#like guess how many times ive watched the deadpool movie. whatever your guess is i can guarantee it should be doubled
erythristicbones · 1 year
i feel like my biggest hypocritical trait is that i will make fun of the fans of superhero movies/the state of MCU and DC and all that jazz as much as the next person, but i WILL also lose my mind over every one of those movies that i watch. not because they're good(they aren't), or well written(they aren't), or even that funny(usually they aren't). it's just that the very second i start watching a movie with superheroes i lose every single one of my braincells and i have the time of my life. i will rewatch so many of these dogshit movies just so i can see people kickass with funky powers
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kello-unknown · 4 years
Summary:  Max lives an… entertaining life.  She just got out of a relationship she thought would last forever.  Meeting one person leads to more people in her life, and before she knows it, she’s falling in love with someone she never expected to fall in love with.
Words:  1,492
Warnings: like one flashback (but its a flashback of a flashback so), brief mention of alcohol consumption, flirty talk (kinda)
Author’s Note:  dont forget if u wanna catch up on what happened in the last chapter, you can click down below and re-read and remember what happened to the gang lol :D
               THE next few days begin the same for the most part.  Alex starts to wake up a bit earlier every day now that she’s becoming used to waking up in Max’s bed.  The two see each other before Max leaves for work and Alex starts to plan for her day.  Alex had called her boss, who had, over the course of the years she has worked there, become a close friend, and told her a brief story of what happened.  Her boss told her to take as much time as she needed to recover, and Alex intended on doing just that.
               Throughout the first week of her being at the house, Alex spends most of her days taking walks down the street and visiting the town since she lived a few towns over before everything happened.  She gets home around five o’clock usually, and Max comes home from work a little more than an hour later.  The two would eat dinner together and share their day.  They’d watch a silly movie or something stupid so that there would be background noise as they would just talk to each other and enjoy the time they have.  After a while, one of them would say that it was late and that they should go to bed, the other would agree, and the cycle of activities would repeat the next day.
               One day, as she’s taking her daily walk, Alex comes by what looks like, to her, a night club.  She walks by and realizes it’s just a bar.  She’s practically explored the whole town at this point, and this seems to be the only bar in this area.  Then it hits her.  She remembers what Max told her about the night she and Natalie broke up. 
               After what feels like hours of crying, Max gets up and walks to the fridge, looking for the one thing that’s always been there for her whenever she’s had a problem that no one else could help her with.  Downing one bottle of beer, she goes to grab another one, along with her house keys, and goes for a walk.  Ten minutes go by, and she arrives at her go-to bar, stumbling in….
               This must be the bar Max went to drown all of her sorrows.  And by the looks of Max, there must have been a lot of sorrows. 
               Alex pulls her phone out of her pocket and goes through her text messages and clicks on one name.  She hasn’t told anyone about what happened between her and Devin, not even Casey, her best friend since God knows how long.  She couldn’t imagine life without her.  Casey was always there for her, no matter what. 
               “Hey girlie, you doing anything tn?  I have a lot to tell you…”  She sent the text and looked back up at the bar front.  She hears a ding, brings her face back down towards her phone and sees that Casey already texted her back.  “omg yes ofc.  its been a while, im sure u do lmao.  have anywhere in particular u wanna go?”  Alex smiles.
               “There’s this cute bar I just found.  ‘The Black Lion.’  Idk if you’ve ever heard of it, but I’ll send you the addy and meet you there.. say 8ish tn?” 
               “i think ive been there once or twice if memory serves.  ill be there bitch ;)”
               Alex puts her phone into her pocket and continues on her walk.
               After being out for almost four hours on her walk, Alex gets back to the house around the same time she usually does and notices Max’s car in the driveway.  Curious as to why she’s home much earlier than usual, she heads inside to see what’s up.  Walking in the front door, she sees Max sitting at the counter on her phone.  Max looks up to see her roommate and greets her.  Alex does the same as she walks over towards her and asks why she’s home so early in the evening.  “My boss was convinced I was too tired to work even though I already finished my work for the day.  So, she sent me home early since ‘It’s Friday,’ and I should go out with my ‘friends to celebrate the end of another week.’  Her words, not mine,” Max explains. 
