid the parking pass.  Letoislove: I hope you can go sometime. You’d love it.
Jared’s POV
Jared hadn’t intended for this to happen. He’d made the fan account on a whim so he could talk to other fans without the massive amounts of messages or backlash that would come from him only talking to certain people. He tried to at least keep up with liking people’s comments on his own Instagram, but even that was a lot. Here, he could talk to people in small numbers, with anonymity. He found a lot of pages and picked some of the best and most active (and passionate) to follow. He was following about a hundred and tried to keep up with his own posts, just sharing stuff he had on his phone.  
He’d messaged a few different accounts, complimenting them, hoping to gain a few followers and start a few conversations. One stuck out to him. The feed was beautiful and looked like there was an artist behind it. It also posted daily. They started talking and he learned her name was y/n. He could be a bit of a flirt at times, and that was only amped up when he saw just how gorgeous she was, and the more they talked. She was passionate about how she spoke and her story behind getting into Mars and the things it got her through was beautiful. 
During the “Munday”, he wasn’t entirely sure what to do. He’d had the account for a week, and wasn’t really thinking about coming out about who he was - if he ever did. But when y/n asked, it was hard to say no. And it would really be fishy if he wouldn’t talk about himself, and wouldn’t send messages. He tried to avoid lying to her (and anyone he talked to), but just avoided certain truths or bent them. 
Shannon had called him back to the studio before he could decide, and he told her he’d think about it. 
Another act of bending the truth came to mind while he was in the studio; he looked through an album they had from Camp Mars and found one of him with a young male fan. He seemed attractive enough, and he was sending her a picture of himself. Just wasn’t specifying which person in the photo he was. His response was vague as well, as she called the kid she assumed next to him cute and expressed jealousy at “meeting Jared.” Oh, if she only knew... It was at Camp Mars. That wasn’t a lie either. He was able to change the subject, shifting it to her desire to go to Camp Mars. If the tickets weren’t as high of a price as they were (an unfortunate necessity for everything they offered), he would have considered offering to get her one; obviously, it wasn’t an issue on his edge, he could get her a ticket easily, but from her end it would look like he was dropping a lot on a girl he hadn’t met. Instead, he just sent her words of encouragement and told her not to give up on dreaming.
A notif dinged on his phone. “Would it be weird if I asked you about switching to text?” It was a message from Y/N. 
He considered that. She didn’t know who she was talking to, and it’s not like his number would give him away, just that he was in LA. She said she was near Mars, but it was far enough from the campsite of Camp Mars that she’d have to leave her car at a friend’s and uber over. Yeah, that meant she had a friend in the area. Fuck, he needed to stop overthinking things.
“Sure. What’s your number?” He responded real quick. It would be nice not to have to worry about her notifs getting buried under all the notifs from his other two Instagram pages; he usually had to have the fan accounts DMs open, or her specific message open. 
She sent back a number, and he copied it, putting it in his phone and send her a text. “Hi, beautiful.” Unless she’d just given her number to fifty different people, she’d know who it was. 
Shannon came into the living room, “hey, we’ve got a meeting to get to,” he told him. Jared nodded and got up, checking his phone when he felt it buzz. 
“Hey =) LA, Huh? So guess that cut some expenses for you for Camp Mars too.” Well... it wasn’t exactly wrong.
“Yep. City of Angels ;P” He was well aware his jokes could be terribly cheesy at times, usually reserved for special people close to him, but he felt he could be open with her.
Buzz. “Well I know that I’m talking to an angel right now <3″ Yeah, she could be a flirt at times too. 
He chuckled softly, alerting Shannon he was involved with his phone for more than business. “Who’s got you all smiley?” he asked as he drove them to their meeting. 
Jared shook his head as he sent a text back, “I promise you, princess, I’m no angel.” He glanced up at Shannon. “Just reading comments.” 
“Mmmhmmm. Then why’s your text open?” he remarked. Damn Shannon and his sunglasses. He could never tell where his brother’s eyes were. And he knew Shannon liked it that way.
“You’ll think I’m insane,” he answered, looking over at him. 
Shannon scoffed. 
Buzz. “Angels are boring anyway :P” He bit back another laugh. 
“Uh, you’re like 40 years too late if you’re trying to prevent me from thinking that, my brother,” he said, turning his attention over as they stopped at a light.
He let out a small sigh, sending you a text first. “If they look like you, they’re *far* from boring.” They were close to the meeting point, so he sent a second as well. “Work calls. Text you later <3″ He set his phone aside, giving Shannon more of his attention. 
“I was looking through comments one day and I came up with the idea to create a “fan account” for the band. It’s all hidden identity, so no one knows who’s behind it. It’s a way to be able to talk to the Echelon, be there, and learn about them without being bombarded with shit on the band account or mine.” He saw Shannon’s eyebrows perk up from under his glasses. “I started talking to one girl, and she’s kinda amazing. Really well spoken, looks at life in a really interesting perspective, we can have little superficial cheesy conversations or really deep ones. She’s super artistic and passionate too, and gorgeous.” 
Shannon had turned back to the road as the light turned green. “Does she know it’s you?” he asked. 
“Nope. I avoid certain truths to be able to dodge her figuring it out.” 
His head turned in a way that told him that he was glancing over. “You don’t think that’ll get weird after a while? Not being able to send pictures or video chat? Maybe not even being able to talk on the phone, depending on how confident you are in your voice acting --”
“I think my different voices are pretty good,” Jared interrupted. 
“Okay, so you can do phone calls. But still puts you at kinda a standing point. One day she’s gonna wanna meet, or video chat. If you’re texting, I assume she’s somewhere in the US, so that only makes it more likely. It’s only a matter of time, man,” he pulled up to park. 
“She’s somewhere in California,” Jared admitted, grabbing his phone and anything else he needed before jumping out. “I dunno, maybe sometime it’d be nice to meet her. I mean, it’s not like dating other fans where it’s a concern if they have ulterior motives or preconceived notions of who I am. She can get to know me as a person before she actually knows who I am.” 
“Just be careful. Don’t want this blowing up in your face. The idea of the Instagram is a nice one, so long as you’re cautious,” Shannon said as they went inside.
“I know.” It was the end of the conversation for now. He checked his phone once more to see if you’d replied and you had “I’ll be thinking of you” with a few kissy face emojis.
Your POV 
Texting felt easier. It was also a surefire way to know if it was him or not, hearing the ringtone you’d set for him everytime he texted. Things were flirtier, and you were a little more into the idea that he was close. It was only about an hour away from LA, though you weren’t sure where exactly in LA. The map that had come up when you looked up the 310 area code covered a large area, and you just knew it was West LA, mostly in Los Angeles County and some of Orange County. 
