#like haha overdramatic theatre kid is going on his rant and then gets knocked out how funny because no one likes his screeching
floofysmallbob · 4 months
I was scrolling Pinterest and I kept finding panels from the manga of Neito getting knocked out. Him being overdramatic doesn’t give anyone an excuse to knock him out and drag him by the collar. He gets karate chopped to the back of the neck so frequently no one blinks an eye at the fact that he is getting punched by someone who is strong enough to crush tungsten with just her fists. Also, he only acts overdramatic around Class A, his classmates know he’s not like that all the time, and it would be fine to just drag him away while he’s still conscious. It’s one thing when he’s saying things like the whole “Bakugou caused the downfall of all might” to provoke people, or when he’s fighting dirty, but when he’s just getting carried away laughing manically, there’s zero reason to knock him unconscious and drag him across the floor.
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