               Alex giggles.  “Well good for you then, I guess.  Anyways, I was actually going out with one of my friends tonight since I haven’t seen anyone in a while.”  Max’s eyes widen.
               “That’s great!  Where are you guys gonna go?” she inquires.
               “That bar in town.. I think it’s called ‘The Black Lion’?”  Max nods.
               “Oh!  I love the BL!  That’s my go-to bar.  It’s great.”  Alex smiles at Max’s enthusiasm.  “Listen if anyone - and I mean anyone - gives you a problem trying to get in, tell them you know me.  I’m a regular there and if that doesn’t work, call me.  I’ll come down and show off the guns.”  She then rolls up her sleeves and flexes her bicep.  Alex bursts out laughing, and Max does the same not too long after she starts.  After they both finish laughing, Alex, wiping tears off her face, excuses herself and starts to go get ready for her night out with Casey while Max goes to her text messages. 
               “You doing anything tn?  I got the house to myself if you wanna come over ;)??”  She sets her phone down to walk to the fridge and grabs a drink.  On her way back over to the couch, she picks up and checks her phone to see if she had gotten a message.  Nothing yet.  She tosses her phone onto the couch, grabs the remote and sits down.  As soon as the tv is on, she hears a chime coming from her phone.  She leaves whatever is playing on the tv and picks up her phone.
               “im actually going out with one of my friends tn lol.  maybe later on in the weekend if u can? its been a while ;).”  Max sighs.  She hasn’t seen Casey in a while since Alex has moved in.  But she gets it.  It’s a bros before hoes type thing.
               “I get it lmao.  I’ll have to check ahead to see if I have any work to do,” she knew she wouldn’t have any work, but she likes to play hard to get sometimes, “but I’d love to get together over the weekend.  Have fun tn.”  As if almost on cue, Alex emerges from the bedroom.  She’s got on a pair of blue skinny jeans and a black – no, maybe dark grey – crop top on.  She walks over to the couch with her black heels in her hand.  “Well you look cute.  Are you trying to get with this friend of yours tonight or are you just trying to make him drool?” 
         ��     Alex rolls her eyes.  “First, thank you for the compliment.  I finally went back to the apartment to grab most of my clothes.  Luckily, Devin wasn’t there so I didn’t have to deal with him.”  Max nods.  “Second, no I am not trying to get with my friend, and lastly this friend is a girl.  So politely fuck off.”  She sends a smirk to Max, who just chuckles and throws her hands up in surrender.
               “Alright.  You can still technically get with her, you know.  My first statement still stands, though.  You look hot.”
               Alex raises an eyebrow.  “I thought I looked just cute a few seconds ago.  Now I’m hot?  What made you change your mind?” she teases.  “Is it the heels?  It’s definitely the heels,” she says, as she now sends a wink to her roommate.
               Max sits in her spot on the couch, laughing softly while shaking her head.  Alex stands up and starts to gather what she needs for her escapades and heads for the front door.  Before she leaves, she hears Max yell out, “If you need the bedroom tonight, make sure you text me at least 10 minutes before you get home!”  Alex laughs, yelling out a quick “Okay!” as she closes the front door.  She walks down the driveway, grabs her phone to text Casey to tell her she’s leaving now, and starts her walk to the bar.
               When she’s just around the corner from the bar, Alex texts Casey to see if she’s close.  As she walks up to the front of the bar, she sees her best friend coming from the other direction.  She smiles, walks past the bar and up to Casey.  They both hug each other tightly.
               The two get in without a problem, the bouncer having recognized Casey from her coming to the bar so many times before tonight.  The two sit down at one of the tables in the corner of the bar and their night begins.