You were doing some work when your phone chimed an hour later. “I may be free for the night. Now time for exploring one of LA’s many vegan restaurants.” He’d confessed to being vegan like Jared but said it was prior to getting into the band. You thought it was really cool and respectable since he wasn’t one of those “you’re going to hell for eating meat” vegans. 
“I’d love to check some out next time I’m in LA if you have any recommendations. Or maybe you can show me some...” you hinted.
There was a pause, but it was entirely possible he was driving. “Maybe” was all he said. Okay, was he being short cause he didn’t want to meet, or because he was driving like you thought?
“Though I might be sated by a video chat or phone call :p” you teased. He was so secretive about details of his life, and you tried to nudge him out of that. He acted plenty interested unless he was just a flirt. That made you feel a pang in your heart. No, it hadn’t been long, but you had really nice conversations. He had no problem talking about life with you, so long as it wasn’t his life. You’d text for hours about politics, or wildlife, or various other deep topics, but he was shy about talking about his job, or his home life. 
“Maybe one day :P” he teased back. 
That made you frown a little. “You know, I can’t figure out if you’re just super shy, or if you’re really like some 60-year-old dude who likes Mars and younger girls.” It was half teasing, and half serious. 
“I’m not a sixty-year-old guy, I promise,” well that text came quicker than the others.
“You’re under 50, right?” you confirmed. He’d sent a photo, but there were so many online, that didn’t mean anything.
“For a few more years,” he replied again, with a variety of laughing/tongue out emojis to show he was still goofing off.
You thought, trying to figure out other reasons he couldn’t talk on the phone (since he hadn’t confirmed the shy thing.) Another idea came to your head. “You are over 18? I think that’s a requirement for Camp Mars, anyway. And that’d be a lot of money for a teenager to spend too.” 
He sent a laughing emoji at the start of his text. “Yes. I’m not a teenager, over 18, and I’ll even say I’m over 21 if that makes you feel better. Don’t want you getting the wrong idea thinking you’re talking to a pre-teen.”
You rolled your eyes and sent an emoji to show as much. “You’d be a really mature pre-teen. Well. Sometimes.” 
““Sometimes”” he quoted the end of your text. “Yeah, probably accurate...”  He confessed.
You pondered it more as you did some work (him being used to replies getting slow at times.) After a few minutes, you picked up your phone again. “If you’re a girl, that’s okay too. I know some people are shy about their sexuality. Especially if they’re not out. I’m bisexual so it wouldn’t change anything.” You sent a follow-up text. “Or trans.” You really liked him and wanted him (or her?) to be comfortable with you. No matter what, he was someone who made you smile, feel cared about, and you had really nice conversations with. 
Your phone chimed with his ringtone and you looked at it. “Born a guy, and have identified as one for all 21+ years of my life, and don’t think that’s gonna change,” he confirmed. The breath of relief that followed wasn’t one that came from being genuinely worried Jay was a girl or trans, it was more about being worried that you were being lied to.
“Well, that makes me stumped on why you wouldn’t do a phone call then since you didn’t agree with the shy thing, Doesn’t have to be a video call.” 
There was another pause between the texts. “How about one tomorrow?” he responded.
You smiled, feeling satisfied with that. “Sounds perfect.” 
He responded a few minutes later. “I can call you after work? Normally about 8 or so?” 
“I’m off tomorrow, so any time is fine =)”
The rest of the night was spent talking about various other things. Things you wanted to see in LA, places he liked to go, Camp Mars had come back up and you discussed that he told you stories. When it started to get late, he said his goodnights and said he’d be dreaming of you.
Meanwhile he was also thinking he was in way over his head. 
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pocketsizedsam-blog1 · 7 years ago
The Unexpected Perks of Being a Nanny~ Chapter Twelve
Pairing: Jared x Reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: swearing.
A few days later, you, Odette, Shep and Arlo were chilling on the couch. It was later in the afternoon and you were waiting for the time to pick Thomas up. Odette was falling asleep in your arms when all of a sudden, you heard a loud knock on the door. It startled you, and startled Odette too! Odette jumped and started to bawl.
“Oh, sweetie.” You frowned, rubbing her back.
You held her close as you went to get the door, ready to confront whoever woke the nearly asleep baby girl. As you got to the front door, and opened it, the person on the opposite side was not at all who you would have imagined being there.
“Danneel!” You exclaimed.
Danneel stood at the front door, JJ waiting patiently beside her and the twins in a stroller, both of them completely asleep.
“Can we come in?” She smiled.
“Of course.” You smiled as well, moving out of the way, so the four could get in.
You brought JJ into the living room with you while Danneel brought the twins in and got them situated.
“I didn’t know you were coming up!” You giggled.
“Yeah, it was a last minute thing!” She bubbled. “Hopefully Jensen will be able to fit us in.”
“Oh, Dee, you know Jensen will always make time for you.” You chuckled, rubbing Odette’s back as she finally started to settle down.
“Yes, I know, it just so happens Jensen and Jared are very very busy.” She sighed.
You frowned. You planned on having a special night… Just you and your lover. You totally forgot about how busy Jared is all the damn time that you never even realized how tired he will be. He’s not going to want to be up late with you when he has to be awake early for work the next morning!
“Something wrong, Y/N?” Danneel took a seat next to you.
“It’s nothing.” You huffed.
“No, no, it’s something.” She spoke softly.
“Well… I know Jared and I have only been together for a couple of months, but I really wanted us to have our… our first time together. I forgot how busy the boys are and.. And Jared and I are never going to be able to have sex, he’ll be so tired!” You rolled your eyes and scratched your forehead. “This is so stupid, I know.”
“It’s not stupid, Y/N.” Danneel brushed some hair back out of your face and tucked it behind your ear. “I remember wanting that with Jensen. It’s totally normal!”
She gave you a soft smile. This is the first time you’ve had a real girl talk with Danneel, with anyone really! As much as you loved Lacee when you were close, you never felt the need to tell her any of those things.
“I’ll even take the kids for you!” She offered.
“Danneel, as badly as I want to take you up on that offer, I seriously can not leave all six kids with just you; you have three of your own babies to worry about for God’s sakes!”
“Y/N…” Danneel began to cut you off, but you weren’t done just yet.
“And plus, you came all the way up here to be with your husband, with your family all together again.”
“Y/N! Relax...you obviously need to get laid, if you have all this energy bottled up!” She said with a slight laugh. “Please let me take Tom, Shep, ‘n Odette for a night, just find a time where Jare isn’t so exhausted. It’ll give JJ the time to play with her boys, and you time to play with your man, finally!”
“Is this too rushed?” You worried. “Is it normal to want to have sex like this? I mean… we’ve only been dating for a couple of months!”
“This is totally normal, Y/N.” Danneel smiled “Don’t worry about the kids, don’t worry about it being weird, this kind of stuff happens all the time. You’ll feel like you’ll never have time to have sex, especially when you have your own kids and they’re there one hundred percent of the time.”
“Oh god.” You murmured.
“Oh god what? Did I say something wrong?”
“What if Jared and I do have kids… Or-or what if he doesn’t want to have kids with me!”
“Sweetheart… don’t be silly. Yes, four kids will be a lot but Jared loves you, Y/N. You just got to talk him about it. Once you know how he feels you can decide what to do next. And besides, have you seen that man around children! He couldn’t love them more.” Danneel smiled,
One of the twins started crying once she finished speaking.
“Oh Zeppelin’s ready to get a move on.” Danneel chuckled.
You didn’t know how Danneel could tell the difference between Zeppelin and Arrow’s cries. You could barely tell the difference between Thomas and Shepherd’s! Danneel went out to where she left the stroller with the sleeping babies. Now awake, Zeppelin was an unhappy baby. Danneel brought Mini-Jensen back into the room and took a seat on the couch again. Zeppelin cuddled into Danneel and take a deep breath. He stuck his bottom lip out and it quivered as he took another deep breath.
“Oh, Dee, someone’s not happy.” You reached over and smoothed down Zep’s bed hair.
“He never is when he first wakes up.” Danneel rubbed his back. “All he needs is a little lovin’ from his momma n’ some milk.”
After a few minutes, Zep pushed himself up off Danneel and started looking around. Arrow was still asleep in the stroller and Odette had finally dozed off, curled into you. Zeppelin babbled away whereas the older kids chatted while they played. If you had to be honest, being surrounded by such little children did make you want to have your own. Jared would be the perfect person, he was already the best dad to three kiddos. After relaxing on the couch some more, you decided to try to place Odette down properly. Successfully getting her into her crib without her waking up, would have been a serious challenge months ago, but now with all the experience you’d had, Odette went in without a fuss. Coming back into the family room where Danneel sat watching over JJ, Tom, and Shep with the twins nearby, you told her you were going to make a quick snack for everyone and maybe text Jared.
“That’s a great idea, give me a shout if you need some help.” Danneel told you.
“Thanks Dee, but I think I’ll be alright, I’m just putting together food, you’re watching five kids, and two of them are less than a year old.”
“Well still, I know how challenging it is to get carrots to cooperate sometimes.”
And with that sarcastic comment, you laughed your way into the kitchen and to the fridge, with the noises of the older kids playing to fill the quiet. You sent Jared a very risquée text before bringing the platter of fruits and veggies out to the family room for the kids. You knew that the text might’ve came off a bit serious. You didn’t wanted Jared to think you wanted to break up with him! You sent him a second text saying ‘It’s nothing serious’ With the kissy face emoji. The kids dove into the snacks.
“If someone walked by and looked in through the windows they would say that we’ve never ever fed these kids!” You exclaimed, noting how fast the kids were eating.
By then, Arrow was awake and looking around at her surroundings. Zeppelin was on the move, crawling around. Arrow was still cuddling with her momma when you picked Zeppelin up. He let out a grunt and looked up at you.
“Watch out! He likes hair.” Danneel warned.
And not a moment too soon. Zep’s hands already had a tight grip on your hair. You played with Zeppelin for another few minutes before Shep piped up.
“Y/N? Where Thomas?”
“Oh sugar, honey, ice, tea!” You cried out. “I forgot to pick Tom up!”
“Nice acronym.” Danneel giggled. “Go, I got the kids.”
“Are you sure? I can take-”
“Just go, Y/N.”
You nodded yes and set Zep down on the ground. You jumped out over the baby gate and grabbed your shoes and a jacket. You shoved your phone in your pocket while grabbing a set of keys. The last thing you heard was Zeppelin’s wails.
“Are you sure, Dee? Like really, really sure?” You stuck your head
back in over the gate.
Zeppelin’s sobs stopped when he seen you again.
“I’m really, really sure.” Danneel imitated you. “He just doesn’t like when he’s not going with.”
You finally left, driving to Thomas’s school. When he wasn’t in the main foyer, you began to worry. What if they sent him on a bus? What if somebody else has got him? You went into the school’s office, where you found a long-faced Tom, sitting in an oversized waiting chair.
“Y/N!” He exclaimed, his face lighting up. “I thought you for-forgot about me.”
“Honestly, I did buddy.” You ruffled up his hair. “Nanny Y/N got side tracked. There’s a surprise for you at the house. Do you want to go see?”
Thomas talked nonstop about the surprise that was waiting for him at the house. You asked him about his day and he answered you with short responses, trailing back to the surprise. While you were driving back to the house, Jared texted you back. You glanced down at your phone, which was set in the cup holder, then you diverted your gaze back up to the road. You were never the one to text and drive, especially when you had a kid in the car with you. By the time you got home, Tom was bursting at the seams with his excitement.
“That’s not daddy’s truck.” He noted.
“Nope, so that means daddy isn’t your surprise.”
You unbuckled him as he continued to ask more questions, “Is it mommy?”
You shook your head no and helped him out of the SUV.
“Unca Jensen?”
You shook your head no again. You giggled when Thomas put on his thinking face.
You laughed, “Nope.”
You lead him to the door, holding his hand.
“Do you want me to tell you?”
“No! I wants to keep guessin’, Y/N.”
“Okay.” You giggled, taking a seat with Thomas on the front deck.
You checked your phone and texted Jared back while Tom was thinking.
“Auntie Dee!” He smiled.
“Yeah, and?”
“JJ! N’ Arrow n’ Zeppy too.” He cheered, running into the house.
You giggled and followed Thomas in. It was six thirty by the time Jared got home. He was bothered by your demand and bothered by the fact you wouldn’t answer him over text.
“I wanted to do it in person, Jare, I told you it wasn’t serious.” You chuckled, sinking back into your seat. “Do you want to feed Odette while I set the table?”
“I need to talk to you isn’t always the most subtle thing to say to your boyfriend. I thought you were going to end things or-or something!” Jared referred to your text.
“I said it wasn’t serious!” You giggled, repeating your earlier comment on the situation.
You handed Jared the bottle and his child while you placed four sets of dishes on the table. Odette went down for Jared easily. You stopped Jared in the archway to the kitchen.
“You never even gave me a kiss today.” You bit your lip, placing your hands on his chest.
He wrap his long, strong arms around you and pulled you closer. Jared pressed a slow, passionate kiss on your lips. You ran your hands up from his chest and slipped them around the back of his neck.
“Daddy, Y/N…” Tom abhorred. “Yuck.”
Jared pulled away as the both of you chuckled. You ate dinner with Jared and the kids while Jared nagged about the text.
“Can we please talk about that text now?” He groaned, shoving a piece of chicken in his mouth.
“When the kids go to bed, Jared, hold your horses.” You smiled.