tags: @maggie-elise13, @elizabethfictionwriting, @lesbian-deadpool, @the-very-tired-gay,  @timelords-13, @tangled-up-in-bad-decisions, @natashaswhitesuit, @its-a-me-mario-hihi, @marvelfansince08love
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phantomdad · 7 years
tagged by: @trickykitties i dont rlly have anyone to tag so rip fight me i guess the last: 1. drink - water 2. phone call - my mom 3. text message - my friend hayley 4. song you listened to - roll deep by hyuna 5. time you cried - prolly a couple days ago im always crying 6. dated someone twice - never homies 7. kissed someone and regretted it - last year 8. been cheated on - never 9. lost someone special - not forever but abt a year ago 10. been depressed - WHEN AM I NOT LMAOOO 11. gotten drunk and thrown up - i have never been drunk whoop 3 fav colours: 12. pink 13. silver/gray 14. mint green in the last year you have: 15. made new friends - thankfully yes i have met so many good people <3 16. fallen out of love - not romantically but platonically and w a lot of things i used to love ie musicians 17. laughed until you cried - ya tbh everytime im w hayley we just lose our shit over the dumbest things 18. found out someone was talking about you - oihhhhh boy Yep (that mightve been a bit over a year ago but it was still happening into the 1 yr period) 19. met someone who changed you - hell fucking yep i can literally tell u the exact dates 20. found out who your friends are - 100% ye 21. kissed someone on your facebook friend list - i dont use facebook so idk who's on my friend list general: 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life - refer to my last answer 23. do you have any pets - i have a dog who i luv v much 24. do you want to change your name - legally yep 25. what did you do for your last birthday - i don't even remember likely nothing except write an exam 26. what time did you wake up - around 11:30 27. what were you doing at midnight last night - watching svts one fine day in japan 28. name something you cant wait for - THE SVT CONCERT !!!!!! 29. when was the last time u saw your mom - shes sitting across from me 30. what are you listening to right now - bad by infinite 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - im p sure my elementary music teachers name was tom 32. something that is getting on your nerves - my mother 33. most visited website - prolly twitter 34. hair colour - PINK !!! but naturally blonde 35. long or short hair - mine is short i like short hair but i can appreciate a man who pulls off long hair 36. do you have a crush on someone - fuck yes and its Killing Me 37. what do you like abt yourself - im p cute and i look good in practically anything and idk i like myself mostly 38. piercings - just one on each ear 39. blood type - idk 40. nickname - vinc, v, thiccie viccie 41. relationship status - saving myself for min yoongi 42. zodiac - capricorn ! 43. pronouns - he/him 44. favourite tv show - oitnb, big brother, ftwd, and a lotta dumb kpop shit 45. tattoos - one on my foot that says voice but its just a snp and i dont like it much 46. right or left handed - right 47. surgery - i had my appendix out 48. piercings - whoops somebody repeated ! 49. sport - i dont like team sports but swimming and archery are cool if i had the money to practice them properly and i really want to learn to dance properly but again $$$$$ 50. vacation - traveling asia would be cool but i am rlly picky w food so it could be a nightmare, and ofc take me back to paris Any Day 51. pair of trainers - i FUCK WITH pumas, stan smiths, and vans 52. eating - i just had some gelato, my fav food is prolly potatoes 53. drinking - love me a good glass of water, i also drink a lot of juice 54. im about to - watch more bon voyage 55. waiting for - the chance to hang out w people 56. want - a job, more money, this dense boy to ask me out, a good summer, more motivation, and testosterone 57. get married - prolly not but u never know 58. career - all ive ever wanted is to sing and perform whatever shape that takes which is better: 59. hugs or kisses - usually hugs 60. lips or eyes - lips 61. shorter or taller - everyone i love is short i have A Type we all know this 62. older or younger - if we talkin relationships, older 63. nice arms or nice stomach - Nice Arms 64. hook up or relationship - rn im feelin relationship 65. troublemaker or hesitant - a mix but prolly more hesitant have you ever: 66. kissed a stranger - nah 67. drank hard liquor - ye 68. lost glasses/contact lenses - dont have em 69. turned someone down - yep 70. sex on the first date - nope 71. broken someones heart - ye sorry 72. had your heart broken - yes but platonically 73. been arrested - no 74. cried when someone died - i dont personally know anyone who's died but ya 75. fallen for a friend - ye do you believe in: 76. yourself - i try to 77. miracles - why not 78. love at first sight - not really 79. santa claus - nah 80. kiss on the first date - sure ??? 81. angels - bitch i stan several other: 82. current best friends - hayley 83. eye colour - blooo 84. favourite movie - super 8, moonrise kingdom, & deadpool
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