Finally, it was that glorious time of the night where both kids were tucked in bed and were sound asleep! You were curled up on top of Jared, the two of you lied down on the couch, entertaining yourselves with a movie.
“So about that text…” Jared asked, unsure of how many times was too much to ask.
You sat up, straddling his lap.
“I’m telling you, Jare, it’s nothing to get worked up over.”
“Please, Y/N. I want to know!” He whined.
You laughed, realizing you’ve done enough teasing.
“I-um- Here’s the thing… I really want to fuck you, Jared. I just want us to have- I want us to have our first time. I want it to be romantic and naughty all at the same time! And I want to know where you stand with… with us having a baby.” You rushed. “I mean not now, down the road a little ways.”
“Oh-um-wow.” Jared chuckled and breathed a sigh of relief. “Four kids is a lot.”
“I know. I know. But this baby would only be my first! As much as I love your kids Jared… They’re not mine.” You frowned. “I’m always just going to be nanny Y/N to them. Not mom. I want to be a mom and I don’t wanna have kids with anyone else! We’ve only been together for a few months, but Jared… I know you’re the one.”
@inevergaveuplarry @nanie5 @reachforthestarsgirl @beckawinchester
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stan-holland · 8 years ago
Untitled -- Tom Holland x (Female) Reader
It was hard for me to avoid pronouns for a chunk of this, so I’m sorry for using female pronouns -- I hate myself.
Ask for a follow back!
Thanks for 600+ followers, you’re all tight.x
Based (roughly) off the song “Muchacho” by Kings of Leon.
I don’t want to ruin anything, but there is mentions of d*ath. Please read at your own risk.x
Here’s something you won’t enjoy as much.x
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It had been some time since you had done something like this -- gone and managed to pull off a surprise as well as you had this weekend. Although you had spent a significant amount of money and time to make this happen, you were glad you were going to see Tom after those couple of months apart. And although you had seen his family over the holidays, they were very excited to have you back in their home -- and they were also really nervous because they didn't want to spill the secret to Tom. After a year and a half of dating, it still managed to surprise you how well you had integrated into the Holland household, but you definitely loved being accepted so well into his family.
As you went to wait on the curb for your ride, you pulled out your phone to check Twitter. Although you loved being a part of Tom's life, you loved being involved with his fans, too. You enjoyed seeing all of the jokes and stories and pictures that they constantly uploaded and sent to you. Sometimes -- more than 7 times out of 10, really -- you would like things enough to show them to Tom yourself. You enjoyed seeing his face break out into a laugh or a smile whenever he saw something that you liked too -- but you enjoyed seeing fans freak out when Tom would reply or retweet them for their work. You enjoyed seeing fans finally be recognized for all of the work they did because of their love for Tom.
You looked up when a car pulled up in front of you and smiled politely. "Are you Y/N Y/L/N?"
You nodded, "Yup! Hello, good evening." You went to grab your carry-on case from the sidewalk. "Do you mind if I put my stuff in the trunk?" "Oh!" The driver went to unbuckle himself, but you began to shake your head.
"No, no, no. It's alright, I can put it away myself! You don't need to get out of the car."
"Thank you, that's very kind!" He moved to buckle in again and you moved towards the trunk to put your things there. Although you didn't like to touch other people's things -- like their cars -- you also didn't want to be cramped up in the backseat. When you finished putting things in the back, you went to sit in the backseat. "Thank you." The driver looked at you through the rear-view mirror, smiled, and nodded. "It's my pleasure." With that, he took off towards Tom's house. You texted his mom that you were leaving the airport and smiled when she sent a kissy-face emoji back within seconds. Considering Tom's family lived about 30 minutes from the airport, you took the time you had to gather yourself before seeing him. Although it had been only two months, you had both felt like it had been an eternity.
Your relationship with Tom had always felt surreal -- you had both melded into each other perfectly and you had both melded into each others' lives so well. Your mother always mentioned that you were both soulmates -- and although it was corny, you both felt it was the right term. Soulmates was the only word that ever felt right. You were proud to call him your soulmate. "Oh man," said the driver. "It's so foggy out tonight. London sure likes some dramatic fog after the rain." You laughed light-heartedly. "Well, considering I'm seeing my boyfriend for the first time in months, I can't really complain." He glanced to look at you in the mirror again, "Well isn't that awful special?" You smiled brighter, "Yeah. It really is. I'm excited beca---" The lights were too bright for you to continue talking. 
"Hey Tom?" Nikki Holland called her son from downstairs. She wanted to make sure her son was their to open the door when Y/N knocked.
“Yes, mum?”
“Can you come down here and help me for a second?”
Nikki heard him thump down the stairs. “Of course!” She handed a bowl with a whole chicken in it. “Can you please pull the chicken for me?” Tom groaned and went to sit on the dining room table with the chicken.
As Nikki pattered around the kitchen for a second, she began to think about how lucky her son was. Although the idea of finding your soulmate at such a young age felt strange, she also knew that her son would be in great hands for the rest of his life. She wasn’t afraid of Y/N breaking his heart.
A knock came to the door and Nikki raised her voice, “Tom, can you get that?” She was excited to see her reaction, so she took her phone out so she could record this for their wedding video.
Tom opened the door and then walked away from it, “Hey dad. Why’d you knock?”
“Forgot my key,” Dom Holland said. He pulled the hood off his head and looked questioningly at Nikki who was putting her phone away. He went to remove his jacket and continued, “There was this huge accident up the road, a couple minutes out.” He shrugged off his jacket, “Some asshole in a pick-up hit some tiny car head-on. I guess some people died, pretty sure I saw a body bag off the side of the road.”
“That’s terrible!” said Tom.
“Why would you tell us that, Dom?” said Nikki.
“Just thought I’d share the horror. It’s a cruel world out there.”
Tom and Nikki both shook their heads but continued to move on with their tasks. Nikki, however, felt significantly worried. Although she knew traffic was out of your control, she didn’t want you to be out there in the cold for too long.
She decided to text you, to make sure you were alright. When the message was delivered, she put it down, but made sure her phone was on loud.
You picked your head up and felt a headache forming. You were outside Tom’s house -- you must have blacked out at some point, but you hoped that you had paid the nice driver.
You gathered your belongings, shook yourself off a bit, and moved towards their front door. You knocked twice and then went to rub your head a bit, the sounds made your headache worse.
After a couple of seconds, you realized you didn’t hear anyone coming near the door, so you tried again. After the same thing happening again, you went to look through the window to see if you could see anyone there.
You saw Tom sitting at the dining room table, picking away at something in a bowl. You smiled to yourself and knocked on the window a few times.
But your smile turned into a frown, when Tom looked up at the window -- up at you -- and immediately turned back down to look at the bowl. You angrily pulled out your phone and dialed his number.
“Thomas Holland, open this fuc---”
“I can’t come to the phone right now, but feel free to leave a message and I’ll get back to you soon. Thanks, bye.”
“Classic Tom.” You groaned and put your phone back in your pocket. You pounded on the window a couple of times but nothing happened.
You moved away from the window and pulled your phone out again. You sighed when you realized you hadn’t hung up on the call and that you had left Tom a 2 minute voicemail. “I love you, you idiot.” You hung up the call.
As you moved back over to the front door, you began to feel lightheaded once more. You felt like your head was 10 times bigger and you groaned as you felt yourself fall to the ground.
Nikki felt herself begin to panic a bit -- it had been hours since she had heard from you and she had called your phone several times now, but they had all been redirected to your voicemail.
“Tom, I’m worried.” She walked into the dining room and went to sit by her son.
“What’s wrong?”
“I haven’t heard from Y/N in 3 hours.”
“I’m sorry?” He was confused and he put away his phone.
“Y/N was on her way here to surprise you,” she began. “And she sent me a text when she was on her out of the airport, but she hasn’t contacted me yet.”
“Wait, no. What?” He got up and begin to move around. “Why didn’t you say something earlier?!”
“Tom, sweetheart, calm down, please.” Nikki got up and tried to calm her son down. “I’ve called her phone and it keeps going to voicemail. Y/N probably lost with the driver or something.”
“No! We need to do something!” Tom went and ran for his shoes and jacket. He slipped into these and searched around in his pockets for car keys. Nikki ran behind him and followed his lead -- she needed to make sure Y/N was okay.
“What’s with all the ruckus?” said Dom, as he came down the stairs.
“Y/N hasn’t called me in the last 3 hours.”
“She hasn’t called you since she left the airport?!” said Dom, worried now.
“No, dad!” Tom was getting ready to walk out the door. “We need to find Y/N.”
The Holland were forced to pull over before they even got to reach the scene of that one horrific accident. The police around the area were forcing people to turn back around or to wait for the scene to clear.
Although they didn’t want to see it, it just so happened that they had a clear, direct view of the wreckage from the accident. Tom sighed and banged the wheel when he finally got a moment to be frustrated.
“Tom, please calm down son.” said Dom.
“I can’t calm down!” Tom was furious, “Why didn’t anyone say anything earlier?!”
“I’m sorry, Tom.” Nikki tried to put an arm on her son’s shoulder, “I’m so terribly sorry. I didn’t want to worr----”
“Wait.” Tom leaned forward and began to look out the glass a bit. “NO!” He unbuckled himself quickly and went to push the door open. Tom ran out of the car and ran toward the yellow crime scene tape. “NO! NO! LET ME SEE THAT BAG! LET ME SEE THAT BAG!”
“Sir, I’m going to need you to calm down.” A police officer came closer to Tom and tried to push him back.
“No I need to see that bag! I think I recognize that bag!” The police officer sighed and waved to one of the other officers to come closer with the tag.
Tom reached out to touch the top of the bag -- where his name was stitched neatly -- and sighed deeply when he didn’t see his name there. Nikki and Dom were quick to come over. “That’s not hers,” said Tom.
The police officer nodded and began to walk away. Before Tom could turn around, however, he saw what he didn’t want to see.
His saw Y/N’s ID card hanging from the tag of the backpack. Tom fell to his knees and felt his heart collapse.
Nikki tried to reach out for him, but she saw the ID, too. And she fell to her knees as well.
Nikki always knew you would never break her son’s heart on purpose.
She just never knew you would break her son.
The doctor put it like this:
The patient was not dead instantly. The car was hit, head-first, by a drunk driver. With the fog and the alcohol, the driver drove for 2 miles on the opposing side of the road. The drunk driver was going 40 over the speed limit -- he was gaining speed the entire time he was on the opposite side of the road. The drunk driver was gaining speed, until he hit the small, black vehicle head-on.
That small vehicle contained Y/N and the nice driver. The car was squished into half its size -- the car was flipped upside down before the drunk driver drove over them that way.
The nice driver died on impact.
The person in the backseat was not as lucky.
They were living for 5 minutes, max, before the head wound led to death. All three people involved in this accident were dead on arrival.
Tom is lying on his bed. He hasn’t eaten well or slept well or done anything well.
Tom is lying on his side and he’s facing the wall. He’s had too many moments where he believes he hears you coming up the stairs.
Tom is lying on his bed, on his side, staring at his phone.
Staring at his phone, with a voicemail on it.
A voicemail from you.
And he’s heard it a million times now.
But somehow, hearing it today is more painful than he’d imagined.
Your engagement ring -- or the one that was meant to be yours -- is in his palm and he can’t stop imagining your beautiful finger with this ring.
But he can hear your voice and he doesn’t have to imagine what you’d say.
Because on the voicemail is you.
It’s you before you died.
The police officer says you dragged yourself -- you took your phone out of your pocket. You dialed Tom’s number and when he didn’t answer, you didn’t have the physical capacity to hang up.
So it’s you gurgling for 30 seconds -- 30 painful, long seconds of you groaning in pain. But near the end -- near the end of your final moments -- you groan out,
I love you, you idiot.
Author’s Note: Y’all didn’t even know that the whole “fluffy Tom Holland oneshots” was a fucking phase.
phase over.
i love you guys.x
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sunfloooooower · 8 years ago
Mended. Chapter 3.
Thanks so much for being so awesome!
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
I woke up Friday morning to a call from Zenith Theater. I had an interview with Rob at noon, he obviously didn’t know that Audrey already told me I had the job. I got dressed and mom let me borrow her car again so I could go to the interview.
I walked into the theater and saw that it was in full swing. People were everywhere and all the employees were busy helping them. I probably should’ve looked to see what Rob looked like… just as I was thinking that, a man came up to me with a tie on.
“Ari?” he asked.
“Yes, that’s me,” I replied, holding out my hand to shake his. “Are you Rob?”
“The one and only,” he replied with a smile. “Come with me to my office, Ari. We’ll talk about the job and what it entails.”
I nodded and followed him to a room off the side of the lobby. He shut the door before sitting down behind his desk with me in a chair in front of it. We did the usual interview stuff and he told me I was hired, then we talked about hours and the days I could work.
“I just moved here so I don’t really know anyone or where anything is. I can work whenever,” I replied, sitting my hands on my thighs. “Except this Saturday night.”
Rob raised his eyebrows but said nothing. “Do you mind coming in Monday at one? I’ll have someone here to train you.”
“Oh, I’m already register trained,” I told him anxiously. “I worked at a grocery store for a while in New York.”
“That wonderful, one less thing to teach you,” he replied with a pleased smile. “Make sure you tell Audrey on Monday.”
“Audrey’s doing my training?” I asked, my excitement bubbling to the surface.
“Ah, I had a feeling you two knew each other judging by the way she was talking about you,” he said. “Yes, she’s going to do your training. She does all the training of new employees.”
“She was who brought me my application,” I told him, hoping my voice was more even and my face wasn’t as bright as I knew it was. “But I can totally come in at noon on Monday.”
“Before you say that, I’m required by law to tell you about what happened here last year,” he announced, his mood instantly becoming solemn. “I’m sure you’ve heard of the Lakewood murders by this point, one of the attacks happened in theater 3. No one died, but there was another attack in the lobby.”
Knowing about the murders and knowing some of the attacks happened here were two completely different things. It might’ve been stupid to be freaked about it, but I felt my heart beat a little faster. I wiped my sweaty palms on my shorts and decided to put on my big girl panties.
“I still want to work here,” I told him decidedly. “I know how to deal with baggage, trust me.”
He seemed satisfied with my answer and stood up, shaking my hand. “Welcome to the Zenith family, Ari.”
I left the theater and drove to the mall. Even with all the clothes I owned, there wasn’t the right outfit for tomorrow night. It was my first date with Audrey, it had to be perfect. I wanted to look good because I knew she’d look amazing.
After I parked, I sent a text to my mom telling her where I was and went inside. It was bigger than I gave it credit and had more stores inside than I thought. Maybe I’d judged this little rinky-dink town too quickly. It seemed to have a lot to offer me so far.
I bought a new dress and a pair of flats before going back home to find my car parked in the driveway. An excited noise left my mouth as I ran over to it. I had a lot of memories in that Camry and was very happy to finally have it back with me. Leaving the only life you’ve ever known was hard, and it was nice to have a little piece of home here with me.
I ran into the house with my purse bouncing against my hip and my shopping bag trailing behind me. Mom was sitting in the living room with a proud smile on her face. She knew it was here already and didn’t say anything –I loved her.
“How long has it been here?” I asked, flopping down beside her on the couch. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It got here about twenty minutes after you left this morning,” she answered. “I wanted it to be a surprise. I know how much you love your car.”
I flung my arms around her neck and rocked from side to side. “Thank you so much!”
“What did you buy?” she asked after I sat back against the couch arm.
“After I left the theater, I got the job by the way, I went to get an outfit for my date tomorrow night,” I told her, slipping the detail in coyly.
“That’s wonderful, honey!” she cheered. “I also want to see what you bought, go put it on and show me.”
I hurried upstairs to put on my new outfit, slipping the dress on and tying the string of my flats around my ankles. Then I went back downstairs and modeled it for my mom.
“That dress is so pretty! And the shoes are perfect,” she complimented. “And hopefully I’m allowed to borrow them…?”
My mother was only thirty-three, she was seventeen when she had me so that mean the two of us shared clothes and shoes a lot. Well, we shared shoes a lot –she had boobs and I had a clavicle. It was kind of cool having a mom to share shoes with, but sometimes I had to reprimand her for not putting them back.
“Don’t you always?” I teased before going back upstairs to change and finish unpacking the last of my things.
I turned on music and hummed along to the song playing as I hung my new dress in my closet. I was dancing around the room when I heard my phone go off. I had a snapchat from Audrey, the two of us exchanged names this morning while I was getting ready for my interview.
I opened it to find a picture of her in her Zenith uniform, her eyes closed with the caption: So bored. Send help. I laughed and sent her a picture of me pouting playfully back that said: I’ll be there Monday to rescue you. Then I tossed my phone onto my bed and went back to breaking down all the boxes I’d already emptied.
My phone dinged again as I was walking downstairs with all the cardboard in my hands. I laid them in the kitchen with the others before rushing back upstairs to see what she said. I nearly tripped over a stack of shoe boxes by my door in my haste to get my phone off my bed.
Audrey had a hand in her hair with a blinding smile on her face, so radiant that it made my heart skip a beat. The caption said: That and our date tomorrow makes today livable. Knowing she was as excited about tomorrow night as I was made happiness bubble in my belly. I couldn’t remember the last time I was looking forward to something this much.
I pursed my lips out in a duck face and crossed my eyes, typing: Happy I can help. Then I sent it with a kissy face emoji sticker on the picture as well. I laid in bed waiting for her response, thinking about how I was going to wear my hair and do my makeup tomorrow night. I wanted to look perfect so she’d be as nervous around me as I was around her, even if I knew that was never going to happen. She was so calm and collected all the time, it was a little intimidating.
My mom called me down for dinner a little while later and I left my phone upstairs, knowing she’d reprimand me if I was on it while we ate. It was one of her rules, dinner was technology-free so we could talk about our days. I knew exactly what they’d ask me about, but I seriously didn't want to talk about it.
There was pasta and bread sitting on the table, homemade pasta by the look of things. Freddie was already sitting down and mom was grabbing a pitcher of water from the fridge. The woman officially had too much time on her hands, she never cooked when we lived in New York much less made things from scratch.
“Mom, you made dinner?” I asked, cautiously eyeing the food.
She glared at me playfully before sitting down the pitcher and pulling her chair under the table. “Yes, stranger things have happened, Arianna.”
She meant business whenever she used my full name so I let the subject drop. I knew she had no idea what to do with herself now that she wasn’t in New York decorating people’s homes and shopping for décor.  
“What happened at the theater today?” Freddie asked, trying to change the subject before a fight started brewing. “Did you see your girlfriend?”
I rolled my eyes, but I knew I was blushing. “Shut up, she wasn’t there whenever I was. I definitely have a job, I start my training on Monday.”
“That’s wonderful, honey,” mom complimented as we filled our plates with food. “So, do I get to meet this girl tomorrow night?”
That was the question I’d been dreading. It wasn’t that I was embarrassed of my mother or of Audrey, I was just nervous for the two of them to meet. The only other girl she’d met was Delia and that was a total trainwreck.
“I guess if you want to…” I replied reluctantly.
She smiled happily and turned her attention to my brother. I knew for a fact she’d meet Audrey tomorrow night whether I wanted her to or not, it was just easier now that I’d agreed to it. Freddie was raving about the friends he’d made today at a skate park I didn’t know existed and I was glad the attention was off me.
As soon as dinner ended, I fell into my bed and fell asleep pretty fast. I guess the day had been more exhausting than I realized.
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brainrattlers · 8 years ago
I Hope I Can Handle It (Pt 1/?)
Summary: Sequel to “Think You Can Handle It?” - F/Reader is in a long-distance relationship with her man.  Traveling for the holidays!
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x F/reader
Words:  2894
Warnings: Fluff fluff fluff. Little bit of implied sexy times. Also I curse, and we know Sebastian does too. I can’t think of much else here.
A/N: Soooo I’m writing a sequel? to Think You Can Handle It?… and rather than bombard you with a big wall of text, I’m putting this one into chapters. My timeline is all off on this, it was supposed to be out around Christmas, but if I can work it right… we’ll end up at Valentine’s Day. (queue the “ooOOOOooh!”)  Y/F/N= Your Friend’s Name
The promise that you made Sebastian that fateful Saturday night stayed true. The two of you continued talking, every day.  Yes, some days it was a handful of texts, some days it was phone calls that lasted hours. Photos sent back and forth of what was going on any given day.  Skype chats watching movies on TV together. And the plans… oh, the plans that were being made.
You were nervous, but so excited.  Sebastian suggested you come visit him for the holidays.  It was a pretty overwhelming thought, really.  Two whole weeks in New York City. Traveling somewhere new.  Getting to physically touch Seb again. The first time you’d not been with your family on Christmas.  And then it really hit you.
Meeting Sebastian’s family.
Your phone started ringing, with the familiar ringtone of the song you first danced to under the stars the night of your first kiss. The phone’s screen lit up with the epic bedhead photo.  A smile lit up on your face as you answered the phone.
“Hey baby girl, what’s up?”
“Oh Seb, you are the one calling me, I should be asking you that question.  Well, minus the babygirl part.”  
Sebastian chuckled.  “S’been a long day.  Super tired.”
You could hear it in his voice.  It was fairly late in his time zone. You also knew it was cardio day at the gym, which would make anyone exhausted.
“Aww, I’m sorry babe.  I have news though… finally got my flight booked.  I can’t believe I’m going to be there in a few days!”  You could feel the smile growing on Sebastian’s face, even though it was over the phone, no video or anything. “I just need to figure out then what I’m doing once on the ground. Taxi? Uber?”
“No no, I’m picking you up. I mean we may Uber back, but I’m going to be the first person you see once you get to the baggage claim.”
After you shared your flight details, you talked about the day, eating dinner “together” while on the phone. A few ideas of things to do while there were thrown around, and finally the question of “so how is Christmas working anyway?” came up.
You were nervous. Meeting the family is huge, as first impressions are not something you can “fix” if it goes wrong. Sebastian assured you it would be okay, that he’d be there the whole time, would be your knight in shining armor.
“You mean, knight in shining ARM…or?”
Sebastian audibly groaned.
“And this is just one of the reasons I am crazy about you.  I hate to say it though, I’m getting pretty tired, and I’m meeting Don in the morning at 7:30 to go over a few things before we work out. Talk tomorrow?”
“Of course babe. Sleep well, sweet dreams.”
Packing. It was your least favorite thing to do, and weren’t really sure how much to pack.  Sebastian convinced you (maybe rather easily) that you weren’t staying at a hotel, but rather his apartment, so you didn’t need to pack clothes for every day… there was this thing known as a washer and dryer you could use.  Regardless, despite him knowing you as a totally casual dresser, you felt it important to wear something sort of dressy for Christmas day with the family.
And with Seb, his day to day clothing options would go from 0 to 60 in the drop of a hat.  It was nothing for him to be in workout sweats one minute, and dressed to the nines in a tux that would kill all the ladies the next.  You wanted to be able to keep up with him… other than something requiring a formal ball gown.
Finally picking out several tops and bottoms, some jeans and tees, you threw them in your suitcase, but then another odd realization hit you.
“Oh shit. Pajamas. Do I go the comfy route? Do I wear something sexy? Do I even own anything sexy to sleep in?”
It’d been awhile since you were planning out clothing because of a guy, minus the weekend with Sebastian.  You took a deep breath in, shaking your head, and let it out slowly as you grabbed a couple pairs of pajama shorts and pants, as well as a few tank tops, and threw them in the bag as well.
“You can handle this.”
After moving your suitcase from the bed, you crawled in, telling yourself the sooner you sleep, the sooner your flight is.  Your eyes closed, and you were out, until you weren’t. The alarm on your phone was blaring, and fingers fumbled along the nightstand to reach for it.  With the alarm silenced, you squinted with one eye at the screen, clearing off notifications that accumulated overnight, stopping to read a couple texts.
“Two more days, can’t wait!”
“Hey sunshine. I can’t believe you’re getting ready to ditch me for two weeks. Grab lunch before you head out?”
Tapping the second message, you punched out a response of “Yes please. I need to get my head out of panic mode. Thoughts creeping in about how I’m meeting his mother.” As soon as you hit send you freaked out a bit, hoping that went to Y/F/N rather than Sebastian.  That wouldn’t have been awkward at all.  After realizing you were in the clear, you texted Seb back as well.
“Getting packed.  I hope I’ve got the right clothes for the occasions.”
“You’re lovely in whatever you wear. Or aren’t wearing.”
“SEBASTIAN!” You sent along a shocked emoji, along with a laughing one, feigning your embarrassment.  He knew better though. He knew just as well as you do that despite blushing, you always loved it and it made you smile.
“Yeah yeah baby girl.  I’ll call you tonight after I get back from this opening I said I’d go to.  I hope you have a good day! *heart emoji*”
“You too, sweetie. *kissy lips emoji* Enjoy the opening!”
Y/F/N texted back a time and place, not surprisingly, Mama J’s.
While you had originally helped out Mama J when she needed some extra staff after her husband had passed, and she returned the favor so many times over by helping Sebastian with your first date, Sebastian’s Instagram post talking about Mama J’s was all the help her little business needed to be kicked into high gear.  Even if the restaurant was packed with a waitlist, you were always a VIP in her eyes and was seated immediately, although most of the time you told her it was okay and would wait. Today was no different, and luckily for both Y/F/N and you, there was no rush as you both had the day off.  Mama J insisted you be seated, but you stuck to your guns.
“Mama J, the new customers should be your VIPs, not me!  We’re really not in a hurry and don’t want to tie up a table when you can be wowing everyone else.  Besides, you know I love watching the customers. It helps me figure out how we’re going to set up the new location!”
She beamed at that statement. Because business was booming, money was coming in more readily, and Mama J had dreamed of opening a larger location to accommodate more customers.  You had promised you’d help out as much as you could, and through your contacts, had found a handful of new sites to look at.  Shooing her off, she ran back to the kitchen to get a few more orders ready to be sent out, and barking out orders to her staff.  Mama J, although the sweetest woman in the world, could be a drill sergeant when necessary.  The good thing was that she respected her small staff, and in turn, despite the urgency she conveyed, they respected her back.  Finding such a crew is tough to do these days.
Once a table opened up for you after waiting along with the others, you and Y/F/N sat down, and Mama J gave you the eye.  Silently, both of you nodded at Mama J, and she rushed off to the kitchen to prepare your lunches.  It wasn’t like the two of you ate there every week, if not more often, and she knew what you wanted or ANYTHING like that.  You both laughed and continued your conversation from earlier.
“I’m super excited for the trip, but seriously I’m running into mini-panic attacks.  This morning I legitimately freaked out realizing I had to figure out pajamas. Or like… presents. Not only do I have to get Seb something, but I feel like I need to get his mother and stepfather something.  Couple all this with the fact I’m going to a city I’ve never been. Just ARGGHHH!”  You rested your head in your hands, taking a deep breath.
“But… Sebastian.  You, girl, are going to see your man.  Sebastian freaking Stan.  You know if I weren’t your best friend, I’d totally be bashing you for freaking out that you’re going to see him.” Y/F/N chuckled. “Seriously though, it’s going to be fine. You know he’s just going to be showing you all the fun stuff in the city, and you’ll spend a day at the in-laws, and you’re going to just have fun.  You always freak out right before trips.”  You choked on your water at the mention of in-laws.
“I know, but,” you were still trying to clear your throat, “ugh. I just want everything to be as perfect as possible.  I’m not sure I can handle this.”
Y/F/N smirked.  Mama J was coming back with your food, interrupting your conversation.
“Child, you know you’ve got this.  Don’t you go letting me down, that boy is head-over-heels about you. You two are beautiful together.  Just be you, and everyone will love you.”
You sighed at Mama J’s statement, but knew she was right.  First impressions are huge, but the fact of the matter was that the only one you REALLY needed to impress was Sebastian, and that means the hard part is done.  You know his mother just wants him to be happy, and if he’s happy, you’re golden.
“Thanks Mama J, you’re the voice of reason I need sometimes.” She smiled and patted your head, before she skipped back to the kitchen.
While enjoying lunch, Y/F/N came up with a good question.
“So what ARE you getting Sebastian for Christmas?  You know it is just a few days away.”
You cringed.  It is so difficult picking out Christmas gifts so early on in a relationship.  Getting something expensive and extravagant is always appealing, but you don’t want to scare off the other person, or make them feel bad if they went the other route of something small and sentimental.  On that note, when you’re not with that person physically all the time, having never been to their home… sometimes figuring out likes and dislikes is a bit more difficult.  You talk all the time, and Sebastian will mention things he likes, but when you’ve got a multi-film deal, you probably have money enough to just buy whatever you want.  Not that you saw Sebastian as the type to just blow his money.  He always seems quite conservative, except for when it comes to clothes.  Those sweatpants he was wearing in the video for Fox NY 5? Easily $100+.  He certainly did make them look good… of course he makes most anything look good while working out.  Your mind started to wander, thinking about some of the latest videos of him working out with Don.  The dopey grin, glazed over eyes, and slight hum that came from you was indeed a cue to Y/F/N that you were spacing out.
“Hey chica, I asked you, what are you getting Sebastian?”
“Oh hey, um, sorry.  I’m not sure yet. I’m hoping if we get a chance to go shopping, he can drop some hints.  I mean, seriously what do you get a guy that is bankrolled by Marvel?”  Y/F/N thought about it for a moment, and felt sympathy.
“You’re right, but you always pick out the best presents, I think you’ll be okay.”
Finishing lunch, you thanked Mama J, promising to keep in touch during your trip.  She still wanted to make sure that Sebastian was being nothing but a gentleman with you. Typical Mama J.  Hugging everyone before you left, you headed out to some local shops to see if you could find anything local to bring with you to give Sebastian and his family a taste of your life.  You had wished you could just bring Mama J with you.  She was like your security blanket at times. Stopping in the candy shop you had issues keeping Sebastian out of when you first took him to Mama J’s, you picked up a few of your favorite homemade items.  You could at least check a few things in your bag.  The idea hit you to get some tomato soup from Mama J to surprise Sebastian with.  Mama J was awesome and canned a few to-go jars (not on the menu, and were sealed so they didn’t need refrigeration).  That might have to be one of your first meals with Seb though once off the plane.   
It was a quick afternoon after the shopping.  Figuring out the best way to pack your suitcase without smashing glass jars of soup or the small packets of candy, your phone blooped with your expected nightly interruption.  You hadn’t realized just how late it was, but the sun had set, and you knew it was even later for him still.  Opening the app, you saw Sebastian’s smiling face.
“Hey baby girl, how was your day?”  Despite being tired, his grin continued.
“Pretty good, finishing up packing. Had lunch at Mama J’s with Y/F/N. Did some Christmas shopping.  Extremely tired though. How was the opening?”
“Lots of people, not enough food, and man am I glad to be getting out of this suit.”
He must have been getting undressed AS he was on the phone with you, seeing him drop out of the camera’s view, coming back with his hair a bit more mussed, and no shirt on, at least that you could see of his shoulders. All you could think of was kissing those collar bones when you had the chance.  You smirked.
“I wish I had seen you IN the suit first… you know how much I enjoy you in suits…” You giggled as he rolled his eyes at you.  Much to your dismay, he threw on a tshirt and hoodie.  Your dirty thoughts would just have to wait.
“So, how about an episode of Stranger Things? We’re on what, episode 6?”  The picture on the screen moved around, finally with a final bounce as you could tell Sebastian had just sat down in his favorite chair. You sat down in your own chair, propping your phone up on the table next to you, then grabbing the TV remote to start up Netflix.  It was always a bit of a game to try to get the episode to start at the same time so one of you wasn’t too far ahead/behind of the other.
“1.. 2… 3!”
You both hit the play button simultaneously. You told Seb to hold tight while you ran to the kitchen to get something for dinner.  
“Bring me back something, will ya?” Sebastian hollered through the tiny phone speaker. You laughed, coming back with a bowl of grapes to munch on. The both of you focused on the show, but gasped, laughed, and finally talked about the episode together.  Sebastian had started to yawn about ¾ of the way through the episode, so it wasn’t super surprising when you didn’t talk a lot after the episode.  You did feel like you needed to confess something though.
“Hey Sebby?” you mumbled, but enough for him to hear, “Can we maybe go shopping one day? I need to find some things to bring back for Y/F/N and Mama J… and a few other presents, too.” You hoped he wouldn’t catch on that you needed to get him something still.
“Sure, I’ll take you to the best stores in the city, babe. I think that is part of the NYC experience. I hate to say it though, but I’m exhausted. Another early morning with Don, and then I realized I need to clean up the place, I have a VIP coming over day after tomorrow!”  He swung the phone around, showing you the living room, looking a little disheveled.  Typical bachelor… cleaning up because a girl was coming over.  You smiled and nodded.
“Sounds good, I need to get a few things ready for tomorrow.. And then…”
Sebastian interrupted.
“31 hours until you’re here!”
“You’re keeping that close of track?”
“You better believe I am!  The best damn handler in all the land will be here!”
You smiled, and blew Sebastian a kiss. “Night, babe.”
“G’night babygirl.”
(Part 2)
Tagging: @dawn121, @sceaterian
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